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A Climate for Life
      Michael P. Totten
  Conservation International
             at the
  Duke University, Nicholas
 School of the Environment's
     annual symposium
       February 13, 2009

 quot;A World in Conflict: Tackling
   Issues of Water, Energy,
     and Biodiversity in the
      Developing Worldquot;

4 TRENDS – Inextricably Interwoven

                         EXTINCTION SPASM

  First documented in the 1980 Dept. of Defense funded report
A Decade of Immense Financial Loss,
Human Tragedy & Time Squandered
Humans put as much CO2 into the atmosphere


1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption in Philippines
$2.5 trillion
almost a quarter of
  the US economy
 is at risk from the   large forest wildfires have tripled and area burned increased >5-fold since

       weather         the 1980s, burning 5x longer, and wildfire season has lengthened 2/3rd.
Unintended Consequences – Geo-engineering

     A significant fraction of CO2 emissions remain in the
  atmosphere, and accumulate over geological time spans of
   hundreds of thousands of years, raising the lurid, but real
    threat of extinction of humanity and most life on earth.
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Misleading
 … a more illuminating and constructive analysis would be
 determining the level of quot;catastrophe insurancequot; needed:

 quot;rough comparisons could perhaps be
 made with the potentially-huge payoffs,
 small probabilities, and significant costs
 involved in countering terrorism, building
 anti-ballistic missile shields, or
 neutralizing hostile dictatorships possibly
 harboring weapons of mass destruction
                                                                                          Martin Weitzman

 …A crude natural metric for calibrating cost estimates of
 climate-change environmental insurance policies might be that
 the U.S. already spends approximately 3% [~$300 billion] of
 national income on the cost of a clean environment.quot;
MARTIN WEITZMAN. 2008. On Modeling and Interpreting the Economics of Catastrophic Climate Change. REStat FINAL
Version July 7, 2008,
Right-Sizing Humans’ CO2 Footprint

                                                 now 45GtCO2

                                                            reduce to
                                                            <10 GtCO2

                                                                        reduce to
                                                                        <4 GtCO2

Contraction & Convergence          “ . . . the logical conclusion of a rights-
based approach.” IPCC Third Assessment - June 2000
Century of Global Economic Growth Compared with Today

           yr             yr
         /              /
      2%              3% x
        7x             19
The Virtuous Cycle
  of Green Innovation

Noel Parry et al., California Green Innovation Index 2009, Next 10,
Noel Parry et al., California Green Innovation Index 2009, Next 10,
Wedges Scenario for 21st Century CO2 Reductions
                     oil gas coal forests
          geothermal                     agriculture                  Assumes:
                    1% 2% 1%        5%
       biomass1%                             5%
         10%                                                          1) Global
                                                       bldgs EE
                                                                      growth 2-3%
                                                                      per year all
wind                                                                  century long;
                                                                      2) sustaining
                                                                      3% per year
                                                       transport EE
                                                                      3) Combined
       solar                                                          carbon cap &
       15%                                                            carbon tax
                               industry EE
“Leasing” CO2 Mitigation Services
                       Gigatons global CO2 emissions per year
                                            5 to 8 billion tons CO2 per year in
Billion tons CO2
                                            mitigation services available in
                                            poor nations, increasing their
                                            revenues by billions of dollars
                                            annually ; and saving well-off
                                            nations billions of dollars.

  10   US
                   Fossil fuel emissions                    Tropical land use
                                                  14 million hectares burned each year
IPCC LULUCF Special Report 2000. Tab 1-2.
6th largest extinction – 1000 times the natural background rate
Direct yields from tropical lands
                     converted to farming, including
                     proceeds from the sale of timber:
                     equivalent to less than $1 per
                     ton of CO2 in many areas
                     currently losing forest, and
                     usually well below $5 per ton.
Sir Nicholas Stern
 Avoided Deforestation offers one of the most cost-effective, immediately
 available, large-scale carbon mitigation and adaptation options.
Unchecked, deforestation could increase atmospheric
concentrations of CO2 by up to 130 ppm this century.

                       CONTRASTING ACTIONS:
$45 billion to capture and store 1 billion tons of CO2 from coal plants.
  The same amount of money would prevent the release of 6 times
        this amount of CO2 through avoided deforestation.
U.S. fossil Electricity CO2
     Geological storage (CCS) vs
                                              mitigation cost annually
     Ecological storage (REDD)
                                                 (2.4 GtCO2 in 2007)
           Carbon Mitigation Cost
$ per ton CO2
                                           Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)
                                                             ~$100 billion
                                                             ~3 ¢ per kWh
     $25                                           Reduced Emissions
                                               Deforestation & Degradation
                                                             ~$18 billion
                                                             ~0.5 ¢ per kWh
                 CCS          REDD
                                     Source: Michael Totten, REDD is CCS NOW, December 2008
U.S. fossil Electricity in 2007
                                    $7.50 per ton CO2
2.4 billion tons CO2 emissions
                                     1/2 cent per kWh

                                   $18 billion REDD trade
                                     Poverty reduction
                                    Prevent Species loss
Tropical Deforestation 2007
   30 million acres burned
7 billion tons CO2 emissions                      A win-
480 gallons per year               4.8 tons GHG emissions
(25 mpg x 12,000 miles per year)               per year

$48 to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation & Degradation (REDD)
                   Adds 8.5 cents per gallon
Mitigation Portfolio: Shrink, Green, & Offset GHG Footprint
Madagascar Makira Reserve - Protecting & restoring
wilderness, while helping people, species & climate
Market Transformation: Steadily Declining Cap
Ecuador collaborative offset projects
Preserve habitat for threatened
Andean Spectacled Bear,
Howler Monkey, and Northern
Naked Tailed Armadillo
           Forest Restoration
for Climate, Community and Biodiversity
Indonesia & Brazil No. 3 & 4 GHG Emitting Nations
Desirable attributes of a Smart Energy system

