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Turning Point In The Civil War
This investigation will answer the question, how significant was William Tecumseh Sherman's
march to the sea to the unions win of the war? This question is important because William Tecumseh
Sherman's march to the sea campaign was a major turning point in the civil war because of how
cruel the total war tactic was. The scope of this investigation focuses on how successful William
Tecumseh Sherman's "march to the sea" campaign was. One of the most colorful characters of the
Civil War was a General named William T. Sherman. During the period of the war (1861–1865),
General Sherman went full circle from being forced to retire on trumped up charges that he was
insane, to becoming a key player in bringing this bloody war to a close. He entered ... Show more
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By the end of the war the total number of soldiers killed in combat and by disease and other non–
combat related causes for both the North and South were 623, 026 (Foote, 1974). The total wounded
for both sides were 471,427 (Foote, 1974). These numbers are staggering in that only 2,750,000
soldiers participated in the war. The battles of Manassas, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville,
If the question was asked, "Who was and still is the most hated and despised man in the history of
the South" the response would be William Tecumseh Sherman. From the onset of hostilities in the
Atlanta Campaign on May 6, 1864 and the march to the Sea ending two days before Christmas 1864
with him capturing Savannah, no one created more destruction. As a result of his successful
campaign in Georgia, the Confederacy was split in two and deprived of much needed supplies,
ending the war quickly with a Union victory.
Prior to the outbreak of hostilities between the North and the South, William Tecumseh Sherman
was Superintendent of the Louisiana State Seminary and Military Academy at Alexandria,
Louisiana. After the war, the school moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana and became Louisiana State
University (LSU). Talk of the secession from the Union was rampant. On January 18, 1861,
Sherman resigned his
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William Tecumseh Sherman Biography
William Tecumseh Sherman was born in Lancaster, Ohio, on February 8, 1820. He was one of
eleven children. His father was a successful lawyer and Ohio Supreme Court Justice. Suddenly, at
the age of nine, Sherman's father died, leaving him with Thomas Ewing, a senator from Ohio
prominent to the Whig party.In 1836, Sherman got appointed to West Point. He excelled in
academics, but was not fond of the demerit system. He was never in deep trouble but had a good
amount of minor scratches on his record. He graduated sixth in his class and he first saw action
when soldiers were battling against the Seminole Indians in Florida. After he got many assignments
that acquainted him with many well known southern families. Sherman's military experience was ...
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After, he complained of how strong the opposing troops were and was very pessimistic so he was
put in leave for an "insane" nervous breakdown. In 1861 he returned to service commanding the
rear–echelons. In Kentucky he provided logistical support for General Ulysses S. Grant. The
following month, Sherman was asked to serve with Grant at the Battle of West Tennessee. His first
test as a commander was at Shiloh. Throughout the Battle at Shiloh, SHerman and Grant worked
together creating a lifelong friendship between the two soldiers. Eventually they got separated
because according to the newspaper the leadership was faulty because the soldiers were being
commanded by a drunkard [Grant] and a lunatic [Sherman]. Then, when Vicksburg fell, Sherman
was sent to command three armies in the West. In 1864, Sherman burned atlanta to to ground then
set out on his famous"March to the Sea" and fought in Georgia. Then when Grant became president,
Sherman took pver the position as General Commander of the US Army and protected the US from
Indian attacks, railroad attacks, etc. After he retired in 1884, he soon died on February 14, 1891 in
New York City. His services for our country will never be
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Why Did The North Win The Civil War
The Civil War Outcome – Why The North Won Question: Was the outcome of the Civil War
determined by the nature of Northern and Southern societies or by what occurred on the battlefield?
Reason For The Northern Victory The available resources of The North and South determined the
outcome of The Civil War. The North's superior industry and manpower paved the way for
modernization and the ultimate victory. The South was destined for defeat due to insufficient
resources to compete with the North. Once The North decided to fully utilize their industrial
advantage, The South was doomed. Northern and southern leadership differed greatly – The North
had better leadership in nearly every area, significantly that of the president! ... Show more content
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"The whole number of slaveholders of this large class in all the Slave States is, according to De Bow
's Compendium of the Census, 7,929." [vi] Based on the white population of 5,500,000 in The
South, the elite slaveholders accounted for only 0.001% of this total population. Leadership: North
Versus South President Lincoln's skills as a political and military leader proved far superior to those
of his counterpart, Jefferson Davis. Although Lincoln had no previous military experience, he
possessed a basic common sense for understanding the strategy of war. Lincoln's innovative
leadership, adaptability, and the ability to provide quick resolutions, gave the North a decisive
advantage. He also understood that his time was limited and did not try to micromanage his
generals. Lincoln knew that he needed qualified individuals to handle the day–to–day military
operations. He found such a person in General Grant and handed over complete military control to
him in 1963.[vii] In contrast, Jefferson Davis lacked this basic and essential ability to lead. He was
arrogant, argumentative and stubborn. Davis was notorious for making poor decisions based on his
pride – he was the type of individual that always had to be right. He sometimes replaced qualified
cabinet members on the basis of a disagreement. The result was an unqualified "yes" man as a
replacement. Davis' role as a military leader was without a
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How Did Sherman's March To The Sea Cut A Swath Of Destruction
Sherman's march to the sea cut a swath of destruction sixty miles wide and two–hundred eighty–five
miles long from Georgia's industrial hub, Atlanta, to the coastal city of Savannah. During his march
Sherman estimated his forces caused at least one–hundred million dollars worth of damage adding
up to a little more than one and a half billion by today's standards. Major General William Tecumseh
Sherman began his military career at the United States Military Academy where he graduated in
1840 as a Second Lieutenant. Once the Civil War broke out he was sent to the Mississippi area
where he quickly distinguished himself and rose through the ranks. He was eventually placed in
command of the forces charged with taking the Mississippi River and gained the respect of Lincoln.
This gained him command of the Army of Tennessee and Georgia with which he was to split the
deep south from the upper south, keeping the Confederate armies busy while Grant swept down
from the North. Sherman's daring move ... Show more content on ...
This created a dreadful economic situation in the South. Without the ability to produce any material
goods they could not export items nor could they keep themselves fed with any real consistency. It
did not help that the slaves freed by Sherman were straining already limited resources and the
southerners hated them. However, this was the case in most of the south Sherman's actions were just
a smaller part of the whole. On a larger scale the industrial destruction contributed to the mass
migration of African Americans from the South to Northern industrial cities. The legacy of
Sherman's march to the sea starting with the burning of Atlanta made the southerners wary and bitter
towards the soldiers during the reconstruction period. There were some lasting effects directly
related to Sherman's march, but many repercussions of the war were similar in all areas of the south
and not a direct cause of
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The Morality Of General Sherman
The Morality of General Sherman's March to the Sea
William Tecumseh Sherman was one of eleven children born to a distinguished Ohio family.
Sherman was orphaned at a young age and was enrolled in the United States Military Academy by
his legal guardian, Senator Thomas Ewing. He graduated sixth in his class, but never saw extensive
action on the battlefield. He tried other professions for a few years, but the outbreak of the Civil War
called him back into service. During the early years of the war he served in the battles of Bull Run,
Ft. Donelson, Shiloh and Vicksburg, and slowly moved up the chain of command. Following his
successful capture of Jackson, Mississippi, Sherman was promoted to Commander of the Western
Theatre, by his boss and friend, General Ulysses S. Grant. It was after this promotion that Sherman
set out for the Southern industrial hub of Atlanta and soon after began the famous March to the Sea
("William T. Sherman."). This march, from Atlanta to Savannah, was about two hundred and eighty
five miles long and lasted for about three weeks. Sherman's men stole food and livestock, burned
houses and barns, and attempted to scare the state of Georgia into surrender and collapse the
Confederate war effort. During this time, Sherman and his men encountered little resistance. The
only battle was a small skirmish outside the town of Griswoldsville that the Union won handily.
After this failure, the Confederates began to retreat and initiated a scorched earth policy.
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The Civil War : A Central Event Of America 's Historical...
Civil War
Professor Lenza
Zachary Blaisdell
The Civil War is a central event of America 's historical consciousness. Whereas the revolution from
1776 to 1783 created the United States, it was decided what kind of country it will be after the civil
war. This war solved the two fundamental problems that were not solved by the revolution: whether
the United States is an indivisible state of a union of sovereign countries or a state sovereign state.
Northern victory in the war abolished slavery that kept the United States as a nation and split the
country from the outset. However, these outcomes occurred at the expense of 625,000 lives. In all
other wars, this country fought, most American soldiers died. The American Civil War was the
greatest and most destructive conflict in the West world between the conclusion of the Napoleonic
Wars of 1815 and the beginning of the First World War of 1914. The Civil War began for an
uncompromising compromise between the Free States and other nations against the power of the
state government to prohibit slavery in areas. When Abraham Lincoln won the election as the first
Republican president on the platform trying to maintain slavery in 1860, seven slave nations in the
south formed the new state. The Lincoln administration and the majority of the people in the north
refused to recognize the legality of withdrawal. They were afraid that it would not trust democracy
and would once create a fatal precedent to divide the United
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Siege Of Vicksburg Essay
Ulysses S. Grant marched his force of 50,000 men through hard times on the west bank of the
Mississippi River in the hope to conquer Vicksburg with a vicious defeat. April 30th, 1863 Grant
crossed the Mississippi. The Siege Of Vicksburg was a significant occurrence in the Civil War.
Grant was nearly unknown until his success at Vicksburg, however it did not come easy. Grant was
very stubborn and always wanted his way throughout the journey. He would contradict the opinion
of other Union leaders, and oppose the advice that he was given. Even if his plan was nearly
impossible, or said to fail, Grant would lead his men down that path anyway. Grant was doubtful
and drank too much, (Berg 35) he was said to have always had a drink in his hand when it came to
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Jan 30, he arrived at Young's Point, 20 miles above Vicksburg on the Western bank (Leckie 458).
Grant could neither storm Vicksburg frontally nor establish a base below the city until the spring
rains were ceased (Leckie 458). He and his army could not wait out the rest of the winter and
beginning of spring without moving. To keep his army from sitting still for four or five months, and
to keep his men occupied, to perplex Pemberton in Vicksburg he made four flanking attempts
(Leckie 458). All of which had failed. Opposie Vicksburg was a penninsula, it seemed that if a canal
were cut across its base the river might flow and bypass the city. After the channel was dug the
Father Of Waters refused to enter (Leckie 459). After the first channel was dug Grant tried to deepen
and connect a chain of lakes and streams. The two months of work had failded (Leckie 459). 1,700
cavalry under colonel Benjamin Grierson went on a raid through central Mississippi (Leckie 459).
April 16–17 1863, the fleet under Admiral David Dixon Porter made it's move (Leckie
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Dulce Et Decorum Est Analysis
Wilfred Owen was a British university English professor who was fluent in the French language and
taught English in France from 1913 to 1915 (Hibberd 110). Owen was conscripted into the British
army in 1915 as a Second Lieutenant and eventually became a Company Commander who led
"...Lancashire soldiers ... some who had been overseas bore the scares of wounds and it seemed
absurd for a novice to be giving them orders" (188). Tragically, 25–year–old Owen was killed in
action on November 4, 1918, when his unit crossed over a canal under hostile German machine gun
fire (365). One week later, Allied and Central forces mutually agreed to the Armistice of Compiègne
(Falls 416), which ended World War One (WWI).
General William Tecumseh Sherman, who experienced the American Civil War first hand, stated:
"War is cruelty" (Sherman). Sherman's honesty about the disgusting aspects of war was poetically
shared a half–century later. Owen wrote the poem "Dulce et Decorum Est" from the perspective of
an experienced British WWI soldier who adamantly disagreed with glorified war propaganda. The
universal theme of "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen is society (the media, authors, the
government, recruiters, and more) should not portray war (especially to our youth) and the act of
dying for one's country (through propaganda posters, poems, children's books, commercials, films,
songs, etc.) in a way that is glorious and appealing but rather in a way that is truthful because
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Similarities Between War And Hell In All Quiet On The...
Throughout human existence war has been a glorified way of settling disputes and asserting
dominance, a place where powerful men have proven themselves, a place where glory and honor
were achieved and a place where noble heroes died. Continuously through history humans looked
past the horrors of war and misleadingly saw it as a glorious manner. This glorious view on war
went unchallenged for centuries when finally the general William Tecumseh Sherman spoke out
about the horrors of war and famously quoted that "war is hell". In All Quiet On The Western Front
William Tecumseh Sherman's words can been seen in Remarque's portrayal of the First World War
by making display of the close similarities that war and hell have. Remarque exposes how truly
horrendous the conditions at the front were displaying similarities between the conditions at war and
to conditions described of hell. Remarque shows how the weapons used in the war turned man into
ashes and countrysides into dead zones creating a real hell like environment. Lastly Remarque
manifests that the horrors that war brought were so deep that the suffering would become eternal
just as the suffering of hell. Therefore in the novel All Quiet On The Western Front Remarque brings
life to William Tecumseh Sherman's famous quote "War is hell" by exposing how alike war and hell
are by virtue of their similarities: How the conditions at the front were so horrendous they resembled
conditions of hell; How new warfare technology turned
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General Sherman And The Match Of The Sea
Holland Carvalho
17, July 2015
General William Sherman and the match to the sea
General Sherman 's contribution to the Civil War will forever be remembered in history, although he
made some miscalculations, his mistakes did nothing to his reputation unlike his brilliance in
strategizing . His military exploits went far beyond getting the attention of American military
historians; it went all the way to the shores of Europe. Military historian Basil Liddell Hart compiled
a list of the best military strategists and General Sherman was among them, along with others like
Napoleon Bonaparte, and Von Clausewitz. General Sherman's effort in this campaign helped the
Union Army deliver the crippling blow ... Show more content on ...
