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The Age Determination Of Latent Prints
The amount of information that can be obtained through someone's hands is astounding. One can
determine the years of scarring from hard work, or the blisters from misuse. The most information
can be obtained at the very tips of fingers, and what they leave behind. Fingerprints supply great
evidence to help identify who was there, and possibly how many people were there. However, the
problem becomes that there are too many prints found at one scene. It is difficult to try and
determine when they were made based on physical appearance and common techniques. Nowadays,
the age determination of latent prints can be achieved with a new approach using the sweaty residue
of latent prints, and a small electrical charge. In 2011, a group from ... Show more content on ...
In a laboratory setting, they set up multiple stations where they had placed two fingerprints from the
same people, at different times. The results of the experiment showed that after 14 days of being left
alone, the prints left behind on nonconductive surfaces showed significant electric decay. They were
then able to determine which print was placed earlier, and which later (Watson, Prance,
Beardsmore–Rust, & Prance, 2011). The scanner works on the residue left behind in the latent
prints, which is mainly the different forms of sweat. Sweat by itself is a combination of organic
molecules, lipids, amino acids, and inorganic free ions (Yamashita & French, n.d.). These free ions
act as an electrolyte solution, and allow electrical currents to be passed through, and returned to the
original source to complete the current. By measuring where the current is completed, the scanner
can construct a digital image of what the print would look like. The scanner's released charge must
be small enough to have a reaction from the latent residue, but it cannot be too large as to have a
reaction from the surface in question. Although the scanner works in a laboratory setting, there are
still many problems that need to be addressed before it can be applied to the field. The first is that
the testing surface needs to be nonconductive. The main reason for a nonconductive surface is that
the charge
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Essay On History Of Media
History of Media Assignment Submitted by: Nina George, Aashik.V.Ajith New media has emerged
from the print media. But its target audience is different from that of print media. Today, we have
young readers getting attracted towards new media. This is because they feel that they really don't
need to waste their time reading when they ... Show more content on ...
So in such a scenario, is it just the print media that is dying? Is it not TV and radio too? Although, it
is the print media which seems endangered, it is a fact that the success of any media tells upon
another media. It is only a tug of war going among these, where the centre gets oscillated between
the ends. Each has been devising ways to deal with the plus points of the other. TV is getting
interactive, radio is getting gripping, newspapers and books are trying to get more attractive with the
incorporation of visuals and graphics and interactivity to some extent, and all of them together are
going online. Adaptability is crucial for existence. The bottom–line is if the print media continues to
adapt to the changing media habits of people and corner its target readers well, it will survive. And it
ought to do that for its good. Somehow, there is a feeling that even if it fails in that, the power of the
written word will always be supreme. So while traditional media's old channels – print and
broadcast – are floundering, their online properties are thriving. In fact, I'd argue that the influence
of traditional media outlets like theNew York Times and CNN are greater than ever. The internet and
social networking sites have given traditional media outlets an audience beyond their once limited
geographies. For example, take the Boston Globe.
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Analysis Of Tinios: The Four Print Groups
Tinios mainly focuses on a Japanese print artist, Kunisada. One of the last great ukiyo–e print
masters in the Edo period. The four print groups, how some prints are made, and censorship are
some main points Tinios points out. The four Japanese prints groups are; actor prints, beauties,
landscape, and warrior prints. However, Tinios does briefly cover color woodblock prints, as well.
The first group is largely discussed while the others are talked about as more of a side note to, in my
option, show Kunisada's talent. Kunisada was able to supervise students in his studio to do most of
the work in making prints. Kunisada would create the figures and leave the backgrounds for
someone who worked for him to finished. This also leads us to Kunisada's
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Operation Management of Ikea
Executive Summary:
This report is about operational aspects. We have selected Hannan Prints, the manufacturing firm to
analyse the supply chain. This paper scrutinize the crucial aspects of Hannan prints supply chain
network, its plans and the implementation of strategy. By putting into practice different supply chain
approaches, the firm will increase the benefits of supply chain network.
In this report we have focused on supply chain inventory management and technology selection
practices and how it is beneficial for the firm. In the firm operations are linked with different
strategies. For example the change in supply chain has an effect on inventory management as well as
technology selections. At the end we have given some ... Show more content on ...
Flexibility saves time, maintains dependability and it accelerate responses.
The low cost is attractive as no one likes to pay more. Hannan print always tries to reduce costs by
proving quality of products or services, by speedy work, dependability and flexibility. They manage
inventory and use proper resources that save time and money. Theoretical Framework:
First of all, Hannan Print makes sure that all the staffs are encouraged and they contribute to the
process. Secondly, it examines and improves operations practices on a regular basis. Further more,
they monitor and improve service quality which they provide to customers. Not only that, but they
are also working hard to replace the product as per customer's requirements in order to save time
and cost. Lastly with a view to provide faster and safer service the company working very hard to
keep the premises clean and tidy all the time particularly the storage area as it is the part form where
the goods are delivered.
The company has good arrangement of working departments. For example they have packing and
despatching department so close that they can transfer the goods in between those department very
easily. This is the time saving and cost saving approach adopted by the company. Supply chain
management and inventory management are also important parts of operation management. Supply
chian management is the management that assists in finding solutions, grabbing
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Quiz : Mad Lib Story
#********************************************************** # Program : Mad Lib
Story # Author : Kai Szucs # Due Date : Sunday 18th # Description : A (kind of) short mad lib story
#********************************************************** #Inputing the extra math
and random commands import math import random #ASCII art Title print commands #To spice up
the title! #credits to for an awesome text to ASCII art generator print(" This is... ")
print(" █████╗ ██╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗ █████╗ ███╗
███╗ ") print("██╔══██╗██║ ██║ ██╔══██╗
██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗████╗ ████║ ")
print("███████║██║ ██║ ███████║ ██║ ██║██████╔╝█████╗
███████║██╔████╔██║ ") print("██╔══██║██║ ██║ ██╔══██║ ██║
██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██╔══██║██║╚██╔╝██║ ") print("██║
██║███████╗███████╗ ██║ ██║ ██████╔╝██║ ██║███████╗██║
██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║██╗██╗██╗") print("╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝") #Player Input
Commands print(" Fill in these blanks to create your story! ") houseObject=input("Something you 'd
find in your house: ") adjective=input("Adjective: ") adjective2=input("Another adjective: ")
adjective3=input("Yet another adjective: ") adjective4=input("One more adjective: ")
adjective5=input("One final adjective: ") color=input("Your favourite color: ")
mythicalBeing=input("Mythical creature or
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Compare And Contrast Okitsu And Kakegawa
Japan discovered their identity through borrowing and adapting ideas from other countries. From
China to the West, Japan has always been flexible and open to a borrowing a wide diversity of
things, ranging from politics, architecture, and even woodblock prints. Adapted from China,
woodblock prints, or ukiyo–e, use location, color, content, subject, proportions, and perspectives to
depict a scenery. The art from a time or country can be used to infer many things about its culture
and people. The two woodblock prints featured in this essay are "Okitsu" and "Kakegawa" by Ando
Hiroshige. These prints represent how the Tokugawa period changed the course of Japan and how
Tokugawa Japan was a peaceful time of stability.
The Tokugawa period was a ... Show more content on ...
Two figures walking up the bridge seem to be a man and an elder, as indicated by how one is
extremely hunched over and holding his back while the other is turning as if to check on the elder's
condition. A playful looking boy follows them, his arms waving energetically as he trots behind
them barefooted. And coming down from the bridge, there is a man adorned in a bright red cloak
followed by another man, both with big hats covering their bald heads. All of the people range in
age, outfits, and personas, which suggests that they all are from different places and have different
destinations and purposes to get there. It can be inferred that because the Tokugawa period was a
time of peace, that people were more inclined to travel due to the stability of the period. Instead of
just traveling for trade and goods, people started to venture out more casually and for personal gain,
exemplified by how the boy is barefooted, suggesting that he is only traveling a small distance, and
the monk and disciple are likely traveling for religious means. The bridge in the foreground also
indicates that the Tokugawa period was a time of stability. Built with thick wooden beams, the
bridge appears sturdy enough to be able to bear the many travelers passing over it. This shows that
there was
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It/235 Essay
As professional photographers you would receive many requests for free images on a regular basis.
In a perfect world, each of us would love to be able to respond in a positive manner and assist,
especially with projects or efforts related to areas such as education, social issues, and conservation
of natural resources. To a photographer creating compelling images is the way they make their
living. If they were give away their images for free, or spend too much time responding to requests
for free images, they would and could not make a living.
Making a leap from such selective support to responding positively to every request we get for free
photographs, however, is impractical, if for no other reason than the substantial amount of time ...
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Yes, they do play a role in what we charge, but in the end you are paying the photographer because
of their visual style and what they can do for your career.
The images you take for your portfolio are an investment in your future as a model. If you are
serious about modeling, then it is time to start looking at it like a business. You are the product, and
you need amazing images to sell that product to its fullest potential. The bottom line is that
regardless of what we charge, if you don't have enough faith in yourself to invest in your dream,
why would anyone else? One other experience we have in common is that when we do provide
photographs for free, we often do not receive updates, feedback or any other form of follow–up
letting us know how the event or project unfolded, what goals (if any) were achieved, and what
good (if any) our photos did.
All too often, we don't even get responses to emails we send to follow–up, until, of course, the next
time that someone wants free photographs.
In instances where we do agree to work for free, please have the courtesy to follow–up and let us
know how things went. A little consideration will go a long way in making us feel more inclined to
take time to provide additional images in the future.
Basically, the photographer has made $450 and given up 11
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Printers
A printer is external hardware output device that takes the electronic data stored on a computer or
may be on other device and generates a hard copy of it and that hardcopy may be used as future
references. For example, if you created a report on your computer you could print several copies to
hand out at a staff meeting. Printers are one of the most popular computer peripherals and are
commonly used to print text and photos.
A printer is an output device that usually prints characters, symbols, and graphics on paper. The
printed output is generally referred to as hardcopy because it is in the permanent form which we can
use for future references. Softcopy refers to temporary images or we can say in temporary form
which may or may not be used ... Show more content on ...
In business where enormous amount of material are printed, the character–at–a–time printers are too
slow; therefore, these users need line–at–a–time printers. Line printers, or line–at–a–time printers,
use special mechanism that can print a whole line at once; they can typically print the range of 1,200
to 6,000 lines per minute. Drum, chain, and band printers are line–at–a–time printers.
Drum printer
A drum printer consists of a solid, cylindrical drum that has raised characters in bands on its surface.
The number of print positions across the drum equals the number available on the page. This
number typically ranges from 80–132 print positions. The drum rotates at a rapid speed. For each
possible print position there is a print hammer located behind the paper. These hammers strike the
paper, along the ink ribbon, against the proper character on the drum as it passes. One revolution of
the drum is required to print each line. This means that all characters on the line are not printed at
exactly the same time, but the time required to print the entire line is fast enough to call them line
printers. Typical speeds of drum printers are in the range of 300 to 2000 lines per
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Managerial Accounting: Chapter 4 Case 2
Chapter 4
Case 2: Greetings Inc.: Activity–Based Costing
1. An activity–based costing system may be appropriate for Wall Décor, when overhead allocation
based job–order costing provides product cost distortion. As seen on previous case, this distortion
happens when one product is manufacturing in high volume and the others are manufacturing in
complexity as well as in low volume. In this situation Wall Décor should change its costing system
for selling its high volume produced products whereas low–volume produced products have good
2. The activity–based overhead rates for each of the four activities:
Activity Estimated Overhead Expected use of Cost Drivers Activity–Based Overhead Rates Picking
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Because more categories and more refining provide more accurate information, but it is really
difficult and costly to track more categories. The best option is to simplify the categories, in result,
reducing the cost of ABC system.
7. When allocating fixed overhead costs using operating capacity, it is easy to determine how much
each product costs at capacity and be able to manage the costs based fixed overhead costs. But when
allocating fixed overhead costs using the expected unit sold, then overhead allocation will be
distorted. By allocating overhead costs based on capacity this distortion can be avoid. That is why,
using the operating capacity for allocating fixed overhead costs can result accurate cost.
8. a) Allocation the overhead to the three product categories:
Unframed prints Steel–framed print, with no matting Wood–framed prints, with matting Volume–
expected unites sold 80,000 15,000 7,000 Manufacturing Overhead
Picking prints
(0.30×80,000) 24,000
(0.30×15,000) 4,500
(0.30×7,000) 2,100
Inventory selection and management
(0.70×80,000) 56,000
(1.40×15,000) 21,000
(2.10×7,000) 14,700
Web–site optimization: Unframed
(0.258×80,000) 20,640 Framed
(4.128×15,000) 61,920
(4.128×7,000) 28,896 Framing and matting
(2.10×15,000) 63,000
(2.10×7,000) 44,100 Total cost $100,640 $150,420 $89,796
b) Total amount of manufacturing overhead
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History Of Identification And Analysis: Latent Prints
LaShay Robbins
Crime Scene
Research paper
Latent Prints
History of Identification and Analysis
Fingerprints have been used as a means of identification around the world for as early as 300 B.C. in
China, 702 A.D. in Japan and introduced in the United States in around 1902 (Fingerprint
sourcebook). A document called the "The Volume of Crime Investigation–Burglary," describing the
use of handprints as evidence originated in China. Back then, fingerprints were also used to seal
documents and assign authorship (fingerprint sourcebook).
While Sir William James Herschel is known as the first person to do a study on the persistence of
friction ridge skin, Henry Fauld recognized the value of friction ridges as evidence at a crime scene.