1. Economically affordable including poorest of the poor and cash-strapped?
2. Safe through the entire life cycle?
3. Clean through the entire lifespan?
4. Risk is low and manageable from financial and price volatility?
5. Resilient and flexible to volatility, surprises, miscalculations, human error?
6. Ecologically sustainable no adverse impacts on biodiversity?
7. Environmentally benign maintains air, water, soil quality?
8. Fails gracefully, not catastrophically adaptable to abrupt surprises or crises?
9. Rebounds easily and swiftly from failures low recovery cost and lost time?
10. Endogenous learning capacity intrinsic new productivity opportunities?
11. Robust experience curve for reducing
    negative externalities and amplifying
    positive externalities scalable innovation possibilities?
12. Uninteresting target for malicious
    disruption off the radar of terrorists, military planners?
Uninteresting military target
     A Defensible Smart Energy                                                       Robust experience curves
          Criteria Scoring                                                           Endogenous learning capacity
                                                                                     Rebounds easily from failures
                                                                                     Fails gracefully, not catastro
                                                                                     Environmentally benign
                                            CHP +                                    Ecologically sustainable
                                                                                     Resilient & flexible
                                                                                     Economically Affordable

Efficiency BIPV   PV    Wind CSP   CHP Biowaste Geo-    Nat    Bio-   Oil     Coal   Coal Coal to    Tar  Oil nuclear
                                        power thermal   gas   fuels imports   CCS     no liquids    sand shale
                                                                           bldg scale recycled
          nuclear       coal       CC gas wind farm           CC ind
                                                                                      ind cogen efficiency
                                                              cogen          cogen
Amory Lovins & Imran Sheikh, The Nuclear Illusion, May 2008,
How much coal-fired electricity can be displaced by investing
     one dollar to make or save delivered electricity

                                                                                       bldg scale recycled
                                                                              CC ind
                   nuclear          coal          CC gas          wind farm
                                                                                                  ind cogen efficiency
                                                                              cogen      cogen
Amory Lovins & Imran Sheikh, The Nuclear Illusion, May 2008,
Coal-fired CO2 displaced per dollar spent
                                 on electrical services

                                                                                    bldg scale recycled
               nuclear           coal           CC gas         wind farm   CC ind
                                                                                               ind cogen efficiency
                                                                           cogen      cogen
Amory Lovins & Imran Sheikh, The Nuclear Illusion, May 2008,

     Align utility and customer financial interests
    to capture the vast pool of end-use efficiency,
       onsite and distributed energy and water
                  service opportunities.

Dr. Art Rosenfeld, CEC   Amory Lovins, RMI   Ralph Cavanagh, NRDC
“Decoupling” & Integrated Resource Planning key to
  harnessing End-Use “Efficiency Power Plants”
   For delivering least-cost & risk electricity, natural gas & water services

                                                               USA minus CA & NY
                                           Per Capital
                                           Electricity                               165 GW
                                                                    New York          Plants
                                                                Californian’s have
                                                                 net savings of
                                                                $1,000 per family

                      California proof of IRP value in promoting lower cost
                      efficiency over new power plants or hydro dams, and
                      lower GHG emissions.

                      California signed MOUs with Provinces in China to share
                      IRP expertise (now underway in Jiangsu).
USA Efficiency gains 1973-2005 Eliminated 75
             ExaJoules of Energy Supply
      $700 billion per year in energy bill savings

Envision 18 million coal railcars
that would wrap around the world
seven times each year.
Or, imagine 8,800 Exxon Valdez oil
supertanker shipments per year.

   Only 2 nations consume > 75 EJ per year: USA and China.

BUSINESS-AS-USUAL TRAJECTORY 200 times this amount over 100 years –
  113,000 EJ (3600 TW-yrs). Fossil fuels will account for 75% of this sum.

SMART ENERGY SERVICES (EFFICIENCY) can deliver 57,000 EJs (1800
 TW-yrs). Save >$50 trillion. Avoid several trillion tons CO2 emissions.

        Envision eliminating the need this century for:

                  AND 2,500 giant        AND 1,674          AND 4.25
  3.5 billion
                   offshore oil        large nuclear       million LNG
   coal rail
                    platforms.           reactors.
  road cars.                                             tanker shipments.
$1+ Trillion Global Savings Potential, 44 Gigaton CO2 Reduction

Hashem Akbari Arthur Rosenfeld and Surabi Menon, Global Cooling: Increasing World-wide Urban Albedos to Offset CO2, 5th Annual California Climate Change
Conference, Sacramento, CA, September 9, 2008,
$10 CFL 6-pak Purchase Value


               Investment     lst year       2nd year        3rd year    4th year

                            6-pak CFLs Dow -Jones Average Bank Account
CFL factories displace Powerplants

                                     The $3 million CFL factory (right) produces 5 million
                                     CFLs per year. Over life of factory these CFLs will
                                     produce lighting services sufficient to displace several
                                     billion dollars of fossil-fired power plant investments
                                     used to power less efficient incandescent lamps.

source: A. Gadgil et al. LBL, 1991
Less Large Power Plants & Mines
More Retail “Efficiency Power Plants - EPPs”
 Less Coal Power Plants

  Less Coal Rail Cars

   Less Coal Mines
Biggest Efficiency Service of Them All:
     Supplier Chain Factories & Products

                                             Efficiency Outcomes
  Demand Facts
                                    2 trillion kWh per year savings –
Industrial electric motor systems
                                    equal to 1/4th all coal plants to be
consume 40% of electricity
                                    built through 2030 worldwide.
worldwide, 50% in USA, 60% in
China – over 7 trillion kWh per
                                    $240 billion savings per decade.

                                    $200 to $400 billion benefits per
Retrofit savings of 30%, New
                                    decade in avoided emissions of
savings of 50% -- @ 1 ¢/kWh.
                                    GHGs, SO2 and NOx.

