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Vitamins and its oral
Presented By
Dr. Priyanka Tompe
 Definition
 Classification
 Difference between fat soluble and water soluble
 Water soluble vitamins
 Fat soluble vitamins
Oral manifestations
 summary
 Vitamins may be regarded as organic compounds
required in the diet in small amounts to perform
specific biological functions for normal maintenance
of optimum growth and health of organism.
Vitamin C
 It is also called as ascorbic acid.
 Its highest concentration is seen in pituitary,
adenoids, eye and WBC.
 The acidic properties are due to enolic hydroxyl
 Dehydroascorbic and ascorbic acid are its active
 Absorption and excretion
Absorption of ascorbic acid is takes place in the
upper part of small intestine and it is excreted by
kidney through urine.
Dietary sources
Functions of vitamin c
of vit.c
Oral manifestation
 Scurvy
 Prolonged deficiency of vit.c may result in scurvy.
 It is characterised by weakened blood vessels
particularly micro vessels having least muscular
 Oral manifestations
 Site –gingival and periodontal region.
 Scurvy bud-interdental and marginal gingiva is bright red
swollen, smooth, shiny surface producing an appearance
known as scurvy bud.
 Breath-typical fetid breath of patient
With fusospirochetal stomatitis
• In severe cases haemorrhage and
• Swelling of periodontal membrane
With loss of bone can occur leading
To loosening of teeth
 Capillary fragility test
 The cuff of sphygmomanometer is placed around the arm.
It is inflated to a pressure approximately midway between the
subject's systolic and diastolic pressure (perhaps 100 mm Hg)
and left in place for four to six minutes
In a positive test, numerous small red spots appear in the skin
below the cuff; these are petechial haemorrhages arising from
capillary fragility.
• Bood plasma levels of vit.c
 Scurvy is prevented by a diet rich in ascorbic acid;
citrus fruits and juices are excellent sources.
 The administration of orange juice or tomato juice
daily will quickly produce healing but ascorbic acid is
 The daily therapeutic dose is 100-200 mg orally or
Contains 11 well-characterized vitamins
 Thiamin,
 riboflavin,
 niacin, folic acid,
 vitamin B12,
 inositol,
 para-aminobenzoic acid,
 choline
 Anti-beriberi or antineuritic vitamin.
 It is vitamin for calm nerves also known as
 Absorption and excretion
 It is readily absorbed from small and large intestine
 Excreted by kidney in urine.
Functions of vit.B1
Deficiency of vit.B1
 It is marked by cardiac manifestation with enlargment of
four chambers of heart ,pallor and myocardial flabbiness.
 it has two types
Wet beriberi
Dry beriberi
 Occurs essentially where highly polished rice is the
staple food
 Major targets are:
 Peripheral nerves (Dry beriberi)
 Heart (Wet beriberi)
 Brain (Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome)
Oral manifestation
 Satinlike appearance of tongue and gingiva.(due to
atrophy of filliform papillae.)
 Angular cheilosis
 Management
Thiamine 50 mg IM for 3 days then 10mg 3 times daily
by oral route
(Vitamin B2, Lactoflavin )
 Constituent of 2 coenzymes:
1) Riboflavin 5’-phosphate (flavin mononucleotide
or FMN)
2) Flavinadenine dinucleotide (FAD)
 Both are essential to the oxidative enzyme
systems in the electron transport system: role as
respiratory coenzyme & electron donor
Oral manifestation
 Soreness of the tip & the lateral margins of the
 Filiform papillae become atrophic
Fungiform papillae become engorged &
mushroom shaped
 A reddened, coarsely granular appearance,
called magenta tongue
Angular cheilosis
 Paleness of the lips
 laceration & fissuring at the angles of the mouth
 A dry yellow crust develops & lips become red &
 Fissures become deeper, bleed easily, painful
Angular cheilosis spreads to the cheek
 Dermatitis:
 Scaly, greasy dermatitis
 Nasolabial folds & the alae nasi extending into a butterfly
distribution to involve the cheeks & skin about the ears
 Ocular lesions:
 Photophobia, superficial & interstitial keratitis
 Erythroid hypoplasia with normocytic normochromic
(Vitamin B3, Nicotinic acid,Pellagra preventive factor
of Goldberg)
It is required for formation of
Coenzyme NAD and NADP
Which are important role in
Redox reaction involving
Carbohydrate ,protein,and
Lipid metabolism.
