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Understanding OpenStack 
Chris Hoge 
Interop Engineer 
OpenStack Foundation
Who is this guy?
What is OpenStack?
• Identity - Keystone 
• Network - Neutron 
• Compute - Nova 
• Block Storage - Cinder 
• Image Service - Glance 
• Dashboard - Horizon 
• Object Storage - Swift 
• Telemetry - Ceilometer 
• Orchestration - Heat 
• Database - Trove 
• Map Reduce - Sahara 
• More and growing…
What does Puppet 
have to do with this?
A Cartoon View of OpenStack Architecture 
Neutron API 
Nova API 
Glance API 
Cinder API 
Nova API 
API Network External Network 
Data Network 
Administrative Network
“Le Grand Tour” of the puppet-openstack Modules 
• 1:1 correspondence with 
OpenStack projects. 
• Community developed in 
• Builds on Canonical and Red Hat 
• Tracks the major 6-month 
OpenStack releases. 
• Modules available on Puppet Forge.
OpenStack Composition Modules 
• stackforge/packstack 
• theforeman/staypuft 
• stackforge/fuel-library 
• stackforge/puppet-openstack_builder 
• enovance/puppet-openstack-cloud 
• puppetlabs/puppetlabs-openstack
class openstack::profile::base { 
# make sure the parameters are initialized 
include ::openstack 
# everyone also needs to be on the same clock 
class { '::ntp': } 
# all nodes need the OpenStack repository 
class { '::openstack::resources::repo': } 
# database connectors 
class { '::openstack::resources::connectors': } 
$management_network = $::openstack::config::network_management 
$management_address = ip_for_network($management_network) 
$controller_management_address = $::openstack::config::controller_address_management 
$storage_management_address = $::openstack::config::storage_address_management 
$management_matches = ($management_address == $controller_management_address) 
$storage_management_matches = ($management_address == $storage_management_address) 
$api_network = $::openstack::config::network_api 
$api_address = ip_for_network($api_network) 
$controller_api_address = $::openstack::config::controller_address_api 
$storage_api_address = $::openstack::config::storage_address_api 
$api_matches = ($api_address == $controller_api_address) 
$storage_api_matches = ($api_address == $storage_api_address) 
$is_controller = ($management_matches and $api_matches) 
$is_storage = ($storage_management_matches and $storage_api_matches) 
Nova API 
API Network External Network 
Data Network 
Administrative Network
# The profile to install rabbitmq 
class openstack::profile::rabbitmq { 
$management_address = $::openstack::config::controller_address_management 
class { '::nova::rabbitmq': 
userid => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_user, 
password => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_password, 
cluster_disk_nodes => [$management_address], 
rabbitmq_class => '::rabbitmq', 
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' { 
package { 'erlang': 
ensure => installed, 
before => Package['rabbitmq-server'], 
require => Yumrepo['erlang-solutions'], 
# The profile to install an OpenStack specific mysql server 
class openstack::profile::mysql { 
class { '::mysql::server': 
root_password => $::openstack::config::mysql_root_password, 
restart => true, 
override_options => { 
'mysqld' => { 
'bind_address' => 
'default-storage-engine' => 'innodb', 
class { '::mysql::bindings': 
python_enable => true, 
ruby_enable => true, 
class { 'mysql::server::account_security': } 
define openstack::resources::database () { 
class { "::${title}::db::mysql": 
user => $title, 
password => $::openstack::config::mysql_service_password, 
dbname => $title, 
allowed_hosts => $::openstack::config::mysql_allowed_hosts, 
mysql_module => '2.2', 
require => Anchor['database-service'], 
Nova API 
API Network External Network 
Data Network 
Administrative Network
# The profile to install the Keystone service 
class openstack::profile::keystone { 
openstack::resources::controller { 'keystone': } 
openstack::resources::database { 'keystone': } 
openstack::resources::firewall { 'Keystone API': port => '5000', } 
include ::openstack::common::keystone 
class { 'keystone::endpoint': 
public_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_api, 
admin_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, 
internal_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, 
region => $::openstack::config::region, 
$tenants = $::openstack::config::keystone_tenants 
$users = $::openstack::config::keystone_users 
create_resources('openstack::resources::tenant', $tenants) 
create_resources('openstack::resources::user', $users) 
define openstack::resources::user ( 
$admin = false, 
$enabled = true, 
) { 
keystone_user { "$name": 
ensure => present, 
enabled => $enabled, 
password => $password, 
tenant => $tenant, 
email => $email, 
if $admin == true { 
keystone_user_role { "$name@$tenant": 
roles => ['_member_', 'admin'], 
ensure => present, 
} else { 
