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Cancer Demystified
Why is Cancer so mysterious? After all these years, surely we, the public, should
have a clearer understanding of this disease, what it is, how it occurs, how to prevent
it and how to treat it.

The cold hard realities are shocking. To date, since Richard Nixon declared War on
Cancer in 1971, over $2 trillion has been spent searching for a cure. And what has
been the result? Consider the following facts:

∗   Cancer is now the number two killer in the western world.
∗   The incidence of many cancers, like Bowel, Prostate and Breast Cancers are still
    increasing, some by up to 10% per annum.
∗   The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that the prognosis of
    cancer patients has not improved since the 1950’s. If any improvement has
    occurred, it can simply be related to the fact that we have better screening
    techniques and that cancers are consequently detected earlier, not because we
    have more effective treatments.
∗   Even the latest chemotherapy drugs, when tested and assessed in the real world
    of ‘day-to-day’ cancer treatment, have only a 17-27% success rate.
∗   Once you have cancer, fighting it is difficult as the cancer cells have the capacity
    to mutate and adapt to the agents sent into the body to kill them. This is why
    chemotherapy can be so unreliable.

Cancer is still out of control.

So who is in Control?
There is little money spent on prevention programs. Still, our medical establishment
tells us that the best defense against cancer is early detection. Now I hate to be a
cynic, but this approach certainly keeps the cash registers ticking over in the many
thousand medical practices around the country, but it isn’t really solving the cancer

Countless research articles have pointed to diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors in
reducing the risk of cancer. Why don’t we hear more about them? Why don’t we see
government campaigns, similar in size and impact to road trauma campaigns, telling
us about lifestyle habits that will reduce our cancer risk? Simply, there are some crazy
decisions being made at government level.

As you well know, the most powerful lobby groups get the bulk of a government’s
attention. I have heard medical specialists state that it is dangerous to give people
false hope about lifestyle changes reducing the risk of cancer until it can be proven,
beyond all doubt, that it will work. Does that sound a little stupid to you when you
consider that there isn’t a cancer drug on the market that has yet to be proven,
beyond all doubt, to work?

I cannot help but see vested interests here.

You may not be aware that the only people in Australia legally allowed to treat cancer
are oncologists. Naturopaths, Chinese physicians and other highly trained health care
professionals are not allowed to treat cancer? I find that bizarre in a free market
economy. If a patient wishes to receive treatment from one of these Health
Professionals, the chosen professional must first write to the Oncologist and gain

In 2002, the NSW Minister for Health has stated that his Government will crack down
on “miracle cures” and misleading health claims and advertisements to protect people
who are sick and vulnerable. It has established a committee to do this job.

The committee is headed by Chairman Professor John Dwyer and Cheryl Freeman
and unidentified others. The purpose of this group, it appears, is to outlaw any form of
complementary medicine that is not accepted by mainstream medicine. To date it
appears that there will be no right of appeal to any decision that they unilaterally

Already banned are homoeopathic vaccines and a number of other highly effective
therapies. Also in the firing line is any form of frequency medicine such as garlic and

Much to my disappointment, this group is apparently funded by Dick Smith, a person I
have admired greatly for a long time.

As far as I have been able to gather, the committee intends to recommend a change
in the law to stop any doctor involved in complementary medicine and initiate a public
education campaign against alternative health.

Sources also tell me that both Professor Dwyer and Ms Freeman are members of the
skeptics association and are long term adversaries of complementary medicine.

So, I ask, what led the NSW government to form this committee? Where did the
pressure come from? Who drove it? To me, it smacks of pharmaceutical industry
lobbyists working to protect their multi-billion dollar industry.

How much money would these people lose if the incidence of cancer dropped by 10%
over the next year? They have a great deal to lose if a cure is, in fact, found.

At the end of the day, the partnership between Western Medicine, particularly the
Oncology profession, and the Pharmaceutical Industry is as strong as it is powerful.
These people have a bloody minded approach. It is almost as if they cannot find the
cure, they don’t want anyone else to.

What’s more important, the Cure or the Cause?
My response to them is simply, “Go and keep searching for your magic silver bullet”. I
am more interested in what causes cancer and what feeds the growth of a tumor once
it has established itself.

Medical science has been around for several hundred years. The body and its
functions have been well known for at least a couple of hundred years and since early
in the 1800’s, medical scientists have taken a keen interest in the causes of death,
even performing autopsies on people who died mysteriously.
Up until early in the 20th century, cancers were extremely rare and heart disease was
almost unheard of. What has changed since then? Consider the following:

∗   We exercise less
∗   We eat less raw, fresh plant foods
∗   We eat more cooked and over cooked foods
∗   We eat many more highly refined, less nutritious foods
∗   We consume a vast array of chemicals and food additives
∗   We drink less clean, fresh water and consume vast volumes of processed
    beverages instead.
∗   We consume powerful hormones without a second thought, not paying any
    attention to the possible disruptions to normal hormonal balance and function
∗   We spend less time talking, sharing and laughing with friends and family
∗   We spent much less time contributing meaningfully to and building our community
∗   We spend less time in prayer, meditation or deep contemplation
∗   We are often bored and feel trapped
∗   We do not honor our body and do not practice regular cleansing protocols such as
    the abstinence practices of the Christian religions during lent
∗   We have become more highly materialistic and less spiritual
∗   We have become creatures of convenience and comfort

Perhaps it is worthwhile looking at these issues to find out how we can turn back the
clock and decrease our risk of cancers.

The Flick of the Switch
Much of the research indicates that a cancer begins to grow when a genetic mutation
occurs. Genetic mutation is one of those terms that can leave you a little bamboozled.
It almost leads you to consider the possibility that the human body is defective and
that one of these defects can “kick in” at any time. Nothing could be farther from the

When extreme duress is applied to bodily tissues, they will react and perhaps be
forced into a mutation, stimulating some form of tissue growth. If that tissue continues
to grow unchecked, it may then interfere with the functions of organs or it may spread
to other parts of the body, interfering at that point. These growths may lead to a level
of obstruction where normal life can be drastically effected or even ended.

There are many theories as to why these growths occur. One group of scientists ran
contaminated blood through a tumor and it came out the other side purified. They then
drew the conclusion that perhaps the tumor is being formed to help clean up a toxic

Others have theorised that cancer is a healing response that has not been terminated
at completion of healing because of poor pancreatic function (probably due to poor
general health). This theory relates to the healing process of any wound in the body,
large or small.

Both of these theories are very credible. Both give a reason why that genetic switch is
‘flicked’ and a mutation of genes occurs.

So I ask you the question. “Can we avoid the switch being flicked? Can we live a life
without being concerned about the risk of getting cancer?”
Viruses, Parasites, Moulds and Fungal Infections
There is much credible research indicating a role being played by viruses and
parasites in the onset of cancer. Many medical researchers believe very strongly that
the ‘genetic mutation’ occurs in direct response to the work of a virus. Others believe
that it is the work of a parasite that ‘flicks the switch’.

