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The Red Dragon
East Asia
Jonatan Lagbo
Karla Patricia Romano
Aya Cabral
Why China is called “Red
• 3000 BCE
• No one knows exactly when legends about dragons first
originated, but the symbol dates back to at least 3000 BCE.
• According to one theory, the legendary Chinese dragon
evolved out of ancient totem – worship practices.
• Historically the Chinese dragon was associated with the
emperor of china and used as a symbol to represent
imperial power. The founder of the Han dynasty Liu Bang
claimed that he was conceived after his mother dreamt of a
• It was called “red dragon “ because of its likely due to china
being a communist country, but it also stems from the fact
that red has always been the traditional colour associated
with the Chinese emperor.
• Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism are three major
religions in china. The influence of these three
philosophies, especially Confucianism, came to
predominate in china for more than two thousand years
and also exerted powerful influences in shaping the
social and political life of Korea, Japan and Indo-China .
• Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism were the three
main philosophies and religions of ancient China, which
have individually and collectively influenced ancient
and modern Chinese society.
• Confucianism largely became the dominant philosophical
school of China during the early Han dynasty following the
replacement of its contemporary, the more Taoistic Huan –
• Religion is important in ancient China because they believed
their ancestors watched over them, and would protect them,
provided they prayed in the right way. They did many things
to protect themselves from evil and to make sure they would
have a happy life.
Two Great Chinese
Confucius Lao Tzu
• Born 28 of September 551 BC
• Founder of Confucianism
• Kongfuzi, Kong Qiu or Master Kong- later called Confucius by
• Was not a religious leader nor did he claim any special divine
status – rather he was a teacher
• Confucius did not teach people about religion instead he
taught people to be a good citizen.
Developed a new philosophy
• Importance of moral character
• Individuals must take responsibility for their society
• Society worked best when everyone respected laws
and behaved according to their position also when
those in superior positions
In Confucianism, there are five
relationships that each person must
Friend and Friend
Husband and
Ruler and
Elder Brother and
Younger Brother
Father and Son
Ruler and Subject
The subject should bow down
and respect the superior one—
the ruler. In this case, the ruler
is the major and superior one.
But while the ruler is being
admired, he should also be the
subject’s role model
Husband and Wife
In this case, the wife is the less
superior one and has to respect
and listen to her husband; since
women were lower in society than
men. But the husband needs to
also be a good role model to his
Father and Son
The son in the family has to respect the elder one, which
is the father, and his decisions. And like today, the father
has to also be a good role model to the son.
Elder Brother and Younger
Of course, the older brother
needs to be the role model of
the younger one. And the
younger one should respect
his older brother.
Friend and Friend
This is the only
relationship where both
sides are equal in status.
And each has to respect
one another.
Together, they create balance and harmony in the society
Sayings of Confucius
•It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do
not stop.
• The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds
in his actions.
• Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
•Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.
•Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.
•I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I
Books of
Four Books
The Great Learning
The Great Learning is a guide
for moral self-cultivation.
According to the Great Learning,
the key to moral self-cultivation
is learning, or the investigation
of things. Through the
investigation of things, one
comes to understand the
principle in all things, which
allows one to better comprehend
the world.
Written during the Spring and
Autumn period through the
Warring States period, the
Analects is a collection of
Confucius teachings and
discussions with disciples.
According to the Analects, the
first step in knowing the Way is
to devote oneself to learning.
Mencius is a collection of
conversations Mencius had
with Kongzi. Mencius places
a strong emphasis on the
responsibility of the emperor
to practice good governance
through following the Way.
The Doctrine of the
The Doctrine of the Mean is
attributed to Zisi, Kongzi’s
grandson, and deals with how
to maintain perfect balance
and harmony in one’s life.
The Doctrine of the Mean
focuses on following the Way
and acting in accordance with
what is right and natural, but
acknowledges that people
often do not act properly.
Five Classics
Book of Documents
The Book of Documents is a
compilation of 58 chapters
detailing the events of ancient
China. The Book of Documents
tells the deeds of the early
sage-kings Yao and Shun.
These narratives are influential
in the development of the
understanding of a sage.
