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Improving Business Operations:
The Ambition/Maturity Gap and
the need for BPM

A European perspective

A Vanson Bourne survey

Summary of key findings                                                   1
 Businesses are under pressure to improve and progress                    1
 IT departments are being tasked with enabling business transformation    1
 IT departments are struggling to meet the needs of their businesses      1
 The reasons for IT departments struggling to deliver as required are both
 technical and organisational                                              2
 The strained relationship between business and IT can have significant
 consequences                                                             2

Introduction                                                              3
 Objectives                                                               3
 Themes                                                                   3
 What is the Ambition-Maturity Gap?                                       3

The demands faced by businesses and the pressures on IT                   4
 The need for change                                                      4
 Implementing change                                                      5
 The changes required are time-critical                                   5
 The processes required are challenging                                   6

IT is struggling to meet the business need                                7

Why is business change challenging and what are the
consequences?                                                             9
The reasons                                      9
 Bypassing the IT department                     10

The Ambition-Maturity Gap                        11
 Further evidence of the Ambition/Maturity Gap   11
 Bridging the Ambition/Maturity Gap              12

Appendix                                         14
 Research Scope                                  14
 About Vanson Bourne                             14
 About Cordys                                    14
Summary of key findings

Businesses are under pressure to improve             Furthermore, the transformation required is
and progress                                         far from simple.

                                                     Almost six in ten (57%) business decision-makers
Almost every business interviewed as part of
                                                     acknowledge that current business improvement
the survey process indicated that they are
                                                     projects are challenging.
operating under increased pressure, with
96% of business decision-makers reporting
                                                     Nearly all (92%) IT decision-makers describe the
that they have business priorities for 2012
                                                     achievement of business or process transformation
that have become a greater focus as a result
                                                     as challenging.
of the current economic and competitive
                                                     IT departments are struggling to meet the
This is having a significant impact on the demands   needs of their businesses
of business decision-makers on the resources and
infrastructure available to them; 92% require        Both business and IT decision-makers do not
improvements to the way their business functions.    think the standard of IT that is currently
                                                     delivered is adequate.
IT departments are being tasked with
                                                     More than seven in ten (72%) business decision-
enabling business transformation                     makers believe that their business’s IT is NOT
                                                     facilitating their need to achieve their priorities for
All IT departments interviewed are feeling the       2012.
impact of the increased pressures under
which businesses are operating; all report           Four in five (80%) IT decision-makers admit that
that they have been asked by areas of their          their IT does not perform well in supporting or
business to make operational improvements.           delivering certain functions key to an efficient,
                                                     competitive business.
Similarly, almost all business decision-makers are
aware of IT’s workload; 92% knowing of projects      In addition, IT is not enabling the business
underway or planned, to improve operational          transformation that is required.
                                                     Two-thirds (65%) of business decision-makers
For the majority of businesses where                 report that their business’s IT is NOT helping them
improvements are planned or underway,                achieve the business improvements they require.
there is an urgency attached to these tasks.
                                                     Similarly, two-thirds (67%) of IT decision-makers
Three-quarters (74%) of business decision-makers     are of the opinion that their business colleagues do
describe exisitng or planned projects to improve     not believe that their IT systems are helpful.
operational effectiveness as time-critical. Almost
six in ten (57%) IT decision-makers believe that
they are being asked to deliver IT projects more
quickly due to the current economic and
competitive environment.

The reasons for IT departments struggling             absorb and react to their needs in a timescale that
to deliver as required are both technical             matches their expectation.

and organisational                                    Almost half (45%) of IT decision-makers believe
                                                      that their business tends to set unrealistic
Business process transformation, although             timescales, not appreciating the work involved.
time-critical, is not happening within the
required timescales.                                  Almost six in ten (58%) business decision-makers
                                                      would NOT describe the process how the business
More than a third (36%) of business decision-         and IT work towards business or process
makers who regard as challenging the task IT has      transformation as a collaborative one.
been set of delivering business process
improvement or transformation, do so because          Almost six in ten (57%) IT decision-makers would
their experience is that those tasks usually take     NOT describe the process how the business and IT
longer than planned.                                  work towards business or process transformation
                                                      as a collaborative one.
As evidence of this, more than half (52%) of IT
decision-makers report that business or process       The strained relationship between business
transformation tasks take longer than planned.        and IT can have significant consequences
Legacy IT systems restrict the process of
                                                      Where business departments feel that IT is
business transformation, making those
                                                      not meeting their needs, there are those who
transformational tasks more challenging.
                                                      are using the availability of cloud services to
More than a quarter (27%) of business decision-       bypass their IT department, further
makers who regard as challenging the task IT has      complicating IT’s task of managing business
been set of delivering business process               processes and business use of IT.
improvement or transformation, do so because of
                                                      Almost a quarter (23%) of business decision-
the inflexibility/insularity of IT systems.
                                                      makers in organisations using cloud, are doing so
And in the IT department, more than four in ten       to bypass their IT department.
(44%) IT decision-makers believe the
                                                      Nearly six in ten (56%) IT decision-makers believe
inflexibility/insularity of business systems causes
                                                      a part of their business has already adopted a
business or process transformation to be
                                                      cloud-based solution and bypassed the IT
The relationship between business and IT
                                                      More than four in ten (42%) IT decision-makers
departments in many businesses is not
                                                      who think that their business has bypassed the IT
conducive to achieving a common goal.
                                                      department through their use of cloud, believe that
Around one in six (17%) business decision-makers      it is because they need the systems up and running
who regard as challenging the task IT has been set    quicker than they would be otherwise.
of delivering business process improvement or
transformation, report that it's hard to get IT to



The main objective of the research was to examine the demands and pressures under which
businesses and their IT departments operate and the impact on the relationship between them.