                                    SEEEM ( is a comprehensive
      Support SEEEM (Standards
                                    market transformation strategy to promote efficient
         for Energy Efficiency of
                                    industrial electric motor systems worldwide
        Electric Motor Systems)
                                            GREEN BUILDINGS

                                       The Costs and
                                   Financial Benefits
                                  of Green Buildings,
Public library – North Carolina           A Report to
                                        Building Task
                                  Force, Oct. 2003, by
                                      Greg Kats et al.

                                    $500 to $700
                                     per m2 net
                                    present value
                                             Oberlin College
                                             Ecology Center,
    Heinz Foundation
    Green Building, PA
Daylighting could displace 100s GWs

          Lighting, & AC to remove heat emitted by lights,
          consume half of a commercial building
          Daylighting can provide up to 100% of day-time
          lighting, eliminating massive amount of power
          plants and saving tens of billions of dollars in
          avoided costs.
          Some daylight designs integrate PV solar cells.
High-E Windows displacing pipelines
Full use of high performance windows in the
U.S. could save the equivalent of an Alaskan
pipeline (2 million barrels of oil per day), as
well as accrue over $15 billion per year of
savings on energy bills.
Pacific NW National Lab 2006 Analysis Summary
              PHEVs w/ Current Grid Capacity
U.S. existing electricity infrastructure has sufficient available
capacity to fuel -- 73% of the light duty fleet (about 217 million
vehicles) for a daily drive of 33 miles on average
PHEVs could reduce gasoline consumption by 85 billion gallons
per year, which is equivalent to 52% of U.S. oil imports (6.5
million barrels per day).
~$240 billion per year in gas pump savings
AVOIDED EMISSIONS POTENTIAL (emissions ratio electric to gas vehicle)
27% decline GHG emissions, 100% urban CO, 99% urban VOC,
90% urban NOx, 40% urban PM10, 80% SOx.

                  Source: Michael Kintner-Meyer, Kevin Schneider, Robert Pratt, Impacts Assessment of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles on Electric Utilities and
                  Regional U.S. Power Grids, Part 1: Technical Analysis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 01/07,
In the USA, cities and residences cover 56 million hectares.
Every kWh of current U.S. energy requirements can be met
simply by applying photovoltaics (PV) to 7% of this area—on
roofs, parking lots, along highway walls, on sides of
buildings, and in other dual-use scenarios.
Experts say we wouldn’t have to appropriate a single acre of
new land to make PV our primary energy source!
Solar Photovoltaics (PV) satisfying 90% of
        total US electricity from brownfields
        90% of America’s current electricity
        could be supplied with PV systems
        built in the “brown-fields”— the
        estimated 2 million hectares of
        abandoned industrial sites that
        exist in our nation’s cities.

                                                                                                                    Cleaning Up
                                                                                                                      Sites w/
                                                                                                                      PV solar

Larry Kazmerski, Dispelling the 7 Myths of Solar Electricity, 2001, National Renewable Energy Lab,;
Economics of Commercial BIPV
         Building-Integrated Photovoltaics
                                                                Net Present Values (NPV), Benefit-Cost Ratios (BCR)
                                                                & Payback Periods (PBP) for ‘Architectural’ BIPV
                                                                (Thin Film, Wall-Mounted PV) in Beijing and
                                                                Shanghai (assuming a 15% Investment Tax Credit)

                                                                    Material             Economic
                                                                                                                  Beijing             Shanghai
                                                                    Replaced              Measure
                                                                                         NPV ($)                 +$18,586              +$14,237
                                                                   Polished              BCR                       2.33                  2.14
                                                                   Stone                 PBP (yrs)                     1                     1
                                                                                         NPV ($)                 +$15,373              +$11,024
                                                                                         BCR                       1.89                  1.70
                                                                                         PBP (yrs)                     2                     2
     SunSlate Building-Integrated
   Photovoltaics (BIPV) commercial
       building in Switzerland
Byrne et al, Economics of Building Integrated PV in China, July 2001, Univ. of Delaware, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy,]
Economics of Commercial BIPV

                                                                        Reference costs of facade-cladding materials
                                                                        BIPV is so economically attractive because it
                                                                        captures both energy savings and savings from
                                                                        displacing other expensive building materials.

Eiffert, P., Guidelines for the Economic Evaluation of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Power Systems, International Energy Agency PVPS Task 7:
Photovoltaic Power Systems in the Built Environment, Jan. 2003, National Renewable Energy Lab, NREL/TP-550-31977,
Food, Fuel, Species
By 2100, an additional 1700 million ha
of land may be required for
Combined with the 800 million ha of
additional land needed for medium
growth bioenergy scenarios, threatens
intact ecosystems and biodiversity-
rich habitats.
Area to Power 100% of U.S. Onroad Vehicles
                                                                                Wind turbines
                                                                                ground footprint
                                                                 turbine spacing

                                                                 Cellulosic ethanol

                                                                         Corn ethanol

                                                                                                                                                            Wind & Solar experts

Solar-battery and Wind-battery refer to battery storage of these intermittent renewable
resources in plug-in electric driven vehicles

Mark Z. Jacobson, Wind Versus Biofuels for Addressing Climate, Health, and Energy, Atmosphere/Energy Program, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, March 5,
Bottom of the Pyramid Growth

                Creating a World
                Without Poverty

                 Social Business and the
                 future of Capitalism

Three to four $100 microfinance loans enables most
 Grameen Bank borrowers to move out of poverty
2 billion people lack safe water