Book of Odes
The Book of Odes is also
translated as the Book of Songs
or Book of Poetry. The Book of
Odes is comprised of 305
poems dealing with a range of
issues, including love and
marriage, agricultural concerns,
daily lives, and war.
The Book of Rites
The Book of Rites
described the social
norms, governmental
organization, and the
ritual conduct during the
Zhou dynasty. Believed
to have been compiled by
Kongzi, the Book of Rites
is the foundation of many
ritual principles that arise
in later imperial China.
The Book of
The Book of
Changes contains
a system of
divination, which is
centered largely
around the
principles of yin
and yang.
Spring and Autumn
As the longest of the Five
Classics, the Spring and
Autumn Annals is a
historical chronicle of the
State of Lu. Unlike the
Book of Documents, the
Spring and Autumn
Annals appear to have
been created specifically
for annalistic purposes.
Lao Tzu
• Born in China around 604 B.C.E.
• Daoism begins with the ancient philosopher Lao Tzu
• Chinese Philosopher
• Writer of Tao Te Ching ( The Way to its Power )
* Tao - the way or the path
*Ti- virtue
*Ching - laws
•As legend goes, Lao Tzu was the keeper of the archives at the imperial
•However, in his older age, he became more and more saddened that men
were unwilling to follow the path to natural goodness.
•Thus, at 80 years of age, he left the court and set out on the back of a
water buffalo to leave China.
•A guard asked him to record his teachings before he left.
•It was at this point that he wrote the Tao Te Ching (The Way to Power.).
Teachings of Lao Tzu
• Harmony with the Tao (way of nature)
• Do nothing but follow the natural forces.
• Take what life gives you and make the most
of it
• The Daoist has no ambitions, therefore he
can never fail. He who never fails always
succeeds. And he who always succeeds is
Today’s motto that could possibly
express Daoism
“Go with the flow”
“If life gives you lemons, make
Quotes from Lao Tzu
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single
“He who knows that enough is enough will always
have enough”
“Care about what other people think and you will
always be their prisoner.”
“He who is contented is rich”
Three Eras of Chinese
• Early Poetry
• Classical Poetry
• Modern Poetry
Early Chinese Poetry
As with other civilizations, the folk songs and stories
of early people are the origins of Chinese poetry and
other forms of art.
Early Chinese Poems
Shi Jing it is translated “Classic
of Poetry” also called the Book of
It contains aristocratic poems,
or odes, and poetry from folk
Chu Ci or
Songs of Chu
These poems are more lyrical,
and most of them come from the
poets Qu Yuan and Song Yu.
Classical Chinese Poetry
Classical Chinese poetry originated during the
Han dynasty from 206 BC to 220 AD.
• Chu lyrics changed and became the Fu, which is a poem that
rhymes, except for the beginning and ending sections, which
are written in prose. These were often in the poetical essay
form, which has questions and answers.
• Another new form of poetry was the Yue Fu. They were song
lyrics and folk song lyrics.
• Toward the end of the Han dynasty, the yue fu evolved
into shi, which had five or seven lines. This was the
dominant form Chinese poetry took until modern times.
• Next came the ci lyric poems, which were new lyrics
written to existing melodies.
Modern Chinese Poetry
Modern Chinese poetry has no set pattern or style.
• Poets of this time wanted to break with the traditional forms and
adopted some of the Western styles.
• A group of poets named Misty Poets were influential during this
time. They used allusion and references that made their writing
obscure and hazy.
• Important Misty Poets include: Bei Dao, Duo Duo, Gu Cheng,
and Yang Lian.
Du Fu:
Country damaged mountains rivers
City spring grass trees deep
Feel moment flower splash tears
Regret parting bird startle heart
Beacon fires join three months
Family letters worth ten thousand
White head scratch become thin
Virtually about to not bear hairpin
Li Bai:
Ask me what reason stay
green mountain
Smile but not answer heart self
Peach blossom flow water far
Apart have heaven earth in
human world
Two poems from the Classical Period
Duo Duo:
Trailing the sun’s green rays
Once more, in my subtle heart, the
symbols are set alight:
Illusions begin moving in and out of the
jungle of thought
Riding on the backs of countless
stampeding wild beasts
And bathing in the hazy sunset
Two poems from “Misty Poets”
The golden dust of twilight
All the images attached to my retinas
Are so profound and so rich
As if many strangers
Were slowly walking toward me
From their voices
As if those red and black
Diseased thorns
In the valleys
Were secretly spreading and
surrounding me…
Bei Dao
The Boat with a Red Sail
If the ruins of the walls are all
how shall I insist
the only road is the one we’re on?
