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Persuasive Essay Against Death Penalty
Crafting a persuasive essay against the death penalty is a challenging task that demands careful
consideration of various aspects. This topic is highly sensitive and polarizing, eliciting strong
emotions and differing opinions. As a writer, you must navigate through a complex web of
ethical, legal, and social issues to build a compelling argument against capital punishment.
One of the difficulties lies in finding a balance between emotional appeal and logical reasoning.
The death penalty is an emotionally charged subject, with proponents emphasizing justice for
victims and opponents highlighting the risk of wrongful executions. Striking the right tone is
crucial to engage readers and make a convincing case.
Researching and presenting statistical data is another formidable challenge. To build a solid
argument, you need to delve into crime rates, recidivism, and the potential flaws in the legal
system. This requires an in-depth understanding of criminology, law, and the intricacies of death
penalty cases. Analyzing case studies and real-life examples adds weight to your essay but also
demands meticulous research.
Addressing counterarguments is a crucial aspect of persuasive writing, and it becomes
particularly intricate in the context of the death penalty. Anticipating and effectively refuting
opposing viewpoints requires a thorough understanding of both sides of the debate. This involves
grappling with moral and ethical considerations, exploring alternative punishments, and
acknowledging the complexities surrounding the issue.
Moreover, framing the essay in a way that resonates with diverse audiences poses its own set of
challenges. Different readers may have varying perspectives shaped by cultural, religious, or
personal beliefs. Tailoring your argument to appeal to a broad audience while maintaining the
integrity of your stance requires finesse in language and persuasion.
In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay against the death penalty demands a combination of
research, empathy, and rhetorical skill. It requires navigating through a myriad of ethical and
legal considerations, presenting compelling evidence, and addressing counterarguments with
finesse. Despite the difficulties, a well-crafted essay on this topic has the potential to contribute
to a meaningful dialogue on a crucial societal issue.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, professional services
like can provide valuable support and guidance.
Persuasive Essay Against Death PenaltyPersuasive Essay Against Death Penalty
Investigation Of A Security Clearance For A Position...
Background investigations are an essential aspect of the vetting process for both
employees and potential employees of the US Federal, State, and Local governments
and private sector companies that provide support, services and products to these
government entities. These investigations are conducted to determine the suitability
of the subject of the investigation to hold a security clearance for a position impacting
our national security. Many of the individuals hired by the aforementioned
organizations are placed in positions which require a security clearance. Based on the
type of clearance, the person has access to information that is crucial to
implementation of the missions of US government entities and private ... Show more
content on ...
The purpose of US Federal Government background investigations is to determine if
individuals are deemed acceptable for employment within the US government, and
more importantly, prevent individuals of malafied intent from gaining access to a
position impacting the US national security. Properly executed background
investigations can greatly diminish the possibility of a potential insider threat
obtaining access to classified information, which can cause the US great harm and the
US government great embarrassment.
Prior to the founding of the United States of America, the insider threat has hindered
the security of a nation. It is written that the outward destruction of a country results
from the inward turmoil of its government. Numerous historical accounts of internal
conflicts endangering the welfare of countries are present in the history books of
most countries. In most instances, the conflict occurred within the governmental
structure of the nation. Regarding internal threats, the US government is not immune
from this imminent danger. Constantly, there are numerous threat to US government
operations that are undetected. Although the US government Most recently, the
breach of security of former National Security Agency (NSA) employee, Edward
Snowden, and the ongoing saga of events surrounding his dubious departure from his
home country have permeated the media of countries around the world. The
Snowden case is the latest in the
Betrayal In All Quiet On The Western Front
Has there really ever been a time in your life when everything has been all quiet? No
matter who you are, there is always something on your mind, or something that you
have to deal with. There is really only one way to achieve absolute quiet, and that is
by death. War unfortunately gives millions of people just that. All Quiet on the
Western Frontis a book that tells a story of young men and their journey throughout
WW1 from the German perspective. Three main points of war that will be
mentioned in this paper are betrayal, horror, and friendship. To begin with, betrayal
was a very prevalent theme in All Quiet on the Western Front. Firstly, an example of
betrayal was when the soldiers were given nice new uniforms to address the Kaiser,
but... Show more content on ...
First of all, the passing down of the boots was a great example of friendship. With
each passing of the pair of boots came even more memories that are shared. It was
also like a traditional type of thing among the soldiers. Also, another time when a
tremendous amount of friendship was shown was when Bertinck stopped the
flamethrowers. He sacrificed his own life to save the lives of his fellow squad
mates. Lastly, when Paul carried Kat all the way back to the dressing station was a
great example of friendship. Paul did not care what he had to do to make it back to
the dressing station to save Kat. It was a long and tedious walk for him but they got
there eventually. Unfortunately a piece of shrapnel hit Kat in the back of the head
that was unseen, and he died. Thus, friendship was probably one of the most
important things to have during
Women s Brain Stephen Jay Gould Analysis
As an anthropologist, it was Broca s job to study the human species. He collected
information for years trying to answer the questions on everyone s mind in the 1800
s, what gender is smarter, therefore superior? Broca studied brain sizes to answer
that question do to the fact that humans were declared the smartest species because
we have bigger brains than animals. Broca declared that women had smaller brains
than men and, therefore, could not equal them in intelligence, however, I would like
to argue that. According to Women s Brains By Stephen Jay Gould, Broca s data was
inconsistent. He used 292 malebrains but only 140 femalebrains. He did not take in
consideration weight, heath, height nor age into his observations, all facts that
The Women s Suffrage Era
The Women s Suffrage Era The only Question left to be settled now is: Are Women
Persons? Susan Brownell Anthony inquired in a speech she divulged during the
1800s after she was arrested and fined for voting the year before (women s rights to
the suffrage pg. 2). During the 1900s, and many years before that, women became
vile to the fact of feeling suppressed. Two particular women became repulsive to the
fact that women voting was a taboo subject. Because of the impact, these women had
on the society, The women s suffrage movement took place. Eventually, the
Nineteenth Amendment was ratified, causing acceptance to women voting. Due to
the hardiments of determined female s, because of their hostile feelings toward
women s suffrage,... Show more content on ...
Eventually becoming wealthy by starting a cotton mill. Despite the wealth, they
lived a simple life, keeping up with their quaker faith. Quakers believed in equality
between the sexes. Quakers is a member of the religious society of friends. They
often held silent meetings which relied on the hope of God appearing. Anthony was
raised in an environment with outspoken women resulting in her outspoken
personality. In 1849, Anthony quit her job and rejoined her parents, who moved to
Rochester Newyork, where Anthony became intrigued with the fight for women s
suffrage. Anthony was so intrigued with the fact that the U.S. verboten women to
vote, that she soon strained. She cast her ballot at the presidential election of 1872.
After two weeks she was arrested and convicted of illegally voting.(Quaker 1 3)
Although she was not expecting to be arrested she planned to use this event in her
favor. She was expected to pay a fine, which she refused, of one hundred dollars. The
Court was contemplating their reaction to her audacious action. The indecisive court
dropped that matter and let her go putting a stop to the case. In the year of 1873,
Anthony delivered a speech discussing the women s suffrage rights, expressing that
voting was a right, not a privilege. Anthony s participation in several organizations
and outspoken nature made her a target for criticism. The editors of the newspaper
attempted to perceive her to the public as a bitter spinster who only had interest in
Jake Roper s Ship Of Theseus
Jake Roper poses an interesting question within this video. He asks, How much of
you can be removed before you are not you anymore? Challenging you to answer
his question he talks about four different logical paradoxes: Ship of Theseus: If a
ship is rebuilt is it the same ship?, Sorites: When is a heap of sand no longer a
heap?, Grelling Nelson: Is the word heterological heterological?, and
Teletransportation: If you are materialized, moved, and rematerialized are you still
you?. After he explained each of these concepts I found that my answer to his initial
question was quickly changed and required further thought due to the fact that I
found myself bouncing back and forth between answers. Roper used voice inflection
to make his transitions
neon Essay
Did you know that neon is a Greek word that means quot;new quot;? Neon is the
element that I am most interested in. I chose to do neon because I found out what
many uses it has in our daily life. Neon is the element that allows you to watch TV.
Without neon we would never see the cool flashing signs outside of diners and bars.
In my essay I am going to tell you about neon and its many uses.
First, I m going to tell you about the history and uses of neon. Neon was discovered
by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris M. Travers, an English
chemist, shortly after their discovery of the element krypton in 1898. Neon is one of
the most amusing elements used today. Neon mixed with some other elements ...
Show more content on ...
Neon is found in the atmosphere. Neon is 0.002% of the atmosphere. Also, stars
produce neon during the later stages of nuclear fusion.
All there is to talk about neon now is about how it integrates into our life. To show
you the integration in our society I will demonstrate a situation in which neon comes
into play. Imagine walking around in Las Vegas with your friends looking to have a
good time before your business meeting the next day. You look up and see giant signs
that flash and move around advertising casinos and restaurants. Those signs are
discharge tubes holding the active ingredients of our friend neon and his buddy
mercury. You decide to walk into the casino with the biggest, coolest sign that says
quot;MGM quot;. You walk into the casino wondering what to do first, so you
walk over to the nearest craps table. You play craps for a couple hours and decide to
cash in and go out to eat with all the money you won. You walk into a sports bar to
get a drink and you notice a TV with the Lakers game on. You look up at the TV
and notice they are losing 84 to 36. The television has a tube in it that holds neon to
project things onto the glass screen you see, without neon you wouldn t be able to
watch any of your favorite shows. When you are finished eating your friends ask if
you want to go to the Smithsonian observation museum about 10 miles away from
downtown Las Vegas. You agree and pile into your rented Mercedes Benz SRX. As
your driving on the
The Stonewall Act Of Stonewall
Stonewall is known as the riot that kickstarted the movement for gay rights in
America in 1969. Throughout the 1960 s the gay community was targeted for their
homosexual activities because this went against the common beliefs of the people.
Most of the population had the Christian belief that being interested in the same sex
was against God s will. This caused discrimination throughout the nation between
members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender plus (LGBT+) community
and the rest of the country. Due to this discrimination, many LGBT+ members felt
like their rights were being violated by the government. On June 28, 1969 at the
Stonewall Inn in Manhattan, New York City, the community decided to fight back
for their rights. They... Show more content on ...
The police saw these as valid reasons to arrest the people there and quickly began
ushering them outside. Some were told to wait by the sidewalk, while others were
being pushed into toward police vehicles. The police force was not as coordinated
as they had hoped to be that night. There were very few police vehicles in the area
and the backup cars were supposed to already be at Stonewall, waiting. So, patrons
were required to wait in line for about 15 minutes, (The Stonewall Inn). When
nearby people noticed the large crowd outside Stonewall, they came over to see
what was going on. The crowd had grown much larger than just the bar patrons
being arrested or let go, when the backup vehicles finally arrived. By this time, the
Stonewall community had grown agitated. The Stonewall were ready to fight
back. Some reports say a scuffle broke out when a lesbian in handcuffs was
escorted to the police wagon, (The Stonewall Inn). Others say it was a male drag
queen who stopped in the doorway between the officers and posed defiantly,
(Socialist Alternative). No one can say with certainty what started the riot, but
violence quickly broke out. First, the crowd started flinging loose coins at the
officers. This change was replaced with items found littering the area around them.
They threw beer bottles and rocks at the officers. Some of the crowd stopped
throwing these items, and tried to tip over a police vehicle. When that did not work,
they began throwing spare bricks
The Pros And Cons Of Industrial Revolution
Innovations in machinery, methods, and techniques of producing goods opened up
an entirely new world ( Pros and Cons of Industrial Revolution, , 2014). Nowadays,
the science and technology develop rapidly, which resulted in a quick growth of
heavy industries. The industrialization is the development of industryon an extensive
scale, which is more and more common in many countries. It also can be a sign of
the growing economy of a country. As the growth of the industry, the evil aspects of
it has been shown to the citizens gradually. The farming area will be loss, the serious
pollutionwill begin and the working conditions for the workers will not be guaranteed.
Those are all the serious consequences made by the industrialization.
Industry center will attract lots of farmers to work and a large loss of farming will
be caused. The people live in the rural area who wants to earn more money will
choose to leave their farmland and work in the factory or industry center. The
more stable salary of workers will be an attractive factor for farmers. However, this
is not a good situation for citizens. It is clear that everyone needs food to live.
People cannot get healthy food without the hard cultivating of farmers. If a large
number of farmers have become workers in factory. Who comes to take care of the
crops? The unstable harvest will become a serious problem to the society. The lack
of farmed food will maintain for a long time. If no one has come to change this
situation, the
Differences Between Greek Theatre And Theatre
Opera and theater share many similarities especially since the former is influenced
by the latter. In his text, A Short History of Opera, Donald Grout defines opera as a
drama in music: a dramatic action, exhibited on stage with scenery by actors in
costume, the words conveyed entirely or for the most part by singing, and the whole
sustained and amplified by orchestral music (4). Operaliterally translates to work.
The first known opera that was performed was in 1597. However, interestingly
enough, the word opera was not used until 1634 (Grout 1). The origins of seventeenth
century opera can be traced back to Greek drama and medieval theatre. Throughout
the seventeenth century, many different kinds of operas can be found from countries
such as Italy, Germany, and England. In order to fully understand opera and its inner
workings, it is important to locate and learn the origin of opera.
Greek drama is said to be the model on which the creators of modern opera at the
end of the sixteenth century based their work on (Grout 11). There are substantial
differences between Greek drama and opera. For example, in Greek theater, the
cast was made up of only men and young boys (Grout 13). Also, it is important to
note that these plays were not sung entirely. Rather, many parts were spoken out
loud like the singing was left to the chorus (Grout 12). The chorus s main function
was to express opinions or give advice. They also conveyed emotions for the
audience to react to (Grout 12).
Antigone Family
The play Antigone composed by Sophocles relays the dispute between Antigone and
Creon, two tragic heroes, and their opposing philosophies on honor. Antigone s
brothers, Eteocles and Polynices, fell on separate sides of the battlefield. Fighting
for Creon s kingdom, Eteocles is to receive a proper, honorable burial. While
Polynices, for the rebels, is to be left unburied, left to be eaten by dogs and vultures
(131). Although both authority and family are present, the reader can interpret that to
Sophocles, family holds more importance over authority. The actions presented by
Ismene convey the importance of family to Sophocles. For example, Antigoneargues
the proper burial for her fallen brother, Polynices, to her sister Ismene who, cannot act
[a]gainst the State (128). While Ismene is initially siding with authority, she
eventually converts to family. After Antigone is caught in the act of burying her
brother and is sentenced to death, Ismene, can [not] bear to live, if [Antigone] must
die (141). If Sophocles believed authority held more importance, Ismene would not
feel guilty for... Show more content on ...
Upon continuing his act of repention, Creon goes to free Antigone, but he finds her
hanging by the neck [with] the rope [which] was woven linen of her dress (159).
Haemon, with Antigone in his arms, was distraught at the site of his dead fiance.
Blaming his father, Haemon lunged at Creon, but instead stabbed himself in the side.
Through this action the reader can interpret that Haemon saw no reason to live
without his beloved Antigone. Upon hearing the dreadful news, Eurydice, Haemon s
mother, demonstrated another act of love by, [driving] the sharp sword home into
her heart (161). Eurydice knew she could not live knowing her son sacrificed his life
for the love and commitment to his family. The audience can infer that Sophocles
uses death to show the importance of family to
Crimes In Cat And Mouse, By James Patterson
Cat and Mouse is a novel by James Patterson, featuring his popular character Alex
Cross. In this novel, Gary Soneji, the criminal mastermind from Along Came a
Spider returns. Soneji blames Cross for the time he has spent in jail for his crimes
and wants to punish him. First, however, Soneji wants to commit crimes he knows
will make him famous long after he dies. While Cross tries to find Soneji and stop
his crime spree, he finds himself pulled into another case, the case of Mr. Smith, a
cruel and ruthless serial killer. Soneji was a suspect in a previous case Cross worked
on. Cross learns that Soneji has stolen some blood Cross donated and spilled it at
the crime scene. Cross goes to New City and meets the detective in charge. A few days
... Show more content on ...
