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Utopia Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Utopia" presents a unique set of challenges that requires a
delicate balance between imagination and critical analysis. The concept of utopia, by its very
nature, is elusive and subjective. It demands a deep exploration of idealized societies and the
intricate interplay of various elements such as politics, economics, social structures, and human
One of the difficulties lies in defining what utopia means to different individuals, as perspectives
can vary widely. Attempting to capture the essence of a perfect society requires navigating
through a myriad of philosophical, historical, and cultural perspectives. It's a delicate dance
between envisioning a harmonious existence and acknowledging the complexities inherent in
human societies.
Moreover, delving into utopian literature, philosophy, and historical attempts at creating utopian
societies adds layers of complexity to the essay. Analyzing the works of visionaries like Thomas
More, Plato, and others, while considering real-world experiments, demands a nuanced
understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of utopia.
The challenge is not just in presenting a utopian vision but also in critically evaluating its
feasibility. Real-world limitations and the potential for unintended consequences must be
considered. Striking a balance between idealism and pragmatism is a tightrope walk that
demands careful consideration of various perspectives.
Furthermore, addressing the ever-evolving nature of utopian thought poses a challenge. What
might have been considered utopian in one era may be viewed differently in another. The essay
must navigate the shifting sands of societal values, technological advancements, and global
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Utopia" is no simple task. It demands a comprehensive
understanding of literature, philosophy, history, and sociology, coupled with the ability to
navigate the complexities of human nature and societal structures. Striking a balance between
imaginative vision and critical analysis is the key to crafting a compelling exploration of utopian
If you find yourself grappling with such a task, it's worth noting that assistance is available.
Similar essays and more can be ordered on, where professional writers can
provide support tailored to your specific needs.
Utopia Essays Utopia Essays
How To Read The Book The Shining By Stephen King
Recently during this last summer, I have determined to read the book The Shining
by Stephen King. The reason that I chose this book is that this book was meant to
be a backup book for another book, Peregrine by John Alec Baker. However, I was
incapable of finishing that book because I couldn t be engaged the premise of the
book nor its intricate details of bird observation. On the other hand, The Shining was
more feasible to enter, as I was already familiar with the book. With that said, The
Shining was a pleasure to read. It has a simple organization as described in the
following: the beginning contains the exposition, the middle introduces the main
setting, and the ending concludes with the characters departure. The flow and
How Diabetes Affects The Functioning Of The Heart,...
It is a well known fact that diabetes can affect the functioning of the heart, kidneys,
eyes and nerves but few people realize that diabetes can also lead to dental
problems especially in those who are past 45 years of age. In many cases dental
problems in diabetics can lead to loss of teeth. This situation can be prevented to a
great extent by becoming aware of the various dental problems caused by diabetes
and taking timely preventive steps to avoid them. The main causes of dental
problems are lack of proper dental hygiene and heredity. Diabetes only increases the
risk of periodontal diseases and aggravates the effects of these causative factors. The
problem with diabetics is that their bodies do not process sugar adequately resulting...
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It can be done by following the glycemic index diligently. This is very important
because studies have shown that people with poor control over their blood sugar
levels suffer from gum disease more easily and frequently and they are likely to lose
more teeth than people with good control over their blood sugar levels. Even children
with insulin dependent diabetes are more at risk from gum problems. Therefore the
best defense against periodontal disease is good diabetic control. In view of increased
risk of dental problems people suffering from diabetes should also avoid situations
that increase the risk even further like smoking and alcohol consumption. Dental and
oral hygiene like regular brushing, flossing and regular visits to the dentist are a must.
How to get the right dental aid products. When it comes to dental whitening
products (and many other things), people often make the mistake of assuming that
simply because it s natural or derived from an organic source that it is somehow
safe. Salicylate a natural plant based hormone derived from white willow and
meadowsweet has been used for centuries for its anti septic and fever reducing
properties, but it can be harmful in large doses, and even fatal to those who are
allergic to it. Dental products such as salicylate free toothpaste and dental whitening
products are safer and more appropriate to such
Terrace House Fire Essay
Following the tragic event of the great fire of London in 1666, the legislation
regarding new buildings in the metropolis became stricter and several laws and
measures addressed fire prevention issues. Many of these guidelines were changed
several times over the years following various building acts. Apart from the obvious
benefits on fire protection, the legislation formed to a large extent the streetscapes
and vistas in the neighbourhoods of the capital and other cities in the 18th and 19th
centuries onwards. Building acts and by laws did not just deal with structural
issues; on the contrary they were often mostly focused on health and sanitation
issues that were vital in the Victorian period. Ensuring more available free spaces,
decent living conditions, constructions of good quality, ventilation and natural
lighting were very significant issues that were not considered as given at the time.
Features that appear to be typical for terrace houses came as a result of different
chapters in building acts and also appear for the two case studies we will be
examining in the next chapters. In order to describe just a few main defining
characteristics and details... Show more content on ...
Dividing walls between neighbouring properties, along with their obvious
separating function, provided a fire protection panel preventing potential
spreading of the flames in fire emergencies. Specific details are described for the
party walls; in the building act of 1894, the height of the parapets above the roof is
specified to be minimum 15 measured at right angles to the slope, a guideline
which would remain valid until 1914. Avoiding continuous timber roof structures
was a key issue and can be identified also in earlier Acts and By Laws, while the party
wall should corbel out when eaves project from the face of the building to the full
extent of
Essay Personality Theories
Personality Theories
Table of Contents
Humanistic strengths and weakness
Psychodynamic strengths and weakness
Some similarities of both
Web Resources
Freud Biography
Sigmund Freud was born May 6, 1856, in a small town Freiberg in Moravia. His
father was a wool merchant with a keen mind and a good sense of humor. His
mother was a lively woman, her husband s second wife and 20 years younger. She
was 21 years old when she gave birth to her first son, her darling, Sigmund. Sigmund
had two older half brothers and six younger siblings. When he was four or five he
wasn t sure the family moved to Vienna, where he lived most of his life.
A brilliant child, always at ... Show more content on ...
Not long afterward, he died of the cancer of the mouth and jaw that he had suffered
from for the last 20 years of his life
Carl Gustav Jung was born July 26, 1875, in the small Swiss village of Kessewil.
His father was Paul Jung, a country parson, and his mother was Emilie Preiswerk
Jung. He was surrounded by a fairly well educated extended family, including quite
a few clergymen and some eccentrics as well. The elder Jung started Carl on Latin
when he was six years old, beginning a long interest in language and literature
especially ancient literature. Besides most modern western European languages,
Jung could read several ancient ones, including Sanskrit, the language of the
original Hindu holy books. Carl was a rather solitary adolescent, who didn t care
much for school, and especially couldn t take competition. He went to boarding
school in Basel, Switzerland, where he found himself the object of a lot of jealous
harassment. He began to use sickness as an excuse, developing an embarrassing
tendency to faint under pressure. Although his first career choice was archeology, he
went on to study medicine at the University of Basel. While working under the
famous neurologist Krafft Ebing, he settled on psychiatry as his career. After
graduating, he took a position at the Burghoeltzli Mental Hospital in Zurich under
Eugene Bleuler, an expert on (and the namer of) schizophrenia. In 1903, he married
Emma Rauschenbach.
Self Exposure Therapy
Self regulation of care; refers to maintaining attention in the immediate experience
without seeking control. It is necessary to cultivate the following skills:
Sustained Attention: maintain a waking state for extended periods of time.
Attentional change: bring attention to the breath when you recognize the thoughts,
feelings or sensations (flexibility of attention). (Bishop (2004) Do not elaborate
thoughts, feelings, and feelings as they arise. It is not a question of suppressing them,
but if not fully capturing the attention to avoid thinking. The activity of self
regulation of care has the capacity to expand the limits of one s attention. Beginner s
mind refers to the direct observation, purged of beliefs, of various objects.
The radical acceptance component, which Bishop includes in the orientation to
experience, is probably the most essential component of the experience of
mindfulness to the client at a therapeutic level. This radical acceptance recalls, with
all possible nuances, Ellis s distinction in his REBT (Rational Emotive Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy) between primary and secondary problems. For Ellis, secondary
problems are products of non acceptance of primary problems, being essential to
address these secondary problems before the primary. (Ellis A. (1980). Germer...
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Is one of the most useful intervention procedures in CBT in mindfulness, one works
to contemplate the sensations, thoughts, emotions as they are, without trying to
control them or change them (interceptive exhibition in imagination and in vivo to
the internal events giving place to the emotional reprocessing of the aversive
contents). The Kabat Zinn (1990) program of stress reduction based on conscience
directs attention to various body areas. Segal believes that exposing depressive
patients to the contents of their thoughts can help free them from fear of their
emotional states and become aware of their transience. (Goldin, P. R., Gross, J. J.
Steven Soderbergh Research Paper
Steven Soderbergh is a famous director that began his career at age 26 with the
film Sex, Lies, and Videotapes. Soderbergh received many awards including one of
cinema s highest accolades in The Legend of the Palme d Or at the Cannes Film
Festival, the Independent Spirit Award for Best Director, and an Oscar nomination
for Best Original Screenplay. (Interview: Steven Soderbergh...). Soderbergh father
had a great influence on his life at a young age and helped him begin taking animation
classes at the age of fifteen. Soderbergh had a unique filming making style and went
against the norm of filmmaking. Steven Soderbergh was born January 26, 1963 in
Atlanta, Georgia, and was the second of six children. Steven was blessed with great
parents until... Show more content on ...
Just to list a few unique characteristics, Soderbergh films are telling the same story
from three different perspectives, filming without scripts or professional actors,
casting active porn star and female MMA fighter in lead role, and hiding a drama
about depression inside a male stripper thriller (Sharf). In 2011, Soderbergh stepped
out of the film making spotlight and began other creative pursuits. Soderbergh turned
down all film making offers and began photograph and painting. Soderbergh has left
an impressive legacy on the film making industry and his major films like Oceans,
Traffic, etc. will be reminded for generations to
Arian Controversy Analysis
In the 4th and 5th centuries, the early church was going through change. After a
period of persecution against Christians, the Edict of Milan established a policy for
the toleration of Christianity under Constantine. Constantine was the first Roman
emperor to embrace Christianity and he himself became a Christian. The Ecumenical
Councils were encouraged by Constantine. The gatherings included church leaders
and others who met to affirm the teachings of the church and to tackle heresy. The
topic of controversy was over the relationship between the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit.
The Arian controversy caused Constantine to call for the Council of Nicaea, which
was the first of the Ecumenical Councils. Arias denied the deity of Jesus. He
believed that Jesus was subordinate to God the Father and that the Holy Spirit was
subordinate to Jesus. Arias believed that the Father was God, but Jesus and the
Holy Spirit were not. Instead, he believed that Jesus was a creature who had a
beginning, while God was eternal and had no beginning. He did not believe that
Jesus was of the same substance [homoousios] of the Father. Athanasius stood up at
the Council of Nicaea and opposed the beliefs of ... Show more content on ...
I believe that the Nicene Creed is supported by Scripture. John 1:14 says, The Word
[Logos] became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the
glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
And 1 John 5:7 8 says, For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the
blood; and the three are in agreement. I find it encouraging that leaders of the 4th and
5th century church helped define and defended the Trinity doctrine from heresy. It is
important that contemporary Christians learn about the Nicene Creed because it is
part of the history that brought us [the invisible church] to where we are,
The H.L. Hunley- First Submarine to Sink an Enemy Ship
The H.L. Hunley started out with two men named James McClintock, who built
gauges for steam operated equipment, and Horace Lawson Hunley, an owner of a
large plantation who worked as a lawyer and a customs officer in New Orleans.
Horace got mad at the Union because of the blockade. He was not able to ship or
sell his sugar and cotton. He became so mad that he became captain of a blockade
runner, a ship that moved supplies by moving silently through the blockade at night.
Horace wanted to build a submarinethat would destroy the large barges that formed
the blockade using a torpedo attached to the submarine that would destroy something
right on target. He and McClintock teamed up in Mobile, Alabama and started
working on submarines.... Show more content on ...
Four out of the nine who were on the Hunley escaped. Three of them were Charles
Hasker, Charles Sprague, and John Payne. The other five were not as fortunate.
They quickly found the Hunley, removed it from the bottom of the ocean, buried
the five bodies, cleaned it up, and sent it back to work. The second crew included
Horace Hunley and Charles Sprague. On October 15th, 1863 the crew set out for
some test runs around a friendly ship, the Indian Chief. The first test run was
successful, but on the second one something immediately looked wrong. As soon
as the Hunley sank, air bubbles arose. This time there were no survivors. Less than
two months after sinking, the Hunley had gone down again. The third and final
crew on the Hunley set out on February 17th, 1864. Their mission was to sink the
USS Housatonic, and they succeeded. After a few moments everyone realized that
the Hunley would not be coming back to the port. No one knows why it sunk for
the third time. Many people thought that after all, even if the Hunley and its crew
were found, they couldn t talk. Everyone started searching for the submarine, but
nothing was found until May 3rd, 1995 when three scuba divers were looking
around on the ocean floor. Harry Pecorelli, Wes Hall, and Ralph Wilbanks had set
out one day to explore the ocean in the last area that the Hunley was seen. When
Pecorelli was twenty seven feet below the surface, he started probing
Analysis Of Mother Courage And Her Children
The norm refers to a state in which affairs are standard, typical, usual, expected and
unexceptional among others. In his book, the Steppenwolf, Hermann Hesse explores
some of the issues relating to deviation from the norm like how an individual is
affected. In addition, the play Mother Courage and her Children also presents various
matters relating to the norm, its significance, and how the environment is altered in
case of a deviation. Furthermore, Bertolt Brechtvividly examines how an individual
has a difficult time to adapt to the changes in the norm naturally. The paper will talk
abiut the significance of the norms in these two masterpieces, the effects of what is
considered normal to the characters, and what they lose or gain when they stray from
the norm.
Hermann Hesse uses Harry Haller as an example of a person who has an
intrapersonal conflict due to dissatisfaction with the normal life. He shows that
leading and conforming to normalcy proves hard for some people. We are taken
through the Steppenwolf treatise that records a man s multifaceted soul, which
Haller fails to understand (Hesse 15). He is encircled in a struggle that cannot be
solved and he is not satisfied with being either right or wrong. This fixed, the firm,
false and personally developed concept makes him blind to the other world that is
considered normal. He says How foolish it is to wear oneself out in vain longing for
warmth! Solitude is independence. (Hesse 33) to mean, there is comfort in
Frances Glessner Lee Research Paper
Frances Glessner Lee is the Godmother of Forensic Science . Even today, Lee has
changed the way we view crime scenes, the way we view women in the forensic
science field, and provided crucial information to solving a murder with her
Nutshell project. Lee is responsible for refining the field of forensic sciences. She
is well respected and admired even today. Lee is the creator of The Nutshell Studies
of Unexplained Death. . She build hand crafted, detailed models of murder scenes
right down to the printing on tiny books, the cracks in the walls, and water stained
floorboards under the sink. Lee created The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death
collection of meticulously crafted dioramas, each one fulled with homicide, suicide,
or accidental death. She originally created the studies to help her... Show more content
on ...
