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Vesi campaign by Coco Ltd
Tv advert 30 seconds, radio advert 30 seconds, print advert landscape
For my colour theme, that I have chosen for the whole of vesi campaign, I chose blue and yellow
to represent vesi. This is because blue represents boldness and confidence, which is how I want
the company to be seen to show we are confident in vesi’s message with regaining health benefits
of energy and purity. It is also one of Finland’s flags colours therefore showing where it came
from to show origins similar to evian water who uses red, blue, and white as their palette which
are colours from the French flag. The reason I have chosen yellow is because it’s a warm colour
that symbolizes happiness/joy and summer. This is important as these are the two things, I want
audiences to associate with vesi as it leads to positive connotations with the product being
advertised. Summer is important because this is when Coco Ltd wants the product to be released
plus it will bring a warm feeling which is a feeling linked with feeling pure. The reason I have
only chosen two simple primary colours is because when researching water adverts I noticed that
they didn’t use any extreme colours and kept to a max of 3 colours that fit nicely together on the
colour wheel to avoid clashing. I believe this is so it makes more of a recognisbale signature for
adverts as no one is going to remember or recognize a campaign with 50 colours that don’t go
together, it also shows a lack of care for the product influencing the idea that the product isn’t
worth the bother if even the production crew didn’t think their own campaign through. For
example, Lucozade stuck to two colours orange and yellow which go together perfectly and can
be easily recognizable as lucozade colours, also because lucozade is such a popular energy drink
campaign most audiences will look at orange or yellow on screens and immediately think of
Lucozade. For my logo I have chosen a Finish water lily, which is a popular water flower in
Finland which is why I chose it for the logo as not only does it link back to its original home, but
it has an element of water involved which is what we’re trying to sell, Finnish water. Flowers also
represent peace and pure things which is one of vesi’s message. This important because Coco Ltd
specified it’s necessary to show vesi’s ‘purity effects.’ The flower is followed by a northern light
trail, as Finland is one of the most known places after Iceland for Northern lights, to make it look
like a shooting star. I made the logo look like a shooting star to symbolize that vesi is a wish come
true to audiences. I implemented a magical side to this because vesis effects do sound like magic
especially due to its electrolytes. Similar to vesi evian also used the original mountains they found
the evian water as their logo, which showed to be effective as audiences can recognize evian by
their logo so hopefully vesi will have the same effect. I have also added tiny zig zags on the logo
near the northern lights to show vesi’s electrifying effects due to its electrolytes as they are proven
to help regain stamina in the body. The colours I have used are yellow and blue because those are
vesi’s chosen house colours and I want to keep a consistent theme just like evian and lucozade in
terms of colours. The slogan I have chosen is ‘water purity.’ This is because it’s short, simple and
gets the message across as an overcomplicated slogan would be forgotten. Evian also uses a
simple two-word slogan ‘live young’ which gets their message of the product across perfectly
which is all that matters in terms of slogans. I am doing a collaboration with Riot Games so I can
gain permission to use a character of theirs called Neon, whose colour scheme is also the same as
vesi water therefore proving to already be a perfect mascot for vesi. The reason I would use this
video game collab is because the target audience is the same age range of the preferred target
audience along with it being a very popular game among all genders and people with different
sexualities as the game even did a pride collab where they gave out free pride banners with all
flags to all their players. This is important as it shows their audience is diverse and inclusive,
which is what vesi is after. The reason I am using a specific character is because Neon uses speed
as her quirk, but it eventually runs out after a certain time period. I was planning on using this to
have neon say she uses vesi as her source to regain the power to her quirk because vesi’s health
benefits makes you regain energy, therefore implying vesi’s water is magic, powerful, and
vibrational. This is all important because Coco Ltd specifically specified that the target audience
is supposed to be represented throughout the adverts, which was going to be a trouble with the
print advert because we weren’t using any models, so using a character from a video game with a
known target audience it still manages to target our specified audience as we share the same target
audience. Electrolytes also help to regain energy when playing video games, so it still matches
vesi’s key theme messages of fitness. However, we will be including props of gym equipment in
the setting location for the audio-visual advert to indicate that vesi is for physical fitness activities
as well. Audiences won’t be able to see this in the audio advert, so my solution is to change the
narrative to the woman struggling on a piece of gym equipment such as the treadmill instead. The
reason I am changing this is because there will be an element of physical fitness through sound
effects and a sense of video games with the character of Neon to satisfy both audiences. I have
chosen a woman model in her early 20s to attract the older audiences and woman audiences along
with a teenage boy model in his late teens to attract the younger audience. This is because Coco
Ltd specified adverts needed to include both ages and genders as vesi is for both genders and
those two age groups.
I will obviously be using close ups of the product, which is the vesi water bottle, as that is the
product being advertised meaning that I will need long take close ups of the bottle. A main key
theme in this advert is having something to do with lighting to emphasise how the water gives you
this bolt of energy, along with having some sort of ocean in the background with a celebrity,
character or model that resonates with the target audiences so we can attract the right audience
while also keeping the message of the product in mind. One of my first ideas is to have a
‘Valorant’ collab using one of their characters Neon, which is a character who uses speed and
energy as her quirks/ powers. The reason I would use this video game collab is because the target
audience is the same age range of the preferred target audience along with it being a very popular
game among all genders and people with different sexualities as the game even did a pride collab
where they gave out free pride banners with all flags to all their players. This is important as it
shows their audience is diverse and inclusive, which is what vesi is after. The reason I am using a
specific character is because Neon uses speed as her quirk, but it eventually runs out after a
certain time period. I was planning on using this to have neon say she uses vesi as her source to
regain the power to her quirk because vesi’s health benefits makes you regain energy, therefore
implying vesi’s water is magic, powerful, and vibrational. The plan is to use a mid-close up of
Neon running with a flash of yellow and blue behind her, this is because those are not only our
logo colours but also her colour scheme which is another reason she is the perfect mascot for the
campaign, with the bottle slanted to the side in between her running and the flash of colours quite
large with Neon the tiniest bit blurred out, so the bottle is a bit more in focused so the audience is
still aware of the product that is being advertised.
