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Thin Ice Short Story
Thin Ice One statement that can never be deliberated as possibly being an opinion, would have to be
that everybody makes mistakes. Obviously, some of the smartest people you could ever possibly
meet have most definitely made mistakes in their lives, some may be more significant than others.
Nonetheless, they are all mistakes made by human beings, this is what we do, especially the
younger generations. Whenever a group of teenagers get together to have some "fun," nothing ever
any good is going to come out of it. It is almost a given, that mistakes are going to be made in the
process, but it is what we do after these mistakes that make us who we are. There was one time that
my friends and I went out on an eerie night looking for a good time, ... Show more content on ...
The flurries of snow made my vision blurred outside of my car window, so we made the decision
that we needed to find a place to park. The closest area to pull off of the road, was directly next to
an enormous frozen river. We then parked the vehicle near the river, and then out of nowhere, one of
my friends immediately jumped out of my car and sped off. The rest of us were left in bewilderment
by our friend's actions, we quickly decided that we needed to find him as soon as possible. Our
search was a quick one, because our daredevil of a friend could be easily seen frolicking across the
frozen river. Before we knew it he had fallen through a thin ice patch. The only thing keeping him
from being swept underneath this massive block of ice, was his death grip with his fidgety hands. As
his body was submerged, my remaining friends then carefully made their way over to him and they
pulled him out before anything else could go wrong. They rushed him over to me while I started up
the car and got the heater going for him. Once they arrived, we then stripped him of his clothes,
wrapped him in a blanket, and drove him to my house where he could take a hot shower that he
most desperately needed. After he got done in the shower and warmed his body up, he then told us a
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Definition Of Diction In Into Thin Air By Jon Kraukauer
Definition: The distinct way a person talks depending on where the person is from or the setting of
the story. It might be a choice phrase or style of speaking.
Example: Into Thin Air by Jon Kraukauer, "Every Mountain I climb, I go first, I fix line. In ninety–
five on Everest with Rob Hall I go first from Base Camp to summit, I fix all ropes." Pg 168.
Jon Kraukauer's Into Thin Air uses Diction to show the setting and how the Sherpa's talk. It makes
the characters more distinct so you know where they are from. Another example is Rob Hall has an
Australian accent. These accents make the story more realistic and affects the readers attitude
toward the book. The Sherpas like Lopsang all talk a different way from the clients. I think that this
makes the book seem more real because it really shows the way people talk on Everest. Through the
use of Diction you can show the diversity between client, guide and sherpa (where they are from).
Definition: Expressing something to the reader that involves your senses. Describing the sights,
sounds, tastes, feel and smell to represent something or someone. Usually very descriptive.
Example: Into Thin Air by Jon Kraukauer, "The ink–black wedge of the summit pyramid stood in
stark relief, towering over the surrounding ridges. Thrust high into the jet stream, the mountain
ripped a visible gash in the 120–knot hurricane, sending forth a plume of ice crystals that trailed to
the east like a long silk scarf." Pg 30.
Jon Kraukauer's Into Thin Air used Imagery (especially this early in the story) to capture the reader.
Appealing to the sight of the mountain is interesting to the reader and gives a picture of the setting.
This gives the reader a vivid idea as to what climbing the mountain looked like. The descriptive
words he uses makes the readers mind's eye have a lifelike picture of the Mountains. "The Mountain
ripped a visible gash..." also uses personfication to give the reader an idea of the mountain being at
the center of the hurricane. To make this even more descriptive the author compares the trail of ice
crystals to a long
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Fat Penguins Research Paper
Walking, or rather waddling, across the ice, the king penguin makes the journey to shore fatter than
when he left. The penguin's sudden weight gain becomes a problem, causing them to slip and fall
forward. This strange occurrence only seems to happen to the obese penguins who've gained weight
in order to endure weeks of fasting A study was done on these penguins to see if the fat penguins are
less steady on their feet than the thin penguins before and after fasting. The theory was that the
penguins would lean forward or backwards to make up for the fat and keep their balance. However,
the leaning angle of the obese penguins was no different than the leaning angle of the thin penguins,
even though their center of mass was different. Most species, ... Show more content on ...
This resembles older bipedal animals who are conscious of their balance, meaning that all penguins
are susceptible to falling and balance issues. The only difference between obese penguins and thin
penguins is their lack of change after suddenly gaining weight. Due to their movement underwater,
penguins have limited way of moving, which makes it hard for them to adapt to physical changes
such as weight gain. It may make sense for the penguins to slow down their walking speed, but they
move most fluently with the designated speed the group travels. Like most birds, king penguins
move as a colony. They have control over the pace they move, but when traveling together they
move at the same speed regardless of individual weight. After they gain weight, the penguin's center
of mass is shifted forward, causing their usual waddling speed to become too much, leaving them
face first on the ice. Rather than shifting their leaning angle, the penguin rotates their lower body
after gaining weight in an attempt to maintain balance. Still, there is only so much the king penguin
can do to prevent falling, the limited movement of their flippers does not make up for the abrupt
increase in
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The Negative Effect of Global Warming
The idea of global warming has been drilled into many childrens heads' starting 5th grade. From
there, it has never stopped. The idea that the ozone layer is breaking up around the North Pole is
scary, and there isn't anything society can do about it. It's not like an illness or cut where a doctor
can prescribe medicine or put a Band–Aid on it. It's a real global disaster. It's a global disaster that
could potentially ruin Earth. Global warming is not only affecting people's health, but it is also
destroying life on Earth in its process. For centuries, no one thought much of big clouds of smoke
pumped into the sky or the millions of gallons of chemicals dumped into the ocean. Now mankind is
paying for it. Although the temperature of Earth has only climbed on average of 1.4 degrees
Fahrenheit a year, it quickly adds up ("National Geographic News: Reporting Your World Daily").
The ice polar caps are quickly melting at a faster rate than ever. The polar caps aren't the only ones
that are melting, it also includes ice on mountain glaciers, Arctic sea ice, and ice sheets covering
West Antarctica and Greenland ("Global Warming Puts the Arctic on Thin Ice"). When the large
blocks of ice start to melt, the ability to reflect sunlight is lost. Usually when sunlight hits the polar
ice caps, it is reflected back into space ("Global Warming Puts the Arctic on Thin Ice"). Without the
ability, the ocean absorbs the sunlight and heats up ocean water ("Global Warming Puts the
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The Chemical Elements Hydrogen And Oxygen
Approximately 75 percent of the Earth's surface is comprised of water. Formed by some of the
tiniest know elements that can be found, and yet water shapes and is a vital part of the biological
processes on Earth regardless on which phase of matter, namely solid, liquid, or gas, it is in.
Therefore, scientists and chemists always search for water, especially liquid water, first in other
distant planets considering that finding water on other planets is a major development in the search
of life.
Water is a substance that is composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen. A molecule
consists of two hydrogen atoms, each linked by a single covalent bond to an oxygen atom. However,
only two of the six outer–shell electrons of oxygen are used for this purpose, leaving four electrons
which are organized into two non–bonding pairs. These pairs surrounding the oxygen have a
partially negative charge mainly through electrostatic attraction increasing its electronegativity,
which tend to arrange themselves as far from each other as possible in order to minimize repulsions.
In turn, makes the hydrogen atoms to have a partially positive charge, and therefore making the two
non–bonding pairs remain closer to the oxygen atom, which exert a stronger repulsion against the
two covalent bonding pairs, effectively pushing the two hydrogen atoms closer together. This
electronic structure of water makes it possible for the molecule to bend on a special way, shown
through the figure:
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Call Of The Wild Analysis
The novel, "call of the wild" was about a dog named buck. Getting kidnaped and sold for money, to
feed a gambler addiction, he gets put on multiple sled teams and faces rough challenges. Not being
used to the cold, he struggles to survive the harsh new environment, dealing with low food and
melting ice at times on the Yukon trail. The 2 articles that relate to the novel, talk about those harsh
climates, and the diet for the dogs that is needed to keep them going on the trail. The events in the
first article relate to the novel because it talks about how the sled dogs and driver had to face
warmer climate changes. Just like Hal, Charles, and Mercedes, when they were running on thin ice,
and it was spring time when they went out. One event that happened in the article, was when a man
was woken by the sound of ice cracking under him, the ice was melting. "I was sleeping in my sled
bag and I heard a roar, sounded like a freight train. So I threw all my stuff in the sled bag, pulled my
dogs and my sled up the bank a bit and turned around, and there was wide– open water where the
sled was sitting five minutes earlier (Paragraph 4)." The article is also related to the novel because
the food worries and problems. Even though the food ... Show more content on ...
Since they can live off of raw meat, that is was they consume while on the trails. They always need
a diet that is high in protein to keep their muscles strong, and fat to fatten them up, and grow out
their coat so they stay warm during the cold times on the trail. In the novel, since Perrault and
François ran low on meat from the event of the wolf attack in there camp, the dogs got skinnier,
their coats became thin and didn't keep them warm, and they lost energy from the lack of meat, and
they weren't able to run the trails very well. Dogs need to be feed twice a day, and the sled dogs in
the novel couldn't be, because they had no
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To Use Salt Or Not To Melt Ice
Icy roads are a major issue in winter across the globe. Ice causes accidents, traffic, and injuries, and
removing it from the streets can be challenging. Fortunately, scientists are moving closer to an
ultimate solution, but currently, our best option is to use salt. It may seem ludicrous, but sodium
chloride can actually melt ice relatively quickly.
Simply put, salt causes "freezing point depression" in ice, meaning it lowers ice's freezing point.
When salt is sprinkled upon a chunk of ice, it creates a brine with the film of surface water on the
ice, which lowers the freezing point and starts melting the ice. In order to melt ice, salt must first
come into contact with water and dissolve. Fortunately, ice usually has a thin layer of water on the
top, so simply spreading some salt on the ice starts the melting process. ... Show more content on ...
During colder temperatures, water particles move slower, and in warmer temperatures, they speed
up. In ice, particles are compact and are held close together. Thermal energy disturbs this
compactness, allowing ice particles to gather the energy and slide past each other, creating liquid
water. Adding salt to the equations disturbs this cycle. When it is placed on ice, it dissolves in the
water film, as previously explained, but does not pack easily into the array of molecules in the solid
ice. Now, there are fewer water molecules on the ice because some of them have been replaced by
salt. Less water can be captured by the ice and frozen, so the rate of freezing is
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Epa's Responsibility To Protect The Environment
The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, is an extremely vital function to our society. The
EPA makes laws and regulations for businesses and citizens to follow to make our world safer and
to protect it for the future generations. Most educated people can agree that we do have a
responsibility to do something about climate change and the difference we can make is through the
EPA. Because of our free market companies will do anything they can to provide cheap goods and
this usually comes at a price to the environment. The
EPA can help make regulation that forces companies to abide by business practices that do not harm
the environment. If the EPA were to relax their regulations our world wouldn't be the same for
future generations. With
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Eunice Lathem, 22, Of Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan
Eunice Lathem, 22, of Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan, passed away on the night of November 20th,
1955, after falling through thin ice at a skating party in her honour. Residents of the town came to
celebrate the recent engagement of Lathem and her fiance, Nathan Singleton, on the cold,
November night. The celebration was to be held at a nearby lake which appeared to be frozen over
and suitable for skating. The party commenced at around 6:30 p.m. lasting several hours before
many began to head home. At around 10 o'clock that night, Lathem and her younger sister Delia
Sykes were seen venturing out into the east bank of the lake. At approximately 10:05 p.m., several
witnesses recalled hearing cries for help. "There is a place in that bank where ... Show more content
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The night was dark and I couldn't see the girl's faces. All I could do was grasp the nearest pair of
wrists and pull." Singleton recollected. "It took all of our efforts" another resident, who wished to
remain anonymous, stated, "though we were able to save only one". The men who arrived to help
were able to drag Sykes back to safety. "As we were doing it," Singleton stated, "The ice broke
beneath our feet and the second (Lathem) went under." Onlookers did not realize that Eunice had
fallen through until the hole became illuminated by the moon. "We went back to the hole, but
Eunice had vanished. There wasn't any way we could get her body" Singleton concluded. Will
Singleton, Nathan's brother, also attended the event. "It was an awful thing to have happen on our
place" he said. "My brother was a hero who risked his life though there was no way on earth he
could save both girls. All I know is that he will never fully recover. All that the town can do at this
point is try and prevent this from happening again." The Willow Bunch funeral home and the
Lathem and Singleton families have organized Eunice's funeral to take place on Sunday, November
22nd and her name will always be remembered on a gravestone in St. Chad's parish. All are
welcome to
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Perfect Is Going Too Far
"Perfect" is Going Too Far Everyday girls are forced to be faced with the media's image of the
"perfect" body. The perfect image that the media portrays is an unrealistic version of how it thinks
girls should look starting even at age five. Everyday girls are forced into thinking they aren't
"perfect" or "beautiful" enough and they have to do all these things to be the way the media wants
them to be or makes them think that they need to be.