Sources of vit. B3
Pelle agra” = rough skin in Italian
3 D’s:
 Dermatitis,
 Diarrhea &
 Dementia
 Dermatitis:
 Symmetrical
 Areas of exposure to chronic irritation or sunlight
 Sharply outlined areas of depigmentation & increased pigmentation.
 Skin becomes markedly thickened by subcutaneous fibrosis & scarring
 Skin rashes in the neck region: Casal’s necklace
 Diarrhea
 Inflammation of the mucosal lining of esophagus, stomach &
 Dementia
 Degeneration of the neurons in the brain & spinal cord tracts
 Periods of depression & apprehension with insomnia,
headache & dizziness
 Tremulous movements or rigidity of the limbs, loss of the
tendon reflexes & numbness of extremities
 In profound deficiency encephalopathy
Oral manifestation
 Tongue: Bald tongue
 Burning sensation
 Becomes swollen & presses against the teeth causing
 Tip & lateral margins become red
 Epithelium of entire tongue desquamates- ‘Raw beef’
 Entire mucosa becomes fiery red & painful
 Tenderness, pain & ulcerations at the interdental
gingival papillae
 Niacin 10 mg or 10,000 mcg per day and vitamin B
complex should also be given
 Alcohol consumption should stop in alcoholic patient
• (Vitamin B5,Calcium Pantothenate )
• Water soluble,Helps in cell building, maintaining
normal growth, and development of the central
nervous system.
• Vital for the proper functioning of the adrenal
• Essential for conversion of fat and sugar to
• Necessary for synthesis of antibodies, for
utilisation of PABA and choline.
 The RDA is 10 mg. for adults. Can be synthesised in
the body by intestinal bacteria.
Best Natural Sources:
 Deficiency
 Fatigue, sleep disturbances, headache, malaise,
nausea, abdominal stress, fatty liver & anemia
 Parasthesia of hands & feet, cramping of leg
muscles & impaired coordination – Burning foot
 Treatment
 It is given in the dose of 1000mg daily for 6 weeks.
(Vitamin B6 A complex of 3:Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal,&
 Functions
 Metabolism of Protein.
 Stabilization of muscle phosphrylase
 Transmission of neural impulses
 Role in the immune response
 Prevent hyperoxaluria & renal stones
 Anticaries agent
The recommended adult intake is 1.6 to 2.0 mg. daily,
with higher doses suggested during pregnancy and
Brewer’s yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ, liver, kidney,
heart, cabbage, blackstrap molasses, milk, eggs,
• Mental depression
• irritability, confusion
• Seborrheic dermatitis
• cheilosis, glossitis, angular stomatitis
• Peripheral neuropathy
• convulsions
• Hypochromic anemia
• Impaired T-cell function & antibody synthesis
 Oral manifestations
 Cheilosis-cracking at corner of the lip.
 Glossitis-inflammation of the tongue.
 Others-angular stomatitis,tooth decay and halitosis.
 Treatment
 10 -50 mg daily in divided doses.
 It is also known as folacin or folate.
It is yellow crystalline substance.
 Functions in coenzyme system, particularly in amino
acid metabolism.
 Regeneration of enzymes.
 Essential for DNA synthesis & cell division.
 Characterized by:
Glossitis, diarrhea & macrocytic anemia
 Glossitis appears initially as a swelling & redness of
the tip & lateral margins of the dorsum
 Filiform papillae are the first to disappear
 fungiform papillae remains as prominent spots
 Fungiform papillae are lost, tongue becomes slick,
smooth, & fiery red in color
 Management
A daily dose of 5000 mcg to 10000 mcg of folic acid is
sufficient and maintenance dose of 5000 mcg once in
week is given in cases of anaemia.
