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Tates Creek
September 2015
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Tates Creek Christian
3150 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 266-1621
Visit Online
Traditional - 8:30 am
Blended - 9:50 am
The Vine - 11:10 am
Sunday School -
8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am
Evening - 6:30 pm
Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm
Tommy Simpson
Kim Beckwith
Don Seevers
Mike Allen
Brad Haggard
Matt Lee
Lesley Tipton
David Eversole
Billy Bishop
Conor Doyle
Office Staff
Kim Jones
Jenni Gregg
Rhoda Rolfes
Vicki Wesley
Feature Article
	10-11	 “Love Wins Because The Bible Tells 	
			 Me So”	
In Every Issue
	 3-9	 Minister Articles
	 12	 Prayer Ministry
	 12	 Guided Prayer Topics
	 13	 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule
	 14	 Intern Article
16-19	 Devotional thoughts each week
	 22	 July Statistics
	 23	 New Members
	24	 Calendar
Ministry News		
	 11	 We Care Store report
	 15	 Missions Moment
	 20	 Church Library
	 13	 Liz Curtis Higgs, Women’s Event
	 20	 “One Church One Body,”
		 featuring Keith Cooper, Guitarist
	 21	 Fall Oasis
Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win
people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers
in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement),
to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up
for Christian values in the community (witness).
Growing up in church, one of the first childhood songs I
remember learning was “The B I B L E.” I remember those words
well. “The B I B L E yes that’s the book for me. I stand alone on
the Word of God ~ the B I B L E.” Little did I know at the time
how crucial that truth would always be. We stand alone on the
Word of God because the BIBLE is truth. In Jesus’ prayer in John 17, Jesus
said, “Your Word is Truth.” In John 10:35 Jesus said, “The Scripture cannot be
broken.” The Bible is truth, represents truth, contains truth, and proclaims
truth. This is the reason we declare the Bible is inerrant. The Bible does not
contain errors, lies, or fallacies. It is infallible.
What is sad is that the society we live in does not respect the Bible as the
Word of God. We hear statements like, “The Bible is outdated, it is antiquated,
or it does not pertain to today.” Today, our society looks to their own feelings,
their own thinking, or to what other people think or feel as the standard for
truth or making decisions.
When I was growing up and my parents told me to
do something, if for some unexplained reason I might
ask the question, “Why?” they would respond simply
and sternly, “Because I said so.” And that was enough.
Hopefully, as Christians, that is our attitude of respect
and reverence for the message of the Bible today, “The
Bible says so.”
Starting Sunday, September 13, we will launch a sermon series entitled,
“We Hold These Truths.” Throughout this sermon series, we are going to
take a look at what the Bible says about certain topics like marriage, divorce,
homosexuality, abortion, racism, sin, grace, Jesus, and baptism.
In I Timothy 3:15, Paul says the church is the “pillar and support of the
truth.” Taking a stand for the truth is very important. As the Lord’s Church,
we must stand for the truth. Just as important as standing for the truth is the
way in which we communicate the truth. We want to communicate the truth
of God’s Word with grace and love.
I am asking you to be praying for this sermon series. Pray for clarity and
effectiveness in communicating God’s truth from His Word! Someone has
said that if we do not take a stand for something that we will fall for anything.
We must take a courageous stand for the truth in God’s Word. Let’s do that
His Truth is Marching On! 	 ~Tommy
Tidbits from Tommy
Lexington, KY 40502
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Senior Adults
The story is told of a woman who had a pet squirrel. She
enjoyed watching the little squirrel eat the peanuts, pecans,
and other kinds of nuts she would set out for it each morning.
Each morning she would watch the squirrel deftly, yet
laboriously separate the outer shell from the inner meat. Once
the nuts had been opened and the prize within had been eaten the squirrel
would go merrily on its way leaving the husks scattered on the back porch.
After a few weeks of enjoying the squirrel but having to clean up the mess,
the woman came up with an idea. If she put out nuts that had already been
shelled she would do the squirrel the favor of not having to work so hard at
getting the food. She would also do herself a favor by not having a mess to
clean up each time. Well a strange thing happened when she did that. The
little squirrel slowly got sick and eventually died. You see, God designed the
squirrel with the need to break open the shell of these nuts. They kept the
squirrel’s teeth in shape.
I think there is a good lesson in this for us. David said, “Thy Word have
I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11) The
Apostle Paul also told Timothy to “Study to show thyself approved unto
God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the Word of truth.” (2 Timothy
2:15) The lesson of the squirrel and the teaching
of the scripture both tell us that we can in no way
be healthy Christians if we neglect putting the
time, effort, and work into knowing the Word of
God. We see the devastating effect this has had on
our culture, which by any reasonable measure is quite sick. What is most
concerning, however, is the attitude of many who call themselves Christians
yet subscribe to many of the attitudes of the world. This is often directly
related to their lack of interest and concern for what the Word of God says.
What we all need to remember is what Jesus said in Matthew 24. “Heaven
and earth shall pass away, but my word will never pass away.” Our interest
and commitment to the Word of God WILL have an effect on our spiritual
health, so an important question we should all ask ourselves is
“How am I feeling today?
	 			 		~Bro. Kim
Have you ever thought about how much doctrine you learned
as a young child by the songs you sang with other children? I
think many times, we don’t think of theology when we think of
children’s songs. But, as I think back on some of those songs, I
did learn a lot that I have carried with me to sustain me in my
later adult years. Because the melodies were so easy to sing, it also made the
words easy to remember. In fact, as an adult, I am amazed at how many songs
and hymns I can still sing remembering the words to most of the stanzas.
There is one song we all remember as probably the very first song we sang
at home or in Sunday School. In fact, this song is still in most adult hymnals.
And, I find that adults still enjoy singing this song. The
song: Jesus Loves Me. And it is full of doctrine! Let’s take a
look at the words:
Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so:
Little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is strong.
Wow! In that first stanza, we see the Truth in God’s Word. He loves us!
That is the theme of all Scripture. He loves us! We are weak and need to
submit to His authority as spelled out in the Word.
Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven’s gate to open wide,
He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in.
After another reminder that we are loved, the next stanza shows us that the
Gate of Heaven is open wide to all who have had their sins washed away with
the blood of Christ. All are welcome in God’s Kingdom.
Jesus loves me! He will stay close beside me all the way;
He’s prepared a home for me, and some day His face I’ll see.
In this final stanza we are reminded of God’s presence in our lives and that
we will one day see His Face in the place He has promised for us.
Now I ask you, isn’t there a lot of Truth and doctrine in this simple song? I
believe that there is, without a lot of difficult language to interpret and with a
melody that stays with you for life. Now, before you put this magazine down,
why not sing through the entire song and thank God for the words by Anna
B. Warner and the music by William B. Bradbury that have brought us these
simple truths that last a lifetime!
					~ Don
Lexington, KY 40502
Don’s Dynamics
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
“Today not only in philosophy but in politics, government, and
individual morality, our generation sees solutions in terms of
synthesis and not absolutes. When this happens, truth, as people
have always thought of truth, has died.” ~ Francis Schaeffer
A lot of people say there is no such thing as absolute truth. They say that
all truth is relative. The interesting thing is that both of those statements
are absolutes. I believe that absolute truth is found in God, the Holy Spirit,
Jesus, and the Bible. There are things that we can discover as true outside
of the Bible, but these things are still truths that God set in motion at the
creation of the world. You see, the funny thing about truth is…its true…
whether you believe it or not.
The main source for the revelation of truth is
God’s Holy Word, written for us in the Bible.
The topic of the Bible as a source for truth has
been widely debated over many, many years.
But over any other historical document, the
Bible has proven over and over that it is historically accurate. The Bible is
supported by countless archaeological findings and other historical records.
The Bible provides many scientific facts that science didn’t affirm until much
after it was recorded. The Bible has also faced unrelenting scrutiny as a
source for truth and has stood the test of time.
The Bible has been the single most influential literary piece in history.
The perfect moral code that Jesus sets before us in the gospel has been the
inspiration for many of our laws even today. There is nothing that has
shaped culture the way the Bible has.
When all these things are considered, it is easy to see that the Bible is the
best source for truth, especially moral truth. When we live the way that
Jesus outlines for us in scripture, our lives are free. There is peace in the
truth of God.
“The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures
forever.” Psalm 119:160
	 		 In His Service, 	 ~Mike
College Ministry
Lexington, KY 40502
Student Ministry
Hearing what the Bible is saying
One of the most significant challenges for a youth minister
is keeping up with the new ways that words are used among
students. This doesn’t just apply to slang, but it even extends to
“normal” words that are used in different contexts by students. For example,
what do you think of when you read the word “phone”? Chances are it
is different from the way that a teenager today thinks of a phone. There
is a whole generation of people growing up today who have never seen a
landline phone!
If this is true with teenagers, then it is even more true in reading the Bible,
a book that was written over various cultures a long time ago in a place far
away from us. When we want to think
the right things “because the Bible tells
me so” we have to make sure we are
actually listening to what the Bible is
saying and not importing our received
But with a book that was written in
three foreign languages, how can we hope to bridge that gap? We bridge
it the same way we learn about how young people think and speak, by
listening to them!
