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Unit 13 - LO3 By Tariq Jamal
Centre Number: 64135
Candidate Number: 4069
Contents page
Slide Number Content
4 Proposal
5 Magazine aims
6-8 Target audience
9 Psychographics
10 Form & Style
11 Magazine flat plan
12 Production plan
13 Plan for images
14-15 Test photography
16 Masthead font styles
17 Chosen masthead font style
18 Drafts (Choral)
19 Drafts (Opera)
20-22 Front Cover connotations (Choral) – Draft
23-26 Double page spread connotations (Choral) – Draft
27 Front cover connotations (Opera) – Draft
28-31 Double page spread connotations (Opera) – Draft
Contents page
Slide Number Content
32-35 Graphic Layouts (Choral)
36-39 Graphic Layouts (Opera)
40 Double Page Spread (Choral, Draft of the Interview)
41 Front cover (Choral, Old version)
42-43 Front cover connotations ( Choral, Final version)
44 Double page spread (Choral, Old version)
45 Double page spread (Choral, Final version)
46 Double page spread connotations (Choral, Final
47 Post production software
48-49 Post-Production skills
50-52 Step-by-step (Choral, front cover)
53-55 Step-by-step (Choral, double page spread)
56 Conclusion
Proposal for 2 Separate Ideas
• See blog page! 
Magazine Aims
• Market place – I’m going to aim my magazine to be a
market leader as there aren’t many famous and market
leader magazines in my genre and the only market
leader out there in my genre is BBC Music magazine.
Therefore I’m going to try and be a market leader as
my target audience might be getting bored from keep
on reading that magazine so when they see a new
magazine coming out that specialises in that genre
they might change their mind and be interested in
reading that new magazine. Therefore when they start
reading my magazine it would increase the popularity
of my magazine and increases its chance of being a
market leader.
Target audience
• Linked to Hartley’s 7 subjectivities, my target audience would be based on the following:
• Age: My music magazine would be aimed at those who are aged 40+ as people that age would be interested in classical
music or maybe starting to be interested in them. Therefore my music magazine would encourage those who are starting
to like classic music and would increase the popularity of classic music for those who don’t know what it is about. To
ensure I have massive appeal; my music magazine would Include facts and pictures about different Opera houses around
the world, different events around the world (specially in England) that relate back to classic music, information about
conductors, orchestras, etc.
• Gender: my music magazine would be aimed at both genders (male & female) as I’m going to have adverts that are linked
to both genders. For example an advertisement page for having a Watch made for men and a necklace made for women,
therefore the adverts in the magazine are equally balanced and not just focused on specific gender, therefore this makes
both male and female read the magazine.
• Class: according to my previous research on BBC music magazine, 37% of the readers of my magazine are between A & B
which middle to upper class people because most of high/middle class people tend to listen to world classic music as it’s
tend to be more relaxing and not as aggressive as other genres of music. For example, my magazine had advertisements
such as the watch at the back of the magazine connotes one of the themes of the magazine. The magazine focuses on
world classical music and as my research shows that 37% of the readers are between A & B and the average age is 41.
Therefore a lot of the readers would be interested in buying watches that are expensive and classical, not digital, therefore
the watch would grab the attention of the audience as mainly older people who are middle/upper class would want to buy
it. For my music magazine, it’s going to have the same type of advertisements to grab the attention of that group of socio-
economic needs.
Target audience
• According to Katz’s theory, the target audience of my
magazine would want to escape from their everyday
stressful life or get away from problems by reading my
magazine so they would educate themselves and think
more about what’s going on in the magazine rather than
thinking about things that are happening to them in their
daily life. Also, one of the reasons that my target audience
would read my music magazine is because of surveillance,
so they can inform and educate themselves about the
genre of my music magazine. This comes in very handy as
my music magazine would specialise in covering young
prospects of classic music so therefore a lot of people
would want to educate themselves and know who might be
the next classic music star in the future.
Target audience
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs the content in the magazine
is aimed to achieve the basic needs of consumers, mainly the need for
discovery (learning new things, satisfying curiosity, finding new artists
to keep interested and be entertained) and the need for escape
(escape from reality or to relax).
The lifestyle of the readers of my magazine
would be mainly resigned. This is because
they’re mainly older people who like and
tend to read classical music magazines
therefore they’d be orientated to the past
and have resigned roles.
Also, another lifestyle would be a succeeder.
This is because BBC Music Magazine is more
expensive than any other magazine,
therefore the people who purchase it, tend
to be financially stronger than all the other
groups. Linked back to my socio-economic
needs research, 62% of people who read my
magazine fall under the category ABC1,
therefore this connotes that the majority of
the target audience are people who are
financially stable, have a good work ethic
and are organised therefore they’re
Form & style
• The colours I’m going to use are black and white. Based on the research I made, the magazine had a
lot of black and white colour schemes in it to connote the genre of the music which is classic. The
black and white colours connote that classic is still present these days as Tuxedos are black and
white and therefore this could relate back to the main theme costume of the classic music events.
Also, Tuxedo’s are the main theme costume that people wear to attend classical musical events
(Such as BBC Night of The Proms) therefore these colours would be suitable for the genre of my
music magazine.
• I also chose grey because it’s mixture of black and white and therefore it has some sense of classic
music. It’s also the colour of the background the front cover of one of the BBC Music Magazine
• The magazine will be a print based magazine. However the dimensions will be 247 x 170 mm as
that is the regular print size for A4 magazines.
Magazine flat plan - Draft
Production plan
Week beginning: Monday 27th October 2014
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Have a meeting
with the editorial
team to discuss
the date of
managing the
schedule, what
topics, news will
be covered and
how will it be
Go out and find
writers for my
music magazine
that are interested
in the genre and
topics about it.
Also, get the
writers of my
magazine to go out
and find
information out
about the topic we
decided in the day
before. On this day
we’ll also look for
that we need to
include in our
Go out and
take pictures
of the topics
that we
decided on
the day
Checking if the
facts are correct
in the articles.
Also, making sure
that grammar,
spelling and
punctuation are
used correctly,
and also making
sure that all
articles follow the
house-style and
work on the page
Page layout - layout the
various pages that come
together to make the
magazine. On this day,
we’ll also look to include
the adverts from
advertisers in our
magazine. The editorial
department will also
proofread a hardcopy of
the magazine. Any
mistake that is spotted is
quickly corrected on the
DTP file.
The DTP file of
the whole
magazine is sent
to the printer to
print the
magazine. Pre-
press is the
process of
checking to make
sure that the
company are
sending all the
fonts and images
needed for the
magazine with
their file. Once
this stage is over,
the printing
company takes
When finished
with the printing
of the magazines,
the printing
company will
package them and
send them to a
warehouse. From
the warehouse,
the magazines are
then distributed
and then sold to
the public.
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
Monday 3rd
November 2014
Tuesday 4th
November 2014
5th November
Thursday 6th
November 2014
Friday 7th November
Saturday 8th
November 2014
Sunday 9th
November 2014
Plan for images
1) Time
2) Date
3) Why?
Time – Evening Date – weekend This is because evening is where most
classic music events take place.
Weekends are when usually the classic
music events take place.
1) Shot Type
2) Props/Equipment
3) Lighting
4) Costume
5) Person/people
6) Why?
1) Shot type - Long
2) Props/Equipment
3) Lighting -
4) Costume -
Tuxedo, smart
expensive shoes,
5) People -
Conductors, upper
class people, Opera
1) Shot Type - This is because it gives the reader a
clearer image of the person that is being pictured
so they see the whole picture in front of them and
what’s going on around it. Having a long shot also
helps to see the whole costume of the person in
the picture which makes it easier for the reader to
see it.
