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Centre Number: 64135
Candidate Number: 4069
Contents page
Slide Number Content
4 Genre
5-10 Layout
11 Colour
12 Promotion
13 Strapline
14 Subscriptions
15 Target audience
16 Psychographics
17 Spending power
18-20 Advertising
21 Masthead font styles
22 Chosen masthead font style
23-29 Choral magazine sources of ideas
30-31 Mood board
32-38 Opera magazine sources of ideas
39-40 Mood board
41-43 Readership research (Survey Monkey)
Contents page
Slide Number Content
44 Readership research (Facebook)
45 How will it appear to the reader?
46-47 Drafts
48 Magazine flat plan
49 Plan for images
50 Production plan
51 Sources of income
52-59 Legal/ethical
60 IPSO complaint form
61 Conclusion
Genre - The genre of the music magazine that I’m going
to produce is world classical music. This is because I
think that classic music is the world’s oldest genre of
music, therefore I feel that it should keep on expanding
and more people should know and hear about it.
Famous composers such as Beethoveen, Mozart, Bakh,
etc; are one of the most famous composers of all time
and the symphonies they attributed are very iconic and
important. Classic music has a lot of benefits. Listening
to classic music lowers blood pressure, lowers stress,
makes people smarter and provides a comfortable
sleep. This is what made me choose this genre to my
music magazine so I can expand on it and let more
people from different age groups to read about it as
Layout - I’m going to have the name of the
masthead of my magazine on the top and
centrally framed of the front cover as it
grabs the attention of the consumer as it’s
seen by this screenshot from BBC music
magazine. I find this format appealing as
this will help to expand on the popularity of
my magazine as more people would know
the name of it specially it’s a new magazine
to the market. On the double page spread,
I’m going to have a link to my web address
at the bottom of each page next to the page
number as this will attract the attention of
the reader when they’re close to finish
reading each page. Having a link to my web
address (cross media convergence) will
allow the reader of my magazine to go
online and investigate what events and
stories my music magazine have on its
website so it will have more information for
the reader.
• At the bottom of the front cover near the barcode and
at the end of each interview at the bottom of the page,
I’m going to have synergy links to social media as this
will attract the attention of the reader when they’re
close to finish reading the interview. Having links to
social media websites will allow the reader of my
magazine to go online and investigate what events and
stories my magazine have on social media which would
increase the popularity of my magazine globally and
not just locally, as everyone around the world can have
access to social media websites.
• I’ll also have puff promotion (for example winning tickets to BBC Night Of The Proms) on the
bottom left hand corner of my music magazine which is similar to the BBC Music magazine as you
can see from the image below they have a CD. Replicating this would be a good idea as the
audience normally notices the puff promotion on the corners of the page so having that on my
front cover would help the audience to notice it.
I’m going to have a drop capital as
it makes the feature on my double
page spread look less dull as the
rest of the text is heavy and
recognisable for the reader.
Therefore it’s different than just
normal text. The font of the drop
capital would be the same font as
the title of the feature/interview
which connotes that they’re
connected and to also distinguish
the drop capital from the rest of
the text on the double page
For the main image, I’m going to
have a picture at the middle of
the page to grab the attention of
the reader and to make my
double page spread look less
dull; I’m also going to have
captions underneath it to let the
reader know what’s exactly
going on within the picture.
I’ll also have a quote in a square (that’s slightly
darker colour than the background of the page)
inside the double-page spread. The quote would
also be in bigger font than the normal text to stand
out to the reader. This is done to grab the attention
of the reader, it’s also done to highlight an
important part in the interview. Therefore by
having a short quote in the middle of the double
page spread, it would still stuck in the mind of the
reader and it’d also make my page look less dull.
• The colours I’m going to use are black and white. Based on the research I made, the magazine had a
lot of black and white colour schemes in it to connote the genre of the music which is classic. The
black and white colours connote that classic is still present these days as Tuxedos are black and
white and therefore this could relate back to the main theme costume of the classic music events.
Also, Tuxedo’s are the main theme costume that people wear to attend classical musical events
(Such as BBC Night of The Proms) therefore these colours would be suitable for the genre of my
music magazine.
• I also chose grey because it’s mixture of black and white and therefore it has some sense of classic
music. It’s also the colour of the background the front cover of one of the BBC Music Magazine
• Promoting on Facebook - I’m going to create an advert for my page for people on Facebook to see.
When I create an advert from my Page, I can choose the maximum amount I’d spend each day by
clicking ‘Daily Budget’ option next to the dropdown menu. Then I’ll see an estimated number of
likes next to the amount of money I’d pay per day. For example, $5.00 (£3.19) would get me an
estimated 3-24 likes daily. The daily budget is the maximum amount I’d be willing to spend each day
to promote my page. For example, if I choose a $10 (£6.38) daily budget and run my advert for 7
days, I will be charged up to $70 (£44.69).
• Source:
• Advertising on TV: the national average cost on TV for a 30-second advert is £227,500, for example
I’d choose to advertise between the breaks of the programme Downton Abbey on ‘ITV’. This is
because the programme is aimed at older and upper class people (my target audience), therefore a
lot of my people in my target audience might be watching the programme at that time and
therefore there’s a high chance of them watching my magazine’s advert and in this case my
magazine would be noticed.
• Source:
• ‘We live classic music’
• The denotation of my strapline ‘we live classic
music’ connotes that my music magazine has
passion for classic music and that it’s involved
massively in that genre. Having the strapline like
that, connotes that whoever likes classic music
will find my magazine helpful as it grabs the
attention of the consumer and it encourages
them to buy it because the strapline sounds
passionate about its genre.
• I will offer 15% discount for issues to whoever
subscribes to my music magazine online on
YouTube or on any social media website. This will
therefore increase the popularity of my music
magazine and it will keep people updated and
following my magazine and finding out about the
latest news about it. This will also increase the
visitors of my magazines as other magazines such
as BBC music magazine doesn’t offer that type of
feature; therefore by offering this feature, more
people will subscribe to my magazine.
Target audience
• Linked to Hartley’s 7 subjectivities, my target audience would be based on the following:
• Age: My music magazine would be aimed at those who are aged 40+ as people that age would be interested in classical music or maybe
starting to be interested in them. Therefore my music magazine would encourage those who are starting to like classic music and would
increase the popularity of classic music for those who don’t know what it is about. To ensure I have massive appeal; my music magazine
would Include facts and pictures about different Opera houses around the world, different events around the world (specially in
England) that relate back to classic music, information about conductors, orchestras, etc.
• Gender: my music magazine would be aimed at both genders (male & female) as I’m going to have adverts that are linked to both
genders. For example an advertisement page for having a Watch made for men and a necklace made for women, therefore the adverts
in the magazine are equally balanced and not just focused on specific gender, therefore this makes both male and female read the
• Class: according to my previous research on BBC music magazine, 37% of the readers of my magazine are between A & B which middle
to upper class people because most of high/middle class people tend to listen to world classic music as it’s tend to be more relaxing and
not as aggressive as other genres of music. For example, my magazine had advertisements such as the watch at the back of the
magazine connotes one of the themes of the magazine. The magazine focuses on world classical music and as my research shows that
37% of the readers are between A & B and the average age is 41. Therefore a lot of the readers would be interested in buying watches
that are expensive and classical, not digital, therefore the watch would grab the attention of the audience as mainly older people who
are middle/upper class would want to buy it. For my music magazine, it’s going to have the same type of advertisements to grab the
attention of that group of socio-economic needs.
• According to Katz’s theory, the target audience of my magazine would want to escape from their everyday stressful life or get away
from problems by reading my magazine so they would educate themselves and think more about what’s going on in the magazine
rather than thinking about things that are happening to them in their daily life. Also, one of the reasons that my target audience would
read my music magazine is because of surveillance, so they can inform and educate themselves about the genre of my music magazine.
This comes in very handy as my music magazine would specialise in covering young prospects of classic music so therefore a lot of
people would want to educate themselves and know who might be the next classic music star in the future.
The lifestyle of the readers of my magazine
would be mainly resigned. This is because
they’re mainly older people who like and
tend to read classical music magazines
therefore they’d be orientated to the past
and have resigned roles.
Also, another lifestyle would be a succeeder.
This is because BBC Music Magazine is more
expensive than any other magazine,
therefore the people who purchase it, tend
to be financially stronger than all the other
groups. Linked back to my socio-economic
needs research, 62% of people who read my
magazine fall under the category ABC1,
therefore this connotes that the majority of
the target audience are people who are
financially stable, have a good work ethic
and are organised therefore they’re
Spending Power
• For the price of my magazine, I’m going to try to sell it for £3.99 for the copy monthly. Based on my
research, BBC music magazine costs £4.99 for the copy monthly. Therefore having the price £1
cheaper might encourage people to purchase my magazine rather than other magazines. Also, for
the socio economic needs, this might also encourage the ‘C1’ (lower middle class) category to buy
the magazine. My research shows that 62% of readers of BBC music magazine are from ABC1.
