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  Marcos Morcillo and Mónica Sánchez

Truffles are the fruit of a mycorrhizal fungi. That means that lives associated to the roots
of some host trees or shrubs, as oaks, holm oaks and hazels, Cistus or some pines. Truffles
fruits into the ground and some species become aromatic with the aim that some animals
dig them up the ground and while eating them spread their spores. The aroma is also
appreciated by humans and recognized by dogs that can be trained to harvest them.
Truffles belong to the genus Tuber, into de Ascomicotina. There are several species, around
40, but a few of them have a real market value, like the black truffle or Perigord truffle
Tuber melanosporum, the winter truffle Tuber brumale, the summer trufle Tuber aestivum
and its ecotype the bourgundy truffle Tuber uncinatum, and the white truffle from
Piamonte Tuber magnatum, with great value, but its cultivation still has random results.

   Black truffle   (Tuber melanosporum Vitt.)    Winter truffle   (Tuber brumale)

        Summer truffle (Tuber aestivum)             Burgundi truffle (Tuber uncinatum)

              Geographic, geologic and topographic characteristics

Black truffles fruits on limy soils under holm oaks, oak on the Mediterranean region in
Spain. Most of them can be found in the east part of the Iberic Peninsula, and over rocks
from the Primary, Secondary-mesozoic (Triasic, Jurasic and Cretacic), mostly on the Jurasic
Black Truffle naturally fruits at elevations between 100-1500m.o.s.l. and facing south. Are
recommended light slopes, avoiding floods and also avoiding the erosion from high slopes.

                          Natural Black truffle fruiting area in Spain.

                           Black truffle soil characteristics

Most of parameters before analyzed for truffle culture are not bearing in mind nowadays.
Texture, carbonates, iron, magnesium, potassium...have great variability. Actually the soil
structure trough the study of the horizons and the biological activity are more studied.
So to know if we can grow truffles on a soil we should study the horizons, confirm the
presence of carbonates and analyze the pH (that should be between 7.5-8.5)
Soil should not be water Proof, allowing water and air to drain trough.
To check if the soil has carbonates we can just drop diluted clorhidric acid and see that the
soil boils (effervescence).
Soil profile

Should not have discontinuities between layers, with some difficult to mark limits between
Crumble structure and spherical particles. Avoid prismatic structures, sign of lixiviation.
Laminar structures shows compactation and flood. Bad soil structures get grooved and
heavy on dry weather.
Some grey and green colours on the soil profile mean bad drainage.
    LAYER                   CHARACTERÍSTICS

              ♦       Light colour
A             ♦       linked OM > free OM
              ♦       delayed clohidric reaction
UPPER         ♦
              ♦       layer more than 20cm deep
              ♦       crumble structure

              ♦        more than 30cm deep
B             ♦        Continuity between layers
ESTRUCTURAL   ♦        Abundant rocks
              ♦        White zones are precipitates of calcium
                  carbonates. Unless they become a general
                  layer that avoid drainage.
              ♦        Red zones from carbonates loosing
              ♦        Biological activity (ants, worms...)

C             ♦        Mother rock with grooves and porous
MOTHER ROCK   ♦        Calcareous precipitations underneath the
              ♦        Positive reaction to clorhidric

              ♦        Dark-brown colour
A             ♦        High organic material content.
              ♦        Clorhidric reaction quick and high or no
UPPER             reaction at all.
              ♦        Massive,     prismatic   and     laminar

              ♦        Clay or calcareous layer that does not
B                 allow roots to cross down.
STRUCTURAL    ♦        Blue colours from bad air flow
              ♦        Red colours from iron oxides mean
              ♦         Grey or green colours means frequent

              ♦       Deep and continuous clay layer
              ♦       Shallow and compact Mother rock

Black and summer truffle are adapted to dry and hot
conditions, with well marked seasons, humid temperate or
cold sub humid Mediterranean climate. Hot and humid
springs, dry summers with some storms, no frost at the
beginning of autumn, and winters with no long cold periods
below 10ºC.
Rain between 425-900 mm. (600-1500 mm in Italy and
France). 48-64 mm of rain monthly from June to the end of
august, from a few summer storms.