The first theme talks about the revenge. First, Gary Soneji a serial killer caught by
Alex Cross a detective and he imprisoned Soneji as has committed several
murders. Furthermore, Soneji got raped in the prison and acquired AIDS virus. All
these things are very common for Soneji to hold a grudge against Alex Cross along
with those other prisoners. After managing to flee away from the prison Soneji
started to take revenge over these people. Again in the book the author talked about
a man named Mr. Smith who also took revenge as his girlfriend cheated on him with
a doctor so Smith killed his girlfriend and started to murder random people. The
second theme talks about the perspective of both Soneji and Mr. Smith that what
they did is right but which is not. For instance, Soneji started to kill people to take
revenge because he thought Alex Cross and those prisoners are the reason for his
impending death so killing those people was fair to him. Again, Mr. Smith who used
to love his girlfriend got traumatized when she cheated Smith with another guy.
Therefore out of frustration and grief he killed his girlfriend. For him, she deserves
this so it is fair for him. Both of them thought that whatever happened to them was
not fair so why would they care for
World Energy Consumption
World energy consumption
World energy consumption in 2010: over 5% growth [6] Energy markets have
combined crisis recovery and strong industry dynamism . Energy consumption in
the G20 soared by more than 5% in 2010, after the slight decrease of 2009. This
strong increase is the result of two converging trends. Onthe one hand, industrialized
countries, which experienced sharp decreases in energy demand in 2009, recovered
firmly in 2010, almost coming back to historical trends. Oil, gas, coal, and electricity
markets followed the same trend. On the other hand, China and India, which showed
no signs of slowing down in 2009, continued their intense demand for all forms of
In 2009, world energy consumption decreased for the first time ... Show more content
on ...
The total energy flux from the sun is 3.8 YJ/yr, dwarfing all non renewable resources.
|Contents |
|1 Emissions |
|2 Primary energy |
|2.1 Fossil fuels |
|2.2 Coal |
|2.3 Oil |
|2.4 Gas |
|2.5 Nuclear power |
|2.6 Renewable energy |
|2.6.1 Hydropower |
|2.6.2 Biomass and biofuels |
|2.6.3 Wind power |
|2.6.4 Solar power |
|2.6.5 Geothermal |
|3 By country |
|4 By sector |
|5 Alternative energy paths |
|6 See also |
|7 References |
|8 Further reading |
|9 External links |
The global warming emissions are the most serious global environmental problem.
Therefore many nations have signed the UN agreement to prevent a dangerous
influence in the climate system. What is dangerous concentration is a
Reflection Paper On Theology
Generally speaking this course led me to contrast the Wesleyan doctrine with specific
questions raised by opposing theological viewpoints. The real world scenarios
presented in the weekly assignments provided valuable context to the application of
biblical interpretation to answer questions concerning details of the hope Jesushas
promised. These inquiries ranging from limits of justification and gifts, to the
biblical truth regarding the Church here and in the next life, will continue to be of
great value as I am utilized to make disciples of all people.
To begin, week one s position paper challenged me to dig at the underlying reason
many would be afraid they have committed the unforgivable sin of blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit. I asserted the root of the issue is not that one is a believer who is
tormented by committing an unforgivable sin; it is a lack of faith that Christ has
forgiven all their sin. The scenario given was not unfamiliar to me of a person who
believes Jesus is Lord, but due to lack of knowledge cannot trust Jesus as their
Lord. Though the initial scenario dealt with salvation, I can apply the same lack of
faith being an issue in any area of my own life. I have recognized that areas of
struggle in my own life have persisted due to a lack of faith in the process, even
though I had faith in salvation. Realizing that until I stand in faith specifically for
the situation at hand, many times I will not possess the breakthrough I have prayed
for. I was reminded through this assignment that often the stated issue is only an
effect of a deeper dilemma. The lack of trust situation, as well as the accompanying
scenario regarding spiritual gifts, was caused by Scripture received out of context.
The stance as to why someone would be scared they are beyond God s forgiveness
due to blasphemy would be based on translations of: Mark 3:29, Matthew 12:31,
Luke 12:10 not taken in context with the rest of scripture. I concluded the
misunderstanding of the gifts of the Spirit, was a case of cherry picking scriptures
by the subject to substantiate his view point. I found applying Wesley s teachings of
contextual study of Scripture to such a real world situation of great practical value
(Oden, 2012,
Exemplary Post 24 Points
932086 Jimenez Hi Linda,
Exemplary Original Post 24 points: This is a wonderful post. Not only did you
address all the discussion prompt questions but the Original Post was well organized
and had rich detail. I especially liked Its known that many pharaohs and high ranking
officials would sometime have their servants depicted in some form of image or
sculpture so that when they went to the afterlife they would able to utilize their skills
to help them in their second life . This post shows that you understand the material
and can synthesize the information well. I will caution against something like the
Seated Scribe was royal as this might be a bit of a stretch. He would most certainly
be part of the government working under the king or visar of Egypt, but be a
scribe would not be a typical job for a royal. There could be many reasons he was
shown in this position. Also, given that there is a lot more information to confirm
he was indeed a script and, therefore, an important part of the government over
being a royal. Also, I would like to see more of the post in your words instead of
quotes, since I want to see how you would state something and your thoughts.
Posted on time 6 points! ... Show more content on ...
You have some good points and ideas. The post really wants you to explore
similarities in the artworks. Where the artwork is today does not really tell us
anything about the values and beliefs of those cultures. Also, you were to compare
2 different cultures. In one of you posts, you compare Egypt to Egypt. In future
posts, I will be looking for you all to answer the questions more directly. It is also
better to compare known facts instead of possibilities. So comparing the possibility
that the seated scribe was a royal is not a good comparison point because there is little
to no evidence to make the
Female Sexual Freedom In Lust By Susan Minot, Jamaica...
Female sexual freedom is a predominant theme in three short stories by author s
Susan Minot, Jamaica Kincaid, and Junot Diaz. The messages in Lust by Susan
Minot, Girl by Jamaica Kincaid, and Nilda by Junot Diaz the reader is introduced to
three girl s coming of age and the dangers they encounter with femalesexuality. In
these three stories, the authors convey the message that sexual freedom, for females
anyway, is not so free; in fact females often, ultimately pay a price of loneliness,
shame, a poor reputation, and even self deprecation. First, loneliness, shame, self
deprecation, and regret are the dangers associated with female sexuality in Susan
Minot s Lust. The reader is introduced to a nameless, teenage girl, who decides to...
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In this short story, a young girl is thought to have begun some forays into female
sexuality. Alerted to her daughter s singing benna in Sunday school (Kincaid 1) a
symbolic reference of sexuality her mother begins a lengthy lecture on the
importance of appearances and respectability. The mother s word choices, as she
sets about teaching her how to appear respectful, are also geared to teach her
daughter the shame associated with sexual promiscuity, This is how to hem a
dress when you see the hem coming down and so to prevent yourself from looking
like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming (Kincaid) and This is how to
behave in the presence of men who don t know you very well, and this way they
won t recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming
(Kincaid). Yet the fact that the mother knows how to make a medicine, To throw
away a child before it even becomes a child (Kincaid), suggests she is not a stranger
to the experience of sexual freedom herself. Indeed, the tone Kincaid conveys
suggests the mother has experience of her own in the dangers associated with female
sexuality. Finally, loneliness, shame, a poor reputation, and self deprecation are the
dangers associated with female sexuality in Nilda by Junot Diaz. Trying to escape an
alcoholic mother and an absentee father, Nilda, seeks comfort and security in
Super Bowl Of Rodeo Research Papers
The top fifteen money makers of each even in rodeo go to the Super Bowl of
Rodeo as some people say. This event is called the National Finals Rodeo (NFR)
and is held the first full week of December, at the Thomas Mack Center in Las
Vegas, Nevada. The PRCA riders that make it to the NFR are competing for the
world title of that year. There are seven events that take place each of the ten nights.
Bareback riding is the first event to take place, a cowboy uses one had to hang on to
a grip (resembling a suitcase handle), attached to a leather rigging wrapped around
the horse. Judges award a maximum score of 100, based 50 50 on the performance
of the rider and horse (Mihoces). They nod their head signaling for the gate men to
let the horse ... Show more content on ...
In barrel racing rider and horse follow a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels
(Gary). There is an electronic eye that when a horse passes will start a timer and
when the horse runs back across stops the timer. Just like in all other events there
is a penalty for messing up in this event if you knock (tip a barrel over) a barrel you
receive five second added onto your time. Often times a cowgirl will let go of the
reins (pretty much the steering wheel of the horse) and reach down to grab the
barrel and push it back into place, which is totally legal but if they push it too hard
it will fall over and add five second to the time. The tighter the rider can turn the
horse around the barrel the faster the time can be when they turn the third barrel
they kick it into gear and run out as fast as they can. The 2015 barrel racing
champion of the world Callie duPerier was competing at her first NFR but
competed like she d been in Las Vegas many times. The 22 year old from Boerne,
Texas, arrived here first in the world, and that s where she finished in world
standings and average
Research Paper On Bingo
Fancy Eight Hours Of Bingo? Win Real Prizes At A Charity Event On The 24th Of
September Julia s House is a local charity in Westbury that is dedicated to helping
children that have had a rough start in life, which is why a charity fundraiser is
now being planned for Saturday the 24th of September. The bingo session will go
on for a whopping eight hours from 10am in the morning until 6pm in the evening.
The legendary bingo marathon will take place in the Westbury players club.
Participants are allowed to play bingo as long as they like, which means players may
join games at their leisure. Sheila Harris has organized three marathon Bingo sessions
in the past and they have been a ringing success. The first two marathons were for the
Descriptive Essay On A Place In The Woods
For many people they have that one place they can go and just relax. For me it s
some place in the woods with a stream or creek. So, when I found this spot while
walking around I knew this was the spot I wanted to capture. This piece spoke to
me for multiple reasons because I found it in an area that resembles where I grew up
and I took a lot of comfort in that fact. I now have somewhere to go and get away
when I needto be alone or if I need to think about things because of this scavenger
hunt. Just by looking at this picture it brings me a feeling of peace and comfort.
The first reason this picture practically shouted at me was because this reminds me
of a spot at home that I would visit frequently. I live four hours away in the country
and more specifically on the side off a mountain. Along with that I live in a house
with six brothers and a little sister. This said, I am completely surrounded by woods,
not many other attractions, and only my family to drive me insane. So, In the
valley by my house we have a creek that runs through the woods and that was
where I would go for everything. If I was mad and needed time to cool off, if I
wanted scenery that I could draw, workouts, and almost anything else you could
think of. So, when I found this spot a rush of emotions ran through me because it
reminded me of this. This spot has now become my new thinking spot. I love
walking out to it and just sitting along the side to think and I even come out here to do
Swot Analysis Of Cheesecake Factory
Executive Summary
The issue that will be addressed in this plan is on more effective ways to reach the
target market. The Cheesecake Factory already have a strong presence in the USA.
In the year 2011, The Cheesecake Factory expanded its operations to the Middle
East and opened its first restaurant out of USA at The Dubai Mall. By the year 2015,
the company had eight restaurants in the Middle East. Now the goal is to focus on
how to establish a more dominant presence international such as their competitors, for
instance, McDonald s.
The items sold at The Cheesecake Factory are reasonably priced so that a typical
person can easily manage to pay for the products. In the year 2016, the average
meal cost of $21 22, which is reasonable for a full service restaurant. To increase its
customer base the brand has always implemented a penetration pricing policy and has
kept its prices lower than its competitors.
The best strategies of successful marketing for this company lies in word of mouth
publicity, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.), National
Cheesecake Day, gift cards sold by third parties (hotels, retail stores, etc.), and loyalty
Mission Statement
To create an environment where absolute guest satisfaction is our highest priority.
Through a shared commitment to excellence, we are dedicated to the
uncompromising quality of our food, service, people, and profit, while taking
exceptional care of our guests and staff. We will
The Death Of The Marine Corps
1.Just like Nicholas Herriman expressed, I often heard growing up that going to
college and living on your own is a rite of passage to entering adulthood. I did not
join the Marine Corps right out of high school. It was about two years after high
school and living on my own when I decided to join the military, however the rites
of passage was often used in the military as a way to signify that individuals are
now a men for joining the Marines. What makes these two examples not qualify as
rites of passage is due to the fact that they were not sudden events. These events were
more of a longer transition.
2.One of the examples of territorial passage is when the King of Sparta went to war
and would make sacrifices along the way when they ... Show more content on ...
He often visits tribe in very secluded parts of the world which always has a rites of
passage ceremony where an animal is sacrificed to represent him leaving or entering
a new world.
The text mentions how movement from one room to another is considered a
territorial passage. (p.192) This makes me think about when my family went on a San
Diego brewery tour where we were driven to a string of breweries. Each time we
entered a new brewery we would have a rite of passage of trying one of their
signatures crafts. If we really enjoyed the atmosphere we often would have another
beer signifying us leaving the location to enter the next.
3.i. First Stage: Separation is when the individual will be going through a series of
symbolic rituals which will strip them from their identity, in addition to spate the
individual from their previous position. Some of these rituals can include physical
modifications or challenge. An example could include getting a tattoo or having to go
ii. Second Stage: Liminal stage is when you are in the middle of statuses. The liminal
stage is the transitioning from the old status, however you are not in the new status
yet. This is the stage when you are learning or gaining the experience to reach the
new status. An example of this stage is when individuals have to go through a
security checkpoint before you can pass through to the new destination. iii. Third
Essay On Richard Jury
Richard Jury is the fictional lead in the Richard Jury series of novels by bestselling
American mystery thriller writer Martha Grimes. Grimes wrote the first novel
featuring the lead character Jury titled The Man With a Load of Mischief in 1981.
The novels series is so popular that over three decades since first publication, it is still
Richard Jury the chief protagonist is a Scotland Yarddetective who starts out in the
rank of chief inspector and rises to superintendent. The detective works alongside
Alfred Wiggins his dependable though hypochondriacal servant, and a British
aristocrat named Melrose Plant who has relinquished his titles to work on a range of
investigative mysteries. In addition to several recurring characters, Brian Macalvie
who is the Divisional Commander of the Cornwall and Devon Constabulary makes
frequent appearances.
The Man with a Load of Mischief, the first novel in the series opens to the body of
a man discovered inside a beer keg. It is not long before another dead body is found
at the beam of the Jack and Hammer pub. The man had been thus placed to replace
the mechanical man on the pubs sign. With two murders and two pubs, Scotland Yard
s best is called into offer his insights on what might have happened. Richard Jury the
Detective Chief ... Show more content on ...
A young woman is the victim of a brutal attack and murder visited on her while she
was heading to Twelfth Night party held at the local manor. The police are unable to
locate any coherent clue to the happenings of the night except that she had been
repeatedly stabbed with some kind of two pronged implement. With the local police
befuddled, New Scotland Yard s finest Richard Jury alongside Wiggins his sidekick,
saunters into town to unravel the mysterious murder. Throw in Melrose Plant the
unofficial but very efficient sidekick and you have what promises to be a great
Gothic, Art Deco
Victorian setting. In spite of the current look and soul of the tall working when the
new century rolled over, society was not prepared to acknowledge any structure
without remnants of customary ornamentation, and amid the early years of the
twentieth century, Gothic, Art Deco and a variety of different styles praised new
statures. This diversity, additionally depicted as a come back to style, has been
viewed subsequently of the moderate impact of the 1893 World s Columbian
Exposition. For reasons unknown, the work of the Chicago School neglected to awe
its era, and just the engineers who grasped neoclassicism, for example, Daniel
Burnham, went ahead to have proceeded with achievement. By the turn of the
century, innovation was no longer the... Show more content on ...
