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Tates Creek
April 2016
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Tates Creek Christian
3150 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 266-1621
Visit Online
Traditional - 9:30 am
The Vine - 11:00 am
Sunday School -
8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am
Evening - 6:30 pm
Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm
Tommy Simpson
Kim Beckwith
Don Seevers
Mike Allen
Brad Haggard
Matt Lee
Lesley Tipton
David Eversole
Billy Bishop
Office Staff
Kim Jones
Jenni Gregg
Rhoda Rolfes (Monday)
Vicki Wesley (Friday)
Feature Article
	10-11	 “Connecting People to Jesus ”
		 Week 1 Devotion	
In Every Issue
	 3-7	 Minister Articles
	 12	 Prayer Ministry
	 12	 Guided Prayer Topics
	 13	 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule
	 18	 Minister Article
19-21	 Devotional thoughts each week
	 22	 February Statistics
	 23	 New Members
	24	 Calendar
Ministry News		
	 14	 Psalm 82:3
	 15	 Missions Moment
	 8-9	 April Events	
	16-17	 April Events
Tates Creek Christian Church exists
to win people to Christ (evangelism),
build up believers in faith, knowledge, and
service (encouragement), to help those in
need (benevolence), and to stand up for
Christian values in the community (witness).
Lexington, KY 40502
TV Commercials Versus Jesus
Most of you know that I spent from January 6 through
February 2 in home rehab for a left knee replacement. Much
of that time was spent sitting in a chair icing my elevated
leg to avoid extreme swelling. Well...I can tell you, during
that time, I saw hundreds of commercials for prescription
drugs to cure just about every ailment. Also, there were hundreds of
commercials for attorneys to help us sue the doctors or pharmaceutical
companies for the potential side effects of these wonder drugs! The drug
commercials are sponsored by companies who strive
to“reach”us, then“teach”us, so that they can“help”
us. Then, the attorneys will take a“stand”to make
sure we are protected from these drugs. You get the is a vicious cycle repeated over and over. I
can probably give you all the“facts”about these commercials if you need
information! Haha!
The sad thing is, there are thousands who believe what they see
on TV or the internet and insist that their doctor will prescribe these
prescriptions and companies will use famous people to advertise so you
will believe the commercial has more credibility.
It really hit me that so many thousands are looking to find“something”
to make their lives better; a new car with low financing, a new house with
a cheaper rate than the banks will offer, a wonder drug to make our lives
better or to have less pain, etc. And we all know someone who stays up
late at night and buys things they will never need, because we all know
we make our“best”decisions when we can’t sleep!
Hopefully, we, as those who wear the name of Christ,
have learned that the only Hope we all have is in Jesus.
Are we connecting people to Jesus through our lifestyle,
our conversation, our friendship? Our relationship with
Christ brings lasting joy. As a congregation, we are
focusing on reaching, teaching, helping, and standing for
Jesus! This is the truth we find in the Word.
Here are a few Scriptures to help us see our hope in Christ:
I Corinthians 15: 19 Colossians 1:27
Titus 2:13-14 Hebrews 6:19
					~ Don
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
The Turning Point
How eager are you to try new food? Last month, as we
continued to work through the Book of Acts in our middle
school Sunday School class, we came across the story of
Peter’s vision of unclean animals that God had now declared
clean in chapter 10. I had some sushi ready for the students
to try, and many of them had the reaction I expected, shock and fear.
Even though I had picked this up at the local grocery, the unfamiliarity
with the food caused students to run for the trash can as soon as I
opened the box.
But Peter’s revulsion to unclean food wasn’t hindering the spread of
the Gospel, it was his aversion to meet with people who weren’t from his
“tribe”. It took three direct commands from God in the vision in order
for Peter to begin to open up his heart
and consider other people worthy of the
Gospel message. When Peter arrived at
the home of Cornelius, a foreign soldier
sent to occupy Judea and maintain tax
revenues, he let go of all of his prejudice
and let the Spirit lead the way.
What happens next is the major turning point in the book of Acts. For
the first time, Gentiles hear the message of the Gospel and the Spirit
falls upon them just like when the Church was inaugurated at Pentecost.
Peter commanded that they be baptized and accepted into the assembly
as full members. Even when the Church in Jerusalem whispered that
Peter had met with Gentiles, they met his story of the Spirit’s move
with joy. From there on out in Acts the Gospel spreads like wildfire
throughout the wider world.
We should receive the Spirit’s lead with the same joy because there
would be no Tates Creek Christian Church if it wasn’t in God’s heart to
connect people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to Jesus. Peter’s
example calls us to joyfully swallow our prejudices and cultural fears as
we witness to every person about Jesus. How could we not take this call
up in light of the salvation God has offered to us?
					~ Brad
Lexington, KY 40502
Do You Have a Vision?
Before Zella and I met, I was engaged to another lady. (That
is another story ~ with a happy ending ~ Zella ~ for another
day. Ha!) While I was engaged to that lady, my Dad suggested
that I build a house there on the farm. Since I was in ministry
and would probably be moving on someday, he offered to give
me what I had financially in the house when that day came. He said that
situation would be better than throwing away rent money. I took Dad up on
that offer. We started building a basement house with plans to build the first
floor later. We were almost finished with the house when my engagement
broke off on Monday evening before the wedding that following Saturday.
(Wow! That was a close one!) Once the engagement broke, we did not work
on the house for several weeks. It was like the rug had been pulled out from
underneath us. There was no reason to finish the house; no purpose to
continue. The same is true without a vision. When there is no vision, there
is no purpose. Where there is no vision, there is no goal. Where there is no
vision, there is no direction. Where there is no vision, there is no energy and
no vitality.
Having a vision for the church is necessary. A vision provides a picture of
where we are going. A vision provides a standard for making decisions. A
vision provides strength to encounter the difficult
times that come along. A vision provides energy,
vitality, and purpose. So, what is our vision here at
Tates Creek Christian Church? Our vision simply
states,“Connecting people to Jesus!” That vision
captures the heart of Jesus. Jesus said, “I have come
to seek and to save that which was lost” Luke 19:10.
That is our vision, goal, and purpose! That is our vision as a church! That is
our vision as an individual Christian! That is our vision for our marriage! That
is our vision for our Sunday School Class or Small Group! We are like a link in
a chain with one hand holding on to the hand of Jesus and the other hand
reaching out to people who do not have a relationship with Him!
During the month of April, our sermons will address this worthy vision,
“Connecting people to Jesus!” We will examine the practical ways of
implementing this vision in our personal lives, our marriage, and in the
church! If, at the end of our lives, the only thing we have accomplished with
our lives was to bring one person to Jesus, life will have been very
well worth the living!
Welcome to Spring!		 ~ Tommy
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Right now, our
daughter very
much wants to be
in gymnastics. She
cartwheels around the
house, makes up different moves
that she says are brand new, and
kicks her brother in the head more
often than not with her handstand
dismounts. As a parent, I’ve been
working on finding somewhere for
her to go in the summer that can
help her learn some of the actual
fundamentals so she’s not breaking
my furniture with her new routines.
Her eagerness to learn this new skill
is all encompassing. Thinking about
her willingness to learn new things
reminds me of someone who may be
learning about Jesus for the first time
(such as my little ones). The story is
so exciting, so new, but there’s also
so much information to take in that
it can become overwhelming. For
others, the sporadic information one
may grab from the internet, is not
enough to really get the whole story.
When we are trying to encourage
those who may not yet have a
relationship with Jesus, I think it is so
important to make sure that we build
a strong foundation with a person,
both in their learning of the Gospel,
as well as the personal relationship.
As Matthew 7:25 reminds us, the best
foundation is that which is founded
on the Word of the Lord.
		~ Lesley
Ministry News
It has been about a
year and a half now
since we moved
our contemporary
worship service from
the multi-ministry center down
to the main worship center. The
multi-ministry center had a lot of
great characteristics that were great
for the service. The chairs were
close together and the room was
smaller, so it always seemed sort of
like a close-knit community.
The gym had its down sides, too.
Volunteers showed up very early
each week to set up the backdrop,
sound system, and lighting to
prepare for later in the morning.
And speaking of the sound system,
that room is basically a big metal
box, so the acoustics were terrible!
What a blessing though, to have
such a nice place to meet! A roof
overhead, conditioned air, and the
body of Christ coming together to
worship the one true King!