Therefore having a cheaper magazine than BBC might encourage the people from that category (C1)
to buy the copy of my magazine more as £1 cheaper could matter to people from that category.
This will therefore increase the appeal for my magazine.
• I’ll make sure to advertise a lot of Opera events as these events
grab the attention of the target audience of my magazine as
they’d be interested to go these type of events. I’d also advert
expensive watches (for example Rolex) as it’d be aimed at upper
class people who usually buy this magazine (target audience). I
also found that my magazine of inspiration (BBC Music
Magazine) advertise watches at the back of their magazine and
therefore I’m going to adapt it and follow the same method.
This product is an
expensive type of
headphone and
therefore it’s
advertised in this
magazine as the
majority of the
target audience of
this magazine
would be
financially able to
purchase this type
of product.
I’m going to try to
advertise these
types of expensive
products as well.
• These type of headphones cost around £289.00 from:
Masthead font styles
Chosen masthead font style
I chose this font as it connotes some sense
of classical writing in it and it connotes that
older/upper class people writing would be
similar and this font also looks like this
masthead on my magazine of inspiration
(BBC music magazine) at the bottom of this
slide so it will grab the attention as it would
look appealing to the target audience.
Choral magazine sources of ideas
Sources of ideas (Masthead names)
1) Choral - music, in turn, is the music written specifically for a group to perform. A
body of singers who perform together as a group is called a choir or chorus.
Therefore it’s linked to classical music as orchestras are usually groups that sing
together in classic music events therefore they could be classified as choral.
2) Opera - a dramatic work in one or more acts, set to music for singers and
instrumentalists. Operas are a part of classic music genre so it relates back to it.
3) Victoria - classical name, ex-Queen of England.
Sources of ideas (colour scheme)
1) Black and white (based on the research I did, the magazine had a lot of black and white colour
schemes in it to connote the genre of the music which is classic). I seen the colour black in an advert in
BBC music magazine as it’s shown in the image below. I also seen the colour white as the font colour of
the masthead on the top of a BBC music magazine. This can also be seen on the image below.
3) Grey (based on the research I made, BBC music magazine’s main image back ground colour was grey
therefore I could base grey as one of the colour schemes). This can also be seen in the picture below.
2) Grey - I also chose grey because it’s mixture of black and white and therefore it has some sense of
classic music. It’s also the colour of the background the front cover of one of the BBC Music Magazine
Sources of ideas (Brand identity)
• Social media – I’m going to have a Facebook page dedicated to the page and on it, there would be posts
about the most recent news related to world classical music. It updates every hour or if there’s a breaking
news, to keep the people who follow it up to date. I’m also going to have a Twitter page and an Instagram
page in order to expand my magazine popularity on social media.
• There will be a content page at the first page of the magazine as this will allow the readers to know what this
magazine contains and it helps them to go to the exact page they want without having to keep flicking
through the magazine to find what they want.
• My magazine would contain interesting world classical music events/festivals that grab the attention of the
reader and make them go to it.
• I’m going to have my masthead on top of the magazine front cover as it’ll show exactly what’s the name of
my magazine to the consumer.
• I’m also going to have social media links along with my music magazine’s website link at the bottom of the
front cover and at the bottom of the page of each feature (i.e. interview, educational, etc.). This will attract
the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each feature. Having links to social media
websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my
magazine have on social media. Having links to social media on the front cover of the magazine would also
let the reader of my magazine know that my magazine is available online on these websites (Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter) therefore this would help to expand my magazine globally and therefore people from
outside England can know about my music magazine.
Sources of ideas (Images to be taken
and WHY/HOW)
• 1) Pictures of Tuxedos as it connotes that this is the main theme costume to attend at a classic
musical event. Classical music events are aimed at upper class people, therefore it requires a
smart/posh look. Based on my research I did for BBC Music Magazine, there was an advert about an
upcoming classic music festival where the conductor wears a Tuxedo which is related to the main
costume theme of these type of events, therefore I’m going to take pictures similar to this.
• 2) Pictures of Opera houses as they’re the venue required for these type of events.
• 3) Medium shot of my front cover as this would help the audience to see both the person’s physical
appearance and their facial expression. You can also see that BBC music magazine’s front cover is
also a medium so I decided to base it on that.
• 4) Long shot to make the audience see the whole picture in the image and understand what’s going
on around it and why it’s being used.
Sources of ideas (Frequency of the Magazine’s release)
Monthly, this is because my magazine is going to compete with BBC music magazine
therefore it needs to be similar in price and release dates. Having a monthly released
magazine would also help me to cover more content and details in the magazine to let
and inform the reader of exactly what’s going on. It’ll also have special promotion
features as my magazine is produced every month so having a big puff promotion on
every issue would encourage the consumer to buy it and buy the next issue as they’d
think that it might have another big puff promotion.
Sources of ideas (Target Audience and HOW
you will appeal to the readership)
Target audience would be aimed at people 50+. It will contain interviews and stories about conductors, Opera
singers, events that are related to world classic music, etc. I’ll also Include facts and pictures about different
Opera houses around the world. Based on my research, BBC music magazine had advertisements about
upcoming festival events that relate to classic music. Therefore, I’m going to do a similar type of thing as I
would be advertising upcoming events such as Opera that events in my magazine to let the reader have wider
knowledge. There will be advertising in my magazine. For example based on the research I made on my
chosen music magazine (BBC music magazine, a Rolex would be advertised at the back cover of my magazine
as it will attract upper class people to it.
Mood Board
Mood Board (why I have chosen the images)
• I have chosen the images as each one of them relate back to classic music.
The expensive watch relates to upper class people as these type of people
would be interested in buying these type of things, therefore having a
Rolex watch would be suitable for the mood board of my classic magazine.
Having a Tuxedo also connotes the main costume theme for these type of
events as classical music events tend to be aimed at upper class people,
therefore it will require an expensive smart costume such as a Tuxedo.
Also, having a picture of Opera connotes where the classic music events
normally take place, as Operas usually take place at famous big halls such
Royal Albert Hall in London. There’s also pictures of famous Opera houses
and famous Italian Opera singers and conductors such as Sydney Opera
House, Royal Albert Hall, Paverotti, Ottavio Danotne. There’s also The
Phantom Of Opera, A Clockwork orange, Les Miserables which are films
that have classic music in it and they’re films that would attract the target
audience of my music magazine. A clockwork Orange represents more a
rebellious type of film but with classic music in it at some parts of the film.
All these images of people and places relate back to classic music.
Opera magazine sources of ideas
Sources of ideas (Masthead names)
1) All classic – connotes my magazine specialises in all things that relate
back to classic music, including history of classic music, upcoming
prospects of classic music which is what the audience want to know
2) Tune !n C1assic – this might look better on the front cover as it’d grab
the attention of the reader of my magazine because it’s unusual for a
classic music magazine to be called like that.
3) Opera – connotes the passion of classic music in my magazine as
Operas are the main place where main classic music events take place.
Sources of ideas (colour scheme)
1) Black pink & white – This is because pink has a mixture of red and white. Red represents passion
of classic music and it relates back to Opera as the theatre usually has red curtains and red seats
in it. Red is also an attractive colour that grabs the attention of the reader and therefore this
would make them want to buy the magazine. There’s also the red carpet which many famous
upper class people walk on it in famous festivals, Academy Awards, etc. This connotes that red is
an attractive colour that is used for big events. The other colours I’m going to use are black and
white. Based on the research I made, the magazine had a lot of black and white colour schemes in
it to connote the genre of the music which is classic. The white colour is a classic colour that is
seen across music magazines. As my music magazine is aimed at female, the colour pink also
represents the femininity so it would attract the females. Also, the colour black mixes with the
white as they both shows the true classic colours and they’re both the colours of the Tuxedo
which is something worn to classic music events which links back to the genre of my magazine.
Sources of ideas (Brand identity)
• I’m going to have social media pages that are related to the magazine. There would be links to
social media websites on the bottom of the front cover of my magazine and also on the bottom of
the website of my magazine. This would help the reader to go online and check my magazine’s
activities on social media. For example the Instagram account would have pictures of famous
conductors, Opera houses, events, etc. There will be a content page at the first page of the
magazine as this will allow the readers to know what this magazine contains and it helps them to go
to the exact page they want without having to keep flicking through the magazine to find what they
want. I’m going to have my masthead on top of the magazine and it stretches across the whole
width of front cover. This is because it’ll look clear and show exactly what’s the name of my
magazine to the consumer. I was inspired to do this as my research shows that BBC Music
Magazine has its masthead on the top of the front cover stretching along the width of the page.
