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The Issue Of Asylum Seekers
While the issue of asylum seekers has mainly challenged Australia's political power and resources,
the debate is mostly ethical and putting human dignity first is integral. Whilst both political parties
have very similar policies in regards to the topical issues, which are in essence going partially
against the Church's stance and human dignity. Australia has the economy, land, low population and
living style to support more asylum seekers/refugees, especially when we have a ranking of 48 in
the world on the scale of how many refugees we currently have accepted.
With both political parties having fairly similar opinions on the refugee situation, only having slight
differences, only a few differences separate the two, with labor wanting to increase the refugee
intake per year to almost double of what the coalition currently has in place which is 13,750 and
labor plan to raise it up to 27,000. (Australian Labor Party) Also labor also plans to reinstate the
UN's refugee convention, which Abbott is currently undermining, which is technically international
law. In one way this breach of international law Abbot has broken is refusing to take refugees that
has been allocated to Australia by the UN, for it is overstepping the coalitions humanitarian intake
policy. Also labor will work to implement a system to release the children from off shore and on
shore detention centres. As well as cutting down the time it takes for an asylum seeker going
through the process to become a
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Canada 's Immigration System Lacks Heart
Canada's immigration system lacks heart, critics say, is an article filled with professional opinions
and debates. These debates and opinions are regarding the humanitarian and compassionate side of
immigration and refugee law in Canada. The article's main purpose is to expose how Canada has
changed its compassion for acceptance of refugees in recent years. Canada has always been
recognized as an accepting and "go–to" country in crisis. However, in recent years, there have been
changes. Refugee legislation has become extremely strict, qualifications for refugees have become
unfair, and limitations regarding what Canada offers refugees have been set. There is always going
to be opposing opinions regarding the compassion Canada has towards refugees. However, in the
article, Peter Harder, a man who has dealt with the legality of immigration from 1987 to date,
believes Canada lacks compassion for refugees. Peter believes Canada does not contain "heart"
when it comes to refugees because of the increase in deportation, the extreme conditions attached to
refugee status, and the unfair qualification testing.
This article contains many phrases that relate to Canada's rapidly dissolving compassionate
reputation. Although some refugees still think of Canada as a "place of safety and asylum" , those
refugees may change their opinion after "Cuts to refugee health care. Changes to rules for refugee
applications. A bill to deport permanent residents convicted of criminal
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The Issue Of Asylum Seekers Has Been Considered As One
The issue of Asylum seekers has been considered as one of the controversial issues in Australia due
to the implementation of the Federal governments' harsh and stringent policy against boat refugees,
who flee from their countries because of violence or persecution. It is stated that this hard line
approach aims to curb the influx of illegal immigrants thereby making Australian Immigration
System credible and strong (Anderson & Iggulden 2016). According to Refugee Convention 1954,
Australia, a signatory under United Nation(UN) Refugee Agency, is regarded as one of the generous
country in dealing with the protection and rights of refugees and has created a meritorious history of
accepting asylum seekers from all over the world (Refugee ... Show more content on ...
Besides this, it also meant to analyze and scrutinize people whether they are following an orderly
queue or not (Cox 2015).
However, it is argued that that as one of the signatories of the Refugee Convention to the United
Nation (UN), Australia has a moral obligation to protect the human rights of all asylum seekers,
despite the reasons for their arrival and whether they arrive with or without a valid visa (Australian
Human Rights Commission 2015). Hence it is clear that being a signatory of Refugee Convention
Laws, the opposition has a legal commitment to guarantee the safety of asylum seekers. Another
point worth noting is that when compared to the resettlement of refugees in Australia (57,362) to
other countries, the top10 countries hosting refugees were in third world countries ; Turkey (2.5
million), Pakistan(1.6 million) ,Lebanon(1.1 million)and the remaining countries were in Africa. It
is noticeable that, the resettled refugees accounted for about.99% of the global total of 14 million
people and Australia has ranked 26th overall and 46th in terms of GDP (ABC News 2016).
Some people believe that asylum seekers are jumping out of the queue to come to Australia to seek
asylum. However, it is truly a misconception that the people seeking asylum are queue jumpers. It is
necessary to point that there is no orderly 'queue' to the resettlement of refugees. Only a
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Zaire and Rwanda Essay
The refugee massacre that occurred in the years between 1994 and 1996 in Zaire demonstrates a
worst–case–scenario of refugee camp militarization. It is by no means a typical case of refugee
warriorism, however, it does exemplify an opportunity structure that fosters an environment
conducive for militarization. The massacre of refugees in Zaire stems from the Rwandan genocide
of 1994 which witnessed the deaths of 200,000 to 1 million ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu.2 The
conflict ended in the victory of the ethnic– Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and the defeat of
the ethnic–Hutu Forces Armées Rwandaises (FAR). Consequently, 1.72–2.1 million Hutu refugees
fled the country into Burundi, Zaire, Tanzania, and Uganda.3 Dr. Emizet ... Show more content on ...
They forced refugees back in to Rwanda by gun–point and cut off access to food.8 By May 1997,
aid workers discovered that the majority of the refugee camps had completely emptied and finally
after the AFDL took Kinshasa, it gave the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) sixty days to repatriate any remaining (surviving) Hutu refugees.9
Tanzania and Rwanda Like Zaire, Tanzania was severely affected by huge population influxes
stemming from the situation in Rwanda. Prior the major influx in the 1990s from Rwanda and
Burundi, Tanzania had an open door policy towards refugees and was a haven for asylum seekers.10
President Julius Nyerere not only encouraged an open door policy, but he also encouraged refugee
warrior movements against colonial regimes. He saw refugees as vital sources of labour and also as
freedom fighters. However, this changed following the end of Nyerere's reign and refugees were
subsequently re–categorized from freedom fighters to threats to Tanzania's insecurity. This policy
shift partly results from the scope of the crisis (Tanzania was hosting 85% more refugees in 1994
than it was the previous year)11, economic and political restructuring of the government and a
revamped security–first attitude from the
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Introduction . The Formation Of A Nation-State Has Created
The formation of a nation–state has created binary categories of those who belong (citizens) and
those who do not belong ('aliens') to the state. Complex socio–economic and geopolitical boundaries
including territorial boundaries divide the citizens from 'aliens', and the state exercises sovereign
power to protect the privileges of the former (Hayter, 2004). On the other hand, forced displacement
is counterproductive to the notion of the state as a selective 'container' (Koser, 2003). For various
reasons, states, policymakers, international bodies, institutions and local governors put displaced
people into categories such as refugees, economic migrants, returnees, Internally Displaced Persons
(IDPs) and others (Reed, 2012). ... Show more content on ...
In doing so, the essay synthesises a range of migration and international relations literature.
Evolution of the international refugee protection regime
In the aftermath of the WWII and the beginning of the Cold War tensions, the UNHCR began its
mandate of addressing the issues of refugees as defined by the 1951 Geneva Convention with
thirty–three staff and a $30,000 budget (Feller, 2001:131). Reflecting post–colonial European
hegemonic structure and ignoring the upheavals of decolonisation in the 'Third World,' geographic
and temporal limitations were embedded within the definition of a refugee. The convention
recognises persons displaced before the first of January 1951 within the European geographical
region (Nygh, 2000 and Loescher et al., 2008). Thus, the mandate of the UNHCR was apparently
limited to the protection of refugees displaced before the drafting of the 1951 Geneva Convention
and only within Europe. At this time, because of the strategic aims of the Cold War period and
demand for labour, "refugees were welcomed noncitizens in many [European] countries" (Feller,
2001:129). In other words, the refugee regime was designed to provide geopolitical and economic
responses to mass displacement due to Nazism and communism. After more than a decade and a
half of this Eurocentric approach, the geographic and temporal limitations of the 1951 Geneva
Convention were lifted by the 1967 protocol (Betts, 2010). By removing the
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Refugee Migration Is The Negligence And Violation Of Human...
It is said that the leading explanation of refugee migration is the negligence and violation of human
rights. Considering the connection between the two, one can question the way a country or state
defines what a refugee is. The extent of refugee law and human rights law speaks to the most
unmistakable contrast between the two branches of universal law. While human rights are pertinent
to each individual, the advantage of refugee status relies upon the recognition of a proposed
classification of secured people. . In some cases, refugees are withheld or returned to where their
lives, freedom and safety are vulnerable. Within the last two decades, the number of refugees in the
world has increased seventy–five percent. If all of the refugees in the world were to make up their
own country, the forcibly uprooted would make up the twenty–first largest country in the world. The
latest increase in numbers derives from the conflict within the Syrian Arab republic, making up
more than half the number of refugees in 2015. The United States has been a historic figure in
opening its doors to those in need of a secure home. Even though the United States is considered a
world–leading example to other countries, there are countries today like Germany that have closed
their borders to refugees, specifically from Syrian refugees. Japan is known for being more resistant
to refugees due to weak relationships with refugee home countries whereas Germany has obtained a
more positive reputation
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Asylum Seekers In Australia
The asylum seeker "debate" is a contentious topic in Australian media. According to The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, it is considered an inherent right for every individual worldwide, "to
seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution" (United Nations, 2014). Article 14 is
listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is accepted by many nations as the
international standard of basic human rights and liberties. This report will assess the extent of
Australia's violation of these international standards, and consider their national approach to the
treatment of refugees and individuals seeking asylum. It will provide evidence to expose the
inconsistencies in Australia's human rights commitments under international ... Show more content
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Consequently the Australian Government has the legal requirements to ensure that the human rights
of individuals seeking asylum (engaging under the countries jurisdiction) are respected and
protected, under their obligation to numerous international treaties . These treaties specify the right
to not be detained arbitrarily. Additionally, as a signatory party to the Refugee Convention, Australia
has agreed to a principle known as the principle of non–refoulement , whereby they are obligated to
ensure that asylum seekers, who fulfil the definition of a refugee, are not turned back to their origin
country where their liberties are threatened (Refugee Council of Australia, 2011).
Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), The Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) and the
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Australia must not to return people or send people to
third countries where they would face a violation of their human rights; applying to both refugees
and non–refugees (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2014, para. 2). Again Australia has been
found guilty of contradicting
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Essay on The World Largest Minority: People with...
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that between 10 to 15 percent of the world's
population, or approximately1 billion people, live with disabilities, making people with disabilities
the world's largest minority (WHO 2011, WRC 2008, UN 2012). Among the millions of refugees
living in camps are a large number of people with disabilities. It is estimated that between 4.5 and
6.8 million of the world's 45.2 million forcibly displaced persons also live with disabilities. Among
displaced persons who have fled civil conflict, war or natural disasters, the number with disabilities
may be even higher (WRC 2008, UN 2012). Yet persons with disabilities remain among the most
hidden, neglected and socially excluded of all displaced people ... Show more content on ...
As of April 2014, the Convention has 158 Signatories, 145 parties and has been ratified by over 100
countries the fastest take up of any international rights based mechanism ( UNCRPD 2014). Don
Mackay, chairman of the Committee that negotiated the treaty states that "what the Convention
endeavors to do, is to elaborate in detail the rights of persons with disabilities and set out a code of
implementation" (CRPD, UN 2006 WEB). The CRPD clearly and unconditionally states that people
with disabilities have equal access and the right to the full and active enjoyment of all human
rights– the removal of barriers explicitly termed as a condition for access and the enjoyment of
equality (pg 13 UNCRPD Schulze). This is a considerable step towards equal rights for people
living with a disability, but how does this directly affect refugees and asylum seekers with
One of the first questions that parties to the CRPD raised during its drafting, was whether it actually
applies to refugees at all. Some suggested that obligations owed in the CRPD could only be applied
to nationals. They cited that in some countries, the social and economic environments could make it
difficult to support the needs of nationals with disabilities, let alone those of stateless refugees and
asylum seekers often arriving in large numbers. Underlying this position was the view that refugees
and asylum
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Causes And Disadvantages Of Refugees
According to UNHCR (2017a), there are, currently, 22.5 million of refugees in the world.
Comparing to the world population reported in United Nations (2017), it can be calculated as three
refugees in every 1,000 people. Nowadays, most of the people who have escaped from their own
countries are Syrian. Since 2011, the beginning of Syrian civil war, total registered Syrian refugees
are 17.5 million people (UNHCR, 2017b). From the UNHCR database, most of them are living in
neighbouring countries such as Lebanon and Turkey. Some of them seek asylum in developed
countries, particularly in Europe. Germany is the European country that holds the largest Syrian
refugee population, accounting for approximately 0.8 million (UNHCR, 2017b). The large
population of refugee can affect to economy, environment, society, and politics. Some people say
that new coming refugees can fulfil labour market and establish the multicultural societies which
motivate international trade. However, the host nations will not benefit from refugees due to the
needs of high cost of management for labour force preparation and risk of social conflict caused by
cultural difference.