It has been a great blessing to be
able to meet in the main worship
center as well. There are still pros
and cons to the space, but the
main thing is still the main thing!
We have a place to freely come
together and glorify the King of
Kings! It is a pleasure to serve and
worship alongside the body of
believers at Tates Creek Christian
		~ Mike
Lexington, KY 40502
As I write this article, we are just a few weeks past our Pairs
and Spares Banquet and I want to take this opportunity to
thank the many people who worked so hard to make this
event possible. If I began to name them individually I would
certainly forget to mention someone, so let me just say I
am so very thankful for the many hands and hearts that were lent to see
that everything was accomplished in such a superb way. I want to thank
those who helped plan the event and decorate, as much time was given
to these tasks. A special thank you goes out to the young adult group
which did an extraordinary job in the kitchen, and the college and high
school youth who served couldn’t have done a better job. Not only did
I appreciate all the help, but it made the evening special for all those
attending. So, thanks to all who helped in any way to make this a grand
evening for all.
Now, as the warmer weather of these past few weeks has come upon
us, I see people getting outside and walking after being cooped up all
winter. It seems the older I get the more inactive I become during those
cold months of the year. That’s why I am looking forward to getting out
and being more mobile again, and I hope all of
our senior saints are as well. We have a lot on
the calendar for the upcoming spring, summer,
and fall that promises rich times of fellowship,
fun, and encouragement. This year’s day trips will
include a trip to see the Cincinnati Reds play, a
return to Renfro Valley, and an exploration of the
recreated Noah’s Ark which will soon be open at the Creation Museum.
Other events to look forward to are our yearly journey to Senior Saints
in the Smokies and our annual fall trip. The dates for the Senior Saints in
the Smokies are June 6-10 and this year’s program looks to be both fun
and encouraging. Our fall trip this year will be in October and we are
planning on journeying to the Charleston, South Carolina area. I hope
many will join us for not only these events, but also our monthly Better
With Age Club meeting which meets each third Thursday at 10:30 am.
See you then!
	 				~ Bro. Kim	
Senior Adult Ministry
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
April Events
Senior Saints in the Smokies
June 6-10 - Johnson University
It is time for our annual fun-filled week
in the Smokies. Be sure to register by
April 15 to get the discount. See Kim
Beckwith for more information and a
registration form.
Summer Youth Events
Middle School
CIY Mix - June 20-24
Johnson University - $219
High School
CIY Move - June 26 - July 1
Panama City, Florida - $285
Registration and
$50 deposit is
due by April 14
for each event.
Click here to
register for MIX.
Click Here
to register for
Lexington, KY 40502
Spring Oasis
Class Registration
Click on the class title above to register online or
mark the class of your choice on a Communication Card.
Be sure to register early so materials are available!
“The Amazing Collection” Matthew - Acts
Women’s Study Led by Phyllis Eversole
During this Spring Oasis we will be moving into the New
Testament, studying the books of Matthew through Acts.
This study will help participants discover the overview,
key players, and timeless principles of each book. There
is a suggested donation of $10 for the workbook. If you
have any questions, please see or email Phyllis Eversole
“Hands and Feet Ministry” Matthew 25:35-40
Led by Vickie Cole
What does it mean to be the hands and feet of
Jesus? Each week, participants will invest themselves
in a choice of community outreach ministries
demonstrating their love for God by pouring
themselves into the lives of others.
“Stand Up for the Faith”
(Christian Apologetics)
Led by Dr. Johnny Pressley
from Cincinnati Christian University
This class will address topics and provide tools
that will increase your ability and confidence to
stand up for your faith in today’s culture.
April 6 - May 25
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Our Clear Vision: Connecting People to Jesus
When I was in third grade, I struggled reading the chalk
board. I would squint and try to focus my eyes but nothing
worked and my grades suffered as a result of my impaired
vision. My mom took me to the eye doctor, he checked my
eyes and discovered that I was near-sighted.
After he fitted me with glasses, I could once
again see distances clearly. Over the years, my
eyes continued to change and I would go back
to the eye doctor and receive new lenses so that
I could again see clearly.
In much the same way, Christians often
struggle with impaired vision. When we first
become Christians, we are so excited and can’t
wait to tell everyone about Jesus. We see a
broken world around us and we want to see
everyone we know come to know Jesus like we
do. Over time though, our vision changes and we become near-sighted,
focusing only on what is close to us (our family, our Christian friends, and
sadly, ourselves) and we don’t see the many people we come in contact
with on a daily basis that are broken and lost. We get comfortable in our
own little world and ignore the bigger world around us.
For Christians as well as the Church, it is imperative that we have crystal
clear vision and that we do everything we need to in order to maintain
that vision. To do that, we first need to understand what Christ’s vision
is for this world. In Luke 5:32 Jesus said, “I have not come to call the
righteous, but sinners to repentance.” And in 2 Peter 3:9, Peter reminds us
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.
Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone
to come to repentance.” This should be our vision as well and in fact,
TCCC’s Vision Statement is“Connecting People to Jesus”.
Devotional Thought Week 1
Lexington, KY 40502
Devotion continued
Secondly, we must eagerly embrace the mission that Christ
commanded us to fulfill in Matthew 28:19 “Go, and make disciples of ALL
nations…” and again in Acts 1:8 “you will be MY witnesses in Jerusalem,
in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” And let us not miss
what He is saying here. Jesus commanded us to GO because we are HIS
witnesses. Just as He commanded the disciples before He ascended, He
commands us to be His witnesses in our neighborhoods, our cities, our
state, our nation, and beyond. You see, we cannot just sit back and wait
for people to come see how great we are, it is our responsibility to go to
them and demonstrate how great JESUS is.
Thirdly, Jesus knew that in every generation there would be people
who are hurting and searching for something to fill their deepest need.
That is why in John 4:35, Jesus tells His near-sighted disciples “Open
your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for
harvest.” Do we have a similar problem to the
disciples? Do we need to open our eyes and
look to see that there are thousands of people
around us who are seeking something or
someone to fill an emptiness inside them? You
may just be the one person who can introduce
them to the One Person who can fill that need.
If we step up to the task at hand, we can take
great comfort in knowing that we are not alone in this for Jesus has
promised us that He will be with us even to the end of the age (Matthew
28:20). IT’S TIME TO GO!
					~ Danny Branham
					Chairman of the Elders
					Servants for Christ class teacher
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Every one of us, at one time or
another, has earnestly prayed
for or about something and we
thought that God would never
answer -- but He did.
In the New Testament we find
the importance of prayer, with the
greatest example being the model
prayer Jesus gave us as recorded
in Matthew 6:9-13. And when
Jesus, in the form of man, was
facing His crucifixion, He went
to the garden of Gethsemane to
pray to His heavenly Father in His
time of anguish. Matthew Henry
writes, “In answer to His prayer,
God provided that He should not
fail or be discouraged.”
God does answer prayer.
Sometimes He says yes and gives
us what we ask for, even more
and better than expected. But,
sometimes the answer is no, for
He knows that what we ask for
isn’t good for us. Sometimes
God’s answer is wait. He wants
to teach us patience and trust.
Whatever He does, it is for our
benefit and blesssing. Pray, God is
listening! He answers prayer.
	 ~ Carole Smith
Answered PrayerDaily Guided Prayer Topics
	 Area	 Specific Topic
The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to
pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our
Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently.