“...His delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and
night.” Psalm 1:2 (NASB)
Psalm 1 envisions a disciple who continually reads and re-reads Scripture
in order to listen to it more clearly. “Meditate” in this verse would imagine
a student of the Hebrew scriptures repeating a verse over and over in
order to listen to the details of the verse and let it sink into the heart. Our
first impulse in reading the Bible should be to listen rather than jump to
conclusions or applications. It is a delight to let the word master us rather
than the other way around!
If we aren’t reading the Bible to let it change how we think and how we act,
then we aren’t letting it “tell” us anything.
	 Let’s lift Him up together! ~ Brad
When I was a child I had a really neat, full-color, picture Bible. I
carried it to school with me on occassion, always had it with me at
church, and used it often to preach from. In fact, when I was very
small my dad built a pulpit for me and a pew for my sister. During
his sermon, I would lean on my dad’s words and take very detailed
notes. When we returned home after church and lunch, my sister and I would
play church.
From my early ages I learned the truth came from the Bible. I was never
taught that the world was pure evil and I needed to live in a bubble to be
protected. The more time I spent in the world growing up the more I learned
how much truth is in God’s words. I learned songs like Jesus Loves Me,
The B I B L E, Jesus Loves the Little Children, and Amazing Grace. I learned
verses like John 3:16-17. In fact, I learned that my life and direction was
dependent on God’s Word. When I grew up though I made new friends. My
world view grew in an enormous way. I took classes about world religions and
learned that other people around the world base their truth in other books. As
I shared respectful and sometimes heated discussions with some of these people
(including family and friends) it became even more clear to me how TRUE
God’s Word is.
In the midst of all of this though, I started some bad habits. It started one day
when I just tossed my Bible at my friend as a game. I was quickly corrected for
this and told that the Bible isn’t a pillow to be tossed around. As the bad habit
wasn’t corrected, I found myself relying on my own knowledge of God’s Word
in debates instead of quoting chapters and verses. I started to use a phrase that
I had probably heard from others more times than the words, “I love you.” I
started to say the phrase, “The Bible says…”
Then, I studied the temptation of Jesus. I noticed that three times Jesus’
defense to the devil’s attacks were from scripture. I wondered to myself, “when
the devil attacks me personally do I depend on my own knowledge and strength
to defend, or are the scriptures my defense.”
What does the Bible really say? This next school year in Uptown we are going
to find out as we suit up for battle and learn how to protect, defend, and fight
against the devil’s attacks. We are going to put on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD!
To get us started on this challenge, consider these words from Jesus…
Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the
second is like it: ’Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the
Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40
	 			 		~ Matt
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Childrens Ministry
Lexington, KY 40502
Preschool Ministry
Critterland News
Every week when we do our teaching during ‘Jesus in the
Park’ we start our lesson time by holding up our Children’s
Bible. “What is this?” We ask the children. “Bible!” They
shout back enthusiastically. “Whose stories are in here?”
We ask. “God’s!” (Jesus is thrown out with fervor as well). Lastly, “What
are God’s stories?” “True!!” We then go on to talk to the children about
the different people who have listened to God in these stories, and those
who haven’t. What happened to them, both good and bad. We teach
this because we have these stories, we know that Jesus loves us, and that
wherever we go we are protected by His love.
I know, as adults, we learn more from the words in the Bible than just
the “simple” stories. We can read between the lines to figure out what the
main point might be, and we understand the parables that Jesus spoke. But
we as adults forget the main point. All of the words are true. We are to
follow them and use them as our guide (2 Timothy 3:16). We are to obey
the words given to us. We are living in a world right now that is making
up right and wrong as it goes, and we must hold fast to those words that we
know are true. God is the Father, and the way to the Father is through the
Son (John 14:6).
	 		 ~ Lesley
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Love is not a ruling by the US Supreme court.
Love is not a government fine to mitigate tort.
Love wins because the Bible tells me so.
Love does not win when truth is decried.
Love does not win when sin is denied.
Love wins because the Bible tells me so.
Love wins because on a cross Christ Jesus died.
Love wins because death’s victory was denied.
Love wins because the Bible tells me so.
Love is not found on bumperstickers, billboards or Facebook posts.
Love is found only in the zeal of YHWH, the Lord of Hosts.
Love wins because the Bible tells me so.
Love was given 2,000 years ago to save us.
Love was given to transform, and not enable, us.
Love wins because the Bible tells me so.
Love knows no sin it cannot heal.
Love gave His life to make it real.
Love wins because the Bible tells me so.
I write this post, humbled by my own sin. I am thankful
God loved me so much that Jesus died on the cross so save
me from myself. Daily I seek to lay aside my own desires and
ask God’s Spirit to train my heart so it beats in unison with
His. I would not even know how to love except God first
loved me. I write this post with hope for all my brothers and
sisters who struggle to keep our Faith.
As the world presses in, compromise is easy when we forget
our own deep need for salvation. I write with hope knowing it is never too
late to turn back from the World and run to open arms of our Father. Do you
regret where your decisions have taken you? Don’t give in to the voices of
fear because God promises to deal gently with everyone of His kids who are
distressed and alienated from His love (Hebrews 5:2).
I write this post knowing that we, the Church, need more than cake. We
need solid food to help us discern right from wrong, and assist us in doing
good deeds that bring glory to God’s name (Hebrews 5:14; 6:1).
God’s love is not an excuse to accept the sin that holds us back, but a salve to
heal our wounds and help us love like Him (Romans 6:1-3). Sadly, the Church
has at times forgotten this simple truth.
•	 Forgive me Father that in your name I have hurt others.
•	 Forgive me that instead of grace, I have offered condemnation.
Love Wins Because The Bible Tells Me So
Lexington, KY 40502
Love Wins Because . . . continued
• Forgive me Father that I have allowed the culture to tell me hate was okay.
• Forgive me Father that I have used my words to alienate the very people you
died to heal.
Thank you Father that while I was still lost in sin, you loved me enough to
send your son Jesus to die on the cross, to raise Him from the dead, and adopt
me into your Family by the power of the Holy Spirit (1 John 1:9).
• Will you repent? • Will you trust? • Will you let God’s love win your heart?
Thank you God that, in Christ alone, love wins.
						~ J.R. Miller
Dr. Joe Miller (aka JR) is a Professor of Applied Theology and Leadership & Dean of
Online Learning at Southern California Seminary. In addition, he is a church planter
and coach for other young leaders. Dr. Miller has a diverse educational background
and authored multiple books on church history, biblical theology, and Leadership. Joe
and his wife Suzanne enjoy the sun and surf with their 3 sons in San Diego, CA.
We Care Ministry report
On July 7 a Spirit-led ministry was implemented called the We Care Store.
The vision of this ministry is helping people with their basic need - food. The
We Care Store starts at the food need level with the goal of moving people into
Victory for Life on Tuesday evenings and even into the church body at TCCC.
This church-wide ministry was started with We Care Sunday on May 17. A
great outpouring of food items was given to stock the shelves of the We Care
Store. Special monetary donations were also given. The last Sunday of each
month is designated as We Care Sunday for additional giving of monetary and
food items to continue to serve people in need. Over 50 people volunteered to
serve under the leadership of Sharon Johnson in staffing the We Care Store to
meet and greet people.
From July 7 to July 30, 242 people have been blessed and the total value of food
given through the We Care Store has been $3,086.
The second vision is that people will move from the food need to a desire
to develop a plan for victory in life. This is also occurring as 11 adults and 4
children have been a part of Victory for Life on Tuesday evenings. The goal
for VFL is to help each indivdual develop a partnership with the Holy Spirit in
becoming a person of love, joy, peace, and self-control.
Thank you, Father, for the vision, ministry servants, and the
people to serve in the We Care Store.
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Psalm 119:129-131
“Your statutes are wonderful; therefore I obey them.
The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives
understanding to the simple. I open my mouth and
pant, longing for your commands.”
When I first learned about prayer, that lesson
came from a 7th grade classmate’s gift of a plastic
box labeled “Daily Bread”. This little box contained
individual cards with a scripture on each one, front
and back. Some of the cards had verses from the
Book of Psalms. I realized that so many emotions
were expressed in this book and that reading them
out loud became my prayers. Being able to release
those emotions to God helped me to be comfortable
with praying.
As I have grown in my Christian walk, I have
learned that prayer is a two-way conversation. I
need to listen as well as speak to God. The problem
I faced was personalizing the Scriptures. Daily
readings seemed like stories or sermons given to the
Jews and early Christians, not me. Things began
to fall into place when I started reading Proverbs.
I felt as if God was instructing me about his ways
that would honor him. I finally began to feel the
full experience of prayer. That experience has
encouraged me to “pray without ceasing”.
As of now, prayer has become the foundation
of my faith. As a tree needs deep roots to survive
storms, my faith needs these deep roots of prayer as
its foundation to continue my daily walk with Him.
			~ Peggy Crawford
PrayerDaily Guided
Prayer Topics
1	 Showing love to families
2	 Girls in unwanted
3	 1 Timothy 2:1-4
4	 Syversons, New Hope
	 Christian Church
5	 School Children
6	 Sermon Series
7	 Encouragement for
	 Government officials
8	 Dealing with addictions
9	 Stroke Victims
10	 1 Timothy 2:15	
11	 Alvarados, Jubilee
	 Christian Church
12	 Outreach to Community
13	 Brad & MS / HS groups
14	 New FCPS Superintendent
15	 Safety for family members
16	 Military and families
17	 2 Timothy 3:16-17
18	 Williams, Forefront
19	Prayer
20	 Worship Services
21	 Hope Center
22	 Widows / Widowers
23	Media
24	 John 14:6
25	 Fehls, return to Ethiopia
26	 Christian Love
27	 Greeters, Hosts &
28	 Church Under the Bridge
29	 Students & Parents
30	Homeless
The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to
pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our
Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently.