Later, through his own studies Sir Francis Galton, was able to support the uniqueness of friction
ridges and wrote the first book on fingerprints, defining and naming the details that make up friction
ridges. In 1891, Frenchman Rene` Forgeot introduced his thesis stating that powders and chemicals
could be used to identify individuals that were present at a crime scene. Around the same time, Juan
Vucetich, who worked for the Central Police Department in Argentina created a fingerprint
classification system to identify prisoners which became the first time this type of fingerprint
technique was used by law enforcement (Fingerprint sourcebook).
By the 1900s the Belper Committee began to make strides towards an organized system for
fingerprints by
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Print Still Matters
Print text is more beneficial than digital text because it's easier to comprehend and your attention
span lasts longer. When people use print over digital text their comprehension improves drastically.
According to the article "Print still matters", "It demonstrates that students preferred and performed
better when reading on screens. But their actual performance intended to suffer." This is one
important reason why digital text isn't as great as it sounds. Print text has been used for centuries
during B.C and throughout A.D. It was the only type of medium we had, then why are we trying to
substitute it with digital text? Its been used for education and pleasure for many years. It's how we
learned from the very beginning of time and how we comprehend today. Computers and the internet
have only been around for about thirty years, unlike pencil and ... Show more content on ...
Not everyone is used to reading online, and it's more difficult for people to accommodate to this new
way of learning. People have always done an exceptional job in school using print instead of digital
text. One study from the article "Print still matters" found that "Students were able to comprehend
information in print for texts that were more than a page length." When people read on the computer
they seem to rapidly read the text and it's easier for them to miss information. While reading on
paper you're more likely to take your time and actually interact with the text versus online. You'll be
able to engage deeper and relate more to the text if you concentrate on what you're doing. If we ever
abandon print text then we will have a huge outbreak in the world regarding comprehension. People
who use digital text for pleasure don't progress in anything, but when they use it in school the
student's comprehension enhances more. People who prefer digital over print do not improve any,
but take more time
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Forensic Science And Criminal Investigation Essay
The forensic science and criminal investigations are huge things in the criminal justice field. They
can help solve some crimes and put the bad guys away for a long time. The public views the things
they do through TV shows and movies rather than actually seeing them do it. There are many things
you could differ from TV shows and movies to reality that forensic science and criminal
investigations do and some are medical examiners, fingerprinting, and DNA evidence.
The public view medical examiners as people who go searching for evidence on a crime scene to see
what they can find to help solve the case. The public also thinks that they get this big lab and its
only one person who examines all the bodies by themselves. They also think that they ... Show more
content on ...
They run the fingerprints in the system real fast, it is like it only takes two seconds for the to find a
match to the prints. They also can use any type of print it doesn't have to be a full print. In reality,
you may not always get a visible print on everything. Sometimes you might have a non–porous
print, and you have to put the material in a chamber an add drops of heated superglue. The fumes
will harden on the fingerprint and then make them visible. Secondly, when they put prints into the
computer, it doesn't just pop up with a single match but with matches. Then a human has to compare
the matches with the print they find at a scene to determine if it really is a match. Plus, before they
can even put it into a computer a technician must edited the print taking things that are not the print
off of it. Also, when running a print, it takes two hours rather than two seconds. Finally, when using
a partial print, it has to have five different distinguishing points for the system to take the print and
match it to
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Woodblock Printing During The Tokugawa Period
During the Tokugawa or Edo period, the arts flourished, especially a certain art style called
woodblock prints. Woodblock printing originated in China as a method to mass–produce texts.
When the technology migrated to Japan, they used it to produce copies of the same picture quickly.
The process involved laying the same print over different woodblocks to add layers to the image and
create a complete picture. This process was time consuming and took a lot of skill to master since
you had to lay the paper precisely every time. Because of this, the prints were usually expensive and
mainly owned by royalty and the upper class. The prints usually depicted the everyday life of both
commoners and nobility. The woodblock prints of the Tokugawa period ... Show more content on ...
This print is an image of female touts, someone who solicits businesses, dragging travellers into
their teahouse. In the image we can see a traveler already sitting just outside the teahouse and a
woman cleaning his feet. From this we can interpret that the people were very clean and sanitary
because she is ridding his feet of grime before entering the tea house, or that they were religious. In
Shintoism, one of the main beliefs is in a form of ritual purification stating that you should wash
yourself to prevent bad spirits from entering somewhere, in this case, the teahouse. The other thing
we can analyze from this print is that despite the fact that it was a male dominated society, the
women did have quite a bit of power. In the previous paragraph, we could see that men were the
dominant sex, but in some cases, women did have power over men and that they had some power in
general, especially compared to other cultures at the time. In the print, we can see women literally
dragging travelers into their teahouse, which shows they did had some dominance and power over a
man. We can also see this because the teahouse seems to be run and owned by only women, which
tells us that women had enough power and rights to run their own business without a man telling
them what to do and how to run
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Competitive Landscape : The New York Times Print And...
Competitive Landscape: The New York Times print and digital products compete to maximize
circulation and generate higher income from advertising. It also competes for readers and advertisers
with other media, such as the internet, satellite and cable television, magazines, broadcast and
satellite radio, other forms of media and direct marketing. The major bases of competition in this
industry are price, content and brand.
Competition in this industry is high and the trend is increasing. The top U.S. newspapers by total
average circulation– from digital subscriptions, print products and other papers that use their
branded content are, NYTC's closest competitors are Gannett Company and News Corporation. The
daily newspaper market is defined by being a publisher of a leading daily newspaper. These
companies own diversified media holdings, similar to that of the New York Times Company.
Basis of Competition: Competition in this industry is high and the trend is increasing.
Internal Competition: The strength of a newspaper's masthead relies on the publisher's awareness of
the target audience and its needs and undoubtedly NYT holds a strong brand name. Pricing plays an
important role in subscription numbers. Pricing is sensitive as now there are various newspaper–
owned websites that offer free content to consumers to increase site traffic and advertising revenue.
Competition among companies offering online content is intense; new competitors quickly emerge
and may have better
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The Importance Of Japanese Culture
Japans society is a culture that is highly resistant to change; a society that places a high value on
each member's conformity within highly structured layers of Japanese society. Japan is an island
nation, consisting of the four large islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Together
they are approximately the size of Germany or the State of California, and it has a population of
approximately 126 million people Japan has a large population in relation to its land mass and as a
consequence most Japanese people live crowded together in an urban corridor squeezed along the
eastern edge of the Japanese islands. A result of this crowding is that Japanese place a high value on
public harmony and the avoidance of any conflict, especially in public. Japanese norms require
people to be willing to apologize and humble themselves, so much so that even after a minor auto
accident each driver will jump out of their vehicle and bow to each other and apologize, instead of
risking a very public confrontation. Frequently, Japanese will also employ the use of a go–between
to negotiate a possible marriage. In this way, an individual can turn down a bride or groom without
rejecting them to their face, thereby avoiding open disagreement or embarrassment of an individual.
The Japanese culture is one that is rich within an historical and traditional context. Many of the
traditional practices established hundreds of years ago can be seen today in modern Japan and are a
direct reflection
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Cvs Pharmacy Case Study
CVS pharmacy is a retail and health care industry that focuses on selling prescriptions, grocery,
dairy products and beverages, over the counter medications, beauty products, processing photos,
canvas, mugs, calendars, among many other things. The photo lab kiosk is a service that is widely
used at all CVS pharmacies. Many customers rely on this service on a daily basis. This manual will
focus on making various prints because this is the only self–service option currently offered at the
pharmacy. The photo lab kiosk enables the customers to make in–store or online prints, however the
majority of customers prefers to use the in–store service in case they run into any problems. It is
also easy to make prints in store because they are processed ... Show more content on ...
Select make prints option 3. Select to make prints in seconds or minutes 4. Select whether you
would like to have border on the print or no border 5. Agree to terms and conditions of use 6. Select
the pictures you would like to print 7. On the right side of the screen, zoom in and out or crop the
print if necessary. 8. Select the number of sheets you would like to make per print 9. Look at the
order summary to see the total cost of prints 10. Place the order, proceed to checkout and wait for
the pictures to print Software and Hardware Used Software and hardware compatibility is very
crucial to make the prints. The current photo lab computer has the following requirements:  If you
are using an android phone you need to download the Kodak kiosk application or use the memory
card from the phone. USB cables do not work for Android phones  If you are using an iPhone, you
can use the USB cable or the Kodak kiosk application  A memory card from the camera can be
used  A flash drive or thumb drive works as well  USB cables  iPad  compact disc  Tablets
 Video cassette Making Different Sizes of Prints Sizes of Prints
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A Study On Xyzprinting Da Vinci 1.0 3d Printer Essay
XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0 3D Printer Review (Keyword: cheap 3d printer)
If you are new to the 3D printer space and are looking at buying your first cheap 3D printer, the
XYZ Printing Da Vinci 1.0 3D printer would be an excellent choice. With its plug–and–play
capabilities thanks to its factory calibrated settings, getting the printer up and running is easy and
requires minimal knowledge in 3D printer installation. Considering it is usually categorized as a
cheap printer, the print quality is fairly good. A spacious print area and user–friendly LCD screen
are an added bonus.
How the printer works and its features
At its core, the XYZ printer is not too different from other 3D printers. The quality of output will
depend on the resolution specified as well as the printing speed. Speed settings can be adjusted to
anywhere between 0.1 millimeters and 0.4 millimeters per second. The maximum printer output is 8
x 8 x 8 inches which is somewhat of an anticlimax given the fairly large size of its print platform.
The cheap 3D printer is encased and print outputs are accessible from the device's front door. This
not only makes it easier to keep the printer clean but also reduces the likelihood of operator injury.
You also don't need to worry too much for instance about little children's hands getting trapped or
seared by the printer's internal components. The printer casing also minimizes the noise pollution
during operation. Another seemingly minor but quite important safety feature is
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Physical Evidence Analysis
Evidence can take the form of several types: Testimonial, Digital, Physical and Miscellaneous for
the ones that do not fit into the other three categories. Physical evidence are the specific items and
objects found at a crime scene that links the perpetrator to the area or overall location (Gardner,
2012). These can be in the form of an object that is over turned and documented with photographs or
something tangible like trace evidence, fibers and hair that are transferred between a person and
another or the environment (Grenier, 2013). It is nationally agreed upon that physical evidence
never lies, it establishes a series of facts that are unquestionable (Gardner, 2012). It's existence.
however, can be misinterpreted and location altered but the evidence itself is ... Show more content
on ...
Fingerprints are the chance impressions created when areas of the friction ridge skin of the finger
comes in contact with a suitable substrate, the surface upon which a friction ridge impression is
deposited (Tate, Latent Prints: Analysis and Comparison, 2014) , under the right condition (Tate,
Latent Print Introduction, 2014). Fabrication, by definition, means the manufacturing or assembly of
something (, n.d.) as time progressed and languages changed, it became widely
used as a synonym for something false or made up (, n.d.). While the words forged
and fabricated are used in the English language interchangeably, Pat Wertheim defines a forged
latent print in his scientific report as "the planting of a fingerprint on a surface, so that the
fingerprint appears to have been left by the finger or fingers of the person to whom it can be
identified (Wertheim, Fingerprint Forgery Case, p. 4). In so the owner of the friction ridge skin who
is represented by the fingerprint has not touched the surface where their fingerprint has been forged
(Wertheim, Fingerprint Forgery Case, p.
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Ukiyo-e Essay
Ukiyo–e is the name given to one of the most important art forms in all of Japan. Arriving as a new
form of art in the 1700's these prints served as a record of daily life and pleasures in a newly wealthy
Japanese society. The Japanese themselves had long regarded pleasure as transient because of their
Buddhist heratige, because of this the word Ukiyo–e actually means "pictures of the floating world".
These prints were truly art which reflected the whims of the masses. They record popular styles of
dress, new hairstyles etc. They also record the popular Kabuki theater actors, the most beautiful
geisha's (or prostitutes), and later even landscapes. Within the realm of Ukiyo–e there are many
masters, but there is one master, ... Show more content on ...
This traditionally formatted book was the first set of prints to give Utamaro some noteriety. After a
few similar books, Utamaro began to develop his figurative style even more. He elongated the
figures in his prints and drew the heads more oveal rather than circular. It is at this time that his
talent for arranging and relating figures began to take shape (Hiller 42).
By 1792, Uatamaro embarked upon the subject to which he would devote the rest of his life. His
dipictions of the geisha's would be amoung the most well known Japanese prints of all time. One of
the most incredible series Utamaro undertook at this time was the half–length self portrait series.
Traditionally a figure was portrayed as a full length figure, but these intimite prints of simply
patterned cloth and plain backrounds read almost like personal portraits, a concept very new in
Japanese printmaking. Soon after the half–length portrait series Utamaro embarked upon two other
great sets of prints–– "The types of women's Phisiognomies" and " The Ten Learned Studies of
Women". These two sets of prints had the smoewhat portraiture feeling of the half–length portraits.