If you would like to share your prayer testimony to encourage
others, please contact Peggy Crawford at
Pray for congregational
Being more unified in Prayer
for our church body
Those who don’t know Jesus
Equipping others for Prayer
Prayer for those who are ill
Praying for terror in our
Opportunities to share the
Growing prayer lives
Filling a need in the church
Increasing prayer time
Forgiving each other
Sharing God’s word
Working “behind the scenes”
Praising God in everything
Be gentle with our words
Treating others fairly
Supporting our church family
The strength of prayer
Ministers and their families
TCCC Youth programs
Pray for Widows/Widowers
Family strength
Sharing the Gospel
Bible colleges and students
Showing your love for Jesus
Unsaved families
Senior adult Bible study
Mentoring at Victory for Life
Belief in prayer
Lexington, KY 40502
Communion Serving Schedule
April 3
Elders: Larry Critchfield, Danny Branham
Deacons: Bill Burke, Ken Banks
Ashland Terrace: Steve Mullins
Home Comm: Keith Wertz, Stuart Kearns,
		Ed Hall
Sat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda Johnson
Clean-up 1st Srv: Brad Byington
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Kristie Spencer
Prayer Room: Mona Vannatter, Kevin Hickey
Ushers: Doug Ison, Boyd Johnson,
	 David Feltner
April 10
Elders: Danny Branham, Bill Clem
Deacons: Russell Brown, Jonathan Clifton
Ashland Terrace: Henry Evans
Home Comm: Ken Banks, Jonathan Clifton,
		 Steven Clem	
Sat Comm Prep: Mike/Barbara Nevius
Clean-up 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Bill Poor/Zella Simpson
Prayer Room: Dale Kistler, Laura Mullins
Ushers: Stan Stack, Dennis Moore,
	 Cory & Sarah Wilson
April 17
Elders: Bill Clem, R.W. Ellington
Deacons: Lucas Moore, Keith Wertz
Ashland Terrace: Brad Byington
Home Comm: Terry Morrison, Bill Burke,
		 Charles Byers
Sat Comm Prep: John Craycraft
Clean-up 1st Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Vickie Cole
Prayer Room: Mary Adkins, Becky Child
Ushers: Jack White, David Martin,
	 Stuart Kearns
April 24
Elders: R.W. Ellington, Larry Bugg
Deacons: Bill Johnson, Stuart Kearns
Ashland Terrace: Allan Faber
Home Comm: Lucas Moore, Steve Mullins,
		 Ray Albensi	
Sat Comm Prep: Marvis/Pam White
Clean-up 1st Srv: Rick/LeeAnn Layne
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Elizabeth B./Logan C.
Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey
Ushers: Bill Poor, Dennis Moore,
	 John Martin
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am
Room 200CD
Better With Age Club
Thursday, April 21 ~ 10:30 am
Bring side dishes, salad, or
dessert to share.
Bluegrass Christian
Men’s Fellowship
April 11, 2016
Sayre Christian Village
Meal ~ 5:45 pm,
Program ~ 6:45 pm
Ladies are welcome to attend.
Orphans Served in a God-Size Way!
Everyone loves a great story! When the story involves God doing
something BIG for orphans, the story becomes inspiring! So here is the
story… In the beginning of January, the Psalm 82:3 Mission team, a team
that serves orphans in Liberia and is led by
several TCCC members, began a faith journey to
bring reliable solar energy to the 18 children and
staff while on their trip in June 2016. The total
cost for this project, after shipping, would be
nearly $21,000.
The first stop for our mission team was to
connect with the Tates Creek Mission Ministry team. After sharing the
story, a gift of $10,000 was pledged from TCCC in hopes that the team
could raise the rest of the $11,000 needed by the end of January (an early
deadline was set to give time for the items to be shipped to Liberia). The
Psalm 82:3 team put together a video for Facebook and shared it as often
as possible. At the end of two weeks, the Facebook page and several visits
to churches had resulted in around $1,100 given. With three days left
before our end of January deadline, we were about
$10,000 short of the goal. Consideration was
given to postpone the project, but the decision
was made to see what happened in the next three
days. Then, it happened! God moved and goals
were met. Several gifts of $500 were given, two
churches from Indiana gave nearly $4,000, and a
foundation in Lexington gave $5,000! The goal
was met, but that’s not the end of the story! Over the next two days, a
trucking company, with whom we have an indirect contact, gave $2,500,
and another church in Lexington gave $500. In the end, the total amount
raised was 114% of the goal.
This brings the question from many, what do you do when God provides
more than you think you need? In the mission world, this means you
better hang on for the ride because God has something planned in a big,
big way for the extra money! Stay tuned… this journey is just
beginning for the mission team going to Liberia June 6th!
				~ Psalm 82:3 Mission Team
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Psalm 82:3 Ministry
Lexington, KY 40502
Greetings from the Selby family in Nebraska.
We have only just thawed out from our last major
snow and are enjoying some uncharacteristically
warm weather. As our departure for Ethiopia
draws nearer, we are reflecting on how we have
seen God’s faithfulness.
About 2 years ago during this time in February, we made our initial trip
to Ethiopia and set our sights on the work to which God was calling us. In
the past 6 months, we have completed multiple trainings in preparation
for serving in Ethiopia, moved from Tennessee to Nebraska, and have
worked hard to raise our support. In that time we also received news
and counsel about Ruby’s health, concerning potential neurological
and muscular issues that might affect her physical development, which
suddenly threatened to change our path. We held hope for Ethiopia and
were grateful to receive news in February, from a neuromuscular specialist
in Omaha, that Ruby is totally healthy and that we have nothing to be
concerned about! We have been lifted up by the prayers of our supporters
and have learned first-hand that hope in God does not disappoint.
Ethiopia is now in sight.
Currently, we have raised just under 90% of our monthly budget and are
planning to be in Ethiopia by the end of April. Please continue to pray for
us as we prepare to serve in Ethiopia and as our family transitions to Addis
Ababa where we will begin language learning.
					~ Tyler, Katie, and Ruby Selby
Missions Moment
Pray for all of our Missionaries
Ethiopia ~ Adrian & Jennifer Fehl, Tyler & Katie Selby,
Travis & Emily Weeks
Tanzania ~ Steve & Doretha Limiero
Global Community Health Evangelism ~ Judy Fish
Mexico ~ Sergio & Holly Alvarado, Eric & Dee Duggins,
Greg & Vicki Syverson
April Events
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Connecting People to Jesus
New Sermon Series
April 10 - Connecting People to Jesus
April 17 - Reaching for Jesus
April 24 - Teaching for Jesus
May 1 - Helping for Jesus
May 8 - Standing for Jesus16
Decision America Tour 2016
with Franklin Graham
April 16, 2016 - 8:30 am
Meet at Bryan Station High School
Join with others in Lexington as we Serve the City by
completing service projects throughout Lexington!
A link to the list of projects and registration information
is available on our website at
Franklin Graham will be stopping in
Kentucky for a Prayer rally on
May 4, 2016, at 12 pm
Capitol Front Terrace Street Level
700 Capital Ave
Frankfort, KY 40601
Be in prayer for our country as we move
forward in choosing our next President.
Lexington, KY 40502
April Events
OLLI Spring Concert
April 23 - 3 pm
Come enjoy this hour long concert
presented by the OLLI at UK Chorus,
featuring over 100 vocalists.
Friday, April 15 - 7:30 pm
Be sure to come
enjoy the Big Band
and Jazz music of
the Metrognomes
led by Doug Oatley.
Local Ministries Support Inventory Survey
Be sure to let us know what local ministries you support
either with your time or financial donations.
Click HERE to complete the survey online, or paper copies
are at the registration desk in the foyer.
The deadline to submit your survey is April 10 17
Discover Tates Creek
April 17, 2016 ~ 12:30 pm
Visitors and new members are welcome to
stay for the Discover class. Tommy will be
sharing more in depth information about
Tates Creek Christian Church. Please RSVP
to the office at 266-1621 to join us for lunch
and fellowship.
It probably doesn’t take you long when visiting TCCC to
realize we have a wide variety of ages. From the youngest
attendee being only a few days old to our eldest member
breaking the 100 year barrier and every age in between. We
are a very blessed congregation! So, what does a church with
every generation do to build community? We serve! In fact, it’s what we
have learned is the best method to breaking down walls that people put up
about personal preferences. When we serve, the focus is no longer about
what we want. Instead, it’s about being part of something bigger than each
of us.
In the children’s ministry alone we have a wide variety of folks serving
each week and month! From middle schoolers to college, young marrieds
to young families, and empty nesters to retirees. These people don’t just
give up a week at a time to serve the children and young families, but they
also give up their seat in classes and pews for others to be fed. They are
consistent and committed to making a difference and planting seeds for the
next generation. In total, there are more than 150 people serving the birth
to college age groups, but there is always room for you to come check it out.
Children’s and Youth Ministry isn’t the only place for multi-generational
serving. Andrew Lin and Kent Mason are working together to make a
memorial garden at Julius Marks for two
children that passed away last fall. This serving
has already made a HUGE impression on the
children’s mom and grandmother. Each week
at Julius Marks and Pit Crew, several adults of
all ages (and a couple youth) are involved with
Pit Crew and JME tutoring! Recently a group of
children partnered with the Hands and Feet Ministry to serve the homeless
by delivering scarves to Thoroughbred Park. In the middle of February,
a group of young parents mixed with lots of youth, served the seniors at
the Pairs and Spares Banquet. Together, each group has shared memories,
laughter, and made an impact for the Kingdom!