Accepting refugees for work forces need a large amount of the budget for refugees' workforce
preparation and not every country can support the cost. This is because the budget needed for
refugees as workforce's preparation is high, due to spending for teaching courses (such as language,
working skills, and social norm), as well as
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Who Is A Refugee?
In his article Who is a Refugee?, Shacknove (1985) attempts to define what it means to be an actual
"refugee." Shacknove (1985) begins by presenting the UN and the OAU's distinctly varying
definitions of who a refugee is and what circumstances constitute refugee status. More specifically,
the universally accepted concept of refugeehood, according to the OAU, entails a severed bond
between state and citizen. Moreover, when this relationship ceases to exist, persecution and
alienation follows, which stems the flow of basic needs and, in turn, pushes the citizen to seek
refuge across international lines. However, Shacknove (1985) challenges this conception, as he
argues that persecution and alienation should be considered sufficient conditions, but not necessary
conditions, for the disconnect between the state and citizen that would cause a person to be defined
as a refugee. Furthermore, as briefly noted above, Shacknove (1985) does not consider persecution
to be a necessary condition to refugeehood simply because the term "persecution" only takes into
account a government that is exploitative, and that fails to protect its citizens. Nevertheless, the term
"persecution" does not take into account a state in which a government does not exist at all.
Shacknove (1985) assumes that a lack of government would result in the basic needs of a citizen to
not be met. Along with persecution, Shacknove (1985) explains that although alienage is often cited
as a basis for refugeehood, he
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Case Study: Rohingya Refugees
Case Study: Rohingya Refugees
Rohingya is Muslim minority communities that located in the North of Western Arakan, Burma.
They are referred to as neither people that is nor a country and not recognized full citizenship by
Myanmar government. They are different with other ethnic groups, whether nationality was
recognized by Myanmar government. Rohingya ethnic is regarded as temporary residents and are
not getting rights of full citizenship. Rohingya ethnic also experienced religious persecution that it is
almost impossible for them to get repair or renovation permits of the mosque construction.
The Muslim Rohingya been misery started in 1978 because of junta military, as a result thousands
of people chose being refugees in the some neighbour countries. It was so pathetic to see them went
out from their origin place and become refugees. They go to Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, and
parts of others took refuge on the Myanmar border. Junta military has not only intimidated them, but
also mocking them as Muslim to the Buddhist Rakhine. The military junta also asked the Myanmar
people to hostile the Muslim Rohingya ethnic. The movement was successful and Rohingya face the
discrimination by the democracy movement of Myanmar. Rakhine ethnic and ... Show more content
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Rohingya is constantly being oppressed ethnic and not recognized as part of a recognized ethnic in
Myanmar. Whereas, based on historical records, as their ethnic has resided in Arakan since the
seventh century. Long before the state of Burma or Myanmar stand in 1948. Principal issues of
Rohingya also concern in many other problems that has been there, such as the land distribution
(agrarian), ethnic discrimination where there are more than hundreds ethnic group in Myanmar that
admit based on the sense of likes and dislikes the political government, and brought to many fields.
One of the most important things is the problem of Rohignya ethnic history of
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Operation Sovereign Borders
This report is directly concerned with the Australian Government's policies under 'Operation
Sovereign Borders,' its 'Regional Resettlement Arrangement' with Papua New Guinea (PNG), and
the 'Memorandum of Understanding' with the Republic of Nauru, which remove, lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) irregular maritime arrivals to countries where their
fundamental reason for seeking asylum – persecution on grounds relating to their sexual orientation
and/or gender identity – is sufficient cause for further persecution, and even criminal sanction, in the
recipient country. This report reveals that by transferring LGBTI asylum seekers to countries which
intend to persecute them on the same grounds for which they originally sought asylum, Australia is
breaching its international human rights obligations by directly undermining the principle of non–
refoulement .
To address these concerns and ensure that the rights of LGBTI asylum seekers are protected, the
Commission recommends that the Australian Government adopt an on–shore processing solution for
irregular maritime arrivals. Due to the vulnerable position of sexual minorities in detention, the
Commission also urges the Government to implement community detention arrangements for all
LGBTI asylum seekers awaiting refugee status determination's (RSD). In addition, increased
opportunities for judicial review following negative RSD's, improved independent monitoring, the
development of guidelines on LGBTI
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The Importance Of Social Work For Refugees And Asylum Seekers
Social Workers have a duty, professionally and morally to support refugee children and asylum
Social workers have a professional and moral duty to ensure that services are provided to those who
most need it. The duty that Social workers have toward Refugees and asylum seekers, particularly
children is strong but not often met. People's wellbeing is a key ideal within social work and is
strongly represented within the Care Act 2014, the earlier Children's Act 2004 is also clear on the
protection of children's rights in the UK. In the essay there will be a discussion on how in some
areas the statute is not strong enough to allow Social Workers to work properly, but also how there
needs to be changes regarding social work focus on refugees.
Recently, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has campaigns to help reform the UK's current
law on family. The law only recognises parents or spouses and civil partners as family. A child
refugee may have an older sibling, or more extended family such as an uncle but they would not be
allowed into the country under the Family Reunion rules. The dangers for children trying to reach
family in the UK are high and it leaves them at risk of exploitation, 78% of adolescents face some
form of exploitation whilst travelling the Central Mediterranean route to Europe, UNICEF (2017).
Social Workers have a duty here to protest the UK's laws, and the decision of the Government not to
join the EU's relocation scheme for Refugees. They did
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Governments Enact Laws Governing Refugee And Asylum...
Governments enact laws governing refugee and asylum seekers based on political factors. Ties
between the country of origin and the country of asylum, national security and current event are
some of the factors that cause governments to enact laws for political reasons. As a result, countries
will use certain criteria to accept different flows of refuges that will foster a policy of
discrimination. Policies enacted for political reasons do not always reflect the social climate of the
country, but more times than not the social factors and the political factors are aligned with the same
Using the country of origin in the evaluation process is the most conventional method of identifying
ties between countries of origin and the country of asylum, acknowledge national security threats as
well as deal with current events. Every application process requires applicants to state their country
of origin. "Close political links between the governments of a country of possible asylum and the
country of origin make people afraid to ask for asylum in the relevant country of destination"
(Havinga and Bocker, 1999). Applicants know that the friendship between the two countries is
bound to result in a denial of asylum. The country of asylum would not want to embarrass the
country of origin. In the countries that a friendship is evident, asylum is almost certainly denied
because a "bestowal of refugee status upon asylum seekers implies that the sending government
persecutes its
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Should Lgbt + Americans Have Refugees In Canada
Should we offer LGBT+ Americans refugee status in Canada?
When we think of refugees entering Canada, we picture people from war torn countries fleeing
persecution from their homeland to lead a better life here. With this image in mind, it is unsurprising
that Canada does not typically accept refugees from the United States. The U.S. is considered a safe
country, according to our refugee guidelines, and is on the list of designated countries of origin in
which the minister of immigration has deemed should not be producing refugees. However, there is
a group of Americans who share some of the same concerns held by those who meet our criteria of
what a refugee is. While the US has made progress in their protection of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgendered, queer, two–spirited and other sexual minorities (LGBT+) under the latest presidency
of Barack Obama, there are still laws that exist (or do not exist) ... Show more content on ...
Currently, LGBT+ people from countries not designated safe, qualify for status under the
convention refugee definition as being members of a particular social group who have a well–
founded fear of persecution, as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. While
LGBT+ Americans are treated much better than their counterparts in countries where homosexuality
is illegal, the danger of persecution still exists in some states.
One example of persecution is the legal subjection to conversion therapy. Sometimes referred to as
reparative therapy, or Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, conversion therapy historically used
extreme measures such as institutionalization, castration, and electroconvulsive shock therapy in an
effort to change a person's sexual orientation. Today, some counselors still use physical treatments
like aversive conditioning. While less extreme than some methods used in the past, this method is
still void of any scientific validity (The Lies and Dangers of "Conversion
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Persuasive Essay On Refugee Crisis
The world is experiencing it's "worst refugee crisis since World War II" (The Worst Crisis You've
Never Heard Of). Refugees, along with having to leave their possessions and family behind in their
usually war–torn or violent country, face many additional issues that are cause for the concern.
Despite the United Nations' best efforts, refugee camps are not equipped with the sufficient amount
of food, medical care, and shelter for the thousands of people that pour into them everyday. With
that in mind, many refugees are undernourished, sick, and generally hopeless. The continuing
refugee crisis has also posed a unique issue for countries all around the world: not only does it bring
about humanitarian concerns in individuals, but the ever–increasing flow of refugees cannot be kept
up with and has the potential to harm other country's economy and population. Similar refugee
crises due to conflicts in countries like Palestine, Germany, Vietnam, Sudan, Afghanistan, Rwanda,
and Myanmar have been handled, but recent displacements are even more difficult for countries to
deal with. However, countries that accept refugees serve as examples for the best possible solution
to the crisis: aiding refugees, not fearing them. A massive issue, like that of the refugee crisis, is the
outcome of many different events. Since the end of World War II, there has been a significant
buildup of refugees. People have been pouring out of countries such as Palestine, Vietnam, Laos,
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A Brief Note On The Syrian Refugee Crisis
Our lives are ruled by technology, most of the adults from generation Y and Z start their day the
same way: by checking social media. You may have noticed the term "Aleppo" trending frequently
as of lately. If you asked yourself 'what is Aleppo?' then you asked the same question that Gary
Johnson repeated out loud. On September 8th, 2016 Gary Johnson was on MSNBC's ' Morning Joe',
and was asked " If you were elected, what would you do about Aleppo?" his response: "Aleppo?
And what is Aleppo?"
I wanna talk about the Syrian refugee crisis going on around the world but lets begin with an old
saying by Joseph Stalin. "When one man dies that's a tragedy, when thousands die that's a statistic."
Large numbers can feel cold and distant and even kind of comforting because they don 't feel like
people, and I think that's the reason much of the world was able to ignore the years old Syrian
refugee crisis until recently. But then after thousands of refugees died this year trying to get to
Europe, one three year old boy washed ashore in Turkey. His name was Aylan Kurdi and he
drowned with his five year old brother and his mom trying to get to Greece. His father Abdullah has
now returned to Syria to bury his wife and children and when offered the opportunity to resettle in
another country Abdullah said, "Now I don 't want anything. What was precious is gone." To talk
about the refugee crisis we need statistics but let us not forget what is precious. In the past 5.5 years
there has been
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Australia's Legal Obligation to Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Australia has a legal obligation towards asylum seekers and refugees.
Australia has a legal obligation towards Asylum Seekers and Refugees as it is a signatory to the UN
Human Rights and Refugee Conventions. Furthermore, Australia has a moral obligation based on its
membership of the world community.
"Australia is one of the 146 signatory countries to the United Nations 1951 Convention and or/ 1967
Protocol relating to the status of refugees". (Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, 2009)
According to Australian Human Rights Commission an asylum seeker is someone who has fled their
country and applies to the government of another country for protection as a refugee, (Australian
Human Rights Commision, 2012) whereas a person is a refugee the ... Show more content on ...
(Human Rights Law Centre, 2011). It is stated that immigration detention is not used to punish
people, but instead it is administrative function whereby those people do not have a valid visa were
detained and assessed and if proven to be legal they have a rights to stay and if not they will be
immediately removed from the country. The concern is to reconcile what the requirements of the
UN and those of the Migration Act. As at 30 of April 2012 a total of 6716 people were detained in
Immigration detaining centres and 1019 of them are children that are parentless. An individual can
be detained for a few days, months or even longer. (Department of Immigration and Citizenship,
In May 2004 the then immigration spokesperson, now Prime Minster Julia Gillard, said that 'Labor
will end the so – called Pacific Solution– the processing and detaining of Asylum seekers on Pacific
islands– because it is costly, unsustainable and wrong as a matter of principle'. Back then Labor
party closed down the Nauru centre and processed all asylum seekers onshore and at Christmas
Island. And now the Labor Party is implementing the pacific solution again and it is also known that
unaccompanied children and minors are being sent offshore to process their papers. With the new
legislation and new
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Essay On American Refugees
The United States has been a refuge for many people from other countries since the early 1900's.
Many Americans do not know the difference between a refugee, an asylum seeker, and an
immigrant. Over the years, different associations, agencies, official acts and laws have come into
existence to limit who can be awarded the title of refugee. Rules and regulations have become the
most confusing part of coming to the United States if a person is seeking refuge. This paper will
explore the history of the American refugee and the laws, regulations, and associations that aide or
hinder their status.
What is the Difference between a Refugee, and Asylum Seeker, and an Immigrant?