2) Props/Equipment – Tuxedo,
3) Lighting – Lighting would be focused on the
person that being pictured
4) Costume would be a smart
black/white Tuxedo as it connotes a
classic theme and therefore it links to the
genre of my music magazine as smart
costumes are worn in these type of
classic music events such as Opera.
5) People - This is because conductors,
upper class people, & Opera singers are
involved in classic music therefore it fits
the genre of my music magazine.
Conductors & Opera singers run the
event, while upper class people would be
the main people who would attend these
type of events.
Permission Needed
1) Contact needed
to be made
2) Evidence of this?
Contacting my
cousin via email
asking them what
/props they need to
1) Location specific
2) Why?
Taking a picture of
my friend in a
Tuxedo having a
glass of Champagne
in their hands.
A hazard would be that they might spill the drink on
their Tuxedo and therefore it’d ruin it.
Taking a picture of my uncle wearing a
Tuxedo near a bridge. The hazard of that
would be that he might fall over off the
Test photography
Test photography
• For a part of test photography I took pictures that didn’t have appropriate backgrounds as the violin
didn’t fit in some of the pictures and therefore it didn’t suit as a main image. Another picture was
also had the violin cut towards the end and therefore it didn’t fit in the picture and therefore it
wouldn’t have looked professional if it was my main image. These are type of mistakes I made in
taking the pictures for main image. I chose this version as it had clear white background (easy to
edit in Photoshop), medium shot which I wanted from the start, the whole violin is in the picture.
Final version
Masthead font styles
Chosen masthead font style
I chose this font as it connotes some sense
of classical writing in it and it connotes that
older/upper class people writing would be
similar and this font also looks like this
masthead on the BBC music magazine at the
bottom of this slide so it will grab the
attention as it would look appealing to the
target audience.
Drafts (Choral)
Drafts (Opera)
Front Cover (Choral) – Draft
The masthead is on the top of the front cover is because
this will grab the attention of the reader as it’s obvious
to spot. Also, my research connotes that my magazine of
inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its masthead on
top of its front cover page.
Front Cover (Choral) – Draft
The denotation of the main
headline ‘Why Schubert
hasn’t finished his
symphony?’ is almost
challenging the consumer to
read the magazine as it’s a
rhetorical question. This will
make the consumer think
that the answer to this
question is in the magazine
and so therefore this would
encourage them to find out
the answer and purchase
the magazine and read it to
find out about the main
Front Cover (Choral) – Draft
• My puff promotion would be winning 2
free tickets for the Night of Proms in Royal
Albert Hall. The denotation of that is a big
event for classic music genre and a lot of
the people who read my magazine would
be interested to go to that event so having
a feature that promotes it would increase
the appeal for my music magazine. It’s
positioned on the right hand corner so
this would grab the attention of the
reader as it’s easy to notice so when the
reader goes to turn the page, they’d
notice it straight away and therefore it will
grab their attention. Including the page
number would also encourage the
consumer to open my magazine and go to
that page and read about this feature.
Double page spread (Choral) – Draft
The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention of the
reader when they’re close to finish reading each interview. Having a link to my
web address will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate
what events and stories my music magazine have on its website so it will have
more information for the reader. As you can see in the screenshot from BBC music
magazine there’s a web address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted
this method to my music magazine.
Double page spread (Choral) – Draft
The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double page
spread look less dull as the rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for
the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal text. The font of the
drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview
which connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop
capital from the rest of the text on the double page spread.
Double page spread (Choral) – Draft
The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom of each
page next to the page number will attract the attention of the reader
when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having links to social
media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and
investigate information about the interview in my magazine. From
there they can also find out information about different events my
music magazine has. Having links to social media would increase the
popularity and appeal of my music magazine.
Double page spread (Choral) – Draft
For the main image, I’m
going to have a picture at
the middle of the page to
grab the attention of the
reader and to make my
double page spread look
less dull; I’m also going to
have captions underneath it
to let the reader know
what’s exactly going on
within the picture.
Front cover (Opera) - Draft
The masthead is on the top of the front cover is because
this will grab the attention of the reader as it’s obvious
to spot. Also, my research connotes that my magazine of
inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its masthead on
top of its front cover page.
My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for the Night
of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation of that is a big
event for classic music genre and a lot of the people who read
my magazine would be interested to go to that event so having a
feature that promotes it would increase the appeal for my music
magazine. It’s positioned on the right hand corner so this would
grab the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so when
the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it straight away
and therefore it will grab their attention. Including the page
number would also encourage the consumer to open my
magazine and go to that page and read about this feature.
Having the website is very important as this would make the reader go
online and research magazine on the internet. This makes the reader
find out more information about my magazine outside of its paper
copy and they can also buy the copy online and read the copies online
if they don’t want to purchase it from the market. It also makes my
magazine look more approachable and flexible as it can be viewed on
the internet also.
Double page spread (Opera) – Draft
The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention
of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each interview.
Having a link to my web address will allow the reader of my magazine
to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine
have on its website so it will have more information for the reader. As
you can see in the screenshot from BBC music magazine there’s a web
address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted this method to
my music magazine.
Double page spread (Opera) – Draft
The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double
page spread look less dull as the rest of the text is heavy and
recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just
normal text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font
as the title of the feature/interview which connotes that they’re
connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest
of the text on the double page spread.
Double page spread (Opera) – Draft
The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom
of each page next to the page number will attract the
attention of the reader when they’re close to finish
reading each page. Having links to social media websites
will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and
investigate information about the interview in my
magazine. From there they can also find out information
about different events my music magazine has. Having
links to social media would increase the popularity and
appeal of my music magazine.
Double page spread (Opera) – Draft
For the main image, I’m
going to have a picture at
the middle of the page to
grab the attention of the
reader and to make my
double page spread look
less dull; I’m also going to
have captions underneath it
to let the reader know
what’s exactly going on
within the picture.
Choral’s Graphic Layout (Front cover)
Having the website is very important as this
would make the reader go online and
research magazine on the internet. This
makes the reader find out more information
about my magazine outside of its paper copy
and they can also buy the copy online and
read the copies online if they don’t want to
purchase it from the market. It also makes
my magazine look more approachable and
flexible as it can be viewed on the internet
The masthead is on the top of the front
cover is because this will grab the
attention of the reader as it’s obvious to
spot. Also, my research connotes that my
magazine of inspiration ‘BBC Music
Magazine’ has its masthead on top of its
front cover page.
The social media logos connote that consumers can go
online and find my magazine on the social media
websites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). This is helpful as
my pages on social media would contain updates about
special features (Such as tickets for world classic music
events). This would then grab the attention of the
consumers as they’d follow my page on social media and
therefore it can encourage them to buy my magazine.
Choral’s Graphic Layout (Front cover)
For the main headline, I decided to use a rhetorical
question as this would grab the attention of the
reader of my magazine and it would therefore
make the reader think that the answer to this
question is in the magazine and so therefore this
would encourage them to find out the answer and
purchase the magazine and read it to find out
about the main headline.
My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for
the Night of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation
of that is a big event for classic music genre and a lot of
the people who read my magazine would be interested
to go to that event so having a feature that promotes it
would increase the appeal for my music magazine. It’s
positioned on the right hand corner so this would grab
the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so
when the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it
straight away and therefore it will grab their attention.
Including the page number would also encourage the
consumer to open my magazine and go to that page
and read about this feature.
Graphic Layout (Double Page Spread)
Interview Interview Interview Interview
Interview Interview
Choral’s Graphic Layout (Double Page
Spread) connotations
• For the main image, I’m going to have a picture at the middle of the page to grab the attention of
the reader and to make my double page spread look less dull; I’m also going to have captions
underneath it to let the reader know what’s exactly going on within the picture.
• The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom of each page next to the page number will
attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having links to
social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate information
about the interview in my magazine. From there they can also find out information about different
events my music magazine has. Having links to social media would increase the popularity and
appeal of my music magazine.
