SlideShare a Scribd company logo
When evaluating my print Ad, I considered the brief’s requirements especially with the briefed target demographic, when
casting the model; working with and shooting a young (reflecting the briefed age of the target audience) women (ensuring
that there is a wide range of positive and inclusive representation that will allow a more mass audience to be able to relate
and feel reflected within the campaign) having her dressed in a navy hoodie and black shorts (navy not only being a more
suitable colour as it fits the Brand’s now established house colours but also stereotypically reflecting a common clothing
choice in the target age range the campaign is aiming to reach) posed with her hands placed on her hips, (the pose reflects
an assertive, confident and aspired effect the product has on its buyers, with Vesi, anything is possible), looking out from a
cliff (symbolic of this escapist and impossible locations line of appeal that will sell the product as a heaven sent product)
onto the lake (reflective of the Finnish lakes the product was developed from- naturalistic imagery again another escape
from the urban settings the print will be displayed within all again pertaining to the brief )
In the foreground, stood up on a mound of grass, a bottle of Vesi (the use of framing to allow the product to take up quite
some room of the print- allowing audiences with photographic memories to first remember what is being sold before its
distinct visual selling point- more so lets the product feel ‘larger than life’, being embedded within the grass embolic of the
brands naturalistic USP, the product connecting buyers back to nature; again reflective of the drinks place of origin; lakes
of Finland ). In the top left corner, the silhouettes of a flock of whooper swan can be seen gliding in the distance, again
ensuring that there is a running correlation between all three ads with the ‘mascot’ of the whooper swan.
I wanted to further use graphics of social media platforms more so to allow viewers to easily find additional media through
recognisable iconography alongside the brands @, all graphics in a simplistic white that is in keeping with the slick design
(again stereotypically appealing to a much younger demographic) I more so included within regards to text for The
additional info looks at sharing benefits towards product consumption ‘Vesi contains all natural electrolytes for that cool,
refreshing taste!’ informing viewers that are engaged of the scientific aspects that sets the brand apart (in keeping again to
requirements set in the brief) ending on an exclamation to again further exaggerate the statement. The additional
information continues to link towards websites and social platforms audiences can reach Vesi on ‘to find out more-’ allows
for more audience interaction and again showcases the brands consideration for its buyers.
The overall use of colour and location complementing the summer release more so, with vibrant and bright colours and
greenery that will encourage target audiences to go out more, Vesi being able to take them anywhere.
The first impression audiences will get of Vesi lies in the prints visual appeal, so with this in mind i looked to utilize vibrant imagery, editing
the sky a rich pink, with a golden flare beaming from Infront of the subject to emulate a sunset (symbolising a new beginning) in composition
to this, I then edited the already eye catching grass to be more saturated and bright, with an ongoing lake stretched out Infront meeting the
skyline (a deep blue) to truly sell this as a spectacular and impossible location. I believe the use of pastel like colours help paint the overall ad
as dreamlike, an escape from the mondain and captivating with an exaggeration of naturalistic beauty. I wanted to further elevate this theme
with the dreamlike setting by editing in clouds (via royalty free vectors) gliding past the model to really showcase how far high the model is,
with this product, she’s reached new and enchanting heights. Speaking of which, when incorporating the model into the print, I looked to
have her dressed in a more navy, dark set of clothes rather than all white to further add contrast to the folded wings sprouting from her back
and to more so communicate themes of trust and stability. The wings themselves (drawn on Autosketch) I opted to have closed to build a
sense of mystery and (along with the tagline) to help encourage viewers to join/ beat her to it and grow their own metaphorical wings and
reach new planes with Vesi- wings symbolic of freedom and spirituality. The wings more so help reflect Finland and it’s national bird of the
whooper swan which I also appended onto the print to additionally build on the naturalistic motif of the campaign- having two flocks of them
sporadically scattered to reflect harmony and synergistic elements- whooper swans being symbolic of prosperity, intuition and
transformation; Vesi can help you become the best you. In the foreground, I wanted to draw focus on the product itself with it sat amongst
long strands of grass atop a mound of turf. I wanted to capture this ide that product is larger than life and almost framed to be closer to the
audience than the model, inviting viewers to give it a go. Overall I believe the image I've created is visually appealing and evokes a sense of
purity and refreshment, effectively capturing the attention of the audience whilst using surreal imagery to ensure memorability.
The advertisement prominently features the ‘Vesi’ logo, which is laced strategically in both the top right corner, on the bottle itself . I aimed
to create a logo that is clean, well-designed, and easily readable whilst effectively conveying the brand name and reinforcing brand
recognition, which is essential for long-term brand loyalty. I utilised a blue colour pallet in both visual and written logos to sell the brand as
trustworthy and inviting, blue psychologically having a calming and credible effect on recipients.