After the rehashing auxiliary module turned into the arrangement, there was no
longer an issue to fathom. Mies and his adherents made lovely structures that could
be acknowledged as masterpieces; imitators could do close to nothing yet rehash the
technique. By the 1960s, two patterns had turned out to be clear: designers were
starting to depend on improving components and recorded inferences to shift the
recipe and use of the mark window ornament divider was turning into a simple
technique for refreshing more established structures. Postmodernism would convey a
differing qualities to skyscraper generation that, all things considered, would
reinvigorate the work of the 1950s. The incongruity of the amusing postmodern style
is that its push to legitimize both well known and chronicled references regularly
brought about an absence of any genuine significance. One case of a 1960s
skyscraper that stood separated from its companions is the Ford Foundation Building
(1967) in New York City, composed by the successor firm to Eero Saarinen Kevin
Roche, John Dinkeloo Associates. The Ford Foundation building is commended in
design history overviews for its thoughtful and motivating utilization of inside space
to mitigate the force of the run of the mill corporate office building. The greater part
of the workplaces investigate an inside chamber that ascents the full tallness of the
building, lessening important corporate space however immeasurably enhancing the
workplace. In an AIA Journal study of the nation s best structures professionals,
faultfinders and students of history designated the Ford Foundation eleven times,
positioning it among the main ten most huge structures composed in the last two
hundred years. The skyscraper has always modified the urban scene. In the
What Is The Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance was a huge development in African American culture. It
was a huge turning point culturally, socially, and artistically. The Harlem
Renaissance drew a lot of attention to black writers, singers, musicians, and other
talented African Americans. The timing of the Harlem Renaissance , in the early
1900 s, was perfect, because it happened during the aftermath of World War II.
Many of the black writers left the South away from their unjustified groups of
people to search for a place where they could freely express themselves. This
movement became so big that it made the front page of a huge magazine called The
Crisis Magazine. The magazine flourished, because the founder Du Bois could relate
to the matter since he was African
Jar Binks And Stormtroopers In Star Wars
Star Wars is an American sci fi based film series, created by George Lucas. It
depicts the adventures and stories of various characters a long time ago in a galaxy
far far away . The creator, George Lucas, based this series off of many of the
historical events that took place over the centuries on this planet. And evidently,
many of the characters in this film series relate to leaders, rulers, and other significant
people from the real world. One of these many similarities is the relationship between
Hitler, the Nazi party, and the Sith, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, as they both strive
for absolutism. Another clear demonstration of the similarity is the usage of Jar Jar
Binks and stormtroopers, comparing to the 19th century African American... Show
more content on ...
Palpatine also takes advantage of the unstable Republic, and seizes the opportunity to
become the chancellor during Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. The next
thing they did was attain power by using emergency powers. For Palpatine, that
chance came at the beginning of the Clone War, seen in Star Wars: Episode II
Attack of the Clones. In that story, Jar Jar Binks proposed that Palpatine should be
granted emergency powers until the Separatist crisis had passed. Also in reaction
to a crisis, Hitler seized the opportunity to take emergency powers after the
Reichstag fire of 1933. Following a decree from Hitler, the Reichstag and
Reichsrat both passed what is known as the Enabling Act, effectively giving the
chancellor the power to enact laws without those legislative bodies (Horton, 1). In
both cases, these newly empowered chancellors were able to lead their people to
war using a secret army each had been building. For Palpatine, that army was a
clone army, which he created in secret many years before the beginning of the
Clone Wars. In Germany, the secret task began years before Hitler became
chancellor. As a result of the treaty of Versailles in 1919, Germany was banned from
building weapons of war, and etc.
Allen Ginsberg, Howl Cultural Imapact Essay
Howl s Explicit Language and Revolution
Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It s that time of night, lying in bed,
thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that s what the poet
does. Allen Ginsberg believed this wholly and based his means of poetry by what he
said in this sentence. One cannot censor thoughts, just as one can t censor expression.
Ginsberg faced controversy for sexual content and profanities that he used in his
poetry, but those were merely his private thoughts that he brought to the public. His
poetry fueled a whole generational revolution in the 1950s. In times of cookie cutter
uniformity Allen Ginsberg went against norm and wrote explicit poetry for the sake
of expressing a ... Show more content on ...
They pushed an open headedness to alternative sexualities and experimentation with
drugs. This movement conflicted with the publicly accepted ideals of the time period
( The Beat Generation ). These ideals of the beat generation that Howl stood for is a
big reason why there was so much controversy surrounding this poem. Howl was
banned for obscenity because of its sexual and drug references, but without these
references the voice of a movement could not be heard (
The San Francisco Police Department deemed the poem Howl obscene due to the
graphic sexual language the poem contained and arrested its publisher, Lawrence
Ferlinghetti on June 3, 1957( Howl on trial pg. 2). The trial that proceeded was sure
to change the tides of the literary world. The ruling could change the ways of the
Country, from prudery to expression sexual and other kinds. This was proven by the
revolution in the sixties; Ginsberg breathed the unspoken truth into American
consciousness, when he spoke frankly in colloquiums in Howl. October 3, 1957
Judge Clayton W. Horn not guilty of publishing and selling obscene writings, on the
grounds that Howl and Other Poems was not written with lewd intent and was not
without redeeming social importance ( Howl on trial pg.3.) Judge Clayton said
during the declaration of his decision that, I do not believe that Howl is without
redeeming social importance. The first part
Physical and Chemical Agents Pose a Threat to Human
When categorizing environmental agents in regard to human health, physical,
chemical, and biological agents each pose different and great threats. All can have
potentially extremely dangerous short term and long term effects. In my opinion,
biological agents pose the greatest threat to human health. It is crucial to point out
that circumstantially, any of the three could pose the greatest threat, but in general, I
believe biological agents do so. I find biological agents to be the most unavoidable
with the most severe consequences, in general, of the three categories. Biological
agents, coming in a variety of forms, have unique abilities amongst themselves and all
categories of environmental healthagents. Bacteria holds the ability to... Show more
content on ...
They, like chemical and biological agents, have come a long way in terms of
prevention and treatment. Physical agents, however, are more similar to chemical
agents in that it is easier to limit, or at least decrease, exposure of an entire country
than it would be to stop a disease epidemic, for example. Biological agent
prevention has significantly improved, especially with vaccines, but even vaccines
can be dangerous if given to the wrong person. Although it would be difficult to
prevent all exposure to any agent, being cautious about x rays and ensuring proper
ventilation in a new building are feasible, while limiting exposure to biological
agents is made difficult by the variety of hosts walking around with the capability of
secondary infection. Displaying an example of a biological agent is the H7N9 (bird
flu) epidemic in China beginning in 2013. Xinhuanet English News presents the
epidemic clearly. While many vaccines exist for viruses, none will be administered in
the foreseeable future for H7N9. They had already reached 96 human infections with
19 deaths in 2014 as of January 27. Fortunately, this epidemic currently has a slow
transmission speed and no supporting evidence to suggest consistent human to human
transmission, but it is addressed that single human to human cases are not ruled out.
This case is relevant and supports the argument of biological agents posing the
greatest threat to human health out of the
The Rocking Horse Winner Literary Analysis
The central theme mainly focuses on a woman named Hester who had no luck and
was never satisfied with her life. Since Paul didn t recognized his circumstances, it
created him to desperately seek for his mother s love and approval. Therefore, the
pursuit of money and material riches are the arguments conveyed in the story that
interprets Paul attempting to brighten up his need for love by pleasing his mother s
lust for money. However, others may believe that Paul is just an ordinary kid who
enjoys his rocking horseand don t really understand the true meaning of money. In
the story, The Rocking Horse Winner , Paul s arc demonstrates that the power of
money led to greediness and the intense desire for wealth. The capacity of money is
responsible for a high level of satisfaction because of the fact that Paul s mother don
t love him which created her to buy a rocking horse. According to the text it state
Now! He would silently command the snorting steed. Now, take me to where there is
luck! Now take me! This exhibits how Paul is pertaining to think more about the
rocking horse with his own appeals that eventually advance to other conflicts
throughout the story. For instance, verbal ironywas consumed in the story since Paul
wanted to stop the houses cries for money by providing it with more money. Even
after Paul equipped the house with money, the house continued to haunt Paul s
family. As portrayed in the text it further states Behind the shinning modern rocking
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Endoscopy
Purpose Endoscopy is very important method to obtain exact information such as
name of disease, cause of disease and how to cure diseases. Also, surgery with
endoscopy, called endoscopic surgery is really useful tool for elaborate treatment.
So, this paper accounts for a variety of endoscopy in detail for people to know easily
what endoscopy is.
Methods This review article explains the fundamental concept of endoscopy,
difference between optical electronic endoscope, comparison rigid endoscope to
flexible endoscope. Also, this paper introduces past present types of endoscopy and
present future types of endoscopy.
KeywordsEndoscope, Endoscopy, Capsule endoscopy, NIR endoscopy, 3D
endoscopy, Virtual endoscopy
Nowadays, Endoscopy has been very widely used. Endoscopy is a medical procedure
done with an instrument called an endoscope. The ... Show more content on ...
Doctors can even use the images to create a black and white image that looks like an
actual endoscopy.[29]
Virtual endoscopy has some advantages over standard endoscopy; nothing is put
into the body and no drugs are needed for the test and the doctor can change the
angle or magnify the image, which can help with diagnosis. However, there are
some disadvantages, too. Virtual endoscopy shows good detail, but it s not quite as
good at showing fine surface detail as standard endoscopy such that it can t show
color differences. It also exposes the patient to about the same amount of radiation as
a standard CT. And because nothing is put into the body, the doctor can t take biopsy
samples or remove growths. If something abnormal is found, the patient may still
need a standard endoscopy.
According to Pauriol Lacaze, S. et al. [30] virtual endoscopy is a considerably new
procedure, and doctors aren t yet sure how best to use it. It will likely be used more
in the future as the technology
Persuasive Essay On Chopsticks
Rough Draft: Forks [NEED BETTER TITLE]
Just as his dad didn t require him to speak Japanese, my dad didn t require me to use
chopsticks. Both must have decided at some point that passing along cultural heritage
in these particular forms was too much of a hassle. Becoming familiar with other
things, like literature in English, Calculus, Bob Dylan, Charlie Chaplin, and Baseball,
took priority. Perhaps this is the process known as Americanization, although both of
them were already as American as they come well before I was born. Compared to
the many important parenting decisions that would surely play a role in determining
my identity, whether or not to train me on chopsticks at a young age was a barely
noticeable fork in the road. ... Show more content on ...
Why use a fork when eating with hands is both faster and cheaper? Contributing to its
slow adoption, the fork also shared traits with the pitchfork or trident of the devil
along with the connotation of the forked tongue, not exactly the epitome of
truthfulness that would be desired in an everyday object. By the 11th century
some people had adopted the use of the fork (Goldsmith). However, its use was
uncommon and its users were sometimes ridiculed for their seemingly unnecessary
use. One princes is described by saying that she deigned not to touch her food with
her fingers, but would command her eunuchs to cut it up into small pieces, which
she would impale on a certain golden instrument with two prongs and thus carry to
her mouth (Goldsmith). Clearly at this time forks were not yet for everyone but
only for a few of the upper class. Forks were not widely adopted until the industrial
revolution which allowed the mass production of the silver plated utensils for all
(Goldsmith). At this point many commoners could afford to not only own a fork
but a whole set of silverware (Goldsmith). [NEED TO TIE HISTORY BACK TO
POINTS] One might observe that while forks can scoop things up, they are
designed for stabbing. They re good for separating solids from liquids, wrapping a
tangle of noodles into a clump, plucking and poking to test the texture of something
suspiciously foreign on a plate. With the help of a knife, they can be
Water Molecules Research Paper
Why is water an important molecule? Intermolecular Forces
Water is one of the most important molecules as it creates and supports life on earth.
Water covers 75% of the surface of the earth and around 78% of the mass of the
human body (, 2000). Its abundance, unique properties, chemical and
physical interaction are the reason behind its importance. The chemical composition
of water is H2O. It is a polar, covalently bonded molecule.
A covalently bonded molecule shares electrons between the atoms so each atoms
outer shell is full. Covalently bonded molecules are not partially charged, except for
polar covalent bonds. Molecules with polar covalent bonds have partial charges.
Within the water molecule, the oxygen atoms unevenly share the electrons since they
have more protons. The ... Show more content on ...
Water can also be found in all three states of matter naturally on Earth because it has
a low melting and boiling point, due its covalent bonds. Cohesion is when molecules
are more attracted to each other than the surrounding molecules. Dipole Dipole forces
and hydrogen bonds are responsible for cohesion. Adhesion the opposite of cohesion,
when there is a greater electronegativity difference between other molecules than
themselves. Figure 4. Diagram of meniscus and capillary action of water due to
cohesion and adhesion (, 2016)
Capillary action is a process where water molecules climb up a narrow tube
/ material due to kinetic energy and a combination of cohesive and adhesive forces.
Refer to appendix 1 for an experiment demonstrating this. Surface tension is the result
of a high concentration of bonds on the surface of water. When water molecules have
nothing to bond with above their surface, they concentrate forming a barrier. Figure
5. Intermolecular forces on the surface and body of water (Wikimedia,
Catcher In The Rye Coming Of Age Analysis
Holden s Coming of Age Journey
Then I went over and laid down on Ely s bed. Boy, did I feel rotten. I felt so damn
lonesome (Salinger 48). Holden Caulfield is the main character in the book The
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, where he is telling his coming of age story. He
struggles with depression after his brother s death and continues to struggle with it
throughout the book. Holden is a troubled character that goes through many
experiences that helped him learn lessons about the world. Importance: Many argue
about whether Holden Caulfield goes through a typical coming of age journey in his
book or if his journey was different from others. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye
by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield goes through a coming of age journey that is
different from a typical journey because he goes through struggles that people who
are maturing into adults usually don t go through.
Holden matures in the book by going through all these experiences that any other
person most of the time doesn t have to go through to mature. Holden tells us more
about his brother s death when he says, He got leukemia and died when we were in
Maine, on July 18, 1946 (Salinger 38). Holden has to go through having a really
close family member die from cancer while most people don t go through such
things when they are coming of age. This shows that Holden went through a more
challenging journey to mature because he was one of those few people who have a
close family member die
Aaron Carter Research Paper
Aaron Carter is an American singer and the brother of the famed Backstreet Boy,
Nick Carter. He was born in Tampa, Florida and started performing since he was
seven years old. He released his self titled debut album in 1997. Here are six of his
most memorable interview quotes. Number Six: Love shouldn t be about jealousy
or anything like that. It should be about commitment and being able to trust that
person. If you can t have that from the get go, there s a problem. These quotes can
be quite heavy when you cannot stop imagining the guy as a teenager with long
blonde hair. Sure, he is a big boy now but one cannot stop picturing him as a thirteen
year old. Number Five: Music is something that always lifts my spirits and makes me
happy, and
The Pros And Cons Of Cryptography
Cryptography Is considered the most important thing by means of secure
communication. It is used to encrypt and decrypt data and provide secure
communication between the sender and receiver. As a finance company, the most
important thing to look after is the process speed and security of the data. There are
two types of encryption and decryption methods known as a Symmetric key and
Public key cryptography. Symmetric key has set of algorithms such as Blowfish, two
fish, DES, 3DES, AES etc and on the other hand Asymmetric key has set of an
algorithm such as Elliptic curve, Diffie Hellman, DSA, RSA etc. These symmetric
and asymmetric keys have its own advantages and disadvantages. Hybrid
cryptography is one of most famous cryptography ... Show more content on ...