Lexington, KY 40502
Communion Serving Schedule
September 6
Elders: Larry Hitchner, George Heaton
Deacons: Bill Poor, Charles Byers
Ashland Terrace: Craig Martin
Home Comm: Lucas Moore, Charlie Byers,
		Craig Martin
Sat Comm Prep: Teresa Pendleton
Prep after 1st Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum
Clean-up after 1st Srv: Teresa Pendleton
Prep after 2nd Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum
Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Teresa Pendleton
Prayer Room: Ken Baker, Beth Kessler
Ushers: D.Ison, S.Stack, D.Smith, G.Coleman
September 13
Elders: Ken Sharp, Larry Hitchner
Deacons: Harold Butler, Ken Banks
Ashland Terrace: Russell Brown
Home Comm: Steven Clem, Terry Morrison,
		David Martin
Sat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda Johnson
Prep after 1st Srv: Teresa Pendleton
Clean-up after 1st Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum
Prep after 2nd Srv: Teresa Pendleton
Clean-up after 2nd Srv:Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum
Prayer Room: Judy Clark, Carolyn Ball
Ushers: B.Johnson, J.White, B.Burke, D.Feltner
September 20
Elders: Mike Mirre, Ken Sharp
Deacons: Ed Hall, Chris Lee
Ashland Terrace: Lucas Moore
Home Comm: Chris Lee, Harold Butler
Sat Comm Prep: Marvis/Pam White
Prep after 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode
Clean-up after 1st Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler
Prep after 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma Goode
Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler
Prayer Room: Janice Moore, Monica Kennedy
Ushers: D.Moore, D.Pettry, L.Miller, S.Kearns
September 27
Elders: Willie Peal, Mike Mirre
Deacons: David Martin, Greg Wheeler
Ashland Terrace: Cory Wilson
Home Comm: David Straub, Bill Johnson,
		Russell Brown
Sat Comm Prep: Kathy Hicks
Prep after 1st Srv: Ray/Christi Albensi
Clean-up 1st Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler
Prep after 2nd Srv: John Combs
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler
Prayer Room: Peggy Crawford, Laura Mullins
Ushers:D.Moore, B.Poor, D.Smith, J.Martin
Senior Adult Events
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am
Better With Age Club
Thursday, September 17
10:30 am ~ Fellowship Hall
Bring side dishes, salad, or
dessert to share.
Fall Trip to Canada
September 27 - October 3
Leaving TCCC at 8 am
Liz Curtis
September 12, 2015
10 am - 4 pm
Cost is $20 which includes lunch.
Please contact Kelly Hayworth at
859-373-9402 for ticket information.
Drugs and Substance Abuse
Most of us know that drugs such as marijuana and cocaine
are immoral. We believe so strongly against such things! But
let me ask you this, do you know why it is wrong to do drugs?
Can you give legitimate answers to a person asking why you believe drugs
are wrong? There are many secular reasons as to why drugs are immoral,
however we, as the body of Christ, should be more interested about what
God has to say. What does the Bible say about drugs? Here are a few verses
to point you in the right direction.
Galatians 5:19-20 says, “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual
immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord
jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissension,
factions…” Notice the word “witchcraft” which
is used in the NIV. More accurate versions
use the word “sorcery”. In the time period in
which Galatians was written, this word was
used to refer to the misuse of plants. People
would use nature as a way to alter their state
of mind. Sounds familiar, right? According to
Paul, this is “acts of sinful nature.”
Philippians 2:3-4 says, “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but
with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;
do not merely look out to your own interests, but also look to the interests of
others.” Both Christians and non-Christians, find physical reasons why drugs
are wrong. However, I want to focus more on the spiritual aspect; in the deep
root of the heart. When people first encounter drugs, unfortunately this is
out of selfish motives. If you have a relationship with Jesus, your interests
no longer take priority. Rather the interests of others takes priority, and the
interests of God take the upmost priority.
These are a few verses giving defense about this matter, and I encourage the
Church to educate yourself on what the Bible says on a deeper level about
this issue.
						~ Conor Doyle
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Conor Doyle - Preaching Intern
Lexington, KY 40502
A new generation of “warriors” for God is
emerging! In the past several years we have focused
our church planting efforts among adults…training
leaders to evangelize, disciple and multiply cell
groups. But during all that time we have seen a great
need among the youth and children. We just kept
thinking, “if we can just reach them young enough
we can save them from the disastrous life choices made by those who have
gone before them.” But some of the “normal” ways of doing youth ministry
and children’s ministry didn’t seem to be making the impact we had hoped. So
we prayed, and we asked God for HIS help and guidance in this area and to
send us someone to focus on this vital ministry. God answered us in a big way!
First, he sent us a young man from Argentina (Juan David, 22 years old)
who committed to come for a year (but has now committed to come back for
a longer term) and help establish a specific ministry
among 12-17 year olds that challenges them in the
areas of evangelism, discipleship and even church
planting. It has been amazing to see the growth in
the lives of the youth. We are not just providing a
place to “keep them off the streets,” but we are now
sending them TO the streets as evangelists. They are
discipling and encouraging each other to live in radical commitment to JESUS.
As we saw the results among the youth, we were also praying for the children.
Our yearly VBS has been a major outreach event in the community. But year
after year we saw the same children come and felt like the message (though
planted) was not growing in their hearts to make a lasting change in their
lives and situations. So we asked
Juan David if there was a ministry
(similar to the youth ministry)
that had major impact in the
lives of children. He arranged for
another young man from Argentina
(Nehemias, 18 years old!) to come for the summer to help us radically change
our VBS and our children’s ministry. The impact, thus far, has been amazing!
Thank you for your prayers and partnership in the ministry!
			~ Greg & Vicki Syverson
Missions Moment
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Devotional Thought Week 1
Let me get straight to the point. When is the last time you
and I have talked to someone who doesn’t have a relationship
with Jesus about Christ Jesus? Sharing with non-believers
where we go to Church and posting scripture on Facebook,
doesn’t count. What I am talking about is having a face to face
conversation with non-believers about Jesus by walking through the gospel.
Some cannot say they have ever shared the gospel with a nonbeliever before.
These are some of the heart felt questions I have been
dealing with in the past few weeks. Are we as Christians
not supposed to be bold and courageous to communicate
the love of God to all people? Romans 10:17 says, “So
faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of
Christ.” How are people going to hear if you and I are not
sharing the gospel? How have we become so comfortable?
Am I the same person on Sunday morning as I am on
Wednesday morning? Matthew 28:19-20 says, “Go
therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you; and
lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.” What if Tates Creek
persued with a greater passion and desire for the great commission?
I know sharing the gospel can be difficult, and
talking to someone about Jesus is so contrary to
our culture today. But isn’t sharing the gospel what
Christians are called to do? There is so much more
to Jesus’ claim “follow Me” than we can imagine. It
is a total surrender, which is giving everything you
have to God and trusting fully in Him. Church, let us step out of our own
comfort, be bold for the salvation of other individuals, and be the disciples
God is calling us to be. So today, tell someone about Jesus.
		Today, be bold!		 ~ Conor Doyle
						Preaching Intern
Lexington, KY 40502
Devotional Thought Week 2
PILLAR OF TRUTH ~ I Timothy 3:15
When you think about the Church, what do you picture in
your mind? More importantly, when you read about the first
century church in the Bible, does today’s church model the same
characteristics of the Church that Jesus Christ gave His life for?
The early church was willing to risk everything to spread the gospel
message to an unfriendly and hostile world. They sacrificed of themselves for
the good of others. They were so bold in their faith in Jesus Christ and in their
love for others that the scriptures say they “enjoyed the favor of all the people.
And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” In
other words, people took notice of the church, they liked what they saw, and
they wanted to be a part of God’s family.
Recently, our class concluded a lesson series on the Church entitled, “I See a
Church”. The lessons addressed the characteristics of the early church. The first
lesson reminded us that the church was created for God’s people to be together
for support and encouragement, and we have been placed in our church for a
reason. (Ephesians 2:19-22). Secondly, the church is a place where we should
experience the power and presence of God. Acts 2:43 says that “Everyone
was filled with awe...” Do we stand in awe in God’s presence and marvel as He
demonstrates His power?
Next, we learned that the Church must grow smaller as we grow larger. The
church is commanded to grow but in growing larger, we must connect with
people in a way that they feel welcomed, wanted and that they belong. Do you
eagerly welcome new people into your hearts and fellowship?
The last three points of the lesson series deal with our attitude as a church.
The church must be built on the sacrifices of many not just the gifts of a few.
The church must care as much about those who will be as those who already
are. And lastly, the church must honor the past but be willing to risk it all
for the future. Are we a self-centered church or a selfless church? Are we
willing to set aside our personal preferences in order to reach out to others that
desperately need the Lord? Are we willing to get out of our comfort zones and
take bold chances in order to demonstrate Christ’s sacrificial love for those who
don’t know him? We are the Church of Jesus Christ, not the church of Danny
Branham or Tommy Simpson or (insert your name) and when the church acts
like the Church, then we are truly the Pillar and Foundation of Truth!
