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Being able to control
water; its you're
Escapism/ freedom
Reaching new heights
Elevated style and taste Independence
Taking control of
Golden sunsets; warm atmosphere
Silhouetted whooper swans/ subject- layer of mystery and
allows audience to put themselves into that position
Cliff top; reaching new heights
Clouds gliding past subject;
dreamlike/ escapism
Bottle featured; our product can
help take you anywhere
Wings growing out subjects
back; dreamlike fantastical-
memorable imagery
Wings; symbolic of freedom, strength and
Sunsets; a fresh start, rebirth-
growth and hope
Whooper swans;
symbolic of Vesi’s place
of origin and an icon
for prosperity
Small introduction to main concept: Print Ad
When looking at developing a Print Ad for Vesi Water, I wanted to keep in
mind the Brand’s USP being the products country of origin; Finland and the
health benefits of the drink (containing natural electrolytes) whilst more so
considering the time of launch; being summer and how to successfully and
creatively reflect elements of briefed points in the final Ad. In vein of such, I
landed on the idea (explored in the proposal and mood board above) of
having an Print Ad that reflects and is in alignment with the lines of appeal
such as; Dreams and fantasy, Nature & the natural world and Self-
importance & pride via the concept of a women, posed with her hands on
her hips, onlooking a large body of water from the top of a cliff at sunset, a
flock of whooper swans flying in the near distance, clouds gliding past her
as we see wings begin to unfold from her back. In the foreground we see
stood proudly atop a mound of grass, a bottle of half full Vesi.
Initial sketches for logo 1:
When coming up with concepts for Vesi’s first (more
visual) logo, I wanted to consider framing the images
within a confined circle to mimic that simplistic and
modern look adopted by universally known and
successful competitor brands e.g. ‘Pepsi’ (a
minimalistic graphic allows for easy identification
especially from a distance)
Whilst more so keeping in theme of naturalistic and
Finnish imagery via adopting the whooper swan
(Finland's national bird) as the brand’s “mascot”.
Developing on initial ideas
When looking at idea three, similarly to Idea
Two, I wanted to look at expanding upon the
boundaries of the logo to again symbolise
ideas of ‘breaking through barriers’ and
personal growth. However again, I’m not so
confident in its design as this looks at the
swan from the back (no clear distinction for
it being whooper- representing Finland) and
comes off as over the top.
When looking at idea one, I wanted to keep to a
more simplistic yet appealing look by zooming in
on the head of the whooper swan; its curved
neck complimenting its circular frame and the
neck swerves inwards encapsulating a both
smooth and aesthetically pleasing appearance. I
wanted to include a small water droplet sitting on
the edge of whopper’s beak breaching the circle
to communicate the water’s effective and strong
When looking at idea two, I
wanted to look at the swan
breaching the confinement
of its logo, symbolic of its
‘disregard the norm’ and
rebellious nature that I hope
to reflect themes of freedom
and escape.
1 2 3
• Final Mock up (1) :
I decided to move forward with idea one, as it’s the
most embolic of the brand’s ethos of purity, freshness
and grace. Like a swan in water, kicking hard bellow
whilst gliding peacefully above (reflected best in this
logo), the drink can give you the energy (electrolytes)
you need whilst having a refreshing and tranquil
effect. Furthermore, to aid in it’s summer release, the
whooper swan happens to also symbolise the summer
period, as they migrate to Finland from spring (acting
as a sign of the good weather to come) , staying
throughout the duration of summer.
it had the most clean cut and ‘contained’ logo design
out of the three that would fit nicely on the brand’s
products as well as successfully reflecting the
previously mentioned aesthetics and brand identity. I
opted to have the headshot of a whooper swan
framed within a circle, its beak ever so slightly dipping
over the rim. By doing this I hope to add a layer of
uniqueness to the overall look whilst symbolising the
‘no limits’ ideology of the product- when you drink
this product, you could do anything.