In the United States, a refugee is defined as a person that is outside of the United States and is
seeking refuge from persecution based on their race, nationality, religious beliefs, social group or
political opinion. Refugees can be excluded from being awarded refugee status for polygamy,
health–related issues, moral and criminal and security grounds. They could also be excluded for
misrepresentation of facts on visa applications, smuggling and previous deportations. A person
seeking asylum, is a person that has already entered the United States by using a visa or illegally
entering and is seeking the same protection under the same ... Show more content on ...
He also determines from which country they can be from. Currently, the Immigration and
Naturalization Act (INA) governs our current immigration policy and provides a limit of 675,000
permanent immigrants, with special exceptions for close family members. Immigration and refugee
status is based upon whether it is possible to reunite a family, whether the immigrant or refugee has
a special skill that would be valuable to the United States economy, protection for the refugee, and
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Effectiveness Of The United States And Canada 's Polices...
Effectiveness of the United States and Canada's Polices Towards Refugees
Has United States or Canada been more effective with implementing and abiding by refugee rules
and laws? Before discussing and comparing which of these countries had been more successful, the
historical context of refugees needs to be explored. Although refugees have existed throughout the
course of history, the definitions of what a refuge is had shifted and evolved over time. The League
of Nations in the 1920s defined refugees "by categories, specifically in relation to their country of
origin." Up until 1950s, the League of Nations, which later became the United Nations, "established
and dismantled several international institutions devoted to refugees in Europe." After World War II,
creating and facilitating solutions for refugees were of high importance internationally. This is
evident in the first session of United Nations General Assembly in 1946 when it adopted the
principle that no refugee who had "expressed valid objections to returning to their countries [sic] of
origin ... shall be compelled to return." Additionally, the United Nations in 1947 established the
International Refugee Organization (IRO), a specialized temporary agency aimed at handling the
displacement of refugees after the conclusion World War II. A refugee was by the IRO defined as a
person who was "a victim of state intolerance" or was a "genuinely motivated political dissident."
Since the IRO was established as a
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Importance Of Human Rights In Nauru
2. Human rights are rights essential to all human being's welfare, whatever their nationality, place of
residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, skin colour, religion, language, or any other status. Every
human is equally entitled to human rights without discrimination or question. These rights are all
interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. Universal human rights are often in correlation to the
law, in the forms of agreements, customary international law, general principles and other sources of
international law. International human rights law lays down the requirements of Governments to act
in certain ways or how not to act in certain ways that breach human rights. This is all put into place
in order to promote and protect human rights and simply, freedom of individuals or groups. Human
rights include civil and political rights, this includes the right to life, liberty and freedom of
expression; as well as social, cultural and economic rights including the right to participate in
culture, the right to food, and the right to work and receive an education. In Australia, where asylum
seekers are detained on Nauru for processing, there has been much debate about whether this
involuntary detention violates human rights, in which many cases the United Nations has stated it
Nauru, the world's smallest republic, is a small oval shaped coral island; it is located just 25 miles
south of the Equator. Nauru is commonly known as the 'Australian ground refugee island',
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Refugee Crisis In America
In the dreaded times that of ours, the world is confronted with multilateral conflicts ranging from
Crimea to Syria, civil wars in Sudan to terrorism in Nigeria and Iraq, to Saudi military intervention
in Yemen to Climatic refugee exodus in South Asia and Latin America. The nature of the refugee
crisis is complex and unprecedented in the history of mankind.
I. Nature of the present refugee crisis and How it is different from past refugee exodus, both in
nature and magnitude.
Article 1 of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugee, as amended by the 1967 Protocol,
defines a refugee as:
"A person who owing to a well–founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion,
nationality, membership of a particular social ... Show more content on ...
With economic backlash, unemployment and inflation adding to the populist polarization against
accepting refugees to their countries, USA has deter from its pioneering role in the crisis mitigation
with the Trump administration enforcing a selective ban on Muslims travelling to USA and scaling
down refugee assistance programme. A frontline country like Germany under the leadership of
Angela Markel is also weighing down its prospects after measuring the political sentiments in the
country with the upcoming elections kept in the mind. Europe cannot go on responding to this crisis
with a piecemeal or incremental approach way beneath their full
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A Brief Note On The United States And Non Governmental...
Local refugee resettlement agencies like New American Pathways assist newly arrived refugees in
restarting their live in Atlanta, Georgia. In order to provide for newly arrived refugees New
American Pathways has to rely on State funded resources. Even though refugee
resettlement agencies like New American Pathways are non–governmental organizations. they still
rely heavily on State government funding. In this Literature review I examine the history of refugee
policy, how this history produced the relationship between the States and non–governmental
organizations (NGOs), and how the State enacts its power through NGOs. Through my internship at
New American Pathways I explore the relationship dynamics between the State and non–
governmental organizations as well as how State control is experienced on a local resettlement
agency in Atlanta, Georgia.
1.1 History
After the violence and destruction of the First World War a massive displacement of people
occurred, spurring on international discussions about displaced people. This migration of displaced
people caused the first refugee legislation by the United States in 1948, The Displaced Person Act of
1948. This act helped admit displaced person fleeing from Europe (Klein 2011). The 1951
convention on the Status of Refugees created an international definition and legal status for
refugees, holding nation states' accountability for displaced people (Enekwe 2013). Most scholars
when referencing
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Refugees From The United States
Refugees in the United States go through the struggles of not being able to communicate in an
effective way because of the language barrier. This barrier makes it harder on them to be able to get
a job, attend school and success academically. This also gives them the feeling of being the "others,"
as well as a loss of their dignity and culture. Although, refugees go through steps to be able to find a
place, where they can call home, but their struggles is what holding them from having a good life
and an easy life. Consequently, refugees have valuable characteristics, such as: education, language,
job, religion, health and owing a home. As a foreigner, their struggle is exasperated since many of
their valuable characteristics are now liabilities in a different land compounded with new and
daunting cultural differences. Refugees have a multitude of steps to take in the resettlement process.
The following steps, explained by US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. After leaving their
home country, the refugee registers with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR). This agency makes sure that the individual qualifies as a refugee under international law.
Once qualified, one of several agencies can refer the refugee to the U.S. Refugee Admissions
Program (USRAP). The agencies that can refer refugees to this program are the UNHCR, the
Uniuted States Embassy or one of the authorized non–governmental organizations (NGO).
The next step is that the regional
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Subsection 198A Sample Essay
On the 25th of July 2011, the Arrangement between the Government of Australia and the
Government of Malaysia on Transfer and Resettlement was ratified. To augment this, the
"Operational guidelines to support transfers and resettlement" was published. Permitting the
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship to announce that asylum seekers could be handed over
from Australia to Malaysia liable to the 'Instrument of Declaration of Malaysia as a Declared
Country under subsection 198A(3) of the Migration Act 1958'. Nonetheless, the key legal concern
raised by the plaintiffs was that however the Malaysian Arrangement was augmented by the
coinciding Operational Guidelines, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship declaration of
Malaysia as a third country to which "offshore entry persons" can be withdrawn from, was
concluded as invalid.
In order to make a lawful declaration under subsection 198A(3) of the Migration Act allowing for a
third country to be added; the High Court reached the conclusion that it had to of comply with the
set criteria in subsection 198A(3)(a)(i)–(iv). Fundamentally, the criteria explicates that the country
must provide protection for persons seeking ... Show more content on ...
On the account that it was not obliged under international law to provide those protections to asylum
seekers. Nor did its domestic law legislate the specifications itemised in the Migration Act that the
High Court contended to rater than –pre–arranged assumptions. In particular, the arrangement did
not necessitate for Malaysia to ratify any international law obligations; significant on the account
that Malaysia had not yet signed either the Refugee Convention or moreover additionally recognised
human rights treaties inclusive of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
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I Want To Become An Immigrant
I am an Eritrean national who was born and grew up in Eritrea. My parents are from poor
background. I have five siblings (Two sisters and three brothers).
I started education at the age of five and continued till I graduated with a BA degree in Eritrea.
Unfortunately, due to well–founded fear of persecution I escaped Eritrea to Sudan illegally. More
precisely, I refused to become a victim of the evil treatment by the regime in Eritrea. Saying even a
word against the government in Eritrea, however, is considered as a grave crime in the eyes of the
tyrant regime. Consequently, I was arrested, detained, interrogated and badly treated in prison.
Luckily, I escaped the country illegally to save my life using a narrow chance to run away.
After ... Show more content on ...
Admittedly, the connotation of the word refugee in itself tortured me for years since I left my
country. My ambition to pursue higher education and prepare myself for advanced research has been
damaged because of my status as a refugee. When I came to the UK, I started to believe that hope
contents me. I applied for postgraduate studies at SOAS University of London to study a taught MA
degree in the course of Migration and Diaspora Studies as mentioned above. Besides, I also applied
for refugee scholarship. Thanks to SOAS university of London, I got admission to study and
scholarship for the course.
Following the admission process and offer of refugee scholarship, I found myself in a position
where I cannot afford accommodation and living costs in London. To be more explicit, I had to pay
$5000 to release my 17 years old sister from nasty human traffickers in the Sudan. This means I
paid all the money I saved for my accommodation and living cost working as a support worker to
human traffickers to release my sister. On the other hand, this was a threat to my lifelong ambitions
of continuing
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Pros And Disadvantages Of Asylum
I. Asylum is granted only in cases of political offences and not to common criminals.
II. Asylum is granted in accordance with the laws and usages of the state of refuge, and it is for the
latter to appreciate whether the offence committed by the refugee is a political offence or a common
III. The territorial state may request the departure of the refugee from its territory and the state of
refuge may then require the former state to deliver a safe conduct enabling the refugee to leave the
country safely.
IV. The state which granted asylum sometimes, with the same end in view, requests that a safe–
conduct be issued to refugee.
3. Caracas Convention (1954): The decision of the International Court Haya de la Torre led to some
dissatisfaction among Latin–American countries. As such a conference was convened at Caracas in
1954, which drew up an Inter–American Convention on Diplomatic asylum. The Convention
established the controlling rights of the asylum granting state to categorize the nature of offences for
which the fugitive's arrest is sought, and to decide upon the urgency of the circumstances ... Show
more content on ...
Asylum on Humanitarian grounds: Asylum in a foreign embassy or legation is a subject which
affords a good illustration of the change and development of the rules of international law. In
modern times, it is asserted, the right to asylum, if it were generally recognized, would tend to
constitute an abuse. It would interfere with good government. The practice of asylum is 'even
looked on with a tolerant eye' and the personnel of a foreign legation are not very glad to use this
right. To the diplomatic agent concerned the practice is nothing but a burden. But the practice is
defended on humanitarian grounds. Motives of humanity exclude a rigid refusal to receive a man
who may be in peril of his life, but the general rule now is to limit the reception of such political
refugees to cases where the person received is in instant or imminent personal
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A Collection Of Experiences, Skills And Knowledge Gained...
A collection of experiences, skills and knowledge gained during an international law internship in
7 December 2014– 20 February 2015
Sabrina Caldalano
On 7th December 2014 I undertook an 11–week internship in Cambodia with the Jesuit Refugee
Service. The internship was arranged through Macquarie University's Participation and Community
Engagement (PACE) program, and undertaken for academic credit as part of the Bachelor of Laws
study program.
Australian Volunteers International (AVI) partnered with PACE to offer logistical assistance and
student training. Pre and post departure training involved modules such as working ethically in
developing countries, building cultural sensitivity, and developing self–care practices. In–country
training modules included Cambodia's history, current political and social movements, and law and
governance in Cambodia. Weekly Khmer language lessons were also undertaken while in
The internship was offered to twelve law students who demonstrated academic competency and a
broad range of personal attributes including interpersonal and communication skills, commitment to
teamwork, cultural sensitivity, leadership, personal drive and motivation. The internship was
predominately based in Phnom Penh, and involved travel to Siam Reap, Battambang, and Ratanakiri
This portfolio documents the work undertaken and knowledge gained while conducting legal
research at the Jesuit Refugee Service. It
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The Role Of Refugees According To The 1951 Refugee Convention
According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, states have the obligation to accept and protect
refugees (REFERENCE). This indicated that so long individuals fit the definition of refugee status,
states are compelled to accept and protect them. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case on
a global level. According to international law, more specifically the 1951 Refugee Convention,
refugees are to be taken in and are to be provided housing, education, and other services in their host
country (REFERENCE). Beyond the acceptance of refugees, states should also be invested in the
integration of refugees into the host society. In recent history, the humanitarian disasters that have
happened in across the Middle East, Africa, and parts of Asia have caused the total upheaval of
many lives from living under the protection of the roofs of their homes to leaving many displaced.