keystone_user_role { "$name@$tenant": 
roles => ['_member_'], 
ensure => present, 
class openstack::common::keystone { 
if $::openstack::profile::base::is_controller { 
$admin_bind_host = '' 
} else { 
$admin_bind_host = $::openstack::config::controller_address_management 
class { '::keystone': 
admin_token => $::openstack::config::keystone_admin_token, 
sql_connection => $::openstack::resources::connectors::keystone, 
verbose => $::openstack::config::verbose, 
debug => $::openstack::config::debug, 
enabled => $::openstack::profile::base::is_controller, 
admin_bind_host => $admin_bind_host, 
mysql_module => '2.2', 
class { '::keystone::roles::admin': 
email => $::openstack::config::keystone_admin_email, 
password => $::openstack::config::keystone_admin_password, 
admin_tenant => 'admin', 
# The profile to set up the Nova controller (several services) 
class openstack::profile::nova::api { 
openstack::resources::controller { 'nova': } 
openstack::resources::database { 'nova': } 
openstack::resources::firewall { 'Nova API': port => '8774', } 
openstack::resources::firewall { 'Nova Metadata': port => '8775', } 
openstack::resources::firewall { 'Nova EC2': port => '8773', } 
openstack::resources::firewall { 'Nova S3': port => '3333', } 
openstack::resources::firewall { 'Nova novnc': port => '6080', } 
class { '::nova::keystone::auth': 
password => $::openstack::config::nova_password, 
public_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_api, 
admin_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, 
internal_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, 
region => $::openstack::config::region, 
cinder => true, 
include ::openstack::common::nova 
class openstack::common::nova ($is_compute = false) { 
$is_controller = $::openstack::profile::base::is_controller 
$management_network = $::openstack::config::network_management 
$management_address = ip_for_network($management_network) 
$storage_management_address = $::openstack::config::storage_address_management 
$controller_management_address = 
class { '::nova': 
sql_connection => $::openstack::resources::connectors::nova, 
glance_api_servers => "http://${storage_management_address}:9292", 
memcached_servers => ["${controller_management_address}:11211"], 
rabbit_hosts => [$controller_management_address], 
rabbit_userid => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_user, 
rabbit_password => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_password, 
debug => $::openstack::config::debug, 
verbose => $::openstack::config::verbose, 
mysql_module => '2.2', 
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/default_floating_pool': value => 'public' } 
class { '::nova::api': 
admin_password => $::openstack::config::nova_password, 
auth_host => $controller_management_address, 
enabled => $is_controller, 
neutron_metadata_proxy_shared_secret => 
class { '::nova::vncproxy': 
host => $::openstack::config::controller_address_api, 
enabled => $is_controller, 
class { [ 
enabled => $is_controller, 
class { '::nova::compute': 
enabled => $is_compute, 
vnc_enabled => true, 
vncserver_proxyclient_address => $management_address, 
vncproxy_host => $::openstack::config::controller_address_api, 
class { '::nova::compute::neutron': } 
class { '::nova::network::neutron': 
neutron_admin_password => $::openstack::config::neutron_password, 
neutron_region_name => $::openstack::config::region, 
neutron_admin_auth_url => "http://${controller_management_address}:35357/v2.0", 
neutron_url => "http://${controller_management_address}:9696", 
vif_plugging_is_fatal => false, 
vif_plugging_timeout => '0', 
Nova API 
API Network External Network 
Data Network 
Administrative Network
# The puppet module to set up a Nova Compute node 
class openstack::profile::nova::compute { 
$management_network = $::openstack::config::network_management 
$management_address = ip_for_network($management_network) 
class { 'openstack::common::nova': 
is_compute => true, 
class { '::nova::compute::libvirt': 
libvirt_type => $::openstack::config::nova_libvirt_type, 
vncserver_listen => $management_address, 
file { '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf': 
ensure => present, 
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack/qemu.conf', 
mode => '0644', 
notify => Service['libvirt'], 
Package['libvirt'] -> File['/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf'] 
class openstack::profile::neutron::agent { 
include ::openstack::common::neutron 
include ::openstack::common::ovs 
class openstack::common::neutron { 
$controller_management_address = $::openstack::config::controller_address_management 
$data_network = $::openstack::config::network_data 
$data_address = ip_for_network($data_network) 
# neutron auth depends upon a keystone configuration 
include ::openstack::common::keystone 
class { '::neutron': 
rabbit_host => $controller_management_address, 