Detectives and other crime solvers had been invited to a conference, where she
showed off the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death . During 1936, Harvard was
passively graduating medical examiners whenever the in cling arose. Because of
this, homicides were going unanswered, as the law did not understand how to
correctly handle these types of situations. Frances then created the Harvard
Seminars in Homicide Investigation specifically tailored to the learning of medical
examination. She planned the week long events and managed the learning skills and
techniques, with the help of Harvard and deep research in forensics. The first HAPS
seminar was held in 1945. Guests were invited from around the country and spent a
full, long week learning about crime scene investigation. She invited specialists to
attend and lecture. This included identifying victims, interrogation techniques, time
of death, and many more. Usually about thirty policemen of all ranks and skill level
would be invited to watch the seminars. Every person who was able to graduate
became a member to be a part of
Collaborative Learning Essay
Related Literature. According to Dr.Banerjee (2015) students gives more ideas about
the task assigned to them in collaborative learning process. Each students has a very
important role in having a collaborative work. Learning is what students do and not
what they get as passive receivers. The teachers are the facilitators of the students and
not the giver of knowledge. Through this process the students learn not by being fed
the information, but rather giving their own insights on a certain topic as well as the
insight of others. One of the benefits of Collaborative Learningis the vast difference
of skills between all members. This would mean that diversity is an eminent part of
Collaborative Learning with each member having specific... Show more content on ...
In most collaborative learning situations students are working in groups of two or
more, mutually searching for understanding, solutions, or meanings, or creating a
product. Based on what Barkley have stated, we can initially have an idea that it is
better to work in groups. Working with other individuals gives someone a better
connection with the world and through it, a problem can be solved easier and way
too fast.
Related Studies. Gokhale, Anuradha A. (1995) conducted a study about
Collaborative Learning Enhances Critical Thinking, The idea of Collaborative
learning in, the gathering and blending of Students with the end goal of
accomplishing a scholastic objective, has been generally inquired about and pushed
all through the expert writing. The expression Collaborative learning refers to a
guideline technique in which Students at different execution levels cooperate in little
groupings toward a shared objective. The students are in charge of each other s
learning and also on their own. Along these lines, the achievement of one Student
causes different Students to be
Joining Cross Country In High School
Imagine this, you are standing at the starting line. You turn your head to first your
left, then your right. You see the people you will be sharing the course with the next
3.1 miles. You take a deep breath and continue to move your legs around. The man
with the gun comes onto the course standing in front of all of the runners and
explains what to do and the rules. You get into position, take another deep breath,
then BAM! The gun goes off and everyone runs away.
I did not know that I could push myself so hard and come far enough to drop over a
minute of time from freshman year for my 5k time. Joining cross country in high
school was quite scary for me. I did not know many people, other than the two girls
who were over ten minutes faster than
Design, Development And Analysis Of Composite Mono
Design, Development and Analysis of Composite Mono Leaf Spring: A Review
Introduction: In order to conserve natural resources and economize energy, weight
reduction has been the main focus of automobile manufacturers. Weight reduction
can be achieved primarily by the introduction of better material, design
optimization and better manufacturing processes. The achievement of weight
reduction with adequate improvement of mechanical properties has made
composite a very good replacement material for conventional steel. A composite is
composed of a high performance fibers such as carbon, Kevlar, graphite or glass in
a matrix material that when combined provides better properties compared with the
individual materials by themselves. The composite materials are used in structural
application areas, such as in aircraft, space, automotive, for sporting goods, and
marine engineering. The various type of glass fibers available are Carbon fiber, C
glass, S glass and E glass. However, carbon epoxy material is better than other
fibers but because of its high cost, it has limited applications. Favorable relation
between cost and properties of a material can be obtained with E glass fiber/epoxy.
The major step of composite in automotive business is extension of use in to truly
structural application such as primary body structure and to chassis and suspension
system. These are the area which has to sustain all major road load
Land Cover Segregation Of Coastal Area Using K Means...
Land Cover Segregation of Coastal Area using K Means Algorithm Manjari Saha
Computer Science and Engg. Dept., Govt. College of Engineering and Textile
Technology, Serampore, Hooghly, West Bengal, PIN 712201. India. E Mail: Abstract Coastal areas provide livelihood facilities to many
and also offer vast recreational and economic activities, and yet, at the same time,
such eco regions require to be managed with special emphasis and consideration of
its natural and cultural resources. Land cover classification of such diverse sea
land regions requires a high level of effort and plays a vital role for the analysis of
time based or event based change on certain areas. For effective utilization of remote
sensed images obtained from Earth orbiting satellites, a lot of image classification
methods are available in literature. In this paper, we use the method of unsupervised
classification for the users convenience and flexibility, low computational
requirements and moderate classification accuracy. The objectives of the paper is to
classify the land cover by mapping the region into W S V (Water, Soil, Vegetation)
components using the unsupervised K means algorithm, to obtain land use/cover
gray scale image combining the W S V components and thereby finally deriving the
related performance metrics such as histogram and land cover correlation. Keywords
Clustering, Coastal area, Correlation, Histogram, Image segmentation, K Means,
Land Cover/Use
Employee Benefits Programs And Pay Structure
Employee Benefits Program and Pay Structure
Basic Salary The pay structure of the District Sales Leader (DSL) at Nestle has
traditionally been between $67,000 and $70,000 (Glassdoor, 2016). This salary range
is quite competitive in the industry, and it does not include the potential cash
bonuses, profit sharing, stock bonuses, commission sharing and other tips associated
with the profession. Compensation for the DSL will be a function of the market
conditions, and equity will be highly considered. This paper highlights an employee
benefit program and pay structure of a DSL at Nestle.
Basic Direct Benefits
Health and Dental Private health care services are restricted for many people by the
high cost, which compels organizations to look into helping their employees to
access the services alongside their insurers. Nestle will provide specific health
benefits for the DSL as highlighted hereafter:
Accommodation in private rooms in hospitals in excess of the standard
accommodation charges (Mattke et al., 2013).
Emergency health care services for the DSL when working outside the country.
All prescription drugs, vaccines, and any required medication.
Private nursing care if required.
Any appliances required by the DSL during the provision of medication, such as
wheel chairs.
Ambulance services during emergencies.
Dental checkups and treatment that do not need hospitalization of the DSL.
Professional services required by the DSL, including psychiatric, speech
Detlor Paralegal Business Plan
Detlor Paralegal Services will be a sole proprietorship, owned and operated by
William Detlor, a licensed paralegal. The business will have three main areas of
practice in the early stages of business. These areas are the Landlord Tenant Board,
the Small Claims Court and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, as well as
process serving for all three areas of practice. Detlor Paralegal Services will serve the
areas of Kingston, Belleville, Prince Edward County, Napanee, and surrounding
rural areas. Detlor Paralegal Services will provide legal services exclusively to
landlords in Landlord Tenant Board matters. The business will offer a wide range of
services from basic assistance such as filling out forms, writing demand letters,...
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Our operating hours will be from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday.
By having long hours and being open on Saturdays, this business will be accessible
to everyone, even those who work long hours themselves. Appointments will also
be available for Sundays. Because Detlor Paralegal Services will be serving a large
area, I will travel to clients homes or meet them at local conference rooms or other
professional settings. Detlor Paralegal Services will do what it takes to be
accessible to clients without them having to incur extra costs. Detlor Paralegal
Services will always put clients needs first and obey the Paralegal Rules of
Conduct. The business will never skimp on quality when it comes to work and will
advocate for clients as effectively as possible. Client satisfaction will also be of high
importance, and if a client is unsatisfied, the business will always do what it takes to
satisfy them as much as
Guernica In Picasso And The Life Of Pablo Picasso
In the midst of political disparity in Spain between Nationalists and the Spanish
Republic there was a great act of terror. In a time when no combat had been seen
since that first world war, an act of unprovoked horror rained upon the small town of
Guernica in northern Spain. The act of intimidation was taking with disgust in the
eye of Picasso, which enacted his artistic statement. Guernica in Picasso s artistic life
represented his sentiments on terror and his people. Pablo Picassowas born a
Spaniard in the city of Malaga in 1881 to a professor of drawing, Jose Ruiz and
Maria Picasso. Pablo was naturally artistically talented and by the age of thirteen
he had surpassed the abilities of his father. By sixteen he had made a name for
himself after being awarded an honorable mention in a Fine Arts Exhibition in
Madrid. In the following years, Picasso suffered from the loss of close friend,
Carlos Casagemas, which strongly impacted his work. Marilyn McCully, a
biographical author, claimed that the death of Casagemas gave Picasso, the
emotional experience and the material that would stimulate the powerful
expressiveness of the works of the so called Blue Period (1). Picasso s Blue Period
is noted for its blue color and its characteristic expressive nature. In the works of
Picasso s Blue Period there is a common theme of strong emotional sorrow and
reflection which is relative to the artistic impact described by McCully. After moving
permanently to Paris, Picasso found new
Mursi Culture Essay
The Mursi people of Ethiopia are a traditional group of individuals that have been
isolated by the Omo Valley in Southern Ethiopia near the Sudan. They make up a
decent sized population of about 10,000 which is approximately the same as
taking the entire population of Pella, Iowa. According to, the Mursi are
amongst one of three tribes in Africa who still perform lip plating body
modification. It interested me that the women of the tribe have this responsibility
because of the information we read in class about women not having the power to
make decisions. I think this is a form of power to be able to do this task. This is
done with pottery or wooden disks/plates. The process is done to girls by their
mothers or another womanin... Show more content on ...
I believe that body modification is a form of art, a beautiful one at that. I have a
few tattoos which I feel express myself and create a beautiful art form that creates
an emotional power. Tattoos are also a form of body modification therefore, lip
plating is a form of art used to express one s self. Not only is the act of lip plating
art but also the designs on the wooden or clay plates is art. They have detailed
design with paint or carvings that are similar to snowflakes in the way that no two
are identical, emphasizing the uniqueness of the art and the person. Each woman s
lip plate is designed differently dependent upon who she is as a woman.
Traditionally women in Africa do not have very many ways to express their selves
so they get a chance through the art. The women decided what to incorporate on their
plate and it grows with them so as they change as a person they have the option to
modify their
Essay about The Tragic Hero in Death and the King’s
TOPIC: Who is , Elesin Oba or Olunde? Please give reasons for your answer in a
carefully written essay. Please use Being, the Will, and the Semantics of Death by
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (Criticism 155 164) and Tragedy, Mimicry, and the African
World by Olakunle George (Criticism 207 222) in your essay. The Real Tragic Hero
Of The Nation
The drama Death and the King s Horseman written by Wole Soyinka tells a story
that relates to the burial of the dead king of the Oyo, which is held by the ancient
Yoruba in Africa. According to the tradition of the Yoruba, after thirty day of the king
s death, his horseman Elesin must commit suicide in the rite in order to accompany
the king passing through the holy passage towards ... Show more content on ...
That is the most contrasting concept under a common society. For some degree, it is
reliable that this colonial factor is catalytic merely, but leading to the final conclusion,
it is an indispensable element which embodies the spirit of resisting of Yoruba
through their metaphysics against the ideology control from the western. The
traditional Yoruba people believe in their own collective culture and fight against the
conflict western perception unswervingly. Accounted for this, Elesin s fail becomes
more unacceptable for the sake of the racial conscious, in other words, it is a kind of
betraying of the public towards his fail and hesitation. This insults in his miserable
condition ultimately to be humiliated and despised by the public.
On the other hand, the main part of Elesin s tragic fate originates from his own
flaws. Elesin is just an ordinary person who has the pursuit of various things such
as food and wine, dance and women. However, everyone believes that Elesin is the
hero born with his mission to lead them peace and also with no selfish motives.
When he is in the market with women and Praise singer, he indicates that the others
compare his eyes into a hawk in perpetual hunger. Split an iroko tree in two, hide a
woman s beauty in its heartwood and seal it up again Elesin, journeying by, would
make his camp beside that tree of all the shades in the forest. (14) This is a vivid
description of Elesin s desire of the living world. Even in the farewell, he
Sherman s March To The Sea Analysis
Sherman s March to the sea likewise called the Savannah Crusade was embraced by
General William Tecumseh Sherman between November 12, 1864, and December
22, 1864. Sherman s march to the sea was 285 miles in length extending from Atlanta
to the Confederate beachfront town of Savannah. Sherman left a way of devastation
afterward While destroying the framework, ventures, yields, and property in
Georgia.Abraham Lincolnwas the sixteenth American President who served in
office from Walk 4, 1861, to April 15, 1865. One of the key occasions amid his
administration was Sherman s march to the seaamid the Common War..After
General William T. Sherman s March to the Sea, he propelled his huge armed force
through the Carolinas. Various ridiculous fights and encounters were battled as his
armed force progressed and moved toward the North Carolina capital of Raleigh.Not
long after that meeting Wilson and his rangers fighters joined Gen. George H.
Thomas troops in devastating Hood s armed force. This letter, composed on January
21, a month after the fall of Savannah on December 21, 1864, demonstrates both
Sherman and Wilson prepared to start the second period of their arrangement:
Sherman would walk through the Carolinas and Wilson would take Alabama. The
bright Broad Sherman utilizes commonly reckless dialect to depict how he thumped
Baseball In The 90 s Essay
Baseball in the 1990 s, a throwing, running, hitting sport, started in 1845. Baseball in
the 90 s was a good year for baseball. In the late 90 s there was some really good
players and really big hitters. The best hitter was Tony Gwynn ( Thompson 1). .
There was a lot of Hall of fame players in the 90 s. There were some young ones and
old ones. One of the best players to play in the 90 s had a steroid controversy. The
player to have the steroid controversy was Mark McGwire. He owed a lot of money,
but using the steroids actually helped him. There was a home runderby in the 90 s too.
They have one every year. In the derby, there has to be a winner and a loser.
Everybody loses but the one who does not hit as much as the other players is the
biggest loser. Baseballtoday is a lot more different than it used to be by a lot. The
players are better than they used to be. There is a leading player today and there is a
not so good player. In the late 90 s there were some good players who played and
left some big shoes to fill for the next people going in after they retire. Just like
when Carl Ripken Jr. went way over Lou Gehrig s playing streak on September 6,
1995 (Johnson 68). Ripken even beat his own playing streak with 2, 632 in 1998
(Johnson 68). We even had really good hitters too. Tony Gwynn was the career
leading hitter, according to Thompson (1).... Show more content on ...
When a player wins the home run derby they win some money and bring more
business to their team. To get into the Home Run Derby you have to be able to hit
a lot of home runs and have a lot during the regular season. Mark Mcgwire hit a lot of
home runs in the 90 s and so did Sammy Sosa. They are some of the top home run
hitters in the National league. Frank Thomas was the winner in 1995. He won a
match for the American League. Tom Brown was the pitcher for Frank Thomas in
1995 and he could of helped Frank win the Derby because his pitching skills
Redemption And Utopia
Redemption and Utopia
The Torah doesn t recognize Messiah as a designation of waiting for a redeemer in
the eschatological, technical or personnel sense like the Christian tradition later
understood in light of the redeeming death of Jesus of Nazareth. The word Messiah
derives etymologically from the Hebrew and means anointed with oil. In the
Jewish Bible the name Messiah applies to both the king (1 Sam 24,7.11), as the
high priest (Lev 4.3), and later appears associated with all priests (2Mac 1, 10). The
anointed presupposed, in short, the figure of anyone associated with the
implementation of a special mission, rushed by G d, but their status was still emptied
of the eschatological and unique character of the person Messiah as would be
reinforced later by biblical hermeneutics.
