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Treatment For Cancer
I have Cancer!
What Should I do Now?
What Should I Expect?
Presented By Keith V Loucks
Save Time With These Suggestions During
Your Search for Cancer Information
Treatments for Cancer -
What are the Alternative Cancer Treatments?
Treatment For Cancer
I have Cancer!
What Should I do Now?
What Should I Expect?
Presented By Keith V Loucks
Chapter 1 - My Cancer experience
Chapter 2 - Finding Alternatives
Chapter 3 - Conspiracies and myths
Chapter 4 - Basic Information
Chapter 5 - Supplements
Chapter 6 - Foods
Chapter 7 - Common Denominators
Chapter 8- Financial Considerations
Being newly diagnosed and informed that you have cancer can be one of the most
unsettling, even terrifying, and traumatic events a person can experience in his or
her lifetime. Please allow me ease your mind some if I can.
I have experienced this event myself and as a result caused me to read and research
thousands of hours to learn avenues available in helping me fight this most
common disease. Now my intention with this rendering is to create for you an
easier pathway that you can follow to learn information that will likely apply to
and may help your own particular circumstance.
You do not have to wade through the brambles and brush of the traditional
discouraging medical advice espoused by traditionally trained MDs and ODs. Most
have little if any or no training in the herbology and homeopathic disciplines, the
alternative approaches to healing. Please understand doctors are important I believe
most are practicing to the best of their ability their vocation. Their information and
service is important. However, they are often limited and uninformed about how
diet, substances, minerals, and herbs can affect your cancer.
In this rendering I have whacked out a
path for people to follow if they want.
There are likely other paths too, but the
most difficult is the one a person has to
whack out by themselves without guidance. It takes time to do that and depending
upon the nature of your cancer, you may or may not have time to beat out a path
like I did. So I offer much of what I’ve learned so you don’t have to chop your own
new path.
One of the resources I’ve found is this; “78 Effective Cancer Therapies You
Probably Never Heard About”.
Chapter 1—My Cancer experience
Please understand before reading the following, know that I believe in my heart that all these
physicians intend to do good even though I believe too there is a definite lack of information about
alternative options on their part.
One of the most traumatizing events in my life was when the doctor said, “Well
Mr. Keith, I am sorry to tell you that the diagnosis from the biopsy came back and
the news isn’t good. You have an aggressive form of “CANCER.” The “C” word
screamed out at me even though I thought I had prepared myself for the possible
eventual diagnosis.
If you’ve ever had that experience, you know the next few days became a series
confused and blurred emotions. I am not afraid of death even though I am not
courting it either. I have things I need to do yet. I want to out live my dad so he
doesn’t have to go through that excruciating event of loosing a child. I have grand
children who I want to see grow and watch their life events.
Secondly, I heard of and known friends and relatives who have gone through the
excruciating cancer treatment protocols. I didn’t want anything to do with that. The
nausea, baldness, pain, and the debilitating lifestyle that seems to come along with
it. Then I discovered that the effects of chemo and radiation can be some what
mitigated by using some of the very basic and commonly available herbs presented
by the alternative disciplines.
What oh what should I do now? That question is an indication that I am a proactive
person not one to resign myself to being blindly directed to an uncertain end. My
knee jerk reaction was to as questions of the oncology surgeon who delivered the
good news. He said there were a couple options. When I ask the prognosis of each,
the question was side stepped. He started producing statistics about treatment
expectations and my life expectancy could be four years if I declined treatment.
Maybe as much as fourteen years if I started treatment right a way. My question
must have indicated I was reluctant. I have known too many people who died after
treatment with no seeming cause other than they became more sick after chemo
and radiation. As a placation the surgical oncologist referred me to a radiological
This is where the events started getting confusing. I went through a similar
interview with this doctor. He produced a series of charts and statistics showing
what the statistical outcomes are for each treatment option.
If I did surgery, I could expect to live another four to ten years, but I would likely
have remaining physical conditions as a result of the surgery. Now, however if I
did the radiation and maybe Chemotherapy, the chances of those possible
conditions would be reduced. My life expectancy could be increased to, you
guessed it, fourteen years.
I quizzed him in detail just to find out there wasn’t really a firm answer as to my
possible remaining physical condition or how long I could expect to live. Now the
radiological oncologist as an option referred me to a chemical oncologist.
Now came the third appointment in two weeks and I am feeling confused,
desperate, and at a point of nearly giving up hope. I understand now why I was
offered a psychological counseling with with each doctor’s interview.
The chemical oncologist offered me a series of medical treatments from pills and
shots to infusions. The statistics offered by the chemical oncologist were like the
last just a little in favor of their own particular discipline. I thanked them and set
off on my own at some considerable expense to find other answers.
Chapter 2 – Finding Alternatives
Here I have to say that there are thousands of opinions many which
are simply that, opinions. There is much information that are backed
by research new and old. This information is difficult to sort out
and is hard to locate. I will try to point you in a direction that may
save you time in your quest.
Firstly, I went the rout of searching for myself the information which had the most
promise. I investigated treatment centers. I called many and in and out of country.
I found many traditional treatment centers that were selling hope. I found several
non-traditional treatment centers that were doing likewise for a price. I discovered
the large national cancer societies were in league with the big national professional
associations and the government regulators.
I actually went to several cancer treatment centers across the United States at my
own expense because Medicare wouldn’t pay any of the cost of additional testing
travel or lodging. When they discovered I had little money, the referred me back to
my original doctors.
Two of the private clinics wanted to treat my cancer but the tariff was around
$30,000 for the experience and I would have to pay my food and out of town
lodging while on an extensive regiment of treatment.
Secondly, I spent literally hundreds of hours on the internet and in libraries
researching the alternatives to traditional medical treatment.
You can’t believe the myriad of lotions, potions and claims that are being offered
out there. I saw claims from “how the latest go-go juice had cured Aunt Nelda’s
cancerous eyebrow” to how “dancing in the rain cured Cousin Joe’s heart”. The
truth being known, there may have been some truth in it but no, nata a shred of
evidence it would work for any other person.
What I did find too were stories of many people who seemingly had great success
treating people for cancer and there were thousands who flocked to their clinics for
help. Among these that merit mention are the following. I name these because you
will search for hours, find them, then spend many more hours trying to sort out the
validity of what they were doing. I don’t know if their programs work or not. It is
worth a look. You need to judge that for your self.
• Rene Caisse – Rene Caisse developed Essiac Tea. She was a Canadian nurse
using a combination of herbs to cure cancer for many years at her modest
clinic in Canada. The Canadian government influenced by the established
medical society shut her down. I’ve drank the tea. It isn’t bad. I can’t attest
as to it’s effectiveness on my own cancer.
• Johanna Brandt – The Grape Cure - “juice fast” - The Brandt Grape Cure
Using a Vegetable Juice, Including Carrot Juice (Strong Stage III Treatment)i
• Stanislaw Burzynski - "antineoplaston therapy"
• Rick Simpson – Canadian used cannabis oils self produced to heal himself
and nearly 5000 others before being shut down and sent to prison by the
government. CBD was dubbed as Simpson’s Oilii
• Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg was a German research scientist studding cancer.
He received the 1931 Nobel Prize for discovering how sugar caused cancer
it to grow.
I have found several homeopathic clinics which I felt comfortable with. I am hesitant to
publicly name them for fear of bringing an unwanted spotlight on them from the AMA,
FDA, and big Pharma. Having talked with these clinics, I discovered they are each trying
to stay under the radar. One of the resources I have discovered is “78 Effective Cancer
Therapies You Probably Never Heard About”. I do advocate a person examine the
information in this eBook closely before you implement any plan of action.
Chapter 3 – Conspiracies and myths
Beliefs - There are many conspiracies in many communities of the medical and cancer
treatment fields. Some of those in the alternative fields and general public believe that the
AMA, Big Pharma, FDA, the Cancer Society, doctors and treatment centers are doing
everything they can to maintain cancer as a viable illness, not cure it. i. e. The more
people who return for treatment, the more in drug revenue and medical fees can be
collected. It is for sure a huge megs-big business.
On the other hand, the physicians, MDs and ODs I know believe the homeopaths,
naturalists, and herbalists are selling snake oil and have no cures, have no scientific
evidence or studies that support the ideas of what they sell. They consider these people as
“charlatans” and advise that some practice witch-doctorism. I was told so at the very first
of my journey by one if the oncologists I met with and again later by two physicians.
Genetic Manipulation - Genetic manipulation or modified engineering (GMO’s) have
been tested but there has not been any concrete evidence from research that concludes
genetically modified DNA plants or foods made from those plants cause cancer. There on
the other hand is none that proves otherwise. Keep in mind though that a plant that has
been genetically modified to resist a specific poison can when sprayed with that will
likely carry that compound to the end user, us, potentially causing susceptible cells in our
systems to become cancerous.
Doctors Education - The typical Doctors formal education does not provide for the
application of the nutritional side of treatment. Most have less than a days training in
nutritional matters as it applies to cancers. I found that out with my own primary
physician as much as I like and respect him. His attitude was that if his education,
continuing education and training didn’t include nutritional information, it wasn’t
I do have now have an additional homeopathic trained MD who shall remain nameless so
as to keep him under the radar. There are definite concerns by these guys about the
attention they may draw. So as not to draw lightning form the medical boards and the
government I try to protect their identity. I have found his advice to be sound when
compared to the resources I have studied.
Testing – There are many tests some of which are more reliable than others. The biopsy
of coarse is the most common. It is used by the doctor to determine the type of cancer a
person may have or if in fact a person does have cancer. There are alternatives sometimes
to having the invasion or puncture of ones body. For example there are now available
MRI’s for prostate cancer. There are Doppler ultrasound tests available which measure
thermo-sensetivity to detect cancers. They are not common, but can be done if the right
equipment is available. There are some who believe that a biopsy breaking the cancerous
surface may allow the cancer to spread to metastasized to some other location in the body
by microscopic cell transfer. I personalty know of two instances where I suspect that may
have happened. But, then again I am not a doctor, so what do I know.
There are other forms of testing. There are the MRI’s, the CAT Scans, and a variety of
blood tests used in determining cancer types and the existence thereof.
There are some less known types of cancer tests. Most of these are little known about by
the traditional medical community. If you mention them, they will not have a clue.
One such test I have been taking which is not recognized by nor even known about by
doctors or insurance is a test called the Nagalace blood test. This test measures the
GcMAF protein in the blood. The test is used for monitoring the effect of treatment of
HIV & Autism, of viral infections, and of coarse cancer.iii
When I started taking the test
to find about my level of cancer, it took nearly three months to get the results back from
Belgium. That is the only place in the world where it is legal to analyze for this
substance. Lately the results come in about ten days. The end note iii shows where you
can obtain information about this test.
A new style urine test, the PCA3 or (PROGENSA PCA3), gained FDA approval in 2012.
Men who are subject to repeated biopsies after the first initially negative result should
consider this noninvasive simple test first. They can have this specific urine test to find
out if there is a high or low probability of needing another biopsy before having it done.iv
You can understand why ontological surgeons don’t tell. It cuts deeply into the revenue
Another which is not used often is discussed is the Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). This
for many years was the major test used to detect prostate cancer. It has now been for the
most part abandon because the PSA is considered more reliable. The PAP is often used
when tracking prostate Cancer progressions.
Chapter 4 – Basic Information
When you hear that x supplement will cure your problem, be skeptical. X supplement
may be some helpful or it may be greatly helpful. Its effectiveness may depend upon
many factors.
• One persons chemical and physical makeup may react differently than another
person’s. i. e. I can drink milk and eat bread while my brother is lactose intolerant
and has gluten sensitivity. We grew up in the same environment as children and
experienced the same conditions and circumstances psychological and emotional.
• The product themselves can very on quality depending upon the manufacture
quality control, the source of the substance, storage environment, shipping
environment, and maybe even the phase of the moon on the day it was assembled.
Don’t forget that supplements are chemical compounds be they natural of
laboratory constructed. The combination of substances in each product can very
greatly. i. e. I ordered a Modified Citrus Pectin this morning. I looked at two for
comparison. One had sugar and carbohydrates as added fillers. Well now, that
defeats my purpose. I am on a “No sugar – No Carbohydrate” diet to eliminate
sugar as a source of energy for my cancer. I ordered the other. You will find when
looking at the specifications of supplement makeup, there will be capsule and
caplets made from strictly vegetable matter. You will find pills showing “gluten
free” and “not manufactured with wheat, milk, eggs, fish, shell fish, nuts” etc.
The warning on each supplement says something to the effect that you should seek
the advice of your doctor. That should be done. If you are taking certain
medications, certain supplements will nullify or magnify the effect of that
medicine. Be cautious. Understand that a physician will usually recommend
against any supplement if he or she does not know about, is unsure, or not up to
date on a particular substance. In addition, there may be regulations against some
products such as marijuana and Vitamin B17 that doctors doesn’t want to be
perceived by the overseeing powers as having offered or even condoned. It is
highly frowned upon for a doctor to even discuss some substances. It is the liability
you know, both legal civil and criminal that they may have to deal with.
Many substances found to help in the fight against cancer are included herein.
• Alkaline or Ionized Waterv
– Cancer lives well in an acidic environment because
the bodily functions tend to deposit acidic waste in healthy cells. Cancerous cells
do not live well in an alkaline environment which ionized alkaline water helps
produce. The “Oxidation Reduction Potential” (ORP) of ionized water serves as an
antioxidant causing free radicals, those acidic wastes to be flushed rather than be
deposited in a healthy cell some where in the body. Ionization of water causes a
water molecule clusters to be smaller and highly negative charged, more so than
regular water molecule clusters. These negative charged water clusters serve to
attach to and flush free radicals from the body.
