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type   1st

   - Things I know about type -

                                  by Prakash Nair
Things I’m going to talk about.

– Theory        Intro to type
                Type personality
– Application   Anatomy
                Choosing a typeface
                Combining typefaces
                Web & Mobile
                Designing Type
                Tools + Resources
I really love your

         Why is this important?
         Some of us have been guilty of focusing on
         decoration and neglecting the details. I’m
         talking about getting back to good, solid
         design principles, like well-formed grids and
         decent measures and incremental leading and
         appropriately paired typefaces.
Web design is 95% typography...
                Oliver Reichenstein
                Information Architect (

                This is because the web is content and content is type. Type
                is an equal player in design. It doesn’t matter about your
                color choices or grid if type becomes an afterthought.

                Companies really do care about quality and precision.
                Bonus points for an Art Director that cares about quality
                and can effectively sell his visual concept.
is what language
looks like.

Most people, including some designers think
typography is about fonts. Typography is more than
that, its expressing language through type choice,
placement, composition.
When used improperly most people might not
notice it, but subconsciously they can feel that
something it wrong. If your type is bad the
design fails.
The right typeface has the power to grab
your audience on an emotional level.
It can have a lot of personality. Think about keywords
during the conceptual/research phase.

Conservative, Strong, Edgy, Exciting, Feminine,
Boring, Informal etc.
And each personality should be in relation to
your content. Typography can create or change
context as well. It can elevate a message.
Dan Mall (Big Spaceship)
He takes mathematical measurements from
typefaces to design interfaces and UI elements.
In this site he designed for Nike, you can see how he
uses the type layout has influenced the navigation.
Aa Aa

          Every typeface has an intended usage. There are two primary
          categories of types; display and text. Display goes for a
          stronger personality, elaborate and more expressive shapes,
          and a more stylish look. Text is designed to be legible at
          smaller sizes. Usually implies fairly clean, consistent,
          uncomplicated design features. For example the typeface
          Chronicle will have Chronicle Regular and Chronicle Display.
Basic Type Classifications

Aa SerifAa Aa
Old Style
Garamond     Baskerville          Bodoni              Clarendon

Aa Sans
                                                5 basic classifications. Important to know as it will help

    Aa Aa
                                                you decide which typeface to choose in any project.

                                                Old Style - Emulated classical calligraphy and movement
                                                of the hand. From 1400s.

_            _                    _             Transitional & Modern - More abstract and less organic.
Humanistic   Transitional         Geometric     Modern - Very high contrast in the strokes.
                                                Humanistic Sans - Characterized by presence of the hand.
Gill Sans    Helvetica            Futura        Similar to Roman. Organic.
                                                Transitional Sans - straight in appearance and less width
                                                than Humanistic Sans. Also called “anonymous sans” due
                                                to its plain appearance.
                                                Geometric Sans - Geometric construction suggesting the
                                                use of a compass.

                                                * Notice these are all the same point size, yet some look
                                                bigger in appearance.
This is a Family

Roman   Italic         Semi-Bold   Bold
This is a Super Family*

Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa
Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa
Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa
                              * But not really.
How to choose
a typeface
How to choose
a typeface
  1   Choose a category

             Choose a type face that you think will match your work.
             What’s the purpose? Is it a Display face or a text face? Whats
             the classification? Old Style, Modern, Slab Serif, Sans Serif,
             Script, Decorative? Serious look? Casual? Decorative?
How to choose
a typeface
  1   Choose a category

  2   Consider the medium

             Where is this being shown? iPad? Web? Print? Are the
             delicate serifs going to break if its too small? Is it going
             to be legible?
How to choose
a typeface
  1   Choose a category

  2   Consider the medium

  3   How much text?

                          Whats more important?
                          Readability or aesthetics?
How to choose
a typeface
  1   Choose a category

  2   Consider the medium

  3   How much text?

  4   Space               How much space is required? Two equally
                          sized fonts can have very different widths.
                          You should never try to fit and squeeze a
                          typeface within the medium. The medium
                          should fit the typeface.
Pairing typefaces
Pairing typefaces

     DON’T mix two typefaces from the same family

I’m               I’m
pretty.           pretty too.
                  There is not enough variation to distinguish the two and
                  its sort of a pointless design decision.
Pairing typefaces

       DON’T mix two typefaces with a strong personality.

I’m Chuck            I’m Van fucking
Norris.              Damme.

                     Or else the visual language starts to get noisy and chaotic.
                     Less is more.
Pairing typefaces

  DO mix two typefaces with similar proportions.

x x                                            x
                I like to give each one a different role. There should be a
                “star of the show” and a hardworking one.
Pairing typefaces

DO mix serif and sans under the same family.

I’m your father.
But, I’m older.

              Check out the families of types containing serif and sans
              under the same name: This is Fedra Sans and Fedra serif.
              The only problem: most of these types are actually rooted
              in a consensus, they are not expressing much. It's cool for
              a bank report or an informative brochure, but might be
              weak for a magazine.
How people read

       Understanding how people read will help you
       in making better decisions when setting type.
       If a typeface is hard to read, the meaning of
       the text will be lost.
Legibility   Can you read it?

             Legibility is “can you read it?”
             Legibility refers to a reader’s ability to easily re-
             cognize letterforms and the word forms built from
             them. We don’t read by recognizing one letter at a
             time, but by recognizing the shapes of whole words
             and phrases.
Readability   Do you want to read it?

              Readability asks “do you want to read it?”
              Readability is about the comfort with which text can
              be understood. Text with good readability must also
              be legible, but more legibility doesn’t make text
I got a dig bick.

 You that read wrong.
                               People skim very quickly from one word to
                               the next. So any kind of hindrance will affect
                               your reading. They don’t want to be blown
                               away from the beautiful typeface. They want
    You read that wrong too.   to connect to the words on an emotional level.
times. Look at me read this super quickly. I never knew I had such sup

                                   We use peripheral vision to decode whats coming up
                                   next. We read ahead about 15 letters at a time, but only
                                   get the meaning of that part of the span. Reading music
                                   is similar to reading text.

