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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK, TORONTO, CANADA                                            VOLUME 37, NUMBER 3

Eagerly waiting for the doors to open on a (rare, this year) beautiful April day.
CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                             SUMMER 2011

 HERALD                                                                   Topic
 HERALD is published six times a year
 (Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar,
 Apr/May, June/July) by
            Christ Church Deer Park
            1570 Yonge Street
            Toronto ON M4T 1Z8
            Tel: 416.920.5211
            Fax: 416.920.8400
                                             Dear Friends,
 We welcome your submissions.                AT PENTECOST, WE CELEBRATE the gift of God’s Holy Spirit upon the Church. The
 E-mail:                                     activity of the Holy Spirit is the subject of much interest these days. In John’s Gospel
 or the editor (e-mail below).               (14:15-21) Jesus describes a vital aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of
 PARISH CLERGY                               his followers.
 Interim Priest-in-Charge                    Given the availability of a time machine, would we rather spend time in the company
 The Ven. Thomas M. Greene
                                             of Jesus 2000 years ago or continue with what we have as Christians now in the age
 Assistant Curate
 The Rev. Samantha Caravan                   of the Holy Spirit? Most people would probably opt for the former. But as Jesus
 Honorary Assistants                         prepares his disciples for his immanent departure, he explains that it is actually to
 The Rev. Dr. Peter Slater                   their advantage that he is going away. The astonishing truth is that the blessing of
 The Rev. Canon Dr. David Neelands           the Holy Spirit will be even greater than the blessing of the physical presence of Jesus.
 The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton,
           Ecumenical Partner                Jesus underlines the fact that the one to come is the Spirit of truth who will faithfully
 The Rev. Michael Marshall,                  make Jesus real to them.
           Hospital for Sick Children
 Director of Children’s Education            But not having the physical limitations imposed by the humanity of Jesus, the
 Hilary Keachie                              Spirit is able to be in all places at all times, not simply dwelling with us but, more
                                             importantly dwelling within us. That is why it is to our advantage. But it all depends
 Rector’s Warden (Human Resources)
 David Thornton
                                             on Jesus “going to the Father”, a route which takes him inexorably via the sufering
 People’s Warden (Property)                  and the glory of the Cross to the glory of the resurrection and the ascension. Only
 Walter Blackwell                            when the Lamb of God has taken away the sins of the world will it be possible for
 Deputy Warden (Finance)                     the Holy Spirit to enter into this new relationship with his followers.
 Robert Morrow
 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE                         We read and hear that we will not be left comfortless; we will not be left orphaned.
 Editor                                      That Spirit which we celebrate at Pentecost will continue to give us life as individuals
 Joyce Hamilton (      and as a community of faith. That will be so - that is the promise. The question is,
 Members                                     do we believe it?
 Henry Zaluski, MJ Rosenthal,
 Photos: Deirdre Malone, Henry Zaluski,      The commandments of Jesus are all to do with love. They are absolutely not to do
 Peter Curzon, Kate Rieger
                                             with multiple points of organizational structure or personal behaviour. Love God,
 Brian Dench                                 Love Your Neighbour. We know the summary of the Law that Jesus declared even
 PARISH STAFF                                as he gave us a new commandment: to love one another as he has loved us. We are
 Organist & Director of Music                called to share back what we have ourselves already received. That is to be our most
 Eric Robertson                              defining and apparent characteristic.
 Parish Administrator & Rector’s Assistant
 Jean King                                   Legend tells that Gabriel put the question to Jesus after the Ascension.
 Sexton                                       “ What arrangements have you made for the continuation of your work?”
 Denis Delisle
                                              “ I have left eleven people”, Jesus replies.
                                               “What if they fail?” Gabriel asks.
                                               “I have made no other arrangements.”

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                              SUMMER 2011

No other arrangements. So it has always been. And this is          have some outstanding lay leaders in this parish and they
where we come in.                                                  have stepped forward. We have learned that our identity is
“They who have my commandments and keep them are                   not encapsulated in the rector, and we are now engaged in
those who love me; and those who love me will be loved of          the process of identifying and articulating that dynamic
my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.”        identity.
This is good news on a grand scale.This is an understanding        We have faced the hard facts! The parish profile (a wonderful
of God’s relationship to us and our relationship with God          gift to us by a tremendously talented and committed selection
and each oher.                                                     committee) was hard medicine for some. The rose coloured
                                                                   glasses have been removed and CCDP with all its warts and
May this be so as we dwell in Him and He in us.
                                                                   failures is laid bare for the world to see. Here’s the good
Faithfully,                                                        news - you didn’t retreat! You have faced the financial and
                                                                   governance issues head on with integrity, determination and
                                                                   a healthy dose of hope for the future.
                                                                   In this transition some of the great strengths of the who
(The Ven.) Thomas Greene                                           and what of CCDP have also come to light. This is an
Priest-in-Charge                                                   extraordinary community of welcome and inclusion. Any,
                                                                   and all are equally welcomed and valued. There is an open
                                                                   and, I believe, deliberate desire to live together in community.
                                                                   This is ever visible at the 10am liturgy where the tradition-
                        From the                                   alist and contemporary believer and liturgy participant
                                                                   worship side by side.
                        Upper Room                                 As a congregation you should be proud of yourselves - I am
                                                                   certainly proud of you!
                                                                   The summer brings with it the opportunity for rest and
                                                                   refreshment. To that end I will be on vacation during July,
                                                                   be assured of my continued prayer for you as individual
                                                                   people of God and as community. I hope you too make
                                                                   time for family, friends and perhaps a good book or two.
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT - its June! We are half way to
Christmas.. I have always found the human habit of looking         Blessings
for the next marker fascinating and, that has been the case        Samantha
throughout this transition period. As a congregation I want        Assistant Curate
to commend you on a few things I have observed, on a few
markers as we journey through this current experience.
Many of my colleagues warned me about the anxiety the
parish would experience, how everyone will be off balance
and tentative, waiting on decisions until the ‘new’ rector
arrives. Well, they clearly do not know the people of Christ                             Tom’s “Grace”
Church Deer Park. There has been a little anxiety, and a few                                  (by request)
decisions have been set aside waiting for the appointment                       Lord, bless this food upon these dishes
of our new rector. BUT, overall I would say this experience,
this transitional journey, has been wonderful. Full of                         As thou didst bless the loaves and fishes.
opportunities for input, and for reflection of who we are as                          And as the sugar in the tea,
individuals and who we are as a congregation. Instead of
                                                                                   May all of us be stirred by thee.
anxiety I think there has been a real and palpable excitement
and anticipation.
We have learned that we are not bereft of leadership, we

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                        SUMMER 2011