Elizabeth Heubeck writes in an article on WebMD "The average teen girl gets about 180 minutes of
media exposure daily and only about 10 minutes of parental interaction a day." In an attempt to be
like the thin models that young girls think of as role models, many girls will develop low self–
esteem or even
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Ice Age Research Paper
The Ice Age
The ice age has covered most of north America and has carved out numerous lakes. The glacier was
a 100–foot high flow of ice and snow. Remnants of these large sheets of ice can still be seen today
in the form of numerous lakes and the most brilliant of them are the Great Lakes. Other, larger ones,
such as Lake Winnipeg, Reindeer, Athabaska, Great Slave, and Great Bear in Canada, existed at one
time but have since drained off and have disappeared. Glaciers reached as far south as the locations
now of the Ohio and Missouri Rivers. Sea levels fell approximately 425 feet with so much water
diverted from the natural cycle to form the ice on the glacier. It uncovered the flat continental
shelves as dry land. It had the same
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Analysis Of That Lean And Hungry Look By Suzanne Britt
We All Can be Equal A few of the many problems in this world occur because we judge each other
based on our differences whether is be, color, size, or shape. An example of one of the biggest
differences would be size. Suzanne Britt discussed her view of fat and thin people in a brief essay
called, "That Lean and Hungry Look" where she explains how fat people are far better than thin
people. She states,"You've got your "together" thin person, your mechanical thin person, your
condescending thin person, your tsk–tsk thin person, your efficiency thin person" (Britt 181). Many
people in society actually go off of Britts statement, everyone puts fat and thin people into separate
categories just because that is the way it has always been. There are many examples of how we see
each other in categories, but in the end there's always a fact that disproves it. One of the most biased
categories thin people are put into is being logic thinkers and enjoying math. There have been many
thin mathematicians in the history of the United States such as, Albert Einstein, ... Show more
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It's a harsh way of putting it but fat people feel as though thin people just can't be there for them.
They all, fat and thin, navigate towards people like them in their times of need because they feel as
though since they don't look the same they won't understand each other. Suzanne Britt states, "Thin
people are neither gooey nor soft" (181). She also states, "What you want when you're down is soft
and jiggly not muscle and stable." This can be true when some people are down, maybe they want
someone comfortable like a fat person to hug and make themselves feel better. However, some
people when they're down navigate towards a thin person to get the motivation they need to move
on and work on things to make themselves feel better such as working out. To feel better, a
combination of a fat and thin person can help you more overall rather than just one
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Latent Heat of Fusion
Experiment: 11
Latent Heat of Fusion
Goal of Lab
The main purpose of this lab is to determine the latent heat of fusion of ice.
PASCO sensor DataStudio software Water Double–cup calorimeter Stirrer thing that looks like a
golf club Ice Scientific mass scale
Gather all materials. Dry the inside cup of the double–cup calorimeter and the golf club stirrer.
Weigh these two things with a scientific mass scale. Dry the outside cup of the double–cup
calorimeter, as well as the insulating ring that comes with the calorimeter. Make sure the inside of
the outside cup of the calorimeter is also dry. Put both cups together and cover it. Insert the PASCO
sensor and make sure the sensor doesn't touch the bottom of the inside cup. Tape can be used to set
the sensor in a fixed position. Fill the inside cup halfway with hot water. Take the stirrer, inside cup,
and the water and weigh it with the scientific mass scale. Put the inside cup with the stirrer and hot
water inside the outside cup of the calorimeter, using the insulating ring. Cover the calorimeter, and
after a minute has passed, start recording the temperature in the calorimeter. After forty–five
seconds, add two or three ice cubes, to the inside cup with hot water, making sure the inside does
not overflow. Use the golf club stirrer to evenly distribute the temperature in the calorimeter. After
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How Do Polar Bears Affect The Environment
This week, a viral picture of a sickly polar bear is causing debate all over the world about climate
change. Although the issue is not strongly affecting humans just yet, it is influencing wildlife all
over the globe. Polar bears, in particular, have been the focus of concern for various organizations
that are making it their mission to protect the endangered species. Now more than ever, it seems the
polar bear really needs humans to reconsider the choices being made about the environment.
Polar Bears Starving Because of Climate Change – Clapway
Recently, Kerstin Langenberger, a photographer at Arctic Dreams, shared one of her portraits of a
severely thin bear on social media. The image, taken in the region of Svalbard in the Arctic Ocean,
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When asked about the viral picture, he commented that the reports about thin or dead adult bears in
the Barents Sea region are sadly consistent with what is expected with the warming Arctic. The
region has the highest loss of "sea eyes," as the summer ice–free period is now twenty weeks longer
than it was in 1979, when records were first documented.
He adds that polar bears aren't the only animals that have altered their usual routines. Walruses have
been seen gathering in Northwest Alaska, bowhead whales are moving between Alaska and
Greenland and killer whales are migrating to the Arctic earlier than expected. Moreover, beluga
whales have been shifting their wintering areas to Greenland, all due to the loss of ice mass.
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Most of these animals need sea ice to give birth, feed or rest. Shifting to land in order to accomplish
theses tasks tremendously affects the biology of many –the polar bear specifically, as noted by
Walter Vetter and his team of scientists at the University of Hohenheim. The polar bears are
becoming so thin that their fat reserves have shifted completely in order to concentrate on
nourishing the brain, kidneys and liver. In light of the situation, scientists all over the world are
urgently calling for a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, urging us to think about these animals
and to help in any way that we
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Ice Caves Research Paper
I am doing my Current Events in Science about ice caves and on last February 11,000 people went
to Wisconsin to see the ice caves. These caves were big enough to fit at least 50 people inside! The
caves are in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin. They get a lot of people's
attention each year. The Apostle Islands have a least 21 islands and some are big and some are
This region is specifically known for having scenic cliffs and sea caves are made by waves crashing
into the rocks for over thousands of years. When these temperatures drop so low below freezing the
water that is dripping inside the caves becomes a big huge solid. Sonner than later huge icicles and
ice sheets cover up the whole entire cave from the ceiling to the floors and even the walls.
Mostly people visit caves that are located along the shoreline on the mainland. To get to this area the
visitors have to walk on the frozen lake for about a mile even though that they may fall into the
water because of climate change. A short amount of hikers walk up to at least 21 ... Show more
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The ice can also form on the sides of the icicles adding to the thickness. They then continue to grow
until their water supply gets to heavy and break. The Apostle Islands are not the only places to go
and see ice caves. The ice caves exsist in many places but they are not always made up of rock like
the ones in Wisconsin. Alaska,Washington state,Skaftafell, and Iceland all have ice caves. But the
ice acves may not be here forever though because of the climate change. During the warm weather
in Washington their ice cave collasped hurting visitors. The Apostle Islands caves are becoming
more riskier. From 1970's to 2010 the amount of ice cover have decreased 70 percent. With the
chance of going to see the Wisconsin ice caves becoming rare. If you get a chance to see the ice
caves you should take
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Sazerac Research Paper
Sazerac is a famous variation of whiskey or cognac in New Orleans. It's the official cocktail of the
city as of 2008. It was named after the Sazerac de Forge et Fils brand of Cognac brandy which is
originally used as the main ingredient. This quick to prepare cocktail features rye whiskey, bitters
and a small portion of absinthe. Because of the absinthe's strong flavour, the cocktail doesn't need
much of it. Several cocktails now calls for a rinse of absinthe to add layer of complexity and taste.
So here's the simple recipe on how to make this classic sazerac absinthe. Ingredients 1 ½ cups ice
cubes 1 cube or ½ teaspoon sugar 4 dashes Peychaud Bitters* 2 ounces rye whiskey About ½
teaspoon absinthe ½ teaspoon water 1 thin strip lemon peel
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Primary Source Article Analysis
Title of Primary Source Article: Giant Volcanoes Lurk beneath Antarctic Ice
Primary Source Article Author and Discussion of Author Qualifications:
The author of this article is Beth Geiger, who is a geologist and a freelance writer. She has a
background in Earth science, and has worked on many articles concerning outdoor adventures, such
a 7 year stint as an editor to Canoe & Kayak magazine. The article is a summary of a publication
from Geological Society Publications', and written by Maximillian van Wyk de Vries. He is an
undergraduate geology student at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
Summary of Primary Source Article:
This article discusses the importance and relevance of the 91 recently discovered volcanoes beneath
Antarctica's ... Show more content on ...
To start out, any eruptions could melt the ice. Considering global warming is a huge concern, this
would contribute to that as well as causing the ocean levels to rise. If there were many eruptions,
and a lot of the ice melted, it could cause ocean levels to rise far enough to put some parts of coastal
communities underwater. This could affect my life directly, because if this were to happen we would
see much of the Florida Everglades disappear, and my family has a house down there. It would
affect thousands, if not millions around the world. For example, Venice is already sinking. If the ice
shelf were to melt, it would raise ocean waters by about 12 feet, which would force emergency
evacuation of the historical city. People around the world would lose their homes they worked so
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Summary Of On Thin Ice
In modern times, when individuals think about environmental problems, climate change seems to
always be at the forefront. Whether people learned through the Paris Climate Accord or the internet
about the devastating effects that a warming climate could bring, most of society can at least
acknowledge that climate change is a hot political talking point. Because of this, more and more
research has been focused on the effects that a changing climate could bring about. Research on the
effects of climate change range from the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and its
effects on global temperatures, to the rate at which glacial ice is melting and sea level rise. This
documentary, On Thin Ice, is concerned with the relationship between a warming climate and the
rate at which the Gangotri Glacier has been melting over several years. This film discusses the
different effects that a rapidly melting Gangotri has on water scarcity in Indian villages located
downstream as well as the ways that Americans could be affected by this environmental
phenomenon. On Thin Ice begins with the host, David Brancaccio, presenting the main focus of the
film: the effects that a warming climate could have on the endangered Gangotri Glacier. Brancaccio
then introduces Conrad Anker, an accomplished mountaineer and environmentalist. Both
Brancaccio and Anker decide to go on a long hiking trek to see firsthand, the ways that the Gangotri
Glacier has been affected by climate change. Dr. Vandana
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The Effect Of Alien Life On Saturn's Moon Titan
Saturn's moon Titan continues to baffle NASA scientists. Recently, a team found the formation of an
ice cloud appearing out of thin air on Titan. This is similar to what we see over Earth's poles.
However, there's minimal explanation to this event. While the agency scrambles around for answers,
others look for signs of alien life on Titan.
NASA scientists remain confused over Saturn's moon Titan. The appearance of an ice cloud on Titan
goes against everything they previously knew about it. At least, so they thought. On Earth, the usual
process for cloud formation involves condensation of some kind. There's that cycle of evaporation
and condensation of water. However, the same cycle apparently takes place on Titan as well but
instead of water, methane takes its place. Scientists haves been trying to find the amount of vapor in
this alien ice cloud yet have hit a road block. ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, Cassini didn't detect any vapor either. So instead of a cloud forming by condensation,
they think that the ice formed because of a reaction taking place on other ice particles. Researchers
are calling this "solid state chemistry". Sure, that's one way to put. However, they shouldn't rule out
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Brief Summary Of Mark Twain's Into The Wild
"Buck lived at a big house in the sun–kissed Santa Clara Valley" (Pg.3 ) Buck lives a very pampered
life with Judge Miller, his wife, and two sons. One night Manuel, one of the gardener's helpers who
loved to play the Chinese lottery, dognapped Buck, for what he thought was a stroll, to the train
station. Where Manuel tied a rope around Buck's neck and told the man he was talking to , "Twist it,
an' you'll choke m' plentee." (Pg.6) Buck was not fed or given anything to drink for two nights and
two days. During that time Buck had gone from being put on a train, fairey, and then another train to
After the train ride, Buck was taken to the man in the red sweater. Once Buck was let out of the
kennel, he ran and started trying ... Show more content on ...