The history of Judaism of the post exilic period gave rise to a complex set of beliefs
towards the expectations about the future: resurrection of the body, eternal reward
and punishment, final judgment, heaven, retribution and the Messiah. Many of these
beliefs, however, have become doctrines only later, and so are presented only bland
and implicitly in the Torah. Indeed, to the astonishment of many, if not used as a task
careful exegetical research, these beliefs remain hidden between the lines of the
scripture. This was one reason, incidentally, that led the faction of the Sadducees to
not believe in the resurrection of the dead, that is, because they are not explicitly
written in the
Notes On Reading Literature Like A Professor Log
Lucy Cao Dr. Roth AP Lit 23 Aug 2015 How to Read Literature Like a Professor
Log Chapter 1: Every Trip is a Quest (Except When It s Not) From this chapter, In
learned that the truth behind all quests is to find self knowledge. Most of the time,
the people on the quest are young and inexperienced, but by the end of their
adventure, they ve found their niche, and completed their mission. There is always
a quester, a place to go, a reason to go, challenges and trials en route, and the real
reason to go. Chapter 2: Nice to Eat with You: Acts of Communion When you eat
with someone, this usually implies that you like them, and you want peace. Every
communion does not have to be holy communion like in churches, but it is a bond
and the communion forms a relationship between the groups. When the
communion is between groups of disliking, there is major tension and the act of
eating might not even commence. Chapter 3: Nice to Eat You: Acts of Vampires
To be a vampire, you have to take something from someone else to benefit yourself,
whether that be anything from blood to money. Vampires weren t always what we
see today in Twilight. Vampirism does not always have to do with vampires but
selfishness, exploitation, and refusal to respect. Chapter 4: Now Where Have I
Seen Her Before? This chapter states that there is no such thing as a truly original
work of literature; books are always based off of works before them. This further
develops into the idea that there is only one story,
Genetically Modified Organisms Cause Infertility Essay
Introduction According to a recent study done in America by Genevra Pittman,
Close to one in six U.S. couples don t get pregnant despite a year of trying after
which doctors typically recommend evaluation for infertility, according to a new
study. Genevra Pittman Those data are based on a nationally representative survey
of more than 7,600 women including 288 who were trying to become pregnant but
don t provide an explanation for what may be causing the couples infertility.
Researchers analysed information from in person and computer interviews
conducted across the country in 2002 with women ages 15 through 44. After
reading this interesting study, I wondered what could cause such a rise in infertility
in humans and I looked at what has changed over recent times that could cause
such an increase which brought me to genetically modified organisms. My research
question is do genetically modified organisms cause an increase in infertility. My
Hypothesis is that genetically modified organisms do in fact cause infertility. In
order to determine if this is the case I have looked at 5 different sources. These
sources are all reports of scientific studies and experiments performed to determine if
genetically modified organisms cause infertility. The tests are primarily done on
animals with a short life span such as mice and hamsters to obtain results that should
be close to what would occur on humans. Review of Literature 1 Summary The
article explains a recent study
Working Environment Gatherings Are Turning Out
Working environment gatherings are turning out to be more basic in today s
associations. Organizations are looking for the cooperative energy that creates when
individuals meet up to take a shot at a task
A group unites people with comparative hobbies and destinations. Cooperation starts
with, and manufactures connections among, a gathering of individuals who offer a
typical intrigue or reason. Working in groups permits people from diverse regions
(e.g. projects, raising support, and advertising) with distinctive parts (staff, volunteer,
and customer/purchaser/client) and maybe from diverse associations to cooperate on
issues of enthusiasm to colleagues.
A group centers its work on normal destinations and discovering answers for shared
... Show more content on ...
A Model of Task Group Developmentin Complex Organizations and a strategy of
Implementation J. Stephen Heinen, Eugene Jacobson(1976) said More successful
utilization of little gatherings or groups in an association has been recommended as a
method for expanding inspiration at work, through promising more prominent
association and self rule in choice making, and for adapting to the dynamic
complexities of hierarchical life. Hierarchical and mechanical clinicians have been
keen on the comprehension and use of little gathering procedures in associations from
Hawthorne researches and Lewin s effort on team choice making.
I feel group development is the one the important thing in organizations and building
a team is always plays key role in group development as well as organizational
development that four stage model is perfectly suitable for group development in an
organization. They are forming, differentiation, integration, and full maturity.
Obliging variables are considered.
Likert is a one of the most famous proponent of the advancement of successful work
groups. He also agrees the significance of a very much created team and the
importance of team building in the perfect firm model. He suggested some properties
and execution attributes of the perfect team, yet does not verbalize the phases of team
advancement or the procedures by which a work team adds to these qualities.
organization improvement discussions considers most often group
My Love Of Art
Question (Q): So just to get some basic information, where are you from? Kumi
Yamashita (Kumi): I was born in a small town not that far outside of Tokyo. I
moved to the United states when I was in high school as a foreign exchange
student. Q: How did you discover that you loved art? Kumi: I don t really
remember when art wasn t a part of my life in some way or form. Both of my
parents were involved in very creative occupations. My mother made all of the
clothes for my sister and I, as she had studied fashion for most of her life. My dad
was particularly interested in traditional styles of Japanese crafts and drawings. He
was an industrial design professor who spent his free time sculpting. My parents
encouraged my sister and I to draw and express ourselves. I always loved drawing
and I spent hours of my childhood with a pencil in my hand, in fact, my father named
me kumi, which uses two chinese characters В the first character е·Ґ translates as to
make or create and the second character зѕЋ translates as beauty . so maybe my dad
jinxed me! (Butler) Q: How did you decide to take your love of art and transition it to
becoming an artist ? Kumi: I don t think there was ever a specific moment in my
life where I decided that I was going to be an artist. It just kind of happened. It sounds
cheesy but I just do what I love every day, and I guess now I am an artist. Q: Your
artwork isn t a typical painting or sculpture, in your words, how would you describe
your pieces
The Importance Of Human Communication And Health...
In all healthcare, there must be a form of commutation between patient and doctor.
Depending on the information you provide to someone can alter their life either in a
positive or a negative way. As stated on Foundations for Understanding
Communications in Healthcare Settings , Effective interpersonal communication
skills are said to be a gateway to the development of other important life skills .
(Pg.1 Peter) Not only will be able to communicate to patients adequately but you will
be able to communicate with you friends and family better. If communication with a
patient isn t clarified the patient can treat their self s wrong and could possible cause
there underlining condition to worsen or get to a point to where it isn t treatable.
Some words might be identifying differently with specific meaning to someone from
the United Kingdom from the United States.
There are two different forms of communication that is commonly used. Human
Communication and Health Communication. Human communication is how
individuals interact with other people through representative behavior through
language. Health communication is any type of human communication whose
content is concerned with health (Pg. 3 Peter)
Health care in general is unpredictable anything can happen at any point and time.
Health Care providers usually have their own view of what the patient needs at that
current time. Hospitals and clinics have a powerful structure. Physicians and other
health care professionals
Mass Shootings
1. Blum, D., Jaworski, C. G. (2016). From suicide and strain to mass murder. Society,
53(4), 408 413. Retrieved from ProQuest database. This article analyzes three cases of
mass shootings that took place within the United States, their most recent example
being the mass shooting that took place at the University of California in Santa
Barbara. Within each case, the study interestingly noted that the media often
highlighted individual aspects of the shooter, such as internal struggles with mental
health and histories of harassment by peers. Blum and Jaworski found that the media
does not often include social factors, such as types of strain suffered by the shooters
nor the fact that many were isolated from social interaction and connection... Show
more content on ...
They stated that looking back at the case similarities and anecdotal reports have
shown patterns that have given clues to getting to know more on the individual and
school factors for the crisis. Although the article states that the low prevalence of
severe school violence and shootings makes it difficult to assess through surveys and
observational methods, it goes on to present typical risk factors in troubled students,
patterns found in the shooting at Columbine High School, and other findings.
Through studying the patterns and different factors that come into play with school
shootings, they have begun to make sense of the senseless and as a result they have
made six prevention strategies. The prevention strategies are as listed: (a)
strengthening school attachment, (b) reducing social aggression, (c) breaking down
codes of silence, (d) establishing screening and intervention protocols for troubled
youth and rejected students, (e) bolstering human and physical security, and (6)
increasing communication within educational facilities and between educational
facilities and local
Menil Collection
Visiting the Menil Collection and Contemporary Art Museum in Houston for the first
time was eye opening. I never thought art was such a big thing. I knew art was to be
creative but other than that I never would have thought art would have meaning.
From reading, Ways of Looking by Ossian Ward, art comes in many forms:
entertainment, confrontation, event, message, etc. however, having to pick two art
works and compare and contrast them was difficult since there were many to pick
from. I chose La lunette d appproche and Suck My Tits, even though there completely
different. They both share a hidden message that need recognition. The Menil
Collectionin Houston downtown has a wide variety of art ranging from ancient art
to surrealism. Although there were all types of art, surrealism struck out to me.
While trying to grasp the whole idea and why this was created. I came across this
one painting that froze me in place and drew my mind into amazement. The La
lunette d approche or the Telescope, an oil based painting on canvas created by Rene
Magritte in 1963. Its contents grab me by the arm and drew me closer. Allowing me
to escape into the darkness it depicts behind the open window. It metaphorically
represents how everything could be a front in one s eyes while beneath everything
they are things one might not want to share with other. While everything might seem
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La lunette d approche is composed of majority of dark colors like black, dark brown,
darkish white, and a faded brown that seems to be pink. On the other hand, Suck My
Tits is made with pink, black, white, and tan. Even though both artworks share the
color black, its easily notable that Suck My Tits gives off a more lively vibe then
La lunette d approche which is more dull and boring. Yet, The Telescope is a more
of look into me type of deal, thus hints its name. While the suck My Tits is a more of
The Sculpture On South Campus At Moravian College
The sculpture on South Campus at Moravian College commonly known as Moravian
Roots One and Two, who was created by Steve Tobin in 2010 has a significant
meaning behind the moderately new sculpture. There are two of the same types of
sculptures in the same place, just distance away from one another. This sculpture
seems to be abstract, since we are taking the form of what it looks like to create a
meaning, which can be something different in other people s eyes. The sculpture
is a dark black shade that naturally blends in with the surroundings, therefore
making it blend in with its natural surroundings. The negative space between the
roots are easily seen since its roots are based in various directions, showing us how
far the roots of the sculpture and realistically Moravian has grown. There is no
base or pedestals for these two sculptures who go hand in hand together, but it is
roughly around five feet standing upward and going in sporadic directions, to
signify differences. They are roundly shaped with carved pointed edges giving the
image that it is like a tree root or branch, being slightly pointed on the top. The
inner parts of the tree roots are textured off to have a little dots making it a bit
rougher than the soft and smooth outer sides that we see from a distance. There
seems to be no said real front or back side to this piece because the tree roots go in
different directions, therefore giving the observer a chance to decide which way they
would like to view it.
13 Little Blue Envelopes
13 Little Blue Envelopes written by Maureen Johnson is a story of adventure,
friends, family and love. Thirteen envelopes led Virginia, mostly called Ginny, on
an adventure of a lifetime, an adventure that she d never forget. This book is
definitely a page turner, with all of the adventure that is brought on by the thirteen
envelopes that were left for Ginny by her deceased aunt who had a brain tumor the
size of an egg. Her aunt ran away and traveled all over the world and finally passed
on, but her familydid not know that she had passed until a while later because she had
not kept in touch with her family.
This book takes in modern time, but there really isn t a place that it takes place
because Ginny travels all over the world; from England to Paris to some place in
Europe and so on. 13 Little Blue Envelopes is a playful yet serious book as well as
sometimes mysterious because you never know what the next envelope will say. ...
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She doesn t have that many friends, but she makes a few along the way. Ginny s
aunt is the one who left the letters for Ginny before she died. Her aunt had a tumor
the size of an egg in her brain and the doctors had pretty much done what they could
for her. Keith is the guy that Ginny meets in London after going to his musical,
because she bought every ticket there was so she could complete one of the tasks in
her envelope. Richard is a guy that turns out is her Uncle later on in the book. Her
aunt hadn t told her that Richard and her had been in love and got married so she
could get the care she was in need of. When her aunt first came to London she
stayed with Richard for quite a while when Ginny received the letters and was told to
go to London she was told to stay with Richard. Richard ends up helping Ginny out a
lot throughout her
Modern Building And Designing Practices
ABSTRACT Objective Modern building and designing practices have come a long
way away from traditional methodologies. Building Information Modeling (BIM)
has emerged onto the forefront as a critical technology in the contemporary
building design practice and construction industry (Mandhar, Mandhar, 2013;
Panuwatwanich, et. al, 2013; Abbasnejad, Moud, 2013; Arnett Quadrato, 2012).
There are however, several gaps observed in its adoption due to gaps between the
industry and academia. These gaps will be studied during the course of this
research in an exploratory manner with the ultimate objective to aid the adoption of
BIM in industry. Background BIM can be defined as a modeling technology and
associated set of processes to produce, communicate and analyze building models
(Eastman et al., 2011; p: 117). Some professionals consider BIM as the key to
tackling variations and ineptitudes in construction projects (Arayici, 2012;
Coates et. al, 2010). The adoption of BIM standards carries with it several advantages
but simultaneously poses challenges in the implementation (as it is implemented
differently between the industry and the academia). A major hindrance identified in
literature is the gap between industry needs and academia readiness. Methods An
exploratory analysis was conducted by using a qualitative analysis of the data
obtained from 9 participants from the design industry and 9 participants from
academia. All the interviews and the discussions were held
Terry Fox Biography
Terry Fox was a Canadian athlete who was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba on July
28th, 1958. As a teenager Terry was very involved in sports playing basketball,
soccer and rugby and also doing cross country running. He eventually when on to
university where he studied kinesiology to become a physical education teacher.
But when Terry Fox was only 18 years old he was diagnosed with a type of bone
cancer in his right leg and had to have it amputated. Before the operation he was
reading about a recent amputee who had finished the New York Marathon, and from
this Terry had been inspired to run across Canada on his prostatic leg to raise
awareness and money for cancer research. As he continued his run, more and more
people became came and were inspired
Greco-Christian Beliefs Of Christianity And The Gospel
The Greek Alexander Romance describes the life of Alexander the Great, focusing
primarily on his great military feats as a leader of Greece and highlighting why he is
remembered as a great Greco Roman leader. Similarly, the Gospel of Matthew
explains the life of Jesus Christ through his teachings and miracles, which underline
why he is known as the greatest figure from Judeo Christian culture. Alexander and
Jesuseasily compare because they died in their early thirties, were known as kings,
and are remembered for impressive triumphs while on earth. Alexander sought to
build his empire and essentially rule the world through victories on the battlefield
and the conquering of neighboring countries. Jesus sought to destroy evil on earth by
establishing God s Kingdom and teachings in the hearts of all. Comparing the lives
of these great Greco Roman and Judeo Christian leaders highlight the differences in
cultural opinion on the highest good in life, how one obtains that good, and what that
means in connection to an afterlife. Judeo Christian and Greco Roman perspectives
on elements of a meaningful life contrast in the sense that Judeo Christian actions to
pursue these elements are motivated by the desire for everlasting life in heaven,
while Greco Roman actions are motivated by the desire for perpetual fame on earth
after one dies.
Both Alexander the Great and Jesus Christ establish relationships with their
communities in order to obtain their respective highest good in life. In an effort to
bring salvation for all, Jesus tried to lead everyone on earth on the path towards the
kingdom of heaven. In the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew, God says that Jesus
will, save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). The idea of salvation is
repeated later when Jesus himself announces, He who endures to the end will be
saved suggesting that whoever follows his guidance on redemption will be able to go
to heaven (Matthew 10:22). On the other hand in The Greek Alexander Romance,
Alexander seeks to obtain the highest good of power by uniting surrounding empires
under his rule and becoming the ruler of the world (66). In an effort to build unity
and trust in him, he fought alongside his men on the front line in battle.