                                                                  Proud of the gift baskets they made for Nellie's Women's
                                                                  Shelter, this year’s Lenten Acts of Kindness Project.
PromiseLand Summer Fun!
IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE it’s already June, and summer is
just a hop, skip and a jump away! We’ve been busy in
PromiseLand over the past few months, and I think we’re
all looking forward to a relaxing and fun summer!
This May, we launched our World Religions Series by
learning about Judaism, Buddhism and Islam. We had a
Passover Seder – we sang music, told the Exodus story and
perhaps most importantly, tasted some of the traditional
food. Then, we talked about appreciation and tried to be
present in each moment by doing different Buddhist medi-
tations. We learned about the Muslim Prophet Mohammed
and practiced writing greetings in Arabic Script. It was a
great couple of weeks and helped us appreciate the diversity
of our city and world!
This summer, all kids are invited to learn and play together
every Sunday in the Chapel of St. Nicholas. We will have
books, crafts, games and DVDs to keep kids engaged and
learning during the summer months. Every week from June
19th to August 28th, a PromiseLand parent will downstairs
ready to welcome the kids of CCDP as well as all visiting
kids! Hope to see you there!
But before we head off to camp, cottages, or just hanging
around the city, we are having one LAST PARTY! Join us
on Sunday, June 19th for our ANNUAL SUMMER BBQ
on the lawn. We’ll have tons of delicious food, and it’s a         PromiseLand participated in the Easter Sunrise Service,
great opportunity to catch up with friends and maybe make
some new ones, before the summer. I hope everyone can
make it.
I wish everyone a safe, relaxing and laughter-filled summer!
Director of Children’s Education

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                          SUMMER 2011

                                                                   An exciting new ministry added to FaithWorks this year is
                                                                   the Street to Trail Association (Toronto). It helps street people
                                                                   rediscover their own inner sense of worth using nature’s
                                                                   healing power by taking them on wilderness hikes, canoe
                                                                   trips, and other outdoor excursions out of the city. Stories of
                                                                   recovered hope and inner peace, addictions overcome, new
                 Catch the Spirit!                                 meaningful relationships, and even jobs are emerging!
THE FAITHWORKS 2011 CAMPAIGN is in full swing. This                CCDP has been a leader in FaithWorks in the past. The
diocesan appeal supports 14 community ministries. It also          campaign donation envelopes are at the back of the church
helps fund three partner agencies: the Anglican Appeal (for        on the table. When you donate, be sure to give through
clergy and lay leader theological education in the North,          CCDP - 15% of donations can be retained by CCDP for
as well as church partners in the Anglican Communion);             our own outreach work (as the donation card explains).
LOFT Community Services (for housing, community                    Let’s make this another banner year!
support, and street outreach to needy and troubled people);        Phyllis Creighton
and the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (for           CCDP FaithWorks coordinator
sustainable development, emergency relief, refugees, and 
global justice). With overhead of just 12 cents on the dollar,
FaithWorks over the past 15 years has distributed more than
$18 million to people in need. This year’s goal is $1,550,000
- to top the record $1.5 million raised in 2010. So the
campaign seeks a 5% increase in donations from every
                                                                   ACW News
                                                                   Lynn Lovekin and Nancy Pickering were our delegates
parish in the diocese.
                                                                   at the ACW Annual General Meeting in May. The theme
Why should it matter to us in CCDP? Archbishop Colin               was “The Tapestry of Life” and they particulary enjoyed
Johnson sees donating to it as a tangible way that we, as          the Keynote Speaker, Marian Timmermans, Executive
Anglicans in the Diocese of Toronto, live out our Baptismal        Director of Extendicare, Cobourg. New ACW pins are
call. Faithworks says its ministries change hopelessness into      now available ($5.00).
hope, loneliness and isolation into community, despair into
                                                                   This year’s Spring Luncheon was a great success...86 people
dignity. On the broader canvas of the diocese, it does what
                                                                   attended with a good number of men joining in...we
CCDP and the Churches on the Hill show in the neigh-
                                                                   hope this sets a trend. The lunch was, as usual, delicious
bourhood that they care about.
                                                                   and everyone thoroughly enjoyed Walter Blackwell’s tales,
There’s a wide range of FaithWorks ministries. All Saints          with photos, of his trip to Nepal.
Church Community Centre serves marginalized people
                                                                   The St. Andrew’s Group Tuesday gatherings will continue
downtown, Flemingdon Park Ministry has a storefront
                                                                   over the summer months...drop in with your knitting,
mission for a multicultural community, and the Philip Aziz
                                                                   craft or just for conversation...bring your lunch...or just
Centre on Moore Avenue offers home hospice service and
                                                                   drop in to eat your lunch. Afternoon Bridge will also
chaplaincy care for people with HIV/AIDS. In North
                                                                   continue if players turn up. Remember...we’re promised
Durham region, North House provides transitional housing
                                                                   a hot, steamy summer, so keep in mind that the church
and support for homeless women and children. In Orillia,
                                                                   is air conditioned!
Couchiching Jubilee House offers transitional housing and
support for homeless women and children. Barrie has the            CCDP will be hosting an Eglinton Deanery meeting on
David Busby Street Centre and in Mississauga The Dam               Tuesday, October 18th at 6:30pm. Coffe, tea and cookies
helps youth and young moms (13 to 24). Toronto Urban               will be served.
Native Ministry works with aboriginals who live on the             The always popular Bridge Luncheon is set for Tuesday,
street. Anglican United Refugee Alliance provides support          October 31st.
services to churches helping refugees.

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                           SUMMER 2011

 Parish Forum                                                          Special Vestry

Isn’t it strange... a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount when           Motion:
you donate it to church, but such a small amount when you             CORPORATION BE AUTHORIZED to borrow up to $110,000
go shopping?                                                          from the 1870 Fund to draw down Christ Church Deer
                                                                      Park’s bank line. Any surplus in the Operating Fund at
A COMMITTED GROUP of approximately 75 people attended                 the end of the year shall first be used to pay down the
the Forum on Stewardship on Sunday, June 12th.                        outstanding bank line and the rest shall be returned, with
Rob Morrow, Finance Warden, gave a summary of the                     interest, to the 1870 Fund.
financial situation at CCDP; while spending has been                  Moved by David Thornton and seconded by Rob Morrow.
under control there is little room for any further reductions.
On the other hand, some basic costs continue to rise while            A short discussion followed in which it was pointed out
our revenues have been in a decline for several years.                that interest charged on our bank line has recently risen to
                                                                      7 1/2% while interest earned on the 1870 Fund is 2%. It
Susan Graham Walker, from the Church of the Redeemer,                 is also a fact of life that givings drop noticably over the
gave us a history of their very successful efforts to encourage       summer months when many parishioners are away and the
and increase the financial contributions from each of their           present budget shortfall will only worsen.
members. These included reviewing the previous year’s
givings, setting a theme for the coming year, discussion              The motion passed unanimously.
at Vestry followed by a letter and pledge card, a mid-year
review (June), a mailed or personal reminder (Sept.), a
year-end push and a personal “thank-you” note to every
Innes van Nostrand, Chair of the Stewardship Committee,
then presented some general principles for successful
fundraising and some particulars on a proposed upcoming
stewardship campaign at CCDP. He disclosed that 6 of the
8 people he has approached to serve on the committee have
Following these presentations smaller groups discussed the
various questions posed on stewardship and reported back
to the general forum. Based on their comments, three main             Books, Books, Books
observations were made at the conclusion of the meeting:              THE BOOK SALE WAS A SUCCESS (inspite of a cool and
1.       There was unanimous acceptance of the need for               rainy day) and many thanks to all who helped on the
a financial stewardship campaign.                                     Friday and Saturday. Spoecial thanks go to Ben Dibben,
2.     There was recognition that part of the current                 Rita Becker, Judith Maxwell, Anne Kear and Deidre
problem was that people had not been personally                       Malone, whose help during the year was essential.
approached about their annual contributions in a long                 Future book sales are under discussion; sales are declining
time.                                                                 slightly each year and, to continue, we need more help
3.       There was optimism that, when our congregation               and more storage space. In the meantime we will not be
are asked with understanding and sensitivity, a significant           accepting books, tapes or CD’s until a decision has been
increase in annual givings can be anticipated.                        made.