A refugee is defined as someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country origin, owing
to a well–founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of
a particular social group, or political opinion (1951 Refugee Convention, 3). The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights 1948 recognizes the right of persons to seek asylum from persecution
in other countries. The United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees adopted in
1951 is the centerpiece of international refugee protection today (1951 Refugee Convention, 2). The
amount of states willing to
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Are Refugees Deserve To Be An Immigrant Or Refugee?
Definition of refugee, asylum seeker and migrant
Refugees are peopling fleeing armed conflicts or persecution. There were 19,5 million of them
worldwide at the end of 2014 according to UNHCR. Their situation is so perilous that they cross
national borders to seek safety in nearby countries and become recognized as refugees with access
to assistance from states and aid organizations .An important piece of this is that refugees are
protected by international law, specifically the 1951 Refugee Convention.
An asylum seeker is someone who claims to be a refugee but whose claim hasn't been evaluated.
This person would have applied for asylum on the grounds that returning to his or her country
would lead to persecution on account of race, religion, nationality or political beliefs. Someone is an
asylum seeker for so long as their application is pending. So not every asylum seeker will be
recognized as a refugee, but every refugee is initially an asylum seeker. I would like to also note that
many asylum seekers are in fact economic migrants who hope to secure entry into the EU by
claiming asylum. A migrant is a person that chooses to move not because of a direct threat or
persecution but mainly to improve his life. Some of the reasons may be education (College,
University ... Show more content on ...
But then again, confusion exists when it comes to tell them apart. Back to Europe and the large
numbers of people arriving by boat in Greece, Italy and elsewhere. Are they refugees or are they
migrants? The truth is they are a mix of both. "Refugees and migrants" is probably the best way to
refer to movements of people by sea or in other circumstances where both groups may be present.
As other reports point out, some migrants face extreme conditions at home, such as natural disasters
that have coerced them to
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Social Work Personal Statement
The bulk of my experience working with refugees and displaced persons comes from my time
working in the Kachin Statement of Myanmar. As described above, I did various education and
community development work in a serious of refugee and internationally displaced camps (IDP) on
the border of China and Myanmar. I have also done work with displaced persons in Morocco when I
studied abroad in my internship at a local nonprofit that provided courses and basic life necessities
for displaced persons. Finally, I have experience working with asylum seekers during my field
placement at Bronx Legal Services and in my work as an advisory board member of my
undergraduate university's alternative break program, most notably spending a week in Immokalee,
Florida aiding in connecting asylum seekers to community resources.
As a social worker and public health student and professional, I am dedicated to a future working
with refugee and displaced populations. I have focused much of my coursework in my dual degree
program at Mailman School of Public Health on refugee and displaced populations. However, with
the exception doing some case management at Bronx Legal Services, much of my work with
refugee populations was not in a social work capacity and was not always fully informed by social
work practice and techniques that address power, privilege and oppression. I hope to build upon the
coursework I have taken relating to refugees and displaced persons in the fields of public affairs,
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Canada's Immigration System Act
On June 28, 2012, the Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act (Bill C–31) took effect. This act
was put in place to bring further reforms to the asylum system, add measures to address human
smuggling, and add the requirement to include biometric data as part of a temporary resident visa,
work permit, and study permit application. These changes were claimed to help the system to
function better, cut down wait time, make the process faster, screen applicants better, and to prevent
needless complications. This resulted in many changes to Canada's asylum system. There were four
changes made to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). The first change was
replacing the Basis of Claim (BOC) form with the Personal Information Form (PIF). This change
meant that people who make a refugee claim at an office in Canada must submit a completed BOC
during their eligibility interview. If they made a refugee claim at a port of entry then they must
submit their BOC to the IRB no later than 15 days after their claim is referred to the IRB. Another
change made was that the hearings at the (IRB) would be conducted by public servant decision–
makers rather than people appointed by the Governor in Council (GIC). Also, hearings for most
claimants would be held no later than 60 days after the refugee claim is referred to the IRB. And
finally, for claimants from designated countries of origin, their hearings would be held no later than
45 days after referral to the IRB for those who
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Why America Should Accept More Refugees
There are also legal reasons why countries such as the United States of America should accept more
refugees. The article "Armed Conflict and Forced Migration: A Systemic Approach to International
Humanitarian Law, Refugee Law, and Human Rights Law" by Vincent Chetail states that
"humanitarian law and refugee law appear to be relatively indifferent to the specific needs of
refugees in war, from war and in post war contexts." Due to this lack in the ability of humanitarian
law and refugee law to provide what is necessary for refugees fleeing conflict, international human
rights law must instead pick up the slack and therefore must be respected and known by lawyers
assisting refugees. Despite the differences between the different types of law, ... Show more content
on ...
Citizens' also fear that refugees might take their jobs, but research says that unemployment doesn't
increase and that the presence of refugees can actually generate jobs and increase wages. Citizens'
may also fear tax increases due to the financial burden of supporting refugees, but in countries such
as Turkey, this burden has been shown to be sustainable. Even given this information, taking in a
large influx of refugees would not be easy, but thriving and stable countries would be able to handle
the burden. There are numerous other articles that support this position as well, such as Alexander
Betts, Louise Bloom, Josiah Kaplan, and Naohiko Omata's article "Refugee Economies: Rethinking
Popular Assumptions." The article examines many popular myths about refugees such as the
assumptions that refugees are economically isolated, a burden, economically homogenous,
technologically illiterate, and dependent. As for the first assumption, they found that rather than
being economically isolated, refugees participate in the global economy. They found similar results
when it came to determining the validity of every myth. Refugees enrich economies rather than
deplete them, are economically diverse, are technologically capable, and are able to be self–reliant.
The goal is
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Essentialist Theory Of The Queer Theory
sexuality often impacts the success of claims made by bi–sexual refugees. The author argues that
this dominant understanding jettisons complex subjective positions and disregards varying realities.
The refugee determination system misinterprets and misidentifies the lived experiences of bisexual
claimants because of this knowledge, further disadvantaging this group of refugees. Rehaag
observes that individuals seeking asylum on the basis of oppression for their bisexual tendencies
have significantly higher rejection rates compared to other claimants.
To investigate this assertion, Rehaag uses the queer theory as the main theoretical framework.
According to Rehaag, the Queer theory is an interdisciplinary medium that examines the complex
interactions between sexuality and gender, and conceptualizes such views of sexual orientation as
"essentialist." The essentialist view dichotomizes individuals as being either straight or gay on the
basis of early childhood psychological factors or biological traits. Consequently, this essentialist
argument comprehends sexual orientation as unchangeable and inflexible. Essentialists may, in
selected instances, acknowledge groups beyond gay and straight, such as transgendered and bisexual
individuals. Queer theorists reject the essentialist view arguing that these categories are not
inflexible. Rather, these categories are regularly recreated through socio–historical patterns or
structured social exchanges. Consequently, the queer theory
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Suresh V Canada Case Summary
"Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution."
Through out the world and over the centuries, societies have welcomed frightened, weary strangers,
the victims of persecution and violence. This humanitarian tradition of offering sanctuary is often
now played on the television screens across the globe as war and large–scale persecution produce
millions of refugees and internally displaced persons. At the start of 21st century, protecting
refugees means maintaining solidarity with the worlds most threatened, while finding answers tot eh
challenges confronting the international system that was created to do just that.
Securing refugees is fundamentally the duty of States. All through its 50–year history, ... Show more
content on ...
In the famous case of Suresh v Canada, Suresh was a Sri Lankan born Tamil. He first came to
Canada in the year 1990 and made a refugee claim based on fear of persecution by the Sri Lankan
government. He was also the supporter of the Tamil tigers (a listed terrorist organization) and had
done some fundraising for them in the past. Minister of immigration filed a certificate under s.40.1
of the immigration act saying that Suresh was inadmissible to Canada on security grounds. Suresh
was confined the next day. The certificate was mentioned to the Federal Court for determination of
whether it was rational, and the court approve the Ministers decision. He was given a deportation
hearing, and the board held that while Suresh was not straightforward involved in terrorism, his
membership in a terrorist group was adequate grounds for extradition. Under s. 53(1)(b), the
Minister gave notice to Suresh that she was considering issuing an judgement that she well–
thought–out him to be a danger to the safety of Canada, which would permit the Minister to
extradite him despite the risk of torture. Accordingly, Suresh submitted composed and narrative
proof on this theme. A migration officer, Gautier, considered Suresh's entries, and found that
permitting Suresh to stay in Canada would "run counter to Canada's duties to battle against
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Refugee Policy Paper
In this policy paper, I will be focusing on refugees and the laws, policies, and programs that affect
them. As I analyze these policies I will compare policies from various countries, that have been
created to achieve similar goals. Many countries accept refugees and have adopted and/or created
laws to regulate them. The three countries that I will be analyzing are the United States of America,
Germany, and Turkey. These three countries are unique in their characteristics and geographic
locations but all face the same risks and circumstances as it relates to refugees.
A refugee is characterized by the United Nations (1958) as someone who has been forced to flee his
or her country because of persecution, war, violence. A refugee ... Show more content on ...
The International Protection Procedure (IPP) is the official refugee resettlement program in Turkey.
It is operated within Turkey under 'The Law on Foreigners and International Protection (LFIP)'. The
process for refugee to become legal normally take 6 months to complete. The process happens in the
following order: application is submitted to Directorate General of Migration Management
(DGMM), registration, personal interview, International Protection (IP) status granted. Or, you may
be eligible to have your application to be processed through the accelerated process.
This process is much shorter in processing time. Once submitting your initial application to
Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM), applicant can expect to receive a personal
interview within 3 days, and receive International Protection (IP) status within 5 days of personal
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Human Rights : International Organization, Flexible...
Thesis: Millions of Syrian refugees are being hunted and displaced from their homes, while the
majority of the world closes their blinds from this present day massacre. Resolving the Syrian
refugee crisis is a complex and daunting task, but the future of their lives rest in the palms of our
hands and it is our moral obligation to interfere and aid the innocent.
Article #1
Goldenziel, Jill I. "Regulating Human Rights: International Organizations, Flexible Standards, and
International Refugee Law." Chicago Journal of International Law 14.2 (2014): 453–92. ProQuest.
Web. 5 Apr. 2016.
In "Regulating Human Rights: International Organizations, Flexible Standards, and International
Refugee Law," Jill Goldenziel discusses possible solutions in further improving how refugees are
currently handled. Currently there are international laws and treaties which enforce numerous
details. This includes who can qualify as a refugee, how they can legally become considered a
refugee, and which rights they will obtain after they pass all the hoops and ladders and "gain" their
refugee status. All of these laws, treaties, and proceedings are typically handled by the UNHCR
(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). The UNHCR essentially acts as a middle man
between these laws and the countries who fund them (i.e. the U.S., E.U., etc.) and those countries
who infringe upon human rights (Goldenziel 453–92).
Goldenziel points out flaws in how the refugee crisis is handled and suggests
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The For International Refugee Law
In order for International refugee law to function and satisfactorily benefit the people it has
challenged state sovereignty in some aspects. Regardless of the enforcement laws signatory states
have been able to keep authority over the flow of refugees individually keeping their territorial
supremacy. In my opinion refugee law has not challenged the principle of state sovereignty enough
as some people still seem to fall within the cracks and are not afforded protection. States are still
refusing to to give a little of their power away in order to protect human rights. This essay is going
to be discussing the 1951 convention, internally displaced persons and the concept of non–
refoulement in relation to the protection for forced migrants. ... Show more content on ...
A prime example of the how restricted the definition is the case of Shah and Islam. The court felt
that women as a social is a too big a group. They narrowed the group to women, that are married
and allegedly committed adultery and said that they are a social group. 'the concept of social group
is a general one and its meaning cannot be confined to those...which the framers of the Convention
may have had in mind'. Some argued that the court in this case are trying to broaden the threshold
however it seems that they are further restricting it. Examples like these show that the threshold is
high and it doesn 't seem like the courts are considering broadening it any time soon.
The definition is already restrictive and it goes further saying even if they satisfy the conditions in
the definition under section 1A, they can still lose the refugee status or even be denied it under
sections 1C–1F.
1F is the main provision that has the exclusion from refugee status. Though the provision clearly
states "serious reasons for considering" we are not sure how each state would view that. There are
two contrasting cases on this. One being the case of Cruz v Minister of Employment and
Immigration, where the member of Mexican army who was involved in mass massacres was granted
asylum in Canada. On the other hand the case of T v Secretary of State
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Is Australia's Effective United Nations?