Health Issues Of The Australian Government
Obesity is one of the most challenging and neglected health issues within society
(Glenny et al. 1997). In 2008 the Australian Government spent $58 billion on direct
healthcare and obesity related management, and this value continues to rise
exponentially (ANPHA, 2014). This profound impact on population health has
made it a rising concern at the primary health care level. According to (Monash
University,2013), 80% of all Australians will suffer from obesity by 2025, leaving
future generations to experience shorter life expectancies when they reach twenty
years of age. This rise in morbidity is largely reflected by changes within society,
with urbanisation and global marketing promoting unhealthy lifestyles rather than
promoting physical activity (Alexander Baur 2007). Changes in marketing and
food supply has led to readily available and cheap alternatives to home cooked
meals whilst, changes to occupations have replaced active environments with
sedentary deskbound jobs (Glenny et al. 1997). Furthermore, challenges in the
global economy has led to increased areas of social disadvantage, with a study by
the Australian National Preventive Health Agency showing socially disadvantage
communities are twice at risk of obesity related disease than low disadvantaged
living areas (ANPHA, 2014). Lack of education, availability of greenspace, rurality
and ethnicity are further considered to effect obesity rates, with indigenous women
1.7x more and men 1.4x more likely to suffer from
Human Gait Patterns
Research Rough Draft Human gait is the movement of an individual s extremities
with respect to kinetic and kinematic elements. Kinetic factors are factors which
focus on forces associated with torque, friction, and gravity. Kinematic factors are
factors which generally focus on motion which develops upon displacement, velocity,
and acceleration. These elements are essential in deciphering the countless trends
associated with human gait patterns to further prevent injuries and discover
biomechanical information to better the lives of humans. An individual s lack of
balance and susceptibility of falling are two areas derived from the lower extremity
function of human gait. These specific areas of lower extremity function significantly
influence the daily life of nearly the entire human... Show more content on ...
The research done in this field has helped discover information and its correlation
to falling and balance; however, there are still infinite discoveries in the field of
biomechanics which have yet to be discovered. In the United States, unintentional
falls are the most common cause of nonfatal injuries for people older than the age
65 years (Source from NCBI). Furthermore, there are approximately 41 fall related
deaths per 100,000 people per year for individuals greater than the age of 65 years
(Source from NCBI). This statistic is quite alarming considering how every
individual will be susceptible to this statistic if they live up to the age of 65.
Similarly, another research which targeted the correlation of falling amongst young
adults to older aged adults, concluded that the possibilities of falling increases by
200% as individuals age from twenty years of age to their sixty five years of age or
Design Of The Games For Primary School Children
In this chapter, we describe the design of the games for the project which covers the
interfaces and structures of the game, the components and the technical details of the
game using flowcharts to describe the various processes of the game. Also, the
purpose of the game and how the purpose can be achieved are discussed here. These
are presented under the following sub headings:
1.How are the games structured?
2.How are the games built?
3.What are the purposes of the games?
4.How can the purposes of the games be achieved?
5.How can the games be tested?
These questions tend to address how the games are built towards achieving its
purposes. The questions are addressed as follows:
3.1How are the games structured?
The ... Show more content on ...
The player would then receive the final inspiring comment. From here the player
would be prompted to either exit the game or start again.
The benefits of starting again cannot be overemphasised as the player tends to
master the game thereby mastering the subject the game is built to teach. To begin
with, the game has to get a start menu so that the player would not be thrown
straight into playing the game. The Menu would then link to the different games
which the player would have to choose from. The levels of the game and the process
of winning in all the games are the same. It involves the player doing the right thing
as required and moving on to the next level till the game is completed. 3.1.1 The
Main Menu
Each game begins with a Graphical User Interface that shows the Main Menu of
the game which ensures that the players do not just start playing the game as soon
as the program is loaded. This acts as the control panel for the game allowing the
player to access all the features of the game like choosing the game to play, getting
instructions on how to play the game or closing the entire program. The Main Menu
contains buttons that leads the player to either choose a game which links the user to
the Game Menu showing the game and links to playing the game. The Main Menu
contains a Help button that links the player to instructions of how to play the game.
The Main Menu also contains the
Canadian Decision Making Model For Personnel Selection
Running head: PERSONNEL SELECTION 1 The Canadian Decision Making
Model for Personnel Selection Tiffany Leaf Walden University Author Note This
paper was prepared for PSYC 8705, taught by Professor Dr. Leanna Parker
PERSONNEL SELECTION 2 According to London and Bray 1980 as cited in
Beresoff, (2003) although some situations may be constructed by the employer, the
psychologist perceives and interprets the situation with restrictions that he or she
believes contribute to an ethical practice. On the other hand, tests given for one...
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For instance, APA (2002) guidelines state that standard procedures in evaluations
should include a clear explanation to the examinee of the evaluation process that
include direct and honest answers to the test questions. Moreover, the psychologists
obligations to the employer include providing accurate expectations for evaluative
procedures, and respecting the employer s rights. On this basis, they are to provide
high quality information for personnel decisions that are reliable and valid. The fact
that the counselor did not catch the examinee in the act does not release him or her
from the obligation to follow ethical procedures. For example, if the counselor
strongly suspects that the student is being dishonest, and the Civil Service Agency is
his or her PERSONNEL SELECTION 3 client, a question emerges how will the
counselor convey this information to the client without also engaging in dishonesty?
Based on APA ethical guidelines the following guidelines apply: (a) Standard 5.01a
states that psychologists do not knowingly make public statements that are false,
deceptive, or fraudulent concerning their research, practice, or other work activities
or those of persons or organizations with which they are affiliated.
Legal Analysis Grimshaw V Ford Motor Company
Legal Analysis
Grimshaw v. Ford Motor Company
In 1972 a Ford Pinto, purchased six months prior, unexpectedly stalled on the
freeway in California. The Pinto was hit from behind by a Ford Galaxy, erupting
into flames instantly. The driver of the car, Lilly Gray, suffered from fatal burns
and died a few days later in the hospital. The passenger, a 13 year old boy named
Richard Grimshaw, was also severely injured from burns, which caused his face and
body to be permanently disfigured.
After analyzing the cause of the crash, experts identified that there were significant
design deficiencies of the Pinto made by Ford Motor Company and the company was
knowledgeable of these deficiencies before launching it into the market for ... Show
more content on ...
Harley Copp was a key witness in this case. He was a senior engineer executive at
Ford Motor Company and testified that senior management within the company was
aware of the defects, was knowledgeable of the revised design to make the Pinto
safer, but ultimately signed off on the original design and launched it into the market.
This case has been recognized as one of the top civil trials in the country.
The legal issue is: Should Ford Motor Company be liable for the car accident of it s
Ford Pinto which caused fatal burns to Lilly Gray and permanent burn injuries to
Richard Grimshaw? Should Ford Motor Company pay historical punitive damages
because of the car defects that the senior management was knowledgeable of before
pushing it into the consumer market?
Legal Rules
Tort Law: A right of a private citizen to take legal action against an entity or human
if harm has been caused. The issue within the legal action does not have to be against
the law. The primary goal of tort law is to require financial compensation to the
individuals that have been harmed and deter future similar actions to happen.
Negligence: This is a general category under tort law. It s when a person or entity fails
to act with care that is what we would define as a normal cautionary practice of care.
It is being careless.
Strict Liability/Products Liability: One of three general categories under tort law.
Antique Spice Advertising
maximum folks have probably seen the antique Spice commercials with the
confident and rapid talking Isaiah Mustafa, AKA The antique Spice man. the ones
commercials first started in early 2010 and have for the motive that grow to be a
whole collection of a number of the maximum famous classified ads on television and
the internet. however what s it approximately the ones classified ads that lead them to
so appealing? to answer this question, this paper will popularity at the economic that
started out out it all: the manor woman Your man need to scent Like. even though this
ad does exceedingly little to realistically describe the product it s miles advertising, its
clever and diffused use of all 3 primary factors of appeal (ethos, logos,... Show more
content on ...
probably the maximum critical cause for this enterprise s success is its capability
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instance, tickets to a stand up comedy display, it s miles what this laughter does for
the ad itself that facilitates it sell its products. the economic is shot using seamless
transitions from one scene to each other and rapid paced communicate. by the
point the economic is over, the antique Spice man is the use of a horse and
pronouncing a few component is feasible when your guy smells like old Spice and
now not a lady, which is probably the slowest detail he said. because of the brevity
of the financial, by means of manner of the prevent, the super aspect people are
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horse. therefore, those who see it are tempted to look it over again and could
maximum possibly advantage this through carrying out a Google seek, possibly to
pay interest the jokes once more or to look how Mustafa progresses via all of the
different scenes, this is funny in itself. although a person also can by no means truely
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The Servant As Leader By Robert Greenleaf
The Successful Servant Leader
Servant leadership, as it applies to the modern world, is a concept that Robert
Greenleaf defined in his influential 1970 essay, The Servant as Leader. Greenleaf s
essay explains that servant leadership is an amalgam of concrete leadership styles
and fragments of data that came to him through intuitive insight (1970). Having
worked at AT T from 1926 1964, he accumulated a number of leadershipqualities
throughout his professional career. After retirement he began teaching at Harvard
Business School, but became distressed by younger generations and their rebellious
attitudes. After careful consideration, he decided institutions were doing a poor job
of serving, so they were doing a poor job of leading. His ... Show more content on ...
The servant leader will communicate diplomatically and carefully (Marquis Huston,
2015). The servant leader has moral maturity and thinks, acts, and judges ethically
with a strong sense of self (Liden, et al, 2014). The list can be enhanced depending on
the situation, but as a nursing student, there are characteristics I value as the most
important servant leader qualities.
The Three Most Important Servant Leadership Characteristics The field of nursing
is one of the quintessential servant roles in our society today. We serve by taking
care of our patient s physical and mental (and sometimes spiritual) health. As a
nursing student, there are three main characteristics that I have seen modeled in
leaders that I think are most important to a servant leader s success. In my own
practice, I hope to focus on all servant leader characteristics, but these in particular
as I strive for a lengthy and fulfilling career. Firstly, it is not enough to be a good
listener, one has to be an active and deep listener, with the true ability to understand
what the other person is saying (Marquis Huston, 2015). A servant leader does not
interrupt to argue, validate, or refute points, but allows free expression of the person
to whom they are listening (Hunter, 1998). This demonstrates a contemplative as
opposed to a reactive style, which builds trust with other people. When we have truly
understood and not just heard our patient,
Analyzing Blues Music
The Blues: Genre Analysis
The blues is a musical genre that originated among African Americans in the
Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. From these humble
and provincial origins it has come to be appreciated all over the country and the
world, and has also spread its influence even more widely by way of its offspring, jazz
and rock. While the word genre is certainly appropriate, the blues can be defined more
specifically as a closely related set of melodies, harmonies, rhythmic patterns and
bar structures. Unlike many musical genres, the blues is very tightly focused in fact
it could be said without much fear of exaggeration that all blues songs are variations
on one song. Nevertheless, as time went on the blues lost some of its stereotyped or
formulaic aspect and loosened up its structure to encompass a variety of forms of
Basically, blues melodies are built around a major scale with fairly strong
pentatonic character. However, the third tone of the scale tends to be sung (or to
the extent possible, played) slightly flat (a blue third ), or to be bent from the
minor third up to the major third. Less often, the seventh and fifth tones of the scale
are given similar treatment. The harmony (provided by the guitar or piano in the
original solo format of blues performance) relies mainly on the I, IV, and V chords,
although some versions also make use of the VI and II. The typical progression
moves from the I chord to the IV, back
Smart Design
Smart Design
Get more for less space.
Written by:
Maha Aladdin 120521
Samar Mahanna 118911
Menna Yousry 120360
Smart Design
Get more for less space.
Written by:
Maha Aladdin 120521
Samar Mahanna 118911
Menna Yousry 120360
Table of Contents Executive Summary2 Company Description3
Company Profile
Mission and Vision
Company Ownership/Legal Entity Product Description4 Industry Analysis4
Industry Description
PESTL Analysis Market Analysis5
Market Segmentation, Target Market, and Positioning
Buying Decision
SWOT Analysis
Competitive Analysis Grid
Product Branding Strategy Marketing Plan11
Distribution (Place)
Promotion Strategy
Sales Process ... Show more content on ...
The company would introduce the idea of modern designs of expandable furniture
in terms of the needs and preferences of the Egyptian community at very
competitive prices. The most important aspect is that people with small spaces can
have modern furniture designs that would fit the spaces they have. Products that the
company offers varies from wall bed sofas, coffee to dining tables, to modular wall
shelves and extra storage spaces beds and folding chairs. * Coffee to Dining tables
* Console to dining tables
* Wall bed sofa
* Revolving wall bed
* Folding chairs
Industry Overview
Industry Description
According to Furnex Egypt Egypt s international furniture and furnishings trade fair
the furniture industry is one of the vast growing industrial sectors in the Egyptian
market, with a seven folds increase in exports in nine years starting 2004. With an
organized structure that includes other complementary industries that contribute in
the furniture industry. In addition, the furniture industry managed to accommodate
the growing local market needs, embracing almost 120,000 establishments, and a
productive labor force of more than one million skilled workers. Furthermore,
furniture industry in Egypt is now operating on the same level of European standards,
with two technology and testing centers in Egypt obtaining accreditations from FIRA
of UK and CATAS of Italy. While Egypt now has strong roots in the furniture industry
The Poem Blood Nye
Essay Analysis of the Poem Blood
A brief look at this poem can suggest that some of the main ideas are identity and
self discovery, which isn t wrong. However when going more in depth the poem
shows not so obvious ideas of truth, desire for peace, innocence, racism,
appearances, and a lot more. The poem suggests that the world is unfair by how it
treats and judges the Arabic culture and its people. Nye expresses how this has
impacted her and the community through literary elements such as tone, setting,
past/present/future, symbolism, and allusion. In Blood, Nye is told the
characteristics of a true Arab by her father. Nye s father says that a true Arab can
catch a fly in one s hand and a true Arab gives back what they have borrowed from
nature once they die. The poem goes on to the present day and what is taking place.
The news impacted both Nye and her father and causes her to question herself.
Readers are able to feel every bit of emotion.
Nye feels through the various tones the poem creates. Nye is the daughter of a
Palestinian father and a American mother of European decent. There are many
negative stereotypes of Arabs so readers can easily see why ... Show more content on ...
Explication: Blood. Naomi Shihab Nye, blood.html.
Famous Muslims | . Biography Online,
Frydberg, Tracy. Watermelon Brings Jews, Arabs Together in Shadow of Old City
Walls. The Times of Israel, brings jews arabs
together in jerusalems musrara/.
Imeu. IMEU Institute for Middle East Understanding. IMEU | Institute for Middle
East Understanding, sabra shatila massacre.
Naomi Shihab Nye. Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, shihab nye.
Sweileh, Razan. My Shiny Wall. Padlet, 4 Apr. 2018,
Intersections And Gender Analysis
It s essentially a nature vs. nurture argument, saying gender stereotypes dominate
driving behavior: In other words, men do most of the driving, and women, who
ride along as passengers, are less experienced or confident thus prone to wrecks
(Urken, 2011). Urken goes on to say, Intersections are more troublesome for women.