The use of text (in a simplistic yet professional mono spatial bold white font) via the brand name, the tagline and the additional information
running along the bottom of the print was designed and formatted to be concise, attention-grabbing, and effective in communicating the
central message and ethos of the brand. The tagline being ‘ spread your wings!’ highlights the core benefit of the product, emphasizing the
idea of escapism and regeneration, the text at the bottom provides additional details, such as brand’s USP of the natural electrolytes found in
the product that aids in its exceptional quality. The language is clear, straightforward, and compelling, making a persuasive case for choosing
‘Vesi. ’
In order to create an effective advertisement, my print ad looks to prompt the audience to take action, encouraging readers to
call to action via presenting text in a bold and distinct font, which helps draw attention. It motivates the audience to try the
product, enticing them with the promise of a refreshing experience. More over I tried to more so help hook and holding viewers
attentions by including specific details on how to obtain or purchase the product with a link to the brand’s website and social
media platforms along the bottom to further navigate more revenue digitally.
Most importantly, it was crucial when designing the print ad to consider the target audience; In this case, the advertisement aims
to target a younger, health-conscious demographic of all genders and ethnicities who value purity and quality in their choice of
beverages. The imagery, text, and graphics effectively cater to this targeted age range by reflecting the average consumer via the
model- helping younger audiences find it easier to relate to her as she reflects a non stereotypical and positive representation of
young people today whilst in keeping towards the health conscious ideologies through emphasizing the natural source and
superior quality of the water with the consistent visual and written references to Finland.
Overall, my print advertisement for Vesi demonstrates several strengths; successfully capturing attention through visually
appealing imagery whilst employing a concise and compelling tagline alongside additional information and a bold eye-catching
title that will preserve it as a confident and honest brand . The use of graphics effectively communicates the product's quality
and unique selling points through a visually distinctive style and lastly the print obtains the air of calling to action by encourages
readers to try the product through a sense of urgency from exclamation in text.
Shot #1: LS of a group of young adults hanging out at a cosy
lake house dock/ SFX:(diegetic) splashing of water, birds
tweeting, laughter (non-diegetic) sampled song: Freedom
by Jurassic 5 (faint)/ Transition: straight cut (in/out)
Shot #2: MCU of our main subject looking out onto the lake
*unfulfilled* whilst others begin pushing each other and
jumping into the lake / SFX:(diegetic) splashing of water,
laughter/ shrieks (non-diegetic) sampled song: Freedom by
Jurassic 5 (faint)/ Transition: straight cut (in/out)
Shot #3: MCU of subject reaching for a fresh bottle of Vesi
from the groups cool box / SFX:(diegetic) splashing of
water, birds tweeting, laughter (non-diegetic) exaggerated
ice cubes shuffling, sampled song: Freedom by Jurassic 5
(faint)/ Transition: straight cut (in/out)
Shot #4: CU on subject intensely drinking from the bottle /
SFX:(diegetic) splashing of water, birds tweeting, laughter
(non-diegetic) exaggerated glugging, sampled song:
Freedom by Jurassic 5 (faint)/ Transition: straight cut
Shot #5: MCU on subject looking content down at the
empty bottle, a friend creeping up on him to push him into
the lake / SFX:(diegetic) dialogue: Main subject “woah-“as
pushed, splashing of water, birds tweeting, laughter (non-
diegetic) sampled song: Freedom by Jurassic 5 (faint) /
Transition: straight cut (in/out)
Shot #6: CU on bottle bouncing off and then landing (rather
than floating) onto the lakes surface/ SFX:(diegetic)
splashing of water, birds tweeting, (non-diegetic) record
scratch/ Transition: straight cut (in/out)
Shot #7: MLS on subject sat having landed on the lakes
surface, his friends floating beneath *all in shock* /
SFX:(diegetic), birds tweeting, subtle waves rolling /
Transition: straight cut (in/out)
Shot #8: ECU on subject lifting himself up to his feet /
SFX:(non- diegetic) Freedom by Jurassic 5 fading into full
volume / Transition: straight cut (in/out)
Shot #9: MLS subject running across the lakes surface, his
friends swimming alongside him *all smiling* /
SFX:(diegetic), slight laughter from all (non-diegetic)
Freedom by Jurassic 5 (full volume) / Transition: straight cut
Shot #10: CU on subject grinning ecstatically / SFX:(non-
diegetic) / Freedom by Jurassic 5 (full volume)/ Transition:
straight cut (in/out)
Shot #11: CU on subject’s feet lifting of the water/ SFX:
(non-diegetic) Freedom by Jurassic 5 slowing down (full
volume)/ transition: straight cut (in/out)/ Edit in post:
Shot #12: MLS on whooper swan (posing as our subject)
emerging from the water/ SFX: (diegetic) water crashing,
birds tweeting / transition: straight cut (in/out)/ Edit in
post: (slow-motion)
Shot #13: LS on a flock of whooper swans flying off towards a golden
sunset SFX:(non-diegetic) wings flapping, sampled song: Freedom by
Jurassic 5 (full volume to a slow fade out), V.O; women’s voice “Vesi.