"If Australia wants an effective United Nations, we have to be comprehensively, not marginally,
engaged." Kevin Rudd. This is a statement made by the former Prime Minister of Australia. It
highlights the fact that while Australia is involved with the UN we are not fully engaged with what
they are trying to do. This is shown in our disregard for the laws set forth by them. How can
Australia be an asset to the UN Security Council if they can't follow the laws as part of the general
The United Nations is a vessel to keep the peace, they work to prevent conflicts, step in and help
parties in conflict to make peace; peacekeeping; and creating the conditions to allow peace. The UN
security council has the primary responsibility for the aforementioned. They are the division of the
UN that is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. There are fifteen members
and each member has one vote, and under the charter, all Member States are obligated to comply
with the council's decisions (The United Nations, n.d.). The United Nations along with the security
council was formed in 1945, leaders of 50 nations met in San Francisco with representatives of non–
government organizations. It took place at the end of the second world war to prevent that type of
widespread destruction, they formed the United Nations. ... Show more content on
The United Nations approach on the treatment of refugees is as follows. the Convention relating to
the status of Refugees 1967 Protocol defines who a refugee is and explains what Rights countries
should afford to refugees. A refugee is a person who is outside of their own country and is unable or
unwilling to return due to a well–founded fear of being persecuted because of their; race, religion,
nationality, membership of a group or political
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The Issue Of Asylum Seekers

  • 1. The Issue Of Asylum Seekers While the issue of asylum seekers has mainly challenged Australia's political power and resources, the debate is mostly ethical and putting human dignity first is integral. Whilst both political parties have very similar policies in regards to the topical issues, which are in essence going partially against the Church's stance and human dignity. Australia has the economy, land, low population and living style to support more asylum seekers/refugees, especially when we have a ranking of 48 in the world on the scale of how many refugees we currently have accepted. With both political parties having fairly similar opinions on the refugee situation, only having slight differences, only a few differences separate the two, with labor wanting to increase the refugee intake per year to almost double of what the coalition currently has in place which is 13,750 and labor plan to raise it up to 27,000. (Australian Labor Party) Also labor also plans to reinstate the UN's refugee convention, which Abbott is currently undermining, which is technically international law. In one way this breach of international law Abbot has broken is refusing to take refugees that has been allocated to Australia by the UN, for it is overstepping the coalitions humanitarian intake policy. Also labor will work to implement a system to release the children from off shore and on shore detention centres. As well as cutting down the time it takes for an asylum seeker going through the process to become a ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Canada 's Immigration System Lacks Heart Canada's immigration system lacks heart, critics say, is an article filled with professional opinions and debates. These debates and opinions are regarding the humanitarian and compassionate side of immigration and refugee law in Canada. The article's main purpose is to expose how Canada has changed its compassion for acceptance of refugees in recent years. Canada has always been recognized as an accepting and "go–to" country in crisis. However, in recent years, there have been changes. Refugee legislation has become extremely strict, qualifications for refugees have become unfair, and limitations regarding what Canada offers refugees have been set. There is always going to be opposing opinions regarding the compassion Canada has towards refugees. However, in the article, Peter Harder, a man who has dealt with the legality of immigration from 1987 to date, believes Canada lacks compassion for refugees. Peter believes Canada does not contain "heart" when it comes to refugees because of the increase in deportation, the extreme conditions attached to refugee status, and the unfair qualification testing. WORDS/PHRASES This article contains many phrases that relate to Canada's rapidly dissolving compassionate reputation. Although some refugees still think of Canada as a "place of safety and asylum" , those refugees may change their opinion after "Cuts to refugee health care. Changes to rules for refugee applications. A bill to deport permanent residents convicted of criminal ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Issue Of Asylum Seekers Has Been Considered As One The issue of Asylum seekers has been considered as one of the controversial issues in Australia due to the implementation of the Federal governments' harsh and stringent policy against boat refugees, who flee from their countries because of violence or persecution. It is stated that this hard line approach aims to curb the influx of illegal immigrants thereby making Australian Immigration System credible and strong (Anderson & Iggulden 2016). According to Refugee Convention 1954, Australia, a signatory under United Nation(UN) Refugee Agency, is regarded as one of the generous country in dealing with the protection and rights of refugees and has created a meritorious history of accepting asylum seekers from all over the world (Refugee ... Show more content on ... Besides this, it also meant to analyze and scrutinize people whether they are following an orderly queue or not (Cox 2015). However, it is argued that that as one of the signatories of the Refugee Convention to the United Nation (UN), Australia has a moral obligation to protect the human rights of all asylum seekers, despite the reasons for their arrival and whether they arrive with or without a valid visa (Australian Human Rights Commission 2015). Hence it is clear that being a signatory of Refugee Convention Laws, the opposition has a legal commitment to guarantee the safety of asylum seekers. Another point worth noting is that when compared to the resettlement of refugees in Australia (57,362) to other countries, the top10 countries hosting refugees were in third world countries ; Turkey (2.5 million), Pakistan(1.6 million) ,Lebanon(1.1 million)and the remaining countries were in Africa. It is noticeable that, the resettled refugees accounted for about.99% of the global total of 14 million people and Australia has ranked 26th overall and 46th in terms of GDP (ABC News 2016). Some people believe that asylum seekers are jumping out of the queue to come to Australia to seek asylum. However, it is truly a misconception that the people seeking asylum are queue jumpers. It is necessary to point that there is no orderly 'queue' to the resettlement of refugees. Only a ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Zaire and Rwanda Essay The refugee massacre that occurred in the years between 1994 and 1996 in Zaire demonstrates a worst–case–scenario of refugee camp militarization. It is by no means a typical case of refugee warriorism, however, it does exemplify an opportunity structure that fosters an environment conducive for militarization. The massacre of refugees in Zaire stems from the Rwandan genocide of 1994 which witnessed the deaths of 200,000 to 1 million ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu.2 The conflict ended in the victory of the ethnic– Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and the defeat of the ethnic–Hutu Forces Armées Rwandaises (FAR). Consequently, 1.72–2.1 million Hutu refugees fled the country into Burundi, Zaire, Tanzania, and Uganda.3 Dr. Emizet ... Show more content on ... They forced refugees back in to Rwanda by gun–point and cut off access to food.8 By May 1997, aid workers discovered that the majority of the refugee camps had completely emptied and finally after the AFDL took Kinshasa, it gave the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) sixty days to repatriate any remaining (surviving) Hutu refugees.9 Tanzania and Rwanda Like Zaire, Tanzania was severely affected by huge population influxes stemming from the situation in Rwanda. Prior the major influx in the 1990s from Rwanda and Burundi, Tanzania had an open door policy towards refugees and was a haven for asylum seekers.10 President Julius Nyerere not only encouraged an open door policy, but he also encouraged refugee warrior movements against colonial regimes. He saw refugees as vital sources of labour and also as freedom fighters. However, this changed following the end of Nyerere's reign and refugees were subsequently re–categorized from freedom fighters to threats to Tanzania's insecurity. This policy shift partly results from the scope of the crisis (Tanzania was hosting 85% more refugees in 1994 than it was the previous year)11, economic and political restructuring of the government and a revamped security–first attitude from the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Introduction . The Formation Of A Nation-State Has Created Introduction The formation of a nation–state has created binary categories of those who belong (citizens) and those who do not belong ('aliens') to the state. Complex socio–economic and geopolitical boundaries including territorial boundaries divide the citizens from 'aliens', and the state exercises sovereign power to protect the privileges of the former (Hayter, 2004). On the other hand, forced displacement is counterproductive to the notion of the state as a selective 'container' (Koser, 2003). For various reasons, states, policymakers, international bodies, institutions and local governors put displaced people into categories such as refugees, economic migrants, returnees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and others (Reed, 2012). ... Show more content on ... In doing so, the essay synthesises a range of migration and international relations literature. Evolution of the international refugee protection regime In the aftermath of the WWII and the beginning of the Cold War tensions, the UNHCR began its mandate of addressing the issues of refugees as defined by the 1951 Geneva Convention with thirty–three staff and a $30,000 budget (Feller, 2001:131). Reflecting post–colonial European hegemonic structure and ignoring the upheavals of decolonisation in the 'Third World,' geographic and temporal limitations were embedded within the definition of a refugee. The convention recognises persons displaced before the first of January 1951 within the European geographical region (Nygh, 2000 and Loescher et al., 2008). Thus, the mandate of the UNHCR was apparently limited to the protection of refugees displaced before the drafting of the 1951 Geneva Convention and only within Europe. At this time, because of the strategic aims of the Cold War period and demand for labour, "refugees were welcomed noncitizens in many [European] countries" (Feller, 2001:129). In other words, the refugee regime was designed to provide geopolitical and economic responses to mass displacement due to Nazism and communism. After more than a decade and a half of this Eurocentric approach, the geographic and temporal limitations of the 1951 Geneva Convention were lifted by the 1967 protocol (Betts, 2010). By removing the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Refugee Migration Is The Negligence And Violation Of Human... It is said that the leading explanation of refugee migration is the negligence and violation of human rights. Considering the connection between the two, one can question the way a country or state defines what a refugee is. The extent of refugee law and human rights law speaks to the most unmistakable contrast between the two branches of universal law. While human rights are pertinent to each individual, the advantage of refugee status relies upon the recognition of a proposed classification of secured people. . In some cases, refugees are withheld or returned to where their lives, freedom and safety are vulnerable. Within the last two decades, the number of refugees in the world has increased seventy–five percent. If all of the refugees in the world were to make up their own country, the forcibly uprooted would make up the twenty–first largest country in the world. The latest increase in numbers derives from the conflict within the Syrian Arab republic, making up more than half the number of refugees in 2015. The United States has been a historic figure in opening its doors to those in need of a secure home. Even though the United States is considered a world–leading example to other countries, there are countries today like Germany that have closed their borders to refugees, specifically from Syrian refugees. Japan is known for being more resistant to refugees due to weak relationships with refugee home countries whereas Germany has obtained a more positive reputation ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Asylum Seekers In Australia The asylum seeker "debate" is a contentious topic in Australian media. According to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is considered an inherent right for every individual worldwide, "to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution" (United Nations, 2014). Article 14 is listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is accepted by many nations as the international standard of basic human rights and liberties. This report will assess the extent of Australia's violation of these international standards, and consider their national approach to the treatment of refugees and individuals seeking asylum. It will provide evidence to expose the inconsistencies in Australia's human rights commitments under international ... Show more content on ... Consequently the Australian Government has the legal requirements to ensure that the human rights of individuals seeking asylum (engaging under the countries jurisdiction) are respected and protected, under their obligation to numerous international treaties . These treaties specify the right to not be detained arbitrarily. Additionally, as a signatory party to the Refugee Convention, Australia has agreed to a principle known as the principle of non–refoulement , whereby they are obligated to ensure that asylum seekers, who fulfil the definition of a refugee, are not turned back to their origin country where their liberties are threatened (Refugee Council of Australia, 2011). Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Australia must not to return people or send people to third countries where they would face a violation of their human rights; applying to both refugees and non–refugees (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2014, para. 2). Again Australia has been found guilty of contradicting ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay on The World Largest Minority: People with... The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that between 10 to 15 percent of the world's population, or approximately1 billion people, live with disabilities, making people with disabilities the world's largest minority (WHO 2011, WRC 2008, UN 2012). Among the millions of refugees living in camps are a large number of people with disabilities. It is estimated that between 4.5 and 6.8 million of the world's 45.2 million forcibly displaced persons also live with disabilities. Among displaced persons who have fled civil conflict, war or natural disasters, the number with disabilities may be even higher (WRC 2008, UN 2012). Yet persons with disabilities remain among the most hidden, neglected and socially excluded of all displaced people ... Show more content on ... As of April 2014, the Convention has 158 Signatories, 145 parties and has been ratified by over 100 countries the fastest take up of any international rights based mechanism ( UNCRPD 2014). Don Mackay, chairman of the Committee that negotiated the treaty states that "what the Convention endeavors to do, is to elaborate in detail the rights of persons with disabilities and set out a code of implementation" (CRPD, UN 2006 WEB). The CRPD clearly and unconditionally states that people with disabilities have equal access and the right to the full and active enjoyment of all human rights– the removal of barriers explicitly termed as a condition for access and the enjoyment of equality (pg 13 UNCRPD Schulze). This is a considerable step towards equal rights for people living with a disability, but how does this directly affect refugees and asylum seekers with disabilities? One of the first questions that parties to the CRPD raised during its drafting, was whether it actually applies to refugees at all. Some suggested that obligations owed in the CRPD could only be applied to nationals. They cited that in some countries, the social and economic environments could make it difficult to support the needs of nationals with disabilities, let alone those of stateless refugees and asylum seekers often arriving in large numbers. Underlying this position was the view that refugees and asylum ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Causes And Disadvantages Of Refugees According to UNHCR (2017a), there are, currently, 22.5 million of refugees in the world. Comparing to the world population reported in United Nations (2017), it can be calculated as three refugees in every 1,000 people. Nowadays, most of the people who have escaped from their own countries are Syrian. Since 2011, the beginning of Syrian civil war, total registered Syrian refugees are 17.5 million people (UNHCR, 2017b). From the UNHCR database, most of them are living in neighbouring countries such as Lebanon and Turkey. Some of them seek asylum in developed countries, particularly in Europe. Germany is the European country that holds the largest Syrian refugee population, accounting for approximately 0.8 million (UNHCR, 2017b). The large population of refugee can affect to economy, environment, society, and politics. Some people say that new coming refugees can fulfil labour market and establish the multicultural societies which motivate international trade. However, the host nations will not benefit from refugees due to the needs of high cost of management for labour force preparation and risk of social conflict caused by cultural difference. Accepting refugees for work forces need a large amount of the budget for refugees' workforce preparation and not every country can support the cost. This is because the budget needed for refugees as workforce's preparation is high, due to spending for teaching courses (such as language, working skills, and social norm), as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Who Is A Refugee? In his article Who is a Refugee?, Shacknove (1985) attempts to define what it means to be an actual "refugee." Shacknove (1985) begins by presenting the UN and the OAU's distinctly varying definitions of who a refugee is and what circumstances constitute refugee status. More specifically, the universally accepted concept of refugeehood, according to the OAU, entails a severed bond between state and citizen. Moreover, when this relationship ceases to exist, persecution and alienation follows, which stems the flow of basic needs and, in turn, pushes the citizen to seek refuge across international lines. However, Shacknove (1985) challenges this conception, as he argues that persecution and alienation should be considered sufficient conditions, but not necessary conditions, for the disconnect between the state and citizen that would cause a person to be defined as a refugee. Furthermore, as briefly noted above, Shacknove (1985) does not consider persecution to be a necessary condition to refugeehood simply because the term "persecution" only takes into account a government that is exploitative, and that fails to protect its citizens. Nevertheless, the term "persecution" does not take into account a state in which a government does not exist at all. Shacknove (1985) assumes that a lack of government would result in the basic needs of a citizen to not be met. Along with persecution, Shacknove (1985) explains that although alienage is often cited as a basis for refugeehood, he ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Case Study: Rohingya Refugees Case Study: Rohingya Refugees Rohingya is Muslim minority communities that located in the North of Western Arakan, Burma. They are referred to as neither people that is nor a country and not recognized full citizenship by Myanmar government. They are different with other ethnic groups, whether nationality was recognized by Myanmar government. Rohingya ethnic is regarded as temporary residents and are not getting rights of full citizenship. Rohingya ethnic also experienced religious persecution that it is almost impossible for them to get repair or renovation permits of the mosque construction. The Muslim Rohingya been misery started in 1978 because of junta military, as a result thousands of people chose being refugees in the some neighbour countries. It was so pathetic to see them went out from their origin place and become refugees. They go to Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, and parts of others took refuge on the Myanmar border. Junta military has not only intimidated them, but also mocking them as Muslim to the Buddhist Rakhine. The military junta also asked the Myanmar people to hostile the Muslim Rohingya ethnic. The movement was successful and Rohingya face the discrimination by the democracy movement of Myanmar. Rakhine ethnic and ... Show more content on ... Rohingya is constantly being oppressed ethnic and not recognized as part of a recognized ethnic in Myanmar. Whereas, based on historical records, as their ethnic has resided in Arakan since the seventh century. Long before the state of Burma or Myanmar stand in 1948. Principal issues of Rohingya also concern in many other problems that has been there, such as the land distribution (agrarian), ethnic discrimination where there are more than hundreds ethnic group in Myanmar that admit based on the sense of likes and dislikes the political government, and brought to many fields. One of the most important things is the problem of Rohignya ethnic history of ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Operation Sovereign Borders This report is directly concerned with the Australian Government's policies under 'Operation Sovereign Borders,' its 'Regional Resettlement Arrangement' with Papua New Guinea (PNG), and the 'Memorandum of Understanding' with the Republic of Nauru, which remove, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) irregular maritime arrivals to countries where their fundamental reason for seeking asylum – persecution on grounds relating to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity – is sufficient cause for further persecution, and even criminal sanction, in the recipient country. This report reveals that by transferring LGBTI asylum seekers to countries which intend to persecute them on the same grounds for which they originally sought asylum, Australia is breaching its international human rights obligations by directly undermining the principle of non– refoulement . To address these concerns and ensure that the rights of LGBTI asylum seekers are protected, the Commission recommends that the Australian Government adopt an on–shore processing solution for irregular maritime arrivals. Due to the vulnerable position of sexual minorities in detention, the Commission also urges the Government to implement community detention arrangements for all LGBTI asylum seekers awaiting refugee status determination's (RSD). In addition, increased opportunities for judicial review following negative RSD's, improved independent monitoring, the development of guidelines on LGBTI ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Importance Of Social Work For Refugees And Asylum Seekers Social Workers have a duty, professionally and morally to support refugee children and asylum seekers. Social workers have a professional and moral duty to ensure that services are provided to those who most need it. The duty that Social workers have toward Refugees and asylum seekers, particularly children is strong but not often met. People's wellbeing is a key ideal within social work and is strongly represented within the Care Act 2014, the earlier Children's Act 2004 is also clear on the protection of children's rights in the UK. In the essay there will be a discussion on how in some areas the statute is not strong enough to allow Social Workers to work properly, but also how there needs to be changes regarding social work focus on refugees. Recently, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has campaigns to help reform the UK's current law on family. The law only recognises parents or spouses and civil partners as family. A child refugee may have an older sibling, or more extended family such as an uncle but they would not be allowed into the country under the Family Reunion rules. The dangers for children trying to reach family in the UK are high and it leaves them at risk of exploitation, 78% of adolescents face some form of exploitation whilst travelling the Central Mediterranean route to Europe, UNICEF (2017). Social Workers have a duty here to protest the UK's laws, and the decision of the Government not to join the EU's relocation scheme for Refugees. They did ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Governments Enact Laws Governing Refugee And Asylum... Governments enact laws governing refugee and asylum seekers based on political factors. Ties between the country of origin and the country of asylum, national security and current event are some of the factors that cause governments to enact laws for political reasons. As a result, countries will use certain criteria to accept different flows of refuges that will foster a policy of discrimination. Policies enacted for political reasons do not always reflect the social climate of the country, but more times than not the social factors and the political factors are aligned with the same ideologies. Using the country of origin in the evaluation process is the most conventional method of identifying ties between countries of origin and the country of asylum, acknowledge national security threats as well as deal with current events. Every application process requires applicants to state their country of origin. "Close political links between the governments of a country of possible asylum and the country of origin make people afraid to ask for asylum in the relevant country of destination" (Havinga and Bocker, 1999). Applicants know that the friendship between the two countries is bound to result in a denial of asylum. The country of asylum would not want to embarrass the country of origin. In the countries that a friendship is evident, asylum is almost certainly denied because a "bestowal of refugee status upon asylum seekers implies that the sending government persecutes its ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Should Lgbt + Americans Have Refugees In Canada Should we offer LGBT+ Americans refugee status in Canada? When we think of refugees entering Canada, we picture people from war torn countries fleeing persecution from their homeland to lead a better life here. With this image in mind, it is unsurprising that Canada does not typically accept refugees from the United States. The U.S. is considered a safe country, according to our refugee guidelines, and is on the list of designated countries of origin in which the minister of immigration has deemed should not be producing refugees. However, there is a group of Americans who share some of the same concerns held by those who meet our criteria of what a refugee is. While the US has made progress in their protection of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, two–spirited and other sexual minorities (LGBT+) under the latest presidency of Barack Obama, there are still laws that exist (or do not exist) ... Show more content on ... Currently, LGBT+ people from countries not designated safe, qualify for status under the convention refugee definition as being members of a particular social group who have a well– founded fear of persecution, as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. While LGBT+ Americans are treated much better than their counterparts in countries where homosexuality is illegal, the danger of persecution still exists in some states. One example of persecution is the legal subjection to conversion therapy. Sometimes referred to as reparative therapy, or Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, conversion therapy historically used extreme measures such as institutionalization, castration, and electroconvulsive shock therapy in an effort to change a person's sexual orientation. Today, some counselors still use physical treatments like aversive conditioning. While less extreme than some methods used in the past, this method is still void of any scientific validity (The Lies and Dangers of "Conversion ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Refugee Crisis The world is experiencing it's "worst refugee crisis since World War II" (The Worst Crisis You've Never Heard Of). Refugees, along with having to leave their possessions and family behind in their usually war–torn or violent country, face many additional issues that are cause for the concern. Despite the United Nations' best efforts, refugee camps are not equipped with the sufficient amount of food, medical care, and shelter for the thousands of people that pour into them everyday. With that in mind, many refugees are undernourished, sick, and generally hopeless. The continuing refugee crisis has also posed a unique issue for countries all around the world: not only does it bring about humanitarian concerns in individuals, but the ever–increasing flow of refugees cannot be kept up with and has the potential to harm other country's economy and population. Similar refugee crises due to conflicts in countries like Palestine, Germany, Vietnam, Sudan, Afghanistan, Rwanda, and Myanmar have been handled, but recent displacements are even more difficult for countries to deal with. However, countries that accept refugees serve as examples for the best possible solution to the crisis: aiding refugees, not fearing them. A massive issue, like that of the refugee crisis, is the outcome of many different events. Since the end of World War II, there has been a significant buildup of refugees. People have been pouring out of countries such as Palestine, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, ... Get more on ...