				~ Danny Branham
				 Servants for Christ Class Teacher
THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO ~ II Timothy 3:16-17
The Apostle Paul wrote Timothy with this assurance, “All
Scripture is God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV) or as the (KJV)
declares, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God”. Paul was
stating that all Scripture is absolutely truthful, complete, and with
a purpose.
Scripture dictates our moral as well as our spiritual behavior. We are guided
by “The Truth.” Without proper Spiritual guidance we would allow personal
behavior and opinions to influence our standard of living.
The written Word of God is complete and timely for all generations and never
outdated. The writer of Hebrews 7:25 words it this way: “Therefore He (Jesus)
is able to save those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to
intercede for them.”
In addition to salvation, the written Word of God adds another purpose.
Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in
righteousness. Someone once said that learning is “a continuous process
whereby an individual changes their behavior pattern.” And teaching is aiding
this process along. Whether we are instructed from the pulpit, in a classroom or
at home we never outgrow the need to obtain righteousness. Regardless of years
of experience or age sometimes we fail and need Spiritual growth and strength.
Paul points out the need for rebuking and correcting. Many times this involves
self-disciplining. However, there are times when rebuking and correcting must
be administered by someone else, but with a very compassionate and gentle
approach. I am reminded of a poem written by John Clifford.
The Anvil of God’s Word
Last eve I paused beside the blacksmith’s door,
And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime;
Then looking in, I saw upon the floor,
Old hammers, worn with beating year of time.
‘How many anvils have you had’, said I,
‘To wear and batter all these hammers so?’
‘Just one’, said he, and then with twinkling eye,
‘The anvil wears the hammers out, you know.’
And so, I thought, the Anvil of God’s Word
For ages skeptic blows have beat upon;
Yet, though the noise of falling blows was heard,
The Anvil is unharmed, the hammers gone.
	 			 		~ Jerry Brooking
	 					Former Elder
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Devotional thought Week 3
As a UK medical school neuroscience professor, my work
involves teaching medical and graduate students about how
the nervous system functions and what happens when it
becomes diseased or injured. It is obviously essential that I
am dedicated to presenting information in my lectures that
is as accurate, up to date, and as truthful as I can make it. In
addition, much of my time is spent directing laboratory research which is
focused on the discovery of drug treatments that, when administered to
patients after a traumatic brain or spinal cord injury, will act to preserve the
damaged, but initially surviving, nervous
tissue from undergoing degeneration. The
more nerve cells and brain circuits that are
saved during the first hours determines how
much neurological functional recovery will
take place. In my published research papers
and oral presentations it is critical that I
remain dedicated to conveying the truth
concerning my findings, whether positive
or negative. Indeed, during the training of my graduate students who will
carry on the efforts of my generation, one of my repeated instructions to
them is that they never compromise their integrity; that they are always
honest about the details of their experiments and results. However,
sometimes the results of our experiments are confusing making our ability
to decide whether or not the drug works in protecting injured nervous
tissue uncertain, requiring us to do additional studies before giving up.
As a Christian, in sharp contrast to my sometimes uncertain research
results, I am comforted that in the most important area of my life, I can
place my full certainty in what Jesus, my Lord and Savior, has presented
to me in John 14:6 – “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to
the Father except through me.” In other words, the only path to salvation
and eternal life is through my belief that Jesus is who He says He is. His
declaration is as unchangeably true and faithful as it was 2000 years ago.
Jesus was and will always remain the Person of Truth.
				~ Ed Hall
Lexington, KY 40502
Devotional thought Week 4
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
“One Church - One Body”
Sunday morning, September 13
Combined Sunday School ~ 9 am
Combined Service ~ 10:15 am
All ages above 3 will be included in worship (and kids will have a special
handout page to go along with the service). Please plan on helping by
participating in special alternatives to parking for the day: shuttle to our
regular off campus parking area, drive one car per family, and special
pick-up and drop-off routes for those living close to the campus.
Sunday evening, September 13
Special afternoon and evening activities are
planned for outside on the grounds:
s 4:30 picnic games for kids of all ages
s 5:30 meal
s 6:15 concert by Guitarist Keith Cooper.
Sunday morning, September 13
Combined Sunday School ~ 9 am
Combined Service ~ 10:15 am
All ages above 3 will be included in worship (and kids will have a special
handout page to go along with the service). Please plan on helping by
participating in special alternatives to parking for the day: shuttle to our
regular off campus parking area, drive one car per family, and special
pick-up and drop-off routes for those living close to the campus.
Sunday evening, September 13
Special afternoon and evening activities are
planned for outside on the grounds:
s 4:30 picnic games for kids of all ages
s 5:30 meal
s 6:15 concert by Guitarist Keith Cooper.
Come “check out” the wide assortment of books and movies that we offer
encompassing a wide range of interests. We offer Christian novels, books
for Children and Youth, along with books on Christian Living, Prayer, Men’s
& Women’s Interests, Parenting, Marriage, Health, Grief, and other subjects.
You will also find on our shelves many Inspirational Resources, Bible Studies,
Devotionals, Leadership Resources, Magazines, Movie DVD’s, VHS videos,
Audio tapes, and Christian Music CDs.
To check out the materials from the library, just sign the card in the back of the
book and put it in the box on the desk. If there is no card, you may still borrow
the resource, but be sure to return in a timely manner.
The library is currently accepting history, crafting, seasonal, and home
schooling resources. We also would love to have donations of Christian &
Family DVD movies! Please note, that we are no longer accepting VHS
video or audio tapes. While we have tried to meet the needs of our church
congregation, the library is open for suggestions on other resource topics.
You may contact Pam Morgan at
with your suggestions. We are located just off the first floor
foyer in Room 116, right next to the “We Care” store.
Come Visit the Church Library!!
Lexington, KY 40502
Fall Oasis
September 16 - November 18
“The Amazing Collection” The Minor Prophets, Hosea - Micah
Women’s Study Led by Phyllis Eversole
Beginning with the book of Hosea then continuing through to the book of
Micah, this study will help participants discover the overview, key players,
and timeless principles of each book. There is a suggested donation of $10
for the workbook. If you have any questions, please see or email Phyllis
Eversole at
“Hands and Feet Ministry” Matthew 25:35-40
Led by Danny Branham
What does it mean to be the hands and feet of Jesus? Each week,
participants will invest themselves in a choice of community outreach
ministries demonstrating their love for God by pouring themselves into the
lives of others. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
“His Needs, Her Needs” Marriage Class
Led by Charlie and Yvonne Byers
In this video series Willard F. Harley, Jr. and his wife, Joyce, explain the
important concept of the Love Bank, and teach couples to meet each other’s
emotional needs for affection, intimate conversation, companionship,
family commitment, physical attractiveness, honesty and openness, and
“33 The Series: A Man and His Design”
Men’s Study Led by Tommy Simpson and Conor Doyle
This study is designed to inspire and equip men to pursue authentic
manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ in His 33 years on earth.  It explores the
basic foundations of authentic manhood and God’s clear design for men.
Topics this fall will be “A man and his traps” and “A man and his work.”
Class Registration
Register online at,
follow the link on our website at, or
mark the class of your choice on a Communication Card.
Be sure to register early so materials are available!
Sunday School
Average Attendance
July 2015
Infants	6
Walkers	 6
2 - 5 Year Old	 13
Elementary	 41
Middle & High School	 49
Christians in Action	 24
Crusaders	54
Early Bird 8:30 am	 4
Faith	14
Fellowship of Believers	 13
Generations of Faith	 27
Good News	 21
Grace & Truth	 67
Grass Roots	 16
Heaven Bound	 13
In The Word	 17
Open Bible	 56
Reach	 16
Seekers	 10
Servants for Christ	 22
Upper Room	 11
Willing Workers	 30
Young Adult Class	 11
Ashland Terrace	 6
Miscellaneous	 5
Officers	 2
Total	 579
July Worship
Attendance & Giving
		Total	 	 General Fund	
5th	 649	 $37,710.
12th	 670	 $26,863.
19th	 718	 $27,448.
26th	 684	 $21,100.
Mortgage Balance, July 31	 $878,964.
Monthly Payment (August 1)	 $42,888.
Principal	 $10,413.
Interest	 $2,474.
Add’l Principal	 $30,000.
To give online anytime or
setup a recurring online gift,
visit our website at www. and click on
% of Dollars Given Online
General Fund Report
2015 Budgeted Need per week	 $31,440.
2015 Average per week	 $29,499.
July Total Income	 $113,121.
July Total Expenses	 $100,248.
Moved to Savings	 $10,129.
Net Excess	 $2,743.
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Funds Totals for July
Deacons’ Fund 	 $2,565.
“What If...” 	 $21,201.
Victory for Life	 $807.