Ashok Gadgil, Global Water Solutions through Technology, Affordable safe drinking water for poor communities in the developing countries, Purdue
Calumet, 10/23/08,
A new water disinfector for the
                                        developing world’s poor
• Meet /exceed WHO & EPA criteria for
• Energy efficient: 60W UV lamp
  disinfects 1 ton per hour (1000 liters,
  264 gallons, or 1 m3)
• Low cost: 4¢ disinfects 1 ton of water                                                                                                     Dr Ashok Gadgil, LBL, inventor
• Reliable, Mature components
• Can treat unpressurized water
• Rapid throughput: 12 seconds
• Low maintenance: 4x per year
• No overdose risk
• Fail-safe
 Ashok Gadgil, Global Water Solutions through Technology, Affordable safe drinking water for poor communities in the developing countries,
 Purdue Calumet, 10/23/08,
                                                                                                                                               WaterHealth Intl device
WHI’s Investment Cost Advantage vs.
                  Other Treatment Options

Ashok Gadgil, Global Water Solutions through Technology, Affordable safe drinking water for poor communities in the developing countries, Purdue
Calumet, 10/23/08,
Evan Mills, GROCC Demonstration Project: Affordable, High-Performance Solar LED Lighting Pilot via the Millennium Villages Project,
Evan Mills, GROCC Demonstration Project: Affordable, High-Performance Solar LED Lighting Pilot via the Millennium Villages Project,
Evan Mills, GROCC Demonstration Project: Affordable, High-Performance Solar LED Lighting Pilot via the Millennium Villages Project,
Evan Mills, GROCC Demonstration Project: Affordable, High-Performance Solar LED Lighting Pilot via the Millennium Villages Project,
Evan Mills, GROCC Demonstration Project: Affordable, High-Performance Solar LED Lighting Pilot via the Millennium Villages Project,
Village Micro-finance Bank & Village Solar Power
       (Grameen Bank & Grameen Shakti)

 This is an unique combination
   of Grameen Bank and
   Grameen Shakti’s
   integrated effort for poverty
 • Solar PV System is being
   used for mobile phone
 • Telephone lady earns
   US$100 per month from
   this pay phone.
 • The system also help her
   children for their education

     Thank you !
Global Web Mesh
Collective Intelligence in Action
Global Wired Mesh Resources

                                                           And incredible video at:
And incredible video at:    And incredible video at:
h?v=NgYE75gkzkM             h?v=NgYE75gkzkM
5000 days ago Pre-Web
Pre-Commercial Internet
“the mostly read only Web”           “the wildly read write Web”


published                user                                     user
content                generated                                generated
                        content                                  content

    45 million global users              1 billion+ global users
In 6 years and with only 6 paid employees,
Catalyzed a value-adding creation now 10 times larger than
the Encyclopedia Britannica,
Growing, Updated, Corrected daily by 80,000 volunteer
editors and content authors,
Translating content into 150+ languages, and
Visited daily by some 5% of worldwide Internet traffic.
Clay Shirkey’s Cognitive Surplus

Large-scale distributed work-force projects are
impractical in theory, but doable in reality.
The Internet-connected population worldwide
watches roughly a trillion hours of TV a year.
One per cent of that is 100 Wikipedia projects per
year worth of peer participation.
            Semantically-linked RW web
                   1 trillion sites
                                                 Smart Grid

published                                User generated
 content                                    content

             3 billion global users
5000 days ago Pre-Web
      5000 days from      now Global Cloud Network
Pre-Commercial Internet
Classifying user-generated information
            where every click is a datum

Satnam Alaq, Collective Intelligence in Action, 2008
Harnessing Collective Intelligence to:
         Prevent Climate Catastrophe
        Avert Mass Species Extinction
    Promote Green Prosperity & Well-being
 Wrapping Our Minds Around GHG Molecules
Waste as Nutrient
Every second, the sun produces 400 trillion TW -- more energy than
        human civilizations have ever produced in history.
Information Bit Stream
Denver Neighborhood solar smart mini-grids – City Park West
Denver Neighborhood solar smart mini-grids – City Park West
Smart Grid Web-based Solar Power Auctions

 Smart Grid Collective intelligence design based on digital map algorithms
continuously calculating solar gain. Information used to rank expansion of solar
panel locations.
Where PV systems stand in the USA 2002)
Where Solar PV systems Stand (USA (2002)

            Source: Christy Herig, Customer-Sited Solar Photovoltaics Focusing on Markets that
   Photovoltaics are
            Really Shine, NREL, 2002,

  cost-effective at today's
  prices of about $6 to
  $7 per watt.
Attributes of breakeven Solar PV systems
Compensation for power at retail
  electric rates
• Tax credits
• Financing, leasing, and
  depreciation options
• Net-metering options and/or
  rate-based incentives
• Building credits for
  architectural applications
• Willingness to pay for clean
  power and innovation
• Quality of solar resource and
  customer load match
• Progressive state government,
  regulatory, and utility support.
Source: Christy Herig, Customer-Sited Photovoltaics Focusing
                                                               PVs are cost-effective at $6 to $7 per watt.
on Markets that Really Shine, 2002,
Current Public R&D Priorities Do Not Represent
  Customer-focused, Retail-driven Solutions
                                                                       Retail-driven Scenario
                      Status Quo
    USA Energy expenditures 1975-2000                                        2010-2050
                                                                                             • Lower energy
                                                                                             • Lower price
                              $8 trillion
                            losses price
                                                                                             • Lower
 $10+ trillion
                                                                 2/3                           Environmental
                                                 Dept of
                                                               efficiency                      & Health
                   $25 trillion                               solar, wind
                  energy costs                                  biofuels
                                                                                             • Lower military
                                                4% for all                                     & security
  $10+ trillion
                                            efficiency & 5%
                                            all renewables
                                  Outcomes                       Priorities         Outcomes
Oil industry                    High energy costs              Consumers        • Shift of capital from utility
Utility industry                Volatile Prices                Retailers          sector to retail sector
Coal industry                   Security vulnerability         Suppliers        • Greening supply chain out
Natural gas industry            Higher pollution levels        Manufacturers      of avoided utility costs
Nuclear industry                Long-term environmental        Natural resource • Tax-free reductions in air &
Large Hydro industry            damage                         sector             water pollution
What a Retail-oriented R&D Strategy Can Do
Supporting long-term stable funding for basic and applied R&D of energy, water and resource
efficiency in the residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural sectors, plus combined heat
and power (CHP), solar PV, windpower, geothermal and biofuel wastes, ensures a continuous
pipeline of new production methods for commercializing higher performance, lower cost and
less polluting goods.