Thank you to all who participated.                                    Maggie Symons

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                        SUMMER 2011

                                                                 Rummage...Past and Future
            Fall                                                 A last word of thanks from Rita...
          Rummage                                                ONCE AGAIN ANOTHER successful Rummage Sale, held on
                                                                 April final sale as co-ordinator.

                                                                 Many thanks to all who have participated so loyally over the
                                                                 last several years.
                                                                 Jean King and Denis Delisle...thank you for your valued

       Saturday, October 1                                       A special thanks to Judith Maxwell and Betty Dickerson,
                                                                 who worked on rummage year-round and also to those who
            It’s earlier than usual this year,                   helped on an “as needed” basis.
             so mark your calendars now!                         I have enjoyed this most challenging experience which
       We are now accepting good, fall clothing                  proved to be a most helpful diversion from personal issues.
            (men, women and children’s),                         For this I am very gratedul.
               jewellery, treasures etc.                         Thank you all! See you around!
           now and through the summer.
                                                                 Rita Becker
            Drop in the box in the Atrium.
                                                                 Looking Forward with MJ...
                                                                 AS MANY OF YOU KNOW, I, have accepted the challenge to
                                                                 run our Rummage Sales for the next two years. I am very
                                                                 fortunate in that Judith Maxwell and Rita Becker have
                                                                 agreed to stay on with me. Judith is very knowledgeable about

             Christmas                                           our Treasures, Art and White Elephants. Rita Becker’s
                                                                 expertise is in Ladies Wear and she has agreed to oversee our

                                                                 “Boutique” and all the Ladies’ clothes. Pat Anderson continues
                                                                 to do a great job with our Jewellery department as does
                                                                 Betty Van Wyck with our linens.
                                                                 There are two additional people I must not neglect to
      We welcome your donations of jams, jellies                 thank...Jean King and Denis Delisle are always of great help
    and home preserves, sewn and knitted articles,               to us. So to both of you, thank you.
    craft items, jewellery, treasures and collectables,          However our back-bones are you, the Volunteers...we simply
                   tins and fine linens.                         can’t do it without you!
         Do keep knitting over the summer...                     To run the “Sale” itself we need sixty five (65) Volunteers
     cotton dish cloths, sweaters (sizes 3 and up),              (that includes the three of us) plus an additional eight (8)
            scarves, booties and tea cozies                      for clean up. One drawback is that most of our volunteers
                remain popular items.                            are getting on in years. So please know that we appreciate
   We also welcome your suggestions and your help                and thank you all for the time and energy you have given us
                    Please contact:                              over the past years, and hopefully I can count on you for
            Lynn Lovekin at 416-960-2193                         coming years as well.
                          or                                     Clearly, it is time for some of our younger parishioners and
             Lorna Lang at 416-932-2599                          friends to start stepping in to help. Yes, we work hard, but
                                                                 we also have a lot of fun and gain a great deal of satisfaction
                                                                 in knowing that out efforts are appreciated at multi levels.
                                                                 MJ Rosenthall

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                         SUMMER 2011

                                                                   held in that fund, we were happy to be able to send $5000
   Outreach                                                        in June. We need to work on raising an additional $9,000
                                                                   in order to sustain the project for the next while. Any ideas,
                                                                   or offers, would be welcome. If interested in donating
                                                                   money or time to the Malawi Committee, please speak to
                                                                   Samantha Caravan or J.R.Thornton.
                                                                   While here, Bishop Fanuel extended an invitation to visit
WE ARE VERY MUCH MISSING the inspiration and leadership   opportunity to see, befriend, learn and work in
of Brian Buckingham, who died this past January. His               situ.
widow, Yvonne, has requested that memorial gifts given in
his name be designated for CCDP Outreach and used in his           We are presently working on setting up an Airmiles Pooling
memory. About $5,000.00 has been donated to date, for              Bank (for Aeroplan miles) to cover the traveling costs of
which we are very grateful..                                       sending a group of our Youth (chaperoned) to Malawi.
                                                                   There will be more news about this soon.
The Outreach Committee met May 3rd and June 7th, to
discuss and plan for the future.                                   School Lunch Program

Our budget from Corporation is $5,000.00. In these times           We investigated the possibility of setting up a lunch
of financial restraint our plan is to live within it through       program for hungry children in a downtown school. We
careful management. In doing so, we have to consider               discovered that this would be a complicated and expensive
several ongoing committments:                                      undertaking for us at this time, so have decided to place the
                                                                   idea aside for future consideration.
COTH Foodbank
                                                                   We are also looking into partnering with the Blessing of the
Our monetary responsibility to the COTH Foodbank                   Backpack organization, that aids students with educational
is $2,500 each year. We also provide volunteers and food           materials.
collected through your generous donations. We continue
to welcome your gifts of food and money to help with this          Drew Buckingham, Brian’s son, is a teacher in the
much needed project.                                               Jane/Finch area. We have learned that, from his own pocket,
                                                                   he regularly purchases bread, cheese, peanut butter etc. to
Saturday Morning Breakfast                                         provide food for the many children who arrive at school
This program has proven very successful, thanks to                 without having had breakfast. Hungry children cannot
Ross Morrow, Anne Larkin and a wonderful group of                  learn. We agreed to send a small amount from Brian’s
volunteers. It is also much appreciated by our clients.            Memorial Fund to assist him in this good work. We will
Outreach funds this program from our budget (about                 revisit helping further with this project in September.
$2,300 a year).                                                    Cooking Class
These do not leave much room, for other direct donations.          Tailored for those among us who find themselves on their
We are grateful to the ACW, who sent representatives to            own, recently widowed or have become the caregiver in the
our meeting and shared their Outreach budget endeavors             family and find themselves at a loss in the kitchen...we’ll
with us. They are very generous supporters of many causes          help de-mystify the art of shopping for and preparing basic,
and we feel, between us, that we are able to fund our In-          healthy, comfort foods...and we guarantee that you’ll have
House projects within our means. We are thankful to a              fun too. Courses will run 6 weeks, Thursdays, 3:30 - 5:30,
number of generous persons who have made donations to              beginning in late September, in the lower. kitchen. If
these projects and others, such as the Malawi Fund.                interested, leave a message with Jean King in the office:
Malawi                                                             416-920-5211 ext 22
The Rt. Rev. Fanuel Magangani, the new Bishop of                       Our ability to continue these valuable programs
Northern Malawi (who visited us recently), is doing a great        depends, as always, upon the availability of sufficient
job and our lines of communication have been reopened.             financial and volunteer support. We need more of both -
In 2007-8 we were able to send just under $10,000 to               more money and more volunteers! If you can help with
support the Dietary Improvement Plan, and the Prenatal             either, we would be delighted to hear from you. Contact
Clinic on Likoma Island. From the balance of about $6,000          J.R.Thornton at 416-489-6740 or