Developed idea for Vesi Logo:
Moving forward with idea one, I wanted to experiment with a range of
different colours and gradients to perfectly capture a visually interesting and
attention capturing final logo; I attempted to approach the logo in the
traditional colours of the whooper swan with a blue backing to further
distinguish and catch likeness to the Finnish bird in order to successfully
communicate the brands origins without the need of small print. I also
adapted the logo through different gradients to create a bold and dreamlike
look that will again sell the drink as something out of this world.
After experimenting with different colours and designs, I
decided to stick with the solid blue colour scheme as it
had the most appealing look to me personally and helped
keep to the minimalistic style of the logo. More over, the
colour itself helps add further meaning and depth behind
the product- blue reflecting open spaces, freedom,
intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity again
embodying the brand’s ethos.
The colour blue is also not only a great choice due to its
bold and varying colour pallet but furthermore has a
range of positive effects on the human brain within
psychology which may aid in securing audiences
*calming and relaxing; when exposed to the colour,
precipitants can be found to have reduced stress, lower
blood pressure and slower heart rate- the colour being so
embolic of water that it has connotations of soothing and
*increased productivity and focus; blue can also believed
to enhance productivity and focus, improving mental
performance when performing cognitive tasks ( a good
selling point towards keeping audiences focused on the
drink’s exterior)
* Trust and credibility; blue moreover is frequently
associated with credibility and this can further aid in
gaining audiences trust towards the product and its
promised effects
Initial sketches for logo 2: when looking at the
more text focused logo, again I wanted to keep
to a simplistic but effective design that would
quickly and successfully capture audiences
When looking at idea two, once
again I wanted to keep to a
more simplistic, appealing look
by using a playful use of text
and design; this time I went
down a more visual
representation via a water
droplet (though hindsight I feel
this is a little too visual in
When looking at idea one, I wanted to keep to again
a more simplistic yet appealing look by using a
playful whilst professional use of typography and
design to sell the product as a trustful but enjoyable
product; I tried to emulate this via a slight wavy
outlined box to the text (the use of curves within
the box I hope to reflect the brand as a water based
product) the use of capitalized letters I hope helps
make the brand feel bold and noticeable to
audiences (in the future I may look at returning to
the idea via a gradient).
When looking at idea three , I wanted to
incorporate more naturalistic imagery
through the reoccurrence of the whooper
swan. I went down a simplistic route once
again, by portraying the birds through
silhouettes to ensure the text goes easy on
the eyes. I wanted to further embed
creative and artistic elements to showcase
the brands modern playfulness through the
breaking up and colliding text.
1 2 3
• Final mock up (2):
I decided to move on with idea three as it better
captures the naturalistic/ whooper swan running
theme I've previously built up in the print Ad . i
wanted to note ,also, I took inspiration from both
studied brands within LO1, opting to use a more text
focused look that’s both memorable and unique
enough to stand out from fellow competitors. In
particular, I took elements of Evian's logo design and
incorporated it into my own concept; having the text
stood beside a visual representation of the brand’s
identity/ place of origin- Evian's being that of the
snowy mountain peaks of the alps (where their water
is sourced from), mine being two whooper swan’s
gliding beside one another (representing the cold
lakes of Finland). I choose again a solid blue for the
logo’s colour to again reflect the brand’s ethos of open
spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination and
Developed idea for Vesi Logo:
When experimenting for
Vesi’s text logo, again I
looked at different styles
and gradients; mainly
sticking to a blue colour
pallet to be in keeping
with the established
theme but more so
playing around with so
variety of colours and
textures to sell the brand
as a friendly and youthful
Experimenting with logo 2
After experimenting with different colours and
designs, I decided to adopt a middle descending blue
gradient colour scheme as it had the most appealing
look out of the experiments whilst helping keeping
but enhancing to the minimalistic style of the logo in
a fun and eye catching way. Again, the colour itself
helps add further meaning and depth behind the
product- blue reflecting open spaces, freedom,
intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity
again embodying the brand’s ethos.
Meanwhile the gradient too adds a layer of
sophistication and friendliness to the brand, giving
both depth and dimension to the logo by smoothly
blending the colours- making it more marketable for
multi packages.
