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Predicting time-lapse stress effects in seismic data 
JORG HERWANGER, WesternGeco, Gatwick, U.K. 
STEVE HORNE, Electromagnetic Instruments, Richmond, California, USA 
Time-lapse changes in seismic data are commonly evalu-ated 
in terms of changes in reservoir properties such as 
pressure, saturation, or temperature. Traditionally, the eval-uation 
of time-lapse seismic data has focused on changes of 
seismic signatures within the reservoir interval. Recent stud-ies, 
however, have shown convincingly that time-lapse seis-mic 
changes occur not only in the reservoir, but also in the 
overburden and (generally) in the rock mass surrounding 
the reservoir. These time-lapse changes can be explained by 
production-induced stress changes in the rocks surround-ing 
the reservoir. 
This article presents a workflow that allows prediction 
of stress-induced time-lapse effects in seismic data. 
Subsequently, the workflow is applied to investigate stress 
effects on observable seismic attributes such as time shifts 
in the overburden and shear-wave splitting in the overbur-den. 
Both time shifts (Hatchell et al., 2003; Hudson et al., 
2005) and near-surface shear-wave splitting (Olofsson et al., 
2003; Van Dok et al., 2003) have been observed in field data, 
providing the motivation for this work. Our work extends 
similar workflows of predicting a seismic response from geo-mechanical 
modeling (e.g. Olden et al., 2001; Vidal et al., 
2002), by considering the changes in triaxial stress state 
instead of changes of mean effective stress. Considering tri- 
Figure 1. Workflow to predict time-lapse stress effects in seismic data. 
Figure 2. Grid geometry and 
well locations for reservoir and 
geomechanical model. (a) The 
model is divided into six geologic 
units. Each unit is subdivided 
into computational grid cells. 
The reservoir interval is finely 
discretized. The overburden and 
underburden are coarsely dis-cretized. 
Note, furthermore, the 
grid coarsening toward the side 
boundaries of the computational 
domain. (b) Three-dimensional 
view of grid showing two verti-cal 
and one horizontal slice 
through the reservoir. (c) 
Location of the wells W1-W4. 
Note the elongated shape in NE-SE 
direction of the reservoir and 
the location of the four wells 
situated along the shoulders of 
the field. (d) Three-dimensional 
view showing well positions.
axial stress changes leads necessarily to 
changes in anisotropic seismic veloci-ties. 
This extension, to include ani-sotropy, 
allows the shear-wave splitting 
observations to be readily explained. 
To investigate observations of time 
shifts and shear-wave splitting in the 
overburden, we built a realistic struc-tural 
model based on a double-dipping 
anticlinal structure similar to Valhall and 
Ekofisk fields in the North Sea. Using 
this fairly simple model, with appro-priate 
material properties from pub-lished 
data, allows the study of general 
features in three-dimensional changes in 
the deformation, stress, and velocity 
In field data, significant anomalies 
have been observed in the shallow sub-surface. 
The most spectacular feature is 
a nearly circular subsidence bowl caus-ing 
stress-induced shear-wave splitting. 
From modeling, we find that in the deep 
overburden the vertical ground dis-placement 
mirrors the elongated shape 
of the reservoir, with the largest values 
of displacement encountered around the 
The predicted stress effects in seismic 
data are larger than the limit of detectabil-ity; 
a slowdown of 4 ms in the overbur-den 
and an increase of 2 ms in the 
reservoir are predicted for P-waves dur-ing 
a three-year production period. 
Predicted S-waves show an even larger time-lapse effect of 
up to 40 ms and a significant amount of shear-wave splitting, 
especially in the shallow overburden. 
From coupled reservoir/geomechanical modeling to seismic 
attributes: A workflow. The fundamental steps in a work-flow 
to estimate stress effects on seismic data are (Figure 1): 
1) Build a (static) geomechanical and reservoir model (3D 
distribution of Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, density, 
porosity, permeability, fluid content, initial stress state 
and pore pressure, location of wells and flow rates of 
these wells, and other relevant information). 
2) Dynamically model the physical behavior (fluid flow, 
pressure, deformation, stress, and other properties of 
interest) of the reservoir and overburden over time. 
3) Calculate changes in the elastic stiffness tensor from 
changes in the triaxial stress field using a stress-sen-sitive 
rock-physics model. 
4) Calculate time-lapse seismic attributes using the modeled 
changes in elastic stiffness tensors. 
This article describes use of the workflow to predict 
time-lapse seismic attributes for a synthetic oilfield. Using 
realistic parameters, this workflow can carry out a feasibil-ity 
study to determine whether stress effects are likely to be 
observed in seismic data. Asecond application for this work-flow 
is as a survey evaluation and design tool to determine 
which seismic attributes will show the strongest stress effects 
for a specific acquisition type and geometry. This, in turn, 
enables decisions about the feasibility of monitoring of stress 
changes for use in geomechanical studies. 
Building a reservoir and geomechanical model. The first 
step in dynamic reservoir geomechanical modeling is the 
creation of a geometric model of the reservoir and the over-burden. 
Within the geometric framework, a computational 
grid is defined. Finally, material properties describing the 
flow and geomechanical properties can be assigned within 
each grid block of the model. 
Geometric description of model. The geometry of the reser-voir 
and geomechanical model is loosely based on Valhall 
and Ekofisk fields in the North Sea. Based on the published 
literature (Cook and Jewell, 1996; Barkved et al., 2003, and 
references therein), this model is divided into six geologic 
units—two overburden units, one unit representing the seal, 
two reservoir units, and one unit representing the under-burden 
(Figure 2a). Note that each unit is subdivided into 
smaller computational grid blocks. The smallest grid blocks 
are used where simulation of fluid-flow processes requires 
a dense grid (i.e., in the reservoir units). Moderately sized 
grid blocks are used for computations of stresses and strains 
in the overburden, and large grid blocks are employed 
toward the lateral boundaries of the grid. 
The densely gridded reservoir region extends 8 km in 
the x direction and 10 km in the y direction (Figure 2a-c). 
The field consists of a gently double-dipping anticline, with 
a long axis of approximately 10 km and a small axis of 
approximately 4 km (Figure 2c). Within the reservoir region, 
the grid block size is 250  250 m in the x and y directions, 
and approximately 20 m in the z direction. 
Physical properties of reservoir and overburden rock. To model 
the fluid flow and geomechanical behavior of this model, 
rock-physical properties (porosity and permeability for fluid 
flow; density, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and Biot’s 
constant for geomechanics) must be specified. The proper-ties 
of the reservoir rock and the overburden rock are given 
Figure 3. Predicted three-dimensional subsurface displacement in layers 1, 9, and 12 after three years of reservoir production. Vertical displacement is 
plotted as a color-coded map with horizontal displacement vectors superimposed. All three images use the same color scale for vertical displacement. 
Also note the arrow at the bottom of each image, indicating 5 cm of horizontal displacement. 
Figure 4. Change in effective stress in cell i=15, j=25, k=9. The stress change is triaxial—i.e., stress changes vary dependent on direction and can be 
described by a second-rank tensor. The principal directions of the tensor determine the direction of the double arrows and the principal values determine 
the length of the arrows. Compressive stress is defined as negative. (a) Three-dimensional view of the tensor of stress change and (b) top view of the 
same tensor. Effective stress decreases by approximately 0.3 bar in the subvertical direction (green arrows) and increases (anisotropically) in the subhori-zontal 
plane (red arrows). See text for details. 
in Table 1. The values given are order-of-magnitude esti-mates 
calculated from values reported in the literature and 
are constant within each geologic unit. 