Buck made a great leader, he disciplined when needed but not too harshly, and he kept everyone in
their place. With buck being leader the sled team achieved an average of 40 miles for 14 days. The
team arrived at Skagway,where "Francois called buck over to him, threw his arms around him, wept
over him. And that was the last of Francois and Perrault." (Pg.48) After that a Scotch half–breed
took charge of them.
Only after a few days of rest the dogs, the Scotch half–breed, his companions, and about a dozen
other sled dogs were back on the trail to Dawson. "One day was very like the others. At a certain
time each morning the cooks turned fires, fires were built, and breakfast was eaten. Then,while
some broke camp,others harnessed the dogs..." (Pg.48–49) Sometimes when Buck laid by the fire,
Buck would see a man from the stone age. Sometimes Buck would see himself with the man. Thirty
days after they left dawson they arrived at Skagway. Three days passed when two men bought them.
Their names were Charles and Hal. Charles also had a wife whose name was Mercedes, who was
also Hal's sister. Charles and Hal were very incompetent. They had to get rid of most of their
supplies on the sled. Charles and Hal then went out to buy six more dogs to make the sled team
become made of a dozen dogs. Because of how many dogs there were the food portions had to get
smaller. Dub was the first to go, then Billee, then Koona, and more. With all the dogs dropping like
flies, they
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Presence of Water on Mars
Mars is the planet nearest to Earth that we are most likely to explore and send manned missions to.
It also is the planet that we have the best chance of finding life on. For both these things water is
needed so exploration of Mars by space probes has concentrated on looking for water.
Humans have searched for evidence of water on Mars for many years. In 1895
American astronomer Percival Lowell thought that he had seen canals on the surface of Mars. These
were disproved as tricks of the eye. Spacecraft in the 1960's and 1970's reported that Mars was very
dry. However, spacecraft in the 1970's to the 1990's started to report evidence of water, either past or
present. The atmosphere of Mars is very thin, only 1% of the ... Show more content on ...
An additional resource that I found confirms this work. It was in a United Press article released in
December 2002. The article is valid as it summarises and backs up data from NASA. It has been
known for some time that the poles have frozen carbon dioxide, (dry ice) but more data from the
Mars Global Surveyor probe has shown that the height of ice in the North Pole is higher than dry ice
alone could be. This suggests water is tied up in the polar ice caps. This was confirmed by Odyssey.
People had suggested water had existed near the surface of Mars but now scientists had conclusive
proof. Although this has answered a lot of questions it has raised many more. As yet not enough
water has been found to explain all the features seen in the early life of the planet. the relevant
scientific information on water on
Discussion showing linking of ideas. Internal assessment resource reference number Sci/3/7 – C
version 3
In 2004 two probes, Spirit and Opportunity, arrived on opposite sides of Mars. Both probes have
confirmed old findings and discovered new evidence for water. They have found:
Clear stratification in the rocks – as found in the Endurance crater. Sulphur and chlorine,
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On Thin Ice: Polar Bears
On Thin Ice
Polar bears, while cute and adorable, serve a large purpose. Every single year their populations are
dwindling. We must do all that we can to ensure that they reach extinction. Losing these animals
would make a large impact on our world that we cannot afford. Our world hangs in a balance that
would be disturbed if the polar bear went extinct.
There are nineteen subpopulations of polar bears. Eight of those populations are declining, and it it
is estimated that many more will follow. There are only 20,000–25,000 left in their natural habitats
due to various factors.
One of these reasons is the climate change. Because of the increase in temperature, the arctic ice is
shrinking. Greenhouse gases are the main cause for the melting ice which is getting smaller about
ten percent every decade. The lack of ice is causing many animals to lose valuable land. Polar bears
mainly live in Canada, but also live in Russia, Maritola, and Alaska. This land is melting and they
are losing their habitats. While their name, Ursus Maritimus, means sea bear, and they can swim
about six miles per hour for up to sixty miles, they do need to rest. Polar bears rely on ice caps to
rest and to hunt on. Ice loss means longer distance they need to travel before resting and hunting. Ice
is the primary way polar bears hunt, using openings in the ice to hunt seal. They wait for seals to
come up for breath, and then dinner is served. However, without ice their method is useless. This
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Water: The Role Of Salt In Ice
Have you ever seen those large trucks outside on a snowy day pouring a white substance over the
frozen road? You just saw salt: the tiny but mighty sodium and chlorine solute that shares quite a
special relationship with ice. Both are translucent and white, yet one can be highly detrimental to the
other. Salt works like a parasite on ice, eating away at it until all that is left is a cold, salty puddle of
water. However, salt cannot achieve such a feat alone; it needs the help of water. Simply put, salt
causes "freezing point depression" in ice, meaning it lowers ice's freezing point. When salt is
sprinkled upon ice, it creates a brine with the film of surface water on the ice, which lowers the
freezing point and starts melting the ice. In
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Who Is Shelbite In Jack London's To Build A Fire?
Snap! Your finger just broke off with no trouble at all. Extreme cold poses the problem of frostbite
for your extremities. In Jack London's "To Build a Fire,"the man learned this the hard way. The
unnamed man undertakes the daunting task of traveling alone through the snow–covered Yukon
despite the frigid temperatures. Traveling alone, ice traps, and building a fire under a tree are three
poor decisions that cost the man his life. Ice traps are the first thing that brings about the man's
tragic demise. These deceptive traps are pools of water that are hidden beneath a thin layer of ice
and snow. "And to get his feet wet in such a temperature meant trouble and danger" (London 85).
Even with careful examination of the creek, the man proceeded to cross. The thin ice crumpled
beneath his feet and the water covered his legs to just below his knees. A chilled block of ice formed
around his legs. Frostbite is nothing to mess around with, and the man knew that he must deal with
this inconvenience, but did not have a sense of urgency, which led to his frozen death. While the
man did not realize the magnitude of his mistake, it resulted in a domino effect that would prove to
be fatal. ... Show more content on ...
The man knew that his only hope for survival was based around thawing out his icebound legs. This
meant that he must build a fire in order reach his intended destination and outlast the Yukon
cold.With his fingers and toes on the verge of being frostbitten the man got a fire started. But then it
happened. Packs of snow cascaded down the branches of the powdered spruce. "It grew like an
avalanche, and it descended upon the man and the fire, and the fire was blotted out!" (London 85).
The fire's light like a beacon hope, suddenly vanished along with his life. "It was as though he had
just heard his own sentence of death" (London 85). The man knew that his foolish mistake could
possibly cost him
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Explain How Salt Affect The Freezing Point Of Water
How does adding salt affect the freezing point of water?
The water molecules leaving the solid phase will continually decrease as the temperature lowers
until it will eventually match the rate at which water molecules can find the solid in the presence of
The higher the concentration of salt, the greater the freezing point depression.
If I add salt to one of the bottles of water, but not to the other, then the bottle of water that had the
salt will take longer to reach its freezing point.
Independent Variable– the amount of salt
Dependent Variable– the temperature, the time and the amount of water
Two cups
Measuring cup
1. Fill both cups with lukewarm water (150mL).
2. Label both cups.
3. Pick one of the cups to mix
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Pigeoneye Dialectical Journal
A lithe form slinked through the pristine snow, her paws going numb from the constant unbridling
unsuccessful search of prey. Being an experienced hunter now, PigeonEye knew that this was no
small dilemma, but an ominous sign. She and a hunting party of three warriors had been sent out to
hunt hours ago, and yet still, the terrain seemed barren, devoid of a stable amount of prey to feed
their clan. The she–cat shivered and paused for a moment to survey they area, her fellow clan–mates
halted and watched her with weary appearances, each thin and poignant. PigeonEye ignored them,
an unshattered defiance and determination to serve her clan burning within her. If they did not bring
back food when they returned, why return anyway. She was willing to die for her clan, even if she
would die for a cause that might be remembered as pitiful foolhardy stubbornness.
"PigeonEye." A raw voice intruded her thoughts. "We should turn back and report to our clan. We've
done all we could to..."
"Turn back then, return with the pitful news without taking action beforehand. I'm sure the kits
would love to hear it from their role models, their guardians even? To hear that they themselves
couldn't retrieve a single item of food for their growing famine?" She turned to the warrior who
spoke, head lifted defiantly. He backed ... Show more content on ...
"Scatter! I'll help her!" A dark brown tom crept towards the she–cat, the ice splintering beneath him.
Having full faith in the tom, PigeonEye fled towards the shore, another warrior close behind. There
on the banks of the lake, they panted, exhausted. Both of them hoped for the best as they looked
across the lake at the two still in peril. PigeonEye felt guilt overwhelm her as she watched the pair,
and that defiance within her vanished. Only an empty fatigue remained, she then wanted to return
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Wilkins Ice Shelf Research Paper
Imagine being on a deserted island with nothing and nobody around. Now, imagine that desert
island is a giant iceberg that disconnects from its main land and starts floating into the open ocean.
Most would suddenly think, the deserted island is not so bad after all. This scenario sounds like a
great Disney movie but a horror film in for reality. A gigantic ice shelf called Wilkins ice shelf,
located on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, disconnected and started a journey into the
open ocean. This ice shelf quickly broke off but where will the currents of the ocean take it after six
months of floating in the open water.
Scientists have stated that global warming is playing a large role in why ice shelfs such as Wilkens
ice shelf are breaking of the Antarctic (British Antarctic Survey 2008). The Wilkens was one of the
most current ice shelves that has detached from the Antarctic Peninsula in early 2008. In fact, six ice
shelves completely collapsed in the last 30 years, due to warming (2008). According to the British
Antarctic Survey, "We believe the Wilkins has been in place for at least a few hundred years. But
warm air and exposure to ocean waves are causing a break–up" (2008). The Wilkins shelf is gigantic
in size "At roughly 70.5 degrees south ... Show more content on ...
Ocean currents play a huge effect on where and what happens to things like icebergs floating in the
ocean. Being that the Artic Circumpolar Current, which is also known as the West Wind Drift is the
current that flows near where the iceberg broke off, the iceberg probably would be pulled into the
eastward flow. This current is unique because it is the only current that goes completely around the
globe without interruption, and stays consistent in its path (Sverdrup, Keith, Raphael Kudela, 2013).
The iceberg eventually would be effected by the ocean water and break apart into much smaller
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How Volcanoes Look And Work
When asked the questions of how volcanoes look and work, we give an answer based off of our
general knowledge. Yet some research into the functions of volcanoes and different types there are
prove they are much more than just lava flowing geological cones. I will be going into focus about
the different types of volcanoes and how to tell the differences between active, inactive, and
dormant volcanoes. My focus of approach is merely into the research of volcanoes from past to
First, I'd like to briefly go over some terms we will be discussing and how to identify the difference
between each term. There are a variety of volcanoes that we can identify by physical characteristics.
Let's begin with Cinder Cone volcanos, the cinder cone volcano can be classified by the small,
rough patches of hardened lava. Also called Scoria Cones, these volcanos are the easiest to classify
and or the most common type of volcano. When lava is completely filled with gas bubbles it can
erupt from a vent under extreme pressure and can have a fire fountain effect which is when the lava
shoots directly into the sky. After this process is over, chunks of lava cool fast and land near the
vent. Over time, a cone–shaped hill is built up around the crater creating it's characteristic.