• The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention of the reader when they’re
close to finish reading each interview. Having a link to my web address will allow the reader of my
magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine have on its
website so it will have more information for the reader. As you can see in the screenshot from BBC
music magazine there’s a web address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted this method
to my music magazine.
• The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double page spread look less dull as the
rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal
text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview which
connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest of the text on
the double page spread.
Opera’s Graphic Layout (Front cover)
The masthead is on the top of the front cover is because
this will grab the attention of the reader as it’s obvious
to spot. Also, my research connotes that my magazine of
inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its masthead on
top of its front cover page.
The social media logos connote that consumers can go online and
find my magazine on the social media websites (Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter). This is helpful as my pages on social media
would contain updates about special features (Such as tickets for
world classic music events). This would then grab the attention of
the consumers as they’d follow my page on social media and
therefore it can encourage them to buy my magazine.
My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for the Night
of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation of that is a big
event for classic music genre and a lot of the people who read
my magazine would be interested to go to that event so having a
feature that promotes it would increase the appeal for my music
magazine. It’s positioned on the right hand corner so this would
grab the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so when
the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it straight away
and therefore it will grab their attention. Including the page
number would also encourage the consumer to open my
magazine and go to that page and read about this feature.
Opera’s Graphic Layout (Front cover)
For the main headline, I decided to use a rhetorical
question as this would grab the attention of the
reader of my magazine and it would therefore make
the reader think that the answer to this question is
in the magazine and so therefore this would
encourage them to find out the answer and
purchase the magazine and read it to find out about
the main headline.
Having the website is very important as this
would make the reader go online and research
magazine on the internet. This makes the
reader find out more information about my
magazine outside of its paper copy and they
can also buy the copy online and read the
copies online if they don’t want to purchase it
from the market. It also makes my magazine
look more approachable and flexible as it can
be viewed on the internet also.
Opera’s Graphic Layout (Double Page
Masthead Feature
Interview Interview Interview Interview
Interview Interview
Opera’s Graphic Layout (Double Page
Spread) connotations
• For the main image, I’m going to have a picture at the middle of the page to grab the attention of
the reader and to make my double page spread look less dull; I’m also going to have captions
underneath it to let the reader know what’s exactly going on within the picture.
• The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom of each page next to the page number will
attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having links to
social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate information
about the interview in my magazine. From there they can also find out information about different
events my music magazine has. Having links to social media would increase the popularity and
appeal of my music magazine.
• The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention of the reader when they’re
close to finish reading each interview. Having a link to my web address will allow the reader of my
magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine have on its
website so it will have more information for the reader. As you can see in the screenshot from BBC
music magazine there’s a web address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted this method
to my music magazine.
• The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double page spread look less dull as the
rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal
text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview which
connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest of the text on
the double page spread.
Double Page Spread (Choral, Draft of the Interview)
• Interviewer: Bold font, Q()
• Person who’s interviewed: normal font, A()
• Q(0): Welcome to our interview
• A(0): Thank you
• Q1) Do you have any ideas why Schubert didn’t finish his last four movements?
• A1) It was because his father and his involvement WW2. Throughout WW2 he couldn’t focus on completing his symphony that he has worked on the last years before
the war started. Also, towards the end of WW2, he received news that his father has died during the war, and therefore this didn’t help him to focus on completing
his symphony as he was busy with the funeral of his dad and other things in that year (1945) therefore he didn’t have time to finish the symphony.
• Q2) How long did it take him to write his first 2 movements of the symphony and does he work on one or more symphonies at the time?
• A2) About 2 years. No. My father took his time while making a symphony. He only concentrated on one symphony so all his focus would be only aimed at what he
was working at the time. That’s why most of his symphonies are good and famous because he took his time with each one and didn’t complicate it by working on
other symphonies at the same time.
• Q3) We have information that tells us that he did sketch a third movement. However he never actually finished it or even started it. Can we know if he ever told
anyone at the time about this?
• A3) Yes. He told a few people about it but only within the family. He never told anyone outside the family. In fact, a few composers completed his third movement.
Various composers have completed the symphony based on that sketch, and their interpretation of the first two movements, but for all intents and purposes,
Symphony No. 8 remains truly unfinished.
• Q4) Okay, you say a few composers completed his third movement. How about the fourth which is his last movement? Has anyone completed both of them?
• A4) Yes a few composers have. Each one completed differently than the other and therefore the last two movements aren’t the same as the first two movements. As
the first two movements are the same and not changed, while the third and fourth movements are different depending on the composer who did it.
• Q5) Okay thank you. Can you tell us the names of the composers who finished both of the movements?
• A5) Yes. Charles Watkinson, Bastian Baakh, & Michael Dalshitz.
• Q6) Did you feel a bit disrespect from these composers as they carried on his work putting their name on it and not his?
• A6) No I didn’t feel disrespect towards my father, because all the composers who finished his symphony have asked us (the family) if they can finish off his symphony
and we agreed. Therefore they did ask our permission which I don’t find disrespectful.
• Q7) Do you carry on your father’s work? Do you have any schools for his music or any school for classic music genre?
• A7) Yes I do carry on the work from my father. I opened a special school for classic music genre. It specialises in teaching children aged between 5-12 how to use
musical instruments, specially the ones that have use in classic music. For example there are lessons for how to use Piano, and it depends on how experienced the
child is with that instrument. If he’s very experienced then he’s category A which is the highest category we have. On the other hand if someone has just started then
they’d be in category E which is the lowest category we have.
• Q8) what is the aim of your school?
• A8) The aim of my school is to produce world class composers, conductors, Opera singers, and people who work within an Orchestra. It aims on making children like
classic music from a young age so t stays with them when they’re older and drive them forward with their abilities to make them experts in the classic music genre.
• Q(0): Right. Unfortunately we came to the end of our interview. It was pleasure to have you, thank you for coming over and giving us your time.
• A(0): No problem, thank you.
Front cover (Choral, Old version)
Front cover connotations ( Choral, Final version)
For the main headline, I decided to use a
rhetorical question as this would grab the
attention of the reader of my magazine and
it would therefore make the reader think
that the answer to this question is in the
magazine and so therefore this would
encourage them to find out the answer and
purchase the magazine and read it to find
out about the main headline.
My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for
the Night of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation
of that is a big event for classic music genre and a lot of
the people who read my magazine would be interested
to go to that event so having a feature that promotes it
would increase the appeal for my music magazine. It’s
positioned on the right hand corner so this would grab
the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so
when the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it
straight away and therefore it will grab their attention.
Including the page number would also encourage the
consumer to open my magazine and go to that page
and read about this feature.
Front cover connotations (Choral, Final version)
Having the website is very important as this
would make the reader go online and research
magazine on the internet. This makes the reader
find out more information about my magazine
outside of its paper copy and they can also buy
the copy online and read the copies online if they
don’t want to purchase it from the market. It also
makes my magazine look more approachable and
flexible as it can be viewed on the internet also.
The masthead is on the top of the front cover
is because this will grab the attention of the
reader as it’s obvious to spot. Also, my
research connotes that my magazine of
inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its
masthead on top of its front cover page.
The social media logos connote that consumers can go
online and find my magazine on the social media websites
(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). This is helpful as my pages
on social media would contain updates about special
features (Such as tickets for world classic music events). This
would then grab the attention of the consumers as they’d
follow my page on social media and therefore it can
encourage them to buy my magazine.
Double page spread (Choral, Old
Double page spread (Choral, Final
Double page spread connotations
(Choral, Final version)
• For the main image, I decided to have a picture at the middle of the page to grab the attention of
the reader and to make my double page spread look less dull; I also decided to have captions
underneath it to let the reader know what’s exactly going on within the picture.