core_plugin => 'neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin', 
allow_overlapping_ips => true, 
rabbit_user => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_user, 
rabbit_password => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_password, 
debug => $::openstack::config::debug, 
verbose => $::openstack::config::verbose, 
service_plugins => ['', 
class { '::neutron::keystone::auth': 
password => $::openstack::config::neutron_password, 
public_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_api, 
admin_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, 
internal_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, 
region => $::openstack::config::region, 
class { '::neutron::server': 
auth_host => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, 
auth_password => $::openstack::config::neutron_password, 
database_connection => $::openstack::resources::connectors::neutron, 
enabled => $::openstack::profile::base::is_controller, 
sync_db => $::openstack::profile::base::is_controller, 
mysql_module => '2.2', 
class { '::neutron::server::notifications': 
nova_url => "http://${controller_management_address}:8774/v2/", 
nova_admin_auth_url => "http://${controller_management_address}:35357/v2.0/", 
nova_admin_password => $::openstack::config::nova_password, 
nova_region_name => $::openstack::config::region, 
class openstack::common::ovs { 
$data_network = $::openstack::config::network_data 
$data_address = ip_for_network($data_network) 
$enable_tunneling = $::openstack::config::neutron_tunneling # true 
$tunnel_types = $::openstack::config::neutron_tunnel_types #['gre'] 
$tenant_network_type = $::openstack::config::neutron_tenant_network_type # ['gre'] 
$type_drivers = $::openstack::config::neutron_type_drivers # ['gre'] 
$mechanism_drivers = $::openstack::config::neutron_mechanism_drivers # ['openvswitch'] 
$tunnel_id_ranges = $::openstack::config::neutron_tunnel_id_ranges # ['1:1000'] 
class { '::neutron::agents::ml2::ovs': 
enable_tunneling => $enable_tunneling, 
local_ip => $data_address, 
enabled => true, 
tunnel_types => $tunnel_types, 
class { '::neutron::plugins::ml2': 
type_drivers => $type_drivers, 
tenant_network_types => $tenant_network_type, 
mechanism_drivers => $mechanism_drivers, 
tunnel_id_ranges => $tunnel_id_ranges 
How You Can Get Involved 
• Sign up to be an OpenStack Contributor! 
• Review the Code! 
• Write the Code! 
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puppet-openstack mailing list on Google Groups.
QuTehasnkt iyooun! s?

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  • 9. OpenStack Composition Modules • stackforge/packstack • theforeman/staypuft • stackforge/fuel-library • stackforge/puppet-openstack_builder • enovance/puppet-openstack-cloud • puppetlabs/puppetlabs-openstack
  • 10. ! class openstack::profile::base { ! # make sure the parameters are initialized include ::openstack ! # everyone also needs to be on the same clock class { '::ntp': } ! # all nodes need the OpenStack repository class { '::openstack::resources::repo': } ! # database connectors class { '::openstack::resources::connectors': } ! $management_network = $::openstack::config::network_management $management_address = ip_for_network($management_network) $controller_management_address = $::openstack::config::controller_address_management $storage_management_address = $::openstack::config::storage_address_management $management_matches = ($management_address == $controller_management_address) $storage_management_matches = ($management_address == $storage_management_address) ! $api_network = $::openstack::config::network_api $api_address = ip_for_network($api_network) $controller_api_address = $::openstack::config::controller_address_api $storage_api_address = $::openstack::config::storage_address_api ! $api_matches = ($api_address == $controller_api_address) $storage_api_matches = ($api_address == $storage_api_address) ! $is_controller = ($management_matches and $api_matches) $is_storage = ($storage_management_matches and $storage_api_matches) }
  • 11. Network Neutron Agents Neutron Agents Neutron Agents Control Database Message Queue Horizon Keystone Neutron API Nova API Glance API Cinder API Nova Scheduler Glance Registry Cinder Scheduler Compute Nova Compute Nova Compute Nova Compute Nova Compute Network Network Network Network Agent Storage Cinder Storage Cinder Storage Cinder Storage Cinder Storage API Network External Network Data Network Administrative Network
  • 12. # The profile to install rabbitmq ! class openstack::profile::rabbitmq { ! $management_address = $::openstack::config::controller_address_management ! class { '::nova::rabbitmq': userid => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_user, password => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_password, cluster_disk_nodes => [$management_address], rabbitmq_class => '::rabbitmq', } ! if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' { package { 'erlang': ensure => installed, before => Package['rabbitmq-server'], require => Yumrepo['erlang-solutions'], } } }