Of particular relevance are the high porosity (45% in the 
upper reservoir formation) and the small Young’s modulus 
of 6000 bar (=0.6 GPa) in the reservoir units. This combina-tion 
of high porosity and a “soft” rock enables reservoir com-paction 
and will result in noticeable reservoir deformation 
and overburden subsidence during reservoir production. 
The properties describing the geomechanical behavior— 
Young’s modulus (E), Poisson’s ratio (ν), Biot constant (α), 
and density (ρ)—describe a linearly elastic porous medium. 
Reservoir compaction is caused solely by decreasing pore 
pressure. In this case, the deformation process is reversible 
and re-instating the initial pore pressure (e.g., by injection) 
reverses the deformation and stress state to the original val-ues. 
Physical properties of pore fluid. Physical properties of the 
fluids contained in the pore space can have a strong influ-ence 
on the depletion pattern of a reservoir and the pro-duction- 
induced stress field. For example, according to 
Darcy’s law (relating flow rate with the gradient in pore pres-sure 
using viscosity and permeability), a highly viscous 
(heavy) oil will result (keeping flow rate and permeability 
constant) in a large pressure gradient, whereas a low-vis-cosity 
(light) oil will result in a small pressure gradient. 
Consequently, reservoir compaction around a producing well 
will show a wider compaction bowl with a lower viscosity of 
the pore-fluid. 
Furthermore, the physical properties of the pore fluid are 
Figure 5. Change of effective stress in layers 1, 9 and 12 during three years of reservoir production. The change in triaxial effective stress is plotted in 
every third cell. Green double arrows indicate a decrease in effective stress and red double arrows indicate an increase in effective stress in the direction 
of the arrow. See Figure 4 and text for a more detailed explanation. 
a function of the composition of the fluid in terms of differ-ent 
hydrocarbon molecules, temperature, saturation, and pres-sure. 
This dependence can be taken into account by employing 
a “compositional simulator” for prediction of fluid flow. The 
pore fluid properties (Table 2) are based on published data for 
Valhall Field. 
Well location and production rates. The location of produc-tion 
and injection wells and their individual production sched-ules 
have a marked influence on the pore-pressure distribution, 
and thus on the stress field. To simplify the analysis, produc-tion 
from four wells was chosen at a constant production rate 
(total hydrocarbons produced) of 2400m3/day (approximately 
15 000 b/d) in each well. This production rate is equal to the 
average production rate of Valhall Field to date. The four pro-duction 
wells are on the upper part of the flanks of the dou-ble- 
dipping anticline comprising the reservoir. Figure 2c shows 
a plan view of the well locations, and Figure 2d shows a three-dimensional 
representation of the wells and the top reservoir 
unit. Note the green markers in the reservoir layer, indicating 
a perforated and producing well for this layer. The coordinates 
of the four wells (W1– W4) in terms of element numbers are 
given in Table 3. The range of cells in the z direction indi-cates 
the perforated section of the well, comprising the entire 
reservoir interval. 
Coupled reservoir and geomechanical modeling. A com-mercial 
reservoir simulator, which includes geomechanical 
coupling, was used (Stone et al., 2000). This simulator mod-els 
both fluid flow and the associated geomechanical 
processes (pore-pressure depletion and ensuing deforma-tion 
and triaxial stress changes) within the reservoir and the 
surrounding rock. Fluid flow, deformation, and the triaxial 
stress state are modeled for a three-year production period. 
Production-induced subsurface deformation. Perhaps the 
most visible form of production-induced subsurface defor-mation 
is surface subsidence—i.e., vertical displacement of 
the earth’s surface. Besides vertical displacement, recent 
measurements with high-precision differential global posi-tioning 
systems have also shown lateral displacement at the 
earth’s surface. Inside the earth, effects of subsurface defor-mation 
can be observed in the form of well deformation. 
The vector displacement and the resulting strain and stress 
fields can be predicted in our modeling for each cell of the 
model. In the following paragraphs, we discuss the vector 
displacement in three horizons: in the shallow overburden, 
in the deep overburden, and within the top reservoir layer. 
In the shallow overburden, a nearly circular and smooth 
subsidence bowl is predicted (Figure 3). Maximum vertical 
surface displacement of 28 cm is observed at the center of 
the bowl above the center of the field. Horizontal displace-ments 
(indicated by arrows plotted in every third element) 
occur in radial directions toward the center of the subsidence 
bowl, with a maximum observed displacement of 4.3 cm. 
The displacement values (28 cm subsidence in three years; 
i.e., approximately an average subsidence rate of 10 
cm/year) compare well with seafloor subsidence observed 
at Valhall where approximately 4 m of subsidence has 
occurred over a 30-year production period (average subsi-dence 
rate of 13 cm/year). Note that the shape of the nearly 
circular subsidence bowl bears little resemblance to the 
shape of the elongated shape of the reservoir. 
In the deep overburden, the vertical displacement con-tours 
are still smooth but deviate markedly from the near-circular 
shape observed in the shallow subsurface (Figure 
3b). Within the reservoir, the vertical displacement contours 
show even more topography (Figure 3c). This becomes most 
apparent around wells W1–W4, which are all located in the 
center of local maxima of vertical displacement. Maximum 
vertical displacements of 36 cm are observed at well 2. 
The horizontal displacement field is smooth in the shal-low 
overburden and shows increasingly more variation, in 
both amplitude and displacement direction, toward the 
reservoir. A simplistic explanation is to consider the reser-voir 
deformations as a signal with the earth acting as a low-pass 
filter so that the farther away from the source, the 
smoother the displacement field. 
Time-lapse stress changes. The stress field inside the earth 
is principally governed by overburden stress, tectonic stress, 
and pore pressure. Changing the pore pressure within the 
reservoir puts the reservoir out of static equilibrium with 
its surroundings. This results in a transfer of stress to the 
overburden, and more generally, to the entire rock mass sur-rounding 
the reservoir. The resulting stress changes can 
consist of either increases or decreases in the stress. 
Moreover, the stress at a specified location can increase in 
one direction and decrease in another direction; i.e., the 
stress changes are triaxial and must be described by a ten-sor. 
These changes in the state of the triaxial effective stress 
field, derived from coupled fluid flow and geomechanical 
modeling, are discussed in this section. 
Stress (and stress changes) can be mathematically des-cribed 
by a second-order tensor. Computation of principal val-ues 
and principal directions of this tensor allows the 
examination of the magnitudes and directions of maximum, 
minimum, and intermediate stress (or stress change). Here we 
define compressive stress (and increase in compressive stress) 
by negative principal values of the stress tensor. Changes in 
effective stress tensor are illustrated graphically in Figure 4. 
The changes in the stress tensor are depicted by a set of three 
orthogonal double arrows. The lengths of the arrows (and size 
of the arrow tip) are proportional to the principal values of 
the tensor and the principal directions of the tensor give the 
directions of the double arrows. Directions aligned with the 
double arrows (two pairs of red double arrows pointing 
toward each other and one pair of green double arrows 
pointing away from each other) experience only normal 
stresses; all other directions also experience a component of 
shear stress. Along the directions of the red double arrows, 
the (compressive) stress increases (given by negative prin-cipal 
values), and along the direction of the green double 
arrows, the stress field decreases (positive principal value). 