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                             SUMMER 2011

 From the
 Organ Bench

                        THE WARM WEATHER is finally here!
                        While many will be heading to the
                        cottage over for the summer, there            JOIN US every second Sunday at 4:30 pm for this popular
                        are still a lot of people – parishioners,     service of music, a reflective reading, prayers for our city
                        visitors, people who are looking for          and the world and great music...featuring some of Toronto’s
                        a new church home - who will attend           finest jazz musicians!
                        services at Christ Church Deer Park           July 3            Brian Barlow Big Band
                        on Sunday mornings.                                             ‘The Sacred Music of Duke Ellington’
                        As in previous years, our Sunday                                with guest vocalist Heather Bambrick
services feature the Christ Church Summer Singers. The                                  (Part of the TD Toronto Jazz Festival)
Summer Singers meet in the chancel at 9:15am every                    Jazz Vespers will resume in the Fall on Sunday, September 11th.
Sunday throughout the summer to rehearse music for the
10am service that follows. Our summer repertoire is accessible,
attendance requirements are flexible, and the choir is filled
with enthusiastic people who go out of their way to make
newcomers feel welcome. If you think you’d like to sing in a
choir, the Summer Singers just might be the choir for you –
who knows, you may enjoy yourself so much that you’ll
want to sing with us all year round!
If you read music and would like to learn more about our
choir here at Christ Church, I’d love to hear from you! Drop
by the organ console after church and say hello or get in
touch with me through the contact page of the Christ
Church Deer Park website at
                                                                      THE FINAL FREE CONCERT of this season will be on
Have a great summer!                                                  Thursday, June 23 at 12:10 pm. Bring your lunch, relax
Eric N. Robertson, Organist & Director of Music                       and enjoy. Concerts will resume, weekly, in September, after
                                                                      labour Day.
                                                                      Presented by Nine Sparrows Arts foundation and Christ
                                                                      Church Deer Park

                                                                           Remember to check our website for
                                                                           updates on these and other events.

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                                SUMMER 2011

                                                                         Anglican Church Workers
                                                                         YOUTHLINK Dinner
                                                                         ON MAY 12TH at 6:00pm, a few members of our ACW
                                                                         descended on the Vanauley Street offices of the Inner
                                                                         City Youth Program, bringing with them a feast of
                                                                         homemade goodies. It was “Drop in Night” and about
                                                                         30 street youth, boys and girls, attended. They were so
                                                                         polite...and SO hungry...gobbling up all the cassaroles,
                                                                         lasagnas (meat and vegetarian), salads, cookies and fruit,
                                                                         (all made and provided by members of the ACW)
                                                                         In the mid-eighties, Christ Church Deer Park and a
            Peonies                   Jane Gillespie                     parishioner (who wished to remain anonymous) joined
                                                                         forces to hire a street worker for a year ($15,000), whose
                                                                         project was to do research on street prostitution (a concern
The Gallery                                                              for both girls and boys). It was a wonderful contribution
                                                                         to the program that ultimately became Youthlink and it
“THE GALLERY” HAS BEEN drawing increasing attention and
                                                                         seems fitting that we have helped them again.
traffic from the community. The solo exhibitions this year
have been well received and we’re attracting some very                   A huge “thank you” to everyone who contributed. It was
interesting community artists who want to show their work                very much appreciated.
here. The guest book in the Gallery is just about full - we’ll           Jane Reeves
have to get another one soon!
In response to the numerous artists’ queries, we have set
up a selection jury of three of our congregation members:
Nora Dobell, Joyce Hamilton and Bob Reeves. They have
an interesting job ahead for them. It promises to be an
exciting line-up of artists and a full schedule.
For the Summer, we have scheduled two group art shows
of five artists each. The theme for the first show (June 19th
- July 31st) is: “Does art have a transformative power?” Five
artists are inviting viewers to see their work and ponder.
From our congregation, Jane Gillespie will be displaying
4 Chinese brush paintings, and Vivien Jenkinson will be                                             Director and Staff of Inner
showing 3 watercolors. The 3 community artists are: Joana                                           City Youth Proram
Marcinenas (Pointillism), Mary Wagler and Ileen Kohn -
exhibiting oils and acrylics.
The second group art show will hang from Aug. 7th to
Sept.11th and will also show 5 artists. The selection jury
is in the process of finalizing the line-up of artists for yet
another interesting exhibition.
The schedule for the rest of the calendar year is just about
complete and the selection jury will soon be starting to fill
the slots for early 2012.
                                                                          The CCDP crew
Please feel free to tell your friends and associates about our
Art and Spirituality program and the exhibitions.

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                               SUMMER 2011

                 Maeve Louise Platt
            Jane Elizabeth Reliana Devine
              Homan Hunter Dehghan
               Kellan Rourke Howard
               Charlotte Yun-Yee Lau
              Claire Charlotte Tutching
            William James Gordon Cowan
              Catherine Elizabeth Fanjoy
         Gavin Iain James Hamilton Keachie
                Bronwen Willa Lathrop                      Confirmation took place on Saturday, April 23rd, presided
               Cecilia Rose Vogan-Lowe                     over by Aechbishop Terence Finlay and the Rev. Samantha
        Tor Elvind Calhoun Tjensvoll Kitching              Caravan. This photo of the happy group (a copy of which
                  Tessa Juliet Oxtoby                      is presented to each Confirmant in a commemorative
             Gwyneth Bryden Richardson                     folder) was taken by Kate Curzon.
          Quinn Thomas Callon Robinson
            Jordan Ashley Grace Wilkinson
               Ross Bryden Richardson
                                                            Deadline for the next HERALD is August 31
                                                            DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA for an article? Perhaps a feature
  Nicolle Elfriedg Nordmann and Ian Christian Moore         on an unsung hero in the parish? A special memory?
                   In Memoriam                              An historical fact? Please speak to one of the clergy or
                                                            to the Editor.
                Kenneth Ian Malcolm
               Frederick William Gray                       Articles and announcements may be submitted at any
               Judith Robinson Sheard                       time up to the deadline. Just leave in the box in the
            Mary Margaret Eleanor Haig                      Atrium or e-mail the editor at
            John Douglas Rawes Wright
             Irene Anthes Locke Askew
                  Mary Alice Stuart                        Feel like being more involved? Don’t have much time, but
          David Howard Woodhouse Henry                     want to help out? Feeling new, but want to join in? Been here
           Graham Edward Bruce Donald                      a while, but haven’t been involved? Have ideas to share?