It also symbolises how Vesi can brighten up buyers
days, visually casting a shadow on neighbouring
products on the shelf.
Graphic layouts:
with white
stood on a
cliff edge
looking out
onto the
Tagline in a slim
white font
White, slim font Additional
Vesi logo
(portrait print)
bold font
Moving forward, I wanted to look at
how the print ad should be lay out,
alongside what images, text and
graphics it should be made up of. When
looking at composition, I wanted to
both explore a portrait and landscape
layout to see what could best suite the
imagery and capture audiences
Initial sketches:
When sketching out initial ideas and concepts towards
the Print Ad, again, wanted to consider how to brand
Vesi in a way that not only hits the brief but more so
reaches the target demographic for the product. With
this mind, I looked to develop a more dreamlike and
unusual conceptual design to intrigue younger minds
(wings sprouting out someone's back, whilst the stand
in clouds on the edge of a cliff overlooking a sunset- I
hope will suite as a visually interesting Print) more so to
ensure that members of the target demographic are
hooked, I wanted to utilize a model that reflects the
average consumer to build a bridge for the younger
demographic to relate and resonate with whose
Initial idea for Print Ad: Mock up 1
Initial idea for Print Ad (portrait):
• Mockup 1
When drawing up a concept for the print Ad, again I wanted to
incorporate imagery of whooper swan’s ( suiting the nature/ the
natural world line of appeal) but in a surreal and imaginative way to
fit within the Dreams/fantasy line of appeal, meaning it will be
more memorable for mass audiences. I wanted to more so have
look that’s embolic of inner empowerment, with this product, you
can tackle anything.
When looking at potential graphics I wanted to look at a more
simplistic use of text and small visual cues, again to easily grab
audiences attention without overloading/ overcrowding the poster
• Initial idea for Print Ad: Mockup 2
• When drawing up a concept for the print Ad, again
I wanted to incorporate imagery of whooper swan’s (
suiting the nature/ the natural world line of appeal)
but in a surreal and imaginative way to fit within the
Dreams/fantasy line of appeal, meaning it will be
more memorable for mass audiences. I wanted to
more so have look that’s embolic of inner
empowerment, with this product, you can tackle
anything. I decided to move forward with a more
landscape orientation as it helps widen viewers
horizons and makes the overall poster feel more
spectacular and grander.
• When looking at potential graphics I wanted to
look at a more simplistic use of text and small visual
cues, again to easily grab audiences' attention
without overloading/ overcrowding the poster
Designing a label for Vesi:
When looking at developing my final idea, I wanted to give the bottle featured some levity by designing a label that would go
around the official product; I chose a cool blue colour palate with a background image of the lakes of saimaa (a well recognised
Finnish landscape) to make clear the place of origin for the drink in order to ensure the product felt not only more honest and
appealing to audiences but to aesthetically tie in with the more naturalistic theme.
In order to create a realistic
depiction of what would be
on a Vesi bottle, I did
extensive research on varying
bottle labels, studying what
should be shown to buyers
Evidence of safe working
Ensured ground was
dry before shooting to
avoid slips and trips
Kept clear from slopes
Wore suitable
footwear for uneven
Shot on a day with suitable
weather, not too hot/ cold-
cloudy day helped avoid
additional protection/
equipment; sunscreen,
umbrella etc.
Image Logs:
Contact sheet: I deicide to avoid using this photo
as even though it is keeping with
the bright summer reflection, the
blockings a little off
I chose this picture to use for my landscape as
this was the most polished out of the set taken,
there's enough room above and bellow to edit
and contort the picture to my desired effect and
model gives of the perfect pose of confident and
aspiration as she looks out to the water Infront.