Lexington, KY 40502
New Members
Jake Stokesbary
Baptized July 24
Drew Bolt
Baptized August 9
Stephanie Schenk
Transferred August 2
Catherine & John Estes
Transferred August 2
Jim & Tonya Jenkins
Transferred August 9
Bob & Elizabeth
Transfer July 19
picture not available
TatesCreekChristianChurch	Office:(859)266-1621
Calendar ~ September 2015
3	 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, 107
3	 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm
5 & 19 	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102
6	 Monthly Ministry meetings
7	 Youth trip, Kings Island, 7:30 am
7	 Labor Day, Office Closed
8	 Elders’ Meeting, 6 pm, 200D
8	 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm
9	 Worship Choir Fall Kickoff,
	 5:30 pm, FH
12	 Liz Curtis Higgs Women’s event,
	 10 am, WC
13	 “One Church - One Body”
	 Activities, see page 20
14	 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Catalyst CC
14	 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104
14	 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, 107
16	 Oasis Begins
16	 Prayer Meeting, 7:30 pm, 200AB
17	 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH
18	 Worship Choir Retreat, 6 pm, FH
27	 Canada Trip, leave at 8 am
Weekly Activities
We Care Store for Members,
	 open at 9:35 am & 10:50 am
Rejoicing Ringers rehearsal, 4:30 pm
Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC
Adult Small Groups, various times 		
	 and locations
Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC
We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm
Pit Crew, 3 pm, Uptown
Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH
Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200AB
Worship Team, 5:45 pm, WC
Oasis Classes, 6:30 pm
Worship Choir, 6:30 pm, WC
We Care Store, 1:30 pm

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Tates Creek Christian Church Current September 2015

  • 2. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2 Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 Visit Online Worship Sunday Traditional - 8:30 am Blended - 9:50 am The Vine - 11:10 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am Evening - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm Staff Tommy Simpson Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop Conor Doyle Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes Vicki Wesley Contents Feature Article 10-11 “Love Wins Because The Bible Tells Me So” In Every Issue 3-9 Minister Articles 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 14 Intern Article 16-19 Devotional thoughts each week 22 July Statistics 23 New Members 24 Calendar Ministry News 11 We Care Store report 15 Missions Moment 20 Church Library Events 13 Liz Curtis Higgs, Women’s Event 20 “One Church One Body,” featuring Keith Cooper, Guitarist 21 Fall Oasis Mission Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).
  • 3. Growing up in church, one of the first childhood songs I remember learning was “The B I B L E.” I remember those words well. “The B I B L E yes that’s the book for me. I stand alone on the Word of God ~ the B I B L E.” Little did I know at the time how crucial that truth would always be. We stand alone on the Word of God because the BIBLE is truth. In Jesus’ prayer in John 17, Jesus said, “Your Word is Truth.” In John 10:35 Jesus said, “The Scripture cannot be broken.” The Bible is truth, represents truth, contains truth, and proclaims truth. This is the reason we declare the Bible is inerrant. The Bible does not contain errors, lies, or fallacies. It is infallible. What is sad is that the society we live in does not respect the Bible as the Word of God. We hear statements like, “The Bible is outdated, it is antiquated, or it does not pertain to today.” Today, our society looks to their own feelings, their own thinking, or to what other people think or feel as the standard for truth or making decisions. When I was growing up and my parents told me to do something, if for some unexplained reason I might ask the question, “Why?” they would respond simply and sternly, “Because I said so.” And that was enough. Hopefully, as Christians, that is our attitude of respect and reverence for the message of the Bible today, “The Bible says so.” Starting Sunday, September 13, we will launch a sermon series entitled, “We Hold These Truths.” Throughout this sermon series, we are going to take a look at what the Bible says about certain topics like marriage, divorce, homosexuality, abortion, racism, sin, grace, Jesus, and baptism. In I Timothy 3:15, Paul says the church is the “pillar and support of the truth.” Taking a stand for the truth is very important. As the Lord’s Church, we must stand for the truth. Just as important as standing for the truth is the way in which we communicate the truth. We want to communicate the truth of God’s Word with grace and love. I am asking you to be praying for this sermon series. Pray for clarity and effectiveness in communicating God’s truth from His Word! Someone has said that if we do not take a stand for something that we will fall for anything. We must take a courageous stand for the truth in God’s Word. Let’s do that together! His Truth is Marching On! ~Tommy Tidbits from Tommy 3 Lexington, KY 40502
  • 4. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4 Senior Adults The story is told of a woman who had a pet squirrel. She enjoyed watching the little squirrel eat the peanuts, pecans, and other kinds of nuts she would set out for it each morning. Each morning she would watch the squirrel deftly, yet laboriously separate the outer shell from the inner meat. Once the nuts had been opened and the prize within had been eaten the squirrel would go merrily on its way leaving the husks scattered on the back porch. After a few weeks of enjoying the squirrel but having to clean up the mess, the woman came up with an idea. If she put out nuts that had already been shelled she would do the squirrel the favor of not having to work so hard at getting the food. She would also do herself a favor by not having a mess to clean up each time. Well a strange thing happened when she did that. The little squirrel slowly got sick and eventually died. You see, God designed the squirrel with the need to break open the shell of these nuts. They kept the squirrel’s teeth in shape. I think there is a good lesson in this for us. David said, “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11) The Apostle Paul also told Timothy to “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) The lesson of the squirrel and the teaching of the scripture both tell us that we can in no way be healthy Christians if we neglect putting the time, effort, and work into knowing the Word of God. We see the devastating effect this has had on our culture, which by any reasonable measure is quite sick. What is most concerning, however, is the attitude of many who call themselves Christians yet subscribe to many of the attitudes of the world. This is often directly related to their lack of interest and concern for what the Word of God says. What we all need to remember is what Jesus said in Matthew 24. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word will never pass away.” Our interest and commitment to the Word of God WILL have an effect on our spiritual health, so an important question we should all ask ourselves is “How am I feeling today? ~Bro. Kim
  • 5. Have you ever thought about how much doctrine you learned as a young child by the songs you sang with other children? I think many times, we don’t think of theology when we think of children’s songs. But, as I think back on some of those songs, I did learn a lot that I have carried with me to sustain me in my later adult years. Because the melodies were so easy to sing, it also made the words easy to remember. In fact, as an adult, I am amazed at how many songs and hymns I can still sing remembering the words to most of the stanzas. There is one song we all remember as probably the very first song we sang at home or in Sunday School. In fact, this song is still in most adult hymnals. And, I find that adults still enjoy singing this song. The song: Jesus Loves Me. And it is full of doctrine! Let’s take a look at the words: Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so: Little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is strong. Wow! In that first stanza, we see the Truth in God’s Word. He loves us! That is the theme of all Scripture. He loves us! We are weak and need to submit to His authority as spelled out in the Word. Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven’s gate to open wide, He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in. After another reminder that we are loved, the next stanza shows us that the Gate of Heaven is open wide to all who have had their sins washed away with the blood of Christ. All are welcome in God’s Kingdom. Jesus loves me! He will stay close beside me all the way; He’s prepared a home for me, and some day His face I’ll see. In this final stanza we are reminded of God’s presence in our lives and that we will one day see His Face in the place He has promised for us. Now I ask you, isn’t there a lot of Truth and doctrine in this simple song? I believe that there is, without a lot of difficult language to interpret and with a melody that stays with you for life. Now, before you put this magazine down, why not sing through the entire song and thank God for the words by Anna B. Warner and the music by William B. Bradbury that have brought us these simple truths that last a lifetime! ~ Don 5 Lexington, KY 40502 Don’s Dynamics
  • 6. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6 “Today not only in philosophy but in politics, government, and individual morality, our generation sees solutions in terms of synthesis and not absolutes. When this happens, truth, as people have always thought of truth, has died.” ~ Francis Schaeffer A lot of people say there is no such thing as absolute truth. They say that all truth is relative. The interesting thing is that both of those statements are absolutes. I believe that absolute truth is found in God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Bible. There are things that we can discover as true outside of the Bible, but these things are still truths that God set in motion at the creation of the world. You see, the funny thing about truth is…its true… whether you believe it or not. The main source for the revelation of truth is God’s Holy Word, written for us in the Bible. The topic of the Bible as a source for truth has been widely debated over many, many years. But over any other historical document, the Bible has proven over and over that it is historically accurate. The Bible is supported by countless archaeological findings and other historical records. The Bible provides many scientific facts that science didn’t affirm until much after it was recorded. The Bible has also faced unrelenting scrutiny as a source for truth and has stood the test of time. The Bible has been the single most influential literary piece in history. The perfect moral code that Jesus sets before us in the gospel has been the inspiration for many of our laws even today. There is nothing that has shaped culture the way the Bible has. When all these things are considered, it is easy to see that the Bible is the best source for truth, especially moral truth. When we live the way that Jesus outlines for us in scripture, our lives are free. There is peace in the truth of God. “The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.” Psalm 119:160 In His Service, ~Mike College Ministry