                                                           Join us!
                                                           THERE’S LIFE HERE in what we do, how we get together
                                                           and what gets done.
                                                           New members are always welcome to join any group at
                                                           CCDP...choose one that interests you.

                                                  11 / HERALD
CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                                             SUMMER 2011

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                            Family owned and operated
   • Burial  Cremation                  • Ample parking available
   • No obligation Pre-Planning          • Chapel, Reception  children’s
     Services                              recreation rooms.
         159 Eglinton Ave. W.
         Toronto ON M4R 1A8      

                                                                                       Wishing everyone a peaceful, happy, safe summer.

                                                                               12 / HERALD

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The Herald - parish Newsletter July/August 20112011 vol37 no3

  • 1. HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK, TORONTO, CANADA VOLUME 37, NUMBER 3 Eagerly waiting for the doors to open on a (rare, this year) beautiful April day.
  • 2. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 Tom’s HERALD Topic HERALD is published six times a year (Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar, Apr/May, June/July) by Christ Church Deer Park 1570 Yonge Street Toronto ON M4T 1Z8 Tel: 416.920.5211 Fax: 416.920.8400 Dear Friends, We welcome your submissions. AT PENTECOST, WE CELEBRATE the gift of God’s Holy Spirit upon the Church. The E-mail: activity of the Holy Spirit is the subject of much interest these days. In John’s Gospel or the editor (e-mail below). (14:15-21) Jesus describes a vital aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of PARISH CLERGY his followers. Interim Priest-in-Charge Given the availability of a time machine, would we rather spend time in the company The Ven. Thomas M. Greene of Jesus 2000 years ago or continue with what we have as Christians now in the age Assistant Curate The Rev. Samantha Caravan of the Holy Spirit? Most people would probably opt for the former. But as Jesus Honorary Assistants prepares his disciples for his immanent departure, he explains that it is actually to The Rev. Dr. Peter Slater their advantage that he is going away. The astonishing truth is that the blessing of The Rev. Canon Dr. David Neelands the Holy Spirit will be even greater than the blessing of the physical presence of Jesus. The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, Ecumenical Partner Jesus underlines the fact that the one to come is the Spirit of truth who will faithfully The Rev. Michael Marshall, make Jesus real to them. Hospital for Sick Children Director of Children’s Education But not having the physical limitations imposed by the humanity of Jesus, the Hilary Keachie Spirit is able to be in all places at all times, not simply dwelling with us but, more WARDENS importantly dwelling within us. That is why it is to our advantage. But it all depends Rector’s Warden (Human Resources) David Thornton on Jesus “going to the Father”, a route which takes him inexorably via the sufering People’s Warden (Property) and the glory of the Cross to the glory of the resurrection and the ascension. Only Walter Blackwell when the Lamb of God has taken away the sins of the world will it be possible for Deputy Warden (Finance) the Holy Spirit to enter into this new relationship with his followers. Robert Morrow EDITORIAL COMMITTEE We read and hear that we will not be left comfortless; we will not be left orphaned. Editor That Spirit which we celebrate at Pentecost will continue to give us life as individuals Joyce Hamilton ( and as a community of faith. That will be so - that is the promise. The question is, Members do we believe it? Henry Zaluski, MJ Rosenthal, Photos: Deirdre Malone, Henry Zaluski, The commandments of Jesus are all to do with love. They are absolutely not to do Peter Curzon, Kate Rieger with multiple points of organizational structure or personal behaviour. Love God, Webmaster Brian Dench Love Your Neighbour. We know the summary of the Law that Jesus declared even PARISH STAFF as he gave us a new commandment: to love one another as he has loved us. We are Organist & Director of Music called to share back what we have ourselves already received. That is to be our most Eric Robertson defining and apparent characteristic. Parish Administrator & Rector’s Assistant Jean King Legend tells that Gabriel put the question to Jesus after the Ascension. Sexton “ What arrangements have you made for the continuation of your work?” Denis Delisle “ I have left eleven people”, Jesus replies. “What if they fail?” Gabriel asks. “I have made no other arrangements.” 2 / HERALD
  • 3. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 No other arrangements. So it has always been. And this is have some outstanding lay leaders in this parish and they where we come in. have stepped forward. We have learned that our identity is “They who have my commandments and keep them are not encapsulated in the rector, and we are now engaged in those who love me; and those who love me will be loved of the process of identifying and articulating that dynamic my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.” identity. This is good news on a grand scale.This is an understanding We have faced the hard facts! The parish profile (a wonderful of God’s relationship to us and our relationship with God gift to us by a tremendously talented and committed selection and each oher. committee) was hard medicine for some. The rose coloured glasses have been removed and CCDP with all its warts and May this be so as we dwell in Him and He in us. failures is laid bare for the world to see. Here’s the good Faithfully, news - you didn’t retreat! You have faced the financial and governance issues head on with integrity, determination and a healthy dose of hope for the future. In this transition some of the great strengths of the who (The Ven.) Thomas Greene and what of CCDP have also come to light. This is an Priest-in-Charge extraordinary community of welcome and inclusion. Any, and all are equally welcomed and valued. There is an open and, I believe, deliberate desire to live together in community. This is ever visible at the 10am liturgy where the tradition- From the alist and contemporary believer and liturgy participant worship side by side. Upper Room As a congregation you should be proud of yourselves - I am certainly proud of you! The summer brings with it the opportunity for rest and refreshment. To that end I will be on vacation during July, be assured of my continued prayer for you as individual people of God and as community. I hope you too make time for family, friends and perhaps a good book or two. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT - its June! We are half way to Christmas.. I have always found the human habit of looking Blessings for the next marker fascinating and, that has been the case Samantha throughout this transition period. As a congregation I want Assistant Curate to commend you on a few things I have observed, on a few markers as we journey through this current experience. Many of my colleagues warned me about the anxiety the parish would experience, how everyone will be off balance and tentative, waiting on decisions until the ‘new’ rector arrives. Well, they clearly do not know the people of Christ Tom’s “Grace” Church Deer Park. There has been a little anxiety, and a few (by request) decisions have been set aside waiting for the appointment Lord, bless this food upon these dishes of our new rector. BUT, overall I would say this experience, this transitional journey, has been wonderful. Full of As thou didst bless the loaves and fishes. opportunities for input, and for reflection of who we are as And as the sugar in the tea, individuals and who we are as a congregation. Instead of May all of us be stirred by thee. anxiety I think there has been a real and palpable excitement and anticipation. We have learned that we are not bereft of leadership, we 3 / HERALD