The research established a significant disconnect between the needs of businesses and IT’s current ability
to meet them. This disconnect has been defined as the Ambition/Maturity Gap.


There are four clear themes that run through the research:

      The demands faced by businesses, and the pressures on IT
      IT’s struggle to meet business needs
      The reasons for, and consequences of, IT’s struggle to meet business needs
      The Ambition/Maturity Gap

What is the Ambition-Maturity Gap?

The research demonstrates that whilst businesses are operating under intense pressure to
progress and change, and have the ambition and desire to implement this change, IT
departments are struggling to deliver.

Therefore, these is a disconnect between the ambition of businesses and IT’s ability to match
this ambition.

This disconnect can be described as the Ambition-Maturity gap.

However, in this report, there is also evidence that a small minority of IT departments are demonstrating
this maturity, to a greater or lesser extent, matching the desire and ambition of their business colleagues.
Significantly, this minority comprises businesses that have invested in Business Process Management

The demands faced by businesses and the
pressures on IT

The need for change                                        This demonstrates the extent to which businesses
                                                           are having to adapt their goals and re-evaluate
Now is not a time for complacency or simply                their plans in accordance with their circumstances;
doing things the way they have always been                 agility and speed of reaction are essential.
done.                                                      Therefore, businesses require a wide array of
                                                           improvements to the way they are operating,
The vast majority of the businesses surveyed are           including employee productivity/empowerment and
working under pressures that have become more              how information systems work together; indicating
intense due to the prevailing economic and                 the role of successful working relationships
competitive environment; 96% of businesses have            between colleagues and also across corporate IT.
priorities for this year that have become more of a
focus for them because of the environment in
                                                           The improvements required by business
which they find themselves currently. The priorities
that are most likely to have become more
important recently are that of improving customer                         Employee
service/customer engagement and cutting costs;
representative of recent business attitudes of
                                                            How the information systems you
needing to achieve more whilst spending less.                      use work together

                                                               How departments, locations,
Businesses’ priorities for 2012 that have increased          functions collaborate across the             68%
in importance                                                            business

    Improving customer service/
      customer engagement
                                                   70%                    Business processes             67%

                    Cutting costs                  70%     Access to the business information
                                                              required to make decisions

Trying to be more productive and
 efficient to "do more with less"
                                                           Figure 2: The percentage of businesses that want to see
   Looking to grow new revenue
                                                  65%      improvements made to these areas of fundamental
     streams in new markets
     Getting products/services to
           market quicker

Dealing with an increased burden
  of regulation and compliance

Figure 1: The percentage of businesses where these
2012 business priorities have become more of a focus, as
a result of the current economic and competitive

Implementing change                                              micro scale; it demonstrates how integral IT
                                                                 departments are to achieving business success.
Business departments’ demands are having
an impact on the workload of the IT                              However, where all IT departments surveyed report
department as they are required to address                       that operational improvement projects are
the mounting the needs of their colleagues.                      underway or planned in the current year,
                                                                 respondents in business departments are less
Every IT department surveyed reported that they                  certain that this is happening (figure 4). Evidently
have recently been tasked with enabling                          business departments are not always aware of the
operational improvement in at least one area of                  work being undertaken or planned by their IT
their business, be it improving business processes               department, which suggests a lack of
(the most requested), or improving the availability              communication between the two.
of corporate systems on mobile devices (the least
requested).                                                      Most, but not all business departments are aware
                                                                 of the changes being implemented by IT
The operational improvements being implemented
by IT departments
                                                                                Business processes                     56%
                Business processes                         62%       How departments, locations,
                                                                   functions collaborate across the               49%
                      Cutting costs                       58%
      How departments, locations,
    functions collaborate across the                49%          Access to the business information
                                                                    required to make decisions
 Access to the business information
    required to make decisions
                                                    49%           How the information systems you
                                                                         use work together
  How the information systems you
         use work together
                                                                                     None of them     5%
                                                                                       Don't know     3%
       Improving customer service/
         customer engagement
                                              35%                Figure 4: The percentage of businesses reporting that
                                                                 projects to improve operational effectiveness for the
Getting products/services to market
                                              35%                above areas are currently underway or planned for 2012
                                                                 improvement in the areas above.
Getting corporate systems available
         on mobile devices

                              None     0%
                                                                 The changes required are time-critical

                                                                 An additional factor when it comes to the
Figure 3: The percentage of IT departments being
                                                                 implementation of business and process
engaged by their busines to make operational
                                                                 transformation is how quickly it is required.
improvement in the areas above.

                                                                 Around three-quarters (74%) of the business
Figure 3 shows the wide variety of tasks being                   decision-makers surveyed describe as “time-
undertaken by IT departments at the request of                   critical” the projects, currently underway or
their business colleagues, on both a macro and                   planned, to improve operational effectiveness
                                                                 within their company. This shows just how

important and urgent they are, and gives a sense                   The processes required are challenging
of the pressure being placed on the IT departments
tasked with implementing them.                                     In addition to being required quickly, these
                                                                   essential changes are difficult to implement.