He first saw action in Florida against the Seminole Indians. However, he was not involved in the
Mexican–American war like most of his contemporaries. As a result of this he quit in 1853, then
joined his brother in the banking industry.
Sherman's Military Career
During this time he was appointed to the position of superintendent for the Louisiana Military
Academy in 1859. However, after the onset of the Civil War Sherman left his post as the
Superintendent and went north where he became a Colonel in the 13th United States Infantry .
General Sherman later experienced combat at the first Battle of Bull Run, where he led a division of
General Tyler's men. Unfortunately, he lost the battle, but President Abraham Lincoln saw his
promise and promoted him to Brigadier General on August seventh, 1861.
Before his March to the sea he had accomplished a lot, an example of this is the Atlanta campaign
that took place between May and September 1864. Together with General Grant, they believed that
they had to destroy the Confederacy's capacity for waging war. They would do this by attacking the
economic, strategic, and physiological aspects of the South to bring it to its knees. The strategies
that Sherman adopted could be compared with the scorched earth tactic that entailed destroying
everything. Although he instructed his men to only destroy infrastructure in place where guerrilla
warfare overwhelmed his army . He quickly
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The Battle Of The War
"Tis only those who have never heard a shot, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and
lacerated ... that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation," said Union General
William Tecumseh Sherman at the end of our nation's deadliest war, the Civil War. Determined to
end the war after four long years, the Union called on Sherman to execute a controversial war
strategy to defeat the Confederacy. His tactic, deemed total war by historians, aimed to bring the
horrors of war to civilians in the heart of the South. Sherman's focus on destroying the
manufacturing, logistical, and farming bases that supported the Confederate soldiers and civilians, is
viewed by many as heinous and unnecessarily brutal. The strategy ... Show more content on ...
Yet, Sherman's aim with total war tactics was not to physically harm Confederate civilians, but to
hasten the end of the war. The military tactics he employed were sanctioned by the highest Union
general, General Grant. Sherman brought the war to the people of the South as a form of
psychological warfare to demoralize them and break their determination. The Southern campaign
successfully limited the number of combatant deaths, on both sides, and caused few civilian deaths.
The destructive foraging by Union soldiers was instituted to make Northern soldiers safer by
causing the ruin of the South's military manufacturing bases and acquiring needed supplies from
Southern farms. General William Tecumseh Sherman's total war tactics employed during his
Southern campaign were not an act of senseless brutality of a villain, but were the actions of a
brilliant military strategist.
Sherman's critics claim that his tactics in the Southern Campaign were not part of a thought filled
military strategy, but were instead brutalities rained upon the civilians for the purpose of inflicting
maximum pain. However, this is a misperception. Sherman did destroy civilian property, but it was
not a random act and the Union was not solely responsible for the destruction. The worst damage to
civilian property occurred in South Carolina, where Sherman aimed to take over Columbia
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The Principles Of Mission Command Of The Civil War
Leaders inadvertently practiced mission command principles since the Civil War. Over time, the
naming convention of the fundamentals has changed; however, the concept of the principles was
still close in relations as time evolved. The effective application of the six mission command
principles is critical to the success of commanders. Most prominent military leaders who exercised
the fundamentals of mission achieved victorious results. Most leaders who lack effect in apply
mission command principles in their plan habitually ended with little to no success. General
Williams Tecumseh Williams and Major General Wade Hampton III are two examples of historical
military leaders from the burning of Columbia who implemented and or fail to implement the
principles of mission command during the Civil War. The burning of Columbia was a very
significant event of the Civil War. There was a lot of controversy surrounding the event. For years,
people debate about which party was responsible for initiating the destructive fire that burned down
the capital of South Carolina on February 17–18, 1865. Some believe that General Sherman ordered
his men to burn the city down under his "Total War" military strategy. Others believed that the
retreating Soldiers of the Confederate's Army ignited the prepositioned bales of cotton in the streets
before fleeing Columbia. The event end with more than half of Columbia burnt to the ground and a
Union victory in a battle less fight.
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Racism Articles On Racism
A case of a solar eclipse metaphor gone terribly, terribly wrong has become a conservative talking
point about the left and racism.
Last week, the Atlantic reprinted a Democracy: A Journal of Ideas article, which attempted to make
a hard–to–parse point about race in America in the context of the solar eclipse. The thesis of the
article was that the regions experiencing the total eclipse are mostly inhabited by white people – and
also America has a history of racism.
It was quickly picked up by far–right pundits and conservative media as the left's attempt to make
everything about racism. Here's Infowars' Alex Jones tweeting about it:
The left wants you to think #SolarEclipse2017 is racist. RT if you disagree!
– Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) August 21, 2017
And conservative columnists Matt Walsh and Charles Cooke:
The eclipse is racist you guys
– Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) August 18, 2017
Beyond parody.
– Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) August 19, 2017
The Daily Caller bashed the article with the headline "The Eclipse Is Racist Because It Fails to
Affect Enough Black People, The Atlantic Suggests."
The article comes on the heels of a terror attack at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville,
Virginia, which left one anti–racism demonstrator dead. President Donald Trump equivocated his
condemnation of neo–Nazis after the incident, prompting backlash from both Republicans and
Democrats. But
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Military Actions Of The American Civil War
Throughout history the effectiveness of specific military actions have been debated and discussed.
Military tacticians and scholars have pondered the overall completion of objectives and the
comprehensive values presented by the action. This debate has occurred for many of the actions
taken in the American Civil War. In terms of achievement the "March to the Sea" was one of the
most effective military actions of the Civil War. Historians may debate the level of destruction that
union soldiers imposed on the civilian populace during the march, but Sherman's desire to "rip the
heart out of the Confederate war effort" succeeded. General William Tecumseh Sherman understood
the effectiveness of bringing home the war to the people of the south. He understood how to make
an impact on the southern desire to continue the fight. Sherman's march affected the southern psyche
and damaged the will to fight, while destroying valuable supplies and material.
In late 1864 the American Civil War was still grinding on. Since 1861, hundreds of thousands of
Americans had been fighting each other in bloody battles all across the country. The confederates
were becoming more desperate but still had a great deal of fight left in them. They were losing
supplies and manpower but the war could drag on for years. The battles had developed into a war of
attrition that may have lasted for many more years. A northern general that understood this, and
knew a way to hasten the war's end, was William Tecumseh
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The Military Actions Of The American Civil War
Throughout history the efficacy of specific military actions have been debated and discussed.
Military tacticians and scholars have pondered the overall completion of objectives and the broad
values presented by the action. This debate has occurred for many of the actions taken in the
American Civil War. In terms of accomplishment, the "March to the Sea" was one of the most
effective military actions of the Civil War. Historians may debate the level of devastation that union
soldiers forced on the civilian population during the march, but Sherman's desire to "rip the heart out
of the Confederate war effort" succeeded (Simon & Schurst). General William Tecumseh Sherman
understood the effectiveness of bringing home the war to the people of ... Show more content on ...
At the end of 1864, Sherman was in charge of over 60,000 union fighting men. Sherman realized
that he had to find a way to bring about a quicker resolution to the war. To bring about this
resolution he wanted to get the people of the Confederacy to feel the effects of war. He was not
interested in the limited war that had been fought in the preceding years. Sherman, and his superior
Grant, both understood that if the Confederacy's spirit could be broken the north would prevail
quickly. Unlike many others in the union army, these men knew that "as long as the southern psyche
remained whole, southerners would support the war effort, no matter the casualties suffered or the
territory lost" (Lance). Sherman understood that by affecting southern morale and the southern will
to fight, he could win the war. His "March to the Sea" was determined to break the back of the
Confederacy and bring a speedy end to the Civil War. To do this there needed to be new tactics and a
new type of warfare. Sherman had institutionalized a type of warfare new to the Civil War. His
desire to crush southern resolve had embraced the principle of total war. For the majority of the
Civil War, the battles had been fought with a sense that there were certain rules to the war. A degree
of limited war had been practiced. War had a code. These codes of war had been developed during a
time of scientific research and humanistic development. The codes of war developed "during the
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Compare And Contrast Abraham Lincoln And The Civil War
In order to understand the American Civil War, one must know more about the leaders who
controlled both sides. As many Americans know, Abraham Lincoln participated in the command of
troops on the Northern side of the conflict. On the Southern side, a very influential leader was also
present; Nathan Bedford Forrest was a well–known general in the South and was renowned for his
brilliant tactics in combat. One is known as the great emancipator of the slaves, the other, as the first
leader of the Ku Klux Klan (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.). The roles could have been
greatly reversed, had their upbringings been different. Despite their many differences, these two
influential figures had a surprising amount of similarities. Abraham ... Show more content on ...
After the war, Nathan Bedford Forrest returned to his old life as a businessman, working with
railroads and lumber companies to make his living. Later in the 1860s, Forrest was chosen to be the
first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.). It was here
where he led the Klan members on horseback to intimidate former slaves, republicans, and other
northern civilians. In 1869, he reportedly disbanded the cult, and when later asked about his
association, he denied all ties to the group. After this disbanding of the Ku Klux Klan, Forrest saw
his businesses fail and would manage a prison camp until he succumbed to complications with
diabetes (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.).. When looking for similarities between Nathan
Bedford Forrest and Abraham Lincoln, it is important to look at their upbringings. When the
magnifying glass is put up to these influential figures, it is clear that they had extremely similar
childhoods. Lincoln and Forrest both started out poor and would go on to teach themselves how to
read and write. Later they would slowly rise to the occasion, and be put in a place of power. For
Forrest, that is when he started making money as a cotton plantation owner; for Lincoln, it is when
he became a lawyer and invested with politics.
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The Battle Of The Civil War
BACKGROUND William Tecumseh Sherman, although not a career military commander before the
war, would become one of "the most widely renowned of the Union's military leaders next to U. S.
Grant." One of the most debated figures of the Civil War, Sherman has been equally celebrated and
reviled in public memory. He brought hard warfare to the South, leaving a wake of destruction
through Georgia and South Carolina which hastened the surrender of Confederate forces in the
Carolinas, Florida, and Georgia in April 1865. His harsh tactics ended the bloody conflict and
resulted in freedom for millions of enslaved people. Sherman 's March to the Sea or the Savannah
battle was the hostile propelled crosswise over Georgia by Union general William T Sherman amid
the civil war. After effectively directing The Atlanta Campaign prior that year, Sherman and his men
began the Savannah crusade from the caught city of Atlanta on November 15, 1864. The crusade
finished on December 21, 1864, with a catch of port city of Savannah. When Sherman began his
walk to the ocean; Confederate armed force was at that point on the back foot. The point of Sherman
's hostile was to handicapped Confederate economy and assurance and hurry the end of the war.
THE FALL OF ATLANTA From May to September, 1864 General Sherman effectively ran his
Atlanta crusade amid which his armed force had assumed control over the city of Atlanta from
Confederate control. Atlanta was a railroad center point. It had weapons
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What Distinguishes A Hero From A Villain?
What distinguishes a hero from a villain? When assessing William Tecumseh Sherman's goals and
actions on the battle field, the lines aren't always so clear. General Sherman commanded the Union
army during the bloodiest war in American history: the Civil War. His march to the sea during the
fall and winter of 1864 stands out as one of the pivotal successes for the Union, because of the
brilliant tactics used to expose weakness in the Confederacy. Cutting off his supply lines, he led
62,000 soldiers from Atlanta to Savanna to demoralize the southern people. The actions Sherman
took in order to successfully accomplish his goals during his march were undeniable examples of
barbarity, using brilliant schemes to suffocate the southern spirit. ... Show more content on ...
Some would argue that Sherman's reluctance to face the Confederate army head on would make the
march fairly peaceful. After all, he avoided bloodshed; however instead of facing of with an army,
he faced off with the people, practicing psychological warfare, instead of waging a physical battle
against the Confederacy. Yet this type of warfare didn't fail to devastate the south. He successfully
made the southern people fear his army so much, that Confederate wives begged their husbands to
come home so the war would end and "told one South Carolina woman that he was ransacking her
plantation so that her soldier husband would come home and Grant would not have to kill him in the
trenches at Petersburg" (Groce). Sherman's genius approach to show his army's power through
destruction of property instead of the through slaughtering men on the battlefield is quite ironic,
considering the Civil War was one of the bloodiest battles in history; however, it created a big blow
to the south, convincing the people to give up. From the words of Sherman himself, "If the people
raise a howl against barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not popularity–seeking.