(Cyanocobalamin, Antipernicious anemia factor)
It is cobalt containing porphyrin.
 Functions
 Same as those of folic acid
 Plays a biochemical role in maintenance of myelin
 Conversion of RNA to DNA
Dose -
 Recommended adult dose is 3 mcg., with larger
amounts suggested for pregnant and lactating
 Sources-
 Pernicious anemia
 Hematological changes (megaloblasts in bone marrow &
macrocytic red cells in peripheral blood)
 Glossitis (hunters glossitis), glossodynia & glossopyrosis
 Gradual atrophy of the tongue papillae
 Smooth, bald tongue
 Detachment of periodontal fibers
 Bone loss
 Halitosis
 Angular chilitis
 Management
 Orally it is given in range of 6 to 150 mcg.
 Parentaral dose is 1000 mcg twice in week in cases
of anaemia.
Vitamin A
 Vitamin A is fat soluble. It requires fats as well as
minerals to be properly absorbed digestive tract.
 It occours in two forms —
performed Vitamin A, called retinol (Found only in
foods of animal origin ),and
Provitamin A,Known as carotene (provided by foods
of both plant and animal origin )
10.000 IU daily is the average
adult dosage, though the need
increases with greater body
 Maintains normal vision in reduced light
 For synthesis of rhodopsin (George Wald,1967)
 Potentiates the differentiation of specialized
epithelial cells, mainly mucus-secreting cells
 Retinyl phosphate synthesize mucus
 Maintenance of healthy epithelial tissue
 Retinol & retinoic acid prevent excess keratin synthesis
 Facilitates RNA transcription
• For maintenance of healthy oral mucosa
• Differentiation & function of ameloblasts,
odontoblasts & salivary gland acini .
• Eyes:Xerophthalmia, Bitot’s spots, Keratomalacia
• Night blindness (nyctalopia)
• Respiratory mucosa -airway infections
• Sebaceous & sweat glands -follicular hyperkeratosis
Oral Manifestations
 Oral mucosa - hyperkeratotic areas
 Salivary ductal epithelium - xerostomia
 Altered taste
 Odontogenic epithelium
 increased rate of cell proliferation epithelial i.e
invasion of pulpal tissue.
 Enamel hypoplasia
 Dentin lacks normal tubular arrangement & contains
cellular & vascular inclusions
 Eruption rate of tooth is retarded .
Hypervitaminosis A
 Acute-Headache, vomiting, papilledema
 Chronic- Anorexia, weight loss, nausea, vomitting;
dry skin with desquamation & itching;
hepatomegaly with parenchymal damage; bony
exostoses; visual & mental disturbances
 Atrophy of the oral mucosa with gingivitis & scaling
of the lips
 Treatment-
depending upon deficiency symptoms it is given in
the 7500-15,000mcg per day for month.
Vitamin D is known as sunshine vitamin because it is created
in the body when it is exposed to sunlight.
 Endogenous synthesis in the skin:
 Precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol in the oily secretions of the
skin ,UV light in sunlight converts it to vitamin D3
 The RDA for adults is 400 IU or 5-10 mcg.
 Absorption & maintenance of normal plasma levels
of calcium & phosphorous
 Collaborates with PTH in the resorption of calcium &
phosphorous from the bone
 For normal mineralization of epiphyseal cartilage &
osteoid matrix
 Immunity: Promote phagocytosis
 Rickets: Any disorder in the vitamin D-calcium-
phosphorous axis resulting in hypomineralized bone
Types :-
 Vitamin D-deficient rickets (Juvenile rickets)
 Osteomalacia (Adult rickets)
 Renal rickets
 Vitamin D-resistant rickets
(Familial hypophosphatasia)
 Developmental abnormalities of dentin & enamel
 Abnormally wide pre dentin zone
 Increased interglobular dentin
 Higher caries index
 Retarded eruption rate of deciduous & permanent
Vitamin D-Resistant Rickets
 Isolated renal tubular defects
 Inability to reabsorb calcium & phosphate
 Hypocalcified dentin, elongated pulp horns
 Lamina dura absent or poorly defined
 Enamel hypoplasia
 Abnormal alveolar bone pattern
• Sorensen reported the results of a investigation
of 55 edentulous patients.