Next, we have the Shield Volcano which usually forms from a lava flow made of fluid basaltic
material. Shield volcanos do vary in terms of formation and do not have a set location of proper
formation. For example, the
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Compare And Contrast Whitey's Ice Cream
The cream–colored ice cream begins to run out of the nozzle into a paper cup; blenders move at
high speeds, and the sound of metal slams down on a hard surface. Ice cream fan or not, several
people have encountered the Fan Food restaurant, Dairy Queen. Some people might think, "Ice
cream is ice cream. What is so special about Dairy Queen?" There are a variety of differences
between Dairy Queen and its arch rival Whities. While both businesses specialize in ice cream,
Dairy Queen will come out on top against Whiteys. Differences between the two stores are the style,
the customer service, and variety in the menu. Although both franchises serve ice cream and hold
the same job, Dairy Queen and Whitey's ice cream have different style between the two. Customers
can expect that Dairy Queen's ice cream will be out in seconds because of the fast soft serve that
comes out in a short amount of ... Show more content on ...
Frequently, I have stopped into Whiteys, and the service is backed up and slow. I personally, have
waited in line for more than ten minutes. While at Dairy Queen, the employees have orders come in
and out at fast speeds, making the line of customers dwindle. Another little detail that has been
picked up from the two is the friendliness that Dairy Queen has. The cashier will greet the customer
with a smile and always look forward to taking his or her order for the day. When Whiteys will greet
a customer by saying in a short and monotone voice, "What can I whip up for you?" keeping the
conversation short and very sweet. Whitey's workers look as if they have just drove over a puppy or
a baby animal. The employees have yet to surprise me with a smile and happiness in their eyes. That
is a big part of stores that serve customers face–to–face. Serve the food with a smile! On the
counterclaim, both employees of the stores are working and and not standing around. All have a
special part in the ice
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Dance Physics Laws
This report will be focusing how some physics laws apply on the sport of figure skating.
Friction is "the force that opposes the motion of an object." (
For figure skates to be able to glide across the ice, the ice needs to be almost frictionless.
There is a thin layer of water on the ice rink that is formed when the blades glide over ice (blades
melted ice as heat generated) which acts as a lubricant in between the ice and blades of ice skates;
giving very little resistance to skaters. If there wasn't a thin layer of water on the ice, it would be like
skating on concrete.
An ice resurfacer (aka zamboni) is usually used to achieve this. It covers ice with a thin layer of
water which will eventually freeze and form a smooth layer of ice, which will reduce friction
between the blade and ice. ... Show more content on ...
This is also to reduce the amount of friction as there is only little surface area. If the blades were
wide (bigger surface area) it would increase friction which would make it difficult to glide on ice.
However, friction is needed for skaters to be able to move as the Newton's 1st law states that an
object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by a force (inertia). They can create friction
with their blades. When they push off against the ice, they move the opposite direction that they
push, so they can move across the ice. Newton's 3rd law states that for every action, there is an
equal and opposite
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Pt1420 Unit 3 Lab Questions
1. One of four moons that contain basic elements of liquid, heat and nutrients which could
potentially be habitable.
2. The presence of a magnetic field means that there is some type of internal heat source along with
a liquid ocean making the idea of habitability possible below the surface.
3. Serves as a model for what are known as water–world extrasolar planets with a deep liquid ocean
that doesn't contact the silicate underneath due to a layer of ice.
4. Locked in 1:2:4 orbital cycle with Europa and Io. For every single orbit of Ganymede, Europa
orbits Jupiter 2 times and Io orbits 4 times.
5. Radius of 1,637 miles making it the largest moon in the Solar system
6. Has old terrain which has many craters and seems to have been changed due
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An Old Man's Essay : The Death Of The Farm
An old man moved his his paintbrush across the canvas. He struggled to keep his marks straight. As
he touched the canvas again, his hand shook with intention. The veins popped into the old man's
vision across his arm. He tried to move the paintbrush up but his arm moved in the motion of a
broken cogwheel, sudden, rickety movements with no discernible pattern. He placed his paintbrush
in a clear cup with a image of snoopy plastered across the body of the cup. He glanced over the
canvas and looked onto the field. The farm field was 4 acres, with 3 acres partitioned wheat and 1
acre for potatoes. The fragrant potato flowers had just died and the plant was about to go with it.
The potato plants formed lines at one point in time, but had ... Show more content on ...
It froze suddenly, overnight on December 23rd. It reached below –10 degrees that night and the
water froze so quickly the current was still visible. The ice rose and fell in wave formations with
thin vines of ice rising out of the surface near rocks and other obstacles. The bottom of the stream
never froze, so the ice kept its silky light blue color. The silky light blue color reminded the old man
of a melting icicle. Even so, he felt the ice might still outlast him. The ice spread from the stream
like a plague dispersing through a city. As the temperatures dropped, the undercurrent of petrified
soil seeped across the field killing plants as it went. The potato on the root of the potato plant froze
and it kept its structure. The stem of the potato plant was immovable because of the potato frozen
below. The leaves and twigs fell off the plant faster than a hawk diving to the ground, but the stems
stayed. The weeds and leaves rotted against the ground covering the potato field with a thin coat of
dead plants that the man imagined might crunch like breakfast cereal, if only he was strong enough
to walk the field. It was was the same color as dog poop, piling up like dog poop tends to do. The
stalks of the potato plant remained though, and shot out of the ground like fiberglass. For the first
time in a long season, it truly looked as though the the potatoes were organized in rows. The old
man had an impossible hope
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Ice Age Research Paper
The Ice Age
The ice age has covered most of north America and has carved out numerous lakes. The glacier was
a 100–foot high flow of ice and snow. Remnants of these large sheets of ice can still be seen today
in the form of numerous lakes and the most brilliant of them are the Great Lakes. Other, larger ones,
such as Lake Winnipeg, Reindeer, Athabaska, Great Slave, and Great Bear in Canada, existed at one
time but have since drained off and have disappeared. Glaciers reached as far south as the locations
now of the Ohio and Missouri Rivers. Sea levels fell approximately 425 feet with so much water
diverted from the natural cycle to form the ice on the glacier. It uncovered the flat continental
shelves as dry land. It had the same
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Analysis Of The Article ' Thin Ice ' By Claude M. Steele
Throughout history stereotyping has been used to generalize a race class. Although when a race is
being stereotyped it can be done in a positive way, in many cases it has also been done in order to
keep a minority group inferior. In the article, "Thin Ice" by Claude M. Steele, Steele shows how
African Americans who are stereotyped or have the mental image of being stereotyped negatively
can affect their success in their academic success. In the other hand, in Jennifer Lee and Min Zhou's
"The Asian American Achievement Paradox" demonstrates when a stereotype is positive it can feed
one's ego and deliver better outcomes in a people's academic achievements. Even though a large
population of people can be stereotyped in a certain way through false concepts, it can affect the
mindset of a single individual. Although many studies have shown some of the factors that affect
blacks, are for their lack of opportunities or low economic resources that is not always the case. As
many people believe that ones a black family has better resources they are already out of any
disadvantages and are expected to excel in their academics (Steele, 1999). Steele explains, "as for
African–American students generally, negative stereotypes apply in many situations, even personal
ones." This shows that although African–Americans can be part of a higher social class, stereotypes
that exist about them being negative can still affect those individuals. Moreover, as a person begins
to categorize
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Presence of Water on Mars
Mars is the planet nearest to Earth that we are most likely to explore and send manned missions to.
It also is the planet that we have the best chance of finding life on. For both these things water is
needed so exploration of Mars by space probes has concentrated on looking for water.
Humans have searched for evidence of water on Mars for many years. In 1895
American astronomer Percival Lowell thought that he had seen canals on the surface of Mars. These
were disproved as tricks of the eye. Spacecraft in the 1960's and 1970's reported that Mars was very
dry. However, spacecraft in the 1970's to the 1990's started to report evidence of water, either past or
present. The atmosphere of Mars is very thin, only 1% of the Earth's ... Show more content on ...
Astronauts would be able to tap into these water supplies for their own survival. Detailed summary
of the significance of water on
Mars. Internal assessment resource reference number Sci/3/7 – C version 3
The evidence for water is still accumulating. The evidence for the presence of water in the past is
pretty conclusive. What is being looked for now is water that would be available for use now. Also,
experience in searching for water, and hence life, is being gathered so that other planets or moons of
planets can be explored.
Each new discovery brings more unanswered questions, about the distribution of water, the presence
of water now and the possibility of life. No doubt more discoveries will add to our knowledge and
our wonderings.
Resources used: ml
New Scientist: 15 th January, 2005, p 34 – 38
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Similarities Between Natu's Crossing 'And The Inca Chasqui'
The examples of Natu and Mattias demonstrate that one person should take a personal risks in order
to help other people in need when someone is hurt or needing help. Like in "Mattias's Crossing" and
"The Inca Chasqui" the main characters of the two stories they both risked their lives for someone
else. Mattias saved his other by a boat across thin ice so she could get to the hospital. According to
"Mattias Crossing", it states, "Just then the doctor cam into the waiting room... "Heard about your
trip across the ice, Mattias. Your mothers lucky you were there to help her." The doctor knows how
Mattias saved his mother, by going across the ice. Mattias never gave up to get his mother to the
hospital. According to "Mattias Crossing", it states,
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Why Is Ice Slippery
Physicists used to believe that ice became slippery when it was exposed to applied pressure. They
believed that when a person went ice skating, the pressure from the blade caused the topmost layer
of ice to melt. The thin layer of water allowed the ice skate to glide easily over the surface. The
other theory is that ice is just slippery, because the outermost layer never turns to a solid. According
to this theory, the water molecules at the surface of the ice move more, because they're at the edge
and there aren't any molecules above them to help keep them in place. Intuition tells us that liquids
are mobile and that their presence reduces friction between solids, which is why water on the floor
can cause someone to slip. Yet ice is frozen
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What Type Of Container Affect Ice Cream Melting Time?
PROBLEM: How does the type of container affect the ice cream melting time? HYPOTHESIS: Out
of the 4 containers I think the cardboard container will melt the ice cream in 30 minutes because the
heat will go through the ice cream faster, I believe it is made of a thinner material and that is why I
think it is a weaker container MATERIALS: Plastic cup Styrofoam cup Cardboard cup Cake cone
1.5 quart of ice cream Timer Pen Paper Ice Cream Scooper REFERENCES AND
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: FACTS: Something cool about keeping your ice
cream to last longer from melting without a cooler will be to place it in a plastic container and put a
thick towel around it. the towel will ... Show more content on ...
Timer: a tool to measure the time Liquid: having a consistency like that of water or oil, flowing
freely but of a constant volume. Foam: a mass of small bubbles formed on or in liquid, typically by
agitation or fermentation. OBSERVATIONS: Once I put the ice cream in each container I notice the
ice cream looks soft but not melted yet. After 5 min passed the plastic container created a thin layer
of ice surrounding the container. The ice cream in the cake cone was now dripping. I checked the ice
cream for 5 min until the 25 min checkpoint, the only thing I notice was that the cake cone holding
the ice cream was getting weaker. At 52 minutes the ice cream in the cake cone melted completely
and turned into a liquid form. Now I just kept checking the remaining containers and the cream in
the cardboard cup were melting faster than the other two. At the 62 minute mark, the ice cream in
the cardboard cup started to turn into a foam and melted. Then I only had two containers to see,
styrofoam and plastic. After 20 minutes the ice cream in the plastic cup completely melt. The only
remaining cup was the styrofoam cup and melted at the 108–minute
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Descriptive Essay About Snow
It was a cold day, so cold that your arms start to sting as if a needle is impaling the surface of your
skin. The wind applies a force which feels as if your face is oozing with thick crimson red blood.
The gray puffy clouds covered the sky and dropped small snowflakes onto the road's surface. A man
stood there, freezing, clearing the coat of thick white snow from the concrete road. His nose runs
with a river of snot that floods out when the cold wind strikes. His sense of smell is heavily clogged
by the slimy snot, but he can still smell the scent of the steamy hot chocolate which sits on the top of
his snow covered car. His feet start to numb because of the cold flood which soaks through his boots
to his white, silky socks. His feet feel as if he stepped into the freezing cold ocean. As if he fell
through ice and he was stuck standing there. The vast pile of the ice white snow feels almost like a
quicksand around his black rubber boot. Foggy figures of people shovel the big piles of snow off the
sidewalks. They scrape and pick at the glossy white ice which sticks to the sidewalk like a little boy
clinging to his mother's side. His feet still sting as if he was stepping on pins and needles. His hands
are damp with sweat from grasping the curved metal shaft attached to a socket which holds the
blade. The blade cuts holes into the thick powdered snow which is removed from the endless pile.