                              Uppercase is much harder to read since the letter are all
                              the same height and so we don’t recognize the characters
                              as quickly.
Eevn touhgh the wrosd are srcmaelbd, cahnecs are taht you can
raed tihs praagarph aynawy. The order of the ltteers in each word
is not vrey ipmrotnat. But the frsit and lsat ltteer msut be in the
rhgit psotitoin. The ohter ltetres can be all mxeid up and you can
sitll raed whtiuot a lot of porbelms. This is bceusae radenig is all
aobut atciniptanig the nxet word.

                                    Most of you can read this! Fairly quick. You anticipate
                                    what’s coming up next. The more previous knowledge
                                    you have, the easier it is to interpret.
It will be colder.

       Here I’m covering the upper half of the word.
       What the hell is it?
It will be colder.

       Here the bottom half is covered. But you can read it.
       That’s because most of the information which defines
       a character is contained in the upper half.
k erning
  Kerning is the space in between two characters. Usually,
  the larger the type, the tighter it needs to be kerned.

  Optical kerning is set by the program and metric kerning
  is set by the designer of the typeface. There’s no right
  way. Kerning also needs to be adjusted if you are using
  a shitty typeface.
    Also called letter spacing, tracking is the space between
    the characters. It’s an overall percentage across the
    board, whereas kerning is between two characters.
I read ok but I sure could use a little bit more breathing room.

I read perfect. Boy is it good to achieve perfection, its what dreams are made of.

S h i t I g o t way o u t o f c o n t ro l . I i m m e d i a t e l y re g re t t h i s d e c i s i o n !

                                                    Adjust tracking accordingly to achieve readability.
                                                    Capital letters prefer a little distance from their
                                                    neighbors. Loosely space italics will looked weird since
                                                    italics are meant to be placed closely together.
If I get any bigger I will definitely need more
breathing room. Not only sideways but also above
and below.

                   I’m much much bigger now.
                   Good thing I have more
                   breathing room. I hope its easier
                   for you to understand me know.

                                       Linespacing is also called leading. When the type-size
                                       gets bigger, more leading is needed. Also the wider the
                                       width of the sentence, the more leading is needed.
Another principle to think about is the width of your
copy. Notice the insanely long paragraph width here. I
don’t wanna read this! It's tiring for your eyes to follow
back and forth. Thats one way you develop fatigue.
This is much better. Keep the width of your paragraph
under 10 words (45-75 characters.) For multiple columns,
keep it between 40-50.
                                   arc hy

       Hierarchy is simply the way of organizing elements.
       A typographic hierarchy organizes the content,
       emphasizing some elements and de-emphasizing
       others. Everything on the page cannot be important!
A visual hierarchy helps readers scan a text,
knowing where to enter and exit. It gives your
designs a flow.
I.   Things to Buy       Things to Buy
     a. Avocado            Avocado
     b. Salsa (spicy)      Salsa (spicy)
     c. Milk               Milk
     d. Paper Towels       Paper Towels

                THINGS   Avocado           THINGS TO BUY
                TO BUY   Salsa (spicy)     Avocado
                         Milk              Salsa (spicy)
                         Paper Towels      Milk
                                           Paper Towels

                                           Emphasizing a word or phrase within a body of text usually
                                           requires only one signal. Italic is the standard form of
                                           emphasis. There's also boldface, small caps, or a change
                                           in color. There are endless ways to create emphasis.

So fucking wrong!

    Every design has whitespace (negative space), but
    the problem is that not every design has enough.
    Its a very under-utilized element. For those who
    don’t understand what whitespace is, the following
    slide will give you an idea of what whitespace is.
Let your type breathe. Whitespace is simply the empty
space between and around the elements of a design or
page layout. Whitespace is made of nothing, but shouldn’t
be treated that way. Being generous with your whitespace
will speak volumes about your brand. By using large
amounts of it, you’re saying that your content is far more
important than the screen real estate that it rests on.
Type on mobile

       Reading from a digital screen is about 25%
       slower than from paper so greater care must be
       placed when designing for screen to improve
       reading. Here are some guidelines…
Large x-height

Aa Aa
         The x-height should be at least 2/3 the height of the
         capital letter. The bigger the counters, the more
         legible the characters get.
Ample stroke contrast

Aa Aa
        This means the font should not be too thin or too
        heavy, but somewhere in between. The thin strokes
        will break at lower sizes.
Not too narrow


        These typefaces may look great in print or on the
        web when displayed in large, but they will be hard
        to read when rendered so much smaller on a mobile
        screen. Notice you can barely see the counters as is.
Don’t get fancy

I’ f 

         Decorative fonts tend to break the above three rules

I wanna be different like
everyone else.

         Obvious weight and style difference between
         normal, bold and italic iterations. This creates
         the best contrast.
The 9 Rules
My Nine Rules On Setting Type


Select the face.

                     Select a typeface appropriate for the subject matter
                     and consider the medium.
My Nine Rules On Setting Type

      01             02

Select the face.   Grid it.

                       Create a grid for the page/document.
My Nine Rules On Setting Type

      01             02                        03

Select the face.   Grid it.               Group it.

                       Study the copy and group similar information.
My Nine Rules On Setting Type

      01             02                       03

Select the face.   Grid it.               Group it.


 Size matters.

                       Next comes contrast which can be achieved
                       through sizing.
My Nine Rules On Setting Type

      01             02                          03

Select the face.   Grid it.                 Group it.

      04             05

 Size matters.     Color.

                       Color is also part of hierarchy. Color referring to
                       the visual tone of a mass of text rather than color
                       in the RGB sense.
My Nine Rules On Setting Type

      01             02                          03

Select the face.   Grid it.                 Group it.