Nearly every authority recommends that alkaline water not be used as the primary
treatment for cancer. It should only be used as one of the adjunct treatments. A
review of alkaline water health benefits.
◦ It stopped my acid reflux.
◦ My pastor friend clams it stopped his prostate cancer in its tracks some 20 years
◦ It has antioxidant properties to bolster the immune system.
◦ It helps neutralize acidic body conditions.
In conclusion, this was one of the first things I did was to start drinking one quart
of 9.5 pH water the very first thing in the morning.
Ionized anti-oxidant Water Survey
Alkalized Water
• Oxygen - “Cancer Cells CANNOT Live in a High Oxygen Environment. A healthy
active individual has a blood oxygen level of between 98 and 100 as measured by a
pulse oximeter. Cancer patients routinely show very low oxygen levels in their
blood, usually around 60. Unfortunately, the main traditional therapies for cancer,
namely radiation and chemotherapy, also have been shown to drastically lower
blood oxygen levels.”vi
According to Nobel prize laureate Dr. Otto Warburg, this
low oxygen environment is one of the main reasons cancer cells form.
• Toothpaste There is another area of concern people have to consider when
addressing cancer. That is commercial toothpaste. Knowing how positive to cancer
growth sugar is, I had to do some research. You see, we brush our teeth at least a
couple times daily. Knowing that by putting sugar in my mouth a couple times a
day I was unintentionally feeding my cancer even if I don’t swallow. I decided to
stop brushing my teeth. Now wait you say. And you guessed it, I did too. So I
started researching it. In commercial toothpaste are substances like Triclosan (FDA
approved), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Hydrated Silica, Aspartame, Fluoride,
Propylene Glycol, Diethanolamine, Microbeads, and many other unsavory
I feel it is important enough to any person’s health to consider whether or not to
commercially produced toothpaste should even be used one time per day. Dr
Mercola lists a homemade toothpaste receipt that every person should consider
Chapter 5 - Supplements
There are thousands of supplements one may take to treat any ailment. The following is not an endorsement
of any particular supplement for any particular use. This information is intended to be a guide in assisting
the reader in finding and locat their desired topical information.
Now to address the supplements themselves. Like I stated before there are thousands and
thousands upon thousands of combinations. I will only address a limited number in this
rendering and not in any order of specific importance.
• Capsicum – Cayenne pepper was found to disrupted mitochondrial function in
cancerous cells causing cell death (apoptosis) without affecting cells that were
normal and healthy.
Dr. Sanjay K. Srivastava University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, “Our results
demonstrate that capsaicin is a potent anticancer agent, induces apoptosis in cancer
cells and produces no significant damage to normal pancreatic cells, indicating its
potential use as a novel chemotherapeutic agent for pancreatic cancer”vii
Dr. Soren Lehmann of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, “Capsaicin had a
profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture. It
caused 80% of the prostate cancer cells growing in mice to commit suicide in a
process known as apoptosis.”viii
• Coca Nut Oil – Coca nut oil has very profound anticancer properties. Extensive
studies on animals show cocanut oil has definite retarding affects on cancer.
NaturalNews reports that “Growing evidence is
reporting that cancer is a metabolic disease characterized
by cellular mitochondrial respiratory insufficiency. Cancer cells can only survive
and thrive off of glucose and amino acid fermentation. A ketogenic cleanse has
been proposed as a means of starving off cancer cell development. The ideal fuel
source for the ketogenic cleanse is extra-virgin coconut oil with its powerful
immune boosting properties. The metabolism of fatty acids results in ketones that
normal cells can utilize but cancer cells cannot. These
ketone bodies provide a great anti-inflammatory fuel source for the body that also
starves the cancer cells from their nutrient demands.”ix
Coconut oil also known as palm oil contains saturated fats, specific fatty acids and
polyunsaturated fats. traditional oil that has been consumed, For thousands of
years in Southeastern Asia tropical cultures have consumed the oil. Coconut oil has
other favorable properties. There is evidence of;
◦ Alzheimer’s reversal may occur by using coconut oil.
◦ Diabetes may be abated by using coconut oil.
◦ Coconut oil helps boost metabolism.
• Curcumin - Curcumin is a concentrated extract from the yellow turmeric root a
potent antioxidant spice that has many health benefits. Like most antioxidants
curcumin has significant anti-inflammatory effects on the immune system.
The benefits of turmeric also may include oxidation and regulation of blood sugar
levels and blood fat levels. Omega-3 fatty acid
called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) levels in brain
are controlled too along with cell signaling.
Turmeric has anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering effects as well.x
As in most
herbs and supplement application used by naturopaths and holistic practitioners,
most studies have only been done in animal trials. The studies have looked at many
cancer forms. Among these are breast, prostate, colon, stomach, lung, pancreas,
cervix, mouth, and tongue.
Last but not least, and certainly one of the many major benefits of curcumin is the
cleansing affect on the liver and the body helping the body to reinforce its immune
system. If you can find LONGVIDA® Opimized Curcumin, use it. Developed by
researchers at UCLA, LONGVIDA® studies show the body utilizes this form
many times more effeciently than even Curcumin Mervia.
“The Secrets of Tumeric” – How Tumeric can change your life – See Step #5
• Fluoride The concern that fluoridation can cause cancer has been fueled by
evidence linking it to a serious form of bone cancer known as osteosarcoma. This
evidence includes a government animal study as well as several studies of human
populations living in the United States.”xi
“Fluoride also damages the immune,
digestive, and respiratory systems as well as the kidneys, liver, and brain and can
lead to learning disabilities, including dyslexia, ADHD and autism.”xii
• Lycopene - “Scientific studies show that lycopene helps prevent prostate, lung, and
stomach cancers. There is also some evidence that cancers of the pancreas, colon
and rectum, esophagus, oral cavity, breast, and cervix could be reduced with
increased lycopene intake. The good news is that if you like, watermelon and
tomato juice contain high amounts of lycopene. They are good for you. Tomatos
make lycopene “most available to the body when the tomatoes are cooked and
eaten in a meal that provides a small amount of fat.”xiii
• Modified Citrus Pectin - Definition; Pecialized fruit polysaccharide or in English
called “Modified Citrus Pectin.” Pectin by itself is a component found in cell walls
of most plants. The skin and pulp of citrus fruits oranges, lemons, grapefruit, lime,
plums, and apples especially crab apples possess a higher concentration of pectin.
Scientists believe that modified citrus pectin (MCP) is useful in treatment and
possible prevention of metastatic cancer, particularly in tumors like melanoma,
breast, prostate, and colon.
There are two central processes involved in the growth of cancer. MCP works by
inhibiting two central processes. These too processes are;
◦ Angiogenesis - Angiogenesis is where the cancer cells establishes and builds
their own blood supply vessels to supply their own growth. I was totally
amazed when I discovered this was possible.
◦ Metastasis. Metastasis occurs when one or more cancer cells separate from the
first tumor, enter the lymphatic system or bloodstream, float around and land in
another location in the body, an organ or other location to form a new tumor.
There is a substance labeled galectin-3 antagonism. This substance serves as a
transport mechanism like a taxi and a communicator between cancer cells and also
serves to move the cancer cell around through out the body. MCP appears to
interrupt the procedures that lets cancer cells communicate with one another by
binding with galectin-3 causing interruption of successful transportation of cancer
cells to new potential cancer tumor locations. When MCP impedes cancer cells
trying to form a new tumor, the cancer cells appear to circulate in the bloodstream
until apotheosis occurs.
Because the bodies immune system can be over burdened by an ever growing
cancer cell population floating around, it tries to fight but there is a point where the
fight can be lost allowing the new metastatic tumor to be established. MCP assists
in keeping bodies immune system from becoming overcome by an increasing
numbers of free roving cancerous cells.
Chelation is the process of decreasing toxic heavy metals that often are so
damaging a person’s overall health. MCP shows prospects as a non-toxic natural
chelating agent also binding heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and
arsenic. This helps the body eliminate them in the urine.
Not all citrus pectins have the same effects as MCP. Citrus pectin needs to have the
short polysaccharide structure to be MCP. Be sure when purchasing to obtain MCP
containing short polysaccharide chains. Reputable suppliers will indicate on the
label or other locations that they have a short-chain product.
• Marijuana – Cannabis - Mari Jane is a relative newcomer to the
cancer treatment scene here in the United States. With the Federal
laws prohibiting marijuana in any form from being possessed by
any person or entity, little research has been done in the good old
US of A on its effects on illness. There are ample suspicions that it
helps in the treatment of many conditions. With so many states now passing
revised and new marijuana regulations, we are seeing more advancement for the
cause however auspicious. As a side note, my oncologist told me she had “seen
three miracles in the last three months”. One of her patients who had breast cancer,
a subsequent double mastectomy, then had seven simultaneous reoccurring tumors.
The lady moved to Colorado where she could obtain CBD and THC oils. In just a
short few months, four of the tumors had vanished due to the cannabis oil
treatment. This oncologist also said there were two other patients with similar
results. I don’t know the final outcome of any of the patients conditions at this
More technical, CBD (Cannabidiol) has the same chemical formula as THC
(Tetrahydrocannabinol), but the atoms are structured differently. THC is the
component of marijuana that is the psychoactive agent. You can get heigh on it.
The exception is THCa (Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid). Unlike THC, THCa is a
non-psychoactive raw form of marijuana and has exciting medical applications for
anti-prostate cancer.xiv
THCa is very hard to obtain.
• Mushrooms - There are a number of mushrooms that have promise in the treatment
of cancer. Not any one is a panacea for every cancer. Many like Miataki, Shiatocki,
Reishi, Turkey Tail have been used for years in the orient to treat illnesses. There
are just now studies being commenced to under stand the affects on various types
of cancer. One of the reasons mushrooms aren’t studied is the following, “It is
important to note that drug companies cannot patent mushrooms. Due to this fact,
funds typically won’t be allocated to study them unless they come from private
institutions or government grants. However, this should be a positive as many
studies only seek to isolate one part of a plant or mushroom to patent as a drug.”xv
Anti-cancer mushrooms share some common properties. These properties do what
is considered the front line of defense. That in fact is the bolstering and building of
one’s immune system.
I have taken and used under homeopathic
direction three of these. The use of mushrooms is
complicated and it is herein highly recommended
you seek professional assistance.
◦ Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa) "Hen of the Woods" This mushroom
has promise of causing apotheosis in cancer cells and blocking tumor growth.
Clinical tests have shown promise for breast cancer, MDS (myelodysplastic
syndromes), and lung tumors suffers through its specific immune-enhancing
characteristics of maitake. One of those mechanisms are the polysaccharides but
there have been few studies on how exactly the polysaccharides work to fight
◦ Agaricus Blazei Murill (Agaricus brasiliensis) The The National Cancer
Center Laboratory, and Tokyo College of Pharmacy study showed when guinea
pigs injected with sarcoma, complete recovery in 90% of the guinea pigs.
Additional benefits of the immune activity lead the shrinkage in the tumors,
metastasis stoppaage, and reduction in future cancer occurrences. As a side
note, Agaricus blazei murill has been shown to reduce the side effects of some
people undergoing chemotherapy for endometrial, cervical, and ovarian
cancers. Murrill extracts have immunomodulatory, anti-carcinogenic and anti-
mutagenic properties.xvi
◦ Turkey Tail It is reported that Human papillomavirus leading to cervical cancer
and other oncoviruses like hepatitis C leading to liver cancers and hormone
responsive prostate cancer show responsiveness to the anti-viral properties of
the turkey tail mushroom.
“Leanna J. Standish, PhD, ND, LAc, FABNO, medical director of the Bastyr
Integrative Oncology Research Center. ‘It's been used in Asia for thousands and
thousands of years, and it turns out to be a really potent immune therapy. The
significance, I think, is that we're bringing a new medicine to cancer patients in
the U.S.’"xvii
◦ Shiatocki (Lentinula edodes) Shiatocki produces lentinan is an intravenous anti-
tumor polysaccharide , a β-glucan known to suppress leukemia cell
proliferation. “Lentinan has been approved as an adjuvant for stomach cancer in
Japan since 1985.”xviii
◦ Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) Reishi is another that has been shown
to reduce the spreading of cancer cells and helps to slow the growth of new
blood vessels dedicated to feed the cancer cell (angiogenesis) and slow the
spread of cancer through the body (metastasis) as well as triggering apotheosis
the programmed cell death of malignant cells. Reishi is considered a viable
added theropy for treatment pf colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer,
and lung cancer.
◦ Kombucha - The interest in Kombucha as an anti-cancer agent stems mostly
from its perceived ability to help detoxify the body. Researchers have
hypothesized that one of the acids in the tea may assist the liver in cleaning
toxic waste, thereby making it more difficult for cancer cells to take hold.
However, this is all speculation at this point as no studies have confirmed or
denied such a possibility.xix
“In 1996, Iranian physician Dr Soraya Shantiay MD published a report
"Kombucha inhibits malignant cell growth". Dr Josef Issels MD (1907 - 1998)
prescribed Kombucha as part of his total anti-cancer program and wrote that he
"had a good impression”.
Dr Veronica Carstens MD (1923 - 2012), wife of the former German president
Karl Carstens, recommended Kombucha to all cancer patients and wrote (in
1987) that it detoxifies, enhances metabolism (and thus the immune system)
and that its vitamins, lactic acid and glucuronic acid were considered the active
According to a PhD thesis by Harald Müller-Kehrmann (1990), kombucha
activates macrophages. Isolating and testing in vitro a number of
immunomodulators on human cell culture systems to determine the anti-tumor
effect of various fungi, Müller-Kehrmann found that kombucha extract showed
increased macrophage activation (of 60 extracts tested, a total of 6 showed an
immuno-stimulating effect).”xx
Taking mushrooms in raw form may not have the desired results. There are some
processes applied to some mushrooms that help isolate the beneficial benefits of
these and other fungal resources.