  • 4. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 Proud of the gift baskets they made for Nellie's Women's Shelter, this year’s Lenten Acts of Kindness Project. PromiseLand Summer Fun! IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE it’s already June, and summer is just a hop, skip and a jump away! We’ve been busy in PromiseLand over the past few months, and I think we’re all looking forward to a relaxing and fun summer! This May, we launched our World Religions Series by learning about Judaism, Buddhism and Islam. We had a Passover Seder – we sang music, told the Exodus story and perhaps most importantly, tasted some of the traditional food. Then, we talked about appreciation and tried to be present in each moment by doing different Buddhist medi- tations. We learned about the Muslim Prophet Mohammed and practiced writing greetings in Arabic Script. It was a great couple of weeks and helped us appreciate the diversity of our city and world! This summer, all kids are invited to learn and play together every Sunday in the Chapel of St. Nicholas. We will have books, crafts, games and DVDs to keep kids engaged and learning during the summer months. Every week from June 19th to August 28th, a PromiseLand parent will downstairs ready to welcome the kids of CCDP as well as all visiting kids! Hope to see you there! But before we head off to camp, cottages, or just hanging around the city, we are having one LAST PARTY! Join us on Sunday, June 19th for our ANNUAL SUMMER BBQ on the lawn. We’ll have tons of delicious food, and it’s a PromiseLand participated in the Easter Sunrise Service, great opportunity to catch up with friends and maybe make some new ones, before the summer. I hope everyone can make it. I wish everyone a safe, relaxing and laughter-filled summer! Hilary Director of Children’s Education 4 / HERALD
  • 5. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 An exciting new ministry added to FaithWorks this year is the Street to Trail Association (Toronto). It helps street people rediscover their own inner sense of worth using nature’s healing power by taking them on wilderness hikes, canoe trips, and other outdoor excursions out of the city. Stories of recovered hope and inner peace, addictions overcome, new Catch the Spirit! meaningful relationships, and even jobs are emerging! THE FAITHWORKS 2011 CAMPAIGN is in full swing. This CCDP has been a leader in FaithWorks in the past. The diocesan appeal supports 14 community ministries. It also campaign donation envelopes are at the back of the church helps fund three partner agencies: the Anglican Appeal (for on the table. When you donate, be sure to give through clergy and lay leader theological education in the North, CCDP - 15% of donations can be retained by CCDP for as well as church partners in the Anglican Communion); our own outreach work (as the donation card explains). LOFT Community Services (for housing, community Let’s make this another banner year! support, and street outreach to needy and troubled people); Phyllis Creighton and the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (for CCDP FaithWorks coordinator sustainable development, emergency relief, refugees, and global justice). With overhead of just 12 cents on the dollar, FaithWorks over the past 15 years has distributed more than $18 million to people in need. This year’s goal is $1,550,000 - to top the record $1.5 million raised in 2010. So the campaign seeks a 5% increase in donations from every ACW News Lynn Lovekin and Nancy Pickering were our delegates parish in the diocese. at the ACW Annual General Meeting in May. The theme Why should it matter to us in CCDP? Archbishop Colin was “The Tapestry of Life” and they particulary enjoyed Johnson sees donating to it as a tangible way that we, as the Keynote Speaker, Marian Timmermans, Executive Anglicans in the Diocese of Toronto, live out our Baptismal Director of Extendicare, Cobourg. New ACW pins are call. Faithworks says its ministries change hopelessness into now available ($5.00). hope, loneliness and isolation into community, despair into This year’s Spring Luncheon was a great success...86 people dignity. On the broader canvas of the diocese, it does what attended with a good number of men joining in...we CCDP and the Churches on the Hill show in the neigh- hope this sets a trend. The lunch was, as usual, delicious bourhood that they care about. and everyone thoroughly enjoyed Walter Blackwell’s tales, There’s a wide range of FaithWorks ministries. All Saints with photos, of his trip to Nepal. Church Community Centre serves marginalized people The St. Andrew’s Group Tuesday gatherings will continue downtown, Flemingdon Park Ministry has a storefront over the summer months...drop in with your knitting, mission for a multicultural community, and the Philip Aziz craft or just for conversation...bring your lunch...or just Centre on Moore Avenue offers home hospice service and drop in to eat your lunch. Afternoon Bridge will also chaplaincy care for people with HIV/AIDS. In North continue if players turn up. Remember...we’re promised Durham region, North House provides transitional housing a hot, steamy summer, so keep in mind that the church and support for homeless women and children. In Orillia, is air conditioned! Couchiching Jubilee House offers transitional housing and support for homeless women and children. Barrie has the CCDP will be hosting an Eglinton Deanery meeting on David Busby Street Centre and in Mississauga The Dam Tuesday, October 18th at 6:30pm. Coffe, tea and cookies helps youth and young moms (13 to 24). Toronto Urban will be served. Native Ministry works with aboriginals who live on the The always popular Bridge Luncheon is set for Tuesday, street. Anglican United Refugee Alliance provides support October 31st. services to churches helping refugees. 5 / HERALD
  • 6. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 Parish Forum Special Vestry Isn’t it strange... a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount when Motion: you donate it to church, but such a small amount when you CORPORATION BE AUTHORIZED to borrow up to $110,000 go shopping? from the 1870 Fund to draw down Christ Church Deer Park’s bank line. Any surplus in the Operating Fund at A COMMITTED GROUP of approximately 75 people attended the end of the year shall first be used to pay down the the Forum on Stewardship on Sunday, June 12th. outstanding bank line and the rest shall be returned, with Rob Morrow, Finance Warden, gave a summary of the interest, to the 1870 Fund. financial situation at CCDP; while spending has been Moved by David Thornton and seconded by Rob Morrow. under control there is little room for any further reductions. On the other hand, some basic costs continue to rise while A short discussion followed in which it was pointed out our revenues have been in a decline for several years. that interest charged on our bank line has recently risen to 7 1/2% while interest earned on the 1870 Fund is 2%. It Susan Graham Walker, from the Church of the Redeemer, is also a fact of life that givings drop noticably over the gave us a history of their very successful efforts to encourage summer months when many parishioners are away and the and increase the financial contributions from each of their present budget shortfall will only worsen. members. These included reviewing the previous year’s givings, setting a theme for the coming year, discussion The motion passed unanimously. at Vestry followed by a letter and pledge card, a mid-year review (June), a mailed or personal reminder (Sept.), a year-end push and a personal “thank-you” note to every donor. Innes van Nostrand, Chair of the Stewardship Committee, then presented some general principles for successful fundraising and some particulars on a proposed upcoming stewardship campaign at CCDP. He disclosed that 6 of the 8 people he has approached to serve on the committee have accepted. Following these presentations smaller groups discussed the various questions posed on stewardship and reported back to the general forum. Based on their comments, three main Books, Books, Books observations were made at the conclusion of the meeting: THE BOOK SALE WAS A SUCCESS (inspite of a cool and 1. There was unanimous acceptance of the need for rainy day) and many thanks to all who helped on the a financial stewardship campaign. Friday and Saturday. Spoecial thanks go to Ben Dibben, 2. There was recognition that part of the current Rita Becker, Judith Maxwell, Anne Kear and Deidre problem was that people had not been personally Malone, whose help during the year was essential. approached about their annual contributions in a long Future book sales are under discussion; sales are declining time. slightly each year and, to continue, we need more help 3. There was optimism that, when our congregation and more storage space. In the meantime we will not be are asked with understanding and sensitivity, a significant accepting books, tapes or CD’s until a decision has been increase in annual givings can be anticipated. made. Thank you to all who participated. Maggie Symons 6 / HERALD
  • 7. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 Rummage...Past and Future Fall A last word of thanks from Rita... Rummage ONCE AGAIN ANOTHER successful Rummage Sale, held on April final sale as co-ordinator. SALE Many thanks to all who have participated so loyally over the last several years. Jean King and Denis Delisle...thank you for your valued support. Saturday, October 1 A special thanks to Judith Maxwell and Betty Dickerson, who worked on rummage year-round and also to those who It’s earlier than usual this year, helped on an “as needed” basis. so mark your calendars now! I have enjoyed this most challenging experience which We are now accepting good, fall clothing proved to be a most helpful diversion from personal issues. (men, women and children’s), For this I am very gratedul. jewellery, treasures etc. Thank you all! See you around! now and through the summer. Rita Becker Drop in the box in the Atrium. Looking Forward with MJ... AS MANY OF YOU KNOW, I, have accepted the challenge to run our Rummage Sales for the next two years. I am very fortunate in that Judith Maxwell and Rita Becker have agreed to stay on with me. Judith is very knowledgeable about Christmas our Treasures, Art and White Elephants. Rita Becker’s expertise is in Ladies Wear and she has agreed to oversee our Fair “Boutique” and all the Ladies’ clothes. Pat Anderson continues to do a great job with our Jewellery department as does Betty Van Wyck with our linens. There are two additional people I must not neglect to We welcome your donations of jams, jellies thank...Jean King and Denis Delisle are always of great help and home preserves, sewn and knitted articles, to us. So to both of you, thank you. craft items, jewellery, treasures and collectables, However our back-bones are you, the Volunteers...we simply tins and fine linens. can’t do it without you! Do keep knitting over the summer... To run the “Sale” itself we need sixty five (65) Volunteers cotton dish cloths, sweaters (sizes 3 and up), (that includes the three of us) plus an additional eight (8) scarves, booties and tea cozies for clean up. One drawback is that most of our volunteers remain popular items. are getting on in years. So please know that we appreciate We also welcome your suggestions and your help and thank you all for the time and energy you have given us Please contact: over the past years, and hopefully I can count on you for Lynn Lovekin at 416-960-2193 coming years as well. or Clearly, it is time for some of our younger parishioners and Lorna Lang at 416-932-2599 friends to start stepping in to help. Yes, we work hard, but we also have a lot of fun and gain a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that out efforts are appreciated at multi levels. MJ Rosenthall 7 / HERALD
  • 8. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 held in that fund, we were happy to be able to send $5000 Outreach in June. We need to work on raising an additional $9,000 in order to sustain the project for the next while. Any ideas, or offers, would be welcome. If interested in donating money or time to the Malawi Committee, please speak to Samantha Caravan or J.R.Thornton. While here, Bishop Fanuel extended an invitation to visit WE ARE VERY MUCH MISSING the inspiration and leadership opportunity to see, befriend, learn and work in of Brian Buckingham, who died this past January. His situ. widow, Yvonne, has requested that memorial gifts given in his name be designated for CCDP Outreach and used in his We are presently working on setting up an Airmiles Pooling memory. About $5,000.00 has been donated to date, for Bank (for Aeroplan miles) to cover the traveling costs of which we are very grateful.. sending a group of our Youth (chaperoned) to Malawi. There will be more news about this soon. The Outreach Committee met May 3rd and June 7th, to discuss and plan for the future. School Lunch Program Our budget from Corporation is $5,000.00. In these times We investigated the possibility of setting up a lunch of financial restraint our plan is to live within it through program for hungry children in a downtown school. We careful management. In doing so, we have to consider discovered that this would be a complicated and expensive several ongoing committments: undertaking for us at this time, so have decided to place the idea aside for future consideration. COTH Foodbank We are also looking into partnering with the Blessing of the Our monetary responsibility to the COTH Foodbank Backpack organization, that aids students with educational is $2,500 each year. We also provide volunteers and food materials. collected through your generous donations. We continue to welcome your gifts of food and money to help with this Drew Buckingham, Brian’s son, is a teacher in the much needed project. Jane/Finch area. We have learned that, from his own pocket, he regularly purchases bread, cheese, peanut butter etc. to Saturday Morning Breakfast provide food for the many children who arrive at school This program has proven very successful, thanks to without having had breakfast. Hungry children cannot Ross Morrow, Anne Larkin and a wonderful group of learn. We agreed to send a small amount from Brian’s volunteers. It is also much appreciated by our clients. Memorial Fund to assist him in this good work. We will Outreach funds this program from our budget (about revisit helping further with this project in September. $2,300 a year). Cooking Class These do not leave much room, for other direct donations. Tailored for those among us who find themselves on their We are grateful to the ACW, who sent representatives to own, recently widowed or have become the caregiver in the our meeting and shared their Outreach budget endeavors family and find themselves at a loss in the kitchen...we’ll with us. They are very generous supporters of many causes help de-mystify the art of shopping for and preparing basic, and we feel, between us, that we are able to fund our In- healthy, comfort foods...and we guarantee that you’ll have House projects within our means. We are thankful to a fun too. Courses will run 6 weeks, Thursdays, 3:30 - 5:30, number of generous persons who have made donations to beginning in late September, in the lower. kitchen. If these projects and others, such as the Malawi Fund. interested, leave a message with Jean King in the office: Malawi 416-920-5211 ext 22 The Rt. Rev. Fanuel Magangani, the new Bishop of Our ability to continue these valuable programs Northern Malawi (who visited us recently), is doing a great depends, as always, upon the availability of sufficient job and our lines of communication have been reopened. financial and volunteer support. We need more of both - In 2007-8 we were able to send just under $10,000 to more money and more volunteers! If you can help with support the Dietary Improvement Plan, and the Prenatal either, we would be delighted to hear from you. Contact Clinic on Likoma Island. From the balance of about $6,000 J.R.Thornton at 416-489-6740 or 8 / HERALD
