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Career Guide
A complete guide to your Tech Journey
2023 - 24
● is a student-run university-based community group.
● They’re open to all undergraduate as well as graduate students who are
interested in software development. Their goal is to provide student-
developers a way to grow their knowledge, network with their peers and
build solutions that impacts the community.
● Student developers gain valuable hands-on experience that prepares
them for the workforce and distinguish them from other job-seekers when
they graduate .
What is GDSC ?
1.Grow their knowledge on developer technologies and more through peer-
to-peer workshop and events.
1.Gain relevant industry experience by solving problems for local
organizations with technologies-based solutions.
1.Showcase their prototypes and solutions to their local community and
industry leaders.
GDSC helps students with
CONNECT : Meet students interested in developer technologies at
university. All are welcome, including those with diverse
backgrounds and different majors.
LEARN : About a range of technical topics and gain new skills, through
hand-on experience in workshops, events, talks, and project-building
activities - both online and in-person
GROW : Apply new learnings to build great solutions for local
problems. Advance your skills, career, and network. Give back
to your community by helping others learn too.
- Data Science and ML Enthusiast
- Core JAVA
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning
- Ex-SVEEP Head
- Co-Founder at All About Programming
- Former Summer Intern at GPCSSI’21
- Former SWE Summer Intern at
- Former Data Science Intern at
JustBaat AI
“Technology is at it’s best when it
brings community together.”
Google DSC Lead 2023-24
Disha Sharma
AI / ML Mentor
Web Development Mentor
Our Leads :
AI / ML Mentor
Web Development Mentor
Our Leads :
AI / ML Mentor
Web Development Mentor
Our Leads :
AI / ML Mentor
Web Development Mentor
Our Members :
AI / ML Mentor
Web Development Mentor
Our Members :
AI / ML Mentor
Web Development Mentor
Our Members :
AI / ML Mentor
Web Development Mentor
Our Members :
AI / ML Mentor
Web Development Mentor
Our Members :
AI / ML Mentor
Web Development Mentor
Our Members :
1.Programming Languages and DSA
2.Web Development
3.Android Development
4.Cloud Computing
5.Cyber Security
6.Data Science
9.PR and Marketing
Career Guide
Domains we will discuss
Languages and DSA
By Aryan Sharma and Anahita Sodhi
● Programming Languages
○ Definition
○ Classification
○ Popular Languages
● Data Structures and Algorithms
○ Introduction
○ Examples of Data Structures
○ Algorithms and their roles
Programming Languages
By Aryan Sharma
A computer is a machine, unlike us humans, it can not operate on its own as
it does not have a mind on its own. The whole purpose of a computer is to
carry out commands that are given to it.
Computers don't communicate with languages
such as English, Hindi, Punjabi, etc Like us, it
uses 0s or 1s to communicate which you know
as Binary.
Programming languages allow us to communicate
with the computer in a way that it can understand us..
What are Programming Languages?
There are many ways to categorize
the different types of
programming languages, we will
discuss the most relevant one:
Classification of
Programming Languages
● Low-Level Languages
Low-level language is machine-dependent (0s and 1s) programming
language. The processor runs low-level programs
directly without the need for a compiler or
interpreter, so the programs written in low-level
language can run very fast. However, these are
very hard, if not impossible for humans to
These can be further divided into two:
Classification of Programming Languages
Based on understanding level:
Classification of Programming Languages
Based on understanding level:
○ Machine Language: Machine language is a type of low-level programming
language. It is also called machine code or object code. It does not
require a translator to convert the programs because computers directly
understand the machine language programs.
○ Assembly Language: Assembly language (ASM) is also a type of low-level
programming language that is designed for specific processors. It
represents the set of instructions in a symbolic and human-
understandable form. It uses an assembler to convert the assembly
language to machine language.
● High-Level Languages
These are languages that we humans can understand and use easily to
give instructions to the computer. These languages are derived from the
common languages around us with their own syntax and semantics. It is
easy to read, write, and maintain. These programming languages require a
compiler or interpreter to translate the program into machine language
(execute the program). High-level programming language includes Python,
Java, JavaScript, PHP, C#, C++, Objective C, Cobol, Perl, Pascal, LISP,
FORTRAN, and Swift programming language.
Classification of Programming Languages
Based on understanding level:
List of Popular Languages being used
One can use multiple
languages in multiple
domains but here is a list
of those languages that
are being used extensively
in the market.
Popular Languages
Python is a very popular programming
language, it is being used in a lot of domains
and is considered one of the most versatile
languages currently. It has a multitude of
frameworks that make it a high choice for a
lot of projects. Python is open-source, easy
to learn and portable.
Popular Languages
● Python is easy to learn. Its syntax is easy and the code is very readable.
● Python has a lot of applications. It's used for developing web applications,
data science, rapid application development, and so on.
● Python allows you to write programs in fewer lines of code than most of
the programming languages.
● The popularity of Python is growing rapidly. Now it's one of the most
popular programming languages.
Popular Languages
Why Learn Python?
We can use Python almost anywhere with the use of its Frameworks and
Libraries. What are Frameworks? A framework in programming is a tool
that provides ready-made components or solutions that are customized to
speed up development. Whereas Libraries in programming languages are
collections of prewritten code that users can use to optimize tasks.
Popular Languages
Uses of Python
● Web Development: Django, Flask and Pyramid
● Game Development: PySoy, Pygame and RenPy
● Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Pandas, Scikit-Learn, NumPy,
● Data Science and Visualization: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn
● Cybersecurity: Scapy, and PyCrypto.
Popular Languages
Uses of Python
C was developed in the early 1970s at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie for the UNIX
operating system. It's one of the oldest high-level programming languages
that's still in widespread use today. C is a procedural programming language.
C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the early 1980s as an extension of
C. C++ supports both procedural and object-oriented Paradigms. C++ is an
improved version of C, hence the nod to '++' we know as the increment
C# was developed in the early 2000s by Microsoft as part of its .NET initiative. It
was designed by Anders Hejlsberg and was influenced by C, C++, and Java. C# is
a high-level, object-oriented programming language.