Spread your wings / Transition: straight cut (in/out)/ Editing in post:
swans in shot, graphic fading in (Vesi’s logo) text (white bold font)
fading in (tagline; spread your wings.)
when evaluating how well my storyboard meets the brief, I believe I successfully
used elements of the required points stated in the brief to successfully develop
the audio/visual ad; by following a group of young adults, I'm again reflecting and
enticing through said reflection the target demographic, having it made up of both
men and women of ranging cultural backgrounds (to ensure there was a clear and
positive diverse representation) and setting it in a naturalistic location e.g. they
are playfully hanging out on and around a small wooden dock above a wide lake
(showcasing Finland’s secluded woodlands to further represent the country and
brands naturalistic charm) and overall using dreamlike and fantasy lines of appeal
to creatively communicate the brands health benefits; having the subject who
drinks the product sitting on top of the lakes surface: the product defying reality
and showing remarkable and impossible effects embellishing the idea that Vesi
can aid in giving buyers complete and utter control of the world around them- his
friends following him reflecting qualities of leadership and excitement that is
brought with the drink. Using whooper swans again to reflect the brands ethos
further exaggerated by a cascade of water splashing over said swans in the shots
that they occur in to emphasize the power of the product, ending the ad of a long
shot of the flock flying across a vast plane of water (extending on the already wide
lake to further install ideas of the product widening your horizons), into the sunset
once again implementing running themes to not only reflect the home of Vesi but
to help distinguish the campaign from competitors.
The use of music too helping attracting (stereotypically) a younger target audience
with the us of Jurassic 5’s Freedom that has a modern lo-fi hip hop type of beat
that can be marketed toward a younger demographic (requested in the brief).
When evaluating on my Audio and Visual storyboard, I believe that it meets having a successfully clear and cohesive
storytelling flow whilst effectively presenting the sequence of scenes in a creative and coherent manner. I aimed to
have a narratively simplistic advert that relied more on visuals and sound to engage viewers with surreal and
fantastical concepts, by doing this I think like previously with the print Ad I was able to capture a more spectacular
visual Appeal:
The visual elements of a storyboard playing a vital role in capturing attention and conveying the message effectively,
my storyboard utilizes visually striking scenes to portray contrasting images of thirst and refreshment such as the
contrast between the dissatisfied subject sitting on the edge of the dock at the beginning of the storyboard and the
swan emerging from the crashing water at the end of the sequence, water cascading down its feathers and beak- he
has not only on went a metaphorical transformation but a physical one.
The use of vibrant colours and attention to detail enhances the visual within the second to last shot help appeal in
making the storyboard visually engaging. When uses Auto sketch to further expand upon and develop my initial ideas,
I made it an absolute priority to produce shits with as much detail as possible without overcomplicating the design
and story telling of the sequence.
Likewise I hope to have created characters in my storyboard that are relatable towards the target demographic (of
young teens to young adults) and successful in conveying an array emotions and experiences e.g. my storyboard
features a relatable protagonist who represents the target audience, bored, unfulfilled waiting for something to jump
out at him, and if not through him, I've tried to also involve a number of bubbly and ecstatic personalities that are
distinguishable and allow audiences to relate or see a bit of themselves of screen’ playing water themed
games/sports. Pushing one another into the lake, screaming and laughing . The initial scene portrays the character's
thirst and fatigue convincingly, allowing the audience to empathize with their situation. As the storyboard progresses,
the character's transformation and the expression of revitalization once he’s not only drunk the product but is running
across the surface of the lake, effectively conveys the positive and life altering impact of Vesi water.
The contrast between the initial scene of unfulfillment and exhaustion and the subsequent scenes of drinking Vesi water
and experiencing revitalization effectively conveys the central message. The transformation of the character serves as a
powerful visual representation of the product's benefits, the overall Impact being capturing the attention of engaging
the audience, whilst perfectly communicating the product's value proposition. The storytelling flow, visual appeal,
relatable characters, and clear message contribute to the overall impact of the storyboard. It creates a sense of
anticipation and intrigue, leaving the audience with a desire to experience the refreshing effects of Vesi water. I believe
overall my storyboard demonstrates several strengths in its execution; effectively telling a visual story that progresses
logically and engages the audience whilst obtaining a visual appeal, relatable characters, and clear message that
contributes to its impact. The storyboard, overall effectively communicating the product's value proposition of thirst
relief and rejuvenation in a dreamlike and surreal way that sells the product as something viewers have never seen
before. the Vesi storyboard shows promise in captivating the target audience and generating interest in the product.