  • 9. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 From the Organ Bench THE WARM WEATHER is finally here! While many will be heading to the cottage over for the summer, there JOIN US every second Sunday at 4:30 pm for this popular are still a lot of people – parishioners, service of music, a reflective reading, prayers for our city visitors, people who are looking for and the world and great music...featuring some of Toronto’s a new church home - who will attend finest jazz musicians! services at Christ Church Deer Park July 3 Brian Barlow Big Band on Sunday mornings. ‘The Sacred Music of Duke Ellington’ As in previous years, our Sunday with guest vocalist Heather Bambrick services feature the Christ Church Summer Singers. The (Part of the TD Toronto Jazz Festival) Summer Singers meet in the chancel at 9:15am every Jazz Vespers will resume in the Fall on Sunday, September 11th. Sunday throughout the summer to rehearse music for the 10am service that follows. Our summer repertoire is accessible, attendance requirements are flexible, and the choir is filled with enthusiastic people who go out of their way to make newcomers feel welcome. If you think you’d like to sing in a choir, the Summer Singers just might be the choir for you – who knows, you may enjoy yourself so much that you’ll want to sing with us all year round! If you read music and would like to learn more about our choir here at Christ Church, I’d love to hear from you! Drop by the organ console after church and say hello or get in touch with me through the contact page of the Christ Church Deer Park website at THE FINAL FREE CONCERT of this season will be on Have a great summer! Thursday, June 23 at 12:10 pm. Bring your lunch, relax Eric N. Robertson, Organist & Director of Music and enjoy. Concerts will resume, weekly, in September, after labour Day. Presented by Nine Sparrows Arts foundation and Christ Church Deer Park Remember to check our website for updates on these and other events. 9 / HERALD
  • 10. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 Anglican Church Workers YOUTHLINK Dinner ON MAY 12TH at 6:00pm, a few members of our ACW descended on the Vanauley Street offices of the Inner City Youth Program, bringing with them a feast of homemade goodies. It was “Drop in Night” and about 30 street youth, boys and girls, attended. They were so polite...and SO hungry...gobbling up all the cassaroles, lasagnas (meat and vegetarian), salads, cookies and fruit, (all made and provided by members of the ACW) In the mid-eighties, Christ Church Deer Park and a Peonies Jane Gillespie parishioner (who wished to remain anonymous) joined forces to hire a street worker for a year ($15,000), whose project was to do research on street prostitution (a concern The Gallery for both girls and boys). It was a wonderful contribution to the program that ultimately became Youthlink and it “THE GALLERY” HAS BEEN drawing increasing attention and seems fitting that we have helped them again. traffic from the community. The solo exhibitions this year have been well received and we’re attracting some very A huge “thank you” to everyone who contributed. It was interesting community artists who want to show their work very much appreciated. here. The guest book in the Gallery is just about full - we’ll Jane Reeves have to get another one soon! In response to the numerous artists’ queries, we have set up a selection jury of three of our congregation members: Nora Dobell, Joyce Hamilton and Bob Reeves. They have an interesting job ahead for them. It promises to be an exciting line-up of artists and a full schedule. For the Summer, we have scheduled two group art shows of five artists each. The theme for the first show (June 19th - July 31st) is: “Does art have a transformative power?” Five artists are inviting viewers to see their work and ponder. From our congregation, Jane Gillespie will be displaying 4 Chinese brush paintings, and Vivien Jenkinson will be Director and Staff of Inner showing 3 watercolors. The 3 community artists are: Joana City Youth Proram Marcinenas (Pointillism), Mary Wagler and Ileen Kohn - exhibiting oils and acrylics. The second group art show will hang from Aug. 7th to Sept.11th and will also show 5 artists. The selection jury is in the process of finalizing the line-up of artists for yet another interesting exhibition. The schedule for the rest of the calendar year is just about complete and the selection jury will soon be starting to fill the slots for early 2012. The CCDP crew Please feel free to tell your friends and associates about our Art and Spirituality program and the exhibitions. 10 / HERALD
  • 11. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 PARISH REGISTER Baptism Maeve Louise Platt Jane Elizabeth Reliana Devine Homan Hunter Dehghan Kellan Rourke Howard Charlotte Yun-Yee Lau Claire Charlotte Tutching Confirmation William James Gordon Cowan Catherine Elizabeth Fanjoy Gavin Iain James Hamilton Keachie Bronwen Willa Lathrop Confirmation took place on Saturday, April 23rd, presided Cecilia Rose Vogan-Lowe over by Aechbishop Terence Finlay and the Rev. Samantha Tor Elvind Calhoun Tjensvoll Kitching Caravan. This photo of the happy group (a copy of which Tessa Juliet Oxtoby is presented to each Confirmant in a commemorative Gwyneth Bryden Richardson folder) was taken by Kate Curzon. Quinn Thomas Callon Robinson Jordan Ashley Grace Wilkinson Re-Affirmation Ross Bryden Richardson HERALD Deadline for the next HERALD is August 31 Marriage DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA for an article? Perhaps a feature Nicolle Elfriedg Nordmann and Ian Christian Moore on an unsung hero in the parish? A special memory? In Memoriam An historical fact? Please speak to one of the clergy or to the Editor. Kenneth Ian Malcolm Frederick William Gray Articles and announcements may be submitted at any Judith Robinson Sheard time up to the deadline. Just leave in the box in the Mary Margaret Eleanor Haig Atrium or e-mail the editor at John Douglas Rawes Wright Irene Anthes Locke Askew Mary Alice Stuart Feel like being more involved? Don’t have much time, but David Howard Woodhouse Henry want to help out? Feeling new, but want to join in? Been here Graham Edward Bruce Donald a while, but haven’t been involved? Have ideas to share? Join us! THERE’S LIFE HERE in what we do, how we get together and what gets done. New members are always welcome to join any group at CCDP...choose one that interests you. 11 / HERALD
  • 12. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK SUMMER 2011 Have you considered advertising in the HERALD? HERALD is published 6 times per year; Sept/Oct; Nov/Dec: Jan/Feb: April/May; :June/July. Ad rates are very reasonable...we can even design your ad if required. And... since the HERALD is posted in full to our website your advertisements will also get exposure on the internet. HERALD Advertising Rates Size $Per Issue $Per Year Business Card 25 100 1/3 page 35 125 1/4 page 50 200 1/2 page 125 500 Full page 225 900 Contact: Elisabeth Lunder, Advertising Manager Robert O’Reilly ExecutiveDirector 7BPleasantBlvd.,Box1053 Toronto,OntarioM4T1K2 Tel:416923-3779 Fax:416923-0083 1-800-883-7761 Family owned and operated Withadedicatedteamofthefinestdirectorsintheprofession,theCrawford familycontinuesthetraditionofservingthecommunityofNorthToronto. • Burial Cremation • Ample parking available • No obligation Pre-Planning • Chapel, Reception children’s Services recreation rooms. 159 Eglinton Ave. W. Toronto ON M4R 1A8 416-489-8733 Wishing everyone a peaceful, happy, safe summer. 12 / HERALD