If they want peace, they and their relatives must stop the war" (Mitchell). He admits to his brutality,
declaring that to stop the burning of plantations and destruction, the civilians must give up. Sherman
recognized that the fuel to any war was the people. (expand) The brutality he brought to the southern
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The Hiring Of General Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
The hiring of General Hugh Judson Kilpatrick was the turning point in U.S. history during the Civil
War because of his negative demeanor, participation in irresponsible activities, political ambition,
exceptional ability to lead Soldiers, and unethical military tactics. Sherman would utilize these
elements during the Savannah Campaign to create a psychological advantage that would ensure his
victory. Major General William Tecumseh Sherman began a historical campaign through Savannah
Georgia, eventually called "Sherman's March to the Sea" during the winter of 1864. General
Sherman chose an aggressive, reckless and politically motivated Soldier with a propensity for
embellishment known as Hugh Judson Kilpatrick. Chosen to lead General Sherman's Calvary
division, which consisted of First and Second Brigade, Kilpatrick would become one of the most
notorious and iconic figures in the American Civil War. 3
Hugh Judson Kilpatrick was born on a farm January 14, 1836, in Wantage Township, near
Deckertown New Jersey. Kilpatrick was the youngest of four siblings birthed into a military family.
His father Colonel Simon Kilpatrick was very influential and instrumental in being a catalyst in
Kilpatrick's quest to become an Armed Forces Service Member. Kilpatrick grew up in a privileged
environment and matured with an outlook of the world that was different from his siblings because
of his admiration of his father. As a child, he would imagine he was Charles the Great,
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An Analysis Of Sherman's Unorthodox Tactics Of The Civil War
Aaron Ganss
Dr. Lisa Arter
ENGL 2010: Toulmin Argument
20 July 2015
General Sherman's Unorthodox Tactics that Ended the Civil War
Scorched farms, slaughtered livestock, uprooted railway lines and cities set on fire was not typical
battle strategy previously seen on American soil. However, the Civil War was dragging on and
General William Tecumseh Sherman was determined to finally end the fighting. The circumstances
that initiated the war created a figurative and literal divide unlike America had ever seen. The
American Civil War took heavy tolls on the Union and Confederate States of America. Desperate to
end the bloodshed, President Abraham Lincoln trusted Ulysses S. Grant control of the Army and
Grant authorized Sherman the freedom to do whatever necessary to bring conclusion to the conflict
(Davis 22). In the military mind of Sherman, the end justified the means and this belief is well
documented throughout his 1864 and 1865 campaign through Georgia, concluding in Goldsboro,
North Carolina (Phillips 11). Sherman despised war and the fact that America had entered into a
civil war in the first place. However, Sherman knew the conflict was unavoidable (Meiers 26). He
made the decision to follow his allegiance to the Union and eventually became the general to lead
the Armies of the Cumberland, the Ohio, and the Tennessee into the heart of Georgia (Moody 22).
During this event the wrath of general Sherman would be implanted in the South's memories. By the
use of unorthodox
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Why the North Won the Civil War
Why the North Won the American Civil War
Union officer William Tecumseh Sherman observed to a Southern friend that, "In all history, no
nation of mere agriculturists ever made successful war against a nation of mechanics. . . .You are
bound to fail." While Sherman 's statement proved to be correct, its flaw is in its assumption of a
decided victory for the North and failure to account for the long years of difficult fighting it took the
Union to secure victory. Unquestionably, the war was won and lost on the battlefield, but there were
many factors that swayed the war effort in favor of the North and impeded the South 's ability to
stage a successful campaign. The advantages of the Union going into the war are numerous. The
system ... Show more content on ...
The Union was also capable of providing industry with the raw materials necessary for production.
Mines and refineries existed in abundance in the North, which also had large amounts of land
available for growing food crops, unlike the South which had devoted most its arable land to cash
crops like cotton (Perman, 12). The existing infrastructure of roads and railways allowed the Union
to transport weaponry, clothes, food, soldiers, and other supplies to almost any location in the entire
theater, which greatly benefited the Northern army.
The war, however, was not won on attitude and preparedness alone. Military leadership played a
large role in winning the war. The land advantage went to the Confederacy at the beginning of the
war as it did not need to conquer the North. It could win the war simply by defending its territory
and by waiting for the North to become discouraged. Fighting in the South also provided an
advantage to the Confederacy as the men were fighting on their own land and had a better
knowledge of it than the Yankees as well as a better incentive to defend it against invasion (Perman,
235). Confederate General Robert E. Lee managed to outmatch almost every Union general with the
exception of Ulysses S. Grant, who eventually overcame Lee by force of numbers and determination
of will. The fatal flaw of Lee was that he held on to the belief that his army would win the war in a
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How Did Sherman's March Affect The South
Sherman's March to the Sea
By Jasa J
Thesis: Sherman's March had many negative effects on the north and south, but it ended as a win for
the north. (Union army).
Introduction: Sherman's March was a military campaign that started in Georgia and was formed
November 15 until December 21, 1864. ( "Shermans March to Sea"). Sherman's March was also
known as the Savannah campaign only because the March ended in the capture of port Savannah. (
"Sherman's March to Sea"). The March was led by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the
Union Army. ("Sherman's March to Sea").Sherman's March had many negative effects on the north
and south, but it ended as a win for the north. (Union army). It was classified as a win for the
union(North) because it is known for its boldness as well as the utter destruction on the South, both
to its industry as well as military targets, effectively destroying the Confederate's capacity to wage
war. (History Net).
How did Sherman's March impact/ affect The South
Body #1: ... Show more content on ...
From all the destruction and damage he did his name is still cursed and strongly disliked in some
parts of the South. Sherman stripped the civilians of more food than they needed nor could supply
and carry along as they travel through the south. Sherman also destroyed factories, mills, cotton
gills, warehouses, train depots, bridges and railroads. In the end Sherman was recognized as a great
strategist, a forceful leader, and together with Ulysses G. the ablest Union general of the war even
though he blazed a wide path of destruction along the South. (Groce).
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Sherman's March To The Sea Analysis
Sherman's March to the sea likewise called the Savannah Crusade was embraced by General
William Tecumseh Sherman between November 12, 1864, and December 22, 1864. Sherman's
march to the sea was 285 miles in length extending from Atlanta to the Confederate beachfront town
of Savannah. Sherman left a way of devastation afterward While destroying the framework,
ventures, yields, and property in Georgia.Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth American President
who served in office from Walk 4, 1861, to April 15, 1865. One of the key occasions amid his
administration was Sherman's march to the sea amid the Common War..After General William T.
Sherman's March to the Sea, he propelled his huge armed force through the Carolinas. Various
ridiculous fights and encounters were battled as his armed force progressed and moved toward the
North Carolina capital of Raleigh.Not long after that meeting Wilson and his rangers fighters joined
Gen. George H. Thomas' troops in devastating Hood's armed force. This letter, composed on January
21, a month after the fall of Savannah on December 21, 1864, demonstrates both Sherman and
Wilson prepared to start the second period of their arrangement: Sherman would walk through the
Carolinas and Wilson would take Alabama. The bright Broad Sherman utilizes commonly reckless
dialect to depict how he "thumped
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How Photography Affects The Social And Political Arena
Photography had been around more than 20 years before the Civil War began. When pictures were
taken, they showed colonels, bodies that were on the battlefield, even soldiers that were around the
camp tent. A few photographers that will be discussed are Mathew Brady, Alexander Gardner,
George Barnard and Timothy O'Sullivan. I will talk about how their photography affected the social
and political arena as well as how photography in contemporary society provides the public with an
up–close testimony to recent wars and global strife.
Mathew Brady stated, "My greatest aim has been to advance the art of photography and to make it
what I think I have, a great and truthful medium of history." (Keya Morgan, 2004). Mathew Brady
was a 19th century ... Show more content on ...
In the social arena, Mathew Brady photographed people bringing them into his photography studio
and they were connected, for example, that is where Mathew Brady met his wife Juliette Handy.
Alexander Gardner worked for Mathew Brady as his assistant photographer. Although it was
Brady's name on most of the photographs, it was Gardner that took the photographs. When the Civil
War started, portrait photography's demand increased. Soldiers wanted to leave photographs and
images behind with their loved ones as they posed before going to war. (Group of officers at
Headquarters Army of Potomac, ppmsca 34178
Alexander Gardner was more so known for his photographs of scenery instead of the troops. While
he worked with Mathew Brady that was his focus, but once he departed from Mathew, Alexander
began taking photographs of the scenes.
Other photographers took pictures of the troops and men during the Peninsula Campaign in Virginia,
but it was Alexander Gardner that took them of the scenery; which is how he affected the political
arena. He showed a difference in campaigning. His photography affected the social arena by using
the camera differently and started something new, instead of taking one photo at a time, he took
four. Before Gardner died he said, "It is designed to speak for itself. As mementos of the
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William Tecumseh Sherman Research Paper
William Tecumseh Sherman was a great Union general fighting in the Civil War. His major feat
during the war was his campaign through the South. He started in Chattanooga, Tennessee and
ended in Savannah, Georgia. His March used psychological warfare to make southerners lose
support for the Southern cause by bringing the war to their front–doors. This showing of how cruel
the war really was is said to have ended the war more quickly.
It all started November 23, in Chattanooga, Tennessee during the Battle of Chattanooga. Following
the Battle of Chickamauga in September of 1863, General Ulysses S. Grant focused on lifting the
Confederate siege on Chattanooga. Him and General Sherman's army attacked the Confederate
troops eventually winning
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Of Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln And The President Of...
War is chaos and the devil itself. It represents the cruelty and darkness in the human heart. In 1861,
a Civil War broke out between the North and the South. A soldier who served in the Civil War said
in a letter to his parents, "Many became ill from exposure and starvation, and were left on the road."
("Letters and Diaries," 1862) The war continued for four years and was considered by historians as
the most devastating war the United States has witnessed. Nonetheless, the Civil War produced two
of the most brilliant minds in American history: Abraham Lincoln and Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of America, served as the main strategist
for the North during the Civil War and Nathan Bedford Forrest was a Lieutenant General in the
Confederate Army. Both Lincoln and Forrest came from humble origins and worked their way to
success. However, Lincoln gained his position as a President by using his tact and diplomacy
although he was not appreciated for his clever decisions and authority while Forrest became a
General through aggression and was praised by the South as a great tactician and a war hero.
Abraham Lincoln's endeavor and success in granting equal rights for African–American will remain
forever in the heart of later generations.
First, Abraham Lincoln and Nathan Bedford Forrest were not blessed with fortune and opportunity
but they achieved their goals through perseverance and great effort. Abraham Lincoln was born in
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Sherman's march to the Sea
Title: Sherman's March to the Sea Name: Institution: Name of Facilitator: Course Name and
Number: Date: Abstract This paper describes a campaign that helped decide the American Civil War.
A General of the Union army named William Tecumseh Sherman helped lead a campaign that
started in Georgia go the sea in Savannah, and finish to help aid the main forces in the Carolinas.
During this march the soldiers lived off the land and the Southern people's food and burning
anything that could be of military use to the South's forces. This march helped decisively end the
war, and struck many blows to the South's forces and its people's morale, that Sherman's army could
march unopposed through the South. ... Show more content on ...
Other soldiers gave up sleeping, when it got to cold, to sit in front of roaring fires (Kennett, 1995).
The wind in the area sometimes combined with the rains and the cold air, nearly knocking over the
tents of the soldiers and making them freeze into the night. During Sherman's March to the Sea, he
made a stop at Georgia's then capital, Milledgeville. Sherman arrived in Milledgeville encountering
virtually no resistance from Confederate troops; for they were off defending Macon and Augusta
and various key bridges across rivers and gorges. The Georgia governor had fled the town and took
anything of value from the Executive Mansion, shortly before Sherman arrived. Sherman took note
of the bare house and its slim pickings and slept inside along with some equipment and other
soldiers for the next few days. News of Sherman's capture of Georgia's capital helped break apart
the will of the Confederate soldiers. After Sherman's short rest he continued his march to Savannah
where he could replenish his supplies. Sherman arrived on the outskirts of Savannah on December
11, 1864. The city was occupied by Confederate troops, and they had the city locked down. To help
seize the city Sherman would have to capture Fort McAllister to be able to safely advance to
Savannah. Sherman sends 4,000 infantry to seize the fort. After a very brief struggle the fort is
seized and is in control by Sherman, and this fort gives him
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American Civil War and Sectionalism
1. Approximately 180,000 Negros served in the Union during the Civil War. The Negro Soldier was
overall a good one. One example was at the Assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina. The 54th
Massachusetts Colored troops led the assault and scaled the fort's parapet and were only driven back
after brutal hand–to–hand fighting. The Negro faced some discrimination in the Union Army in
areas such as pay. It wasn't until June 15th, 1864 that the Congress granted equal pay to Negro
troops. Several Negro soldiers earned the Medal of Honor. The North attitude towards Negro troops
was mainly positive, while the South did not want Negros to serve in the Confederate Army. It
wasn't until the Confederates were running low on men did they allow Negros to serve. The Negros
serving in the North felt it as their duty to serve and support the cause for their own freedom.