• She found a positive correlation between severe
ridge resorption and a combination of low
calcium intake and low dietary calcium-
phosphorus ratio.
• She also found a significant positive correlation
between minimal ridge resorption and a
combination of high calcium intake and high
calcium-phosphorus ratio in the diet.
Vitamin E
(Anti-sterility vitamin)
 Sources:
 Vegetables, grains, nuts & their oils, dairy products,
fish, meat, diets high in polyunsaturated fatty acids
 Antioxidants:
 Olcott & Emerson recognized the antioxidant property of
vitamin E
 Prevent peroxidation of PUFA
 Protects against peroxide-induced hemolysis of RBCs
 Protects against heart diseases as prevent oxidation of LDL
 Absorption of amino acids
 Synthesis of nucleic acids
 Storage of creatinin in skeletal muscles
 Hemolysis & decrease in RBC life time
 Ataxia, dysarthria
 Loss of position & vibration sense
 Muscle weakness
 Impaired vision & disorders of eye movement
progressing to total ophthalmoplegia
 Atrophic, degenerative changes in the enamel organ
 Oral symptoms-loss of pigmnetation,atrophic
degeneration changes in enamel seen.
Three forms:
 Vitamin K1 or Phylloquinone:
 Derived from vegetable & animal sources
 Vitamin K2 or Menaquinone:
 Synthesized by bacterial flora
 Vitamin K3 or Menadione:
 Chemically synthesized provitamin
 Water-soluble
 Converted into menaquinone by the liver
 Most potent member
The principal function is in several steps of the blood-
clotting process in the liver these include Clotting
factors II, VII, IX, and X.
 Bone mineralization: Activation of osteocalcin
 Dose
approximately 300 mg. is generally considered
adequate. Newborn infants need more.
 Best Natural Sources:
Yoghurt, egg yolk, sunflower oil, soyabean oil, fish
liver oils, leafy green vegetables
 Oral manifestation
Gingival bleeding,
post-extraction hemorrhage
 Vitamins are essential for the normal growth and
development of a multicellular organism.
 These nutrients facilitate the chemical reactions that
produce among other things, skin, bone, and
 If there is serious deficiency in one or more of these
nutrients, a child may develop a deficiency disease.
Even minor deficiencies may cause permanent
 For the most part, vitamins are obtained with food,
but a few are obtained by other means.
 Once growth and development are completed,
vitamins remain essential nutrients for the healthy
maintenance of the cells, tissues, and organs that
make up a multicellular organism; they also enable a
multicellular life form to efficiently use chemical
energy provided by food it eats, and to help process
the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats required for
 Davidson 9th edittion
 Harrison textbook of internal medicine 19 th edition
 Shafer’s Textbook Of Oral Pathology 20 th edition
 Harsh Mohan Text Book of Pathology 7th Edition
 Wical, K. E., & Brussee, P. (1979). Effects of a
calcium and vitamin D supplement on alveolar ridge
resorption in immediate denture patients. The
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 41(1), 4–11.
Vitamins and its oral manifestations

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Vitamins and its oral manifestations

  • 1.
  • 2. Vitamins and its oral manifestations Presented By Dr. Priyanka Tompe Date:28/09/2018
  • 3. CONTENT  Definition  Classification  Difference between fat soluble and water soluble vitamins  Water soluble vitamins  Fat soluble vitamins Properties Functions Deficiency Oral manifestations  summary
  • 4. Definition  Vitamins may be regarded as organic compounds required in the diet in small amounts to perform specific biological functions for normal maintenance of optimum growth and health of organism.
  • 6.