Certainly, when our body becomes unhealthy, we begin to harbor all sorts of viruses,
bacteria, parasites, moulds and fungal infections. The greater the infestation of these
microbes, the more likely we will in some way suffer from disease. Once disease sets
in, we have a battle on our hands to ‘fight’ it off.

But can it be that the presence of these microbes is more aligned to the “Fire Engines
cause Fires” theory. If you have not heard of this statement before, it is a broadside at
modern science as a great deal of modern research looks for common elements and
labels them “indicators”. Following this line the statement argues that, because there
is always a fire engine when there is a fire; could a fire engine be a causative factor in
a fire. In the same vein, can it simply be that the existence of these microbes, like the
onset of a cancer, is simply a response to the state of the body’s health.

Simply, when the body is polluted, these invaders appear whilst at the same time, the
pollution is interrupting the distribution of oxygen and vital nutrients and minerals.
Disease is not far away, but whether or not the invaders are the cause is a subject for
further investigation.

But when this infestation occurs, western medicine’s response is to attack the
invaders, as opposed to treating the environment to make it inhospitable to the
invader. Imagine dumping your garbage outside your lounge room window. As the
days go by, and the garbage begins to rot, flies would begin to appear, followed by all
sorts of other insects, rodents and birds. When they became too overwhelming, you
could use insecticides on the insects, poison the rats and shoot the birds to restore
your peace. But in doing so, your relief would be temporary. They would soon be
back. If however, your removed the garbage, the invaders would not have an
environment off which they could thrive.

When illness strikes, we endure a great deal of discomfort and interruption to our own
lives. We are required to draw upon all of our reserves of self discipline to get
ourselves well again.

I ask, why not draw upon that discipline now and do the things you need to do to get
your body to a state where these invaders cannot exist?

Having explained all of these things however, there is another much more credible
explanation for Cancer which carries on from the “pollution” theory described above.

Where has all the Oxygen Gone?
Back before the industrial revolution, the level of Oxygen (O2) in the earth’s
atmosphere ranged between 38% and 50%. That level has now dropped to less than
28% and in some places like major cities it has been measured well below 20%.

O2 is critical to the survival of the human body. Just try holding your head under water
for 30 seconds or more. Your body cannot do without this vital element. But, what
happens if your body gets enough O2 to survive but doesn’t get enough to serve all
the needs of the body, particularly at cellular level.
Healthy human cells have an “anti-oxidant” protection around them. O2 cannot enter a
cell at will. It must wait for the cell to reach out and invite it in. Once inside the cell, the
O2 is used to process glucose to create ATP, the body’s primary fuel.

If the cell’s O2 supply drops below 60%, the cell can no longer metabolise glucose
effectively. At this point, the cell switches to a process of fermentation of glucose.
When a human cell makes this transition to Oxidative respiration to fermentative
respiration, it becomes nothing more than a plant cell. And, as you know, plants
simply grow, and grow and grow.

This was discovered some years ago by two time Nobel Prize winner Dr Otto

The following is an excerpt from Dr. Warburg's lecture, "The Prime Cause and
Prevention of Cancer" delivered in 1966 at the annual meeting of the Nobel-Laureates
in Lindau, Germany.

"There are prime and secondary causes of disease. For example, the prime cause of
the plague is the plague bacillus, but the secondary cause of the plague are filth, rats,
and the fleas that transfer the plague bacillus from the rats to man. By a prime cause
of a disease I mean one that is found in every case of the disease.

"Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. Almost anything
can cause cancer. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized
in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of
oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet
their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy
needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes,
where-as all cancer cells are partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of the physics
and chemistry of life, this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great that
one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in
plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy
yielding reaction of the lowest living forms: namely a fermentation of glucose.

"As emphasized, it is the first precondition of the proposed treatment that all growing
body cells be saturated with oxygen. It is the second precondition that exogenous
carcinogens be kept away, at least during the treatment. All carcinogens impair
respiration directly or indirectly by deranging capillary circulation, a statement that is
proved by the fact that no cancer cells exist, the respiration of which is not impaired.
Of course, respiration cannot be repaired if it is impaired at the same time by

Even in Cancer research, and a simple web search will verify such, a fermentation
process is used to grow cancer cells for the research purposes. Excessive growth is
controlled by the simple introduction of oxygen.

It appears, most clearly, that Cancer is simply the result of a lack of O2 in the human
body. There are many therapies being practiced across the world using O2 or O3
(ozone) to kill cancerous cells as they do not like O2. A human cell that has degraded
to become a plant cell no longer possesses the anti-oxidant shield of a normal healthy
cell. When O2 is introduced, the cell is attacked and killed.

So why are we lacking O2 to the point where we are getting cancers.
This is the most likely “flick of the switch”. Simply a cell starved of oxygen switches
from oxidative respiration to fermentative respiration. The cell no longer resembles a
human cell and begins to grow and multiple, out of control.

A Body in Dis-ease
Everyday, the operator of your local swimming pool runs a simple test. He or she will
take a sample of the water and test the pH (a measure of acidity or alkalinity). They do
this to ensure that the water is safe. The optimum pH for swimming pool water is 7.2.

So, what does that mean? If you cannot remember your year 10 chemistry, it is simply
this. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14. At the zero end of the scale we have the acids
and at the 14 end of the scale we have the alkalines.

         0                                 7                                 14
         Acid                           Neutral                              Alkaline

If the pool water pH drops below seven, it becomes an environment where bacteria,
viruses, moulds and fungus survive. Why? Simply, these things do not like oxygen.
They are anaerobic.

If you had two solutions in jars and one was slightly alkaline (7.2) and the other
slightly acidic (6.8), the more alkaline solution could absorb 100 times more oxygen
than the slightly acidic solution.

A slightly alkaline solution absorbs optimum levels of oxygen, creating an environment
where bacteria, viruses, moulds and fungus cannot exist.


All of your bodily fluids should be slightly alkaline. Following are the desired pH
readings for the human body.

                       Body Fluid             pH
                       Arterial Blood         7.40
                       Venous Blood           7.35
                       Saliva                 7.0 – 7.2
                       Urine                  7.0 – 7.2

When your pH drops, you create a haven for all of these nasty invaders. From that
point on, your immune system is working overtime fighting for your survival.

Acidity in the human body is caused by a couple of factors. They include:

∗   Poor eating habits
∗   Poor system cleansing and elimination leading to the build-up of toxic waste sites
    in the body
∗   Negative stress
∗   Environmental toxins

Couple this state of acidity with poor circulation resulting from a sorry lack of physical
exercise, and you have a body that is on a collision course with disease, most likely
A low pH can be found at the root of most diseases. You see, if your arterial blood pH
dropped to 7.2, you would die. Simply, it could not carry enough oxygen at this pH.
When you consume acidic food, like Coca Cola for example which has a pH of 2.8,
you body goes into a state of ‘physiological panic’ as it works to protect the blood from
a drastic drop in pH. One of the body’s major back-up system is the dissolving of bone
tissue as the phosphates stored in bone are very alkaline and can be used to
neutralize the invading acid.