  • 13. # The profile to install an OpenStack specific mysql server ! class openstack::profile::mysql { ! class { '::mysql::server': root_password => $::openstack::config::mysql_root_password, restart => true, override_options => { 'mysqld' => { 'bind_address' => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, 'default-storage-engine' => 'innodb', } } } ! ! class { '::mysql::bindings': python_enable => true, ruby_enable => true, } ! class { 'mysql::server::account_security': } ! }
  • 14. define openstack::resources::database () { class { "::${title}::db::mysql": user => $title, password => $::openstack::config::mysql_service_password, dbname => $title, allowed_hosts => $::openstack::config::mysql_allowed_hosts, mysql_module => '2.2', require => Anchor['database-service'], } }
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  • 16. # The profile to install the Keystone service class openstack::profile::keystone { openstack::resources::controller { 'keystone': } openstack::resources::database { 'keystone': } openstack::resources::firewall { 'Keystone API': port => '5000', } ! include ::openstack::common::keystone ! class { 'keystone::endpoint': public_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_api, admin_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, internal_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, region => $::openstack::config::region, } ! $tenants = $::openstack::config::keystone_tenants $users = $::openstack::config::keystone_users create_resources('openstack::resources::tenant', $tenants) create_resources('openstack::resources::user', $users) }
  • 17. define openstack::resources::user ( $password, $tenant, $email, $admin = false, $enabled = true, ) { keystone_user { "$name": ensure => present, enabled => $enabled, password => $password, tenant => $tenant, email => $email, } ! if $admin == true { keystone_user_role { "$name@$tenant": roles => ['_member_', 'admin'], ensure => present, } } else { keystone_user_role { "$name@$tenant": roles => ['_member_'], ensure => present, } } }
  • 18. class openstack::common::keystone { if $::openstack::profile::base::is_controller { $admin_bind_host = '' } else { $admin_bind_host = $::openstack::config::controller_address_management } ! class { '::keystone': admin_token => $::openstack::config::keystone_admin_token, sql_connection => $::openstack::resources::connectors::keystone, verbose => $::openstack::config::verbose, debug => $::openstack::config::debug, enabled => $::openstack::profile::base::is_controller, admin_bind_host => $admin_bind_host, mysql_module => '2.2', } ! class { '::keystone::roles::admin': email => $::openstack::config::keystone_admin_email, password => $::openstack::config::keystone_admin_password, admin_tenant => 'admin', } }
  • 19. # The profile to set up the Nova controller (several services) class openstack::profile::nova::api { openstack::resources::controller { 'nova': } openstack::resources::database { 'nova': } openstack::resources::firewall { 'Nova API': port => '8774', } openstack::resources::firewall { 'Nova Metadata': port => '8775', } openstack::resources::firewall { 'Nova EC2': port => '8773', } openstack::resources::firewall { 'Nova S3': port => '3333', } openstack::resources::firewall { 'Nova novnc': port => '6080', } ! class { '::nova::keystone::auth': password => $::openstack::config::nova_password, public_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_api, admin_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, internal_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, region => $::openstack::config::region, cinder => true, } ! include ::openstack::common::nova }
  • 20. class openstack::common::nova ($is_compute = false) { $is_controller = $::openstack::profile::base::is_controller $management_network = $::openstack::config::network_management $management_address = ip_for_network($management_network) $storage_management_address = $::openstack::config::storage_address_management $controller_management_address = $::openstack::config::controller_address_management ! class { '::nova': sql_connection => $::openstack::resources::connectors::nova, glance_api_servers => "http://${storage_management_address}:9292", memcached_servers => ["${controller_management_address}:11211"], rabbit_hosts => [$controller_management_address], rabbit_userid => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_user, rabbit_password => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_password, debug => $::openstack::config::debug, verbose => $::openstack::config::verbose, mysql_module => '2.2', } ! nova_config { 'DEFAULT/default_floating_pool': value => 'public' } ! class { '::nova::api': admin_password => $::openstack::config::nova_password, auth_host => $controller_management_address, enabled => $is_controller, neutron_metadata_proxy_shared_secret => $::openstack::config::neutron_shared_secret, } ! class { '::nova::vncproxy': host => $::openstack::config::controller_address_api, enabled => $is_controller, } ! class { [ 'nova::scheduler', 'nova::objectstore', 'nova::cert', 'nova::consoleauth', 'nova::conductor' ]: enabled => $is_controller, } ! class { '::nova::compute': enabled => $is_compute, vnc_enabled => true, vncserver_proxyclient_address => $management_address, vncproxy_host => $::openstack::config::controller_address_api, } ! class { '::nova::compute::neutron': } ! class { '::nova::network::neutron': neutron_admin_password => $::openstack::config::neutron_password, neutron_region_name => $::openstack::config::region, neutron_admin_auth_url => "http://${controller_management_address}:35357/v2.0", neutron_url => "http://${controller_management_address}:9696", vif_plugging_is_fatal => false, vif_plugging_timeout => '0', }
  • 21. Network Neutron Agents Neutron Agents Neutron Agents Control Database Message Queue Horizon Keystone Neutron API Nova API Glance API Cinder API Nova Scheduler Glance Registry Cinder Scheduler Compute Nova Compute Nova Compute Nova Compute Nova Compute Network Network Network Network Agent Storage Cinder Storage Cinder Storage Cinder Storage Cinder Storage API Network External Network Data Network Administrative Network
  • 22. # The puppet module to set up a Nova Compute node ! class openstack::profile::nova::compute { $management_network = $::openstack::config::network_management $management_address = ip_for_network($management_network) ! class { 'openstack::common::nova': is_compute => true, } ! class { '::nova::compute::libvirt': libvirt_type => $::openstack::config::nova_libvirt_type, vncserver_listen => $management_address, } ! file { '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack/qemu.conf', mode => '0644', notify => Service['libvirt'], } ! Package['libvirt'] -> File['/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf'] }
  • 23. class openstack::profile::neutron::agent { include ::openstack::common::neutron include ::openstack::common::ovs } !
  • 24. class openstack::common::neutron { $controller_management_address = $::openstack::config::controller_address_management $data_network = $::openstack::config::network_data $data_address = ip_for_network($data_network) # neutron auth depends upon a keystone configuration include ::openstack::common::keystone ! class { '::neutron': rabbit_host => $controller_management_address, core_plugin => 'neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin', allow_overlapping_ips => true, rabbit_user => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_user, rabbit_password => $::openstack::config::rabbitmq_password, debug => $::openstack::config::debug, verbose => $::openstack::config::verbose, service_plugins => ['', '', '', '', ''], } ! class { '::neutron::keystone::auth': password => $::openstack::config::neutron_password, public_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_api, admin_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, internal_address => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, region => $::openstack::config::region, } ! class { '::neutron::server': auth_host => $::openstack::config::controller_address_management, auth_password => $::openstack::config::neutron_password, database_connection => $::openstack::resources::connectors::neutron, enabled => $::openstack::profile::base::is_controller, sync_db => $::openstack::profile::base::is_controller, mysql_module => '2.2', } ! class { '::neutron::server::notifications': nova_url => "http://${controller_management_address}:8774/v2/", nova_admin_auth_url => "http://${controller_management_address}:35357/v2.0/", nova_admin_password => $::openstack::config::nova_password, nova_region_name => $::openstack::config::region, } }
  • 25. class openstack::common::ovs { $data_network = $::openstack::config::network_data $data_address = ip_for_network($data_network) $enable_tunneling = $::openstack::config::neutron_tunneling # true $tunnel_types = $::openstack::config::neutron_tunnel_types #['gre'] $tenant_network_type = $::openstack::config::neutron_tenant_network_type # ['gre'] $type_drivers = $::openstack::config::neutron_type_drivers # ['gre'] $mechanism_drivers = $::openstack::config::neutron_mechanism_drivers # ['openvswitch'] $tunnel_id_ranges = $::openstack::config::neutron_tunnel_id_ranges # ['1:1000'] ! class { '::neutron::agents::ml2::ovs': enable_tunneling => $enable_tunneling, local_ip => $data_address, enabled => true, tunnel_types => $tunnel_types, } ! class { '::neutron::plugins::ml2': type_drivers => $type_drivers, tenant_network_types => $tenant_network_type, mechanism_drivers => $mechanism_drivers, tunnel_id_ranges => $tunnel_id_ranges } }
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