Business departments reporting improvement                         The majority of business departments recognise
projects to be time-critical                                       that the changes they are asking IT departments to
 How the information systems you                                   make are challenging, with almost six in ten (57%)
        use work together
                                                                   reporting as such.
Access to the business information
   required to make decisions
                                                                   Business departments recognise the
               Employee                                            improvements they seek are challenging
                                                                       How departments, locations,
                                                                     functions collaborate across the              51%
               Business processes                    68%
                                                                   Access to the business information
     How departments, locations,                                      required to make decisions
   functions collaborate across the                63%
                                                                    How the information systems you
                                                                           use work together
Figure 5: The percentage of businesses describing the
operational effectiveness projects listed as time-critical
                                                                                  Business processes              47%

This pressure is also reported by IT departments                                                                 44%
themselves, with nearly six in ten (57%) reporting
that they are being asked to deliver projects more                 Figure 7: The percentage of businesses that regard their
quickly because of the prevailing economic or                      improvement projects as challenging.
competitive enrvironment. Only around a quarter
(28%) of IT departments believe that they are                      Similarly, IT departments acknowledge the scale of
given sufficient time to accomplish the work they                  the task they face, with more than nine in ten
are set.                                                           (92%) admitting that the process of business or
                                                                   process transformation can be challenging.
IT departments are being given less time
                                                                   IT departments also find it challenging

                                      No - they recognise the
                                      timescales we suggest
     28%                        57%

                                      No - they have always
                                      wanted delivery to be fast

Figure 6: Have prevailing economic or competitive
environments caused business departments to want IT                Figure 8: Can achieving business or process
projects to be delivered more quickly?                             transformation be challenging?

IT is struggling to meet the business need
The type and nature of the changes that are
being demanded, coupled with the fact that                Businesses that report that IT is NOT helping
                                                          them make the changes they require
respondents from both camps describe the
process as challenging, makes it hardly a
                                                          Access to the business information
surprise that IT is struggling to deliver.                   required to make decisions

Almost three-quarters (72%) of business decision-                How departments, locations,
                                                               functions collaborate across the           41%
makers are currently of the opinion that their                             business
companies’ IT is NOT facilitating them in their aim
to achieve at least one of their business priorities                        Employee
for this year.

                                                                           Business processes           38%
Businesses believe IT is NOT facilitating the
achievement of business priorities
                                                              How the information systems you
                                                                     use work together
    Looking to grow new revenue
      streams in new markets
                                                          Figure 10: The percentage of businesses to answer that
 Dealing with an increased burden                         their business’ IT is NOT a help when improving the
   of regulation and compliance
                                                          processes above.
      Getting products/services to
            market quicker
                                                          Tellingly, IT departments are aware of these
                     Cutting costs          40%           failings, with eight in ten (80%) reporting that
                                                          there is at least one area of IT’s support to the
     Improving customer service/
                                                          business that is NOT functioning well. When these
       customer engagement
                                                          areas are so critical to the success of their
 Trying to be more productive and                         business, this level of failure is difficult to justify.
  efficient to "do more with less"

                                                          The areas where they are most likely to be
Figure 9: The percentage of businesses to answer that
                                                          struggling are:
their business IT is NOT a facilitator in achieving the
business priorities above.
                                                               Managing highly interactive, ad-hoc, unplanned
                                                                customer interactions (45%)
Furthermore, two-thirds (65%) of business
                                                               Delivering a single view of a business “need”,
decision-makers believe that their company’s IT is
                                                                e.g. customer, risk, fraud, product (44%)
NOT helping them make the changes they require
to their business; changes that, as previously                 Providing data to mobile devices (43%)
shown, are considered critical to the success of
their business.

In additon, two-thirds (67%) of IT departments
think that the business systems they deliver are
NOT regarded as a help by the departments that
use them.

IT departments recognise their failings

                                     IT is NOT seen by the
      33%                            business as a help

                        67%          IT is seen by the
                                     business as a help

Figure 11: A business' IT systems can be a block to or a
facilitator of change. What is your impression of the
general opinion that the business has of its IT systems?

Why is business change challenging and what
are the consequences?

The reasons
                                                                 Why IT departments consider business
                                                                 improvement projects to be challenging
Business decision-makers are not short of views on
why business or process transformation is                                Business or process
challenging; the main reason is that tasks take                   transformation tasks usually take                                 52%
                                                                         longer than planned
longer than planned.
                                                                   Business tends to set unrealistic
                                                                 timescales (doesn't appreciate the                            45%
                                                                           work involved)
Why business departments consider business
improvement projects to be challenging
                                                                       The inflexibility/insularity of
                                                                            business systems
          Business or process
   transformation tasks usually take                       36%
          longer than planned                                            Business or process
                                                                   transformation tasks usually run                            43%
                                                                            over budget
        The inflexibility/insularity of
             business systems
                                                                   The proposed solution is always
   It's hard to get IT to absorb and
   react to our needs in a timescale           17%
    that matches our expectation.                                Figure 13: The reasons why IT departments consider
                                                                 business improvement projects to be challenging
         Business or process
   transformation tasks usually run            15%
            over budget
                                                                 A lack of communication and a failure to appreciate
    The proposed solution is always
                                                                 the needs of the business and the capabilities of IT
                                                                 are also evident in how they describe their working
                                                                 relationship when it comes to business
Figure 12: The main reason why businesses consider
business improvement projects to be challenging
                                                                 improvement projects.