  • 7. Lexington, KY 40502 7 Student Ministry Hearing what the Bible is saying One of the most significant challenges for a youth minister is keeping up with the new ways that words are used among students. This doesn’t just apply to slang, but it even extends to “normal” words that are used in different contexts by students. For example, what do you think of when you read the word “phone”? Chances are it is different from the way that a teenager today thinks of a phone. There is a whole generation of people growing up today who have never seen a landline phone! If this is true with teenagers, then it is even more true in reading the Bible, a book that was written over various cultures a long time ago in a place far away from us. When we want to think the right things “because the Bible tells me so” we have to make sure we are actually listening to what the Bible is saying and not importing our received understanding. But with a book that was written in three foreign languages, how can we hope to bridge that gap? We bridge it the same way we learn about how young people think and speak, by listening to them! “...His delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:2 (NASB) Psalm 1 envisions a disciple who continually reads and re-reads Scripture in order to listen to it more clearly. “Meditate” in this verse would imagine a student of the Hebrew scriptures repeating a verse over and over in order to listen to the details of the verse and let it sink into the heart. Our first impulse in reading the Bible should be to listen rather than jump to conclusions or applications. It is a delight to let the word master us rather than the other way around! If we aren’t reading the Bible to let it change how we think and how we act, then we aren’t letting it “tell” us anything. Let’s lift Him up together! ~ Brad
  • 8. When I was a child I had a really neat, full-color, picture Bible. I carried it to school with me on occassion, always had it with me at church, and used it often to preach from. In fact, when I was very small my dad built a pulpit for me and a pew for my sister. During his sermon, I would lean on my dad’s words and take very detailed notes. When we returned home after church and lunch, my sister and I would play church. From my early ages I learned the truth came from the Bible. I was never taught that the world was pure evil and I needed to live in a bubble to be protected. The more time I spent in the world growing up the more I learned how much truth is in God’s words. I learned songs like Jesus Loves Me, The B I B L E, Jesus Loves the Little Children, and Amazing Grace. I learned verses like John 3:16-17. In fact, I learned that my life and direction was dependent on God’s Word. When I grew up though I made new friends. My world view grew in an enormous way. I took classes about world religions and learned that other people around the world base their truth in other books. As I shared respectful and sometimes heated discussions with some of these people (including family and friends) it became even more clear to me how TRUE God’s Word is. In the midst of all of this though, I started some bad habits. It started one day when I just tossed my Bible at my friend as a game. I was quickly corrected for this and told that the Bible isn’t a pillow to be tossed around. As the bad habit wasn’t corrected, I found myself relying on my own knowledge of God’s Word in debates instead of quoting chapters and verses. I started to use a phrase that I had probably heard from others more times than the words, “I love you.” I started to say the phrase, “The Bible says…” Then, I studied the temptation of Jesus. I noticed that three times Jesus’ defense to the devil’s attacks were from scripture. I wondered to myself, “when the devil attacks me personally do I depend on my own knowledge and strength to defend, or are the scriptures my defense.” What does the Bible really say? This next school year in Uptown we are going to find out as we suit up for battle and learn how to protect, defend, and fight against the devil’s attacks. We are going to put on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD! To get us started on this challenge, consider these words from Jesus… Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ’Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40 ~ Matt Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 8 Childrens Ministry
  • 9. 9 Lexington, KY 40502 Preschool Ministry Critterland News Every week when we do our teaching during ‘Jesus in the Park’ we start our lesson time by holding up our Children’s Bible. “What is this?” We ask the children. “Bible!” They shout back enthusiastically. “Whose stories are in here?” We ask. “God’s!” (Jesus is thrown out with fervor as well). Lastly, “What are God’s stories?” “True!!” We then go on to talk to the children about the different people who have listened to God in these stories, and those who haven’t. What happened to them, both good and bad. We teach this because we have these stories, we know that Jesus loves us, and that wherever we go we are protected by His love. I know, as adults, we learn more from the words in the Bible than just the “simple” stories. We can read between the lines to figure out what the main point might be, and we understand the parables that Jesus spoke. But we as adults forget the main point. All of the words are true. We are to follow them and use them as our guide (2 Timothy 3:16). We are to obey the words given to us. We are living in a world right now that is making up right and wrong as it goes, and we must hold fast to those words that we know are true. God is the Father, and the way to the Father is through the Son (John 14:6). ~ Lesley
  • 10. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10 Love is not a ruling by the US Supreme court. Love is not a government fine to mitigate tort. Love wins because the Bible tells me so. Love does not win when truth is decried. Love does not win when sin is denied. Love wins because the Bible tells me so. Love wins because on a cross Christ Jesus died. Love wins because death’s victory was denied. Love wins because the Bible tells me so. Love is not found on bumperstickers, billboards or Facebook posts. Love is found only in the zeal of YHWH, the Lord of Hosts. Love wins because the Bible tells me so. Love was given 2,000 years ago to save us. Love was given to transform, and not enable, us. Love wins because the Bible tells me so. Love knows no sin it cannot heal. Love gave His life to make it real. Love wins because the Bible tells me so. I write this post, humbled by my own sin. I am thankful God loved me so much that Jesus died on the cross so save me from myself. Daily I seek to lay aside my own desires and ask God’s Spirit to train my heart so it beats in unison with His. I would not even know how to love except God first loved me. I write this post with hope for all my brothers and sisters who struggle to keep our Faith. As the world presses in, compromise is easy when we forget our own deep need for salvation. I write with hope knowing it is never too late to turn back from the World and run to open arms of our Father. Do you regret where your decisions have taken you? Don’t give in to the voices of fear because God promises to deal gently with everyone of His kids who are distressed and alienated from His love (Hebrews 5:2). I write this post knowing that we, the Church, need more than cake. We need solid food to help us discern right from wrong, and assist us in doing good deeds that bring glory to God’s name (Hebrews 5:14; 6:1). God’s love is not an excuse to accept the sin that holds us back, but a salve to heal our wounds and help us love like Him (Romans 6:1-3). Sadly, the Church has at times forgotten this simple truth. • Forgive me Father that in your name I have hurt others. • Forgive me that instead of grace, I have offered condemnation. Love Wins Because The Bible Tells Me So
  • 11. Lexington, KY 40502 11 Love Wins Because . . . continued • Forgive me Father that I have allowed the culture to tell me hate was okay. • Forgive me Father that I have used my words to alienate the very people you died to heal. Thank you Father that while I was still lost in sin, you loved me enough to send your son Jesus to die on the cross, to raise Him from the dead, and adopt me into your Family by the power of the Holy Spirit (1 John 1:9). • Will you repent? • Will you trust? • Will you let God’s love win your heart? Thank you God that, in Christ alone, love wins. ~ J.R. Miller Dr. Joe Miller (aka JR) is a Professor of Applied Theology and Leadership & Dean of Online Learning at Southern California Seminary. In addition, he is a church planter and coach for other young leaders. Dr. Miller has a diverse educational background and authored multiple books on church history, biblical theology, and Leadership. Joe and his wife Suzanne enjoy the sun and surf with their 3 sons in San Diego, CA. We Care Ministry report On July 7 a Spirit-led ministry was implemented called the We Care Store. The vision of this ministry is helping people with their basic need - food. The We Care Store starts at the food need level with the goal of moving people into Victory for Life on Tuesday evenings and even into the church body at TCCC. This church-wide ministry was started with We Care Sunday on May 17. A great outpouring of food items was given to stock the shelves of the We Care Store. Special monetary donations were also given. The last Sunday of each month is designated as We Care Sunday for additional giving of monetary and food items to continue to serve people in need. Over 50 people volunteered to serve under the leadership of Sharon Johnson in staffing the We Care Store to meet and greet people. From July 7 to July 30, 242 people have been blessed and the total value of food given through the We Care Store has been $3,086. The second vision is that people will move from the food need to a desire to develop a plan for victory in life. This is also occurring as 11 adults and 4 children have been a part of Victory for Life on Tuesday evenings. The goal for VFL is to help each indivdual develop a partnership with the Holy Spirit in becoming a person of love, joy, peace, and self-control. Thank you, Father, for the vision, ministry servants, and the people to serve in the We Care Store.
  • 12. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12 Psalm 119:129-131 “Your statutes are wonderful; therefore I obey them. The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. I open my mouth and pant, longing for your commands.” When I first learned about prayer, that lesson came from a 7th grade classmate’s gift of a plastic box labeled “Daily Bread”. This little box contained individual cards with a scripture on each one, front and back. Some of the cards had verses from the Book of Psalms. I realized that so many emotions were expressed in this book and that reading them out loud became my prayers. Being able to release those emotions to God helped me to be comfortable with praying. As I have grown in my Christian walk, I have learned that prayer is a two-way conversation. I need to listen as well as speak to God. The problem I faced was personalizing the Scriptures. Daily readings seemed like stories or sermons given to the Jews and early Christians, not me. Things began to fall into place when I started reading Proverbs. I felt as if God was instructing me about his ways that would honor him. I finally began to feel the full experience of prayer. That experience has encouraged me to “pray without ceasing”. As of now, prayer has become the foundation of my faith. As a tree needs deep roots to survive storms, my faith needs these deep roots of prayer as its foundation to continue my daily walk with Him. ~ Peggy Crawford PrayerDaily Guided Prayer Topics September 1 Showing love to families 2 Girls in unwanted pregnancies 3 1 Timothy 2:1-4 4 Syversons, New Hope Christian Church 5 School Children 6 Sermon Series 7 Encouragement for Government officials 8 Dealing with addictions 9 Stroke Victims 10 1 Timothy 2:15 11 Alvarados, Jubilee Christian Church 12 Outreach to Community 13 Brad & MS / HS groups 14 New FCPS Superintendent 15 Safety for family members 16 Military and families 17 2 Timothy 3:16-17 18 Williams, Forefront Church 19 Prayer 20 Worship Services 21 Hope Center 22 Widows / Widowers 23 Media 24 John 14:6 25 Fehls, return to Ethiopia 26 Christian Love 27 Greeters, Hosts & Hostesses 28 Church Under the Bridge 29 Students & Parents 30 Homeless The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently.