When this bone is dissolved and the phosphates consumed, the Calcium bonded to
the phosphate simply gets dumped and become a major hindrance to normal bodily

Viruses, moulds, bacteria, fungus and parasites will seek out a dark, damp, low
oxygen, acidic environment to live and multiply. Your body can have lots of these
places. They might include:

∗   Lung tissue that has been badly scarred and lacking adequate blood flow as a
    result of cigarette smoking
∗   A dirty, clogged bowel
∗   Body tissues and cavities where blood supply is poor resulting in low oxygen

A simple alternative to this is to clean your body up, start exercising and engage a
therapist who can monitor your progress and show you how you are going and how to
achieve optimum health.

The Nature of Blockages
The human body likes things to flow freely. Consider the following areas of free flow in
the human body:

∗   The free flow of air in and out of the lungs
∗   The free flow of blood throughout the body, including the extremities
∗   The free flow of foodstuffs through the gastrointestinal tract
∗   The free flow of lymphatic fluid through the body, via lymph nodes, to the bowel to
    remove waste products
∗   The free flow of the bowel to expel waste
∗   The free flow the renal system to remove waste products
∗   The free flow of the liver, with all of its amazing chemical processes, to optimise
    thousands of physiological functions
∗   The free flow of emotions, expressing all of our feelings
∗   Clarity of thought

When a blockage occurs, stagnancy can develop, resulting in a low oxygen
environment, invasion and possible tissue damage. This may then lead to the ‘flick of
the switch’. Once a cell’s Oxygen supply is reduced to that critical level, fermentative
respiration commences and the cancer has started.

A plentiful supply of oxygen (02) is probably the most critical element of good,
balanced health in the human body. As you know, it is breathing that brings 02 into the
Have you ever considered that you may have developed inefficient breathing habits
over the years, reducing the amount of oxygen that you are actually drawing into your

Excellent research reveals that asthma is most often (in over 90% of cases) simply a
case of “over-breathing”. When we over breathe, we blow off too much Carbon
Dioxide (CO2) and interfere with the vital balance between 02 and C02 levels in the
blood. The body’s reaction is to constrict bronchial passages to limit the outflow of air
containing vital C02. This then reduces the asthmatics capacity to draw air in, resulting
in low oxygenation. In most cases, an asthmatic who is taught to breathe correctly will
stop most or all of their asthma symptoms.

There are many other cases of poor breathing. Most Eastern Medicine disciplines
place a major emphasis on breathing and actually partake in regular breath exercises.
Our medical system only gets concerned about breath if you actually stop breathing or
experience extreme difficulty in breathing.

Most Yoga teachers are knowledgeable about correct breathing techniques. Buteyko
practitioners are also highly trained in breath and therapeutic breath training.

Blood Flow
The uninterrupted flow of blood to all extremities of the body is crucial for excellent
health. If an area is not getting enough blood, it will have a low oxygen supply and will
become a haven for anaerobic invaders such as viruses, bacteria and parasites. Cells
may switch to fermentative respiration.

Exercise is important for many reasons, but one that is not often mentioned is the role
exercise plays in the oxygenation of the body tissues, especially those areas that
attract minimal blood flow when we are sedentary.

Aerobic exercise, resistance training and yoga type exercise all play a vital role in
toning all of the tissue of the body, maximizing the number of blood capilliaries,
maximizing blood volume and ensuring that adequate blood flow reaches all areas on
a regular basis to deliver life giving 02.

A free flow of foodstuffs through our digestive system ensures that all of the
processes of digestion occur efficiently. However, if we have digestive problems like
stomach or duodenal ulcers, or gastric reflux or heartburn, these digestive processes
may be less than effective leading to poor nutrition, food cravings and perhaps some
degree of toxicity.

A person suffering from reflux or heartburn is probably just dehydrated. When food is
to be emptied from the stomach, the pancreas must release bicarbonates just below
the stomach valve to neutralize stomach acids as they enter the start of the small
intestine. If chronically dehydrated, the pancreas may not be able to perform this vital
function, so the stomach will then not empty. Soon, the acidic “mush” in the stomach
begins to ‘go back the other way’, burning the esophagus.

Digestive problems mean poor nutrition. Poor nutrition means poor health. Persons
suffering digestive problems should deal with them and not simply cover them up with
antacids and other medications designed simply to remove a symptom, a course of
action that will certainly lead to disaster.
Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is not that exciting and never receives much press, but is one of
the most crucial in the body. The lymph system is the garbage collection department,
carrying toxic bi products and pollutants away from cells, and eventually dumping
them in the bowel.

Rhythmic muscle contraction, the gentle bodily bouncing associated with walking and
jogging and gentle massage are the things that help the lymphatic fluid run through
the system. Sedentary lifestyles can lead to stagnancy in the lymph system and
possible blockages.

When the lymph system becomes stagnant and blocked, a haven is created for all the
‘nasties’ previously mentioned; bacteria, viruses, moulds, fungus and parasites.

Researchers at Cornell University in New York have pointed to Casein, a milk protein
used in the manufacture of glue, as a major cause of blockages in the lymph tissue
around the breasts, a significant risk fact or, they say, in breast cancer.

The Bowel
“Death begins in the Bowel!” A common phrase declared by the hygienist community.
And they are pretty right. Your bowel is the final point of accumulation of most of the
body’s waste products. It should be expelled regularly and there should be no
stagnation. If you eat three meals per day, you should have three bowel movements.

But, if your system is unhealthy, if you are dehydrated and if your diet comprises
refined and heavily processed foods, your bowel may be in a terrible state. Some
researchers say that many adults have between 2kg and 10kg or even more of putrid,
rotting fecal matter.

As soon as your bowel becomes stagnant, and you experience a build up of waste,
you create a haven for all the “nasties”. Because your bowel has direct access to your
liver via the hepatic portal vein, these “nasties” have access to the rest of your body.

A toxic bowel leads to a toxic body and a state of disease. In most cases, skin disease
is a direct indicator of an unhealthy bowel. Being the body’s second largest waste
disposal outlet, the skin begins to erupt when the body tries to move waste through
the pores as opposed to a stagnant, blocked up bowel.

Regular bowel cleansing is critical to good health. However, laxatives are not the
answer as they actually make the bowel lazy by, over time, reducing the strength and
effectiveness of the peristalsis (the muscle action that massages the contents along
the bowel).

For more information on cleansing, see my article “Time for a Cleanse”.

The Renal System
Your renal system comprises your Kidney, Bladder, Urethra and related components.
A major part of the structure of the kidney is the adrenal cortex, the site of production
and release of Adrenaline, the stress or “fight or flight” hormone.

When your diet is too acidic, one of the end results is an overload of uric acid and
calcium being processed through the kidney. This, over time, results in an
accumulation of these two products into “stones”. Kidney stones inhibit kidney function
and are extremely painful and debilitating.
Further, if a person is subjected to constant bouts of stress, the adrenal cortex may be
forced to “work overtime” which will result in fatigue in the whole kidney. A fatigued
kidney is an inefficient kidney, which means poor function and a reduction in health.