  • 17. A Brief Note On The Syrian Refugee Crisis Our lives are ruled by technology, most of the adults from generation Y and Z start their day the same way: by checking social media. You may have noticed the term "Aleppo" trending frequently as of lately. If you asked yourself 'what is Aleppo?' then you asked the same question that Gary Johnson repeated out loud. On September 8th, 2016 Gary Johnson was on MSNBC's ' Morning Joe', and was asked " If you were elected, what would you do about Aleppo?" his response: "Aleppo? And what is Aleppo?" I wanna talk about the Syrian refugee crisis going on around the world but lets begin with an old saying by Joseph Stalin. "When one man dies that's a tragedy, when thousands die that's a statistic." Large numbers can feel cold and distant and even kind of comforting because they don 't feel like people, and I think that's the reason much of the world was able to ignore the years old Syrian refugee crisis until recently. But then after thousands of refugees died this year trying to get to Europe, one three year old boy washed ashore in Turkey. His name was Aylan Kurdi and he drowned with his five year old brother and his mom trying to get to Greece. His father Abdullah has now returned to Syria to bury his wife and children and when offered the opportunity to resettle in another country Abdullah said, "Now I don 't want anything. What was precious is gone." To talk about the refugee crisis we need statistics but let us not forget what is precious. In the past 5.5 years there has been ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Australia's Legal Obligation to Refugees and Asylum Seekers Australia has a legal obligation towards asylum seekers and refugees. Australia has a legal obligation towards Asylum Seekers and Refugees as it is a signatory to the UN Human Rights and Refugee Conventions. Furthermore, Australia has a moral obligation based on its membership of the world community. "Australia is one of the 146 signatory countries to the United Nations 1951 Convention and or/ 1967 Protocol relating to the status of refugees". (Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, 2009) According to Australian Human Rights Commission an asylum seeker is someone who has fled their country and applies to the government of another country for protection as a refugee, (Australian Human Rights Commision, 2012) whereas a person is a refugee the ... Show more content on ... (Human Rights Law Centre, 2011). It is stated that immigration detention is not used to punish people, but instead it is administrative function whereby those people do not have a valid visa were detained and assessed and if proven to be legal they have a rights to stay and if not they will be immediately removed from the country. The concern is to reconcile what the requirements of the UN and those of the Migration Act. As at 30 of April 2012 a total of 6716 people were detained in Immigration detaining centres and 1019 of them are children that are parentless. An individual can be detained for a few days, months or even longer. (Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 2011) In May 2004 the then immigration spokesperson, now Prime Minster Julia Gillard, said that 'Labor will end the so – called Pacific Solution– the processing and detaining of Asylum seekers on Pacific islands– because it is costly, unsustainable and wrong as a matter of principle'. Back then Labor party closed down the Nauru centre and processed all asylum seekers onshore and at Christmas Island. And now the Labor Party is implementing the pacific solution again and it is also known that unaccompanied children and minors are being sent offshore to process their papers. With the new legislation and new ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay On American Refugees The United States has been a refuge for many people from other countries since the early 1900's. Many Americans do not know the difference between a refugee, an asylum seeker, and an immigrant. Over the years, different associations, agencies, official acts and laws have come into existence to limit who can be awarded the title of refugee. Rules and regulations have become the most confusing part of coming to the United States if a person is seeking refuge. This paper will explore the history of the American refugee and the laws, regulations, and associations that aide or hinder their status. What is the Difference between a Refugee, and Asylum Seeker, and an Immigrant? In the United States, a refugee is defined as a person that is outside of the United States and is seeking refuge from persecution based on their race, nationality, religious beliefs, social group or political opinion. Refugees can be excluded from being awarded refugee status for polygamy, health–related issues, moral and criminal and security grounds. They could also be excluded for misrepresentation of facts on visa applications, smuggling and previous deportations. A person seeking asylum, is a person that has already entered the United States by using a visa or illegally entering and is seeking the same protection under the same ... Show more content on ... He also determines from which country they can be from. Currently, the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) governs our current immigration policy and provides a limit of 675,000 permanent immigrants, with special exceptions for close family members. Immigration and refugee status is based upon whether it is possible to reunite a family, whether the immigrant or refugee has a special skill that would be valuable to the United States economy, protection for the refugee, and promoting ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Effectiveness Of The United States And Canada 's Polices... Effectiveness of the United States and Canada's Polices Towards Refugees Has United States or Canada been more effective with implementing and abiding by refugee rules and laws? Before discussing and comparing which of these countries had been more successful, the historical context of refugees needs to be explored. Although refugees have existed throughout the course of history, the definitions of what a refuge is had shifted and evolved over time. The League of Nations in the 1920s defined refugees "by categories, specifically in relation to their country of origin." Up until 1950s, the League of Nations, which later became the United Nations, "established and dismantled several international institutions devoted to refugees in Europe." After World War II, creating and facilitating solutions for refugees were of high importance internationally. This is evident in the first session of United Nations General Assembly in 1946 when it adopted the principle that no refugee who had "expressed valid objections to returning to their countries [sic] of origin ... shall be compelled to return." Additionally, the United Nations in 1947 established the International Refugee Organization (IRO), a specialized temporary agency aimed at handling the displacement of refugees after the conclusion World War II. A refugee was by the IRO defined as a person who was "a victim of state intolerance" or was a "genuinely motivated political dissident." Since the IRO was established as a ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Importance Of Human Rights In Nauru 2. Human rights are rights essential to all human being's welfare, whatever their nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, skin colour, religion, language, or any other status. Every human is equally entitled to human rights without discrimination or question. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. Universal human rights are often in correlation to the law, in the forms of agreements, customary international law, general principles and other sources of international law. International human rights law lays down the requirements of Governments to act in certain ways or how not to act in certain ways that breach human rights. This is all put into place in order to promote and protect human rights and simply, freedom of individuals or groups. Human rights include civil and political rights, this includes the right to life, liberty and freedom of expression; as well as social, cultural and economic rights including the right to participate in culture, the right to food, and the right to work and receive an education. In Australia, where asylum seekers are detained on Nauru for processing, there has been much debate about whether this involuntary detention violates human rights, in which many cases the United Nations has stated it does. Nauru, the world's smallest republic, is a small oval shaped coral island; it is located just 25 miles south of the Equator. Nauru is commonly known as the 'Australian ground refugee island', ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Refugee Crisis In America Answer: In the dreaded times that of ours, the world is confronted with multilateral conflicts ranging from Crimea to Syria, civil wars in Sudan to terrorism in Nigeria and Iraq, to Saudi military intervention in Yemen to Climatic refugee exodus in South Asia and Latin America. The nature of the refugee crisis is complex and unprecedented in the history of mankind. I. Nature of the present refugee crisis and How it is different from past refugee exodus, both in nature and magnitude. Article 1 of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugee, as amended by the 1967 Protocol, defines a refugee as: "A person who owing to a well–founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social ... Show more content on ... With economic backlash, unemployment and inflation adding to the populist polarization against accepting refugees to their countries, USA has deter from its pioneering role in the crisis mitigation with the Trump administration enforcing a selective ban on Muslims travelling to USA and scaling down refugee assistance programme. A frontline country like Germany under the leadership of Angela Markel is also weighing down its prospects after measuring the political sentiments in the country with the upcoming elections kept in the mind. Europe cannot go on responding to this crisis with a piecemeal or incremental approach way beneath their full ... Get more on ...
  • 23. A Brief Note On The United States And Non Governmental... 1 LITERATURE REVIEW Local refugee resettlement agencies like New American Pathways assist newly arrived refugees in restarting their live in Atlanta, Georgia. In order to provide for newly arrived refugees New American Pathways has to rely on State funded resources. Even though refugee resettlement agencies like New American Pathways are non–governmental organizations. they still rely heavily on State government funding. In this Literature review I examine the history of refugee policy, how this history produced the relationship between the States and non–governmental organizations (NGOs), and how the State enacts its power through NGOs. Through my internship at New American Pathways I explore the relationship dynamics between the State and non– governmental organizations as well as how State control is experienced on a local resettlement agency in Atlanta, Georgia. 1.1 History After the violence and destruction of the First World War a massive displacement of people occurred, spurring on international discussions about displaced people. This migration of displaced people caused the first refugee legislation by the United States in 1948, The Displaced Person Act of 1948. This act helped admit displaced person fleeing from Europe (Klein 2011). The 1951 convention on the Status of Refugees created an international definition and legal status for refugees, holding nation states' accountability for displaced people (Enekwe 2013). Most scholars when referencing ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Refugees From The United States Refugees in the United States go through the struggles of not being able to communicate in an effective way because of the language barrier. This barrier makes it harder on them to be able to get a job, attend school and success academically. This also gives them the feeling of being the "others," as well as a loss of their dignity and culture. Although, refugees go through steps to be able to find a place, where they can call home, but their struggles is what holding them from having a good life and an easy life. Consequently, refugees have valuable characteristics, such as: education, language, job, religion, health and owing a home. As a foreigner, their struggle is exasperated since many of their valuable characteristics are now liabilities in a different land compounded with new and daunting cultural differences. Refugees have a multitude of steps to take in the resettlement process. The following steps, explained by US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. After leaving their home country, the refugee registers with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). This agency makes sure that the individual qualifies as a refugee under international law. Once qualified, one of several agencies can refer the refugee to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). The agencies that can refer refugees to this program are the UNHCR, the Uniuted States Embassy or one of the authorized non–governmental organizations (NGO). The next step is that the regional ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Subsection 198A Sample Essay On the 25th of July 2011, the Arrangement between the Government of Australia and the Government of Malaysia on Transfer and Resettlement was ratified. To augment this, the "Operational guidelines to support transfers and resettlement" was published. Permitting the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship to announce that asylum seekers could be handed over from Australia to Malaysia liable to the 'Instrument of Declaration of Malaysia as a Declared Country under subsection 198A(3) of the Migration Act 1958'. Nonetheless, the key legal concern raised by the plaintiffs was that however the Malaysian Arrangement was augmented by the coinciding Operational Guidelines, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship declaration of Malaysia as a third country to which "offshore entry persons" can be withdrawn from, was concluded as invalid. In order to make a lawful declaration under subsection 198A(3) of the Migration Act allowing for a third country to be added; the High Court reached the conclusion that it had to of comply with the set criteria in subsection 198A(3)(a)(i)–(iv). Fundamentally, the criteria explicates that the country must provide protection for persons seeking ... Show more content on ... On the account that it was not obliged under international law to provide those protections to asylum seekers. Nor did its domestic law legislate the specifications itemised in the Migration Act that the High Court contended to rater than –pre–arranged assumptions. In particular, the arrangement did not necessitate for Malaysia to ratify any international law obligations; significant on the account that Malaysia had not yet signed either the Refugee Convention or moreover additionally recognised human rights treaties inclusive of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or ... Get more on ...
  • 26. I Want To Become An Immigrant I am an Eritrean national who was born and grew up in Eritrea. My parents are from poor background. I have five siblings (Two sisters and three brothers). I started education at the age of five and continued till I graduated with a BA degree in Eritrea. Unfortunately, due to well–founded fear of persecution I escaped Eritrea to Sudan illegally. More precisely, I refused to become a victim of the evil treatment by the regime in Eritrea. Saying even a word against the government in Eritrea, however, is considered as a grave crime in the eyes of the tyrant regime. Consequently, I was arrested, detained, interrogated and badly treated in prison. Luckily, I escaped the country illegally to save my life using a narrow chance to run away. After ... Show more content on ... Admittedly, the connotation of the word refugee in itself tortured me for years since I left my country. My ambition to pursue higher education and prepare myself for advanced research has been damaged because of my status as a refugee. When I came to the UK, I started to believe that hope contents me. I applied for postgraduate studies at SOAS University of London to study a taught MA degree in the course of Migration and Diaspora Studies as mentioned above. Besides, I also applied for refugee scholarship. Thanks to SOAS university of London, I got admission to study and scholarship for the course. Following the admission process and offer of refugee scholarship, I found myself in a position where I cannot afford accommodation and living costs in London. To be more explicit, I had to pay $5000 to release my 17 years old sister from nasty human traffickers in the Sudan. This means I paid all the money I saved for my accommodation and living cost working as a support worker to human traffickers to release my sister. On the other hand, this was a threat to my lifelong ambitions of continuing ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Pros And Disadvantages Of Asylum I. Asylum is granted only in cases of political offences and not to common criminals. II. Asylum is granted in accordance with the laws and usages of the state of refuge, and it is for the latter to appreciate whether the offence committed by the refugee is a political offence or a common crime. III. The territorial state may request the departure of the refugee from its territory and the state of refuge may then require the former state to deliver a safe conduct enabling the refugee to leave the country safely. IV. The state which granted asylum sometimes, with the same end in view, requests that a safe– conduct be issued to refugee. 3. Caracas Convention (1954): The decision of the International Court Haya de la Torre led to some dissatisfaction among Latin–American countries. As such a conference was convened at Caracas in 1954, which drew up an Inter–American Convention on Diplomatic asylum. The Convention established the controlling rights of the asylum granting state to categorize the nature of offences for which the fugitive's arrest is sought, and to decide upon the urgency of the circumstances ... Show more content on ... Asylum on Humanitarian grounds: Asylum in a foreign embassy or legation is a subject which affords a good illustration of the change and development of the rules of international law. In modern times, it is asserted, the right to asylum, if it were generally recognized, would tend to constitute an abuse. It would interfere with good government. The practice of asylum is 'even looked on with a tolerant eye' and the personnel of a foreign legation are not very glad to use this right. To the diplomatic agent concerned the practice is nothing but a burden. But the practice is defended on humanitarian grounds. Motives of humanity exclude a rigid refusal to receive a man who may be in peril of his life, but the general rule now is to limit the reception of such political refugees to cases where the person received is in instant or imminent personal ... Get more on ...