Popular Languages
● Performance
● Control
● Portability
● Legacy
● Rich Libraries
● Flexibility
● Interoperability
Popular Languages
Why you should use C/C++/C#
● System Development
● Embedded Systems
● Graphics and Games
● Real-time Simulation
● Web Browsers and Web Apps
● Database Software
● Operating Systems
● Cloud-Based Applications
Popular Languages
Uses of C/C++/C#
Java: Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language. It's known
for the principle "Write Once, Run Anywhere," which means that compiled
Java code can run on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java
was developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle Corporation)
and it was introduced in 1995 and has been a staple for many
Popular Languages
● Platform Independence
● Object-Oriented
● Robust and Secure
● Large Standard Library
● Multi-Threading
● Community and Documentation
Popular Languages
Why use Java?
● Web Applications
● Mobile Applications
● Enterprise Applications
● Embedded Systems
● Desktop GUI Applications
● Scientific Applications
● Big Data Technologies
● Gaming
Popular Languages
Uses of Java
Data Structures and
By Anahita Sodhi
● Data is information that we use to
represent facts, concepts, or
● Examples of data: numbers (5, 3.14),
words ("hello"), images, and more.
● In programming, data can be anything
from simple values to complex
Introduction to DSA
What is Data?
Data is the foundation of all computer programs.
Programs manipulate and process data to perform tasks.
Without data, programming would be meaningless.
Introduction to DSA
Importance of Data
Data structures are ways to organize, store, and manage data for efficient
access and modification.
They provide a systematic way to store related data elements.
Imagine data structures as containers holding data.
What are Data Structures?
● Arrays
○ Example: List of temperatures [25, 28,
22, 30, 27]
● Stacks
○ Example: Stack of plates; you
add/remove from the top.
Examples of Data Structures
Examples of Data Structures
● Trees
○ Example: Family tree; hierarchical structure.
● Graphs
○ Example: Social network connections between
● Queues
○ Example: People waiting in a line (first in,
first out).
● Heap
○ Example: Think of a priority queue where
items are ordered based on priority
Examples of Data Structures
Data structures provide organized ways to access and manipulate data.
They can make operations more efficient. Example: Searching for an
element in an array vs. a sorted array.
Choosing the right data structure for the task is crucial for program
How Data Structures help
Data Structures in Programming
Programming languages provide built-in data structures. Examples:
● Arrays: Common in most languages. E.g., Python's lists.
● Linked Lists: Often implemented using classes/structures. E.g., C++'s
● Stacks and Queues: Available in various languages.
● Trees and Graphs: Can be implemented using classes/structures.
● Heap: Used to implement priority queues and manage priority-based data
An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure to solve a
Algorithms operate on data structures to perform
specific tasks.
Example: "Find the largest number in an array."
Algorithms and Their Role
Algorithm Efficiency
Some algorithms are faster than others for the same task.
Algorithm efficiency is critical for large datasets.
Big O notation describes how algorithm performance scales with input size.
Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
The choice of data structure affects algorithm efficiency.
Efficient algorithms + appropriate data structures = faster programs.
Connection Between Algorithms, Data Structures, and
Think of building a house:
● Data: Bricks, wood, pipes, etc. (raw
● Data Structures: Walls, floors, rooms
(organized components)
● Algorithms: Construction plans (step-by-
step instructions)
Real-World Analogy
● Programming languages are an essence of your Tech Journey.
● Each language provides different usabilities.
● Programming Languages and DSA are intertwined
● Data structures and algorithms are fundamental in programming.
● They help us manage and process data effectively.
● Choosing the right combination improves program performance.
● Thank you for learning about Programming Languages and DSA basics
with us!
Web Development
By Anshul Wadhwa and Aryan Verma
What we will discuss
● What is Web Development?
● Roadmap for Web Development for Beginners
● Scope of Web Development
Web development refers to the creating, building, and maintaining of
websites. It includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web
programming, and database management. It is the creation of an
application that works over the internet i.e. is the creation and
management of websites using some technologies.
What is Web Development?
What is Web Development?
It is divided into three parts:
● front-end – which is accessible and can be viewed by the user (based on
the user experience)
● back-end – which can’t be accessed by the user and is the backbone of the
● database – which holds and manages the data
Web Development = Front-End + Back-End + Database
1.Website and Web Servers
● The basic thing which you must know before
starting to learn about web development is
about websites and web servers. These are
the basic fundamentals on which the entire
system works.
● A website is a collection of web pages that
are identified by a common domain name
and published on a server. A server is a
system that stores files and software.
Roadmap for Web Development for
Roadmap for Web Development for
2. HTML, CSS and JavaScript
● HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the basic
building block with which you can create a web page.
You can start your web development career by
beginning with HTML.
● CSS (Cascading Styling Sheet) is a style sheet language
used to make a web page look attractive and engaging.
● JavaScript is the one of the most-demanding
programming languages and is currently preferred by
more than 74% of the developer’s community. It is a
versatile programming language primarily used for web
development. It enables interactivity and dynamic
content on websites, enhancing user experiences.
Roadmap for Web Development for
3. Frontend Development
● After understanding the basic programming languages like HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript, you need to learn on how to optimize the front page of the
web application.
● Front-end development deals with the development of the user interface,
which users view and can access. It is the front side of the web application
which has to be appealing and interactive for the user.
Roadmap for Web Development for
4. Responsiveness
● Responsiveness is a design approach that enables the automatic
adaptation of the web application to the screen. Make sure to build your
website in such as manner that it fits all screen sizes. Your website should
be responsive in nature, i.e., should fit, on desktops, mobiles, tablets, etc.
Roadmap for Web Development for
5. Backend Development
● Back-end development is the
backbone of web development.
The entire web application
functions through it. Back-end
development is the development
of a system through which the
communication between the front
end and the database occurs.
6. Database Management System
A database is an organized collection of
structured information, or data, typically
stored electronically in a computer system.
A database is usually controlled by a
database management system (DBMS).
Roadmap for Web Development for
7. Frameworks
Popular front-end frameworks:
● React
● Angular
● Vue
Popular back-end frameworks:
● Express.js
● Spring
● Django
Roadmap for Web Development for
8. Deployment
Deployment is the act of pushing or moving your web app into a deployed
state. It is the process of making your software/web apps available to
users widely.