  • 7. Vitamin C  It is also called as ascorbic acid. properties  Its highest concentration is seen in pituitary, adenoids, eye and WBC.  The acidic properties are due to enolic hydroxyl group.  Dehydroascorbic and ascorbic acid are its active form.
  • 8.  Absorption and excretion Absorption of ascorbic acid is takes place in the upper part of small intestine and it is excreted by kidney through urine.
  • 10. Functions of vitamin c Functions of vit.c synthesis maintance absorption metabolism
  • 12. Oral manifestation  Scurvy  Prolonged deficiency of vit.c may result in scurvy.  It is characterised by weakened blood vessels particularly micro vessels having least muscular support.
  • 13.
  • 14.  Oral manifestations  Site –gingival and periodontal region.  Scurvy bud-interdental and marginal gingiva is bright red swollen, smooth, shiny surface producing an appearance known as scurvy bud.  Breath-typical fetid breath of patient With fusospirochetal stomatitis • In severe cases haemorrhage and • Swelling of periodontal membrane With loss of bone can occur leading To loosening of teeth
  • 15.
  • 16.  Capillary fragility test  The cuff of sphygmomanometer is placed around the arm. It is inflated to a pressure approximately midway between the subject's systolic and diastolic pressure (perhaps 100 mm Hg) and left in place for four to six minutes In a positive test, numerous small red spots appear in the skin below the cuff; these are petechial haemorrhages arising from capillary fragility. • Bood plasma levels of vit.c Diagnosis
  • 17. Treatment  Scurvy is prevented by a diet rich in ascorbic acid; citrus fruits and juices are excellent sources.  The administration of orange juice or tomato juice daily will quickly produce healing but ascorbic acid is preferable.  The daily therapeutic dose is 100-200 mg orally or parenterally.
  • 18. VITAMIN B COMPLEX Contains 11 well-characterized vitamins  Thiamin,  riboflavin,  niacin, folic acid,  vitamin B12,  inositol,  para-aminobenzoic acid,  choline
  • 19.
  • 20. THIAMINE  Anti-beriberi or antineuritic vitamin.  It is vitamin for calm nerves also known as ANEURIN.  Absorption and excretion  It is readily absorbed from small and large intestine  Excreted by kidney in urine.
  • 21.
  • 23. Deficiency of vit.B1  BERIBERI  It is marked by cardiac manifestation with enlargment of four chambers of heart ,pallor and myocardial flabbiness.  it has two types Wet beriberi Dry beriberi  Occurs essentially where highly polished rice is the staple food  Major targets are:  Peripheral nerves (Dry beriberi)  Heart (Wet beriberi)  Brain (Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome)
  • 24. Oral manifestation  Satinlike appearance of tongue and gingiva.(due to atrophy of filliform papillae.)  Angular cheilosis  Management Thiamine 50 mg IM for 3 days then 10mg 3 times daily by oral route
  • 25. RIBOFLAVIN (Vitamin B2, Lactoflavin ) Functions  Constituent of 2 coenzymes: 1) Riboflavin 5’-phosphate (flavin mononucleotide or FMN) 2) Flavinadenine dinucleotide (FAD)  Both are essential to the oxidative enzyme systems in the electron transport system: role as respiratory coenzyme & electron donor
  • 26.
  • 27. Oral manifestation Glossitis  Soreness of the tip & the lateral margins of the tongue  Filiform papillae become atrophic Fungiform papillae become engorged & mushroom shaped  A reddened, coarsely granular appearance, called magenta tongue
  • 28. Angular cheilosis  Paleness of the lips  laceration & fissuring at the angles of the mouth  A dry yellow crust develops & lips become red & shiny  Fissures become deeper, bleed easily, painful Angular cheilosis spreads to the cheek
  • 29.  Dermatitis:  Scaly, greasy dermatitis  Nasolabial folds & the alae nasi extending into a butterfly distribution to involve the cheeks & skin about the ears  Ocular lesions:  Photophobia, superficial & interstitial keratitis  Erythroid hypoplasia with normocytic normochromic anemia
  • 30. NIACIN (Vitamin B3, Nicotinic acid,Pellagra preventive factor of Goldberg) It is required for formation of Coenzyme NAD and NADP Which are important role in Redox reaction involving Carbohydrate ,protein,and Lipid metabolism.