It is an honor to serve at a church that understands the importance of
multi-generational ministry! It leads me to often wonder where God will
lead us as all parts of His church body at TCCC join together… TO SERVE!
					 ~ Matt
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Multi-generation Serving
Lexington, KY 40502
Devotional Thought Week 2
What does“reaching for Jesus”mean? That question reminds me of a
favorite book, Risk the Journey, by Bill Leonard who was a professor of
religion at Samford University in Birmingham when he wrote the book in
1995. He wrote that“The mission of the church is to tell the story of Jesus
and live that story to the fullest, wherever we may be. It is to recount that
story to those who have never heard as well as to those who need to hear it
again and again. It is also to bring that story, in all its implications, to bear
on every aspect of human life.”
As Christians we must“reach for Jesus”in order to make known the
Good News and“reach others for Jesus.” It is the missionary calling
of all Christians—those who stay at home and those who travel far
away. “Reaching for Jesus”is the journey of a lifetime, an adventure, a
responsibility, and a risk, since we do not know what lies ahead. “Jesus said
to his disciples ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take
up his cross and follow me.’” (Matthew 16:24)
Individual Christians“reach for Jesus”through spirit led prayer,
meditation, Bible study, and worship. They reach others for Jesus as
servant leaders, by teaching, building relationships, caring for the sick and
those in need, and witnessing through words and deeds. Reaching for
Jesus can be as direct as a teaching session or as subtle as a kind act to a
stranger in need. As the old hymn says,“Let others see Jesus in you.”
Circles, Sunday School classes, ministry teams, small groups, and others
minister in unity to“reach others for Jesus.” Those groups serve agencies
such as Room in the Inn, Bluegrass Christian Camp, Sayre Christian Village,
Russell Cave Church of Christ, Assurance, Church Under the Bridge,
Lighthouse Ministries, Hope Centers, Lexington Rescue Mission, and many
others. Tates Creek’s We Care program provides necessities, encourages
others, builds relationships, and includes spirit-led activities in the name of
Christ to move people along in the conversion process.
Another strong“reaching for Jesus”effort at TCCC is the global missions
program with our missionary families in Ethiopia, Mexico, and Tanzania.
Stefan Kern mentioned in his article in the February issue of the Current
that there are still over 2,000 people groups with NO ACCESS to the gospel.
While we cannot all“go,”all of us can pray, encourage, and help send those
who are called to take the good news of Jesus: His life, His
teaching, His death and resurrection, and the impact of those
truths in the world. 		 ~ Patsy Stice
					Missions Team Chairman
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Matthew 28:16-20 contains the most familiar version of the passage
commonly referred to as“The Great Commission”, but there are versions
in all four gospels. In Luke, we see our Lord opening the minds of the
disciples, promising them power from on high, and instructing them to
preach repentance and forgiveness. In John’s account, Jesus breathes
the Holy Spirit on them and gives them authority. But it is in Matthew’s
account that Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Why is this so significant?
Do you think of Jesus as a teacher? His
disciples did. Other words may come to mind
– Lord, Redeemer, Master, Savior – but of the
90 times his followers addressed him directly
in the gospels, 60 times he was called Teacher.
This was the word the multitudes used, and
Jesus himself used that title to describe
himself. As he washed the disciples’feet
he said, “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’, and
rightly so, for that is what I am.” John 13:13 When Nicodemus came to
Jesus in the night, he said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who
has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if
God were not with him.” John 3:2 After Jesus finished delivering the
Sermon on the Mount, scripture tells us the crowds were amazed at his
teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their
teachers of the law.
Then, when Jesus had finished his work on earth, he handed off this
important task. Over 2,000 years later, his teachings have multiplied as
generation after generation of teachers have accepted the commission
and carried on Jesus’teaching. I would imagine the number of
students who have heard the teachings of Jesus number in the billions,
and there can be no doubt that Jesus was, and is, the greatest teacher
that ever walked the earth.
					~ Charles Byers
					Reach Class Teacher
					Discipleship Team Leader
Devotional thought Week 3
Lexington, KY 40502
When I think of the Apostle John, I am encouraged because I see in
him a great example of how Jesus and His love can change someone.
Early in his ministry, Jesus nicknamed John and his brother James
the ‘Sons of Thunder’. I don’t think this had anything to do with their
earthly parents or their wrestling ring persona, but it was an indication
of their personality and temperament. Later in his life, after he had
spent time with Jesus and had seen Him resurrected, the perception
of John changed. He became known as the‘Disciple of love’for his life
and writings that emphasized how God loves us and we should love
each other.
One passage, in particular, from 1 John talks about how we are to love
others. “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in
need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in
truth.” (I John 3:17-18) I think this passage really
gets to the heart of why we have‘Helping for
Jesus’as a part of the TCCC Mission Statement.
We help others as a way to show them God’s
love for them. When we open our hearts and
minds and recognize how much love we have
received from God, His style of love must just
overflow from our lives and spill out onto the
lives of everyone who gets close to us. As John
makes clear, it is not enough to say it with
words, we must show it with our actions.
This is one of the reasons we established the Heart & Hands of Jesus
Ministry Team, to help TCCC organize and coordinate our efforts to
really love the people around us. We are doing this at Julius Marks
Elementary, through our We Care Store, and by helping many other
local missions and ministries.
Let God’s love spill out of you individually and as a part of TCCC onto
everyone around you!
				~ David Eversole
				FOB Class Teacher
				 Heart & Hands of Jesus Team Leader
Devotional thought Week 4
Sunday School
Average Attendance
February 2016
Infants	5
Walkers	6
3 - 5 Year Old	 17
Elementary	50
Middle School 	 20
High School	 34
Christians in Action	 22
Crusaders	60
Faith	13
Fellowship of Believers	 11
Generations of Faith	 14
Good News	 28
Grace & Truth	 80
Grass Roots	 13
Heaven Bound	 15
In The Word	 22
Open Bible	 52
Reach	11
Seekers	 8
Servants for Christ	 25
Upper Room	 12
Willing Workers	 30
Young Adult Class	 8
Ashland Terrace	 8
Miscellaneous	3
Officers	 4
Total	 594
February Worship
Attendance & Giving
		Total	 	 General Fund	
7th		 783		 $46,057.
14th	 717	 $25,492.
21st	 772	 $32,057.
28th	 720	 $30,301.
Mortgage Balance, Feb. 29	 $654,334.
Monthly Payment (March 1)	 $31,876.
Principal	 $10,158.
Interest	 $1,718.
Add’l Principal	 $20,000.
To give online anytime or setup
a recurring online gift, visit our
website at
and click on“Donate”. You may
also simply scan the QR code.
% of Dollars Given Online
General Fund Report
2016 Budgeted Need per week	 $31,440.
2016 Average per week	 $31,788.
Feb. Total Income	 $133,907.
Feb. Total Expenses	 $125,981.
Moved to Savings	 $10,244.
Net Shortfall	 ($2,318.)
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Funds Totals for Feb.
Deacons’Fund 	 $3,022.
“What If...” 	 $32,508.
Victory for Life	 $655.
Lexington, KY 40502
New Members
Please welcome Sheila to Tates Creek. She is
a friend of Zetta Montgomery and has been
attending for a couple months. Sheila has been
very active in her service as a youth group leader,
Sunday school teacher, and even served as a
missionary in Mexico for a year. Her favorite
verse is Romans 6:23. “For the wages of sin is
death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ
Jesus our Lord.” Be sure to introduce yourself to
Sheila and make her feel welcome.
Sheila Estes
February 28
Saige Carpenter
March 14
We Warmly
Welcome . . .
We celebrate with Saige as she was baptized on
March 14. She is nine years old and in fourth
grade. Saige is very sweet, kind-hearted, and
loving. When she is not in school, her hobbies
are cooking, sewing, running, and taking care
of her dogs and cat. Her favorite Bible verse is
very familiar to all of us, John 3:16. Help us to
encourage Saige as she grows in her faith!