Again I didn’t go for this photo as it looked a little
awkward- from a up angle position it makes the bottle
look off and I don’t think i could sell it standing up in
Assets log: Collection of images that will be used in the final print:
In Livemono font, Will sit at the bottom of the poster, in front of the model’s legs. Should be fairly
Vesi, spread your wings
In Mono Spatial font, beside the model’s shoulder- waist, slightly smaller that previous graphic in
Vesi’s Logo
In the top right corner, mid-sized
Whooper wings
On models back, fitted to look like they’re coming out of the model’s back
copyright symbol
above the Vesi logo cementing it as its own brand
Instagram, Facebook and twitter icons
running along the bottom of the print
images *
Elevated style and taste
Being able to control
water; its you're
When looking at developing an Audio and Visual Ad for Vesi Water, I wanted to keep in mind the
Brand’s USP being the products country of origin; Finland and the health benefits of the drink
(containing natural electrolytes) whilst more so considering the time of launch; being summer and
how to successfully and creatively reflect elements of briefed points in the final Ad
When collecting footage for the audible and visual Ad, I’m considering a more fantastical and
visually interesting narrative that will stay in viewers heads; following a group of young adults (18-
24) made up of both men and women (reflecting the target demographic) that are playfully hanging
out, sat on a small wooden dock above a wide lake (showcasing Finland’s secluded woodlands to
further represent the country and brands naturalistic charm). As they start shoving one another into
the water, one of the boys opens a bottle of Vesi and takes a swig before being thrown into the lake
alongside his mates. However, unlike the rest, he doesn’t splash into the water but rather sits on top
of the lakes surface, a slight ripple circling around him from his light impact. In astonishment he
jumps to his feet and looks down below him, his friends looking up from the water in awe. He grins
before sprinting across the water, his friends swim after him. He leaps and we jump cut to a
whooper swan rising from the lake and flying into the air, fellow swans gliding beside it, now across
a vast body of water, the ad ends on the flock flying across a vast plane of water, into the sunset.
Small introduction to main concept: Audio and Visual Ad
Camera movement
I wanted to keep the ad for the most part pretty simple
narrative wise, having the last two shots be ambiguous though
in keeping with the dreamlike appeal that will keep audiences
engaged and overall paint that advert in a memorable light.
With these initial concept sketches, I just tried to get an overall
sense of how I would frame the camera and the actors within
each shot and how the ‘story’ would progress under a 30
second timeframe.
(First draft) Shot number
(Camera pan)
Initial sketches for
Escapism, transportation through a
turn of a lid
Humanistic vs naturalistic sound
Chaotic to calm
Whooper swans faint honking
Rowdy beach/ crying
Humming of
insects, swaying
of trees
Sigh of relief
When looking at developing an Audio Ad for Vesi Water, I wanted to keep in
mind the Brand’s USP being the products country of origin; Finland and the
health benefits of the drink (containing natural electrolytes) whilst more so
considering the time of launch; being summer and how to successfully and
creatively reflect elements of briefed points in the final Ad.
When considering a Audible Ad, I want to be able to paint a picture through
sound of escapism that the drink promises you- transporting you from busy
crowded settings into the lakesides of Finland; I used the setting of a busy
beach to not only convey the summer release but pick up on the
overwhelming side of summer at the beachside in Britain- children crying,
shouting adults, screaming gulls, having a smooth transition from a baby
coughing into the lid opening and sucking its drinker into a completely
different world of serenity.