I was thinking of using bubbly type water fonts to make it more excitable along with
lightning kind of fonts to express the products energy for the print advert where it will state
‘vesi’ and italic for the slogan as it’s more formal which matches the slogan as when you
think of purity you think fancy handwritten fonts, plus it also contrasts nicely away from the
vesi bold title as that will need to be the main focus of the advert minus the product itself. I
believe these fonts will also target the preferred audience because the bubbly water like font
will appeal to younger audiences as it’s excitable and more modern while the fancy italic
font on the other hand would appeal to the adults of this preferred audience as the older you
get the simpler things catch your eyes. For the audio-visual advert, I was going to use a
water bubbly font for where it says vesi at the end title sequence, so it stands out, so people
see the products name and with the font it looks fun and matches water. All the additional
information that shows at the end of adverts in the arial font as that is a traditional font and
is simple, which is what visual adverts usually use at the end of their visual adverts that
contain more information about warnings and such about the product along with credits.
The duration of this advert will be 30 seconds long as that is what Coco has asked for in the brief.
The idea I have developed for the audio-visual advert involves the character Neon from the game
Valorant. I have chosen this character to be the mascot/ face of vesi, as not only is her colour
scheme the same as the logo, her whole quirk in the game is about speed and regaining energy so
using her shows the fanbase the effect of vesi’s water health benefits and sums up how it effects
audiences by improving and regaining their energy. Also, by making her say that she uses Vesi as
her power source will make audiences who are a fan of the game feel as though they are like her
when they drink from vesi’s water. The reason I decided to do a game collaboration is because the
water contains electrolytes which is known to be helpful with sports and gaming so having a game
collaboration would not only reach a wider guaranteed audience but also get the message across
that electrolytes are in the water which is what Coco wanted as well. Furthermore, vesi and
Valorant share the same target audience, which is teenagers to young adults, as these age groups
are most likely to play Valorant. The reason I have specifically chosen Valorant as the game to
collaborate with is because it’s one of the most popular free PC games with the same target
audience, is very inclusive (evident with their pride banners, and diverse characters), and features
the character Neon who can easily get vesi’s purpose and benefits across as that’s what Coco
wanted in the adverts. The premise is that a sister and brother (both ranging from 16 to 24 as
that’s around the target audience’s age) are both low on energy while playing Valorant on their
PC (because this is a game collaboration and electrolytes help with long periods of gaming), when
neon crashes through the wall and offers them the vesi water where she states that’s how she
manages to regain her speed after the siblings drink the water the room lights up and the colour in
their body’s return, as this shows what it feels like before and after drinking vesi water. They
suddenly regain their energy while bolts, similar to Neon’s when she activates her ultimate ability,
charge visibly throughout their body to show that audiences can reach their ultimate ability when
drinking Vesi’s water just like the character. The reason I have chosen a black girl and an Asian
boy model is because vesi is targeting both genders and it shows their inclusivity. I have made
Neon crash through the walls because it makes the advert appear more dramatic as well as adding
classic comedy to entertain audiences. Camera shots will mostly be mid shots for dialogue scenes,
especially when the two models are playing the video game to show audiences the reactions of
models while also seeing the background. A few long shots for scenes where Neon breaks through
the wall so they can see it happening and get a full look at her and the costume, so audiences
recognise her. Tracking shots when shooting from model to Neon to make the adverts energy
match the concept including a few fast ones especially when the two models look over to Neon
breaking through the walls. Finally, close ups will be used when showing off the product to make
it obvious this is what we’re advertising and a few close ups of Neon holding the product and the
models drinking from it to show the effects happening.
I want crashing and intense sound effects such as lightning and sizzling to intensify the effect of
vesi’s water as lightning is a surge of crashing energy, which is how I want to represent the
feeling of vesi when it’s surging through the audience’s body. Relaxing music that matches
Finland’s vibe, so it represents its original home place and also shows vesi’s purity and blissfull
effects it has through music to make audiences feel relaxed therefore, when they go to drink vesi
water after hearing the radio advert it’ll make them think of the relaxing feeling they felt. The idea
I am using for the audio advert uses the exact same premise as the visual audio advert because
vesi will be more memorable that way and it makes things much easier as well as cheaper
meaning we can fund more areas of the adverts to make one idea better. This means that, I will be
using the same script just changing a few adjustments such as intensifying and including more
sounds of drinking and the sound of lighting surging through bodies and having the two models
working out instead of playing games because audiences listening to the audio version of the
advert wont be able to visually see the workout props therefore not understanding that physical
activities are mainly benefiting through vesi water. I will be intensifying these sounds because
this advert isn’t visual which means I must state what’s happening in the advert instead of
showing so audiences understand.
The product we are advertising is a water containing electrolytes by Coco Ltd that creates purity
and health benefits, such as creating a healthy balance in the body. The target audience we have
been given to attract are teenagers to young adults, both genders that are physically active and do
some sort of hobby/ activity that uses energy. I have both a male and female model in my visual
advert and radio advert. This is already attracting both genders as it’s showing audiences, not only
is vesi for both genders but vesi works on both women and men. The female model is 24 as that is
a perfect area age for the young adult age range as she is near both ages for young adults. The
male model is 16 as that is also middle range for the teenage age range therefore attracting all
teenagers as they are recognising someone in their age range. Both target age groups will see
people in their age range and realise this product is for them. Therefore, attracting both audiences
specifically mentioned by Coco Ltd already. To attract audiences who want or are into physical
fitness we will be placing workout props around the location in the audio-visual advert, such as
dumbbells, gym clothes and a football. This will appeal to the audiences with an interest in
physical fitness as they will recognise the equipment, which would firstly make them relate to the
models and realise this product may also be for them as they’re getting some sort of mention in
the advert, and realise that if vesi can help people regain energy for playing games it can also
work with other activities/ hobbies that require a lot of energy. The game Valorant should also
help attract the age range audience as vesi and Valorant share the same age range audiences.
However, you could argue that stereotypically this would discourage female audiences from
taking interest in the product, let alone the advert. This is because stereotypically women aren’t
attracted to video games so based on this stereotype alone, they may assume this advert isn’t for
them. However, my adverts discourage this stereotype and show audiences that vesi is an
inclusive product made for everyone, which is shown by the women model taking full control
over the game during our audio-visual advert along with the face of our product being a woman
from a video game. Therefore, making women feel happy about the product as they feel included.