Sources of ideas (Images to be taken
and WHY/HOW)
• Images of famous women Opera
singers/conductors/composers as this will grab
the attention of the female audience and would
encourage them to purchase the copy of the
• Images of expensive designer make-up/jewellery
as upper class women would be interested in
expensive good things such as jewellery and
make-up so it will grab their attention. These
images would be used as a form of advertisement
in the magazine.
Sources of ideas (Frequency of the Magazine’s
release (Monthly? Weekly? WHY?)
• 1) Weekly – to keep the consumer updated
weekly and keep them thinking of buying my
magazine every week therefore this would
increase the popularity of the magazine as
every week the consumer would be reading it
specially when my magazine would be new to
the market.
Sources of ideas (Target Audience and HOW you
will appeal to the readership)
Target audience would be aimed at women 40+. It will contain interviews and stories about conductors,
Opera singers, events that are related to world classic music, adverts about famous designer make-up,
etc. My magazine would contain interesting world classical music events that relate to women. I’ll also
include adverts to grab their attention and to make my magazine more popular. For example I would
have adverts about expensive Make-up as this would attract upper class women which would be the
main target audience of my music magazine and would be the main category of people that will read my
music magazine. Another example, a necklace from a famous Designer would be advertised at the back
cover of my magazine as it will attract upper class women to it. I’ll also Include facts and pictures about
different Opera houses around the world. Based on my research, BBC music magazine had
advertisements about upcoming festival events that relate to classic music. As you can see below,
‘Pandora’ is an expensive jewellery brand that upper class people tend to pay interest in, therefore
having an advert of ‘Pandora’ would increase the popularity of my magazine as it suits the target
audience and make my music magazine look appealing.
Mood Board
Mood Board (why I have chosen the
• I chose the images as the target audience of my music magazine is
aimed at female audience therefore having pictures such as
expensive jewellery brands (Pandora) and expensive make-up
brands (Sephora) would grab their attention as upper class women
who would read my music magazine (classic genre) would be
interested in these type of expensive upper class brands in my
magazine. Having pictures of violin and piano would also connote
the sense of classic music that’s in my magazine as both of these
musical instruments are used mainly in classical music. Therefore
having them in my mood board would show the passion of classic
music that my magazine has in it. Also, having a picture of Opera
connotes where the classic music events normally take place, as
Operas usually take place at famous big halls such Royal Albert Hall
in London.
Readership research (Survey Monkey)
The results connote that
most people would want to
read about news about
festivals (76.92%).
Therefore this is something
I should consider to include
in my music magazine as it
would be a popular choice
to read for people which
would therefore increase
the popularity of my
Readership research (Survey Monkey)
The results connote that the
majority of people who
answered this question (61.54%)
stated that they prefer the
magazine to be published
monthly. Therefore I should take
into consideration that most
people would look to buy my
magazine monthly and not
weekly so there might not be
any point in posting my
magazine weekly as not a lot of
people would buy it every week.
Readership research (Survey Monkey)
Even though I’ve made the
decision to market my music
magazine at
supermarkets/superstores; I
have taken into consideration
that I should market it online
as well as most people who
responded to this question
(53.85%) stated that they’d
want the magazine to be
marketed online. Therefore I’m
going to market my magazine
online as well because it could
be easier for a lot of people to
purchase it in that way.
Readership research (Facebook)
Based on this readership
research, it’s clearly that
people are liking the word
‘Choral’ to be my masthead
and therefore I decided to go
with ‘Choral’ as my masthead
as it clearly grabs the
attention of the reader to my
How will it appear to the reader?
• Based on the research I made, most people said they’d like
to see stories about events taking place about classic music.
Therefore my music magazine will mainly focus on having
festivals/events that relate to music magazine as it will
encourage the potential buyers if my magazine to buy it
and it will increase the popularity of my magazine as
people would want to buy what they want to see in the
magazine. Based on the research I made, a lot of people
said they’d like to see adverts in my magazine too,
therefore I’ going to include adverts that would help the
sale of my magazine as it will grab the attention of the
reader and it will increase the popularity of my magazine as
it will include things the audience like to see.
As you can see from my front cover draft, the masthead is at the top of the front cover which is the same
as my magazine of inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’. I decided to replicate this as having the masthead on
top of the front cover attracts the attention of the reader straight away. I also have the main image on the
middle of the front cover which is the same as the BBC Music Magazine front cover. My puff promotion
would also be at the bottom of the page on the left hand side. BBC Music Magazine’s puff promotion is a
CD and my puff promotion would be something similar. The main headline is also positioned on the left
hand side of the front cover which is the same in my draft.
As you can see from my double page spread draft, I would have the headline positioned at
the left hand side of the double page spread which is the same as the BBC Music Magazine.
This is because it’ll grab the attention of the reader as before they start reading, they’ll see
that the headline is positioned in a big font and just above the text. I would also have the
picture in the middle of the DPS similar to the BBC Music Magazine. The Quote box in my
draft is going to be positioned in the same place as it is in the BBC Music Magazine’s DPS.
This is a good feature as it grabs the attention of the reader and it sticks in their head.
Magazine flat plan
Plan for images
1) Time
2) Date
3) Why?
Time – Evening Date – weekend This is because evening is where most
classic music events take place.
Weekends are when usually the classic
music events take place.
1) Shot Type
2) Props/Equipment
3) Lighting
4) Costume
5) Person/people
6) Why?
1) Shot type - Long
2) Props/Equipment
3) Lighting -
4) Costume -
Tuxedo, smart
expensive shoes,
5) People -
Conductors, upper
class people, Opera
1) Shot Type - This is because it gives the reader a
clearer image of the person that is being pictured
so they see the whole picture in front of them and
what’s going on around it. Having a long shot also
helps to see the whole costume of the person in
the picture which makes it easier for the reader to
see it.
2) Props/Equipment – Tuxedo,
3) Lighting – Lighting would be focused on the
person that being pictured
4) Costume would be a smart
black/white Tuxedo as it connotes a
classic theme and therefore it links to the
genre of my music magazine as smart
costumes are worn in these type of
classic music events such as Opera.
5) People - This is because conductors,
upper class people, & Opera singers are
involved in classic music therefore it fits
the genre of my music magazine.
Conductors & Opera singers run the
event, while upper class people would be
the main people who would attend these
type of events.
Permission Needed
1) Contact needed
to be made
2) Evidence of this?
Contacting my
cousin via email
asking them what
/props they need to
1) Location specific
2) Why?
The first picture is
indoors which is of
my cousin wearing a
Tuxedo and playing
the violin (front
cover picture).
The second picture is taken outdoors and it’s of a
A hazard outdoors would be that a bad
weather, such as strong wind which can
knock my camera and the tripod to the
floor. Another example of bad weather
would rain. If it was raining then my
camera would get wet from the water
and therefore this might make it not
work as well.
Production plan
Week beginning: Monday 27th October 2014
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Have a meeting
with the editorial
team to discuss
the date of
managing the
schedule, what
topics, news will
be covered and
how will it be
Go out and find
writers for my
music magazine
that are interested
in the genre and
topics about it.
Also, get the
writers of my
magazine to go out
and find
information out
about the topic we
decided in the day
Go out and
take pictures
of the topics
that we
decided on
the day
Checking if the
facts are correct
in the articles.
Also, making sure
that grammar,
spelling and
punctuation are
used correctly,
and also making
sure that all
articles follow the
house-style and
work on the page
Page layout - layout the
various pages that come
together to make the
magazine. It is at this
stage that adverts from
advertisers are placed
into the content. The
editorial department will
also proofread a
hardcopy of the
magazine. Any mistake
that is spotted is quickly
corrected on the DTP
The DTP file of
the whole
magazine is sent
to the printer to
print the
magazine. Pre-
press is the
process of
checking to make
sure that the
company are
sending all the
fonts and images
needed for the
magazine with
their file. Once
this stage is over,
the printing
company takes
When finished
with the printing
of the magazines,
the printing
company will
package them and
send them to a
warehouse. From
the warehouse,
the magazines are
then distributed
and then sold to
the public.
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
Monday 3rd
November 2014
Tuesday 4th
November 2014
5th November
Thursday 6th
November 2014
Friday 7th November
Saturday 8th
November 2014
Sunday 9th
November 2014
There are 4 Full Page ad spaces for my magazine, 4 Half Page ad spaces, 2 Double Page
Spread ad spaces, 1 Inside Back Cover ad space and 1 Back Cover ad space.