     Previous crops

Previous crops will condition the organic matter contents
and fungi contaminations on the area we’re planning to
plant the mycorhized seedlings.
Best previous crops are cereals, pulses, lucerne, most of
fruit trees, as they are endomycorhizal.

  Host plant election

Black truffle grows in symbiosis with a wide variety of
plants (see next chart). But just some of them are used for
its cultivation. Actually in Spain about 90% of plantation are
with holm oak (Quercus ilex ssp. ballota), and secondary
oaks (Quercus pubescens, Quercus           faginea)and hazel
(Corylus avellana).
Secondary speciies tthatt ttrufffflle has been
                                                           Secondary spec es ha ru e has been
 Hostt pllantts used iin ttrufffflle cullttiivattiion
 Hos p an s used n ru e cu va on                          ffound associiatted natturally..
                                                            ound assoc a ed na ura y
                                                           •      pine (Pinus nigra)
                                                           •      Pine (Pinus sylvestris)
  •       Holm oak                                         •      Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna)
      (Quercus ilex ssp. ilex, Q. ilex ssp. Ballota, Q.    •      Birch (Betula pendula)
  coccifera)                                               •      Carpinus
   •      Oaks                                             •      Lime tree (Tilia)
       (Quercus pubescens Q. cerriodes, Q. petrae,         •      Cork oak (Quercus suber)
       Q. robur , Q. faginea)                              •      Popplar (Populus)
                                                           •      willow (Salix)
  •      Hazel                                             •      Beech (Fagus)
      (Corylus avellana)
                                                           •      Chestnut tree (Castanea)
                                                           •      (Cistus albidus, C. incanus, C. laurifolius, C.
                                                                salvifolius) and other Cistacea as Fumana
                                                           •      Cedar (Cedrus)

                          DENSITY AND PLATATION DISTANCES

                                    We recommend densities between 200-400 trees/Ha for
                                    the black truffle. Less density as deeper, rich soils and
                                    with water stocks, as trees will grow faster. More trees
                                    per hectare allow more trees to fruit and less time to
                                    wait for the production to start, but we have to prune
                                    more to avoid the plantation to get closed.
                                    Usually plants are located at 6x6 or 7x7 but we can also
                                    join plants in the row and separate the rows at more
                                    distance (6x8, 5x7 or 4x10). In this case rows are
planted north to south, allowing sun to light the centre of the whole row.

                                      DISTANCE (m)             PLANTS/Ha
                                          5x5                     400
                                          5x6                     333
                                          6x6                     277
                                          6x7                     238
                                          6x8                     238

                                 Plant density depending of plant distances.

Previous works to get the soil ready to plant are done in summer and autumn. Any
ploughing will be done with no heavy tractors and on dry soil avoiding soil compactation.
If soil is OK, but there’s no drainage we can plough deeper trying to break the plough layer
that appear after several years working at the same deep. Note not to tumble and mix soil
layers, that can lead to a delay starting to fruit.
Between November and may dig the plant holes and mark them not to harm the small
seedlings once planted, hard to see trough the weeds.
                  Plantation’s evolution and different works on every phase

   PHASES                                                         RECOMMENDED WORKS
                                                                  RECOMMENDED WORKS
                                                                  RECOMMENDED WORKS
                                                       •    Aim: plants should just survive, not to
                                                       develop in excess. Maintain mycorrhizae.
                                                       •    Just on aerated, limy, draining soil, with
                                                       biological activity.
     NSTALL                                            •    Do not mix soil layers in the previous works.
                                                       Break ploughing layer if necessary.
  2-3 years
  2--3 years                                           •    Natural mulching
  2 3 years
                                                       •    No pruning.
                                                       •    Water just if necessary (10-20 l/plant).
                                                       •    Avoid weeds competence.

                                                       •   Aim: avoid excessive grow of the tree.
                                                       •   Chose between mow or plough 1-2 times a
PREFRU T NG                                            years (end of march)
   6--12 years
   6-1 2 years
   6 12 years                                          •   Hand plough just around plants.
                                                       •   Water just if necessary.
                                                       •   Start pruning regularly.
                                                       •   Mowing to avoid weed competence
                                                       •   On best trees centrifugal hand ploughs.
  FRU T NG                                             •   From the end of June, in case of drought (20-
                                                       25 days without rain (depending on soil).
10--35 years
10-3 5 years
10 35 years                                            •   Use straw, branches, rock mulching to sep
                                                       humidity and improve biological activity.
                                                       •   Regular pruning to keep sunlight on the brûle.