Asymmetric cryptography:
Asymmetric encryption is also known as public key encryption. This uses two
keys for encryption and decryption of data. The two keys are the Public key which it
can be shared with anyone and the other one is a Private key or secret key which
should be kept secretly. Each user will have its own public key and private key. Let s
assume Alice and Bob are the sender and receiver. Alice(A) wants to send a message
to Bob(B). Alice will first encrypt(E) the plaintext(M) with Alice s public key and
send to bob. Now Bob verifies Alice s message by checking whether it is Alice s
digital signature and then bob decrypts(D) the key using the bob private key. This
process will be the same if Bob sends Alice message.
↓ ↓
Plain text(M)в†’ в†’ в†’ в†’Plain text(M)
More secure when compared to symmetric key because the private key is not shared
with each other.
Uses digital signature for encrypting data.
The Ethics Of Clinical Research
A 35 year old man named Paul, who has a supportive wife and two adventurous kids,
has been diagnosed with a very severe case of bone cancer for 1 year now. Since this
type of cancer is so severe, chemotherapy is starting to not work as well. Paul s
oncologist unfortunately had to suggest a final option for Paul to try which was a
clinical researchtrial. Clinical research trials are experimental studies that deem
whether or not a medical drug, treatment, surgery, or device is safe and beneficial
for humans to use ( National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ). As explained in
Marcia Angell s Article, The Ethics of Clinical Research in the Third World , the
Declaration of Helsinki of the World Health Organization (WHO) provides a guideline
... Show more content on ...
This temptation happens when the research question, such as a cure for cancer, is
extremely important and the answer could save lives. If the investigators cared more
about the scientific or medical advancement than the well being of their participants,
they would cross a line that prohibits treating human subjects as a means to an end.
When this line is crossed, there is little left to protect patients from a callous
disregard of their welfare for the sake of research goals. Informed consent would not
matter because of the unbalanced relationship between the knowledge and authority
among the researcher and the subject. Approval by an institutional board, although it
is important, can be subject to change in its responsiveness to patients interests when
they conflict with the welfares of the researchers. Going back to Paul s case, he
agrees to enter a clinical trial which was suggested by his oncologist. The study, that
Paul has agreed to enter, has claimed that this research team has created a new drug
that may be on its way to cure cancer. Obviously to a father and husband, this trial
looks very appealing. However, the researchers knowingly form two groups that will
compare two treatments. What Paul doesn t know, is that one of the treatments is
better than the other. One group will receive this new drug and the other group will
receive a placebo. Comparing this new treatment
Case Study Chan Ke Tong
According to my point of view I think there are main three issues that was result in
getting a very few requests for the company. According to the given data I think the
1st reason is that not having an enough communication with the managers in the other
countries. Chan Kee Tong is a person who was newly recruited from the company.
He hasn t enough communication with the people in the company. Some of the
managers he didn t even see as well as he didn t even talk. So there is a poor
communication between Chan Kee Tong the other managers.
So due to that the managers wouldn t trust or know much about the plans of Chan
Kee Tong it would be a main reason for not getting a good answers from the
The second reasons than that they didn t get many replies because Chan Kee Tong
is a newly hired recruiter he doesn t have any connection with the managers of the
other countries. He even didn t talk with them. Though the assistant of the Chan
Kee Tong is uneducated, he is having a greater knowledge about the company as
well as the people in there. He knows the way that the company will run, the way in
which the company would able to do their works. Though Chan Kee Tong is well
educated he doesn t really know about the needs wants of the company. Even he
doesn t have a good idea about the way in which the ... Show more content on ...
I thought it because though might be a person who is educated very much. In the
case study it was mentioned that Chan Kee Tong is a UCD MSc graduate with
having several years experience in account control systems optimization techniques.
But he was newly hired recruiter for this company has no idea about the flowing or
the history of the company. So that he got an assistant with several years of
experience In this company. But he doesn t listen for him. Though he gave Chan Kee
Tong suggested to visit meet the managers that he never seen discuss the matter
personally, he didn t listen to
The Problem Of Developing Substance Use Disorders
The Problem in Context Agoraphobia is a difficult mental illness to treat due to
the fact that there is a small number of people have been diagnosed with it.
According to the Mental Health First Aid USA (2013) roughly 0.9 American
adults are diagnosed with agoraphobia and the median age for onset is twenty
years old (p. 41). People who have agoraphobia have a higher risk of developing
substance use disorders by using drugs or alcohol to help them cope with anxiety. In
the twins case, they are heavy cigarette smokers and it has to be monitored how
many packs of cigarettes they are given. From research, there are no reports of
concerns with diversity, oppression, or populations at risk of individuals diagnosed
with agoraphobia. However,... Show more content on ...
Essentially the twins mental illness makes it difficult to get them everything they
Planning and Intervention When DHR originally got involved with the twins, the
caseworker at the time was hoping that a family member would step in to become
guardian and take the responsibility for helping them with daily tasks. It was
extremely imperative that DHR found someone who would not manipulate or take
advantage of the twins. One niece did come forward and showed sincerity in
wanting the twins to move in her home. She claimed that when she was younger,
they would baby sit her and she wanted to return the favor. After a few months, the
twins moved into her home after the casework deemed it was a suitable place for
them to live. Things appeared to be going well until the niece lost her job and the
twins care began to get overwhelming for her. After a year, the niece went to DHR
and terminated her guardianship over the twins. DHR was able to find a suitable
apartment for the twins that was affordable and they have been leaving there since.
At DHR there was a homemaker, who would grocery shop and prescriptions for
clients. Sadly after they retired, the state closed the position and now caseworkers
either have to find affordable homemakers or do the tasks themselves. Since the twins
have little help from family, DHR monitors their checks from the conservator and
buys groceries. The current
Reflection And Discernment
Reflection and Discernment in a Dynamic World
Reflection is a careful thought about oneself, one s behaviour and one s beliefs. It
means reviewing past experiences and making insights about them. Reflection is like
looking into the mirror and saying what you see. ( Self reflection | Unison , 2017)
It is necessary, because it encourages personal growth. Reflection helps identify our
mistakes and how we can improve on them in the future. It also strengthens a
person s emotional intelligence and self regulation, because during self reflection,
you have the opportunity of checking your strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals
and to also check your impact on the people around you. Self regulation involves
being able to correct oneself and adapt to changing situations. This is the building
of a successful life. Reflection enables one to act with Integrity. This occurs as a
result of conscious effort, reviewing all the actions made and decisions taken and
comparing them to the values you hold in esteem would help you monitor and
control yourself and slowly help you become a person of integrity. Over time,
reviewing and reflecting on your past will help you solidify the ... Show more content
on ...
If you have a friend that is known to be very loud and restless person, you know not
to make that person you study partner, because your goal of achieving an A may not
be achieved. A person who is negative, puts people down, and carries around anger
all the time has bad energy we choose not to spend time with them because it s
simply not healthy for us. We don t have to tell other people that s a bad person .
We know they aren t good for us and it will become self evident for others who use
their discernment. [Discernment] gives us clear perception and the ability to make
good choices without having to be better or worse than anyone else. (Habash,
Child Abuse and it s Role in Bastard Out of Carolina by...
While reading the semi autobiographical, Bastard Out of Carolina, by Dorothy
Allison, I was stunned by the explicit nature of the novel. We were introduced to a
young narrator and protagonist named, Ruth Anne Bone Boatwright. Bone s
family, like that of the author, experienced a impoverished life, all the while she
tried to find her place in a society that had literally labeled her illegitimate. Merriam
Webster defines illegitimate as being: (1) not recognized as lawful offspring;
specifically: born of parents not married to each other (2) not rightly deduced or
inferred illogical (3) departing for the regular erratic (4) not sanctioned by law illegal
(5) not authorized by good usage. As a young girl, how would it feel being... Show
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It was not until the early 1870s that child abuse was first brought into light. The
Child Protection Movement started with the news of one eight year old orphan
named Mary Ellen Wilson. After the passing of her biological mother and father,
Mary Ellen was left in the care of her biological father s widow, Mary McCormack
Connolly. Mrs. McCormack Connolly badly mistreated Mary Ellen, and neighbors
in the building were well aware of the child s predicament (Mary Ellen Wilson,
2013). It was not until Etta Angell Wheeler, a caring Methodist mission worker,
visited the residence and noticed Mary Ellen s condition. Ms. Wheeler describes her
first meeting with Mary Ellen, as such:
It was December and the weather bitterly cold. She was a tiny mite, the size of five
years, though, as afterward appeared, she was then nine. From a pan set upon a
low stool she stood washing dishes, struggling with a frying pan about as heavy as
herself. Across the table lay a brutal whip of twisted leather strands and the child s
meagre arms and legs bore many marks of its use. But the saddest part of her story
was written on her face in its look of suppression and misery, the face of a child
unloved, of a child that had seen only the fearsome side of life. These things I saw
while seeming not to see, and I left without speaking to, or of, the child. I never
Fluoride Research Paper
Fluoride and the thyroid
We ve discussed the many invisible ingredients in our tap water with fluoride being
one of them. We ve also touched upon the dangers of each individual ingredient
and just what they can do to our health over a long period of time but here we re
going to delve a little deeper. This article will be looking at fluoride and its affect on
your thyroid.
Why is fluoride in our drinking water?
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral and can be found in water in differing
amounts dependent on which area of the UK that you reside in. Fluoride can also be
found in certain foods such as tea and fish as well as a lot of our toothpastes and
mouthwashes. The main reason it s now manufactured and subsequently added into
our public ... Show more content on ...
On the contrary, altered thyroid function can be associated with an intake of
fluoride as low as 0.05 0.1mg of fluoride per kg of bodyweight per day. If you
happen to suffer from an iodine deficiency then you could notice an alteration with
a dosage as little as 0.03mg/kg/day. This means for a person of 70kg (that s
roughly 154lbs), just 3.5mg of fluoride per day could end in a thyroid dysfunction.
The most recent analysis relating to exposure was taken by the US Environmental
Protection Agency. They estimated that an average adult was consuming around
3mg of fluoride per day with some regularly ingesting up to 6mg per day. What they
found to be even more concerning however were the doses for children. With an
average 14kg child (around 30lbs), the fluoride intake of more than 0.7mg per day
were enough to put them at risk yet figures showed children within this weight range
to be consuming around 1.5mg of fluoride each and every day and in some cases
more. This meant that children were consuming more than twice the amount that was
necessary to alter the thyroid function. Chronic exposures such as this could have a
seriously detrimental impact along with life long effects on the intellectual, social
and even sexual development of children as they
Analysis Of The Book Honey Dale County Essay
Sunday mornings in Honey Dale County was what those untraveled in the inferior
corners of the world may have stereotyped little towns down South, which although
accurate in this case, is nonetheless unwarranted to pass judgement on what one has
not seen. Yes, the devout and ostensibly devout would awake early, dressed in their
finest whites and yellows, the latter not minding that a few moments upon arrival
at church they would break the commandment against envy, scorning the Harper s
frivolous and new car yet clandestinely wishing it was theirs. At times, Morning
Prayer in these nooks of the world was more of a social critic than a communal
worship. An honest outsider, as I hope my dear readers will come to view myself
as, will come out of the experience with a greater amount of respect for the pious
than solely feed their disdain for the impersonators while a truly honest one would
have to acknowledge that the disdain stemmed for having seen oneself reflected in
such people. Of course, working up religious fervor also worked up hunger
amongst the townsfolk s bellies as Luther s break with the church was still felt
strongly in these parts two hundred years later ensuring a scarcity of Catholics, no
bread had been broken. It was here in a little restaurant that a daughter and her father
arrived, promptly seated at a lacquered wooden table, before the rush of Sunday
brunchers arriving all at once. Or rather an interesting girl, not quite a woman but too
sagacious to insult
Christian Life Coach Essay
As a life coach you can have a tremendous impact on how the future of your client
come to past. A Christian life coach helpS your client to clarify their vision, set
goals, and help them move towards their mission is vital because it can help the
client to see their life purpose here on earth. Often clients seek for a life coach to
improve areas of their life that they would like to change. According to the article,
Evidence Based Well Being/Positive PsychologyAssessment and Intervention with
Quality of Life Therapy and Coachingand the Quality of Life Inventory, a client can
improve satisfaction in areas of their life by changing their circumstances, attitudes,
goals or standards, and priorities that your client feels is important to them... Show
more content on ...
Coaches role help client achieves specific, self determined outcomes, encourage
client self discovery, elicit client generated solutions/strategies and hold the client
responsible/accountable (Cooper et al., 2013, p. 802). However, as a Christian
life coach, a moral foundation that can help your client is applying Christian
principles, and scriptural strategies. In the Bible, 2 Timothy 3:17 says, all Scripture
is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every
good work (NLV). Therefore, integrating biblical principles in coaching is
essential, it can help you in all aspects of your life. Having a foundation in
scriptural foundations gives us direction in our lives. So, that you can apply
yourself in all that you do according to God. Nevertheless, the quality of life
consists of having mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well being (Clark et al.,
2014). However, because of the struggles and barriers that life brings. It is okay to
have a coach to help guide you to reach the goals that will help have the quality of
life you deserve. It starts with having a positive, trustful, reliable, honest relationship
with your coach. According to McCarthy Milner (2013), the relationship between
coach and
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
One trait of Scarlett that is exemplified for the duration of the entire novel is
determination. Regardless of how much the odds seem to be stacked against her, she
maintains her resolve. When Scarlett first hears of Ashley and Melanie s
engagement, she is astounded and incredulous as she had intended to have him for
herself. Determined to win him over, she formulates plans ranging from telling him
point blank that she loves him to hoping that Melanie dies. Despite the unlikelihood
of her success, she persists in chasing him throughout the novel. Before their
engagement was announced publicly, Scarlett corners Ashley privately and, against
all of her mother s teachings, bluntly and forwardly spills her heart with three
words, I love you. When that conversation proved fruitless, she wastes no time and
devises another plan on the same day. In order to make Ashley repent his actions,
Scarlett decides to marry Charles Hamilton. Even though Ashley stayed true to his
word and never exemplified anger towards Scarlett, she still refuses to take no for an
answer. After the war, Scarlett tries to persuade Ashley to run away with her, only to
have her offer rejected yet another time. In spite of these setbacks, she remains
determined and unrelenting. Furthermore, Scarlett s will to survive and the arduous
efforts on her part support that she is a determined character. After the gruesome trek
from Atlanta to Tara, Scarlett visits the Wilkes in hope to find some victuals and
Positive Impact Of Social Media On The Movie Industry
Ever since the successful marketing campaign of The Blair Witch Project , studios
have progressively marketed their films in social media websites like Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and other forms of websites. This has become more apparent in
recent years where films even have their own social media accounts to share and
update fans with anything related to the filmitself whether it be interviews with the
cast, trailers, movie posters, or just to simply interact with their fans. Some movie
critics claim that social media is ruining the movie industry because films tend to
get too much coverage which leads to spoilers getting revealed before the film
releases. However, I believe that social media is not only a positive for the movie
industry it s an innovation because it s a cheap and effective way to generate buzz
for a film, it allows the fans to feel more connected with the movie they re planning
to see, and individuals can easily voice their opinion about a flick whether it be
positive or negative. Have you ever noticed that people nowadays instinctively go
to any social media outlet, most notably YouTube to check out all the new movie
trailers released for upcoming films, if so then you have already detected that
movie studios tend to do this in a regular basis because it s a cheap and effective
way to produce talk for their future films. The most recent example of this would
have to go to Marvel Studios and the release of the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity
Staple Comparison Essay
Long term debt to equity is very similar to debt to equity, but it reveals an
important characteristic of the company s debt make up, that is how much of it is
long term. This is important because long term debt means long term interest
payments, and generally involves larger principles. This can mean greater
leverage, but it also indicates greater risk. Many banks are wary of companies that
hold too much debt, and especially the companies that hold too many long term
debt obligations. Another downside from this perspective is that higher perceived
risks by creditors generally can lead to increased interest rate, making this debt
even more expensive. Staples hold only about one quarter of the long term debt in
relation to equity compared to Office Depot or Amazon. This gives Staples several
advantages because the firm is likely to be perceived as less risky. It will likely
still be easy for Staples to find financing for expansion or operations than for its
major competitor. This is due not only to its holding less long term debt in relation to
equity, but also because Staples remains a profitable company... Show more content
on ...