Liver Function
The Liver performs a plethora of different functions within the body. It plays key roles
in energy production, protein processing and distribution, immune function and system

When the Liver is bombarded with pollutants and contaminants, it can become
sluggish and inefficient in its functioning. If it becomes overloaded with toxic elements,
it can become quite sick and diseased.

A sick, poorly functioning liver means poor immunity, low energy levels and
susceptibility to sickness, infection and disease.

Most people who put themselves through a “liver cleansing” program report that they
feel really well and very energetic.

Emotional Expression
Emotions are not well understood in our society. Until recently,
medicine ignored any possibility that they may have a role
in disease. But, let’s ask what an emotion is.

If we take a look at an atom, we quickly realise that only a
minute part of the atom is actually solid matter. The rest
is pure energy.

The human body is made of atoms, which means that it too
is predominantly energy. In fact, one author notes that if all
the solid matter from all the atoms in all the human beings
on the planet was gathered together there would be enough
solid matter to produce less than a thumb.

An emotion is an energy charge. It rushes through the body and must escape. It can
be in the form of laughter, frustration, anger, sadness, fear or a range of others. If that
energy charge is not allowed to be released, our body must actually hold it in. This
requires more energy.

The result may lead to blockages in normal energy flow. Professor Dean Ornish’s
ground breaking study revealed that people who do not express their emotions,
especially sadness and anxiety, have a much elevated risk of Coronary Heart

In Eastern Medicine, much respect is paid to the clear flow of energy through the
body. Key energy channeling points are called Chakras. Each charka relates to
different emotions or different flows of energy. The charka for the emotions of sadness
and anxiety is at the heart level. Easter Medicine theory believes that a blocked heart
charka can lead to a physical blockage.

In fact, when Ornish taught his patients to talk through their feelings and release the
energy charge, many of their heart disease symptoms disappeared.
The same can go for cancers. An emotional hurt is, in itself, a wound. If that wound is
not healed, it can create a healing response similar to that of a physical wound
healing which may then lead to the development of a tumor. The act of physically
restraining an emotion may lead to tension within tissue, restriction of blood flow and a
low oxygen environment. Many authors have written of patients reducing the size of a
tumor or in fact healing a tumor, simply by dealing with some old emotional wounds.

So, when faced with a cancer diagnosis, it is important to deal with the emotions as
well. This can be a very difficult and challenging process as so many of us have
learned too well to put on a brave face and declare that we are “fine”, ignoring the fact
that at one point or more in our lives we have been badly wounded emotionally and
were not given the opportunity to deal with it.

Good health demands that we “Deal with your emotions emotionally.”

Clearing Your Mind
During a normal day, thousands of thoughts pass through your mind. Each one of
these thoughts has the capacity to stimulate some form of physical response.
Thoughts trigger the electrical activity which in turn can stimulate the release of
hormones which, again in turn, can create a physical response.

If the thoughts are potentially stressful (worry or apprehension), they can trigger a
stress response. This may then lead to an continued, low level stimulation of the
adrenal cortex.

The trick is to train your mind so that you learn to simply watch those thoughts roll by
without getting caught up in them, without reacting to them. People with a well trained
mind are not as easily stressed or distracted and are actually better thinkers, more
intuitive and more peaceful.

The best way to train your mind is through meditative activities. The point of these
exercises is to engage in an activity which requires a single point of focus and then
holding that focus for a period of time – at least five minutes and for up to 30 minutes.

In meditation you may use a Mantra or some form of symbol to focus your mind upon.
As time passes, distractions will pass through. A successful meditation is one in which
you saw the distraction and let it pass by without allowing it to distract you.

Prayer is a form of meditation. The words to prayers like the Lords Prayer for example
are actually mantras and the act of praying is meditation.

Other activities like intricate sewing, fine arts, crossword puzzles, chess and things
that require extreme concentration are meditative. I knew one very competent
cricketer who used his batting practice as a time to train his mind to shut out all
distracting thoughts.
Unblock, Heal and Be Well
There is not time like the present to get yourself well. Don’t wait till you get sick to see
a doctor. Don’t allow yourself to play victim either. This is your life. It is in your hands.

There are a number of steps you can take to give your body the best possible defense
against cancer.

One: Find a holistic health care practitioner who will support your efforts to get well
and guide you through.

Two: Commence a deep cleansing program. A live in retreat is probably the most
effective method such as that offered at Living Valley Springs ( in
Queensland or Kwan Jai ( in Thailand. Regular Saunas are an
essential part of keeping your body clean and oxygenated.

Note: If you feel that you are suffering from the lack of O2 in your system and your
body needs some substantial O2 enrichment, you can assist this with Ozone Therapy,
Breathe Therapy and Hyperbarics. To learn more about Hyperbaric medicine, visit To learn more about Ozone Therapy, visit Ed McCabe at

Three: Start exercising at least four times per week. Do aerobic activity, stretching
and strengthening work.

Four: Try some emotional healing work. A visit to a Kinesiologist will help you
discover any emotional blocks. The Kinesiologist may be able to help you heal them
too. Programs like The Turning Point ( are also
very effective.

Five: Start eating well. Learn how to get your body into a slightly alkaline state and
try to keep it there by eating fresh, organic foods. Dominate your diet with plants and
try not to eat too much in the way of heavily cooked foods.

Six: Drink plenty of filtered water each day – at least 1 litre per 25 kilograms of
body weight.

Seven: Express your emotions. Laugh a lot, get angry if you need to and cry also
when the opportunity presents.

Eight: Try meditating, even if it is only for five minutes each day.

Nine: Become aware of how you are breathing. Ask your therapist to check you out
and offer you tips on more effective breathing.

Ten:   Get a massage at least once per month.

Eleven: Spend more time in nature. Walking in the bush, surfing or just sitting in the
park or your garden really nurtures your body and your soul.

Twelve: Take a bigger picture view of life. Enjoy your life and learn to live more in the
now and trust the future more. As John Lennon wrote, “Life is what happens to us
while we're making other plans.”
Thirteen: Find new challenges. Find new opportunities to grow as a person. You can
find challenges in new jobs, meeting new people, traveling, new hobbies, reading
books or by throwing caution to the wind from time to time.

Fourteen: If you are concerned that your body is infested with the “nasties” that may
trigger a cancer, you can have extensive investigative blood tests done. The
Hyperbaric Medicine group in Melbourne ( specialises in
this work.

A Few Quotes from others:
“All people should know that the so called war against cancer is basically a fraud.”
                       Professor Linus Pauling, Twice Nobel Prize Winner for Science

“In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things
you have long taken for granted.”                                   Bertrand Russell

“It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

“Loyalty to a petrified opinion never once broke a chain or freed a human soul.”
                                                                           Mark Twain

This article is an accumulation and organization of my thoughts, learning and
information on cancer and the disease process. Over many years I have read books,
articles, web sites and journals. I have spoken to countless gifted and knowledgeable
people. I have also spoken to some who clearly did not want this sort of information
distributed and who opposed many of these ideas cart blanche, without ever really
taking the time to investigate them.

Please remember that I am an educator and not a scientist. I read, interpret and
present for your benefit, trying to filter through biased science and technical jargon to
give you a balanced and easy to understand description of cancer.