2. General Ulysses S. Grant was a brilliant strategist and seemed to be able to plan out movements
in advance. The people of the North thought the tremendous casualties to be horrendous. But Grant
knew that the South's casualties to be much more than the North's. Grant did have the support and
trust of the North though and his record did well to deserve that support. His commanders trusted his
completely. Grant's idea of "Total War" was to break down the infrastructure of the South. The Siege
of Petersburg which lasted almost years, then the capture of Richmond is among the battles Grant
engaged in while south of the James
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The Characteristics Of A Twisted Hero
A hero is a person who rises above the ranks of the average individual and is known as one who
achieves great strides as well as lead people to prosperity and greatness. On the contrary, a person
who is twisted is one whom has an abnormal and, in a myriad number of occasions, warped
perspective on reality and morality. When combining these two concepts, what comes out is a
"Twisted Hero," a person who brings about times of prosperity and greatness, but does so in a
manner akin to that of if one were to jump into a black hole in space, one will be torn in two with
one half being incinerated immediately and the other half being completely fine falling into the
black hole. This is what a twisted hero is defined as to me, a twisted hero leaves only the
outstanding results, but takes out any chance of it being done righteously. These twisted heroes can
be found in the cases of Om a Sokdae and the fifth grade class, William Tecumseh Sherman with his
"total war" tactics, and my teacher in fourth grade with her cruel punishments. When examining
why Om Sokdae, the class monitor, is the twisted hero of the fifth grade class, it is important to
realize the achievements the class, as a whole, is able to reach when they listen to him. From their
class being seen as the most ideal by the school, having the best grades and test scores, and the
students being seen as the most exemplary it is clear that Om has made great strides with his
leadership position as class monitor.
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William Tecumseh Sherman A Twisted Hero
A hero is a person who rises above the ranks of the average individual and is known as one who
achieves great strides as well as lead people to prosperity and greatness. On the contrary, a person
who is twisted is one whom has an abnormal and, in many occasions, warped perspective on reality
and morality. When combining these two concepts, what comes out is a "Twisted Hero," a person
who brings about times of prosperity and greatness, but does so in a manner akin to that of if one
were to jump into a black hole in space, one will be torn in two with one half being incinerated
immediately and the other half being completely fine falling into the black hole. This is what a
twisted hero is defined as to me, the twisted heroes leave only the ... Show more content on ...
However, this scenario changed when my teacher had ultimately become fed up with this situation
and infamously declared she would not let me participate in the annual class play unless I turned in
all of my homework that I had left unnoticed, as well as, all additional homework she would be
handing out over the next semester. I, as any normal fourth grader with sound mind would, thought
the mere idea of doing this multitude of that work was preposterous, but in the end, admittedly I did
not have the privilege to make that discretion, it was either I play in her game or she would call my
parents, and that last option was not exactly the most appealing offer in the world. Therefore, I
ended up completing most of the work that was assigned, however, this was not enough to please
this mastermind of evil, this bringer of despair, and this destroyer of dreams. She had once again
warned me that I needed to complete all the work I had kept lying on my desk at home, which was
the excuse I had always used for not doing the homework, and so I had spent two whole hours
finishing off a pile of homework I had thought of as platitudinous at the time, for the record it was.
Although now I realize the errors of my ways, with my fourth grade mind, I believed she was, in
fact, a twisted hero, and the part
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Reflection Paper On Smits
Smits Essay Reflection
In the height of the great Indian wars in America, the Frontier Army were grasping at any straws to
get a leg up on the shifting Natives that were escaping from their reservations. General Crook came
up with the idea to use Native scouts to track down the escaping Natives. The use of these scouts
would "demoralize" the opposing Natives psychological value as stated by David D. Smits in his
article Indian Scouts and Indian Allies in the Frontier Army. The use of Indian scouts were in
commission in the finding and force surrender of legend status Natives, like Geronimo, Crazy Horse
and Dull Knife. The Cheyenne and Sioux scouts that were going against everything ... Show more
content on ...
Crook had with him 60 or some odd number of Native scouts in his control to talk in Crazy Horse
into surrendering, in doing so the Sioux scouts that were in possession of Crook finally acquired
Crazy Horse and made him come into the reservation for good. Smits stats one of Crazy Horse's
number one men, High Bear by saying "You sent for us to come in, and we knew that some of our
people were with you, and we did not wish to fight them, and so we came." This showing the U.S.
Army that the Sioux tribe had no intention of killing innocent Natives that were literally
brainwashed by fear of death by the hands of the U.S. Army. Smits continues on by showing us that
a day later Miles and his scouts crushed Lame Deer's band of Natives, in achieving the end of the
Great Sioux War. The author shows in great detail of how the Natives were being used by the United
States army in the 1800's, some working perfectly for the Army and totally backfiring for them in
the long run. I truly agree with the author's main thesis that the army won the war for the most part
because of the use of the Natives to hunt the escaping down in a heartbeat. For the U.S. Army to
think like a Native was not going to work out well for them. Overall Smits did a phenomenal job
describing and accurately showing us the true use of the Natives scouts in the Great Indian
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Georgia On General Sherman ' S Mind
Kaitlyn Brown
History 220
March 1, 2016 I. The American civil war was an unfortunate but necessary part of this country's
history. Sentiments between the north and the south had been getting worse for years. As more states
were admitted to the Union, there was always the fight about whether the new state would be a slave
state or a free state. The north was against the expansion of slavery. They felt that if it stayed
confined to the state it was already in it would eventually burn itself out. The south was not okay
with their being more northern free states because that would change the balance of power in
Congress. After many compromises, the straw that broke the camel back was when Lincoln was
elected president. Lincoln was a Republican and at this time the Republican Party was still very
new. As a party, they were against slavery and polygamy. The southern states did not want slavery to
be controlled by the federal government especially when the government was led by a republican.
Though Lincoln did not say he would end slavery, the southern states succeeded anyway and thus
began the war to keep the union together. The Savannah campaign, also known as General
Sherman's March to the Sea, was the most successful military campaign of the Civil War and
succeeded in ending the war by accomplishing Sherman's goal of demoralizing the Confederate
people. II. General Sherman. William Tecumseh Sherman was born in Lancaster,
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History Of The Kent House Plantation
Scattered along many of Louisiana's rivers and bayous are majestic, historical homes built during a
time of Southern prosperity. In the South, these homes and surrounding property often called
plantations, were the product of middle to upper class slave–owning planters. Central Louisiana is
home to a plantation that is "the oldest standing structure" in this area. During a recent visit to Kent
House Plantation, I learned of the history, operations, and current events that help to keep the past
alive. The Kent House sits on only four acres of the original seventeen hundred and forty acres
given to Pierre Baillio II in a 1794 Spanish land grant. In 1795 Baillio, a middle class, slave–
owning, cotton planter, envisioned and began ... Show more content on ...
In 1863, the Union Army made its way into Alexandria. There are several theories on why the army
did not destroy Kent House.
There 's a couple of theories, but we don 't exactly know why the house was spared. One theory is
that (the Hynsons) were Masons and so was (Union Gen.) Ulysses S. Grant. Another possible reason
why the Kent House was spared is that the Hynsons refused to leave the house. [Although] I don 't
think that 's true because they would have set fire to the house anyway, and that would have caused
the family to leave. There are two more plausible theories, however, one of which states that the
Kent House was being used as a base of operations for the Union army. Possibly the most believable
reason why the Kent House was not burned is that the son of the plantation 's original owner, Pierre
Baillio II, was on the board of directors at the institution that would become LSU at the same time
that future Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman was the school 's superintendent. It 's said that
Sherman and Baillio were good friends, and it 's possible that Sherman gave the order not to touch
the Kent House, even though Baillio didn 't own it at that time.
However, in 1908, a part of the Kent House was destroyed when a hurricane swept through
Alexandria. Because of the damage, Hynson descendant, Sallie Hynson Ringold had to sell the
home. The Kent House exchanged many hands
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General William Tecumseh Sherm War Hero Or Criminal?
Johnathon Treon
Mr. Bradley
A.P United States
25th January, 2015
General William Tecumseh Sherman: War Hero or Criminal?
Throughout the entirety of United States history, no conflict form the Revolution to Vietnam, was
more deadly in terms of American lives lost, then the Civil War. Fought over the very principles of
states' rights, exclusively in the form of slavery, this conflict would cost over 600,000 lives and the
devastation of the southern landscape and economy for many years to come.1 Under the capable
leadership of President Abraham Lincoln, the Union was to be his utmost priority, and he would do
all that was in his power to maintain its integrity. Lincoln relayed this authority to his generals,
allowing them virtually ... Show more content on ...
This judgment, as to whether or not he should be deemed a war criminal, must stem from modern
institutions such as the Red Cross, as well as, other bodies that have dictated the protocols of war.2
Though it is easy to either glorify or chastise a historical figure from our past, a more difficult task
that we must look towards, is to truly understand whether or not General Sherman's actions shall be
deemed inhumane in terms of modern societal norms and accepted agreements.
Firstly, we must look towards Sherman's initial actions, beginning in 1862 when Sherman was
having trouble dealing with Confederate snipers who were pestering Union gunboats on the
Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. He then determined that he would follow his theory of
"collective responsibility" which would allow him to "justify" the attacking and execution of
innocents as retribution for any Union attacks. One such instance of this would be when he had the
entire rural town of Randolph, Tennessee burned as until nothing was left. He also determined that
the civilians would either be taken as hostages or worse executed. As he progressed onwards
through former Confederate territory he also burnt Jackson and Meridian, Mississippi to the ground,
even though these cities offered no organized defense and there was no Confederate garrison
stationed there. His soldiers would progress onwards looting what they could and destroying
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The Battle Of The Civil War
There have been many generals that have served under their respective sides during the Civil War.
Generals that come into mind are the Confederates Robert E. Lee, who is arguably the best general
to have ever served in the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant who was one of the finest Union generals that
Abraham Lincoln found, but there was one general that turned the chapter for the union in the Civil
War, William T. Sherman. The Union underwent a stage where they needed help badly. They had
absolutely no advantage whatsoever against Robert E. Lee and the South. They lost the 1st/2nd
Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chattanooga, Battle of Antietam, Seven Days
Battle, etc. They were doomed. Although the Union was at a constant fall, the rise of William
Sherman brought the Unions troubles and the confederates down. William T. Sherman went into war
because the Union had no more options. He himself was also out of options. He's going through a
turning point in his career as well. When he got the job, his mindset of torturing the Confederates
changed the perspective on how the South were going to attack the north. It even made Lee think a
little bit on what he would do next. Who knows where the Union would be without the leadership of
Sherman. His incredible guts/determination/leadership in many battles show that he truly belongs in
the Civil War elite. William T. Sherman is an iconic character, but it always wasn't so good for him
back when he was little.
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Summary: The Creation Of A Political Neutral Military
Every four years when a president is elected into office, no matter the country, it is vital that the
running is fair and follows the rules set out by the country. However, when writing about such a
topic it is also important to view all sides of the potential argument and provide evidence that both
discredits the opposing view and supports the point the author is attempting to prove. This allows
the reader to know that every possibility has been researched and both sides have been viewed, but
that the author is correct when stating their stance on the matter.
In regards to American history, the creation of a politically neutral military began to form
predominantly after the end of the American Civil War in 1865. Before the Post–Civil War era, the
military had a strong ... Show more content on ...
An example of this would be Sylvanus Thayer, a superintendent of the US Military Academy for 16
years, as he attempted to pass several reforms that limited the political influence in the military
including an attempt to "inoculate political neutrality among cadets". During the 1869 election the
superintendent was particularly harsh on the cadets about having a political preference, but was later
thought amusing and revoked by the then recently inaugurated President Jackson (Corbett &
Davidson, 2010). However, after the Civil War in the United States, the view on politically
neutrality changed as the military became stricter about soldiers having any influence in political
matters. A notable figure in the beginning of the politically neutral military was General William
Tecumseh Sherman. Taking control of the military in 1869, the
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Civil War Advantages
Fireworks light up the night sky on April 9th, 1865, crowds cheer, news of the South's surrender at
the Appomattox Courthouse spreads throughout the north, the Union wins the civil war, seemingly
beating the much weaker south quickly and easily, to the clueless onlooker, but the war was very
hard fought through deadly battles and bloodshed, with both sides coming close to beating each
other out, at one point or another. To understand why the Union won the civil war, we must examine
the advantages that the north had, which are, the north was much more heavily industrialized than
the agrarian south, to aid in the war effort, had a larger population to support an even larger army,
and had ingenious generals like Ulysses S. Grant willing to take risks to win and preserve the union
at all costs. The Union won the civil war credulously to the fact that the north was much more
industrialized than the south. The north's economy was characterized by a booming factories,
railways connecting cities, and industrial power and had little reliance on slave labor, unlike the
south, where which slavery was a vital part of their way of life, and had much more undeveloped
industry. One of the perks to being an industrial powerhouse was that the north could keep their
soldiers and armies well supplied with clothes, tools, and especially weapons. "The North produced
3,200 firearms to every 100 produced in the South"( NPS ) Thanks to the North's larger industry
they produced more weapons than
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Anthony Doerr 's All The Light We Can Not See
Novels and texts about war, or more specifically the World Wars, are often written in a glamorized
manner, and are told in the perspective of the victors. Consequently, seldom are readers allowed a
glance at the losing side's perspective. In the case of the World Wars, Germans are rarely cast
sympathetically in literature, however, in All The Light We Cannot See and All Quiet On The
Western Front, they are humanized rather than vilified. Anthony Doerr's All The Light We Cannot
See is about a blind French girl, Marie–Laure LeBlanc, and a German boy, Werner Pfennig, whose
paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II. Erich Maria
Remarque's, All Quiet On The Western Front deals with a group of German ... Show more content
on ...
The heinous consequences of war subsequently result in the tarnish of the protagonists' innocence
and altered their perspective of the world. In All The Light We Cannot See, this gradual recognition
of the harsh realities of their respective societies is highlighted through the bildungsroman structure
of the novel as well as the present–tense narration. This accelerates a sense of urgency within the
reader to advance along the characters; the use of a non–linear plot line further propels this insight.