IT decision-makers are most likely to report the                 Business departments would not describe the
                                                                 process as collaborative
same reason as their business colleagues, that the
tasks take longer than planned. Their second-
ranked answer, that business departments set                                                             It is a collaborative process
unrealistic timescales – illustrates a lack of
communication and visibility of these processes                                           42%
                                                                                                         It is driven by IT
between business and IT.

                                                                         29%                             It is tasked to IT by the business

                                                                 Figure 14: Business decision-makers’ description of the
                                                                 process of achieving improvement projects

In the case of both business and IT decision-
makers, only a minority describes the process as

IT departments would not describe the
process as collaborative

                                    It is a collaborative
          19%                       process

                                    It is driven by IT

                                    It is tasked to IT by the

Figure 15: IT decision-makerss’ description of the
process of achieving improvement projects

Bypassing the IT department

A direct consequence of the apparent inability of IT,
the lack of communication between business and IT
and the resulting tension between the two, is that
business departments are seeking solutions to their
problems without the IT department’s involvement.

A quarter (23%)of business departments that use
cloud services, do so in order to bypass the IT
department. This creates an IT infrastructure that
is even more difficult to manage and integrate

IT departments are very much aware of this issue;
more than half (56%) of IT decision-makers believe
that a part of their business has bypassed the IT
department by using cloud.

The Ambition-Maturity Gap
This report demonstrates that:
                                                   A lack of maturity: the execution, running and
                                                   measurement of business processes
      Businesses are under pressure to create
       change ...                                       We build the processes into our
       And have the ambition and desire to             We have built our own workflow
       implement this change …                                        tool

                                                      We have purchased or are looking
       IT departments are aware of this                 to use a Business Process         14%
       requirement of their business …                     Management software
                                                      We don't execute processes in the
                                                              way you describe
      Yet they are struggling to deliver…
      Causing additional complications.           Figure 16: IT departments’ methods of executing,
                                                   running and measuring business processes
Therefore, there is a clear disconnect between
the ambition of businesses and the maturity
                                                   Similarly, fewer than one in ten (9%) IT decision-
of IT systems being provided to businesses.
                                                   makers appear to have the breadth of vision to
This disconnect has been defined as the
                                                   consider innovative solutions to the delivery of a
Ambition/Maturity Gap.
                                                   single view of informatin across their business.

Further evidence of the Ambition/Maturity
Gap                                                A lack of maturity: the delivery of a single
                                                   view of information across the business
Demonstrating how IT departments are not
                                                        We have moved to a data
keeping pace with the business’s ambitions            warehouse that contains this
with their use of IT systems, is their approach    information for the business to get
                                                            their single view
to a number of tasks and processes.
                                                       We have integrated together
For example, only around one in seven (14%) IT        numerous systems and expose                    30%
                                                      services to get this information
decision-makers use or plan to use Business
Process Management software to execute, run and
                                                     We don't deliver a single view in
measure business processes.                              the way you describe

This means that six in seven businesses are
showing a reluctance to consider alternative         We use or are planning to use
                                                    Master Data Management (MDM)
solutions to the problems they are experiencing,
particularly the 11% who do not execute their
processes in such a manner at all.                                              Other     1%

                                                   Figure 17: IT departments’ methods of delivering a
                                                   single view of information across their business

The sense that only a minority of IT decision-           Bridging the Ambition/Maturity Gap
makers are willing to adopt new solutions to tackle
their current challenges is reinforced when we look      The small minority of IT departments using a
at how they model and represent business                 BPMS appear to be experiencing key benefits,
processes.                                               illustrating that use of such a technology can
                                                         bridge the gap between business ambition
Only one in ten (9%) IT decision-makers are using        and IT’s ability to deliver.
a Business Process Management Suite (BPMS) to
model and represent their business processes.            Users of a BPMS are more likely to report that their
                                                         IT is performing well when compared to non-users.

A lack of maturity: the modelling and
representing of business processes                       BPMS users’ IT performs better than that of
           We model them in Visio,                       non-users

    We document them and model
    them in a format such as UML

    We model them in a Business                                      19%
  Process Analysis tool such as Aris

        We use a Business Process
        Management Suite (BPMS)
                                                                 BPMS non-users               BPMS users

          We model them on paper       7%                Figure 19: The percentage of IT departments to report
                                                         that their IT is performing well in regard to systems they
        It's not something we have
              attempted to do

Figure 18: IT departments’ methods of representing and   It comes as no surprise that having IT systems that
modeling their business processes                        are seen to perform better, and an IT department
                                                         that is perceived to have a greater ability to deliver
                                                         the systems needed, leads to IT departments being
                                                         better valued within their businesses.

                                                         BPMS users’ IT is more helpful than that of


                                                                 BPMS non-users               BPMS users

                                                         Figure 20: The percentage of IT departments to report
                                                         that IT is considered to be a help by their business.

The use of a BPMS also improves the working
relationship between business and IT; users of a
BPMS are more likely to report that they have an
effective, collaborative and aligned business and IT

BPMS-using IT departments have a better
relationship with business departments



       BPMS non-users              BPMS Users

Figure 21: The percentage of IT departments to report
that they have an effective, collaborative, aligned
business and IT relationship.

Use of a BPMS also provides specific IT benefits,
such as when handling complex system integration.
Users of a BPMS are three times more likely to
describe their handling of complex system
integration as excellent, than non-users.