When evaluating the audio Ad, I feel confident I saying I reflected requirements set in the brief to
a successful and effective standard, by reflecting the ideas of health and escapism that the drink
offers. The ad opens, a backing of 93 ‘til infinity-LP Instrumental (a hip and energy driven
instrumental that not only fits Vesi’s ethos but more so helps appeal to a younger demographic-
stereotypically more involved with hip-hop/ rap music) with a busy beach (in keeping with the
summer release briefed by the client), the setting conveying the overwhelming side of summer
at the beachside via loud and irritating sound cues- children crying, shouting adults, screaming
seagulls to sell the environment as an exhausting experience that listeners have been forced into,
having a smooth transition from a baby coughing into the lid opening, all sounds dissipate (
helping to transport the drinker into a completely different world of serenity).
the narrator being a mature woman ( again follows what was prescribed in the brief as it helps
stay inclusive and ensures a more diverse representation) formally trying to empathize with
viewers (use of language should be friendly but formal to keep a level of professionalism as well
as showcase the brands aim to help people).
The ad ends on a sign off from the narrator ‘Vesi, do summer your way’. (When recording there
will be an emphasis on ‘your’ to really call buyers to action and again showcase the drinks
audience consideration- this product was made just for the buyer
Finally, when evaluating my Audio, Radio Advert, I wanted to analysis attention-grabbing elements scattered throughout the
Introduction to the closing In order to call it a successful adaptation. My advertisement employs a upbeat backtrack in the form of
93 ‘til infinity-LP Instrumental (a hip and energy driven instrumental that not only fits Vesi’s ethos but more so helps appeal to
the briefed younger target demographic- stereotypically more involved with hip-hop/ rap music) accompanied by a hustling,
bustling British beach with screaming children, shrieking gulls and shouting adults to overall encapsulate and position listeners to
feel overwhelmed with sound . I'm trying to manipulate audiences to associating British beaches with not only heat, but a great
feeling of chaos and entrapment that puts them into a position that they can't wait to escape. As an almost other- worldly help, that
builds up a connection to listeners by laying out this possible senior bare, ‘All getting to much?’ sympathetic of the now stuck
audience.. The combination of these sounds complied together effectively grabs the listener's attention and establishes a negative
and overwhelming tone that will be contrasted greatly by the end of the add with the arrival of Vesi. At the mid way point, the
narrator empathetically shares that all this summer rush makes you almost want to-’ before cutting to an audio cue of a screaming
baby (added for comedic effect) whilst again adding to the chaotic and sensory overload of the listeners. However, the cry begins
to break off into small coughs which transition us into the sound effect of a bottle lid being open and someone gulping down some
water (all other sounds including the back track- momentarily dissipate) before the sound of wildlife slowly emerges, transporting
listens to a serene and calm location and we begin to feel at piece. The music starts back up to show that the upbeat and activity-
based side of summer are still present, just without all that excess noise and the ad concludes on a final voice over from the
narrator saying ‘Vesi, do summer your way’. I believe my ad has a Clear and Concise Message: although the limited time to convey
restricts what I can say in my message, I believe the overall ad still comes of with a clarity and conciseness that will help sell the
drink easily and effectively to listeners. Furthermore, the advertisement communicates its message efficiently by highlighting the
key benefits of the water product. It emphasizes phrases such as “summer heat," and “your way,“ help paint the product as a item
that can take you anywhere whilst putting you in control of the world around you.
Branding While visual elements are absent in radio advertisements, branding and contact information are still important. The
advertisement incorporates the brand name ‘Vesi’ used to sign of the ad (one of the last things audiences will hear- will stick with
them) throughout the script, ensuring brand recognition by sound cues like honking from swans within the bird tweets to act as a
consist theme within the campaign- reflecting Vesi's home of origin. Although, I feel I've failed to provide clear contact information,
such as a website or phone number, where listeners can learn more about or purchase the product rather than focusing on the
simple yet intriguing narrative of the ad, its short runtime enables interested listeners to take immediate action.
By using a engaging and Relatable Voiceover I hope to easily capture the listeners' attention and conveying the
message effectively. The advertisement features a professional voiceover who speaks clearly, enunciates well, and
conveys a sense of enthusiasm towards the product. The voiceover's tone aligns with the refreshing and invigorating
nature of the product, helping to engage the audience and generate interest further inviting a call to Action: I believe
my advertisement does this through the last prompt to “do summer your way" as it now holds listeners in a position of
power that other competitors may not promise them. In conclusion my radio advertisement demonstrates several
strengths in its execution to ensure costumer gain as It effectively captures attention with a catchy and hip use of music
that will appeal to the target demographic and sound effects that help convey a clear and concise message about the
product's benefits, includes branding for easy identification (via swan motif). The engaging voiceover and compelling
call to action contribute to its effectiveness, overall, working to communicating the product's attributes, and prompting
listeners to take action to experience the refreshing benefits of Vesi water.