This analysis of stress change in terms of principal val-ues 
and principal directions can be done in each cell of the 
computational grid and the results plotted in plan view for 
three layers (Figure 5 for layers 1, 9, and 12, respectively). 
Note that the stress analysis in Figure 5 is done for the same 
layers for which subsurface displacement is plotted in Figure 
3. In the near surface, the largest stress increase is observed 
at the center of the subsidence bowl (above the center of the 
field). This observation can be qualitatively explained by the 
image of displacement (Figure 3a); all particles of the near-surface 
rock mass move radially toward the center of the 
subsidence bowl. Therefore, the center of the subsidence 
bowl experiences an isotropic horizontal stress increase. 
Toward the edges of the subsidence bowl, anisotropic hor-izontal 
stress changes develop; in radial directions, the stress 
changes are small, whereas in tangential directions, there is 
a marked stress increase. No stress changes are observed in 
the vertical direction. Note that the pattern of stress changes 
is highly symmetric with a nearly circular shape. 
In the deep overburden the maximum stress changes are 
observed in a subvertical direction. Stress in a subvertical 
direction decreases due to overburden stretching. The con-tours 
of the stress change show an ellipsoidal shape, mimic-king 
the shape of the underlying reservoir. The subhorizontal 
stress changes are compressive, with a marked anisotropy 
between the two subhorizontal principal stress changes. Within 
the reservoir, the principal values of change in effective stress 
are all negative, implying an increase in effective stress in all 
directions. The largest increases in effective stresses are 
observed in the vertical direction near the wells. Because it is 
here that pore pressure decreases most, it follows that the stress 
in the rock frame (measured by effective stress) increases, be-cause 
parts of the load previously supported by pore pres-sure 
must now be supported by the rock frame. 
Stress-sensitive rock-physics model. Changes in the triaxial 
stress state can cause changes in (anisotropic) seismic veloci-ties. 
Velocity measurements in laboratory tests on triaxially 
stressed rock samples show, as a rule of thumb, that the main 
sensitivity of velocity on stress is encountered in directions 
where stress and either polarization or propagation direc-tion 
of the seismic wave coincide (e.g., Dillen et al., 1999). 
A stress-sensitive rock-physics model provides a theory to 
link the changes in stress state and changes in (anisotropic) 
velocity. Because the changes in stress state are triaxial in 
nature (as shown in the previous section), it is necessary to 
employ a rock-physics model that links the changes in the 
entire stress tensor (predicted from geomechanical model-ing) 
to changes in the entire elastic stiffness tensor (describ-ing 
the anisotropic seismic velocity changes). Calculation of 
changes in the entire elastic stiffness tensor allows predic-tion 
of changes in seismic velocities in arbitrary directions, 
prediction of changes in seismic attributes, and creation of 
a velocity model for computation of time-lapse synthetic seis-mic 
A stress-sensitive rock-physics model based on nonlin-ear 
elasticity theory (Prioul et al., 2004) is used. Note that 
this theory provides a means to compute the stiffness ten-sor, 
in a particular stress state, from the stiffness tensor at 
an initial (or reference) stress state, the applied triaxial stress, 
and three coupling coefficients. The three coupling coeffi-cients 
must be determined from laboratory measurements 
(e.g., Prioul and Lebrat, 2004) or can possibly be derived from 
specialized long- and short-offset full-waveform sonic logs. 
Time-lapse seismic attributes. The final step in the work-flow 
is calculation of seismic attributes (such as traveltimes, 
amplitudes, polarization directions, AVO parameters, etc.) 
for comparison with field data. For the purposes of this 
study, an isotropic preproduction velocity model is assumed. 
The (anisotropic) velocity perturbations caused by triaxial 
stress changes are calculated and subsequently the velocity 
Figure 6. Predicted change in vertical P- and S-velocities along well W1 after three years of reservoir 
perturbations are used to predict time-lapse seismic attrib-utes. 
Changes in vertical traveltime. The seismic attribute that 
can arguably be measured most reliably and with greatest 
accuracy is the seismic traveltime for vertical incidence. 
Furthermore, field observations of vertical traveltime 
changes in the overburden at a North Sea gas field have been 
conclusively linked with stress changes due to overburden 
stretching (e.g., Hatchell et al., 2003). 
Change in vertical seismic traveltimes due to stress are 
investigated by following the previously described work-flow; 
after computation of changes in effective stress, a 
stress-sensitive rock-physics model is applied to calculate 
the stiffness tensor of the stressed medium in each cell along 
the trajectory of well W1. This allows calculation of verti-cal 
compressional and shear velocities (Figure 6) along the 
well path. Finally, the changes in two-way traveltime to 
each interface in the model are calculated for both com-pressional 
and shear waves (Figure 7). Vertical velocity for 
compressional waves is markedly reduced in the near sur-face 
(layers 1-3) and again noticeably reduced in the deep 
overburden (layers 8-11) adjacent to the reservoir. Within the 
reservoir, the P-wave velocity increases sharply. Vertical 
shear-wave velocity changes follow a different profile; a 
strong increase in vertical velocity, together with a marked 
development of anisotropy, is predicted in the near surface. 
In the deep overburden and the reservoir (layers 12-15), a 
decrease and increase in shear-wave velocity is predicted, 
respectively. These velocity changes are predicted using a 
rock-physics model that allows computation of anisotropic 
velocity changes from triaxial stress changes in the elastic 
regime. However, the rock-physics model does not account 
for changes in other reservoir properties such as fluid con-tent 
or for nonelastic rock deformation. Both fluid replace-ment 
and nonelastic rock deformation can decrease P-wave 
velocities in the reservoir (e.g., by replacing oil with gas and 
by loosening grain contacts), counteracting the described 
stress effect on P-wave velocity. 
Translating the stress-induced 
velocity changes into time-lapse 
traveltime changes predicts an 
increase in P-wave traveltime of 
more than 3 ms in the overburden, 
followed by a decrease of 1.5 ms 
within the reservoir. Interestingly, 
the time-lapse effect in the over-burden 
is predicted to be larger 
than the time-lapse effect within 
the reservoir. The same holds true 
for the predicted S-wave travel-times; 
here, time-lapse traveltime 
changes are predicted in the over-burden 
of 30 ms and 40 ms for fast 
and slow shear waves, respec-tively. 
Note also, that the majority 
of this change occurs in the first 
near-surface layer. Within the reser-voir, 
the traveltime changes for S-waves 
are of the order of 1-2 ms. 
Consequently, the traveltime 
change in the overburden is an 
order of magnitude larger than in 
the reservoir. Thus an effective 
strategy is required to compensate 
for these effects in seismic data if 
the time-lapse effects are to be 
meaningfully interpreted in terms 
of reservoir changes. 
The above calculations are all based on a synthetic model 
making reasonable assumptions and using estimates for all 
parameters involved. The results strongly suggest that the 
stress effects are significant enough to be observed in field data 
using acquisition technology already in use. The presented 
model consists of a big field using elastic parameters of a 
compressive rock. For smaller fields and elastic parameters 
for a stiffer rock matrix, the traveltime effects would be smaller. 
This, in turn, implies that data quality must be excellent, and 
specialized data processing may have to be applied to extract 
the smaller traveltime effects. Such high quality seismic acqui-sition 
and processing techniques have recently become avail-able. 