• Stevia - There are many forms of sweeteners both normal and artificial. There is
only one recommended for use by cancer patients and diabetics. The one sweetener
which does not act as a sugar in the body and cancer is Stevia. Stevia has no
calories. Use of Stevia helps to lower blood sugar. Stevia is some 200 times
sweeter than sugar. On the acid alkali scale, Stevia is alkali which in the affect on
cancer is good. It has been said to help with intestinal issues and has been used to
treat burns. It can be used as a contraceptive and to treat colic in babies if the
former fails work.
• Sugar - Sugar, the American drug of choice. Sugar is a
highly sought after food product, a sweetener used to
alter the flavor of nearly all prepared foods sold in
America. The most common is “High Fructose Corn
Syrup”. There are many articles that discuss the evils of sugar and it’s enabling of
cancer cells. Dr Mercola says “Without sugar, cancer can not thrive” and that
“High-Fructose corn syrup is the primary culprit in cancer”. Starve the cancer cells
of sugar. They can only survive if there is sugar present.xxi
To put another way, “Dr.
Thomas Seyfried has expanded upon Warburg's theories to show that cancer cells
can produce energy through glucose and amino acid fermentation. In order to drive
enough sugar to run their metabolic systems the cancer cells upregulate insulin
receptors and contain ten times more than normal cells. This allows them to gobble
up glucose and other nutrients from the blood stream at an accelerated rate.xxii
Simply put, without sugar in the cancer cells, the cancer cell can not generate
energy they need in the oxygenation process to develop energy. They can not live
without outside sugar as normal cells do. That lack of that outside sugar causes the
cancer cell to starve and go into apotheosis or cell death which is what all normal
cells are programed to do at a given time. Cancer cells don’t die when they are
supposed to. Normal cells have an energy generation system that produces the
energy they need from oxygen and other compounds. Sugar isn’t needed to be
present in a normal cell for it to stay healthy and live for its prescribed lifetime
period. This anaerobic process is called glycolysis.
• Trace minerals -
◦ Himalayan Salt? Himalayan salt contains the minerals that
are necessary for your health, including macrominerals and
trace minerals. The macrominerals are needed in relative
abundance and include calcium, chloride, iron, magnesium, phosphorus,
potassium and sodium. The recommended daily amount of these macrominerals
depends of your age, activity level and general health. Calcium is the most
common mineral in your body and is found in your bones and teeth, as well as
playing a vital role in nerve and muscle health. Trace minerals are needed in
small amounts for health, and those found in Himalayan salt include boron,
chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and
zinc. Other minerals in Himalayan salt include aluminum, carbon, platinum,
selenium, sulfur and titanium.xxiii
◦ Sea salt Sea salt derives 82 essential trace nutrients from the mineral treasure
trove present in sea water. These natural minerals are valuable for healthy
functioning of the body. The nutritional wealth of sea salt includes vital
minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, bromide, chloride, iron,
copper, and zinc among other beneficial elements.xxiv
Depending on the source
of the sea salt will depend upon the concentrations of the eliminates. This
affects the flavor as well.
Trace minerals like the following;
• Calcium – There seems to be quite a lot of conflict in the medical community
about how to treat cancer with calcium. Calcium taken with vitamin D is another
way to raise alkalinity of the body. One should be very careful in using this
treatment as there may be conflicts with other low alkaline cancer diets. Check
with your homeopath and physician.
Dr. Carl Reich proved this theory back in the 1950’s. He was responsible for
helping over a hundred so called “terminally ill" cancer patients live 10-15 years
(and more) longer than they were supposed to by giving them calcium
supplements. Calcium ensures the body stays oxygenated.xxv
• Cesium - “Because of its electrical properties can still enter the cancerous cell.
When it does so, because of it's extreme alkalinity, the cell dies. Luckily, healthy
cells are not affected by cesium because their cell voltage allows them to balance
themselves. The only side effect is a loss of potassium which can be remedied with
eating a few bananas and potatoes. (PLEASE NOTE: Bananas, although they are
rich in potassium, do contain a lot of sugar - The only part of a potato that contains
sufficient amounts of potassium is the peel, the rest is carbohydrate and will turn to
sugar, there are better choices for supplementing your potassium.) It is interesting
to note that cancer is virtually unknown among the Hopi Indians of Arizona and
the Hunza of Northern Pakistan, so long as they stay in the same environment. This
strongly suggests that something they are consuming is protecting them from
cancer. The Hopi water is rich in Rubidium and potassium. The Hunza water is rich
in Cesium and potassium, making both of the water supplies rich with very
caustically (alkaline) active metals. Cesium has no natural radioactive form, and
should not be confused with Cesium 137 which is artificially produced. Cesium a
crystalline salt has been used successfully for cancer for many years now. Cesium
Chloride and Cesium Carbonate work by raising the cancer cell's pH to a highly
alkaline state. Although many anti-cancer diets also produce an alkaline state, they
simply cannot do so as quickly or as fully as Cesium can.”xxvi
• Chlorine “Researchers found that those living in areas with high-chlorine content
water, who bathed in it regularly, were 83 per cent more likely to get a tumor than
those in low-chlorine areas. Those who drank high-chlorine tap water were 35 per
cent more likely to get bladder cancer. Regular swimming in pools increased the
risk by 57 per cent. Absorbing chlorine through the skin is thought to be more
dangerous because it bypasses the liver, which filters out many harmful chemicals
when water is swallowed.”xxvii
◦ “Breast cancer, which now affects one in every eight women in North America,
has recently been linked to the accumulation of chlorine compounds in the
breast tissue. A study carried out in Hartford Connecticut, the first of its kind in
North America, found that; “women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher
levels of organochlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than
women without breast cancer.”xxviii
• Pancreatin “Pancreatin as a digestive enzyme is available from any health food
store in the country, however this type of pancreatin is useless for the cancer
patient. The active ingredients in pancreatin which have shown to have tumor
dissolving abilities are trypsin and chymotrypsin. These ingredients were taken out
of virtually all the pancreatin supplements available to consumers years ago. These
active ingredients are being bought in massive quantities by the sewerage
industries to digest the sewerage into less noxious forms. This is exactly what is
needed in the human body. Our own internal sewerage needs to be dissolved, and
to do this, the body uses trypsin and chymotrypsin.xxix
• Selenium - Selenium is considered one of the most powerful of the trace elements
in its affect on cancer. “Selenium acts as a co-factor for several key antioxidant
enzymes called selenoproteins that recycle cellular antioxidants such as
glutathione. This process reduces oxidative stress, a cause of premature aging and
chronic disease.” “As early as 1996, selenium supplementation was shown to lower
overall cancer rates, with specific reductions in lung, colorectal, and prostate
cancers. Organic selenium compound L-selenomethionine is better absorbed than
inorganic sodium selenite. L-selenomethionine increases cancer cell death by
apoptosis.” “Selenium acts by multiple, complementary pathways to prevent
cancers from developing.” “This phenomenon, known to scientists as pleiotropy,
allows selenium to attack cancer on many different fronts, at many different stages.
Pleiotropy is a vital characteristic in any cancer preventive strategy, because
cancers all have multiple causes and mechanisms of their own, readily overcoming
single-targeted therapies.”xxx
“Research has been shown that selenium can
contribute to natural antioxidant pathways which stimulate apoptosis (cell death) in
human cancer cells.”xxxi
• Magnesium - “Magnesium chloride is the first and most important item in any
person’s cancer treatment strategy. Put in the clearest terms possible, our
suggestion from the first day on the Survival Medicine Cancer Protocol is to
almost drown oneself in transdermally (topically) applied magnesium chloride. It
should be the first – not the last – thing we think of when it comes to cancer…” xxxii
“Magnesium is a team player. One needs to ensure that the other nutrients on
Mg’s team are not only present, but also in balanced proportion, since they all
work together. The other main team members are Calcium, Phosphorus,
Vitamins A, D and K. The “team” also includes manganese, zinc and copper.
Research suggests that almost anyone with cancer should begin a Ca:Mg intake
ratio of 1:1 - High calcium levels are commonly attributed to either mainstream
cancer treatments or the cancer itself, but the underlying issue is most likely Mg
deficiency. Severe hypercalcemia can be avoided if magnesium levels are
brought up to normal.”xxxiii
• Potassium Potassium and its applications to cancer are extremely complex.
Studies show that a cancer cells contain high amounts of potassium. T cells are one
of the complex parts of the immune system and are one of the major components
that attack cancer cells. When a cell starts to die, it releases its contained particular
potassium compound which in turn attack the T cells thus neutralizing them so
they can no longer attack the cancer cell. This is similar to the relationship
between GcMAF and Nagalase.
That is not to say that Potassium isn’t important to other bodily functions. Many
potassium compounds regulate many many activities of nearly all the cells in the
body. One should consult your homeopath and monitor your potassium levels
when treating cancer.
• Rubidium Rubidium is one of the essential elements of the high pH Cesium
Chloride therapy. In the study by Dr. Aubrey Keith Brewer in 1984 - “The other
elements of potassium, rubidium, and especially cesium are most efficiently taken
up by cancer cells. This uptake was enhanced by Vitamins A and C as well as salts
of zinc and selenium. The quantity of cesium taken up was sufficient to raise the
cell to the 8 pH range. Where cell mitosis ceases and the life of the cell is short.
Tests have been carried out on over 30 humans. In each case, the tumor masses
disappeared. Also, all pains and effects associated with cancer disappeared within
12 to 36 hours; the more chemotherapy and morphine the patient had taken, the
longer the withdrawal period.”xxxiv
Vitamin B17 (Laetrile) Laetrile is a very controversial anti-
cancer agent, from almonds and apricot pits. It has
erroneously been called "Vitamin B-17" but it is not a
vitamin. Rather, laetrile is amygdalin, a cyanide-containing substance. The cyanide
is the active ingredient, so to speak, that somewhat selectively kills the cancer
cells. It is much like cytotoxic pharmaceutical chemotherapy (which explains both
the need for caution and also the stringent rejection it has received from the
medical powers that be.) The imperious medical monarchy, which includes the
AMA, FDA, and their ensuing laws, make laetrile therapy strikingly difficult to
obtain legally inside United States borders.xxxv
When the laetrile compound
molecule comes across a cancer cell, it is broken down into 2 molecules of
glucose, 1 molecule of hydrogen cyanide and 1 molecule of benzaldehyde. In the
early days of laetrile research it was assumed that the hydrogen cyanide molecule
was the major cancer cell killing molecule, but now it is known that it is the
benzaldehyde molecule that is by far the major reason the cancer cell is killed.xxxvi
• Vitamin C It is once again Nobel-prize winning Linus Pauling, PhD with Ewan
Cameron, MD, a Scottish cancer surgeon, who have demonstrated the effectiveness
of ten grams (10,000 mg) of vitamin C a day in reversing terminal cancer in
thirteen out of 100 patients. All the vitamin C treated patients have lived, on
average, five times as long as controls who did not receive the 10 grams of C. Do
not be misled by false media hype against Vitamin C. A pair of politically-
motivated Mayo Clinic studies condemning the vitamin are seriously faulted. You
will want to refer to Drs. Cameron and Pauling's book, Cancer and Vitamin C,
revised edition (1993) for the full story. There is no substitute for the truth. xxxvii
• Vitamin D3 - Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is converted to calcifediol. Part of the
calcifediol is converted by the kidneys to calcitriol, the biologically active form of
vitamin D. Calcitriol circulates as a hormone in the blood, regulating the
concentration of calcium and phosphate in the bloodstream and promoting the
healthy growth and remodeling of bone. Calcitriol also affects neuromuscular and
immune function. xxxviii
Vitamin D is a hormone type steroid that affects every cell in your body. Vitamin
D is easily one of nature’s most effective cancer combatants. Vitamin D enters
cancer cells and trigger apoptosis or cancer cell death. We’ve addressed apoptosis
in the section about modified citrus pectin. Doctors know low levels of vitamin D
are connected to certain types of cancers as well as other diseases like diabetes.
New research by well respected scientists show vitamin can kill human cancer
One of those is Dr. F. C. Garland:
Quote "The first event in cancer is loss of communication among cells due to,
among other things, low vitamin D and calcium levels. In this new model, we
propose that this loss may play a key role in cancer by disrupting the
communication between cells that is essential to healthy cell turnover, allowing
more aggressive cancer cells to take over."xxxix
Breast cancer cells were treated with a potent form of vitamin D. Half the cancer
cells shriveled up and died inside days. vitamin D’s affects were dramatically
greater on mice injected with breast cancer cells. Some of the cancer tumors
disappeared completely.
After weeks of treatment, the average cancer tumors shrank by more than half.
Predictions from this study said that 75% of the deaths caused as a result of these
cancers would be prevented with satisfactory intake of vitamins D3 and calcium.
One of the first things the Homeopathic MD treating me was to put me on high
doses of Vitamin D3 with subsequent blood testing to regulate the levels of D in
my system. There can be side effects from having too much D in your system.
Some of these may include dizziness, tightness in the chest, fast heartbeat, unusual
tiredness or weakness, hives or itching, skin rash, difficulty swallowing, cough, or
swelling around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue. If you experience any of these after
taking higher doses of vitamin D, contact you doctor asap.