BPMS-using IT departments are better
equipped when handling complex system



       BPMS non-users              BPMS Users

Figure 22: The percentage of IT departments to report
that they they handle complex system integration


Research Scope

In February 2012 Cordys appointed specialist technology market research house Vanson Bourne, to
conduct 650 interviews in Europe. An equal number of interviews were conducted with IT and business

The targeted countries were as follows:

        UK
        France
        Germany
        Netherlands

These organisations have at least 500 employees and fall into the following sectors:

        Financial services
        Manufacturing
        Telecoms

About Vanson Bourne

Vanson Bourne is, a specialist research-led consultancy, carrying out user research within a technology
context. Vanson Bourne's clients range from start-ups to well-known companies that need expert guidance,
delivering robust and credible research-based analysis. More info:

About Cordys

Cordys is a global provider of software for business process innovation. Global 2000 companies worldwide
have selected Cordys to achieve performance improvements in their business operations, such as increased
productivity, reduced time to market and faster response to ever-changing market demands.
Headquartered in the Netherlands, Cordys has offices in the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific. More info:

Copyright © 2012 Vanson Bourne and Cordys

May be used free of charge. Selling without prior written consent prohibited. Obtain permission before redistributing. In all cases this
notice must remain intact.


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The ambition maturity_gap_report_june_2012_final_final