Furthermore, the observation of changes in traveltimes pre-supposes 
that reflections can be observed from horizons at ap-propriate 
locations. For example, to measure time shifts within 
the reservoir, a top-reservoir and a bottom-reservoir reflector 
are required, a situation which is not always given. Therefore, 
the possibility to infer stress changes within the reservoir from 
observations of traveltime changes above the reservoir is a 
tempting proposition. Traveltime changes in the overburden 
have been observed in some field examples (e.g., Hatchell et 
al., 2003 and Hudson et al., 2005). We expect that seismic time-lapse 
traveltime changes in the overburden will become an 
increasingly common observation. At present, this time-lapse 
signal will (if recognized at all) be commonly regarded as “dif-ferences 
in statics” between two surveys and “processed out” 
of the data. If recognized as signal, vertical traveltime 
changes can give valuable insight into stress changes within 
the reservoir. 
Shear-wave splitting. Azimuthally varying horizontal 
stress (such as predicted in the shallow surface) will cause 
azimuthal seismic anisotropy. In azimuthally anisotropic 
media, a vertically emergent shear wave will experience 
shear-wave splitting (Figure 8a). If the anisotropy is caused 
by stress, the fast shear-wave polarization is aligned with 
the maximum horizontal stress, 
and the slow shear-wave polar-ization 
direction indicates the 
direction of minimum horizontal 
stress. The presented workflow 
allows prediction of the forma-tion 
of a subsidence bowl (Figure 
3a), the resulting stress field 
(Figure 5a), and calculation of 
subsidence-induced shear-wave 
splitting (Figure 8). 
Two important observable 
parameters in shear-wave split-ting 
analysis are (1) the polariza-tion 
direction of the fast shear 
wave and (2) the time lag between 
the fast (qS1) and the slow (qS2) 
shear waves. The time lag and ori-entation 
of fast shear waves in 
every third cell of our model are 
plotted for the top 100 m below 
seafloor (Figure 8b). The azimuths 
of the short lines indicate the 
azimuths of the fast shear-wave 
polarization directions and the 
lengths of the short lines are pro-portional 
to the time lag between 
fast and slow shear-wave arrivals. 
In the center of the subsidence 
bowl, where stress changes are 
largest but nearly isotropic, no 
shear-wave splitting occurs. Mov-ing 
away from the center of the 
subsidence bowl, the stress chan-ges 
are azimuthally varying, re-sulting 
in an azimuthally 
anisotropic stiffness tensor and 
shear-wave splitting. The shear-wave 
splitting predictions (in 
terms of azimuths and relative 
amplitudes) using the workflow 
are in close agreement with the 
shear-wave splitting observations 
reported in Olofsson et al. (2003). 
Discussion and conclusions. A 
workflow to estimate effects of 
production-induced stress chan-ges 
on seismic data is described 
and applied to calculate travel-time 
changes and near-surface 
shear-wave splitting for a realis-tic 
structural model. Both effects 
(traveltime changes in the over-burden 
and shear-wave splitting) 
have been observed in field data, 
and our workflow presents a 
means to model and explore these 
Special emphasis was given 
Figure 7. Change in traveltimes for vertically traveling P-wave (left) and S-waves (right) along the tra-jectory 
to the triaxial nature of the stress 
changes, and we have shown that the principal directions 
of the stress changes need not be aligned with the vertical 
or horizontal directions. The triaxial nature of stress changes 
causes anisotropic changes in seismic velocities. This man-ifests 
itself spectacularly in near-surface shear-wave split-ting 
due to stress-induced azimuthal anisotropy (e.g., 
Olofsson et al., 2003). The anisotropic seismic velocity 
changes will also influence other seismic attributes (Her-wanger 
and Horne, 2005) and must be taken into account 
in both time-lapse data processing and reservoir evaluation 
seismics. If interpreted correctly, the time-lapse changes in 
the overburden can give valuable insight into stress changes 
of well W1. 
Figure 8. (a) Sketch of shear-wave splitting. In an azimuthally anisotropic medium, shear waves trav-eling 
in a nearly vertical direction experience shear-wave splitting. Observable seismic attributes are 
the polarization direction of the fast shear wave (red wavelet) and the time lag between the arrival of 
fast and slow shear waves. (b) Shear-wave splitting predicted for near-surface layer of 100 m. The 
azimuth of the fast shear-wave polarization direction is indicated by the orientation of the short bars, 
and the length of the short bars is proportional to the time lag between fast and slow shear waves.
in the subsurface with implications for geomechanical appli-cations. 
Different seismic attributes are sensitive to different parts 
of the stress tensor (see Sayers, 2004 for a discussion) and 
it may be possible to monitor changes in the entire stress 
tensor from seismic data using suitable acquisition and pro-cessing 
strategies. Vertically propagating compressional 
waves are predominantly sensitive to changes in vertical 
stress; vertically propagating shear waves are sensitive to 
stress changes in horizontal and vertical directions, and 
wide azimuthal coverage would assist in determining any 
rotations of the stress tensor with respect to the coordinate 
axes. Running the workflow in an iterative fashion, while 
perturbing input model parameters, until observed data 
and predicted seismic data match could provide a viable 
option to determine as much information about changes in 
the stress tensor as possible. The strategy of combining 
reservoir modeling, geomechanical modeling, and exami-nation 
of time-lapse seismic changes could also help dis-criminate 
between stress effects and saturation changes in 
the reservoir. 
It is expected that production-induced (anisotropic) stress 
effects in seismic data will be more widely observed as soon 
as seismic specialists look more actively for them. Among 
candidate fields that are likely to show stress effects in seis-mic 
data are deepwater, overpressured, and underconsoli-dated 
fields (e.g., the Gulf of Mexico, Niger Delta, or Nile 
Delta). These fields are also candidates for drilling and well-bore 
stability problems. Thus, seismic stress monitoring 
holds promise as a useful geomechanical surveillance tool. 
Suggested reading. Geomechanical parameters for Valhall can 
be found in “Valhall Field—Still on plateau after 20 years of 
production” by Barkved et al. (SPE 83957, 2003). Pore fluid, 
geometry top reservoir are discussed in “Simulation of a North 
Sea field experiencing significant compaction drive” by Cook 
and Jewell (SPE 29132, 1996). Laboratory measurements of seis-mic 
velocities in triaxially stressed media are described in 
“Ultrasonic velocity and shear-wave splitting behavior of a 
Colton sandstone under a changing triaxial stress” by Dillen et 
al. (GEOPHYSICS, 1999). The link between geomechanics and 
time shift in the overburden is presented in “Whole earth 4D: 
reservoir monitoring geomechanics” by Hatchell et al. (SEG 2003 
Expanded Abstracts). Stress effects on AVO, shear splitting, and 
time shifts are discussed in “Linking geomechanics and seis-mics: 
Stress effects on time-lapse multicomponent seismic data” 
by Herwanger and Horne (EAGE 2005 Extended Abstracts) and 
“Genesis Field, Gulf of Mexico, 4-D project status and prelim-inary 
lookback” by Hudson et al. (SEG 2005 Expanded Abstracts). 
Linking geomechanical modeling and seismic response in reser-voir 
are described in “Modeling combined fluid and stress 
change effects in the seismic response of a producing hydro-carbon 
reservoir” by Olden et al. (TLE, 2001). Observed shear-wave 
splitting at Valhall can be found in “Azimuthal anisotropy 
from the Valhall 4C 3D survey” by Olofsson et al. (TLE, 2003). 