TatesCreekChristianChurch	Office:(859)266-1621
Calendar ~ April 2016
2	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106
3	 Monthly Ministry meetings	
4	 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200E
7	 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh
7	 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm
11	 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Sayre Christian Vil.
11	 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104
11	 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh
12	 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm
15	 Metrognomes, 7:30 pm, WC	
16	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106
17	 Discover Class, 12:30 pm, HR
21	 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH
23	 OLLI Spring concert, 3 pm, WC
29	 High School Spring Retreat, BGCC
30	 Priscilla Shirer Simulcast, WC
Weekly Activities
Rejoicing Ringers rehearsal, 4:30 pm
High School Worship, 6-8 pm, 303
Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC
Adult Small Groups, various times 		
	 and locations
Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC
We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm
Pit Crew, 3 pm, Uptown
Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH
Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200CD
Worship Choir, 6:30 pm, WC
Oasis Classes, 6:30 pm
Youth Activities, 6:30 pm
We Care Store, 1:30 pm

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Tates Creek Christian Church Current for April 2016

  • 2. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2 Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 Visit Online Worship Sunday Traditional - 9:30 am The Vine - 11:00 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am Evening - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm Staff Tommy Simpson Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes (Monday) Vicki Wesley (Friday) Contents Feature Article 10-11 “Connecting People to Jesus ” Week 1 Devotion In Every Issue 3-7 Minister Articles 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 18 Minister Article 19-21 Devotional thoughts each week 22 February Statistics 23 New Members 24 Calendar Ministry News 14 Psalm 82:3 15 Missions Moment Events 8-9 April Events 16-17 April Events Mission Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).
  • 3. 3 Lexington, KY 40502 TV Commercials Versus Jesus Most of you know that I spent from January 6 through February 2 in home rehab for a left knee replacement. Much of that time was spent sitting in a chair icing my elevated leg to avoid extreme swelling. Well...I can tell you, during that time, I saw hundreds of commercials for prescription drugs to cure just about every ailment. Also, there were hundreds of commercials for attorneys to help us sue the doctors or pharmaceutical companies for the potential side effects of these wonder drugs! The drug commercials are sponsored by companies who strive to“reach”us, then“teach”us, so that they can“help” us. Then, the attorneys will take a“stand”to make sure we are protected from these drugs. You get the is a vicious cycle repeated over and over. I can probably give you all the“facts”about these commercials if you need information! Haha! The sad thing is, there are thousands who believe what they see on TV or the internet and insist that their doctor will prescribe these prescriptions and companies will use famous people to advertise so you will believe the commercial has more credibility. It really hit me that so many thousands are looking to find“something” to make their lives better; a new car with low financing, a new house with a cheaper rate than the banks will offer, a wonder drug to make our lives better or to have less pain, etc. And we all know someone who stays up late at night and buys things they will never need, because we all know we make our“best”decisions when we can’t sleep! Hopefully, we, as those who wear the name of Christ, have learned that the only Hope we all have is in Jesus. Are we connecting people to Jesus through our lifestyle, our conversation, our friendship? Our relationship with Christ brings lasting joy. As a congregation, we are focusing on reaching, teaching, helping, and standing for Jesus! This is the truth we find in the Word. Here are a few Scriptures to help us see our hope in Christ: I Corinthians 15: 19 Colossians 1:27 Titus 2:13-14 Hebrews 6:19 ~ Don
  • 4. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4 The Turning Point How eager are you to try new food? Last month, as we continued to work through the Book of Acts in our middle school Sunday School class, we came across the story of Peter’s vision of unclean animals that God had now declared clean in chapter 10. I had some sushi ready for the students to try, and many of them had the reaction I expected, shock and fear. Even though I had picked this up at the local grocery, the unfamiliarity with the food caused students to run for the trash can as soon as I opened the box. But Peter’s revulsion to unclean food wasn’t hindering the spread of the Gospel, it was his aversion to meet with people who weren’t from his “tribe”. It took three direct commands from God in the vision in order for Peter to begin to open up his heart and consider other people worthy of the Gospel message. When Peter arrived at the home of Cornelius, a foreign soldier sent to occupy Judea and maintain tax revenues, he let go of all of his prejudice and let the Spirit lead the way. What happens next is the major turning point in the book of Acts. For the first time, Gentiles hear the message of the Gospel and the Spirit falls upon them just like when the Church was inaugurated at Pentecost. Peter commanded that they be baptized and accepted into the assembly as full members. Even when the Church in Jerusalem whispered that Peter had met with Gentiles, they met his story of the Spirit’s move with joy. From there on out in Acts the Gospel spreads like wildfire throughout the wider world. We should receive the Spirit’s lead with the same joy because there would be no Tates Creek Christian Church if it wasn’t in God’s heart to connect people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to Jesus. Peter’s example calls us to joyfully swallow our prejudices and cultural fears as we witness to every person about Jesus. How could we not take this call up in light of the salvation God has offered to us? ~ Brad
  • 5. 5 Lexington, KY 40502 Do You Have a Vision? Before Zella and I met, I was engaged to another lady. (That is another story ~ with a happy ending ~ Zella ~ for another day. Ha!) While I was engaged to that lady, my Dad suggested that I build a house there on the farm. Since I was in ministry and would probably be moving on someday, he offered to give me what I had financially in the house when that day came. He said that situation would be better than throwing away rent money. I took Dad up on that offer. We started building a basement house with plans to build the first floor later. We were almost finished with the house when my engagement broke off on Monday evening before the wedding that following Saturday. (Wow! That was a close one!) Once the engagement broke, we did not work on the house for several weeks. It was like the rug had been pulled out from underneath us. There was no reason to finish the house; no purpose to continue. The same is true without a vision. When there is no vision, there is no purpose. Where there is no vision, there is no goal. Where there is no vision, there is no direction. Where there is no vision, there is no energy and no vitality. Having a vision for the church is necessary. A vision provides a picture of where we are going. A vision provides a standard for making decisions. A vision provides strength to encounter the difficult times that come along. A vision provides energy, vitality, and purpose. So, what is our vision here at Tates Creek Christian Church? Our vision simply states,“Connecting people to Jesus!” That vision captures the heart of Jesus. Jesus said, “I have come to seek and to save that which was lost” Luke 19:10. That is our vision, goal, and purpose! That is our vision as a church! That is our vision as an individual Christian! That is our vision for our marriage! That is our vision for our Sunday School Class or Small Group! We are like a link in a chain with one hand holding on to the hand of Jesus and the other hand reaching out to people who do not have a relationship with Him! During the month of April, our sermons will address this worthy vision, “Connecting people to Jesus!” We will examine the practical ways of implementing this vision in our personal lives, our marriage, and in the church! If, at the end of our lives, the only thing we have accomplished with our lives was to bring one person to Jesus, life will have been very well worth the living! Welcome to Spring! ~ Tommy
  • 6. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6 Right now, our daughter very much wants to be in gymnastics. She cartwheels around the house, makes up different moves that she says are brand new, and kicks her brother in the head more often than not with her handstand dismounts. As a parent, I’ve been working on finding somewhere for her to go in the summer that can help her learn some of the actual fundamentals so she’s not breaking my furniture with her new routines. Her eagerness to learn this new skill is all encompassing. Thinking about her willingness to learn new things reminds me of someone who may be learning about Jesus for the first time (such as my little ones). The story is so exciting, so new, but there’s also so much information to take in that it can become overwhelming. For others, the sporadic information one may grab from the internet, is not enough to really get the whole story. When we are trying to encourage those who may not yet have a relationship with Jesus, I think it is so important to make sure that we build a strong foundation with a person, both in their learning of the Gospel, as well as the personal relationship. As Matthew 7:25 reminds us, the best foundation is that which is founded on the Word of the Lord. ~ Lesley Ministry News It has been about a year and a half now since we moved our contemporary worship service from the multi-ministry center down to the main worship center. The multi-ministry center had a lot of great characteristics that were great for the service. The chairs were close together and the room was smaller, so it always seemed sort of like a close-knit community. The gym had its down sides, too. Volunteers showed up very early each week to set up the backdrop, sound system, and lighting to prepare for later in the morning. And speaking of the sound system, that room is basically a big metal box, so the acoustics were terrible! What a blessing though, to have such a nice place to meet! A roof overhead, conditioned air, and the body of Christ coming together to worship the one true King! It has been a great blessing to be able to meet in the main worship center as well. There are still pros and cons to the space, but the main thing is still the main thing! We have a place to freely come together and glorify the King of Kings! It is a pleasure to serve and worship alongside the body of believers at Tates Creek Christian Church! ~ Mike