  • 1. Improving Business Operations: The Ambition/Maturity Gap and the need for BPM A European perspective A Vanson Bourne survey
  • 2. Contents Summary of key findings 1 Businesses are under pressure to improve and progress 1 IT departments are being tasked with enabling business transformation 1 IT departments are struggling to meet the needs of their businesses 1 The reasons for IT departments struggling to deliver as required are both technical and organisational 2 The strained relationship between business and IT can have significant consequences 2 Introduction 3 Objectives 3 Themes 3 What is the Ambition-Maturity Gap? 3 The demands faced by businesses and the pressures on IT 4 The need for change 4 Implementing change 5 The changes required are time-critical 5 The processes required are challenging 6 IT is struggling to meet the business need 7 Why is business change challenging and what are the consequences? 9
  • 3. The reasons 9 Bypassing the IT department 10 The Ambition-Maturity Gap 11 Further evidence of the Ambition/Maturity Gap 11 Bridging the Ambition/Maturity Gap 12 Appendix 14 Research Scope 14 About Vanson Bourne 14 About Cordys 14
  • 4. Summary of key findings Businesses are under pressure to improve Furthermore, the transformation required is and progress far from simple. Almost six in ten (57%) business decision-makers Almost every business interviewed as part of acknowledge that current business improvement the survey process indicated that they are projects are challenging. operating under increased pressure, with 96% of business decision-makers reporting Nearly all (92%) IT decision-makers describe the that they have business priorities for 2012 achievement of business or process transformation that have become a greater focus as a result as challenging. of the current economic and competitive environment. IT departments are struggling to meet the This is having a significant impact on the demands needs of their businesses of business decision-makers on the resources and infrastructure available to them; 92% require Both business and IT decision-makers do not improvements to the way their business functions. think the standard of IT that is currently delivered is adequate. IT departments are being tasked with More than seven in ten (72%) business decision- enabling business transformation makers believe that their business’s IT is NOT facilitating their need to achieve their priorities for All IT departments interviewed are feeling the 2012. impact of the increased pressures under which businesses are operating; all report Four in five (80%) IT decision-makers admit that that they have been asked by areas of their their IT does not perform well in supporting or business to make operational improvements. delivering certain functions key to an efficient, competitive business. Similarly, almost all business decision-makers are aware of IT’s workload; 92% knowing of projects In addition, IT is not enabling the business underway or planned, to improve operational transformation that is required. effectiveness. Two-thirds (65%) of business decision-makers For the majority of businesses where report that their business’s IT is NOT helping them improvements are planned or underway, achieve the business improvements they require. there is an urgency attached to these tasks. Similarly, two-thirds (67%) of IT decision-makers Three-quarters (74%) of business decision-makers are of the opinion that their business colleagues do describe exisitng or planned projects to improve not believe that their IT systems are helpful. operational effectiveness as time-critical. Almost six in ten (57%) IT decision-makers believe that they are being asked to deliver IT projects more quickly due to the current economic and competitive environment. 1
  • 5. The reasons for IT departments struggling absorb and react to their needs in a timescale that to deliver as required are both technical matches their expectation. and organisational Almost half (45%) of IT decision-makers believe that their business tends to set unrealistic Business process transformation, although timescales, not appreciating the work involved. time-critical, is not happening within the required timescales. Almost six in ten (58%) business decision-makers would NOT describe the process how the business More than a third (36%) of business decision- and IT work towards business or process makers who regard as challenging the task IT has transformation as a collaborative one. been set of delivering business process improvement or transformation, do so because Almost six in ten (57%) IT decision-makers would their experience is that those tasks usually take NOT describe the process how the business and IT longer than planned. work towards business or process transformation as a collaborative one. As evidence of this, more than half (52%) of IT decision-makers report that business or process The strained relationship between business transformation tasks take longer than planned. and IT can have significant consequences Legacy IT systems restrict the process of Where business departments feel that IT is business transformation, making those not meeting their needs, there are those who transformational tasks more challenging. are using the availability of cloud services to More than a quarter (27%) of business decision- bypass their IT department, further makers who regard as challenging the task IT has complicating IT’s task of managing business been set of delivering business process processes and business use of IT. improvement or transformation, do so because of Almost a quarter (23%) of business decision- the inflexibility/insularity of IT systems. makers in organisations using cloud, are doing so And in the IT department, more than four in ten to bypass their IT department. (44%) IT decision-makers believe the Nearly six in ten (56%) IT decision-makers believe inflexibility/insularity of business systems causes a part of their business has already adopted a business or process transformation to be cloud-based solution and bypassed the IT challenging. department. The relationship between business and IT More than four in ten (42%) IT decision-makers departments in many businesses is not who think that their business has bypassed the IT conducive to achieving a common goal. department through their use of cloud, believe that Around one in six (17%) business decision-makers it is because they need the systems up and running who regard as challenging the task IT has been set quicker than they would be otherwise. of delivering business process improvement or transformation, report that it's hard to get IT to 2
  • 6. Introduction Objectives The main objective of the research was to examine the demands and pressures under which businesses and their IT departments operate and the impact on the relationship between them. The research established a significant disconnect between the needs of businesses and IT’s current ability to meet them. This disconnect has been defined as the Ambition/Maturity Gap. Themes There are four clear themes that run through the research:  The demands faced by businesses, and the pressures on IT  IT’s struggle to meet business needs  The reasons for, and consequences of, IT’s struggle to meet business needs  The Ambition/Maturity Gap What is the Ambition-Maturity Gap? The research demonstrates that whilst businesses are operating under intense pressure to progress and change, and have the ambition and desire to implement this change, IT departments are struggling to deliver. Therefore, these is a disconnect between the ambition of businesses and IT’s ability to match this ambition. This disconnect can be described as the Ambition-Maturity gap. However, in this report, there is also evidence that a small minority of IT departments are demonstrating this maturity, to a greater or lesser extent, matching the desire and ambition of their business colleagues. Significantly, this minority comprises businesses that have invested in Business Process Management software. 3