Stress sensitive rock-physics employed in this study are ana-lyzed 
in “Nonlinear rock physics model for estimation of 3D 
subsurface stress in anisotropic formations: Theory and labo-ratory 
verification” by Prioul et al. (GEOPHYSICS, 2004). A table 
of constants necessary for rock-physics modeling is given in 
“Calibration of velocity-stress relationships under hydrostatic 
stress for their use under nonhydrostatic stress conditions” by 
Prioul and Lebrat (SEG 2004 Expanded Abstracts). A sensitivity 
study about the influence of horizontal/vertical stress on seis-mic 
attributes is the theme of “Monitoring production-induced 
stress changes using seismic waves” by Sayers (SEG 2004 
Expanded Abstracts). For information on coupled reservoir/geo-mechanical 
modeling, see “Fully coupled geomechanics in a 
commercial reservoir simulator” by Stone et al. (SPE 65107, 
2000). Shear-wave splitting at Ekofisk is described by “Near-surface 
shear-wave birefringence in the North Sea: Ekofisk 
2D/4C test” by Van Dok et al. (TLE, 2003). Similar workflow 
for isotropic data is described by Vidal et al. in “Characterizing 
reservoir parameters by integrating seismic monitoring and 
geomechanics” (TLE, 2002). TLE 
Acknowledgments: Steve Horne was with WesternGeco when this work 
was performed. 
Corresponding author: 

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Time-lapse Stress Effects in Seismic Data

  • 1. Predicting time-lapse stress effects in seismic data JORG HERWANGER, WesternGeco, Gatwick, U.K. STEVE HORNE, Electromagnetic Instruments, Richmond, California, USA Time-lapse changes in seismic data are commonly evalu-ated in terms of changes in reservoir properties such as pressure, saturation, or temperature. Traditionally, the eval-uation of time-lapse seismic data has focused on changes of seismic signatures within the reservoir interval. Recent stud-ies, however, have shown convincingly that time-lapse seis-mic changes occur not only in the reservoir, but also in the overburden and (generally) in the rock mass surrounding the reservoir. These time-lapse changes can be explained by production-induced stress changes in the rocks surround-ing the reservoir. This article presents a workflow that allows prediction of stress-induced time-lapse effects in seismic data. Subsequently, the workflow is applied to investigate stress effects on observable seismic attributes such as time shifts in the overburden and shear-wave splitting in the overbur-den. Both time shifts (Hatchell et al., 2003; Hudson et al., 2005) and near-surface shear-wave splitting (Olofsson et al., 2003; Van Dok et al., 2003) have been observed in field data, providing the motivation for this work. Our work extends similar workflows of predicting a seismic response from geo-mechanical modeling (e.g. Olden et al., 2001; Vidal et al., 2002), by considering the changes in triaxial stress state instead of changes of mean effective stress. Considering tri- 1234 THE LEADING EDGE DECEMBER 2005 Figure 1. Workflow to predict time-lapse stress effects in seismic data. Figure 2. Grid geometry and well locations for reservoir and geomechanical model. (a) The model is divided into six geologic units. Each unit is subdivided into computational grid cells. The reservoir interval is finely discretized. The overburden and underburden are coarsely dis-cretized. Note, furthermore, the grid coarsening toward the side boundaries of the computational domain. (b) Three-dimensional view of grid showing two verti-cal and one horizontal slice through the reservoir. (c) Location of the wells W1-W4. Note the elongated shape in NE-SE direction of the reservoir and the location of the four wells situated along the shoulders of the field. (d) Three-dimensional view showing well positions.
  • 2. axial stress changes leads necessarily to changes in anisotropic seismic veloci-ties. This extension, to include ani-sotropy, allows the shear-wave splitting observations to be readily explained. To investigate observations of time shifts and shear-wave splitting in the overburden, we built a realistic struc-tural model based on a double-dipping anticlinal structure similar to Valhall and Ekofisk fields in the North Sea. Using this fairly simple model, with appro-priate material properties from pub-lished data, allows the study of general features in three-dimensional changes in the deformation, stress, and velocity fields. In field data, significant anomalies have been observed in the shallow sub-surface. The most spectacular feature is a nearly circular subsidence bowl caus-ing stress-induced shear-wave splitting. From modeling, we find that in the deep overburden the vertical ground dis-placement mirrors the elongated shape of the reservoir, with the largest values of displacement encountered around the wells. The predicted stress effects in seismic data are larger than the limit of detectabil-ity; a slowdown of 4 ms in the overbur-den and an increase of 2 ms in the reservoir are predicted for P-waves dur-ing a three-year production period. Predicted S-waves show an even larger time-lapse effect of up to 40 ms and a significant amount of shear-wave splitting, especially in the shallow overburden. From coupled reservoir/geomechanical modeling to seismic attributes: A workflow. The fundamental steps in a work-flow to estimate stress effects on seismic data are (Figure 1): 1) Build a (static) geomechanical and reservoir model (3D distribution of Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, density, porosity, permeability, fluid content, initial stress state and pore pressure, location of wells and flow rates of these wells, and other relevant information). 2) Dynamically model the physical behavior (fluid flow, pressure, deformation, stress, and other properties of interest) of the reservoir and overburden over time. 3) Calculate changes in the elastic stiffness tensor from changes in the triaxial stress field using a stress-sen-sitive rock-physics model. 4) Calculate time-lapse seismic attributes using the modeled changes in elastic stiffness tensors. This article describes use of the workflow to predict time-lapse seismic attributes for a synthetic oilfield. Using realistic parameters, this workflow can carry out a feasibil-ity study to determine whether stress effects are likely to be observed in seismic data. Asecond application for this work-flow is as a survey evaluation and design tool to determine which seismic attributes will show the strongest stress effects for a specific acquisition type and geometry. This, in turn, enables decisions about the feasibility of monitoring of stress changes for use in geomechanical studies. Building a reservoir and geomechanical model. The first step in dynamic reservoir geomechanical modeling is the creation of a geometric model of the reservoir and the over-burden. Within the geometric framework, a computational grid is defined. Finally, material properties describing the flow and geomechanical properties can be assigned within each grid block of the model. Geometric description of model. The geometry of the reser-voir and geomechanical model is loosely based on Valhall and Ekofisk fields in the North Sea. Based on the published literature (Cook and Jewell, 1996; Barkved et al., 2003, and references therein), this model is divided into six geologic units—two overburden units, one unit representing the seal, two reservoir units, and one unit representing the under-burden (Figure 2a). Note that each unit is subdivided into smaller computational grid blocks. The smallest grid blocks are used where simulation of fluid-flow processes requires a dense grid (i.e., in the reservoir units). Moderately sized grid blocks are used for computations of stresses and strains in the overburden, and large grid blocks are employed toward the lateral boundaries of the grid. The densely gridded reservoir region extends 8 km in the x direction and 10 km in the y direction (Figure 2a-c). The field consists of a gently double-dipping anticline, with a long axis of approximately 10 km and a small axis of approximately 4 km (Figure 2c). Within the reservoir region, the grid block size is 250 250 m in the x and y directions, and approximately 20 m in the z direction. Physical properties of reservoir and overburden rock. To model the fluid flow and geomechanical behavior of this model, rock-physical properties (porosity and permeability for fluid flow; density, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and Biot’s constant for geomechanics) must be specified. The proper-ties of the reservoir rock and the overburden rock are given DECEMBER 2005 THE LEADING EDGE 1235