In addition Utamaro experimented with using mica as a reflective backround surface. Amoung these
series is alsot the print, " Women Preparing Stuff for Dresses) one of the most famous of all
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Physical Processing Techniques Lab Report
Amanda Raper Reviewed by: Cheyenne Mathes April 2, 2015 Forensic Science Analysis Lab Report
#3 Physical Processing Techniques Lab Report BACKGROUND In the forensic science field, "A
Latent Print is an impression of the friction ridge skin of the fingers or palms of the hands that has
been transferred to another surface." To break apart the phrase, "latent print", the term "latent",
means "hidden" and the term "print" means "an indentation or mark left on a surface or soft
substance by pressure especially that of a foot or hand." So the phrase "latent prints", refers to any
print that must be enhanced chemically or physically to be made visible. Another way to define
"latent print", is simply sweat that is exuded from the body. Friction ridge skin is the only part of the
body that doesn't exude oil. The only oil that may be in a latent print has been picked up by touching
another area of the body (face or ears for example) or some foreign object." In 1863, Professor
Paul–Jean Coulier, published his observations that latent prints can be developed on paper by iodine
fuming and how to preserve the impressions. However, with the discovery of latent print process in
1863, the first official use of latent prints wasn't until 1933 with the Hamm Kidnapping case. To
solve the Hamm Kidnapping case, a Silver Nitrate Method was used. In the Hamm Kidnapping case,
the use of the Silver Nitrate Method was the first time this method was successful in obtaining latent
prints. Since
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Fingerprints Essay
Fingerprinting is used for many things, such as a robbery, or at a crime scene. Fingerprints were first
discovered in 1870 by Alphonse Bertillon, who was a French anthropologist. In 1892, Juan Vucetich
had made the first criminal report using a fingerprint. In 1905 America used fingerprints for
identification. When America started using fingerprints for identification they had to match the
fingerprints manually when needed. When technology was able to enter fingerprints, and match
them with anonymous ones, it helped identification immensely. Fingerprints are formed during the
first, third to fourth months of fetal development. While growing (in the womb) the fingerprint and
the ridges will expand. A fingerprint stays the same from when ... Show more content on ...
A fuming chamber is when you take any type of super glue, and put it into the chamber. Then we put
the object into the chamber and turn it on, and leave it in there for about twenty minutes. When the
object is done in the chamber, we will then take it out of the chamber and dust it with the regular
powder to find the print. Then we will use the tape to lift the print from the object. Humans are not
the only living creatures that have fingerprints. Primates have fingerprints too. The Koala has
fingerprints that are very similar to fingerprints from a human, that it is hard to tell the difference.
The Gorilla is another primate that also has a fingerprint. The Gorilla has hands and feet that are
very similar to a humans, and ridges on them that allow them to lift and grab things. There are
different types of patterns for fingerprints, there are Arches, Loops, and Whorls. An Arch is found in
five percent of fingerprints encountered. There are two types of Arches a Plain Arch, and a Tented
Arch. Therefore they are the rarest. Loops are found in sixty to seventy percent of fingerprints
encountered. Therefore they are the most common. Whorls are found in twenty five to thirty five
percent of fingerprints encountered. There are four types of fingerprints, the Plain Whorl, Central
Pocket Whorl, Double Loop Whorl, and the Accidental Whorl. When someone is arrested, they must
be fingerprinted even drunk drivers and drug users. If the
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Ninhydrin Research Paper
Two of the most commonly used chemical enhancements for plain dry paper is Ninhydrin and 1,8–
Diazafluoren–9–one (DFO) both of which can be used individually and together. When they are
being used together, DFO has to be carried out first. Both chemicals react with the amino acids in
the latent fingerprint.
To carry out DFO enhancement a lab oven must be set at 100°C with no humidity. The DFO is
mixed with methanol and acetic acid. The methanol is used as it allows DFO to form hemiketals
which give a higher reactivity with the amino acids in the print. Using longer chain alcohols doesn't
give as high a yield of fluoresces and development of the print. Acetic acid can be used to reduce the
pH of the solution making it acidic. If the solution ... Show more content on ...
This is add to ensure the ninhydrin is soluble. Acetic acid and ethyl acetate are mixed with it to
produce a straw coloured solution. Ethyl acetate prevents esterification and moves equilibrium
towards acetic acid and ethanol, if esterification occurs the by–product water will damage the ridges
of the print. Acetic acid is a catalyst which allows the formation of Ruhemann's purple. It has to be
kept at low concentrations as it could cause ink on the paper to run and therefore damage evidence.
To carry out Ninhydrin enhancement a humidity controlled oven must be set at 65% humidity and
80°c. The paper will either just be undergoing this process or just dried from DFO placed in the
ninhydrin solution for 5 seconds on either side and placed on a tray into the oven for 5 – 7 minutes.
The finger prints will develop producing a distinct purple colour known as Ruhemann's purple.
When the reaction is less intense a red/pink colour is produced. The finger prints are removed and
pictures taken of the paper containing the print with a scale and labelled. The prints can continue to
develop for a couple of weeks after initially being processed. Ninhydrin prints on their own can be
further enhanced using metal salts such as zinc chloride and cadmium salts. These fluoresces
increasing the visibility and detail of the print.
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Character Between Sonny's Blues vs a Rose for Emily Essay
PT202 Advanced Darkroom Tuesdays Spring 2013 Assignment: Moving Beyond Traditional
Printing For this assignment you are to consider the five printing and one shooting methods outlined
below. You will find that each of these techniques will produce interesting results. Start with a
method that interests you and continue on from there. 1) Combination Printing: Using two
enlargers– 1 Set up enlargers and easels using negatives of your choice. 2 Place a sheet of white
paper in the easel of Image 1. Trace a simple outline of the portion of Image 1 that you want to
combine with Image 2. Put this tracing into the easel of Image 2 and adjust the easel so that the
portion of Image 1 falls where you desire into image 2. 3 ... Show more content on
2 Make a multiple exposure test strip under image enlarger as usual, process as usual and determine
best exposure time. 3 Once the time is determined create a sabbatier test print by exposing for the
time determined in step 2, then... 4 Develop print in developer for 1/2 normal development time (1
minute). 5 Remaining in the darkroom move print to tray of running water, do 30–45 second rinse.
Squeegee print, place on flat tray. 6 Place tray under enlarger. Stop down lens 2 stops. Make a step
test on print (5–25 seconds). 7 Put print back into developer for remainder of normal development
time (1 minute). 8 Use stop and fixer as usual. 9 Check your test print. 10 Use test print to determine
best 2nd exposure (white light) time and process as usual. 4) Photogram 1 Stop down all the way. 2
Place objects on test strip. 3 Make multiple exposure test strips. 4 Make image on a full sheet of
paper using exposure determined from test strip. Note: Experiment with materials– particularly
interesting are materials that allow some light to pass through them so that the areas are not solid
white. Consider your composition and what you are trying to achieve with the objects that you use,
don't just throw a bunch of elements on a sheet of photo paper. You can also use a small pen light to
create additional exposure in white areas. You can also photogram over the top of a
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How Did The Currier And Ives Influence Americans
Currier and Ives became famous for its American lithographing. A Currier and Ives print from 1898
showed a happy time after a War. Another print from Currier and Ives is a political cartoon. The
political cartoon shows the current events and politics at the time. The political cartoon also shows
people's opinions towards politics and the different types of leaders at that time. Lastly, a Currier
and Ives print shows daily lives, and technological advancements for that time. Currier and Ives
prints helped inspire Americans, During the 19th century two people started the Currier and Ives
business. Nathaniel Currier and James Meritt Ives partnered Currier and Ives. Nathaniel was born in
1813 and died in 1888. Nathaniel Currier ... Show more content on ...
This print was from 1898, and it is from after the Civil War. This printing shows past military
victories. This painting represents the American naval forces that helped during the Spanish
American war. One of the vessels in the print is called Iowa. Iowa was one of the most expensive
ships at the time and one of the most modern ships at the time. This print "Our Victorious Fleet In
Cuban Waters" shows past military victories, one of the most modern and expensive ships at the
time, and how the strength of the navy was increasing after the Civil War during the 19th century.
(Our Victorious Fleet In Cuban Waters Currier and Ives, Library of
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Analysis Of The Ukiyo-E Print, Under The Great Wave
One of my favorite pieces of art would be the ukiyo–e print, Under the Wave off Kanagawa
(Kanagawa oki nami ura), also known as The Great Wave, from the woodblock print series Thirty–
six Views of Mount Fuji (Fugaku sanjūrokkei). This print was created by Katsushika Hokusai who
at the time went by the name, Zen Hokusai Iitsu hitsu. The interesting elements of this print are the
contrast between the wave and the peak of the highest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji. With a height of
3776 meters, the mountain appears to be a small mound in this print compared to the huge wave that
is towering over the ships within the sense. The most eye catching feature of the print is the claw
like crest shape wave that is printed in a dark blue pigment called Prussian
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How Law Enforcement Can Prove Evidence And The Guilty With...
There are different ways law enforcement can prove evidence and the guilty with impression
evidence. Latent (invisible) or patent (visible) prints that are used in criminal investigations are
typically collected from crime scene specialists to reveal or extract fingerprints from any surface or
objects with the use of chemical or physical methods. Fingerprints can be shown when they are
taken from a crime scene where the crime was committed. Fingerprints and bite–mark evidence
have similar traits to shoe prints and tire tracks that can be used in criminal investigations. There are
a percentage of palm prints that must be left at the scene to make a comparison for valid evidence.
Fingerprints can be taken from a crime scene in various methods. Fingerprints are classified into
three categories depending on the surface they are found. Fingerprints on soft surfaces are most
likely to be three–dimensional plastic prints such as soap, wax, wet paint, fresh caulk, etc. ("A
Simplified Guide To Fingerprint Analysis", n.d). The fingerprints on hard surfaces are patent or
latent prints including blood, dirt, ink, paint, etc. transferred from a finger or thumb to a surface ("A
Simplified Guide To Fingerprint Analysis", n.d). Patent prints can be collected using photography.
The prints are photographed in high resolution with a forensic measurement scale for the image for
reference. There are multiple methods for discovering and collecting latent prints. Alternate Light
Source (ALS) use
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Thehomemog Case Analysis
The decline in circulation of traditional general–interest print magazines and their migration to the
digital space has done a lot to fuel the misconception that "Print is Dead." This trope has been
repeated so often that the public believes it applies to all print media – a perception that could not be
more wrong. By virtue of its name, TheHomeMag is perceived to be a magazine – and therefore part
of the decline – and again the perception is wrong. TheHomeMag is a niche publication, and with
advertising being its predominant content it has far more in common with print catalogs. And that's
good news – because print catalog circulation has resurged to the levels of its peak in 2007. Print
Catalogs are Growing Print catalogs suffered during ... Show more content on ...
The online menswear retailer Bonobos reports that first time customers who received a print catalog
before purchasing spent 50% more than those who did not. And Nordstrom maintains that customers
who have a multi–channel relationship with their brand spend four times more than those who do
not. Print Sticks Studies have shown that people spend more time reading and are more engaged
with print publications than with their digital counterparts. Brand and product awareness are also
higher with print, as are trust and customer loyalty – which means the customer experience is
demonstrably better and more sustainable. Print Catalogs are a Gateway Print catalogs are giving
advertisers another avenue by which they can reach their audience, and are being embraced by more
and more brands in the competition for market share. In the quest for brand awareness, the more
channels of communication the better; the print catalog is yet another way to lure customers to
engage with a brand's multi–channel campaign – and are often a point of differentiation from the
competition. Advances in technology have also allowed integration between traditional and digital
media, with printed QR codes being just one way in which the page can now interface with the
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Ukiyo E Influence On Society
For over 250 years, Japan was under a strict military dictatorship, oppressing the social classes of
their freedom to explore literature and the arts. However, from the 1670s through 1865 was the
Tokugawa period, also known as the Edo period, where Japan was guided to internal peace and
economic growth (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica). Not only had Japan found stability in
the Edo period, creativity flourished from the lower class of artisans and merchants through the
exploration of ukiyo–e printmaking. The term, ukiyo–e, is a combination of uki (floating), yo
(world), and e (pictures) that originated as a Buddhist term to express impermanence of human life.
Ukiyo–e was experimented and developed to become a popular art form that displayed ... Show
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Through continuous practice, a strict process had to be followed as they learned a repertoire of signs
and skills of brush handling in order to preserve the Japanese tradition, and understand how to
correctly use the materials. The manner of handling the brush was everything; appreciating the
application of strong and sharp strokes on the paper appealed to artists who understood the language
of brushwork (54, Hillier). Katsushika Hokusai, a Japanese printmaker and creator of world–famous
images, guided his students through the essential aspects of artist training by putting together an
instruction book that would help them master skills and dexterity (Kozbelt, Aaron, and Yana
Durmysheva). Throughout the Edo period, techniques and methods were experimented and refined,
which led to the traditions of Japanese ukiyo–e printing. The transition from a simple
monochromatic image to a polychrome picture developed through the printing techniques (Kozbelt,
Aaron, and Yana Durmysheva). Different types of methods with block printing utilized carved
wooden blocks of the desired picture or text as printing
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Pineapple Prints Persuasive Essay
Do you want to be totally on–trend this summer? If so, you need to don a cool pineapple–print
bathing suit when you hit the pool or beach. Pineapple prints are absolutely huge right now. Even
top–level celebrities have been caught wearing them while catching some rays while vacationing. If
you are still not convinced about buying a pineapple–print bathing suit, maybe some of these
excellent reasons will convince you. Trendy Pineapple prints are a hot trend right now. You can
hardly go anywhere without seeing at least one shirt, tote bag or other item without the familiar
shape on it. So, if you pride yourself on keeping up with the latest styles, then you really need to
pick yourself up a pineapple–print bathing suit for the next time you want to head to the pool or
beach, or just want to soak in some rays. Versatile Pineapple prints are incredibly versatile. The
traditional color pattern of a pineapple is, of course, brown, green and yellow. These colors are all
neutral and can be matched and coordinated with a wide variety of other ... Show more content on ...