      04             05                          06

 Size matters.     Color.                   Align it.

                       Next comes aligning the info based on the grid.
                       There are endless varieties of possibilities here and
                       I spend most of my time designing this.
My Nine Rules On Setting Type

      01             02                          03

Select the face.   Grid it.                 Group it.

      04             05                          06

 Size matters.     Color.                    Align it.


Adjust leading.

                       To achieve readability, I adjust the leading.
                       99% of the time, its never right by default.
My Nine Rules On Setting Type

      01                 02                         03

Select the face.       Grid it.                Group it.

      04                 05                         06

 Size matters.         Color.                   Align it.

      07                 08

Adjust leading.    Adjust kerning.

                           Adjust the kerning if needed.
My Nine Rules On Setting Type

      01                 02                          03

Select the face.       Grid it.                 Group it.

      04                 05                          06

 Size matters.         Color.                   Align it.

      07                 08                          09

Adjust leading.    Adjust kerning.               Read it!

                           Finally, look back and read it. Or give it to someone
                           to read and see if they hiccup.
Court forms Assistance Services; Bankruptcy,
  Immigration, Evictions, Foreclosure, Divorce, Child
             Support, All Civil Matters.
     Office: 14536 Roscoe Blvd. Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402

 Going through a Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Modification,
 Paternity? We could help you, and not break your budget! Call us, we
                         could work with you!
  Take action today, tomorrow may be too late!!! Hablamos Español!!!

Affordable Paralegal Services, don't lose your home!!! I
              can help!!! I help you with:
        Bankruptcy chapter 7 and chapter 13
       Evictions for Landlords and for Tenants
           Small Claims for all civil matters
                      Patty Perez


The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is
   intended to be used as a guide prior to consultation with an attorney
     familiar with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in
rendering legal advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an
  attorney. If you require legal advice, you should seek the services of an
01   Select the face.
02   Grid it.
03   Group it.
04   Size matters.
                        Dear Sarah,
05   Color it.
06   Align it.
07   Adjust leading.
08   Adjust kerning.
09   Read it!
01   Select the face.
02   Grid it.
03   Group it.
04   Size matters.
                        Dear Sarah,
05   Color it.
06   Align it.
07   Adjust leading.
           -                          Dear John,
08   Adjust kerning.
09   Read it!
01   Select the face.
02   Grid it.
03   Group it.
04   Size matters.
05   Color it.
06   Align it.
07   Adjust leading.
08   Adjust kerning.
09   Read it!
01   Select the face.
                                                                                 Going through a Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support,
           -                                                                       Modification, Paternity? We could help you, and not
                                      Court forms Assistance                       break your budget! Call us, we could work with you!
02   Grid it.                          Services; Bankruptcy,
                                      Immigration, Evictions,
                                                                                 Take action today, tomorrow may be too late!!! Hablamos
                                    Foreclosure, Divorce, Child
           -                         Support, All Civil Matters.
                                                                                  Affordable Paralegal Services, don't lose your home!!! I
03   Group it.                                                                                 can help!!! I help you with:
                                                                                          Bankruptcy chapter 7 and chapter 13
           -                                                                            Evictions for Landlords and for Tenants
                                                                                            Small Claims for all civil matters
04   Size matters.
                        Office: 14536 Roscoe Blvd.
           -             Ste #215, Panorama City,
                                CA 91402
05   Color it.
           -                                                                 NOTICES:                                                       Patty Perez

06   Align it.                                   The above information is provided for informational purposes
                                                 only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to consultation                       818-331-4950
                                                with an attorney familiar with your specific legal situation. We are
           -                                        not engaged in rendering legal advice, and this add is not a        
                                                    substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal
07   Adjust leading.                               advice, you should seek the services of an attorney. or we can
                                                 provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide
                                                            self help services at your specific direction.
08   Adjust kerning.
09   Read it!
Pa Perez
                                                                                       Affordable Paralegal Services

01   Select the face.
                                                                                             Going through a Divorce, Child
           -                                                                                    Custody, Child Support,
                                      Court forms Assistance
02   Grid it.                          Services; Bankruptcy,                               Modification, Paternity? We could help
                                      Immigration, Evictions,                             you, and not break your budget. Call us, we
                                    Foreclosure, Divorce, Child
           -                         Support, All Civil Matters.
                                                                                                     could work with you.

03   Group it.                                                                                                     Hablamos Español

           -                                                                                Affordable Paralegal Services, don't lose your home!!! I
                                                                                                         can help!!! I help you with:
04   Size matters.                                                                                  Bankruptcy chapter 7 and chapter 13
                                                                                                  Evictions for Landlords and for Tenants
                        Office: 14536 Roscoe Blvd.
           -            Ste #215, Panorama City,
                               CA 91402
                                                                                                      Small Claims for all civil matters

                                                                                                                                                      Patty Perez
05   Color it.

06   Align it.                                                                       NOTICES:
                                                    The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is
                                                   intended to be used as a guide prior to consultation with an attorney familiar
           -                                          with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal
                                                     advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you
                                                     require legal advice, you should seek the services of an attorney. or we can
07   Adjust leading.                                  provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help
                                                                          services at your specific direction.

08   Adjust kerning.
09   Read it!
Pa Perez
                                                                                       Affordable Paralegal Services

01   Select the face.
                                                                                             Going through a Divorce, Child
           -                                                                                    Custody, Child Support,
                                      Court forms Assistance
02   Grid it.                          Services; Bankruptcy,                               Modification, Paternity? We could help
                                      Immigration, Evictions,                             you, and not break your budget. Call us, we
                                    Foreclosure, Divorce, Child
           -                         Support, All Civil Matters.
                                                                                                     could work with you.