  • 7. Lexington, KY 40502 7 As I write this article, we are just a few weeks past our Pairs and Spares Banquet and I want to take this opportunity to thank the many people who worked so hard to make this event possible. If I began to name them individually I would certainly forget to mention someone, so let me just say I am so very thankful for the many hands and hearts that were lent to see that everything was accomplished in such a superb way. I want to thank those who helped plan the event and decorate, as much time was given to these tasks. A special thank you goes out to the young adult group which did an extraordinary job in the kitchen, and the college and high school youth who served couldn’t have done a better job. Not only did I appreciate all the help, but it made the evening special for all those attending. So, thanks to all who helped in any way to make this a grand evening for all. Now, as the warmer weather of these past few weeks has come upon us, I see people getting outside and walking after being cooped up all winter. It seems the older I get the more inactive I become during those cold months of the year. That’s why I am looking forward to getting out and being more mobile again, and I hope all of our senior saints are as well. We have a lot on the calendar for the upcoming spring, summer, and fall that promises rich times of fellowship, fun, and encouragement. This year’s day trips will include a trip to see the Cincinnati Reds play, a return to Renfro Valley, and an exploration of the recreated Noah’s Ark which will soon be open at the Creation Museum. Other events to look forward to are our yearly journey to Senior Saints in the Smokies and our annual fall trip. The dates for the Senior Saints in the Smokies are June 6-10 and this year’s program looks to be both fun and encouraging. Our fall trip this year will be in October and we are planning on journeying to the Charleston, South Carolina area. I hope many will join us for not only these events, but also our monthly Better With Age Club meeting which meets each third Thursday at 10:30 am. See you then! ~ Bro. Kim Senior Adult Ministry
  • 8. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road April Events 8 Senior Saints in the Smokies June 6-10 - Johnson University It is time for our annual fun-filled week in the Smokies. Be sure to register by April 15 to get the discount. See Kim Beckwith for more information and a registration form. Summer Youth Events Middle School CIY Mix - June 20-24 Johnson University - $219 High School CIY Move - June 26 - July 1 Panama City, Florida - $285 Registration and $50 deposit is due by April 14 for each event. Click here to register for MIX. Click Here to register for MOVE. Reaching Teaching Teaching
  • 9. Lexington, KY 40502 Spring Oasis 9 Class Registration Click on the class title above to register online or mark the class of your choice on a Communication Card. Be sure to register early so materials are available! “The Amazing Collection” Matthew - Acts Women’s Study Led by Phyllis Eversole During this Spring Oasis we will be moving into the New Testament, studying the books of Matthew through Acts. This study will help participants discover the overview, key players, and timeless principles of each book. There is a suggested donation of $10 for the workbook. If you have any questions, please see or email Phyllis Eversole at “Hands and Feet Ministry” Matthew 25:35-40 Led by Vickie Cole What does it mean to be the hands and feet of Jesus? Each week, participants will invest themselves in a choice of community outreach ministries demonstrating their love for God by pouring themselves into the lives of others. “Stand Up for the Faith” (Christian Apologetics) Led by Dr. Johnny Pressley from Cincinnati Christian University This class will address topics and provide tools that will increase your ability and confidence to stand up for your faith in today’s culture. April 6 - May 25 Teaching
  • 10. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10 CONNECTING PEOPLE TO JESUS Our Clear Vision: Connecting People to Jesus When I was in third grade, I struggled reading the chalk board. I would squint and try to focus my eyes but nothing worked and my grades suffered as a result of my impaired vision. My mom took me to the eye doctor, he checked my eyes and discovered that I was near-sighted. After he fitted me with glasses, I could once again see distances clearly. Over the years, my eyes continued to change and I would go back to the eye doctor and receive new lenses so that I could again see clearly. In much the same way, Christians often struggle with impaired vision. When we first become Christians, we are so excited and can’t wait to tell everyone about Jesus. We see a broken world around us and we want to see everyone we know come to know Jesus like we do. Over time though, our vision changes and we become near-sighted, focusing only on what is close to us (our family, our Christian friends, and sadly, ourselves) and we don’t see the many people we come in contact with on a daily basis that are broken and lost. We get comfortable in our own little world and ignore the bigger world around us. For Christians as well as the Church, it is imperative that we have crystal clear vision and that we do everything we need to in order to maintain that vision. To do that, we first need to understand what Christ’s vision is for this world. In Luke 5:32 Jesus said, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” And in 2 Peter 3:9, Peter reminds us “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” This should be our vision as well and in fact, TCCC’s Vision Statement is“Connecting People to Jesus”. Devotional Thought Week 1
  • 11. Lexington, KY 40502 11 Devotion continued Secondly, we must eagerly embrace the mission that Christ commanded us to fulfill in Matthew 28:19 “Go, and make disciples of ALL nations…” and again in Acts 1:8 “you will be MY witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” And let us not miss what He is saying here. Jesus commanded us to GO because we are HIS witnesses. Just as He commanded the disciples before He ascended, He commands us to be His witnesses in our neighborhoods, our cities, our state, our nation, and beyond. You see, we cannot just sit back and wait for people to come see how great we are, it is our responsibility to go to them and demonstrate how great JESUS is. Thirdly, Jesus knew that in every generation there would be people who are hurting and searching for something to fill their deepest need. That is why in John 4:35, Jesus tells His near-sighted disciples “Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” Do we have a similar problem to the disciples? Do we need to open our eyes and look to see that there are thousands of people around us who are seeking something or someone to fill an emptiness inside them? You may just be the one person who can introduce them to the One Person who can fill that need. If we step up to the task at hand, we can take great comfort in knowing that we are not alone in this for Jesus has promised us that He will be with us even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). IT’S TIME TO GO! ~ Danny Branham Chairman of the Elders Servants for Christ class teacher
  • 12. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12 Every one of us, at one time or another, has earnestly prayed for or about something and we thought that God would never answer -- but He did. In the New Testament we find the importance of prayer, with the greatest example being the model prayer Jesus gave us as recorded in Matthew 6:9-13. And when Jesus, in the form of man, was facing His crucifixion, He went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray to His heavenly Father in His time of anguish. Matthew Henry writes, “In answer to His prayer, God provided that He should not fail or be discouraged.” God does answer prayer. Sometimes He says yes and gives us what we ask for, even more and better than expected. But, sometimes the answer is no, for He knows that what we ask for isn’t good for us. Sometimes God’s answer is wait. He wants to teach us patience and trust. Whatever He does, it is for our benefit and blesssing. Pray, God is listening! He answers prayer. ~ Carole Smith Answered PrayerDaily Guided Prayer Topics April Area Specific Topic The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently. If you would like to share your prayer testimony to encourage others, please contact Peggy Crawford at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Helping Standing Reaching Teaching Helping Standing Reaching Teaching Helping Standing Reaching Teaching Helping Standing Reaching Teaching Helping Standing Reaching Teaching Helping Standing Reaching Teaching Helping Standing Reaching Teaching Helping Standing Pray for congregational needs Being more unified in Prayer for our church body Those who don’t know Jesus Equipping others for Prayer Prayer for those who are ill Praying for terror in our nation Opportunities to share the Gospel Growing prayer lives Filling a need in the church Increasing prayer time Forgiving each other Sharing God’s word Working “behind the scenes” Praising God in everything Be gentle with our words Treating others fairly Supporting our church family The strength of prayer Ministers and their families TCCC Youth programs Pray for Widows/Widowers Family strength Sharing the Gospel Bible colleges and students Homeless Showing your love for Jesus Unsaved families Senior adult Bible study Mentoring at Victory for Life Belief in prayer
  • 13. Lexington, KY 40502 Communion Serving Schedule April 3 Elders: Larry Critchfield, Danny Branham Deacons: Bill Burke, Ken Banks Ashland Terrace: Steve Mullins Home Comm: Keith Wertz, Stuart Kearns, Ed Hall Sat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda Johnson Clean-up 1st Srv: Brad Byington Clean-up 2nd Srv: Kristie Spencer Prayer Room: Mona Vannatter, Kevin Hickey Ushers: Doug Ison, Boyd Johnson, David Feltner April 10 Elders: Danny Branham, Bill Clem Deacons: Russell Brown, Jonathan Clifton Ashland Terrace: Henry Evans Home Comm: Ken Banks, Jonathan Clifton, Steven Clem Sat Comm Prep: Mike/Barbara Nevius Clean-up 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode Clean-up 2nd Srv: Bill Poor/Zella Simpson Prayer Room: Dale Kistler, Laura Mullins Ushers: Stan Stack, Dennis Moore, Cory & Sarah Wilson April 17 Elders: Bill Clem, R.W. Ellington Deacons: Lucas Moore, Keith Wertz Ashland Terrace: Brad Byington Home Comm: Terry Morrison, Bill Burke, Charles Byers Sat Comm Prep: John Craycraft Clean-up 1st Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler Clean-up 2nd Srv: Vickie Cole Prayer Room: Mary Adkins, Becky Child Ushers: Jack White, David Martin, Stuart Kearns April 24 Elders: R.W. Ellington, Larry Bugg Deacons: Bill Johnson, Stuart Kearns Ashland Terrace: Allan Faber Home Comm: Lucas Moore, Steve Mullins, Ray Albensi Sat Comm Prep: Marvis/Pam White Clean-up 1st Srv: Rick/LeeAnn Layne Clean-up 2nd Srv: Elizabeth B./Logan C. Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey Ushers: Bill Poor, Dennis Moore, John Martin 13 Adult Bible Study Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am Room 200CD Better With Age Club Thursday, April 21 ~ 10:30 am Bring side dishes, salad, or dessert to share. Bluegrass Christian Men’s Fellowship April 11, 2016 Sayre Christian Village Meal ~ 5:45 pm, Program ~ 6:45 pm Ladies are welcome to attend.