Small introduction to main concept: Audio Ad
Asset Table: Audio Ad Author: Clara Hennig
Asset Source Use
93 ‘til infinity-LP Instrumental Souls of mischief 00:00- 00:30
Voice 001.m4a Internal storage/recordings voice recorder 00:00 – 00:30
ambiende-16810.mp3 00:00 – 00:15
Protest01-17162.mp3 00:05 – 00:08
kids-fighting-6774.mp3 00:11 -00:16
76958.mp3 00:11 – 00:16
bottle-cap-1.mp3 00:14 – 00:16
Drinking-water-102338.mp3 00:16- 00:19
Male-long-sigh-close-101781.mp3 00:17- 00:21
Sweden-6370.mp3 00:17- 00:30

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Unit 20 LO3 creating adverts

  • 1. LO3
  • 2. MOOD BOARD FOR OVERALL CAMPAIGN Being able to control water; its you're say/way Escapism/ freedom Reaching new heights Elevated style and taste Independence Taking control of your surroundings Leadership Naturalistic
  • 4. MOOD BOARD FOR PRINT AD Golden sunsets; warm atmosphere Silhouetted whooper swans/ subject- layer of mystery and allows audience to put themselves into that position Cliff top; reaching new heights Clouds gliding past subject; dreamlike/ escapism Bottle featured; our product can help take you anywhere Wings growing out subjects back; dreamlike fantastical- memorable imagery Wings; symbolic of freedom, strength and spirituality Sunsets; a fresh start, rebirth- growth and hope Whooper swans; symbolic of Vesi’s place of origin and an icon for prosperity
  • 5. Small introduction to main concept: Print Ad When looking at developing a Print Ad for Vesi Water, I wanted to keep in mind the Brand’s USP being the products country of origin; Finland and the health benefits of the drink (containing natural electrolytes) whilst more so considering the time of launch; being summer and how to successfully and creatively reflect elements of briefed points in the final Ad. In vein of such, I landed on the idea (explored in the proposal and mood board above) of having an Print Ad that reflects and is in alignment with the lines of appeal such as; Dreams and fantasy, Nature & the natural world and Self- importance & pride via the concept of a women, posed with her hands on her hips, onlooking a large body of water from the top of a cliff at sunset, a flock of whooper swans flying in the near distance, clouds gliding past her as we see wings begin to unfold from her back. In the foreground we see stood proudly atop a mound of grass, a bottle of half full Vesi.
  • 6. Initial sketches for logo 1: When coming up with concepts for Vesi’s first (more visual) logo, I wanted to consider framing the images within a confined circle to mimic that simplistic and modern look adopted by universally known and successful competitor brands e.g. ‘Pepsi’ (a minimalistic graphic allows for easy identification especially from a distance) Whilst more so keeping in theme of naturalistic and Finnish imagery via adopting the whooper swan (Finland's national bird) as the brand’s “mascot”.
  • 7. Developing on initial ideas IDEA THREE: When looking at idea three, similarly to Idea Two, I wanted to look at expanding upon the boundaries of the logo to again symbolise ideas of ‘breaking through barriers’ and personal growth. However again, I’m not so confident in its design as this looks at the swan from the back (no clear distinction for it being whooper- representing Finland) and comes off as over the top. IDEA ONE: When looking at idea one, I wanted to keep to a more simplistic yet appealing look by zooming in on the head of the whooper swan; its curved neck complimenting its circular frame and the neck swerves inwards encapsulating a both smooth and aesthetically pleasing appearance. I wanted to include a small water droplet sitting on the edge of whopper’s beak breaching the circle to communicate the water’s effective and strong effects IDEA TWO: When looking at idea two, I wanted to look at the swan breaching the confinement of its logo, symbolic of its ‘disregard the norm’ and rebellious nature that I hope to reflect themes of freedom and escape. 1 2 3
  • 8. • Final Mock up (1) : I decided to move forward with idea one, as it’s the most embolic of the brand’s ethos of purity, freshness and grace. Like a swan in water, kicking hard bellow whilst gliding peacefully above (reflected best in this logo), the drink can give you the energy (electrolytes) you need whilst having a refreshing and tranquil effect. Furthermore, to aid in it’s summer release, the whooper swan happens to also symbolise the summer period, as they migrate to Finland from spring (acting as a sign of the good weather to come) , staying throughout the duration of summer. it had the most clean cut and ‘contained’ logo design out of the three that would fit nicely on the brand’s products as well as successfully reflecting the previously mentioned aesthetics and brand identity. I opted to have the headshot of a whooper swan framed within a circle, its beak ever so slightly dipping over the rim. By doing this I hope to add a layer of uniqueness to the overall look whilst symbolising the ‘no limits’ ideology of the product- when you drink this product, you could do anything. Developed idea for Vesi Logo:
  • 9. Moving forward with idea one, I wanted to experiment with a range of different colours and gradients to perfectly capture a visually interesting and attention capturing final logo; I attempted to approach the logo in the traditional colours of the whooper swan with a blue backing to further distinguish and catch likeness to the Finnish bird in order to successfully communicate the brands origins without the need of small print. I also adapted the logo through different gradients to create a bold and dreamlike look that will again sell the drink as something out of this world.