Do you peel through magazines to find the hottest looks? If you are not convinced that pineapple–
print bathing suits are the way to go, you may be swayed by the fact that some of today's hottest
celebrities are donning them when they head to the beach. Jessica Alba has been seen wearing a hot
pineapple–print bikini with a matching cover–up and Paris Hilton sports an adorable pink one–piece
with a pineapple adorned on it. If these ladies are up to wearing pineapple prints, then you know it is
the "in thing" to do. Are you a fashionista? Do you want to be up on the latest clothing trends? If so,
you need to sport a new pineapple–print bathing suit this summer. It is the best way to stay on–trend
while camouflaging whatever you do not want the world to see. If you want to check out some of
the latest pineapple–print trends, click
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Is Print Media Dead?
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Is Print Media Dead?
Is print media dead? This has been an ongoing debate for over 15 years. Obviously, print media is
becoming less necessary, but not altogether obsolete. Although, some people say it is not, the
majority agree that digital is the future. According to Strategy Analytics, print media advertising
revenues come in third overall, which is far behind digital media. The same report projects that as
digital advertising continues to grow, print media ad revenue will decline by eight billion by the end
of 2018. There is a quote from Patrick Chappatte that says, "You know what they say? They say,
'The print media is dying' – who says that? Well, the media." Advancing digital technology has been
the biggest factor in the downfall of print media. With the rapid advancement of technology, people
are demanding more news and content faster than print can ever achieve. The way in which we
consume news has changed significantly with social media and 24 hours instant news updates.
Twitter allows us instant updates on worldly events such as Brexit, Paris terrorist attacks and the
Boston Marathon terrorist attack and the manhunt that followed. Although it's true that print
circulation has declined from what it was in the past, our national newspapers are taking advantage
of the new technology. While still maintaining print versions, many also have online versions of the
paper that keeps their readers up to date on ongoing event.
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Negatives And Negatives Of Print
The future of print communication lies within the direction of where print media is currently
heading, digital. With that being said, print will never die; there will always be people who want to
physically hold a book, a magazine, or a newspaper. Although it is not presumptuous to assume that
the amount of print will decrease, it will however continue to live for decades to come. Print history
will always have a crucial aspect in the linear advancements of technology. There are many ways to
look at what print is used for in our everyday lives, for one, we read it on a regular basis whether it's
a newspaper, a magazine, a novel, packaging or a map. Everywhere we go print is present, and life
would be unimaginable in the twenty first ... Show more content on ...
The death of print in the newspaper industry is not worldwide, but there has been a rapid shift
towards digital content. This shift is mostly due to the changing consumer behaviour and the widely
available free online content.
Not only have the amount of physical copies of newspapers and magazines decreased, but the
written content has significantly changed too. Walter Benjamin claims that the role of the storyteller
is becoming obsolete, and the stories that are being told are of no relevance to the people of the
twenty first century. With more stories being written both, digitally and professionally, there is less
of a need for people to orally speak about past experiences. Modern story telling is no longer
concerned with the multiple experiences of storytellers, and thus loses the concrete human meaning.
The need for storytelling has decreased due to the amount of facts and information that are readily
available on the Internet. The stories that were once told to pass on knowledge have no relevance,
since more accurately stated facts and information are present in many online sources, which have
been backed with evidence. Thus, making the stories that were told previously not as accurate or
Just as mentioned above, it is true that with new technological advances there has been less of a
need for print. It is also true that without print, some of these innovations would not exist today and
it is clear that print is
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Semester Exam Print Analysis
For my first semester exam print, I used an old photograph of a Coca–Cola sign from my summer
assignment. This print was inspired and based off the life of my grandfather, who worked at at
Coca–Cola as a route salesman for thirty years, up until his retirement. My grandfather's job single
handedly support The first semester exam print has been my favorite project by far, as I deeply
enjoyed getting to experiment with darkroom techniques that I had not tried before. After finding the
correct lighting and time exposure, and getting a good contrast of lights and darks in my print, I
decided to add a more dramatic emphasis to the photo. I achieved this by utilizing the Halo
clementines netting and by experimenting with selective developing. After
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What Is Doug's Analogies In Okay For Now
Doug Swieteck in Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt makes some very interesting analogies
regarding the Audubon prints that show up within the story. The analogies themselves require some
thought in order to make sense of them though, but if the reader takes the time to do it, they will
reveal hidden depths in regards to the book itself. These analogies relate to Doug's situation in life at
that point, and they offer insight regarding the feelings Doug has.
The first Audubon print Doug encounters is the Arctic Tern. Doug finds the print when he enters the
Marysville Public Library for the first time. He quickly sees something within the painting. "He was
all alone, and he looked like he was falling out of the sky and into this cold green sea." Okay for
Now pg. 19 The beginning part of the analogy brings to a close what Doug himself is feeling. Alone
and afraid. "This bird was falling and there wasn't a single thing in the world that cared at all." Okay
for Now pg. 19 Doug's going through an extremely rough time in his life, he's just moved into The
Dump, and he feels as though no one cares for him. ... Show more content on ...
He finds these birds atop Mrs. Windermere's fireplace. The analogy these birds create is very
different than that of the Arctic Tern. Doug sees his family within the print. The analogy itself is the
comparison of the birds and his family. In the print two of the birds are swimming away, this is a
representation of Doug's father and brother. Doug represents the younger bird. "It was looking like
maybe it wanted to swim where the other two birds were, but maybe not. And anyway, he was afraid
to try." Okay for Now pg.54 Showing that Doug is torn between staying with his mother and going
off with his brother and
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The New York Times and Jayson Blair (A) “All the News...
The New York Times built its legacy around characteristics that did not represent the status quo nor
did it follow the traditional steps in reporting news to the public. Instead of putting emphasis on
reporting corruption, scandal, and extreme political views, it put importance in reporting the factual
representation of events and limited both personal views and expressions (Smeraglinolo, Wehmer, &
O'Rourke, 2007). The New York Times set guidelines to ensure its readers were getting the accurate
details of its reporting. O'Rourke (2010) states "Genuine moral standards transcend the interests of
just one or a few people. They involve doing things for the greater good of society or people at
large" (p.65). The New York Times was able ... Show more content on ...
The failure in recognizing the ethical dilemmas took away their moral judgment and promoted
unwanted circumstances to occur (O'Rourke, 2010).
It is idea for The New York Times' Vice President of Communications, Catherine Mathis, to carry
out the communication channels, as previously operated. This will enable her to reach employees
more effectively than making significant changes. O'Rourke (2010) states "Many companies rely on
particular cultures to move day–to–day information through the organization, and to succeed in such
a business, you must adapt to the existing culture rather than try to change it or ask it to adapt to
you" (p.31). The recommendation is to continue communicating through both informal and formal
channels, such as mandatory meetings, company letters, and newspapers.
1. Mandatory meetings will provide the employees with a face–to–face approach to resolving those
problems at hand. It allows managers to be more accessible as it provides both employee and
manager with an opportunity to talk and listen to each other's complaints and ideas (O'Rourke,
2. A company letter will provide outside sources that were directly impacted by the event, with a
sincere apology and an explanation of the circumstances surrounding the incident. O'Rourke states
"Business letters, unlike memos, are primarily external
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Furuya Taiken: A Formal Analysis
Furuya Taiken depicts the naturalistic proletarian scene with the aid of the Western one–point
perspective, drawing from a single vanish point on a horizontal line. Three receding figures occupy
the central part of the print. Their obscure faces offer few clues of their gender, except the woman
on the right side. The little child on the left, whose hair is coiled up neatly, wears a black kimono
with dark green leaves and white floral prints. The different proportions of red on the neckline and
the edge of the lower hem correspond to the large red block of the belt and clogs. The two flowing
cross belts further accentuate the dynamic movement of the little child. Two adults follow the steps
of the child on the right side of the print. The person in the middle of the woman and the child is
holding a shamisen , a Japanese plucked stringed instrument. The symbolic long neck of the
instrument can be found above the head of the child. The hair of the middle one is coiled up neatly,
and there are little contrasting colors on the clothes. On the shoulder, something like the shawl with
a tone of pale blue covers most parts of the upper body. The surface of ... Show more content on ...
Travelling Musicians (1921), Echigo–jishi Performaers (1922), and Blind Woman (1922) all show
the figures walking through the street with obscured faces , while Furuya incorporates the Western
elements with Japanese traditional scenes creatively in Genji Chanters (1922) . The faces of the
female performers on the stage are clearly shown. The interior setting of the print, on the other hand,
differs drastically from the other three prints. The harmonious relationships between human beings
or the wandering musicians are replaced by a detailed depiction of the interactions between female
performers and male audiences in the
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Physical Analysis On Physical Forensics
Physical Forensics
One physical analysis technique that could be considered as physical forensics is finger printing.
Although technically from a biological trace, the analysis method used to establish finger print from
finger print at the crime scene is a very analytical and physically arduous process.
Finger printing
At a crime scene, the one thing that can never be fully covered up is the presence of finger prints.
Because of the oils we produce through our skin, our fingers leave prints on any imaginable surface,
including on another body. These finger prints are classified in many different ways in order to make
the extraction, storage and eventual cross–reference of these fingerprints much easier for future
analysis purposes. The ... Show more content on ...
Types of finger prints
Because finger prints come in all shapes and sizes, it means that finger print evidence is often a very
accurate and reliable way at distinguishing the presence of a person at a scene. It is thought that the
chances of 2 people having the same fingerprints is around 1/64,000,000,000 – that's 64 billion.
In terms of classification of finger prints, the actual trace itself can be distinguished by analyzing the
finger using the accepted terms for the patterns that all fingers exhibit. These include "whorls"
which is the circular shape, ridges and ridge endings which are unique in almost every way and also
loops which are the elongated bend shape which can originate from the left or the right of the finger.
Other, more rare characteristics of the finger print is the arch which is slightly raised lines and tented
arches which form a triangular looking fingerprint.
Today, prints are analysed by putting them through a system on the computer which measures the
different characteristics of the finger print from a selection of viewpoints in order to establish
whether the owner of the finger prints has their finger prints on the system. This will flag up if it is
the case, and show the culprit and their previous crimes/affiliations.
Recovering prints
Because of the composition of the prints, they are often fragile and can be damaged on contact to the
point where no analysis can take place. This means that
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Crime Scene Investigation Case Study
| Crime Scene Investigation | Case Study #1 | | | 1/26/2013 |
When it comes to identifying people that have committed a criminal act, the most positive means is
through fingerprints. When we are born, our fingerprints stay with us until we die and our bodies
start decomposing. To the human eye our fingerprints look the same, however, further investigation
will show that each of us have a unique set of friction ridges that comprise our fingerprints and sets
our identity apart from each other. At a crime scene, there are two different types of fingerprints that
may be found. Patent prints are visible to the human eye. Latent prints are "unintentional prints
found on items of ... Show more content on ...
When the bi–chromatic powder is used on dark surfaces it will look light and it will show up dark
on light surfaces. The best rule for processing latent prints using powder is to use less lifting powder
than you think you are going to need. Many latent prints can be ruined by over processing with
powder. David suggests "give the print powder jar a quick shake before opening the lid" then goes
on to say "remove the lid and place the fingerprint brush inside the lid" (Spraggs, 2007). The lid will
retain enough powder to start processing the latent print. A precise amount of pressure applied while
spinning the brush will produce a good print with good ridge detail. He mentions that too much
powder will fill the ridges and over process the print and too little will not produce enough, keeping
in mind that too much contact between the brush and the print will damage the print. Once the print
has been developed it is time to begin lifting the print. Lifting tape comes in a variety of widths and
compositions. General lifting tape is used on flat surfaces and polyethylene tape is great for curved
surfaces like door knobs. An important key in applying the tape is to keep it evenly and as smooth as
possible. David suggests using a credit card to
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What Makes Ear Prints: Helpful Or Harmful?
No two ear prints have ever been found the same, nor do ears change during a person's lifetime. Ear
prints can be lifted like fingerprints and classified like fingerprints. Ear prints can even be used to
identify suspects of a crime scene. The uniqueness and stability of ears make ear prints recordable,
classifiable, and identifiable.
Initially, ear prints are nearly as common as fingerprints and can be lifted with the same method. For
example, Encyclopedia.Com reads that in a criminal case, "It is not uncommon for a perpetrator to
put an ear to a door or window prior to entering a crime scene in an effort to determine whether the
area is occupied, or for an ear print to be left against a wall or other hard surface during a struggle or
when a body is being positioned or moved". Ear prints leave behind ... Show more content on ...
For example, in 1910, a prisoner's ear was linked with an ear print at a crime scene due to an
obvious peculiarity of the ear, and the prisoner was convicted of the crime. In order to identify a
suspect with an ear print, three to five prints of both ears must be taken. Dr. Cor van der Lugt
explains that in recording a print directly, "The first time the pressure applied has to be gentle, the
second print has to be done with normal pressure and the third print is taken by applying much more
pressure," in case a gentle, medium, or heavy pressure print is not individually successful in
capturing the entire ear print. In Conclusion, ear prints may be lifted, recognized by shape, size, and
peculiarities of the ear, and identified with previously documented individuals. A criminal often
presses his ear against a wall, window, or door during the crime. Because ear prints are common
occurrences at a crime scene, and because ears are individual, unchanging anatomical structures
(much like fingerprints) they are accurate ways of identifying suspects. Ear prints may be recorded
like fingerprints and matched with a
... Get more on ...
Recent Changes in the Print Industry
The print industry in our society has always served as a pillar in providing mass media to society.