This is a good sign in that the company has always been able to meet its debt
obligations, even in years where it could not ultimately provide a return to its
shareholders. Staples position is even more favorable when compared to that of
Office Depot, which had a negative times interest earned ratio in three out of the
five years analyzed. This makes Office Depot a far riskier investment for any
creditor that Staples, and a risky investment in general. As with long term debt to
equity above, this would place Staples in a far better position than its main
competitor to obtain funds to expand. Staples has only in FY 2015 fallen behind
Amazon again, but with both companies maintaining positive ratios, this is not
necessarily bad news for

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  • 1. Persuasive Essay Against Death Penalty Crafting a persuasive essay against the death penalty is a challenging task that demands careful consideration of various aspects. This topic is highly sensitive and polarizing, eliciting strong emotions and differing opinions. As a writer, you must navigate through a complex web of ethical, legal, and social issues to build a compelling argument against capital punishment. One of the difficulties lies in finding a balance between emotional appeal and logical reasoning. The death penalty is an emotionally charged subject, with proponents emphasizing justice for victims and opponents highlighting the risk of wrongful executions. Striking the right tone is crucial to engage readers and make a convincing case. Researching and presenting statistical data is another formidable challenge. To build a solid argument, you need to delve into crime rates, recidivism, and the potential flaws in the legal system. This requires an in-depth understanding of criminology, law, and the intricacies of death penalty cases. Analyzing case studies and real-life examples adds weight to your essay but also demands meticulous research. Addressing counterarguments is a crucial aspect of persuasive writing, and it becomes particularly intricate in the context of the death penalty. Anticipating and effectively refuting opposing viewpoints requires a thorough understanding of both sides of the debate. This involves grappling with moral and ethical considerations, exploring alternative punishments, and acknowledging the complexities surrounding the issue. Moreover, framing the essay in a way that resonates with diverse audiences poses its own set of challenges. Different readers may have varying perspectives shaped by cultural, religious, or personal beliefs. Tailoring your argument to appeal to a broad audience while maintaining the integrity of your stance requires finesse in language and persuasion. In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay against the death penalty demands a combination of research, empathy, and rhetorical skill. It requires navigating through a myriad of ethical and legal considerations, presenting compelling evidence, and addressing counterarguments with finesse. Despite the difficulties, a well-crafted essay on this topic has the potential to contribute to a meaningful dialogue on a crucial societal issue. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, professional services like can provide valuable support and guidance. Persuasive Essay Against Death PenaltyPersuasive Essay Against Death Penalty
  • 2. Investigation Of A Security Clearance For A Position... I.INTRODUCTION Background investigations are an essential aspect of the vetting process for both employees and potential employees of the US Federal, State, and Local governments and private sector companies that provide support, services and products to these government entities. These investigations are conducted to determine the suitability of the subject of the investigation to hold a security clearance for a position impacting our national security. Many of the individuals hired by the aforementioned organizations are placed in positions which require a security clearance. Based on the type of clearance, the person has access to information that is crucial to implementation of the missions of US government entities and private ... Show more content on ... II. INSIDER THREATS The purpose of US Federal Government background investigations is to determine if individuals are deemed acceptable for employment within the US government, and more importantly, prevent individuals of malafied intent from gaining access to a position impacting the US national security. Properly executed background investigations can greatly diminish the possibility of a potential insider threat obtaining access to classified information, which can cause the US great harm and the US government great embarrassment. Prior to the founding of the United States of America, the insider threat has hindered the security of a nation. It is written that the outward destruction of a country results from the inward turmoil of its government. Numerous historical accounts of internal conflicts endangering the welfare of countries are present in the history books of most countries. In most instances, the conflict occurred within the governmental structure of the nation. Regarding internal threats, the US government is not immune from this imminent danger. Constantly, there are numerous threat to US government operations that are undetected. Although the US government Most recently, the breach of security of former National Security Agency (NSA) employee, Edward Snowden, and the ongoing saga of events surrounding his dubious departure from his home country have permeated the media of countries around the world. The Snowden case is the latest in the
  • 3. Betrayal In All Quiet On The Western Front Has there really ever been a time in your life when everything has been all quiet? No matter who you are, there is always something on your mind, or something that you have to deal with. There is really only one way to achieve absolute quiet, and that is by death. War unfortunately gives millions of people just that. All Quiet on the Western Frontis a book that tells a story of young men and their journey throughout WW1 from the German perspective. Three main points of war that will be mentioned in this paper are betrayal, horror, and friendship. To begin with, betrayal was a very prevalent theme in All Quiet on the Western Front. Firstly, an example of betrayal was when the soldiers were given nice new uniforms to address the Kaiser, but... Show more content on ... First of all, the passing down of the boots was a great example of friendship. With each passing of the pair of boots came even more memories that are shared. It was also like a traditional type of thing among the soldiers. Also, another time when a tremendous amount of friendship was shown was when Bertinck stopped the flamethrowers. He sacrificed his own life to save the lives of his fellow squad mates. Lastly, when Paul carried Kat all the way back to the dressing station was a great example of friendship. Paul did not care what he had to do to make it back to the dressing station to save Kat. It was a long and tedious walk for him but they got there eventually. Unfortunately a piece of shrapnel hit Kat in the back of the head that was unseen, and he died. Thus, friendship was probably one of the most important things to have during
  • 4. Women s Brain Stephen Jay Gould Analysis As an anthropologist, it was Broca s job to study the human species. He collected information for years trying to answer the questions on everyone s mind in the 1800 s, what gender is smarter, therefore superior? Broca studied brain sizes to answer that question do to the fact that humans were declared the smartest species because we have bigger brains than animals. Broca declared that women had smaller brains than men and, therefore, could not equal them in intelligence, however, I would like to argue that. According to Women s Brains By Stephen Jay Gould, Broca s data was inconsistent. He used 292 malebrains but only 140 femalebrains. He did not take in consideration weight, heath, height nor age into his observations, all facts that
  • 5. The Women s Suffrage Era The Women s Suffrage Era The only Question left to be settled now is: Are Women Persons? Susan Brownell Anthony inquired in a speech she divulged during the 1800s after she was arrested and fined for voting the year before (women s rights to the suffrage pg. 2). During the 1900s, and many years before that, women became vile to the fact of feeling suppressed. Two particular women became repulsive to the fact that women voting was a taboo subject. Because of the impact, these women had on the society, The women s suffrage movement took place. Eventually, the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified, causing acceptance to women voting. Due to the hardiments of determined female s, because of their hostile feelings toward women s suffrage,... Show more content on ... Eventually becoming wealthy by starting a cotton mill. Despite the wealth, they lived a simple life, keeping up with their quaker faith. Quakers believed in equality between the sexes. Quakers is a member of the religious society of friends. They often held silent meetings which relied on the hope of God appearing. Anthony was raised in an environment with outspoken women resulting in her outspoken personality. In 1849, Anthony quit her job and rejoined her parents, who moved to Rochester Newyork, where Anthony became intrigued with the fight for women s suffrage. Anthony was so intrigued with the fact that the U.S. verboten women to vote, that she soon strained. She cast her ballot at the presidential election of 1872. After two weeks she was arrested and convicted of illegally voting.(Quaker 1 3) Although she was not expecting to be arrested she planned to use this event in her favor. She was expected to pay a fine, which she refused, of one hundred dollars. The Court was contemplating their reaction to her audacious action. The indecisive court dropped that matter and let her go putting a stop to the case. In the year of 1873, Anthony delivered a speech discussing the women s suffrage rights, expressing that voting was a right, not a privilege. Anthony s participation in several organizations and outspoken nature made her a target for criticism. The editors of the newspaper attempted to perceive her to the public as a bitter spinster who only had interest in
  • 6. Jake Roper s Ship Of Theseus Jake Roper poses an interesting question within this video. He asks, How much of you can be removed before you are not you anymore? Challenging you to answer his question he talks about four different logical paradoxes: Ship of Theseus: If a ship is rebuilt is it the same ship?, Sorites: When is a heap of sand no longer a heap?, Grelling Nelson: Is the word heterological heterological?, and Teletransportation: If you are materialized, moved, and rematerialized are you still you?. After he explained each of these concepts I found that my answer to his initial question was quickly changed and required further thought due to the fact that I found myself bouncing back and forth between answers. Roper used voice inflection to make his transitions
  • 7. neon Essay Did you know that neon is a Greek word that means quot;new quot;? Neon is the element that I am most interested in. I chose to do neon because I found out what many uses it has in our daily life. Neon is the element that allows you to watch TV. Without neon we would never see the cool flashing signs outside of diners and bars. In my essay I am going to tell you about neon and its many uses. First, I m going to tell you about the history and uses of neon. Neon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris M. Travers, an English chemist, shortly after their discovery of the element krypton in 1898. Neon is one of the most amusing elements used today. Neon mixed with some other elements ... Show more content on ... Neon is found in the atmosphere. Neon is 0.002% of the atmosphere. Also, stars produce neon during the later stages of nuclear fusion. All there is to talk about neon now is about how it integrates into our life. To show you the integration in our society I will demonstrate a situation in which neon comes into play. Imagine walking around in Las Vegas with your friends looking to have a good time before your business meeting the next day. You look up and see giant signs that flash and move around advertising casinos and restaurants. Those signs are discharge tubes holding the active ingredients of our friend neon and his buddy mercury. You decide to walk into the casino with the biggest, coolest sign that says quot;MGM quot;. You walk into the casino wondering what to do first, so you walk over to the nearest craps table. You play craps for a couple hours and decide to cash in and go out to eat with all the money you won. You walk into a sports bar to get a drink and you notice a TV with the Lakers game on. You look up at the TV and notice they are losing 84 to 36. The television has a tube in it that holds neon to project things onto the glass screen you see, without neon you wouldn t be able to watch any of your favorite shows. When you are finished eating your friends ask if you want to go to the Smithsonian observation museum about 10 miles away from downtown Las Vegas. You agree and pile into your rented Mercedes Benz SRX. As your driving on the
  • 8. The Stonewall Act Of Stonewall Stonewall is known as the riot that kickstarted the movement for gay rights in America in 1969. Throughout the 1960 s the gay community was targeted for their homosexual activities because this went against the common beliefs of the people. Most of the population had the Christian belief that being interested in the same sex was against God s will. This caused discrimination throughout the nation between members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender plus (LGBT+) community and the rest of the country. Due to this discrimination, many LGBT+ members felt like their rights were being violated by the government. On June 28, 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan, New York City, the community decided to fight back for their rights. They... Show more content on ... The police saw these as valid reasons to arrest the people there and quickly began ushering them outside. Some were told to wait by the sidewalk, while others were being pushed into toward police vehicles. The police force was not as coordinated as they had hoped to be that night. There were very few police vehicles in the area and the backup cars were supposed to already be at Stonewall, waiting. So, patrons were required to wait in line for about 15 minutes, (The Stonewall Inn). When nearby people noticed the large crowd outside Stonewall, they came over to see what was going on. The crowd had grown much larger than just the bar patrons being arrested or let go, when the backup vehicles finally arrived. By this time, the Stonewall community had grown agitated. The Stonewall were ready to fight back. Some reports say a scuffle broke out when a lesbian in handcuffs was escorted to the police wagon, (The Stonewall Inn). Others say it was a male drag queen who stopped in the doorway between the officers and posed defiantly, (Socialist Alternative). No one can say with certainty what started the riot, but violence quickly broke out. First, the crowd started flinging loose coins at the officers. This change was replaced with items found littering the area around them. They threw beer bottles and rocks at the officers. Some of the crowd stopped throwing these items, and tried to tip over a police vehicle. When that did not work, they began throwing spare bricks
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Industrial Revolution Innovations in machinery, methods, and techniques of producing goods opened up an entirely new world ( Pros and Cons of Industrial Revolution, , 2014). Nowadays, the science and technology develop rapidly, which resulted in a quick growth of heavy industries. The industrialization is the development of industryon an extensive scale, which is more and more common in many countries. It also can be a sign of the growing economy of a country. As the growth of the industry, the evil aspects of it has been shown to the citizens gradually. The farming area will be loss, the serious pollutionwill begin and the working conditions for the workers will not be guaranteed. Those are all the serious consequences made by the industrialization. Industry center will attract lots of farmers to work and a large loss of farming will be caused. The people live in the rural area who wants to earn more money will choose to leave their farmland and work in the factory or industry center. The more stable salary of workers will be an attractive factor for farmers. However, this is not a good situation for citizens. It is clear that everyone needs food to live. People cannot get healthy food without the hard cultivating of farmers. If a large number of farmers have become workers in factory. Who comes to take care of the crops? The unstable harvest will become a serious problem to the society. The lack of farmed food will maintain for a long time. If no one has come to change this situation, the
  • 10. Differences Between Greek Theatre And Theatre Opera and theater share many similarities especially since the former is influenced by the latter. In his text, A Short History of Opera, Donald Grout defines opera as a drama in music: a dramatic action, exhibited on stage with scenery by actors in costume, the words conveyed entirely or for the most part by singing, and the whole sustained and amplified by orchestral music (4). Operaliterally translates to work. The first known opera that was performed was in 1597. However, interestingly enough, the word opera was not used until 1634 (Grout 1). The origins of seventeenth century opera can be traced back to Greek drama and medieval theatre. Throughout the seventeenth century, many different kinds of operas can be found from countries such as Italy, Germany, and England. In order to fully understand opera and its inner workings, it is important to locate and learn the origin of opera. Greek drama is said to be the model on which the creators of modern opera at the end of the sixteenth century based their work on (Grout 11). There are substantial differences between Greek drama and opera. For example, in Greek theater, the cast was made up of only men and young boys (Grout 13). Also, it is important to note that these plays were not sung entirely. Rather, many parts were spoken out loud like the singing was left to the chorus (Grout 12). The chorus s main function was to express opinions or give advice. They also conveyed emotions for the audience to react to (Grout 12).