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UNIT 20 LO3 overall evaluation

  • 1. LO3
  • 3.
  • 4. When evaluating my print Ad, I considered the brief’s requirements especially with the briefed target demographic, when casting the model; working with and shooting a young (reflecting the briefed age of the target audience) women (ensuring that there is a wide range of positive and inclusive representation that will allow a more mass audience to be able to relate and feel reflected within the campaign) having her dressed in a navy hoodie and black shorts (navy not only being a more suitable colour as it fits the Brand’s now established house colours but also stereotypically reflecting a common clothing choice in the target age range the campaign is aiming to reach) posed with her hands placed on her hips, (the pose reflects an assertive, confident and aspired effect the product has on its buyers, with Vesi, anything is possible), looking out from a cliff (symbolic of this escapist and impossible locations line of appeal that will sell the product as a heaven sent product) onto the lake (reflective of the Finnish lakes the product was developed from- naturalistic imagery again another escape from the urban settings the print will be displayed within all again pertaining to the brief ) In the foreground, stood up on a mound of grass, a bottle of Vesi (the use of framing to allow the product to take up quite some room of the print- allowing audiences with photographic memories to first remember what is being sold before its distinct visual selling point- more so lets the product feel ‘larger than life’, being embedded within the grass embolic of the brands naturalistic USP, the product connecting buyers back to nature; again reflective of the drinks place of origin; lakes of Finland ). In the top left corner, the silhouettes of a flock of whooper swan can be seen gliding in the distance, again ensuring that there is a running correlation between all three ads with the ‘mascot’ of the whooper swan. I wanted to further use graphics of social media platforms more so to allow viewers to easily find additional media through recognisable iconography alongside the brands @, all graphics in a simplistic white that is in keeping with the slick design (again stereotypically appealing to a much younger demographic) I more so included within regards to text for The additional info looks at sharing benefits towards product consumption ‘Vesi contains all natural electrolytes for that cool, refreshing taste!’ informing viewers that are engaged of the scientific aspects that sets the brand apart (in keeping again to requirements set in the brief) ending on an exclamation to again further exaggerate the statement. The additional information continues to link towards websites and social platforms audiences can reach Vesi on ‘to find out more-’ allows for more audience interaction and again showcases the brands consideration for its buyers. The overall use of colour and location complementing the summer release more so, with vibrant and bright colours and greenery that will encourage target audiences to go out more, Vesi being able to take them anywhere.
  • 5. The first impression audiences will get of Vesi lies in the prints visual appeal, so with this in mind i looked to utilize vibrant imagery, editing the sky a rich pink, with a golden flare beaming from Infront of the subject to emulate a sunset (symbolising a new beginning) in composition to this, I then edited the already eye catching grass to be more saturated and bright, with an ongoing lake stretched out Infront meeting the skyline (a deep blue) to truly sell this as a spectacular and impossible location. I believe the use of pastel like colours help paint the overall ad as dreamlike, an escape from the mondain and captivating with an exaggeration of naturalistic beauty. I wanted to further elevate this theme with the dreamlike setting by editing in clouds (via royalty free vectors) gliding past the model to really showcase how far high the model is, with this product, she’s reached new and enchanting heights. Speaking of which, when incorporating the model into the print, I looked to have her dressed in a more navy, dark set of clothes rather than all white to further add contrast to the folded wings sprouting from her back and to more so communicate themes of trust and stability. The wings themselves (drawn on Autosketch) I opted to have closed to build a sense of mystery and (along with the tagline) to help encourage viewers to join/ beat her to it and grow their own metaphorical wings and reach new planes with Vesi- wings symbolic of freedom and spirituality. The wings more so help reflect Finland and it’s national bird of the whooper swan which I also appended onto the print to additionally build on the naturalistic motif of the campaign- having two flocks of them sporadically scattered to reflect harmony and synergistic elements- whooper swans being symbolic of prosperity, intuition and transformation; Vesi can help you become the best you. In the foreground, I wanted to draw focus on the product itself with it sat amongst long strands of grass atop a mound of turf. I wanted to capture this ide that product is larger than life and almost framed to be closer to the audience than the model, inviting viewers to give it a go. Overall I believe the image I've created is visually appealing and evokes a sense of purity and refreshment, effectively capturing the attention of the audience whilst using surreal imagery to ensure memorability. The advertisement prominently features the ‘Vesi’ logo, which is laced strategically in both the top right corner, on the bottle itself . I aimed to create a logo that is clean, well-designed, and easily readable whilst effectively conveying the brand name and reinforcing brand recognition, which is essential for long-term brand loyalty. I utilised a blue colour pallet in both visual and written logos to sell the brand as trustworthy and inviting, blue psychologically having a calming and credible effect on recipients. The use of text (in a simplistic yet professional mono spatial bold white font) via the brand name, the tagline and the additional information running along the bottom of the print was designed and formatted to be concise, attention-grabbing, and effective in communicating the central message and ethos of the brand. The tagline being ‘ spread your wings!’ highlights the core benefit of the product, emphasizing the idea of escapism and regeneration, the text at the bottom provides additional details, such as brand’s USP of the natural electrolytes found in the product that aids in its exceptional quality. The language is clear, straightforward, and compelling, making a persuasive case for choosing ‘Vesi. ’
  • 6. In order to create an effective advertisement, my print ad looks to prompt the audience to take action, encouraging readers to call to action via presenting text in a bold and distinct font, which helps draw attention. It motivates the audience to try the product, enticing them with the promise of a refreshing experience. More over I tried to more so help hook and holding viewers attentions by including specific details on how to obtain or purchase the product with a link to the brand’s website and social media platforms along the bottom to further navigate more revenue digitally. Most importantly, it was crucial when designing the print ad to consider the target audience; In this case, the advertisement aims to target a younger, health-conscious demographic of all genders and ethnicities who value purity and quality in their choice of beverages. The imagery, text, and graphics effectively cater to this targeted age range by reflecting the average consumer via the model- helping younger audiences find it easier to relate to her as she reflects a non stereotypical and positive representation of young people today whilst in keeping towards the health conscious ideologies through emphasizing the natural source and superior quality of the water with the consistent visual and written references to Finland. Overall, my print advertisement for Vesi demonstrates several strengths; successfully capturing attention through visually appealing imagery whilst employing a concise and compelling tagline alongside additional information and a bold eye-catching title that will preserve it as a confident and honest brand . The use of graphics effectively communicates the product's quality and unique selling points through a visually distinctive style and lastly the print obtains the air of calling to action by encourages readers to try the product through a sense of urgency from exclamation in text.
  • 8. Shot #1: LS of a group of young adults hanging out at a cosy lake house dock/ SFX:(diegetic) splashing of water, birds tweeting, laughter (non-diegetic) sampled song: Freedom by Jurassic 5 (faint)/ Transition: straight cut (in/out) Shot #2: MCU of our main subject looking out onto the lake *unfulfilled* whilst others begin pushing each other and jumping into the lake / SFX:(diegetic) splashing of water, laughter/ shrieks (non-diegetic) sampled song: Freedom by Jurassic 5 (faint)/ Transition: straight cut (in/out) Shot #3: MCU of subject reaching for a fresh bottle of Vesi from the groups cool box / SFX:(diegetic) splashing of water, birds tweeting, laughter (non-diegetic) exaggerated ice cubes shuffling, sampled song: Freedom by Jurassic 5 (faint)/ Transition: straight cut (in/out) Shot #4: CU on subject intensely drinking from the bottle / SFX:(diegetic) splashing of water, birds tweeting, laughter (non-diegetic) exaggerated glugging, sampled song: Freedom by Jurassic 5 (faint)/ Transition: straight cut (in/out) Shot #5: MCU on subject looking content down at the empty bottle, a friend creeping up on him to push him into the lake / SFX:(diegetic) dialogue: Main subject “woah-“as pushed, splashing of water, birds tweeting, laughter (non- diegetic) sampled song: Freedom by Jurassic 5 (faint) / Transition: straight cut (in/out) Shot #6: CU on bottle bouncing off and then landing (rather than floating) onto the lakes surface/ SFX:(diegetic) splashing of water, birds tweeting, (non-diegetic) record scratch/ Transition: straight cut (in/out)
  • 9. Shot #7: MLS on subject sat having landed on the lakes surface, his friends floating beneath *all in shock* / SFX:(diegetic), birds tweeting, subtle waves rolling / Transition: straight cut (in/out) Shot #8: ECU on subject lifting himself up to his feet / SFX:(non- diegetic) Freedom by Jurassic 5 fading into full volume / Transition: straight cut (in/out) Shot #9: MLS subject running across the lakes surface, his friends swimming alongside him *all smiling* / SFX:(diegetic), slight laughter from all (non-diegetic) Freedom by Jurassic 5 (full volume) / Transition: straight cut (in/out) Shot #10: CU on subject grinning ecstatically / SFX:(non- diegetic) / Freedom by Jurassic 5 (full volume)/ Transition: straight cut (in/out) Shot #11: CU on subject’s feet lifting of the water/ SFX: (non-diegetic) Freedom by Jurassic 5 slowing down (full volume)/ transition: straight cut (in/out)/ Edit in post: (slow-motion) Shot #12: MLS on whooper swan (posing as our subject) emerging from the water/ SFX: (diegetic) water crashing, birds tweeting / transition: straight cut (in/out)/ Edit in post: (slow-motion)