Women are shorter than men and have a harder time seeing out the windows than
men, and men are able to perceive time and speed better than women. This helps in
determining how much time a driver has to pull or turn from a stop. Women are also
most likely to have children as passengers which are a distraction.
However, according to an article by Jerry Edgerton in 2011 a study by Quality
Planning, ... Show more content on ...
Children can often be distracting to the driver of a car. With these knowns, the
data might suggest that women drivers with a passenger have more accidents.
Correlations can be made with this study. The majority of women drivers with at
least one passenger did not stop at the intersection. This could possibly be due to
the distraction of children. However, since the sample size was extremely small
and it was simply a convenience sampling, more research is needed to determine
external validity. Additional research would also need to be narrowed to only
children passengers if the hypothesis is to conclude they are a distraction to women
drivers. The time of day and the day of the week could also be confounding

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  • 1. Utopia Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of "Utopia" presents a unique set of challenges that requires a delicate balance between imagination and critical analysis. The concept of utopia, by its very nature, is elusive and subjective. It demands a deep exploration of idealized societies and the intricate interplay of various elements such as politics, economics, social structures, and human nature. One of the difficulties lies in defining what utopia means to different individuals, as perspectives can vary widely. Attempting to capture the essence of a perfect society requires navigating through a myriad of philosophical, historical, and cultural perspectives. It's a delicate dance between envisioning a harmonious existence and acknowledging the complexities inherent in human societies. Moreover, delving into utopian literature, philosophy, and historical attempts at creating utopian societies adds layers of complexity to the essay. Analyzing the works of visionaries like Thomas More, Plato, and others, while considering real-world experiments, demands a nuanced understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of utopia. The challenge is not just in presenting a utopian vision but also in critically evaluating its feasibility. Real-world limitations and the potential for unintended consequences must be considered. Striking a balance between idealism and pragmatism is a tightrope walk that demands careful consideration of various perspectives. Furthermore, addressing the ever-evolving nature of utopian thought poses a challenge. What might have been considered utopian in one era may be viewed differently in another. The essay must navigate the shifting sands of societal values, technological advancements, and global dynamics. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Utopia" is no simple task. It demands a comprehensive understanding of literature, philosophy, history, and sociology, coupled with the ability to navigate the complexities of human nature and societal structures. Striking a balance between imaginative vision and critical analysis is the key to crafting a compelling exploration of utopian ideals. If you find yourself grappling with such a task, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on, where professional writers can provide support tailored to your specific needs. Utopia Essays Utopia Essays
  • 2. How To Read The Book The Shining By Stephen King Recently during this last summer, I have determined to read the book The Shining by Stephen King. The reason that I chose this book is that this book was meant to be a backup book for another book, Peregrine by John Alec Baker. However, I was incapable of finishing that book because I couldn t be engaged the premise of the book nor its intricate details of bird observation. On the other hand, The Shining was more feasible to enter, as I was already familiar with the book. With that said, The Shining was a pleasure to read. It has a simple organization as described in the following: the beginning contains the exposition, the middle introduces the main setting, and the ending concludes with the characters departure. The flow and
  • 3. How Diabetes Affects The Functioning Of The Heart,... It is a well known fact that diabetes can affect the functioning of the heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves but few people realize that diabetes can also lead to dental problems especially in those who are past 45 years of age. In many cases dental problems in diabetics can lead to loss of teeth. This situation can be prevented to a great extent by becoming aware of the various dental problems caused by diabetes and taking timely preventive steps to avoid them. The main causes of dental problems are lack of proper dental hygiene and heredity. Diabetes only increases the risk of periodontal diseases and aggravates the effects of these causative factors. The problem with diabetics is that their bodies do not process sugar adequately resulting... Show more content on ... It can be done by following the glycemic index diligently. This is very important because studies have shown that people with poor control over their blood sugar levels suffer from gum disease more easily and frequently and they are likely to lose more teeth than people with good control over their blood sugar levels. Even children with insulin dependent diabetes are more at risk from gum problems. Therefore the best defense against periodontal disease is good diabetic control. In view of increased risk of dental problems people suffering from diabetes should also avoid situations that increase the risk even further like smoking and alcohol consumption. Dental and oral hygiene like regular brushing, flossing and regular visits to the dentist are a must. How to get the right dental aid products. When it comes to dental whitening products (and many other things), people often make the mistake of assuming that simply because it s natural or derived from an organic source that it is somehow safe. Salicylate a natural plant based hormone derived from white willow and meadowsweet has been used for centuries for its anti septic and fever reducing properties, but it can be harmful in large doses, and even fatal to those who are allergic to it. Dental products such as salicylate free toothpaste and dental whitening products are safer and more appropriate to such
  • 4. Terrace House Fire Essay Following the tragic event of the great fire of London in 1666, the legislation regarding new buildings in the metropolis became stricter and several laws and measures addressed fire prevention issues. Many of these guidelines were changed several times over the years following various building acts. Apart from the obvious benefits on fire protection, the legislation formed to a large extent the streetscapes and vistas in the neighbourhoods of the capital and other cities in the 18th and 19th centuries onwards. Building acts and by laws did not just deal with structural issues; on the contrary they were often mostly focused on health and sanitation issues that were vital in the Victorian period. Ensuring more available free spaces, decent living conditions, constructions of good quality, ventilation and natural lighting were very significant issues that were not considered as given at the time. Features that appear to be typical for terrace houses came as a result of different chapters in building acts and also appear for the two case studies we will be examining in the next chapters. In order to describe just a few main defining characteristics and details... Show more content on ... Dividing walls between neighbouring properties, along with their obvious separating function, provided a fire protection panel preventing potential spreading of the flames in fire emergencies. Specific details are described for the party walls; in the building act of 1894, the height of the parapets above the roof is specified to be minimum 15 measured at right angles to the slope, a guideline which would remain valid until 1914. Avoiding continuous timber roof structures was a key issue and can be identified also in earlier Acts and By Laws, while the party wall should corbel out when eaves project from the face of the building to the full extent of
  • 5. Essay Personality Theories Personality Theories Table of Contents Freud Jung Adler Rogers Maslow Humanistic strengths and weakness Psychodynamic strengths and weakness Some similarities of both Web Resources Freud Biography Biography Sigmund Freud was born May 6, 1856, in a small town Freiberg in Moravia. His father was a wool merchant with a keen mind and a good sense of humor. His mother was a lively woman, her husband s second wife and 20 years younger. She was 21 years old when she gave birth to her first son, her darling, Sigmund. Sigmund had two older half brothers and six younger siblings. When he was four or five he wasn t sure the family moved to Vienna, where he lived most of his life. A brilliant child, always at ... Show more content on ... Not long afterward, he died of the cancer of the mouth and jaw that he had suffered from for the last 20 years of his life Jung Biography Carl Gustav Jung was born July 26, 1875, in the small Swiss village of Kessewil. His father was Paul Jung, a country parson, and his mother was Emilie Preiswerk Jung. He was surrounded by a fairly well educated extended family, including quite a few clergymen and some eccentrics as well. The elder Jung started Carl on Latin when he was six years old, beginning a long interest in language and literature especially ancient literature. Besides most modern western European languages, Jung could read several ancient ones, including Sanskrit, the language of the original Hindu holy books. Carl was a rather solitary adolescent, who didn t care much for school, and especially couldn t take competition. He went to boarding school in Basel, Switzerland, where he found himself the object of a lot of jealous harassment. He began to use sickness as an excuse, developing an embarrassing tendency to faint under pressure. Although his first career choice was archeology, he went on to study medicine at the University of Basel. While working under the famous neurologist Krafft Ebing, he settled on psychiatry as his career. After graduating, he took a position at the Burghoeltzli Mental Hospital in Zurich under Eugene Bleuler, an expert on (and the namer of) schizophrenia. In 1903, he married Emma Rauschenbach.
  • 6. Self Exposure Therapy Self regulation of care; refers to maintaining attention in the immediate experience without seeking control. It is necessary to cultivate the following skills: Sustained Attention: maintain a waking state for extended periods of time. Attentional change: bring attention to the breath when you recognize the thoughts, feelings or sensations (flexibility of attention). (Bishop (2004) Do not elaborate thoughts, feelings, and feelings as they arise. It is not a question of suppressing them, but if not fully capturing the attention to avoid thinking. The activity of self regulation of care has the capacity to expand the limits of one s attention. Beginner s mind refers to the direct observation, purged of beliefs, of various objects. The radical acceptance component, which Bishop includes in the orientation to experience, is probably the most essential component of the experience of mindfulness to the client at a therapeutic level. This radical acceptance recalls, with all possible nuances, Ellis s distinction in his REBT (Rational Emotive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) between primary and secondary problems. For Ellis, secondary problems are products of non acceptance of primary problems, being essential to address these secondary problems before the primary. (Ellis A. (1980). Germer... Show more content on ... Is one of the most useful intervention procedures in CBT in mindfulness, one works to contemplate the sensations, thoughts, emotions as they are, without trying to control them or change them (interceptive exhibition in imagination and in vivo to the internal events giving place to the emotional reprocessing of the aversive contents). The Kabat Zinn (1990) program of stress reduction based on conscience directs attention to various body areas. Segal believes that exposing depressive patients to the contents of their thoughts can help free them from fear of their emotional states and become aware of their transience. (Goldin, P. R., Gross, J. J.
  • 7. Steven Soderbergh Research Paper Steven Soderbergh is a famous director that began his career at age 26 with the film Sex, Lies, and Videotapes. Soderbergh received many awards including one of cinema s highest accolades in The Legend of the Palme d Or at the Cannes Film Festival, the Independent Spirit Award for Best Director, and an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay. (Interview: Steven Soderbergh...). Soderbergh father had a great influence on his life at a young age and helped him begin taking animation classes at the age of fifteen. Soderbergh had a unique filming making style and went against the norm of filmmaking. Steven Soderbergh was born January 26, 1963 in Atlanta, Georgia, and was the second of six children. Steven was blessed with great parents until... Show more content on ... Just to list a few unique characteristics, Soderbergh films are telling the same story from three different perspectives, filming without scripts or professional actors, casting active porn star and female MMA fighter in lead role, and hiding a drama about depression inside a male stripper thriller (Sharf). In 2011, Soderbergh stepped out of the film making spotlight and began other creative pursuits. Soderbergh turned down all film making offers and began photograph and painting. Soderbergh has left an impressive legacy on the film making industry and his major films like Oceans, Traffic, etc. will be reminded for generations to
  • 8. Arian Controversy Analysis In the 4th and 5th centuries, the early church was going through change. After a period of persecution against Christians, the Edict of Milan established a policy for the toleration of Christianity under Constantine. Constantine was the first Roman emperor to embrace Christianity and he himself became a Christian. The Ecumenical Councils were encouraged by Constantine. The gatherings included church leaders and others who met to affirm the teachings of the church and to tackle heresy. The topic of controversy was over the relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Arian controversy caused Constantine to call for the Council of Nicaea, which was the first of the Ecumenical Councils. Arias denied the deity of Jesus. He believed that Jesus was subordinate to God the Father and that the Holy Spirit was subordinate to Jesus. Arias believed that the Father was God, but Jesus and the Holy Spirit were not. Instead, he believed that Jesus was a creature who had a beginning, while God was eternal and had no beginning. He did not believe that Jesus was of the same substance [homoousios] of the Father. Athanasius stood up at the Council of Nicaea and opposed the beliefs of ... Show more content on ... I believe that the Nicene Creed is supported by Scripture. John 1:14 says, The Word [Logos] became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. And 1 John 5:7 8 says, For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. I find it encouraging that leaders of the 4th and 5th century church helped define and defended the Trinity doctrine from heresy. It is important that contemporary Christians learn about the Nicene Creed because it is part of the history that brought us [the invisible church] to where we are,
  • 9. The H.L. Hunley- First Submarine to Sink an Enemy Ship Essay The H.L. Hunley started out with two men named James McClintock, who built gauges for steam operated equipment, and Horace Lawson Hunley, an owner of a large plantation who worked as a lawyer and a customs officer in New Orleans. Horace got mad at the Union because of the blockade. He was not able to ship or sell his sugar and cotton. He became so mad that he became captain of a blockade runner, a ship that moved supplies by moving silently through the blockade at night. Horace wanted to build a submarinethat would destroy the large barges that formed the blockade using a torpedo attached to the submarine that would destroy something right on target. He and McClintock teamed up in Mobile, Alabama and started working on submarines.... Show more content on ... Four out of the nine who were on the Hunley escaped. Three of them were Charles Hasker, Charles Sprague, and John Payne. The other five were not as fortunate. They quickly found the Hunley, removed it from the bottom of the ocean, buried the five bodies, cleaned it up, and sent it back to work. The second crew included Horace Hunley and Charles Sprague. On October 15th, 1863 the crew set out for some test runs around a friendly ship, the Indian Chief. The first test run was successful, but on the second one something immediately looked wrong. As soon as the Hunley sank, air bubbles arose. This time there were no survivors. Less than two months after sinking, the Hunley had gone down again. The third and final crew on the Hunley set out on February 17th, 1864. Their mission was to sink the USS Housatonic, and they succeeded. After a few moments everyone realized that the Hunley would not be coming back to the port. No one knows why it sunk for the third time. Many people thought that after all, even if the Hunley and its crew were found, they couldn t talk. Everyone started searching for the submarine, but nothing was found until May 3rd, 1995 when three scuba divers were looking around on the ocean floor. Harry Pecorelli, Wes Hall, and Ralph Wilbanks had set out one day to explore the ocean in the last area that the Hunley was seen. When Pecorelli was twenty seven feet below the surface, he started probing
  • 10. Analysis Of Mother Courage And Her Children The norm refers to a state in which affairs are standard, typical, usual, expected and unexceptional among others. In his book, the Steppenwolf, Hermann Hesse explores some of the issues relating to deviation from the norm like how an individual is affected. In addition, the play Mother Courage and her Children also presents various matters relating to the norm, its significance, and how the environment is altered in case of a deviation. Furthermore, Bertolt Brechtvividly examines how an individual has a difficult time to adapt to the changes in the norm naturally. The paper will talk abiut the significance of the norms in these two masterpieces, the effects of what is considered normal to the characters, and what they lose or gain when they stray from the norm. Hermann Hesse uses Harry Haller as an example of a person who has an intrapersonal conflict due to dissatisfaction with the normal life. He shows that leading and conforming to normalcy proves hard for some people. We are taken through the Steppenwolf treatise that records a man s multifaceted soul, which Haller fails to understand (Hesse 15). He is encircled in a struggle that cannot be solved and he is not satisfied with being either right or wrong. This fixed, the firm, false and personally developed concept makes him blind to the other world that is considered normal. He says How foolish it is to wear oneself out in vain longing for warmth! Solitude is independence. (Hesse 33) to mean, there is comfort in