  • 10. After experimenting with different colours and designs, I decided to stick with the solid blue colour scheme as it had the most appealing look to me personally and helped keep to the minimalistic style of the logo. More over, the colour itself helps add further meaning and depth behind the product- blue reflecting open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity again embodying the brand’s ethos. The colour blue is also not only a great choice due to its bold and varying colour pallet but furthermore has a range of positive effects on the human brain within psychology which may aid in securing audiences attention: *calming and relaxing; when exposed to the colour, precipitants can be found to have reduced stress, lower blood pressure and slower heart rate- the colour being so embolic of water that it has connotations of soothing and peaceful *increased productivity and focus; blue can also believed to enhance productivity and focus, improving mental performance when performing cognitive tasks ( a good selling point towards keeping audiences focused on the drink’s exterior) * Trust and credibility; blue moreover is frequently associated with credibility and this can further aid in gaining audiences trust towards the product and its promised effects
  • 11. Initial sketches for logo 2: when looking at the more text focused logo, again I wanted to keep to a simplistic but effective design that would quickly and successfully capture audiences attentions.
  • 12. IDEA TWO: When looking at idea two, once again I wanted to keep to a more simplistic, appealing look by using a playful use of text and design; this time I went down a more visual representation via a water droplet (though hindsight I feel this is a little too visual in presentation) IDEA ONE: When looking at idea one, I wanted to keep to again a more simplistic yet appealing look by using a playful whilst professional use of typography and design to sell the product as a trustful but enjoyable product; I tried to emulate this via a slight wavy outlined box to the text (the use of curves within the box I hope to reflect the brand as a water based product) the use of capitalized letters I hope helps make the brand feel bold and noticeable to audiences (in the future I may look at returning to the idea via a gradient). IDEA THREE: When looking at idea three , I wanted to incorporate more naturalistic imagery through the reoccurrence of the whooper swan. I went down a simplistic route once again, by portraying the birds through silhouettes to ensure the text goes easy on the eyes. I wanted to further embed creative and artistic elements to showcase the brands modern playfulness through the breaking up and colliding text. 1 2 3
  • 13. • Final mock up (2): I decided to move on with idea three as it better captures the naturalistic/ whooper swan running theme I've previously built up in the print Ad . i wanted to note ,also, I took inspiration from both studied brands within LO1, opting to use a more text focused look that’s both memorable and unique enough to stand out from fellow competitors. In particular, I took elements of Evian's logo design and incorporated it into my own concept; having the text stood beside a visual representation of the brand’s identity/ place of origin- Evian's being that of the snowy mountain peaks of the alps (where their water is sourced from), mine being two whooper swan’s gliding beside one another (representing the cold lakes of Finland). I choose again a solid blue for the logo’s colour to again reflect the brand’s ethos of open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination and inspiration. Developed idea for Vesi Logo:
  • 14. When experimenting for Vesi’s text logo, again I looked at different styles and gradients; mainly sticking to a blue colour pallet to be in keeping with the established theme but more so playing around with so variety of colours and textures to sell the brand as a friendly and youthful entity. Experimenting with logo 2
  • 15. After experimenting with different colours and designs, I decided to adopt a middle descending blue gradient colour scheme as it had the most appealing look out of the experiments whilst helping keeping but enhancing to the minimalistic style of the logo in a fun and eye catching way. Again, the colour itself helps add further meaning and depth behind the product- blue reflecting open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity again embodying the brand’s ethos. Meanwhile the gradient too adds a layer of sophistication and friendliness to the brand, giving both depth and dimension to the logo by smoothly blending the colours- making it more marketable for multi packages. It also symbolises how Vesi can brighten up buyers days, visually casting a shadow on neighbouring products on the shelf.