Roadmap for Web Development for
Scope of Web Development
Where could it go in the future?
● E-Commerce Growth: Online shopping continues to rise, requiring
effective e-commerce platforms.
● Web Applications: Businesses increasingly rely on web applications for
internal operations, customer management, and more.
● User Experience (UX): Developers who can create seamless, intuitive, and
engaging user experiences are highly sought after.
● Remote Work and Freelancing: Web development allows for remote work
and freelancing, enabling developers to collaborate with clients and teams
Web Development is a booming, high-paying, and
indeed promising career in the IT industry. It is a high-
paying and in-demand profession.
To conclude the section
Android Development
Exploring the Ins and Outs
of Building Android Apps
By Ribhav and Arpit
● What is Android ?
● Importance of Android development TODAY !!
● What is Flutter & Dart ?
● Why Flutter ?
● Roadmap To Android Development
Android is an open-source mobile operating system developed
by Google, designed for smartphones, tablets, and other
devices. It provides a platform for developers to create
applications and offers a user-friendly interface for consumers.
What is Android?
Importance of Android development
⮚ Market Dominance: Android powers a vast majority of smartphones globally,
offering a massive user base and market reach.
⮚ App Ecosystem: Android's app ecosystem provides diverse opportunities for
developers to create and distribute apps to millions.
⮚ Innovation: Developers drive innovation, creating apps that cater to various
needs from productivity to entertainment.
⮚ Open Source: Android's open-source nature encourages collaboration,
customization, and the creation of custom ROMs.
Importance of Android development
⮚ Business Growth: Android apps enable businesses to reach customers,
enhance engagement, and expand revenue streams.
⮚ Technology Career: Android development skills are in high demand, offering
lucrative career opportunities for developers.
⮚ Global Impact: Android apps have the potential to impact users' lives
worldwide, from education to healthcare and beyond.
Answer: Flutter & Dart
What is Flutter & Dart ?
● Flutter is an open-source UI software development toolkit created by Google.
It allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web,
and desktop from a single codebase. With Flutter, you can create visually
attractive and performant applications with a consistent user experience
across multiple platforms.
● Dart is a programming language developed by Google. It was designed with
the goal of creating a language that's efficient, easy to learn, and suitable for
a variety of applications. Dart is used in various contexts, but its most
prominent use is as the primary language for developing applications with the
Flutter framework.
Flutter is a preferred choice for app development due to:
1. **Single Codebase**: Write once, use on multiple platforms (iOS, Android, web, desktop), saving time and effort.
2. **Fast Performance**: Direct compilation to native code leads to high-speed, smooth apps.
3. **Hot Reload**: Instantly see code changes, enhancing development speed and bug fixing.
4. **Expressive UI**: Customizable, attractive UI using a wide range of widgets.
5. **Rich Ecosystem**: Extensive packages and plugins for added functionality.
6. **Native Look**: Native-like appearance on different platforms for a consistent user experience.
7. **Responsive Layouts**: Easy creation of responsive designs adaptable to various screen sizes.
8. **Active Community**: Growing developer community with resources and support.
9. **Strong for Startups**: Cost-effective, quick development and deployment.
10. **Google Backing**: Developed and maintained by Google, ensuring continuous updates and improvements.
Why Flutter ?
Companies Using Flutter
Roadmap To Android Development 🚀
Cloud Computing
By Akshay Sharma
●Cloud computing basics
●Road map to cloud computing
●Benefits of cloud computing
●Resources and links to develop cloud computing
●Future of cloud computing
What we’ll cover in today’s cloud computing roadmap
"The cloud" refers to servers that are accessed
over the Internet, and the software and
databases that run on those servers. Cloud
servers are located in data centers all over the
world. By using cloud computing, users and
companies do not have to manage physical
servers themselves or run software applications
on their own machines.
What is Cloud?
What is Cloud Computing?
Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of
computing services—including servers,
storage, databases, networking, software,
analytics, and intelligence—over the internet
(“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation,
flexible resources, and economies of scale.
You typically pay only for cloud services you
use, helping you lower your operating costs,
run your infrastructure more efficiently, and
scale as your business needs change.
Types of Cloud Computing
Not all clouds are the same and no single type of cloud computing is right
for everyone. Several different models, types, and services have evolved to
help offer the right solution for your needs.
First, you need to determine the type of cloud deployment, or cloud
computing architecture, that your cloud services will be implemented on.
There are three different ways to deploy cloud services: on a public cloud,
private cloud, or hybrid cloud.
Types of Cloud Computing
Roadmap towards Cloud Engineer
●Step 1: Learn the Basic
Before diving into cloud computing, it’s important to have a strong
foundation in computer science fundamentals
●Step 2: Learn Cloud Computing
Once you have a good understanding of computer science fundamentals,
you can move on to learning about cloud computing.
Roadmap towards Cloud Engineer
●Step 3: Develop Skills in Cloud Computing
To become job-ready in Cloud Computing, it’s important to develop specific
skills in areas such as Cloud Security, DevOps, and Big Data.
●Step 4: Practice, Practice, Practice
Learning about cloud computing is just the first step. It's important to
practice what you've learned and gain practical experience.
●Step 5: Join Cloud Computing Communities
It’s important to network, and one way to do that is by joining communities
related to your field. These communities can help you stay up-to-date with
the latest trends and best practices in Cloud Computing. You can check
Twitter, LinkedIn and other platforms.
Benefits of Cloud Computing
●Faster time to market
●Scalability and Flexibility
●Cost Savings
●Better Collaboration
●Advanced Security
●Data loss Prevention
●Increased Storage Capacity
●Enhanced Performance of Internet
●Modular Software will be Priority
●Internet of Things (IOT) along with Cloud Computing
●Data shows how Future Changes
●Improvement in Cloud Services
●Modular Software
Future of Cloud Computing
Cyber Security
By Jashanpreet Kaur and Shubhi
● What?
● Why?
● Types?
● Scope?
● Certifications?
The technique of protecting internet-connected systems such as computers,
servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from
malicious attacks is known as cybersecurity. We can divide cybersecurity
into two parts one is cyber, and the other is security. Cyber refers to the
technology that includes systems, networks, programs, and data. And
security is concerned with the protection of systems, networks, applications,
and information. In some cases, it is also called electronic information
security or information technology security.