Chapter 6 – Foods
Diet is considered as one of the major components in the fight against cancer by most of
the medical community traditional and alternative camps. The most recommended diet by
the medical profession is Mediterranean diet. There are buckets of books for that diet.
The following is a list of writings are available with those descriptions.
• Paleo Cookbook
• Paleo Hacks Cookbook
“Low-carb diets aren’t perfect for everyone. They’re horrible for endurance
athletes, and you shouldn’t eliminate all carbs for long periods of time. But low
carb diets can be extremely effective in treating cancer.
Excess glucose feeds tumor cells, and insulin drives the
overgrowth of cancerous tissue. Grains are particularly
disastrous as they also increase inflammation, deplete
nutrient stores, and serve as a cheap source of carbs. Reducing carbohydrates
should have been one of the first things Steve Jobs tried, but instead it looks like he
was advised to maintain a high-carb, low-fat, grain based diet.xl
• As much as I love pizza, spaghetti, biscuits, gravy, tacos, cookies, cakes, puddings,
pancakes, bread and roles; they are all forbidden on a cancer diet. It took some
time for me to get my mind right. After all, sugar is the American drug of choice. I
finally discovered a way that satisfies my cravings. It is called the good all-
American smoothie. There are some references here on how to do a smoothie, then
just modify it to fit your chosen cancer diet.
I have found my own formula for a smoothie that is
completely satisfying and lasting. I use two farm fresh raw
eggs, celery, broccoli, home cultured yogurt, Stevia, ¼ ts.
Cinnamon, a blood orange or occasionally an apple,
blueberries, or strawberries for flavoring. I caution you to
check out the benefits of dairy products and the other sugar baring fruits. Along
with this I have learned to love rice cakes with coconut oil spread like butter
sprinkled with pink Himalayan salt. The coconut oil serves to provide energy along
with the eggs because I work physically and instead of burning sugar for energy,
the coconut oil provides it.
Be aware that you should consider limiting your protean intake. “Dr. Rosedale
advises 1 gram of protein per kilogram of lean body mass which for most people
will be about 50 grams of protein a day (or 0.5 grams per pound of lean body
weight). While you can take carbs to very low levels in ketogenic diets, you must
have some protein every day to replace your body's requirements. The key is to add
healthy fat to replace the carbs and excess protein.”xli
Coconut oil works well and I
supplement with ample butter. My cholesterol dropped by 200 plus points.
• Chlorophyll “Chlorophyll, the substance in plants that makes them green, helps
"inhibit cell mutations and therefore could help control cancer," said a Food Watch
article in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Sprouts and the live food factors
within them such as enzymes (and chlorophyll) have been extensively used in
nutritional programs to shrink or reduce tumors directed by Dr. Ann Wigmore. She
was probably the world's foremost authority on sprouts, wheat grass juice, fasting
and raw foods against malignancy. Her lessons on the subject began with her
Latvian grandmother, and culminated with Dr. Wigmore's self-cure of colon cancer
using living foods. Her books include Why Suffer, Be Your Own Doctor, and
Recipes for Longer Life, among others.xlii
• Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is a most incredible food supplement. It
possesses many properties that affect the human body in several positive ways.
◦ As it applies to cancer, apple cider vinegar is not a cure for
cancer, but because of the antioxidant properties it contains,
free radicals are attacked. Cancer is an autoimmune disease
and normal cells can be badly damaged by them. Apple cider
vinegar can however help to reduce the risk to other cancers. Using apple cider
vinegar helps make the body an alkaline environment which is a difficult
atmosphere for cancer to live in.
I take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar at night before bedtime. The
information is that it can reduce fasting blood sugars. Ideally this helps to starve
the cancer cells further. I use organic unfiltered vinegar. My favorite is Bragg’s.
It contains “mother”, proteins strands and other properties and good bacteria.
◦ Insulin sensitivity and insulin responses when apple cider vinegar is used
improves during high-crab meals by significant amounts.
◦ Apple cider vinegar helps to reduce risk of heart disease and lowers cholesterol.
Greeks used vinegar as medicine some 2,400 years ago. The Egyptians some 4,000
years ago. There is a 12000 year history of vinegar being used in Babylon for
medical purposes. xliii
• Green Tea Green tea contains polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties.
Green Tea Polyphenols (GTP), particularly EGCG or EGCg (epigallocatechin
gallate) not only inhibit an enzyme required for cancer cell growth, but also kills
cancer cells with no ill effect on healthy cells. EGCG, an antioxidant, is considered
many times more potent than the Vitamin E or Vitamin C antioxidant properties. In
a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Kansas determined that EGCG is
twice as powerful as resveratrol, which itself is known to kill cancer cells.xliv
Studies show that the major polyphenol in green tea, EGCG, may reduce breast
cancer and prostate cancer. Although these studies have been promising, more
research is underway to fully understand the impact green tea has on cancer
• Resveratrol Resveratrol is a stilbenoid, a type of natural phenol, and a phytoalexin
produced by several plants in response to injury or when the plant is under attack
by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. Sources of resveratrol in food include the
skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, lingonberry and senna.xlv
Research has shown that Resveratrol has the ability to deeply penetrate the center
of a cell's nucleus, allowing the DNA to repair free radical damage that might
otherwise contribute to cancerous growth. It also helps cut down cell reproduction,
which helps reduce the number of cell divisions that could contribute to the
progression of cancer cell growth.xlvi
• White Tea White tea is considered more potent than Green Tea. “It is produced
almost exclusively in China. It belongs to the same species (Camellia sinensis) as
other tea plants, but has a higher proportion of buds to leaves. The buds are
covered by silvery hairs, giving the plant a whitish appearance. White tea may
have the strongest potential of all teas for fighting cancer according to Oregon
State University researchers.”xlvii
• Quercetin - “The most powerful flavonoid Quercetin protects the DNA in cells
because collects around the nucleus of cells offering powerful anti-oxidant
protection. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also a powerful natural
histamine blocker. Here’s another big benefit. Quercetin binds to excess iron in
your body. It removes it from tissues, and prevents its absorption.This process is
called chelation. This is critical as iron can be a key ingredient in cancer cell
growth. Quercetin has the ability to steal the iron from cancer cells which can stop
their growth and induce cell death. FYI: Red meat is the highest source of iron.”xlviii
Chapter 7 - Common Denominators
• Ketosis “How the Ketogenic Diet Weakens Cancer Cells. You can effectively
produce ketones by limiting the carbohydrates in your diet to less than 80 grams
daily and protein to no more than 1.2 grams of protein/per kg lean body mass. By
removing carbohydrates from your diet, you can also deplete cancer cells of their
energy supply. Cancer cells are unlike normal cells in many ways, but one of their
traits that is most unique regards insulin receptors. They have ten times more
insulin receptors on their cellular surface. This enables cancer cells to gorge
themselves in glucose and nutrients coming from the bloodstream at a very high
rate. As you continue to supply cancer cells with sugar, they will continue to thrive
and spread. It is no surprise that the lowest survival rate in cancer patients is
among those with the highest blood sugar levels.
Cancer cells have damaged mitochondria and lack the ability to create energy from
aerobic respiration. They cannot metabolize fatty acids for energy. For this reason,
cancer cells thrive in oxygen-depleted environments. Cancer cells metabolize
glucose and amino acids. Restricting glucose or the amino acid glutamine is
essential to starve off cancer.xlix
Intermittent Fasting Fasting was also found to help "starve" cancer cells and
protect cells from chemotherapy toxicity. Researchers are now looking at its
potential to improve long-term survival rates of cancer patients. This means
skipping breakfast, making lunch the first meal of your day, and eating your dinner
at 7:00 in the evening. It is also important to take note of what you eat. Avoid
highly processed foods loaded with sugar, grains, and empty calories, and instead
opt for high-quality organic foods like vegetables, raw nuts, grass-fed meat, whey
protein, and healthy fats like coconuts, coconut oil, and avocados.l
• Alkalinity – There is ample evidence that cancer can no thrive in an alkaline
environment. Everything to living conditions water is alkaline and consumed by
the population to diet of foods that cause higher pH in the body show lower
incidences of cancer events. Alkalinity causes cancer cells to die, apoptosis.
(programmed cell death)
• Immune system antioxidants - Immune System Enhancer – “The immune system
does not only fight infections, but cancer cells too, particularly precancerous cells
or wandering cancer cells. One reason why cancer increases with age – though
certainly not the only one – is that typically the immune system declines with
Cancer researchers are developing agents that induce apoptosis (programmed cell
death) as potent anti-cancer drugs. One such treatment is called “Imunotheropy” In
common with many of the nutrients in the Cancer Treatment Protocol are such
elements as selenium, vitamin A, green tea, vitamin D3, and curcumin all of which
help to induce cancer cell apoptosis.lii
• Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and other viruses which retard the
effectiveness of the GcMAF on the cancer cell. “GcMAF is a human protein that
the body makes naturally to do battle for the immune system. “GcMAF doesn't
actually cure cancer, of course -- it merely provides the ammunition needed by the
body's own immune system to eradicate and cure cancer itself, naturally.”liii
Nagalase protein is made by all cancer cells and other viruses which retard the
effectiveness of the GcMAF on the cancer cell. One can obtain GcMAF injections
but they are very expensive.
• Detoxification There are many elements and treatments all of which work to
defeat cancer. One of the common is the process of detoxification . Generally there
are many heavy metals and other contaminates our bodies ingest. Substances like
curcummon help detoxify the liver of these. Other elements act as anti-oxidants
helping to bind with unwanted toxins causing them to be flushed from the body.
Chapter 8 – Financial Considerations
This information is intended to be an informative resource. You are welcome
to use any link herein with the caveat that your responsibility is to read and
further research to understand the information on your own volition.
What I Discovered was, there are legitimate ways of covering the costs of
treatment and others one might consider questionable.
• Crowd funding There are hundreds of crowd funding programs where other
people willing to donate to help you cover your cost of treatment, travel and
lodging. None of these work very well if you are unable to promote your program
effectively. You can hire some one to help you, but they end up with a lions share
of the funds donated by friends, relatives, and that can disappoint them.
If you choose to go this route, consider springing for a modest fee to set up your
own crowd funding the proper way. If you don’t have the computer and internet
ability, request a friend or trusted relative to help.
• Insurance proceeds There is an abundance of free floating capital in the corporate
world available to be used by unusual events. Enterprising companies have figured
out a way of utilize these free floating funds to make a great profit. They borrow or
utilize funds which don’t draw a large return to fund these cancer medical
treatment programs. They will offer to purchase your life insurance policy at a
substantial discounted amount so you can use the money to cover medical and
related costs. Here is how it works.
You can find the company that will loan against the you death proceeds. What they
want to know what type of cancer you have been diagnosed with, the prognosis,
the stage of your cancer, and what the doctors have told you. Based upon that
information and later documented paperwork, they will consider your need. Upon
approval for the program you will be ask to assign ownership of your policy over
to them. They will take over the premium payments. Your proceeds will depend
upon your perceived life expectancy as determined from the information you
There is an origination fee that is deducted from your loan proceeds. They will
calculate a reverse interest for the longest time you might live. If you die sooner
that their expected calculation, the keep the extra interest calculated. If you live
longer, you are expected to pay the advanced price back at that time. Remember,
you no longer own the policy, they do. Ya, it was a loan.
For my $100,000 term policy they would advance $40,000 only. If I live another
15 years, I would be required to repay the full $100,000. I declined the deal
because I fully intend to live another 20 plus years.
• Personal Assets With the advent of Obama Care, nearly every person has coverage
for traditional medical treatment. Your personal net worth and income, your
personal assets can be the major determining factor in what you have to pay for
that traditional care. Most insurances have large deductibles, but if you are
destitute much of that cost over insurance proceeds may be forgiven if you are
However, if you are opting for alternative treatments, there are very few insurances
that will approve the cost of alternative treatment. You will have to foot the bill on
your own. Now it comes to decision time. What assets do you possess that you are
willing to give up? For some of us, we have to decide what to sell and spend vs.
keep for our loved ones to live on after we are gone.
• Grants Although I have not tried to gather a grant to fund my cancer treatment,
here are some possible resources one may pursue. If you aren’t comfortable in
tackling this task yourself, perhaps some close friend or acquaintance will assist
you. There are also professional grant writers who will be happy to assist for
◦ Funding Opportunities Available for All United States Citizens
◦ New* Government Grants & Free U.s. Money Sources!
Conclussion – Cancer is in whole or at lease in part an autoimmune disease. “An
autoimmune disease is a condition arising from an abnormal immune response to a
normal body part”liv
When searching autoimmune diseases one will not find cancer listed
generally or specifically. There are over 100 different types of cancer and in general
alternative treatments are the same treatments that affect other autoimmune diseases.
This rendering is intended to shed light on a path you as a cancer victim may want to
explore. Hopefully you will find helpful information that will guide you directly to the
information you seek without spending thousands of hours like I did to find helpful
information. This rendering is not intended to be advice on how to treat your specific
cancer disease. That is left up to you the reader with the assistance from your advisers so
you can make the decisions about what steps you do want to take that will best serve you.
My name is Keith. I reside in Colorado and I will be here to assist you in any way I can as long as I can. Please if
you have questions, call me at 970-235-0055 and leave your message. I will return your call as quickly as I can.
You do understand I have a material relationship in that these products and programs you purchase are intending
to provide compensation from their promotion and sale. I have utilized a majority of my assets to pay for
supplement treatment that medicare and insurance declined to pay for. So, any purchases you make for your own
benefit from this information provided is greatly appreciated. I pray you are able to ues it to your complete benefit.