  • 28. A Collection Of Experiences, Skills And Knowledge Gained... * A collection of experiences, skills and knowledge gained during an international law internship in Cambodia 7 December 2014– 20 February 2015 by Sabrina Caldalano * On 7th December 2014 I undertook an 11–week internship in Cambodia with the Jesuit Refugee Service. The internship was arranged through Macquarie University's Participation and Community Engagement (PACE) program, and undertaken for academic credit as part of the Bachelor of Laws study program. Australian Volunteers International (AVI) partnered with PACE to offer logistical assistance and student training. Pre and post departure training involved modules such as working ethically in developing countries, building cultural sensitivity, and developing self–care practices. In–country training modules included Cambodia's history, current political and social movements, and law and governance in Cambodia. Weekly Khmer language lessons were also undertaken while in Cambodia. The internship was offered to twelve law students who demonstrated academic competency and a broad range of personal attributes including interpersonal and communication skills, commitment to teamwork, cultural sensitivity, leadership, personal drive and motivation. The internship was predominately based in Phnom Penh, and involved travel to Siam Reap, Battambang, and Ratanakiri provinces. This portfolio documents the work undertaken and knowledge gained while conducting legal research at the Jesuit Refugee Service. It ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Role Of Refugees According To The 1951 Refugee Convention According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, states have the obligation to accept and protect refugees (REFERENCE). This indicated that so long individuals fit the definition of refugee status, states are compelled to accept and protect them. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case on a global level. According to international law, more specifically the 1951 Refugee Convention, refugees are to be taken in and are to be provided housing, education, and other services in their host country (REFERENCE). Beyond the acceptance of refugees, states should also be invested in the integration of refugees into the host society. In recent history, the humanitarian disasters that have happened in across the Middle East, Africa, and parts of Asia have caused the total upheaval of many lives from living under the protection of the roofs of their homes to leaving many displaced. A refugee is defined as someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country origin, owing to a well–founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion (1951 Refugee Convention, 3). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 recognizes the right of persons to seek asylum from persecution in other countries. The United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees adopted in 1951 is the centerpiece of international refugee protection today (1951 Refugee Convention, 2). The amount of states willing to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Are Refugees Deserve To Be An Immigrant Or Refugee? Definition of refugee, asylum seeker and migrant Refugees are peopling fleeing armed conflicts or persecution. There were 19,5 million of them worldwide at the end of 2014 according to UNHCR. Their situation is so perilous that they cross national borders to seek safety in nearby countries and become recognized as refugees with access to assistance from states and aid organizations .An important piece of this is that refugees are protected by international law, specifically the 1951 Refugee Convention. An asylum seeker is someone who claims to be a refugee but whose claim hasn't been evaluated. This person would have applied for asylum on the grounds that returning to his or her country would lead to persecution on account of race, religion, nationality or political beliefs. Someone is an asylum seeker for so long as their application is pending. So not every asylum seeker will be recognized as a refugee, but every refugee is initially an asylum seeker. I would like to also note that many asylum seekers are in fact economic migrants who hope to secure entry into the EU by claiming asylum. A migrant is a person that chooses to move not because of a direct threat or persecution but mainly to improve his life. Some of the reasons may be education (College, University ... Show more content on ... But then again, confusion exists when it comes to tell them apart. Back to Europe and the large numbers of people arriving by boat in Greece, Italy and elsewhere. Are they refugees or are they migrants? The truth is they are a mix of both. "Refugees and migrants" is probably the best way to refer to movements of people by sea or in other circumstances where both groups may be present. As other reports point out, some migrants face extreme conditions at home, such as natural disasters that have coerced them to ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Social Work Personal Statement The bulk of my experience working with refugees and displaced persons comes from my time working in the Kachin Statement of Myanmar. As described above, I did various education and community development work in a serious of refugee and internationally displaced camps (IDP) on the border of China and Myanmar. I have also done work with displaced persons in Morocco when I studied abroad in my internship at a local nonprofit that provided courses and basic life necessities for displaced persons. Finally, I have experience working with asylum seekers during my field placement at Bronx Legal Services and in my work as an advisory board member of my undergraduate university's alternative break program, most notably spending a week in Immokalee, Florida aiding in connecting asylum seekers to community resources. As a social worker and public health student and professional, I am dedicated to a future working with refugee and displaced populations. I have focused much of my coursework in my dual degree program at Mailman School of Public Health on refugee and displaced populations. However, with the exception doing some case management at Bronx Legal Services, much of my work with refugee populations was not in a social work capacity and was not always fully informed by social work practice and techniques that address power, privilege and oppression. I hope to build upon the coursework I have taken relating to refugees and displaced persons in the fields of public affairs, public ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Canada's Immigration System Act On June 28, 2012, the Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act (Bill C–31) took effect. This act was put in place to bring further reforms to the asylum system, add measures to address human smuggling, and add the requirement to include biometric data as part of a temporary resident visa, work permit, and study permit application. These changes were claimed to help the system to function better, cut down wait time, make the process faster, screen applicants better, and to prevent needless complications. This resulted in many changes to Canada's asylum system. There were four changes made to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). The first change was replacing the Basis of Claim (BOC) form with the Personal Information Form (PIF). This change meant that people who make a refugee claim at an office in Canada must submit a completed BOC during their eligibility interview. If they made a refugee claim at a port of entry then they must submit their BOC to the IRB no later than 15 days after their claim is referred to the IRB. Another change made was that the hearings at the (IRB) would be conducted by public servant decision– makers rather than people appointed by the Governor in Council (GIC). Also, hearings for most claimants would be held no later than 60 days after the refugee claim is referred to the IRB. And finally, for claimants from designated countries of origin, their hearings would be held no later than 45 days after referral to the IRB for those who ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Why America Should Accept More Refugees There are also legal reasons why countries such as the United States of America should accept more refugees. The article "Armed Conflict and Forced Migration: A Systemic Approach to International Humanitarian Law, Refugee Law, and Human Rights Law" by Vincent Chetail states that "humanitarian law and refugee law appear to be relatively indifferent to the specific needs of refugees in war, from war and in post war contexts." Due to this lack in the ability of humanitarian law and refugee law to provide what is necessary for refugees fleeing conflict, international human rights law must instead pick up the slack and therefore must be respected and known by lawyers assisting refugees. Despite the differences between the different types of law, ... Show more content on ... Citizens' also fear that refugees might take their jobs, but research says that unemployment doesn't increase and that the presence of refugees can actually generate jobs and increase wages. Citizens' may also fear tax increases due to the financial burden of supporting refugees, but in countries such as Turkey, this burden has been shown to be sustainable. Even given this information, taking in a large influx of refugees would not be easy, but thriving and stable countries would be able to handle the burden. There are numerous other articles that support this position as well, such as Alexander Betts, Louise Bloom, Josiah Kaplan, and Naohiko Omata's article "Refugee Economies: Rethinking Popular Assumptions." The article examines many popular myths about refugees such as the assumptions that refugees are economically isolated, a burden, economically homogenous, technologically illiterate, and dependent. As for the first assumption, they found that rather than being economically isolated, refugees participate in the global economy. They found similar results when it came to determining the validity of every myth. Refugees enrich economies rather than deplete them, are economically diverse, are technologically capable, and are able to be self–reliant. The goal is ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essentialist Theory Of The Queer Theory sexuality often impacts the success of claims made by bi–sexual refugees. The author argues that this dominant understanding jettisons complex subjective positions and disregards varying realities. The refugee determination system misinterprets and misidentifies the lived experiences of bisexual claimants because of this knowledge, further disadvantaging this group of refugees. Rehaag observes that individuals seeking asylum on the basis of oppression for their bisexual tendencies have significantly higher rejection rates compared to other claimants. To investigate this assertion, Rehaag uses the queer theory as the main theoretical framework. According to Rehaag, the Queer theory is an interdisciplinary medium that examines the complex interactions between sexuality and gender, and conceptualizes such views of sexual orientation as "essentialist." The essentialist view dichotomizes individuals as being either straight or gay on the basis of early childhood psychological factors or biological traits. Consequently, this essentialist argument comprehends sexual orientation as unchangeable and inflexible. Essentialists may, in selected instances, acknowledge groups beyond gay and straight, such as transgendered and bisexual individuals. Queer theorists reject the essentialist view arguing that these categories are not inflexible. Rather, these categories are regularly recreated through socio–historical patterns or structured social exchanges. Consequently, the queer theory ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Suresh V Canada Case Summary "Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution." Through out the world and over the centuries, societies have welcomed frightened, weary strangers, the victims of persecution and violence. This humanitarian tradition of offering sanctuary is often now played on the television screens across the globe as war and large–scale persecution produce millions of refugees and internally displaced persons. At the start of 21st century, protecting refugees means maintaining solidarity with the worlds most threatened, while finding answers tot eh challenges confronting the international system that was created to do just that. Securing refugees is fundamentally the duty of States. All through its 50–year history, ... Show more content on ... In the famous case of Suresh v Canada, Suresh was a Sri Lankan born Tamil. He first came to Canada in the year 1990 and made a refugee claim based on fear of persecution by the Sri Lankan government. He was also the supporter of the Tamil tigers (a listed terrorist organization) and had done some fundraising for them in the past. Minister of immigration filed a certificate under s.40.1 of the immigration act saying that Suresh was inadmissible to Canada on security grounds. Suresh was confined the next day. The certificate was mentioned to the Federal Court for determination of whether it was rational, and the court approve the Ministers decision. He was given a deportation hearing, and the board held that while Suresh was not straightforward involved in terrorism, his membership in a terrorist group was adequate grounds for extradition. Under s. 53(1)(b), the Minister gave notice to Suresh that she was considering issuing an judgement that she well– thought–out him to be a danger to the safety of Canada, which would permit the Minister to extradite him despite the risk of torture. Accordingly, Suresh submitted composed and narrative proof on this theme. A migration officer, Gautier, considered Suresh's entries, and found that permitting Suresh to stay in Canada would "run counter to Canada's duties to battle against ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Refugee Policy Paper Introduction In this policy paper, I will be focusing on refugees and the laws, policies, and programs that affect them. As I analyze these policies I will compare policies from various countries, that have been created to achieve similar goals. Many countries accept refugees and have adopted and/or created laws to regulate them. The three countries that I will be analyzing are the United States of America, Germany, and Turkey. These three countries are unique in their characteristics and geographic locations but all face the same risks and circumstances as it relates to refugees. A refugee is characterized by the United Nations (1958) as someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, violence. A refugee ... Show more content on ... The International Protection Procedure (IPP) is the official refugee resettlement program in Turkey. It is operated within Turkey under 'The Law on Foreigners and International Protection (LFIP)'. The process for refugee to become legal normally take 6 months to complete. The process happens in the following order: application is submitted to Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM), registration, personal interview, International Protection (IP) status granted. Or, you may be eligible to have your application to be processed through the accelerated process. This process is much shorter in processing time. Once submitting your initial application to Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM), applicant can expect to receive a personal interview within 3 days, and receive International Protection (IP) status within 5 days of personal interview. Comparing ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Human Rights : International Organization, Flexible... Thesis: Millions of Syrian refugees are being hunted and displaced from their homes, while the majority of the world closes their blinds from this present day massacre. Resolving the Syrian refugee crisis is a complex and daunting task, but the future of their lives rest in the palms of our hands and it is our moral obligation to interfere and aid the innocent. Article #1 Goldenziel, Jill I. "Regulating Human Rights: International Organizations, Flexible Standards, and International Refugee Law." Chicago Journal of International Law 14.2 (2014): 453–92. ProQuest. Web. 5 Apr. 2016. In "Regulating Human Rights: International Organizations, Flexible Standards, and International Refugee Law," Jill Goldenziel discusses possible solutions in further improving how refugees are currently handled. Currently there are international laws and treaties which enforce numerous details. This includes who can qualify as a refugee, how they can legally become considered a refugee, and which rights they will obtain after they pass all the hoops and ladders and "gain" their refugee status. All of these laws, treaties, and proceedings are typically handled by the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). The UNHCR essentially acts as a middle man between these laws and the countries who fund them (i.e. the U.S., E.U., etc.) and those countries who infringe upon human rights (Goldenziel 453–92). Goldenziel points out flaws in how the refugee crisis is handled and suggests ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The For International Refugee Law In order for International refugee law to function and satisfactorily benefit the people it has challenged state sovereignty in some aspects. Regardless of the enforcement laws signatory states have been able to keep authority over the flow of refugees individually keeping their territorial supremacy. In my opinion refugee law has not challenged the principle of state sovereignty enough as some people still seem to fall within the cracks and are not afforded protection. States are still refusing to to give a little of their power away in order to protect human rights. This essay is going to be discussing the 1951 convention, internally displaced persons and the concept of non– refoulement in relation to the protection for forced migrants. ... Show more content on ... A prime example of the how restricted the definition is the case of Shah and Islam. The court felt that women as a social is a too big a group. They narrowed the group to women, that are married and allegedly committed adultery and said that they are a social group. 'the concept of social group is a general one and its meaning cannot be confined to those...which the framers of the Convention may have had in mind'. Some argued that the court in this case are trying to broaden the threshold however it seems that they are further restricting it. Examples like these show that the threshold is high and it doesn 't seem like the courts are considering broadening it any time soon. The definition is already restrictive and it goes further saying even if they satisfy the conditions in the definition under section 1A, they can still lose the refugee status or even be denied it under sections 1C–1F. 1F is the main provision that has the exclusion from refugee status. Though the provision clearly states "serious reasons for considering" we are not sure how each state would view that. There are two contrasting cases on this. One being the case of Cruz v Minister of Employment and Immigration, where the member of Mexican army who was involved in mass massacres was granted asylum in Canada. On the other hand the case of T v Secretary of State ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Is Australia's Effective United Nations? "If Australia wants an effective United Nations, we have to be comprehensively, not marginally, engaged." Kevin Rudd. This is a statement made by the former Prime Minister of Australia. It highlights the fact that while Australia is involved with the UN we are not fully engaged with what they are trying to do. This is shown in our disregard for the laws set forth by them. How can Australia be an asset to the UN Security Council if they can't follow the laws as part of the general assembly. The United Nations is a vessel to keep the peace, they work to prevent conflicts, step in and help parties in conflict to make peace; peacekeeping; and creating the conditions to allow peace. The UN security council has the primary responsibility for the aforementioned. They are the division of the UN that is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. There are fifteen members and each member has one vote, and under the charter, all Member States are obligated to comply with the council's decisions (The United Nations, n.d.). The United Nations along with the security council was formed in 1945, leaders of 50 nations met in San Francisco with representatives of non– government organizations. It took place at the end of the second world war to prevent that type of widespread destruction, they formed the United Nations. ... Show more content on ... The The United Nations approach on the treatment of refugees is as follows. the Convention relating to the status of Refugees 1967 Protocol defines who a refugee is and explains what Rights countries should afford to refugees. A refugee is a person who is outside of their own country and is unable or unwilling to return due to a well–founded fear of being persecuted because of their; race, religion, nationality, membership of a group or political ... Get more on ...