03   Group it.                                                                                                       Hablamos Español

           -                                                                                Affordable Paralegal Services, don't lose your home!!! I
                                                                                                         can help!!! I help you with:
04   Size matters.                                                                                  Bankruptcy chapter 7 and chapter 13
                                                                                                  Evictions for Landlords and for Tenants
                        Office: 14536 Roscoe Blvd.                                                      Small Claims for all civil matters
           -            Ste #215, Panorama City,
                               CA 91402
                                                                                                                                                      Patty Perez
05   Color it.

06   Align it.                                                                       NOTICES:
                                                    The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is
                                                   intended to be used as a guide prior to consultation with an attorney familiar
           -                                          with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal
                                                     advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you
                                                     require legal advice, you should seek the services of an attorney. or we can
07   Adjust leading.                                  provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help
                                                                          services at your specific direction.

08   Adjust kerning.
09   Read it!
Pa Perez
                                                         Affordable Paralegal Services
01   Select the face.
02   Grid it.           Going through a Divorce, Child Custody,
                        Child Support, Modification, Paternity?
                        We could help you, and not break your budget.
03   Group it.          Call us, we could work with you.                                                          SERVICES
                                                                                                                  Court Forms Assistance
           -                                                                                                      Immigration
04   Size matters.                                                                                                Divorce
                                                                                                                  Child Support
                                                                                                                  All Civil Matters
           -            (818) 331 4950 (Hablamos Español)                                                         Bankruptcy
                        14536 Roscoe Blvd. Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402
                                                                                                                  Small Claims
05   Color it.
06   Align it.
07   Adjust leading.    The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to
                        consultation with an attorney familiar with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal
           -            advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal advice, you should seek
                        the services of an attorney. or we can provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help
                        services at your specific direction.
08   Adjust kerning.
09   Read it!
Pa Perez
                                                         Affordable Paralegal Services

01   Select the face.
02   Grid it.           Going through a Divorce, Child Custody,
                        Child Support, Modification, Paternity?
                        We could help you, and not break your budget.                                             SERVICES
03   Group it.          Call us, we could work with you.                                                          Court Forms Assistance
           -                                                                                                      Immigration
04   Size matters.                                                                                                Foreclosure
                        CONTACT                                                                                   Divorce
           -            (818) 331     4950          (Hablamos Español)                                            Child Support
                                                                                                                  All Civil Matters
05   Color it.          14536 Roscoe Blvd. Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402                                      Bankruptcy
           -                                                                                                      Small Claims

06   Align it.
07   Adjust leading.    The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to

           -            consultation with an attorney familiar with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal
                        advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal advice, you should seek
                        the services of an attorney. or we can provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help
08   Adjust kerning.    services at your specific direction.

09   Read it!
Pa Perez
                                                         Affordable Paralegal Services

01   Select the face.
02   Grid it.           Going through a Divorce, Child Custody,
                        Child Support, Modification, Paternity?
                        We could help you, and not break your budget.                                             SERVICES
03   Group it.          Call us, we could work with you.                                                          Court Forms Assistance
           -                                                                                                      Immigration
04   Size matters.                                                                                                Foreclosure
                        CONTACT                                                                                   Divorce
           -            (818) 331     4950          (Hablamos Español)                                            Child Support
                                                                                                                  All Civil Matters
05   Color it.          14536 Roscoe Blvd. Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402                                      Bankruptcy
           -                                                                                                      Small Claims

06   Align it.
07   Adjust leading.    The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to

           -            consultation with an attorney familiar with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal
                        advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal advice, you should seek
                        the services of an attorney. or we can provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help
08   Adjust kerning.    services at your specific direction.

09   Read it!
Designing Type
I love lamp

                                                         x - HEIGHT


                    These three characteristics sets the rule for any
                    typeface. Think of it as the Document Size/Settings
                    under a program.

                                                              x - HEIGHT



                       For small texts, the counters are usually huge so
                       there is more whitespace, which means a better
                       reading experience.


                                                                       x - HEIGHT



                                  Ascender is a lowercase character stroke which extends
                                  above the x-height



                                                                        x - HEIGHT



                                  Terminals are the shape in which a stroke ends.



                                                                      x - HEIGHT



                                  Terminals come in all shapes. These shapes depend on
                                  the type classification.



                                                                          x - HEIGHT



                                  Serifs are the feet at the ends of some of the strokes.



                                                                       x - HEIGHT



                                  Bowls are the curved stroke which surrounds a counter.



                                                                       x - HEIGHT


             Counter                                   Descender

                                  Descender is a lowercase character stroke which extends
                                  below the x-height
fi fi →

ff   fl       ſt st
             A ligature are two characters joined as a single glyph.
             They are created for special circumstances to prevent
             overlapping between the two characters.
Theres a lot of optical tricks you have to use in type
design. To optically align all characters on a line, they
cannot not have exactly the same mathematical height.
For example the triangle on this drawing has to be higher
than the rectangle. Otherwise, the triangle will look
smaller than the rectangle. While creating a typeface,
you want all the letters to appear to have the same height.
When draw a curve think of riding a car down a curve.
It must be graceful.
The characters on the top line have a different construct-
ion than the characters on the bottom line. The contrast
is caused by changing the pressure on the pen, not
because of the form of the pen. From this perspective
there is no difference between Bodoni and Helvetica.
Both have the same construction, only the contrast varies.
Much more important than the shapes of the characters, is the
rhythm of the type. A typeface with beautiful characters which are
badly spaced is extremely hard to read. However, if the shapes of
the letters are not that good, but when they are all perfectly spaced,
the type will be fairly easy to read. The white spaces inside and in
between letters are defining the rhythm much more than the black
shapes of the letters.
Which x-height to define? Which descender depth?
Defining these proportions are essential, and very
strongly connected to the purpose of the type.
The proportions within a certain typeface influence
the way your type will work & look.
If you make a light weight and the black weight of one
typeface, you'll have to make sure that the black weight
has a bigger x-height than the light weight (top line
drawing). If this is not the case, the black weight will
look optically too small when it's combined with the light
weight in a line of text. In display faces this is not the
case. The difference should be much smaller.
Too many points (nodes) can cause technical problems -
e.g. the printer can't print the font anymore. It also makes
it much harder to control the shapes of a character.
Controlling a curve with 2 points is much easier than
12 points.
Tools and
www.                     Tools                           Software
Typophile                What The Font?                  Font Explorer X
                                                         (Font Management)
I Love Typography      Tools and
                         Kern me (the kerning game)
                                                         (Type Design)
Typography Served
                         Shape type (type design game)
Thinking with Type
                                                         Font Finder
                                                         (Browser Extension)