• The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom of each page next to the page number will
attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having links to
social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate information
about the interview in my magazine. From there they can also find out information about different
events my music magazine has. Having links to social media would increase the popularity and
appeal of my music magazine.
• The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention of the reader when they’re
close to finish reading each interview. Having a link to my web address will allow the reader of my
magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine have on its
website so it will have more information for the reader. As you can see in the screenshot from BBC
music magazine there’s a web address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted this method
to my music magazine.
• The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double page spread look less dull as the
rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal
text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview which
connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest of the text on
the double page spread.
Post production software
• The software which I had used throughout the production and post
production of my magazine pages would be Adobe Photoshop. I had
used this software for creating my magazine pages because it allows
you to control images to the way you want them and it also has a lot of
tools which are very useful as it allows me to create high quality
magazine pages.
• Adobe Photoshop however is a good software to use for magazines
due to its range off tools such as the rulers (CTRL+R) which allows you
to be able to insert lines which can line up the conventions with each
other so its not out of shape or out of line and looks odd.
Post-Production skills
• Ruler tool – I used the ruler tool (CRTL+R) to enable me to drag loads of lines onto the canvas to
allow and show were each of my conventions were going to go on my front cover and DPS. This is
done so that I can have all the conventions inline with each other so it looks professional and also
allows space for perhaps another code/convention. I used the ruler for especially for the main
image, main headline, masthead, barcode and the puff promotion. By having the rulers on the
canvas allowed me to split up each of these convention s and allow each of them to align with each
other to look fit for purpose and professional.
• Eye dropper tool – I used the eye dropper tool (I) for my magazine front cover and DPS, this was
because I had to get the same colour from my masthead for example and manipulate that colour
onto the brand identity on the bottom of the DPS by the page numbers to make the magazine look
original and professional.
• Quick selection tool – The quick selection tool (W) was useful for changing the images for my front
cover and DPS because it enabled me to outline the images based on these pages and got rid of the
background rather than using the eraser tool and rubbing it all out.
• Pen tool – I used the pen tool (P) to go around an image for example on my DPS I used the pen tool
going around the arm of the artists so the text doesn’t come in contact with the image which will
make it look unprofessional. However the pen tool was beneficial because it can allow you to draw
around certain images, conventions on the page to avoid the text clashing with any of them.
• Eraser tool – The eraser tool (E) was used on mainly the images because after I used the quick
selection tool some of the background from the image was still there so by using the eraser tool
allowed me to go around the images and remove any extra parts of the image that I don’t need.
(For example, the background so the image stands out more).
Post-Production skills
• Move tool – The move tool (V) was used throughout both of my
pages this was because it allowed me to click on any part of the
front cover and DPS and move it to wherever I wanted/needed it
which gave me ideas to test what looks best were and moved it all
around. The move tool however is a very handy tool on Photoshop
because you can drag any convention you want anywhere.
• Text tool – The text tool (T) was used on both of the pages for the
text. This tool works by allowing you to draw a text box were the
text wants to go and then you can change what font style you want
and the size of it. This tool was used for the masthead, main
headline and all text on the conventions also on the page.
• Gradient tool – The gradient tool (G) was a useful tool to use in the
production of my magazine pages because as my magazine had to
have a grey background and the gradient tool came in handy by
allowing the white original background go to grey.
Step-by-step (front cover)
Firstly I had to choose my background colour which is grey as this
is what I chose to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale – 1980) from my magazine
of inspiration (BBC Music Magazine). I then added a faded violin to
the background as this would connote the passion of classical
music that’s in my magazine. Because violin is an instrument that
is used in classical music. I did this back ground by using the paint
bucket tool.
Secondly I had to draw out the grid lines to where
the masthead is going to go, then I had to go on and choose my masthead font
which was ‘Times New Roman’. I chose this font
again to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale – 1980) from my
magazine of inspiration (BBC Music Magazine) as they
used that font for their masthead so I did that to
attract the attention of my target audience.
Next I had to draw out the grid lines to where the
main image is going to go, then I had to go out and
take photos of the person on the front cover. I made
the person in the image hold a violin as this
instrument is a popular instrument in classical music
and therefore it’ll attract the attention of my target
audience. The main image on the front cover also
connotes the passion of classic music in my magazine.
I did this by using the quick selection tool to get rid of
the background and add an outer glow to bring out
the image from the background.
Then I had to draw out the grid lines to where the barcode is
going to go, then I had to place the Immediate media company
media logo, Facebook and twitter logo and the Instagram logo
onto the barcode along with a copy of the masthead for brand
identity and originality. I then added musical notes as a border
around the barcode to connote the originality of classic music
and that my magazine is passionate about this genre.
Then I had to draw out the grid lines to where the puff
promotion is going to go, then I had to draw out the
circle with the ellipse tool and change the colour with
the paint bucket tool. I used the text tool to create the
text and changed the font of the text to the same one
I used for the masthead to keep the sense of passion
that’s in my magazine.
Then I had to draw out the grid lines to where the
main headline and put a rhetorical question to draw
the attention of the reader to make them read my
magazine. I used the text tool and chose the text
‘Edwardian Script ITC’ as it looks like a classic font
style that used to be written in the old ages. Therefore
this connotes the sense of classic music I my
magazine. I then chose the text ‘Times New Roman’
for the rhetorical question as it’s the same text as my
Step-by-step (Choral, Double-page
Firstly I had to choose my background colour
which is white as this is what I chose to
‘repeat’ (Steve Neale - 1980) from my
magazine of inspiration BBC Music Magazine.
I then added faded musical notes to the
background as this would connote the
passion of classical music that’s in my
magazine. I did this white ground by using
the paint bucket tool and the gradient tool.
Next I had to draw out the grid lines to where the
main image is going to go, then I had to go out and
take photos to place on the DPS. I chose the picture to
be of a school as the school is related to the interview
therefore the audience can see what the school
mentioned in the interview looks like.
Then I had to draw out the grid lines to where the
main headline is going to go. I used the text tool
and the Times New Roman font from for the main headline. I chose
the colour of the main headline black to contrast
with the colour of the background which is white. I
did this because black and white are colours that
connote the originality of in my music magazine
and the sense of classiness.
For the brand identity I had to mark out with the grid lines
to were the brand identity and page numbers will go. For
the brand identity I copied the masthead from my front
cover and placed it next to the page number just like my
magazine of inspiration. The page numbers I chose to
‘repeat’ (Steve Neale-1980) from an issue of BBC Music
For the standfirst I chose to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale-
1980) a similar format and colour scheme to that of
BBC Music Magazine. The font style which I have used
is the Times New Roman font in black.
For the main interview I chose to use ‘repeat’ (Steve
Neale-1980) so that the interview will be in depth and
over both pages of the DPS. This is because it’d make
the page less boring by having two pictures on it and
a quote. I sued to the text tool to change the
background of the square that the quote is in and so
it’d stand out on the page and catch the attention of
the reader.. The text I have made is black to contrast it
from the background’s colour which is white. I did this
because black and white are colours that connote the
originality of in my music magazine and the sense of
• WWW –
• I feel that I was determined to learn about Photoshop as I made a few mistakes
but I kept on trying to learn and ask the teacher for help on how to do things. For
example, adding rules tools to align and organise the page. In the end I felt I was
much better at Photoshop as I learnt few skills and I didn’t need the help of the
teacher to do the things I struggled at the start. I also felt that the graphic layout
gave me a visual look at what the pages would look like and therefore it helped me
with my work when I was doing the pages in Photoshop as I had a good clear idea
of where things were positioned (For example, the masthead, main image, etc.).
• EBI –
• Again, I felt I left a lot of the work to do late and therefore this created pressure on
me again. I feel I spent a lot of the time on Photoshop doing the pages rather than
corrections for other learning outcomes in the past. I should have spent equal time
on both the Photoshop work and the corrections so I do well in both of them and
not just at one.