Supporting continuous updating of Technology Road Maps ensures identifying new trends and
emergent opportunities.
Presentations & Publications by
       Michael P Totten


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Totten Climate For Life Presentation 02 13 09 Duke Symposium Final Update

  • 1. A Climate for Life presentation by Michael P. Totten Conservation International at the Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment's annual symposium February 13, 2009 quot;A World in Conflict: Tackling Issues of Water, Energy, and Biodiversity in the Developing Worldquot;
  • 3. NOW UNSAFE, UNSECURE, UNSUSTAINABLE First documented in the 1980 Dept. of Defense funded report
  • 4. A Decade of Immense Financial Loss, Human Tragedy & Time Squandered
  • 5. Humans put as much CO2 into the atmosphere rs u o h 4 4 ry e v e 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption in Philippines
  • 7. $2.5 trillion almost a quarter of the US economy is at risk from the large forest wildfires have tripled and area burned increased >5-fold since weather the 1980s, burning 5x longer, and wildfire season has lengthened 2/3rd.
  • 8. Unintended Consequences – Geo-engineering A significant fraction of CO2 emissions remain in the atmosphere, and accumulate over geological time spans of hundreds of thousands of years, raising the lurid, but real threat of extinction of humanity and most life on earth.
  • 9. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Misleading … a more illuminating and constructive analysis would be determining the level of quot;catastrophe insurancequot; needed: quot;rough comparisons could perhaps be made with the potentially-huge payoffs, small probabilities, and significant costs involved in countering terrorism, building anti-ballistic missile shields, or neutralizing hostile dictatorships possibly harboring weapons of mass destruction Martin Weitzman …A crude natural metric for calibrating cost estimates of climate-change environmental insurance policies might be that the U.S. already spends approximately 3% [~$300 billion] of national income on the cost of a clean environment.quot; MARTIN WEITZMAN. 2008. On Modeling and Interpreting the Economics of Catastrophic Climate Change. REStat FINAL Version July 7, 2008,
  • 10. Right-Sizing Humans’ CO2 Footprint 2008 now 45GtCO2 2050 reduce to <10 GtCO2 2100 reduce to <4 GtCO2 Contraction & Convergence “ . . . the logical conclusion of a rights- based approach.” IPCC Third Assessment - June 2000
  • 11. Century of Global Economic Growth Compared with Today yr yr / / 2% 3% x 7x 19
  • 12. The Virtuous Cycle of Green Innovation Noel Parry et al., California Green Innovation Index 2009, Next 10,
  • 13. Noel Parry et al., California Green Innovation Index 2009, Next 10,
  • 14. Wedges Scenario for 21st Century CO2 Reductions oil gas coal forests geothermal agriculture Assumes: 1% 2% 1% 5% biomass1% 5% 10% 1) Global economic bldgs EE growth 2-3% 15% per year all wind century long; 15% 2) sustaining 3% per year efficiency gains; transport EE 15% 3) Combined solar carbon cap & 15% carbon tax industry EE 15%
  • 15. “Leasing” CO2 Mitigation Services Gigatons global CO2 emissions per year 5 to 8 billion tons CO2 per year in Billion tons CO2 mitigation services available in 25 poor nations, increasing their revenues by billions of dollars 20 annually ; and saving well-off nations billions of dollars. 15 10 US GHG 5 levels 0 Fossil fuel emissions Tropical land use 14 million hectares burned each year IPCC LULUCF Special Report 2000. Tab 1-2.
  • 16. 6th largest extinction – 1000 times the natural background rate
  • 17. Direct yields from tropical lands converted to farming, including proceeds from the sale of timber: equivalent to less than $1 per ton of CO2 in many areas currently losing forest, and usually well below $5 per ton. Sir Nicholas Stern Avoided Deforestation offers one of the most cost-effective, immediately available, large-scale carbon mitigation and adaptation options. Unchecked, deforestation could increase atmospheric concentrations of CO2 by up to 130 ppm this century. CONTRASTING ACTIONS: $45 billion to capture and store 1 billion tons of CO2 from coal plants. The same amount of money would prevent the release of 6 times this amount of CO2 through avoided deforestation.
  • 18. U.S. fossil Electricity CO2 Geological storage (CCS) vs mitigation cost annually Ecological storage (REDD) (2.4 GtCO2 in 2007) Carbon Mitigation Cost $ per ton CO2 Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) $50 $45 ~$100 billion $40 ~3 ¢ per kWh $35 $30 $25 Reduced Emissions Deforestation & Degradation $20 (REDD) $15 $10 ~$18 billion $5 ~0.5 ¢ per kWh $- CCS REDD Source: Michael Totten, REDD is CCS NOW, December 2008
  • 19. U.S. fossil Electricity in 2007 $7.50 per ton CO2 2.4 billion tons CO2 emissions 1/2 cent per kWh $18 billion REDD trade Poverty reduction Prevent Species loss Tropical Deforestation 2007 30 million acres burned 7 billion tons CO2 emissions A win- win-win outcome
  • 20. 480 gallons per year 4.8 tons GHG emissions = (25 mpg x 12,000 miles per year) per year $48 to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation & Degradation (REDD) Adds 8.5 cents per gallon
  • 21.
  • 22. Mitigation Portfolio: Shrink, Green, & Offset GHG Footprint
  • 23. Madagascar Makira Reserve - Protecting & restoring wilderness, while helping people, species & climate
  • 25. Ecuador collaborative offset projects Preserve habitat for threatened Andean Spectacled Bear, Howler Monkey, and Northern Naked Tailed Armadillo
  • 26. FCCB Forest Restoration for Climate, Community and Biodiversity
  • 27. Indonesia & Brazil No. 3 & 4 GHG Emitting Nations