Depending on whether advertisers want ROP (the advertiser does not label the
placement of the ad) or FH (the advertiser wants preferred placement), advertising
income margins can vary. However, we expect to earn over £67,000 a month, which
translates to over £804,000 per year. However, as the brand builds its reputation, this
figure could double to over £1.6 million. This is slightly more expensive than other
magazine but this is because my magazine is aimed at upper class people and therefore
it’ll cost high to advertise in my magazine.
Sources of income
Legal & Ethical Issues
• PCC – The Press Complaints Commission (PCC)
was a voluntary regulatory body for British
printed newspapers and magazines, consisting of
representatives of the major publishers. The PCC
closed on Monday 8 September, 2014, and was
replaced by the Independent Press Standards
Organisation (IPSO), chaired by Sir Alan Moses.
• ASA - is the self-regulatory organisation (SRO) of
the advertising industry in the United Kingdom.
The ASA is a non-statutory organisation and so
cannot interpret or enforce legislation.
Legal & Ethical Issues
• It’s easy to represent a person or group of people in the wrong way within the magazine and what
the editors write, with that said, there are rules and legal constraints that are set out on what
magazines can publish and what they can’t publish. The people who make the decision on what can
and cannot be published is a company called 'Press Complaints Commission' (PCC) and also
'Advertisement Standards Agency' (ASA) who are both based in the UK and are the regulating
bodies for publishing and advertising.
• The ASA is self instructive as they control what can be advertised on the magazines and what can’t
be advertised. They also control marketing campaigns and deal with complaints involving those
subjects. For example if someone complained about a certain advertisement on BBC Music
Magazine then they would have to complain and raise the issue with the ASA. My music magazine
won’t cross the constraints and boundaries of the ASA because it can influence the reputation of
my music magazine as I should consider a suitable advert for my magazine that suits the target
audience which would therefore increase the popularity of music magazine. If I don’t have a
suitable advert then I might get complaints from the people reading the magazine.
Legal & Ethical Issues
• The PCC controls what the magazine actually publish in their magazine. They can also decide what
can be published and what can’t be. In order for them to do this they have set up an editor’s code,
a code in which all magazine editors follow. This code has regulations that the articles must have
correct information and be accurate and not have twisted images. They have to allow privacy of
peoples life and home and personally life etc. If there’s a complaint with such issues mentioned
then people would have to complain and raise the issue with PCC. Therefore I must make sure that
my magazine doesn’t publish articles that are untrue or has hidden information in it, therefore my
music magazine must have fully honest and true articles that contain true information.
• There are some issues to do with the conductors/composers/Orchestras etc. That are a very
personal and sometimes the people with these issues don’t want their private issues don’t want to
share. There are many laws under the Human Rights Act 1998 which forbid bodies from insult,
intruding, irritation, investigation and harassment and if broke, they (conductors/composers/etc.)
are able to take legal action which includes suing the company from damages to get compensation,
therefore my music magazine would have to be accurate about the news of the people who are in
the classic music industry.
• PCC:
• The editor’s code:
• All members of the press have a duty to maintain the highest professional standards. The Code sets the bar for those ethical standards,
protecting both the rights of the individual and the public's right to know.
• The Press must not publish inaccurate or misleading information, including pictures, news, etc.
• A significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distortion once recognised must be corrected. The Press, whilst free to be partisan,
must distinguish clearly between comment, conjecture and fact.
• The publication must be reported as fairly and accurately the outcome of an action for insult to which it has been a party, unless an
agreed settlement states otherwise.
• There would be an opportunity for reply to inaccuracies when reasonably called for.
• It’s also unacceptable to photograph individuals in private places without their consent.
• Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent chase. They must not persist in questioning, telephoning, or
photographing individuals once asked to stop.
• Journalists must not use for their own profit financial information they receive in advance of its general publication, nor should they
pass such information to others.
• Having true and accurate information will help to build good reputation about my magazine and therefore this encourages people to
buy it as they’d know they’re being informed with true news and stories.
• Copyright Laws within Print Media – Intellectual property rights - As my magazine is going to be part of the Immediate Media
Company, the content of their site (including software, graphics, text, images, designs, compilations, databases, targeting information,
and the trademarks, logos, domain names, trade names, service marks, trade identities, any and all copyright material, and all other
materials related to our site) is protected by applicable copyrights, trademark rights, database rights and other proprietary rights.
• HSE (Health and safety executive):
• The three most common types of accidents in the printing industry are:
• Manual handling
• Slips and trips
• Contact with machinery
• Manual handling includes activities such as lifting and carrying, pushing and pulling. These activities cause most injuries in the printing
industry. The law requires employers to;
• Assess the risks from manual handling
• Reduce the risk
• Provide Training
• To reduce the risk of manual handling, I should provide mechanical handling aids. For example, Battery -operated truck. This would be
used in storing, ordering, and picking printing papers. This is very beneficial as employees won’t have to carry the printing papers with
them and so therefore it decreases the risk of back injury. Another example would be a lift truck. This would be used in lifting heavy
materials and so therefore it also reduces the risk of injuries, such as pulled muscles in the arms.
• I should also provide training to employees on the following:
• How manual handling causes injury
• Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
• Correct use of aids and appropriate handling techniques through the use of video demonstrations. This would help them to see how to
avoid injuries by following the right techniques on how to use the aids.
• It’s important to look at this to make sure that the working environment of my magazine is safe and all the people who work in my
magazine wouldn’t be under danger during work and feel confident as they’d know how to deal with the equipment through the
training that I’d provide them.
• Having a safe working environment also make the people who work in it feel better and stay working for my magazine. Therefore it
increases efficiency in the workplace.
• Data protection act
• Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and
lawful purposes, and shouldn’t be processed in mismatched
manner with that purpose or those purposes. Personal data should
also be relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or
purposes for which they are processed. Personal data should be
accurate and kept up to date. Having true and accurate information
will help to build a good reputation about my magazine and
therefore this encourages people to buy it as they’d know they’re
being informed with true news and stories. This will increase the
popularity of my magazine and therefore more people would buy it
which would cause more sales. It’ll also benefit me if I want to
interview stars in the classical music world as they’d know my
magazine would publish only accurate news about them and by
having more famous people in my magazine, it would start to
increase the awareness and popularity of my magazine.
• Copyright – I need to be aware of laws which are that I need to be able to make sure
that I have contacted companies and requested there acceptance to use their logo’s or
images from a specific website/page to use in the process of producing my own
magazine. Another law is that I need to be able to show proof of the acceptance of the
company to use their logo so that I won’t be in trouble for copyright laws. The content
which I intend to remain under copyright is the images I have used, the band logos and
my masthead. This is because I want the key parts of my magazine to remain mine and
not allow my competitors or anyone use my ideas or logos without my consent. This
would make my magazine unique and therefore the news I have is only found in my
magazine. This makes the reader come back and purchase my magazine out of its
competitors as they know that my magazine has news that other magazines don’t have.
Therefore this makes my magazine more popular.
• Intellectual property - The intellectual property which I will contain on the front cover and the double page spread of my magazine
would be the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram logo. By containing the Facebook logo on each of the pages for my magazine allows the
readers to go onto Facebook and have a look at the page as they can see what the page has online and what type of stories it has.
Having the links to social media on the double page spread would be the links of the artist that’s in the double page spread. Therefore
this would allow the reader to go and follow them on social media and find out more about them by following for example on Twitter.
They can then look at their tweets and follow their latest news. The final social media icon which I have contained on the Choral pages
is the Instagram logo, just like the twitter one the Instagram allows the readership to follow the magazine, band or artist on Instagram
and like their posts and comment on them making Choral. This makes my magazine approachable online as a lot of people go online
and therefore by having my magazine on social media, it’ll make it more popular to the reader as they can read its news, see next
issues, etc. To register a part of my magazine you need to go through the copyright registration. This is good for my magazine because I
can get copyright on the images, content and masthead name on Choral. You can register through 2 ways, you can register online or by
post. The online form is a form were you have to fill in the details of your name and what you want to be protected. However the
postal registration is similar were you need to fill out a form and send it to the copyright company then get your magazine protected
through that way.
Online version
Postal registration
IPSO complaint form
• WWW –
• I annotated codes and conventions well giving reasons why I did what I
did. For example, I decided to sue a rhetorical question for my main
headline to grab the attention of the reader and because it was already in
my magazine of inspiration (BBC Music Magazine).
• EBI –
• I feel there should be more information on the sources of ideas I chose
because with reasons it will help me to know why I chose it and how I can
build on it. I should also do the corrections that I receive straight away and
not wait for it.