The switching of time periods also juxtaposes and highlights the contrast between the characters
before and during the war. The redheaded girl in the velvet cloak emblematically represents the
uncorrupted generation whose lives were devastated during the war. When Werner see's the girl's
dead body, it catalyzes an extreme transformation due to psychological trauma: "Her moon eyes are
open and moist and her mouth is stretched back in an oval of surprise... Werner waits for the child to
blink. Blink, he thinks, blink blink blink." (p.368). In that instant, he recognizes war as brutal and
inhumane. In All Quiet On The Western Front, the callous experience of war results in the
protagonist's detachment of feelings such as kindness and compassion. His perspective of the war
becomes a bitter denunciation against sentimental and romantic ideals of warfare. The loss of Paul's
innocence is conveyed through the paradoxical quote, "Young men of iron.
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Turning Point In The Civil War

  • 1. Turning Point In The Civil War This investigation will answer the question, how significant was William Tecumseh Sherman's march to the sea to the unions win of the war? This question is important because William Tecumseh Sherman's march to the sea campaign was a major turning point in the civil war because of how cruel the total war tactic was. The scope of this investigation focuses on how successful William Tecumseh Sherman's "march to the sea" campaign was. One of the most colorful characters of the Civil War was a General named William T. Sherman. During the period of the war (1861–1865), General Sherman went full circle from being forced to retire on trumped up charges that he was insane, to becoming a key player in bringing this bloody war to a close. He entered ... Show more content on ... By the end of the war the total number of soldiers killed in combat and by disease and other non– combat related causes for both the North and South were 623, 026 (Foote, 1974). The total wounded for both sides were 471,427 (Foote, 1974). These numbers are staggering in that only 2,750,000 soldiers participated in the war. The battles of Manassas, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, If the question was asked, "Who was and still is the most hated and despised man in the history of the South" the response would be William Tecumseh Sherman. From the onset of hostilities in the Atlanta Campaign on May 6, 1864 and the march to the Sea ending two days before Christmas 1864 with him capturing Savannah, no one created more destruction. As a result of his successful campaign in Georgia, the Confederacy was split in two and deprived of much needed supplies, ending the war quickly with a Union victory. Prior to the outbreak of hostilities between the North and the South, William Tecumseh Sherman was Superintendent of the Louisiana State Seminary and Military Academy at Alexandria, Louisiana. After the war, the school moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana and became Louisiana State University (LSU). Talk of the secession from the Union was rampant. On January 18, 1861, Sherman resigned his ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. William Tecumseh Sherman Biography William Tecumseh Sherman was born in Lancaster, Ohio, on February 8, 1820. He was one of eleven children. His father was a successful lawyer and Ohio Supreme Court Justice. Suddenly, at the age of nine, Sherman's father died, leaving him with Thomas Ewing, a senator from Ohio prominent to the Whig party.In 1836, Sherman got appointed to West Point. He excelled in academics, but was not fond of the demerit system. He was never in deep trouble but had a good amount of minor scratches on his record. He graduated sixth in his class and he first saw action when soldiers were battling against the Seminole Indians in Florida. After he got many assignments that acquainted him with many well known southern families. Sherman's military experience was ... Show more content on ... After, he complained of how strong the opposing troops were and was very pessimistic so he was put in leave for an "insane" nervous breakdown. In 1861 he returned to service commanding the rear–echelons. In Kentucky he provided logistical support for General Ulysses S. Grant. The following month, Sherman was asked to serve with Grant at the Battle of West Tennessee. His first test as a commander was at Shiloh. Throughout the Battle at Shiloh, SHerman and Grant worked together creating a lifelong friendship between the two soldiers. Eventually they got separated because according to the newspaper the leadership was faulty because the soldiers were being commanded by a drunkard [Grant] and a lunatic [Sherman]. Then, when Vicksburg fell, Sherman was sent to command three armies in the West. In 1864, Sherman burned atlanta to to ground then set out on his famous"March to the Sea" and fought in Georgia. Then when Grant became president, Sherman took pver the position as General Commander of the US Army and protected the US from Indian attacks, railroad attacks, etc. After he retired in 1884, he soon died on February 14, 1891 in New York City. His services for our country will never be ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Why Did The North Win The Civil War The Civil War Outcome – Why The North Won Question: Was the outcome of the Civil War determined by the nature of Northern and Southern societies or by what occurred on the battlefield? Reason For The Northern Victory The available resources of The North and South determined the outcome of The Civil War. The North's superior industry and manpower paved the way for modernization and the ultimate victory. The South was destined for defeat due to insufficient resources to compete with the North. Once The North decided to fully utilize their industrial advantage, The South was doomed. Northern and southern leadership differed greatly – The North had better leadership in nearly every area, significantly that of the president! ... Show more content on ... "The whole number of slaveholders of this large class in all the Slave States is, according to De Bow 's Compendium of the Census, 7,929." [vi] Based on the white population of 5,500,000 in The South, the elite slaveholders accounted for only 0.001% of this total population. Leadership: North Versus South President Lincoln's skills as a political and military leader proved far superior to those of his counterpart, Jefferson Davis. Although Lincoln had no previous military experience, he possessed a basic common sense for understanding the strategy of war. Lincoln's innovative leadership, adaptability, and the ability to provide quick resolutions, gave the North a decisive advantage. He also understood that his time was limited and did not try to micromanage his generals. Lincoln knew that he needed qualified individuals to handle the day–to–day military operations. He found such a person in General Grant and handed over complete military control to him in 1963.[vii] In contrast, Jefferson Davis lacked this basic and essential ability to lead. He was arrogant, argumentative and stubborn. Davis was notorious for making poor decisions based on his pride – he was the type of individual that always had to be right. He sometimes replaced qualified cabinet members on the basis of a disagreement. The result was an unqualified "yes" man as a replacement. Davis' role as a military leader was without a ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. How Did Sherman's March To The Sea Cut A Swath Of Destruction Sherman's march to the sea cut a swath of destruction sixty miles wide and two–hundred eighty–five miles long from Georgia's industrial hub, Atlanta, to the coastal city of Savannah. During his march Sherman estimated his forces caused at least one–hundred million dollars worth of damage adding up to a little more than one and a half billion by today's standards. Major General William Tecumseh Sherman began his military career at the United States Military Academy where he graduated in 1840 as a Second Lieutenant. Once the Civil War broke out he was sent to the Mississippi area where he quickly distinguished himself and rose through the ranks. He was eventually placed in command of the forces charged with taking the Mississippi River and gained the respect of Lincoln. This gained him command of the Army of Tennessee and Georgia with which he was to split the deep south from the upper south, keeping the Confederate armies busy while Grant swept down from the North. Sherman's daring move ... Show more content on ... This created a dreadful economic situation in the South. Without the ability to produce any material goods they could not export items nor could they keep themselves fed with any real consistency. It did not help that the slaves freed by Sherman were straining already limited resources and the southerners hated them. However, this was the case in most of the south Sherman's actions were just a smaller part of the whole. On a larger scale the industrial destruction contributed to the mass migration of African Americans from the South to Northern industrial cities. The legacy of Sherman's march to the sea starting with the burning of Atlanta made the southerners wary and bitter towards the soldiers during the reconstruction period. There were some lasting effects directly related to Sherman's march, but many repercussions of the war were similar in all areas of the south and not a direct cause of ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Morality Of General Sherman The Morality of General Sherman's March to the Sea William Tecumseh Sherman was one of eleven children born to a distinguished Ohio family. Sherman was orphaned at a young age and was enrolled in the United States Military Academy by his legal guardian, Senator Thomas Ewing. He graduated sixth in his class, but never saw extensive action on the battlefield. He tried other professions for a few years, but the outbreak of the Civil War called him back into service. During the early years of the war he served in the battles of Bull Run, Ft. Donelson, Shiloh and Vicksburg, and slowly moved up the chain of command. Following his successful capture of Jackson, Mississippi, Sherman was promoted to Commander of the Western Theatre, by his boss and friend, General Ulysses S. Grant. It was after this promotion that Sherman set out for the Southern industrial hub of Atlanta and soon after began the famous March to the Sea ("William T. Sherman."). This march, from Atlanta to Savannah, was about two hundred and eighty five miles long and lasted for about three weeks. Sherman's men stole food and livestock, burned houses and barns, and attempted to scare the state of Georgia into surrender and collapse the Confederate war effort. During this time, Sherman and his men encountered little resistance. The only battle was a small skirmish outside the town of Griswoldsville that the Union won handily. After this failure, the Confederates began to retreat and initiated a scorched earth policy. ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Civil War : A Central Event Of America 's Historical... Civil War Professor Lenza Zachary Blaisdell 12/6/16 The Civil War is a central event of America 's historical consciousness. Whereas the revolution from 1776 to 1783 created the United States, it was decided what kind of country it will be after the civil war. This war solved the two fundamental problems that were not solved by the revolution: whether the United States is an indivisible state of a union of sovereign countries or a state sovereign state. Northern victory in the war abolished slavery that kept the United States as a nation and split the country from the outset. However, these outcomes occurred at the expense of 625,000 lives. In all other wars, this country fought, most American soldiers died. The American Civil War was the greatest and most destructive conflict in the West world between the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars of 1815 and the beginning of the First World War of 1914. The Civil War began for an uncompromising compromise between the Free States and other nations against the power of the state government to prohibit slavery in areas. When Abraham Lincoln won the election as the first Republican president on the platform trying to maintain slavery in 1860, seven slave nations in the south formed the new state. The Lincoln administration and the majority of the people in the north refused to recognize the legality of withdrawal. They were afraid that it would not trust democracy and would once create a fatal precedent to divide the United ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Siege Of Vicksburg Essay Ulysses S. Grant marched his force of 50,000 men through hard times on the west bank of the Mississippi River in the hope to conquer Vicksburg with a vicious defeat. April 30th, 1863 Grant crossed the Mississippi. The Siege Of Vicksburg was a significant occurrence in the Civil War. Grant was nearly unknown until his success at Vicksburg, however it did not come easy. Grant was very stubborn and always wanted his way throughout the journey. He would contradict the opinion of other Union leaders, and oppose the advice that he was given. Even if his plan was nearly impossible, or said to fail, Grant would lead his men down that path anyway. Grant was doubtful and drank too much, (Berg 35) he was said to have always had a drink in his hand when it came to ... Show more content on ... Jan 30, he arrived at Young's Point, 20 miles above Vicksburg on the Western bank (Leckie 458). Grant could neither storm Vicksburg frontally nor establish a base below the city until the spring rains were ceased (Leckie 458). He and his army could not wait out the rest of the winter and beginning of spring without moving. To keep his army from sitting still for four or five months, and to keep his men occupied, to perplex Pemberton in Vicksburg he made four flanking attempts (Leckie 458). All of which had failed. Opposie Vicksburg was a penninsula, it seemed that if a canal were cut across its base the river might flow and bypass the city. After the channel was dug the Father Of Waters refused to enter (Leckie 459). After the first channel was dug Grant tried to deepen and connect a chain of lakes and streams. The two months of work had failded (Leckie 459). 1,700 cavalry under colonel Benjamin Grierson went on a raid through central Mississippi (Leckie 459). April 16–17 1863, the fleet under Admiral David Dixon Porter made it's move (Leckie ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Dulce Et Decorum Est Analysis Wilfred Owen was a British university English professor who was fluent in the French language and taught English in France from 1913 to 1915 (Hibberd 110). Owen was conscripted into the British army in 1915 as a Second Lieutenant and eventually became a Company Commander who led "...Lancashire soldiers ... some who had been overseas bore the scares of wounds and it seemed absurd for a novice to be giving them orders" (188). Tragically, 25–year–old Owen was killed in action on November 4, 1918, when his unit crossed over a canal under hostile German machine gun fire (365). One week later, Allied and Central forces mutually agreed to the Armistice of Compiègne (Falls 416), which ended World War One (WWI). General William Tecumseh Sherman, who experienced the American Civil War first hand, stated: "War is cruelty" (Sherman). Sherman's honesty about the disgusting aspects of war was poetically shared a half–century later. Owen wrote the poem "Dulce et Decorum Est" from the perspective of an experienced British WWI soldier who adamantly disagreed with glorified war propaganda. The universal theme of "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen is society (the media, authors, the government, recruiters, and more) should not portray war (especially to our youth) and the act of dying for one's country (through propaganda posters, poems, children's books, commercials, films, songs, etc.) in a way that is glorious and appealing but rather in a way that is truthful because otherwise, ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Similarities Between War And Hell In All Quiet On The... Throughout human existence war has been a glorified way of settling disputes and asserting dominance, a place where powerful men have proven themselves, a place where glory and honor were achieved and a place where noble heroes died. Continuously through history humans looked past the horrors of war and misleadingly saw it as a glorious manner. This glorious view on war went unchallenged for centuries when finally the general William Tecumseh Sherman spoke out about the horrors of war and famously quoted that "war is hell". In All Quiet On The Western Front William Tecumseh Sherman's words can been seen in Remarque's portrayal of the First World War by making display of the close similarities that war and hell have. Remarque exposes how truly horrendous the conditions at the front were displaying similarities between the conditions at war and to conditions described of hell. Remarque shows how the weapons used in the war turned man into ashes and countrysides into dead zones creating a real hell like environment. Lastly Remarque manifests that the horrors that war brought were so deep that the suffering would become eternal just as the suffering of hell. Therefore in the novel All Quiet On The Western Front Remarque brings life to William Tecumseh Sherman's famous quote "War is hell" by exposing how alike war and hell are by virtue of their similarities: How the conditions at the front were so horrendous they resembled conditions of hell; How new warfare technology turned ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. General Sherman And The