                                                       •       Aim: Do not allow trees to get a full
RENOVAT ÓN                                             canopy
35--45 years
 35-4 5 years
 35 45 years                                           •       Thin not producing trees to generate new
                                                       clears and zones that allow existing brûles to
General Works during the fruiting phase

             •   1-2 times a year. Shallow (15-20cm deep) outside he brûle, and 5-
                 10cm into the active brûle.
             •   End of march and April for melanosporum
             •   January and February for the aestivum variety
             •   We can allow weeds to develop in the middle of the rows
             •   Hand Works seems to be in harmony with the centrifugal growth of
                 the roots and mycorrhizae.

             •   Branches from pruning or just rocks
             •   Located where the brûle grows, at 1,5m one from each other, never
MULCH NG         covering the whole brûle.
             •   Put them n June and we can move hem once or twice during he

             •   Just in case of drought, 48-64 mm. monthly from June to the end of

WATER NG         august, by sprinkles and leaving some dry days.

             •   Usually like a turned upside down cone form.
             •   Adapt to every place. Light pruning in case of shallow soils and
PRUNN NG         warm places

Other fungi coexist with truffles into the brûle. Mushrooms that fruit at young stands are
not the same that appear when the forest gets older. A temporal succession exists and we
can take part on it when the conditions are suitable.
Truffles live associated to mature trees and their inoculation could reduce the time we wait
for start fruiting.
These techniques have a great value for the regeneration and creation of new truffieres, as
well as for those artificial plantations that lose truffle mycorrhizae.
But with the last results, conclusion is that is hard to mycorrhizate mature trees with
truffle when they already have other fungi on their roots. In our studies, some trees, like
hazel, are easier to mycorrhizate in late stages than oaks.

Download here our results on this field .PDF

Truffles should be harvested just with trained dogs. Other animals as pigs could harm the
truffiere. Always use the truffle machete. Do not use any other tools for digging as you
would harm the truffiere. Just dig where the dog marks. Never plough for harvest truffles
                                     as you would do for potatoes.
                                     Truffle season in Spain starts from 15th November to
                                     15th march for the black and winter truffle. And from
                                     1st May to the end of august for the summer truffle.
                                     No season by law is applied for burgundy truffle. It’s
                                     forbidden to sell fresh truffles in the markets a week
                                     later after the dateline.
                                     The aim is not to harvest too young truffles and allow
                                     some mature truffles to get ripped at the end of the

Usually truffle fruits on poor agronomical soils, on places where crops need grants to
sustain. Truffle cultivation gives independence from those grants, with incomes that can
treble traditional crops, and even raise the value of the land in those potential truffle
growing areas.




                                 España   Francia   Italia

   Production of truffles on the three main countries. Average of productions from 1990-2002.

In Spain we harvest about 30-50% on the world
black truffle production. About 10.000 families
have truffle harvesters.
Truffle price depends on the quality of the truffle
season. Demand adjusts to the typical models
where high productions lead to lower prices. Black
Truffle prices at harvester are around 200-850€/kg.
A little bit less than half this quantity for the
winter truffle. Summer truffle is paid to the
harvester between 35-80 €/kg.
Some trade shows just about truffle can join crouds during the truffle season. Tourism related with
             the visits to truffle plantations could improve the income of this crop.

Truffle is commercialized trough the truffle markets all along the natural areas with truffle
tradition, intermediaries usually buy on this markets and visit harvesters at their homes.
These markets, despite of being on public places (restaurants, pubs...) they are not open to
the general citizens. In fact you can be on a pub at the market time and not realize on
that. Harvesters and buyers meet there, talk, negotiate prices, then go outside and take
the truffles from one car to another. Sometimes you can not smell, even touch the product.
What a big difference from French markets, where you can get their aroma and say how
much you want to pay for.

                                 Truffle market at Limogne (Francia)
Nowadays in Spain there are 20-25 canneries that export most of our black truffle to
France, Italy, Belgium, Germany and The USA. The inner consumption of black truffle in
Spain is really low. There’s a lot of work to do in their promotion and attach importance to
our truffles.