The jet black shovel is filled with slushy snow and crystal shards of ice. The end of
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Thin Ice Short Story

  • 1. Thin Ice Short Story Thin Ice One statement that can never be deliberated as possibly being an opinion, would have to be that everybody makes mistakes. Obviously, some of the smartest people you could ever possibly meet have most definitely made mistakes in their lives, some may be more significant than others. Nonetheless, they are all mistakes made by human beings, this is what we do, especially the younger generations. Whenever a group of teenagers get together to have some "fun," nothing ever any good is going to come out of it. It is almost a given, that mistakes are going to be made in the process, but it is what we do after these mistakes that make us who we are. There was one time that my friends and I went out on an eerie night looking for a good time, ... Show more content on ... The flurries of snow made my vision blurred outside of my car window, so we made the decision that we needed to find a place to park. The closest area to pull off of the road, was directly next to an enormous frozen river. We then parked the vehicle near the river, and then out of nowhere, one of my friends immediately jumped out of my car and sped off. The rest of us were left in bewilderment by our friend's actions, we quickly decided that we needed to find him as soon as possible. Our search was a quick one, because our daredevil of a friend could be easily seen frolicking across the frozen river. Before we knew it he had fallen through a thin ice patch. The only thing keeping him from being swept underneath this massive block of ice, was his death grip with his fidgety hands. As his body was submerged, my remaining friends then carefully made their way over to him and they pulled him out before anything else could go wrong. They rushed him over to me while I started up the car and got the heater going for him. Once they arrived, we then stripped him of his clothes, wrapped him in a blanket, and drove him to my house where he could take a hot shower that he most desperately needed. After he got done in the shower and warmed his body up, he then told us a few ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Definition Of Diction In Into Thin Air By Jon Kraukauer Diction Definition: The distinct way a person talks depending on where the person is from or the setting of the story. It might be a choice phrase or style of speaking. Example: Into Thin Air by Jon Kraukauer, "Every Mountain I climb, I go first, I fix line. In ninety– five on Everest with Rob Hall I go first from Base Camp to summit, I fix all ropes." Pg 168. Jon Kraukauer's Into Thin Air uses Diction to show the setting and how the Sherpa's talk. It makes the characters more distinct so you know where they are from. Another example is Rob Hall has an Australian accent. These accents make the story more realistic and affects the readers attitude toward the book. The Sherpas like Lopsang all talk a different way from the clients. I think that this makes the book seem more real because it really shows the way people talk on Everest. Through the use of Diction you can show the diversity between client, guide and sherpa (where they are from). Didactic: Definition: Example: Expletive Definition: Example: Euphemism: Definition: Example: Exposition: Definition: Example: Imagery Definition: Expressing something to the reader that involves your senses. Describing the sights, sounds, tastes, feel and smell to represent something or someone. Usually very descriptive. Example: Into Thin Air by Jon Kraukauer, "The ink–black wedge of the summit pyramid stood in stark relief, towering over the surrounding ridges. Thrust high into the jet stream, the mountain ripped a visible gash in the 120–knot hurricane, sending forth a plume of ice crystals that trailed to the east like a long silk scarf." Pg 30.
  • 3. Jon Kraukauer's Into Thin Air used Imagery (especially this early in the story) to capture the reader. Appealing to the sight of the mountain is interesting to the reader and gives a picture of the setting. This gives the reader a vivid idea as to what climbing the mountain looked like. The descriptive words he uses makes the readers mind's eye have a lifelike picture of the Mountains. "The Mountain ripped a visible gash..." also uses personfication to give the reader an idea of the mountain being at the center of the hurricane. To make this even more descriptive the author compares the trail of ice crystals to a long ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Fat Penguins Research Paper Walking, or rather waddling, across the ice, the king penguin makes the journey to shore fatter than when he left. The penguin's sudden weight gain becomes a problem, causing them to slip and fall forward. This strange occurrence only seems to happen to the obese penguins who've gained weight in order to endure weeks of fasting A study was done on these penguins to see if the fat penguins are less steady on their feet than the thin penguins before and after fasting. The theory was that the penguins would lean forward or backwards to make up for the fat and keep their balance. However, the leaning angle of the obese penguins was no different than the leaning angle of the thin penguins, even though their center of mass was different. Most species, ... Show more content on ... This resembles older bipedal animals who are conscious of their balance, meaning that all penguins are susceptible to falling and balance issues. The only difference between obese penguins and thin penguins is their lack of change after suddenly gaining weight. Due to their movement underwater, penguins have limited way of moving, which makes it hard for them to adapt to physical changes such as weight gain. It may make sense for the penguins to slow down their walking speed, but they move most fluently with the designated speed the group travels. Like most birds, king penguins move as a colony. They have control over the pace they move, but when traveling together they move at the same speed regardless of individual weight. After they gain weight, the penguin's center of mass is shifted forward, causing their usual waddling speed to become too much, leaving them face first on the ice. Rather than shifting their leaning angle, the penguin rotates their lower body after gaining weight in an attempt to maintain balance. Still, there is only so much the king penguin can do to prevent falling, the limited movement of their flippers does not make up for the abrupt increase in ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Negative Effect of Global Warming The idea of global warming has been drilled into many childrens heads' starting 5th grade. From there, it has never stopped. The idea that the ozone layer is breaking up around the North Pole is scary, and there isn't anything society can do about it. It's not like an illness or cut where a doctor can prescribe medicine or put a Band–Aid on it. It's a real global disaster. It's a global disaster that could potentially ruin Earth. Global warming is not only affecting people's health, but it is also destroying life on Earth in its process. For centuries, no one thought much of big clouds of smoke pumped into the sky or the millions of gallons of chemicals dumped into the ocean. Now mankind is paying for it. Although the temperature of Earth has only climbed on average of 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit a year, it quickly adds up ("National Geographic News: Reporting Your World Daily"). The ice polar caps are quickly melting at a faster rate than ever. The polar caps aren't the only ones that are melting, it also includes ice on mountain glaciers, Arctic sea ice, and ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland ("Global Warming Puts the Arctic on Thin Ice"). When the large blocks of ice start to melt, the ability to reflect sunlight is lost. Usually when sunlight hits the polar ice caps, it is reflected back into space ("Global Warming Puts the Arctic on Thin Ice"). Without the ability, the ocean absorbs the sunlight and heats up ocean water ("Global Warming Puts the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Chemical Elements Hydrogen And Oxygen Approximately 75 percent of the Earth's surface is comprised of water. Formed by some of the tiniest know elements that can be found, and yet water shapes and is a vital part of the biological processes on Earth regardless on which phase of matter, namely solid, liquid, or gas, it is in. Therefore, scientists and chemists always search for water, especially liquid water, first in other distant planets considering that finding water on other planets is a major development in the search of life. Water is a substance that is composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen. A molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms, each linked by a single covalent bond to an oxygen atom. However, only two of the six outer–shell electrons of oxygen are used for this purpose, leaving four electrons which are organized into two non–bonding pairs. These pairs surrounding the oxygen have a partially negative charge mainly through electrostatic attraction increasing its electronegativity, which tend to arrange themselves as far from each other as possible in order to minimize repulsions. In turn, makes the hydrogen atoms to have a partially positive charge, and therefore making the two non–bonding pairs remain closer to the oxygen atom, which exert a stronger repulsion against the two covalent bonding pairs, effectively pushing the two hydrogen atoms closer together. This electronic structure of water makes it possible for the molecule to bend on a special way, shown through the figure: ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Call Of The Wild Analysis The novel, "call of the wild" was about a dog named buck. Getting kidnaped and sold for money, to feed a gambler addiction, he gets put on multiple sled teams and faces rough challenges. Not being used to the cold, he struggles to survive the harsh new environment, dealing with low food and melting ice at times on the Yukon trail. The 2 articles that relate to the novel, talk about those harsh climates, and the diet for the dogs that is needed to keep them going on the trail. The events in the first article relate to the novel because it talks about how the sled dogs and driver had to face warmer climate changes. Just like Hal, Charles, and Mercedes, when they were running on thin ice, and it was spring time when they went out. One event that happened in the article, was when a man was woken by the sound of ice cracking under him, the ice was melting. "I was sleeping in my sled bag and I heard a roar, sounded like a freight train. So I threw all my stuff in the sled bag, pulled my dogs and my sled up the bank a bit and turned around, and there was wide– open water where the sled was sitting five minutes earlier (Paragraph 4)." The article is also related to the novel because the food worries and problems. Even though the food ... Show more content on ... Since they can live off of raw meat, that is was they consume while on the trails. They always need a diet that is high in protein to keep their muscles strong, and fat to fatten them up, and grow out their coat so they stay warm during the cold times on the trail. In the novel, since Perrault and François ran low on meat from the event of the wolf attack in there camp, the dogs got skinnier, their coats became thin and didn't keep them warm, and they lost energy from the lack of meat, and they weren't able to run the trails very well. Dogs need to be feed twice a day, and the sled dogs in the novel couldn't be, because they had no ... Get more on ...