• In the next learning outcome, I have to be able to develop ideas by
creating proposals and sample. This learning outcome helped me to
develop a general idea for my magazine, therefore ln the next learning
outcome, I’d e able to give good proposal by giving reasons why I went for
classic music, what’s going to be included in my magazine, and go more in
depth and details for my magazine (For example, creating front cover,
double-page spread, etc.).

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Explore Classical Music

  • 2. Contents page Slide Number Content 4 Genre 5-10 Layout 11 Colour 12 Promotion 13 Strapline 14 Subscriptions 15 Target audience 16 Psychographics 17 Spending power 18-20 Advertising 21 Masthead font styles 22 Chosen masthead font style 23-29 Choral magazine sources of ideas 30-31 Mood board 32-38 Opera magazine sources of ideas 39-40 Mood board 41-43 Readership research (Survey Monkey)
  • 3. Contents page Slide Number Content 44 Readership research (Facebook) 45 How will it appear to the reader? 46-47 Drafts 48 Magazine flat plan 49 Plan for images 50 Production plan 51 Sources of income 52-59 Legal/ethical 60 IPSO complaint form 61 Conclusion
  • 4. Genre Genre - The genre of the music magazine that I’m going to produce is world classical music. This is because I think that classic music is the world’s oldest genre of music, therefore I feel that it should keep on expanding and more people should know and hear about it. Famous composers such as Beethoveen, Mozart, Bakh, etc; are one of the most famous composers of all time and the symphonies they attributed are very iconic and important. Classic music has a lot of benefits. Listening to classic music lowers blood pressure, lowers stress, makes people smarter and provides a comfortable sleep. This is what made me choose this genre to my music magazine so I can expand on it and let more people from different age groups to read about it as well.
  • 5. Layout Layout - I’m going to have the name of the masthead of my magazine on the top and centrally framed of the front cover as it grabs the attention of the consumer as it’s seen by this screenshot from BBC music magazine. I find this format appealing as this will help to expand on the popularity of my magazine as more people would know the name of it specially it’s a new magazine to the market. On the double page spread, I’m going to have a link to my web address at the bottom of each page next to the page number as this will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each page. Having a link to my web address (cross media convergence) will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my music magazine have on its website so it will have more information for the reader.
  • 6. Layout • At the bottom of the front cover near the barcode and at the end of each interview at the bottom of the page, I’m going to have synergy links to social media as this will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading the interview. Having links to social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my magazine have on social media which would increase the popularity of my magazine globally and not just locally, as everyone around the world can have access to social media websites.
  • 7. Layout • I’ll also have puff promotion (for example winning tickets to BBC Night Of The Proms) on the bottom left hand corner of my music magazine which is similar to the BBC Music magazine as you can see from the image below they have a CD. Replicating this would be a good idea as the audience normally notices the puff promotion on the corners of the page so having that on my front cover would help the audience to notice it.
  • 8. Layout I’m going to have a drop capital as it makes the feature on my double page spread look less dull as the rest of the text is heavy and recognisable for the reader. Therefore it’s different than just normal text. The font of the drop capital would be the same font as the title of the feature/interview which connotes that they’re connected and to also distinguish the drop capital from the rest of the text on the double page spread.
  • 9. Layout For the main image, I’m going to have a picture at the middle of the page to grab the attention of the reader and to make my double page spread look less dull; I’m also going to have captions underneath it to let the reader know what’s exactly going on within the picture.
  • 10. Layout I’ll also have a quote in a square (that’s slightly darker colour than the background of the page) inside the double-page spread. The quote would also be in bigger font than the normal text to stand out to the reader. This is done to grab the attention of the reader, it’s also done to highlight an important part in the interview. Therefore by having a short quote in the middle of the double page spread, it would still stuck in the mind of the reader and it’d also make my page look less dull.
  • 11. Colour • The colours I’m going to use are black and white. Based on the research I made, the magazine had a lot of black and white colour schemes in it to connote the genre of the music which is classic. The black and white colours connote that classic is still present these days as Tuxedos are black and white and therefore this could relate back to the main theme costume of the classic music events. Also, Tuxedo’s are the main theme costume that people wear to attend classical musical events (Such as BBC Night of The Proms) therefore these colours would be suitable for the genre of my music magazine. • I also chose grey because it’s mixture of black and white and therefore it has some sense of classic music. It’s also the colour of the background the front cover of one of the BBC Music Magazine editions.
  • 12. Promotion • Promoting on Facebook - I’m going to create an advert for my page for people on Facebook to see. When I create an advert from my Page, I can choose the maximum amount I’d spend each day by clicking ‘Daily Budget’ option next to the dropdown menu. Then I’ll see an estimated number of likes next to the amount of money I’d pay per day. For example, $5.00 (£3.19) would get me an estimated 3-24 likes daily. The daily budget is the maximum amount I’d be willing to spend each day to promote my page. For example, if I choose a $10 (£6.38) daily budget and run my advert for 7 days, I will be charged up to $70 (£44.69). • Source: • Advertising on TV: the national average cost on TV for a 30-second advert is £227,500, for example I’d choose to advertise between the breaks of the programme Downton Abbey on ‘ITV’. This is because the programme is aimed at older and upper class people (my target audience), therefore a lot of my people in my target audience might be watching the programme at that time and therefore there’s a high chance of them watching my magazine’s advert and in this case my magazine would be noticed. • Source:
  • 13. Strapline • ‘We live classic music’ • The denotation of my strapline ‘we live classic music’ connotes that my music magazine has passion for classic music and that it’s involved massively in that genre. Having the strapline like that, connotes that whoever likes classic music will find my magazine helpful as it grabs the attention of the consumer and it encourages them to buy it because the strapline sounds passionate about its genre.
  • 14. Subscriptions • I will offer 15% discount for issues to whoever subscribes to my music magazine online on YouTube or on any social media website. This will therefore increase the popularity of my music magazine and it will keep people updated and following my magazine and finding out about the latest news about it. This will also increase the visitors of my magazines as other magazines such as BBC music magazine doesn’t offer that type of feature; therefore by offering this feature, more people will subscribe to my magazine.
  • 15. Target audience • Linked to Hartley’s 7 subjectivities, my target audience would be based on the following: • Age: My music magazine would be aimed at those who are aged 40+ as people that age would be interested in classical music or maybe starting to be interested in them. Therefore my music magazine would encourage those who are starting to like classic music and would increase the popularity of classic music for those who don’t know what it is about. To ensure I have massive appeal; my music magazine would Include facts and pictures about different Opera houses around the world, different events around the world (specially in England) that relate back to classic music, information about conductors, orchestras, etc. • Gender: my music magazine would be aimed at both genders (male & female) as I’m going to have adverts that are linked to both genders. For example an advertisement page for having a Watch made for men and a necklace made for women, therefore the adverts in the magazine are equally balanced and not just focused on specific gender, therefore this makes both male and female read the magazine. • Class: according to my previous research on BBC music magazine, 37% of the readers of my magazine are between A & B which middle to upper class people because most of high/middle class people tend to listen to world classic music as it’s tend to be more relaxing and not as aggressive as other genres of music. For example, my magazine had advertisements such as the watch at the back of the magazine connotes one of the themes of the magazine. The magazine focuses on world classical music and as my research shows that 37% of the readers are between A & B and the average age is 41. Therefore a lot of the readers would be interested in buying watches that are expensive and classical, not digital, therefore the watch would grab the attention of the audience as mainly older people who are middle/upper class would want to buy it. For my music magazine, it’s going to have the same type of advertisements to grab the attention of that group of socio-economic needs. • According to Katz’s theory, the target audience of my magazine would want to escape from their everyday stressful life or get away from problems by reading my magazine so they would educate themselves and think more about what’s going on in the magazine rather than thinking about things that are happening to them in their daily life. Also, one of the reasons that my target audience would read my music magazine is because of surveillance, so they can inform and educate themselves about the genre of my music magazine. This comes in very handy as my music magazine would specialise in covering young prospects of classic music so therefore a lot of people would want to educate themselves and know who might be the next classic music star in the future.
  • 16. Psychographics The lifestyle of the readers of my magazine would be mainly resigned. This is because they’re mainly older people who like and tend to read classical music magazines therefore they’d be orientated to the past and have resigned roles. Also, another lifestyle would be a succeeder. This is because BBC Music Magazine is more expensive than any other magazine, therefore the people who purchase it, tend to be financially stronger than all the other groups. Linked back to my socio-economic needs research, 62% of people who read my magazine fall under the category ABC1, therefore this connotes that the majority of the target audience are people who are financially stable, have a good work ethic and are organised therefore they’re succeeders.