                                               Truffle Cannery

                                     SPA N
                                     SPA N          FRANCE
                                                    FRANCE       IIITALY
                                                                   T AL Y
                                                                    T AL Y   TOTAL U...E...
                                                                             TOTAL U E
                                                                             TOTAL U E

            Tuber me a nosporu m
            Tube me anospo um        5--80
                                     5-8 0
                                     5 80            15--80
                                                     15-8 0
                                                     15 80       10--80
                                                                 10-8 0
                                                                 10 80         30--240
                                                                               30-2 40
                                                                               30 240

              Tuber aes iv um
              Tube aes vum           20--30
                                     20-3 0
                                     20 30           15--30
                                                     15-3 0
                                                     15 30       15--30
                                                                 15-3 0
                                                                 15 30         55--120
                                                                               55-1 20
                                                                               55 120

              Tuber un n a u m
              Tube un na um          5--10
                                     5-1 0
                                     5 10             2--5
                                                      25          2--5
                                                                  25            9--20
                                                                                9-2 0
                                                                                9 20
              Tuber magna u m
              Tube magna um                                      5--50
                                                                 5-5 0
                                                                 5 50           5--50
                                                                                5-5 0
                                                                                5 50
            Tuber mesen e ric um
            Tube mesen e cum          2--4
                                      24                          4--9
                                                                  49             4--9

   Production of truffles in the three main countries. Minimum and maximum amounts in Tons.
The value of the truffle market between harvesters and buyers is about 600.000 € and 15M€
every year, with higher values once transformed and exported.

                 Porcentajes de facturación de las diferentes trufas




                   Trufa invierno                 Trufa verano             Trufa negra

Media production in the whole European Community is about 100Tn, usually there no a goog
year in the three countries at the same season. At the beginning of the XX century, the
1000Tn harvested in France where absorbed by the marked. On 1966 the estimation fro
France demand on truffles where 340Tn, If we take into account that the standard of living
and the raise in population, that demand should be higher. In conclusion there is a truffle
demand for a decreasing production.

                         TURN OVER ON TRUFFLE CULTURE

It’s hard to get average of productions on artificial plantations. Some references exist: a
single brûle can produce 10kg of truffles and some plantations can get 200kg a year per
hectare, but at the same time there are plantations that never become productive.

               Quallliity plllanttattiion
               Qua itty p a nta tio n
               Qua y p an a on              10--20 yearss
                                            10-2 0 yearss
                                            10 20 yearss    20--30 years
                                                            20-3 0 years
                                                            20 30 years      Unttiillll 50 years
                                                                             Untill 50 years
                                                                             Un         50 years
               Hiiigh producttiiviiity
               H g h productiv tty
               H gh produc v y                    30
                                                  30            60
                                                                60                  90
                    (k g/H a/y ear)
                     kg Ha year
              Mediiium producttiiviiity
                     u m productiv tty
              Med um produc v y
              Med                                 15
                                                  15            30
                                                                30                  45
                    (k g/H a/y ear)
                     kg Ha year
               Low producttiiviiity
               Low productiv tty
                Low produc v y                    3
                                                  3              6
                                                                 6                   9
                    (k g/H a/y ear)
                     kg Ha year

                    Some black truffle productions from different quality plantations
A truffle plantation should produce at least 8-10kg/ha/year to redemption the investments.
Some French truffle grower says that from year 50 production decreases.
Next chart shows a financial study for a hectare truffle plantation in Spain

                   Cost Maiintenance Productiion Truffflle Cash ffllow
                   Cost Ma ntenance Product on Truf e Cash ow Acumulated
 Year IItems
 Year tems                                                             Acumulated
                   €/ha €/ha
                   €/ha €/ha         Kg/ha
                                     Kg/ha       €/ha
 0      Plantación -1800                                     -1800        -1800
 1                           -300                             -300        -2100
 2                           -300                             -300        -2400
 3                           -300                             -300        -2700
 4                           -300                             -300        -3000
 5                           -300                             -300        -3300
 6                           -300                             -300        -3600
 7                           -300                             -300        -3900
 8                           -300                             -300        -4200
 9                           -300                             -300        -4500
         Vallado   -1500
 10        Riego   -1500     -300                            -1800        -6300
 11                          -300         8       2400        2100        -4200
 12                          -300        10       3000        2700        -1500
 13                          -300        12       3600        3300        1800
 14                          -300        13       3900        3600        5400
 15                          -300        15       4500        4200        9600
 16                          -300        16       4800        4500        14100
 17                          -300        17       5100        4800        18900
 18                          -300        18       5400        5100        24000
 19                          -300        19       5700        5400        29400
 20                          -300        20       6000        5700        35100

Other studies say that actual net value in plantations from Spain, France and Italy are
between 19.424€/ha and 66.972 €/Ha. Medium profitability get with the inner profit tax is
always higher that 9%, and the time to get back the invest equal or higher to 10 years.