Books                    Video
Stop Stealing Sheep      Jason Santa Maria on
& Find Out How Type      Web Typography
by Erik Spiekermann
The Elements of          (Documentary)
Typographic Style
by Robert Bringhurst

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Things I Know About Type [Field Guide]

  • 1. FIELD GUIDE HELLO type 1st - Things I know about type - ! by Prakash Nair
  • 2. Things I’m going to talk about. – Theory Intro to type Type personality Classifications – Application Anatomy Choosing a typeface Combining typefaces Typography Web & Mobile Designing Type Tools + Resources
  • 3. I really love your personality Why is this important? Some of us have been guilty of focusing on decoration and neglecting the details. I’m talking about getting back to good, solid design principles, like well-formed grids and decent measures and incremental leading and appropriately paired typefaces.
  • 4. “ Web design is 95% typography... Oliver Reichenstein Information Architect ( + This is because the web is content and content is type. Type is an equal player in design. It doesn’t matter about your color choices or grid if type becomes an afterthought. Companies really do care about quality and precision. Bonus points for an Art Director that cares about quality and can effectively sell his visual concept.
  • 5. Typography is what language looks like. + Most people, including some designers think typography is about fonts. Typography is more than that, its expressing language through type choice, placement, composition.
  • 6. + When used improperly most people might not notice it, but subconsciously they can feel that something it wrong. If your type is bad the design fails.
  • 7. + The right typeface has the power to grab your audience on an emotional level.
  • 8. + It can have a lot of personality. Think about keywords during the conceptual/research phase. Conservative, Strong, Edgy, Exciting, Feminine, Boring, Informal etc.
  • 9. + And each personality should be in relation to your content. Typography can create or change context as well. It can elevate a message.
  • 10. + Dan Mall (Big Spaceship) He takes mathematical measurements from typefaces to design interfaces and UI elements.
  • 11. + In this site he designed for Nike, you can see how he uses the type layout has influenced the navigation.
  • 12. Aa Aa _ Display _ Text + Every typeface has an intended usage. There are two primary categories of types; display and text. Display goes for a stronger personality, elaborate and more expressive shapes, and a more stylish look. Text is designed to be legible at smaller sizes. Usually implies fairly clean, consistent, uncomplicated design features. For example the typeface Chronicle will have Chronicle Regular and Chronicle Display.
  • 13. Basic Type Classifications Aa SerifAa Aa _ Aa Old Style _ Transitional _ Modern _ Egyptian Garamond Baskerville Bodoni Clarendon Aa Sans + 5 basic classifications. Important to know as it will help Aa Aa you decide which typeface to choose in any project. Old Style - Emulated classical calligraphy and movement of the hand. From 1400s. Serif _ _ _ Transitional & Modern - More abstract and less organic. Humanistic Transitional Geometric Modern - Very high contrast in the strokes. Humanistic Sans - Characterized by presence of the hand. Gill Sans Helvetica Futura Similar to Roman. Organic. Transitional Sans - straight in appearance and less width than Humanistic Sans. Also called “anonymous sans” due to its plain appearance. Geometric Sans - Geometric construction suggesting the use of a compass. * Notice these are all the same point size, yet some look bigger in appearance.
  • 14. This is a Family Aa _ Aa _ Aa _ Aa _ Roman Italic Semi-Bold Bold
  • 15. This is a Super Family* Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa * But not really.
  • 16. How to choose a typeface
  • 17. How to choose a typeface 1 Choose a category + Choose a type face that you think will match your work. What’s the purpose? Is it a Display face or a text face? Whats the classification? Old Style, Modern, Slab Serif, Sans Serif, Script, Decorative? Serious look? Casual? Decorative?
  • 18. How to choose a typeface 1 Choose a category 2 Consider the medium + Where is this being shown? iPad? Web? Print? Are the delicate serifs going to break if its too small? Is it going to be legible?
  • 19. How to choose a typeface 1 Choose a category 2 Consider the medium 3 How much text? + Whats more important? Readability or aesthetics?
  • 20. How to choose a typeface 1 Choose a category 2 Consider the medium 3 How much text? + 4 Space How much space is required? Two equally sized fonts can have very different widths. You should never try to fit and squeeze a typeface within the medium. The medium should fit the typeface.
  • 22. Pairing typefaces DON’T mix two typefaces from the same family I’m I’m pretty. pretty too. + There is not enough variation to distinguish the two and its sort of a pointless design decision.
  • 23. Pairing typefaces DON’T mix two typefaces with a strong personality. I’m Chuck I’m Van fucking Norris. Damme. + Or else the visual language starts to get noisy and chaotic. Less is more.
  • 24. Pairing typefaces DO mix two typefaces with similar proportions. x x x + I like to give each one a different role. There should be a “star of the show” and a hardworking one.
  • 25. Pairing typefaces DO mix serif and sans under the same family. I’m your father. But, I’m older. + Check out the families of types containing serif and sans under the same name: This is Fedra Sans and Fedra serif. The only problem: most of these types are actually rooted in a consensus, they are not expressing much. It's cool for a bank report or an informative brochure, but might be weak for a magazine.
  • 26. How people read Understanding how people read will help you in making better decisions when setting type. If a typeface is hard to read, the meaning of the text will be lost.
  • 27. Legibility Can you read it? + Legibility is “can you read it?” Legibility refers to a reader’s ability to easily re- cognize letterforms and the word forms built from them. We don’t read by recognizing one letter at a time, but by recognizing the shapes of whole words and phrases.
  • 28. Readability Do you want to read it? + Readability asks “do you want to read it?” Readability is about the comfort with which text can be understood. Text with good readability must also be legible, but more legibility doesn’t make text readable.