  • 3. Figure 3. Predicted three-dimensional subsurface displacement in layers 1, 9, and 12 after three years of reservoir production. Vertical displacement is plotted as a color-coded map with horizontal displacement vectors superimposed. All three images use the same color scale for vertical displacement. Also note the arrow at the bottom of each image, indicating 5 cm of horizontal displacement. Figure 4. Change in effective stress in cell i=15, j=25, k=9. The stress change is triaxial—i.e., stress changes vary dependent on direction and can be described by a second-rank tensor. The principal directions of the tensor determine the direction of the double arrows and the principal values determine the length of the arrows. Compressive stress is defined as negative. (a) Three-dimensional view of the tensor of stress change and (b) top view of the same tensor. Effective stress decreases by approximately 0.3 bar in the subvertical direction (green arrows) and increases (anisotropically) in the subhori-zontal plane (red arrows). See text for details. in Table 1. The values given are order-of-magnitude esti-mates calculated from values reported in the literature and are constant within each geologic unit. Of particular relevance are the high porosity (45% in the upper reservoir formation) and the small Young’s modulus of 6000 bar (=0.6 GPa) in the reservoir units. This combina-tion of high porosity and a “soft” rock enables reservoir com-paction and will result in noticeable reservoir deformation and overburden subsidence during reservoir production. The properties describing the geomechanical behavior— Young’s modulus (E), Poisson’s ratio (ν), Biot constant (α), and density (ρ)—describe a linearly elastic porous medium. Reservoir compaction is caused solely by decreasing pore pressure. In this case, the deformation process is reversible and re-instating the initial pore pressure (e.g., by injection) reverses the deformation and stress state to the original val-ues. Physical properties of pore fluid. Physical properties of the fluids contained in the pore space can have a strong influ-ence on the depletion pattern of a reservoir and the pro-duction- induced stress field. For example, according to Darcy’s law (relating flow rate with the gradient in pore pres-sure using viscosity and permeability), a highly viscous (heavy) oil will result (keeping flow rate and permeability constant) in a large pressure gradient, whereas a low-vis-cosity (light) oil will result in a small pressure gradient. Consequently, reservoir compaction around a producing well will show a wider compaction bowl with a lower viscosity of the pore-fluid. Furthermore, the physical properties of the pore fluid are 1236 THE LEADING EDGE DECEMBER 2005
  • 4. Figure 5. Change of effective stress in layers 1, 9 and 12 during three years of reservoir production. The change in triaxial effective stress is plotted in every third cell. Green double arrows indicate a decrease in effective stress and red double arrows indicate an increase in effective stress in the direction of the arrow. See Figure 4 and text for a more detailed explanation. a function of the composition of the fluid in terms of differ-ent hydrocarbon molecules, temperature, saturation, and pres-sure. This dependence can be taken into account by employing a “compositional simulator” for prediction of fluid flow. The pore fluid properties (Table 2) are based on published data for Valhall Field. Well location and production rates. The location of produc-tion and injection wells and their individual production sched-ules have a marked influence on the pore-pressure distribution, and thus on the stress field. To simplify the analysis, produc-tion from four wells was chosen at a constant production rate (total hydrocarbons produced) of 2400m3/day (approximately 15 000 b/d) in each well. This production rate is equal to the average production rate of Valhall Field to date. The four pro-duction wells are on the upper part of the flanks of the dou-ble- dipping anticline comprising the reservoir. Figure 2c shows a plan view of the well locations, and Figure 2d shows a three-dimensional representation of the wells and the top reservoir unit. Note the green markers in the reservoir layer, indicating a perforated and producing well for this layer. The coordinates of the four wells (W1– W4) in terms of element numbers are given in Table 3. The range of cells in the z direction indi-cates the perforated section of the well, comprising the entire reservoir interval. Coupled reservoir and geomechanical modeling. A com-mercial reservoir simulator, which includes geomechanical coupling, was used (Stone et al., 2000). This simulator mod-els both fluid flow and the associated geomechanical processes (pore-pressure depletion and ensuing deforma-tion and triaxial stress changes) within the reservoir and the surrounding rock. Fluid flow, deformation, and the triaxial stress state are modeled for a three-year production period. Production-induced subsurface deformation. Perhaps the most visible form of production-induced subsurface defor-mation is surface subsidence—i.e., vertical displacement of the earth’s surface. Besides vertical displacement, recent measurements with high-precision differential global posi-tioning systems have also shown lateral displacement at the earth’s surface. Inside the earth, effects of subsurface defor-mation can be observed in the form of well deformation. The vector displacement and the resulting strain and stress fields can be predicted in our modeling for each cell of the model. In the following paragraphs, we discuss the vector displacement in three horizons: in the shallow overburden, in the deep overburden, and within the top reservoir layer. In the shallow overburden, a nearly circular and smooth subsidence bowl is predicted (Figure 3). Maximum vertical surface displacement of 28 cm is observed at the center of DECEMBER 2005 THE LEADING EDGE 1237
  • 5. the bowl above the center of the field. Horizontal displace-ments (indicated by arrows plotted in every third element) occur in radial directions toward the center of the subsidence bowl, with a maximum observed displacement of 4.3 cm. The displacement values (28 cm subsidence in three years; i.e., approximately an average subsidence rate of 10 cm/year) compare well with seafloor subsidence observed at Valhall where approximately 4 m of subsidence has occurred over a 30-year production period (average subsi-dence rate of 13 cm/year). Note that the shape of the nearly circular subsidence bowl bears little resemblance to the shape of the elongated shape of the reservoir. In the deep overburden, the vertical displacement con-tours are still smooth but deviate markedly from the near-circular shape observed in the shallow subsurface (Figure 3b). Within the reservoir, the vertical displacement contours show even more topography (Figure 3c). This becomes most apparent around wells W1–W4, which are all located in the center of local maxima of vertical displacement. Maximum vertical displacements of 36 cm are observed at well 2. The horizontal displacement field is smooth in the shal-low overburden and shows increasingly more variation, in both amplitude and displacement direction, toward the reservoir. A simplistic explanation is to consider the reser-voir deformations as a signal with the earth acting as a low-pass filter so that the farther away from the source, the smoother the displacement field. Time-lapse stress changes. The stress field inside the earth is principally governed by overburden stress, tectonic stress, and pore pressure. Changing the pore pressure within the reservoir puts the reservoir out of static equilibrium with its surroundings. This results in a transfer of stress to the overburden, and more generally, to the entire rock mass sur-rounding the reservoir. The resulting stress changes can consist of either increases or decreases in the stress. Moreover, the stress at a specified location can increase in one direction and decrease in another direction; i.e., the stress changes are triaxial and must be described by a ten-sor. These changes in the state of the triaxial effective stress field, derived from coupled fluid flow and geomechanical modeling, are discussed in this section. Stress (and stress changes) can be mathematically des-cribed by a second-order tensor. Computation of principal val-ues and principal directions of this tensor allows the examination of the magnitudes and directions of maximum, minimum, and intermediate stress (or stress change). Here we define compressive stress (and increase in compressive stress) by negative principal values of the stress tensor. Changes in effective stress tensor are illustrated graphically in Figure 4. The changes in the stress tensor are depicted by a set of three orthogonal double arrows. The lengths of the arrows (and size of the arrow tip) are proportional to the principal values of the tensor and the principal directions of the tensor give the directions of the double arrows. Directions aligned with the double arrows (two pairs of red double arrows pointing toward each other and one