The female model will be black, and the male model will be Asian to show this campaign is
inclusive. Since the audio advert is basically the same as the visual advert (apart from the fact that
the models are working out instead of gaming) everything narrative wise appeals to the audience
the same way in the visual advert. For example, just because audiences can’t see the models
doesn’t mean they won’t be able to recognise the two models as their genders and ages even if
they can’t recognise the specific age the audiences will still recognise the age ranges. However, I
changed the video game aspect to working out as audiences won’t be able to see the workout
equipment as it’s a radio advert so physical fitness elements wouldn’t be shown therefore not
targeting physically fit audiences as they won’t be able to recognise how vesi could benefit them
in a physical sense. For the print advert, the model is the same video game character from
‘Valorant’ that I’ve been using throughout this whole campaign. This is because, it is keeping a
constant theme which will make the campaign more memorable and noticeable. This would
appeal to the audience as like I have stated previously stated valorant shares the same age
audience as vesi and it’s a very popular game between all genders. Overall, I believe all these
adverts are fit for purpose, this is because with the sense of gaming it serves entertainment along
with skits of crashing through walls and serves education and information by informing and
educating audiences about vesi’s health benefits. My adverts follow the brief because they all
specify vesi’s health benefits, effects, has both genders that match the target audience age and
personal interests involved in the audio and visual adverts.
All adverts are supposed to be released during summertime as this is what vesi has asked for
along with stocks for water increasing in Summer as it’s a refreshing and popular bought product
to combat summer hotness. This means that vesi will highly benefit from being released in
summer as it’ll be sold more often earning more profits from audiences. Since most industry’s
when releasing a product usually release the print advert first, we will do that too. This is because
print adverts can easily be placed and advertised everywhere therefore making them more likely
to be seen by society. It also acts as a teaser for the visual adverts as if it’s good enough it’ll
anticipate audiences or at least get into their head the more they see the print so by the time the
audio and visual adverts release they’ll tune in as they’ll have been wondering about it for a
while. Then I would plan on releasing the audio and visual advert at the same time after the print
advert because they’re basically the same narrative and releasing them at the same time will gain
more attraction quickly because the radio stations will be playing the audio advert on radios in
cars and radios in public places such as convenience stores while the visual will be before
programmes on TV channels and placed on gym tv screens. We will start shooting visual adverts
on the 10th
of May, which should only take one day since we’re shooting a 30 second visual
advert rather than a film so if everything runs smoothly it shouldn’t take long especially because
we would’ve had multiple rehearsals of the advert beforehand. The reason I want to start shooting
the visual advert first as producing visual medias is usually the most difficult and longest process.
This is because multiple things can go wrong e.g,, crew members such as actors or someone from
the production crew could fall sick or get an injury outside of production which would mean we
would have to either postpone recording or completely find a replacement in serious cases which
would take even longer depending on the role. Overall, it would just be best to get recordings over
and done with for the best possible outcome and best chance to meet the deadline for distributing
the adverts. Both poster shoots will be taken on the same day, which is the 13th of
May – 14th
as we’ll only need two images so it shouldn’t take longer than 1 day. This is because I will be
using solid background colours that will be imported from photoshop, so it doesn’t take too much
attention away from the product or completely clash and ruin the poster. The reason I am doing
poster shoots second is because the editing for the poster is going to take a while due to the small
effects such as the lighting it’ll be best to get the shoots over and done with so I can spend more
time editing them. Plus, models could fall sick or undertake injuries so it’s best to put the shoot in
the early stages of production to prevent any future clashes due to postpones if proven necessary.
During the 16th
of May – 17th
May I start recording the audio advert. This is because the recording
shouldn’t take long as it’s the same script as the visual advert so I’m planning on just using the
audio from the previous advert and having the models read the very few new lines and then
shortening it down dialogue wise when it gets round to editing everything. During the 18th
of May
– 20th
May I will be downloading content such as fonts and graphics that will be used on the
adverts. The reason this will take two days is because I want very specific fonts and sound effects,
so finding copyright free ones that I can use in my advert will take a while. I chose these dates as
it’s right before I edit everything, so it makes sense to get everything ready to use around those
days. During the 20th
of May – 21st
May I will be editing the print advert. This is because I’m
planning on releasing the print before anything else, which I have specified why previously.
During the 21st
of May – 23rd
May I will be editing the visual advert. This will take 2 days as ill
have quite a few footages to edit especially due to the special effects that I will use in this advert
such as the lightning and cleaning up the wall crash stunt. Finally, I will be editing the audio
advert during the 24th
of May – 26th
May to finish off the production stage of these adverts
completely. The reason I’m editing this last is because it’s my last priority as its adding sound
effects and pasting audio rather than visuals so it should be quicker. The product will go to market
briefly after all the adverts release to the public eye so it can gain attraction before we start
selling. This will all be released in the summer as that is what Coco Ltd specified in the brief so ill
be releasing the product and adverts when summer starts. This is because it’s the start of summer
which means everyone will be out buying water from shops due to the hot weather.
Possible locations/establishments I’m planning on getting the print advert displayed on is a
display on the gym of a board of the print advert with samples placed Infront. This is because, I
believe advertising water with benefits like vesi would be best advertised in a gym. This therefore
also gains the attention of the target audience as people who have an interest in physical fitness
mostly always are a gym member. I believe free samples will help with gaining more of a profit
because gym water in vending machines are usually more expensive than usual so if someone ran
out of water and wanted something fresher and more blissful than tap water from the fountain,
they would see the free samples and obviously go for it furthermore feeling the freshness of vesi
water especially because they would be all sweaty and worn out so vesi would feel more
beneficial in that moment. Print adverts would also be placed around gyms. I believe this will be
beneficial in gaining attraction from the target audience as they’ll see it when walking around or
entering gym and because they’re on their way to work out the benefits of vesi stated on the print
will quench their first making vesi sound more appealing. Print adverts will also be placed on bus
stop boards where adverts are usually displayed. I believe this will benefit from gaining attraction
as bus stops are very common places for print adverts to be displayed and usually where they are
most likely to be seen. Furthermore, since we’re targeting working class to C2 grade I’m
assuming a lot of our audiences will be catching busses to get to work, college/uni and gym. This
print advert will also be advertised all over social medias such as; Instagram posts and stories,
twitter, and Facebook posts. I believe this will benefit vesi as the age groups generation for vesi is
constantly on social media, which means that our product will be seen more likely than it would
plaster on buildings. Furthermore, social media has taken over and is looked at more rather than
broadcasters and the majority are looking at their phones rather than their surroundings. Finally, I
believe that posters around universities and colleges advertising our product will gain attraction
and access. This is because, these will gain attraction from our target audience age wise. As they
are teenagers to young adults and those age groups are usually attending college and university so