  • 29. I got a dig bick. You that read wrong. + People skim very quickly from one word to the next. So any kind of hindrance will affect your reading. They don’t want to be blown away from the beautiful typeface. They want You read that wrong too. to connect to the words on an emotional level.
  • 30. times. Look at me read this super quickly. I never knew I had such sup + We use peripheral vision to decode whats coming up next. We read ahead about 15 letters at a time, but only get the meaning of that part of the span. Reading music is similar to reading text.
  • 31. ERSE. RIGHT THIS IS TAKING A WHILE TO READ. WHY ARE YOU SHOU + Uppercase is much harder to read since the letter are all the same height and so we don’t recognize the characters as quickly.
  • 32. Eevn touhgh the wrosd are srcmaelbd, cahnecs are taht you can raed tihs praagarph aynawy. The order of the ltteers in each word is not vrey ipmrotnat. But the frsit and lsat ltteer msut be in the rhgit psotitoin. The ohter ltetres can be all mxeid up and you can sitll raed whtiuot a lot of porbelms. This is bceusae radenig is all aobut atciniptanig the nxet word. + Most of you can read this! Fairly quick. You anticipate what’s coming up next. The more previous knowledge you have, the easier it is to interpret.
  • 33. It will be colder. + Here I’m covering the upper half of the word. What the hell is it?
  • 34. It will be colder. + Here the bottom half is covered. But you can read it. That’s because most of the information which defines a character is contained in the upper half.
  • 35. k erning + Kerning is the space in between two characters. Usually, the larger the type, the tighter it needs to be kerned. Optical kerning is set by the program and metric kerning is set by the designer of the typeface. There’s no right way. Kerning also needs to be adjusted if you are using a shitty typeface.
  • 36. tracking + Also called letter spacing, tracking is the space between the characters. It’s an overall percentage across the board, whereas kerning is between two characters.
  • 37. I read ok but I sure could use a little bit more breathing room. I read perfect. Boy is it good to achieve perfection, its what dreams are made of. S h i t I g o t way o u t o f c o n t ro l . I i m m e d i a t e l y re g re t t h i s d e c i s i o n ! + Adjust tracking accordingly to achieve readability. Capital letters prefer a little distance from their neighbors. Loosely space italics will looked weird since italics are meant to be placed closely together.
  • 38. If I get any bigger I will definitely need more breathing room. Not only sideways but also above and below. I’m much much bigger now. Good thing I have more breathing room. I hope its easier for you to understand me know. + Linespacing is also called leading. When the type-size gets bigger, more leading is needed. Also the wider the width of the sentence, the more leading is needed.
  • 39. + Another principle to think about is the width of your copy. Notice the insanely long paragraph width here. I don’t wanna read this! It's tiring for your eyes to follow back and forth. Thats one way you develop fatigue.
  • 40. + This is much better. Keep the width of your paragraph under 10 words (45-75 characters.) For multiple columns, keep it between 40-50.
  • 41. Hier Creating arc hy + Hierarchy is simply the way of organizing elements. A typographic hierarchy organizes the content, emphasizing some elements and de-emphasizing others. Everything on the page cannot be important!
  • 42. A visual hierarchy helps readers scan a text, knowing where to enter and exit. It gives your designs a flow.
  • 43. I. Things to Buy Things to Buy a. Avocado Avocado b. Salsa (spicy) Salsa (spicy) c. Milk Milk d. Paper Towels Paper Towels THINGS Avocado THINGS TO BUY TO BUY Salsa (spicy) Avocado Milk Salsa (spicy) Paper Towels Milk Paper Towels + Emphasizing a word or phrase within a body of text usually requires only one signal. Italic is the standard form of emphasis. There's also boldface, small caps, or a change in color. There are endless ways to create emphasis.
  • 45. [-]Space + Every design has whitespace (negative space), but the problem is that not every design has enough. Its a very under-utilized element. For those who don’t understand what whitespace is, the following slide will give you an idea of what whitespace is.
  • 46. + Let your type breathe. Whitespace is simply the empty space between and around the elements of a design or page layout. Whitespace is made of nothing, but shouldn’t be treated that way. Being generous with your whitespace will speak volumes about your brand. By using large amounts of it, you’re saying that your content is far more important than the screen real estate that it rests on.
  • 47. Type on mobile Reading from a digital screen is about 25% slower than from paper so greater care must be placed when designing for screen to improve reading. Here are some guidelines…
  • 48. Large x-height Aa Aa + The x-height should be at least 2/3 the height of the capital letter. The bigger the counters, the more legible the characters get.
  • 49. Ample stroke contrast Aa Aa + This means the font should not be too thin or too heavy, but somewhere in between. The thin strokes will break at lower sizes.
  • 50. Not too narrow MY COUNTERS ARE TINY + These typefaces may look great in print or on the web when displayed in large, but they will be hard to read when rendered so much smaller on a mobile screen. Notice you can barely see the counters as is.
  • 51. Don’t get fancy I’ f  + Decorative fonts tend to break the above three rules
  • 52. Distinctions I wanna be different like everyone else. + Obvious weight and style difference between normal, bold and italic iterations. This creates the best contrast.
  • 54. My Nine Rules On Setting Type 01 Select the face. + Select a typeface appropriate for the subject matter and consider the medium.
  • 55. My Nine Rules On Setting Type 01 02 Select the face. Grid it. + Create a grid for the page/document.
  • 56. My Nine Rules On Setting Type 01 02 03 Select the face. Grid it. Group it. + Study the copy and group similar information.
  • 57. My Nine Rules On Setting Type 01 02 03 Select the face. Grid it. Group it. 04 Size matters. + Next comes contrast which can be achieved through sizing.