  • 17. Spending Power • For the price of my magazine, I’m going to try to sell it for £3.99 for the copy monthly. Based on my research, BBC music magazine costs £4.99 for the copy monthly. Therefore having the price £1 cheaper might encourage people to purchase my magazine rather than other magazines. Also, for the socio economic needs, this might also encourage the ‘C1’ (lower middle class) category to buy the magazine. My research shows that 62% of readers of BBC music magazine are from ABC1. Therefore having a cheaper magazine than BBC might encourage the people from that category (C1) to buy the copy of my magazine more as £1 cheaper could matter to people from that category. This will therefore increase the appeal for my magazine.
  • 18. Advertising • I’ll make sure to advertise a lot of Opera events as these events grab the attention of the target audience of my magazine as they’d be interested to go these type of events. I’d also advert expensive watches (for example Rolex) as it’d be aimed at upper class people who usually buy this magazine (target audience). I also found that my magazine of inspiration (BBC Music Magazine) advertise watches at the back of their magazine and therefore I’m going to adapt it and follow the same method.
  • 19. Advertising This product is an expensive type of headphone and therefore it’s advertised in this magazine as the majority of the target audience of this magazine would be financially able to purchase this type of product. I’m going to try to advertise these types of expensive products as well.
  • 20. Advertising • These type of headphones cost around £289.00 from: /sennheiser_rs_220.shtml?googlecpc&gclid=CMj6k7250M UCFernwgod8o0A3g
  • 22. Chosen masthead font style I chose this font as it connotes some sense of classical writing in it and it connotes that older/upper class people writing would be similar and this font also looks like this masthead on my magazine of inspiration (BBC music magazine) at the bottom of this slide so it will grab the attention as it would look appealing to the target audience. Choral
  • 24. Sources of ideas (Masthead names) 1) Choral - music, in turn, is the music written specifically for a group to perform. A body of singers who perform together as a group is called a choir or chorus. Therefore it’s linked to classical music as orchestras are usually groups that sing together in classic music events therefore they could be classified as choral. 2) Opera - a dramatic work in one or more acts, set to music for singers and instrumentalists. Operas are a part of classic music genre so it relates back to it. 3) Victoria - classical name, ex-Queen of England.
  • 25. Sources of ideas (colour scheme) 1) Black and white (based on the research I did, the magazine had a lot of black and white colour schemes in it to connote the genre of the music which is classic). I seen the colour black in an advert in BBC music magazine as it’s shown in the image below. I also seen the colour white as the font colour of the masthead on the top of a BBC music magazine. This can also be seen on the image below. 3) Grey (based on the research I made, BBC music magazine’s main image back ground colour was grey therefore I could base grey as one of the colour schemes). This can also be seen in the picture below. 2) Grey - I also chose grey because it’s mixture of black and white and therefore it has some sense of classic music. It’s also the colour of the background the front cover of one of the BBC Music Magazine editions.
  • 26. Sources of ideas (Brand identity) • Social media – I’m going to have a Facebook page dedicated to the page and on it, there would be posts about the most recent news related to world classical music. It updates every hour or if there’s a breaking news, to keep the people who follow it up to date. I’m also going to have a Twitter page and an Instagram page in order to expand my magazine popularity on social media. • There will be a content page at the first page of the magazine as this will allow the readers to know what this magazine contains and it helps them to go to the exact page they want without having to keep flicking through the magazine to find what they want. • My magazine would contain interesting world classical music events/festivals that grab the attention of the reader and make them go to it. • I’m going to have my masthead on top of the magazine front cover as it’ll show exactly what’s the name of my magazine to the consumer. • I’m also going to have social media links along with my music magazine’s website link at the bottom of the front cover and at the bottom of the page of each feature (i.e. interview, educational, etc.). This will attract the attention of the reader when they’re close to finish reading each feature. Having links to social media websites will allow the reader of my magazine to go online and investigate what events and stories my magazine have on social media. Having links to social media on the front cover of the magazine would also let the reader of my magazine know that my magazine is available online on these websites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) therefore this would help to expand my magazine globally and therefore people from outside England can know about my music magazine.
  • 27. Sources of ideas (Images to be taken and WHY/HOW) • 1) Pictures of Tuxedos as it connotes that this is the main theme costume to attend at a classic musical event. Classical music events are aimed at upper class people, therefore it requires a smart/posh look. Based on my research I did for BBC Music Magazine, there was an advert about an upcoming classic music festival where the conductor wears a Tuxedo which is related to the main costume theme of these type of events, therefore I’m going to take pictures similar to this. • 2) Pictures of Opera houses as they’re the venue required for these type of events. • 3) Medium shot of my front cover as this would help the audience to see both the person’s physical appearance and their facial expression. You can also see that BBC music magazine’s front cover is also a medium so I decided to base it on that. • 4) Long shot to make the audience see the whole picture in the image and understand what’s going on around it and why it’s being used.
  • 28. Sources of ideas (Frequency of the Magazine’s release) Monthly, this is because my magazine is going to compete with BBC music magazine therefore it needs to be similar in price and release dates. Having a monthly released magazine would also help me to cover more content and details in the magazine to let and inform the reader of exactly what’s going on. It’ll also have special promotion features as my magazine is produced every month so having a big puff promotion on every issue would encourage the consumer to buy it and buy the next issue as they’d think that it might have another big puff promotion.
  • 29. Sources of ideas (Target Audience and HOW you will appeal to the readership) Target audience would be aimed at people 50+. It will contain interviews and stories about conductors, Opera singers, events that are related to world classic music, etc. I’ll also Include facts and pictures about different Opera houses around the world. Based on my research, BBC music magazine had advertisements about upcoming festival events that relate to classic music. Therefore, I’m going to do a similar type of thing as I would be advertising upcoming events such as Opera that events in my magazine to let the reader have wider knowledge. There will be advertising in my magazine. For example based on the research I made on my chosen music magazine (BBC music magazine, a Rolex would be advertised at the back cover of my magazine as it will attract upper class people to it.
  • 31. Mood Board (why I have chosen the images) • I have chosen the images as each one of them relate back to classic music. The expensive watch relates to upper class people as these type of people would be interested in buying these type of things, therefore having a Rolex watch would be suitable for the mood board of my classic magazine. Having a Tuxedo also connotes the main costume theme for these type of events as classical music events tend to be aimed at upper class people, therefore it will require an expensive smart costume such as a Tuxedo. Also, having a picture of Opera connotes where the classic music events normally take place, as Operas usually take place at famous big halls such Royal Albert Hall in London. There’s also pictures of famous Opera houses and famous Italian Opera singers and conductors such as Sydney Opera House, Royal Albert Hall, Paverotti, Ottavio Danotne. There’s also The Phantom Of Opera, A Clockwork orange, Les Miserables which are films that have classic music in it and they’re films that would attract the target audience of my music magazine. A clockwork Orange represents more a rebellious type of film but with classic music in it at some parts of the film. All these images of people and places relate back to classic music.
  • 33. Sources of ideas (Masthead names) 1) All classic – connotes my magazine specialises in all things that relate back to classic music, including history of classic music, upcoming prospects of classic music which is what the audience want to know 2) Tune !n C1assic – this might look better on the front cover as it’d grab the attention of the reader of my magazine because it’s unusual for a classic music magazine to be called like that. 3) Opera – connotes the passion of classic music in my magazine as Operas are the main place where main classic music events take place.
  • 34. Sources of ideas (colour scheme) 1) Black pink & white – This is because pink has a mixture of red and white. Red represents passion of classic music and it relates back to Opera as the theatre usually has red curtains and red seats in it. Red is also an attractive colour that grabs the attention of the reader and therefore this would make them want to buy the magazine. There’s also the red carpet which many famous upper class people walk on it in famous festivals, Academy Awards, etc. This connotes that red is an attractive colour that is used for big events. The other colours I’m going to use are black and white. Based on the research I made, the magazine had a lot of black and white colour schemes in it to connote the genre of the music which is classic. The white colour is a classic colour that is seen across music magazines. As my music magazine is aimed at female, the colour pink also represents the femininity so it would attract the females. Also, the colour black mixes with the white as they both shows the true classic colours and they’re both the colours of the Tuxedo which is something worn to classic music events which links back to the genre of my magazine.