I have listed some of the organizations below from whom I have drawn information.
Please feel free to visit these sites yourself to further investigate your own health and

The Spinal Rehabilitation Group        
Kwan Jai                               
Living Valley Springs                  
Dr. Mercola                            
The Campaign for Truth in Medicine     
Dr. Bernard Jensen                     
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
New Century Nutrition          
Ozone Therapy Clinic London            
Kurt W. Donsbach, D.C., N.D., Ph.D.    
Mr. Oxygen – Ed McCabe                 

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Cancer Demystified

  • 1. Cancer Demystified Why is Cancer so mysterious? After all these years, surely we, the public, should have a clearer understanding of this disease, what it is, how it occurs, how to prevent it and how to treat it. The cold hard realities are shocking. To date, since Richard Nixon declared War on Cancer in 1971, over $2 trillion has been spent searching for a cure. And what has been the result? Consider the following facts: ∗ Cancer is now the number two killer in the western world. ∗ The incidence of many cancers, like Bowel, Prostate and Breast Cancers are still increasing, some by up to 10% per annum. ∗ The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that the prognosis of cancer patients has not improved since the 1950’s. If any improvement has occurred, it can simply be related to the fact that we have better screening techniques and that cancers are consequently detected earlier, not because we have more effective treatments. ∗ Even the latest chemotherapy drugs, when tested and assessed in the real world of ‘day-to-day’ cancer treatment, have only a 17-27% success rate. ∗ Once you have cancer, fighting it is difficult as the cancer cells have the capacity to mutate and adapt to the agents sent into the body to kill them. This is why chemotherapy can be so unreliable. Cancer is still out of control. So who is in Control? There is little money spent on prevention programs. Still, our medical establishment tells us that the best defense against cancer is early detection. Now I hate to be a cynic, but this approach certainly keeps the cash registers ticking over in the many thousand medical practices around the country, but it isn’t really solving the cancer problem. Countless research articles have pointed to diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors in reducing the risk of cancer. Why don’t we hear more about them? Why don’t we see government campaigns, similar in size and impact to road trauma campaigns, telling us about lifestyle habits that will reduce our cancer risk? Simply, there are some crazy decisions being made at government level. As you well know, the most powerful lobby groups get the bulk of a government’s attention. I have heard medical specialists state that it is dangerous to give people false hope about lifestyle changes reducing the risk of cancer until it can be proven, beyond all doubt, that it will work. Does that sound a little stupid to you when you consider that there isn’t a cancer drug on the market that has yet to be proven, beyond all doubt, to work? I cannot help but see vested interests here. You may not be aware that the only people in Australia legally allowed to treat cancer are oncologists. Naturopaths, Chinese physicians and other highly trained health care professionals are not allowed to treat cancer? I find that bizarre in a free market economy. If a patient wishes to receive treatment from one of these Health
  • 2. Professionals, the chosen professional must first write to the Oncologist and gain approval. In 2002, the NSW Minister for Health has stated that his Government will crack down on “miracle cures” and misleading health claims and advertisements to protect people who are sick and vulnerable. It has established a committee to do this job. The committee is headed by Chairman Professor John Dwyer and Cheryl Freeman and unidentified others. The purpose of this group, it appears, is to outlaw any form of complementary medicine that is not accepted by mainstream medicine. To date it appears that there will be no right of appeal to any decision that they unilaterally make. Already banned are homoeopathic vaccines and a number of other highly effective therapies. Also in the firing line is any form of frequency medicine such as garlic and echinacea. Much to my disappointment, this group is apparently funded by Dick Smith, a person I have admired greatly for a long time. As far as I have been able to gather, the committee intends to recommend a change in the law to stop any doctor involved in complementary medicine and initiate a public education campaign against alternative health. Sources also tell me that both Professor Dwyer and Ms Freeman are members of the skeptics association and are long term adversaries of complementary medicine. So, I ask, what led the NSW government to form this committee? Where did the pressure come from? Who drove it? To me, it smacks of pharmaceutical industry lobbyists working to protect their multi-billion dollar industry. How much money would these people lose if the incidence of cancer dropped by 10% over the next year? They have a great deal to lose if a cure is, in fact, found. At the end of the day, the partnership between Western Medicine, particularly the Oncology profession, and the Pharmaceutical Industry is as strong as it is powerful. These people have a bloody minded approach. It is almost as if they cannot find the cure, they don’t want anyone else to. What’s more important, the Cure or the Cause? My response to them is simply, “Go and keep searching for your magic silver bullet”. I am more interested in what causes cancer and what feeds the growth of a tumor once it has established itself. Medical science has been around for several hundred years. The body and its functions have been well known for at least a couple of hundred years and since early in the 1800’s, medical scientists have taken a keen interest in the causes of death, even performing autopsies on people who died mysteriously.
  • 3. Up until early in the 20th century, cancers were extremely rare and heart disease was almost unheard of. What has changed since then? Consider the following: ∗ We exercise less ∗ We eat less raw, fresh plant foods ∗ We eat more cooked and over cooked foods ∗ We eat many more highly refined, less nutritious foods ∗ We consume a vast array of chemicals and food additives ∗ We drink less clean, fresh water and consume vast volumes of processed beverages instead. ∗ We consume powerful hormones without a second thought, not paying any attention to the possible disruptions to normal hormonal balance and function ∗ We spend less time talking, sharing and laughing with friends and family ∗ We spent much less time contributing meaningfully to and building our community ∗ We spend less time in prayer, meditation or deep contemplation ∗ We are often bored and feel trapped ∗ We do not honor our body and do not practice regular cleansing protocols such as the abstinence practices of the Christian religions during lent ∗ We have become more highly materialistic and less spiritual ∗ We have become creatures of convenience and comfort Perhaps it is worthwhile looking at these issues to find out how we can turn back the clock and decrease our risk of cancers. The Flick of the Switch Much of the research indicates that a cancer begins to grow when a genetic mutation occurs. Genetic mutation is one of those terms that can leave you a little bamboozled. It almost leads you to consider the possibility that the human body is defective and that one of these defects can “kick in” at any time. Nothing could be farther from the truth. When extreme duress is applied to bodily tissues, they will react and perhaps be forced into a mutation, stimulating some form of tissue growth. If that tissue continues to grow unchecked, it may then interfere with the functions of organs or it may spread to other parts of the body, interfering at that point. These growths may lead to a level of obstruction where normal life can be drastically effected or even ended. There are many theories as to why these growths occur. One group of scientists ran contaminated blood through a tumor and it came out the other side purified. They then drew the conclusion that perhaps the tumor is being formed to help clean up a toxic body. Others have theorised that cancer is a healing response that has not been terminated at completion of healing because of poor pancreatic function (probably due to poor general health). This theory relates to the healing process of any wound in the body, large or small. Both of these theories are very credible. Both give a reason why that genetic switch is ‘flicked’ and a mutation of genes occurs. So I ask you the question. “Can we avoid the switch being flicked? Can we live a life without being concerned about the risk of getting cancer?”