Are you fooled into believing
the streetlights that fill the eyes
come out nightly like stars?
I won’t deceive you anymore,
won’t let your heart, like a
trembling maple leaf,
Bewritten all over with lies about
I can’t comfort you anymore
because, after heaven and earth,
only time witnesses to our
On the beach, where sands are
pulverized darkness,
when the spray runs off our eye-
we see the sea behind it is
Still, however I want to say,
wait, girl,
wait for the boat with a red sail,
that brings the wind.
Outlaws of the Marsh
(“水浒传” in Chinese)
The novel “Outlaws of the Marsh” is somewhat like the Iliad and
Odyssey, which is also an ancient epic tale. This story is based
on real facts and has inspired many storytellers. The Song
Dynasty reached its apogee and declined. As a victim of
corruption and decadence, we can find historical traces of
these outlaws who challenged the imperial authority and died
under the executioner’s blade. .
“Romance of The Three Kingdoms”
(“三国演义” in Chinese)
“Romance of The Three Kingdoms” is one of the great Chinese
classics and is compiled into a semi-fictional literary masterpiece
during the Ming Dynasty by Luo Guanzhong. The novel
comprises around 70% fact and 20% fiction. The story is a tale of
the fall of Later Han Dynasty of China.
“Journey to the West”
(“西游记” in Chinese)
“Journey to the West”, commonly known to the western readers, is a
supernatural novel about a world of fantastic invention, in which gods
and demons loom large and vie for supremacy. This lively fantasy
relates the amazing adventures of the priest San-zang as he travelled
towards west in search of Buddhist sutras with his three disciples, the
irreverent and capable Monkey, greedy Pig, and Friar Sand.
“The Dream of the Red Chamber”
(“红楼梦” in Chinese)
“The Dream of the Red Chamber”, also called “The
Story of the Stone” (“石头记” in Chinese), is a novel
written by Cao Xueqin, and said to be the greatest
masterpiece of Chinese fiction. It describes the love
story, marriage and tragedies between Jia Baoyu, Lin
Daiyu and Xue Baochai,
The Chinese theater is unique by itself. In the Middle
Ages there were troupe, where male and female roles
were played by either men only or women only. In
addition, the nature of the character could be traced
not only by an actor performing a role, but also by the
make-up, applied to his face. Depending on the color,
the audience understood the role type. For example,
the red color indicated loyalty and honesty of the hero,
the gold one was used for the mythical heroes, etc.
Chinese theatre can trace its origin back a few millennia to
ancient China, but the Chinese opera started to develop in the
12th century. Western forms like the spoken drama, western-style
opera, and ballet did not arrive in China until the 20th century.
Theatre of China has a long and complex history. Traditional Chinese
theatre, generally in the form of Chinese opera, is musical in nature.
Chinese theatre can trace its origin back a few millennia to ancient
China, but the Chinese opera started to develop in the 12th century.
● What is China without Confucius (Chinese: 孔子)? Indeed, what is
East Asia without Confucius?
● The only other person that influences Asian culture as strongly as
Confucius is the Buddha. But even that’s debatable. Although Mao
Zedong tried to erase Confucius from China’s collective memory
through the brutal Cultural Revolution, The Little Red Book has yet
to displace the Analects in the hearts of billions of Chinese citizens.
There’s a great deal of debate
whether the teacher known as
Lao Tzu (Chinese: 老子)
actually krouded in mystery.
Some scholars believe Tzu
was an older contemporary of
Confucius, while others say
“Lao Tzu” was just a name
used by a group of writers
The most recent of China’s
“Four Great Classical
Novels” is a work called The
Dream of the Red Chamber
by a man named Cao Xueqin
(Chinese: 夢阮).