  • 11. Antigone Family The play Antigone composed by Sophocles relays the dispute between Antigone and Creon, two tragic heroes, and their opposing philosophies on honor. Antigone s brothers, Eteocles and Polynices, fell on separate sides of the battlefield. Fighting for Creon s kingdom, Eteocles is to receive a proper, honorable burial. While Polynices, for the rebels, is to be left unburied, left to be eaten by dogs and vultures (131). Although both authority and family are present, the reader can interpret that to Sophocles, family holds more importance over authority. The actions presented by Ismene convey the importance of family to Sophocles. For example, Antigoneargues the proper burial for her fallen brother, Polynices, to her sister Ismene who, cannot act [a]gainst the State (128). While Ismene is initially siding with authority, she eventually converts to family. After Antigone is caught in the act of burying her brother and is sentenced to death, Ismene, can [not] bear to live, if [Antigone] must die (141). If Sophocles believed authority held more importance, Ismene would not feel guilty for... Show more content on ... Upon continuing his act of repention, Creon goes to free Antigone, but he finds her hanging by the neck [with] the rope [which] was woven linen of her dress (159). Haemon, with Antigone in his arms, was distraught at the site of his dead fiance. Blaming his father, Haemon lunged at Creon, but instead stabbed himself in the side. Through this action the reader can interpret that Haemon saw no reason to live without his beloved Antigone. Upon hearing the dreadful news, Eurydice, Haemon s mother, demonstrated another act of love by, [driving] the sharp sword home into her heart (161). Eurydice knew she could not live knowing her son sacrificed his life for the love and commitment to his family. The audience can infer that Sophocles uses death to show the importance of family to
  • 12. Crimes In Cat And Mouse, By James Patterson Cat and Mouse is a novel by James Patterson, featuring his popular character Alex Cross. In this novel, Gary Soneji, the criminal mastermind from Along Came a Spider returns. Soneji blames Cross for the time he has spent in jail for his crimes and wants to punish him. First, however, Soneji wants to commit crimes he knows will make him famous long after he dies. While Cross tries to find Soneji and stop his crime spree, he finds himself pulled into another case, the case of Mr. Smith, a cruel and ruthless serial killer. Soneji was a suspect in a previous case Cross worked on. Cross learns that Soneji has stolen some blood Cross donated and spilled it at the crime scene. Cross goes to New City and meets the detective in charge. A few days ... Show more content on ... The first theme talks about the revenge. First, Gary Soneji a serial killer caught by Alex Cross a detective and he imprisoned Soneji as has committed several murders. Furthermore, Soneji got raped in the prison and acquired AIDS virus. All these things are very common for Soneji to hold a grudge against Alex Cross along with those other prisoners. After managing to flee away from the prison Soneji started to take revenge over these people. Again in the book the author talked about a man named Mr. Smith who also took revenge as his girlfriend cheated on him with a doctor so Smith killed his girlfriend and started to murder random people. The second theme talks about the perspective of both Soneji and Mr. Smith that what they did is right but which is not. For instance, Soneji started to kill people to take revenge because he thought Alex Cross and those prisoners are the reason for his impending death so killing those people was fair to him. Again, Mr. Smith who used to love his girlfriend got traumatized when she cheated Smith with another guy. Therefore out of frustration and grief he killed his girlfriend. For him, she deserves this so it is fair for him. Both of them thought that whatever happened to them was not fair so why would they care for
  • 13. World Energy Consumption World energy consumption World energy consumption in 2010: over 5% growth [6] Energy markets have combined crisis recovery and strong industry dynamism . Energy consumption in the G20 soared by more than 5% in 2010, after the slight decrease of 2009. This strong increase is the result of two converging trends. Onthe one hand, industrialized countries, which experienced sharp decreases in energy demand in 2009, recovered firmly in 2010, almost coming back to historical trends. Oil, gas, coal, and electricity markets followed the same trend. On the other hand, China and India, which showed no signs of slowing down in 2009, continued their intense demand for all forms of energy. In 2009, world energy consumption decreased for the first time ... Show more content on ... The total energy flux from the sun is 3.8 YJ/yr, dwarfing all non renewable resources. |Contents | |1 Emissions | |2 Primary energy | |2.1 Fossil fuels | |2.2 Coal | |2.3 Oil | |2.4 Gas | |2.5 Nuclear power | |2.6 Renewable energy | |2.6.1 Hydropower | |2.6.2 Biomass and biofuels | |2.6.3 Wind power | |2.6.4 Solar power | |2.6.5 Geothermal | |3 By country | |4 By sector | |5 Alternative energy paths | |6 See also | |7 References | |8 Further reading | |9 External links | Emissions The global warming emissions are the most serious global environmental problem. Therefore many nations have signed the UN agreement to prevent a dangerous influence in the climate system. What is dangerous concentration is a
  • 14. Reflection Paper On Theology Generally speaking this course led me to contrast the Wesleyan doctrine with specific questions raised by opposing theological viewpoints. The real world scenarios presented in the weekly assignments provided valuable context to the application of biblical interpretation to answer questions concerning details of the hope Jesushas promised. These inquiries ranging from limits of justification and gifts, to the biblical truth regarding the Church here and in the next life, will continue to be of great value as I am utilized to make disciples of all people. To begin, week one s position paper challenged me to dig at the underlying reason many would be afraid they have committed the unforgivable sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I asserted the root of the issue is not that one is a believer who is tormented by committing an unforgivable sin; it is a lack of faith that Christ has forgiven all their sin. The scenario given was not unfamiliar to me of a person who believes Jesus is Lord, but due to lack of knowledge cannot trust Jesus as their Lord. Though the initial scenario dealt with salvation, I can apply the same lack of faith being an issue in any area of my own life. I have recognized that areas of struggle in my own life have persisted due to a lack of faith in the process, even though I had faith in salvation. Realizing that until I stand in faith specifically for the situation at hand, many times I will not possess the breakthrough I have prayed for. I was reminded through this assignment that often the stated issue is only an effect of a deeper dilemma. The lack of trust situation, as well as the accompanying scenario regarding spiritual gifts, was caused by Scripture received out of context. The stance as to why someone would be scared they are beyond God s forgiveness due to blasphemy would be based on translations of: Mark 3:29, Matthew 12:31, Luke 12:10 not taken in context with the rest of scripture. I concluded the misunderstanding of the gifts of the Spirit, was a case of cherry picking scriptures by the subject to substantiate his view point. I found applying Wesley s teachings of contextual study of Scripture to such a real world situation of great practical value (Oden, 2012,
  • 15. Exemplary Post 24 Points 932086 Jimenez Hi Linda, Exemplary Original Post 24 points: This is a wonderful post. Not only did you address all the discussion prompt questions but the Original Post was well organized and had rich detail. I especially liked Its known that many pharaohs and high ranking officials would sometime have their servants depicted in some form of image or sculpture so that when they went to the afterlife they would able to utilize their skills to help them in their second life . This post shows that you understand the material and can synthesize the information well. I will caution against something like the Seated Scribe was royal as this might be a bit of a stretch. He would most certainly be part of the government working under the king or visar of Egypt, but be a scribe would not be a typical job for a royal. There could be many reasons he was shown in this position. Also, given that there is a lot more information to confirm he was indeed a script and, therefore, an important part of the government over being a royal. Also, I would like to see more of the post in your words instead of quotes, since I want to see how you would state something and your thoughts. Posted on time 6 points! ... Show more content on ... You have some good points and ideas. The post really wants you to explore similarities in the artworks. Where the artwork is today does not really tell us anything about the values and beliefs of those cultures. Also, you were to compare 2 different cultures. In one of you posts, you compare Egypt to Egypt. In future posts, I will be looking for you all to answer the questions more directly. It is also better to compare known facts instead of possibilities. So comparing the possibility that the seated scribe was a royal is not a good comparison point because there is little to no evidence to make the
  • 16. Female Sexual Freedom In Lust By Susan Minot, Jamaica... Female sexual freedom is a predominant theme in three short stories by author s Susan Minot, Jamaica Kincaid, and Junot Diaz. The messages in Lust by Susan Minot, Girl by Jamaica Kincaid, and Nilda by Junot Diaz the reader is introduced to three girl s coming of age and the dangers they encounter with femalesexuality. In these three stories, the authors convey the message that sexual freedom, for females anyway, is not so free; in fact females often, ultimately pay a price of loneliness, shame, a poor reputation, and even self deprecation. First, loneliness, shame, self deprecation, and regret are the dangers associated with female sexuality in Susan Minot s Lust. The reader is introduced to a nameless, teenage girl, who decides to... Show more content on ... In this short story, a young girl is thought to have begun some forays into female sexuality. Alerted to her daughter s singing benna in Sunday school (Kincaid 1) a symbolic reference of sexuality her mother begins a lengthy lecture on the importance of appearances and respectability. The mother s word choices, as she sets about teaching her how to appear respectful, are also geared to teach her daughter the shame associated with sexual promiscuity, This is how to hem a dress when you see the hem coming down and so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming (Kincaid) and This is how to behave in the presence of men who don t know you very well, and this way they won t recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming (Kincaid). Yet the fact that the mother knows how to make a medicine, To throw away a child before it even becomes a child (Kincaid), suggests she is not a stranger to the experience of sexual freedom herself. Indeed, the tone Kincaid conveys suggests the mother has experience of her own in the dangers associated with female sexuality. Finally, loneliness, shame, a poor reputation, and self deprecation are the dangers associated with female sexuality in Nilda by Junot Diaz. Trying to escape an alcoholic mother and an absentee father, Nilda, seeks comfort and security in
  • 17. Super Bowl Of Rodeo Research Papers The top fifteen money makers of each even in rodeo go to the Super Bowl of Rodeo as some people say. This event is called the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) and is held the first full week of December, at the Thomas Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. The PRCA riders that make it to the NFR are competing for the world title of that year. There are seven events that take place each of the ten nights. Bareback riding is the first event to take place, a cowboy uses one had to hang on to a grip (resembling a suitcase handle), attached to a leather rigging wrapped around the horse. Judges award a maximum score of 100, based 50 50 on the performance of the rider and horse (Mihoces). They nod their head signaling for the gate men to let the horse ... Show more content on ... In barrel racing rider and horse follow a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels (Gary). There is an electronic eye that when a horse passes will start a timer and when the horse runs back across stops the timer. Just like in all other events there is a penalty for messing up in this event if you knock (tip a barrel over) a barrel you receive five second added onto your time. Often times a cowgirl will let go of the reins (pretty much the steering wheel of the horse) and reach down to grab the barrel and push it back into place, which is totally legal but if they push it too hard it will fall over and add five second to the time. The tighter the rider can turn the horse around the barrel the faster the time can be when they turn the third barrel they kick it into gear and run out as fast as they can. The 2015 barrel racing champion of the world Callie duPerier was competing at her first NFR but competed like she d been in Las Vegas many times. The 22 year old from Boerne, Texas, arrived here first in the world, and that s where she finished in world standings and average
  • 18. Research Paper On Bingo Fancy Eight Hours Of Bingo? Win Real Prizes At A Charity Event On The 24th Of September Julia s House is a local charity in Westbury that is dedicated to helping children that have had a rough start in life, which is why a charity fundraiser is now being planned for Saturday the 24th of September. The bingo session will go on for a whopping eight hours from 10am in the morning until 6pm in the evening. The legendary bingo marathon will take place in the Westbury players club. Participants are allowed to play bingo as long as they like, which means players may join games at their leisure. Sheila Harris has organized three marathon Bingo sessions in the past and they have been a ringing success. The first two marathons were for the Wiltshire
  • 19. Descriptive Essay On A Place In The Woods For many people they have that one place they can go and just relax. For me it s some place in the woods with a stream or creek. So, when I found this spot while walking around I knew this was the spot I wanted to capture. This piece spoke to me for multiple reasons because I found it in an area that resembles where I grew up and I took a lot of comfort in that fact. I now have somewhere to go and get away when I needto be alone or if I need to think about things because of this scavenger hunt. Just by looking at this picture it brings me a feeling of peace and comfort. The first reason this picture practically shouted at me was because this reminds me of a spot at home that I would visit frequently. I live four hours away in the country and more specifically on the side off a mountain. Along with that I live in a house with six brothers and a little sister. This said, I am completely surrounded by woods, not many other attractions, and only my family to drive me insane. So, In the valley by my house we have a creek that runs through the woods and that was where I would go for everything. If I was mad and needed time to cool off, if I wanted scenery that I could draw, workouts, and almost anything else you could think of. So, when I found this spot a rush of emotions ran through me because it reminded me of this. This spot has now become my new thinking spot. I love walking out to it and just sitting along the side to think and I even come out here to do
  • 20. Swot Analysis Of Cheesecake Factory Executive Summary The issue that will be addressed in this plan is on more effective ways to reach the target market. The Cheesecake Factory already have a strong presence in the USA. In the year 2011, The Cheesecake Factory expanded its operations to the Middle East and opened its first restaurant out of USA at The Dubai Mall. By the year 2015, the company had eight restaurants in the Middle East. Now the goal is to focus on how to establish a more dominant presence international such as their competitors, for instance, McDonald s. The items sold at The Cheesecake Factory are reasonably priced so that a typical person can easily manage to pay for the products. In the year 2016, the average meal cost of $21 22, which is reasonable for a full service restaurant. To increase its customer base the brand has always implemented a penetration pricing policy and has kept its prices lower than its competitors. The best strategies of successful marketing for this company lies in word of mouth publicity, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.), National Cheesecake Day, gift cards sold by third parties (hotels, retail stores, etc.), and loyalty programs. Mission Statement To create an environment where absolute guest satisfaction is our highest priority. Vision Through a shared commitment to excellence, we are dedicated to the uncompromising quality of our food, service, people, and profit, while taking exceptional care of our guests and staff. We will
  • 21. The Death Of The Marine Corps 1.Just like Nicholas Herriman expressed, I often heard growing up that going to college and living on your own is a rite of passage to entering adulthood. I did not join the Marine Corps right out of high school. It was about two years after high school and living on my own when I decided to join the military, however the rites of passage was often used in the military as a way to signify that individuals are now a men for joining the Marines. What makes these two examples not qualify as rites of passage is due to the fact that they were not sudden events. These events were more of a longer transition. 2.One of the examples of territorial passage is when the King of Sparta went to war and would make sacrifices along the way when they ... Show more content on ... He often visits tribe in very secluded parts of the world which always has a rites of passage ceremony where an animal is sacrificed to represent him leaving or entering a new world. The text mentions how movement from one room to another is considered a territorial passage. (p.192) This makes me think about when my family went on a San Diego brewery tour where we were driven to a string of breweries. Each time we entered a new brewery we would have a rite of passage of trying one of their signatures crafts. If we really enjoyed the atmosphere we often would have another beer signifying us leaving the location to enter the next. 3.i. First Stage: Separation is when the individual will be going through a series of symbolic rituals which will strip them from their identity, in addition to spate the individual from their previous position. Some of these rituals can include physical modifications or challenge. An example could include getting a tattoo or having to go hunting. ii. Second Stage: Liminal stage is when you are in the middle of statuses. The liminal stage is the transitioning from the old status, however you are not in the new status yet. This is the stage when you are learning or gaining the experience to reach the new status. An example of this stage is when individuals have to go through a security checkpoint before you can pass through to the new destination. iii. Third
  • 22. Essay On Richard Jury Richard Jury is the fictional lead in the Richard Jury series of novels by bestselling American mystery thriller writer Martha Grimes. Grimes wrote the first novel featuring the lead character Jury titled The Man With a Load of Mischief in 1981. The novels series is so popular that over three decades since first publication, it is still ongoing. Richard Jury the chief protagonist is a Scotland Yarddetective who starts out in the rank of chief inspector and rises to superintendent. The detective works alongside Alfred Wiggins his dependable though hypochondriacal servant, and a British aristocrat named Melrose Plant who has relinquished his titles to work on a range of investigative mysteries. In addition to several recurring characters, Brian Macalvie who is the Divisional Commander of the Cornwall and Devon Constabulary makes frequent appearances. The Man with a Load of Mischief, the first novel in the series opens to the body of a man discovered inside a beer keg. It is not long before another dead body is found at the beam of the Jack and Hammer pub. The man had been thus placed to replace the mechanical man on the pubs sign. With two murders and two pubs, Scotland Yard s best is called into offer his insights on what might have happened. Richard Jury the Detective Chief ... Show more content on ... A young woman is the victim of a brutal attack and murder visited on her while she was heading to Twelfth Night party held at the local manor. The police are unable to locate any coherent clue to the happenings of the night except that she had been repeatedly stabbed with some kind of two pronged implement. With the local police befuddled, New Scotland Yard s finest Richard Jury alongside Wiggins his sidekick, saunters into town to unravel the mysterious murder. Throw in Melrose Plant the unofficial but very efficient sidekick and you have what promises to be a great mystery
  • 23. Gothic, Art Deco Victorian setting. In spite of the current look and soul of the tall working when the new century rolled over, society was not prepared to acknowledge any structure without remnants of customary ornamentation, and amid the early years of the twentieth century, Gothic, Art Deco and a variety of different styles praised new statures. This diversity, additionally depicted as a come back to style, has been viewed subsequently of the moderate impact of the 1893 World s Columbian Exposition. For reasons unknown, the work of the Chicago School neglected to awe its era, and just the engineers who grasped neoclassicism, for example, Daniel Burnham, went ahead to have proceeded with achievement. By the turn of the century, innovation was no longer the... Show more content on ... After the rehashing auxiliary module turned into the arrangement, there was no longer an issue to fathom. Mies and his adherents made lovely structures that could be acknowledged as masterpieces; imitators could do close to nothing yet rehash the technique. By the 1960s, two patterns had turned out to be clear: designers were starting to depend on improving components and recorded inferences to shift the recipe and use of the mark window ornament divider was turning into a simple technique for refreshing more established structures. Postmodernism would convey a differing qualities to skyscraper generation that, all things considered, would reinvigorate the work of the 1950s. The incongruity of the amusing postmodern style is that its push to legitimize both well known and chronicled references regularly brought about an absence of any genuine significance. One case of a 1960s skyscraper that stood separated from its companions is the Ford Foundation Building (1967) in New York City, composed by the successor firm to Eero Saarinen Kevin Roche, John Dinkeloo Associates. The Ford Foundation building is commended in design history overviews for its thoughtful and motivating utilization of inside space to mitigate the force of the run of the mill corporate office building. The greater part of the workplaces investigate an inside chamber that ascents the full tallness of the building, lessening important corporate space however immeasurably enhancing the workplace. In an AIA Journal study of the nation s best structures professionals, faultfinders and students of history designated the Ford Foundation eleven times, positioning it among the main ten most huge structures composed in the last two hundred years. The skyscraper has always modified the urban scene. In the
  • 24. What Is The Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was a huge development in African American culture. It was a huge turning point culturally, socially, and artistically. The Harlem Renaissance drew a lot of attention to black writers, singers, musicians, and other talented African Americans. The timing of the Harlem Renaissance , in the early 1900 s, was perfect, because it happened during the aftermath of World War II. Many of the black writers left the South away from their unjustified groups of people to search for a place where they could freely express themselves. This movement became so big that it made the front page of a huge magazine called The Crisis Magazine. The magazine flourished, because the founder Du Bois could relate to the matter since he was African
  • 25. Jar Binks And Stormtroopers In Star Wars Star Wars is an American sci fi based film series, created by George Lucas. It depicts the adventures and stories of various characters a long time ago in a galaxy far far away . The creator, George Lucas, based this series off of many of the historical events that took place over the centuries on this planet. And evidently, many of the characters in this film series relate to leaders, rulers, and other significant people from the real world. One of these many similarities is the relationship between Hitler, the Nazi party, and the Sith, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, as they both strive for absolutism. Another clear demonstration of the similarity is the usage of Jar Jar Binks and stormtroopers, comparing to the 19th century African American... Show more content on ... Palpatine also takes advantage of the unstable Republic, and seizes the opportunity to become the chancellor during Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. The next thing they did was attain power by using emergency powers. For Palpatine, that chance came at the beginning of the Clone War, seen in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. In that story, Jar Jar Binks proposed that Palpatine should be granted emergency powers until the Separatist crisis had passed. Also in reaction to a crisis, Hitler seized the opportunity to take emergency powers after the Reichstag fire of 1933. Following a decree from Hitler, the Reichstag and Reichsrat both passed what is known as the Enabling Act, effectively giving the chancellor the power to enact laws without those legislative bodies (Horton, 1). In both cases, these newly empowered chancellors were able to lead their people to war using a secret army each had been building. For Palpatine, that army was a clone army, which he created in secret many years before the beginning of the Clone Wars. In Germany, the secret task began years before Hitler became chancellor. As a result of the treaty of Versailles in 1919, Germany was banned from building weapons of war, and etc.