What is Cyber Security?
Why Is Cybersecurity Important?
Cyber security is important because it safeguards individuals and
organizations against cyber attacks and theft or loss of sensitive and
confidential information. Cybersecurity can monitor systems to protect
personal data (PII, PHI, financial details etc.), trade secrets, intellectual
property and any sensitive government information.
Importance in 2023
Types of Cybersecurity Threats
Staying ahead of cybersecurity threats isn’t an easy job. There’s a long list of
threats that IT pros pay attention to, but the problem is that the list keeps
growing. Today, cyberattacks happen on the regular. While some attacks are
small and easily contained, others quickly spiral out of control and wreak
havoc. All cyberattacks require immediate attention and resolution.
Cybersecurity Career
Cybersecurity Certifications
●Cybersecurity certifications assess the knowledge, skills and abilities that IT
professionals have already mastered and reflect on what’s going on in the
field today. The CompTIA Cybersecurity Career Pathway features four
cybersecurity certifications and helps IT pros achieve cybersecurity
mastery, from beginning to end:
• CompTIA Security+
• CompTIA PenTest+
• CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+)
• CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+)
Organizations such as (ISC)2, ISACA, GIAC and Cisco also offer cybersecurity
certifications. Other popular cybersecurity certifications include the following:
• Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
• Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
• Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
• CRISC: Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control
Other Certifications
Packages of Cybersecurity Employee
Major Cybersecurity Tips
Data Science
By Pragati Kapoor and Amanpreet Singh
• What is Data Science
• Scope of Data Science
• Roadmap to become a Data Scientist
• Conclusion
What is Data Science ?
• Study of Data to extract meaningful Insights for
• More forward-looking approach with the focus on
analyzing the past or current data and predicting the
future outcomes with the aim of making informed
• Helps businesses to grow by making better decisions
purely based on numbers and raw data.
Data Science is one of the fastest growing fields in the world.
Scope of Data Science
Scope of Data Science
Scope of Data Science
In the end, it won’t be wrong to say that the future belongs to Data Scientists.
You can predict the growth of the businesses by incorporating data science
methods in operations in the coming years, anticipate the potential for problems,
and develop strategies based on data to achieve success.
This is the best opportunity to kick off your career in the field of data science.
Artificial Intelligence/
Machine Learning
By Shambhvi Dev and Akshay
Machine Learning
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence
(AI) and computer science which focuses on the use of
data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn,
gradually improving its accuracy.
Types of Machine Learning
Machine Learning Engineer – They are sophisticated programmers who
develop the systems and machines that learn and apply knowledge without
having any specific lead or direction.
Deep Learning Engineer – Similar to computer scientists, they specialize in
using deep learning platforms to develop tasks related to artificial intelligence.
Their main goal is to be able to mimic and emulate brain functions.
Data Scientist – Someone who extracts meaning from data and analyses and
interprets it. It requires both methods, statistics, and tools.
Computer Vision Engineer – They are software developers who create vision
algorithms for recognizing patterns in images.
It is the science and engineering of making
intelligent machines, especially intelligent
computer programs.
Artificial Intelligence
Domain of AI
● Big Data Engineer
● Data Scientist.
● Machine Learning Engineer
● Business Intelligence Developers
● Research Scientist
Step 1: Pick a programming language & Get Started!
Step 2: Learn Linear Algebra
Step 3: Learn Statistics
Step 4: Learn Core ML Algorithms
Step 5: Learn Python Libraries
Step 6: Learn Deployment
Creative Designers
By Shivam Thakur
• The Fusion of Artistry and Technology
• Motion & Interaction
• Vector & Raster
• UX/UI Design
• Graphics & impact
The Fusion of Artistry and Technology
It allows artists to create new worlds on
canvas and inventors to develop ground
breaking technologies for making masterpiece.
Example using AI for Creative art Designs.
• The Synergy between artist creativity and technological innovation.
• How combining aspects leads to exceptional design outcomes.
Motion & Interaction
• Introduction to motion design for interactivity.
Motion tells stories about our products — it
shows how an app is organized and what users
can do in it and creates a more natural
experience by adding a level of depth to the
interaction design.
Exploring microinteractions for
enhanced user engagement.
• Microinteractions add depth and delight
to user experience, making interfaces
more engaging
• Communicating status and providing
Motion &
Vector & Raster
Vector Raster
⮚ They are Composed of paths They are Composed of pixels
⮚ They Occupy less space They Occupy more space which
required Depends on image quality
⮚ .SVG, .PDF, .DXF, .AI, .ESP .GIF, .JPG, .BMP, .TIF
UX/UI Design
• Importance of user centered design
• Wireframing and prototyping for effective design visualization
Iteration is one of the core principles of
user-centered design
A wireframe visualizes an interface and is
used widely as a tool in interface design,
also called UI design.
A prototype is something that will be similar
to how the final product acts and behaves.
• Visual storytelling can help you capture attention, simplify complex
information, and create memorable impressions.
• enhance your verbal or written communication, by adding context,
clarity, and credibility.
Graphics &
Creativity is seeing what others
see and thinking what no one
else ever thought.
- Albert Einstein
By Vanshika Saini
• What is PR
• Functions of PR
• Handling negative press
• What is Marketing
• Marketing Strategies
• PR and Marketing integration
presentation will
explore the key
between public
relations (PR)
and marketing.
What is PR?
❑ PR is the practice of maintaining a
positive public image
❑ Builds mutually beneficial relationships
between company and media
Functions of PR
⮚ Reputation management
⮚ Events
⮚ Media relations
⮚ Brand journalism
⮚ PR's role in dealing with negative stories
⮚ Damage control strategies
⮚ Positive spin or issuing apologies
Handling Negative Press
What is Marketing?