  • 16. Graphic layouts: Main image Model with white wings stood on a cliff edge looking out onto the distance (holding product) Tagline in a slim white font White, slim font Additional information Vesi logo (Landscape) Title in white bold font (portrait print) Title, white bold font Vesi logo Main image Model with white wings stood on a cliff edge looking out onto the distance White, slim font Additional information Tagline in a slim white font Product upfront on a mount of grass Moving forward, I wanted to look at how the print ad should be lay out, alongside what images, text and graphics it should be made up of. When looking at composition, I wanted to both explore a portrait and landscape layout to see what could best suite the imagery and capture audiences attentions.
  • 17. Initial sketches: When sketching out initial ideas and concepts towards the Print Ad, again, wanted to consider how to brand Vesi in a way that not only hits the brief but more so reaches the target demographic for the product. With this mind, I looked to develop a more dreamlike and unusual conceptual design to intrigue younger minds (wings sprouting out someone's back, whilst the stand in clouds on the edge of a cliff overlooking a sunset- I hope will suite as a visually interesting Print) more so to ensure that members of the target demographic are hooked, I wanted to utilize a model that reflects the average consumer to build a bridge for the younger demographic to relate and resonate with whose represented.
  • 18. Initial idea for Print Ad: Mock up 1
  • 19. Initial idea for Print Ad (portrait): • Mockup 1 When drawing up a concept for the print Ad, again I wanted to incorporate imagery of whooper swan’s ( suiting the nature/ the natural world line of appeal) but in a surreal and imaginative way to fit within the Dreams/fantasy line of appeal, meaning it will be more memorable for mass audiences. I wanted to more so have look that’s embolic of inner empowerment, with this product, you can tackle anything. When looking at potential graphics I wanted to look at a more simplistic use of text and small visual cues, again to easily grab audiences attention without overloading/ overcrowding the poster
  • 20.
  • 21. • Initial idea for Print Ad: Mockup 2 • When drawing up a concept for the print Ad, again I wanted to incorporate imagery of whooper swan’s ( suiting the nature/ the natural world line of appeal) but in a surreal and imaginative way to fit within the Dreams/fantasy line of appeal, meaning it will be more memorable for mass audiences. I wanted to more so have look that’s embolic of inner empowerment, with this product, you can tackle anything. I decided to move forward with a more landscape orientation as it helps widen viewers horizons and makes the overall poster feel more spectacular and grander. • When looking at potential graphics I wanted to look at a more simplistic use of text and small visual cues, again to easily grab audiences' attention without overloading/ overcrowding the poster
  • 22. Designing a label for Vesi: When looking at developing my final idea, I wanted to give the bottle featured some levity by designing a label that would go around the official product; I chose a cool blue colour palate with a background image of the lakes of saimaa (a well recognised Finnish landscape) to make clear the place of origin for the drink in order to ensure the product felt not only more honest and appealing to audiences but to aesthetically tie in with the more naturalistic theme. In order to create a realistic depiction of what would be on a Vesi bottle, I did extensive research on varying bottle labels, studying what should be shown to buyers
  • 23. Evidence of safe working practices: Ensured ground was dry before shooting to avoid slips and trips Kept clear from slopes Wore suitable footwear for uneven surfaces Shot on a day with suitable weather, not too hot/ cold- cloudy day helped avoid additional protection/ equipment; sunscreen, umbrella etc.
  • 25. Contact sheet: I deicide to avoid using this photo as even though it is keeping with the bright summer reflection, the blockings a little off I chose this picture to use for my landscape as this was the most polished out of the set taken, there's enough room above and bellow to edit and contort the picture to my desired effect and model gives of the perfect pose of confident and aspiration as she looks out to the water Infront. Again I didn’t go for this photo as it looked a little awkward- from a up angle position it makes the bottle look off and I don’t think i could sell it standing up in editing.