  • 10. Shot #13: LS on a flock of whooper swans flying off towards a golden sunset SFX:(non-diegetic) wings flapping, sampled song: Freedom by Jurassic 5 (full volume to a slow fade out), V.O; women’s voice “Vesi. Spread your wings / Transition: straight cut (in/out)/ Editing in post: swans in shot, graphic fading in (Vesi’s logo) text (white bold font) fading in (tagline; spread your wings.) when evaluating how well my storyboard meets the brief, I believe I successfully used elements of the required points stated in the brief to successfully develop the audio/visual ad; by following a group of young adults, I'm again reflecting and enticing through said reflection the target demographic, having it made up of both men and women of ranging cultural backgrounds (to ensure there was a clear and positive diverse representation) and setting it in a naturalistic location e.g. they are playfully hanging out on and around a small wooden dock above a wide lake (showcasing Finland’s secluded woodlands to further represent the country and brands naturalistic charm) and overall using dreamlike and fantasy lines of appeal to creatively communicate the brands health benefits; having the subject who drinks the product sitting on top of the lakes surface: the product defying reality and showing remarkable and impossible effects embellishing the idea that Vesi can aid in giving buyers complete and utter control of the world around them- his friends following him reflecting qualities of leadership and excitement that is brought with the drink. Using whooper swans again to reflect the brands ethos further exaggerated by a cascade of water splashing over said swans in the shots that they occur in to emphasize the power of the product, ending the ad of a long shot of the flock flying across a vast plane of water (extending on the already wide lake to further install ideas of the product widening your horizons), into the sunset once again implementing running themes to not only reflect the home of Vesi but to help distinguish the campaign from competitors. The use of music too helping attracting (stereotypically) a younger target audience with the us of Jurassic 5’s Freedom that has a modern lo-fi hip hop type of beat that can be marketed toward a younger demographic (requested in the brief).
  • 11. When evaluating on my Audio and Visual storyboard, I believe that it meets having a successfully clear and cohesive storytelling flow whilst effectively presenting the sequence of scenes in a creative and coherent manner. I aimed to have a narratively simplistic advert that relied more on visuals and sound to engage viewers with surreal and fantastical concepts, by doing this I think like previously with the print Ad I was able to capture a more spectacular visual Appeal: The visual elements of a storyboard playing a vital role in capturing attention and conveying the message effectively, my storyboard utilizes visually striking scenes to portray contrasting images of thirst and refreshment such as the contrast between the dissatisfied subject sitting on the edge of the dock at the beginning of the storyboard and the swan emerging from the crashing water at the end of the sequence, water cascading down its feathers and beak- he has not only on went a metaphorical transformation but a physical one. The use of vibrant colours and attention to detail enhances the visual within the second to last shot help appeal in making the storyboard visually engaging. When uses Auto sketch to further expand upon and develop my initial ideas, I made it an absolute priority to produce shits with as much detail as possible without overcomplicating the design and story telling of the sequence. Likewise I hope to have created characters in my storyboard that are relatable towards the target demographic (of young teens to young adults) and successful in conveying an array emotions and experiences e.g. my storyboard features a relatable protagonist who represents the target audience, bored, unfulfilled waiting for something to jump out at him, and if not through him, I've tried to also involve a number of bubbly and ecstatic personalities that are distinguishable and allow audiences to relate or see a bit of themselves of screen’ playing water themed games/sports. Pushing one another into the lake, screaming and laughing . The initial scene portrays the character's thirst and fatigue convincingly, allowing the audience to empathize with their situation. As the storyboard progresses, the character's transformation and the expression of revitalization once he’s not only drunk the product but is running across the surface of the lake, effectively conveys the positive and life altering impact of Vesi water.
  • 12. The contrast between the initial scene of unfulfillment and exhaustion and the subsequent scenes of drinking Vesi water and experiencing revitalization effectively conveys the central message. The transformation of the character serves as a powerful visual representation of the product's benefits, the overall Impact being capturing the attention of engaging the audience, whilst perfectly communicating the product's value proposition. The storytelling flow, visual appeal, relatable characters, and clear message contribute to the overall impact of the storyboard. It creates a sense of anticipation and intrigue, leaving the audience with a desire to experience the refreshing effects of Vesi water. I believe overall my storyboard demonstrates several strengths in its execution; effectively telling a visual story that progresses logically and engages the audience whilst obtaining a visual appeal, relatable characters, and clear message that contributes to its impact. The storyboard, overall effectively communicating the product's value proposition of thirst relief and rejuvenation in a dreamlike and surreal way that sells the product as something viewers have never seen before. the Vesi storyboard shows promise in captivating the target audience and generating interest in the product.
  • 14.