⮚ Marketing
involves selling
products or
⮚ Delivering value
for customers and
Some Key Marketing Strategies
⮚ Content marketing
⮚ Email marketing
⮚ Social media marketing
⮚ Influencer marketing
Key Differences
Between PR and Marketing
⮚ PR builds relationships with media Marketing targets customers and audience
⮚ Focus of PR: Maintaining public Focus of marketing: Selling products
Image and services
*Please fill out the feedback form to claim your certificate

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  • 1. Career Guide A complete guide to your Tech Journey 2023 - 24
  • 2. ● is a student-run university-based community group. ● They’re open to all undergraduate as well as graduate students who are interested in software development. Their goal is to provide student- developers a way to grow their knowledge, network with their peers and build solutions that impacts the community. ● Student developers gain valuable hands-on experience that prepares them for the workforce and distinguish them from other job-seekers when they graduate . What is GDSC ?
  • 3. 1.Grow their knowledge on developer technologies and more through peer- to-peer workshop and events. 1.Gain relevant industry experience by solving problems for local organizations with technologies-based solutions. 1.Showcase their prototypes and solutions to their local community and industry leaders. GDSC helps students with
  • 4. CONNECT : Meet students interested in developer technologies at university. All are welcome, including those with diverse backgrounds and different majors. LEARN : About a range of technical topics and gain new skills, through hand-on experience in workshops, events, talks, and project-building activities - both online and in-person GROW : Apply new learnings to build great solutions for local problems. Advance your skills, career, and network. Give back to your community by helping others learn too.
  • 5. - Data Science and ML Enthusiast - Core JAVA - Machine Learning, Deep Learning - Ex-SVEEP Head - Co-Founder at All About Programming - Former Summer Intern at GPCSSI’21 - Former SWE Summer Intern at ByteOski - Former Data Science Intern at JustBaat AI “Technology is at it’s best when it brings community together.” Google DSC Lead 2023-24 Disha Sharma
  • 6. Sy AI / ML Mentor Web Development Mentor Our Leads :
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  • 11. Sy AI / ML Mentor Web Development Mentor Our Members :
  • 12. Sy AI / ML Mentor Web Development Mentor Our Members :
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  • 15. 1.Programming Languages and DSA 2.Web Development 3.Android Development 4.Cloud Computing 5.Cyber Security 6.Data Science 7.AI/ML 8.Design 9.PR and Marketing Career Guide Domains we will discuss
  • 16. Programming Languages and DSA By Aryan Sharma and Anahita Sodhi
  • 17. Contents ● Programming Languages ○ Definition ○ Classification ○ Popular Languages ● Data Structures and Algorithms ○ Introduction ○ Examples of Data Structures ○ Algorithms and their roles
  • 19. A computer is a machine, unlike us humans, it can not operate on its own as it does not have a mind on its own. The whole purpose of a computer is to carry out commands that are given to it. Computers don't communicate with languages such as English, Hindi, Punjabi, etc Like us, it uses 0s or 1s to communicate which you know as Binary. Programming languages allow us to communicate with the computer in a way that it can understand us.. What are Programming Languages? Definition
  • 20. There are many ways to categorize the different types of programming languages, we will discuss the most relevant one: Classification of Programming Languages
  • 21. ● Low-Level Languages Low-level language is machine-dependent (0s and 1s) programming language. The processor runs low-level programs directly without the need for a compiler or interpreter, so the programs written in low-level language can run very fast. However, these are very hard, if not impossible for humans to understand. These can be further divided into two: Classification of Programming Languages Based on understanding level:
  • 22. Classification of Programming Languages Based on understanding level: ○ Machine Language: Machine language is a type of low-level programming language. It is also called machine code or object code. It does not require a translator to convert the programs because computers directly understand the machine language programs. ○ Assembly Language: Assembly language (ASM) is also a type of low-level programming language that is designed for specific processors. It represents the set of instructions in a symbolic and human- understandable form. It uses an assembler to convert the assembly language to machine language.
  • 23. ● High-Level Languages These are languages that we humans can understand and use easily to give instructions to the computer. These languages are derived from the common languages around us with their own syntax and semantics. It is easy to read, write, and maintain. These programming languages require a compiler or interpreter to translate the program into machine language (execute the program). High-level programming language includes Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, C#, C++, Objective C, Cobol, Perl, Pascal, LISP, FORTRAN, and Swift programming language. Classification of Programming Languages Based on understanding level:
  • 24. List of Popular Languages being used One can use multiple languages in multiple domains but here is a list of those languages that are being used extensively in the market. Popular Languages
  • 25. Python is a very popular programming language, it is being used in a lot of domains and is considered one of the most versatile languages currently. It has a multitude of frameworks that make it a high choice for a lot of projects. Python is open-source, easy to learn and portable. Popular Languages Python
  • 26. ● Python is easy to learn. Its syntax is easy and the code is very readable. ● Python has a lot of applications. It's used for developing web applications, data science, rapid application development, and so on. ● Python allows you to write programs in fewer lines of code than most of the programming languages. ● The popularity of Python is growing rapidly. Now it's one of the most popular programming languages. Popular Languages Why Learn Python?
  • 27. We can use Python almost anywhere with the use of its Frameworks and Libraries. What are Frameworks? A framework in programming is a tool that provides ready-made components or solutions that are customized to speed up development. Whereas Libraries in programming languages are collections of prewritten code that users can use to optimize tasks. Popular Languages Uses of Python
  • 28. ● Web Development: Django, Flask and Pyramid ● Game Development: PySoy, Pygame and RenPy ● Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Pandas, Scikit-Learn, NumPy, Tensorflow. ● Data Science and Visualization: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn ● Cybersecurity: Scapy, and PyCrypto. . Popular Languages Uses of Python
  • 29. C was developed in the early 1970s at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie for the UNIX operating system. It's one of the oldest high-level programming languages that's still in widespread use today. C is a procedural programming language. C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the early 1980s as an extension of C. C++ supports both procedural and object-oriented Paradigms. C++ is an improved version of C, hence the nod to '++' we know as the increment operator. C# was developed in the early 2000s by Microsoft as part of its .NET initiative. It was designed by Anders Hejlsberg and was influenced by C, C++, and Java. C# is a high-level, object-oriented programming language. Popular Languages C/C++/C#
  • 30. ● Performance ● Control ● Portability ● Legacy ● Rich Libraries ● Flexibility ● Interoperability Popular Languages Why you should use C/C++/C#
  • 31. ● System Development ● Embedded Systems ● Graphics and Games ● Real-time Simulation ● Web Browsers and Web Apps ● Database Software ● Operating Systems ● Cloud-Based Applications Popular Languages Uses of C/C++/C#
  • 32. Java: Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language. It's known for the principle "Write Once, Run Anywhere," which means that compiled Java code can run on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java was developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle Corporation) and it was introduced in 1995 and has been a staple for many applications/projects. Popular Languages Java
  • 33. ● Platform Independence ● Object-Oriented ● Robust and Secure ● Large Standard Library ● Multi-Threading ● Community and Documentation Popular Languages Why use Java?