  • 4. Viruses, Parasites, Moulds and Fungal Infections There is much credible research indicating a role being played by viruses and parasites in the onset of cancer. Many medical researchers believe very strongly that the ‘genetic mutation’ occurs in direct response to the work of a virus. Others believe that it is the work of a parasite that ‘flicks the switch’. Certainly, when our body becomes unhealthy, we begin to harbor all sorts of viruses, bacteria, parasites, moulds and fungal infections. The greater the infestation of these microbes, the more likely we will in some way suffer from disease. Once disease sets in, we have a battle on our hands to ‘fight’ it off. But can it be that the presence of these microbes is more aligned to the “Fire Engines cause Fires” theory. If you have not heard of this statement before, it is a broadside at modern science as a great deal of modern research looks for common elements and labels them “indicators”. Following this line the statement argues that, because there is always a fire engine when there is a fire; could a fire engine be a causative factor in a fire. In the same vein, can it simply be that the existence of these microbes, like the onset of a cancer, is simply a response to the state of the body’s health. Simply, when the body is polluted, these invaders appear whilst at the same time, the pollution is interrupting the distribution of oxygen and vital nutrients and minerals. Disease is not far away, but whether or not the invaders are the cause is a subject for further investigation. But when this infestation occurs, western medicine’s response is to attack the invaders, as opposed to treating the environment to make it inhospitable to the invader. Imagine dumping your garbage outside your lounge room window. As the days go by, and the garbage begins to rot, flies would begin to appear, followed by all sorts of other insects, rodents and birds. When they became too overwhelming, you could use insecticides on the insects, poison the rats and shoot the birds to restore your peace. But in doing so, your relief would be temporary. They would soon be back. If however, your removed the garbage, the invaders would not have an environment off which they could thrive. When illness strikes, we endure a great deal of discomfort and interruption to our own lives. We are required to draw upon all of our reserves of self discipline to get ourselves well again. I ask, why not draw upon that discipline now and do the things you need to do to get your body to a state where these invaders cannot exist? Having explained all of these things however, there is another much more credible explanation for Cancer which carries on from the “pollution” theory described above. Where has all the Oxygen Gone? Back before the industrial revolution, the level of Oxygen (O2) in the earth’s atmosphere ranged between 38% and 50%. That level has now dropped to less than 28% and in some places like major cities it has been measured well below 20%. O2 is critical to the survival of the human body. Just try holding your head under water for 30 seconds or more. Your body cannot do without this vital element. But, what happens if your body gets enough O2 to survive but doesn’t get enough to serve all the needs of the body, particularly at cellular level.
  • 5. Healthy human cells have an “anti-oxidant” protection around them. O2 cannot enter a cell at will. It must wait for the cell to reach out and invite it in. Once inside the cell, the O2 is used to process glucose to create ATP, the body’s primary fuel. If the cell’s O2 supply drops below 60%, the cell can no longer metabolise glucose effectively. At this point, the cell switches to a process of fermentation of glucose. When a human cell makes this transition to Oxidative respiration to fermentative respiration, it becomes nothing more than a plant cell. And, as you know, plants simply grow, and grow and grow. This was discovered some years ago by two time Nobel Prize winner Dr Otto Warburg. The following is an excerpt from Dr. Warburg's lecture, "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" delivered in 1966 at the annual meeting of the Nobel-Laureates in Lindau, Germany. "There are prime and secondary causes of disease. For example, the prime cause of the plague is the plague bacillus, but the secondary cause of the plague are filth, rats, and the fleas that transfer the plague bacillus from the rats to man. By a prime cause of a disease I mean one that is found in every case of the disease. "Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. Almost anything can cause cancer. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, where-as all cancer cells are partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of the physics and chemistry of life, this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great that one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms: namely a fermentation of glucose. "As emphasized, it is the first precondition of the proposed treatment that all growing body cells be saturated with oxygen. It is the second precondition that exogenous carcinogens be kept away, at least during the treatment. All carcinogens impair respiration directly or indirectly by deranging capillary circulation, a statement that is proved by the fact that no cancer cells exist, the respiration of which is not impaired. Of course, respiration cannot be repaired if it is impaired at the same time by carcinogens." Even in Cancer research, and a simple web search will verify such, a fermentation process is used to grow cancer cells for the research purposes. Excessive growth is controlled by the simple introduction of oxygen. It appears, most clearly, that Cancer is simply the result of a lack of O2 in the human body. There are many therapies being practiced across the world using O2 or O3 (ozone) to kill cancerous cells as they do not like O2. A human cell that has degraded to become a plant cell no longer possesses the anti-oxidant shield of a normal healthy cell. When O2 is introduced, the cell is attacked and killed. So why are we lacking O2 to the point where we are getting cancers.
  • 6. This is the most likely “flick of the switch”. Simply a cell starved of oxygen switches from oxidative respiration to fermentative respiration. The cell no longer resembles a human cell and begins to grow and multiple, out of control. A Body in Dis-ease Everyday, the operator of your local swimming pool runs a simple test. He or she will take a sample of the water and test the pH (a measure of acidity or alkalinity). They do this to ensure that the water is safe. The optimum pH for swimming pool water is 7.2. So, what does that mean? If you cannot remember your year 10 chemistry, it is simply this. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14. At the zero end of the scale we have the acids and at the 14 end of the scale we have the alkalines. 0 7 14 Acid Neutral Alkaline If the pool water pH drops below seven, it becomes an environment where bacteria, viruses, moulds and fungus survive. Why? Simply, these things do not like oxygen. They are anaerobic. If you had two solutions in jars and one was slightly alkaline (7.2) and the other slightly acidic (6.8), the more alkaline solution could absorb 100 times more oxygen than the slightly acidic solution. A slightly alkaline solution absorbs optimum levels of oxygen, creating an environment where bacteria, viruses, moulds and fungus cannot exist. THE SAME RULES APPLY TO THE HUMAN BODY. All of your bodily fluids should be slightly alkaline. Following are the desired pH readings for the human body. Body Fluid pH Arterial Blood 7.40 Venous Blood 7.35 Saliva 7.0 – 7.2 Urine 7.0 – 7.2 When your pH drops, you create a haven for all of these nasty invaders. From that point on, your immune system is working overtime fighting for your survival. Acidity in the human body is caused by a couple of factors. They include: ∗ Poor eating habits ∗ Poor system cleansing and elimination leading to the build-up of toxic waste sites in the body ∗ Negative stress ∗ Environmental toxins Couple this state of acidity with poor circulation resulting from a sorry lack of physical exercise, and you have a body that is on a collision course with disease, most likely cancer.