• In the next learning outcome I should be able to pitch the ideas on my proposed
magazine to a teacher for feedback. This learning outcome helped me to design
the pages and know about them, therefore this will help me to go to the pitch with
a clear idea of why I chose my front cover, double-page spread to be like that.

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Unit 13 - LO3

  • 1. Unit 13 - LO3 By Tariq Jamal Centre Number: 64135 Candidate Number: 4069
  • 2. Contents page Slide Number Content 4 Proposal 5 Magazine aims 6-8 Target audience 9 Psychographics 10 Form & Style 11 Magazine flat plan 12 Production plan 13 Plan for images 14-15 Test photography 16 Masthead font styles 17 Chosen masthead font style 18 Drafts (Choral) 19 Drafts (Opera) 20-22 Front Cover connotations (Choral) – Draft 23-26 Double page spread connotations (Choral) – Draft 27 Front cover connotations (Opera) – Draft 28-31 Double page spread connotations (Opera) – Draft
  • 3. Contents page Slide Number Content 32-35 Graphic Layouts (Choral) 36-39 Graphic Layouts (Opera) 40 Double Page Spread (Choral, Draft of the Interview) 41 Front cover (Choral, Old version) 42-43 Front cover connotations ( Choral, Final version) 44 Double page spread (Choral, Old version) 45 Double page spread (Choral, Final version) 46 Double page spread connotations (Choral, Final version) 47 Post production software 48-49 Post-Production skills 50-52 Step-by-step (Choral, front cover) 53-55 Step-by-step (Choral, double page spread) 56 Conclusion
  • 4. Proposal for 2 Separate Ideas • See blog page! 
  • 5. Magazine Aims • Market place – I’m going to aim my magazine to be a market leader as there aren’t many famous and market leader magazines in my genre and the only market leader out there in my genre is BBC Music magazine. Therefore I’m going to try and be a market leader as my target audience might be getting bored from keep on reading that magazine so when they see a new magazine coming out that specialises in that genre they might change their mind and be interested in reading that new magazine. Therefore when they start reading my magazine it would increase the popularity of my magazine and increases its chance of being a market leader.
  • 6. Target audience • Linked to Hartley’s 7 subjectivities, my target audience would be based on the following: • Age: My music magazine would be aimed at those who are aged 40+ as people that age would be interested in classical music or maybe starting to be interested in them. Therefore my music magazine would encourage those who are starting to like classic music and would increase the popularity of classic music for those who don’t know what it is about. To ensure I have massive appeal; my music magazine would Include facts and pictures about different Opera houses around the world, different events around the world (specially in England) that relate back to classic music, information about conductors, orchestras, etc. • Gender: my music magazine would be aimed at both genders (male & female) as I’m going to have adverts that are linked to both genders. For example an advertisement page for having a Watch made for men and a necklace made for women, therefore the adverts in the magazine are equally balanced and not just focused on specific gender, therefore this makes both male and female read the magazine. • Class: according to my previous research on BBC music magazine, 37% of the readers of my magazine are between A & B which middle to upper class people because most of high/middle class people tend to listen to world classic music as it’s tend to be more relaxing and not as aggressive as other genres of music. For example, my magazine had advertisements such as the watch at the back of the magazine connotes one of the themes of the magazine. The magazine focuses on world classical music and as my research shows that 37% of the readers are between A & B and the average age is 41. Therefore a lot of the readers would be interested in buying watches that are expensive and classical, not digital, therefore the watch would grab the attention of the audience as mainly older people who are middle/upper class would want to buy it. For my music magazine, it’s going to have the same type of advertisements to grab the attention of that group of socio- economic needs. Source: mentation.php
  • 7. Target audience • According to Katz’s theory, the target audience of my magazine would want to escape from their everyday stressful life or get away from problems by reading my magazine so they would educate themselves and think more about what’s going on in the magazine rather than thinking about things that are happening to them in their daily life. Also, one of the reasons that my target audience would read my music magazine is because of surveillance, so they can inform and educate themselves about the genre of my music magazine. This comes in very handy as my music magazine would specialise in covering young prospects of classic music so therefore a lot of people would want to educate themselves and know who might be the next classic music star in the future.
  • 8. Target audience According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs the content in the magazine is aimed to achieve the basic needs of consumers, mainly the need for discovery (learning new things, satisfying curiosity, finding new artists to keep interested and be entertained) and the need for escape (escape from reality or to relax).
  • 9. Psychographics The lifestyle of the readers of my magazine would be mainly resigned. This is because they’re mainly older people who like and tend to read classical music magazines therefore they’d be orientated to the past and have resigned roles. Also, another lifestyle would be a succeeder. This is because BBC Music Magazine is more expensive than any other magazine, therefore the people who purchase it, tend to be financially stronger than all the other groups. Linked back to my socio-economic needs research, 62% of people who read my magazine fall under the category ABC1, therefore this connotes that the majority of the target audience are people who are financially stable, have a good work ethic and are organised therefore they’re succeeders. Source: mentation.php
  • 10. Form & style • The colours I’m going to use are black and white. Based on the research I made, the magazine had a lot of black and white colour schemes in it to connote the genre of the music which is classic. The black and white colours connote that classic is still present these days as Tuxedos are black and white and therefore this could relate back to the main theme costume of the classic music events. Also, Tuxedo’s are the main theme costume that people wear to attend classical musical events (Such as BBC Night of The Proms) therefore these colours would be suitable for the genre of my music magazine. • I also chose grey because it’s mixture of black and white and therefore it has some sense of classic music. It’s also the colour of the background the front cover of one of the BBC Music Magazine editions. • The magazine will be a print based magazine. However the dimensions will be 247 x 170 mm as that is the regular print size for A4 magazines.
  • 12. Production plan Week beginning: Monday 27th October 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Have a meeting with the editorial team to discuss the date of publication, managing the schedule, what topics, news will be covered and how will it be done. Go out and find writers for my music magazine that are interested in the genre and topics about it. Also, get the writers of my magazine to go out and find information out about the topic we decided in the day before. On this day we’ll also look for the materials/products that we need to include in our magazine. Go out and take pictures of the topics that we decided on the day before. Checking if the facts are correct in the articles. Also, making sure that grammar, spelling and punctuation are used correctly, and also making sure that all articles follow the house-style and work on the page layout. Page layout - layout the various pages that come together to make the magazine. On this day, we’ll also look to include the adverts from advertisers in our magazine. The editorial department will also proofread a hardcopy of the magazine. Any mistake that is spotted is quickly corrected on the DTP file. The DTP file of the whole magazine is sent to the printer to print the magazine. Pre- press is the process of checking to make sure that the company are sending all the fonts and images needed for the magazine with their file. Once this stage is over, the printing company takes over. When finished with the printing of the magazines, the printing company will package them and send them to a warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed and then sold to the public. Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Monday 3rd November 2014 Tuesday 4th November 2014 Wednesday 5th November 2014 Thursday 6th November 2014 Friday 7th November 2014 Saturday 8th November 2014 Sunday 9th November 2014
  • 13. Plan for images Location 1) Time 2) Date 3) Why? Time – Evening Date – weekend This is because evening is where most classic music events take place. Weekends are when usually the classic music events take place. Picture Needed/Required 1) Shot Type 2) Props/Equipment 3) Lighting 4) Costume 5) Person/people 6) Why? 1) Shot type - Long Shot 2) Props/Equipment - 3) Lighting - 4) Costume - Tuxedo, smart expensive shoes, bowtie. 5) People - Conductors, upper class people, Opera singers. 1) Shot Type - This is because it gives the reader a clearer image of the person that is being pictured so they see the whole picture in front of them and what’s going on around it. Having a long shot also helps to see the whole costume of the person in the picture which makes it easier for the reader to see it. 2) Props/Equipment – Tuxedo, 3) Lighting – Lighting would be focused on the person that being pictured 4) Costume would be a smart black/white Tuxedo as it connotes a classic theme and therefore it links to the genre of my music magazine as smart costumes are worn in these type of classic music events such as Opera. 5) People - This is because conductors, upper class people, & Opera singers are involved in classic music therefore it fits the genre of my music magazine. Conductors & Opera singers run the event, while upper class people would be the main people who would attend these type of events. Permission Needed 1) Contact needed to be made 2) Evidence of this? Contacting my cousin via email asking them what costume/equipment /props they need to bring. Potential Hazards/Risks 1) Location specific 2) Why? Taking a picture of my friend in a Tuxedo having a glass of Champagne in their hands. A hazard would be that they might spill the drink on their Tuxedo and therefore it’d ruin it. Taking a picture of my uncle wearing a Tuxedo near a bridge. The hazard of that would be that he might fall over off the bridge.