The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the my own opinion. I am not a physician or ant
formally trained person in nutrition. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other
sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with
your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the
product sold here. I am not engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this
website or in these products, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a
physician or other licensed healthcare provider. I do not warrant nor do I guarantee any strategy, presented,
treatment, action, or application of information offered by myself or any of the products presented herein.
Shameless Advertising
78 Effective Cancer Therapies You Probably Never Heard About
Funding Opportunities Available for All United States Citizens
New* Government Grants & Free U.s. Money Sources!
Crowd Funding the Most effective Way
Ketogenic Diet
iv From more information on how to send a specimen, please call MLabs at 800-862-7284 or visit
vii University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine published in the April 20, 2005, issue of Innovations Report
viii Dr. Soren Lehmann of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the UCLA School of Medicine
xiv De Petrocellis L;Ligresti A.;Moriello A.S.;Iappelli M.;erde R.;Stott C.G.; Cristino L.;Orlando P. & Di Marzo V. (2013-01-01)
xviiiSmith JE; Rowan NJ; Sullivan R (2001). Cancer Research UK.
xxxv q
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  • 3. Prolog Being newly diagnosed and informed that you have cancer can be one of the most unsettling, even terrifying, and traumatic events a person can experience in his or her lifetime. Please allow me ease your mind some if I can. I have experienced this event myself and as a result caused me to read and research thousands of hours to learn avenues available in helping me fight this most common disease. Now my intention with this rendering is to create for you an easier pathway that you can follow to learn information that will likely apply to and may help your own particular circumstance. You do not have to wade through the brambles and brush of the traditional discouraging medical advice espoused by traditionally trained MDs and ODs. Most have little if any or no training in the herbology and homeopathic disciplines, the alternative approaches to healing. Please understand doctors are important I believe most are practicing to the best of their ability their vocation. Their information and service is important. However, they are often limited and uninformed about how diet, substances, minerals, and herbs can affect your cancer. In this rendering I have whacked out a path for people to follow if they want. There are likely other paths too, but the most difficult is the one a person has to whack out by themselves without guidance. It takes time to do that and depending upon the nature of your cancer, you may or may not have time to beat out a path like I did. So I offer much of what I’ve learned so you don’t have to chop your own new path. One of the resources I’ve found is this; “78 Effective Cancer Therapies You Probably Never Heard About”.
  • 4. Chapter 1—My Cancer experience Please understand before reading the following, know that I believe in my heart that all these physicians intend to do good even though I believe too there is a definite lack of information about alternative options on their part. One of the most traumatizing events in my life was when the doctor said, “Well Mr. Keith, I am sorry to tell you that the diagnosis from the biopsy came back and the news isn’t good. You have an aggressive form of “CANCER.” The “C” word screamed out at me even though I thought I had prepared myself for the possible eventual diagnosis. If you’ve ever had that experience, you know the next few days became a series confused and blurred emotions. I am not afraid of death even though I am not courting it either. I have things I need to do yet. I want to out live my dad so he doesn’t have to go through that excruciating event of loosing a child. I have grand children who I want to see grow and watch their life events. Secondly, I heard of and known friends and relatives who have gone through the excruciating cancer treatment protocols. I didn’t want anything to do with that. The nausea, baldness, pain, and the debilitating lifestyle that seems to come along with it. Then I discovered that the effects of chemo and radiation can be some what mitigated by using some of the very basic and commonly available herbs presented by the alternative disciplines. What oh what should I do now? That question is an indication that I am a proactive person not one to resign myself to being blindly directed to an uncertain end. My knee jerk reaction was to as questions of the oncology surgeon who delivered the good news. He said there were a couple options. When I ask the prognosis of each, the question was side stepped. He started producing statistics about treatment
  • 5. expectations and my life expectancy could be four years if I declined treatment. Maybe as much as fourteen years if I started treatment right a way. My question must have indicated I was reluctant. I have known too many people who died after treatment with no seeming cause other than they became more sick after chemo and radiation. As a placation the surgical oncologist referred me to a radiological oncologist. This is where the events started getting confusing. I went through a similar interview with this doctor. He produced a series of charts and statistics showing what the statistical outcomes are for each treatment option. If I did surgery, I could expect to live another four to ten years, but I would likely have remaining physical conditions as a result of the surgery. Now, however if I did the radiation and maybe Chemotherapy, the chances of those possible conditions would be reduced. My life expectancy could be increased to, you guessed it, fourteen years. I quizzed him in detail just to find out there wasn’t really a firm answer as to my possible remaining physical condition or how long I could expect to live. Now the radiological oncologist as an option referred me to a chemical oncologist. Now came the third appointment in two weeks and I am feeling confused, desperate, and at a point of nearly giving up hope. I understand now why I was offered a psychological counseling with with each doctor’s interview. The chemical oncologist offered me a series of medical treatments from pills and shots to infusions. The statistics offered by the chemical oncologist were like the
  • 6. last just a little in favor of their own particular discipline. I thanked them and set off on my own at some considerable expense to find other answers.
  • 7. Chapter 2 – Finding Alternatives Here I have to say that there are thousands of opinions many which are simply that, opinions. There is much information that are backed by research new and old. This information is difficult to sort out and is hard to locate. I will try to point you in a direction that may save you time in your quest. Firstly, I went the rout of searching for myself the information which had the most promise. I investigated treatment centers. I called many and in and out of country. I found many traditional treatment centers that were selling hope. I found several non-traditional treatment centers that were doing likewise for a price. I discovered the large national cancer societies were in league with the big national professional associations and the government regulators. I actually went to several cancer treatment centers across the United States at my own expense because Medicare wouldn’t pay any of the cost of additional testing travel or lodging. When they discovered I had little money, the referred me back to my original doctors. Two of the private clinics wanted to treat my cancer but the tariff was around $30,000 for the experience and I would have to pay my food and out of town lodging while on an extensive regiment of treatment. Secondly, I spent literally hundreds of hours on the internet and in libraries researching the alternatives to traditional medical treatment. You can’t believe the myriad of lotions, potions and claims that are being offered out there. I saw claims from “how the latest go-go juice had cured Aunt Nelda’s
  • 8. cancerous eyebrow” to how “dancing in the rain cured Cousin Joe’s heart”. The truth being known, there may have been some truth in it but no, nata a shred of evidence it would work for any other person. What I did find too were stories of many people who seemingly had great success treating people for cancer and there were thousands who flocked to their clinics for help. Among these that merit mention are the following. I name these because you will search for hours, find them, then spend many more hours trying to sort out the validity of what they were doing. I don’t know if their programs work or not. It is worth a look. You need to judge that for your self. • Rene Caisse – Rene Caisse developed Essiac Tea. She was a Canadian nurse using a combination of herbs to cure cancer for many years at her modest clinic in Canada. The Canadian government influenced by the established medical society shut her down. I’ve drank the tea. It isn’t bad. I can’t attest as to it’s effectiveness on my own cancer. • Johanna Brandt – The Grape Cure - “juice fast” - The Brandt Grape Cure Using a Vegetable Juice, Including Carrot Juice (Strong Stage III Treatment)i • Stanislaw Burzynski - "antineoplaston therapy" • Rick Simpson – Canadian used cannabis oils self produced to heal himself and nearly 5000 others before being shut down and sent to prison by the government. CBD was dubbed as Simpson’s Oilii • Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg was a German research scientist studding cancer. He received the 1931 Nobel Prize for discovering how sugar caused cancer it to grow. I have found several homeopathic clinics which I felt comfortable with. I am hesitant to publicly name them for fear of bringing an unwanted spotlight on them from the AMA, FDA, and big Pharma. Having talked with these clinics, I discovered they are each trying
  • 9. to stay under the radar. One of the resources I have discovered is “78 Effective Cancer Therapies You Probably Never Heard About”. I do advocate a person examine the information in this eBook closely before you implement any plan of action.
  • 10. Chapter 3 – Conspiracies and myths Beliefs - There are many conspiracies in many communities of the medical and cancer treatment fields. Some of those in the alternative fields and general public believe that the AMA, Big Pharma, FDA, the Cancer Society, doctors and treatment centers are doing everything they can to maintain cancer as a viable illness, not cure it. i. e. The more people who return for treatment, the more in drug revenue and medical fees can be collected. It is for sure a huge megs-big business. On the other hand, the physicians, MDs and ODs I know believe the homeopaths, naturalists, and herbalists are selling snake oil and have no cures, have no scientific evidence or studies that support the ideas of what they sell. They consider these people as “charlatans” and advise that some practice witch-doctorism. I was told so at the very first of my journey by one if the oncologists I met with and again later by two physicians. Genetic Manipulation - Genetic manipulation or modified engineering (GMO’s) have been tested but there has not been any concrete evidence from research that concludes genetically modified DNA plants or foods made from those plants cause cancer. There on the other hand is none that proves otherwise. Keep in mind though that a plant that has been genetically modified to resist a specific poison can when sprayed with that will likely carry that compound to the end user, us, potentially causing susceptible cells in our systems to become cancerous. Doctors Education - The typical Doctors formal education does not provide for the application of the nutritional side of treatment. Most have less than a days training in nutritional matters as it applies to cancers. I found that out with my own primary physician as much as I like and respect him. His attitude was that if his education, continuing education and training didn’t include nutritional information, it wasn’t important.
  • 11. I do have now have an additional homeopathic trained MD who shall remain nameless so as to keep him under the radar. There are definite concerns by these guys about the attention they may draw. So as not to draw lightning form the medical boards and the government I try to protect their identity. I have found his advice to be sound when compared to the resources I have studied. Testing – There are many tests some of which are more reliable than others. The biopsy of coarse is the most common. It is used by the doctor to determine the type of cancer a person may have or if in fact a person does have cancer. There are alternatives sometimes to having the invasion or puncture of ones body. For example there are now available MRI’s for prostate cancer. There are Doppler ultrasound tests available which measure thermo-sensetivity to detect cancers. They are not common, but can be done if the right equipment is available. There are some who believe that a biopsy breaking the cancerous surface may allow the cancer to spread to metastasized to some other location in the body by microscopic cell transfer. I personalty know of two instances where I suspect that may have happened. But, then again I am not a doctor, so what do I know. There are other forms of testing. There are the MRI’s, the CAT Scans, and a variety of blood tests used in determining cancer types and the existence thereof. There are some less known types of cancer tests. Most of these are little known about by the traditional medical community. If you mention them, they will not have a clue. One such test I have been taking which is not recognized by nor even known about by doctors or insurance is a test called the Nagalace blood test. This test measures the GcMAF protein in the blood. The test is used for monitoring the effect of treatment of HIV & Autism, of viral infections, and of coarse cancer.iii When I started taking the test to find about my level of cancer, it took nearly three months to get the results back from Belgium. That is the only place in the world where it is legal to analyze for this
  • 12. substance. Lately the results come in about ten days. The end note iii shows where you can obtain information about this test. A new style urine test, the PCA3 or (PROGENSA PCA3), gained FDA approval in 2012. Men who are subject to repeated biopsies after the first initially negative result should consider this noninvasive simple test first. They can have this specific urine test to find out if there is a high or low probability of needing another biopsy before having it done.iv You can understand why ontological surgeons don’t tell. It cuts deeply into the revenue stream. Another which is not used often is discussed is the Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). This for many years was the major test used to detect prostate cancer. It has now been for the most part abandon because the PSA is considered more reliable. The PAP is often used when tracking prostate Cancer progressions.
  • 13. Chapter 4 – Basic Information When you hear that x supplement will cure your problem, be skeptical. X supplement may be some helpful or it may be greatly helpful. Its effectiveness may depend upon many factors. • One persons chemical and physical makeup may react differently than another person’s. i. e. I can drink milk and eat bread while my brother is lactose intolerant and has gluten sensitivity. We grew up in the same environment as children and experienced the same conditions and circumstances psychological and emotional. • The product themselves can very on quality depending upon the manufacture quality control, the source of the substance, storage environment, shipping environment, and maybe even the phase of the moon on the day it was assembled. Don’t forget that supplements are chemical compounds be they natural of laboratory constructed. The combination of substances in each product can very greatly. i. e. I ordered a Modified Citrus Pectin this morning. I looked at two for comparison. One had sugar and carbohydrates as added fillers. Well now, that defeats my purpose. I am on a “No sugar – No Carbohydrate” diet to eliminate sugar as a source of energy for my cancer. I ordered the other. You will find when looking at the specifications of supplement makeup, there will be capsule and caplets made from strictly vegetable matter. You will find pills showing “gluten free” and “not manufactured with wheat, milk, eggs, fish, shell fish, nuts” etc. The warning on each supplement says something to the effect that you should seek the advice of your doctor. That should be done. If you are taking certain medications, certain supplements will nullify or magnify the effect of that medicine. Be cautious. Understand that a physician will usually recommend against any supplement if he or she does not know about, is unsure, or not up to
  • 14. date on a particular substance. In addition, there may be regulations against some products such as marijuana and Vitamin B17 that doctors doesn’t want to be perceived by the overseeing powers as having offered or even condoned. It is highly frowned upon for a doctor to even discuss some substances. It is the liability you know, both legal civil and criminal that they may have to deal with. Many substances found to help in the fight against cancer are included herein. • Alkaline or Ionized Waterv – Cancer lives well in an acidic environment because the bodily functions tend to deposit acidic waste in healthy cells. Cancerous cells do not live well in an alkaline environment which ionized alkaline water helps produce. The “Oxidation Reduction Potential” (ORP) of ionized water serves as an antioxidant causing free radicals, those acidic wastes to be flushed rather than be deposited in a healthy cell some where in the body. Ionization of water causes a water molecule clusters to be smaller and highly negative charged, more so than regular water molecule clusters. These negative charged water clusters serve to attach to and flush free radicals from the body. Nearly every authority recommends that alkaline water not be used as the primary treatment for cancer. It should only be used as one of the adjunct treatments. A review of alkaline water health benefits. ◦ It stopped my acid reflux. ◦ My pastor friend clams it stopped his prostate cancer in its tracks some 20 years ago. ◦ It has antioxidant properties to bolster the immune system. ◦ It helps neutralize acidic body conditions. In conclusion, this was one of the first things I did was to start drinking one quart of 9.5 pH water the very first thing in the morning. Ionized anti-oxidant Water Survey Alkalized Water
  • 15. • Oxygen - “Cancer Cells CANNOT Live in a High Oxygen Environment. A healthy active individual has a blood oxygen level of between 98 and 100 as measured by a pulse oximeter. Cancer patients routinely show very low oxygen levels in their blood, usually around 60. Unfortunately, the main traditional therapies for cancer, namely radiation and chemotherapy, also have been shown to drastically lower blood oxygen levels.”vi According to Nobel prize laureate Dr. Otto Warburg, this low oxygen environment is one of the main reasons cancer cells form. • Toothpaste There is another area of concern people have to consider when addressing cancer. That is commercial toothpaste. Knowing how positive to cancer growth sugar is, I had to do some research. You see, we brush our teeth at least a couple times daily. Knowing that by putting sugar in my mouth a couple times a day I was unintentionally feeding my cancer even if I don’t swallow. I decided to stop brushing my teeth. Now wait you say. And you guessed it, I did too. So I started researching it. In commercial toothpaste are substances like Triclosan (FDA approved), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Hydrated Silica, Aspartame, Fluoride, Propylene Glycol, Diethanolamine, Microbeads, and many other unsavory substances. I feel it is important enough to any person’s health to consider whether or not to commercially produced toothpaste should even be used one time per day. Dr Mercola lists a homemade toothpaste receipt that every person should consider using.