  • 26. Allen Ginsberg, Howl Cultural Imapact Essay Howl s Explicit Language and Revolution Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It s that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that s what the poet does. Allen Ginsberg believed this wholly and based his means of poetry by what he said in this sentence. One cannot censor thoughts, just as one can t censor expression. Ginsberg faced controversy for sexual content and profanities that he used in his poetry, but those were merely his private thoughts that he brought to the public. His poetry fueled a whole generational revolution in the 1950s. In times of cookie cutter uniformity Allen Ginsberg went against norm and wrote explicit poetry for the sake of expressing a ... Show more content on ... They pushed an open headedness to alternative sexualities and experimentation with drugs. This movement conflicted with the publicly accepted ideals of the time period ( The Beat Generation ). These ideals of the beat generation that Howl stood for is a big reason why there was so much controversy surrounding this poem. Howl was banned for obscenity because of its sexual and drug references, but without these references the voice of a movement could not be heard ( The San Francisco Police Department deemed the poem Howl obscene due to the graphic sexual language the poem contained and arrested its publisher, Lawrence Ferlinghetti on June 3, 1957( Howl on trial pg. 2). The trial that proceeded was sure to change the tides of the literary world. The ruling could change the ways of the Country, from prudery to expression sexual and other kinds. This was proven by the revolution in the sixties; Ginsberg breathed the unspoken truth into American consciousness, when he spoke frankly in colloquiums in Howl. October 3, 1957 Judge Clayton W. Horn not guilty of publishing and selling obscene writings, on the grounds that Howl and Other Poems was not written with lewd intent and was not without redeeming social importance ( Howl on trial pg.3.) Judge Clayton said during the declaration of his decision that, I do not believe that Howl is without redeeming social importance. The first part
  • 27. Physical and Chemical Agents Pose a Threat to Human Health... When categorizing environmental agents in regard to human health, physical, chemical, and biological agents each pose different and great threats. All can have potentially extremely dangerous short term and long term effects. In my opinion, biological agents pose the greatest threat to human health. It is crucial to point out that circumstantially, any of the three could pose the greatest threat, but in general, I believe biological agents do so. I find biological agents to be the most unavoidable with the most severe consequences, in general, of the three categories. Biological agents, coming in a variety of forms, have unique abilities amongst themselves and all categories of environmental healthagents. Bacteria holds the ability to... Show more content on ... They, like chemical and biological agents, have come a long way in terms of prevention and treatment. Physical agents, however, are more similar to chemical agents in that it is easier to limit, or at least decrease, exposure of an entire country than it would be to stop a disease epidemic, for example. Biological agent prevention has significantly improved, especially with vaccines, but even vaccines can be dangerous if given to the wrong person. Although it would be difficult to prevent all exposure to any agent, being cautious about x rays and ensuring proper ventilation in a new building are feasible, while limiting exposure to biological agents is made difficult by the variety of hosts walking around with the capability of secondary infection. Displaying an example of a biological agent is the H7N9 (bird flu) epidemic in China beginning in 2013. Xinhuanet English News presents the epidemic clearly. While many vaccines exist for viruses, none will be administered in the foreseeable future for H7N9. They had already reached 96 human infections with 19 deaths in 2014 as of January 27. Fortunately, this epidemic currently has a slow transmission speed and no supporting evidence to suggest consistent human to human transmission, but it is addressed that single human to human cases are not ruled out. This case is relevant and supports the argument of biological agents posing the greatest threat to human health out of the
  • 28. The Rocking Horse Winner Literary Analysis The central theme mainly focuses on a woman named Hester who had no luck and was never satisfied with her life. Since Paul didn t recognized his circumstances, it created him to desperately seek for his mother s love and approval. Therefore, the pursuit of money and material riches are the arguments conveyed in the story that interprets Paul attempting to brighten up his need for love by pleasing his mother s lust for money. However, others may believe that Paul is just an ordinary kid who enjoys his rocking horseand don t really understand the true meaning of money. In the story, The Rocking Horse Winner , Paul s arc demonstrates that the power of money led to greediness and the intense desire for wealth. The capacity of money is responsible for a high level of satisfaction because of the fact that Paul s mother don t love him which created her to buy a rocking horse. According to the text it state Now! He would silently command the snorting steed. Now, take me to where there is luck! Now take me! This exhibits how Paul is pertaining to think more about the rocking horse with his own appeals that eventually advance to other conflicts throughout the story. For instance, verbal ironywas consumed in the story since Paul wanted to stop the houses cries for money by providing it with more money. Even after Paul equipped the house with money, the house continued to haunt Paul s family. As portrayed in the text it further states Behind the shinning modern rocking horse,
  • 29. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Endoscopy Abstract Purpose Endoscopy is very important method to obtain exact information such as name of disease, cause of disease and how to cure diseases. Also, surgery with endoscopy, called endoscopic surgery is really useful tool for elaborate treatment. So, this paper accounts for a variety of endoscopy in detail for people to know easily what endoscopy is. Methods This review article explains the fundamental concept of endoscopy, difference between optical electronic endoscope, comparison rigid endoscope to flexible endoscope. Also, this paper introduces past present types of endoscopy and present future types of endoscopy. Conclusions KeywordsEndoscope, Endoscopy, Capsule endoscopy, NIR endoscopy, 3D endoscopy, Virtual endoscopy INTRODUCTION Nowadays, Endoscopy has been very widely used. Endoscopy is a medical procedure done with an instrument called an endoscope. The ... Show more content on ... Doctors can even use the images to create a black and white image that looks like an actual endoscopy.[29] Virtual endoscopy has some advantages over standard endoscopy; nothing is put into the body and no drugs are needed for the test and the doctor can change the angle or magnify the image, which can help with diagnosis. However, there are some disadvantages, too. Virtual endoscopy shows good detail, but it s not quite as good at showing fine surface detail as standard endoscopy such that it can t show color differences. It also exposes the patient to about the same amount of radiation as a standard CT. And because nothing is put into the body, the doctor can t take biopsy samples or remove growths. If something abnormal is found, the patient may still need a standard endoscopy. According to Pauriol Lacaze, S. et al. [30] virtual endoscopy is a considerably new procedure, and doctors aren t yet sure how best to use it. It will likely be used more in the future as the technology
  • 30. Persuasive Essay On Chopsticks Rough Draft: Forks [NEED BETTER TITLE] Just as his dad didn t require him to speak Japanese, my dad didn t require me to use chopsticks. Both must have decided at some point that passing along cultural heritage in these particular forms was too much of a hassle. Becoming familiar with other things, like literature in English, Calculus, Bob Dylan, Charlie Chaplin, and Baseball, took priority. Perhaps this is the process known as Americanization, although both of them were already as American as they come well before I was born. Compared to the many important parenting decisions that would surely play a role in determining my identity, whether or not to train me on chopsticks at a young age was a barely noticeable fork in the road. ... Show more content on ... Why use a fork when eating with hands is both faster and cheaper? Contributing to its slow adoption, the fork also shared traits with the pitchfork or trident of the devil along with the connotation of the forked tongue, not exactly the epitome of truthfulness that would be desired in an everyday object. By the 11th century some people had adopted the use of the fork (Goldsmith). However, its use was uncommon and its users were sometimes ridiculed for their seemingly unnecessary use. One princes is described by saying that she deigned not to touch her food with her fingers, but would command her eunuchs to cut it up into small pieces, which she would impale on a certain golden instrument with two prongs and thus carry to her mouth (Goldsmith). Clearly at this time forks were not yet for everyone but only for a few of the upper class. Forks were not widely adopted until the industrial revolution which allowed the mass production of the silver plated utensils for all (Goldsmith). At this point many commoners could afford to not only own a fork but a whole set of silverware (Goldsmith). [NEED TO TIE HISTORY BACK TO POINTS] One might observe that while forks can scoop things up, they are designed for stabbing. They re good for separating solids from liquids, wrapping a tangle of noodles into a clump, plucking and poking to test the texture of something suspiciously foreign on a plate. With the help of a knife, they can be
  • 31. Water Molecules Research Paper Why is water an important molecule? Intermolecular Forces Water is one of the most important molecules as it creates and supports life on earth. Water covers 75% of the surface of the earth and around 78% of the mass of the human body (, 2000). Its abundance, unique properties, chemical and physical interaction are the reason behind its importance. The chemical composition of water is H2O. It is a polar, covalently bonded molecule. A covalently bonded molecule shares electrons between the atoms so each atoms outer shell is full. Covalently bonded molecules are not partially charged, except for polar covalent bonds. Molecules with polar covalent bonds have partial charges. Within the water molecule, the oxygen atoms unevenly share the electrons since they have more protons. The ... Show more content on ... Water can also be found in all three states of matter naturally on Earth because it has a low melting and boiling point, due its covalent bonds. Cohesion is when molecules are more attracted to each other than the surrounding molecules. Dipole Dipole forces and hydrogen bonds are responsible for cohesion. Adhesion the opposite of cohesion, when there is a greater electronegativity difference between other molecules than themselves. Figure 4. Diagram of meniscus and capillary action of water due to cohesion and adhesion (, 2016) Capillary action is a process where water molecules climb up a narrow tube / material due to kinetic energy and a combination of cohesive and adhesive forces. Refer to appendix 1 for an experiment demonstrating this. Surface tension is the result of a high concentration of bonds on the surface of water. When water molecules have nothing to bond with above their surface, they concentrate forming a barrier. Figure 5. Intermolecular forces on the surface and body of water (Wikimedia,
  • 32. Catcher In The Rye Coming Of Age Analysis Holden s Coming of Age Journey Then I went over and laid down on Ely s bed. Boy, did I feel rotten. I felt so damn lonesome (Salinger 48). Holden Caulfield is the main character in the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, where he is telling his coming of age story. He struggles with depression after his brother s death and continues to struggle with it throughout the book. Holden is a troubled character that goes through many experiences that helped him learn lessons about the world. Importance: Many argue about whether Holden Caulfield goes through a typical coming of age journey in his book or if his journey was different from others. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield goes through a coming of age journey that is different from a typical journey because he goes through struggles that people who are maturing into adults usually don t go through. Holden matures in the book by going through all these experiences that any other person most of the time doesn t have to go through to mature. Holden tells us more about his brother s death when he says, He got leukemia and died when we were in Maine, on July 18, 1946 (Salinger 38). Holden has to go through having a really close family member die from cancer while most people don t go through such things when they are coming of age. This shows that Holden went through a more challenging journey to mature because he was one of those few people who have a close family member die
  • 33. Aaron Carter Research Paper Aaron Carter is an American singer and the brother of the famed Backstreet Boy, Nick Carter. He was born in Tampa, Florida and started performing since he was seven years old. He released his self titled debut album in 1997. Here are six of his most memorable interview quotes. Number Six: Love shouldn t be about jealousy or anything like that. It should be about commitment and being able to trust that person. If you can t have that from the get go, there s a problem. These quotes can be quite heavy when you cannot stop imagining the guy as a teenager with long blonde hair. Sure, he is a big boy now but one cannot stop picturing him as a thirteen year old. Number Five: Music is something that always lifts my spirits and makes me happy, and
  • 34. The Pros And Cons Of Cryptography INTRODUCTION Cryptography Is considered the most important thing by means of secure communication. It is used to encrypt and decrypt data and provide secure communication between the sender and receiver. As a finance company, the most important thing to look after is the process speed and security of the data. There are two types of encryption and decryption methods known as a Symmetric key and Public key cryptography. Symmetric key has set of algorithms such as Blowfish, two fish, DES, 3DES, AES etc and on the other hand Asymmetric key has set of an algorithm such as Elliptic curve, Diffie Hellman, DSA, RSA etc. These symmetric and asymmetric keys have its own advantages and disadvantages. Hybrid cryptography is one of most famous cryptography ... Show more content on ... Asymmetric cryptography: Asymmetric encryption is also known as public key encryption. This uses two keys for encryption and decryption of data. The two keys are the Public key which it can be shared with anyone and the other one is a Private key or secret key which should be kept secretly. Each user will have its own public key and private key. Let s assume Alice and Bob are the sender and receiver. Alice(A) wants to send a message to Bob(B). Alice will first encrypt(E) the plaintext(M) with Alice s public key and send to bob. Now Bob verifies Alice s message by checking whether it is Alice s digital signature and then bob decrypts(D) the key using the bob private key. This process will be the same if Bob sends Alice message. ↓ ↓ Plain text(M)в†’ в†’ в†’ в†’Plain text(M) Advantages: More secure when compared to symmetric key because the private key is not shared with each other. Uses digital signature for encrypting data.