Lao Tzu Cao Xueqin
If you want to get a better
understanding of 20th
century China, Lu Xun
(Chinese: 魯迅) is the
author for you.
Li Bai was born in a city
near Chengdu in 701 AD.
When he turned 24, he
decided to take up the
life of a wandering poet.
He married a woman
named Anlu in Hubei
province and made
money by writing poetry
for court officials.
Lu Xun Li Bai
The Trial of the Stone (Chinese Folktale)
• Richardo keens – Douglas
• A humorous folk tale in which a stone is accused of
a crime and the villagers at the trial must learn to
take the judicial system seriously. A young boy
named Matt is off to visit his grandfather in a
faraway village.
• MORAL LESSON – The truth will always prevail;
justice protects and serves people regardless of
status in life. Be careful how you treat people
around you.
The Analects of Confucius
• Compiled by disciples of Confucius in the centuries following
his death in 479 B.C.E. The analects of Confucius is a
collection of aphorisms and historical anecdotes embodying
the basic values of the Confucian tradition. Learning,
morality, ritual decorum, and filial piety.
• Strong emphasizes the importance of morality for the
betterment of oneself and society in general.
• The books lays out several teachings for both commoners and
rulers to follow in the pursuit of morality.
• An anthology of quotes from Confucius and his disciples,
important events in his life ,and descriptions of him.
A Country Boy Quits in School
by Lao Hsiang
• Lao Hsiang is an endearing social satire. It is
about a poor Chinese family which is
forced to send its boy to school following
an official proclamation, ignoring which
would mean a jail term.
• The context in a scene or story that
describes the elements in which a story is
taking place, including time, place, and
• Each component in story setting helps to
build the narrative’s mood, plot, and
character development.
• Main characters;
-The country boy(main character)
-The Teacher
-Hsiao Lin
-Hsiao Lin’s Uncle
-Baldy’s Father
A Little Accident
by Lu Hsun
Is a short story that depicts an incident of an elderly woman who gets
dragged by a rickshaw and is observed by several people. The story
is told in the first person and has a theme of grace and helping others.
Poems from The Book of Odes
• A collection of 305 poems, dating from
1000 to 600 B.C.
• Shin Ching or “book of odes”
• These are believed to be the oldest
existing examples of Chinese poetry. The
collection includes refined folk songs,
ritualistic poems, dynastic legends and
hymns for ancestral temples.
• Tu Fu (also known as Du Fu)
• Was a great Chinese poet of the
town dynasty, I family that ruled
China from 618 to 907.
• He is known as the poet historian
for his portrayal of the social in
political disorders of his time and
also noted for his artistry and
Poems of Tu Fu
• A Woman Of Quality
• Alone, Looking for Blossoms Along the River
• Moonlit Night
• Gazing at the Sacred Peak
• Behind The Gates Of The Wealthy
• I Stand Alone
• No Sight
Po Chu - I
• Was a gentleman poet and government
official during the Golden age of the Tang
dynasty in China.
• Po Chu-I eventually retired to a
monastery when he was in his 50s.
• Was a Chinese poet best known for his
ballads and satirical poems.
• He wrote poems of social protest in
simple, everyday language.
• Ballad of Everlasting Sorrow
• Songs of the Land of Ch’in
• New Music Bureau Poems.
• The Everlasting Wrong
Poems of Po Chu-I
Meng Haoran
• Was a major Tang Dynasty poet
• Meng Haoran wrote about the
area he was born and raised, in
what is now Hubei, province of
Poems of Meng Haoran
• A Spring Morning
• Stopping at a Friend’s Farm-house
• Taking Leave of Wang Wei
• In Summer at the South Pavilion Thinking of
• On Climbing Yan Mountain with Friends
Li Bai
• Li Bai (also known as Li Po, Li
Pai, Li T’ai-po, and Li T’ai-pai)
• One of the greatest romantic
• Famous wine drinkers in China
• He wrote about common things
such as natural places and cities
he saw. Also, war and deaths.