Match Of The Sea Holland Carvalho HIST342 17, July 2015 General William Sherman and the match to the sea Introduction General Sherman 's contribution to the Civil War will forever be remembered in history, although he made some miscalculations, his mistakes did nothing to his reputation unlike his brilliance in strategizing . His military exploits went far beyond getting the attention of American military historians; it went all the way to the shores of Europe. Military historian Basil Liddell Hart compiled a list of the best military strategists and General Sherman was among them, along with others like Napoleon Bonaparte, and Von Clausewitz. General Sherman's effort in this campaign helped the Union Army deliver the crippling blow ... Show more content on ... He first saw action in Florida against the Seminole Indians. However, he was not involved in the Mexican–American war like most of his contemporaries. As a result of this he quit in 1853, then joined his brother in the banking industry. Sherman's Military Career During this time he was appointed to the position of superintendent for the Louisiana Military Academy in 1859. However, after the onset of the Civil War Sherman left his post as the Superintendent and went north where he became a Colonel in the 13th United States Infantry . General Sherman later experienced combat at the first Battle of Bull Run, where he led a division of General Tyler's men. Unfortunately, he lost the battle, but President Abraham Lincoln saw his promise and promoted him to Brigadier General on August seventh, 1861. Before his March to the sea he had accomplished a lot, an example of this is the Atlanta campaign that took place between May and September 1864. Together with General Grant, they believed that they had to destroy the Confederacy's capacity for waging war. They would do this by attacking the economic, strategic, and physiological aspects of the South to bring it to its knees. The strategies that Sherman adopted could be compared with the scorched earth tactic that entailed destroying everything. Although he instructed his men to only destroy infrastructure in place where guerrilla warfare overwhelmed his army . He quickly ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Battle Of The War "Tis only those who have never heard a shot, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated ... that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation," said Union General William Tecumseh Sherman at the end of our nation's deadliest war, the Civil War. Determined to end the war after four long years, the Union called on Sherman to execute a controversial war strategy to defeat the Confederacy. His tactic, deemed total war by historians, aimed to bring the horrors of war to civilians in the heart of the South. Sherman's focus on destroying the manufacturing, logistical, and farming bases that supported the Confederate soldiers and civilians, is viewed by many as heinous and unnecessarily brutal. The strategy ... Show more content on ... Yet, Sherman's aim with total war tactics was not to physically harm Confederate civilians, but to hasten the end of the war. The military tactics he employed were sanctioned by the highest Union general, General Grant. Sherman brought the war to the people of the South as a form of psychological warfare to demoralize them and break their determination. The Southern campaign successfully limited the number of combatant deaths, on both sides, and caused few civilian deaths. The destructive foraging by Union soldiers was instituted to make Northern soldiers safer by causing the ruin of the South's military manufacturing bases and acquiring needed supplies from Southern farms. General William Tecumseh Sherman's total war tactics employed during his Southern campaign were not an act of senseless brutality of a villain, but were the actions of a brilliant military strategist. Sherman's critics claim that his tactics in the Southern Campaign were not part of a thought filled military strategy, but were instead brutalities rained upon the civilians for the purpose of inflicting maximum pain. However, this is a misperception. Sherman did destroy civilian property, but it was not a random act and the Union was not solely responsible for the destruction. The worst damage to civilian property occurred in South Carolina, where Sherman aimed to take over Columbia ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Principles Of Mission Command Of The Civil War Leaders inadvertently practiced mission command principles since the Civil War. Over time, the naming convention of the fundamentals has changed; however, the concept of the principles was still close in relations as time evolved. The effective application of the six mission command principles is critical to the success of commanders. Most prominent military leaders who exercised the fundamentals of mission achieved victorious results. Most leaders who lack effect in apply mission command principles in their plan habitually ended with little to no success. General Williams Tecumseh Williams and Major General Wade Hampton III are two examples of historical military leaders from the burning of Columbia who implemented and or fail to implement the principles of mission command during the Civil War. The burning of Columbia was a very significant event of the Civil War. There was a lot of controversy surrounding the event. For years, people debate about which party was responsible for initiating the destructive fire that burned down the capital of South Carolina on February 17–18, 1865. Some believe that General Sherman ordered his men to burn the city down under his "Total War" military strategy. Others believed that the retreating Soldiers of the Confederate's Army ignited the prepositioned bales of cotton in the streets before fleeing Columbia. The event end with more than half of Columbia burnt to the ground and a Union victory in a battle less fight. ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Racism Articles On Racism A case of a solar eclipse metaphor gone terribly, terribly wrong has become a conservative talking point about the left and racism. Last week, the Atlantic reprinted a Democracy: A Journal of Ideas article, which attempted to make a hard–to–parse point about race in America in the context of the solar eclipse. The thesis of the article was that the regions experiencing the total eclipse are mostly inhabited by white people – and also America has a history of racism. It was quickly picked up by far–right pundits and conservative media as the left's attempt to make everything about racism. Here's Infowars' Alex Jones tweeting about it: The left wants you to think #SolarEclipse2017 is racist. RT if you disagree! – Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) August 21, 2017 And conservative columnists Matt Walsh and Charles Cooke: The eclipse is racist you guys – Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) August 18, 2017 Beyond parody. – Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) August 19, 2017 The Daily Caller bashed the article with the headline "The Eclipse Is Racist Because It Fails to Affect Enough Black People, The Atlantic Suggests." The article comes on the heels of a terror attack at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one anti–racism demonstrator dead. President Donald Trump equivocated his condemnation of neo–Nazis after the incident, prompting backlash from both Republicans and Democrats. But ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Military Actions Of The American Civil War Throughout history the effectiveness of specific military actions have been debated and discussed. Military tacticians and scholars have pondered the overall completion of objectives and the comprehensive values presented by the action. This debate has occurred for many of the actions taken in the American Civil War. In terms of achievement the "March to the Sea" was one of the most effective military actions of the Civil War. Historians may debate the level of destruction that union soldiers imposed on the civilian populace during the march, but Sherman's desire to "rip the heart out of the Confederate war effort" succeeded. General William Tecumseh Sherman understood the effectiveness of bringing home the war to the people of the south. He understood how to make an impact on the southern desire to continue the fight. Sherman's march affected the southern psyche and damaged the will to fight, while destroying valuable supplies and material. In late 1864 the American Civil War was still grinding on. Since 1861, hundreds of thousands of Americans had been fighting each other in bloody battles all across the country. The confederates were becoming more desperate but still had a great deal of fight left in them. They were losing supplies and manpower but the war could drag on for years. The battles had developed into a war of attrition that may have lasted for many more years. A northern general that understood this, and knew a way to hasten the war's end, was William Tecumseh ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Military Actions Of The American Civil War Throughout history the efficacy of specific military actions have been debated and discussed. Military tacticians and scholars have pondered the overall completion of objectives and the broad values presented by the action. This debate has occurred for many of the actions taken in the American Civil War. In terms of accomplishment, the "March to the Sea" was one of the most effective military actions of the Civil War. Historians may debate the level of devastation that union soldiers forced on the civilian population during the march, but Sherman's desire to "rip the heart out of the Confederate war effort" succeeded (Simon & Schurst). General William Tecumseh Sherman understood the effectiveness of bringing home the war to the people of ... Show more content on ... At the end of 1864, Sherman was in charge of over 60,000 union fighting men. Sherman realized that he had to find a way to bring about a quicker resolution to the war. To bring about this resolution he wanted to get the people of the Confederacy to feel the effects of war. He was not interested in the limited war that had been fought in the preceding years. Sherman, and his superior Grant, both understood that if the Confederacy's spirit could be broken the north would prevail quickly. Unlike many others in the union army, these men knew that "as long as the southern psyche remained whole, southerners would support the war effort, no matter the casualties suffered or the territory lost" (Lance). Sherman understood that by affecting southern morale and the southern will to fight, he could win the war. His "March to the Sea" was determined to break the back of the Confederacy and bring a speedy end to the Civil War. To do this there needed to be new tactics and a new type of warfare. Sherman had institutionalized a type of warfare new to the Civil War. His desire to crush southern resolve had embraced the principle of total war. For the majority of the Civil War, the battles had been fought with a sense that there were certain rules to the war. A degree of limited war had been practiced. War had a code. These codes of war had been developed during a time of scientific research and humanistic development. The codes of war developed "during the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Compare And Contrast Abraham Lincoln And The Civil War In order to understand the American Civil War, one must know more about the leaders who controlled both sides. As many Americans know, Abraham Lincoln participated in the command of troops on the Northern side of the conflict. On the Southern side, a very influential leader was also present; Nathan Bedford Forrest was a well–known general in the South and was renowned for his brilliant tactics in combat. One is known as the great emancipator of the slaves, the other, as the first leader of the Ku Klux Klan (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.). The roles could have been greatly reversed, had their upbringings been different. Despite their many differences, these two influential figures had a surprising amount of similarities. Abraham ... Show more content on ... After the war, Nathan Bedford Forrest returned to his old life as a businessman, working with railroads and lumber companies to make his living. Later in the 1860s, Forrest was chosen to be the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.). It was here where he led the Klan members on horseback to intimidate former slaves, republicans, and other northern civilians. In 1869, he reportedly disbanded the cult, and when later asked about his association, he denied all ties to the group. After this disbanding of the Ku Klux Klan, Forrest saw his businesses fail and would manage a prison camp until he succumbed to complications with diabetes (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.).. When looking for similarities between Nathan Bedford Forrest and Abraham Lincoln, it is important to look at their upbringings. When the magnifying glass is put up to these influential figures, it is clear that they had extremely similar childhoods. Lincoln and Forrest both started out poor and would go on to teach themselves how to read and write. Later they would slowly rise to the occasion, and be put in a place of power. For Forrest, that is when he started making money as a cotton plantation owner; for Lincoln, it is when he became a lawyer and invested with politics. ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Battle Of The Civil War BACKGROUND William Tecumseh Sherman, although not a career military commander before the war, would become one of "the most widely renowned of the Union's military leaders next to U. S. Grant." One of the most debated figures of the Civil War, Sherman has been equally celebrated and reviled in public memory. He brought hard warfare to the South, leaving a wake of destruction through Georgia and South Carolina which hastened the surrender of Confederate forces in the Carolinas, Florida, and Georgia in April 1865. His harsh tactics ended the bloody conflict and resulted in freedom for millions of enslaved people. Sherman 's March to the Sea or the Savannah battle was the hostile propelled crosswise over Georgia by Union general William T Sherman amid the civil war. After effectively directing The Atlanta Campaign prior that year, Sherman and his men began the Savannah crusade from the caught city of Atlanta on November 15, 1864. The crusade finished on December 21, 1864, with a catch of port city of Savannah. When Sherman began his walk to the ocean; Confederate armed force was at that point on the back foot. The point of Sherman 's hostile was to handicapped Confederate economy and assurance and hurry the end of the war. THE FALL OF ATLANTA From May to September, 1864 General Sherman effectively ran his Atlanta crusade amid which his armed force had assumed control over the city of Atlanta from Confederate control. Atlanta was a railroad center point. It had weapons ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. What Distinguishes A Hero From A Villain? What distinguishes a hero from a villain? When assessing William Tecumseh Sherman's goals and actions on the battle field, the lines aren't always so clear. General Sherman commanded the Union army during the bloodiest war in American history: the Civil War. His march to the sea during the fall and winter of 1864 stands out as one of the pivotal successes for the Union, because of the brilliant tactics used to expose weakness in the Confederacy. Cutting off his supply lines, he led 62,000 soldiers from Atlanta to Savanna to demoralize the southern people. The actions Sherman took in order to successfully accomplish his goals during his march were undeniable examples of barbarity, using brilliant schemes to suffocate the southern spirit. ... Show more content on ... Some would argue that Sherman's reluctance to face the Confederate army head on would make the march fairly peaceful. After all, he avoided bloodshed; however instead of facing of with an army, he faced off with the people, practicing psychological warfare, instead of waging a physical battle against the Confederacy. Yet this type of warfare didn't fail to devastate the south. He successfully made the southern people fear his army so much, that Confederate wives begged their husbands to come home so the war would end and "told one South Carolina woman that he was ransacking her plantation so that her soldier husband would come home and Grant would not have to kill him in the trenches at Petersburg" (Groce). Sherman's genius approach to show his army's power through destruction of property instead of the through slaughtering men on the battlefield is quite ironic, considering the Civil War was one of the bloodiest battles in history; however, it created a big blow to the south, convincing the people to give up. From the words of Sherman himself, "If the people raise a howl against barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not popularity–seeking. If they want peace, they and their relatives must stop the war" (Mitchell). He admits to his brutality, declaring that to stop the burning of plantations and destruction, the civilians must give up. Sherman recognized that the fuel to any war was the people. (expand) The brutality he brought to the southern ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Hiring Of General Hugh Judson Kilpatrick The hiring of General Hugh Judson Kilpatrick was the turning point in U.S. history during the Civil War because of his negative demeanor, participation in irresponsible activities, political ambition, exceptional ability to lead Soldiers, and unethical military tactics. Sherman would utilize these