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Truffle farming guide

  • 2. TRUFFLE AS A FUNGI Truffles are the fruit of a mycorrhizal fungi. That means that lives associated to the roots of some host trees or shrubs, as oaks, holm oaks and hazels, Cistus or some pines. Truffles fruits into the ground and some species become aromatic with the aim that some animals dig them up the ground and while eating them spread their spores. The aroma is also appreciated by humans and recognized by dogs that can be trained to harvest them. Truffles belong to the genus Tuber, into de Ascomicotina. There are several species, around 40, but a few of them have a real market value, like the black truffle or Perigord truffle Tuber melanosporum, the winter truffle Tuber brumale, the summer trufle Tuber aestivum and its ecotype the bourgundy truffle Tuber uncinatum, and the white truffle from Piamonte Tuber magnatum, with great value, but its cultivation still has random results. Black truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vitt.) Winter truffle (Tuber brumale) Summer truffle (Tuber aestivum) Burgundi truffle (Tuber uncinatum)
  • 3. ECOLOGY OF TRUFFIERES Geographic, geologic and topographic characteristics Black truffles fruits on limy soils under holm oaks, oak on the Mediterranean region in Spain. Most of them can be found in the east part of the Iberic Peninsula, and over rocks from the Primary, Secondary-mesozoic (Triasic, Jurasic and Cretacic), mostly on the Jurasic superior. Black Truffle naturally fruits at elevations between 100-1500m.o.s.l. and facing south. Are recommended light slopes, avoiding floods and also avoiding the erosion from high slopes. Natural Black truffle fruiting area in Spain. Black truffle soil characteristics Most of parameters before analyzed for truffle culture are not bearing in mind nowadays. Texture, carbonates, iron, magnesium, potassium...have great variability. Actually the soil structure trough the study of the horizons and the biological activity are more studied. So to know if we can grow truffles on a soil we should study the horizons, confirm the presence of carbonates and analyze the pH (that should be between 7.5-8.5) Soil should not be water Proof, allowing water and air to drain trough. To check if the soil has carbonates we can just drop diluted clorhidric acid and see that the soil boils (effervescence).
  • 4. Soil profile Should not have discontinuities between layers, with some difficult to mark limits between them. Crumble structure and spherical particles. Avoid prismatic structures, sign of lixiviation. Laminar structures shows compactation and flood. Bad soil structures get grooved and heavy on dry weather. Some grey and green colours on the soil profile mean bad drainage.
  • 5. GOOD SOIL PROFILE FOR BLACK TRUFFLE LAYER CHARACTERÍSTICS ♦ Light colour A A ♦ linked OM > free OM ♦ delayed clohidric reaction UPPER UPPER UPPER ♦ ♦ layer more than 20cm deep ♦ crumble structure ♦ more than 30cm deep B B ♦ Continuity between layers ESTRUCTURAL ♦ Abundant rocks ♦ White zones are precipitates of calcium carbonates. Unless they become a general layer that avoid drainage. ♦ Red zones from carbonates loosing ♦ Biological activity (ants, worms...) C C ♦ Mother rock with grooves and porous MOTHER ROCK ♦ Calcareous precipitations underneath the rocks ♦ Positive reaction to clorhidric
  • 6. BAD SOIL PROFILE FOR BLACK TRUFFLE LAYER CHARACTERÍSTICS ♦ Dark-brown colour A A ♦ High organic material content. ♦ Clorhidric reaction quick and high or no UPPER reaction at all. ♦ Massive, prismatic and laminar structure ♦ Clay or calcareous layer that does not B B allow roots to cross down. STRUCTURAL ♦ Blue colours from bad air flow ♦ Red colours from iron oxides mean flood. ♦ Grey or green colours means frequent flooding. C C MOTHER ROCK ♦ Deep and continuous clay layer ♦ Shallow and compact Mother rock