it’s best to place these print adverts around these places so we can attract the right group. For the
audio advert I plan on releasing it on all radio stations to gain a wider audience and make sure It
targets our audience. However, you could argue that our advert will benefit more on station like
Capital and BBC radio. This is because, younger generations tend to lean more towards these
stations as they play music trending music that they will recognise from their generation along
with the presenters matching their age and humour especially on Capital. This means that if vesi
waters audio advert appears on these two stations its highly more likely to attract our audiences as
they will realise this is aimed at them instead of ignoring it thinking it’s for a different
demographic. I believe it will also be a good idea to advertise the audio advert in the gym
speakers. This is because, similarly to the print we are aiming for an audience who enjoy physical
fitness but need that extra boost so making sure they hear the advert as well will benefit gaining
attraction from our target audience. However, you could argue that it wont be as beneficial as a lot
of gym members wear earphones or have some sort of their own music playing especially the
younger audiences therefore meaning they wont be able to hear the radio advert. However, this
can be solved with how im planning on advertising the visual audio advert. This is because some
gyms have both speakers and a tv screen to play music videos and sometimes adverts but they
combine both so audiences can hear the music video playing. The plan is to have vesi’s visual
advert playing on screens during commercial breaks. I believe that audiences will recognise Neon
or relate to the models and mute their music to pay attention to vesi’s advert just plainly because
they recognise a character. I am also planning on having the visual advert playing on television
channels such as, sport channels - to attract the physical fitness side of our audience, BBC as it’s
the most popular station amongst our target audiences along with everyone so it’s more likely to
be seen if it were advertised by a company like BBC. The reason our audiences match with BBC
audiences is because the C2 grade left wings are most common in demographics with the BBC as
they are left wings themselves and BBC news is commonly watched before audiences go off to
work. Speaking of times during the day im planning on getting vesi’s ads (both audio and audio
visual) playing during mornings before school and work so they can see vesi when turning on the
television either just to have something on or watch the news. I will also be playing vesi in late
afternoons so audiences can see vesi after work or before they go to gym as 5-6PM is when gym
starts getting crowded during weekdays. However, this may only target the young adult’s range of
our target audience we’re trying to appeal to. This is because, stereotypically teenagers don’t take
interest in the news as they find It boring, and they would rather go on their phones instead of
watching tv. We can solve this though by displaying vesi’s visual advert on social media’s such as
TikTok, Instagram and Twitter etc. especially on TikTok as it’s the most common used app these
days amongst teenagers and younger audiences they even have adverts play between every few
videos can involve links to the company’s website or product. For Instagram we can pay popular
influencers to promote our products as that’s the most common form of advertising these days. If
we sponsor sport and gamer influencers vesi should reach the right audiences. For example,
GFEUL sponsors influencers to promote their product.
For my research I have been looking into two company products to see their marketing processes
and how well they did, which were EVIAN and LUCOZADE. In terms of narrative for my advert
its similar to Lucozade, this is because they are both skits based off of original narratives and
characters. For example, Lucozade did a spin off the ‘David and Goliath’ biblical tale, and I did
my advert based on a spin off of a video game character Neon to get vesi’s message of the
energising effects across more. However, Lucozade did get into trouble for using the biblical tale
as a lot of Christian audiences took offense to it as they saw it as ‘disrespectful.’ Vesi will be
different from this as we have made sure we respected all types of audiences, and we are
collaborating with the originator of the character ‘Riot Games’ which means that we have gained
permission to use their character to promote our product. Similarly, Lucozade has also used a
video game character to promote their product called ‘tomb raider.’ However, unlike vesi they
haven’t kept their adverts consistent with a certain theme as they used a biblical tale which has
nothing to do with tomb raider. This is a negative as audiences will be less likely to recognise
Lucozade adverts as their constantly experimenting with narratives. Vesi is different as because
it’s a collaboration and vesi has now been made highly connected to this character’s lore we will
be referencing the character throughout the rest of our campaigns. Speaking of keeping a constant
theme within adverts so audiences will constantly be able to recognise the campaign, Evian does
this perfectly with their ‘live young’ campaign as they have perfectly kept an ongoing theme of
using their baby idea, for example they use the babies doing tricks in their visual audio adverts
(such as their roller skating one) in their print adverts and editing it in ways that match the effects
displayed in their visual audio adverts. They also manage to link it back to their slogan and key
message of ‘live young’ as they show babies doing tricks and stunts along with putting babies
dressed as the adult models, they would be edited next to empathising Evian makes you feel
younger. This is similar to vesi’s campaign because we have kept a consistent message within all
our adverts of how vesi impacts your energy through the character we have used even within our
adverts that have a slightly different narrative such as the audio advert. Evian also links their logo
back to the original place they founded the water as their logo is the French Evian mountains it
was founded, which is similar to vesi as we used a Finnish water lily flower as it’s a common
water flower in Finland in the campaigns house colours to call back to its Finnish roots while also
being recognisable for a water product. However, our theme doesn’t really 100% match up with
our feel the purity slogan, unlike evian, because it’s more symbolic about how it energises you
rather than peacefulness however, we do talk about the purity aspects in the advert and the
benefits are written on the print advert. I believe that my advert does meet water advert
conventions. This is because water adverts such as Evian are classically fun, have a sense of
playfulness and are energised in general, which is what vesi contains in all our adverts. Our fun
comes from the relatability in the two characters woman and boy with the dialogue between them
as audiences have fun viewing something they can relate too. Our sense of playfulness comes
from our experimental way of advertising this product by collaborating with a game company
called ‘Riot Games’ because it’s not common for water to be promoted through game-based
adverts but we did, and it makes sense since Neon literally embodies all of vesi’s body effects.
The adverts are energised, especially the audio advert, due to it’s fast pace and the montage with
lightning effects and electrifying backing track during the montage. Water adverts also require the
bottle to be involved which all vesi adverts include e.g the bottle is displayed near centre largely
underneath the title on the print advert. Evian and Lucozade also demonstrated this in all their
adverts as on their prints the bottle is displayed (especially with Lucozade’s David and Goliath
advert as its largely placed next to the main image). An example of Evian doing this in their
audio-visual advert is their static close up of the bottle during the roller-skating baby advert when
the baby is doing tricks around a series of evian lined of bottles. Which is similar to our audio-
visual advert as when Neon presents the bottle it zooms in on a static close up of the bottle to
show this is the product being advertised. Lucozade also did a similar thing to us as when David
goes to drink the product its clearly displayed with lighting and sound effects such as the holy
sound effect used when he picked up the bottle. We incorporated this into Vesi’s audio advert and
audio-visual advert when Neon presents the product to emphasise its uniqueness as it’s a common
sound effect used in adverts to boost interest in products. Our products will fit into the
marketplace around summertime as that is what the brief has specified, and water does better in
summer since that is when everyone invests in water bottles the most due to the heat.