  • 35. Sources of ideas (Brand identity) • I’m going to have social media pages that are related to the magazine. There would be links to social media websites on the bottom of the front cover of my magazine and also on the bottom of the website of my magazine. This would help the reader to go online and check my magazine’s activities on social media. For example the Instagram account would have pictures of famous conductors, Opera houses, events, etc. There will be a content page at the first page of the magazine as this will allow the readers to know what this magazine contains and it helps them to go to the exact page they want without having to keep flicking through the magazine to find what they want. I’m going to have my masthead on top of the magazine and it stretches across the whole width of front cover. This is because it’ll look clear and show exactly what’s the name of my magazine to the consumer. I was inspired to do this as my research shows that BBC Music Magazine has its masthead on the top of the front cover stretching along the width of the page.
  • 36. Sources of ideas (Images to be taken and WHY/HOW) • Images of famous women Opera singers/conductors/composers as this will grab the attention of the female audience and would encourage them to purchase the copy of the magazine. • Images of expensive designer make-up/jewellery as upper class women would be interested in expensive good things such as jewellery and make-up so it will grab their attention. These images would be used as a form of advertisement in the magazine.
  • 37. Sources of ideas (Frequency of the Magazine’s release (Monthly? Weekly? WHY?) • 1) Weekly – to keep the consumer updated weekly and keep them thinking of buying my magazine every week therefore this would increase the popularity of the magazine as every week the consumer would be reading it specially when my magazine would be new to the market.
  • 38. Sources of ideas (Target Audience and HOW you will appeal to the readership) Target audience would be aimed at women 40+. It will contain interviews and stories about conductors, Opera singers, events that are related to world classic music, adverts about famous designer make-up, etc. My magazine would contain interesting world classical music events that relate to women. I’ll also include adverts to grab their attention and to make my magazine more popular. For example I would have adverts about expensive Make-up as this would attract upper class women which would be the main target audience of my music magazine and would be the main category of people that will read my music magazine. Another example, a necklace from a famous Designer would be advertised at the back cover of my magazine as it will attract upper class women to it. I’ll also Include facts and pictures about different Opera houses around the world. Based on my research, BBC music magazine had advertisements about upcoming festival events that relate to classic music. As you can see below, ‘Pandora’ is an expensive jewellery brand that upper class people tend to pay interest in, therefore having an advert of ‘Pandora’ would increase the popularity of my magazine as it suits the target audience and make my music magazine look appealing.
  • 40. Mood Board (why I have chosen the images) • I chose the images as the target audience of my music magazine is aimed at female audience therefore having pictures such as expensive jewellery brands (Pandora) and expensive make-up brands (Sephora) would grab their attention as upper class women who would read my music magazine (classic genre) would be interested in these type of expensive upper class brands in my magazine. Having pictures of violin and piano would also connote the sense of classic music that’s in my magazine as both of these musical instruments are used mainly in classical music. Therefore having them in my mood board would show the passion of classic music that my magazine has in it. Also, having a picture of Opera connotes where the classic music events normally take place, as Operas usually take place at famous big halls such Royal Albert Hall in London.
  • 41. Readership research (Survey Monkey) The results connote that most people would want to read about news about festivals (76.92%). Therefore this is something I should consider to include in my music magazine as it would be a popular choice to read for people which would therefore increase the popularity of my magazine.
  • 42. Readership research (Survey Monkey) The results connote that the majority of people who answered this question (61.54%) stated that they prefer the magazine to be published monthly. Therefore I should take into consideration that most people would look to buy my magazine monthly and not weekly so there might not be any point in posting my magazine weekly as not a lot of people would buy it every week.
  • 43. Readership research (Survey Monkey) Even though I’ve made the decision to market my music magazine at supermarkets/superstores; I have taken into consideration that I should market it online as well as most people who responded to this question (53.85%) stated that they’d want the magazine to be marketed online. Therefore I’m going to market my magazine online as well because it could be easier for a lot of people to purchase it in that way.
  • 44. Readership research (Facebook) Based on this readership research, it’s clearly that people are liking the word ‘Choral’ to be my masthead and therefore I decided to go with ‘Choral’ as my masthead as it clearly grabs the attention of the reader to my magazine.
  • 45. How will it appear to the reader? • Based on the research I made, most people said they’d like to see stories about events taking place about classic music. Therefore my music magazine will mainly focus on having festivals/events that relate to music magazine as it will encourage the potential buyers if my magazine to buy it and it will increase the popularity of my magazine as people would want to buy what they want to see in the magazine. Based on the research I made, a lot of people said they’d like to see adverts in my magazine too, therefore I’ going to include adverts that would help the sale of my magazine as it will grab the attention of the reader and it will increase the popularity of my magazine as it will include things the audience like to see.
  • 46. Drafts As you can see from my front cover draft, the masthead is at the top of the front cover which is the same as my magazine of inspiration ‘BBC Music Magazine’. I decided to replicate this as having the masthead on top of the front cover attracts the attention of the reader straight away. I also have the main image on the middle of the front cover which is the same as the BBC Music Magazine front cover. My puff promotion would also be at the bottom of the page on the left hand side. BBC Music Magazine’s puff promotion is a CD and my puff promotion would be something similar. The main headline is also positioned on the left hand side of the front cover which is the same in my draft.
  • 47. Drafts As you can see from my double page spread draft, I would have the headline positioned at the left hand side of the double page spread which is the same as the BBC Music Magazine. This is because it’ll grab the attention of the reader as before they start reading, they’ll see that the headline is positioned in a big font and just above the text. I would also have the picture in the middle of the DPS similar to the BBC Music Magazine. The Quote box in my draft is going to be positioned in the same place as it is in the BBC Music Magazine’s DPS. This is a good feature as it grabs the attention of the reader and it sticks in their head.
  • 49. Plan for images Location 1) Time 2) Date 3) Why? Time – Evening Date – weekend This is because evening is where most classic music events take place. Weekends are when usually the classic music events take place. Picture Needed/Required 1) Shot Type 2) Props/Equipment 3) Lighting 4) Costume 5) Person/people 6) Why? 1) Shot type - Long Shot 2) Props/Equipment - 3) Lighting - 4) Costume - Tuxedo, smart expensive shoes, bowtie. 5) People - Conductors, upper class people, Opera singers. 1) Shot Type - This is because it gives the reader a clearer image of the person that is being pictured so they see the whole picture in front of them and what’s going on around it. Having a long shot also helps to see the whole costume of the person in the picture which makes it easier for the reader to see it. 2) Props/Equipment – Tuxedo, 3) Lighting – Lighting would be focused on the person that being pictured 4) Costume would be a smart black/white Tuxedo as it connotes a classic theme and therefore it links to the genre of my music magazine as smart costumes are worn in these type of classic music events such as Opera. 5) People - This is because conductors, upper class people, & Opera singers are involved in classic music therefore it fits the genre of my music magazine. Conductors & Opera singers run the event, while upper class people would be the main people who would attend these type of events. Permission Needed 1) Contact needed to be made 2) Evidence of this? Contacting my cousin via email asking them what costume/equipment /props they need to bring. Potential Hazards/Risks 1) Location specific 2) Why? The first picture is indoors which is of my cousin wearing a Tuxedo and playing the violin (front cover picture). The second picture is taken outdoors and it’s of a school. A hazard outdoors would be that a bad weather, such as strong wind which can knock my camera and the tripod to the floor. Another example of bad weather would rain. If it was raining then my camera would get wet from the water and therefore this might make it not work as well.
  • 50. Production plan Week beginning: Monday 27th October 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Have a meeting with the editorial team to discuss the date of publication, managing the schedule, what topics, news will be covered and how will it be done. Go out and find writers for my music magazine that are interested in the genre and topics about it. Also, get the writers of my magazine to go out and find information out about the topic we decided in the day before. Go out and take pictures of the topics that we decided on the day before. Checking if the facts are correct in the articles. Also, making sure that grammar, spelling and punctuation are used correctly, and also making sure that all articles follow the house-style and work on the page layout. Page layout - layout the various pages that come together to make the magazine. It is at this stage that adverts from advertisers are placed into the content. The editorial department will also proofread a hardcopy of the magazine. Any mistake that is spotted is quickly corrected on the DTP file. The DTP file of the whole magazine is sent to the printer to print the magazine. Pre- press is the process of checking to make sure that the company are sending all the fonts and images needed for the magazine with their file. Once this stage is over, the printing company takes over. When finished with the printing of the magazines, the printing company will package them and send them to a warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed and then sold to the public. Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Monday 3rd November 2014 Tuesday 4th November 2014 Wednesday 5th November 2014 Thursday 6th November 2014 Friday 7th November 2014 Saturday 8th November 2014 Sunday 9th November 2014
  • 51. There are 4 Full Page ad spaces for my magazine, 4 Half Page ad spaces, 2 Double Page Spread ad spaces, 1 Inside Back Cover ad space and 1 Back Cover ad space. Depending on whether advertisers want ROP (the advertiser does not label the placement of the ad) or FH (the advertiser wants preferred placement), advertising income margins can vary. However, we expect to earn over £67,000 a month, which translates to over £804,000 per year. However, as the brand builds its reputation, this figure could double to over £1.6 million. This is slightly more expensive than other magazine but this is because my magazine is aimed at upper class people and therefore it’ll cost high to advertise in my magazine. Sources of income
  • 52. Legal & Ethical Issues • PCC – The Press Complaints Commission (PCC) was a voluntary regulatory body for British printed newspapers and magazines, consisting of representatives of the major publishers. The PCC closed on Monday 8 September, 2014, and was replaced by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), chaired by Sir Alan Moses. • ASA - is the self-regulatory organisation (SRO) of the advertising industry in the United Kingdom. The ASA is a non-statutory organisation and so cannot interpret or enforce legislation.