pair of green double arrows pointing away from each other) experience only normal stresses; all other directions also experience a component of shear stress. Along the directions of the red double arrows, the (compressive) stress increases (given by negative prin-cipal values), and along the direction of the green double arrows, the stress field decreases (positive principal value). This analysis of stress change in terms of principal val-ues and principal directions can be done in each cell of the computational grid and the results plotted in plan view for three layers (Figure 5 for layers 1, 9, and 12, respectively). Note that the stress analysis in Figure 5 is done for the same layers for which subsurface displacement is plotted in Figure 3. In the near surface, the largest stress increase is observed at the center of the subsidence bowl (above the center of the field). This observation can be qualitatively explained by the image of displacement (Figure 3a); all particles of the near-surface rock mass move radially toward the center of the subsidence bowl. Therefore, the center of the subsidence bowl experiences an isotropic horizontal stress increase. Toward the edges of the subsidence bowl, anisotropic hor-izontal stress changes develop; in radial directions, the stress changes are small, whereas in tangential directions, there is a marked stress increase. No stress changes are observed in the vertical direction. Note that the pattern of stress changes is highly symmetric with a nearly circular shape. In the deep overburden the maximum stress changes are observed in a subvertical direction. Stress in a subvertical direction decreases due to overburden stretching. The con-tours of the stress change show an ellipsoidal shape, mimic-king the shape of the underlying reservoir. The subhorizontal stress changes are compressive, with a marked anisotropy between the two subhorizontal principal stress changes. Within the reservoir, the principal values of change in effective stress are all negative, implying an increase in effective stress in all directions. The largest increases in effective stresses are observed in the vertical direction near the wells. Because it is here that pore pressure decreases most, it follows that the stress in the rock frame (measured by effective stress) increases, be-cause parts of the load previously supported by pore pres-sure must now be supported by the rock frame. Stress-sensitive rock-physics model. Changes in the triaxial stress state can cause changes in (anisotropic) seismic veloci-ties. Velocity measurements in laboratory tests on triaxially stressed rock samples show, as a rule of thumb, that the main sensitivity of velocity on stress is encountered in directions where stress and either polarization or propagation direc-tion of the seismic wave coincide (e.g., Dillen et al., 1999). A stress-sensitive rock-physics model provides a theory to link the changes in stress state and changes in (anisotropic) velocity. Because the changes in stress state are triaxial in nature (as shown in the previous section), it is necessary to employ a rock-physics model that links the changes in the entire stress tensor (predicted from geomechanical model-ing) to changes in the entire elastic stiffness tensor (describ-ing the anisotropic seismic velocity changes). Calculation of changes in the entire elastic stiffness tensor allows predic-tion of changes in seismic velocities in arbitrary directions, prediction of changes in seismic attributes, and creation of a velocity model for computation of time-lapse synthetic seis-mic data. A stress-sensitive rock-physics model based on nonlin-ear elasticity theory (Prioul et al., 2004) is used. Note that this theory provides a means to compute the stiffness ten-sor, in a particular stress state, from the stiffness tensor at an initial (or reference) stress state, the applied triaxial stress, and three coupling coefficients. The three coupling coeffi-cients must be determined from laboratory measurements (e.g., Prioul and Lebrat, 2004) or can possibly be derived from specialized long- and short-offset full-waveform sonic logs. Time-lapse seismic attributes. The final step in the work-flow is calculation of seismic attributes (such as traveltimes, amplitudes, polarization directions, AVO parameters, etc.) for comparison with field data. For the purposes of this study, an isotropic preproduction velocity model is assumed. The (anisotropic) velocity perturbations caused by triaxial stress changes are calculated and subsequently the velocity 1238 THE LEADING EDGE DECEMBER 2005
  • 6. Figure 6. Predicted change in vertical P- and S-velocities along well W1 after three years of reservoir production. perturbations are used to predict time-lapse seismic attrib-utes. Changes in vertical traveltime. The seismic attribute that can arguably be measured most reliably and with greatest accuracy is the seismic traveltime for vertical incidence. Furthermore, field observations of vertical traveltime changes in the overburden at a North Sea gas field have been conclusively linked with stress changes due to overburden stretching (e.g., Hatchell et al., 2003). Change in vertical seismic traveltimes due to stress are investigated by following the previously described work-flow; after computation of changes in effective stress, a stress-sensitive rock-physics model is applied to calculate the stiffness tensor of the stressed medium in each cell along the trajectory of well W1. This allows calculation of verti-cal compressional and shear velocities (Figure 6) along the well path. Finally, the changes in two-way traveltime to each interface in the model are calculated for both com-pressional and shear waves (Figure 7). Vertical velocity for compressional waves is markedly reduced in the near sur-face (layers 1-3) and again noticeably reduced in the deep overburden (layers 8-11) adjacent to the reservoir. Within the reservoir, the P-wave velocity increases sharply. Vertical shear-wave velocity changes follow a different profile; a strong increase in vertical velocity, together with a marked development of anisotropy, is predicted in the near surface. In the deep overburden and the reservoir (layers 12-15), a decrease and increase in shear-wave velocity is predicted, respectively. These velocity changes are predicted using a rock-physics model that allows computation of anisotropic velocity changes from triaxial stress changes in the elastic regime. However, the rock-physics model does not account for changes in other reservoir properties such as fluid con-tent or for nonelastic rock deformation. Both fluid replace-ment and nonelastic rock deformation can decrease P-wave velocities in the reservoir (e.g., by replacing oil with gas and by loosening grain contacts), counteracting the described stress effect on P-wave velocity. Translating the stress-induced velocity changes into time-lapse traveltime changes predicts an increase in P-wave traveltime of more than 3 ms in the overburden, followed by a decrease of 1.5 ms within the reservoir. Interestingly, the time-lapse effect in the over-burden is predicted to be larger than the time-lapse effect within the reservoir. The same holds true for the predicted S-wave travel-times; here, time-lapse traveltime changes are predicted in the over-burden of 30 ms and 40 ms for fast and slow shear waves, respec-tively. Note also, that the majority of this change occurs in the first near-surface layer. Within the reser-voir, the traveltime changes for S-waves are of the order of 1-2 ms. Consequently, the traveltime change in the overburden is an order of magnitude larger than in the reservoir. Thus an effective strategy is required to compensate for these effects in seismic data if the time-lapse effects are to be meaningfully interpreted in terms of reservoir changes. The above calculations are all based on a synthetic model making reasonable assumptions and using estimates for all parameters involved. The results strongly suggest that the stress effects are significant enough to be observed in field data using acquisition technology already in use. The presented model consists of a big field using elastic parameters of a compressive rock. For smaller fields and elastic parameters for a stiffer rock matrix, the traveltime effects would be smaller. This, in turn, implies that data quality must be excellent, and specialized data processing may have to be applied to extract the smaller traveltime effects. Such high quality seismic acqui-sition and processing techniques have recently become avail-able. Furthermore, the observation of changes in traveltimes pre-supposes that reflections can be observed from horizons at ap-propriate locations. For example, to measure time shifts within the reservoir, a top-reservoir and a bottom-reservoir reflector are required, a situation which is not always given. Therefore, the possibility to infer stress changes within the reservoir from observations of traveltime changes above the reservoir is a tempting proposition. Traveltime changes in the overburden have been observed in some field examples (e.g., Hatchell et al., 2003 and Hudson et al., 2005). We expect that seismic time-lapse traveltime changes in the overburden will become an increasingly common observation. At present, this time-lapse signal will (if recognized at all) be commonly regarded as “dif-ferences in statics” between two surveys and “processed out” of the data. If recognized as signal, vertical traveltime changes can give valuable insight into stress changes within the reservoir. Shear-wave splitting. Azimuthally varying horizontal stress (such as predicted in the shallow surface) will cause azimuthal seismic anisotropy. In azimuthally anisotropic media, a vertically emergent shear wave will experience shear-wave splitting (Figure 8a). If the anisotropy is caused by stress, the fast shear-wave polarization is aligned with 1240 THE LEADING EDGE DECEMBER 2005