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VESI Proposal Part 2.docx

  • 1. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL: Part 2 PROJECT TITLE Vesi campaign by Coco Ltd PRODUCTS Tv advert 30 seconds, radio advert 30 seconds, print advert landscape OUTLINE OF STYLE AND CONTENT For my colour theme, that I have chosen for the whole of vesi campaign, I chose blue and yellow to represent vesi. This is because blue represents boldness and confidence, which is how I want the company to be seen to show we are confident in vesi’s message with regaining health benefits of energy and purity. It is also one of Finland’s flags colours therefore showing where it came from to show origins similar to evian water who uses red, blue, and white as their palette which are colours from the French flag. The reason I have chosen yellow is because it’s a warm colour that symbolizes happiness/joy and summer. This is important as these are the two things, I want audiences to associate with vesi as it leads to positive connotations with the product being advertised. Summer is important because this is when Coco Ltd wants the product to be released plus it will bring a warm feeling which is a feeling linked with feeling pure. The reason I have only chosen two simple primary colours is because when researching water adverts I noticed that they didn’t use any extreme colours and kept to a max of 3 colours that fit nicely together on the colour wheel to avoid clashing. I believe this is so it makes more of a recognisbale signature for adverts as no one is going to remember or recognize a campaign with 50 colours that don’t go together, it also shows a lack of care for the product influencing the idea that the product isn’t worth the bother if even the production crew didn’t think their own campaign through. For example, Lucozade stuck to two colours orange and yellow which go together perfectly and can be easily recognizable as lucozade colours, also because lucozade is such a popular energy drink campaign most audiences will look at orange or yellow on screens and immediately think of Lucozade. For my logo I have chosen a Finish water lily, which is a popular water flower in Finland which is why I chose it for the logo as not only does it link back to its original home, but it has an element of water involved which is what we’re trying to sell, Finnish water. Flowers also represent peace and pure things which is one of vesi’s message. This important because Coco Ltd specified it’s necessary to show vesi’s ‘purity effects.’ The flower is followed by a northern light trail, as Finland is one of the most known places after Iceland for Northern lights, to make it look like a shooting star. I made the logo look like a shooting star to symbolize that vesi is a wish come true to audiences. I implemented a magical side to this because vesis effects do sound like magic especially due to its electrolytes. Similar to vesi evian also used the original mountains they found the evian water as their logo, which showed to be effective as audiences can recognize evian by their logo so hopefully vesi will have the same effect. I have also added tiny zig zags on the logo near the northern lights to show vesi’s electrifying effects due to its electrolytes as they are proven to help regain stamina in the body. The colours I have used are yellow and blue because those are vesi’s chosen house colours and I want to keep a consistent theme just like evian and lucozade in terms of colours. The slogan I have chosen is ‘water purity.’ This is because it’s short, simple and gets the message across as an overcomplicated slogan would be forgotten. Evian also uses a simple two-word slogan ‘live young’ which gets their message of the product across perfectly which is all that matters in terms of slogans. I am doing a collaboration with Riot Games so I can gain permission to use a character of theirs called Neon, whose colour scheme is also the same as vesi water therefore proving to already be a perfect mascot for vesi. The reason I would use this video game collab is because the target audience is the same age range of the preferred target
  • 2. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL: Part 2 audience along with it being a very popular game among all genders and people with different sexualities as the game even did a pride collab where they gave out free pride banners with all flags to all their players. This is important as it shows their audience is diverse and inclusive, which is what vesi is after. The reason I am using a specific character is because Neon uses speed as her quirk, but it eventually runs out after a certain time period. I was planning on using this to have neon say she uses vesi as her source to regain the power to her quirk because vesi’s health benefits makes you regain energy, therefore implying vesi’s water is magic, powerful, and vibrational. This is all important because Coco Ltd specifically specified that the target audience is supposed to be represented throughout the adverts, which was going to be a trouble with the print advert because we weren’t using any models, so using a character from a video game with a known target audience it still manages to target our specified audience as we share the same target audience. Electrolytes also help to regain energy when playing video games, so it still matches vesi’s key theme messages of fitness. However, we will be including props of gym equipment in the setting location for the audio-visual advert to indicate that vesi is for physical fitness activities as well. Audiences won’t be able to see this in the audio advert, so my solution is to change the narrative to the woman struggling on a piece of gym equipment such as the treadmill instead. The reason I am changing this is because there will be an element of physical fitness through sound effects and a sense of video games with the character of Neon to satisfy both audiences. I have chosen a woman model in her early 20s to attract the older audiences and woman audiences along with a teenage boy model in his late teens to attract the younger audience. This is because Coco Ltd specified adverts needed to include both ages and genders as vesi is for both genders and those two age groups. IMAGE LIST FOR PRINT ADVERT I will obviously be using close ups of the product, which is the vesi water bottle, as that is the product being advertised meaning that I will need long take close ups of the bottle. A main key theme in this advert is having something to do with lighting to emphasise how the water gives you this bolt of energy, along with having some sort of ocean in the background with a celebrity, character or model that resonates with the target audiences so we can attract the right audience while also keeping the message of the product in mind. One of my first ideas is to have a ‘Valorant’ collab using one of their characters Neon, which is a character who uses speed and energy as her quirks/ powers. The reason I would use this video game collab is because the target audience is the same age range of the preferred target audience along with it being a very popular game among all genders and people with different sexualities as the game even did a pride collab where they gave out free pride banners with all flags to all their players. This is important as it shows their audience is diverse and inclusive, which is what vesi is after. The reason I am using a specific character is because Neon uses speed as her quirk, but it eventually runs out after a certain time period. I was planning on using this to have neon say she uses vesi as her source to regain the power to her quirk because vesi’s health benefits makes you regain energy, therefore implying vesi’s water is magic, powerful, and vibrational. The plan is to use a mid-close up of Neon running with a flash of yellow and blue behind her, this is because those are not only our logo colours but also her colour scheme which is another reason she is the perfect mascot for the campaign, with the bottle slanted to the side in between her running and the flash of colours quite large with Neon the tiniest bit blurred out, so the bottle is a bit more in focused so the audience is still aware of the product that is being advertised. FONT LIST FOR PRINT ADVERT AND AUDIO/VISUAL ADVERTS