  • 58. My Nine Rules On Setting Type 01 02 03 Select the face. Grid it. Group it. 04 05 Size matters. Color. + Color is also part of hierarchy. Color referring to the visual tone of a mass of text rather than color in the RGB sense.
  • 59. My Nine Rules On Setting Type 01 02 03 Select the face. Grid it. Group it. 04 05 06 Size matters. Color. Align it. + Next comes aligning the info based on the grid. There are endless varieties of possibilities here and I spend most of my time designing this.
  • 60. My Nine Rules On Setting Type 01 02 03 Select the face. Grid it. Group it. 04 05 06 Size matters. Color. Align it. 07 Adjust leading. + To achieve readability, I adjust the leading. 99% of the time, its never right by default.
  • 61. My Nine Rules On Setting Type 01 02 03 Select the face. Grid it. Group it. 04 05 06 Size matters. Color. Align it. 07 08 Adjust leading. Adjust kerning. + Adjust the kerning if needed.
  • 62. My Nine Rules On Setting Type 01 02 03 Select the face. Grid it. Group it. 04 05 06 Size matters. Color. Align it. 07 08 09 Adjust leading. Adjust kerning. Read it! + Finally, look back and read it. Or give it to someone to read and see if they hiccup.
  • 63. Court forms Assistance Services; Bankruptcy, Immigration, Evictions, Foreclosure, Divorce, Child Support, All Civil Matters. Office: 14536 Roscoe Blvd. Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402 Going through a Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Modification, Paternity? We could help you, and not break your budget! Call us, we could work with you! Take action today, tomorrow may be too late!!! Hablamos Español!!! Affordable Paralegal Services, don't lose your home!!! I can help!!! I help you with: Bankruptcy chapter 7 and chapter 13 Evictions for Landlords and for Tenants Small Claims for all civil matters Patty Perez 818-331-4950 NOTICES: The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to consultation with an attorney familiar with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal advice, you should seek the services of an
  • 64. 01 Select the face. - 02 Grid it. - 03 Group it. - 04 Size matters. - Dear Sarah, 05 Color it. - 06 Align it. - 07 Adjust leading. - 08 Adjust kerning. - 09 Read it!
  • 65. 01 Select the face. - 02 Grid it. - 03 Group it. - 04 Size matters. - Dear Sarah, 05 Color it. - 06 Align it. - 07 Adjust leading. - Dear John, 08 Adjust kerning. - 09 Read it!
  • 66. 01 Select the face. - 02 Grid it. - 03 Group it. - 04 Size matters. - 05 Color it. - 06 Align it. - 07 Adjust leading. - 08 Adjust kerning. - 09 Read it!
  • 67. 01 Select the face. Going through a Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, - Modification, Paternity? We could help you, and not Court forms Assistance break your budget! Call us, we could work with you! 02 Grid it. Services; Bankruptcy, Immigration, Evictions, Take action today, tomorrow may be too late!!! Hablamos Español!!! Foreclosure, Divorce, Child - Support, All Civil Matters. Affordable Paralegal Services, don't lose your home!!! I 03 Group it. can help!!! I help you with: Bankruptcy chapter 7 and chapter 13 - Evictions for Landlords and for Tenants Small Claims for all civil matters 04 Size matters. Office: 14536 Roscoe Blvd. - Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402 05 Color it. - NOTICES: Patty Perez 06 Align it. The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to consultation 818-331-4950 with an attorney familiar with your specific legal situation. We are - not engaged in rendering legal advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal 07 Adjust leading. advice, you should seek the services of an attorney. or we can provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help services at your specific direction. - 08 Adjust kerning. - 09 Read it!
  • 68. Pa Perez Affordable Paralegal Services 01 Select the face. Going through a Divorce, Child - Custody, Child Support, Court forms Assistance 02 Grid it. Services; Bankruptcy, Modification, Paternity? We could help Immigration, Evictions, you, and not break your budget. Call us, we Foreclosure, Divorce, Child - Support, All Civil Matters. could work with you. 03 Group it. Hablamos Español - Affordable Paralegal Services, don't lose your home!!! I can help!!! I help you with: 04 Size matters. Bankruptcy chapter 7 and chapter 13 Evictions for Landlords and for Tenants Office: 14536 Roscoe Blvd. - Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402 Small Claims for all civil matters Patty Perez 05 Color it. 818-331-4950 - 06 Align it. NOTICES: The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to consultation with an attorney familiar - with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal advice, you should seek the services of an attorney. or we can 07 Adjust leading. provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help services at your specific direction. - 08 Adjust kerning. - 09 Read it!
  • 69. Pa Perez Affordable Paralegal Services 01 Select the face. Going through a Divorce, Child - Custody, Child Support, Court forms Assistance 02 Grid it. Services; Bankruptcy, Modification, Paternity? We could help Immigration, Evictions, you, and not break your budget. Call us, we Foreclosure, Divorce, Child - Support, All Civil Matters. could work with you. 03 Group it. Hablamos Español - Affordable Paralegal Services, don't lose your home!!! I can help!!! I help you with: 04 Size matters. Bankruptcy chapter 7 and chapter 13 Evictions for Landlords and for Tenants Office: 14536 Roscoe Blvd. Small Claims for all civil matters - Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402 Patty Perez 05 Color it. 818-331-4950 - 06 Align it. NOTICES: The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to consultation with an attorney familiar - with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal advice, you should seek the services of an attorney. or we can 07 Adjust leading. provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help services at your specific direction. - 08 Adjust kerning. - 09 Read it!