  • 7. Climate Black and summer truffle are adapted to dry and hot conditions, with well marked seasons, humid temperate or cold sub humid Mediterranean climate. Hot and humid springs, dry summers with some storms, no frost at the beginning of autumn, and winters with no long cold periods below 10ºC. Rain between 425-900 mm. (600-1500 mm in Italy and France). 48-64 mm of rain monthly from June to the end of august, from a few summer storms. Previous crops Previous crops will condition the organic matter contents and fungi contaminations on the area we’re planning to plant the mycorhized seedlings. Best previous crops are cereals, pulses, lucerne, most of fruit trees, as they are endomycorhizal. Host plant election Black truffle grows in symbiosis with a wide variety of plants (see next chart). But just some of them are used for its cultivation. Actually in Spain about 90% of plantation are with holm oak (Quercus ilex ssp. ballota), and secondary oaks (Quercus pubescens, Quercus faginea)and hazel (Corylus avellana).
  • 8. Secondary speciies tthatt ttrufffflle has been Secondary spec es ha ru e has been Hostt pllantts used iin ttrufffflle cullttiivattiion Hos p an s used n ru e cu va on ffound associiatted natturally.. ound assoc a ed na ura y • pine (Pinus nigra) • Pine (Pinus sylvestris) • Holm oak • Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna) (Quercus ilex ssp. ilex, Q. ilex ssp. Ballota, Q. • Birch (Betula pendula) coccifera) • Carpinus • Oaks • Lime tree (Tilia) (Quercus pubescens Q. cerriodes, Q. petrae, • Cork oak (Quercus suber) Q. robur , Q. faginea) • Popplar (Populus) • willow (Salix) • Hazel • Beech (Fagus) (Corylus avellana) • Chestnut tree (Castanea) • (Cistus albidus, C. incanus, C. laurifolius, C. salvifolius) and other Cistacea as Fumana • Cedar (Cedrus) DENSITY AND PLATATION DISTANCES We recommend densities between 200-400 trees/Ha for the black truffle. Less density as deeper, rich soils and with water stocks, as trees will grow faster. More trees per hectare allow more trees to fruit and less time to wait for the production to start, but we have to prune more to avoid the plantation to get closed. Usually plants are located at 6x6 or 7x7 but we can also join plants in the row and separate the rows at more distance (6x8, 5x7 or 4x10). In this case rows are planted north to south, allowing sun to light the centre of the whole row. DISTANCE (m) PLANTS/Ha 5x5 400 5x6 333 6x6 277 6x7 238 6x8 238 Plant density depending of plant distances.
  • 9. OUTPLANTING Previous works to get the soil ready to plant are done in summer and autumn. Any ploughing will be done with no heavy tractors and on dry soil avoiding soil compactation. If soil is OK, but there’s no drainage we can plough deeper trying to break the plough layer that appear after several years working at the same deep. Note not to tumble and mix soil layers, that can lead to a delay starting to fruit. Between November and may dig the plant holes and mark them not to harm the small seedlings once planted, hard to see trough the weeds.
  • 10. CULTIVATION PHASES Plantation’s evolution and different works on every phase PHASES PHASES PHASES RECOMMENDED WORKS RECOMMENDED WORKS RECOMMENDED WORKS • Aim: plants should just survive, not to develop in excess. Maintain mycorrhizae. • Just on aerated, limy, draining soil, with biological activity. IIINSTALL N STALL NSTALL • Do not mix soil layers in the previous works. Break ploughing layer if necessary. 2-3 years 2--3 years • Natural mulching 2 3 years • No pruning. • Water just if necessary (10-20 l/plant). • Avoid weeds competence. • Aim: avoid excessive grow of the tree. • Chose between mow or plough 1-2 times a PREFRUIIITIIING PREFRU T N G PREFRU T NG years (end of march) 6--12 years 6-1 2 years 6 12 years • Hand plough just around plants. • Water just if necessary. • Start pruning regularly. • Mowing to avoid weed competence • On best trees centrifugal hand ploughs. FRUIIITIIING FRU T N G FRU T NG • From the end of June, in case of drought (20- 25 days without rain (depending on soil). 10--35 years 10-3 5 years 10 35 years • Use straw, branches, rock mulching to sep humidity and improve biological activity. • Regular pruning to keep sunlight on the brûle. • Aim: Do not allow trees to get a full RENOVATIIIÓN RENOVAT Ó N RENOVAT ÓN canopy 35--45 years 35-4 5 years 35 45 years • Thin not producing trees to generate new clears and zones that allow existing brûles to spread.