  • 3. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL: Part 2 I was thinking of using bubbly type water fonts to make it more excitable along with lightning kind of fonts to express the products energy for the print advert where it will state ‘vesi’ and italic for the slogan as it’s more formal which matches the slogan as when you think of purity you think fancy handwritten fonts, plus it also contrasts nicely away from the vesi bold title as that will need to be the main focus of the advert minus the product itself. I believe these fonts will also target the preferred audience because the bubbly water like font will appeal to younger audiences as it’s excitable and more modern while the fancy italic font on the other hand would appeal to the adults of this preferred audience as the older you get the simpler things catch your eyes. For the audio-visual advert, I was going to use a water bubbly font for where it says vesi at the end title sequence, so it stands out, so people see the products name and with the font it looks fun and matches water. All the additional information that shows at the end of adverts in the arial font as that is a traditional font and is simple, which is what visual adverts usually use at the end of their visual adverts that contain more information about warnings and such about the product along with credits. VISUALS FOR AUDIO/VISUAL ADVERT The duration of this advert will be 30 seconds long as that is what Coco has asked for in the brief. The idea I have developed for the audio-visual advert involves the character Neon from the game Valorant. I have chosen this character to be the mascot/ face of vesi, as not only is her colour scheme the same as the logo, her whole quirk in the game is about speed and regaining energy so using her shows the fanbase the effect of vesi’s water health benefits and sums up how it effects audiences by improving and regaining their energy. Also, by making her say that she uses Vesi as her power source will make audiences who are a fan of the game feel as though they are like her when they drink from vesi’s water. The reason I decided to do a game collaboration is because the water contains electrolytes which is known to be helpful with sports and gaming so having a game collaboration would not only reach a wider guaranteed audience but also get the message across that electrolytes are in the water which is what Coco wanted as well. Furthermore, vesi and Valorant share the same target audience, which is teenagers to young adults, as these age groups are most likely to play Valorant. The reason I have specifically chosen Valorant as the game to collaborate with is because it’s one of the most popular free PC games with the same target audience, is very inclusive (evident with their pride banners, and diverse characters), and features the character Neon who can easily get vesi’s purpose and benefits across as that’s what Coco wanted in the adverts. The premise is that a sister and brother (both ranging from 16 to 24 as that’s around the target audience’s age) are both low on energy while playing Valorant on their PC (because this is a game collaboration and electrolytes help with long periods of gaming), when neon crashes through the wall and offers them the vesi water where she states that’s how she manages to regain her speed after the siblings drink the water the room lights up and the colour in their body’s return, as this shows what it feels like before and after drinking vesi water. They suddenly regain their energy while bolts, similar to Neon’s when she activates her ultimate ability, charge visibly throughout their body to show that audiences can reach their ultimate ability when drinking Vesi’s water just like the character. The reason I have chosen a black girl and an Asian boy model is because vesi is targeting both genders and it shows their inclusivity. I have made Neon crash through the walls because it makes the advert appear more dramatic as well as adding classic comedy to entertain audiences. Camera shots will mostly be mid shots for dialogue scenes, especially when the two models are playing the video game to show audiences the reactions of models while also seeing the background. A few long shots for scenes where Neon breaks through the wall so they can see it happening and get a full look at her and the costume, so audiences recognise her. Tracking shots when shooting from model to Neon to make the adverts energy match the concept including a few fast ones especially when the two models look over to Neon
  • 4. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL: Part 2 breaking through the walls. Finally, close ups will be used when showing off the product to make it obvious this is what we’re advertising and a few close ups of Neon holding the product and the models drinking from it to show the effects happening. SOUND FOR AUDIO/VISUAL AND AUDIO ADVERTS I want crashing and intense sound effects such as lightning and sizzling to intensify the effect of vesi’s water as lightning is a surge of crashing energy, which is how I want to represent the feeling of vesi when it’s surging through the audience’s body. Relaxing music that matches Finland’s vibe, so it represents its original home place and also shows vesi’s purity and blissfull effects it has through music to make audiences feel relaxed therefore, when they go to drink vesi water after hearing the radio advert it’ll make them think of the relaxing feeling they felt. The idea I am using for the audio advert uses the exact same premise as the visual audio advert because vesi will be more memorable that way and it makes things much easier as well as cheaper meaning we can fund more areas of the adverts to make one idea better. This means that, I will be using the same script just changing a few adjustments such as intensifying and including more sounds of drinking and the sound of lighting surging through bodies and having the two models working out instead of playing games because audiences listening to the audio version of the advert wont be able to visually see the workout props therefore not understanding that physical activities are mainly benefiting through vesi water. I will be intensifying these sounds because this advert isn’t visual which means I must state what’s happening in the advert instead of showing so audiences understand. HOW THE ADVERTS WILL APPEAL TO THE AUDIENCE The product we are advertising is a water containing electrolytes by Coco Ltd that creates purity and health benefits, such as creating a healthy balance in the body. The target audience we have been given to attract are teenagers to young adults, both genders that are physically active and do some sort of hobby/ activity that uses energy. I have both a male and female model in my visual advert and radio advert. This is already attracting both genders as it’s showing audiences, not only is vesi for both genders but vesi works on both women and men. The female model is 24 as that is a perfect area age for the young adult age range as she is near both ages for young adults. The male model is 16 as that is also middle range for the teenage age range therefore attracting all teenagers as they are recognising someone in their age range. Both target age groups will see people in their age range and realise this product is for them. Therefore, attracting both audiences specifically mentioned by Coco Ltd already. To attract audiences who want or are into physical fitness we will be placing workout props around the location in the audio-visual advert, such as dumbbells, gym clothes and a football. This will appeal to the audiences with an interest in physical fitness as they will recognise the equipment, which would firstly make them relate to the models and realise this product may also be for them as they’re getting some sort of mention in the advert, and realise that if vesi can help people regain energy for playing games it can also work with other activities/ hobbies that require a lot of energy. The game Valorant should also help attract the age range audience as vesi and Valorant share the same age range audiences. However, you could argue that stereotypically this would discourage female audiences from taking interest in the product, let alone the advert. This is because stereotypically women aren’t attracted to video games so based on this stereotype alone, they may assume this advert isn’t for them. However, my adverts discourage this stereotype and show audiences that vesi is an inclusive product made for everyone, which is shown by the women model taking full control over the game during our audio-visual advert along with the face of our product being a woman