  • 53. Legal & Ethical Issues • It’s easy to represent a person or group of people in the wrong way within the magazine and what the editors write, with that said, there are rules and legal constraints that are set out on what magazines can publish and what they can’t publish. The people who make the decision on what can and cannot be published is a company called 'Press Complaints Commission' (PCC) and also 'Advertisement Standards Agency' (ASA) who are both based in the UK and are the regulating bodies for publishing and advertising. • The ASA is self instructive as they control what can be advertised on the magazines and what can’t be advertised. They also control marketing campaigns and deal with complaints involving those subjects. For example if someone complained about a certain advertisement on BBC Music Magazine then they would have to complain and raise the issue with the ASA. My music magazine won’t cross the constraints and boundaries of the ASA because it can influence the reputation of my music magazine as I should consider a suitable advert for my magazine that suits the target audience which would therefore increase the popularity of music magazine. If I don’t have a suitable advert then I might get complaints from the people reading the magazine.
  • 54. Legal & Ethical Issues • The PCC controls what the magazine actually publish in their magazine. They can also decide what can be published and what can’t be. In order for them to do this they have set up an editor’s code, a code in which all magazine editors follow. This code has regulations that the articles must have correct information and be accurate and not have twisted images. They have to allow privacy of peoples life and home and personally life etc. If there’s a complaint with such issues mentioned then people would have to complain and raise the issue with PCC. Therefore I must make sure that my magazine doesn’t publish articles that are untrue or has hidden information in it, therefore my music magazine must have fully honest and true articles that contain true information. • There are some issues to do with the conductors/composers/Orchestras etc. That are a very personal and sometimes the people with these issues don’t want their private issues don’t want to share. There are many laws under the Human Rights Act 1998 which forbid bodies from insult, intruding, irritation, investigation and harassment and if broke, they (conductors/composers/etc.) are able to take legal action which includes suing the company from damages to get compensation, therefore my music magazine would have to be accurate about the news of the people who are in the classic music industry.
  • 55. Ethical/Legal • PCC: • The editor’s code: • All members of the press have a duty to maintain the highest professional standards. The Code sets the bar for those ethical standards, protecting both the rights of the individual and the public's right to know. • The Press must not publish inaccurate or misleading information, including pictures, news, etc. • A significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distortion once recognised must be corrected. The Press, whilst free to be partisan, must distinguish clearly between comment, conjecture and fact. • The publication must be reported as fairly and accurately the outcome of an action for insult to which it has been a party, unless an agreed settlement states otherwise. • There would be an opportunity for reply to inaccuracies when reasonably called for. • It’s also unacceptable to photograph individuals in private places without their consent. • Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent chase. They must not persist in questioning, telephoning, or photographing individuals once asked to stop. • Journalists must not use for their own profit financial information they receive in advance of its general publication, nor should they pass such information to others. • Having true and accurate information will help to build good reputation about my magazine and therefore this encourages people to buy it as they’d know they’re being informed with true news and stories. • Copyright Laws within Print Media – Intellectual property rights - As my magazine is going to be part of the Immediate Media Company, the content of their site (including software, graphics, text, images, designs, compilations, databases, targeting information, and the trademarks, logos, domain names, trade names, service marks, trade identities, any and all copyright material, and all other materials related to our site) is protected by applicable copyrights, trademark rights, database rights and other proprietary rights.
  • 56. Ethical/Legal • HSE (Health and safety executive): • The three most common types of accidents in the printing industry are: • Manual handling • Slips and trips • Contact with machinery • Manual handling includes activities such as lifting and carrying, pushing and pulling. These activities cause most injuries in the printing industry. The law requires employers to; • Assess the risks from manual handling • Reduce the risk • Provide Training • To reduce the risk of manual handling, I should provide mechanical handling aids. For example, Battery -operated truck. This would be used in storing, ordering, and picking printing papers. This is very beneficial as employees won’t have to carry the printing papers with them and so therefore it decreases the risk of back injury. Another example would be a lift truck. This would be used in lifting heavy materials and so therefore it also reduces the risk of injuries, such as pulled muscles in the arms. • I should also provide training to employees on the following: • How manual handling causes injury • Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 • Correct use of aids and appropriate handling techniques through the use of video demonstrations. This would help them to see how to avoid injuries by following the right techniques on how to use the aids. • It’s important to look at this to make sure that the working environment of my magazine is safe and all the people who work in my magazine wouldn’t be under danger during work and feel confident as they’d know how to deal with the equipment through the training that I’d provide them. • Having a safe working environment also make the people who work in it feel better and stay working for my magazine. Therefore it increases efficiency in the workplace.
  • 57. Ethical/Legal • Data protection act • Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shouldn’t be processed in mismatched manner with that purpose or those purposes. Personal data should also be relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed. Personal data should be accurate and kept up to date. Having true and accurate information will help to build a good reputation about my magazine and therefore this encourages people to buy it as they’d know they’re being informed with true news and stories. This will increase the popularity of my magazine and therefore more people would buy it which would cause more sales. It’ll also benefit me if I want to interview stars in the classical music world as they’d know my magazine would publish only accurate news about them and by having more famous people in my magazine, it would start to increase the awareness and popularity of my magazine.
  • 58. Ethical/Legal • Copyright – I need to be aware of laws which are that I need to be able to make sure that I have contacted companies and requested there acceptance to use their logo’s or images from a specific website/page to use in the process of producing my own magazine. Another law is that I need to be able to show proof of the acceptance of the company to use their logo so that I won’t be in trouble for copyright laws. The content which I intend to remain under copyright is the images I have used, the band logos and my masthead. This is because I want the key parts of my magazine to remain mine and not allow my competitors or anyone use my ideas or logos without my consent. This would make my magazine unique and therefore the news I have is only found in my magazine. This makes the reader come back and purchase my magazine out of its competitors as they know that my magazine has news that other magazines don’t have. Therefore this makes my magazine more popular.
  • 59. Ethical/Legal • Intellectual property - The intellectual property which I will contain on the front cover and the double page spread of my magazine would be the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram logo. By containing the Facebook logo on each of the pages for my magazine allows the readers to go onto Facebook and have a look at the page as they can see what the page has online and what type of stories it has. Having the links to social media on the double page spread would be the links of the artist that’s in the double page spread. Therefore this would allow the reader to go and follow them on social media and find out more about them by following for example on Twitter. They can then look at their tweets and follow their latest news. The final social media icon which I have contained on the Choral pages is the Instagram logo, just like the twitter one the Instagram allows the readership to follow the magazine, band or artist on Instagram and like their posts and comment on them making Choral. This makes my magazine approachable online as a lot of people go online and therefore by having my magazine on social media, it’ll make it more popular to the reader as they can read its news, see next issues, etc. To register a part of my magazine you need to go through the copyright registration. This is good for my magazine because I can get copyright on the images, content and masthead name on Choral. You can register through 2 ways, you can register online or by post. The online form is a form were you have to fill in the details of your name and what you want to be protected. However the postal registration is similar were you need to fill out a form and send it to the copyright company then get your magazine protected through that way. Online version Source: https://www.copyrightservice. ntre Postal registration
  • 61. Conclusion • WWW – • I annotated codes and conventions well giving reasons why I did what I did. For example, I decided to sue a rhetorical question for my main headline to grab the attention of the reader and because it was already in my magazine of inspiration (BBC Music Magazine). • EBI – • I feel there should be more information on the sources of ideas I chose because with reasons it will help me to know why I chose it and how I can build on it. I should also do the corrections that I receive straight away and not wait for it. • In the next learning outcome, I have to be able to develop ideas by creating proposals and sample. This learning outcome helped me to develop a general idea for my magazine, therefore ln the next learning outcome, I’d e able to give good proposal by giving reasons why I went for classic music, what’s going to be included in my magazine, and go more in depth and details for my magazine (For example, creating front cover, double-page spread, etc.).