  • 16. Chapter 5 - Supplements There are thousands of supplements one may take to treat any ailment. The following is not an endorsement of any particular supplement for any particular use. This information is intended to be a guide in assisting the reader in finding and locat their desired topical information. Now to address the supplements themselves. Like I stated before there are thousands and thousands upon thousands of combinations. I will only address a limited number in this rendering and not in any order of specific importance. • Capsicum – Cayenne pepper was found to disrupted mitochondrial function in cancerous cells causing cell death (apoptosis) without affecting cells that were normal and healthy. Dr. Sanjay K. Srivastava University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, “Our results demonstrate that capsaicin is a potent anticancer agent, induces apoptosis in cancer cells and produces no significant damage to normal pancreatic cells, indicating its potential use as a novel chemotherapeutic agent for pancreatic cancer”vii Dr. Soren Lehmann of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, “Capsaicin had a profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture. It caused 80% of the prostate cancer cells growing in mice to commit suicide in a process known as apoptosis.”viii • Coca Nut Oil – Coca nut oil has very profound anticancer properties. Extensive studies on animals show cocanut oil has definite retarding affects on cancer. NaturalNews reports that “Growing evidence is reporting that cancer is a metabolic disease characterized by cellular mitochondrial respiratory insufficiency. Cancer cells can only survive and thrive off of glucose and amino acid fermentation. A ketogenic cleanse has been proposed as a means of starving off cancer cell development. The ideal fuel
  • 17. source for the ketogenic cleanse is extra-virgin coconut oil with its powerful immune boosting properties. The metabolism of fatty acids results in ketones that normal cells can utilize but cancer cells cannot. These ketone bodies provide a great anti-inflammatory fuel source for the body that also starves the cancer cells from their nutrient demands.”ix Coconut oil also known as palm oil contains saturated fats, specific fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats. traditional oil that has been consumed, For thousands of years in Southeastern Asia tropical cultures have consumed the oil. Coconut oil has other favorable properties. There is evidence of; ◦ Alzheimer’s reversal may occur by using coconut oil. ◦ Diabetes may be abated by using coconut oil. ◦ Coconut oil helps boost metabolism. • Curcumin - Curcumin is a concentrated extract from the yellow turmeric root a potent antioxidant spice that has many health benefits. Like most antioxidants curcumin has significant anti-inflammatory effects on the immune system. The benefits of turmeric also may include oxidation and regulation of blood sugar levels and blood fat levels. Omega-3 fatty acid called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) levels in brain are controlled too along with cell signaling. Turmeric has anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering effects as well.x As in most herbs and supplement application used by naturopaths and holistic practitioners, most studies have only been done in animal trials. The studies have looked at many cancer forms. Among these are breast, prostate, colon, stomach, lung, pancreas, cervix, mouth, and tongue.
  • 18. Last but not least, and certainly one of the many major benefits of curcumin is the cleansing affect on the liver and the body helping the body to reinforce its immune system. If you can find LONGVIDA® Opimized Curcumin, use it. Developed by researchers at UCLA, LONGVIDA® studies show the body utilizes this form many times more effeciently than even Curcumin Mervia. “The Secrets of Tumeric” – How Tumeric can change your life – See Step #5 • Fluoride The concern that fluoridation can cause cancer has been fueled by evidence linking it to a serious form of bone cancer known as osteosarcoma. This evidence includes a government animal study as well as several studies of human populations living in the United States.”xi “Fluoride also damages the immune, digestive, and respiratory systems as well as the kidneys, liver, and brain and can lead to learning disabilities, including dyslexia, ADHD and autism.”xii • Lycopene - “Scientific studies show that lycopene helps prevent prostate, lung, and stomach cancers. There is also some evidence that cancers of the pancreas, colon and rectum, esophagus, oral cavity, breast, and cervix could be reduced with increased lycopene intake. The good news is that if you like, watermelon and tomato juice contain high amounts of lycopene. They are good for you. Tomatos make lycopene “most available to the body when the tomatoes are cooked and eaten in a meal that provides a small amount of fat.”xiii • Modified Citrus Pectin - Definition; Pecialized fruit polysaccharide or in English called “Modified Citrus Pectin.” Pectin by itself is a component found in cell walls of most plants. The skin and pulp of citrus fruits oranges, lemons, grapefruit, lime, plums, and apples especially crab apples possess a higher concentration of pectin.
  • 19. Scientists believe that modified citrus pectin (MCP) is useful in treatment and possible prevention of metastatic cancer, particularly in tumors like melanoma, breast, prostate, and colon. There are two central processes involved in the growth of cancer. MCP works by inhibiting two central processes. These too processes are; ◦ Angiogenesis - Angiogenesis is where the cancer cells establishes and builds their own blood supply vessels to supply their own growth. I was totally amazed when I discovered this was possible. ◦ Metastasis. Metastasis occurs when one or more cancer cells separate from the first tumor, enter the lymphatic system or bloodstream, float around and land in another location in the body, an organ or other location to form a new tumor. There is a substance labeled galectin-3 antagonism. This substance serves as a transport mechanism like a taxi and a communicator between cancer cells and also serves to move the cancer cell around through out the body. MCP appears to interrupt the procedures that lets cancer cells communicate with one another by binding with galectin-3 causing interruption of successful transportation of cancer cells to new potential cancer tumor locations. When MCP impedes cancer cells trying to form a new tumor, the cancer cells appear to circulate in the bloodstream until apotheosis occurs. Because the bodies immune system can be over burdened by an ever growing cancer cell population floating around, it tries to fight but there is a point where the fight can be lost allowing the new metastatic tumor to be established. MCP assists in keeping bodies immune system from becoming overcome by an increasing numbers of free roving cancerous cells. Chelation is the process of decreasing toxic heavy metals that often are so damaging a person’s overall health. MCP shows prospects as a non-toxic natural
  • 20. chelating agent also binding heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. This helps the body eliminate them in the urine. Not all citrus pectins have the same effects as MCP. Citrus pectin needs to have the short polysaccharide structure to be MCP. Be sure when purchasing to obtain MCP containing short polysaccharide chains. Reputable suppliers will indicate on the label or other locations that they have a short-chain product. • Marijuana – Cannabis - Mari Jane is a relative newcomer to the cancer treatment scene here in the United States. With the Federal laws prohibiting marijuana in any form from being possessed by any person or entity, little research has been done in the good old US of A on its effects on illness. There are ample suspicions that it helps in the treatment of many conditions. With so many states now passing revised and new marijuana regulations, we are seeing more advancement for the cause however auspicious. As a side note, my oncologist told me she had “seen three miracles in the last three months”. One of her patients who had breast cancer, a subsequent double mastectomy, then had seven simultaneous reoccurring tumors. The lady moved to Colorado where she could obtain CBD and THC oils. In just a short few months, four of the tumors had vanished due to the cannabis oil treatment. This oncologist also said there were two other patients with similar results. I don’t know the final outcome of any of the patients conditions at this point. More technical, CBD (Cannabidiol) has the same chemical formula as THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), but the atoms are structured differently. THC is the component of marijuana that is the psychoactive agent. You can get heigh on it. The exception is THCa (Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid). Unlike THC, THCa is a non-psychoactive raw form of marijuana and has exciting medical applications for anti-prostate cancer.xiv THCa is very hard to obtain.
  • 21. • Mushrooms - There are a number of mushrooms that have promise in the treatment of cancer. Not any one is a panacea for every cancer. Many like Miataki, Shiatocki, Reishi, Turkey Tail have been used for years in the orient to treat illnesses. There are just now studies being commenced to under stand the affects on various types of cancer. One of the reasons mushrooms aren’t studied is the following, “It is important to note that drug companies cannot patent mushrooms. Due to this fact, funds typically won’t be allocated to study them unless they come from private institutions or government grants. However, this should be a positive as many studies only seek to isolate one part of a plant or mushroom to patent as a drug.”xv Anti-cancer mushrooms share some common properties. These properties do what is considered the front line of defense. That in fact is the bolstering and building of one’s immune system. I have taken and used under homeopathic direction three of these. The use of mushrooms is complicated and it is herein highly recommended you seek professional assistance. ◦ Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa) "Hen of the Woods" This mushroom has promise of causing apotheosis in cancer cells and blocking tumor growth. Clinical tests have shown promise for breast cancer, MDS (myelodysplastic syndromes), and lung tumors suffers through its specific immune-enhancing characteristics of maitake. One of those mechanisms are the polysaccharides but there have been few studies on how exactly the polysaccharides work to fight cancer. ◦ Agaricus Blazei Murill (Agaricus brasiliensis) The The National Cancer Center Laboratory, and Tokyo College of Pharmacy study showed when guinea pigs injected with sarcoma, complete recovery in 90% of the guinea pigs. Additional benefits of the immune activity lead the shrinkage in the tumors,
  • 22. metastasis stoppaage, and reduction in future cancer occurrences. As a side note, Agaricus blazei murill has been shown to reduce the side effects of some people undergoing chemotherapy for endometrial, cervical, and ovarian cancers. Murrill extracts have immunomodulatory, anti-carcinogenic and anti- mutagenic properties.xvi ◦ Turkey Tail It is reported that Human papillomavirus leading to cervical cancer and other oncoviruses like hepatitis C leading to liver cancers and hormone responsive prostate cancer show responsiveness to the anti-viral properties of the turkey tail mushroom. “Leanna J. Standish, PhD, ND, LAc, FABNO, medical director of the Bastyr Integrative Oncology Research Center. ‘It's been used in Asia for thousands and thousands of years, and it turns out to be a really potent immune therapy. The significance, I think, is that we're bringing a new medicine to cancer patients in the U.S.’"xvii ◦ Shiatocki (Lentinula edodes) Shiatocki produces lentinan is an intravenous anti- tumor polysaccharide , a β-glucan known to suppress leukemia cell proliferation. “Lentinan has been approved as an adjuvant for stomach cancer in Japan since 1985.”xviii ◦ Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) Reishi is another that has been shown to reduce the spreading of cancer cells and helps to slow the growth of new blood vessels dedicated to feed the cancer cell (angiogenesis) and slow the spread of cancer through the body (metastasis) as well as triggering apotheosis the programmed cell death of malignant cells. Reishi is considered a viable added theropy for treatment pf colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer. ◦ Kombucha - The interest in Kombucha as an anti-cancer agent stems mostly from its perceived ability to help detoxify the body. Researchers have hypothesized that one of the acids in the tea may assist the liver in cleaning
  • 23. toxic waste, thereby making it more difficult for cancer cells to take hold. However, this is all speculation at this point as no studies have confirmed or denied such a possibility.xix “In 1996, Iranian physician Dr Soraya Shantiay MD published a report "Kombucha inhibits malignant cell growth". Dr Josef Issels MD (1907 - 1998) prescribed Kombucha as part of his total anti-cancer program and wrote that he "had a good impression”. Dr Veronica Carstens MD (1923 - 2012), wife of the former German president Karl Carstens, recommended Kombucha to all cancer patients and wrote (in 1987) that it detoxifies, enhances metabolism (and thus the immune system) and that its vitamins, lactic acid and glucuronic acid were considered the active ingredients. According to a PhD thesis by Harald Müller-Kehrmann (1990), kombucha activates macrophages. Isolating and testing in vitro a number of immunomodulators on human cell culture systems to determine the anti-tumor effect of various fungi, Müller-Kehrmann found that kombucha extract showed increased macrophage activation (of 60 extracts tested, a total of 6 showed an immuno-stimulating effect).”xx Taking mushrooms in raw form may not have the desired results. There are some processes applied to some mushrooms that help isolate the beneficial benefits of these and other fungal resources. • Stevia - There are many forms of sweeteners both normal and artificial. There is only one recommended for use by cancer patients and diabetics. The one sweetener which does not act as a sugar in the body and cancer is Stevia. Stevia has no calories. Use of Stevia helps to lower blood sugar. Stevia is some 200 times sweeter than sugar. On the acid alkali scale, Stevia is alkali which in the affect on cancer is good. It has been said to help with intestinal issues and has been used to