  • 5. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL: Part 2 from a video game. Therefore, making women feel happy about the product as they feel included. The female model will be black, and the male model will be Asian to show this campaign is inclusive. Since the audio advert is basically the same as the visual advert (apart from the fact that the models are working out instead of gaming) everything narrative wise appeals to the audience the same way in the visual advert. For example, just because audiences can’t see the models doesn’t mean they won’t be able to recognise the two models as their genders and ages even if they can’t recognise the specific age the audiences will still recognise the age ranges. However, I changed the video game aspect to working out as audiences won’t be able to see the workout equipment as it’s a radio advert so physical fitness elements wouldn’t be shown therefore not targeting physically fit audiences as they won’t be able to recognise how vesi could benefit them in a physical sense. For the print advert, the model is the same video game character from ‘Valorant’ that I’ve been using throughout this whole campaign. This is because, it is keeping a constant theme which will make the campaign more memorable and noticeable. This would appeal to the audience as like I have stated previously stated valorant shares the same age audience as vesi and it’s a very popular game between all genders. Overall, I believe all these adverts are fit for purpose, this is because with the sense of gaming it serves entertainment along with skits of crashing through walls and serves education and information by informing and educating audiences about vesi’s health benefits. My adverts follow the brief because they all specify vesi’s health benefits, effects, has both genders that match the target audience age and personal interests involved in the audio and visual adverts. CAMPAIGN LOGISTICS All adverts are supposed to be released during summertime as this is what vesi has asked for along with stocks for water increasing in Summer as it’s a refreshing and popular bought product to combat summer hotness. This means that vesi will highly benefit from being released in summer as it’ll be sold more often earning more profits from audiences. Since most industry’s when releasing a product usually release the print advert first, we will do that too. This is because print adverts can easily be placed and advertised everywhere therefore making them more likely to be seen by society. It also acts as a teaser for the visual adverts as if it’s good enough it’ll anticipate audiences or at least get into their head the more they see the print so by the time the audio and visual adverts release they’ll tune in as they’ll have been wondering about it for a while. Then I would plan on releasing the audio and visual advert at the same time after the print advert because they’re basically the same narrative and releasing them at the same time will gain more attraction quickly because the radio stations will be playing the audio advert on radios in cars and radios in public places such as convenience stores while the visual will be before programmes on TV channels and placed on gym tv screens. We will start shooting visual adverts on the 10th of May, which should only take one day since we’re shooting a 30 second visual advert rather than a film so if everything runs smoothly it shouldn’t take long especially because we would’ve had multiple rehearsals of the advert beforehand. The reason I want to start shooting the visual advert first as producing visual medias is usually the most difficult and longest process. This is because multiple things can go wrong e.g,, crew members such as actors or someone from the production crew could fall sick or get an injury outside of production which would mean we would have to either postpone recording or completely find a replacement in serious cases which would take even longer depending on the role. Overall, it would just be best to get recordings over and done with for the best possible outcome and best chance to meet the deadline for distributing the adverts. Both poster shoots will be taken on the same day, which is the 13th of May – 14th May, as we’ll only need two images so it shouldn’t take longer than 1 day. This is because I will be using solid background colours that will be imported from photoshop, so it doesn’t take too much attention away from the product or completely clash and ruin the poster. The reason I am doing
  • 6. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL: Part 2 poster shoots second is because the editing for the poster is going to take a while due to the small effects such as the lighting it’ll be best to get the shoots over and done with so I can spend more time editing them. Plus, models could fall sick or undertake injuries so it’s best to put the shoot in the early stages of production to prevent any future clashes due to postpones if proven necessary. During the 16th of May – 17th May I start recording the audio advert. This is because the recording shouldn’t take long as it’s the same script as the visual advert so I’m planning on just using the audio from the previous advert and having the models read the very few new lines and then shortening it down dialogue wise when it gets round to editing everything. During the 18th of May – 20th May I will be downloading content such as fonts and graphics that will be used on the adverts. The reason this will take two days is because I want very specific fonts and sound effects, so finding copyright free ones that I can use in my advert will take a while. I chose these dates as it’s right before I edit everything, so it makes sense to get everything ready to use around those days. During the 20th of May – 21st May I will be editing the print advert. This is because I’m planning on releasing the print before anything else, which I have specified why previously. During the 21st of May – 23rd May I will be editing the visual advert. This will take 2 days as ill have quite a few footages to edit especially due to the special effects that I will use in this advert such as the lightning and cleaning up the wall crash stunt. Finally, I will be editing the audio advert during the 24th of May – 26th May to finish off the production stage of these adverts completely. The reason I’m editing this last is because it’s my last priority as its adding sound effects and pasting audio rather than visuals so it should be quicker. The product will go to market briefly after all the adverts release to the public eye so it can gain attraction before we start selling. This will all be released in the summer as that is what Coco Ltd specified in the brief so ill be releasing the product and adverts when summer starts. This is because it’s the start of summer which means everyone will be out buying water from shops due to the hot weather. MARKETING - HOW & WHERE THE ADVERTS WILL BE ADVERTISED Possible locations/establishments I’m planning on getting the print advert displayed on is a display on the gym of a board of the print advert with samples placed Infront. This is because, I believe advertising water with benefits like vesi would be best advertised in a gym. This therefore also gains the attention of the target audience as people who have an interest in physical fitness mostly always are a gym member. I believe free samples will help with gaining more of a profit because gym water in vending machines are usually more expensive than usual so if someone ran out of water and wanted something fresher and more blissful than tap water from the fountain, they would see the free samples and obviously go for it furthermore feeling the freshness of vesi water especially because they would be all sweaty and worn out so vesi would feel more beneficial in that moment. Print adverts would also be placed around gyms. I believe this will be beneficial in gaining attraction from the target audience as they’ll see it when walking around or entering gym and because they’re on their way to work out the benefits of vesi stated on the print will quench their first making vesi sound more appealing. Print adverts will also be placed on bus stop boards where adverts are usually displayed. I believe this will benefit from gaining attraction as bus stops are very common places for print adverts to be displayed and usually where they are most likely to be seen. Furthermore, since we’re targeting working class to C2 grade I’m assuming a lot of our audiences will be catching busses to get to work, college/uni and gym. This print advert will also be advertised all over social medias such as; Instagram posts and stories, twitter, and Facebook posts. I believe this will benefit vesi as the age groups generation for vesi is constantly on social media, which means that our product will be seen more likely than it would plaster on buildings. Furthermore, social media has taken over and is looked at more rather than broadcasters and the majority are looking at their phones rather than their surroundings. Finally, I believe that posters around universities and colleges advertising our product will gain attraction