  • 32. Pellagra Pelle agra” = rough skin in Italian 3 D’s:  Dermatitis,  Diarrhea &  Dementia  Dermatitis:  Symmetrical  Areas of exposure to chronic irritation or sunlight  Sharply outlined areas of depigmentation & increased pigmentation.  Skin becomes markedly thickened by subcutaneous fibrosis & scarring  Skin rashes in the neck region: Casal’s necklace
  • 33.  Diarrhea  Inflammation of the mucosal lining of esophagus, stomach & colon  Dementia  Degeneration of the neurons in the brain & spinal cord tracts  Periods of depression & apprehension with insomnia, headache & dizziness  Tremulous movements or rigidity of the limbs, loss of the tendon reflexes & numbness of extremities  In profound deficiency encephalopathy
  • 34. Oral manifestation  Tongue: Bald tongue  Burning sensation  Becomes swollen & presses against the teeth causing indentations  Tip & lateral margins become red  Epithelium of entire tongue desquamates- ‘Raw beef’ appearance  Entire mucosa becomes fiery red & painful  Tenderness, pain & ulcerations at the interdental gingival papillae
  • 35. Managment  Niacin 10 mg or 10,000 mcg per day and vitamin B complex should also be given  Alcohol consumption should stop in alcoholic patient
  • 36. PANTOTHENIC ACID (B5) • (Vitamin B5,Calcium Pantothenate ) • Water soluble,Helps in cell building, maintaining normal growth, and development of the central nervous system. • Vital for the proper functioning of the adrenal glands. • Essential for conversion of fat and sugar to energy. • Necessary for synthesis of antibodies, for utilisation of PABA and choline.
  • 37.  The RDA is 10 mg. for adults. Can be synthesised in the body by intestinal bacteria. Best Natural Sources:
  • 38.  Deficiency  Fatigue, sleep disturbances, headache, malaise, nausea, abdominal stress, fatty liver & anemia  Parasthesia of hands & feet, cramping of leg muscles & impaired coordination – Burning foot syndrome  Treatment  It is given in the dose of 1000mg daily for 6 weeks.
  • 39. PYRIDOXINE (Vitamin B6 A complex of 3:Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal,& Pyridoxamine)  Functions  Metabolism of Protein.  Stabilization of muscle phosphrylase  Transmission of neural impulses  Role in the immune response  Prevent hyperoxaluria & renal stones  Anticaries agent
  • 40. The recommended adult intake is 1.6 to 2.0 mg. daily, with higher doses suggested during pregnancy and lactation BEST NATURAL SOURCES: Brewer’s yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ, liver, kidney, heart, cabbage, blackstrap molasses, milk, eggs, beef.
  • 41. Deficiency • Mental depression • irritability, confusion • Seborrheic dermatitis • cheilosis, glossitis, angular stomatitis • Peripheral neuropathy • convulsions • Hypochromic anemia • Impaired T-cell function & antibody synthesis
  • 42.  Oral manifestations  Cheilosis-cracking at corner of the lip.  Glossitis-inflammation of the tongue.  Others-angular stomatitis,tooth decay and halitosis.  Treatment  10 -50 mg daily in divided doses.
  • 43. FOLIC ACID vit.B9  It is also known as folacin or folate. It is yellow crystalline substance. Functions  Functions in coenzyme system, particularly in amino acid metabolism.  Regeneration of enzymes.  Essential for DNA synthesis & cell division.
  • 44. DEFICIENCY  Characterized by: Glossitis, diarrhea & macrocytic anemia  Glossitis appears initially as a swelling & redness of the tip & lateral margins of the dorsum  Filiform papillae are the first to disappear  fungiform papillae remains as prominent spots  Fungiform papillae are lost, tongue becomes slick, smooth, & fiery red in color
  • 45.  Management A daily dose of 5000 mcg to 10000 mcg of folic acid is sufficient and maintenance dose of 5000 mcg once in week is given in cases of anaemia.