  • 14. Orphans Served in a God-Size Way! Everyone loves a great story! When the story involves God doing something BIG for orphans, the story becomes inspiring! So here is the story… In the beginning of January, the Psalm 82:3 Mission team, a team that serves orphans in Liberia and is led by several TCCC members, began a faith journey to bring reliable solar energy to the 18 children and staff while on their trip in June 2016. The total cost for this project, after shipping, would be nearly $21,000. The first stop for our mission team was to connect with the Tates Creek Mission Ministry team. After sharing the story, a gift of $10,000 was pledged from TCCC in hopes that the team could raise the rest of the $11,000 needed by the end of January (an early deadline was set to give time for the items to be shipped to Liberia). The Psalm 82:3 team put together a video for Facebook and shared it as often as possible. At the end of two weeks, the Facebook page and several visits to churches had resulted in around $1,100 given. With three days left before our end of January deadline, we were about $10,000 short of the goal. Consideration was given to postpone the project, but the decision was made to see what happened in the next three days. Then, it happened! God moved and goals were met. Several gifts of $500 were given, two churches from Indiana gave nearly $4,000, and a foundation in Lexington gave $5,000! The goal was met, but that’s not the end of the story! Over the next two days, a trucking company, with whom we have an indirect contact, gave $2,500, and another church in Lexington gave $500. In the end, the total amount raised was 114% of the goal. This brings the question from many, what do you do when God provides more than you think you need? In the mission world, this means you better hang on for the ride because God has something planned in a big, big way for the extra money! Stay tuned… this journey is just beginning for the mission team going to Liberia June 6th! ~ Psalm 82:3 Mission Team Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 14 Psalm 82:3 Ministry
  • 15. 15 Lexington, KY 40502 Greetings from the Selby family in Nebraska. We have only just thawed out from our last major snow and are enjoying some uncharacteristically warm weather. As our departure for Ethiopia draws nearer, we are reflecting on how we have seen God’s faithfulness. About 2 years ago during this time in February, we made our initial trip to Ethiopia and set our sights on the work to which God was calling us. In the past 6 months, we have completed multiple trainings in preparation for serving in Ethiopia, moved from Tennessee to Nebraska, and have worked hard to raise our support. In that time we also received news and counsel about Ruby’s health, concerning potential neurological and muscular issues that might affect her physical development, which suddenly threatened to change our path. We held hope for Ethiopia and were grateful to receive news in February, from a neuromuscular specialist in Omaha, that Ruby is totally healthy and that we have nothing to be concerned about! We have been lifted up by the prayers of our supporters and have learned first-hand that hope in God does not disappoint. Ethiopia is now in sight. Currently, we have raised just under 90% of our monthly budget and are planning to be in Ethiopia by the end of April. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare to serve in Ethiopia and as our family transitions to Addis Ababa where we will begin language learning. ~ Tyler, Katie, and Ruby Selby Missions Moment Pray for all of our Missionaries Ethiopia ~ Adrian & Jennifer Fehl, Tyler & Katie Selby, Travis & Emily Weeks Tanzania ~ Steve & Doretha Limiero Global Community Health Evangelism ~ Judy Fish Mexico ~ Sergio & Holly Alvarado, Eric & Dee Duggins, Greg & Vicki Syverson
  • 16. April Events Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road Connecting People to Jesus New Sermon Series April 10 - Connecting People to Jesus April 17 - Reaching for Jesus April 24 - Teaching for Jesus May 1 - Helping for Jesus May 8 - Standing for Jesus16 Decision America Tour 2016 with Franklin Graham April 16, 2016 - 8:30 am Meet at Bryan Station High School Join with others in Lexington as we Serve the City by completing service projects throughout Lexington! A link to the list of projects and registration information is available on our website at Helping Standing Teaching Franklin Graham will be stopping in Kentucky for a Prayer rally on May 4, 2016, at 12 pm Capitol Front Terrace Street Level 700 Capital Ave Frankfort, KY 40601 Be in prayer for our country as we move forward in choosing our next President.
  • 17. Lexington, KY 40502 April Events OLLI Spring Concert April 23 - 3 pm Come enjoy this hour long concert presented by the OLLI at UK Chorus, featuring over 100 vocalists. Metrognomes Friday, April 15 - 7:30 pm Be sure to come enjoy the Big Band and Jazz music of the Metrognomes led by Doug Oatley. Local Ministries Support Inventory Survey Be sure to let us know what local ministries you support either with your time or financial donations. Click HERE to complete the survey online, or paper copies are at the registration desk in the foyer. The deadline to submit your survey is April 10 17 Discover Tates Creek April 17, 2016 ~ 12:30 pm Visitors and new members are welcome to stay for the Discover class. Tommy will be sharing more in depth information about Tates Creek Christian Church. Please RSVP to the office at 266-1621 to join us for lunch and fellowship. Helping
  • 18. It probably doesn’t take you long when visiting TCCC to realize we have a wide variety of ages. From the youngest attendee being only a few days old to our eldest member breaking the 100 year barrier and every age in between. We are a very blessed congregation! So, what does a church with every generation do to build community? We serve! In fact, it’s what we have learned is the best method to breaking down walls that people put up about personal preferences. When we serve, the focus is no longer about what we want. Instead, it’s about being part of something bigger than each of us. In the children’s ministry alone we have a wide variety of folks serving each week and month! From middle schoolers to college, young marrieds to young families, and empty nesters to retirees. These people don’t just give up a week at a time to serve the children and young families, but they also give up their seat in classes and pews for others to be fed. They are consistent and committed to making a difference and planting seeds for the next generation. In total, there are more than 150 people serving the birth to college age groups, but there is always room for you to come check it out. Children’s and Youth Ministry isn’t the only place for multi-generational serving. Andrew Lin and Kent Mason are working together to make a memorial garden at Julius Marks for two children that passed away last fall. This serving has already made a HUGE impression on the children’s mom and grandmother. Each week at Julius Marks and Pit Crew, several adults of all ages (and a couple youth) are involved with Pit Crew and JME tutoring! Recently a group of children partnered with the Hands and Feet Ministry to serve the homeless by delivering scarves to Thoroughbred Park. In the middle of February, a group of young parents mixed with lots of youth, served the seniors at the Pairs and Spares Banquet. Together, each group has shared memories, laughter, and made an impact for the Kingdom! It is an honor to serve at a church that understands the importance of multi-generational ministry! It leads me to often wonder where God will lead us as all parts of His church body at TCCC join together… TO SERVE! ~ Matt Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18 Multi-generation Serving