  • 7. The demands faced by businesses and the pressures on IT The need for change This demonstrates the extent to which businesses are having to adapt their goals and re-evaluate Now is not a time for complacency or simply their plans in accordance with their circumstances; doing things the way they have always been agility and speed of reaction are essential. done. Therefore, businesses require a wide array of improvements to the way they are operating, The vast majority of the businesses surveyed are including employee productivity/empowerment and working under pressures that have become more how information systems work together; indicating intense due to the prevailing economic and the role of successful working relationships competitive environment; 96% of businesses have between colleagues and also across corporate IT. priorities for this year that have become more of a focus for them because of the environment in The improvements required by business which they find themselves currently. The priorities departments that are most likely to have become more important recently are that of improving customer Employee productivity/empowerment 74% service/customer engagement and cutting costs; representative of recent business attitudes of How the information systems you needing to achieve more whilst spending less. use work together 71% How departments, locations, Businesses’ priorities for 2012 that have increased functions collaborate across the 68% in importance business Improving customer service/ customer engagement 70% Business processes 67% Cutting costs 70% Access to the business information required to make decisions 65% Trying to be more productive and efficient to "do more with less" 67% Figure 2: The percentage of businesses that want to see Looking to grow new revenue 65% improvements made to these areas of fundamental streams in new markets productivity Getting products/services to market quicker 62% Dealing with an increased burden of regulation and compliance 54% Figure 1: The percentage of businesses where these 2012 business priorities have become more of a focus, as a result of the current economic and competitive environment 4
  • 8. Implementing change micro scale; it demonstrates how integral IT departments are to achieving business success. Business departments’ demands are having an impact on the workload of the IT However, where all IT departments surveyed report department as they are required to address that operational improvement projects are the mounting the needs of their colleagues. underway or planned in the current year, respondents in business departments are less Every IT department surveyed reported that they certain that this is happening (figure 4). Evidently have recently been tasked with enabling business departments are not always aware of the operational improvement in at least one area of work being undertaken or planned by their IT their business, be it improving business processes department, which suggests a lack of (the most requested), or improving the availability communication between the two. of corporate systems on mobile devices (the least requested). Most, but not all business departments are aware of the changes being implemented by IT The operational improvements being implemented by IT departments Business processes 56% Business processes 62% How departments, locations, functions collaborate across the 49% business Cutting costs 58% Employee productivity/empowerment 43% How departments, locations, functions collaborate across the 49% Access to the business information business required to make decisions 40% Access to the business information required to make decisions 49% How the information systems you use work together 34% How the information systems you use work together 48% None of them 5% Employee productivity/empowerment 46% Don't know 3% Improving customer service/ customer engagement 35% Figure 4: The percentage of businesses reporting that projects to improve operational effectiveness for the Getting products/services to market quicker 35% above areas are currently underway or planned for 2012 improvement in the areas above. Getting corporate systems available on mobile devices 27% None 0% The changes required are time-critical An additional factor when it comes to the Figure 3: The percentage of IT departments being implementation of business and process engaged by their busines to make operational transformation is how quickly it is required. improvement in the areas above. Around three-quarters (74%) of the business Figure 3 shows the wide variety of tasks being decision-makers surveyed describe as “time- undertaken by IT departments at the request of critical” the projects, currently underway or their business colleagues, on both a macro and planned, to improve operational effectiveness within their company. This shows just how 5
  • 9. important and urgent they are, and gives a sense The processes required are challenging of the pressure being placed on the IT departments tasked with implementing them. In addition to being required quickly, these essential changes are difficult to implement. Business departments reporting improvement The majority of business departments recognise projects to be time-critical that the changes they are asking IT departments to How the information systems you make are challenging, with almost six in ten (57%) use work together 74% reporting as such. Access to the business information required to make decisions 72% Business departments recognise the Employee improvements they seek are challenging productivity/empowerment 71% How departments, locations, functions collaborate across the 51% business Business processes 68% Access to the business information How departments, locations, required to make decisions 47% functions collaborate across the 63% business How the information systems you use work together 47% Figure 5: The percentage of businesses describing the operational effectiveness projects listed as time-critical Business processes 47% Employee This pressure is also reported by IT departments 44% productivity/empowerment themselves, with nearly six in ten (57%) reporting that they are being asked to deliver projects more Figure 7: The percentage of businesses that regard their quickly because of the prevailing economic or improvement projects as challenging. competitive enrvironment. Only around a quarter (28%) of IT departments believe that they are Similarly, IT departments acknowledge the scale of given sufficient time to accomplish the work they the task they face, with more than nine in ten are set. (92%) admitting that the process of business or process transformation can be challenging. IT departments are being given less time IT departments also find it challenging Yes 15% 8% Yes No - they recognise the timescales we suggest 28% 57% No - they have always No wanted delivery to be fast 92% Figure 6: Have prevailing economic or competitive environments caused business departments to want IT Figure 8: Can achieving business or process projects to be delivered more quickly? transformation be challenging? 6
  • 10. IT is struggling to meet the business need The type and nature of the changes that are being demanded, coupled with the fact that Businesses that report that IT is NOT helping them make the changes they require respondents from both camps describe the process as challenging, makes it hardly a Access to the business information surprise that IT is struggling to deliver. required to make decisions 41% Almost three-quarters (72%) of business decision- How departments, locations, functions collaborate across the 41% makers are currently of the opinion that their business companies’ IT is NOT facilitating them in their aim to achieve at least one of their business priorities Employee 38% productivity/empowerment for this year. Business processes 38% Businesses believe IT is NOT facilitating the achievement of business priorities How the information systems you use work together 36% Looking to grow new revenue streams in new markets 46% Figure 10: The percentage of businesses to answer that Dealing with an increased burden their business’ IT is NOT a help when improving the of regulation and compliance 41% processes above. Getting products/services to market quicker 41% Tellingly, IT departments are aware of these Cutting costs 40% failings, with eight in ten (80%) reporting that there is at least one area of IT’s support to the Improving customer service/ 37% business that is NOT functioning well. When these customer engagement areas are so critical to the success of their Trying to be more productive and business, this level of failure is difficult to justify. efficient to "do more with less" 33% The areas where they are most likely to be Figure 9: The percentage of businesses to answer that struggling are: their business IT is NOT a facilitator in achieving the business priorities above.  Managing highly interactive, ad-hoc, unplanned customer interactions (45%) Furthermore, two-thirds (65%) of business  Delivering a single view of a business “need”, decision-makers believe that their company’s IT is e.g. customer, risk, fraud, product (44%) NOT helping them make the changes they require to their business; changes that, as previously  Providing data to mobile devices (43%) shown, are considered critical to the success of their business. 7
  • 11. In additon, two-thirds (67%) of IT departments think that the business systems they deliver are NOT regarded as a help by the departments that use them. IT departments recognise their failings IT is NOT seen by the 33% business as a help 67% IT is seen by the business as a help Figure 11: A business' IT systems can be a block to or a facilitator of change. What is your impression of the general opinion that the business has of its IT systems? 8