  • 13. 13 Lexington, KY 40502 Communion Serving Schedule September 6 Elders: Larry Hitchner, George Heaton Deacons: Bill Poor, Charles Byers Ashland Terrace: Craig Martin Home Comm: Lucas Moore, Charlie Byers, Craig Martin Sat Comm Prep: Teresa Pendleton Prep after 1st Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum Clean-up after 1st Srv: Teresa Pendleton Prep after 2nd Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Teresa Pendleton Prayer Room: Ken Baker, Beth Kessler Ushers: D.Ison, S.Stack, D.Smith, G.Coleman September 13 Elders: Ken Sharp, Larry Hitchner Deacons: Harold Butler, Ken Banks Ashland Terrace: Russell Brown Home Comm: Steven Clem, Terry Morrison, David Martin Sat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda Johnson Prep after 1st Srv: Teresa Pendleton Clean-up after 1st Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum Prep after 2nd Srv: Teresa Pendleton Clean-up after 2nd Srv:Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum Prayer Room: Judy Clark, Carolyn Ball Ushers: B.Johnson, J.White, B.Burke, D.Feltner September 20 Elders: Mike Mirre, Ken Sharp Deacons: Ed Hall, Chris Lee Ashland Terrace: Lucas Moore Home Comm: Chris Lee, Harold Butler Sat Comm Prep: Marvis/Pam White Prep after 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode Clean-up after 1st Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler Prep after 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma Goode Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler Prayer Room: Janice Moore, Monica Kennedy Ushers: D.Moore, D.Pettry, L.Miller, S.Kearns September 27 Elders: Willie Peal, Mike Mirre Deacons: David Martin, Greg Wheeler Ashland Terrace: Cory Wilson Home Comm: David Straub, Bill Johnson, Russell Brown Sat Comm Prep: Kathy Hicks Prep after 1st Srv: Ray/Christi Albensi Clean-up 1st Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler Prep after 2nd Srv: John Combs Clean-up 2nd Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler Prayer Room: Peggy Crawford, Laura Mullins Ushers:D.Moore, B.Poor, D.Smith, J.Martin Senior Adult Events Adult Bible Study Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am Better With Age Club Thursday, September 17 10:30 am ~ Fellowship Hall Bring side dishes, salad, or dessert to share. Fall Trip to Canada September 27 - October 3 Leaving TCCC at 8 am Liz Curtis Higgs September 12, 2015 10 am - 4 pm Cost is $20 which includes lunch. Please contact Kelly Hayworth at 859-373-9402 for ticket information.
  • 14. Drugs and Substance Abuse Most of us know that drugs such as marijuana and cocaine are immoral. We believe so strongly against such things! But let me ask you this, do you know why it is wrong to do drugs? Can you give legitimate answers to a person asking why you believe drugs are wrong? There are many secular reasons as to why drugs are immoral, however we, as the body of Christ, should be more interested about what God has to say. What does the Bible say about drugs? Here are a few verses to point you in the right direction. Galatians 5:19-20 says, “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissension, factions…” Notice the word “witchcraft” which is used in the NIV. More accurate versions use the word “sorcery”. In the time period in which Galatians was written, this word was used to refer to the misuse of plants. People would use nature as a way to alter their state of mind. Sounds familiar, right? According to Paul, this is “acts of sinful nature.” Philippians 2:3-4 says, “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out to your own interests, but also look to the interests of others.” Both Christians and non-Christians, find physical reasons why drugs are wrong. However, I want to focus more on the spiritual aspect; in the deep root of the heart. When people first encounter drugs, unfortunately this is out of selfish motives. If you have a relationship with Jesus, your interests no longer take priority. Rather the interests of others takes priority, and the interests of God take the upmost priority. These are a few verses giving defense about this matter, and I encourage the Church to educate yourself on what the Bible says on a deeper level about this issue. ~ Conor Doyle Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 14 Conor Doyle - Preaching Intern
  • 15. 15 Lexington, KY 40502 A new generation of “warriors” for God is emerging! In the past several years we have focused our church planting efforts among adults…training leaders to evangelize, disciple and multiply cell groups. But during all that time we have seen a great need among the youth and children. We just kept thinking, “if we can just reach them young enough we can save them from the disastrous life choices made by those who have gone before them.” But some of the “normal” ways of doing youth ministry and children’s ministry didn’t seem to be making the impact we had hoped. So we prayed, and we asked God for HIS help and guidance in this area and to send us someone to focus on this vital ministry. God answered us in a big way! First, he sent us a young man from Argentina (Juan David, 22 years old) who committed to come for a year (but has now committed to come back for a longer term) and help establish a specific ministry among 12-17 year olds that challenges them in the areas of evangelism, discipleship and even church planting. It has been amazing to see the growth in the lives of the youth. We are not just providing a place to “keep them off the streets,” but we are now sending them TO the streets as evangelists. They are discipling and encouraging each other to live in radical commitment to JESUS. As we saw the results among the youth, we were also praying for the children. Our yearly VBS has been a major outreach event in the community. But year after year we saw the same children come and felt like the message (though planted) was not growing in their hearts to make a lasting change in their lives and situations. So we asked Juan David if there was a ministry (similar to the youth ministry) that had major impact in the lives of children. He arranged for another young man from Argentina (Nehemias, 18 years old!) to come for the summer to help us radically change our VBS and our children’s ministry. The impact, thus far, has been amazing! Thank you for your prayers and partnership in the ministry! Blessings, ~ Greg & Vicki Syverson Missions Moment
  • 16. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 16 Devotional Thought Week 1 TOUGH LOVE Let me get straight to the point. When is the last time you and I have talked to someone who doesn’t have a relationship with Jesus about Christ Jesus? Sharing with non-believers where we go to Church and posting scripture on Facebook, doesn’t count. What I am talking about is having a face to face conversation with non-believers about Jesus by walking through the gospel. Some cannot say they have ever shared the gospel with a nonbeliever before. These are some of the heart felt questions I have been dealing with in the past few weeks. Are we as Christians not supposed to be bold and courageous to communicate the love of God to all people? Romans 10:17 says, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” How are people going to hear if you and I are not sharing the gospel? How have we become so comfortable? Am I the same person on Sunday morning as I am on Wednesday morning? Matthew 28:19-20 says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.” What if Tates Creek persued with a greater passion and desire for the great commission? I know sharing the gospel can be difficult, and talking to someone about Jesus is so contrary to our culture today. But isn’t sharing the gospel what Christians are called to do? There is so much more to Jesus’ claim “follow Me” than we can imagine. It is a total surrender, which is giving everything you have to God and trusting fully in Him. Church, let us step out of our own comfort, be bold for the salvation of other individuals, and be the disciples God is calling us to be. So today, tell someone about Jesus. Today, be bold! ~ Conor Doyle Preaching Intern
  • 17. 17 Lexington, KY 40502 Devotional Thought Week 2 PILLAR OF TRUTH ~ I Timothy 3:15 When you think about the Church, what do you picture in your mind? More importantly, when you read about the first century church in the Bible, does today’s church model the same characteristics of the Church that Jesus Christ gave His life for? The early church was willing to risk everything to spread the gospel message to an unfriendly and hostile world. They sacrificed of themselves for the good of others. They were so bold in their faith in Jesus Christ and in their love for others that the scriptures say they “enjoyed the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” In other words, people took notice of the church, they liked what they saw, and they wanted to be a part of God’s family. Recently, our class concluded a lesson series on the Church entitled, “I See a Church”. The lessons addressed the characteristics of the early church. The first lesson reminded us that the church was created for God’s people to be together for support and encouragement, and we have been placed in our church for a reason. (Ephesians 2:19-22). Secondly, the church is a place where we should experience the power and presence of God. Acts 2:43 says that “Everyone was filled with awe...” Do we stand in awe in God’s presence and marvel as He demonstrates His power? Next, we learned that the Church must grow smaller as we grow larger. The church is commanded to grow but in growing larger, we must connect with people in a way that they feel welcomed, wanted and that they belong. Do you eagerly welcome new people into your hearts and fellowship? The last three points of the lesson series deal with our attitude as a church. The church must be built on the sacrifices of many not just the gifts of a few. The church must care as much about those who will be as those who already are. And lastly, the church must honor the past but be willing to risk it all for the future. Are we a self-centered church or a selfless church? Are we willing to set aside our personal preferences in order to reach out to others that desperately need the Lord? Are we willing to get out of our comfort zones and take bold chances in order to demonstrate Christ’s sacrificial love for those who don’t know him? We are the Church of Jesus Christ, not the church of Danny Branham or Tommy Simpson or (insert your name) and when the church acts like the Church, then we are truly the Pillar and Foundation of Truth! ~ Danny Branham Elder Servants for Christ Class Teacher