  • 15. When evaluating the audio Ad, I feel confident I saying I reflected requirements set in the brief to a successful and effective standard, by reflecting the ideas of health and escapism that the drink offers. The ad opens, a backing of 93 ‘til infinity-LP Instrumental (a hip and energy driven instrumental that not only fits Vesi’s ethos but more so helps appeal to a younger demographic- stereotypically more involved with hip-hop/ rap music) with a busy beach (in keeping with the summer release briefed by the client), the setting conveying the overwhelming side of summer at the beachside via loud and irritating sound cues- children crying, shouting adults, screaming seagulls to sell the environment as an exhausting experience that listeners have been forced into, having a smooth transition from a baby coughing into the lid opening, all sounds dissipate ( helping to transport the drinker into a completely different world of serenity). the narrator being a mature woman ( again follows what was prescribed in the brief as it helps stay inclusive and ensures a more diverse representation) formally trying to empathize with viewers (use of language should be friendly but formal to keep a level of professionalism as well as showcase the brands aim to help people). The ad ends on a sign off from the narrator ‘Vesi, do summer your way’. (When recording there will be an emphasis on ‘your’ to really call buyers to action and again showcase the drinks audience consideration- this product was made just for the buyer
  • 16. Finally, when evaluating my Audio, Radio Advert, I wanted to analysis attention-grabbing elements scattered throughout the Introduction to the closing In order to call it a successful adaptation. My advertisement employs a upbeat backtrack in the form of 93 ‘til infinity-LP Instrumental (a hip and energy driven instrumental that not only fits Vesi’s ethos but more so helps appeal to the briefed younger target demographic- stereotypically more involved with hip-hop/ rap music) accompanied by a hustling, bustling British beach with screaming children, shrieking gulls and shouting adults to overall encapsulate and position listeners to feel overwhelmed with sound . I'm trying to manipulate audiences to associating British beaches with not only heat, but a great feeling of chaos and entrapment that puts them into a position that they can't wait to escape. As an almost other- worldly help, that builds up a connection to listeners by laying out this possible senior bare, ‘All getting to much?’ sympathetic of the now stuck audience.. The combination of these sounds complied together effectively grabs the listener's attention and establishes a negative and overwhelming tone that will be contrasted greatly by the end of the add with the arrival of Vesi. At the mid way point, the narrator empathetically shares that all this summer rush makes you almost want to-’ before cutting to an audio cue of a screaming baby (added for comedic effect) whilst again adding to the chaotic and sensory overload of the listeners. However, the cry begins to break off into small coughs which transition us into the sound effect of a bottle lid being open and someone gulping down some water (all other sounds including the back track- momentarily dissipate) before the sound of wildlife slowly emerges, transporting listens to a serene and calm location and we begin to feel at piece. The music starts back up to show that the upbeat and activity- based side of summer are still present, just without all that excess noise and the ad concludes on a final voice over from the narrator saying ‘Vesi, do summer your way’. I believe my ad has a Clear and Concise Message: although the limited time to convey restricts what I can say in my message, I believe the overall ad still comes of with a clarity and conciseness that will help sell the drink easily and effectively to listeners. Furthermore, the advertisement communicates its message efficiently by highlighting the key benefits of the water product. It emphasizes phrases such as “summer heat," and “your way,“ help paint the product as a item that can take you anywhere whilst putting you in control of the world around you. Branding While visual elements are absent in radio advertisements, branding and contact information are still important. The advertisement incorporates the brand name ‘Vesi’ used to sign of the ad (one of the last things audiences will hear- will stick with them) throughout the script, ensuring brand recognition by sound cues like honking from swans within the bird tweets to act as a consist theme within the campaign- reflecting Vesi's home of origin. Although, I feel I've failed to provide clear contact information, such as a website or phone number, where listeners can learn more about or purchase the product rather than focusing on the simple yet intriguing narrative of the ad, its short runtime enables interested listeners to take immediate action.
  • 17. By using a engaging and Relatable Voiceover I hope to easily capture the listeners' attention and conveying the message effectively. The advertisement features a professional voiceover who speaks clearly, enunciates well, and conveys a sense of enthusiasm towards the product. The voiceover's tone aligns with the refreshing and invigorating nature of the product, helping to engage the audience and generate interest further inviting a call to Action: I believe my advertisement does this through the last prompt to “do summer your way" as it now holds listeners in a position of power that other competitors may not promise them. In conclusion my radio advertisement demonstrates several strengths in its execution to ensure costumer gain as It effectively captures attention with a catchy and hip use of music that will appeal to the target demographic and sound effects that help convey a clear and concise message about the product's benefits, includes branding for easy identification (via swan motif). The engaging voiceover and compelling call to action contribute to its effectiveness, overall, working to communicating the product's attributes, and prompting listeners to take action to experience the refreshing benefits of Vesi water.