  • 46. VITAMIN B 12 (Cyanocobalamin, Antipernicious anemia factor) It is cobalt containing porphyrin.  Functions  Same as those of folic acid  Plays a biochemical role in maintenance of myelin  Conversion of RNA to DNA
  • 47. Dose -  Recommended adult dose is 3 mcg., with larger amounts suggested for pregnant and lactating women  Sources-
  • 48. Deficiency  Pernicious anemia  Hematological changes (megaloblasts in bone marrow & macrocytic red cells in peripheral blood)  Glossitis (hunters glossitis), glossodynia & glossopyrosis  Gradual atrophy of the tongue papillae  Smooth, bald tongue  Detachment of periodontal fibers  Bone loss  Halitosis  Angular chilitis
  • 49.  Management  Orally it is given in range of 6 to 150 mcg.  Parentaral dose is 1000 mcg twice in week in cases of anaemia.
  • 50.
  • 51. Vitamin A  Vitamin A is fat soluble. It requires fats as well as minerals to be properly absorbed digestive tract.  It occours in two forms — performed Vitamin A, called retinol (Found only in foods of animal origin ),and Provitamin A,Known as carotene (provided by foods of both plant and animal origin )
  • 52. 10.000 IU daily is the average adult dosage, though the need increases with greater body weight.
  • 53. FUNCTIONS  Maintains normal vision in reduced light  For synthesis of rhodopsin (George Wald,1967)  Potentiates the differentiation of specialized epithelial cells, mainly mucus-secreting cells  Retinyl phosphate synthesize mucus  Maintenance of healthy epithelial tissue  Retinol & retinoic acid prevent excess keratin synthesis  Facilitates RNA transcription
  • 54. • For maintenance of healthy oral mucosa • Differentiation & function of ameloblasts, odontoblasts & salivary gland acini . • DEFICIENCY • Eyes:Xerophthalmia, Bitot’s spots, Keratomalacia • Night blindness (nyctalopia) • Respiratory mucosa -airway infections • Sebaceous & sweat glands -follicular hyperkeratosis
  • 55. Oral Manifestations  Oral mucosa - hyperkeratotic areas  Salivary ductal epithelium - xerostomia  Altered taste  Odontogenic epithelium  increased rate of cell proliferation epithelial i.e invasion of pulpal tissue.  Enamel hypoplasia  Dentin lacks normal tubular arrangement & contains cellular & vascular inclusions  Eruption rate of tooth is retarded .
  • 56. Hypervitaminosis A  Acute-Headache, vomiting, papilledema  Chronic- Anorexia, weight loss, nausea, vomitting; dry skin with desquamation & itching; hepatomegaly with parenchymal damage; bony exostoses; visual & mental disturbances  Atrophy of the oral mucosa with gingivitis & scaling of the lips  Treatment- depending upon deficiency symptoms it is given in the 7500-15,000mcg per day for month.
  • 57. VITAMIN D Sources Vitamin D is known as sunshine vitamin because it is created in the body when it is exposed to sunlight.  Endogenous synthesis in the skin:  Precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol in the oily secretions of the skin ,UV light in sunlight converts it to vitamin D3  The RDA for adults is 400 IU or 5-10 mcg.
  • 58. Functions  Absorption & maintenance of normal plasma levels of calcium & phosphorous  Collaborates with PTH in the resorption of calcium & phosphorous from the bone  For normal mineralization of epiphyseal cartilage & osteoid matrix  Immunity: Promote phagocytosis
  • 59. Deficiency:  Rickets: Any disorder in the vitamin D-calcium- phosphorous axis resulting in hypomineralized bone matrix Types :-  Vitamin D-deficient rickets (Juvenile rickets)  Osteomalacia (Adult rickets)  Renal rickets  Vitamin D-resistant rickets (Familial hypophosphatasia)
  • 60.