Poems of Li Bai
• Awakening from Sleep on a Spring Day
• Quiet Night Thought
• The Night of Sorrow
• I am a Peach Tree
• A Farewell Song of White Clouds

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  • 1. CHINA The Red Dragon East Asia UNIT II Reporters: Jonatan Lagbo Karla Patricia Romano Aya Cabral
  • 2. Why China is called “Red Dragon”?
  • 4. • 3000 BCE • No one knows exactly when legends about dragons first originated, but the symbol dates back to at least 3000 BCE. • According to one theory, the legendary Chinese dragon evolved out of ancient totem – worship practices. • Historically the Chinese dragon was associated with the emperor of china and used as a symbol to represent imperial power. The founder of the Han dynasty Liu Bang claimed that he was conceived after his mother dreamt of a dragon.
  • 5. • It was called “red dragon “ because of its likely due to china being a communist country, but it also stems from the fact that red has always been the traditional colour associated with the Chinese emperor.
  • 7. • Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism are three major religions in china. The influence of these three philosophies, especially Confucianism, came to predominate in china for more than two thousand years and also exerted powerful influences in shaping the social and political life of Korea, Japan and Indo-China . • Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism were the three main philosophies and religions of ancient China, which have individually and collectively influenced ancient and modern Chinese society.
  • 8. • Confucianism largely became the dominant philosophical school of China during the early Han dynasty following the replacement of its contemporary, the more Taoistic Huan – Lao. • Religion is important in ancient China because they believed their ancestors watched over them, and would protect them, provided they prayed in the right way. They did many things to protect themselves from evil and to make sure they would have a happy life.
  • 11. Confucius • Born 28 of September 551 BC • Founder of Confucianism • Kongfuzi, Kong Qiu or Master Kong- later called Confucius by Europeans • Was not a religious leader nor did he claim any special divine status – rather he was a teacher • Confucius did not teach people about religion instead he taught people to be a good citizen.
  • 12. Developed a new philosophy • Importance of moral character • Individuals must take responsibility for their society • Society worked best when everyone respected laws and behaved according to their position also when those in superior positions
  • 13. In Confucianism, there are five relationships that each person must follow Friend and Friend Husband and Wife Ruler and Subject Elder Brother and Younger Brother Father and Son
  • 14. Ruler and Subject The subject should bow down and respect the superior one— the ruler. In this case, the ruler is the major and superior one. But while the ruler is being admired, he should also be the subject’s role model Husband and Wife In this case, the wife is the less superior one and has to respect and listen to her husband; since women were lower in society than men. But the husband needs to also be a good role model to his wife. Father and Son The son in the family has to respect the elder one, which is the father, and his decisions. And like today, the father has to also be a good role model to the son.
  • 15. Elder Brother and Younger Brother Of course, the older brother needs to be the role model of the younger one. And the younger one should respect his older brother. Friend and Friend This is the only relationship where both sides are equal in status. And each has to respect one another. Together, they create balance and harmony in the society
  • 16. Sayings of Confucius •It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. • The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions. • Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it. •Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart. •Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses. •I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
  • 18. Four Books The Great Learning The Great Learning is a guide for moral self-cultivation. According to the Great Learning, the key to moral self-cultivation is learning, or the investigation of things. Through the investigation of things, one comes to understand the principle in all things, which allows one to better comprehend the world. Analects Written during the Spring and Autumn period through the Warring States period, the Analects is a collection of Confucius teachings and discussions with disciples. According to the Analects, the first step in knowing the Way is to devote oneself to learning.
  • 19. Mencius Mencius is a collection of conversations Mencius had with Kongzi. Mencius places a strong emphasis on the responsibility of the emperor to practice good governance through following the Way. The Doctrine of the Mean The Doctrine of the Mean is attributed to Zisi, Kongzi’s grandson, and deals with how to maintain perfect balance and harmony in one’s life. The Doctrine of the Mean focuses on following the Way and acting in accordance with what is right and natural, but acknowledges that people often do not act properly.