Print industry can trace its root back to the ancient Egyptians, China, and Europe in the first 10
centuries. Not until the mid 1400's did the print industry reach a pivotal transformation, which was
the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg. This allowed for faster mass production of printed
materials such as the Bible for instance. Century after century this industry evolved into a
worldwide business for providing information to the masses. In our society today, the Internet is our
main source for business, communication, getting information, etc. The Internet has evolved since
first being introduced into something everyone in a sense needs, since it can help with our lives. The
print industry is currently co–existing with the Internet and digital technology industries, and the
print industry has struggled and has been forced to adapt. Our society is moving faster and getting
information faster due to the Internet and digital technology. The print industry cannot keep up with
the digital age in regards to providing information. It's that digital has surpassed print. It has many
advantages and with technology constantly growing there will be more. Characteristics of digital
include: ubiquity, speed, permanence, search ability, the ability to update, the ability to remix,
targeting, interaction, marketing via links, and data feedback. Digital transcends the limitations of
... Get more on ...

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The Age Determination Of Latent Prints

  • 1. The Age Determination Of Latent Prints The amount of information that can be obtained through someone's hands is astounding. One can determine the years of scarring from hard work, or the blisters from misuse. The most information can be obtained at the very tips of fingers, and what they leave behind. Fingerprints supply great evidence to help identify who was there, and possibly how many people were there. However, the problem becomes that there are too many prints found at one scene. It is difficult to try and determine when they were made based on physical appearance and common techniques. Nowadays, the age determination of latent prints can be achieved with a new approach using the sweaty residue of latent prints, and a small electrical charge. In 2011, a group from ... Show more content on ... In a laboratory setting, they set up multiple stations where they had placed two fingerprints from the same people, at different times. The results of the experiment showed that after 14 days of being left alone, the prints left behind on nonconductive surfaces showed significant electric decay. They were then able to determine which print was placed earlier, and which later (Watson, Prance, Beardsmore–Rust, & Prance, 2011). The scanner works on the residue left behind in the latent prints, which is mainly the different forms of sweat. Sweat by itself is a combination of organic molecules, lipids, amino acids, and inorganic free ions (Yamashita & French, n.d.). These free ions act as an electrolyte solution, and allow electrical currents to be passed through, and returned to the original source to complete the current. By measuring where the current is completed, the scanner can construct a digital image of what the print would look like. The scanner's released charge must be small enough to have a reaction from the latent residue, but it cannot be too large as to have a reaction from the surface in question. Although the scanner works in a laboratory setting, there are still many problems that need to be addressed before it can be applied to the field. The first is that the testing surface needs to be nonconductive. The main reason for a nonconductive surface is that the charge ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Essay On History Of Media History of Media Assignment Submitted by: Nina George, Aashik.V.Ajith New media has emerged from the print media. But its target audience is different from that of print media. Today, we have young readers getting attracted towards new media. This is because they feel that they really don't need to waste their time reading when they ... Show more content on ... So in such a scenario, is it just the print media that is dying? Is it not TV and radio too? Although, it is the print media which seems endangered, it is a fact that the success of any media tells upon another media. It is only a tug of war going among these, where the centre gets oscillated between the ends. Each has been devising ways to deal with the plus points of the other. TV is getting interactive, radio is getting gripping, newspapers and books are trying to get more attractive with the incorporation of visuals and graphics and interactivity to some extent, and all of them together are going online. Adaptability is crucial for existence. The bottom–line is if the print media continues to adapt to the changing media habits of people and corner its target readers well, it will survive. And it ought to do that for its good. Somehow, there is a feeling that even if it fails in that, the power of the written word will always be supreme. So while traditional media's old channels – print and broadcast – are floundering, their online properties are thriving. In fact, I'd argue that the influence of traditional media outlets like theNew York Times and CNN are greater than ever. The internet and social networking sites have given traditional media outlets an audience beyond their once limited geographies. For example, take the Boston Globe. ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Analysis Of Tinios: The Four Print Groups Tinios mainly focuses on a Japanese print artist, Kunisada. One of the last great ukiyo–e print masters in the Edo period. The four print groups, how some prints are made, and censorship are some main points Tinios points out. The four Japanese prints groups are; actor prints, beauties, landscape, and warrior prints. However, Tinios does briefly cover color woodblock prints, as well. The first group is largely discussed while the others are talked about as more of a side note to, in my option, show Kunisada's talent. Kunisada was able to supervise students in his studio to do most of the work in making prints. Kunisada would create the figures and leave the backgrounds for someone who worked for him to finished. This also leads us to Kunisada's ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Operation Management of Ikea Executive Summary: This report is about operational aspects. We have selected Hannan Prints, the manufacturing firm to analyse the supply chain. This paper scrutinize the crucial aspects of Hannan prints supply chain network, its plans and the implementation of strategy. By putting into practice different supply chain approaches, the firm will increase the benefits of supply chain network. In this report we have focused on supply chain inventory management and technology selection practices and how it is beneficial for the firm. In the firm operations are linked with different strategies. For example the change in supply chain has an effect on inventory management as well as technology selections. At the end we have given some ... Show more content on ... Flexibility saves time, maintains dependability and it accelerate responses. The low cost is attractive as no one likes to pay more. Hannan print always tries to reduce costs by proving quality of products or services, by speedy work, dependability and flexibility. They manage inventory and use proper resources that save time and money. Theoretical Framework: First of all, Hannan Print makes sure that all the staffs are encouraged and they contribute to the process. Secondly, it examines and improves operations practices on a regular basis. Further more, they monitor and improve service quality which they provide to customers. Not only that, but they are also working hard to replace the product as per customer's requirements in order to save time and cost. Lastly with a view to provide faster and safer service the company working very hard to keep the premises clean and tidy all the time particularly the storage area as it is the part form where the goods are delivered. The company has good arrangement of working departments. For example they have packing and despatching department so close that they can transfer the goods in between those department very easily. This is the time saving and cost saving approach adopted by the company. Supply chain management and inventory management are also important parts of operation management. Supply chian management is the management that assists in finding solutions, grabbing ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Quiz : Mad Lib Story #********************************************************** # Program : Mad Lib Story # Author : Kai Szucs # Due Date : Sunday 18th # Description : A (kind of) short mad lib story #********************************************************** #Inputing the extra math and random commands import math import random #ASCII art Title print commands #To spice up the title! #credits to for an awesome text to ASCII art generator print(" This is... ") print(" █████╗ ██╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗ █████╗ ███╗ ███╗ ") print("██╔══██╗██║ ██║ ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗████╗ ████║ ") print("███████║██║ ██║ ███████║ ██║ ██║██████╔╝█████╗ ███████║██╔████╔██║ ") print("██╔══██║██║ ██║ ██╔══██║ ██║ ██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██╔══██║██║╚██╔╝██║ ") print("██║ ██║███████╗███████╗ ██║ ██║ ██████╔╝██║ ██║███████╗██║ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║██╗██╗██╗") print("╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝") #Player Input Commands print(" Fill in these blanks to create your story! ") houseObject=input("Something you 'd find in your house: ") adjective=input("Adjective: ") adjective2=input("Another adjective: ") adjective3=input("Yet another adjective: ") adjective4=input("One more adjective: ") adjective5=input("One final adjective: ") color=input("Your favourite color: ") mythicalBeing=input("Mythical creature or ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Compare And Contrast Okitsu And Kakegawa Japan discovered their identity through borrowing and adapting ideas from other countries. From China to the West, Japan has always been flexible and open to a borrowing a wide diversity of things, ranging from politics, architecture, and even woodblock prints. Adapted from China, woodblock prints, or ukiyo–e, use location, color, content, subject, proportions, and perspectives to depict a scenery. The art from a time or country can be used to infer many things about its culture and people. The two woodblock prints featured in this essay are "Okitsu" and "Kakegawa" by Ando Hiroshige. These prints represent how the Tokugawa period changed the course of Japan and how Tokugawa Japan was a peaceful time of stability. The Tokugawa period was a ... Show more content on ... Two figures walking up the bridge seem to be a man and an elder, as indicated by how one is extremely hunched over and holding his back while the other is turning as if to check on the elder's condition. A playful looking boy follows them, his arms waving energetically as he trots behind them barefooted. And coming down from the bridge, there is a man adorned in a bright red cloak followed by another man, both with big hats covering their bald heads. All of the people range in age, outfits, and personas, which suggests that they all are from different places and have different destinations and purposes to get there. It can be inferred that because the Tokugawa period was a time of peace, that people were more inclined to travel due to the stability of the period. Instead of just traveling for trade and goods, people started to venture out more casually and for personal gain, exemplified by how the boy is barefooted, suggesting that he is only traveling a small distance, and the monk and disciple are likely traveling for religious means. The bridge in the foreground also indicates that the Tokugawa period was a time of stability. Built with thick wooden beams, the bridge appears sturdy enough to be able to bear the many travelers passing over it. This shows that there was ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. It/235 Essay As professional photographers you would receive many requests for free images on a regular basis. In a perfect world, each of us would love to be able to respond in a positive manner and assist, especially with projects or efforts related to areas such as education, social issues, and conservation of natural resources. To a photographer creating compelling images is the way they make their living. If they were give away their images for free, or spend too much time responding to requests for free images, they would and could not make a living. Making a leap from such selective support to responding positively to every request we get for free photographs, however, is impractical, if for no other reason than the substantial amount of time ... Show more content on ... Yes, they do play a role in what we charge, but in the end you are paying the photographer because of their visual style and what they can do for your career. The images you take for your portfolio are an investment in your future as a model. If you are serious about modeling, then it is time to start looking at it like a business. You are the product, and you need amazing images to sell that product to its fullest potential. The bottom line is that regardless of what we charge, if you don't have enough faith in yourself to invest in your dream, why would anyone else? One other experience we have in common is that when we do provide photographs for free, we often do not receive updates, feedback or any other form of follow–up letting us know how the event or project unfolded, what goals (if any) were achieved, and what good (if any) our photos did. All too often, we don't even get responses to emails we send to follow–up, until, of course, the next time that someone wants free photographs. In instances where we do agree to work for free, please have the courtesy to follow–up and let us know how things went. A little consideration will go a long way in making us feel more inclined to take time to provide additional images in the future. Basically, the photographer has made $450 and given up 11 ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Printers A printer is external hardware output device that takes the electronic data stored on a computer or may be on other device and generates a hard copy of it and that hardcopy may be used as future references. For example, if you created a report on your computer you could print several copies to hand out at a staff meeting. Printers are one of the most popular computer peripherals and are commonly used to print text and photos. A printer is an output device that usually prints characters, symbols, and graphics on paper. The printed output is generally referred to as hardcopy because it is in the permanent form which we can use for future references. Softcopy refers to temporary images or we can say in temporary form which may or may not be used ... Show more content on ... In business where enormous amount of material are printed, the character–at–a–time printers are too slow; therefore, these users need line–at–a–time printers. Line printers, or line–at–a–time printers, use special mechanism that can print a whole line at once; they can typically print the range of 1,200 to 6,000 lines per minute. Drum, chain, and band printers are line–at–a–time printers. Drum printer A drum printer consists of a solid, cylindrical drum that has raised characters in bands on its surface. The number of print positions across the drum equals the number available on the page. This number typically ranges from 80–132 print positions. The drum rotates at a rapid speed. For each possible print position there is a print hammer located behind the paper. These hammers strike the paper, along the ink ribbon, against the proper character on the drum as it passes. One revolution of the drum is required to print each line. This means that all characters on the line are not printed at exactly the same time, but the time required to print the entire line is fast enough to call them line printers. Typical speeds of drum printers are in the range of 300 to 2000 lines per ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Managerial Accounting: Chapter 4 Case 2 Chapter 4 Case 2: Greetings Inc.: Activity–Based Costing Solution: 1. An activity–based costing system may be appropriate for Wall Décor, when overhead allocation based job–order costing provides product cost distortion. As seen on previous case, this distortion happens when one product is manufacturing in high volume and the others are manufacturing in complexity as well as in low volume. In this situation Wall Décor should change its costing system for selling its high volume produced products whereas low–volume produced products have good profit. 2. The activity–based overhead rates for each of the four activities: Activity Estimated Overhead Expected use of Cost Drivers Activity–Based Overhead Rates Picking ... Show more content on ... Because more categories and more refining provide more accurate information, but it is really difficult and costly to track more categories. The best option is to simplify the categories, in result, reducing the cost of ABC system. 7. When allocating fixed overhead costs using operating capacity, it is easy to determine how much each product costs at capacity and be able to manage the costs based fixed overhead costs. But when allocating fixed overhead costs using the expected unit sold, then overhead allocation will be distorted. By allocating overhead costs based on capacity this distortion can be avoid. That is why, using the operating capacity for allocating fixed overhead costs can result accurate cost. 8. a) Allocation the overhead to the three product categories: Unframed prints Steel–framed print, with no matting Wood–framed prints, with matting Volume– expected unites sold 80,000 15,000 7,000 Manufacturing Overhead Picking prints (0.30×80,000) 24,000 (0.30×15,000) 4,500 (0.30×7,000) 2,100