  • 34. ● Web Applications ● Mobile Applications ● Enterprise Applications ● Embedded Systems ● Desktop GUI Applications ● Scientific Applications ● Big Data Technologies ● Gaming Popular Languages Uses of Java
  • 36. ● Data is information that we use to represent facts, concepts, or instructions. ● Examples of data: numbers (5, 3.14), words ("hello"), images, and more. ● In programming, data can be anything from simple values to complex structures. Introduction to DSA What is Data?
  • 37. Data is the foundation of all computer programs. Programs manipulate and process data to perform tasks. Without data, programming would be meaningless. Introduction to DSA Importance of Data
  • 38. Data structures are ways to organize, store, and manage data for efficient access and modification. They provide a systematic way to store related data elements. Imagine data structures as containers holding data. What are Data Structures?
  • 39. ● Arrays ○ Example: List of temperatures [25, 28, 22, 30, 27] ● Stacks ○ Example: Stack of plates; you add/remove from the top. Examples of Data Structures
  • 40. Examples of Data Structures ● Trees ○ Example: Family tree; hierarchical structure. ● Graphs ○ Example: Social network connections between people.
  • 41. ● Queues ○ Example: People waiting in a line (first in, first out). ● Heap ○ Example: Think of a priority queue where items are ordered based on priority Examples of Data Structures
  • 42. Data structures provide organized ways to access and manipulate data. They can make operations more efficient. Example: Searching for an element in an array vs. a sorted array. Choosing the right data structure for the task is crucial for program performance. How Data Structures help
  • 43. Data Structures in Programming Languages Programming languages provide built-in data structures. Examples: ● Arrays: Common in most languages. E.g., Python's lists. ● Linked Lists: Often implemented using classes/structures. E.g., C++'s `std::list`. ● Stacks and Queues: Available in various languages. ● Trees and Graphs: Can be implemented using classes/structures. ● Heap: Used to implement priority queues and manage priority-based data
  • 44. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure to solve a problem. Algorithms operate on data structures to perform specific tasks. Example: "Find the largest number in an array." Algorithms and Their Role
  • 45. Algorithm Efficiency Some algorithms are faster than others for the same task. Algorithm efficiency is critical for large datasets. Big O notation describes how algorithm performance scales with input size.
  • 46. Algorithms Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs The choice of data structure affects algorithm efficiency. Efficient algorithms + appropriate data structures = faster programs. Connection Between Algorithms, Data Structures, and Programming
  • 47. Think of building a house: ● Data: Bricks, wood, pipes, etc. (raw materials) ● Data Structures: Walls, floors, rooms (organized components) ● Algorithms: Construction plans (step-by- step instructions) Algorithms Real-World Analogy
  • 48. Conclusion ● Programming languages are an essence of your Tech Journey. ● Each language provides different usabilities. ● Programming Languages and DSA are intertwined ● Data structures and algorithms are fundamental in programming. ● They help us manage and process data effectively. ● Choosing the right combination improves program performance. ● Thank you for learning about Programming Languages and DSA basics with us!
  • 49. Web Development By Anshul Wadhwa and Aryan Verma
  • 50. Contents What we will discuss ● What is Web Development? ● Roadmap for Web Development for Beginners ● Scope of Web Development
  • 51. Web development refers to the creating, building, and maintaining of websites. It includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. It is the creation of an application that works over the internet i.e. is the creation and management of websites using some technologies. What is Web Development?
  • 52. What is Web Development? It is divided into three parts: ● front-end – which is accessible and can be viewed by the user (based on the user experience) ● back-end – which can’t be accessed by the user and is the backbone of the website ● database – which holds and manages the data Web Development = Front-End + Back-End + Database
  • 53. 1.Website and Web Servers ● The basic thing which you must know before starting to learn about web development is about websites and web servers. These are the basic fundamentals on which the entire system works. ● A website is a collection of web pages that are identified by a common domain name and published on a server. A server is a system that stores files and software. Roadmap for Web Development for Beginners
  • 54. Roadmap for Web Development for Beginners 2. HTML, CSS and JavaScript ● HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the basic building block with which you can create a web page. You can start your web development career by beginning with HTML. ● CSS (Cascading Styling Sheet) is a style sheet language used to make a web page look attractive and engaging. ● JavaScript is the one of the most-demanding programming languages and is currently preferred by more than 74% of the developer’s community. It is a versatile programming language primarily used for web development. It enables interactivity and dynamic content on websites, enhancing user experiences.
  • 55. Roadmap for Web Development for Beginners 3. Frontend Development ● After understanding the basic programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you need to learn on how to optimize the front page of the web application. ● Front-end development deals with the development of the user interface, which users view and can access. It is the front side of the web application which has to be appealing and interactive for the user.
  • 56. Roadmap for Web Development for Beginners 4. Responsiveness ● Responsiveness is a design approach that enables the automatic adaptation of the web application to the screen. Make sure to build your website in such as manner that it fits all screen sizes. Your website should be responsive in nature, i.e., should fit, on desktops, mobiles, tablets, etc.
  • 57. Roadmap for Web Development for Beginners 5. Backend Development ● Back-end development is the backbone of web development. The entire web application functions through it. Back-end development is the development of a system through which the communication between the front end and the database occurs.
  • 58. 6. Database Management System A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS). Roadmap for Web Development for Beginners
  • 59. 7. Frameworks Popular front-end frameworks: ● React ● Angular ● Vue Popular back-end frameworks: ● Express.js ● Spring ● Django Roadmap for Web Development for Beginners
  • 60. 8. Deployment Deployment is the act of pushing or moving your web app into a deployed state. It is the process of making your software/web apps available to users widely. Roadmap for Web Development for Beginners
  • 61. Scope of Web Development Where could it go in the future? ● E-Commerce Growth: Online shopping continues to rise, requiring effective e-commerce platforms. ● Web Applications: Businesses increasingly rely on web applications for internal operations, customer management, and more. ● User Experience (UX): Developers who can create seamless, intuitive, and engaging user experiences are highly sought after. ● Remote Work and Freelancing: Web development allows for remote work and freelancing, enabling developers to collaborate with clients and teams globally.