  • 15. Test photography • For a part of test photography I took pictures that didn’t have appropriate backgrounds as the violin didn’t fit in some of the pictures and therefore it didn’t suit as a main image. Another picture was also had the violin cut towards the end and therefore it didn’t fit in the picture and therefore it wouldn’t have looked professional if it was my main image. These are type of mistakes I made in taking the pictures for main image. I chose this version as it had clear white background (easy to edit in Photoshop), medium shot which I wanted from the start, the whole violin is in the picture. Final version
  • 17. Chosen masthead font style I chose this font as it connotes some sense of classical writing in it and it connotes that older/upper class people writing would be similar and this font also looks like this masthead on the BBC music magazine at the bottom of this slide so it will grab the attention as it would look appealing to the target audience. Choral
  • 20. Front Cover (Choral) – Draft The masthead is on the top of the front cover is because this will grab the attention of the reader as it’s obvious to spot. Also, my research connotes that my magazine of inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its masthead on top of its front cover page.
  • 21. Front Cover (Choral) – Draft The denotation of the main headline ‘Why Schubert hasn’t finished his symphony?’ is almost challenging the consumer to read the magazine as it’s a rhetorical question. This will make the consumer think that the answer to this question is in the magazine and so therefore this would encourage them to find out the answer and purchase the magazine and read it to find out about the main headline.
  • 22. Front Cover (Choral) – Draft • My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for the Night of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation of that is a big event for classic music genre and a lot of the people who read my magazine would be interested to go to that event so having a feature that promotes it would increase the appeal for my music magazine. It’s positioned on the right hand corner so this would grab the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so when the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it straight away and therefore it will grab their attention. Including the page number would also encourage the consumer to open my magazine and go to that page and read about this feature.
  • 23. Double page spread (Choral) – Draft The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each interview. Having a link to my web address will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine have on its website so it will have more information for the reader. As you can see in the screenshot from BBC music magazine there’s a web address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted this method to my music magazine.
  • 24. Double page spread (Choral) – Draft The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double page spread look less dull as the rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview which connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest of the text on the double page spread.
  • 25. Double page spread (Choral) – Draft The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom of each page next to the page number will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having links to social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate information about the interview in my magazine. From there they can also find out information about different events my music magazine has. Having links to social media would increase the popularity and appeal of my music magazine.
  • 26. Double page spread (Choral) – Draft For the main image, I’m going to have a picture at the middle of the page to grab the attention of the reader and to make my double page spread look less dull; I’m also going to have captions underneath it to let the reader know what’s exactly going on within the picture.
  • 27. Front cover (Opera) - Draft The masthead is on the top of the front cover is because this will grab the attention of the reader as it’s obvious to spot. Also, my research connotes that my magazine of inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its masthead on top of its front cover page. My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for the Night of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation of that is a big event for classic music genre and a lot of the people who read my magazine would be interested to go to that event so having a feature that promotes it would increase the appeal for my music magazine. It’s positioned on the right hand corner so this would grab the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so when the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it straight away and therefore it will grab their attention. Including the page number would also encourage the consumer to open my magazine and go to that page and read about this feature. Having the website is very important as this would make the reader go online and research magazine on the internet. This makes the reader find out more information about my magazine outside of its paper copy and they can also buy the copy online and read the copies online if they don’t want to purchase it from the market. It also makes my magazine look more approachable and flexible as it can be viewed on the internet also.
  • 28. Double page spread (Opera) – Draft The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each interview. Having a link to my web address will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine have on its website so it will have more information for the reader. As you can see in the screenshot from BBC music magazine there’s a web address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted this method to my music magazine.
  • 29. Double page spread (Opera) – Draft The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double page spread look less dull as the rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview which connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest of the text on the double page spread.
  • 30. Double page spread (Opera) – Draft The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom of each page next to the page number will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having links to social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate information about the interview in my magazine. From there they can also find out information about different events my music magazine has. Having links to social media would increase the popularity and appeal of my music magazine.
  • 31. Double page spread (Opera) – Draft For the main image, I’m going to have a picture at the middle of the page to grab the attention of the reader and to make my double page spread look less dull; I’m also going to have captions underneath it to let the reader know what’s exactly going on within the picture.
  • 32. Choral’s Graphic Layout (Front cover) Masthead Strapline Main image Main Headline Cover lines Cover lines Barcode (Square) with social media logos Website Having the website is very important as this would make the reader go online and research magazine on the internet. This makes the reader find out more information about my magazine outside of its paper copy and they can also buy the copy online and read the copies online if they don’t want to purchase it from the market. It also makes my magazine look more approachable and flexible as it can be viewed on the internet also. The masthead is on the top of the front cover is because this will grab the attention of the reader as it’s obvious to spot. Also, my research connotes that my magazine of inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its masthead on top of its front cover page. The social media logos connote that consumers can go online and find my magazine on the social media websites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). This is helpful as my pages on social media would contain updates about special features (Such as tickets for world classic music events). This would then grab the attention of the consumers as they’d follow my page on social media and therefore it can encourage them to buy my magazine. Puff promotion
  • 33. Choral’s Graphic Layout (Front cover) Masthead Strapline Main image Main Headline Cover lines Cover lines Barcode (Square) with social media logos Website For the main headline, I decided to use a rhetorical question as this would grab the attention of the reader of my magazine and it would therefore make the reader think that the answer to this question is in the magazine and so therefore this would encourage them to find out the answer and purchase the magazine and read it to find out about the main headline. Puff promotion My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for the Night of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation of that is a big event for classic music genre and a lot of the people who read my magazine would be interested to go to that event so having a feature that promotes it would increase the appeal for my music magazine. It’s positioned on the right hand corner so this would grab the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so when the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it straight away and therefore it will grab their attention. Including the page number would also encourage the consumer to open my magazine and go to that page and read about this feature.
  • 34. Graphic Layout (Double Page Spread) Masthead Feature Title Description Interview Interview Interview Interview Quote Interview Interview Picture Picture Website Social media Social media Page number LogoLogo Page number
  • 35. Choral’s Graphic Layout (Double Page Spread) connotations • For the main image, I’m going to have a picture at the middle of the page to grab the attention of the reader and to make my double page spread look less dull; I’m also going to have captions underneath it to let the reader know what’s exactly going on within the picture. • The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom of each page next to the page number will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having links to social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate information about the interview in my magazine. From there they can also find out information about different events my music magazine has. Having links to social media would increase the popularity and appeal of my music magazine. • The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each interview. Having a link to my web address will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine have on its website so it will have more information for the reader. As you can see in the screenshot from BBC music magazine there’s a web address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted this method to my music magazine. • The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double page spread look less dull as the rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview which connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest of the text on the double page spread.