  • 34. Inventory selection and management (0.70×80,000) 56,000 (1.40×15,000) 21,000 (2.10×7,000) 14,700 Web–site optimization: Unframed (0.258×80,000) 20,640 Framed (4.128×15,000) 61,920 (4.128×7,000) 28,896 Framing and matting (2.10×15,000) 63,000 (2.10×7,000) 44,100 Total cost $100,640 $150,420 $89,796 b) Total amount of manufacturing overhead ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. History Of Identification And Analysis: Latent Prints LaShay Robbins Crime Scene Research paper Latent Prints History of Identification and Analysis Fingerprints have been used as a means of identification around the world for as early as 300 B.C. in China, 702 A.D. in Japan and introduced in the United States in around 1902 (Fingerprint sourcebook). A document called the "The Volume of Crime Investigation–Burglary," describing the use of handprints as evidence originated in China. Back then, fingerprints were also used to seal documents and assign authorship (fingerprint sourcebook). While Sir William James Herschel is known as the first person to do a study on the persistence of friction ridge skin, Henry Fauld recognized the value of friction ridges as evidence at a crime scene. Later, through his own studies Sir Francis Galton, was able to support the uniqueness of friction ridges and wrote the first book on fingerprints, defining and naming the details that make up friction ridges. In 1891, Frenchman Rene` Forgeot introduced his thesis stating that powders and chemicals could be used to identify individuals that were present at a crime scene. Around the same time, Juan Vucetich, who worked for the Central Police Department in Argentina created a fingerprint classification system to identify prisoners which became the first time this type of fingerprint technique was used by law enforcement (Fingerprint sourcebook). By the 1900s the Belper Committee began to make strides towards an organized system for fingerprints by ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Print Still Matters Print text is more beneficial than digital text because it's easier to comprehend and your attention span lasts longer. When people use print over digital text their comprehension improves drastically. According to the article "Print still matters", "It demonstrates that students preferred and performed better when reading on screens. But their actual performance intended to suffer." This is one important reason why digital text isn't as great as it sounds. Print text has been used for centuries during B.C and throughout A.D. It was the only type of medium we had, then why are we trying to substitute it with digital text? Its been used for education and pleasure for many years. It's how we learned from the very beginning of time and how we comprehend today. Computers and the internet have only been around for about thirty years, unlike pencil and ... Show more content on ... Not everyone is used to reading online, and it's more difficult for people to accommodate to this new way of learning. People have always done an exceptional job in school using print instead of digital text. One study from the article "Print still matters" found that "Students were able to comprehend information in print for texts that were more than a page length." When people read on the computer they seem to rapidly read the text and it's easier for them to miss information. While reading on paper you're more likely to take your time and actually interact with the text versus online. You'll be able to engage deeper and relate more to the text if you concentrate on what you're doing. If we ever abandon print text then we will have a huge outbreak in the world regarding comprehension. People who use digital text for pleasure don't progress in anything, but when they use it in school the student's comprehension enhances more. People who prefer digital over print do not improve any, but take more time ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Forensic Science And Criminal Investigation Essay The forensic science and criminal investigations are huge things in the criminal justice field. They can help solve some crimes and put the bad guys away for a long time. The public views the things they do through TV shows and movies rather than actually seeing them do it. There are many things you could differ from TV shows and movies to reality that forensic science and criminal investigations do and some are medical examiners, fingerprinting, and DNA evidence. The public view medical examiners as people who go searching for evidence on a crime scene to see what they can find to help solve the case. The public also thinks that they get this big lab and its only one person who examines all the bodies by themselves. They also think that they ... Show more content on ... They run the fingerprints in the system real fast, it is like it only takes two seconds for the to find a match to the prints. They also can use any type of print it doesn't have to be a full print. In reality, you may not always get a visible print on everything. Sometimes you might have a non–porous print, and you have to put the material in a chamber an add drops of heated superglue. The fumes will harden on the fingerprint and then make them visible. Secondly, when they put prints into the computer, it doesn't just pop up with a single match but with matches. Then a human has to compare the matches with the print they find at a scene to determine if it really is a match. Plus, before they can even put it into a computer a technician must edited the print taking things that are not the print off of it. Also, when running a print, it takes two hours rather than two seconds. Finally, when using a partial print, it has to have five different distinguishing points for the system to take the print and match it to ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Woodblock Printing During The Tokugawa Period During the Tokugawa or Edo period, the arts flourished, especially a certain art style called woodblock prints. Woodblock printing originated in China as a method to mass–produce texts. When the technology migrated to Japan, they used it to produce copies of the same picture quickly. The process involved laying the same print over different woodblocks to add layers to the image and create a complete picture. This process was time consuming and took a lot of skill to master since you had to lay the paper precisely every time. Because of this, the prints were usually expensive and mainly owned by royalty and the upper class. The prints usually depicted the everyday life of both commoners and nobility. The woodblock prints of the Tokugawa period ... Show more content on ... This print is an image of female touts, someone who solicits businesses, dragging travellers into their teahouse. In the image we can see a traveler already sitting just outside the teahouse and a woman cleaning his feet. From this we can interpret that the people were very clean and sanitary because she is ridding his feet of grime before entering the tea house, or that they were religious. In Shintoism, one of the main beliefs is in a form of ritual purification stating that you should wash yourself to prevent bad spirits from entering somewhere, in this case, the teahouse. The other thing we can analyze from this print is that despite the fact that it was a male dominated society, the women did have quite a bit of power. In the previous paragraph, we could see that men were the dominant sex, but in some cases, women did have power over men and that they had some power in general, especially compared to other cultures at the time. In the print, we can see women literally dragging travelers into their teahouse, which shows they did had some dominance and power over a man. We can also see this because the teahouse seems to be run and owned by only women, which tells us that women had enough power and rights to run their own business without a man telling them what to do and how to run ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Competitive Landscape : The New York Times Print And... Competitive Landscape: The New York Times print and digital products compete to maximize circulation and generate higher income from advertising. It also competes for readers and advertisers with other media, such as the internet, satellite and cable television, magazines, broadcast and satellite radio, other forms of media and direct marketing. The major bases of competition in this industry are price, content and brand. Competition in this industry is high and the trend is increasing. The top U.S. newspapers by total average circulation– from digital subscriptions, print products and other papers that use their branded content are, NYTC's closest competitors are Gannett Company and News Corporation. The daily newspaper market is defined by being a publisher of a leading daily newspaper. These companies own diversified media holdings, similar to that of the New York Times Company. Basis of Competition: Competition in this industry is high and the trend is increasing. Internal Competition: The strength of a newspaper's masthead relies on the publisher's awareness of the target audience and its needs and undoubtedly NYT holds a strong brand name. Pricing plays an important role in subscription numbers. Pricing is sensitive as now there are various newspaper– owned websites that offer free content to consumers to increase site traffic and advertising revenue. Competition among companies offering online content is intense; new competitors quickly emerge and may have better ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Importance Of Japanese Culture Japans society is a culture that is highly resistant to change; a society that places a high value on each member's conformity within highly structured layers of Japanese society. Japan is an island nation, consisting of the four large islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Together they are approximately the size of Germany or the State of California, and it has a population of approximately 126 million people Japan has a large population in relation to its land mass and as a consequence most Japanese people live crowded together in an urban corridor squeezed along the eastern edge of the Japanese islands. A result of this crowding is that Japanese place a high value on public harmony and the avoidance of any conflict, especially in public. Japanese norms require people to be willing to apologize and humble themselves, so much so that even after a minor auto accident each driver will jump out of their vehicle and bow to each other and apologize, instead of risking a very public confrontation. Frequently, Japanese will also employ the use of a go–between to negotiate a possible marriage. In this way, an individual can turn down a bride or groom without rejecting them to their face, thereby avoiding open disagreement or embarrassment of an individual. The Japanese culture is one that is rich within an historical and traditional context. Many of the traditional practices established hundreds of years ago can be seen today in modern Japan and are a direct reflection ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Cvs Pharmacy Case Study CVS pharmacy is a retail and health care industry that focuses on selling prescriptions, grocery, dairy products and beverages, over the counter medications, beauty products, processing photos, canvas, mugs, calendars, among many other things. The photo lab kiosk is a service that is widely used at all CVS pharmacies. Many customers rely on this service on a daily basis. This manual will focus on making various prints because this is the only self–service option currently offered at the pharmacy. The photo lab kiosk enables the customers to make in–store or online prints, however the majority of customers prefers to use the in–store service in case they run into any problems. It is also easy to make prints in store because they are processed ... Show more content on ... Select make prints option 3. Select to make prints in seconds or minutes 4. Select whether you would like to have border on the print or no border 5. Agree to terms and conditions of use 6. Select the pictures you would like to print 7. On the right side of the screen, zoom in and out or crop the print if necessary. 8. Select the number of sheets you would like to make per print 9. Look at the order summary to see the total cost of prints 10. Place the order, proceed to checkout and wait for the pictures to print Software and Hardware Used Software and hardware compatibility is very crucial to make the prints. The current photo lab computer has the following requirements:  If you are using an android phone you need to download the Kodak kiosk application or use the memory card from the phone. USB cables do not work for Android phones  If you are using an iPhone, you can use the USB cable or the Kodak kiosk application  A memory card from the camera can be used  A flash drive or thumb drive works as well  USB cables  iPad  compact disc  Tablets  Video cassette Making Different Sizes of Prints Sizes of Prints ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. A Study On Xyzprinting Da Vinci 1.0 3d Printer Essay XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0 3D Printer Review (Keyword: cheap 3d printer) If you are new to the 3D printer space and are looking at buying your first cheap 3D printer, the XYZ Printing Da Vinci 1.0 3D printer would be an excellent choice. With its plug–and–play capabilities thanks to its factory calibrated settings, getting the printer up and running is easy and requires minimal knowledge in 3D printer installation. Considering it is usually categorized as a cheap printer, the print quality is fairly good. A spacious print area and user–friendly LCD screen are an added bonus. How the printer works and its features At its core, the XYZ printer is not too different from other 3D printers. The quality of output will depend on the resolution specified as well as the printing speed. Speed settings can be adjusted to anywhere between 0.1 millimeters and 0.4 millimeters per second. The maximum printer output is 8 x 8 x 8 inches which is somewhat of an anticlimax given the fairly large size of its print platform. The cheap 3D printer is encased and print outputs are accessible from the device's front door. This not only makes it easier to keep the printer clean but also reduces the likelihood of operator injury. You also don't need to worry too much for instance about little children's hands getting trapped or seared by the printer's internal components. The printer casing also minimizes the noise pollution during operation. Another seemingly minor but quite important safety feature is ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Physical Evidence Analysis Evidence can take the form of several types: Testimonial, Digital, Physical and Miscellaneous for the ones that do not fit into the other three categories. Physical evidence are the specific items and objects found at a crime scene that links the perpetrator to the area or overall location (Gardner, 2012). These can be in the form of an object that is over turned and documented with photographs or something tangible like trace evidence, fibers and hair that are transferred between a person and another or the environment (Grenier, 2013). It is nationally agreed upon that physical evidence never lies, it establishes a series of facts that are unquestionable (Gardner, 2012). It's existence. however, can be misinterpreted and location altered but the evidence itself is ... Show more content on ... Fingerprints are the chance impressions created when areas of the friction ridge skin of the finger comes in contact with a suitable substrate, the surface upon which a friction ridge impression is deposited (Tate, Latent Prints: Analysis and Comparison, 2014) , under the right condition (Tate, Latent Print Introduction, 2014). Fabrication, by definition, means the manufacturing or assembly of something (, n.d.) as time progressed and languages changed, it became widely used as a synonym for something false or made up (, n.d.). While the words forged and fabricated are used in the English language interchangeably, Pat Wertheim defines a forged latent print in his scientific report as "the planting of a fingerprint on a surface, so that the fingerprint appears to have been left by the finger or fingers of the person to whom it can be identified (Wertheim, Fingerprint Forgery Case, p. 4). In so the owner of the friction ridge skin who is represented by the fingerprint has not touched the surface where their fingerprint has been forged (Wertheim, Fingerprint Forgery Case, p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Ukiyo-e Essay Ukiyo–e Ukiyo–e is the name given to one of the most important art forms in all of Japan. Arriving as a new form of art in the 1700's these prints served as a record of daily life and pleasures in a newly wealthy Japanese society. The Japanese themselves had long regarded pleasure as transient because of their Buddhist heratige, because of this the word Ukiyo–e actually means "pictures of the floating world". These prints were truly art which reflected the whims of the masses. They record popular styles of dress, new hairstyles etc. They also record the popular Kabuki theater actors, the most beautiful geisha's (or prostitutes), and later even landscapes. Within the realm of Ukiyo–e there are many masters, but there is one master, ... Show more content on ... This traditionally formatted book was the first set of prints to give Utamaro some noteriety. After a few similar books, Utamaro began to develop his figurative style even more. He elongated the figures in his prints and drew the heads more oveal rather than circular. It is at this time that his talent for arranging and relating figures began to take shape (Hiller 42). By 1792, Uatamaro embarked upon the subject to which he would devote the rest of his life. His dipictions of the geisha's would be amoung the most well known Japanese prints of all time. One of the most incredible series Utamaro undertook at this time was the half–length self portrait series. Traditionally a figure was portrayed as a full length figure, but these intimite prints of simply patterned cloth and plain backrounds read almost like personal portraits, a concept very new in Japanese printmaking. Soon after the half–length portrait series Utamaro embarked upon two other great sets of prints–– "The types of women's Phisiognomies" and " The Ten Learned Studies of Women". These two sets of prints had the smoewhat portraiture feeling of the half–length portraits. In addition Utamaro experimented with using mica as a reflective backround surface. Amoung these series is alsot the print, " Women