  • 12. Why is business change challenging and what are the consequences? The reasons Why IT departments consider business improvement projects to be challenging Business decision-makers are not short of views on why business or process transformation is Business or process challenging; the main reason is that tasks take transformation tasks usually take 52% longer than planned longer than planned. Business tends to set unrealistic timescales (doesn't appreciate the 45% work involved) Why business departments consider business improvement projects to be challenging The inflexibility/insularity of business systems 44% Business or process transformation tasks usually take 36% longer than planned Business or process transformation tasks usually run 43% over budget The inflexibility/insularity of business systems 27% The proposed solution is always complex 20% It's hard to get IT to absorb and react to our needs in a timescale 17% that matches our expectation. Figure 13: The reasons why IT departments consider business improvement projects to be challenging Business or process transformation tasks usually run 15% over budget A lack of communication and a failure to appreciate The proposed solution is always 5% the needs of the business and the capabilities of IT complex are also evident in how they describe their working relationship when it comes to business Figure 12: The main reason why businesses consider business improvement projects to be challenging improvement projects. IT decision-makers are most likely to report the Business departments would not describe the process as collaborative same reason as their business colleagues, that the tasks take longer than planned. Their second- ranked answer, that business departments set It is a collaborative process 29% unrealistic timescales – illustrates a lack of communication and visibility of these processes 42% It is driven by IT between business and IT. 29% It is tasked to IT by the business Figure 14: Business decision-makers’ description of the process of achieving improvement projects 9
  • 13. In the case of both business and IT decision- makers, only a minority describes the process as “collaborative”. IT departments would not describe the process as collaborative It is a collaborative 19% process 43% It is driven by IT 38% It is tasked to IT by the business Figure 15: IT decision-makerss’ description of the process of achieving improvement projects Bypassing the IT department A direct consequence of the apparent inability of IT, the lack of communication between business and IT and the resulting tension between the two, is that business departments are seeking solutions to their problems without the IT department’s involvement. A quarter (23%)of business departments that use cloud services, do so in order to bypass the IT department. This creates an IT infrastructure that is even more difficult to manage and integrate effectively. IT departments are very much aware of this issue; more than half (56%) of IT decision-makers believe that a part of their business has bypassed the IT department by using cloud. 10
  • 14. The Ambition-Maturity Gap This report demonstrates that: A lack of maturity: the execution, running and measurement of business processes  Businesses are under pressure to create change ... We build the processes into our 49% applications/systems  And have the ambition and desire to We have built our own workflow implement this change … tool 26% We have purchased or are looking  IT departments are aware of this to use a Business Process 14% requirement of their business … Management software We don't execute processes in the way you describe 11%  Yet they are struggling to deliver…  Causing additional complications. Figure 16: IT departments’ methods of executing, running and measuring business processes Therefore, there is a clear disconnect between the ambition of businesses and the maturity Similarly, fewer than one in ten (9%) IT decision- of IT systems being provided to businesses. makers appear to have the breadth of vision to This disconnect has been defined as the consider innovative solutions to the delivery of a Ambition/Maturity Gap. single view of informatin across their business. Further evidence of the Ambition/Maturity Gap A lack of maturity: the delivery of a single view of information across the business Demonstrating how IT departments are not We have moved to a data keeping pace with the business’s ambitions warehouse that contains this 44% with their use of IT systems, is their approach information for the business to get their single view to a number of tasks and processes. We have integrated together For example, only around one in seven (14%) IT numerous systems and expose 30% services to get this information decision-makers use or plan to use Business Process Management software to execute, run and We don't deliver a single view in measure business processes. the way you describe 17% This means that six in seven businesses are showing a reluctance to consider alternative We use or are planning to use 9% Master Data Management (MDM) solutions to the problems they are experiencing, particularly the 11% who do not execute their processes in such a manner at all. Other 1% Figure 17: IT departments’ methods of delivering a single view of information across their business 11
  • 15. The sense that only a minority of IT decision- Bridging the Ambition/Maturity Gap makers are willing to adopt new solutions to tackle their current challenges is reinforced when we look The small minority of IT departments using a at how they model and represent business BPMS appear to be experiencing key benefits, processes. illustrating that use of such a technology can bridge the gap between business ambition Only one in ten (9%) IT decision-makers are using and IT’s ability to deliver. a Business Process Management Suite (BPMS) to model and represent their business processes. Users of a BPMS are more likely to report that their IT is performing well when compared to non-users. A lack of maturity: the modelling and representing of business processes BPMS users’ IT performs better than that of We model them in Visio, non-users PowerPoint 41% 33% We document them and model them in a format such as UML 21% We model them in a Business 19% Process Analysis tool such as Aris 18% We use a Business Process Management Suite (BPMS) 9% BPMS non-users BPMS users We model them on paper 7% Figure 19: The percentage of IT departments to report that their IT is performing well in regard to systems they It's not something we have need. attempted to do 4% Figure 18: IT departments’ methods of representing and It comes as no surprise that having IT systems that modeling their business processes are seen to perform better, and an IT department that is perceived to have a greater ability to deliver the systems needed, leads to IT departments being better valued within their businesses. BPMS users’ IT is more helpful than that of non-users 53% 31% BPMS non-users BPMS users Figure 20: The percentage of IT departments to report that IT is considered to be a help by their business. 12
  • 16. The use of a BPMS also improves the working relationship between business and IT; users of a BPMS are more likely to report that they have an effective, collaborative and aligned business and IT relationship. BPMS-using IT departments have a better relationship with business departments 83% 61% BPMS non-users BPMS Users Figure 21: The percentage of IT departments to report that they have an effective, collaborative, aligned business and IT relationship. Use of a BPMS also provides specific IT benefits, such as when handling complex system integration. Users of a BPMS are three times more likely to describe their handling of complex system integration as excellent, than non-users. BPMS-using IT departments are better equipped when handling complex system integration 83% 61% BPMS non-users BPMS Users Figure 22: The percentage of IT departments to report that they they handle complex system integration excellently. 13
  • 17. Appendix Research Scope In February 2012 Cordys appointed specialist technology market research house Vanson Bourne, to conduct 650 interviews in Europe. An equal number of interviews were conducted with IT and business decision-makers. The targeted countries were as follows:  UK  France  Germany  Netherlands These organisations have at least 500 employees and fall into the following sectors:  Financial services  Manufacturing  Telecoms About Vanson Bourne Vanson Bourne is, a specialist research-led consultancy, carrying out user research within a technology context. Vanson Bourne's clients range from start-ups to well-known companies that need expert guidance, delivering robust and credible research-based analysis. More info: About Cordys Cordys is a global provider of software for business process innovation. Global 2000 companies worldwide have selected Cordys to achieve performance improvements in their business operations, such as increased productivity, reduced time to market and faster response to ever-changing market demands. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Cordys has offices in the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific. More info: Copyright © 2012 Vanson Bourne and Cordys May be used free of charge. Selling without prior written consent prohibited. Obtain permission before redistributing. In all cases this notice must remain intact. 14