  • 7. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL: Part 2 and access. This is because, these will gain attraction from our target audience age wise. As they are teenagers to young adults and those age groups are usually attending college and university so it’s best to place these print adverts around these places so we can attract the right group. For the audio advert I plan on releasing it on all radio stations to gain a wider audience and make sure It targets our audience. However, you could argue that our advert will benefit more on station like Capital and BBC radio. This is because, younger generations tend to lean more towards these stations as they play music trending music that they will recognise from their generation along with the presenters matching their age and humour especially on Capital. This means that if vesi waters audio advert appears on these two stations its highly more likely to attract our audiences as they will realise this is aimed at them instead of ignoring it thinking it’s for a different demographic. I believe it will also be a good idea to advertise the audio advert in the gym speakers. This is because, similarly to the print we are aiming for an audience who enjoy physical fitness but need that extra boost so making sure they hear the advert as well will benefit gaining attraction from our target audience. However, you could argue that it wont be as beneficial as a lot of gym members wear earphones or have some sort of their own music playing especially the younger audiences therefore meaning they wont be able to hear the radio advert. However, this can be solved with how im planning on advertising the visual audio advert. This is because some gyms have both speakers and a tv screen to play music videos and sometimes adverts but they combine both so audiences can hear the music video playing. The plan is to have vesi’s visual advert playing on screens during commercial breaks. I believe that audiences will recognise Neon or relate to the models and mute their music to pay attention to vesi’s advert just plainly because they recognise a character. I am also planning on having the visual advert playing on television channels such as, sport channels - to attract the physical fitness side of our audience, BBC as it’s the most popular station amongst our target audiences along with everyone so it’s more likely to be seen if it were advertised by a company like BBC. The reason our audiences match with BBC audiences is because the C2 grade left wings are most common in demographics with the BBC as they are left wings themselves and BBC news is commonly watched before audiences go off to work. Speaking of times during the day im planning on getting vesi’s ads (both audio and audio visual) playing during mornings before school and work so they can see vesi when turning on the television either just to have something on or watch the news. I will also be playing vesi in late afternoons so audiences can see vesi after work or before they go to gym as 5-6PM is when gym starts getting crowded during weekdays. However, this may only target the young adult’s range of our target audience we’re trying to appeal to. This is because, stereotypically teenagers don’t take interest in the news as they find It boring, and they would rather go on their phones instead of watching tv. We can solve this though by displaying vesi’s visual advert on social media’s such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitter etc. especially on TikTok as it’s the most common used app these days amongst teenagers and younger audiences they even have adverts play between every few videos can involve links to the company’s website or product. For Instagram we can pay popular influencers to promote our products as that’s the most common form of advertising these days. If we sponsor sport and gamer influencers vesi should reach the right audiences. For example, GFEUL sponsors influencers to promote their product. POSITION IN THE MARKETPLACE For my research I have been looking into two company products to see their marketing processes and how well they did, which were EVIAN and LUCOZADE. In terms of narrative for my advert its similar to Lucozade, this is because they are both skits based off of original narratives and characters. For example, Lucozade did a spin off the ‘David and Goliath’ biblical tale, and I did my advert based on a spin off of a video game character Neon to get vesi’s message of the
  • 8. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL: Part 2 energising effects across more. However, Lucozade did get into trouble for using the biblical tale as a lot of Christian audiences took offense to it as they saw it as ‘disrespectful.’ Vesi will be different from this as we have made sure we respected all types of audiences, and we are collaborating with the originator of the character ‘Riot Games’ which means that we have gained permission to use their character to promote our product. Similarly, Lucozade has also used a video game character to promote their product called ‘tomb raider.’ However, unlike vesi they haven’t kept their adverts consistent with a certain theme as they used a biblical tale which has nothing to do with tomb raider. This is a negative as audiences will be less likely to recognise Lucozade adverts as their constantly experimenting with narratives. Vesi is different as because it’s a collaboration and vesi has now been made highly connected to this character’s lore we will be referencing the character throughout the rest of our campaigns. Speaking of keeping a constant theme within adverts so audiences will constantly be able to recognise the campaign, Evian does this perfectly with their ‘live young’ campaign as they have perfectly kept an ongoing theme of using their baby idea, for example they use the babies doing tricks in their visual audio adverts (such as their roller skating one) in their print adverts and editing it in ways that match the effects displayed in their visual audio adverts. They also manage to link it back to their slogan and key message of ‘live young’ as they show babies doing tricks and stunts along with putting babies dressed as the adult models, they would be edited next to empathising Evian makes you feel younger. This is similar to vesi’s campaign because we have kept a consistent message within all our adverts of how vesi impacts your energy through the character we have used even within our adverts that have a slightly different narrative such as the audio advert. Evian also links their logo back to the original place they founded the water as their logo is the French Evian mountains it was founded, which is similar to vesi as we used a Finnish water lily flower as it’s a common water flower in Finland in the campaigns house colours to call back to its Finnish roots while also being recognisable for a water product. However, our theme doesn’t really 100% match up with our feel the purity slogan, unlike evian, because it’s more symbolic about how it energises you rather than peacefulness however, we do talk about the purity aspects in the advert and the benefits are written on the print advert. I believe that my advert does meet water advert conventions. This is because water adverts such as Evian are classically fun, have a sense of playfulness and are energised in general, which is what vesi contains in all our adverts. Our fun comes from the relatability in the two characters woman and boy with the dialogue between them as audiences have fun viewing something they can relate too. Our sense of playfulness comes from our experimental way of advertising this product by collaborating with a game company called ‘Riot Games’ because it’s not common for water to be promoted through game-based adverts but we did, and it makes sense since Neon literally embodies all of vesi’s body effects. The adverts are energised, especially the audio advert, due to it’s fast pace and the montage with lightning effects and electrifying backing track during the montage. Water adverts also require the bottle to be involved which all vesi adverts include e.g the bottle is displayed near centre largely underneath the title on the print advert. Evian and Lucozade also demonstrated this in all their adverts as on their prints the bottle is displayed (especially with Lucozade’s David and Goliath advert as its largely placed next to the main image). An example of Evian doing this in their audio-visual advert is their static close up of the bottle during the roller-skating baby advert when the baby is doing tricks around a series of evian lined of bottles. Which is similar to our audio-
  • 9. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL: Part 2 visual advert as when Neon presents the bottle it zooms in on a static close up of the bottle to show this is the product being advertised. Lucozade also did a similar thing to us as when David goes to drink the product its clearly displayed with lighting and sound effects such as the holy sound effect used when he picked up the bottle. We incorporated this into Vesi’s audio advert and audio-visual advert when Neon presents the product to emphasise its uniqueness as it’s a common sound effect used in adverts to boost interest in products. Our products will fit into the marketplace around summertime as that is what the brief has specified, and water does better in summer since that is when everyone invests in water bottles the most due to the heat.