  • 11. General Works during the fruiting phase • 1-2 times a year. Shallow (15-20cm deep) outside he brûle, and 5- 10cm into the active brûle. • End of march and April for melanosporum • January and February for the aestivum variety PLOUGHIING PLOUGH NG • We can allow weeds to develop in the middle of the rows • Hand Works seems to be in harmony with the centrifugal growth of the roots and mycorrhizae. • Branches from pruning or just rocks • Located where the brûle grows, at 1,5m one from each other, never MULCHIING MULCH NG covering the whole brûle. • Put them n June and we can move hem once or twice during he summer. • Just in case of drought, 48-64 mm. monthly from June to the end of WATERIING WATER NG august, by sprinkles and leaving some dry days. • Usually like a turned upside down cone form. • Adapt to every place. Light pruning in case of shallow soils and PRUNNIING PRUNN NG warm places
  • 12. MATURE TREES INOCULATION Other fungi coexist with truffles into the brûle. Mushrooms that fruit at young stands are not the same that appear when the forest gets older. A temporal succession exists and we can take part on it when the conditions are suitable. Truffles live associated to mature trees and their inoculation could reduce the time we wait for start fruiting. These techniques have a great value for the regeneration and creation of new truffieres, as well as for those artificial plantations that lose truffle mycorrhizae. But with the last results, conclusion is that is hard to mycorrhizate mature trees with truffle when they already have other fungi on their roots. In our studies, some trees, like hazel, are easier to mycorrhizate in late stages than oaks. Download here our results on this field .PDF HARVEST Truffles should be harvested just with trained dogs. Other animals as pigs could harm the truffiere. Always use the truffle machete. Do not use any other tools for digging as you would harm the truffiere. Just dig where the dog marks. Never plough for harvest truffles as you would do for potatoes. Truffle season in Spain starts from 15th November to 15th march for the black and winter truffle. And from 1st May to the end of august for the summer truffle. No season by law is applied for burgundy truffle. It’s forbidden to sell fresh truffles in the markets a week later after the dateline. The aim is not to harvest too young truffles and allow some mature truffles to get ripped at the end of the season.
  • 13. ECONOMICAL FEATURES ABOUT TRUFFLE Usually truffle fruits on poor agronomical soils, on places where crops need grants to sustain. Truffle cultivation gives independence from those grants, with incomes that can treble traditional crops, and even raise the value of the land in those potential truffle growing areas. 19% 38% 43% España Francia Italia Production of truffles on the three main countries. Average of productions from 1990-2002. In Spain we harvest about 30-50% on the world black truffle production. About 10.000 families have truffle harvesters. Truffle price depends on the quality of the truffle season. Demand adjusts to the typical models where high productions lead to lower prices. Black Truffle prices at harvester are around 200-850€/kg. A little bit less than half this quantity for the winter truffle. Summer truffle is paid to the harvester between 35-80 €/kg.
  • 14. Some trade shows just about truffle can join crouds during the truffle season. Tourism related with the visits to truffle plantations could improve the income of this crop. Truffle is commercialized trough the truffle markets all along the natural areas with truffle tradition, intermediaries usually buy on this markets and visit harvesters at their homes. These markets, despite of being on public places (restaurants, pubs...) they are not open to the general citizens. In fact you can be on a pub at the market time and not realize on that. Harvesters and buyers meet there, talk, negotiate prices, then go outside and take the truffles from one car to another. Sometimes you can not smell, even touch the product. What a big difference from French markets, where you can get their aroma and say how much you want to pay for. Truffle market at Limogne (Francia)