  • 7. A low pH can be found at the root of most diseases. You see, if your arterial blood pH dropped to 7.2, you would die. Simply, it could not carry enough oxygen at this pH. When you consume acidic food, like Coca Cola for example which has a pH of 2.8, you body goes into a state of ‘physiological panic’ as it works to protect the blood from a drastic drop in pH. One of the body’s major back-up system is the dissolving of bone tissue as the phosphates stored in bone are very alkaline and can be used to neutralize the invading acid. When this bone is dissolved and the phosphates consumed, the Calcium bonded to the phosphate simply gets dumped and become a major hindrance to normal bodily functions. Viruses, moulds, bacteria, fungus and parasites will seek out a dark, damp, low oxygen, acidic environment to live and multiply. Your body can have lots of these places. They might include: ∗ Lung tissue that has been badly scarred and lacking adequate blood flow as a result of cigarette smoking ∗ A dirty, clogged bowel ∗ Body tissues and cavities where blood supply is poor resulting in low oxygen saturation A simple alternative to this is to clean your body up, start exercising and engage a therapist who can monitor your progress and show you how you are going and how to achieve optimum health. The Nature of Blockages The human body likes things to flow freely. Consider the following areas of free flow in the human body: ∗ The free flow of air in and out of the lungs ∗ The free flow of blood throughout the body, including the extremities ∗ The free flow of foodstuffs through the gastrointestinal tract ∗ The free flow of lymphatic fluid through the body, via lymph nodes, to the bowel to remove waste products ∗ The free flow of the bowel to expel waste ∗ The free flow the renal system to remove waste products ∗ The free flow of the liver, with all of its amazing chemical processes, to optimise thousands of physiological functions ∗ The free flow of emotions, expressing all of our feelings ∗ Clarity of thought When a blockage occurs, stagnancy can develop, resulting in a low oxygen environment, invasion and possible tissue damage. This may then lead to the ‘flick of the switch’. Once a cell’s Oxygen supply is reduced to that critical level, fermentative respiration commences and the cancer has started. Breathing A plentiful supply of oxygen (02) is probably the most critical element of good, balanced health in the human body. As you know, it is breathing that brings 02 into the body.
  • 8. Have you ever considered that you may have developed inefficient breathing habits over the years, reducing the amount of oxygen that you are actually drawing into your body. Excellent research reveals that asthma is most often (in over 90% of cases) simply a case of “over-breathing”. When we over breathe, we blow off too much Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and interfere with the vital balance between 02 and C02 levels in the blood. The body’s reaction is to constrict bronchial passages to limit the outflow of air containing vital C02. This then reduces the asthmatics capacity to draw air in, resulting in low oxygenation. In most cases, an asthmatic who is taught to breathe correctly will stop most or all of their asthma symptoms. There are many other cases of poor breathing. Most Eastern Medicine disciplines place a major emphasis on breathing and actually partake in regular breath exercises. Our medical system only gets concerned about breath if you actually stop breathing or experience extreme difficulty in breathing. Most Yoga teachers are knowledgeable about correct breathing techniques. Buteyko practitioners are also highly trained in breath and therapeutic breath training. Blood Flow The uninterrupted flow of blood to all extremities of the body is crucial for excellent health. If an area is not getting enough blood, it will have a low oxygen supply and will become a haven for anaerobic invaders such as viruses, bacteria and parasites. Cells may switch to fermentative respiration. Exercise is important for many reasons, but one that is not often mentioned is the role exercise plays in the oxygenation of the body tissues, especially those areas that attract minimal blood flow when we are sedentary. Aerobic exercise, resistance training and yoga type exercise all play a vital role in toning all of the tissue of the body, maximizing the number of blood capilliaries, maximizing blood volume and ensuring that adequate blood flow reaches all areas on a regular basis to deliver life giving 02. Digestion A free flow of foodstuffs through our digestive system ensures that all of the processes of digestion occur efficiently. However, if we have digestive problems like stomach or duodenal ulcers, or gastric reflux or heartburn, these digestive processes may be less than effective leading to poor nutrition, food cravings and perhaps some degree of toxicity. A person suffering from reflux or heartburn is probably just dehydrated. When food is to be emptied from the stomach, the pancreas must release bicarbonates just below the stomach valve to neutralize stomach acids as they enter the start of the small intestine. If chronically dehydrated, the pancreas may not be able to perform this vital function, so the stomach will then not empty. Soon, the acidic “mush” in the stomach begins to ‘go back the other way’, burning the esophagus. Digestive problems mean poor nutrition. Poor nutrition means poor health. Persons suffering digestive problems should deal with them and not simply cover them up with antacids and other medications designed simply to remove a symptom, a course of action that will certainly lead to disaster.
  • 9. Lymphatic System The lymphatic system is not that exciting and never receives much press, but is one of the most crucial in the body. The lymph system is the garbage collection department, carrying toxic bi products and pollutants away from cells, and eventually dumping them in the bowel. Rhythmic muscle contraction, the gentle bodily bouncing associated with walking and jogging and gentle massage are the things that help the lymphatic fluid run through the system. Sedentary lifestyles can lead to stagnancy in the lymph system and possible blockages. When the lymph system becomes stagnant and blocked, a haven is created for all the ‘nasties’ previously mentioned; bacteria, viruses, moulds, fungus and parasites. Researchers at Cornell University in New York have pointed to Casein, a milk protein used in the manufacture of glue, as a major cause of blockages in the lymph tissue around the breasts, a significant risk fact or, they say, in breast cancer. The Bowel “Death begins in the Bowel!” A common phrase declared by the hygienist community. And they are pretty right. Your bowel is the final point of accumulation of most of the body’s waste products. It should be expelled regularly and there should be no stagnation. If you eat three meals per day, you should have three bowel movements. But, if your system is unhealthy, if you are dehydrated and if your diet comprises refined and heavily processed foods, your bowel may be in a terrible state. Some researchers say that many adults have between 2kg and 10kg or even more of putrid, rotting fecal matter. As soon as your bowel becomes stagnant, and you experience a build up of waste, you create a haven for all the “nasties”. Because your bowel has direct access to your liver via the hepatic portal vein, these “nasties” have access to the rest of your body. A toxic bowel leads to a toxic body and a state of disease. In most cases, skin disease is a direct indicator of an unhealthy bowel. Being the body’s second largest waste disposal outlet, the skin begins to erupt when the body tries to move waste through the pores as opposed to a stagnant, blocked up bowel. Regular bowel cleansing is critical to good health. However, laxatives are not the answer as they actually make the bowel lazy by, over time, reducing the strength and effectiveness of the peristalsis (the muscle action that massages the contents along the bowel). For more information on cleansing, see my article “Time for a Cleanse”. The Renal System Your renal system comprises your Kidney, Bladder, Urethra and related components. A major part of the structure of the kidney is the adrenal cortex, the site of production and release of Adrenaline, the stress or “fight or flight” hormone. When your diet is too acidic, one of the end results is an overload of uric acid and calcium being processed through the kidney. This, over time, results in an accumulation of these two products into “stones”. Kidney stones inhibit kidney function and are extremely painful and debilitating.