  • 36. Opera’s Graphic Layout (Front cover) Masthead Strapline Main image Main Headline Cover lines Cover lines Barcode (Square) with social media logos Website The masthead is on the top of the front cover is because this will grab the attention of the reader as it’s obvious to spot. Also, my research connotes that my magazine of inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its masthead on top of its front cover page. The social media logos connote that consumers can go online and find my magazine on the social media websites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). This is helpful as my pages on social media would contain updates about special features (Such as tickets for world classic music events). This would then grab the attention of the consumers as they’d follow my page on social media and therefore it can encourage them to buy my magazine. Puff promotion My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for the Night of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation of that is a big event for classic music genre and a lot of the people who read my magazine would be interested to go to that event so having a feature that promotes it would increase the appeal for my music magazine. It’s positioned on the right hand corner so this would grab the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so when the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it straight away and therefore it will grab their attention. Including the page number would also encourage the consumer to open my magazine and go to that page and read about this feature.
  • 37. Opera’s Graphic Layout (Front cover) Masthead Strapline Main imageMain Headline Cover lines Cover lines Barcode (Square) with social media logos Website For the main headline, I decided to use a rhetorical question as this would grab the attention of the reader of my magazine and it would therefore make the reader think that the answer to this question is in the magazine and so therefore this would encourage them to find out the answer and purchase the magazine and read it to find out about the main headline. Having the website is very important as this would make the reader go online and research magazine on the internet. This makes the reader find out more information about my magazine outside of its paper copy and they can also buy the copy online and read the copies online if they don’t want to purchase it from the market. It also makes my magazine look more approachable and flexible as it can be viewed on the internet also. Puff promotion
  • 38. Opera’s Graphic Layout (Double Page Spread) Masthead Feature Title Description Interview Interview Interview Interview Quote Interview Interview Picture Picture Website Social media Social media Page number LogoLogo Page number Social media Logo Logo
  • 39. Opera’s Graphic Layout (Double Page Spread) connotations • For the main image, I’m going to have a picture at the middle of the page to grab the attention of the reader and to make my double page spread look less dull; I’m also going to have captions underneath it to let the reader know what’s exactly going on within the picture. • The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom of each page next to the page number will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having links to social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate information about the interview in my magazine. From there they can also find out information about different events my music magazine has. Having links to social media would increase the popularity and appeal of my music magazine. • The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each interview. Having a link to my web address will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine have on its website so it will have more information for the reader. As you can see in the screenshot from BBC music magazine there’s a web address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted this method to my music magazine. • The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double page spread look less dull as the rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview which connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest of the text on the double page spread.
  • 40. Double Page Spread (Choral, Draft of the Interview) • Interviewer: Bold font, Q() • Person who’s interviewed: normal font, A() • Q(0): Welcome to our interview • A(0): Thank you • Q1) Do you have any ideas why Schubert didn’t finish his last four movements? • A1) It was because his father and his involvement WW2. Throughout WW2 he couldn’t focus on completing his symphony that he has worked on the last years before the war started. Also, towards the end of WW2, he received news that his father has died during the war, and therefore this didn’t help him to focus on completing his symphony as he was busy with the funeral of his dad and other things in that year (1945) therefore he didn’t have time to finish the symphony. • Q2) How long did it take him to write his first 2 movements of the symphony and does he work on one or more symphonies at the time? • A2) About 2 years. No. My father took his time while making a symphony. He only concentrated on one symphony so all his focus would be only aimed at what he was working at the time. That’s why most of his symphonies are good and famous because he took his time with each one and didn’t complicate it by working on other symphonies at the same time. • Q3) We have information that tells us that he did sketch a third movement. However he never actually finished it or even started it. Can we know if he ever told anyone at the time about this? • A3) Yes. He told a few people about it but only within the family. He never told anyone outside the family. In fact, a few composers completed his third movement. Various composers have completed the symphony based on that sketch, and their interpretation of the first two movements, but for all intents and purposes, Symphony No. 8 remains truly unfinished. • Q4) Okay, you say a few composers completed his third movement. How about the fourth which is his last movement? Has anyone completed both of them? • A4) Yes a few composers have. Each one completed differently than the other and therefore the last two movements aren’t the same as the first two movements. As the first two movements are the same and not changed, while the third and fourth movements are different depending on the composer who did it. • Q5) Okay thank you. Can you tell us the names of the composers who finished both of the movements? • A5) Yes. Charles Watkinson, Bastian Baakh, & Michael Dalshitz. • Q6) Did you feel a bit disrespect from these composers as they carried on his work putting their name on it and not his? • A6) No I didn’t feel disrespect towards my father, because all the composers who finished his symphony have asked us (the family) if they can finish off his symphony and we agreed. Therefore they did ask our permission which I don’t find disrespectful. • Q7) Do you carry on your father’s work? Do you have any schools for his music or any school for classic music genre? • A7) Yes I do carry on the work from my father. I opened a special school for classic music genre. It specialises in teaching children aged between 5-12 how to use musical instruments, specially the ones that have use in classic music. For example there are lessons for how to use Piano, and it depends on how experienced the child is with that instrument. If he’s very experienced then he’s category A which is the highest category we have. On the other hand if someone has just started then they’d be in category E which is the lowest category we have. • Q8) what is the aim of your school? • A8) The aim of my school is to produce world class composers, conductors, Opera singers, and people who work within an Orchestra. It aims on making children like classic music from a young age so t stays with them when they’re older and drive them forward with their abilities to make them experts in the classic music genre. • Q(0): Right. Unfortunately we came to the end of our interview. It was pleasure to have you, thank you for coming over and giving us your time. • A(0): No problem, thank you.
  • 41. Front cover (Choral, Old version)
  • 42. Front cover connotations ( Choral, Final version) For the main headline, I decided to use a rhetorical question as this would grab the attention of the reader of my magazine and it would therefore make the reader think that the answer to this question is in the magazine and so therefore this would encourage them to find out the answer and purchase the magazine and read it to find out about the main headline. My puff promotion would be winning 2 free tickets for the Night of Proms in Royal Albert Hall. The denotation of that is a big event for classic music genre and a lot of the people who read my magazine would be interested to go to that event so having a feature that promotes it would increase the appeal for my music magazine. It’s positioned on the right hand corner so this would grab the attention of the reader as it’s easy to notice so when the reader goes to turn the page, they’d notice it straight away and therefore it will grab their attention. Including the page number would also encourage the consumer to open my magazine and go to that page and read about this feature.
  • 43. Front cover connotations (Choral, Final version) Having the website is very important as this would make the reader go online and research magazine on the internet. This makes the reader find out more information about my magazine outside of its paper copy and they can also buy the copy online and read the copies online if they don’t want to purchase it from the market. It also makes my magazine look more approachable and flexible as it can be viewed on the internet also. The masthead is on the top of the front cover is because this will grab the attention of the reader as it’s obvious to spot. Also, my research connotes that my magazine of inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’ has its masthead on top of its front cover page. The social media logos connote that consumers can go online and find my magazine on the social media websites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). This is helpful as my pages on social media would contain updates about special features (Such as tickets for world classic music events). This would then grab the attention of the consumers as they’d follow my page on social media and therefore it can encourage them to buy my magazine.
  • 44. Double page spread (Choral, Old version)
  • 45. Double page spread (Choral, Final version)
  • 46. Double page spread connotations (Choral, Final version) • For the main image, I decided to have a picture at the middle of the page to grab the attention of the reader and to make my double page spread look less dull; I also decided to have captions underneath it to let the reader know what’s exactly going on within the picture. • The denotation of the links to social media at the bottom of each page next to the page number will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having links to social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate information about the interview in my magazine. From there they can also find out information about different events my music magazine has. Having links to social media would increase the popularity and appeal of my music magazine. • The denotation of the link to my web address will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each interview. Having a link to my web address will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine have on its website so it will have more information for the reader. As you can see in the screenshot from BBC music magazine there’s a web address link at the bottom of the interview so I adapted this method to my music magazine. • The denotation of drop capital makes the feature on my double page spread look less dull as the rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview which connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest of the text on the double page spread.