  • 28. DOZEN CRITERIA Desirable attributes of a Smart Energy system 1. Economically affordable including poorest of the poor and cash-strapped? 2. Safe through the entire life cycle? 3. Clean through the entire lifespan? 4. Risk is low and manageable from financial and price volatility? 5. Resilient and flexible to volatility, surprises, miscalculations, human error? 6. Ecologically sustainable no adverse impacts on biodiversity? 7. Environmentally benign maintains air, water, soil quality? 8. Fails gracefully, not catastrophically adaptable to abrupt surprises or crises? 9. Rebounds easily and swiftly from failures low recovery cost and lost time? 10. Endogenous learning capacity intrinsic new productivity opportunities? 11. Robust experience curve for reducing negative externalities and amplifying positive externalities scalable innovation possibilities? 12. Uninteresting target for malicious disruption off the radar of terrorists, military planners?
  • 29. Uninteresting military target A Defensible Smart Energy Robust experience curves Criteria Scoring Endogenous learning capacity Rebounds easily from failures Fails gracefully, not catastro Promote Environmentally benign CHP + Ecologically sustainable biowastes Resilient & flexible Secure Clean Safe Economically Affordable Efficiency BIPV PV Wind CSP CHP Biowaste Geo- Nat Bio- Oil Coal Coal Coal to Tar Oil nuclear power thermal gas fuels imports CCS no liquids sand shale CCS
  • 30. end-use bldg scale recycled nuclear coal CC gas wind farm CC ind ind cogen efficiency cogen cogen Amory Lovins & Imran Sheikh, The Nuclear Illusion, May 2008,
  • 31. How much coal-fired electricity can be displaced by investing one dollar to make or save delivered electricity end-use bldg scale recycled CC ind nuclear coal CC gas wind farm ind cogen efficiency cogen cogen Amory Lovins & Imran Sheikh, The Nuclear Illusion, May 2008,
  • 32. Coal-fired CO2 displaced per dollar spent on electrical services end-use bldg scale recycled nuclear coal CC gas wind farm CC ind ind cogen efficiency cogen cogen Amory Lovins & Imran Sheikh, The Nuclear Illusion, May 2008,
  • 33. POLICY & MARKET TRANSFORMATION: UTILITY DECOUPLING Align utility and customer financial interests to capture the vast pool of end-use efficiency, onsite and distributed energy and water service opportunities. Dr. Art Rosenfeld, CEC Amory Lovins, RMI Ralph Cavanagh, NRDC
  • 34. “Decoupling” & Integrated Resource Planning key to harnessing End-Use “Efficiency Power Plants” For delivering least-cost & risk electricity, natural gas & water services USA minus CA & NY Per Capital Electricity 165 GW Coal Consumption Power New York Plants California [EPPs] Californian’s have net savings of $1,000 per family California proof of IRP value in promoting lower cost efficiency over new power plants or hydro dams, and lower GHG emissions. California signed MOUs with Provinces in China to share IRP expertise (now underway in Jiangsu).
  • 35. USA Efficiency gains 1973-2005 Eliminated 75 ExaJoules of Energy Supply $700 billion per year in energy bill savings Envision 18 million coal railcars that would wrap around the world seven times each year. Or, imagine 8,800 Exxon Valdez oil supertanker shipments per year. Only 2 nations consume > 75 EJ per year: USA and China.
  • 36. CURRENT GLOBAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION ~ 475 ExaJoules (15 TW-yrs) BUSINESS-AS-USUAL TRAJECTORY 200 times this amount over 100 years – 113,000 EJ (3600 TW-yrs). Fossil fuels will account for 75% of this sum. SMART ENERGY SERVICES (EFFICIENCY) can deliver 57,000 EJs (1800 TW-yrs). Save >$50 trillion. Avoid several trillion tons CO2 emissions. Envision eliminating the need this century for: AND 2,500 giant AND 1,674 AND 4.25 3.5 billion offshore oil large nuclear million LNG coal rail platforms. reactors. road cars. tanker shipments.
  • 37. $1+ Trillion Global Savings Potential, 44 Gigaton CO2 Reduction Hashem Akbari Arthur Rosenfeld and Surabi Menon, Global Cooling: Increasing World-wide Urban Albedos to Offset CO2, 5th Annual California Climate Change Conference, Sacramento, CA, September 9, 2008,
  • 38. $10 CFL 6-pak Purchase Value $300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 Investment lst year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 6-pak CFLs Dow -Jones Average Bank Account [source:]
  • 39. CFL factories displace Powerplants The $3 million CFL factory (right) produces 5 million CFLs per year. Over life of factory these CFLs will produce lighting services sufficient to displace several billion dollars of fossil-fired power plant investments used to power less efficient incandescent lamps. source: A. Gadgil et al. LBL, 1991
  • 40. Less Large Power Plants & Mines More Retail “Efficiency Power Plants - EPPs” Less Coal Power Plants Less Coal Rail Cars Less Coal Mines
  • 41. Biggest Efficiency Service of Them All: Supplier Chain Factories & Products Efficiency Outcomes Demand Facts 2 trillion kWh per year savings – Industrial electric motor systems equal to 1/4th all coal plants to be consume 40% of electricity built through 2030 worldwide. worldwide, 50% in USA, 60% in China – over 7 trillion kWh per $240 billion savings per decade. year. $200 to $400 billion benefits per Retrofit savings of 30%, New decade in avoided emissions of savings of 50% -- @ 1 ¢/kWh. GHGs, SO2 and NOx. SEEEM ( is a comprehensive Support SEEEM (Standards market transformation strategy to promote efficient for Energy Efficiency of industrial electric motor systems worldwide Electric Motor Systems)
  • 42. ZERO NET ENERGY GREEN BUILDINGS The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings, Public library – North Carolina A Report to California’s Sustainable Building Task Force, Oct. 2003, by Greg Kats et al. $500 to $700 per m2 net present value Oberlin College Ecology Center, Heinz Foundation Ohio Green Building, PA