  • 8. To Use Salt Or Not To Melt Ice Icy roads are a major issue in winter across the globe. Ice causes accidents, traffic, and injuries, and removing it from the streets can be challenging. Fortunately, scientists are moving closer to an ultimate solution, but currently, our best option is to use salt. It may seem ludicrous, but sodium chloride can actually melt ice relatively quickly. Simply put, salt causes "freezing point depression" in ice, meaning it lowers ice's freezing point. When salt is sprinkled upon a chunk of ice, it creates a brine with the film of surface water on the ice, which lowers the freezing point and starts melting the ice. In order to melt ice, salt must first come into contact with water and dissolve. Fortunately, ice usually has a thin layer of water on the top, so simply spreading some salt on the ice starts the melting process. ... Show more content on ... During colder temperatures, water particles move slower, and in warmer temperatures, they speed up. In ice, particles are compact and are held close together. Thermal energy disturbs this compactness, allowing ice particles to gather the energy and slide past each other, creating liquid water. Adding salt to the equations disturbs this cycle. When it is placed on ice, it dissolves in the water film, as previously explained, but does not pack easily into the array of molecules in the solid ice. Now, there are fewer water molecules on the ice because some of them have been replaced by salt. Less water can be captured by the ice and frozen, so the rate of freezing is ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Epa's Responsibility To Protect The Environment The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, is an extremely vital function to our society. The EPA makes laws and regulations for businesses and citizens to follow to make our world safer and to protect it for the future generations. Most educated people can agree that we do have a responsibility to do something about climate change and the difference we can make is through the EPA. Because of our free market companies will do anything they can to provide cheap goods and this usually comes at a price to the environment. The EPA can help make regulation that forces companies to abide by business practices that do not harm the environment. If the EPA were to relax their regulations our world wouldn't be the same for future generations. With ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Eunice Lathem, 22, Of Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan Eunice Lathem, 22, of Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan, passed away on the night of November 20th, 1955, after falling through thin ice at a skating party in her honour. Residents of the town came to celebrate the recent engagement of Lathem and her fiance, Nathan Singleton, on the cold, November night. The celebration was to be held at a nearby lake which appeared to be frozen over and suitable for skating. The party commenced at around 6:30 p.m. lasting several hours before many began to head home. At around 10 o'clock that night, Lathem and her younger sister Delia Sykes were seen venturing out into the east bank of the lake. At approximately 10:05 p.m., several witnesses recalled hearing cries for help. "There is a place in that bank where ... Show more content on ... The night was dark and I couldn't see the girl's faces. All I could do was grasp the nearest pair of wrists and pull." Singleton recollected. "It took all of our efforts" another resident, who wished to remain anonymous, stated, "though we were able to save only one". The men who arrived to help were able to drag Sykes back to safety. "As we were doing it," Singleton stated, "The ice broke beneath our feet and the second (Lathem) went under." Onlookers did not realize that Eunice had fallen through until the hole became illuminated by the moon. "We went back to the hole, but Eunice had vanished. There wasn't any way we could get her body" Singleton concluded. Will Singleton, Nathan's brother, also attended the event. "It was an awful thing to have happen on our place" he said. "My brother was a hero who risked his life though there was no way on earth he could save both girls. All I know is that he will never fully recover. All that the town can do at this point is try and prevent this from happening again." The Willow Bunch funeral home and the Lathem and Singleton families have organized Eunice's funeral to take place on Sunday, November 22nd and her name will always be remembered on a gravestone in St. Chad's parish. All are welcome to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Perfect Is Going Too Far "Perfect" is Going Too Far Everyday girls are forced to be faced with the media's image of the "perfect" body. The perfect image that the media portrays is an unrealistic version of how it thinks girls should look starting even at age five. Everyday girls are forced into thinking they aren't "perfect" or "beautiful" enough and they have to do all these things to be the way the media wants them to be or makes them think that they need to be. Elizabeth Heubeck writes in an article on WebMD "The average teen girl gets about 180 minutes of media exposure daily and only about 10 minutes of parental interaction a day." In an attempt to be like the thin models that young girls think of as role models, many girls will develop low self– esteem or even ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Ice Age Research Paper The Ice Age The ice age has covered most of north America and has carved out numerous lakes. The glacier was a 100–foot high flow of ice and snow. Remnants of these large sheets of ice can still be seen today in the form of numerous lakes and the most brilliant of them are the Great Lakes. Other, larger ones, such as Lake Winnipeg, Reindeer, Athabaska, Great Slave, and Great Bear in Canada, existed at one time but have since drained off and have disappeared. Glaciers reached as far south as the locations now of the Ohio and Missouri Rivers. Sea levels fell approximately 425 feet with so much water diverted from the natural cycle to form the ice on the glacier. It uncovered the flat continental shelves as dry land. It had the same ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Analysis Of That Lean And Hungry Look By Suzanne Britt We All Can be Equal A few of the many problems in this world occur because we judge each other based on our differences whether is be, color, size, or shape. An example of one of the biggest differences would be size. Suzanne Britt discussed her view of fat and thin people in a brief essay called, "That Lean and Hungry Look" where she explains how fat people are far better than thin people. She states,"You've got your "together" thin person, your mechanical thin person, your condescending thin person, your tsk–tsk thin person, your efficiency thin person" (Britt 181). Many people in society actually go off of Britts statement, everyone puts fat and thin people into separate categories just because that is the way it has always been. There are many examples of how we see each other in categories, but in the end there's always a fact that disproves it. One of the most biased categories thin people are put into is being logic thinkers and enjoying math. There have been many thin mathematicians in the history of the United States such as, Albert Einstein, ... Show more content on ... It's a harsh way of putting it but fat people feel as though thin people just can't be there for them. They all, fat and thin, navigate towards people like them in their times of need because they feel as though since they don't look the same they won't understand each other. Suzanne Britt states, "Thin people are neither gooey nor soft" (181). She also states, "What you want when you're down is soft and jiggly not muscle and stable." This can be true when some people are down, maybe they want someone comfortable like a fat person to hug and make themselves feel better. However, some people when they're down navigate towards a thin person to get the motivation they need to move on and work on things to make themselves feel better such as working out. To feel better, a combination of a fat and thin person can help you more overall rather than just one ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Latent Heat of Fusion Experiment: 11 Latent Heat of Fusion Goal of Lab The main purpose of this lab is to determine the latent heat of fusion of ice. Equipment PASCO sensor DataStudio software Water Double–cup calorimeter Stirrer thing that looks like a golf club Ice Scientific mass scale Procedures Gather all materials. Dry the inside cup of the double–cup calorimeter and the golf club stirrer. Weigh these two things with a scientific mass scale. Dry the outside cup of the double–cup calorimeter, as well as the insulating ring that comes with the calorimeter. Make sure the inside of the outside cup of the calorimeter is also dry. Put both cups together and cover it. Insert the PASCO sensor and make sure the sensor doesn't touch the bottom of the inside cup. Tape can be used to set the sensor in a fixed position. Fill the inside cup halfway with hot water. Take the stirrer, inside cup, and the water and weigh it with the scientific mass scale. Put the inside cup with the stirrer and hot water inside the outside cup of the calorimeter, using the insulating ring. Cover the calorimeter, and after a minute has passed, start recording the temperature in the calorimeter. After forty–five seconds, add two or three ice cubes, to the inside cup with hot water, making sure the inside does not overflow. Use the golf club stirrer to evenly distribute the temperature in the calorimeter. After three ... Get more on ...
  • 15. How Do Polar Bears Affect The Environment This week, a viral picture of a sickly polar bear is causing debate all over the world about climate change. Although the issue is not strongly affecting humans just yet, it is influencing wildlife all over the globe. Polar bears, in particular, have been the focus of concern for various organizations that are making it their mission to protect the endangered species. Now more than ever, it seems the polar bear really needs humans to reconsider the choices being made about the environment. Polar Bears Starving Because of Climate Change – Clapway Recently, Kerstin Langenberger, a photographer at Arctic Dreams, shared one of her portraits of a severely thin bear on social media. The image, taken in the region of Svalbard in the Arctic Ocean, ... Show more content on ... When asked about the viral picture, he commented that the reports about thin or dead adult bears in the Barents Sea region are sadly consistent with what is expected with the warming Arctic. The region has the highest loss of "sea eyes," as the summer ice–free period is now twenty weeks longer than it was in 1979, when records were first documented. He adds that polar bears aren't the only animals that have altered their usual routines. Walruses have been seen gathering in Northwest Alaska, bowhead whales are moving between Alaska and Greenland and killer whales are migrating to the Arctic earlier than expected. Moreover, beluga whales have been shifting their wintering areas to Greenland, all due to the loss of ice mass. Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Most of these animals need sea ice to give birth, feed or rest. Shifting to land in order to accomplish theses tasks tremendously affects the biology of many –the polar bear specifically, as noted by Walter Vetter and his team of scientists at the University of Hohenheim. The polar bears are becoming so thin that their fat reserves have shifted completely in order to concentrate on nourishing the brain, kidneys and liver. In light of the situation, scientists all over the world are urgently calling for a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, urging us to think about these animals and to help in any way that we ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Ice Caves Research Paper I am doing my Current Events in Science about ice caves and on last February 11,000 people went to Wisconsin to see the ice caves. These caves were big enough to fit at least 50 people inside! The caves are in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin. They get a lot of people's attention each year. The Apostle Islands have a least 21 islands and some are big and some are small. This region is specifically known for having scenic cliffs and sea caves are made by waves crashing into the rocks for over thousands of years. When these temperatures drop so low below freezing the water that is dripping inside the caves becomes a big huge solid. Sonner than later huge icicles and ice sheets cover up the whole entire cave from the ceiling to the floors and even the walls. Mostly people visit caves that are located along the shoreline on the mainland. To get to this area the visitors have to walk on the frozen lake for about a mile even though that they may fall into the water because of climate change. A short amount of hikers walk up to at least 21 ... Show more content on ... The ice can also form on the sides of the icicles adding to the thickness. They then continue to grow until their water supply gets to heavy and break. The Apostle Islands are not the only places to go and see ice caves. The ice caves exsist in many places but they are not always made up of rock like the ones in Wisconsin. Alaska,Washington state,Skaftafell, and Iceland all have ice caves. But the ice acves may not be here forever though because of the climate change. During the warm weather in Washington their ice cave collasped hurting visitors. The Apostle Islands caves are becoming more riskier. From 1970's to 2010 the amount of ice cover have decreased 70 percent. With the chance of going to see the Wisconsin ice caves becoming rare. If you get a chance to see the ice caves you should take ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Sazerac Research Paper Sazerac is a famous variation of whiskey or cognac in New Orleans. It's the official cocktail of the city as of 2008. It was named after the Sazerac de Forge et Fils brand of Cognac brandy which is originally used as the main ingredient. This quick to prepare cocktail features rye whiskey, bitters and a small portion of absinthe. Because of the absinthe's strong flavour, the cocktail doesn't need much of it. Several cocktails now calls for a rinse of absinthe to add layer of complexity and taste. So here's the simple recipe on how to make this classic sazerac absinthe. Ingredients 1 ½ cups ice cubes 1 cube or ½ teaspoon sugar 4 dashes Peychaud Bitters* 2 ounces rye whiskey About ½ teaspoon absinthe ½ teaspoon water 1 thin strip lemon peel ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Primary Source Article Analysis Title of Primary Source Article: Giant Volcanoes Lurk beneath Antarctic Ice Primary Source Article Author and Discussion of Author Qualifications: The author of this article is Beth Geiger, who is a geologist and a freelance writer. She has a background in Earth science, and has worked on many articles concerning outdoor adventures, such a 7 year stint as an editor to Canoe & Kayak magazine. The article is a summary of a publication from Geological Society Publications', and written by Maximillian van Wyk de Vries. He is an undergraduate geology student at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Summary of Primary Source Article: This article discusses the importance and relevance of the 91 recently discovered volcanoes beneath Antarctica's ... Show more content on ... To start out, any eruptions could melt the ice. Considering global warming is a huge concern, this would contribute to that as well as causing the ocean levels to rise. If there were many eruptions, and a lot of the ice melted, it could cause ocean levels to rise far enough to put some parts of coastal communities underwater. This could affect my life directly, because if this were to happen we would see much of the Florida Everglades disappear, and my family has a house down there. It would affect thousands, if not millions around the world. For example, Venice is already sinking. If the ice shelf were to melt, it would raise ocean waters by about 12 feet, which would force emergency evacuation of the historical city. People around the world would lose their homes they worked so hard ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Summary