  • 26. Assets log: Collection of images that will be used in the final print: VESI White In Livemono font, Will sit at the bottom of the poster, in front of the model’s legs. Should be fairly large. Dafont Vesi, spread your wings White In Mono Spatial font, beside the model’s shoulder- waist, slightly smaller that previous graphic in size Dafont Vesi’s Logo Blue In the top right corner, mid-sized Autosketch Whooper wings White On models back, fitted to look like they’re coming out of the model’s back Autosketch copyright symbol white above the Vesi logo cementing it as its own brand Instagram, Facebook and twitter icons white running along the bottom of the print BrandCrowd * JEPEG images *
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 30. MOOD BOARD FOR VISUAL/AUDIO AD freedom luxury friendship Elevated style and taste Being able to control water; its you're say/way Naturalistic
  • 31. When looking at developing an Audio and Visual Ad for Vesi Water, I wanted to keep in mind the Brand’s USP being the products country of origin; Finland and the health benefits of the drink (containing natural electrolytes) whilst more so considering the time of launch; being summer and how to successfully and creatively reflect elements of briefed points in the final Ad When collecting footage for the audible and visual Ad, I’m considering a more fantastical and visually interesting narrative that will stay in viewers heads; following a group of young adults (18- 24) made up of both men and women (reflecting the target demographic) that are playfully hanging out, sat on a small wooden dock above a wide lake (showcasing Finland’s secluded woodlands to further represent the country and brands naturalistic charm). As they start shoving one another into the water, one of the boys opens a bottle of Vesi and takes a swig before being thrown into the lake alongside his mates. However, unlike the rest, he doesn’t splash into the water but rather sits on top of the lakes surface, a slight ripple circling around him from his light impact. In astonishment he jumps to his feet and looks down below him, his friends looking up from the water in awe. He grins before sprinting across the water, his friends swim after him. He leaps and we jump cut to a whooper swan rising from the lake and flying into the air, fellow swans gliding beside it, now across a vast body of water, the ad ends on the flock flying across a vast plane of water, into the sunset. Small introduction to main concept: Audio and Visual Ad
  • 32.
  • 33. General movement Camera movement I wanted to keep the ad for the most part pretty simple narrative wise, having the last two shots be ambiguous though in keeping with the dreamlike appeal that will keep audiences engaged and overall paint that advert in a memorable light. With these initial concept sketches, I just tried to get an overall sense of how I would frame the camera and the actors within each shot and how the ‘story’ would progress under a 30 second timeframe. (First draft) Shot number (Camera pan) Initial sketches for storyboard
  • 35. MOOD BOARD FOR AUDIO AD Escapism, transportation through a turn of a lid Humanistic vs naturalistic sound design Chaotic to calm Whooper swans faint honking Rowdy beach/ crying kids Humming of insects, swaying of trees Sigh of relief Calming narrator
  • 36. When looking at developing an Audio Ad for Vesi Water, I wanted to keep in mind the Brand’s USP being the products country of origin; Finland and the health benefits of the drink (containing natural electrolytes) whilst more so considering the time of launch; being summer and how to successfully and creatively reflect elements of briefed points in the final Ad. When considering a Audible Ad, I want to be able to paint a picture through sound of escapism that the drink promises you- transporting you from busy crowded settings into the lakesides of Finland; I used the setting of a busy beach to not only convey the summer release but pick up on the overwhelming side of summer at the beachside in Britain- children crying, shouting adults, screaming gulls, having a smooth transition from a baby coughing into the lid opening and sucking its drinker into a completely different world of serenity. Small introduction to main concept: Audio Ad
  • 37. Asset Table: Audio Ad Author: Clara Hennig Asset Source Use 93 ‘til infinity-LP Instrumental Souls of mischief 00:00- 00:30 Voice 001.m4a Internal storage/recordings voice recorder 00:00 – 00:30 Beach-summer-children-vers-2- facing-away-from-the-sea-stereo- atmos-atmosphere-wildtrack- ambiende-16810.mp3 00:00 – 00:15 Protest01-17162.mp3 00:05 – 00:08 kids-fighting-6774.mp3 00:11 -00:16 01-baby-crying-hard-and-long- 76958.mp3 00:11 – 00:16 Opening-sealed-plastic-water- bottle-cap-1.mp3 00:14 – 00:16 Drinking-water-102338.mp3 00:16- 00:19 Male-long-sigh-close-101781.mp3 00:17- 00:21 Birdlife-at-malsjon-in-kristdala- Sweden-6370.mp3 00:17- 00:30
  • 38. #1 #2