  • 11. Frances Glessner Lee Research Paper Frances Glessner Lee is the Godmother of Forensic Science . Even today, Lee has changed the way we view crime scenes, the way we view women in the forensic science field, and provided crucial information to solving a murder with her Nutshell project. Lee is responsible for refining the field of forensic sciences. She is well respected and admired even today. Lee is the creator of The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death. . She build hand crafted, detailed models of murder scenes right down to the printing on tiny books, the cracks in the walls, and water stained floorboards under the sink. Lee created The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death collection of meticulously crafted dioramas, each one fulled with homicide, suicide, or accidental death. She originally created the studies to help her... Show more content on ... Detectives and other crime solvers had been invited to a conference, where she showed off the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death . During 1936, Harvard was passively graduating medical examiners whenever the in cling arose. Because of this, homicides were going unanswered, as the law did not understand how to correctly handle these types of situations. Frances then created the Harvard Seminars in Homicide Investigation specifically tailored to the learning of medical examination. She planned the week long events and managed the learning skills and techniques, with the help of Harvard and deep research in forensics. The first HAPS seminar was held in 1945. Guests were invited from around the country and spent a full, long week learning about crime scene investigation. She invited specialists to attend and lecture. This included identifying victims, interrogation techniques, time of death, and many more. Usually about thirty policemen of all ranks and skill level would be invited to watch the seminars. Every person who was able to graduate became a member to be a part of
  • 12. Collaborative Learning Essay Related Literature. According to Dr.Banerjee (2015) students gives more ideas about the task assigned to them in collaborative learning process. Each students has a very important role in having a collaborative work. Learning is what students do and not what they get as passive receivers. The teachers are the facilitators of the students and not the giver of knowledge. Through this process the students learn not by being fed the information, but rather giving their own insights on a certain topic as well as the insight of others. One of the benefits of Collaborative Learningis the vast difference of skills between all members. This would mean that diversity is an eminent part of Collaborative Learning with each member having specific... Show more content on ... In most collaborative learning situations students are working in groups of two or more, mutually searching for understanding, solutions, or meanings, or creating a product. Based on what Barkley have stated, we can initially have an idea that it is better to work in groups. Working with other individuals gives someone a better connection with the world and through it, a problem can be solved easier and way too fast. Related Studies. Gokhale, Anuradha A. (1995) conducted a study about Collaborative Learning Enhances Critical Thinking, The idea of Collaborative learning in, the gathering and blending of Students with the end goal of accomplishing a scholastic objective, has been generally inquired about and pushed all through the expert writing. The expression Collaborative learning refers to a guideline technique in which Students at different execution levels cooperate in little groupings toward a shared objective. The students are in charge of each other s learning and also on their own. Along these lines, the achievement of one Student causes different Students to be
  • 13. Joining Cross Country In High School Imagine this, you are standing at the starting line. You turn your head to first your left, then your right. You see the people you will be sharing the course with the next 3.1 miles. You take a deep breath and continue to move your legs around. The man with the gun comes onto the course standing in front of all of the runners and explains what to do and the rules. You get into position, take another deep breath, then BAM! The gun goes off and everyone runs away. I did not know that I could push myself so hard and come far enough to drop over a minute of time from freshman year for my 5k time. Joining cross country in high school was quite scary for me. I did not know many people, other than the two girls who were over ten minutes faster than
  • 14. Design, Development And Analysis Of Composite Mono Leaf... Design, Development and Analysis of Composite Mono Leaf Spring: A Review Introduction:(12Bold) Materials: Method: Introduction: In order to conserve natural resources and economize energy, weight reduction has been the main focus of automobile manufacturers. Weight reduction can be achieved primarily by the introduction of better material, design optimization and better manufacturing processes. The achievement of weight reduction with adequate improvement of mechanical properties has made composite a very good replacement material for conventional steel. A composite is composed of a high performance fibers such as carbon, Kevlar, graphite or glass in a matrix material that when combined provides better properties compared with the individual materials by themselves. The composite materials are used in structural application areas, such as in aircraft, space, automotive, for sporting goods, and marine engineering. The various type of glass fibers available are Carbon fiber, C glass, S glass and E glass. However, carbon epoxy material is better than other fibers but because of its high cost, it has limited applications. Favorable relation between cost and properties of a material can be obtained with E glass fiber/epoxy. The major step of composite in automotive business is extension of use in to truly structural application such as primary body structure and to chassis and suspension system. These are the area which has to sustain all major road load
  • 15. Land Cover Segregation Of Coastal Area Using K Means... Land Cover Segregation of Coastal Area using K Means Algorithm Manjari Saha Computer Science and Engg. Dept., Govt. College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Serampore, Hooghly, West Bengal, PIN 712201. India. E Mail: Abstract Coastal areas provide livelihood facilities to many and also offer vast recreational and economic activities, and yet, at the same time, such eco regions require to be managed with special emphasis and consideration of its natural and cultural resources. Land cover classification of such diverse sea land regions requires a high level of effort and plays a vital role for the analysis of time based or event based change on certain areas. For effective utilization of remote sensed images obtained from Earth orbiting satellites, a lot of image classification methods are available in literature. In this paper, we use the method of unsupervised classification for the users convenience and flexibility, low computational requirements and moderate classification accuracy. The objectives of the paper is to classify the land cover by mapping the region into W S V (Water, Soil, Vegetation) components using the unsupervised K means algorithm, to obtain land use/cover gray scale image combining the W S V components and thereby finally deriving the related performance metrics such as histogram and land cover correlation. Keywords Clustering, Coastal area, Correlation, Histogram, Image segmentation, K Means, Land Cover/Use
  • 16. Employee Benefits Programs And Pay Structure Employee Benefits Program and Pay Structure Basic Salary The pay structure of the District Sales Leader (DSL) at Nestle has traditionally been between $67,000 and $70,000 (Glassdoor, 2016). This salary range is quite competitive in the industry, and it does not include the potential cash bonuses, profit sharing, stock bonuses, commission sharing and other tips associated with the profession. Compensation for the DSL will be a function of the market conditions, and equity will be highly considered. This paper highlights an employee benefit program and pay structure of a DSL at Nestle. Basic Direct Benefits Health and Dental Private health care services are restricted for many people by the high cost, which compels organizations to look into helping their employees to access the services alongside their insurers. Nestle will provide specific health benefits for the DSL as highlighted hereafter: Accommodation in private rooms in hospitals in excess of the standard accommodation charges (Mattke et al., 2013). Emergency health care services for the DSL when working outside the country. All prescription drugs, vaccines, and any required medication. Private nursing care if required. Any appliances required by the DSL during the provision of medication, such as wheel chairs. Ambulance services during emergencies. Dental checkups and treatment that do not need hospitalization of the DSL. Professional services required by the DSL, including psychiatric, speech
  • 17. Detlor Paralegal Business Plan Detlor Paralegal Services will be a sole proprietorship, owned and operated by William Detlor, a licensed paralegal. The business will have three main areas of practice in the early stages of business. These areas are the Landlord Tenant Board, the Small Claims Court and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, as well as process serving for all three areas of practice. Detlor Paralegal Services will serve the areas of Kingston, Belleville, Prince Edward County, Napanee, and surrounding rural areas. Detlor Paralegal Services will provide legal services exclusively to landlords in Landlord Tenant Board matters. The business will offer a wide range of services from basic assistance such as filling out forms, writing demand letters,... Show more content on ... Our operating hours will be from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday. By having long hours and being open on Saturdays, this business will be accessible to everyone, even those who work long hours themselves. Appointments will also be available for Sundays. Because Detlor Paralegal Services will be serving a large area, I will travel to clients homes or meet them at local conference rooms or other professional settings. Detlor Paralegal Services will do what it takes to be accessible to clients without them having to incur extra costs. Detlor Paralegal Services will always put clients needs first and obey the Paralegal Rules of Conduct. The business will never skimp on quality when it comes to work and will advocate for clients as effectively as possible. Client satisfaction will also be of high importance, and if a client is unsatisfied, the business will always do what it takes to satisfy them as much as
  • 18. Guernica In Picasso And The Life Of Pablo Picasso In the midst of political disparity in Spain between Nationalists and the Spanish Republic there was a great act of terror. In a time when no combat had been seen since that first world war, an act of unprovoked horror rained upon the small town of Guernica in northern Spain. The act of intimidation was taking with disgust in the eye of Picasso, which enacted his artistic statement. Guernica in Picasso s artistic life represented his sentiments on terror and his people. Pablo Picassowas born a Spaniard in the city of Malaga in 1881 to a professor of drawing, Jose Ruiz and Maria Picasso. Pablo was naturally artistically talented and by the age of thirteen he had surpassed the abilities of his father. By sixteen he had made a name for himself after being awarded an honorable mention in a Fine Arts Exhibition in Madrid. In the following years, Picasso suffered from the loss of close friend, Carlos Casagemas, which strongly impacted his work. Marilyn McCully, a biographical author, claimed that the death of Casagemas gave Picasso, the emotional experience and the material that would stimulate the powerful expressiveness of the works of the so called Blue Period (1). Picasso s Blue Period is noted for its blue color and its characteristic expressive nature. In the works of Picasso s Blue Period there is a common theme of strong emotional sorrow and reflection which is relative to the artistic impact described by McCully. After moving permanently to Paris, Picasso found new
  • 19. Mursi Culture Essay The Mursi people of Ethiopia are a traditional group of individuals that have been isolated by the Omo Valley in Southern Ethiopia near the Sudan. They make up a decent sized population of about 10,000 which is approximately the same as taking the entire population of Pella, Iowa. According to, the Mursi are amongst one of three tribes in Africa who still perform lip plating body modification. It interested me that the women of the tribe have this responsibility because of the information we read in class about women not having the power to make decisions. I think this is a form of power to be able to do this task. This is done with pottery or wooden disks/plates. The process is done to girls by their mothers or another womanin... Show more content on ... I believe that body modification is a form of art, a beautiful one at that. I have a few tattoos which I feel express myself and create a beautiful art form that creates an emotional power. Tattoos are also a form of body modification therefore, lip plating is a form of art used to express one s self. Not only is the act of lip plating art but also the designs on the wooden or clay plates is art. They have detailed design with paint or carvings that are similar to snowflakes in the way that no two are identical, emphasizing the uniqueness of the art and the person. Each woman s lip plate is designed differently dependent upon who she is as a woman. Traditionally women in Africa do not have very many ways to express their selves so they get a chance through the art. The women decided what to incorporate on their plate and it grows with them so as they change as a person they have the option to modify their
  • 20. Essay about The Tragic Hero in Death and the King’s Horseman TOPIC: Who is , Elesin Oba or Olunde? Please give reasons for your answer in a carefully written essay. Please use Being, the Will, and the Semantics of Death by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (Criticism 155 164) and Tragedy, Mimicry, and the African World by Olakunle George (Criticism 207 222) in your essay. The Real Tragic Hero Of The Nation The drama Death and the King s Horseman written by Wole Soyinka tells a story that relates to the burial of the dead king of the Oyo, which is held by the ancient Yoruba in Africa. According to the tradition of the Yoruba, after thirty day of the king s death, his horseman Elesin must commit suicide in the rite in order to accompany the king passing through the holy passage towards ... Show more content on ... That is the most contrasting concept under a common society. For some degree, it is reliable that this colonial factor is catalytic merely, but leading to the final conclusion, it is an indispensable element which embodies the spirit of resisting of Yoruba through their metaphysics against the ideology control from the western. The traditional Yoruba people believe in their own collective culture and fight against the conflict western perception unswervingly. Accounted for this, Elesin s fail becomes more unacceptable for the sake of the racial conscious, in other words, it is a kind of betraying of the public towards his fail and hesitation. This insults in his miserable condition ultimately to be humiliated and despised by the public. On the other hand, the main part of Elesin s tragic fate originates from his own flaws. Elesin is just an ordinary person who has the pursuit of various things such as food and wine, dance and women. However, everyone believes that Elesin is the hero born with his mission to lead them peace and also with no selfish motives. When he is in the market with women and Praise singer, he indicates that the others compare his eyes into a hawk in perpetual hunger. Split an iroko tree in two, hide a woman s beauty in its heartwood and seal it up again Elesin, journeying by, would make his camp beside that tree of all the shades in the forest. (14) This is a vivid description of Elesin s desire of the living world. Even in the farewell, he
  • 21. Sherman s March To The Sea Analysis Sherman s March to the sea likewise called the Savannah Crusade was embraced by General William Tecumseh Sherman between November 12, 1864, and December 22, 1864. Sherman s march to the sea was 285 miles in length extending from Atlanta to the Confederate beachfront town of Savannah. Sherman left a way of devastation afterward While destroying the framework, ventures, yields, and property in Georgia.Abraham Lincolnwas the sixteenth American President who served in office from Walk 4, 1861, to April 15, 1865. One of the key occasions amid his administration was Sherman s march to the seaamid the Common War..After General William T. Sherman s March to the Sea, he propelled his huge armed force through the Carolinas. Various ridiculous fights and encounters were battled as his armed force progressed and moved toward the North Carolina capital of Raleigh.Not long after that meeting Wilson and his rangers fighters joined Gen. George H. Thomas troops in devastating Hood s armed force. This letter, composed on January 21, a month after the fall of Savannah on December 21, 1864, demonstrates both Sherman and Wilson prepared to start the second period of their arrangement: Sherman would walk through the Carolinas and Wilson would take Alabama. The bright Broad Sherman utilizes commonly reckless dialect to depict how he thumped
  • 22. Baseball In The 90 s Essay Baseball in the 1990 s, a throwing, running, hitting sport, started in 1845. Baseball in the 90 s was a good year for baseball. In the late 90 s there was some really good players and really big hitters. The best hitter was Tony Gwynn ( Thompson 1). . There was a lot of Hall of fame players in the 90 s. There were some young ones and old ones. One of the best players to play in the 90 s had a steroid controversy. The player to have the steroid controversy was Mark McGwire. He owed a lot of money, but using the steroids actually helped him. There was a home runderby in the 90 s too. They have one every year. In the derby, there has to be a winner and a loser. Everybody loses but the one who does not hit as much as the other players is the biggest loser. Baseballtoday is a lot more different than it used to be by a lot. The players are better than they used to be. There is a leading player today and there is a not so good player. In the late 90 s there were some good players who played and left some big shoes to fill for the next people going in after they retire. Just like when Carl Ripken Jr. went way over Lou Gehrig s playing streak on September 6, 1995 (Johnson 68). Ripken even beat his own playing streak with 2, 632 in 1998 (Johnson 68). We even had really good hitters too. Tony Gwynn was the career leading hitter, according to Thompson (1).... Show more content on ... When a player wins the home run derby they win some money and bring more business to their team. To get into the Home Run Derby you have to be able to hit a lot of home runs and have a lot during the regular season. Mark Mcgwire hit a lot of home runs in the 90 s and so did Sammy Sosa. They are some of the top home run hitters in the National league. Frank Thomas was the winner in 1995. He won a match for the American League. Tom Brown was the pitcher for Frank Thomas in 1995 and he could of helped Frank win the Derby because his pitching skills (Newsday
  • 23. Redemption And Utopia Redemption and Utopia The Torah doesn t recognize Messiah as a designation of waiting for a redeemer in the eschatological, technical or personnel sense like the Christian tradition later understood in light of the redeeming death of Jesus of Nazareth. The word Messiah derives etymologically from the Hebrew and means anointed with oil. In the Jewish Bible the name Messiah applies to both the king (1 Sam 24,7.11), as the high priest (Lev 4.3), and later appears associated with all priests (2Mac 1, 10). The anointed presupposed, in short, the figure of anyone associated with the implementation of a special mission, rushed by G d, but their status was still emptied of the eschatological and unique character of the person Messiah as would be reinforced later by biblical hermeneutics. The history of Judaism of the post exilic period gave rise to a complex set of beliefs towards the expectations about the future: resurrection of the body, eternal reward and punishment, final judgment, heaven, retribution and the Messiah. Many of these beliefs, however, have become doctrines only later, and so are presented only bland and implicitly in the Torah. Indeed, to the astonishment of many, if not used as a task careful exegetical research, these beliefs remain hidden between the lines of the scripture. This was one reason, incidentally, that led the faction of the Sadducees to not believe in the resurrection of the dead, that is, because they are not explicitly written in the