  • 43. Daylighting could displace 100s GWs Lighting, & AC to remove heat emitted by lights, consume half of a commercial building electricity. Daylighting can provide up to 100% of day-time lighting, eliminating massive amount of power plants and saving tens of billions of dollars in avoided costs. Some daylight designs integrate PV solar cells.
  • 44. High-E Windows displacing pipelines Full use of high performance windows in the U.S. could save the equivalent of an Alaskan pipeline (2 million barrels of oil per day), as well as accrue over $15 billion per year of savings on energy bills.
  • 45. Pacific NW National Lab 2006 Analysis Summary PHEVs w/ Current Grid Capacity ENERGY POTENTIAL U.S. existing electricity infrastructure has sufficient available capacity to fuel -- 73% of the light duty fleet (about 217 million vehicles) for a daily drive of 33 miles on average ENERGY & NATIONAL SECURITY POTENTIAL PHEVs could reduce gasoline consumption by 85 billion gallons per year, which is equivalent to 52% of U.S. oil imports (6.5 million barrels per day). OIL MONETARY SAVINGS POTENTIAL ~$240 billion per year in gas pump savings AVOIDED EMISSIONS POTENTIAL (emissions ratio electric to gas vehicle) 27% decline GHG emissions, 100% urban CO, 99% urban VOC, 90% urban NOx, 40% urban PM10, 80% SOx. Source: Michael Kintner-Meyer, Kevin Schneider, Robert Pratt, Impacts Assessment of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles on Electric Utilities and Regional U.S. Power Grids, Part 1: Technical Analysis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 01/07,
  • 46. In the USA, cities and residences cover 56 million hectares. Every kWh of current U.S. energy requirements can be met simply by applying photovoltaics (PV) to 7% of this area—on roofs, parking lots, along highway walls, on sides of buildings, and in other dual-use scenarios. Experts say we wouldn’t have to appropriate a single acre of new land to make PV our primary energy source!
  • 47. Solar Photovoltaics (PV) satisfying 90% of total US electricity from brownfields 90% of America’s current electricity could be supplied with PV systems built in the “brown-fields”— the estimated 2 million hectares of abandoned industrial sites that exist in our nation’s cities. Cleaning Up Brownfield Sites w/ PV solar Larry Kazmerski, Dispelling the 7 Myths of Solar Electricity, 2001, National Renewable Energy Lab,;
  • 48. Economics of Commercial BIPV Building-Integrated Photovoltaics Net Present Values (NPV), Benefit-Cost Ratios (BCR) & Payback Periods (PBP) for ‘Architectural’ BIPV (Thin Film, Wall-Mounted PV) in Beijing and Shanghai (assuming a 15% Investment Tax Credit) Material Economic Beijing Shanghai Replaced Measure NPV ($) +$18,586 +$14,237 Polished BCR 2.33 2.14 Stone PBP (yrs) 1 1 NPV ($) +$15,373 +$11,024 BCR 1.89 1.70 Aluminum PBP (yrs) 2 2 SunSlate Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) commercial building in Switzerland Byrne et al, Economics of Building Integrated PV in China, July 2001, Univ. of Delaware, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy,]
  • 49. Economics of Commercial BIPV Reference costs of facade-cladding materials BIPV is so economically attractive because it captures both energy savings and savings from displacing other expensive building materials. Eiffert, P., Guidelines for the Economic Evaluation of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Power Systems, International Energy Agency PVPS Task 7: Photovoltaic Power Systems in the Built Environment, Jan. 2003, National Renewable Energy Lab, NREL/TP-550-31977,
  • 50. Food, Fuel, Species Tradeoffs? By 2100, an additional 1700 million ha of land may be required for agriculture. Combined with the 800 million ha of additional land needed for medium growth bioenergy scenarios, threatens intact ecosystems and biodiversity- rich habitats.
  • 51. Area to Power 100% of U.S. Onroad Vehicles Solar-battery Wind turbines ground footprint Wind-battery turbine spacing Cellulosic ethanol Corn ethanol Wind & Solar experts Solar-battery and Wind-battery refer to battery storage of these intermittent renewable resources in plug-in electric driven vehicles WEB CALCULATOR- VISUALIZER – COMPARISON OF LAND NEEDED TO POWER VEHICLES Mark Z. Jacobson, Wind Versus Biofuels for Addressing Climate, Health, and Energy, Atmosphere/Energy Program, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, March 5, 2007,
  • 52. Bottom of the Pyramid Growth Creating a World Without Poverty Social Business and the future of Capitalism Three to four $100 microfinance loans enables most Grameen Bank borrowers to move out of poverty
  • 53. 2 billion people lack safe water Ashok Gadgil, Global Water Solutions through Technology, Affordable safe drinking water for poor communities in the developing countries, Purdue Calumet, 10/23/08,
  • 54. A new water disinfector for the developing world’s poor DESIGN CRITERIA • Meet /exceed WHO & EPA criteria for disinfection • Energy efficient: 60W UV lamp disinfects 1 ton per hour (1000 liters, 264 gallons, or 1 m3) • Low cost: 4¢ disinfects 1 ton of water Dr Ashok Gadgil, LBL, inventor • Reliable, Mature components • Can treat unpressurized water • Rapid throughput: 12 seconds • Low maintenance: 4x per year • No overdose risk • Fail-safe Ashok Gadgil, Global Water Solutions through Technology, Affordable safe drinking water for poor communities in the developing countries, Purdue Calumet, 10/23/08, WaterHealth Intl device water%202008.pdf
  • 55. WHI’s Investment Cost Advantage vs. Other Treatment Options Ashok Gadgil, Global Water Solutions through Technology, Affordable safe drinking water for poor communities in the developing countries, Purdue Calumet, 10/23/08,
  • 56. Evan Mills, GROCC Demonstration Project: Affordable, High-Performance Solar LED Lighting Pilot via the Millennium Villages Project,