  • 7. the maximum horizontal stress, and the slow shear-wave polar-ization direction indicates the direction of minimum horizontal stress. The presented workflow allows prediction of the forma-tion of a subsidence bowl (Figure 3a), the resulting stress field (Figure 5a), and calculation of subsidence-induced shear-wave splitting (Figure 8). Two important observable parameters in shear-wave split-ting analysis are (1) the polariza-tion direction of the fast shear wave and (2) the time lag between the fast (qS1) and the slow (qS2) shear waves. The time lag and ori-entation of fast shear waves in every third cell of our model are plotted for the top 100 m below seafloor (Figure 8b). The azimuths of the short lines indicate the azimuths of the fast shear-wave polarization directions and the lengths of the short lines are pro-portional to the time lag between fast and slow shear-wave arrivals. In the center of the subsidence bowl, where stress changes are largest but nearly isotropic, no shear-wave splitting occurs. Mov-ing away from the center of the subsidence bowl, the stress chan-ges are azimuthally varying, re-sulting in an azimuthally anisotropic stiffness tensor and shear-wave splitting. The shear-wave splitting predictions (in terms of azimuths and relative amplitudes) using the workflow are in close agreement with the shear-wave splitting observations reported in Olofsson et al. (2003). Discussion and conclusions. A workflow to estimate effects of production-induced stress chan-ges on seismic data is described and applied to calculate travel-time changes and near-surface shear-wave splitting for a realis-tic structural model. Both effects (traveltime changes in the over-burden and shear-wave splitting) have been observed in field data, and our workflow presents a means to model and explore these effects. Special emphasis was given Figure 7. Change in traveltimes for vertically traveling P-wave (left) and S-waves (right) along the tra-jectory to the triaxial nature of the stress changes, and we have shown that the principal directions of the stress changes need not be aligned with the vertical or horizontal directions. The triaxial nature of stress changes causes anisotropic changes in seismic velocities. This man-ifests itself spectacularly in near-surface shear-wave split-ting due to stress-induced azimuthal anisotropy (e.g., Olofsson et al., 2003). The anisotropic seismic velocity changes will also influence other seismic attributes (Her-wanger and Horne, 2005) and must be taken into account in both time-lapse data processing and reservoir evaluation seismics. If interpreted correctly, the time-lapse changes in the overburden can give valuable insight into stress changes DECEMBER 2005 THE LEADING EDGE 1241 of well W1. Figure 8. (a) Sketch of shear-wave splitting. In an azimuthally anisotropic medium, shear waves trav-eling in a nearly vertical direction experience shear-wave splitting. Observable seismic attributes are the polarization direction of the fast shear wave (red wavelet) and the time lag between the arrival of fast and slow shear waves. (b) Shear-wave splitting predicted for near-surface layer of 100 m. The azimuth of the fast shear-wave polarization direction is indicated by the orientation of the short bars, and the length of the short bars is proportional to the time lag between fast and slow shear waves.
  • 8. in the subsurface with implications for geomechanical appli-cations. Different seismic attributes are sensitive to different parts of the stress tensor (see Sayers, 2004 for a discussion) and it may be possible to monitor changes in the entire stress tensor from seismic data using suitable acquisition and pro-cessing strategies. Vertically propagating compressional waves are predominantly sensitive to changes in vertical stress; vertically propagating shear waves are sensitive to stress changes in horizontal and vertical directions, and wide azimuthal coverage would assist in determining any rotations of the stress tensor with respect to the coordinate axes. Running the workflow in an iterative fashion, while perturbing input model parameters, until observed data and predicted seismic data match could provide a viable option to determine as much information about changes in the stress tensor as possible. The strategy of combining reservoir modeling, geomechanical modeling, and exami-nation of time-lapse seismic changes could also help dis-criminate between stress effects and saturation changes in the reservoir. It is expected that production-induced (anisotropic) stress effects in seismic data will be more widely observed as soon as seismic specialists look more actively for them. Among candidate fields that are likely to show stress effects in seis-mic data are deepwater, overpressured, and underconsoli-dated fields (e.g., the Gulf of Mexico, Niger Delta, or Nile Delta). These fields are also candidates for drilling and well-bore stability problems. Thus, seismic stress monitoring holds promise as a useful geomechanical surveillance tool. Suggested reading. Geomechanical parameters for Valhall can be found in “Valhall Field—Still on plateau after 20 years of production” by Barkved et al. (SPE 83957, 2003). Pore fluid, geometry top reservoir are discussed in “Simulation of a North Sea field experiencing significant compaction drive” by Cook and Jewell (SPE 29132, 1996). Laboratory measurements of seis-mic velocities in triaxially stressed media are described in “Ultrasonic velocity and shear-wave splitting behavior of a Colton sandstone under a changing triaxial stress” by Dillen et al. (GEOPHYSICS, 1999). The link between geomechanics and time shift in the overburden is presented in “Whole earth 4D: reservoir monitoring geomechanics” by Hatchell et al. (SEG 2003 Expanded Abstracts). Stress effects on AVO, shear splitting, and time shifts are discussed in “Linking geomechanics and seis-mics: Stress effects on time-lapse multicomponent seismic data” by Herwanger and Horne (EAGE 2005 Extended Abstracts) and “Genesis Field, Gulf of Mexico, 4-D project status and prelim-inary lookback” by Hudson et al. (SEG 2005 Expanded Abstracts). Linking geomechanical modeling and seismic response in reser-voir are described in “Modeling combined fluid and stress change effects in the seismic response of a producing hydro-carbon reservoir” by Olden et al. (TLE, 2001). Observed shear-wave splitting at Valhall can be found in “Azimuthal anisotropy from the Valhall 4C 3D survey” by Olofsson et al. (TLE, 2003). Stress sensitive rock-physics employed in this study are ana-lyzed in “Nonlinear rock physics model for estimation of 3D subsurface stress in anisotropic formations: Theory and labo-ratory verification” by Prioul et al. (GEOPHYSICS, 2004). A table of constants necessary for rock-physics modeling is given in “Calibration of velocity-stress relationships under hydrostatic stress for their use under nonhydrostatic stress conditions” by Prioul and Lebrat (SEG 2004 Expanded Abstracts). A sensitivity study about the influence of horizontal/vertical stress on seis-mic attributes is the theme of “Monitoring production-induced stress changes using seismic waves” by Sayers (SEG 2004 Expanded Abstracts). For information on coupled reservoir/geo-mechanical modeling, see “Fully coupled geomechanics in a commercial reservoir simulator” by Stone et al. (SPE 65107, 2000). Shear-wave splitting at Ekofisk is described by “Near-surface shear-wave birefringence in the North Sea: Ekofisk 2D/4C test” by Van Dok et al. (TLE, 2003). Similar workflow for isotropic data is described by Vidal et al. in “Characterizing reservoir parameters by integrating seismic monitoring and geomechanics” (TLE, 2002). TLE Acknowledgments: Steve Horne was with WesternGeco when this work was performed. Corresponding author: 1242 THE LEADING EDGE DECEMBER 2005