  • 24. treat burns. It can be used as a contraceptive and to treat colic in babies if the former fails work. • Sugar - Sugar, the American drug of choice. Sugar is a highly sought after food product, a sweetener used to alter the flavor of nearly all prepared foods sold in America. The most common is “High Fructose Corn Syrup”. There are many articles that discuss the evils of sugar and it’s enabling of cancer cells. Dr Mercola says “Without sugar, cancer can not thrive” and that “High-Fructose corn syrup is the primary culprit in cancer”. Starve the cancer cells of sugar. They can only survive if there is sugar present.xxi To put another way, “Dr. Thomas Seyfried has expanded upon Warburg's theories to show that cancer cells can produce energy through glucose and amino acid fermentation. In order to drive enough sugar to run their metabolic systems the cancer cells upregulate insulin receptors and contain ten times more than normal cells. This allows them to gobble up glucose and other nutrients from the blood stream at an accelerated rate.xxii Simply put, without sugar in the cancer cells, the cancer cell can not generate energy they need in the oxygenation process to develop energy. They can not live without outside sugar as normal cells do. That lack of that outside sugar causes the cancer cell to starve and go into apotheosis or cell death which is what all normal cells are programed to do at a given time. Cancer cells don’t die when they are supposed to. Normal cells have an energy generation system that produces the energy they need from oxygen and other compounds. Sugar isn’t needed to be present in a normal cell for it to stay healthy and live for its prescribed lifetime period. This anaerobic process is called glycolysis. • Trace minerals - ◦ Himalayan Salt? Himalayan salt contains the minerals that are necessary for your health, including macrominerals and trace minerals. The macrominerals are needed in relative
  • 25. abundance and include calcium, chloride, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. The recommended daily amount of these macrominerals depends of your age, activity level and general health. Calcium is the most common mineral in your body and is found in your bones and teeth, as well as playing a vital role in nerve and muscle health. Trace minerals are needed in small amounts for health, and those found in Himalayan salt include boron, chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc. Other minerals in Himalayan salt include aluminum, carbon, platinum, selenium, sulfur and titanium.xxiii ◦ Sea salt Sea salt derives 82 essential trace nutrients from the mineral treasure trove present in sea water. These natural minerals are valuable for healthy functioning of the body. The nutritional wealth of sea salt includes vital minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, bromide, chloride, iron, copper, and zinc among other beneficial elements.xxiv Depending on the source of the sea salt will depend upon the concentrations of the eliminates. This affects the flavor as well. Trace minerals like the following; • Calcium – There seems to be quite a lot of conflict in the medical community about how to treat cancer with calcium. Calcium taken with vitamin D is another way to raise alkalinity of the body. One should be very careful in using this treatment as there may be conflicts with other low alkaline cancer diets. Check with your homeopath and physician. Dr. Carl Reich proved this theory back in the 1950’s. He was responsible for helping over a hundred so called “terminally ill" cancer patients live 10-15 years (and more) longer than they were supposed to by giving them calcium supplements. Calcium ensures the body stays oxygenated.xxv
  • 26. • Cesium - “Because of its electrical properties can still enter the cancerous cell. When it does so, because of it's extreme alkalinity, the cell dies. Luckily, healthy cells are not affected by cesium because their cell voltage allows them to balance themselves. The only side effect is a loss of potassium which can be remedied with eating a few bananas and potatoes. (PLEASE NOTE: Bananas, although they are rich in potassium, do contain a lot of sugar - The only part of a potato that contains sufficient amounts of potassium is the peel, the rest is carbohydrate and will turn to sugar, there are better choices for supplementing your potassium.) It is interesting to note that cancer is virtually unknown among the Hopi Indians of Arizona and the Hunza of Northern Pakistan, so long as they stay in the same environment. This strongly suggests that something they are consuming is protecting them from cancer. The Hopi water is rich in Rubidium and potassium. The Hunza water is rich in Cesium and potassium, making both of the water supplies rich with very caustically (alkaline) active metals. Cesium has no natural radioactive form, and should not be confused with Cesium 137 which is artificially produced. Cesium a crystalline salt has been used successfully for cancer for many years now. Cesium Chloride and Cesium Carbonate work by raising the cancer cell's pH to a highly alkaline state. Although many anti-cancer diets also produce an alkaline state, they simply cannot do so as quickly or as fully as Cesium can.”xxvi • Chlorine “Researchers found that those living in areas with high-chlorine content water, who bathed in it regularly, were 83 per cent more likely to get a tumor than those in low-chlorine areas. Those who drank high-chlorine tap water were 35 per cent more likely to get bladder cancer. Regular swimming in pools increased the risk by 57 per cent. Absorbing chlorine through the skin is thought to be more dangerous because it bypasses the liver, which filters out many harmful chemicals when water is swallowed.”xxvii ◦ “Breast cancer, which now affects one in every eight women in North America, has recently been linked to the accumulation of chlorine compounds in the
  • 27. breast tissue. A study carried out in Hartford Connecticut, the first of its kind in North America, found that; “women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of organochlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer.”xxviii • Pancreatin “Pancreatin as a digestive enzyme is available from any health food store in the country, however this type of pancreatin is useless for the cancer patient. The active ingredients in pancreatin which have shown to have tumor dissolving abilities are trypsin and chymotrypsin. These ingredients were taken out of virtually all the pancreatin supplements available to consumers years ago. These active ingredients are being bought in massive quantities by the sewerage industries to digest the sewerage into less noxious forms. This is exactly what is needed in the human body. Our own internal sewerage needs to be dissolved, and to do this, the body uses trypsin and chymotrypsin.xxix • Selenium - Selenium is considered one of the most powerful of the trace elements in its affect on cancer. “Selenium acts as a co-factor for several key antioxidant enzymes called selenoproteins that recycle cellular antioxidants such as glutathione. This process reduces oxidative stress, a cause of premature aging and chronic disease.” “As early as 1996, selenium supplementation was shown to lower overall cancer rates, with specific reductions in lung, colorectal, and prostate cancers. Organic selenium compound L-selenomethionine is better absorbed than inorganic sodium selenite. L-selenomethionine increases cancer cell death by apoptosis.” “Selenium acts by multiple, complementary pathways to prevent cancers from developing.” “This phenomenon, known to scientists as pleiotropy, allows selenium to attack cancer on many different fronts, at many different stages. Pleiotropy is a vital characteristic in any cancer preventive strategy, because cancers all have multiple causes and mechanisms of their own, readily overcoming single-targeted therapies.”xxx “Research has been shown that selenium can
  • 28. contribute to natural antioxidant pathways which stimulate apoptosis (cell death) in human cancer cells.”xxxi • Magnesium - “Magnesium chloride is the first and most important item in any person’s cancer treatment strategy. Put in the clearest terms possible, our suggestion from the first day on the Survival Medicine Cancer Protocol is to almost drown oneself in transdermally (topically) applied magnesium chloride. It should be the first – not the last – thing we think of when it comes to cancer…” xxxii “Magnesium is a team player. One needs to ensure that the other nutrients on Mg’s team are not only present, but also in balanced proportion, since they all work together. The other main team members are Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamins A, D and K. The “team” also includes manganese, zinc and copper. Research suggests that almost anyone with cancer should begin a Ca:Mg intake ratio of 1:1 - High calcium levels are commonly attributed to either mainstream cancer treatments or the cancer itself, but the underlying issue is most likely Mg deficiency. Severe hypercalcemia can be avoided if magnesium levels are brought up to normal.”xxxiii • Potassium Potassium and its applications to cancer are extremely complex. Studies show that a cancer cells contain high amounts of potassium. T cells are one of the complex parts of the immune system and are one of the major components that attack cancer cells. When a cell starts to die, it releases its contained particular potassium compound which in turn attack the T cells thus neutralizing them so they can no longer attack the cancer cell. This is similar to the relationship between GcMAF and Nagalase. That is not to say that Potassium isn’t important to other bodily functions. Many potassium compounds regulate many many activities of nearly all the cells in the
  • 29. body. One should consult your homeopath and monitor your potassium levels when treating cancer. • Rubidium Rubidium is one of the essential elements of the high pH Cesium Chloride therapy. In the study by Dr. Aubrey Keith Brewer in 1984 - “The other elements of potassium, rubidium, and especially cesium are most efficiently taken up by cancer cells. This uptake was enhanced by Vitamins A and C as well as salts of zinc and selenium. The quantity of cesium taken up was sufficient to raise the cell to the 8 pH range. Where cell mitosis ceases and the life of the cell is short. Tests have been carried out on over 30 humans. In each case, the tumor masses disappeared. Also, all pains and effects associated with cancer disappeared within 12 to 36 hours; the more chemotherapy and morphine the patient had taken, the longer the withdrawal period.”xxxiv Vitamin B17 (Laetrile) Laetrile is a very controversial anti- cancer agent, from almonds and apricot pits. It has erroneously been called "Vitamin B-17" but it is not a vitamin. Rather, laetrile is amygdalin, a cyanide-containing substance. The cyanide is the active ingredient, so to speak, that somewhat selectively kills the cancer cells. It is much like cytotoxic pharmaceutical chemotherapy (which explains both the need for caution and also the stringent rejection it has received from the medical powers that be.) The imperious medical monarchy, which includes the AMA, FDA, and their ensuing laws, make laetrile therapy strikingly difficult to obtain legally inside United States borders.xxxv When the laetrile compound molecule comes across a cancer cell, it is broken down into 2 molecules of glucose, 1 molecule of hydrogen cyanide and 1 molecule of benzaldehyde. In the early days of laetrile research it was assumed that the hydrogen cyanide molecule was the major cancer cell killing molecule, but now it is known that it is the benzaldehyde molecule that is by far the major reason the cancer cell is killed.xxxvi
  • 30. • Vitamin C It is once again Nobel-prize winning Linus Pauling, PhD with Ewan Cameron, MD, a Scottish cancer surgeon, who have demonstrated the effectiveness of ten grams (10,000 mg) of vitamin C a day in reversing terminal cancer in thirteen out of 100 patients. All the vitamin C treated patients have lived, on average, five times as long as controls who did not receive the 10 grams of C. Do not be misled by false media hype against Vitamin C. A pair of politically- motivated Mayo Clinic studies condemning the vitamin are seriously faulted. You will want to refer to Drs. Cameron and Pauling's book, Cancer and Vitamin C, revised edition (1993) for the full story. There is no substitute for the truth. xxxvii • Vitamin D3 - Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is converted to calcifediol. Part of the calcifediol is converted by the kidneys to calcitriol, the biologically active form of vitamin D. Calcitriol circulates as a hormone in the blood, regulating the concentration of calcium and phosphate in the bloodstream and promoting the healthy growth and remodeling of bone. Calcitriol also affects neuromuscular and immune function. xxxviii Vitamin D is a hormone type steroid that affects every cell in your body. Vitamin D is easily one of nature’s most effective cancer combatants. Vitamin D enters cancer cells and trigger apoptosis or cancer cell death. We’ve addressed apoptosis in the section about modified citrus pectin. Doctors know low levels of vitamin D are connected to certain types of cancers as well as other diseases like diabetes. New research by well respected scientists show vitamin can kill human cancer cells. One of those is Dr. F. C. Garland: Quote "The first event in cancer is loss of communication among cells due to, among other things, low vitamin D and calcium levels. In this new model, we
  • 31. propose that this loss may play a key role in cancer by disrupting the communication between cells that is essential to healthy cell turnover, allowing more aggressive cancer cells to take over."xxxix Breast cancer cells were treated with a potent form of vitamin D. Half the cancer cells shriveled up and died inside days. vitamin D’s affects were dramatically greater on mice injected with breast cancer cells. Some of the cancer tumors disappeared completely. After weeks of treatment, the average cancer tumors shrank by more than half. Predictions from this study said that 75% of the deaths caused as a result of these cancers would be prevented with satisfactory intake of vitamins D3 and calcium. One of the first things the Homeopathic MD treating me was to put me on high doses of Vitamin D3 with subsequent blood testing to regulate the levels of D in my system. There can be side effects from having too much D in your system. Some of these may include dizziness, tightness in the chest, fast heartbeat, unusual tiredness or weakness, hives or itching, skin rash, difficulty swallowing, cough, or swelling around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue. If you experience any of these after taking higher doses of vitamin D, contact you doctor asap.