Preparing Stuff for Dresses) one of the most famous of all Japanese ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Physical Processing Techniques Lab Report Amanda Raper Reviewed by: Cheyenne Mathes April 2, 2015 Forensic Science Analysis Lab Report #3 Physical Processing Techniques Lab Report BACKGROUND In the forensic science field, "A Latent Print is an impression of the friction ridge skin of the fingers or palms of the hands that has been transferred to another surface." To break apart the phrase, "latent print", the term "latent", means "hidden" and the term "print" means "an indentation or mark left on a surface or soft substance by pressure especially that of a foot or hand." So the phrase "latent prints", refers to any print that must be enhanced chemically or physically to be made visible. Another way to define "latent print", is simply sweat that is exuded from the body. Friction ridge skin is the only part of the body that doesn't exude oil. The only oil that may be in a latent print has been picked up by touching another area of the body (face or ears for example) or some foreign object." In 1863, Professor Paul–Jean Coulier, published his observations that latent prints can be developed on paper by iodine fuming and how to preserve the impressions. However, with the discovery of latent print process in 1863, the first official use of latent prints wasn't until 1933 with the Hamm Kidnapping case. To solve the Hamm Kidnapping case, a Silver Nitrate Method was used. In the Hamm Kidnapping case, the use of the Silver Nitrate Method was the first time this method was successful in obtaining latent prints. Since ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Fingerprints Essay Fingerprinting is used for many things, such as a robbery, or at a crime scene. Fingerprints were first discovered in 1870 by Alphonse Bertillon, who was a French anthropologist. In 1892, Juan Vucetich had made the first criminal report using a fingerprint. In 1905 America used fingerprints for identification. When America started using fingerprints for identification they had to match the fingerprints manually when needed. When technology was able to enter fingerprints, and match them with anonymous ones, it helped identification immensely. Fingerprints are formed during the first, third to fourth months of fetal development. While growing (in the womb) the fingerprint and the ridges will expand. A fingerprint stays the same from when ... Show more content on ... A fuming chamber is when you take any type of super glue, and put it into the chamber. Then we put the object into the chamber and turn it on, and leave it in there for about twenty minutes. When the object is done in the chamber, we will then take it out of the chamber and dust it with the regular powder to find the print. Then we will use the tape to lift the print from the object. Humans are not the only living creatures that have fingerprints. Primates have fingerprints too. The Koala has fingerprints that are very similar to fingerprints from a human, that it is hard to tell the difference. The Gorilla is another primate that also has a fingerprint. The Gorilla has hands and feet that are very similar to a humans, and ridges on them that allow them to lift and grab things. There are different types of patterns for fingerprints, there are Arches, Loops, and Whorls. An Arch is found in five percent of fingerprints encountered. There are two types of Arches a Plain Arch, and a Tented Arch. Therefore they are the rarest. Loops are found in sixty to seventy percent of fingerprints encountered. Therefore they are the most common. Whorls are found in twenty five to thirty five percent of fingerprints encountered. There are four types of fingerprints, the Plain Whorl, Central Pocket Whorl, Double Loop Whorl, and the Accidental Whorl. When someone is arrested, they must be fingerprinted even drunk drivers and drug users. If the ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Ninhydrin Research Paper Two of the most commonly used chemical enhancements for plain dry paper is Ninhydrin and 1,8– Diazafluoren–9–one (DFO) both of which can be used individually and together. When they are being used together, DFO has to be carried out first. Both chemicals react with the amino acids in the latent fingerprint. To carry out DFO enhancement a lab oven must be set at 100°C with no humidity. The DFO is mixed with methanol and acetic acid. The methanol is used as it allows DFO to form hemiketals which give a higher reactivity with the amino acids in the print. Using longer chain alcohols doesn't give as high a yield of fluoresces and development of the print. Acetic acid can be used to reduce the pH of the solution making it acidic. If the solution ... Show more content on ... This is add to ensure the ninhydrin is soluble. Acetic acid and ethyl acetate are mixed with it to produce a straw coloured solution. Ethyl acetate prevents esterification and moves equilibrium towards acetic acid and ethanol, if esterification occurs the by–product water will damage the ridges of the print. Acetic acid is a catalyst which allows the formation of Ruhemann's purple. It has to be kept at low concentrations as it could cause ink on the paper to run and therefore damage evidence. To carry out Ninhydrin enhancement a humidity controlled oven must be set at 65% humidity and 80°c. The paper will either just be undergoing this process or just dried from DFO placed in the ninhydrin solution for 5 seconds on either side and placed on a tray into the oven for 5 – 7 minutes. The finger prints will develop producing a distinct purple colour known as Ruhemann's purple. When the reaction is less intense a red/pink colour is produced. The finger prints are removed and pictures taken of the paper containing the print with a scale and labelled. The prints can continue to develop for a couple of weeks after initially being processed. Ninhydrin prints on their own can be further enhanced using metal salts such as zinc chloride and cadmium salts. These fluoresces increasing the visibility and detail of the print. ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Character Between Sonny's Blues vs a Rose for Emily Essay PT202 Advanced Darkroom Tuesdays Spring 2013 Assignment: Moving Beyond Traditional Printing For this assignment you are to consider the five printing and one shooting methods outlined below. You will find that each of these techniques will produce interesting results. Start with a method that interests you and continue on from there. 1) Combination Printing: Using two enlargers– 1 Set up enlargers and easels using negatives of your choice. 2 Place a sheet of white paper in the easel of Image 1. Trace a simple outline of the portion of Image 1 that you want to combine with Image 2. Put this tracing into the easel of Image 2 and adjust the easel so that the portion of Image 1 falls where you desire into image 2. 3 ... Show more content on ... 2 Make a multiple exposure test strip under image enlarger as usual, process as usual and determine best exposure time. 3 Once the time is determined create a sabbatier test print by exposing for the time determined in step 2, then... 4 Develop print in developer for 1/2 normal development time (1 minute). 5 Remaining in the darkroom move print to tray of running water, do 30–45 second rinse. Squeegee print, place on flat tray. 6 Place tray under enlarger. Stop down lens 2 stops. Make a step test on print (5–25 seconds). 7 Put print back into developer for remainder of normal development time (1 minute). 8 Use stop and fixer as usual. 9 Check your test print. 10 Use test print to determine best 2nd exposure (white light) time and process as usual. 4) Photogram 1 Stop down all the way. 2 Place objects on test strip. 3 Make multiple exposure test strips. 4 Make image on a full sheet of paper using exposure determined from test strip. Note: Experiment with materials– particularly interesting are materials that allow some light to pass through them so that the areas are not solid white. Consider your composition and what you are trying to achieve with the objects that you use, don't just throw a bunch of elements on a sheet of photo paper. You can also use a small pen light to create additional exposure in white areas. You can also photogram over the top of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. How Did The Currier And Ives Influence Americans Currier and Ives became famous for its American lithographing. A Currier and Ives print from 1898 showed a happy time after a War. Another print from Currier and Ives is a political cartoon. The political cartoon shows the current events and politics at the time. The political cartoon also shows people's opinions towards politics and the different types of leaders at that time. Lastly, a Currier and Ives print shows daily lives, and technological advancements for that time. Currier and Ives prints helped inspire Americans, During the 19th century two people started the Currier and Ives business. Nathaniel Currier and James Meritt Ives partnered Currier and Ives. Nathaniel was born in 1813 and died in 1888. Nathaniel Currier ... Show more content on ... This print was from 1898, and it is from after the Civil War. This printing shows past military victories. This painting represents the American naval forces that helped during the Spanish American war. One of the vessels in the print is called Iowa. Iowa was one of the most expensive ships at the time and one of the most modern ships at the time. This print "Our Victorious Fleet In Cuban Waters" shows past military victories, one of the most modern and expensive ships at the time, and how the strength of the navy was increasing after the Civil War during the 19th century. (Our Victorious Fleet In Cuban Waters Currier and Ives, Library of ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Analysis Of The Ukiyo-E Print, Under The Great Wave One of my favorite pieces of art would be the ukiyo–e print, Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura), also known as The Great Wave, from the woodblock print series Thirty– six Views of Mount Fuji (Fugaku sanjūrokkei). This print was created by Katsushika Hokusai who at the time went by the name, Zen Hokusai Iitsu hitsu. The interesting elements of this print are the contrast between the wave and the peak of the highest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji. With a height of 3776 meters, the mountain appears to be a small mound in this print compared to the huge wave that is towering over the ships within the sense. The most eye catching feature of the print is the claw like crest shape wave that is printed in a dark blue pigment called Prussian ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. How Law Enforcement Can Prove Evidence And The Guilty With... There are different ways law enforcement can prove evidence and the guilty with impression evidence. Latent (invisible) or patent (visible) prints that are used in criminal investigations are typically collected from crime scene specialists to reveal or extract fingerprints from any surface or objects with the use of chemical or physical methods. Fingerprints can be shown when they are taken from a crime scene where the crime was committed. Fingerprints and bite–mark evidence have similar traits to shoe prints and tire tracks that can be used in criminal investigations. There are a percentage of palm prints that must be left at the scene to make a comparison for valid evidence. Fingerprints can be taken from a crime scene in various methods. Fingerprints are classified into three categories depending on the surface they are found. Fingerprints on soft surfaces are most likely to be three–dimensional plastic prints such as soap, wax, wet paint, fresh caulk, etc. ("A Simplified Guide To Fingerprint Analysis", n.d). The fingerprints on hard surfaces are patent or latent prints including blood, dirt, ink, paint, etc. transferred from a finger or thumb to a surface ("A Simplified Guide To Fingerprint Analysis", n.d). Patent prints can be collected using photography. The prints are photographed in high resolution with a forensic measurement scale for the image for reference. There are multiple methods for discovering and collecting latent prints. Alternate Light Source (ALS) use ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Thehomemog Case Analysis The decline in circulation of traditional general–interest print magazines and their migration to the digital space has done a lot to fuel the misconception that "Print is Dead." This trope has been repeated so often that the public believes it applies to all print media – a perception that could not be more wrong. By virtue of its name, TheHomeMag is perceived to be a magazine – and therefore part of the decline – and again the perception is wrong. TheHomeMag is a niche publication, and with advertising being its predominant content it has far more in common with print catalogs. And that's good news – because print catalog circulation has resurged to the levels of its peak in 2007. Print Catalogs are Growing Print catalogs suffered during ... Show more content on ... The online menswear retailer Bonobos reports that first time customers who received a print catalog before purchasing spent 50% more than those who did not. And Nordstrom maintains that customers who have a multi–channel relationship with their brand spend four times more than those who do not. Print Sticks Studies have shown that people spend more time reading and are more engaged with print publications than with their digital counterparts. Brand and product awareness are also higher with print, as are trust and customer loyalty – which means the customer experience is demonstrably better and more sustainable. Print Catalogs are a Gateway Print catalogs are giving advertisers another avenue by which they can reach their audience, and are being embraced by more and more brands in the competition for market share. In the quest for brand awareness, the more channels of communication the better; the print catalog is yet another way to lure customers to engage with a brand's multi–channel campaign – and are often a point of differentiation from the competition. Advances in technology have also allowed integration between traditional and digital media, with printed QR codes being just one way in which the page can now interface with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Ukiyo E Influence On Society For over 250 years, Japan was under a strict military dictatorship, oppressing the social classes of their freedom to explore literature and the arts. However, from the 1670s through 1865 was the Tokugawa period, also known as the Edo period, where Japan was guided to internal peace and economic growth (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica). Not only had Japan found stability in the Edo period, creativity flourished from the lower class of artisans and merchants through the exploration of ukiyo–e printmaking. The term, ukiyo–e, is a combination of uki (floating), yo (world), and e (pictures) that originated as a Buddhist term to express impermanence of human life. Ukiyo–e was experimented and developed to become a popular art form that displayed ... Show more content on ... Through continuous practice, a strict process had to be followed as they learned a repertoire of signs and skills of brush handling in order to preserve the Japanese tradition, and understand how to correctly use the materials. The manner of handling the brush was everything; appreciating the application of strong and sharp strokes on the paper appealed to artists who understood the language of brushwork (54, Hillier). Katsushika Hokusai, a Japanese printmaker and creator of world–famous images, guided his students through the essential aspects of artist training by putting together an instruction book that would help them master skills and dexterity (Kozbelt, Aaron, and Yana Durmysheva). Throughout the Edo period, techniques and methods were experimented and refined, which led to the traditions of Japanese ukiyo–e printing. The transition from a simple monochromatic image to a polychrome picture developed through the printing techniques (Kozbelt, Aaron, and Yana Durmysheva). Different types of methods with block printing utilized carved wooden blocks of the desired picture or text as printing ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Pineapple Prints Persuasive Essay Do you want to be totally on–trend this summer? If so, you need to don a cool pineapple–print bathing suit when you hit the pool or beach. Pineapple prints are absolutely huge right now. Even top–level celebrities have been caught wearing them while catching some rays while vacationing. If you are still not convinced about buying a pineapple–print bathing suit, maybe some of these excellent reasons will convince you. Trendy Pineapple prints are a hot trend right now. You can hardly go anywhere without seeing at least one shirt, tote bag or other item without the familiar shape on it. So, if you pride yourself on keeping up with the latest styles, then you really need to pick yourself up a pineapple–print bathing suit for the next time you want to head to the pool or beach, or just want to soak in some rays. Versatile Pineapple prints are incredibly versatile. The traditional color pattern of a pineapple is, of course, brown, green and yellow. These colors are all neutral and can be matched and coordinated with a wide variety of other ... Show more content on ... Do you peel through magazines to find the hottest looks? If you are not convinced that pineapple– print bathing suits are the way to go, you may be swayed by the fact that some of today's hottest celebrities are donning them when they head to the beach. Jessica Alba has been seen wearing a hot pineapple–print bikini with a matching cover–up and Paris Hilton sports an adorable pink one–piece with a pineapple adorned on it. If these ladies are up to wearing pineapple prints, then you know it is the "in thing" to do. Are you a fashionista? Do you want to be up on the latest clothing trends? If so, you need to sport a new pineapple–print bathing suit this summer. It is the best way to stay on–trend while camouflaging whatever you do not want the world to see. If you want to check out some of the latest pineapple–print trends, click ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Is Print Media Dead? Page 1 Is Print Media Dead? Is print media dead? This has been an ongoing debate for over 15 years. Obviously, print media is becoming less necessary, but not altogether obsolete. Although, some people say it is not, the majority agree that digital is the future. According to Strategy Analytics, print media advertising revenues come in third overall, which is far behind digital media. The same report projects that as digital advertising continues to grow, print media ad revenue will decline by eight billion by the end of 2018. There is a quote from Patrick Chappatte that says, "You know what they say? They say, 'The print media is dying' – who says that? Well, the media." Advancing digital technology has been the biggest factor in the downfall of print media. With the rapid advancement of technology, people are demanding more news and content faster than print can ever achieve. The way in which we consume news has changed significantly with social media and 24 hours instant news updates. Twitter allows us instant updates on worldly events such as Brexit, Paris terrorist attacks and the Boston Marathon terrorist attack and the manhunt that followed. Although it's true that print circulation has declined from what it was in the past, our national newspapers are taking advantage of the new technology. While still maintaining print versions, many also have online versions of the paper that keeps their readers up to date on ongoing event. ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Negatives And Negatives Of Print The future of print communication lies within the direction of where print media is currently heading, digital. With that being said, print will never die; there will always be people who want to physically hold a book, a magazine, or a newspaper. Although it is not presumptuous to assume that the amount of print will decrease, it will however continue to live for decades to come. Print history will always have a crucial aspect in the linear advancements of technology. There are many ways to look at what print is used for in our everyday lives, for one, we read it on a regular basis whether it's a newspaper, a magazine, a novel, packaging or a map. Everywhere we go print is present, and life would be unimaginable in the twenty first ... Show more content on ... The death of print in the newspaper industry is not worldwide, but there has been a rapid shift towards digital content. This shift is mostly due to the changing consumer behaviour and the widely available free online content. Not only have the amount of physical copies of newspapers and magazines decreased, but the written content has significantly changed too. Walter Benjamin claims that the role of the storyteller is becoming obsolete, and the stories that are being told are of no relevance to the people of the twenty first century. With more stories being written both, digitally and professionally, there is less of a need for people to orally speak about past experiences. Modern story telling is no longer concerned with the multiple experiences of storytellers, and thus loses the concrete human meaning. The need for storytelling has decreased due to the amount of facts and information that are readily available on the Internet. The stories that were once told to pass on knowledge have no relevance, since more accurately stated facts and information are present in many online sources, which have been backed with evidence. Thus, making the stories that were told previously not as accurate or reliable. Just as mentioned above, it is true that with new technological advances there has been less of a need for print. It is also true that without print, some of these innovations would not exist today and it is clear that print is ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Semester Exam Print Analysis For my first semester exam print, I used an old photograph of a Coca–Cola sign from my summer assignment. This print was inspired and based off the life of my grandfather, who worked at at Coca–Cola as a route salesman for thirty years, up until his retirement. My grandfather's job single handedly support The first semester exam print has been my favorite project by far, as I deeply enjoyed getting to experiment with darkroom techniques that I had not tried before. After finding the correct lighting and time exposure, and getting a good contrast of lights and darks in my print, I decided to add a more dramatic emphasis to the photo. I achieved this by utilizing the Halo clementines netting and by experimenting with selective developing. After ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. What Is Doug's Analogies In Okay For Now Doug Swieteck in Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt makes some very interesting analogies regarding the Audubon prints that show up within the story. The analogies themselves require some thought in order to make sense of them though, but if the reader takes the time to do it, they will reveal hidden depths in regards to the book itself. These analogies relate to Doug's situation in life at that point, and they offer insight regarding the feelings Doug has. The first Audubon print Doug encounters is the Arctic Tern. Doug finds the print when he enters the Marysville Public Library for the first time. He quickly sees something within the painting. "He was all alone, and he looked like he was falling out of the sky and into this cold green sea." Okay for Now pg. 19 The beginning part of the analogy brings to a close what Doug himself is feeling. Alone and afraid. "This bird was falling and there wasn't a single thing in the world that cared at all." Okay for Now pg. 19 Doug's going through an extremely rough time in his life, he's just moved into The Dump, and he feels as though no one cares for him. ... Show more content on ... He finds these birds atop Mrs. Windermere's fireplace. The analogy these birds create is very different than that of the Arctic Tern. Doug sees his family within the print. The analogy itself is the comparison of the birds and his family. In the print two of the birds are swimming away, this is a representation of Doug's father and brother. Doug represents the younger bird. "It was looking like maybe it wanted to swim where the other two birds were, but maybe not. And anyway, he was afraid to try." Okay for Now pg.54 Showing that Doug is torn between staying with his mother and going off with his brother and ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. The New York Times and Jayson Blair (A) “All the News... The New York Times built its legacy around characteristics that did not represent the status quo nor did it follow the traditional steps in reporting news to the public. Instead of putting emphasis on reporting corruption, scandal, and extreme political views, it put importance in reporting the factual representation of events and limited both personal views and expressions (Smeraglinolo, Wehmer, & O'Rourke, 2007). The New York Times set guidelines to ensure its readers were getting the accurate details of its reporting. O'Rourke (2010) states "Genuine moral standards transcend the interests of just one or a few people. They involve doing things for the greater good of society or people at large" (p.65). The New York Times was able ... Show more content on ... The failure in recognizing the ethical dilemmas took away their moral judgment and promoted unwanted circumstances to occur (O'Rourke, 2010). Recommendation It is idea for The New York Times' Vice President of Communications, Catherine Mathis, to carry out the communication channels, as previously operated. This will enable her to reach employees more effectively than making significant changes. O'Rourke (2010) states "Many companies rely on particular cultures to move day–to–day information through the organization, and to succeed in such a business, you must adapt to the existing culture rather than try to change it or ask it to adapt to you" (p.31). The recommendation is to continue communicating through both informal and formal channels, such as mandatory meetings, company letters, and newspapers. 1. Mandatory meetings will provide the employees with a face–to–face approach to resolving those problems at hand. It allows managers to be more accessible as it provides both employee and manager with an opportunity to talk and listen to each other's complaints and ideas (O'Rourke, 2010). 2. A company letter will provide outside sources that were directly impacted by the event, with a sincere apology and an explanation of the circumstances surrounding the incident. O'Rourke states "Business letters, unlike memos, are primarily external ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Furuya Taiken: A Formal Analysis Furuya Taiken depicts the naturalistic proletarian scene with the aid of the Western one–point perspective, drawing from a single vanish point on a horizontal line. Three receding figures occupy the central part of the print. Their obscure faces offer few clues of their gender, except the woman on the right side. The little child on the left, whose hair is coiled up neatly, wears a black kimono with dark green leaves and white floral prints. The different proportions of red on the neckline and the edge of the lower hem correspond to the large red block of the belt and clogs. The two flowing cross belts further accentuate the dynamic movement of the little child. Two adults follow the steps of the child on the right side of the print. The person in the middle of the woman and the child is holding a shamisen , a Japanese plucked stringed instrument. The symbolic long neck of the instrument can be found above the head of the child. The hair of the middle one is coiled up neatly, and there are little contrasting colors on the clothes. On the shoulder, something like the shawl with a tone of pale blue covers most parts of the upper body. The surface of ... Show more content on ... Travelling Musicians (1921), Echigo–jishi Performaers (1922), and Blind Woman (1922) all show the figures walking through the street with obscured faces , while Furuya incorporates the Western elements with Japanese traditional scenes creatively in Genji Chanters (1922) . The faces of the female performers on the stage are clearly shown. The interior setting of the print, on the other hand, differs drastically from the other three prints. The harmonious relationships between human beings or the wandering musicians are replaced by a detailed depiction of the interactions between female performers and male audiences in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Physical Analysis On Physical Forensics Physical Forensics One physical analysis technique that could be considered as physical forensics is finger printing. Although technically from a biological trace, the analysis method used to establish finger print from finger print at the crime scene is a very analytical and physically arduous process. Finger printing At a crime scene, the one thing that can never be fully covered up is the presence of finger prints. Because of the oils we produce through our skin, our fingers leave prints on any imaginable surface, including on another body. These finger prints are classified in many different ways in order to make the extraction, storage and eventual cross–reference of these fingerprints much easier for future analysis purposes. The ... Show more content on ... Types of finger prints Because finger prints come in all shapes and sizes, it means that finger print evidence is often a very accurate and reliable way at distinguishing the presence of a person at a scene. It is thought that the chances of 2 people having the same fingerprints is around 1/64,000,000,000 – that's 64 billion. In terms of classification of finger prints, the actual trace itself can be distinguished by analyzing the finger using the accepted terms for the patterns that all fingers exhibit. These include "whorls" which is the circular shape, ridges and ridge endings which are unique in almost every way and also loops which are the elongated bend shape which can originate from the left or the right of the finger. Other, more rare characteristics of the finger print is the arch which is slightly raised lines and tented arches which form a triangular looking fingerprint. Today, prints are analysed by putting them through a system on the computer which measures the different characteristics of the finger print from a selection of viewpoints in order to establish whether the owner of the finger prints has their finger prints on the system. This will flag up if it is the case, and show the culprit and their previous crimes/affiliations. Recovering prints Because of the composition of the prints, they are often fragile and can be damaged on contact to the point where no analysis can take place. This means that ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Crime Scene Investigation Case Study | Crime Scene Investigation | Case Study #1 | | | 1/26/2013 | OBTAINING and RECORDING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE When it comes to identifying people that have committed a criminal act, the most positive means is through fingerprints. When we are born, our fingerprints stay with us until we die and our bodies start decomposing. To the human eye our fingerprints look the same, however, further investigation will show that each of us have a unique set of friction ridges that comprise our fingerprints and sets our identity apart from each other. At a crime scene, there are two different types of fingerprints that may be found. Patent prints are visible to the human eye. Latent prints are "unintentional prints found on items of ... Show more content on ... When the bi–chromatic powder is used on dark surfaces it will look light and it will show up dark on light surfaces. The best rule for processing latent prints using powder is to use less lifting powder than you think you are going to need. Many latent prints can be ruined by over processing with powder. David suggests "give the print powder jar a quick shake before opening the lid" then goes on to say "remove the lid and place the fingerprint brush inside the lid" (Spraggs, 2007). The lid will retain enough powder to start processing the latent print. A precise amount of pressure applied while spinning the brush will produce a good print with good ridge detail. He mentions that too much powder will fill the ridges and over process the print and too little will not produce enough, keeping in mind that too much contact between the brush and the print will damage the print. Once the print has been developed it is time to begin lifting the print. Lifting tape comes in a variety of widths and compositions. General lifting tape is used on flat surfaces and polyethylene tape is great for curved surfaces like door knobs. An important key in applying the tape is to keep it evenly and as smooth as possible. David suggests using a credit card to ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. What Makes Ear Prints: Helpful Or Harmful? No two ear prints have ever been found the same, nor do ears change during a person's lifetime. Ear prints can be lifted like fingerprints and classified like fingerprints. Ear prints can even be used to identify suspects of a crime scene. The uniqueness and stability of ears make ear prints recordable, classifiable, and identifiable. Initially, ear prints are nearly as common as fingerprints and can be lifted with the same method. For example, Encyclopedia.Com reads that in a criminal case, "It is not uncommon for a perpetrator to put an ear to a door or window prior to entering a crime scene in an effort to determine whether the area is occupied, or for an ear print to be left against a wall or other hard surface during a struggle or when a body is being positioned or moved". Ear prints leave behind ... Show more content on ... For example, in 1910, a prisoner's ear was linked with an ear print at a crime scene due to an obvious peculiarity of the ear, and the prisoner was convicted of the crime. In order to identify a suspect with an ear print, three to five prints of both ears must be taken. Dr. Cor van der Lugt explains that in recording a print directly, "The first time the pressure applied has to be gentle, the second print has to be done with normal pressure and the third print is taken by applying much more pressure," in case a gentle, medium, or heavy pressure print is not individually successful in capturing the entire ear print. In Conclusion, ear prints may be lifted, recognized by shape, size, and peculiarities of the ear, and identified with previously documented individuals. A criminal often presses his ear against a wall, window, or door during the crime. Because ear prints are common occurrences at a crime scene, and because ears are individual, unchanging anatomical structures (much like fingerprints) they are accurate ways of identifying suspects. Ear prints may be recorded like fingerprints and matched with a ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Recent Changes in the Print Industry The print industry in our society has always served as a pillar in providing mass media to society. Print industry can trace its root back to the ancient Egyptians, China, and Europe in the first 10 centuries. Not until the mid 1400's did the print industry reach a pivotal transformation, which was the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg. This allowed for faster mass production of printed materials such as the Bible for instance. Century after century this industry evolved into a worldwide business for providing information to the masses. In our society today, the Internet is our main source for business, communication, getting information, etc. The Internet has evolved since first being introduced into something everyone in a sense needs, since it can help with our lives. The print industry is currently co–existing with the Internet and digital technology industries, and the print industry has struggled and has been forced to adapt. Our society is moving faster and getting information faster due to the Internet and digital technology. The print industry cannot keep up with the digital age in regards to providing information. It's that digital has surpassed print. It has many advantages and with technology constantly growing there will be more. Characteristics of digital include: ubiquity, speed, permanence, search ability, the ability to update, the ability to remix, targeting, interaction, marketing via links, and data feedback. Digital transcends the limitations of print ... Get more on ...