  • 35. The Ethics Of Clinical Research A 35 year old man named Paul, who has a supportive wife and two adventurous kids, has been diagnosed with a very severe case of bone cancer for 1 year now. Since this type of cancer is so severe, chemotherapy is starting to not work as well. Paul s oncologist unfortunately had to suggest a final option for Paul to try which was a clinical researchtrial. Clinical research trials are experimental studies that deem whether or not a medical drug, treatment, surgery, or device is safe and beneficial for humans to use ( National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ). As explained in Marcia Angell s Article, The Ethics of Clinical Research in the Third World , the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Health Organization (WHO) provides a guideline ... Show more content on ... This temptation happens when the research question, such as a cure for cancer, is extremely important and the answer could save lives. If the investigators cared more about the scientific or medical advancement than the well being of their participants, they would cross a line that prohibits treating human subjects as a means to an end. When this line is crossed, there is little left to protect patients from a callous disregard of their welfare for the sake of research goals. Informed consent would not matter because of the unbalanced relationship between the knowledge and authority among the researcher and the subject. Approval by an institutional board, although it is important, can be subject to change in its responsiveness to patients interests when they conflict with the welfares of the researchers. Going back to Paul s case, he agrees to enter a clinical trial which was suggested by his oncologist. The study, that Paul has agreed to enter, has claimed that this research team has created a new drug that may be on its way to cure cancer. Obviously to a father and husband, this trial looks very appealing. However, the researchers knowingly form two groups that will compare two treatments. What Paul doesn t know, is that one of the treatments is better than the other. One group will receive this new drug and the other group will receive a placebo. Comparing this new treatment
  • 36. Case Study Chan Ke Tong 1. According to my point of view I think there are main three issues that was result in getting a very few requests for the company. According to the given data I think the 1st reason is that not having an enough communication with the managers in the other countries. Chan Kee Tong is a person who was newly recruited from the company. He hasn t enough communication with the people in the company. Some of the managers he didn t even see as well as he didn t even talk. So there is a poor communication between Chan Kee Tong the other managers. So due to that the managers wouldn t trust or know much about the plans of Chan Kee Tong it would be a main reason for not getting a good answers from the managers. The second reasons than that they didn t get many replies because Chan Kee Tong is a newly hired recruiter he doesn t have any connection with the managers of the other countries. He even didn t talk with them. Though the assistant of the Chan Kee Tong is uneducated, he is having a greater knowledge about the company as well as the people in there. He knows the way that the company will run, the way in which the company would able to do their works. Though Chan Kee Tong is well educated he doesn t really know about the needs wants of the company. Even he doesn t have a good idea about the way in which the ... Show more content on ... I thought it because though might be a person who is educated very much. In the case study it was mentioned that Chan Kee Tong is a UCD MSc graduate with having several years experience in account control systems optimization techniques. But he was newly hired recruiter for this company has no idea about the flowing or the history of the company. So that he got an assistant with several years of experience In this company. But he doesn t listen for him. Though he gave Chan Kee Tong suggested to visit meet the managers that he never seen discuss the matter personally, he didn t listen to
  • 37. The Problem Of Developing Substance Use Disorders The Problem in Context Agoraphobia is a difficult mental illness to treat due to the fact that there is a small number of people have been diagnosed with it. According to the Mental Health First Aid USA (2013) roughly 0.9 American adults are diagnosed with agoraphobia and the median age for onset is twenty years old (p. 41). People who have agoraphobia have a higher risk of developing substance use disorders by using drugs or alcohol to help them cope with anxiety. In the twins case, they are heavy cigarette smokers and it has to be monitored how many packs of cigarettes they are given. From research, there are no reports of concerns with diversity, oppression, or populations at risk of individuals diagnosed with agoraphobia. However,... Show more content on ... Essentially the twins mental illness makes it difficult to get them everything they need. Planning and Intervention When DHR originally got involved with the twins, the caseworker at the time was hoping that a family member would step in to become guardian and take the responsibility for helping them with daily tasks. It was extremely imperative that DHR found someone who would not manipulate or take advantage of the twins. One niece did come forward and showed sincerity in wanting the twins to move in her home. She claimed that when she was younger, they would baby sit her and she wanted to return the favor. After a few months, the twins moved into her home after the casework deemed it was a suitable place for them to live. Things appeared to be going well until the niece lost her job and the twins care began to get overwhelming for her. After a year, the niece went to DHR and terminated her guardianship over the twins. DHR was able to find a suitable apartment for the twins that was affordable and they have been leaving there since. At DHR there was a homemaker, who would grocery shop and prescriptions for clients. Sadly after they retired, the state closed the position and now caseworkers either have to find affordable homemakers or do the tasks themselves. Since the twins have little help from family, DHR monitors their checks from the conservator and buys groceries. The current
  • 38. Reflection And Discernment Reflection and Discernment in a Dynamic World Reflection Reflection is a careful thought about oneself, one s behaviour and one s beliefs. It means reviewing past experiences and making insights about them. Reflection is like looking into the mirror and saying what you see. ( Self reflection | Unison , 2017) It is necessary, because it encourages personal growth. Reflection helps identify our mistakes and how we can improve on them in the future. It also strengthens a person s emotional intelligence and self regulation, because during self reflection, you have the opportunity of checking your strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals and to also check your impact on the people around you. Self regulation involves being able to correct oneself and adapt to changing situations. This is the building of a successful life. Reflection enables one to act with Integrity. This occurs as a result of conscious effort, reviewing all the actions made and decisions taken and comparing them to the values you hold in esteem would help you monitor and control yourself and slowly help you become a person of integrity. Over time, reviewing and reflecting on your past will help you solidify the ... Show more content on ... If you have a friend that is known to be very loud and restless person, you know not to make that person you study partner, because your goal of achieving an A may not be achieved. A person who is negative, puts people down, and carries around anger all the time has bad energy we choose not to spend time with them because it s simply not healthy for us. We don t have to tell other people that s a bad person . We know they aren t good for us and it will become self evident for others who use their discernment. [Discernment] gives us clear perception and the ability to make good choices without having to be better or worse than anyone else. (Habash,
  • 39. Child Abuse and it s Role in Bastard Out of Carolina by... While reading the semi autobiographical, Bastard Out of Carolina, by Dorothy Allison, I was stunned by the explicit nature of the novel. We were introduced to a young narrator and protagonist named, Ruth Anne Bone Boatwright. Bone s family, like that of the author, experienced a impoverished life, all the while she tried to find her place in a society that had literally labeled her illegitimate. Merriam Webster defines illegitimate as being: (1) not recognized as lawful offspring; specifically: born of parents not married to each other (2) not rightly deduced or inferred illogical (3) departing for the regular erratic (4) not sanctioned by law illegal (5) not authorized by good usage. As a young girl, how would it feel being... Show more content on ... It was not until the early 1870s that child abuse was first brought into light. The Child Protection Movement started with the news of one eight year old orphan named Mary Ellen Wilson. After the passing of her biological mother and father, Mary Ellen was left in the care of her biological father s widow, Mary McCormack Connolly. Mrs. McCormack Connolly badly mistreated Mary Ellen, and neighbors in the building were well aware of the child s predicament (Mary Ellen Wilson, 2013). It was not until Etta Angell Wheeler, a caring Methodist mission worker, visited the residence and noticed Mary Ellen s condition. Ms. Wheeler describes her first meeting with Mary Ellen, as such: It was December and the weather bitterly cold. She was a tiny mite, the size of five years, though, as afterward appeared, she was then nine. From a pan set upon a low stool she stood washing dishes, struggling with a frying pan about as heavy as herself. Across the table lay a brutal whip of twisted leather strands and the child s meagre arms and legs bore many marks of its use. But the saddest part of her story was written on her face in its look of suppression and misery, the face of a child unloved, of a child that had seen only the fearsome side of life. These things I saw while seeming not to see, and I left without speaking to, or of, the child. I never
  • 40. Fluoride Research Paper Fluoride and the thyroid We ve discussed the many invisible ingredients in our tap water with fluoride being one of them. We ve also touched upon the dangers of each individual ingredient and just what they can do to our health over a long period of time but here we re going to delve a little deeper. This article will be looking at fluoride and its affect on your thyroid. Why is fluoride in our drinking water? Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral and can be found in water in differing amounts dependent on which area of the UK that you reside in. Fluoride can also be found in certain foods such as tea and fish as well as a lot of our toothpastes and mouthwashes. The main reason it s now manufactured and subsequently added into our public ... Show more content on ... On the contrary, altered thyroid function can be associated with an intake of fluoride as low as 0.05 0.1mg of fluoride per kg of bodyweight per day. If you happen to suffer from an iodine deficiency then you could notice an alteration with a dosage as little as 0.03mg/kg/day. This means for a person of 70kg (that s roughly 154lbs), just 3.5mg of fluoride per day could end in a thyroid dysfunction. The most recent analysis relating to exposure was taken by the US Environmental Protection Agency. They estimated that an average adult was consuming around 3mg of fluoride per day with some regularly ingesting up to 6mg per day. What they found to be even more concerning however were the doses for children. With an average 14kg child (around 30lbs), the fluoride intake of more than 0.7mg per day were enough to put them at risk yet figures showed children within this weight range to be consuming around 1.5mg of fluoride each and every day and in some cases more. This meant that children were consuming more than twice the amount that was necessary to alter the thyroid function. Chronic exposures such as this could have a seriously detrimental impact along with life long effects on the intellectual, social and even sexual development of children as they
  • 41. Analysis Of The Book Honey Dale County Essay Sunday mornings in Honey Dale County was what those untraveled in the inferior corners of the world may have stereotyped little towns down South, which although accurate in this case, is nonetheless unwarranted to pass judgement on what one has not seen. Yes, the devout and ostensibly devout would awake early, dressed in their finest whites and yellows, the latter not minding that a few moments upon arrival at church they would break the commandment against envy, scorning the Harper s frivolous and new car yet clandestinely wishing it was theirs. At times, Morning Prayer in these nooks of the world was more of a social critic than a communal worship. An honest outsider, as I hope my dear readers will come to view myself as, will come out of the experience with a greater amount of respect for the pious than solely feed their disdain for the impersonators while a truly honest one would have to acknowledge that the disdain stemmed for having seen oneself reflected in such people. Of course, working up religious fervor also worked up hunger amongst the townsfolk s bellies as Luther s break with the church was still felt strongly in these parts two hundred years later ensuring a scarcity of Catholics, no bread had been broken. It was here in a little restaurant that a daughter and her father arrived, promptly seated at a lacquered wooden table, before the rush of Sunday brunchers arriving all at once. Or rather an interesting girl, not quite a woman but too sagacious to insult
  • 42. Christian Life Coach Essay As a life coach you can have a tremendous impact on how the future of your client come to past. A Christian life coach helpS your client to clarify their vision, set goals, and help them move towards their mission is vital because it can help the client to see their life purpose here on earth. Often clients seek for a life coach to improve areas of their life that they would like to change. According to the article, Evidence Based Well Being/Positive PsychologyAssessment and Intervention with Quality of Life Therapy and Coachingand the Quality of Life Inventory, a client can improve satisfaction in areas of their life by changing their circumstances, attitudes, goals or standards, and priorities that your client feels is important to them... Show more content on ... Coaches role help client achieves specific, self determined outcomes, encourage client self discovery, elicit client generated solutions/strategies and hold the client responsible/accountable (Cooper et al., 2013, p. 802). However, as a Christian life coach, a moral foundation that can help your client is applying Christian principles, and scriptural strategies. In the Bible, 2 Timothy 3:17 says, all Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (NLV). Therefore, integrating biblical principles in coaching is essential, it can help you in all aspects of your life. Having a foundation in scriptural foundations gives us direction in our lives. So, that you can apply yourself in all that you do according to God. Nevertheless, the quality of life consists of having mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well being (Clark et al., 2014). However, because of the struggles and barriers that life brings. It is okay to have a coach to help guide you to reach the goals that will help have the quality of life you deserve. It starts with having a positive, trustful, reliable, honest relationship with your coach. According to McCarthy Milner (2013), the relationship between coach and
  • 43. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell One trait of Scarlett that is exemplified for the duration of the entire novel is determination. Regardless of how much the odds seem to be stacked against her, she maintains her resolve. When Scarlett first hears of Ashley and Melanie s engagement, she is astounded and incredulous as she had intended to have him for herself. Determined to win him over, she formulates plans ranging from telling him point blank that she loves him to hoping that Melanie dies. Despite the unlikelihood of her success, she persists in chasing him throughout the novel. Before their engagement was announced publicly, Scarlett corners Ashley privately and, against all of her mother s teachings, bluntly and forwardly spills her heart with three words, I love you. When that conversation proved fruitless, she wastes no time and devises another plan on the same day. In order to make Ashley repent his actions, Scarlett decides to marry Charles Hamilton. Even though Ashley stayed true to his word and never exemplified anger towards Scarlett, she still refuses to take no for an answer. After the war, Scarlett tries to persuade Ashley to run away with her, only to have her offer rejected yet another time. In spite of these setbacks, she remains determined and unrelenting. Furthermore, Scarlett s will to survive and the arduous efforts on her part support that she is a determined character. After the gruesome trek from Atlanta to Tara, Scarlett visits the Wilkes in hope to find some victuals and
  • 44. Positive Impact Of Social Media On The Movie Industry Ever since the successful marketing campaign of The Blair Witch Project , studios have progressively marketed their films in social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other forms of websites. This has become more apparent in recent years where films even have their own social media accounts to share and update fans with anything related to the filmitself whether it be interviews with the cast, trailers, movie posters, or just to simply interact with their fans. Some movie critics claim that social media is ruining the movie industry because films tend to get too much coverage which leads to spoilers getting revealed before the film releases. However, I believe that social media is not only a positive for the movie industry it s an innovation because it s a cheap and effective way to generate buzz for a film, it allows the fans to feel more connected with the movie they re planning to see, and individuals can easily voice their opinion about a flick whether it be positive or negative. Have you ever noticed that people nowadays instinctively go to any social media outlet, most notably YouTube to check out all the new movie trailers released for upcoming films, if so then you have already detected that movie studios tend to do this in a regular basis because it s a cheap and effective way to produce talk for their future films. The most recent example of this would have to go to Marvel Studios and the release of the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity
  • 45. Staple Comparison Essay Long term debt to equity is very similar to debt to equity, but it reveals an important characteristic of the company s debt make up, that is how much of it is long term. This is important because long term debt means long term interest payments, and generally involves larger principles. This can mean greater leverage, but it also indicates greater risk. Many banks are wary of companies that hold too much debt, and especially the companies that hold too many long term debt obligations. Another downside from this perspective is that higher perceived risks by creditors generally can lead to increased interest rate, making this debt even more expensive. Staples hold only about one quarter of the long term debt in relation to equity compared to Office Depot or Amazon. This gives Staples several advantages because the firm is likely to be perceived as less risky. It will likely still be easy for Staples to find financing for expansion or operations than for its major competitor. This is due not only to its holding less long term debt in relation to equity, but also because Staples remains a profitable company... Show more content on ... This is a good sign in that the company has always been able to meet its debt obligations, even in years where it could not ultimately provide a return to its shareholders. Staples position is even more favorable when compared to that of Office Depot, which had a negative times interest earned ratio in three out of the five years analyzed. This makes Office Depot a far riskier investment for any creditor that Staples, and a risky investment in general. As with long term debt to equity above, this would place Staples in a far better position than its main competitor to obtain funds to expand. Staples has only in FY 2015 fallen behind Amazon again, but with both companies maintaining positive ratios, this is not necessarily bad news for