  • 32. Chapter 6 – Foods Diet is considered as one of the major components in the fight against cancer by most of the medical community traditional and alternative camps. The most recommended diet by the medical profession is Mediterranean diet. There are buckets of books for that diet. The following is a list of writings are available with those descriptions. • Paleo Cookbook • Paleo Hacks Cookbook “Low-carb diets aren’t perfect for everyone. They’re horrible for endurance athletes, and you shouldn’t eliminate all carbs for long periods of time. But low carb diets can be extremely effective in treating cancer. Excess glucose feeds tumor cells, and insulin drives the overgrowth of cancerous tissue. Grains are particularly disastrous as they also increase inflammation, deplete nutrient stores, and serve as a cheap source of carbs. Reducing carbohydrates should have been one of the first things Steve Jobs tried, but instead it looks like he was advised to maintain a high-carb, low-fat, grain based diet.xl • As much as I love pizza, spaghetti, biscuits, gravy, tacos, cookies, cakes, puddings, pancakes, bread and roles; they are all forbidden on a cancer diet. It took some time for me to get my mind right. After all, sugar is the American drug of choice. I finally discovered a way that satisfies my cravings. It is called the good all- American smoothie. There are some references here on how to do a smoothie, then just modify it to fit your chosen cancer diet. I have found my own formula for a smoothie that is completely satisfying and lasting. I use two farm fresh raw eggs, celery, broccoli, home cultured yogurt, Stevia, ¼ ts. Cinnamon, a blood orange or occasionally an apple, blueberries, or strawberries for flavoring. I caution you to check out the benefits of dairy products and the other sugar baring fruits. Along
  • 33. with this I have learned to love rice cakes with coconut oil spread like butter sprinkled with pink Himalayan salt. The coconut oil serves to provide energy along with the eggs because I work physically and instead of burning sugar for energy, the coconut oil provides it. Be aware that you should consider limiting your protean intake. “Dr. Rosedale advises 1 gram of protein per kilogram of lean body mass which for most people will be about 50 grams of protein a day (or 0.5 grams per pound of lean body weight). While you can take carbs to very low levels in ketogenic diets, you must have some protein every day to replace your body's requirements. The key is to add healthy fat to replace the carbs and excess protein.”xli Coconut oil works well and I supplement with ample butter. My cholesterol dropped by 200 plus points. • Chlorophyll “Chlorophyll, the substance in plants that makes them green, helps "inhibit cell mutations and therefore could help control cancer," said a Food Watch article in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Sprouts and the live food factors within them such as enzymes (and chlorophyll) have been extensively used in nutritional programs to shrink or reduce tumors directed by Dr. Ann Wigmore. She was probably the world's foremost authority on sprouts, wheat grass juice, fasting and raw foods against malignancy. Her lessons on the subject began with her Latvian grandmother, and culminated with Dr. Wigmore's self-cure of colon cancer using living foods. Her books include Why Suffer, Be Your Own Doctor, and Recipes for Longer Life, among others.xlii • Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is a most incredible food supplement. It possesses many properties that affect the human body in several positive ways. ◦ As it applies to cancer, apple cider vinegar is not a cure for cancer, but because of the antioxidant properties it contains, free radicals are attacked. Cancer is an autoimmune disease and normal cells can be badly damaged by them. Apple cider
  • 34. vinegar can however help to reduce the risk to other cancers. Using apple cider vinegar helps make the body an alkaline environment which is a difficult atmosphere for cancer to live in. I take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar at night before bedtime. The information is that it can reduce fasting blood sugars. Ideally this helps to starve the cancer cells further. I use organic unfiltered vinegar. My favorite is Bragg’s. It contains “mother”, proteins strands and other properties and good bacteria. ◦ Insulin sensitivity and insulin responses when apple cider vinegar is used improves during high-crab meals by significant amounts. ◦ Apple cider vinegar helps to reduce risk of heart disease and lowers cholesterol. Greeks used vinegar as medicine some 2,400 years ago. The Egyptians some 4,000 years ago. There is a 12000 year history of vinegar being used in Babylon for medical purposes. xliii • Green Tea Green tea contains polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. Green Tea Polyphenols (GTP), particularly EGCG or EGCg (epigallocatechin gallate) not only inhibit an enzyme required for cancer cell growth, but also kills cancer cells with no ill effect on healthy cells. EGCG, an antioxidant, is considered many times more potent than the Vitamin E or Vitamin C antioxidant properties. In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Kansas determined that EGCG is twice as powerful as resveratrol, which itself is known to kill cancer cells.xliv Studies show that the major polyphenol in green tea, EGCG, may reduce breast cancer and prostate cancer. Although these studies have been promising, more research is underway to fully understand the impact green tea has on cancer prevention. • Resveratrol Resveratrol is a stilbenoid, a type of natural phenol, and a phytoalexin produced by several plants in response to injury or when the plant is under attack
  • 35. by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. Sources of resveratrol in food include the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, lingonberry and senna.xlv Research has shown that Resveratrol has the ability to deeply penetrate the center of a cell's nucleus, allowing the DNA to repair free radical damage that might otherwise contribute to cancerous growth. It also helps cut down cell reproduction, which helps reduce the number of cell divisions that could contribute to the progression of cancer cell growth.xlvi • White Tea White tea is considered more potent than Green Tea. “It is produced almost exclusively in China. It belongs to the same species (Camellia sinensis) as other tea plants, but has a higher proportion of buds to leaves. The buds are covered by silvery hairs, giving the plant a whitish appearance. White tea may have the strongest potential of all teas for fighting cancer according to Oregon State University researchers.”xlvii • Quercetin - “The most powerful flavonoid Quercetin protects the DNA in cells because collects around the nucleus of cells offering powerful anti-oxidant protection. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also a powerful natural histamine blocker. Here’s another big benefit. Quercetin binds to excess iron in your body. It removes it from tissues, and prevents its absorption.This process is called chelation. This is critical as iron can be a key ingredient in cancer cell growth. Quercetin has the ability to steal the iron from cancer cells which can stop their growth and induce cell death. FYI: Red meat is the highest source of iron.”xlviii
  • 36. Chapter 7 - Common Denominators • Ketosis “How the Ketogenic Diet Weakens Cancer Cells. You can effectively produce ketones by limiting the carbohydrates in your diet to less than 80 grams daily and protein to no more than 1.2 grams of protein/per kg lean body mass. By removing carbohydrates from your diet, you can also deplete cancer cells of their energy supply. Cancer cells are unlike normal cells in many ways, but one of their traits that is most unique regards insulin receptors. They have ten times more insulin receptors on their cellular surface. This enables cancer cells to gorge themselves in glucose and nutrients coming from the bloodstream at a very high rate. As you continue to supply cancer cells with sugar, they will continue to thrive and spread. It is no surprise that the lowest survival rate in cancer patients is among those with the highest blood sugar levels. Cancer cells have damaged mitochondria and lack the ability to create energy from aerobic respiration. They cannot metabolize fatty acids for energy. For this reason, cancer cells thrive in oxygen-depleted environments. Cancer cells metabolize glucose and amino acids. Restricting glucose or the amino acid glutamine is essential to starve off cancer.xlix Intermittent Fasting Fasting was also found to help "starve" cancer cells and protect cells from chemotherapy toxicity. Researchers are now looking at its potential to improve long-term survival rates of cancer patients. This means skipping breakfast, making lunch the first meal of your day, and eating your dinner at 7:00 in the evening. It is also important to take note of what you eat. Avoid highly processed foods loaded with sugar, grains, and empty calories, and instead opt for high-quality organic foods like vegetables, raw nuts, grass-fed meat, whey protein, and healthy fats like coconuts, coconut oil, and avocados.l
  • 37. • Alkalinity – There is ample evidence that cancer can no thrive in an alkaline environment. Everything to living conditions water is alkaline and consumed by the population to diet of foods that cause higher pH in the body show lower incidences of cancer events. Alkalinity causes cancer cells to die, apoptosis. (programmed cell death) • Immune system antioxidants - Immune System Enhancer – “The immune system does not only fight infections, but cancer cells too, particularly precancerous cells or wandering cancer cells. One reason why cancer increases with age – though certainly not the only one – is that typically the immune system declines with Cancer researchers are developing agents that induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) as potent anti-cancer drugs. One such treatment is called “Imunotheropy” In common with many of the nutrients in the Cancer Treatment Protocol are such elements as selenium, vitamin A, green tea, vitamin D3, and curcumin all of which help to induce cancer cell apoptosis.lii • Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and other viruses which retard the effectiveness of the GcMAF on the cancer cell. “GcMAF is a human protein that the body makes naturally to do battle for the immune system. “GcMAF doesn't actually cure cancer, of course -- it merely provides the ammunition needed by the body's own immune system to eradicate and cure cancer itself, naturally.”liii The Nagalase protein is made by all cancer cells and other viruses which retard the effectiveness of the GcMAF on the cancer cell. One can obtain GcMAF injections but they are very expensive. • Detoxification There are many elements and treatments all of which work to defeat cancer. One of the common is the process of detoxification . Generally there are many heavy metals and other contaminates our bodies ingest. Substances like curcummon help detoxify the liver of these. Other elements act as anti-oxidants helping to bind with unwanted toxins causing them to be flushed from the body.
  • 38. Chapter 8 – Financial Considerations This information is intended to be an informative resource. You are welcome to use any link herein with the caveat that your responsibility is to read and further research to understand the information on your own volition. What I Discovered was, there are legitimate ways of covering the costs of treatment and others one might consider questionable. • Crowd funding There are hundreds of crowd funding programs where other people willing to donate to help you cover your cost of treatment, travel and lodging. None of these work very well if you are unable to promote your program effectively. You can hire some one to help you, but they end up with a lions share of the funds donated by friends, relatives, and that can disappoint them. If you choose to go this route, consider springing for a modest fee to set up your own crowd funding the proper way. If you don’t have the computer and internet ability, request a friend or trusted relative to help. • Insurance proceeds There is an abundance of free floating capital in the corporate world available to be used by unusual events. Enterprising companies have figured out a way of utilize these free floating funds to make a great profit. They borrow or utilize funds which don’t draw a large return to fund these cancer medical treatment programs. They will offer to purchase your life insurance policy at a substantial discounted amount so you can use the money to cover medical and related costs. Here is how it works. You can find the company that will loan against the you death proceeds. What they want to know what type of cancer you have been diagnosed with, the prognosis, the stage of your cancer, and what the doctors have told you. Based upon that information and later documented paperwork, they will consider your need. Upon
  • 39. approval for the program you will be ask to assign ownership of your policy over to them. They will take over the premium payments. Your proceeds will depend upon your perceived life expectancy as determined from the information you provide. There is an origination fee that is deducted from your loan proceeds. They will calculate a reverse interest for the longest time you might live. If you die sooner that their expected calculation, the keep the extra interest calculated. If you live longer, you are expected to pay the advanced price back at that time. Remember, you no longer own the policy, they do. Ya, it was a loan. For my $100,000 term policy they would advance $40,000 only. If I live another 15 years, I would be required to repay the full $100,000. I declined the deal because I fully intend to live another 20 plus years. • Personal Assets With the advent of Obama Care, nearly every person has coverage for traditional medical treatment. Your personal net worth and income, your personal assets can be the major determining factor in what you have to pay for that traditional care. Most insurances have large deductibles, but if you are destitute much of that cost over insurance proceeds may be forgiven if you are destituts. However, if you are opting for alternative treatments, there are very few insurances that will approve the cost of alternative treatment. You will have to foot the bill on your own. Now it comes to decision time. What assets do you possess that you are willing to give up? For some of us, we have to decide what to sell and spend vs. keep for our loved ones to live on after we are gone. • Grants Although I have not tried to gather a grant to fund my cancer treatment, here are some possible resources one may pursue. If you aren’t comfortable in
  • 40. tackling this task yourself, perhaps some close friend or acquaintance will assist you. There are also professional grant writers who will be happy to assist for compensation. ◦ Funding Opportunities Available for All United States Citizens ◦ New* Government Grants & Free U.s. Money Sources!
  • 41. Conclussion – Cancer is in whole or at lease in part an autoimmune disease. “An autoimmune disease is a condition arising from an abnormal immune response to a normal body part”liv When searching autoimmune diseases one will not find cancer listed generally or specifically. There are over 100 different types of cancer and in general alternative treatments are the same treatments that affect other autoimmune diseases. This rendering is intended to shed light on a path you as a cancer victim may want to explore. Hopefully you will find helpful information that will guide you directly to the information you seek without spending thousands of hours like I did to find helpful information. This rendering is not intended to be advice on how to treat your specific cancer disease. That is left up to you the reader with the assistance from your advisers so you can make the decisions about what steps you do want to take that will best serve you. My name is Keith. I reside in Colorado and I will be here to assist you in any way I can as long as I can. Please if you have questions, call me at 970-235-0055 and leave your message. I will return your call as quickly as I can. You do understand I have a material relationship in that these products and programs you purchase are intending to provide compensation from their promotion and sale. I have utilized a majority of my assets to pay for supplement treatment that medicare and insurance declined to pay for. So, any purchases you make for your own benefit from this information provided is greatly appreciated. I pray you are able to ues it to your complete benefit. The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the my own opinion. I am not a physician or ant formally trained person in nutrition. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. I am not engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in these products, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. I do not warrant nor do I guarantee any strategy, presented, treatment, action, or application of information offered by myself or any of the products presented herein. Shameless Advertising 78 Effective Cancer Therapies You Probably Never Heard About Funding Opportunities Available for All United States Citizens New* Government Grants & Free U.s. Money Sources! Crowd Funding the Most effective Way Ketogenic Diet
  • 42.
  • 43. i ii iii iv From more information on how to send a specimen, please call MLabs at 800-862-7284 or visit v vi vii University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine published in the April 20, 2005, issue of Innovations Report viii Dr. Soren Lehmann of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the UCLA School of Medicine ix x xi xii xiii xiv De Petrocellis L;Ligresti A.;Moriello A.S.;Iappelli M.;erde R.;Stott C.G.; Cristino L.;Orlando P. & Di Marzo V. (2013-01-01) xv xvi xvii xviiiSmith JE; Rowan NJ; Sullivan R (2001). Cancer Research UK. xix xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii cancer.aspx xxxiv xxxv q xxxvi xxxvii xxxviii c_properties_and_current_medical_usage_with_special_emphasis_on_cancer_treatments xxxix xl xli xlii xliii septic-kills-98-of-all-germs-natures-perfect-health-food/ xliv xlv xlvi xlvii xlviii xlix l li lii liii liv
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