  • 18. THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO ~ II Timothy 3:16-17 The Apostle Paul wrote Timothy with this assurance, “All Scripture is God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV) or as the (KJV) declares, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God”. Paul was stating that all Scripture is absolutely truthful, complete, and with a purpose. Scripture dictates our moral as well as our spiritual behavior. We are guided by “The Truth.” Without proper Spiritual guidance we would allow personal behavior and opinions to influence our standard of living. The written Word of God is complete and timely for all generations and never outdated. The writer of Hebrews 7:25 words it this way: “Therefore He (Jesus) is able to save those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.” In addition to salvation, the written Word of God adds another purpose. Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Someone once said that learning is “a continuous process whereby an individual changes their behavior pattern.” And teaching is aiding this process along. Whether we are instructed from the pulpit, in a classroom or at home we never outgrow the need to obtain righteousness. Regardless of years of experience or age sometimes we fail and need Spiritual growth and strength. Paul points out the need for rebuking and correcting. Many times this involves self-disciplining. However, there are times when rebuking and correcting must be administered by someone else, but with a very compassionate and gentle approach. I am reminded of a poem written by John Clifford. The Anvil of God’s Word Last eve I paused beside the blacksmith’s door, And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime; Then looking in, I saw upon the floor, Old hammers, worn with beating year of time. ‘How many anvils have you had’, said I, ‘To wear and batter all these hammers so?’ ‘Just one’, said he, and then with twinkling eye, ‘The anvil wears the hammers out, you know.’ And so, I thought, the Anvil of God’s Word For ages skeptic blows have beat upon; Yet, though the noise of falling blows was heard, The Anvil is unharmed, the hammers gone. ~ Jerry Brooking Former Elder Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18 Devotional thought Week 3
  • 19. PERSON OF TRUTH ~ John 14:6 As a UK medical school neuroscience professor, my work involves teaching medical and graduate students about how the nervous system functions and what happens when it becomes diseased or injured. It is obviously essential that I am dedicated to presenting information in my lectures that is as accurate, up to date, and as truthful as I can make it. In addition, much of my time is spent directing laboratory research which is focused on the discovery of drug treatments that, when administered to patients after a traumatic brain or spinal cord injury, will act to preserve the damaged, but initially surviving, nervous tissue from undergoing degeneration. The more nerve cells and brain circuits that are saved during the first hours determines how much neurological functional recovery will take place. In my published research papers and oral presentations it is critical that I remain dedicated to conveying the truth concerning my findings, whether positive or negative. Indeed, during the training of my graduate students who will carry on the efforts of my generation, one of my repeated instructions to them is that they never compromise their integrity; that they are always honest about the details of their experiments and results. However, sometimes the results of our experiments are confusing making our ability to decide whether or not the drug works in protecting injured nervous tissue uncertain, requiring us to do additional studies before giving up. As a Christian, in sharp contrast to my sometimes uncertain research results, I am comforted that in the most important area of my life, I can place my full certainty in what Jesus, my Lord and Savior, has presented to me in John 14:6 – “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In other words, the only path to salvation and eternal life is through my belief that Jesus is who He says He is. His declaration is as unchangeably true and faithful as it was 2000 years ago. Jesus was and will always remain the Person of Truth. ~ Ed Hall Deacon 19 Lexington, KY 40502 Devotional thought Week 4
  • 20. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 20 “One Church - One Body” Sunday morning, September 13 Combined Sunday School ~ 9 am Combined Service ~ 10:15 am All ages above 3 will be included in worship (and kids will have a special handout page to go along with the service). Please plan on helping by participating in special alternatives to parking for the day: shuttle to our regular off campus parking area, drive one car per family, and special pick-up and drop-off routes for those living close to the campus. Sunday evening, September 13 Special afternoon and evening activities are planned for outside on the grounds: s 4:30 picnic games for kids of all ages s 5:30 meal s 6:15 concert by Guitarist Keith Cooper. Sunday morning, September 13 Combined Sunday School ~ 9 am Combined Service ~ 10:15 am All ages above 3 will be included in worship (and kids will have a special handout page to go along with the service). Please plan on helping by participating in special alternatives to parking for the day: shuttle to our regular off campus parking area, drive one car per family, and special pick-up and drop-off routes for those living close to the campus. Sunday evening, September 13 Special afternoon and evening activities are planned for outside on the grounds: s 4:30 picnic games for kids of all ages s 5:30 meal s 6:15 concert by Guitarist Keith Cooper. Come “check out” the wide assortment of books and movies that we offer encompassing a wide range of interests. We offer Christian novels, books for Children and Youth, along with books on Christian Living, Prayer, Men’s & Women’s Interests, Parenting, Marriage, Health, Grief, and other subjects. You will also find on our shelves many Inspirational Resources, Bible Studies, Devotionals, Leadership Resources, Magazines, Movie DVD’s, VHS videos, Audio tapes, and Christian Music CDs. To check out the materials from the library, just sign the card in the back of the book and put it in the box on the desk. If there is no card, you may still borrow the resource, but be sure to return in a timely manner. The library is currently accepting history, crafting, seasonal, and home schooling resources. We also would love to have donations of Christian & Family DVD movies! Please note, that we are no longer accepting VHS video or audio tapes. While we have tried to meet the needs of our church congregation, the library is open for suggestions on other resource topics. You may contact Pam Morgan at with your suggestions. We are located just off the first floor foyer in Room 116, right next to the “We Care” store. Come Visit the Church Library!!
  • 21. Lexington, KY 40502 Fall Oasis September 16 - November 18 “The Amazing Collection” The Minor Prophets, Hosea - Micah Women’s Study Led by Phyllis Eversole Beginning with the book of Hosea then continuing through to the book of Micah, this study will help participants discover the overview, key players, and timeless principles of each book. There is a suggested donation of $10 for the workbook. If you have any questions, please see or email Phyllis Eversole at “Hands and Feet Ministry” Matthew 25:35-40 Led by Danny Branham What does it mean to be the hands and feet of Jesus? Each week, participants will invest themselves in a choice of community outreach ministries demonstrating their love for God by pouring themselves into the lives of others. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 “His Needs, Her Needs” Marriage Class Led by Charlie and Yvonne Byers In this video series Willard F. Harley, Jr. and his wife, Joyce, explain the important concept of the Love Bank, and teach couples to meet each other’s emotional needs for affection, intimate conversation, companionship, family commitment, physical attractiveness, honesty and openness, and admiration. “33 The Series: A Man and His Design” Men’s Study Led by Tommy Simpson and Conor Doyle This study is designed to inspire and equip men to pursue authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ in His 33 years on earth.  It explores the basic foundations of authentic manhood and God’s clear design for men. Topics this fall will be “A man and his traps” and “A man and his work.” 21 Class Registration Register online at, follow the link on our website at, or mark the class of your choice on a Communication Card. Be sure to register early so materials are available!
  • 22. Sunday School Average Attendance July 2015 Youth Infants 6 Walkers 6 2 - 5 Year Old 13 Elementary 41 Middle & High School 49 Adult Christians in Action 24 Crusaders 54 Early Bird 8:30 am 4 Faith 14 Fellowship of Believers 13 FOCUS 18 Generations of Faith 27 Good News 21 Grace & Truth 67 Grass Roots 16 Heaven Bound 13 In The Word 17 Open Bible 56 Reach 16 Seekers 10 Servants for Christ 22 Upper Room 11 Willing Workers 30 Young Adult Class 11 Ashland Terrace 6 Miscellaneous 5 Officers 2 Total 579 July Worship Attendance & Giving Total General Fund 5th 649 $37,710. 12th 670 $26,863. 19th 718 $27,448. 26th 684 $21,100. Indebtedness Mortgage Balance, July 31 $878,964. Monthly Payment (August 1) $42,888. Principal $10,413. Interest $2,474. Add’l Principal $30,000. To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at www. and click on “Giving”. % of Dollars Given Online 17% General Fund Report 2015 Budgeted Need per week $31,440. 2015 Average per week $29,499. July Total Income $113,121. July Total Expenses $100,248. Moved to Savings $10,129. Net Excess $2,743. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 22 Funds Totals for July Deacons’ Fund $2,565. “What If...” $21,201. Victory for Life $807.
  • 23. 23 Lexington, KY 40502 New Members Jake Stokesbary Baptized July 24 Drew Bolt Baptized August 9 Stephanie Schenk Transferred August 2 Catherine & John Estes Transferred August 2 Jim & Tonya Jenkins Transferred August 9 Bob & Elizabeth Hatter Transfer July 19 picture not available
  • 24. TatesCreekCurrent TatesCreekChristianChurch Office:(859)266-1621 Lexington,KY40502 Calendar ~ September 2015 3 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, 107 3 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm 5 & 19 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102 6 Monthly Ministry meetings 7 Youth trip, Kings Island, 7:30 am 7 Labor Day, Office Closed 8 Elders’ Meeting, 6 pm, 200D 8 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm 9 Worship Choir Fall Kickoff, 5:30 pm, FH 12 Liz Curtis Higgs Women’s event, 10 am, WC 13 “One Church - One Body” Activities, see page 20 14 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Catalyst CC 14 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 14 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, 107 16 Oasis Begins 16 Prayer Meeting, 7:30 pm, 200AB 17 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 18 Worship Choir Retreat, 6 pm, FH 27 Canada Trip, leave at 8 am Weekly Activities Sunday: We Care Store for Members, open at 9:35 am & 10:50 am Rejoicing Ringers rehearsal, 4:30 pm Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC Adult Small Groups, various times and locations Monday: Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC Tuesday: We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm Pit Crew, 3 pm, Uptown Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH Wednesday: Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200AB Worship Team, 5:45 pm, WC Oasis Classes, 6:30 pm Worship Choir, 6:30 pm, WC Thursday: We Care Store, 1:30 pm Volume3No.9 CR-ChoirRoom/FH-FellowshipHall/Fh-FriendshipHall/MMC-MultiMinistryCenter/UP-Uptown/WC-WorshipCenter