  • 15. Nowadays in Spain there are 20-25 canneries that export most of our black truffle to France, Italy, Belgium, Germany and The USA. The inner consumption of black truffle in Spain is really low. There’s a lot of work to do in their promotion and attach importance to our truffles. Truffle Cannery SPAIIIN SPA N SPA N FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE IIITALY T AL Y T AL Y TOTAL U...E... TOTAL U E TOTAL U E Tuberrmelllanosporrum Tuber me a nosporu m Tube me anospo um 5--80 5-8 0 5 80 15--80 15-8 0 15 80 10--80 10-8 0 10 80 30--240 30-2 40 30 240 Tuberraestttiivum Tuber aes iv um Tube aes vum 20--30 20-3 0 20 30 15--30 15-3 0 15 30 15--30 15-3 0 15 30 55--120 55-1 20 55 120 Tuberruniiinatttum Tuber un n a u m Tube un na um 5--10 5-1 0 5 10 2--5 2-5 25 2--5 2-5 25 9--20 9-2 0 9 20 Tuberrmagnatttum Tuber magna u m Tube magna um 5--50 5-5 0 5 50 5--50 5-5 0 5 50 Tuberrmesenttterriicum Tuber mesen e ric um Tube mesen e cum 2--4 2-4 24 4--9 4-9 49 4--9 4-9 49 Production of truffles in the three main countries. Minimum and maximum amounts in Tons.
  • 16. The value of the truffle market between harvesters and buyers is about 600.000 € and 15M€ every year, with higher values once transformed and exported. Porcentajes de facturación de las diferentes trufas 15% 10% 75% Trufa invierno Trufa verano Trufa negra Media production in the whole European Community is about 100Tn, usually there no a goog year in the three countries at the same season. At the beginning of the XX century, the 1000Tn harvested in France where absorbed by the marked. On 1966 the estimation fro France demand on truffles where 340Tn, If we take into account that the standard of living and the raise in population, that demand should be higher. In conclusion there is a truffle demand for a decreasing production. TURN OVER ON TRUFFLE CULTURE It’s hard to get average of productions on artificial plantations. Some references exist: a single brûle can produce 10kg of truffles and some plantations can get 200kg a year per hectare, but at the same time there are plantations that never become productive. Quallliity plllanttattiion Qua itty p a nta tio n Qua y p an a on 10--20 yearss 10-2 0 yearss 10 20 yearss 20--30 years 20-3 0 years 20 30 years Unttiillll 50 years Untill 50 years Un 50 years Hiiigh producttiiviiity H g h productiv tty H gh produc v y 30 30 30 60 60 60 90 90 90 ((kg//Ha//year)) (k g/H a/y ear) kg Ha year Mediiium producttiiviiity u m productiv tty Med um produc v y Med 15 15 15 30 30 30 45 45 45 ((kg//Ha//year)) (k g/H a/y ear) kg Ha year Low producttiiviiity Low productiv tty Low produc v y 3 3 3 6 6 6 9 9 9 ((kg//Ha//year)) (k g/H a/y ear) kg Ha year Some black truffle productions from different quality plantations
  • 17. A truffle plantation should produce at least 8-10kg/ha/year to redemption the investments. Some French truffle grower says that from year 50 production decreases. Next chart shows a financial study for a hectare truffle plantation in Spain Cost Maiintenance Productiion Truffflle Cash ffllow Cost Ma ntenance Product on Truf e Cash ow Acumulated Year IItems Year tems Acumulated €/ha €/ha €/ha €/ha Kg/ha Kg/ha €/ha €/ha 0 Plantación -1800 -1800 -1800 1 -300 -300 -2100 2 -300 -300 -2400 3 -300 -300 -2700 4 -300 -300 -3000 5 -300 -300 -3300 6 -300 -300 -3600 7 -300 -300 -3900 8 -300 -300 -4200 9 -300 -300 -4500 Vallado -1500 10 Riego -1500 -300 -1800 -6300 11 -300 8 2400 2100 -4200 12 -300 10 3000 2700 -1500 13 -300 12 3600 3300 1800 14 -300 13 3900 3600 5400 15 -300 15 4500 4200 9600 16 -300 16 4800 4500 14100 17 -300 17 5100 4800 18900 18 -300 18 5400 5100 24000 19 -300 19 5700 5400 29400 20 -300 20 6000 5700 35100 Other studies say that actual net value in plantations from Spain, France and Italy are between 19.424€/ha and 66.972 €/Ha. Medium profitability get with the inner profit tax is always higher that 9%, and the time to get back the invest equal or higher to 10 years.