  • 24. Notes On Reading Literature Like A Professor Log Lucy Cao Dr. Roth AP Lit 23 Aug 2015 How to Read Literature Like a Professor Log Chapter 1: Every Trip is a Quest (Except When It s Not) From this chapter, In learned that the truth behind all quests is to find self knowledge. Most of the time, the people on the quest are young and inexperienced, but by the end of their adventure, they ve found their niche, and completed their mission. There is always a quester, a place to go, a reason to go, challenges and trials en route, and the real reason to go. Chapter 2: Nice to Eat with You: Acts of Communion When you eat with someone, this usually implies that you like them, and you want peace. Every communion does not have to be holy communion like in churches, but it is a bond and the communion forms a relationship between the groups. When the communion is between groups of disliking, there is major tension and the act of eating might not even commence. Chapter 3: Nice to Eat You: Acts of Vampires To be a vampire, you have to take something from someone else to benefit yourself, whether that be anything from blood to money. Vampires weren t always what we see today in Twilight. Vampirism does not always have to do with vampires but selfishness, exploitation, and refusal to respect. Chapter 4: Now Where Have I Seen Her Before? This chapter states that there is no such thing as a truly original work of literature; books are always based off of works before them. This further develops into the idea that there is only one story,
  • 25. Genetically Modified Organisms Cause Infertility Essay Introduction According to a recent study done in America by Genevra Pittman, Close to one in six U.S. couples don t get pregnant despite a year of trying after which doctors typically recommend evaluation for infertility, according to a new study. Genevra Pittman Those data are based on a nationally representative survey of more than 7,600 women including 288 who were trying to become pregnant but don t provide an explanation for what may be causing the couples infertility. Researchers analysed information from in person and computer interviews conducted across the country in 2002 with women ages 15 through 44. After reading this interesting study, I wondered what could cause such a rise in infertility in humans and I looked at what has changed over recent times that could cause such an increase which brought me to genetically modified organisms. My research question is do genetically modified organisms cause an increase in infertility. My Hypothesis is that genetically modified organisms do in fact cause infertility. In order to determine if this is the case I have looked at 5 different sources. These sources are all reports of scientific studies and experiments performed to determine if genetically modified organisms cause infertility. The tests are primarily done on animals with a short life span such as mice and hamsters to obtain results that should be close to what would occur on humans. Review of Literature 1 Summary The article explains a recent study
  • 26. Working Environment Gatherings Are Turning Out Working environment gatherings are turning out to be more basic in today s associations. Organizations are looking for the cooperative energy that creates when individuals meet up to take a shot at a task A group unites people with comparative hobbies and destinations. Cooperation starts with, and manufactures connections among, a gathering of individuals who offer a typical intrigue or reason. Working in groups permits people from diverse regions (e.g. projects, raising support, and advertising) with distinctive parts (staff, volunteer, and customer/purchaser/client) and maybe from diverse associations to cooperate on issues of enthusiasm to colleagues. A group centers its work on normal destinations and discovering answers for shared ... Show more content on ... A Model of Task Group Developmentin Complex Organizations and a strategy of Implementation J. Stephen Heinen, Eugene Jacobson(1976) said More successful utilization of little gatherings or groups in an association has been recommended as a method for expanding inspiration at work, through promising more prominent association and self rule in choice making, and for adapting to the dynamic complexities of hierarchical life. Hierarchical and mechanical clinicians have been keen on the comprehension and use of little gathering procedures in associations from Hawthorne researches and Lewin s effort on team choice making. I feel group development is the one the important thing in organizations and building a team is always plays key role in group development as well as organizational development that four stage model is perfectly suitable for group development in an organization. They are forming, differentiation, integration, and full maturity. Obliging variables are considered. Likert is a one of the most famous proponent of the advancement of successful work groups. He also agrees the significance of a very much created team and the importance of team building in the perfect firm model. He suggested some properties and execution attributes of the perfect team, yet does not verbalize the phases of team advancement or the procedures by which a work team adds to these qualities. organization improvement discussions considers most often group
  • 27. My Love Of Art Question (Q): So just to get some basic information, where are you from? Kumi Yamashita (Kumi): I was born in a small town not that far outside of Tokyo. I moved to the United states when I was in high school as a foreign exchange student. Q: How did you discover that you loved art? Kumi: I don t really remember when art wasn t a part of my life in some way or form. Both of my parents were involved in very creative occupations. My mother made all of the clothes for my sister and I, as she had studied fashion for most of her life. My dad was particularly interested in traditional styles of Japanese crafts and drawings. He was an industrial design professor who spent his free time sculpting. My parents encouraged my sister and I to draw and express ourselves. I always loved drawing and I spent hours of my childhood with a pencil in my hand, in fact, my father named me kumi, which uses two chinese characters В the first character е·Ґ translates as to make or create and the second character зѕЋ translates as beauty . so maybe my dad jinxed me! (Butler) Q: How did you decide to take your love of art and transition it to becoming an artist ? Kumi: I don t think there was ever a specific moment in my life where I decided that I was going to be an artist. It just kind of happened. It sounds cheesy but I just do what I love every day, and I guess now I am an artist. Q: Your artwork isn t a typical painting or sculpture, in your words, how would you describe your pieces
  • 28. The Importance Of Human Communication And Health... In all healthcare, there must be a form of commutation between patient and doctor. Depending on the information you provide to someone can alter their life either in a positive or a negative way. As stated on Foundations for Understanding Communications in Healthcare Settings , Effective interpersonal communication skills are said to be a gateway to the development of other important life skills . (Pg.1 Peter) Not only will be able to communicate to patients adequately but you will be able to communicate with you friends and family better. If communication with a patient isn t clarified the patient can treat their self s wrong and could possible cause there underlining condition to worsen or get to a point to where it isn t treatable. Some words might be identifying differently with specific meaning to someone from the United Kingdom from the United States. There are two different forms of communication that is commonly used. Human Communication and Health Communication. Human communication is how individuals interact with other people through representative behavior through language. Health communication is any type of human communication whose content is concerned with health (Pg. 3 Peter) Health care in general is unpredictable anything can happen at any point and time. Health Care providers usually have their own view of what the patient needs at that current time. Hospitals and clinics have a powerful structure. Physicians and other health care professionals
  • 29. Mass Shootings 1. Blum, D., Jaworski, C. G. (2016). From suicide and strain to mass murder. Society, 53(4), 408 413. Retrieved from ProQuest database. This article analyzes three cases of mass shootings that took place within the United States, their most recent example being the mass shooting that took place at the University of California in Santa Barbara. Within each case, the study interestingly noted that the media often highlighted individual aspects of the shooter, such as internal struggles with mental health and histories of harassment by peers. Blum and Jaworski found that the media does not often include social factors, such as types of strain suffered by the shooters nor the fact that many were isolated from social interaction and connection... Show more content on ... They stated that looking back at the case similarities and anecdotal reports have shown patterns that have given clues to getting to know more on the individual and school factors for the crisis. Although the article states that the low prevalence of severe school violence and shootings makes it difficult to assess through surveys and observational methods, it goes on to present typical risk factors in troubled students, patterns found in the shooting at Columbine High School, and other findings. Through studying the patterns and different factors that come into play with school shootings, they have begun to make sense of the senseless and as a result they have made six prevention strategies. The prevention strategies are as listed: (a) strengthening school attachment, (b) reducing social aggression, (c) breaking down codes of silence, (d) establishing screening and intervention protocols for troubled youth and rejected students, (e) bolstering human and physical security, and (6) increasing communication within educational facilities and between educational facilities and local
  • 30. Menil Collection Visiting the Menil Collection and Contemporary Art Museum in Houston for the first time was eye opening. I never thought art was such a big thing. I knew art was to be creative but other than that I never would have thought art would have meaning. From reading, Ways of Looking by Ossian Ward, art comes in many forms: entertainment, confrontation, event, message, etc. however, having to pick two art works and compare and contrast them was difficult since there were many to pick from. I chose La lunette d appproche and Suck My Tits, even though there completely different. They both share a hidden message that need recognition. The Menil Collectionin Houston downtown has a wide variety of art ranging from ancient art to surrealism. Although there were all types of art, surrealism struck out to me. While trying to grasp the whole idea and why this was created. I came across this one painting that froze me in place and drew my mind into amazement. The La lunette d approche or the Telescope, an oil based painting on canvas created by Rene Magritte in 1963. Its contents grab me by the arm and drew me closer. Allowing me to escape into the darkness it depicts behind the open window. It metaphorically represents how everything could be a front in one s eyes while beneath everything they are things one might not want to share with other. While everything might seem ... Show more content on ... La lunette d approche is composed of majority of dark colors like black, dark brown, darkish white, and a faded brown that seems to be pink. On the other hand, Suck My Tits is made with pink, black, white, and tan. Even though both artworks share the color black, its easily notable that Suck My Tits gives off a more lively vibe then La lunette d approche which is more dull and boring. Yet, The Telescope is a more of look into me type of deal, thus hints its name. While the suck My Tits is a more of
  • 31. The Sculpture On South Campus At Moravian College The sculpture on South Campus at Moravian College commonly known as Moravian Roots One and Two, who was created by Steve Tobin in 2010 has a significant meaning behind the moderately new sculpture. There are two of the same types of sculptures in the same place, just distance away from one another. This sculpture seems to be abstract, since we are taking the form of what it looks like to create a meaning, which can be something different in other people s eyes. The sculpture is a dark black shade that naturally blends in with the surroundings, therefore making it blend in with its natural surroundings. The negative space between the roots are easily seen since its roots are based in various directions, showing us how far the roots of the sculpture and realistically Moravian has grown. There is no base or pedestals for these two sculptures who go hand in hand together, but it is roughly around five feet standing upward and going in sporadic directions, to signify differences. They are roundly shaped with carved pointed edges giving the image that it is like a tree root or branch, being slightly pointed on the top. The inner parts of the tree roots are textured off to have a little dots making it a bit rougher than the soft and smooth outer sides that we see from a distance. There seems to be no said real front or back side to this piece because the tree roots go in different directions, therefore giving the observer a chance to decide which way they would like to view it.
  • 32. 13 Little Blue Envelopes 13 Little Blue Envelopes written by Maureen Johnson is a story of adventure, friends, family and love. Thirteen envelopes led Virginia, mostly called Ginny, on an adventure of a lifetime, an adventure that she d never forget. This book is definitely a page turner, with all of the adventure that is brought on by the thirteen envelopes that were left for Ginny by her deceased aunt who had a brain tumor the size of an egg. Her aunt ran away and traveled all over the world and finally passed on, but her familydid not know that she had passed until a while later because she had not kept in touch with her family. This book takes in modern time, but there really isn t a place that it takes place because Ginny travels all over the world; from England to Paris to some place in Europe and so on. 13 Little Blue Envelopes is a playful yet serious book as well as sometimes mysterious because you never know what the next envelope will say. ... Show more content on ... She doesn t have that many friends, but she makes a few along the way. Ginny s aunt is the one who left the letters for Ginny before she died. Her aunt had a tumor the size of an egg in her brain and the doctors had pretty much done what they could for her. Keith is the guy that Ginny meets in London after going to his musical, because she bought every ticket there was so she could complete one of the tasks in her envelope. Richard is a guy that turns out is her Uncle later on in the book. Her aunt hadn t told her that Richard and her had been in love and got married so she could get the care she was in need of. When her aunt first came to London she stayed with Richard for quite a while when Ginny received the letters and was told to go to London she was told to stay with Richard. Richard ends up helping Ginny out a lot throughout her
  • 33. Modern Building And Designing Practices ABSTRACT Objective Modern building and designing practices have come a long way away from traditional methodologies. Building Information Modeling (BIM) has emerged onto the forefront as a critical technology in the contemporary building design practice and construction industry (Mandhar, Mandhar, 2013; Panuwatwanich, et. al, 2013; Abbasnejad, Moud, 2013; Arnett Quadrato, 2012). There are however, several gaps observed in its adoption due to gaps between the industry and academia. These gaps will be studied during the course of this research in an exploratory manner with the ultimate objective to aid the adoption of BIM in industry. Background BIM can be defined as a modeling technology and associated set of processes to produce, communicate and analyze building models (Eastman et al., 2011; p: 117). Some professionals consider BIM as the key to tackling variations and ineptitudes in construction projects (Arayici, 2012; Coates et. al, 2010). The adoption of BIM standards carries with it several advantages but simultaneously poses challenges in the implementation (as it is implemented differently between the industry and the academia). A major hindrance identified in literature is the gap between industry needs and academia readiness. Methods An exploratory analysis was conducted by using a qualitative analysis of the data obtained from 9 participants from the design industry and 9 participants from academia. All the interviews and the discussions were held
  • 34. Terry Fox Biography Terry Fox was a Canadian athlete who was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba on July 28th, 1958. As a teenager Terry was very involved in sports playing basketball, soccer and rugby and also doing cross country running. He eventually when on to university where he studied kinesiology to become a physical education teacher. But when Terry Fox was only 18 years old he was diagnosed with a type of bone cancer in his right leg and had to have it amputated. Before the operation he was reading about a recent amputee who had finished the New York Marathon, and from this Terry had been inspired to run across Canada on his prostatic leg to raise awareness and money for cancer research. As he continued his run, more and more people became came and were inspired
  • 35. Greco-Christian Beliefs Of Christianity And The Gospel Of... The Greek Alexander Romance describes the life of Alexander the Great, focusing primarily on his great military feats as a leader of Greece and highlighting why he is remembered as a great Greco Roman leader. Similarly, the Gospel of Matthew explains the life of Jesus Christ through his teachings and miracles, which underline why he is known as the greatest figure from Judeo Christian culture. Alexander and Jesuseasily compare because they died in their early thirties, were known as kings, and are remembered for impressive triumphs while on earth. Alexander sought to build his empire and essentially rule the world through victories on the battlefield and the conquering of neighboring countries. Jesus sought to destroy evil on earth by establishing God s Kingdom and teachings in the hearts of all. Comparing the lives of these great Greco Roman and Judeo Christian leaders highlight the differences in cultural opinion on the highest good in life, how one obtains that good, and what that means in connection to an afterlife. Judeo Christian and Greco Roman perspectives on elements of a meaningful life contrast in the sense that Judeo Christian actions to pursue these elements are motivated by the desire for everlasting life in heaven, while Greco Roman actions are motivated by the desire for perpetual fame on earth after one dies. Both Alexander the Great and Jesus Christ establish relationships with their communities in order to obtain their respective highest good in life. In an effort to bring salvation for all, Jesus tried to lead everyone on earth on the path towards the kingdom of heaven. In the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew, God says that Jesus will, save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). The idea of salvation is repeated later when Jesus himself announces, He who endures to the end will be saved suggesting that whoever follows his guidance on redemption will be able to go to heaven (Matthew 10:22). On the other hand in The Greek Alexander Romance, Alexander seeks to obtain the highest good of power by uniting surrounding empires under his rule and becoming the ruler of the world (66). In an effort to build unity and trust in him, he fought alongside his men on the front line in battle.