  • 61. ORAL MANIFESTATION  Developmental abnormalities of dentin & enamel (hypoplasia)  Abnormally wide pre dentin zone  Increased interglobular dentin  Higher caries index  Retarded eruption rate of deciduous & permanent teeth
  • 62. Vitamin D-Resistant Rickets  Isolated renal tubular defects  Inability to reabsorb calcium & phosphate  Hypocalcified dentin, elongated pulp horns  Lamina dura absent or poorly defined  Enamel hypoplasia  Abnormal alveolar bone pattern
  • 63. • Sorensen reported the results of a investigation of 55 edentulous patients. • She found a positive correlation between severe ridge resorption and a combination of low calcium intake and low dietary calcium- phosphorus ratio. • She also found a significant positive correlation between minimal ridge resorption and a combination of high calcium intake and high calcium-phosphorus ratio in the diet.
  • 64. Vitamin E (Anti-sterility vitamin)  Sources:  Vegetables, grains, nuts & their oils, dairy products, fish, meat, diets high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)
  • 65.  Antioxidants:  Olcott & Emerson recognized the antioxidant property of vitamin E  Prevent peroxidation of PUFA  Protects against peroxide-induced hemolysis of RBCs  Protects against heart diseases as prevent oxidation of LDL  Absorption of amino acids  Synthesis of nucleic acids  Storage of creatinin in skeletal muscles
  • 66. Deficiency  Hemolysis & decrease in RBC life time  Ataxia, dysarthria  Loss of position & vibration sense  Muscle weakness  Impaired vision & disorders of eye movement progressing to total ophthalmoplegia  Atrophic, degenerative changes in the enamel organ  Oral symptoms-loss of pigmnetation,atrophic degeneration changes in enamel seen.
  • 67. VITAMIN K Three forms:  Vitamin K1 or Phylloquinone:  Derived from vegetable & animal sources  Vitamin K2 or Menaquinone:  Synthesized by bacterial flora  Vitamin K3 or Menadione:  Chemically synthesized provitamin  Water-soluble  Converted into menaquinone by the liver  Most potent member
  • 68. Functions The principal function is in several steps of the blood- clotting process in the liver these include Clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X.  Bone mineralization: Activation of osteocalcin
  • 69.  Dose approximately 300 mg. is generally considered adequate. Newborn infants need more.  Best Natural Sources: Yoghurt, egg yolk, sunflower oil, soyabean oil, fish liver oils, leafy green vegetables
  • 70. Deficiency  Oral manifestation Gingival bleeding, post-extraction hemorrhage
  • 71. Summary  Vitamins are essential for the normal growth and development of a multicellular organism.  These nutrients facilitate the chemical reactions that produce among other things, skin, bone, and muscle.  If there is serious deficiency in one or more of these nutrients, a child may develop a deficiency disease. Even minor deficiencies may cause permanent damage
  • 72.  For the most part, vitamins are obtained with food, but a few are obtained by other means.  Once growth and development are completed, vitamins remain essential nutrients for the healthy maintenance of the cells, tissues, and organs that make up a multicellular organism; they also enable a multicellular life form to efficiently use chemical energy provided by food it eats, and to help process the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats required for respiration
  • 73. Refrences  Davidson 9th edittion  Harrison textbook of internal medicine 19 th edition  Shafer’s Textbook Of Oral Pathology 20 th edition  Harsh Mohan Text Book of Pathology 7th Edition  Wical, K. E., & Brussee, P. (1979). Effects of a calcium and vitamin D supplement on alveolar ridge resorption in immediate denture patients. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 41(1), 4–11.

Editor's Notes

  1. Synthesis of collagen chondratin sulphate and neurotransmitter Maintance-folate pool mobility and phagocutic activity of neutrophils maintance of bone Absorption-irom Metabolism-tryptophn nor epinephrine and tyrosine require vit c
  2. overdose
  3. Denture wearing discomfort due to decreased muscular tone