  • 10. Further, if a person is subjected to constant bouts of stress, the adrenal cortex may be forced to “work overtime” which will result in fatigue in the whole kidney. A fatigued kidney is an inefficient kidney, which means poor function and a reduction in health. Liver Function The Liver performs a plethora of different functions within the body. It plays key roles in energy production, protein processing and distribution, immune function and system cleansing. When the Liver is bombarded with pollutants and contaminants, it can become sluggish and inefficient in its functioning. If it becomes overloaded with toxic elements, it can become quite sick and diseased. A sick, poorly functioning liver means poor immunity, low energy levels and susceptibility to sickness, infection and disease. Most people who put themselves through a “liver cleansing” program report that they feel really well and very energetic. Emotional Expression Emotions are not well understood in our society. Until recently, medicine ignored any possibility that they may have a role in disease. But, let’s ask what an emotion is. If we take a look at an atom, we quickly realise that only a minute part of the atom is actually solid matter. The rest is pure energy. The human body is made of atoms, which means that it too is predominantly energy. In fact, one author notes that if all the solid matter from all the atoms in all the human beings on the planet was gathered together there would be enough solid matter to produce less than a thumb. An emotion is an energy charge. It rushes through the body and must escape. It can be in the form of laughter, frustration, anger, sadness, fear or a range of others. If that energy charge is not allowed to be released, our body must actually hold it in. This requires more energy. The result may lead to blockages in normal energy flow. Professor Dean Ornish’s ground breaking study revealed that people who do not express their emotions, especially sadness and anxiety, have a much elevated risk of Coronary Heart disease. In Eastern Medicine, much respect is paid to the clear flow of energy through the body. Key energy channeling points are called Chakras. Each charka relates to different emotions or different flows of energy. The charka for the emotions of sadness and anxiety is at the heart level. Easter Medicine theory believes that a blocked heart charka can lead to a physical blockage. In fact, when Ornish taught his patients to talk through their feelings and release the energy charge, many of their heart disease symptoms disappeared.
  • 11. The same can go for cancers. An emotional hurt is, in itself, a wound. If that wound is not healed, it can create a healing response similar to that of a physical wound healing which may then lead to the development of a tumor. The act of physically restraining an emotion may lead to tension within tissue, restriction of blood flow and a low oxygen environment. Many authors have written of patients reducing the size of a tumor or in fact healing a tumor, simply by dealing with some old emotional wounds. So, when faced with a cancer diagnosis, it is important to deal with the emotions as well. This can be a very difficult and challenging process as so many of us have learned too well to put on a brave face and declare that we are “fine”, ignoring the fact that at one point or more in our lives we have been badly wounded emotionally and were not given the opportunity to deal with it. Good health demands that we “Deal with your emotions emotionally.” Clearing Your Mind During a normal day, thousands of thoughts pass through your mind. Each one of these thoughts has the capacity to stimulate some form of physical response. Thoughts trigger the electrical activity which in turn can stimulate the release of hormones which, again in turn, can create a physical response. If the thoughts are potentially stressful (worry or apprehension), they can trigger a stress response. This may then lead to an continued, low level stimulation of the adrenal cortex. The trick is to train your mind so that you learn to simply watch those thoughts roll by without getting caught up in them, without reacting to them. People with a well trained mind are not as easily stressed or distracted and are actually better thinkers, more intuitive and more peaceful. The best way to train your mind is through meditative activities. The point of these exercises is to engage in an activity which requires a single point of focus and then holding that focus for a period of time – at least five minutes and for up to 30 minutes. In meditation you may use a Mantra or some form of symbol to focus your mind upon. As time passes, distractions will pass through. A successful meditation is one in which you saw the distraction and let it pass by without allowing it to distract you. Prayer is a form of meditation. The words to prayers like the Lords Prayer for example are actually mantras and the act of praying is meditation. Other activities like intricate sewing, fine arts, crossword puzzles, chess and things that require extreme concentration are meditative. I knew one very competent cricketer who used his batting practice as a time to train his mind to shut out all distracting thoughts.
  • 12. Unblock, Heal and Be Well There is not time like the present to get yourself well. Don’t wait till you get sick to see a doctor. Don’t allow yourself to play victim either. This is your life. It is in your hands. There are a number of steps you can take to give your body the best possible defense against cancer. One: Find a holistic health care practitioner who will support your efforts to get well and guide you through. Two: Commence a deep cleansing program. A live in retreat is probably the most effective method such as that offered at Living Valley Springs ( in Queensland or Kwan Jai ( in Thailand. Regular Saunas are an essential part of keeping your body clean and oxygenated. Note: If you feel that you are suffering from the lack of O2 in your system and your body needs some substantial O2 enrichment, you can assist this with Ozone Therapy, Breathe Therapy and Hyperbarics. To learn more about Hyperbaric medicine, visit To learn more about Ozone Therapy, visit Ed McCabe at Three: Start exercising at least four times per week. Do aerobic activity, stretching and strengthening work. Four: Try some emotional healing work. A visit to a Kinesiologist will help you discover any emotional blocks. The Kinesiologist may be able to help you heal them too. Programs like The Turning Point ( are also very effective. Five: Start eating well. Learn how to get your body into a slightly alkaline state and try to keep it there by eating fresh, organic foods. Dominate your diet with plants and try not to eat too much in the way of heavily cooked foods. Six: Drink plenty of filtered water each day – at least 1 litre per 25 kilograms of body weight. Seven: Express your emotions. Laugh a lot, get angry if you need to and cry also when the opportunity presents. Eight: Try meditating, even if it is only for five minutes each day. Nine: Become aware of how you are breathing. Ask your therapist to check you out and offer you tips on more effective breathing. Ten: Get a massage at least once per month. Eleven: Spend more time in nature. Walking in the bush, surfing or just sitting in the park or your garden really nurtures your body and your soul. Twelve: Take a bigger picture view of life. Enjoy your life and learn to live more in the now and trust the future more. As John Lennon wrote, “Life is what happens to us while we're making other plans.”
  • 13. Thirteen: Find new challenges. Find new opportunities to grow as a person. You can find challenges in new jobs, meeting new people, traveling, new hobbies, reading books or by throwing caution to the wind from time to time. Fourteen: If you are concerned that your body is infested with the “nasties” that may trigger a cancer, you can have extensive investigative blood tests done. The Hyperbaric Medicine group in Melbourne ( specialises in this work. A Few Quotes from others: “All people should know that the so called war against cancer is basically a fraud.” Professor Linus Pauling, Twice Nobel Prize Winner for Science “In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.” Bertrand Russell “It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Krishnamarti “Loyalty to a petrified opinion never once broke a chain or freed a human soul.” Mark Twain References: This article is an accumulation and organization of my thoughts, learning and information on cancer and the disease process. Over many years I have read books, articles, web sites and journals. I have spoken to countless gifted and knowledgeable people. I have also spoken to some who clearly did not want this sort of information distributed and who opposed many of these ideas cart blanche, without ever really taking the time to investigate them. Please remember that I am an educator and not a scientist. I read, interpret and present for your benefit, trying to filter through biased science and technical jargon to give you a balanced and easy to understand description of cancer. I have listed some of the organizations below from whom I have drawn information. Please feel free to visit these sites yourself to further investigate your own health and wellbeing. The Spinal Rehabilitation Group Kwan Jai Living Valley Springs Dr. Mercola The Campaign for Truth in Medicine Dr. Bernard Jensen Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine New Century Nutrition Ozone Therapy Clinic London Kurt W. Donsbach, D.C., N.D., Ph.D. Mr. Oxygen – Ed McCabe