  • 36. Health Issues Of The Australian Government Obesity is one of the most challenging and neglected health issues within society (Glenny et al. 1997). In 2008 the Australian Government spent $58 billion on direct healthcare and obesity related management, and this value continues to rise exponentially (ANPHA, 2014). This profound impact on population health has made it a rising concern at the primary health care level. According to (Monash University,2013), 80% of all Australians will suffer from obesity by 2025, leaving future generations to experience shorter life expectancies when they reach twenty years of age. This rise in morbidity is largely reflected by changes within society, with urbanisation and global marketing promoting unhealthy lifestyles rather than promoting physical activity (Alexander Baur 2007). Changes in marketing and food supply has led to readily available and cheap alternatives to home cooked meals whilst, changes to occupations have replaced active environments with sedentary deskbound jobs (Glenny et al. 1997). Furthermore, challenges in the global economy has led to increased areas of social disadvantage, with a study by the Australian National Preventive Health Agency showing socially disadvantage communities are twice at risk of obesity related disease than low disadvantaged living areas (ANPHA, 2014). Lack of education, availability of greenspace, rurality and ethnicity are further considered to effect obesity rates, with indigenous women 1.7x more and men 1.4x more likely to suffer from
  • 37. Human Gait Patterns Research Rough Draft Human gait is the movement of an individual s extremities with respect to kinetic and kinematic elements. Kinetic factors are factors which focus on forces associated with torque, friction, and gravity. Kinematic factors are factors which generally focus on motion which develops upon displacement, velocity, and acceleration. These elements are essential in deciphering the countless trends associated with human gait patterns to further prevent injuries and discover biomechanical information to better the lives of humans. An individual s lack of balance and susceptibility of falling are two areas derived from the lower extremity function of human gait. These specific areas of lower extremity function significantly influence the daily life of nearly the entire human... Show more content on ... The research done in this field has helped discover information and its correlation to falling and balance; however, there are still infinite discoveries in the field of biomechanics which have yet to be discovered. In the United States, unintentional falls are the most common cause of nonfatal injuries for people older than the age 65 years (Source from NCBI). Furthermore, there are approximately 41 fall related deaths per 100,000 people per year for individuals greater than the age of 65 years (Source from NCBI). This statistic is quite alarming considering how every individual will be susceptible to this statistic if they live up to the age of 65. Similarly, another research which targeted the correlation of falling amongst young adults to older aged adults, concluded that the possibilities of falling increases by 200% as individuals age from twenty years of age to their sixty five years of age or
  • 38. Design Of The Games For Primary School Children CHAPTER 3: DESIGN In this chapter, we describe the design of the games for the project which covers the interfaces and structures of the game, the components and the technical details of the game using flowcharts to describe the various processes of the game. Also, the purpose of the game and how the purpose can be achieved are discussed here. These are presented under the following sub headings: 1.How are the games structured? 2.How are the games built? 3.What are the purposes of the games? 4.How can the purposes of the games be achieved? 5.How can the games be tested? These questions tend to address how the games are built towards achieving its purposes. The questions are addressed as follows: 3.1How are the games structured? The ... Show more content on ... The player would then receive the final inspiring comment. From here the player would be prompted to either exit the game or start again. The benefits of starting again cannot be overemphasised as the player tends to master the game thereby mastering the subject the game is built to teach. To begin with, the game has to get a start menu so that the player would not be thrown straight into playing the game. The Menu would then link to the different games which the player would have to choose from. The levels of the game and the process of winning in all the games are the same. It involves the player doing the right thing as required and moving on to the next level till the game is completed. 3.1.1 The Main Menu Each game begins with a Graphical User Interface that shows the Main Menu of the game which ensures that the players do not just start playing the game as soon as the program is loaded. This acts as the control panel for the game allowing the player to access all the features of the game like choosing the game to play, getting instructions on how to play the game or closing the entire program. The Main Menu contains buttons that leads the player to either choose a game which links the user to the Game Menu showing the game and links to playing the game. The Main Menu contains a Help button that links the player to instructions of how to play the game. The Main Menu also contains the
  • 39. Canadian Decision Making Model For Personnel Selection Running head: PERSONNEL SELECTION 1 The Canadian Decision Making Model for Personnel Selection Tiffany Leaf Walden University Author Note This paper was prepared for PSYC 8705, taught by Professor Dr. Leanna Parker PERSONNEL SELECTION 2 According to London and Bray 1980 as cited in Beresoff, (2003) although some situations may be constructed by the employer, the psychologist perceives and interprets the situation with restrictions that he or she believes contribute to an ethical practice. On the other hand, tests given for one... Show more content on ... For instance, APA (2002) guidelines state that standard procedures in evaluations should include a clear explanation to the examinee of the evaluation process that include direct and honest answers to the test questions. Moreover, the psychologists obligations to the employer include providing accurate expectations for evaluative procedures, and respecting the employer s rights. On this basis, they are to provide high quality information for personnel decisions that are reliable and valid. The fact that the counselor did not catch the examinee in the act does not release him or her from the obligation to follow ethical procedures. For example, if the counselor strongly suspects that the student is being dishonest, and the Civil Service Agency is his or her PERSONNEL SELECTION 3 client, a question emerges how will the counselor convey this information to the client without also engaging in dishonesty? Based on APA ethical guidelines the following guidelines apply: (a) Standard 5.01a states that psychologists do not knowingly make public statements that are false, deceptive, or fraudulent concerning their research, practice, or other work activities or those of persons or organizations with which they are affiliated.
  • 40. Legal Analysis Grimshaw V Ford Motor Company Legal Analysis Grimshaw v. Ford Motor Company Facts In 1972 a Ford Pinto, purchased six months prior, unexpectedly stalled on the freeway in California. The Pinto was hit from behind by a Ford Galaxy, erupting into flames instantly. The driver of the car, Lilly Gray, suffered from fatal burns and died a few days later in the hospital. The passenger, a 13 year old boy named Richard Grimshaw, was also severely injured from burns, which caused his face and body to be permanently disfigured. After analyzing the cause of the crash, experts identified that there were significant design deficiencies of the Pinto made by Ford Motor Company and the company was knowledgeable of these deficiencies before launching it into the market for ... Show more content on ... Harley Copp was a key witness in this case. He was a senior engineer executive at Ford Motor Company and testified that senior management within the company was aware of the defects, was knowledgeable of the revised design to make the Pinto safer, but ultimately signed off on the original design and launched it into the market. This case has been recognized as one of the top civil trials in the country. Issues The legal issue is: Should Ford Motor Company be liable for the car accident of it s Ford Pinto which caused fatal burns to Lilly Gray and permanent burn injuries to Richard Grimshaw? Should Ford Motor Company pay historical punitive damages because of the car defects that the senior management was knowledgeable of before pushing it into the consumer market? Legal Rules Tort Law: A right of a private citizen to take legal action against an entity or human if harm has been caused. The issue within the legal action does not have to be against the law. The primary goal of tort law is to require financial compensation to the individuals that have been harmed and deter future similar actions to happen. Negligence: This is a general category under tort law. It s when a person or entity fails to act with care that is what we would define as a normal cautionary practice of care. It is being careless. Strict Liability/Products Liability: One of three general categories under tort law.
  • 41. Antique Spice Advertising maximum folks have probably seen the antique Spice commercials with the confident and rapid talking Isaiah Mustafa, AKA The antique Spice man. the ones commercials first started in early 2010 and have for the motive that grow to be a whole collection of a number of the maximum famous classified ads on television and the internet. however what s it approximately the ones classified ads that lead them to so appealing? to answer this question, this paper will popularity at the economic that started out out it all: the manor woman Your man need to scent Like. even though this ad does exceedingly little to realistically describe the product it s miles advertising, its clever and diffused use of all 3 primary factors of appeal (ethos, logos,... Show more content on ... probably the maximum critical cause for this enterprise s success is its capability to make the target market giggle. on the identical time as laughter itself won t be as persuasive even as finished to promoting a body wash as it s far to, as an instance, tickets to a stand up comedy display, it s miles what this laughter does for the ad itself that facilitates it sell its products. the economic is shot using seamless transitions from one scene to each other and rapid paced communicate. by the point the economic is over, the antique Spice man is the use of a horse and pronouncing a few component is feasible when your guy smells like old Spice and now not a lady, which is probably the slowest detail he said. because of the brevity of the financial, by means of manner of the prevent, the super aspect people are going to undergo in thoughts is the witty talk coming from someone the use of a horse. therefore, those who see it are tempted to look it over again and could maximum possibly advantage this through carrying out a Google seek, possibly to pay interest the jokes once more or to look how Mustafa progresses via all of the different scenes, this is funny in itself. although a person also can by no means truely purchase an antique Spice product, the reality that the advert emerge as capable of stick to them is
  • 42. The Servant As Leader By Robert Greenleaf The Successful Servant Leader Servant leadership, as it applies to the modern world, is a concept that Robert Greenleaf defined in his influential 1970 essay, The Servant as Leader. Greenleaf s essay explains that servant leadership is an amalgam of concrete leadership styles and fragments of data that came to him through intuitive insight (1970). Having worked at AT T from 1926 1964, he accumulated a number of leadershipqualities throughout his professional career. After retirement he began teaching at Harvard Business School, but became distressed by younger generations and their rebellious attitudes. After careful consideration, he decided institutions were doing a poor job of serving, so they were doing a poor job of leading. His ... Show more content on ... The servant leader will communicate diplomatically and carefully (Marquis Huston, 2015). The servant leader has moral maturity and thinks, acts, and judges ethically with a strong sense of self (Liden, et al, 2014). The list can be enhanced depending on the situation, but as a nursing student, there are characteristics I value as the most important servant leader qualities. The Three Most Important Servant Leadership Characteristics The field of nursing is one of the quintessential servant roles in our society today. We serve by taking care of our patient s physical and mental (and sometimes spiritual) health. As a nursing student, there are three main characteristics that I have seen modeled in leaders that I think are most important to a servant leader s success. In my own practice, I hope to focus on all servant leader characteristics, but these in particular as I strive for a lengthy and fulfilling career. Firstly, it is not enough to be a good listener, one has to be an active and deep listener, with the true ability to understand what the other person is saying (Marquis Huston, 2015). A servant leader does not interrupt to argue, validate, or refute points, but allows free expression of the person to whom they are listening (Hunter, 1998). This demonstrates a contemplative as opposed to a reactive style, which builds trust with other people. When we have truly understood and not just heard our patient,
  • 43. Analyzing Blues Music The Blues: Genre Analysis The blues is a musical genre that originated among African Americans in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. From these humble and provincial origins it has come to be appreciated all over the country and the world, and has also spread its influence even more widely by way of its offspring, jazz and rock. While the word genre is certainly appropriate, the blues can be defined more specifically as a closely related set of melodies, harmonies, rhythmic patterns and bar structures. Unlike many musical genres, the blues is very tightly focused in fact it could be said without much fear of exaggeration that all blues songs are variations on one song. Nevertheless, as time went on the blues lost some of its stereotyped or formulaic aspect and loosened up its structure to encompass a variety of forms of expression. Basically, blues melodies are built around a major scale with fairly strong pentatonic character. However, the third tone of the scale tends to be sung (or to the extent possible, played) slightly flat (a blue third ), or to be bent from the minor third up to the major third. Less often, the seventh and fifth tones of the scale are given similar treatment. The harmony (provided by the guitar or piano in the original solo format of blues performance) relies mainly on the I, IV, and V chords, although some versions also make use of the VI and II. The typical progression moves from the I chord to the IV, back
  • 44. Smart Design PpP PpP Smart Design Get more for less space. Written by: Maha Aladdin 120521 Samar Mahanna 118911 Menna Yousry 120360 Smart Design Get more for less space. Written by: Maha Aladdin 120521 Samar Mahanna 118911 Menna Yousry 120360 Table of Contents Executive Summary2 Company Description3 Company Profile Description Mission and Vision Company Ownership/Legal Entity Product Description4 Industry Analysis4 Industry Description PESTL Analysis Market Analysis5 Market Segmentation, Target Market, and Positioning Buying Decision Competitors SWOT Analysis Competitive Analysis Grid Product Branding Strategy Marketing Plan11 Products Distribution (Place) Price Promotion Strategy Sales Process ... Show more content on ... The company would introduce the idea of modern designs of expandable furniture in terms of the needs and preferences of the Egyptian community at very competitive prices. The most important aspect is that people with small spaces can have modern furniture designs that would fit the spaces they have. Products that the company offers varies from wall bed sofas, coffee to dining tables, to modular wall shelves and extra storage spaces beds and folding chairs. * Coffee to Dining tables * Console to dining tables
  • 45. * Wall bed sofa * Revolving wall bed * Folding chairs Industry Overview Industry Description According to Furnex Egypt Egypt s international furniture and furnishings trade fair the furniture industry is one of the vast growing industrial sectors in the Egyptian market, with a seven folds increase in exports in nine years starting 2004. With an organized structure that includes other complementary industries that contribute in the furniture industry. In addition, the furniture industry managed to accommodate the growing local market needs, embracing almost 120,000 establishments, and a productive labor force of more than one million skilled workers. Furthermore, furniture industry in Egypt is now operating on the same level of European standards, with two technology and testing centers in Egypt obtaining accreditations from FIRA of UK and CATAS of Italy. While Egypt now has strong roots in the furniture industry
  • 46. The Poem Blood Nye Essay Analysis of the Poem Blood A brief look at this poem can suggest that some of the main ideas are identity and self discovery, which isn t wrong. However when going more in depth the poem shows not so obvious ideas of truth, desire for peace, innocence, racism, appearances, and a lot more. The poem suggests that the world is unfair by how it treats and judges the Arabic culture and its people. Nye expresses how this has impacted her and the community through literary elements such as tone, setting, past/present/future, symbolism, and allusion. In Blood, Nye is told the characteristics of a true Arab by her father. Nye s father says that a true Arab can catch a fly in one s hand and a true Arab gives back what they have borrowed from nature once they die. The poem goes on to the present day and what is taking place. The news impacted both Nye and her father and causes her to question herself. Readers are able to feel every bit of emotion. Nye feels through the various tones the poem creates. Nye is the daughter of a Palestinian father and a American mother of European decent. There are many negative stereotypes of Arabs so readers can easily see why ... Show more content on ... Explication: Blood. Naomi Shihab Nye, blood.html. Famous Muslims | . Biography Online, /muslims.html. Frydberg, Tracy. Watermelon Brings Jews, Arabs Together in Shadow of Old City Walls. The Times of Israel, brings jews arabs together in jerusalems musrara/. Imeu. IMEU Institute for Middle East Understanding. IMEU | Institute for Middle East Understanding, sabra shatila massacre. Naomi Shihab Nye. Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, shihab nye. Sweileh, Razan. My Shiny Wall. Padlet, 4 Apr. 2018,
  • 47. Intersections And Gender Analysis Introduction It s essentially a nature vs. nurture argument, saying gender stereotypes dominate driving behavior: In other words, men do most of the driving, and women, who ride along as passengers, are less experienced or confident thus prone to wrecks (Urken, 2011). Urken goes on to say, Intersections are more troublesome for women. Women are shorter than men and have a harder time seeing out the windows than men, and men are able to perceive time and speed better than women. This helps in determining how much time a driver has to pull or turn from a stop. Women are also most likely to have children as passengers which are a distraction. However, according to an article by Jerry Edgerton in 2011 a study by Quality Planning, ... Show more content on ... Children can often be distracting to the driver of a car. With these knowns, the data might suggest that women drivers with a passenger have more accidents. Correlations can be made with this study. The majority of women drivers with at least one passenger did not stop at the intersection. This could possibly be due to the distraction of children. However, since the sample size was extremely small and it was simply a convenience sampling, more research is needed to determine external validity. Additional research would also need to be narrowed to only children passengers if the hypothesis is to conclude they are a distraction to women drivers. The time of day and the day of the week could also be confounding