Of On Thin Ice In modern times, when individuals think about environmental problems, climate change seems to always be at the forefront. Whether people learned through the Paris Climate Accord or the internet about the devastating effects that a warming climate could bring, most of society can at least acknowledge that climate change is a hot political talking point. Because of this, more and more research has been focused on the effects that a changing climate could bring about. Research on the effects of climate change range from the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and its effects on global temperatures, to the rate at which glacial ice is melting and sea level rise. This documentary, On Thin Ice, is concerned with the relationship between a warming climate and the rate at which the Gangotri Glacier has been melting over several years. This film discusses the different effects that a rapidly melting Gangotri has on water scarcity in Indian villages located downstream as well as the ways that Americans could be affected by this environmental phenomenon. On Thin Ice begins with the host, David Brancaccio, presenting the main focus of the film: the effects that a warming climate could have on the endangered Gangotri Glacier. Brancaccio then introduces Conrad Anker, an accomplished mountaineer and environmentalist. Both Brancaccio and Anker decide to go on a long hiking trek to see firsthand, the ways that the Gangotri Glacier has been affected by climate change. Dr. Vandana ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Effect Of Alien Life On Saturn's Moon Titan Saturn's moon Titan continues to baffle NASA scientists. Recently, a team found the formation of an ice cloud appearing out of thin air on Titan. This is similar to what we see over Earth's poles. However, there's minimal explanation to this event. While the agency scrambles around for answers, others look for signs of alien life on Titan. ALIEN ICE CLOUD ON SATURN'S MOON BAFFLES NASA NASA scientists remain confused over Saturn's moon Titan. The appearance of an ice cloud on Titan goes against everything they previously knew about it. At least, so they thought. On Earth, the usual process for cloud formation involves condensation of some kind. There's that cycle of evaporation and condensation of water. However, the same cycle apparently takes place on Titan as well but instead of water, methane takes its place. Scientists haves been trying to find the amount of vapor in this alien ice cloud yet have hit a road block. ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, Cassini didn't detect any vapor either. So instead of a cloud forming by condensation, they think that the ice formed because of a reaction taking place on other ice particles. Researchers are calling this "solid state chemistry". Sure, that's one way to put. However, they shouldn't rule out aliens. NASA TO SEARCH FOR METHANE ALIEN ON SATURN ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Brief Summary Of Mark Twain's Into The Wild "Buck lived at a big house in the sun–kissed Santa Clara Valley" (Pg.3 ) Buck lives a very pampered life with Judge Miller, his wife, and two sons. One night Manuel, one of the gardener's helpers who loved to play the Chinese lottery, dognapped Buck, for what he thought was a stroll, to the train station. Where Manuel tied a rope around Buck's neck and told the man he was talking to , "Twist it, an' you'll choke m' plentee." (Pg.6) Buck was not fed or given anything to drink for two nights and two days. During that time Buck had gone from being put on a train, fairey, and then another train to Seattle. After the train ride, Buck was taken to the man in the red sweater. Once Buck was let out of the kennel, he ran and started trying ... Show more content on ... Buck made a great leader, he disciplined when needed but not too harshly, and he kept everyone in their place. With buck being leader the sled team achieved an average of 40 miles for 14 days. The team arrived at Skagway,where "Francois called buck over to him, threw his arms around him, wept over him. And that was the last of Francois and Perrault." (Pg.48) After that a Scotch half–breed took charge of them. Only after a few days of rest the dogs, the Scotch half–breed, his companions, and about a dozen other sled dogs were back on the trail to Dawson. "One day was very like the others. At a certain time each morning the cooks turned fires, fires were built, and breakfast was eaten. Then,while some broke camp,others harnessed the dogs..." (Pg.48–49) Sometimes when Buck laid by the fire, Buck would see a man from the stone age. Sometimes Buck would see himself with the man. Thirty days after they left dawson they arrived at Skagway. Three days passed when two men bought them. Their names were Charles and Hal. Charles also had a wife whose name was Mercedes, who was also Hal's sister. Charles and Hal were very incompetent. They had to get rid of most of their supplies on the sled. Charles and Hal then went out to buy six more dogs to make the sled team become made of a dozen dogs. Because of how many dogs there were the food portions had to get smaller. Dub was the first to go, then Billee, then Koona, and more. With all the dogs dropping like flies, they ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Presence of Water on Mars Mars is the planet nearest to Earth that we are most likely to explore and send manned missions to. It also is the planet that we have the best chance of finding life on. For both these things water is needed so exploration of Mars by space probes has concentrated on looking for water. Humans have searched for evidence of water on Mars for many years. In 1895 American astronomer Percival Lowell thought that he had seen canals on the surface of Mars. These were disproved as tricks of the eye. Spacecraft in the 1960's and 1970's reported that Mars was very dry. However, spacecraft in the 1970's to the 1990's started to report evidence of water, either past or present. The atmosphere of Mars is very thin, only 1% of the ... Show more content on ... An additional resource that I found confirms this work. It was in a United Press article released in December 2002. The article is valid as it summarises and backs up data from NASA. It has been known for some time that the poles have frozen carbon dioxide, (dry ice) but more data from the Mars Global Surveyor probe has shown that the height of ice in the North Pole is higher than dry ice alone could be. This suggests water is tied up in the polar ice caps. This was confirmed by Odyssey. People had suggested water had existed near the surface of Mars but now scientists had conclusive proof. Although this has answered a lot of questions it has raised many more. As yet not enough water has been found to explain all the features seen in the early life of the planet. the relevant scientific information on water on Mars Discussion showing linking of ideas. Internal assessment resource reference number Sci/3/7 – C version 3 PAGE FOR TEACHER AND STUDENT USE In 2004 two probes, Spirit and Opportunity, arrived on opposite sides of Mars. Both probes have confirmed old findings and discovered new evidence for water. They have found: Clear stratification in the rocks – as found in the Endurance crater. Sulphur and chlorine, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. On Thin Ice: Polar Bears On Thin Ice Polar bears, while cute and adorable, serve a large purpose. Every single year their populations are dwindling. We must do all that we can to ensure that they reach extinction. Losing these animals would make a large impact on our world that we cannot afford. Our world hangs in a balance that would be disturbed if the polar bear went extinct. There are nineteen subpopulations of polar bears. Eight of those populations are declining, and it it is estimated that many more will follow. There are only 20,000–25,000 left in their natural habitats due to various factors. One of these reasons is the climate change. Because of the increase in temperature, the arctic ice is shrinking. Greenhouse gases are the main cause for the melting ice which is getting smaller about ten percent every decade. The lack of ice is causing many animals to lose valuable land. Polar bears mainly live in Canada, but also live in Russia, Maritola, and Alaska. This land is melting and they are losing their habitats. While their name, Ursus Maritimus, means sea bear, and they can swim about six miles per hour for up to sixty miles, they do need to rest. Polar bears rely on ice caps to rest and to hunt on. Ice loss means longer distance they need to travel before resting and hunting. Ice is the primary way polar bears hunt, using openings in the ice to hunt seal. They wait for seals to come up for breath, and then dinner is served. However, without ice their method is useless. This causes ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Water: The Role Of Salt In Ice Have you ever seen those large trucks outside on a snowy day pouring a white substance over the frozen road? You just saw salt: the tiny but mighty sodium and chlorine solute that shares quite a special relationship with ice. Both are translucent and white, yet one can be highly detrimental to the other. Salt works like a parasite on ice, eating away at it until all that is left is a cold, salty puddle of water. However, salt cannot achieve such a feat alone; it needs the help of water. Simply put, salt causes "freezing point depression" in ice, meaning it lowers ice's freezing point. When salt is sprinkled upon ice, it creates a brine with the film of surface water on the ice, which lowers the freezing point and starts melting the ice. In ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Who Is Shelbite In Jack London's To Build A Fire? Snap! Your finger just broke off with no trouble at all. Extreme cold poses the problem of frostbite for your extremities. In Jack London's "To Build a Fire,"the man learned this the hard way. The unnamed man undertakes the daunting task of traveling alone through the snow–covered Yukon despite the frigid temperatures. Traveling alone, ice traps, and building a fire under a tree are three poor decisions that cost the man his life. Ice traps are the first thing that brings about the man's tragic demise. These deceptive traps are pools of water that are hidden beneath a thin layer of ice and snow. "And to get his feet wet in such a temperature meant trouble and danger" (London 85). Even with careful examination of the creek, the man proceeded to cross. The thin ice crumpled beneath his feet and the water covered his legs to just below his knees. A chilled block of ice formed around his legs. Frostbite is nothing to mess around with, and the man knew that he must deal with this inconvenience, but did not have a sense of urgency, which led to his frozen death. While the man did not realize the magnitude of his mistake, it resulted in a domino effect that would prove to be fatal. ... Show more content on ... The man knew that his only hope for survival was based around thawing out his icebound legs. This meant that he must build a fire in order reach his intended destination and outlast the Yukon cold.With his fingers and toes on the verge of being frostbitten the man got a fire started. But then it happened. Packs of snow cascaded down the branches of the powdered spruce. "It grew like an avalanche, and it descended upon the man and the fire, and the fire was blotted out!" (London 85). The fire's light like a beacon hope, suddenly vanished along with his life. "It was as though he had just heard his own sentence of death" (London 85). The man knew that his foolish mistake could possibly cost him ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Explain How Salt Affect The Freezing Point Of Water How does adding salt affect the freezing point of water? The water molecules leaving the solid phase will continually decrease as the temperature lowers until it will eventually match the rate at which water molecules can find the solid in the presence of salt. The higher the concentration of salt, the greater the freezing point depression. If I add salt to one of the bottles of water, but not to the other, then the bottle of water that had the salt will take longer to reach its freezing point. Independent Variable– the amount of salt Dependent Variable– the temperature, the time and the amount of water Salt Two cups Water Measuring cup 1. Fill both cups with lukewarm water (150mL). 2. Label both cups. 3. Pick one of the cups to mix ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Pigeoneye Dialectical Journal A lithe form slinked through the pristine snow, her paws going numb from the constant unbridling unsuccessful search of prey. Being an experienced hunter now, PigeonEye knew that this was no small dilemma, but an ominous sign. She and a hunting party of three warriors had been sent out to hunt hours ago, and yet still, the terrain seemed barren, devoid of a stable amount of prey to feed their clan. The she–cat shivered and paused for a moment to survey they area, her fellow clan–mates halted and watched her with weary appearances, each thin and poignant. PigeonEye ignored them, an unshattered defiance and determination to serve her clan burning within her. If they did not bring back food when they returned, why return anyway. She was willing to die for her clan, even if she would die for a cause that might be remembered as pitiful foolhardy stubbornness. "PigeonEye." A raw voice intruded her thoughts. "We should turn back and report to our clan. We've done all we could to..." "Turn back then, return with the pitful news without taking action beforehand. I'm sure the kits would love to hear it from their role models, their guardians even? To hear that they themselves couldn't retrieve a single item of food for their growing famine?" She turned to the warrior who spoke, head lifted defiantly. He backed ... Show more content on ... "Scatter! I'll help her!" A dark brown tom crept towards the she–cat, the ice splintering beneath him. Having full faith in the tom, PigeonEye fled towards the shore, another warrior close behind. There on the banks of the lake, they panted, exhausted. Both of them hoped for the best as they looked across the lake at the two still in peril. PigeonEye felt guilt overwhelm her as she watched the pair, and that defiance within her vanished. Only an empty fatigue remained, she then wanted to return ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Wilkins Ice Shelf Research Paper Imagine being on a deserted island with nothing and nobody around. Now, imagine that desert island is a giant iceberg that disconnects from its main land and starts floating into the open ocean. Most would suddenly think, the deserted island is not so bad after all. This scenario sounds like a great Disney movie but a horror film in for reality. A gigantic ice shelf called Wilkins ice shelf, located on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, disconnected and started a journey into the open ocean. This ice shelf quickly broke off but where will the currents of the ocean take it after six months of floating in the open water. Scientists have stated that global warming is playing a large role in why ice shelfs such as Wilkens ice shelf are breaking of the Antarctic (British Antarctic Survey 2008). The Wilkens was one of the most current ice shelves that has detached from the Antarctic Peninsula in early 2008. In fact, six ice shelves completely collapsed in the last 30 years, due to warming (2008). According to the British Antarctic Survey, "We believe the Wilkins has been in place for at least a few hundred years. But warm air and exposure to ocean waves are causing a break–up" (2008). The Wilkins shelf is gigantic in size "At roughly 70.5 degrees south ... Show more content on ... Ocean currents play a huge effect on where and what happens to things like icebergs floating in the ocean. Being that the Artic Circumpolar Current, which is also known as the West Wind Drift is the current that flows near where the iceberg broke off, the iceberg probably would be pulled into the eastward flow. This current is unique because it is the only current that goes completely around the globe without interruption, and stays consistent in its path (Sverdrup, Keith, Raphael Kudela, 2013). The iceberg eventually would be effected by the ocean water and break apart into much smaller ... Get more on ...