elements during the Savannah Campaign to create a psychological advantage that would ensure his victory. Major General William Tecumseh Sherman began a historical campaign through Savannah Georgia, eventually called "Sherman's March to the Sea" during the winter of 1864. General Sherman chose an aggressive, reckless and politically motivated Soldier with a propensity for embellishment known as Hugh Judson Kilpatrick. Chosen to lead General Sherman's Calvary division, which consisted of First and Second Brigade, Kilpatrick would become one of the most notorious and iconic figures in the American Civil War. 3 Hugh Judson Kilpatrick was born on a farm January 14, 1836, in Wantage Township, near Deckertown New Jersey. Kilpatrick was the youngest of four siblings birthed into a military family. His father Colonel Simon Kilpatrick was very influential and instrumental in being a catalyst in Kilpatrick's quest to become an Armed Forces Service Member. Kilpatrick grew up in a privileged environment and matured with an outlook of the world that was different from his siblings because of his admiration of his father. As a child, he would imagine he was Charles the Great, ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. An Analysis Of Sherman's Unorthodox Tactics Of The Civil War Aaron Ganss Dr. Lisa Arter ENGL 2010: Toulmin Argument 20 July 2015 General Sherman's Unorthodox Tactics that Ended the Civil War Scorched farms, slaughtered livestock, uprooted railway lines and cities set on fire was not typical battle strategy previously seen on American soil. However, the Civil War was dragging on and General William Tecumseh Sherman was determined to finally end the fighting. The circumstances that initiated the war created a figurative and literal divide unlike America had ever seen. The American Civil War took heavy tolls on the Union and Confederate States of America. Desperate to end the bloodshed, President Abraham Lincoln trusted Ulysses S. Grant control of the Army and Grant authorized Sherman the freedom to do whatever necessary to bring conclusion to the conflict (Davis 22). In the military mind of Sherman, the end justified the means and this belief is well documented throughout his 1864 and 1865 campaign through Georgia, concluding in Goldsboro, North Carolina (Phillips 11). Sherman despised war and the fact that America had entered into a civil war in the first place. However, Sherman knew the conflict was unavoidable (Meiers 26). He made the decision to follow his allegiance to the Union and eventually became the general to lead the Armies of the Cumberland, the Ohio, and the Tennessee into the heart of Georgia (Moody 22). During this event the wrath of general Sherman would be implanted in the South's memories. By the use of unorthodox ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Why the North Won the Civil War Why the North Won the American Civil War Union officer William Tecumseh Sherman observed to a Southern friend that, "In all history, no nation of mere agriculturists ever made successful war against a nation of mechanics. . . .You are bound to fail." While Sherman 's statement proved to be correct, its flaw is in its assumption of a decided victory for the North and failure to account for the long years of difficult fighting it took the Union to secure victory. Unquestionably, the war was won and lost on the battlefield, but there were many factors that swayed the war effort in favor of the North and impeded the South 's ability to stage a successful campaign. The advantages of the Union going into the war are numerous. The system ... Show more content on ... The Union was also capable of providing industry with the raw materials necessary for production. Mines and refineries existed in abundance in the North, which also had large amounts of land available for growing food crops, unlike the South which had devoted most its arable land to cash crops like cotton (Perman, 12). The existing infrastructure of roads and railways allowed the Union to transport weaponry, clothes, food, soldiers, and other supplies to almost any location in the entire theater, which greatly benefited the Northern army. The war, however, was not won on attitude and preparedness alone. Military leadership played a large role in winning the war. The land advantage went to the Confederacy at the beginning of the war as it did not need to conquer the North. It could win the war simply by defending its territory and by waiting for the North to become discouraged. Fighting in the South also provided an advantage to the Confederacy as the men were fighting on their own land and had a better knowledge of it than the Yankees as well as a better incentive to defend it against invasion (Perman, 235). Confederate General Robert E. Lee managed to outmatch almost every Union general with the exception of Ulysses S. Grant, who eventually overcame Lee by force of numbers and determination of will. The fatal flaw of Lee was that he held on to the belief that his army would win the war in a single, ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. How Did Sherman's March Affect The South Sherman's March to the Sea By Jasa J Thesis: Sherman's March had many negative effects on the north and south, but it ended as a win for the north. (Union army). Introduction: Sherman's March was a military campaign that started in Georgia and was formed November 15 until December 21, 1864. ( "Shermans March to Sea"). Sherman's March was also known as the Savannah campaign only because the March ended in the capture of port Savannah. ( "Sherman's March to Sea"). The March was led by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army. ("Sherman's March to Sea").Sherman's March had many negative effects on the north and south, but it ended as a win for the north. (Union army). It was classified as a win for the union(North) because it is known for its boldness as well as the utter destruction on the South, both to its industry as well as military targets, effectively destroying the Confederate's capacity to wage war. (History Net). How did Sherman's March impact/ affect The South Body #1: ... Show more content on ... From all the destruction and damage he did his name is still cursed and strongly disliked in some parts of the South. Sherman stripped the civilians of more food than they needed nor could supply and carry along as they travel through the south. Sherman also destroyed factories, mills, cotton gills, warehouses, train depots, bridges and railroads. In the end Sherman was recognized as a great strategist, a forceful leader, and together with Ulysses G. the ablest Union general of the war even though he blazed a wide path of destruction along the South. (Groce). ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Sherman's March To The Sea Analysis Sherman's March to the sea likewise called the Savannah Crusade was embraced by General William Tecumseh Sherman between November 12, 1864, and December 22, 1864. Sherman's march to the sea was 285 miles in length extending from Atlanta to the Confederate beachfront town of Savannah. Sherman left a way of devastation afterward While destroying the framework, ventures, yields, and property in Georgia.Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth American President who served in office from Walk 4, 1861, to April 15, 1865. One of the key occasions amid his administration was Sherman's march to the sea amid the Common War..After General William T. Sherman's March to the Sea, he propelled his huge armed force through the Carolinas. Various ridiculous fights and encounters were battled as his armed force progressed and moved toward the North Carolina capital of Raleigh.Not long after that meeting Wilson and his rangers fighters joined Gen. George H. Thomas' troops in devastating Hood's armed force. This letter, composed on January 21, a month after the fall of Savannah on December 21, 1864, demonstrates both Sherman and Wilson prepared to start the second period of their arrangement: Sherman would walk through the Carolinas and Wilson would take Alabama. The bright Broad Sherman utilizes commonly reckless dialect to depict how he "thumped ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. How Photography Affects The Social And Political Arena Photography had been around more than 20 years before the Civil War began. When pictures were taken, they showed colonels, bodies that were on the battlefield, even soldiers that were around the camp tent. A few photographers that will be discussed are Mathew Brady, Alexander Gardner, George Barnard and Timothy O'Sullivan. I will talk about how their photography affected the social and political arena as well as how photography in contemporary society provides the public with an up–close testimony to recent wars and global strife. Mathew Brady stated, "My greatest aim has been to advance the art of photography and to make it what I think I have, a great and truthful medium of history." (Keya Morgan, 2004). Mathew Brady was a 19th century ... Show more content on ... In the social arena, Mathew Brady photographed people bringing them into his photography studio and they were connected, for example, that is where Mathew Brady met his wife Juliette Handy. Alexander Gardner worked for Mathew Brady as his assistant photographer. Although it was Brady's name on most of the photographs, it was Gardner that took the photographs. When the Civil War started, portrait photography's demand increased. Soldiers wanted to leave photographs and images behind with their loved ones as they posed before going to war. (Group of officers at Headquarters Army of Potomac, ppmsca 34178 Alexander Gardner was more so known for his photographs of scenery instead of the troops. While he worked with Mathew Brady that was his focus, but once he departed from Mathew, Alexander began taking photographs of the scenes. Other photographers took pictures of the troops and men during the Peninsula Campaign in Virginia, but it was Alexander Gardner that took them of the scenery; which is how he affected the political arena. He showed a difference in campaigning. His photography affected the social arena by using the camera differently and started something new, instead of taking one photo at a time, he took four. Before Gardner died he said, "It is designed to speak for itself. As mementos of the ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. William Tecumseh Sherman Research Paper William Tecumseh Sherman was a great Union general fighting in the Civil War. His major feat during the war was his campaign through the South. He started in Chattanooga, Tennessee and ended in Savannah, Georgia. His March used psychological warfare to make southerners lose support for the Southern cause by bringing the war to their front–doors. This showing of how cruel the war really was is said to have ended the war more quickly. It all started November 23, in Chattanooga, Tennessee during the Battle of Chattanooga. Following the Battle of Chickamauga in September of 1863, General Ulysses S. Grant focused on lifting the Confederate siege on Chattanooga. Him and General Sherman's army attacked the Confederate troops eventually winning ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Of Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln And The President Of... War is chaos and the devil itself. It represents the cruelty and darkness in the human heart. In 1861, a Civil War broke out between the North and the South. A soldier who served in the Civil War said in a letter to his parents, "Many became ill from exposure and starvation, and were left on the road." ("Letters and Diaries," 1862) The war continued for four years and was considered by historians as the most devastating war the United States has witnessed. Nonetheless, the Civil War produced two of the most brilliant minds in American history: Abraham Lincoln and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of America, served as the main strategist for the North during the Civil War and Nathan Bedford Forrest was a Lieutenant General in the Confederate Army. Both Lincoln and Forrest came from humble origins and worked their way to success. However, Lincoln gained his position as a President by using his tact and diplomacy although he was not appreciated for his clever decisions and authority while Forrest became a General through aggression and was praised by the South as a great tactician and a war hero. Abraham Lincoln's endeavor and success in granting equal rights for African–American will remain forever in the heart of later generations. First, Abraham Lincoln and Nathan Bedford Forrest were not blessed with fortune and opportunity but they achieved their goals through perseverance and great effort. Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Sherman's march to the Sea Title: Sherman's March to the Sea Name: Institution: Name of Facilitator: Course Name and Number: Date: Abstract This paper describes a campaign that helped decide the American Civil War. A General of the Union army named William Tecumseh Sherman helped lead a campaign that started in Georgia go the sea in Savannah, and finish to help aid the main forces in the Carolinas. During this march the soldiers lived off the land and the Southern people's food and burning anything that could be of military use to the South's forces. This march helped decisively end the war, and struck many blows to the South's forces and its people's morale, that Sherman's army could march unopposed through the South. ... Show more content on ... Other soldiers gave up sleeping, when it got to cold, to sit in front of roaring fires (Kennett, 1995). The wind in the area sometimes combined with the rains and the cold air, nearly knocking over the tents of the soldiers and making them freeze into the night. During Sherman's March to the Sea, he made a stop at Georgia's then capital, Milledgeville. Sherman arrived in Milledgeville encountering virtually no resistance from Confederate troops; for they were off defending Macon and Augusta and various key bridges across rivers and gorges. The Georgia governor had fled the town and took anything of value from the Executive Mansion, shortly before Sherman arrived. Sherman took note of the bare house and its slim pickings and slept inside along with some equipment and other soldiers for the next few days. News of Sherman's capture of Georgia's capital helped break apart the will of the Confederate soldiers. After Sherman's short rest he continued his march to Savannah where he could replenish his supplies. Sherman arrived on the outskirts of Savannah on December 11, 1864. The city was occupied by Confederate troops, and they had the city locked down. To help seize the city Sherman would have to capture Fort McAllister to be able to safely advance to Savannah. Sherman sends 4,000 infantry to seize the fort. After a very brief struggle the fort is seized and is in control by Sherman, and this fort gives him ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. American Civil War and Sectionalism 1. Approximately 180,000 Negros served in the Union during the Civil War. The Negro Soldier was overall a good one. One example was at the Assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina. The 54th Massachusetts Colored troops led the assault and scaled the fort's parapet and were only driven back after brutal hand–to–hand fighting. The Negro faced some discrimination in the Union Army in areas such as pay. It wasn't until June 15th, 1864 that the Congress granted equal pay to Negro troops. Several Negro soldiers earned the Medal of Honor. The North attitude towards Negro troops was mainly positive, while the South did not want Negros to serve in the Confederate Army. It wasn't until the Confederates were running low on men did they allow Negros to serve. The Negros serving in the North felt it as their duty to serve and support the cause for their own freedom. 2. General Ulysses S. Grant was a brilliant strategist and seemed to be able to plan out movements in advance. The people of the North thought the tremendous casualties to be horrendous. But Grant knew that the South's casualties to be much more than the North's. Grant did have the support and trust of the North though and his record did well to deserve that support. His commanders trusted his completely. Grant's idea of "Total War" was to break down the infrastructure of the South. The Siege of Petersburg which lasted almost years, then the capture of Richmond is among the battles Grant engaged in while south of the James ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Characteristics Of A Twisted Hero A hero is a person who rises above the ranks of the average individual and is known as one who achieves great strides as well as lead people to prosperity and greatness. On the contrary, a person who is twisted is one whom has an abnormal and, in a myriad number of occasions, warped perspective on reality and morality. When combining these two concepts, what comes out is a "Twisted Hero," a person who brings about times of prosperity and greatness, but does so in a manner akin to that of if one were to jump into a black hole in space, one will be torn in two with one half being incinerated immediately and the other half being completely fine falling into the black hole. This is what a twisted hero is defined as to me, a twisted hero leaves only the outstanding results, but takes out any chance of it being done righteously. These twisted heroes can be found in the cases of Om a Sokdae and the fifth grade class, William Tecumseh Sherman with his "total war" tactics, and my teacher in fourth grade with her cruel punishments. When examining why Om Sokdae, the class monitor, is the twisted hero of the fifth grade class, it is important to realize the achievements the class, as a whole, is able to reach when they listen to him. From their class being seen as the most ideal by the school, having the best grades and test scores, and the students being seen as the most exemplary it is clear that Om has made great strides with his leadership position as class monitor. ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. William Tecumseh Sherman A Twisted Hero A hero is a person who rises above the ranks of the average individual and is known as one who achieves great strides as well as lead people to prosperity and greatness. On the contrary, a person who is twisted is one whom has an abnormal and, in many occasions, warped perspective on reality and morality. When combining these two concepts, what comes out is a "Twisted Hero," a person who brings about times of prosperity and greatness, but does so in a manner akin to that of if one were to jump into a black hole in space, one will be torn in two with one half being incinerated immediately and the other half being completely fine falling into the black hole. This is what a twisted hero is defined as to me, the twisted heroes leave only the ... Show more content on ... However, this scenario changed when my teacher had ultimately become fed up with this situation and infamously declared she would not let me participate in the annual class play unless I turned in all of my homework that I had left unnoticed, as well as, all additional homework she would be handing out over the next semester. I, as any normal fourth grader with sound mind would, thought the mere idea of doing this multitude of that work was preposterous, but in the end, admittedly I did not have the privilege to make that discretion, it was either I play in her game or she would call my parents, and that last option was not exactly the most appealing offer in the world. Therefore, I ended up completing most of the work that was assigned, however, this was not enough to please this mastermind of evil, this bringer of despair, and this destroyer of dreams. She had once again warned me that I needed to complete all the work I had kept lying on my desk at home, which was the excuse I had always used for not doing the homework, and so I had spent two whole hours finishing off a pile of homework I had thought of as platitudinous at the time, for the record it was. Although now I realize the errors of my ways, with my fourth grade mind, I believed she was, in fact, a twisted hero, and the part ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Reflection Paper On Smits Smits Essay Reflection In the height of the great Indian wars in America, the Frontier Army were grasping at any straws to get a leg up on the shifting Natives that were escaping from their reservations. General Crook came up with the idea to use Native scouts to track down the escaping Natives. The use of these scouts would "demoralize" the opposing Natives psychological value as stated by David D. Smits in his article Indian Scouts and Indian Allies in the Frontier Army. The use of Indian scouts were in commission in the finding and force surrender of legend status Natives, like Geronimo, Crazy Horse and Dull Knife. The Cheyenne and Sioux scouts that were going against everything ... Show more content on ... Crook had with him 60 or some odd number of Native scouts in his control to talk in Crazy Horse into surrendering, in doing so the Sioux scouts that were in possession of Crook finally acquired Crazy Horse and made him come into the reservation for good. Smits stats one of Crazy Horse's number one men, High Bear by saying "You sent for us to come in, and we knew that some of our people were with you, and we did not wish to fight them, and so we came." This showing the U.S. Army that the Sioux tribe had no intention of killing innocent Natives that were literally brainwashed by fear of death by the hands of the U.S. Army. Smits continues on by showing us that a day later Miles and his scouts crushed Lame Deer's band of Natives, in achieving the end of the Great Sioux War. The author shows in great detail of how the Natives were being used by the United States army in the 1800's, some working perfectly for the Army and totally backfiring for them in the long run. I truly agree with the author's main thesis that the army won the war for the most part because of the use of the Natives to hunt the escaping down in a heartbeat. For the U.S. Army to think like a Native was not going to work out well for them. Overall Smits did a phenomenal job describing and accurately showing us the true use of the Natives scouts in the Great Indian ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Georgia On General Sherman ' S Mind GEORGIA ON GENERAL SHERMAN'S MIND Kaitlyn Brown History 220 March 1, 2016 I. The American civil war was an unfortunate but necessary part of this country's history. Sentiments between the north and the south had been getting worse for years. As more states were admitted to the Union, there was always the fight about whether the new state would be a slave state or a free state. The north was against the expansion of slavery. They felt that if it stayed confined to the state it was already in it would eventually burn itself out. The south was not okay with their being more northern free states because that would change the balance of power in Congress. After many compromises, the straw that broke the camel back was when Lincoln was elected president. Lincoln was a Republican and at this time the Republican Party was still very new. As a party, they were against slavery and polygamy. The southern states did not want slavery to be controlled by the federal government especially when the government was led by a republican. Though Lincoln did not say he would end slavery, the southern states succeeded anyway and thus began the war to keep the union together. The Savannah campaign, also known as General Sherman's March to the Sea, was the most successful military campaign of the Civil War and succeeded in ending the war by accomplishing Sherman's goal of demoralizing the Confederate people. II. General Sherman. William Tecumseh Sherman was born in Lancaster, ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. History Of The Kent House Plantation Scattered along many of Louisiana's rivers and bayous are majestic, historical homes built during a time of Southern prosperity. In the South, these homes and surrounding property often called plantations, were the product of middle to upper class slave–owning planters. Central Louisiana is home to a plantation that is "the oldest standing structure" in this area. During a recent visit to Kent House Plantation, I learned of the history, operations, and current events that help to keep the past alive. The Kent House sits on only four acres of the original seventeen hundred and forty acres given to Pierre Baillio II in a 1794 Spanish land grant. In 1795 Baillio, a middle class, slave– owning, cotton planter, envisioned and began ... Show more content on ... In 1863, the Union Army made its way into Alexandria. There are several theories on why the army did not destroy Kent House. There 's a couple of theories, but we don 't exactly know why the house was spared. One theory is that (the Hynsons) were Masons and so was (Union Gen.) Ulysses S. Grant. Another possible reason why the Kent House was spared is that the Hynsons refused to leave the house. [Although] I don 't think that 's true because they would have set fire to the house anyway, and that would have caused the family to leave. There are two more plausible theories, however, one of which states that the Kent House was being used as a base of operations for the Union army. Possibly the most believable reason why the Kent House was not burned is that the son of the plantation 's original owner, Pierre Baillio II, was on the board of directors at the institution that would become LSU at the same time that future Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman was the school 's superintendent. It 's said that Sherman and Baillio were good friends, and it 's possible that Sherman gave the order not to touch the Kent House, even though Baillio didn 't own it at that time. However, in 1908, a part of the Kent House was destroyed when a hurricane swept through Alexandria. Because of the damage, Hynson descendant, Sallie Hynson Ringold had to sell the home. The Kent House exchanged many hands ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. General William Tecumseh Sherm War Hero Or Criminal? Johnathon Treon Mr. Bradley A.P United States 25th January, 2015 General William Tecumseh Sherman: War Hero or Criminal? Throughout the entirety of United States history, no conflict form the Revolution to Vietnam, was more deadly in terms of American lives lost, then the Civil War. Fought over the very principles of states' rights, exclusively in the form of slavery, this conflict would cost over 600,000 lives and the devastation of the southern landscape and economy for many years to come.1 Under the capable leadership of President Abraham Lincoln, the Union was to be his utmost priority, and he would do all that was in his power to maintain its integrity. Lincoln relayed this authority to his generals, allowing them virtually ... Show more content on ... This judgment, as to whether or not he should be deemed a war criminal, must stem from modern institutions such as the Red Cross, as well as, other bodies that have dictated the protocols of war.2 Though it is easy to either glorify or chastise a historical figure from our past, a more difficult task that we must look towards, is to truly understand whether or not General Sherman's actions shall be deemed inhumane in terms of modern societal norms and accepted agreements. Firstly, we must look towards Sherman's initial actions, beginning in 1862 when Sherman was having trouble dealing with Confederate snipers who were pestering Union gunboats on the Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. He then determined that he would follow his theory of "collective responsibility" which would allow him to "justify" the attacking and execution of innocents as retribution for any Union attacks. One such instance of this would be when he had the entire rural town of Randolph, Tennessee burned as until nothing was left. He also determined that the civilians would either be taken as hostages or worse executed. As he progressed onwards through former Confederate territory he also burnt Jackson and Meridian, Mississippi to the ground, even though these cities offered no organized defense and there was no Confederate garrison stationed there. His soldiers would progress onwards looting what they could and destroying ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Battle Of The Civil War There have been many generals that have served under their respective sides during the Civil War. Generals that come into mind are the Confederates Robert E. Lee, who is arguably the best general to have ever served in the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant who was one of the finest Union generals that Abraham Lincoln found, but there was one general that turned the chapter for the union in the Civil War, William T. Sherman. The Union underwent a stage where they needed help badly. They had absolutely no advantage whatsoever against Robert E. Lee and the South. They lost the 1st/2nd Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chattanooga, Battle of Antietam, Seven Days Battle, etc. They were doomed. Although the Union was at a constant fall, the rise of William Sherman brought the Unions troubles and the confederates down. William T. Sherman went into war because the Union had no more options. He himself was also out of options. He's going through a turning point in his career as well. When he got the job, his mindset of torturing the Confederates changed the perspective on how the South were going to attack the north. It even made Lee think a little bit on what he would do next. Who knows where the Union would be without the leadership of Sherman. His incredible guts/determination/leadership in many battles show that he truly belongs in the Civil War elite. William T. Sherman is an iconic character, but it always wasn't so good for him back when he was little. ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Summary: The Creation Of A Political Neutral Military Every four years when a president is elected into office, no matter the country, it is vital that the running is fair and follows the rules set out by the country. However, when writing about such a topic it is also important to view all sides of the potential argument and provide evidence that both discredits the opposing view and supports the point the author is attempting to prove. This allows the reader to know that every possibility has been researched and both sides have been viewed, but that the author is correct when stating their stance on the matter. In regards to American history, the creation of a politically neutral military began to form predominantly after the end of the American Civil War in 1865. Before the Post–Civil War era, the military had a strong ... Show more content on ... An example of this would be Sylvanus Thayer, a superintendent of the US Military Academy for 16 years, as he attempted to pass several reforms that limited the political influence in the military including an attempt to "inoculate political neutrality among cadets". During the 1869 election the superintendent was particularly harsh on the cadets about having a political preference, but was later thought amusing and revoked by the then recently inaugurated President Jackson (Corbett & Davidson, 2010). However, after the Civil War in the United States, the view on politically neutrality changed as the military became stricter about soldiers having any influence in political matters. A notable figure in the beginning of the politically neutral military was General William Tecumseh Sherman. Taking control of the military in 1869, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Civil War Advantages Fireworks light up the night sky on April 9th, 1865, crowds cheer, news of the South's surrender at the Appomattox Courthouse spreads throughout the north, the Union wins the civil war, seemingly beating the much weaker south quickly and easily, to the clueless onlooker, but the war was very hard fought through deadly battles and bloodshed, with both sides coming close to beating each other out, at one point or another. To understand why the Union won the civil war, we must examine the advantages that the north had, which are, the north was much more heavily industrialized than the agrarian south, to aid in the war effort, had a larger population to support an even larger army, and had ingenious generals like Ulysses S. Grant willing to take risks to win and preserve the union at all costs. The Union won the civil war credulously to the fact that the north was much more industrialized than the south. The north's economy was characterized by a booming factories, railways connecting cities, and industrial power and had little reliance on slave labor, unlike the south, where which slavery was a vital part of their way of life, and had much more undeveloped industry. One of the perks to being an industrial powerhouse was that the north could keep their soldiers and armies well supplied with clothes, tools, and especially weapons. "The North produced 3,200 firearms to every 100 produced in the South"( NPS ) Thanks to the North's larger industry they produced more weapons than ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Anthony Doerr 's All The Light We Can Not See Novels and texts about war, or more specifically the World Wars, are often written in a glamorized manner, and are told in the perspective of the victors. Consequently, seldom are readers allowed a glance at the losing side's perspective. In the case of the World Wars, Germans are rarely cast sympathetically in literature, however, in All The Light We Cannot See and All Quiet On The Western Front, they are humanized rather than vilified. Anthony Doerr's All The Light We Cannot See is about a blind French girl, Marie–Laure LeBlanc, and a German boy, Werner Pfennig, whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II. Erich Maria Remarque's, All Quiet On The Western Front deals with a group of German ... Show more content on ... The heinous consequences of war subsequently result in the tarnish of the protagonists' innocence and altered their perspective of the world. In All The Light We Cannot See, this gradual recognition of the harsh realities of their respective societies is highlighted through the bildungsroman structure of the novel as well as the present–tense narration. This accelerates a sense of urgency within the reader to advance along the characters; the use of a non–linear plot line further propels this insight. The switching of time periods also juxtaposes and highlights the contrast between the characters before and during the war. The redheaded girl in the velvet cloak emblematically represents the uncorrupted generation whose lives were devastated during the war. When Werner see's the girl's dead body, it catalyzes an extreme transformation due to psychological trauma: "Her moon eyes are open and moist and her mouth is stretched back in an oval of surprise... Werner waits for the child to blink. Blink, he thinks, blink blink blink." (p.368). In that instant, he recognizes war as brutal and inhumane. In All Quiet On The Western Front, the callous experience of war results in the protagonist's detachment of feelings such as kindness and compassion. His perspective of the war becomes a bitter denunciation against sentimental and romantic ideals of warfare. The loss of Paul's innocence is conveyed through the paradoxical quote, "Young men of iron. ... Get more on ...