  • 19. 19 Lexington, KY 40502 Devotional Thought Week 2 REACHING FOR JESUS What does“reaching for Jesus”mean? That question reminds me of a favorite book, Risk the Journey, by Bill Leonard who was a professor of religion at Samford University in Birmingham when he wrote the book in 1995. He wrote that“The mission of the church is to tell the story of Jesus and live that story to the fullest, wherever we may be. It is to recount that story to those who have never heard as well as to those who need to hear it again and again. It is also to bring that story, in all its implications, to bear on every aspect of human life.” As Christians we must“reach for Jesus”in order to make known the Good News and“reach others for Jesus.” It is the missionary calling of all Christians—those who stay at home and those who travel far away. “Reaching for Jesus”is the journey of a lifetime, an adventure, a responsibility, and a risk, since we do not know what lies ahead. “Jesus said to his disciples ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’” (Matthew 16:24) Individual Christians“reach for Jesus”through spirit led prayer, meditation, Bible study, and worship. They reach others for Jesus as servant leaders, by teaching, building relationships, caring for the sick and those in need, and witnessing through words and deeds. Reaching for Jesus can be as direct as a teaching session or as subtle as a kind act to a stranger in need. As the old hymn says,“Let others see Jesus in you.” Circles, Sunday School classes, ministry teams, small groups, and others minister in unity to“reach others for Jesus.” Those groups serve agencies such as Room in the Inn, Bluegrass Christian Camp, Sayre Christian Village, Russell Cave Church of Christ, Assurance, Church Under the Bridge, Lighthouse Ministries, Hope Centers, Lexington Rescue Mission, and many others. Tates Creek’s We Care program provides necessities, encourages others, builds relationships, and includes spirit-led activities in the name of Christ to move people along in the conversion process. Another strong“reaching for Jesus”effort at TCCC is the global missions program with our missionary families in Ethiopia, Mexico, and Tanzania. Stefan Kern mentioned in his article in the February issue of the Current that there are still over 2,000 people groups with NO ACCESS to the gospel. While we cannot all“go,”all of us can pray, encourage, and help send those who are called to take the good news of Jesus: His life, His teaching, His death and resurrection, and the impact of those truths in the world. ~ Patsy Stice Missions Team Chairman
  • 20. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 20 TEACHING FOR JESUS Matthew 28:16-20 contains the most familiar version of the passage commonly referred to as“The Great Commission”, but there are versions in all four gospels. In Luke, we see our Lord opening the minds of the disciples, promising them power from on high, and instructing them to preach repentance and forgiveness. In John’s account, Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit on them and gives them authority. But it is in Matthew’s account that Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Why is this so significant? Do you think of Jesus as a teacher? His disciples did. Other words may come to mind – Lord, Redeemer, Master, Savior – but of the 90 times his followers addressed him directly in the gospels, 60 times he was called Teacher. This was the word the multitudes used, and Jesus himself used that title to describe himself. As he washed the disciples’feet he said, “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’, and rightly so, for that is what I am.” John 13:13 When Nicodemus came to Jesus in the night, he said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” John 3:2 After Jesus finished delivering the Sermon on the Mount, scripture tells us the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law. Then, when Jesus had finished his work on earth, he handed off this important task. Over 2,000 years later, his teachings have multiplied as generation after generation of teachers have accepted the commission and carried on Jesus’teaching. I would imagine the number of students who have heard the teachings of Jesus number in the billions, and there can be no doubt that Jesus was, and is, the greatest teacher that ever walked the earth. ~ Charles Byers Reach Class Teacher Discipleship Team Leader Devotional thought Week 3
  • 21. 21 Lexington, KY 40502 HELPING FOR JESUS When I think of the Apostle John, I am encouraged because I see in him a great example of how Jesus and His love can change someone. Early in his ministry, Jesus nicknamed John and his brother James the ‘Sons of Thunder’. I don’t think this had anything to do with their earthly parents or their wrestling ring persona, but it was an indication of their personality and temperament. Later in his life, after he had spent time with Jesus and had seen Him resurrected, the perception of John changed. He became known as the‘Disciple of love’for his life and writings that emphasized how God loves us and we should love each other. One passage, in particular, from 1 John talks about how we are to love others. “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth.” (I John 3:17-18) I think this passage really gets to the heart of why we have‘Helping for Jesus’as a part of the TCCC Mission Statement. We help others as a way to show them God’s love for them. When we open our hearts and minds and recognize how much love we have received from God, His style of love must just overflow from our lives and spill out onto the lives of everyone who gets close to us. As John makes clear, it is not enough to say it with words, we must show it with our actions. This is one of the reasons we established the Heart & Hands of Jesus Ministry Team, to help TCCC organize and coordinate our efforts to really love the people around us. We are doing this at Julius Marks Elementary, through our We Care Store, and by helping many other local missions and ministries. Let God’s love spill out of you individually and as a part of TCCC onto everyone around you! ~ David Eversole FOB Class Teacher Administrator Heart & Hands of Jesus Team Leader Devotional thought Week 4
  • 22. Sunday School Average Attendance February 2016 Youth Infants 5 Walkers 6 3 - 5 Year Old 17 Elementary 50 Middle School 20 High School 34 Adult Christians in Action 22 Crusaders 60 Faith 13 Fellowship of Believers 11 FOCUS 22 Generations of Faith 14 Good News 28 Grace & Truth 80 Grass Roots 13 Heaven Bound 15 In The Word 22 Open Bible 52 Reach 11 Seekers 8 Servants for Christ 25 Upper Room 12 Willing Workers 30 Young Adult Class 8 Ashland Terrace 8 Miscellaneous 3 Officers 4 Total 594 February Worship Attendance & Giving Total General Fund 7th 783 $46,057. 14th 717 $25,492. 21st 772 $32,057. 28th 720 $30,301. Indebtedness Mortgage Balance, Feb. 29 $654,334. Monthly Payment (March 1) $31,876. Principal $10,158. Interest $1,718. Add’l Principal $20,000. To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at and click on“Donate”. You may also simply scan the QR code. % of Dollars Given Online 16% General Fund Report 2016 Budgeted Need per week $31,440. 2016 Average per week $31,788. Feb. Total Income $133,907. Feb. Total Expenses $125,981. Moved to Savings $10,244. Net Shortfall ($2,318.) Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 22 Funds Totals for Feb. Deacons’Fund $3,022. “What If...” $32,508. Victory for Life $655.
  • 23. 23 Lexington, KY 40502 New Members Please welcome Sheila to Tates Creek. She is a friend of Zetta Montgomery and has been attending for a couple months. Sheila has been very active in her service as a youth group leader, Sunday school teacher, and even served as a missionary in Mexico for a year. Her favorite verse is Romans 6:23. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Be sure to introduce yourself to Sheila and make her feel welcome. Sheila Estes Transfer February 28 Saige Carpenter Baptized March 14 We Warmly Welcome . . . We celebrate with Saige as she was baptized on March 14. She is nine years old and in fourth grade. Saige is very sweet, kind-hearted, and loving. When she is not in school, her hobbies are cooking, sewing, running, and taking care of her dogs and cat. Her favorite Bible verse is very familiar to all of us, John 3:16. Help us to encourage Saige as she grows in her faith!
  • 24. TatesCreekCurrent TatesCreekChristianChurch Office:(859)266-1621 Lexington,KY40502 Calendar ~ April 2016 2 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106 3 Monthly Ministry meetings 4 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200E 7 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh 7 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm 11 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Sayre Christian Vil. 11 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 11 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh 12 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm 15 Metrognomes, 7:30 pm, WC 16 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106 17 Discover Class, 12:30 pm, HR 21 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 23 OLLI Spring concert, 3 pm, WC 29 High School Spring Retreat, BGCC 30 Priscilla Shirer Simulcast, WC Weekly Activities Sunday: Rejoicing Ringers rehearsal, 4:30 pm High School Worship, 6-8 pm, 303 Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC Adult Small Groups, various times and locations Monday: Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC Tuesday: We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm Pit Crew, 3 pm, Uptown Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH Wednesday: Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200CD Worship Choir, 6:30 pm, WC Oasis Classes, 6:30 pm Youth Activities, 6:30 pm Thursday: We Care Store, 1:30 pm Volume4No.4 CR-ChoirRoom/FH-FellowshipHall/Fh-FriendshipHall/HR-HearthRoom/MMC-MultiMinistryCenter/UP-Uptown/WC-WorshipCenter