  • 62. Web Development is a booming, high-paying, and indeed promising career in the IT industry. It is a high- paying and in-demand profession. Conclusion To conclude the section
  • 63. Android Development Exploring the Ins and Outs of Building Android Apps By Ribhav and Arpit
  • 64. ● What is Android ? ● Importance of Android development TODAY !! ● APP DEVELOPMENT HOW ?? ● What is Flutter & Dart ? ● Why Flutter ? ● Roadmap To Android Development Contents
  • 65. Android is an open-source mobile operating system developed by Google, designed for smartphones, tablets, and other devices. It provides a platform for developers to create applications and offers a user-friendly interface for consumers. What is Android?
  • 66. Importance of Android development TODAY !! ⮚ Market Dominance: Android powers a vast majority of smartphones globally, offering a massive user base and market reach. ⮚ App Ecosystem: Android's app ecosystem provides diverse opportunities for developers to create and distribute apps to millions. ⮚ Innovation: Developers drive innovation, creating apps that cater to various needs from productivity to entertainment. ⮚ Open Source: Android's open-source nature encourages collaboration, customization, and the creation of custom ROMs.
  • 67. Importance of Android development TODAY !! ⮚ Business Growth: Android apps enable businesses to reach customers, enhance engagement, and expand revenue streams. ⮚ Technology Career: Android development skills are in high demand, offering lucrative career opportunities for developers. ⮚ Global Impact: Android apps have the potential to impact users' lives worldwide, from education to healthcare and beyond.
  • 68. APP DEVELOPMENT HOW ?? Answer: Flutter & Dart
  • 69. What is Flutter & Dart ? ● Flutter is an open-source UI software development toolkit created by Google. It allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. With Flutter, you can create visually attractive and performant applications with a consistent user experience across multiple platforms. ● Dart is a programming language developed by Google. It was designed with the goal of creating a language that's efficient, easy to learn, and suitable for a variety of applications. Dart is used in various contexts, but its most prominent use is as the primary language for developing applications with the Flutter framework.
  • 70. Flutter is a preferred choice for app development due to: 1. **Single Codebase**: Write once, use on multiple platforms (iOS, Android, web, desktop), saving time and effort. 2. **Fast Performance**: Direct compilation to native code leads to high-speed, smooth apps. 3. **Hot Reload**: Instantly see code changes, enhancing development speed and bug fixing. 4. **Expressive UI**: Customizable, attractive UI using a wide range of widgets. 5. **Rich Ecosystem**: Extensive packages and plugins for added functionality. 6. **Native Look**: Native-like appearance on different platforms for a consistent user experience. 7. **Responsive Layouts**: Easy creation of responsive designs adaptable to various screen sizes. 8. **Active Community**: Growing developer community with resources and support. 9. **Strong for Startups**: Cost-effective, quick development and deployment. 10. **Google Backing**: Developed and maintained by Google, ensuring continuous updates and improvements. Why Flutter ?
  • 72. Roadmap To Android Development 🚀
  • 74. ●Cloud computing basics ●Road map to cloud computing ●Benefits of cloud computing ●Resources and links to develop cloud computing skills ●Future of cloud computing Contents What we’ll cover in today’s cloud computing roadmap
  • 75. "The cloud" refers to servers that are accessed over the Internet, and the software and databases that run on those servers. Cloud servers are located in data centers all over the world. By using cloud computing, users and companies do not have to manage physical servers themselves or run software applications on their own machines. Basics What is Cloud?
  • 76. Basics What is Cloud Computing? Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. You typically pay only for cloud services you use, helping you lower your operating costs, run your infrastructure more efficiently, and scale as your business needs change.
  • 77. Basics Types of Cloud Computing Not all clouds are the same and no single type of cloud computing is right for everyone. Several different models, types, and services have evolved to help offer the right solution for your needs. First, you need to determine the type of cloud deployment, or cloud computing architecture, that your cloud services will be implemented on. There are three different ways to deploy cloud services: on a public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud.
  • 79. Roadmap towards Cloud Engineer ●Step 1: Learn the Basic Before diving into cloud computing, it’s important to have a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals ●Step 2: Learn Cloud Computing Once you have a good understanding of computer science fundamentals, you can move on to learning about cloud computing.
  • 80. Roadmap towards Cloud Engineer ●Step 3: Develop Skills in Cloud Computing To become job-ready in Cloud Computing, it’s important to develop specific skills in areas such as Cloud Security, DevOps, and Big Data. ●Step 4: Practice, Practice, Practice Learning about cloud computing is just the first step. It's important to practice what you've learned and gain practical experience. ●Step 5: Join Cloud Computing Communities It’s important to network, and one way to do that is by joining communities related to your field. These communities can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in Cloud Computing. You can check Twitter, LinkedIn and other platforms.
  • 81. Benefits of Cloud Computing ●Faster time to market ●Scalability and Flexibility ●Cost Savings ●Better Collaboration ●Advanced Security ●Data loss Prevention
  • 82.
  • 83. ●Increased Storage Capacity ●Enhanced Performance of Internet ●Modular Software will be Priority ●Internet of Things (IOT) along with Cloud Computing ●Data shows how Future Changes ●Improvement in Cloud Services ●Security ●Modular Software ●Economic Future of Cloud Computing
  • 84. Cyber Security By Jashanpreet Kaur and Shubhi
  • 85. ● What? ● Why? ● Types? ● Scope? ● Certifications? Contents
  • 86. The technique of protecting internet-connected systems such as computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks is known as cybersecurity. We can divide cybersecurity into two parts one is cyber, and the other is security. Cyber refers to the technology that includes systems, networks, programs, and data. And security is concerned with the protection of systems, networks, applications, and information. In some cases, it is also called electronic information security or information technology security. What is Cyber Security?