  • 29. How Volcanoes Look And Work When asked the questions of how volcanoes look and work, we give an answer based off of our general knowledge. Yet some research into the functions of volcanoes and different types there are prove they are much more than just lava flowing geological cones. I will be going into focus about the different types of volcanoes and how to tell the differences between active, inactive, and dormant volcanoes. My focus of approach is merely into the research of volcanoes from past to present. First, I'd like to briefly go over some terms we will be discussing and how to identify the difference between each term. There are a variety of volcanoes that we can identify by physical characteristics. Let's begin with Cinder Cone volcanos, the cinder cone volcano can be classified by the small, rough patches of hardened lava. Also called Scoria Cones, these volcanos are the easiest to classify and or the most common type of volcano. When lava is completely filled with gas bubbles it can erupt from a vent under extreme pressure and can have a fire fountain effect which is when the lava shoots directly into the sky. After this process is over, chunks of lava cool fast and land near the vent. Over time, a cone–shaped hill is built up around the crater creating it's characteristic. Next, we have the Shield Volcano which usually forms from a lava flow made of fluid basaltic material. Shield volcanos do vary in terms of formation and do not have a set location of proper formation. For example, the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Compare And Contrast Whitey's Ice Cream The cream–colored ice cream begins to run out of the nozzle into a paper cup; blenders move at high speeds, and the sound of metal slams down on a hard surface. Ice cream fan or not, several people have encountered the Fan Food restaurant, Dairy Queen. Some people might think, "Ice cream is ice cream. What is so special about Dairy Queen?" There are a variety of differences between Dairy Queen and its arch rival Whities. While both businesses specialize in ice cream, Dairy Queen will come out on top against Whiteys. Differences between the two stores are the style, the customer service, and variety in the menu. Although both franchises serve ice cream and hold the same job, Dairy Queen and Whitey's ice cream have different style between the two. Customers can expect that Dairy Queen's ice cream will be out in seconds because of the fast soft serve that comes out in a short amount of ... Show more content on ... Frequently, I have stopped into Whiteys, and the service is backed up and slow. I personally, have waited in line for more than ten minutes. While at Dairy Queen, the employees have orders come in and out at fast speeds, making the line of customers dwindle. Another little detail that has been picked up from the two is the friendliness that Dairy Queen has. The cashier will greet the customer with a smile and always look forward to taking his or her order for the day. When Whiteys will greet a customer by saying in a short and monotone voice, "What can I whip up for you?" keeping the conversation short and very sweet. Whitey's workers look as if they have just drove over a puppy or a baby animal. The employees have yet to surprise me with a smile and happiness in their eyes. That is a big part of stores that serve customers face–to–face. Serve the food with a smile! On the counterclaim, both employees of the stores are working and and not standing around. All have a special part in the ice ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Dance Physics Laws This report will be focusing how some physics laws apply on the sport of figure skating. Friction is "the force that opposes the motion of an object." ( For figure skates to be able to glide across the ice, the ice needs to be almost frictionless. There is a thin layer of water on the ice rink that is formed when the blades glide over ice (blades melted ice as heat generated) which acts as a lubricant in between the ice and blades of ice skates; giving very little resistance to skaters. If there wasn't a thin layer of water on the ice, it would be like skating on concrete. An ice resurfacer (aka zamboni) is usually used to achieve this. It covers ice with a thin layer of water which will eventually freeze and form a smooth layer of ice, which will reduce friction between the blade and ice. ... Show more content on ... This is also to reduce the amount of friction as there is only little surface area. If the blades were wide (bigger surface area) it would increase friction which would make it difficult to glide on ice. However, friction is needed for skaters to be able to move as the Newton's 1st law states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by a force (inertia). They can create friction with their blades. When they push off against the ice, they move the opposite direction that they push, so they can move across the ice. Newton's 3rd law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Pt1420 Unit 3 Lab Questions 1. One of four moons that contain basic elements of liquid, heat and nutrients which could potentially be habitable. 2. The presence of a magnetic field means that there is some type of internal heat source along with a liquid ocean making the idea of habitability possible below the surface. 3. Serves as a model for what are known as water–world extrasolar planets with a deep liquid ocean that doesn't contact the silicate underneath due to a layer of ice. 4. Locked in 1:2:4 orbital cycle with Europa and Io. For every single orbit of Ganymede, Europa orbits Jupiter 2 times and Io orbits 4 times. 5. Radius of 1,637 miles making it the largest moon in the Solar system 6. Has old terrain which has many craters and seems to have been changed due ... Get more on ...
  • 33. An Old Man's Essay : The Death Of The Farm An old man moved his his paintbrush across the canvas. He struggled to keep his marks straight. As he touched the canvas again, his hand shook with intention. The veins popped into the old man's vision across his arm. He tried to move the paintbrush up but his arm moved in the motion of a broken cogwheel, sudden, rickety movements with no discernible pattern. He placed his paintbrush in a clear cup with a image of snoopy plastered across the body of the cup. He glanced over the canvas and looked onto the field. The farm field was 4 acres, with 3 acres partitioned wheat and 1 acre for potatoes. The fragrant potato flowers had just died and the plant was about to go with it. The potato plants formed lines at one point in time, but had ... Show more content on ... It froze suddenly, overnight on December 23rd. It reached below –10 degrees that night and the water froze so quickly the current was still visible. The ice rose and fell in wave formations with thin vines of ice rising out of the surface near rocks and other obstacles. The bottom of the stream never froze, so the ice kept its silky light blue color. The silky light blue color reminded the old man of a melting icicle. Even so, he felt the ice might still outlast him. The ice spread from the stream like a plague dispersing through a city. As the temperatures dropped, the undercurrent of petrified soil seeped across the field killing plants as it went. The potato on the root of the potato plant froze and it kept its structure. The stem of the potato plant was immovable because of the potato frozen below. The leaves and twigs fell off the plant faster than a hawk diving to the ground, but the stems stayed. The weeds and leaves rotted against the ground covering the potato field with a thin coat of dead plants that the man imagined might crunch like breakfast cereal, if only he was strong enough to walk the field. It was was the same color as dog poop, piling up like dog poop tends to do. The stalks of the potato plant remained though, and shot out of the ground like fiberglass. For the first time in a long season, it truly looked as though the the potatoes were organized in rows. The old man had an impossible hope ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Ice Age Research Paper The Ice Age The ice age has covered most of north America and has carved out numerous lakes. The glacier was a 100–foot high flow of ice and snow. Remnants of these large sheets of ice can still be seen today in the form of numerous lakes and the most brilliant of them are the Great Lakes. Other, larger ones, such as Lake Winnipeg, Reindeer, Athabaska, Great Slave, and Great Bear in Canada, existed at one time but have since drained off and have disappeared. Glaciers reached as far south as the locations now of the Ohio and Missouri Rivers. Sea levels fell approximately 425 feet with so much water diverted from the natural cycle to form the ice on the glacier. It uncovered the flat continental shelves as dry land. It had the same ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Analysis Of The Article ' Thin Ice ' By Claude M. Steele Throughout history stereotyping has been used to generalize a race class. Although when a race is being stereotyped it can be done in a positive way, in many cases it has also been done in order to keep a minority group inferior. In the article, "Thin Ice" by Claude M. Steele, Steele shows how African Americans who are stereotyped or have the mental image of being stereotyped negatively can affect their success in their academic success. In the other hand, in Jennifer Lee and Min Zhou's "The Asian American Achievement Paradox" demonstrates when a stereotype is positive it can feed one's ego and deliver better outcomes in a people's academic achievements. Even though a large population of people can be stereotyped in a certain way through false concepts, it can affect the mindset of a single individual. Although many studies have shown some of the factors that affect blacks, are for their lack of opportunities or low economic resources that is not always the case. As many people believe that ones a black family has better resources they are already out of any disadvantages and are expected to excel in their academics (Steele, 1999). Steele explains, "as for African–American students generally, negative stereotypes apply in many situations, even personal ones." This shows that although African–Americans can be part of a higher social class, stereotypes that exist about them being negative can still affect those individuals. Moreover, as a person begins to categorize ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Presence of Water on Mars Mars is the planet nearest to Earth that we are most likely to explore and send manned missions to. It also is the planet that we have the best chance of finding life on. For both these things water is needed so exploration of Mars by space probes has concentrated on looking for water. Humans have searched for evidence of water on Mars for many years. In 1895 American astronomer Percival Lowell thought that he had seen canals on the surface of Mars. These were disproved as tricks of the eye. Spacecraft in the 1960's and 1970's reported that Mars was very dry. However, spacecraft in the 1970's to the 1990's started to report evidence of water, either past or present. The atmosphere of Mars is very thin, only 1% of the Earth's ... Show more content on ... Astronauts would be able to tap into these water supplies for their own survival. Detailed summary of the significance of water on Mars. Internal assessment resource reference number Sci/3/7 – C version 3 PAGE FOR TEACHER AND STUDENT USE The evidence for water is still accumulating. The evidence for the presence of water in the past is pretty conclusive. What is being looked for now is water that would be available for use now. Also, experience in searching for water, and hence life, is being gathered so that other planets or moons of planets can be explored. Each new discovery brings more unanswered questions, about the distribution of water, the presence of water now and the possibility of life. No doubt more discoveries will add to our knowledge and our wonderings. Resources used: ml New Scientist: 15 th January, 2005, p 34 – 38 ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Similarities Between Natu's Crossing 'And The Inca Chasqui' The examples of Natu and Mattias demonstrate that one person should take a personal risks in order to help other people in need when someone is hurt or needing help. Like in "Mattias's Crossing" and "The Inca Chasqui" the main characters of the two stories they both risked their lives for someone else. Mattias saved his other by a boat across thin ice so she could get to the hospital. According to "Mattias Crossing", it states, "Just then the doctor cam into the waiting room... "Heard about your trip across the ice, Mattias. Your mothers lucky you were there to help her." The doctor knows how Mattias saved his mother, by going across the ice. Mattias never gave up to get his mother to the hospital. According to "Mattias Crossing", it states, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Why Is Ice Slippery Physicists used to believe that ice became slippery when it was exposed to applied pressure. They believed that when a person went ice skating, the pressure from the blade caused the topmost layer of ice to melt. The thin layer of water allowed the ice skate to glide easily over the surface. The other theory is that ice is just slippery, because the outermost layer never turns to a solid. According to this theory, the water molecules at the surface of the ice move more, because they're at the edge and there aren't any molecules above them to help keep them in place. Intuition tells us that liquids are mobile and that their presence reduces friction between solids, which is why water on the floor can cause someone to slip. Yet ice is frozen ... Get more on ...
  • 39. What Type Of Container Affect Ice Cream Melting Time? PROBLEM: How does the type of container affect the ice cream melting time? HYPOTHESIS: Out of the 4 containers I think the cardboard container will melt the ice cream in 30 minutes because the heat will go through the ice cream faster, I believe it is made of a thinner material and that is why I think it is a weaker container MATERIALS: Plastic cup Styrofoam cup Cardboard cup Cake cone 1.5 quart of ice cream Timer Pen Paper Ice Cream Scooper REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: FACTS: Something cool about keeping your ice cream to last longer from melting without a cooler will be to place it in a plastic container and put a thick towel around it. the towel will ... Show more content on ... Timer: a tool to measure the time Liquid: having a consistency like that of water or oil, flowing freely but of a constant volume. Foam: a mass of small bubbles formed on or in liquid, typically by agitation or fermentation. OBSERVATIONS: Once I put the ice cream in each container I notice the ice cream looks soft but not melted yet. After 5 min passed the plastic container created a thin layer of ice surrounding the container. The ice cream in the cake cone was now dripping. I checked the ice cream for 5 min until the 25 min checkpoint, the only thing I notice was that the cake cone holding the ice cream was getting weaker. At 52 minutes the ice cream in the cake cone melted completely and turned into a liquid form. Now I just kept checking the remaining containers and the cream in the cardboard cup were melting faster than the other two. At the 62 minute mark, the ice cream in the cardboard cup started to turn into a foam and melted. Then I only had two containers to see, styrofoam and plastic. After 20 minutes the ice cream in the plastic cup completely melt. The only remaining cup was the styrofoam cup and melted at the 108–minute ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Descriptive Essay About Snow It was a cold day, so cold that your arms start to sting as if a needle is impaling the surface of your skin. The wind applies a force which feels as if your face is oozing with thick crimson red blood. The gray puffy clouds covered the sky and dropped small snowflakes onto the road's surface. A man stood there, freezing, clearing the coat of thick white snow from the concrete road. His nose runs with a river of snot that floods out when the cold wind strikes. His sense of smell is heavily clogged by the slimy snot, but he can still smell the scent of the steamy hot chocolate which sits on the top of his snow covered car. His feet start to numb because of the cold flood which soaks through his boots to his white, silky socks. His feet feel as if he stepped into the freezing cold ocean. As if he fell through ice and he was stuck standing there. The vast pile of the ice white snow feels almost like a quicksand around his black rubber boot. Foggy figures of people shovel the big piles of snow off the sidewalks. They scrape and pick at the glossy white ice which sticks to the sidewalk like a little boy clinging to his mother's side. His feet still sting as if he was stepping on pins and needles. His hands are damp with sweat from grasping the curved metal shaft attached to a socket which holds the blade. The blade cuts holes into the thick powdered snow which is removed from the endless pile. The jet black shovel is filled with slushy snow and crystal shards of ice. The end of ... Get more on ...