  • 57. Evan Mills, GROCC Demonstration Project: Affordable, High-Performance Solar LED Lighting Pilot via the Millennium Villages Project,
  • 58. Evan Mills, GROCC Demonstration Project: Affordable, High-Performance Solar LED Lighting Pilot via the Millennium Villages Project,
  • 59. Evan Mills, GROCC Demonstration Project: Affordable, High-Performance Solar LED Lighting Pilot via the Millennium Villages Project,
  • 60. Evan Mills, GROCC Demonstration Project: Affordable, High-Performance Solar LED Lighting Pilot via the Millennium Villages Project,
  • 61. Village Micro-finance Bank & Village Solar Power (Grameen Bank & Grameen Shakti) This is an unique combination of Grameen Bank and Grameen Shakti’s integrated effort for poverty reduction. • Solar PV System is being used for mobile phone charging. • Telephone lady earns US$100 per month from this pay phone. • The system also help her children for their education
  • 65. Global Web Mesh Collective Intelligence in Action
  • 66. Global Wired Mesh Resources The_Wealth_of_Networks And incredible video at: And incredible video at: And incredible video at: 855937/ h?v=NgYE75gkzkM h?v=NgYE75gkzkM
  • 67. 5000 days ago Pre-Web Pre-Commercial Internet
  • 68. “the mostly read only Web” “the wildly read write Web” collective intelligence published content published user user content generated generated content content 45 million global users 1 billion+ global users
  • 69. The WIKIPEDIA MODEL: In 6 years and with only 6 paid employees, Catalyzed a value-adding creation now 10 times larger than the Encyclopedia Britannica, Growing, Updated, Corrected daily by 80,000 volunteer editors and content authors, Translating content into 150+ languages, and Visited daily by some 5% of worldwide Internet traffic.
  • 70. Clay Shirkey’s Cognitive Surplus Large-scale distributed work-force projects are impractical in theory, but doable in reality. The Internet-connected population worldwide watches roughly a trillion hours of TV a year. oking-for-the-mouse.html One per cent of that is 100 Wikipedia projects per year worth of peer participation.
  • 71. Web3.0+ Semantically-linked RW web Collective 1 trillion sites intelligence Smart Grid published User generated content content 3 billion global users 2010-2012
  • 72. 5000 days ago Pre-Web 5000 days from now Global Cloud Network Pre-Commercial Internet
  • 73. Classifying user-generated information where every click is a datum Satnam Alaq, Collective Intelligence in Action, 2008
  • 74. Harnessing Collective Intelligence to: Prevent Climate Catastrophe Avert Mass Species Extinction Promote Green Prosperity & Well-being
  • 75. UNINTENDED MOLECULAR GEOENGINEERING Wrapping Our Minds Around GHG Molecules
  • 76. Waste as Nutrient Every second, the sun produces 400 trillion TW -- more energy than human civilizations have ever produced in history.
  • 78. Denver Neighborhood solar smart mini-grids – City Park West
  • 79. Denver Neighborhood solar smart mini-grids – City Park West
  • 80. Smart Grid Web-based Solar Power Auctions Smart Grid Collective intelligence design based on digital map algorithms continuously calculating solar gain. Information used to rank expansion of solar panel locations.
  • 81. Where PV systems stand in the USA 2002) Where Solar PV systems Stand (USA (2002) Source: Christy Herig, Customer-Sited Solar Photovoltaics Focusing on Markets that Photovoltaics are Really Shine, NREL, 2002, cost-effective at today's prices of about $6 to $7 per watt.
  • 82. Attributes of breakeven Solar PV systems Compensation for power at retail electric rates • Tax credits • Financing, leasing, and depreciation options • Net-metering options and/or rate-based incentives • Building credits for architectural applications • Willingness to pay for clean power and innovation • Quality of solar resource and customer load match • Progressive state government, regulatory, and utility support. Source: Christy Herig, Customer-Sited Photovoltaics Focusing PVs are cost-effective at $6 to $7 per watt. on Markets that Really Shine, 2002,
  • 83. Current Public R&D Priorities Do Not Represent Customer-focused, Retail-driven Solutions Retail-driven Scenario Status Quo 1975-2000 USA Energy expenditures 1975-2000 2010-2050 • Lower energy costs • Lower price DOE $8 trillion Environmental/ volatility budget losses price $325 health volatlity • Lower externalities billion $10+ trillion 2/3 Environmental Dept of efficiency & Health Energy $25 trillion solar, wind externalities energy costs biofuels Military/ • Lower military Security 4% for all & security externalities $10+ trillion efficiency & 5% externalities all renewables Outcomes Priorities Outcomes Priorities Oil industry High energy costs Consumers • Shift of capital from utility Utility industry Volatile Prices Retailers sector to retail sector Coal industry Security vulnerability Suppliers • Greening supply chain out Natural gas industry Higher pollution levels Manufacturers of avoided utility costs Nuclear industry Long-term environmental Natural resource • Tax-free reductions in air & Large Hydro industry damage sector water pollution
  • 84. What a Retail-oriented R&D Strategy Can Do Supporting long-term stable funding for basic and applied R&D of energy, water and resource efficiency in the residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural sectors, plus combined heat and power (CHP), solar PV, windpower, geothermal and biofuel wastes, ensures a continuous pipeline of new production methods for commercializing higher performance, lower cost and less polluting goods. Supporting continuous updating of Technology Road Maps ensures identifying new trends and emergent opportunities.
  • 85. Presentations & Publications by Michael P Totten