  • 87. Why Is Cybersecurity Important? Cyber security is important because it safeguards individuals and organizations against cyber attacks and theft or loss of sensitive and confidential information. Cybersecurity can monitor systems to protect personal data (PII, PHI, financial details etc.), trade secrets, intellectual property and any sensitive government information.
  • 89.
  • 90. Types of Cybersecurity Threats Staying ahead of cybersecurity threats isn’t an easy job. There’s a long list of threats that IT pros pay attention to, but the problem is that the list keeps growing. Today, cyberattacks happen on the regular. While some attacks are small and easily contained, others quickly spiral out of control and wreak havoc. All cyberattacks require immediate attention and resolution.
  • 91.
  • 93. Cybersecurity Certifications ●Cybersecurity certifications assess the knowledge, skills and abilities that IT professionals have already mastered and reflect on what’s going on in the field today. The CompTIA Cybersecurity Career Pathway features four cybersecurity certifications and helps IT pros achieve cybersecurity mastery, from beginning to end: • CompTIA Security+ • CompTIA PenTest+ • CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) • CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+)
  • 94.
  • 95. Organizations such as (ISC)2, ISACA, GIAC and Cisco also offer cybersecurity certifications. Other popular cybersecurity certifications include the following: • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) • Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) • CRISC: Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control Other Certifications
  • 98. Data Science By Pragati Kapoor and Amanpreet Singh
  • 99. Contents • What is Data Science • Scope of Data Science • Roadmap to become a Data Scientist • Conclusion
  • 100. What is Data Science ? .
  • 101. • Study of Data to extract meaningful Insights for business. • More forward-looking approach with the focus on analyzing the past or current data and predicting the future outcomes with the aim of making informed decisions. • Helps businesses to grow by making better decisions purely based on numbers and raw data.
  • 102. Data Science is one of the fastest growing fields in the world. Scope of Data Science
  • 103. Scope of Data Science
  • 104. Scope of Data Science
  • 105.
  • 106. Conclusion In the end, it won’t be wrong to say that the future belongs to Data Scientists. You can predict the growth of the businesses by incorporating data science methods in operations in the coming years, anticipate the potential for problems, and develop strategies based on data to achieve success. This is the best opportunity to kick off your career in the field of data science.
  • 107. Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning By Shambhvi Dev and Akshay Sharma
  • 108.
  • 109. Machine Learning Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy.
  • 111. Types of Machine Learning
  • 112. Machine Learning Engineer – They are sophisticated programmers who develop the systems and machines that learn and apply knowledge without having any specific lead or direction. Deep Learning Engineer – Similar to computer scientists, they specialize in using deep learning platforms to develop tasks related to artificial intelligence. Their main goal is to be able to mimic and emulate brain functions. Data Scientist – Someone who extracts meaning from data and analyses and interprets it. It requires both methods, statistics, and tools. Computer Vision Engineer – They are software developers who create vision algorithms for recognizing patterns in images. Career
  • 113.
  • 114. It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. Artificial Intelligence
  • 115.
  • 118. Career ● Big Data Engineer ● Data Scientist. ● Machine Learning Engineer ● Business Intelligence Developers ● Research Scientist
  • 119. Roadmap Step 1: Pick a programming language & Get Started! Step 2: Learn Linear Algebra Step 3: Learn Statistics Step 4: Learn Core ML Algorithms Step 5: Learn Python Libraries Step 6: Learn Deployment
  • 121. Contents • The Fusion of Artistry and Technology • Motion & Interaction • Vector & Raster • UX/UI Design • Graphics & impact
  • 122. The Fusion of Artistry and Technology It allows artists to create new worlds on canvas and inventors to develop ground breaking technologies for making masterpiece. Example using AI for Creative art Designs. • The Synergy between artist creativity and technological innovation. • How combining aspects leads to exceptional design outcomes.
  • 123. Motion & Interaction Motion • Introduction to motion design for interactivity. Motion tells stories about our products — it shows how an app is organized and what users can do in it and creates a more natural experience by adding a level of depth to the interaction design.
  • 124. Exploring microinteractions for enhanced user engagement. • Microinteractions add depth and delight to user experience, making interfaces more engaging • Communicating status and providing feedback. Motion & Interaction Interaction
  • 125. Vector & Raster Vector Raster ⮚ They are Composed of paths They are Composed of pixels ⮚ They Occupy less space They Occupy more space which required Depends on image quality ⮚ .SVG, .PDF, .DXF, .AI, .ESP .GIF, .JPG, .BMP, .TIF
  • 126. UX/UI Design • Importance of user centered design • Wireframing and prototyping for effective design visualization Iteration is one of the core principles of user-centered design A wireframe visualizes an interface and is used widely as a tool in interface design, also called UI design. A prototype is something that will be similar to how the final product acts and behaves.
  • 127. • Visual storytelling can help you capture attention, simplify complex information, and create memorable impressions. • enhance your verbal or written communication, by adding context, clarity, and credibility. Graphics & Impact
  • 128. Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought. - Albert Einstein
  • 129. PR AND MARKETING By Vanshika Saini
  • 130. Contents • What is PR • Functions of PR • Handling negative press • What is Marketing • Marketing Strategies • PR and Marketing integration
  • 131. This presentation will explore the key differences between public relations (PR) and marketing.
  • 132. What is PR? ❑ PR is the practice of maintaining a positive public image ❑ Builds mutually beneficial relationships between company and media
  • 133. Functions of PR ⮚ Reputation management ⮚ Events ⮚ Media relations ⮚ Brand journalism
  • 134. ⮚ PR's role in dealing with negative stories ⮚ Damage control strategies ⮚ Positive spin or issuing apologies Handling Negative Press
  • 135. What is Marketing? ⮚ Marketing involves selling products or services ⮚ Delivering value for customers and audience
  • 136. Some Key Marketing Strategies ⮚ Content marketing ⮚ Email marketing ⮚ Social media marketing ⮚ Influencer marketing
  • 137. Key Differences Between PR and Marketing ⮚ PR builds relationships with media Marketing targets customers and audience ⮚ Focus of PR: Maintaining public Focus of marketing: Selling products Image and services
  • 138. *Please fill out the feedback form to claim your certificate