  • 20. Five Classics Book of Documents The Book of Documents is a compilation of 58 chapters detailing the events of ancient China. The Book of Documents tells the deeds of the early sage-kings Yao and Shun. These narratives are influential in the development of the understanding of a sage. Book of Odes The Book of Odes is also translated as the Book of Songs or Book of Poetry. The Book of Odes is comprised of 305 poems dealing with a range of issues, including love and marriage, agricultural concerns, daily lives, and war.
  • 21. The Book of Rites The Book of Rites described the social norms, governmental organization, and the ritual conduct during the Zhou dynasty. Believed to have been compiled by Kongzi, the Book of Rites is the foundation of many ritual principles that arise in later imperial China. The Book of Changes The Book of Changes contains a system of divination, which is centered largely around the principles of yin and yang. Spring and Autumn Annals As the longest of the Five Classics, the Spring and Autumn Annals is a historical chronicle of the State of Lu. Unlike the Book of Documents, the Spring and Autumn Annals appear to have been created specifically for annalistic purposes.
  • 22. Lao Tzu • Born in China around 604 B.C.E. • Daoism begins with the ancient philosopher Lao Tzu • Chinese Philosopher • Writer of Tao Te Ching ( The Way to its Power ) * Tao - the way or the path *Ti- virtue *Ching - laws
  • 23. •As legend goes, Lao Tzu was the keeper of the archives at the imperial court. •However, in his older age, he became more and more saddened that men were unwilling to follow the path to natural goodness. •Thus, at 80 years of age, he left the court and set out on the back of a water buffalo to leave China. •A guard asked him to record his teachings before he left. •It was at this point that he wrote the Tao Te Ching (The Way to Power.).
  • 24. Teachings of Lao Tzu • Harmony with the Tao (way of nature) • Do nothing but follow the natural forces. • Take what life gives you and make the most of it • The Daoist has no ambitions, therefore he can never fail. He who never fails always succeeds. And he who always succeeds is all-powerful.
  • 25. Today’s motto that could possibly express Daoism “Go with the flow” “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade”
  • 26. Quotes from Lao Tzu “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” “He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough” “Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” “He who is contented is rich”
  • 28. Three Eras of Chinese Poetry • Early Poetry • Classical Poetry • Modern Poetry
  • 29. Early Chinese Poetry As with other civilizations, the folk songs and stories of early people are the origins of Chinese poetry and other forms of art.
  • 30. Early Chinese Poems Shi Jing it is translated “Classic of Poetry” also called the Book of Songs It contains aristocratic poems, or odes, and poetry from folk songs. Chu Ci or Songs of Chu These poems are more lyrical, and most of them come from the poets Qu Yuan and Song Yu.
  • 31. Classical Chinese Poetry Classical Chinese poetry originated during the Han dynasty from 206 BC to 220 AD. • Chu lyrics changed and became the Fu, which is a poem that rhymes, except for the beginning and ending sections, which are written in prose. These were often in the poetical essay form, which has questions and answers. • Another new form of poetry was the Yue Fu. They were song lyrics and folk song lyrics.
  • 32. • Toward the end of the Han dynasty, the yue fu evolved into shi, which had five or seven lines. This was the dominant form Chinese poetry took until modern times. • Next came the ci lyric poems, which were new lyrics written to existing melodies.
  • 33. Modern Chinese Poetry Modern Chinese poetry has no set pattern or style. • Poets of this time wanted to break with the traditional forms and adopted some of the Western styles. • A group of poets named Misty Poets were influential during this time. They used allusion and references that made their writing obscure and hazy. • Important Misty Poets include: Bei Dao, Duo Duo, Gu Cheng, and Yang Lian.
  • 34. Du Fu: Country damaged mountains rivers here City spring grass trees deep Feel moment flower splash tears Regret parting bird startle heart Beacon fires join three months Family letters worth ten thousand metal White head scratch become thin Virtually about to not bear hairpin Li Bai: Ask me what reason stay green mountain Smile but not answer heart self idle Peach blossom flow water far go Apart have heaven earth in human world Two poems from the Classical Period
  • 35. Duo Duo: Dusk Trailing the sun’s green rays Once more, in my subtle heart, the symbols are set alight: Illusions begin moving in and out of the jungle of thought Riding on the backs of countless stampeding wild beasts And bathing in the hazy sunset Two poems from “Misty Poets” The golden dust of twilight All the images attached to my retinas Are so profound and so rich As if many strangers Were slowly walking toward me From their voices As if those red and black Diseased thorns In the valleys Were secretly spreading and surrounding me…
  • 36. Bei Dao The Boat with a Red Sail If the ruins of the walls are all about, how shall I insist the only road is the one we’re on? Are you fooled into believing the streetlights that fill the eyes come out nightly like stars? I won’t deceive you anymore, won’t let your heart, like a trembling maple leaf, Bewritten all over with lies about Spring. I can’t comfort you anymore because, after heaven and earth, only time witnesses to our existence. On the beach, where sands are pulverized darkness, when the spray runs off our eye- lashes, we see the sea behind it is boundless. Still, however I want to say, wait, girl, wait for the boat with a red sail, that brings the wind.
  • 38. Outlaws of the Marsh (“水浒传” in Chinese) The novel “Outlaws of the Marsh” is somewhat like the Iliad and Odyssey, which is also an ancient epic tale. This story is based on real facts and has inspired many storytellers. The Song Dynasty reached its apogee and declined. As a victim of corruption and decadence, we can find historical traces of these outlaws who challenged the imperial authority and died under the executioner’s blade. .
  • 39. “Romance of The Three Kingdoms” (“三国演义” in Chinese) “Romance of The Three Kingdoms” is one of the great Chinese classics and is compiled into a semi-fictional literary masterpiece during the Ming Dynasty by Luo Guanzhong. The novel comprises around 70% fact and 20% fiction. The story is a tale of the fall of Later Han Dynasty of China.
  • 40. “Journey to the West” (“西游记” in Chinese) “Journey to the West”, commonly known to the western readers, is a supernatural novel about a world of fantastic invention, in which gods and demons loom large and vie for supremacy. This lively fantasy relates the amazing adventures of the priest San-zang as he travelled towards west in search of Buddhist sutras with his three disciples, the irreverent and capable Monkey, greedy Pig, and Friar Sand.
  • 41. “The Dream of the Red Chamber” (“红楼梦” in Chinese) “The Dream of the Red Chamber”, also called “The Story of the Stone” (“石头记” in Chinese), is a novel written by Cao Xueqin, and said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fiction. It describes the love story, marriage and tragedies between Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai,
  • 43.
  • 44. The Chinese theater is unique by itself. In the Middle Ages there were troupe, where male and female roles were played by either men only or women only. In addition, the nature of the character could be traced not only by an actor performing a role, but also by the make-up, applied to his face. Depending on the color, the audience understood the role type. For example, the red color indicated loyalty and honesty of the hero, the gold one was used for the mythical heroes, etc.
  • 45. Chinese theatre can trace its origin back a few millennia to ancient China, but the Chinese opera started to develop in the 12th century. Western forms like the spoken drama, western-style opera, and ballet did not arrive in China until the 20th century. Theatre of China has a long and complex history. Traditional Chinese theatre, generally in the form of Chinese opera, is musical in nature. Chinese theatre can trace its origin back a few millennia to ancient China, but the Chinese opera started to develop in the 12th century.
  • 47. ● What is China without Confucius (Chinese: 孔子)? Indeed, what is East Asia without Confucius? ● The only other person that influences Asian culture as strongly as Confucius is the Buddha. But even that’s debatable. Although Mao Zedong tried to erase Confucius from China’s collective memory through the brutal Cultural Revolution, The Little Red Book has yet to displace the Analects in the hearts of billions of Chinese citizens. Confucius
  • 48. There’s a great deal of debate whether the teacher known as Lao Tzu (Chinese: 老子) actually krouded in mystery. Some scholars believe Tzu was an older contemporary of Confucius, while others say “Lao Tzu” was just a name used by a group of writers The most recent of China’s “Four Great Classical Novels” is a work called The Dream of the Red Chamber by a man named Cao Xueqin (Chinese: 夢阮). Lao Tzu Cao Xueqin
  • 49. If you want to get a better understanding of 20th century China, Lu Xun (Chinese: 魯迅) is the author for you. Li Bai was born in a city near Chengdu in 701 AD. When he turned 24, he decided to take up the life of a wandering poet. He married a woman named Anlu in Hubei province and made money by writing poetry for court officials. Lu Xun Li Bai
  • 51. The Trial of the Stone (Chinese Folktale) • Richardo keens – Douglas • A humorous folk tale in which a stone is accused of a crime and the villagers at the trial must learn to take the judicial system seriously. A young boy named Matt is off to visit his grandfather in a faraway village. • MORAL LESSON – The truth will always prevail; justice protects and serves people regardless of status in life. Be careful how you treat people around you.
  • 52. The Analects of Confucius • Compiled by disciples of Confucius in the centuries following his death in 479 B.C.E. The analects of Confucius is a collection of aphorisms and historical anecdotes embodying the basic values of the Confucian tradition. Learning, morality, ritual decorum, and filial piety. • Strong emphasizes the importance of morality for the betterment of oneself and society in general. • The books lays out several teachings for both commoners and rulers to follow in the pursuit of morality. • An anthology of quotes from Confucius and his disciples, important events in his life ,and descriptions of him.
  • 53. A Country Boy Quits in School by Lao Hsiang • Lao Hsiang is an endearing social satire. It is about a poor Chinese family which is forced to send its boy to school following an official proclamation, ignoring which would mean a jail term. • The context in a scene or story that describes the elements in which a story is taking place, including time, place, and environment. • Each component in story setting helps to build the narrative’s mood, plot, and character development. • Main characters; -The country boy(main character) -Grandfather -Grandmother -Father -Mother -The Teacher -Hsiao Lin -Hsiao Lin’s Uncle -Baldy -Baldy’s Father
  • 54. A Little Accident by Lu Hsun Is a short story that depicts an incident of an elderly woman who gets dragged by a rickshaw and is observed by several people. The story is told in the first person and has a theme of grace and helping others.
  • 55. Poems from The Book of Odes • A collection of 305 poems, dating from 1000 to 600 B.C. • Shin Ching or “book of odes” • These are believed to be the oldest existing examples of Chinese poetry. The collection includes refined folk songs, ritualistic poems, dynastic legends and hymns for ancestral temples.
  • 57. TU FU • Tu Fu (also known as Du Fu) • Was a great Chinese poet of the town dynasty, I family that ruled China from 618 to 907. • He is known as the poet historian for his portrayal of the social in political disorders of his time and also noted for his artistry and craftsmanship.
  • 58. Poems of Tu Fu • A Woman Of Quality • Alone, Looking for Blossoms Along the River • Moonlit Night • Gazing at the Sacred Peak • Behind The Gates Of The Wealthy • I Stand Alone • No Sight
  • 59. Po Chu - I • Was a gentleman poet and government official during the Golden age of the Tang dynasty in China. • Po Chu-I eventually retired to a monastery when he was in his 50s. • Was a Chinese poet best known for his ballads and satirical poems. • He wrote poems of social protest in simple, everyday language.
  • 60. • Ballad of Everlasting Sorrow • Songs of the Land of Ch’in • New Music Bureau Poems. • The Everlasting Wrong Poems of Po Chu-I
  • 61. Meng Haoran • Was a major Tang Dynasty poet • Meng Haoran wrote about the area he was born and raised, in what is now Hubei, province of China
  • 62. Poems of Meng Haoran • A Spring Morning • Stopping at a Friend’s Farm-house • Taking Leave of Wang Wei • In Summer at the South Pavilion Thinking of Xing • On Climbing Yan Mountain with Friends
  • 63. Li Bai • Li Bai (also known as Li Po, Li Pai, Li T’ai-po, and Li T’ai-pai) • One of the greatest romantic poets • Famous wine drinkers in China • He wrote about common things such as natural places and cities he saw. Also, war and deaths.
  • 64. Poems of Li Bai • Awakening from Sleep on a Spring Day • Quiet Night Thought • The Night of Sorrow • I am a Peach Tree • A Farewell Song of White Clouds