  • 47. Post production software • The software which I had used throughout the production and post production of my magazine pages would be Adobe Photoshop. I had used this software for creating my magazine pages because it allows you to control images to the way you want them and it also has a lot of tools which are very useful as it allows me to create high quality magazine pages. • Adobe Photoshop however is a good software to use for magazines due to its range off tools such as the rulers (CTRL+R) which allows you to be able to insert lines which can line up the conventions with each other so its not out of shape or out of line and looks odd.
  • 48. Post-Production skills • Ruler tool – I used the ruler tool (CRTL+R) to enable me to drag loads of lines onto the canvas to allow and show were each of my conventions were going to go on my front cover and DPS. This is done so that I can have all the conventions inline with each other so it looks professional and also allows space for perhaps another code/convention. I used the ruler for especially for the main image, main headline, masthead, barcode and the puff promotion. By having the rulers on the canvas allowed me to split up each of these convention s and allow each of them to align with each other to look fit for purpose and professional. • Eye dropper tool – I used the eye dropper tool (I) for my magazine front cover and DPS, this was because I had to get the same colour from my masthead for example and manipulate that colour onto the brand identity on the bottom of the DPS by the page numbers to make the magazine look original and professional. • Quick selection tool – The quick selection tool (W) was useful for changing the images for my front cover and DPS because it enabled me to outline the images based on these pages and got rid of the background rather than using the eraser tool and rubbing it all out. • Pen tool – I used the pen tool (P) to go around an image for example on my DPS I used the pen tool going around the arm of the artists so the text doesn’t come in contact with the image which will make it look unprofessional. However the pen tool was beneficial because it can allow you to draw around certain images, conventions on the page to avoid the text clashing with any of them. • Eraser tool – The eraser tool (E) was used on mainly the images because after I used the quick selection tool some of the background from the image was still there so by using the eraser tool allowed me to go around the images and remove any extra parts of the image that I don’t need. (For example, the background so the image stands out more).
  • 49. Post-Production skills • Move tool – The move tool (V) was used throughout both of my pages this was because it allowed me to click on any part of the front cover and DPS and move it to wherever I wanted/needed it which gave me ideas to test what looks best were and moved it all around. The move tool however is a very handy tool on Photoshop because you can drag any convention you want anywhere. • Text tool – The text tool (T) was used on both of the pages for the text. This tool works by allowing you to draw a text box were the text wants to go and then you can change what font style you want and the size of it. This tool was used for the masthead, main headline and all text on the conventions also on the page. • Gradient tool – The gradient tool (G) was a useful tool to use in the production of my magazine pages because as my magazine had to have a grey background and the gradient tool came in handy by allowing the white original background go to grey.
  • 50. Step-by-step (front cover) Firstly I had to choose my background colour which is grey as this is what I chose to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale – 1980) from my magazine of inspiration (BBC Music Magazine). I then added a faded violin to the background as this would connote the passion of classical music that’s in my magazine. Because violin is an instrument that is used in classical music. I did this back ground by using the paint bucket tool. Secondly I had to draw out the grid lines to where the masthead is going to go, then I had to go on and choose my masthead font which was ‘Times New Roman’. I chose this font again to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale – 1980) from my magazine of inspiration (BBC Music Magazine) as they used that font for their masthead so I did that to attract the attention of my target audience. 1. 2.
  • 51. Next I had to draw out the grid lines to where the main image is going to go, then I had to go out and take photos of the person on the front cover. I made the person in the image hold a violin as this instrument is a popular instrument in classical music and therefore it’ll attract the attention of my target audience. The main image on the front cover also connotes the passion of classic music in my magazine. I did this by using the quick selection tool to get rid of the background and add an outer glow to bring out the image from the background. Then I had to draw out the grid lines to where the barcode is going to go, then I had to place the Immediate media company media logo, Facebook and twitter logo and the Instagram logo onto the barcode along with a copy of the masthead for brand identity and originality. I then added musical notes as a border around the barcode to connote the originality of classic music and that my magazine is passionate about this genre. 3. 4.
  • 52. Then I had to draw out the grid lines to where the puff promotion is going to go, then I had to draw out the circle with the ellipse tool and change the colour with the paint bucket tool. I used the text tool to create the text and changed the font of the text to the same one I used for the masthead to keep the sense of passion that’s in my magazine. Then I had to draw out the grid lines to where the main headline and put a rhetorical question to draw the attention of the reader to make them read my magazine. I used the text tool and chose the text ‘Edwardian Script ITC’ as it looks like a classic font style that used to be written in the old ages. Therefore this connotes the sense of classic music I my magazine. I then chose the text ‘Times New Roman’ for the rhetorical question as it’s the same text as my masthead. 6. 7.
  • 53. Step-by-step (Choral, Double-page Spread) Firstly I had to choose my background colour which is white as this is what I chose to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale - 1980) from my magazine of inspiration BBC Music Magazine. I then added faded musical notes to the background as this would connote the passion of classical music that’s in my magazine. I did this white ground by using the paint bucket tool and the gradient tool. Next I had to draw out the grid lines to where the main image is going to go, then I had to go out and take photos to place on the DPS. I chose the picture to be of a school as the school is related to the interview therefore the audience can see what the school mentioned in the interview looks like. 1. 2.
  • 54. Then I had to draw out the grid lines to where the main headline is going to go. I used the text tool and the Times New Roman font from for the main headline. I chose the colour of the main headline black to contrast with the colour of the background which is white. I did this because black and white are colours that connote the originality of in my music magazine and the sense of classiness. For the brand identity I had to mark out with the grid lines to were the brand identity and page numbers will go. For the brand identity I copied the masthead from my front cover and placed it next to the page number just like my magazine of inspiration. The page numbers I chose to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale-1980) from an issue of BBC Music Magazine. 3. 4.
  • 55. For the standfirst I chose to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale- 1980) a similar format and colour scheme to that of BBC Music Magazine. The font style which I have used is the Times New Roman font in black. For the main interview I chose to use ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale-1980) so that the interview will be in depth and over both pages of the DPS. This is because it’d make the page less boring by having two pictures on it and a quote. I sued to the text tool to change the background of the square that the quote is in and so it’d stand out on the page and catch the attention of the reader.. The text I have made is black to contrast it from the background’s colour which is white. I did this because black and white are colours that connote the originality of in my music magazine and the sense of classiness. 5. 6.
  • 56. Conclusion • WWW – • I feel that I was determined to learn about Photoshop as I made a few mistakes but I kept on trying to learn and ask the teacher for help on how to do things. For example, adding rules tools to align and organise the page. In the end I felt I was much better at Photoshop as I learnt few skills and I didn’t need the help of the teacher to do the things I struggled at the start. I also felt that the graphic layout gave me a visual look at what the pages would look like and therefore it helped me with my work when I was doing the pages in Photoshop as I had a good clear idea of where things were positioned (For example, the masthead, main image, etc.). • EBI – • Again, I felt I left a lot of the work to do late and therefore this created pressure on me again. I feel I spent a lot of the time on Photoshop doing the pages rather than corrections for other learning outcomes in the past. I should have spent equal time on both the Photoshop work and the corrections so I do well in both of them and not just at one. • In the next learning outcome I should be able to pitch the ideas on my proposed magazine to a teacher for feedback. This learning outcome helped me to design the pages and know about them, therefore this will help me to go to the pitch with a clear idea of why I chose my front cover, double-page spread to be like that.