  • 70. Pa Perez Affordable Paralegal Services 01 Select the face. - 02 Grid it. Going through a Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Modification, Paternity? - We could help you, and not break your budget. 03 Group it. Call us, we could work with you. SERVICES Court Forms Assistance Bankruptcy - Immigration Evictions Foreclosure 04 Size matters. Divorce Child Support CONTACT All Civil Matters - (818) 331 4950 (Hablamos Español) Bankruptcy Evictions 14536 Roscoe Blvd. Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402 Small Claims 05 Color it. - 06 Align it. - 07 Adjust leading. The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to consultation with an attorney familiar with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal - advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal advice, you should seek the services of an attorney. or we can provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help services at your specific direction. 08 Adjust kerning. - 09 Read it!
  • 71. Pa Perez Affordable Paralegal Services 01 Select the face. - 02 Grid it. Going through a Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Modification, Paternity? - We could help you, and not break your budget. SERVICES 03 Group it. Call us, we could work with you. Court Forms Assistance Bankruptcy - Immigration Evictions 04 Size matters. Foreclosure CONTACT Divorce - (818) 331 4950 (Hablamos Español) Child Support All Civil Matters 05 Color it. 14536 Roscoe Blvd. Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402 Bankruptcy Evictions - Small Claims 06 Align it. - 07 Adjust leading. The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to - consultation with an attorney familiar with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal advice, you should seek the services of an attorney. or we can provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help 08 Adjust kerning. services at your specific direction. - 09 Read it!
  • 72. Pa Perez Affordable Paralegal Services 01 Select the face. - 02 Grid it. Going through a Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Modification, Paternity? - We could help you, and not break your budget. SERVICES 03 Group it. Call us, we could work with you. Court Forms Assistance Bankruptcy - Immigration Evictions 04 Size matters. Foreclosure CONTACT Divorce - (818) 331 4950 (Hablamos Español) Child Support All Civil Matters 05 Color it. 14536 Roscoe Blvd. Ste #215, Panorama City, CA 91402 Bankruptcy Evictions - Small Claims 06 Align it. - 07 Adjust leading. The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide prior to - consultation with an attorney familiar with your specific legal situation. We are not engaged in rendering legal advice, and this add is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal advice, you should seek the services of an attorney. or we can provide you with one. I am not an attorney. I can only provide self help 08 Adjust kerning. services at your specific direction. - 09 Read it!
  • 74.
  • 75. I love lamp CAP HEIGHT x - HEIGHT BASELINE + These three characteristics sets the rule for any typeface. Think of it as the Document Size/Settings under a program.
  • 76. CAP HEIGHT x - HEIGHT BASELINE Counter + For small texts, the counters are usually huge so there is more whitespace, which means a better reading experience.
  • 77. Ascender CAP HEIGHT x - HEIGHT BASELINE Counter + Ascender is a lowercase character stroke which extends above the x-height
  • 78. TERMINAL Ascender CAP HEIGHT x - HEIGHT BASELINE Counter + Terminals are the shape in which a stroke ends.
  • 79. TERMINAL Ascender CAP HEIGHT x - HEIGHT BASELINE Counter + Terminals come in all shapes. These shapes depend on the type classification.
  • 80. TERMINAL Ascender CAP HEIGHT x - HEIGHT BASELINE Serif Counter + Serifs are the feet at the ends of some of the strokes.
  • 81. TERMINAL Ascender CAP HEIGHT x - HEIGHT BASELINE Serif Counter Bowl + Bowls are the curved stroke which surrounds a counter.
  • 82. TERMINAL Ascender CAP HEIGHT x - HEIGHT BASELINE Serif Counter Descender Bowl + Descender is a lowercase character stroke which extends below the x-height
  • 83. fi fi → ff fl ſt st + A ligature are two characters joined as a single glyph. They are created for special circumstances to prevent overlapping between the two characters.
  • 84. + Theres a lot of optical tricks you have to use in type design. To optically align all characters on a line, they cannot not have exactly the same mathematical height. For example the triangle on this drawing has to be higher than the rectangle. Otherwise, the triangle will look smaller than the rectangle. While creating a typeface, you want all the letters to appear to have the same height.
  • 85. + When draw a curve think of riding a car down a curve. It must be graceful.
  • 86. + The characters on the top line have a different construct- ion than the characters on the bottom line. The contrast is caused by changing the pressure on the pen, not because of the form of the pen. From this perspective there is no difference between Bodoni and Helvetica. Both have the same construction, only the contrast varies.
  • 87. + Much more important than the shapes of the characters, is the rhythm of the type. A typeface with beautiful characters which are badly spaced is extremely hard to read. However, if the shapes of the letters are not that good, but when they are all perfectly spaced, the type will be fairly easy to read. The white spaces inside and in between letters are defining the rhythm much more than the black shapes of the letters.
  • 88. + Which x-height to define? Which descender depth? Defining these proportions are essential, and very strongly connected to the purpose of the type. The proportions within a certain typeface influence the way your type will work & look.
  • 89. + If you make a light weight and the black weight of one typeface, you'll have to make sure that the black weight has a bigger x-height than the light weight (top line drawing). If this is not the case, the black weight will look optically too small when it's combined with the light weight in a line of text. In display faces this is not the case. The difference should be much smaller.
  • 90. + Too many points (nodes) can cause technical problems - e.g. the printer can't print the font anymore. It also makes it much harder to control the shapes of a character. Controlling a curve with 2 points is much easier than 12 points.
  • 92. www. Tools Software Typophile What The Font? Font Explorer X (Font Management) I Love Typography Tools and Kern me (the kerning game) FontLab (Type Design) Typography Served Resources Shape type (type design game) Liveview Thinking with Type Font Finder (Browser Extension) Books Video Stop Stealing Sheep Jason Santa Maria on & Find Out How Type Web Typography Works by Erik Spiekermann Helvetica The Elements of (Documentary) Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst