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Human Systems And Climate Change Essay
IPCC Human Systems and Climate Change Overview
Kristen Morgan
California State University, Bakersfield
Human Systems and Climate Change
For the last decade, climate change has been a controversial topic amongst governing nations.
Determining and agreeing upon appropriate courses of action, as well as the decided effects on
populations and ecosystems have also long been debated. With little knowledge on the effects
climate change might have on the human population, as well as our ability (or inability) to adapt,
governing bodies look towards the IPCC, or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, for
information regarding possible risks and impacts from climate change.
***finish me, you whore***
Panel Composition The ... Show more content on ...
The TSU can also assist in preparing the Synthesis Report associated with its respective Assessment
Report. Each of the three Working groups and Task Force work to answer specific questions and
provide publications summarizing findings. All the gathered materials are composed into the final
Synthesis Report. All reports must go through two different formal reviews prior to publication.
Published in the Fourth Assessment, Working Group I identified notable understanding of noticeable
human–induced climate change and current Greenhouse Gas data. One of the most notable points
from this publication was the changes in temperature and sea level from 1961 to 1990. As seen in
the figure below (Changes, 2007), surface temperature is rising, average sea level is rising, and
snow cover over the Northern Hemisphere is dropping. When comparing the data with previous
centuries using the Paleoclimatic Perspective, it is noted that this change is rather unusual and has
not been observed to have occurred previously. Working Group II published their work in the Fourth
Assessment focused on the effect of climate change on human systems, as well as the ability of
these systems to adapt to changes. Also published in the Fourth Assessment, Working Group III
discusses policies to assist in mitigation of climate change.
Formed in 1988, the IPCC prepared a review of scientific information and recommendations for
climate change and climate change policies. Since, the IPCC has also
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Analysis Of The Film ' The ' An Inconvenient Truth '
em{An Inconvenient Truth }em is a documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim about the
endeavor of Al Gore, former United States vice president, to convince the audience that global
warming is a severe problem that has influenced the environment and the way humans lived. The
film combines apocalyptic rhetoric with other environment rhetorics, including scientific rhetoric,
utilitarian rhetoric and aesthetic rhetoric, to persuades the audience apocalyptically that unavoidable
and irreparable environment problems will occur and gives the audience a feeling of powerlessness.
And the film, at the same time, tempers apocalypticism to encourage audiences to confront the
global warming and to convince audiences that they have the ability to help solving the problem.
hskip 3em
The film uses apocalyptic rhetoric and scientific rhetoric. According to the description in Laura
Johnson 's rhetoric review, scientific rhetoric involves statistics and processes, often using charts,
graphs, and the photographs to illustrate data (Johnson 32), and apocalyptic rhetoric gestures in
some way toward future disaster (Johnson 33). To show that the global warming has great influence
on shifts in seasons, Al Gore 's slides cited a diagram of a study from the Netherlands about active
periods of birds and caterpillars (An Inconvenient Truth 51:45). This logo warns the audience to
notice the fact that the global warming has affected ecological niches and let the audience imagine
that more and more
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Al Gore Inconvenient Truth
Inconvenient Truth
Climate change is the biggest threat to humans in the twentieth first century, and we already feeling
it's affect. Inconvenient truth is a documentary that brings to light the dangers of global warming
and is told through the many talks that former vice president and environmentalist Al Gore has given
. Inconvenient truth puts into perspective for the audience on how climate change will affect us all
negatively by giving us evidence and statistics behind global warming in such a way that will
persuade almost anyone about the climate change. The film is a combination of many talks that he
has given, with a bit of his biography interwoven within film. Inconvenient truth successfully
changes the viewer's opinion through the ... Show more content on ...
Most skeptics of climate change argue that either climate change is not real or that it is too late to do
anything about it. Climate change is real and it is a fact known by all, but as inconvenient truth
explained a small group opposed because they stand to lose, if we were to change our habits. Al
Gore gave us some numbers in inconvenient truth, it was was a poll about how many scientist
believe that global warming is real, and they asked over a 1000 scientist. Out of the 1000, zero said
that climate change was not real, and it makes sense we have large amount of data such as
temperature reports, CO2 analyzers, rising sea levels , and among other things that all point a global
warming to be real. This small group of deniers are people who work for big companies that benefit
from selling the product that contribute to global warming. In the movie Al gore gave an example of
the guy who worked at the bush administration, and was head of environmental policies. He would
edit out all the reports that scientist would write so that they would sound unsure of whether or not
global warming was real. When the scandal came to light and was fired, he got a job the next day at
ExxonMobil an oil company. It is people like this that you see on media all time, arguing that global
warming is not real, when all the science point the other, but media reaches far, and that is how
doubt is formed about this subject. The other arguments that the skeptics used was that it was too
late to change course, but this is also false. Inconvenient truth has showed that we could reverse the
amount of CO2 in the air if we use electricity and devices efficiently, electric cars, renewables. If we
do all this we could reverse the increasing CO2 levels in the air. It is not too late to do something
about global
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What Is Global Warming?
What is global warming? Everybody in this day and age has an idea or at least a vague
representation of what the term global warming is or what it entails, a simple definition culled from explains global warming as follows " Global warming is the term used to describe a
gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that
is believed to be permanently changing the Earth's climate".
Some of the terms that will be used frequently are explained below;
Climate:The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period of time.
Climate change: The change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns that last for an
extended or long period of time
Anthropogenic: Resulting from the influence of human beings on nature (simply put; caused by
Greenhouse gases: Any gas that absorbs infrared radiation in the atmosphere, Examples of
greenhouse gases important to this discussion are: Carbon dioxide, Methane, Ozone, Nitrous Oxide
e.t.c This point of this essay, as the topic identifies, is to discuss global warming and the actions
taken. Therefore the breadth of this essay will discuss Global warming; Its Causes, Its Effects and
Its Solutions.
Causes Global warming occurs when greenhouse gases (e.g CO2) collect in the atmosphere,
trapping the heat or solar radiation that have bounced off the surface of the earth in the atmosphere,
which then causes an increase in the Earth's
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Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlighted in its 5th Assessment Report both
the unequivocal warming and apparent human influence on the climate system. Anthropogenic
(human–induced) climate change was proven by the increasing atmospheric concentration of the
greenhouse gases, radiative forcing, and observation over warming and the climate system. It is also
emphasized that to reduce changes in the climate system will require substantial and continuous
reductions of greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2014).
Climate change is perceived as a critical problem or external shock for many sociotechnical
systems. This problem forces response from the system to adapt, which leads to resilience
(maintaining the status quo), ... Show more content on ...
Transformational adaptation typically deals with changes or innovation in technology, but it is also
common that the changes are behavioral shift or cultural change, which affect the way individuals
and community react to the climate change issue (Kates et al., 2012, O'Brien, K., 2012). The term
'radical' and 'transformational' will be used interchangeably in this essay.
This essay begins with an extensive description of characteristic of radical change and followed by
discussion of the preference to enforce radical than incremental change to tackle the impact of
climate change, both sections including specific examples from the previous or current adaptation
strategy employed in some regions across the world. Shortly after, radical change which applied
through the case of technological change will be explained separately. The last part of the essay will
briefly discuss difficulties in implementation of radical change and practical steps to be considered
during the implementation phase. Finally, a conclusion will be drawn based on the overall essay
2. Characteristic of radical change
Kates et al. (2012, p. 7156) defines three classes of transformational adaptation, which are those that
are adopted at a much larger scale, that are truly new to a particular region or resource system, and
that transform places and shift locations. The later section will concisely discuss each class,
followed by an example of each class.
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Pollution Essay: Don’t Blame Me for Global Warming
More than 17,000 scientists have signed a petition saying human activities do not threaten to disrupt
the climate. This overwhelming amount of people has been told to be wrong by one body of people.
This body is our government, for many years now they have spoke of the horrendous situations
stemming from global warming. This makes no sense; with the facts and information that we have
received over the years they still support this preposterous idea. Humans do nothing to contribute to
global warming; the irregular climate events are just natural occurrences. These occurrences are no
stranger to our history either. ("Global Warm Up")("An Inconvenient Truth")
The most recent case of significant warming was between the years 1850 and 1940. ... Show more
content on ...
It's natural say experts")
Africa is used as a lead example by most supporters of global warming and what we as humans are
doing to our climate. But in all reality, the facts point to a vastly different Africa from what we know
of it now. Africa 1000 years ago was a drier place then it is now. This is an exact opposite of what
supporters for global warming say right now. Global warming supporters say that our actions
contribute to the greenhouse effect, leading to the rise in temperatures. These rises in temperatures
are draining Africa's lakes and mountain tops of liquid. This is not true; Africa was significantly
drier 1000 years ago during MWP. Right now you may be asking what greenhouse gasses are, let me
explain. ("Medieval Warm Period")("Global warming? It's natural say experts")("Global warming: A
natural cycle or human result?")
Greenhouse gasses are the gasses created by humans; these gasses supposedly reduce the protection
from powerful sun rays. Without the protection from these rays, the temperatures rise. There are
many problems with the idea of the greenhouse effect. One major one being that greenhouse gasses
are needed to sustain a habitable world. If we did not have greenhouse gasses, we would not be able
to sustain life. For example the moon has no source of greenhouse gas. Because of this, the moon's
temperature fluctuates, not allowing life to form. You might be saying, only some will be okay. Not
so fast! ("Global
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The Kyoto Protocol : Description, Support And Critique Essay
Nathan Lloyd
Professor Rosado
ENGL 102
22 November 2016
The Kyoto Protocol,
Description, Support and Refutation. Often times, when there is a new innovation and it is
spectacular enough, people seldom pause to look into the possible adverse side effects. Starting in
the eighteenth century, with the invention of the steam engine, humans had an amazing new way to
travel and produce goods. Yes, this dramatically reduced the price of textiles and travel time, but it
also was the start of something horrible: the pollution of our planet. It began with the burning of
wood, then coal and finally fossil fuels. It was not until the early twentieth century that scientists
started to realize the repercussions of such actions. The greenhouse gasses, released from these
energy sources, build up in the atmosphere, while deforestation reduces the planet's ability to
convert these harmful gases back to clean air. Compared to today, "the concentration of these gases
is 30 percent higher than it was at the beginning of the industrial revolution" (Haley). The majority
of scientists believe that if the people of the world continue to emit greenhouse gases, the
repercussions will be catastrophic. To help slow this poisoning of the planet, Japan put together a
treaty in 1997 and proposed it to the world.
The Kyoto Protocol... insists on lowering global greenhouse gas emissions in the hope of reaching
stabilization at some level, preferably one that is not too high. The basic requirement of the
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Human Activity Is Causing Global Warming Essay
Climate change poses a serious threat to Earth and its inhabitants. There is now substantial evidence
that human activity is causing global warming because of our large emissions of greenhouse gases.
For instance, atmospheric carbon dioxide currently measures at three hundred and ninety seven parts
per million, which is the highest it has been for at least the past one million years (National
Research Council of the National Academies). Also, scientific data shows that Earth's average
surface temperature has increased more than 1.7 Fahrenheit over the past one hundred years
(National Research Council of the National Academies). The evidence is unequivocal that our
activities are the main culprit to the disruption of the climate system. In 2013, the top four emitters
of carbon dioxide totaled to fifty–eight percent of entire global emissions (Loiseau). Among these
four, China is the largest, accounting for twenty–eight percent (Loiseau). The United States
accounted for fourteen percent; The EU accounted for ten percent; And India accounted for seven
percent (Loiseau). Specifically, China's total annual carbon dioxide emissions amounted to a
massive 8.3 billion metric tons while the United States emitted 5.4 billion metric tons annually
(Loiseau). India followed China and the United States with just over 2 billion metric tons emitted
annually (Loiseau). This data could, however, be somewhat misleading. For example, even though
China does emit the most, it only emits 6.2 metric
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Climate Change And Its Effect On Earth Essay
What is climate change? Climate change, additionally called an unnatural weather change, alludes to
the ascent in normal surface temperatures on Earth. The present warming pattern is of specific
essentialness on the grounds that the majority of it is likely human–incited and continuing at a rate
that is exceptional in the previous 1,300 years. Earth–circling satellites and other innovative
advances have empowered researchers to see the comprehensive view, gathering a wide range of
sorts of data about our planet and its atmosphere on a worldwide scale. This group of information,
gathered over numerous years, uncovers the signs of an evolving atmosphere. The warmth catching
nature of carbon dioxide and different gasses was exhibited in the mid–nineteenth century. Their
capacity to influence the exchange of infrared vitality through the environment is the logical premise
of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no doubt that expanded levels of greenhouse gasses
must bring about the Earth to warm accordingly. Ice centers drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and
tropical mountain ice sheets demonstrate that the World 's atmosphere reacts to changes in
greenhouse gas levels. They likewise demonstrate that before, extensive changes in atmosphere have
happened rapidly, geographically: in several years, not in millions or even thousands. Environmental
change can prompt to noteworthy dangers to human wellbeing, woods, farming, freshwater supplies,
coastlines, environment, and
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Ipcc Status Report on Climate Change Summary Essay
IPCC Status Report on Climate Change Summary
The following is a summary of the IPCC Status Report on Climate Change. The following questions
will be answered: is climate change occurring? About which aspects of climate change are we
certain? Uncertain? What are the main factors determining climate change today? What is the
likelihood that humans have caused these changes and what data supports this conclusion? And
finally, what information is not yet available or are we unable to access at this time that may have
bearing on the report and our understanding of climate change?
The IPCC Status Report on Climate Change Summary for Policymakers is an assessment of the
current scientific understanding of the impacts of climate ... Show more content on
The main factors in this climate change are observed to be the increase in temperatures and the
resulting acidification of the oceans. The previously mentioned changes and others in the report are
readily observable, such as the uptake of anthropogenic carbon since 1750 that has led to the ocean
becoming more acidic, with an average decrease in pH of 0.1 units and in some instances blatantly
obvious, even to the average layperson. It is difficult to conclude what the rate of change in the
future will be and the effects of observed ocean acidification on the marine biosphere.
The report concludes, again with "high confidence", that anthropogenic (human caused) warming
has had a discernible influence on many of our planets physical and biological systems. While there
are limitations and gaps in the knowledge available, particularly from undeveloped countries, the
knowledge available allowed the group to attribute most of the observed increase in the globally
averaged temperature since the mid–20th century to the observed increase in anthropogenic
greenhouse gas concentrations. The analysis was necessarily limited in the number of systems and
locations considered. In addition, natural temperature variability is larger at the regional than at the
global scale, thus affecting identification of changes due to external forcing and at the regional scale
other factors such as land–use change and pollution, are an environmental
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Global Warming And The Kyoto Protocol
This paper will be divided in three parts, beginning with a brief background on the global warming
agenda and tackle the issues surrounding the Kyoto Protocol. The second part will look at climate
change and the protocol from the respective lenses of realism and liberalism. I will argue that while
none of the theories precisely covers the entirety of the issue, each provides helpful analysis falls
short of clarifying the entire climate change picture. Can states cooperate effectively through the
structure of the Kyoto protocol to solve an international problem of global warming?" I. Global
Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol
The study of the effects on global warming is nothing new, however, the climate change agenda has
only in ... Show more content on ...
[15] President George W. Bush has not made any effort since that time to revive the
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Global Warming And Climate Change
Attribution of recent climate change is the effort to scientifically ascertain mechanisms responsible
for recent changes observed in the Earth 's climate, commonly known as 'global warming '. The
effort has focused on changes observed during the period of instrumental temperature record, when
records are most reliable; particularly in the last 50 years, when human activity has grown fastest
and observations of the troposphere have become available. The dominant mechanisms are
anthropogenic, i.e., the result of human activity. They are: increasing atmospheric concentrations of
greenhouse gases global changes to land surface, such as deforestation increasing atmospheric
concentrations of aerosols.
There are also natural mechanisms for ... Show more content on ...
Between the start of the Industrial Revolution in 1750, and the year 2005, the increase in the
atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide led to a positive radiative forcing, averaged over the
Earth 's surface area, of about 1.66 watts per square metre .
Climate feedbacks can either amplify or dampen the response of the climate to a given forcing.
In the absence of forcings imposed on it, the climate system will still show internal variability . This
internal variability is a result of complex interactions between components of the climate system,
such as the coupling between the atmosphere and ocean . An example of internal variability is the El
Niño–Southern Oscillation.
Detection vs. attribution
Detection and attribution of climate signals, as well as its common–sense meaning, has a more
precise definition within the climate change literature, as expressed by the IPCC. Detection of a
climate signal does not always imply significant attribution. The IPCC 's Fourth Assessment Report
says "it is extremely likely that human activities have exerted a substantial net warming influence on
climate since 1750," where "extremely likely" indicates a probability greater than 95%. is absorbed
and emitted naturally as part of the carbon cycle, through animal and plant respiration, volcanic
eruptions, and ocean–atmosphere exchange.
The high–accuracy measurements of atmospheric CO2 concentration,
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The Weaknesses Of The Greenhouse Gas Theory
The Weaknesses of the Greenhouse Gas Theory
Greenhouses are used to grow crops such as tomatoes and lettuce under controlled conditions.
Greenhouses consist of a framed building with transparent covering. Sunlight penetrates through the
transparent covering to get to the plants inside. The plants and the soil absorb the sunlight and
radiate some of the absorbed energy as heat.
Quite often, greenhouses ventilate either through controlled openings or by fanning air around. The
ventilation is necessary to avoid the build–up of water vapor and to ensure that too much heat
doesn't too negatively affect the plants. The key elements of the greenhouse are the outer shell that
traps the air inside, the trapped air, and controlled ventilation.
A blanket on a bed works rather like the outer shell of the greenhouse. ... Show more content on ...
There are several weaknesses in the arguments supporting the greenhouse–gas theory. These are
explained in the following sections.
Carbon dioxide is heavier than air. Carbon dioxide, deemed as the key offender in the greenhouse
theory, is heavier than air. This means that its highest concentrations are close to the ground in low–
lying areas. Without the benefit of experiments to the prove the point, it can still be postulated that
the highest concentrations of carbon dioxide are within 1000 meters (3,500 feet) above sea level,
and concentrations will diminish as air climbs higher into the atmosphere. Incidentally, this is not
unusual. Oxygen is known to diminish with elevation as well.
Since carbon dioxide is most prevalent when close to ground level, it is unlikely that it would absorb
significant levels of outgoing, long wavelength radiation (heat) and hold enough of it to influence
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Political History of Global Warming Essay
Political History of Global Warming
There is a lot of ambiguity surrounding the theory of 'global warming' and the proper political
response to it. At the very center of the scientific debate on the variability of global climate is to
what extent human activities influence climate change. Another unforeseeable is whether the
potential impacts of climate change will be harmful or beneficial for humans, managed agriculture,
and natural ecosystems. Some question the authority with which current scientific data has been
given in international negotiations on the regulation of greenhouse gases. Others are convinced that
immediate actions must be taken to limit the potential effects of excess greenhouse gases released
into the atmosphere ... Show more content on ...
It signaled the beginning of a new national policy, a diplomatic role in international actions on
potential global climate change, and expanded scientific research on these issues.
The first major international studies on global climate change requested were performed by the
United Nations. Their first study, which addressed potential global policy considerations, was
released for public review and adopted by the U.N. Secretary General at the First World Climate
Conference (FWCC) in 1979. For about 10 years after FWCC, ?the science? of global climate
change was further studied by the U.N. in order to formulate an international position on how best to
approach the issue.
In November 1988, at the request of U.N. members involved in climate change research, the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created. To help assist U.S. involvement
with the IPCC, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (GCRP) was established in 1989. In
1990, the IPCC completed the first of a series of recurring international scientific and policy
assessments of global climate change. According to the National Climate Program Office, these
assessments aimed to ?review scientific knowledge about natural and human–induced climate
change and ... provide governments with a sound consensus of scientific evidence on climate change
and resulting impact on natural and human systems from which policy options can be developed.?
After reviewing
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Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
Al Gore's speech titled "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech" is a powerful work of literature which
serves two purposes. The first purpose is stated in the title – to accept his award of the Nobel Peace
Prize. The second intent he had when writing the speech was to reiterate his points that awarded him
the honor in the first place. The speech explains his passion for the problem in our world that is the
climate change and how much we pollute our earth. To give a short gist of what his cause was, the
following quote offers much insight to the regretful aspect of our society that he is passionate about
fixing. He says "So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global–warming pollution into the
thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet, ... Show more content on ...
His call to actions is for us to "choose between two futures." He goes on to explain further by
challenging the reader to challenge assumption as well as repetition. Challenging us to question the
repetition that would eminently happen if we don't unify and majorly change our actions. His
persuasion is made very strong and hard–hitting when he says "we are standing at the most fateful
fork in that path. So I want to end as I began, with a vision of two futures – each a palpable
possibility – and with a prayer that we will see with vivid clarity the necessity of choosing between
those two futures, and the urgency of making the right choice now." Reading this quote gives the
feeling of being very inspired and feeling empowered. That being said, I feel Gore should have
given more concrete action that he proposes we take. He should have said things such as we should
stop allowing every person to drive a motor vehicle as much as they please. If he'd said something
along those lines, it puts a specific concern in mind and helps along the putting the reality of better,
healthier world into fruition. He also could have proposed that perhaps every person who owns a
vehicle be required to plant a tree once a year. His speech was powerful with lots of drawing of
parallels, a lot of analogies, and many accounts of making associations. While he is lacking a
concrete and specific remedy for our current situation, maybe it is okay. Perhaps all we need is to
see that we do have a choice in how we can influence the world, and the rest is up to us to draw
from the inspiration and coordinate our own, personal next move to attain the goal that has been
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A New Commitment Period For Kyoto Protocol
In the 19th century, an awareness began to dawn that accumulated carbon dioxide in the Earth's
atmosphere could create a "greenhouse effect" and increase the temperature of the planet. A
perceptible process in that direction had already begun – a side–effect of the industrial age and its
production of carbon dioxide and other such "greenhouse gases."
By the middle of the 20th century, it was becoming clear that human action had significantly
increased the production of these gases, and the process of "global warming" was accelerating.
Today, nearly all scientists agree that we must stop and reverse this process now – or face a
devastating cascade of natural disasters that will change life on earth as we know it.
UN Climate Change ... Show more content on ...
And in one of many terrain changing developments, 160 square miles of territory broke away from
the Antarctic coast in 2008 – its bindings to Antarctica having literally melted away.
The UN family is in the forefront of the effort to save our planet. In 1992, its "Earth Summit"
produced the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a first step
in tackling the problem. In 1998, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) to provide an objective source of scientific information. And the Convention's 1997 Kyoto
Protocol, which set emission reduction targets for industrialized countries, has already helped
stabilize and in some cases reduce emissions in several countries.
"We must limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees. We are far from there, and even that is enough
to cause dire consequences. If we continue along the current path, we are close to a 6 degree
"Too many leaders seem content to keep climate change at arm's length, and in its policy silo. Too
few grasp the need to bring the threat to the centre of global security, economic and financial
management. It is time to move beyond spending enormous sums addressing the damage, and to
make the investments that will repay themselves many times over".
UN Secretary–General Ban Ki–moon
Remarks at the
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Humans Impact On Climate Change
Humans Impact on Climate Change Most of the blame for climate change over the years especially
after the 1850's has been placed on humans. As long as modern humans have roamed the earth, they
have been upsetting the natural balance of the earth. People have did this by clearing areas of land,
killing animals, polluting water, etc. Before the "modern human", people like the Native Americans
cared for the earth. They respected the land and the people that cared for it. Unfortunately, people
don't care anymore. Until recently, people did not care for the earth. People did not realize the harm
they were causing it. Now we know how detrimental things are that we continue to do and used to
do. We are slowly destroying our climate and environment. The land and ocean surfaces have
warmed roughly 1.53 degrees Fahrenheit from 1880–2012 (How much has the global temperature
risen since 1880? 1). Land warms faster than the oceans. In the northern hemisphere, 1983 to 2012
were the warmest 30 year period in the last 1,300 years (How much has the global temperature risen
since 1880? 1). This is a cause for concern among scientist. According to the IPCC, Latin America's
contribution of greenhouse gases globally is at a low of 4%. In this area, deforestation is quite
common and the release of carbon to the atmosphere from it has the potential to alter the global
carbon balance. Latin American forest represent 27% of the global forest coverage (The regional
impacts of climate change 1). If
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The Issue Of The Green Movement
This has to be one of the most important issues of the current times because life as we know it will
never be the same if something isn 't done. The problem is that we as humans are naturally selfish,
so we think that we aren't the problem. But the truth is we are, mostly to due with our greediness.
We over–consume as a whole, we waste too much, we feel entitled and better than others, the list
goes on and on. The fact of the matter is that there is no need for us to be all of this. We should feel
content with what we are given and be sure that all are given the same. The green movement, isn 't
just a social issue, it is a moral issue. One that we all need to partake in. This is relevant because the
research shows how much we have altered with our planet and it 's not good (Enzler). The data
includes things like the shrinking of the polar caps, the rising of the sea levels, the dramatic
warming of the Earth's temperature, the increase of carbon in the atmosphere etc.. As journalist for
the Washington Post Chelsea Harvey explains, "The most alarming statistic has to be the rising of
the sea levels which are expected to rise to 0.6 meters globally by the year 2100" (1). Harvey is
saying how a rise this severe could be catastrophic for all countries. A rise in sea levels this high will
lead to major flooding in coastal areas and cause massive water damage to cities. Coastal cities are
some of the largest population centers in the world, and the rising sea levels will cause
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Taking a Look at the Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol is a binding international agreement, which began in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. As
of June 2013, there were a total of 192 parties participating in the Kyoto Protocol, Canada was no
longer one of them. Canada was one of the first to sign the agreement, in 1998; more than 4 years
later, Canada formally approved the Kyoto Accord, in 2002. This meant Canada would have to
decrease its emissions, by 6% in comparison to 1990 levels (461 Mt), by the year 2012. Despite
some efforts, Canada failed to meet these requirements and in fact increased total emissions by
roughly 24% by the year 2008. Canada formally withdrew from the Kyoto Accord in 2011, avoiding
penalties and future detriments. The withdrawal of Canada from the Kyoto ... Show more content on ...
In the year 2000, before ratifying the agreement, they began with $500 million, in comparison to the
total amount just three years later, $500 million is not a lot. Federal spending reached 1.7 billion in
2003, just one year after Canada ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and two years before the protocol took
effect. If Canada had endured the agreement, it was believed to have cost over ten billion. Although
we should be involved in saving the earth, the amount of money is too big of a price to pay, and we
will never know how much it would take to reduce greenhouse gases to that of the agreement.
The Kyoto Protocol does not benefit Canada because it is unfair, too costly, and now that the United
States has withdrawn from the agreement, it can only be bad news for Canada. The Kyoto Protocol
does not treat every country fairly. Canada has more to lose with the Protocol than other countries,
and they should all be treated in the same way. Some of the world's largest polluters, such as China
and India, are exempt from "round one" of the Protocol because they are seen as developing
countries with more important issues to deal with. Secondly, Kyoto allows some industrialized
countries, such as Russia and New Zealand, to make no cuts, and even permits some places, like
Iceland, to emit more greenhouse gasses. The protocol will be unsuccessful and ineffective if every
country is not on board. Finally, Canada will need to provide
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Political Satire
The viewpoint of the political cartoon is that no one takes Al Gore seriously. The word serious is in
the cartoon and AL Gore is dressed as a penguin, which is funny. The cartoon is horatian because Al
Gore dressed in a penguin suit is humorous. The content creator used sarcasm and caricature in the
cartoon. The sarcastic part of the cartoon is Obama asking us to take global warming seriously.
Caricature is used by Al Gore dressed as a penguin.
The viewpoint of the author is that celebrities get involved in important causes like global warming
only for their own personal gain. The video portrays a dumb actor who drives up in a gas guzzling
vehicle. He perceives to warn us about global warming but is really campaigning to be the next
spiderman. The skit is horatian because the actor is not taken serious by the meteorologist. The SNL
skit, "Climate Change" is a parody because it portrays celebrities taking up a serious cause for their
own personal gain. Another satirical technique used by the author is exaggeration. The video is
mocking documentaries. ... Show more content on ...
In a serious tone the author is talking about napkins from takeout orders and climate change. The
author use of horatian can be seen with words like stockpiling and stacks when referring to napkins.
The author used sarcasm and exaggeration. An example of exaggeration in the article is using
napkins to save the planet. Sarcasm is used at the end of the article come when they warn against
throwing out packets of salt and
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A Convenient Appeal: The Image of Urgency in an...
"Lecture" and "boring" are two words often synonymous. A lecture will frequently feature a deluge
of scientific data, equitable facts, well–supported inferences, unbiased jargon, charts, graphs, and
statistics. And a bored audience. While a lecture can pioneer new scientific exploration and present
phenomenal achievement, it holds little value if it cannot inspire its audience. In order for a lecture
to interest the everyday individual, it needs to provide a clear connection to the everyday world.
Firstly, the speaker must deliver his or her data in a discussion format comprehensible to the
audience. Then, the speaker must excite the audience with powerful emotional appeals. An effective
lecture – now, truly, a presentation – appeals to an ... Show more content on ...
Gore's logical appeal involves the use of vivid graphics to reveal the severity and reality of climate
change. He illustrates this appeal to logos further when he asserts, "look how far above the natural
cycle this [carbon dioxide level] is. . . . But in the next fifty years, it's going to continue to go up"
(An Inconvenient Truth). A makeshift elevator raises Gore higher and higher with the growing
graph. Aside from merely stating the facts, he provides the audience with a clear visualization of the
exigency of the global warming situation. He appeals to logical data and he appeals to his fascinated
audience simultaneously. Lastly, Gore addresses "the more pressure we're putting on the earth" (An
Inconvenient Truth). An accompanying graph depicts rapid population growth. But perhaps more
crucial to the logical appeal is its direct connection and impact to the audience. The audience feels
the pressure of the situation. Through appeals to logic, Gore exemplifies the apparent danger and
urgency of global warming to his audience. To underscore the imminent calamity of global
warming, Gore appeals to his audience's sadness and distress. He wants to reveal the bleakness of a
world which becomes increasingly warmer. Emotions often overpower intellect. Gore knows this
well. He evokes a sense of sadness in order to convince his audience of the urgency of global
warming. The documentary's opening scenes depict idyllic
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The Effects Of Climate Change On The United States
The Discordant Applications of the Common But Differentiated Responsibilities Doctrine as a
Hindrance to Climate Change Policy
Climate change looms large over our rapidly growing and continually changing world. No longer
are the adverse effects of this menacing global issue a mere ominous projections, they are starting to
become a very concrete reality. Countries are today experiencing rising sea levels, which
compromises coastal infrastructure, prolonged drought, squeezing food supply and agricultural
productivity, as well as extreme storms. Rising temperatures have already led to vast reductions in
the size of the Arctic. There is now no doubt amongst scientists that anthropogenic activity has been
the primary catalyst to the ... Show more content on ...
Subsequent conferences of parties (COP) meetings have proved to bear little fruit, apart from the
Kyoto Protocol, signed in 1997, which remains the contractual international climate change regime.
However, even Kyoto was not ubiquitous, as it remains conspicuously unsigned by the US. Kyoto
set binding target levels for reduction of emissions for developed countries and instituted a scheme
that would lead to an eventual wider policy. Central to the Kyoto Protocol is the notion, which first
emerged out of the Rio Earth Summit of 1992, of common but differentiated responsibilities
(CBDR), which acknowledges the inherent differences between developed and developing countries
in their historical responsibilities as well as their respective abilities to combat climate change but
calls for a united global effort. The idea is that developed countries proportionally must assume
more of the emissions reduction burden as they are responsible for the historical contributions of
CO2 to climate change during their industrialization processes, as well as provide "financial
assistance and technological transfers" to developing countries. This tenant of CBDR has remained
central to each additional international climate negotiation, but has proved to be an unsuccessful
governing framework
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Climate Change, An Outline Essay
Climate Change
1) What is climate change?
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
3) Causes of climate change
4) Effects of climate change?
5) International Panels on Climate Change
6) What can be done at home?
1) What is climate change?
Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth
ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier.
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United
Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment
Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to
understand the ... Show more content on ...
Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler
than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could
have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not
cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife
species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased
level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast.
2) Human Activities
A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning
of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive
industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport and
heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year.
In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum
and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon
dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no
slowdown in carbon emissions.
B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But,
many trees
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Problems Associated With Climate Change
1. What is this report about?
It considers threats and impacts associated with climate change could be reduced and handled
through mitigation and adaptation. The report evaluates resilience, choices, opportunities,
constraints, needs, limits, as well as other features connected with adaptation. Climate change
requires shifting probabilities of impacts that are varied with complicated interactions. A focus on
danger, which will be not old in this report, complements other aspects of the report and supports
decision. Societies and individuals may view or rate possible gains and hazards otherwise, given
aims and varied values. All–inclusive evaluation has been eased by increased works across a more
comprehensive group of issues and sectors, with increased coverage of the ocean, variation, as well
as human systems. (IPCC, 2014)
The findings in this report have greatly improved our knowledge of the range of decrease pathways
accessible and their inherent economical, technological and institutional demands. The report thus
requires the urgent attention of both policymakers as well as the public. (IPCC, 2014)
2. What climate change vulnerabilities are identified for your region?
Climate change has mixed effects on farming and the effects are very different with regards to
harvests, periods and areas. The transforming factors of climate have now been exerting unfavorable
impacts that were powerful on Malaysian agriculture, which can be apprehended to result in
shortages of
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Climate Change Is A Matter Of Real Concern Essay
A recurring theme in the time line of the history of climate change is the finding or discovering a
pattern of data and then the dismissal of the data by a certain group of people. The reason being that
while data might be true in order to attribute the cause to humans it involves making logical
inferences and judgments on that data that certain countries cannot agree on. I have omitted
instances where people discredit climate change because this paper is about the climate fiction in the
historical context. Climate fiction for the most part assumes that climate change is real. The reason I
have included population counts in my overview of the time line linked to climate change is to serve
as an indication of how the global need for energy has been increasing as the issue climate change
continues to grow and unravel. The year 1960 is when the world population reached three billion
people. Post 1960 is when countries start discussion about climate change and its possible solutions .
The United States President's Advisory Committee warned that the greenhouse effect is a matter of
real concern in 1965. The presidential office holds its own history in terms of events concerning
climate change as different presidential eras have taken substantially different positions regarding
how to deal with the issue. Consequentially, climate fiction movies often portray the white house
and the president. Because politics has a lot to do with global warming, the power struggle between
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Domestic Political Factors Affecting Foreign Environmental...
Selected Question:
A government's position in international environmental negotiations is often shaped by domestic
political factors. Pick one environmental regime (e.g., climate change, ozone, transboundary
pollution, etc.) and one country to show what sorts of domestic political factors and groups shape a
country's foreign environmental position.
Domestic Political Factors Shaping Foreign Environmental Position of USA
–––A Climate Change Perspective
Table of Contents
1.Introduction 4
2. The Efforts Made by International Community to Slow Down Climate Change and America
Refused to Undertake Obligation 4
3. Domestic Political Factors Making USA Refuse to Sign on Kyoto Protocol 6
4. Conclusion 9
Reference: 9
Climate change refers to the great change that occurs in climate considered statistically significant
or climatic fluctuation that continues a while longer at some level on a global scale. Climate change
has already caused a series of environmental problems like global warming, which place a serious
influence on sustainable development of human society (Demeritt, 2001). The industrial gas
emission in developed countries is one of the main reasons that cause climate change. As a result,
the international community makes a lot of efforts on slowing down the course of climate change.
However, during the negotiation on environment problem internationally, position of any country is
not determined by the
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Global Climate Change: Society Can Slow it Down Essay example
The Earth is being poisoned. It is a well–known fact; however, a remedy has not yet been offered.
Everyday, alarming amounts of toxins are released into the atmosphere, and more recently into the
Gulf of Mexico. British Petroleum (BP)––one of the largest suppliers of oil in the world––has
dispersed an insurmountable amount of oil into the gulf. As a result of this, marine and bird life in
the area has been severely affected. Fishermen, whose livelihoods depend on the fishing season, are
being told they cannot fish. As the world demands action, BP's top executive complains to the media
about how he wants his "life back." Certainly, those birds covered from head to toe in crude want
their old life back as well. It has been well–known for a ... Show more content on ...
CO2 is a product after the combustion of hydrocarbons such as coal, gasoline, and methane. All of
these increases reported by the IPCC have taken place between the years 1970 and 2004 (4). Due to
this information––and the increase in temperature over this same time span––it is believed by most
of the scientific community that GHGs are the cause of this planets warming. However, there are
some highly regarded people who believe GHGs are not the cause and believe the planet is warming
naturally. For example, Sammy Wilson, Northern Irelands' Environmental Minister has recently
claimed that climate change is "beyond our control," and that the "resources should be used to adapt
to the consequences of climate change rather than, King Canute style, vainly trying to stop it"
(Monbiot, para. 5). The planet is clearly warming due to elevated GHG levels in the atmosphere; in
turn, society has an overwhelming need to eliminate fossil fuels. Society needs to become aware of
the environmental catastrophe that is looming if GHG levels are not reduced. Because of the
incredible amount of GHGs being released into the atmosphere, the planet's equilibrium is in danger
of making a violent transformation. The evidence of the warming is already apparent in some areas
of the world and is threatening to effect even more. Considering the situation, society must move
towards renewable energy and alternative fuels. However, if an
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Inconvenient Truth Montage
an inconvenient truth is a 2006 documentary film on climate change/global warming by al gore,
aimed at alerting the public to an increasing "planetary emergency" due to global warming, and
demonstrations re–enacted incidents from his life story which influenced his concerns about
environmental issues. Al gore is adopting the main documentary techniques; montage, the voice of
narration and archival footage and to reinforce his bias that we as humans have been contributing to
the issue of climate change.
in "an inconvenient truth", the main technique that al gore utilized throughout his documentary. Is
the application of montage. A montage is a sequence of related or semi–related images that are
selectively edited together to promote an emotive meaning and the film maker's bias. An example of
montage ... Show more content on ...
Filmmakers often use pre–recorded film or photograph from different sources as archival footage;
such as from other documentaries or black and white film this is usually denoted to provide some
sort of perspective on previous events. Al gore exemplifies an old piece of black and white film as
he reflects on his childhood and him growing up on a tobacco farm. Which is quite ironic since gore
has implemented legislation against carbon emission which smoking has a contributing factor,
although is negligent, merely setting aside the pollution produced in making cigars and cigarettes.
Albert selectively utilizes an edit of a factory in the background producing smoke and/or pollution.
As he is talking about the effect of global warming is having on the earth and the process at which it
is occurring; he is using this association to directly flip the blame back onto the industry for being a
supposed major factor in the contribution to the co2 emissions. The technique of archival footage
that gore is signifying throughout his documentary that we have some contribution to the effect of
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Global Warming : An Inconvenient Truth
In 2006, former senator Al Gore created an academy award winning documentary on global
warming entitled "An Inconvenient Truth" . The movie earned several awards including an academy
award for best documentary and gore later received a noble peace prize. The movie discussed
several different topics of great concern to global warming; such as permafrost, climbs in
temperature, extinction of species, drought, and fatigue to name a few. Four writers in five different
articles discussed the three topics of greenhouse gases, climate change, and causes of global
warming. These writers are writer and scholar Bill McKibben in "Think Again: Climate Change"
and "How Close to catastrophe"; William J. Broad, writer for the New York Times in "From a Rapt
audience, a call to cool the hype"; writer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Kevin O'Brien, in "Global
Warming? I won't be losing any sleep over it"; and Alan Zarembo, staff writer for the the Los
Angeles Times, in "Game over on global warming?" All though the articles explain some different
topics from one another, only one of them disagree with gore on the causes for global warming
being humans, they all agree that there will be impacts to the environment, and all of them believe
that greenhouse gases are one of the primary causes for global warming.
First, all the articles discussed about who was to blame for the raising temperatures of the planet.
The issue may be serious but O'Brien states that is just the media using another topic
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Global Warming Essay example
Global warming has many pro's or people who believe global warming exists not because it is a
good thing. People who believe global warming exists and want to fix the problem as soon as
possible because it may cause a catastrophe. Al Gore and the IPCC are the main people who believe
global warming may change our lives and sometimes create an illusion that it is our fault. There are
many examples that it may be so like a hot summer in Edmonton, no negative temperature days in
Glasgow, Montana however, other phenomenon like record snowfalls contradicts the existence of
global warming. Even still many more occurrences that suggest global warming is real are: a 1998
heat wave in Florida, 1999 heat waves that set record highs, thawing ... Show more content on ...
On the contrary others believe global warming is non–existent. They believe it is normal activity
and the temperature will go back down sometime. As shown in Al Gore's "hockey stick", they may
be exaggerating the truth. (See appendix 2) It also shows that the temperature was at its warmest in
the 1000's and from then up to just before now the temperature has decreased. In the last few years it
has risen like it has many times before. Many of these people believe it is a scam or a hoax. One
thing I found was on my list of evidence of global warming that some evidence was heavy rainfall
but that doesn't necessarily mean that the earth is warming. One example of the opposition to global
warming is when one of my sources said: "Shame on you, Al Gore, for playing on people's emotions
to drive support for your enormous $45 trillion carbon tax hoax." (I love C02). Many usually mild
cities during winter were cooler than usual this year. A large amount of snow fell on D.C. and
cancelled a meeting for global warming. Even still Al Gore still preaches that global warming exists
and that we are at fault. When many of the world's highest experienced scientists and others got
together in New York to discuss global warming. Another thing found out about global warming is
that it is about politics and money. The cap–and–trade would place a tax on things like driving
automobiles and using
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The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change Advice For...
The Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change advice for policy makers is a book with various
statistics and facts about what the scientific community has been noticing about the changing
environment. The hope for the panel when making this booklet is that they could help guide policy
makers towards making more informed decisions about their policies and the effect it is having on
the environment. While some of the evidence is almost indisputable many politicians still argue their
validity due to personal beliefs or because they receive campaign donations from companies who do
not want to see environmental policies change. The booklet is split up into three different parts,
observations of the changes in the environment around us, future risks these changes can have, and
how to manage these risks and build a sustainable planet for everybody. The booklet describes many
various pieces of evidence from what they have seen around the world and have even rated their
certainty on their hypothesizes. The section starts out about how the global temperature has been
increasing rapidly over the past century. They also state that the reason the temperature has been
rising is due to human activity and the rise in the amount of greenhouse gases that we release. The
amount of human death we had so far is unknown due to the wide cause of effects the rising
temperature can have. Nobody knows how much food is lost from climate change or how many
water borne illnesses have killed people
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Global Warming By Al Gore
Al Gore is known as an environmentalist, author and American politician. He was vice president
throughout the Clinton administration and he wrote three best–selling books. Al Gore and the UN's
Intergovernmental panel on Climate change went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. He gave a speech
over global warming in 2004. In his speech he talks about the effects of global warming and their
causes such as environmental effects, population, technology and the way people think. One of the
first points Al Gore makes in his speech is that evidence of global warming can be seen everywhere.
He says "if you look at glaciers around the world, you see that, many are melting away." He then
provides facts to show possible effects that could happen in the future. Al Gore explains that
"ninety–five percent" of fresh water is "locked up" as ice in the Antarctic. In his speech he continues
to explain that if the world continues to warm up, the ice will continue to melt causing the sea level
to rise drastically, which could permanently flood some coastal cities. He then warns that glaciers
reflect most of the sun energy "like a big mirror." If the glaciers continue to melt the sun's energy
wouldn't bounce back and will cause more evaporation and eventually precipitation which could
lead to a large increase of powerful storms. "You get ... Show more content on ...
He starts by stating facts that mankind has been growing rapidly for hundreds of years and that it
took thousands of years for the population to reach 2 billion but in the course of a lifetime 2 billion
went up to 6.3 billion and by the next generation it will be close to 9 billion. He then states that the
constant population growth within developing nations has put pressure on human resources, "the
increase in the population of developing nations is driving food demand, water demand, and energy
demand, creating intense pressures on human
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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
According to the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the people have to cut
about 90% of the use of fossil fuels worldwide to have a slim chance of stopping Global Warming.
If the people have anything less than the percentage given, Global Warming will not stop. As of now
Global Warming is a big issue throughout the world. Some say Global Warming is just a myth to
scare people and it's just a natural cause, but there is proof that Global Warming is a fact and that the
main cause of Global Warming is anthropogenic causes or man–made. Man has overused the
burning of fossil fuels throughout generations and the numbers of burning fossil fuels keeps getting
higher every year. The increase of temperatures, sea levels, and carbon dioxide in the last century
shows evidence that Global Warming is occurring and man is the main problem. First of all, what is
global warming? Global warming is the increase of Earth's temperature due to carbon dioxide
emissions from burning fossil fuels also known as greenhouse gases (Global Warming). The carbon
dioxide traps heat which would make the temperature to rise, this is known as the greenhouse effect.
The main causes of global warming would have to be carbon dioxide and air pollution that is going
around the atmosphere, trapping the sun's heat which causes the earth to warm up. Human activity
has been a key factor to that. The burning of fossil fuels causes a lot more greenhouse gases to be
trapped in the
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Qualifications of Experts on the Intergovernmental Panel...
The meaning and understanding of climate change has been a critical issue of concern to
development, scientific and environmental researchers in the world. All over the world, there have
been a lot of issues surrounding the causes and impacts of the phenomenon which led to the
establishment of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to help assess and provide
information about climate change to society (Agrawala, 1998). This essay presents arguments on
who is qualified to be an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) expert and who
should be qualified. It begins by describing the role of IPCC and its structure including the roles of
the authors of the IPCC reports such as lead authors, coordinating lead authors, contributing authors,
expert reviewers, review editors and government focal points (IPCC, 2008). It then concludes by
arguing in favour of the need for the inclusion of other experts as part of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change.
In 1988, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological
Organisation (WMO) together formed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to ensure
that, scientific opinions about the knowledge of climate change and its consequences are made
available to the public (IPCC, 2014a). The Australian Government's Department of Climate Change
and Energy Efficiency (2013) state that, new research works are not carried out by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change instead, it
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Essay on Al Gore's an Inconvenient Truth: Rhetorical Analysis
Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth:
Rhetorical Analysis
In Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, he focuses on the harm global warming does to our planet. He
wants to persuade people that global warming is real, and that they should contribute to the effort of
slowing, even completely stopping, global warming. Gore uses a variety of ways to appeal to pathos
and logos. One of the first things he does, is explain global warming, he them proceeds to show a
short, funny cartoon to describe global warming. While this short is not exactly accurate, and looks
like it is taken from The Simpsons cartoon, it is comical, and he uses this short to intrigue his
audience. After drawing us in, he keeps us attentive by sprinkling these little emotional ... Show
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Gore uses a chart that shows how carbon dioxide and temperature correlate. When carbon dioxide
rises, so does the temperature. At the time of the documentary, the carbon dioxide level was higher
than it has ever been. He also uses a chart to show the ten hottest years in history, at that point in
time, they all occurred within 14 years before. He places a higher thought of the two charts and
other unmentioned, by saying that they were before unseen by the public. In addition to humor,
anecdotes, expert testimony, and quantitative data to prove his point, he also throws just a few plain
old facts at us. For example, Gore tells us that 200 towns and cities in the west have broken
temperature records, and that science textbooks have had to be rewritten because it was before
thought impossible for a hurricane to take place in the South–Atlantic, but then there was one. The
hurricane was caused by warming of waters ocean wide. Al uses his variety of vehicles to present
information to his advantage. While Al Gore does do a nice job of making his point, it would all be
somewhat of a waist without established ethos. If he had no ethos, we would not take anything he
said into consideration. When Gore introduces himself, he says, "I'm Al Gore and I used to be the
next president of the United States." Some people think that this may hurt him, but it is very untrue.
He has to be a highly intelligent and well thought of
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The Development Of Waste Management Facilities
Third to First World Problems As a country develops the infrastructure for the country, must be
established or develop at a rate fast enough to compensate for the countries growth. If the basic
service infrastructure does not develop at a fast enough rate or is not established properly, people
that are in poorer communities or of a lower class are over looked or mistreated in the way the
service is constructed around them. One of the most visible ways this can be seen is the
development of waste management facilities. Communities whose members are at an economical
disadvantage tend to be where industrial and waste management facilities are created. This is a
phenomenon known as Not In My Back Yard. This phenomenon is seen all over the world, one
country that has had to deal with the establishment of an infrastructure in recent years is Brazil. As
Brazil has grown the infrastructure for the country had a need to grow with it. In 2005 Brazil hit a
turning point, President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva and his administration, made waste management
one of their top priorities. As Brazil's population, economics, and urbanized areas grew, so did the
amount of waste that they produced. The facilities that were in place in 2005 were subpar and over
whelmed in the more urbanized parts of Brazil. In some urban locations the strain was so great that
the facilities were falling apart. Over the next several pages many topics will discussed that involve
many facets of waste
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Gore's Use Of Ethos And Logos
Logos is important in this film to explain the logic behind global warming and to help the audience
realize how big of deal global warming is. When using logos in the film Gore uses animations,
numbers, and graphs to help the audience understand and grab their attention. For example, in the
beginning of the film when Al Gore is presenting data he learned in college from his professor
Roger Revelle he first shows a graph of the trend line that is increasing steadily. He goes on to talk
about the study and has an animation which shows why there is a fluctuation in CO2 in the
atmosphere because of the tilting of the poles. An example of animation in this film is when Al Gore
starts talking about the distribution of heat from ocean currents he uses an animation to demonstrate
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Gore than makes it even more clear by interacting numbers into his animation. He says if there was
an increase of 5F then there would be an at least 1F change at the equator and at least a 12F increase
at the poled. This allows the audience to have an easier time viewing material and visualizing what
actually is happening. Another example of logos in this film is the use of statistics and numbers
especially when Al Gore starts talking about the flooding in Mumbai, India in 2006. He goes into
details abut how they had 27 inches of rain in 24 hours and that the death toll reach 1,000. This
really allows the audience to think about the consequences of global warming and how stronger
storms can be caused by an increase in global warming.
Pathos is another significant element in this film. Al Gore shows pathos throughout by his tragic life
stories, word choice, and his various analogies. Gore brings pathos into the film when he
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Critical Analysis Of Sustainability Principles
Essay – Critical Analysis of Sustainability Principles submitted by: Tanvi Rawat
Student ID: S3523444
Q.2 what is the relationship between sustainability and anthropogenic climate change, and how can
an understanding of these linkages be used to guide policy from the global to the local scale?
Ans. Sustainability is promoting social, economic growth with preserving the environment, whereas
the Anthropogenic Climate change is influencing natural and human living conditions. With an
increase in the risk of disaster which is turning to be a constrain in development and growth. The
anthropogenic generation of greenhouse gases (GHGS) is continuously making the temperature rise.
The energy use for industrial production and goods, services since last 200 years changed the
atmospheric conditions. The contents of greenhouse gases like ''– CO2 (carbon dioxide), N2, O
(nitrous oxide), O3 (tropospheric ozone), CH4 (methane) (Trenberth, 1992), which is the main cause
of natural disaster like draught and flood which ultimately becomes a cause of economic loss.
(Pachauri and Reisinger, 2007) For sample During 1980s the financial misfortunes from dry seasons
totalled a few hundred million U.S. dollars in Africa, its seen that dry spells and surges are more
basic since most recent 30 years, around 25% of the contemporary African populace encounters high
water stress. Around 69% of the populace live under states of relative water wealth. Henceforth the
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What Is The Environment A National Security Issue
National and international security threats are typically perceived as conflict between nations or
populations of people and are addressed with military strategies. However, as security is defined as
... (Define security) not all threats emanate from nations in conflict. The environment, for example,
can threaten the safety of people, and therefore becomes and national security issue. Brown (1977)
states "...threats to security may now arise less from the relationship of nation to nation and more
from the relationship of man to nature" (p. 5). Homer–Dixon (1991) says "A number of scholars
have recently asserted that large–scale human–induced environmental pressures may seriously affect
national and international security" (p. ???). Kaplan (2000) takes this idea a step further and asserts
that not only is the environment a national security concern, but it is "the national–security issue of
the early twenty–first century" (p. 19). Climate change is a security issue, as it "threatens to wreak
havoc on the natural processes that nurture life."
Examples of the environment as a national security issue: (Deforestation, air pollution, species
extinction, oil spills, untreated sewage, etc.): Homer–Dixon (1999) gives examples of how
environmental issues threaten security: "Deforestation increases the scarcity of forest resources,
water pollution increases the scarcity of clean water, and climate change increases the scarcity of the
regular patterns of rainfall and temperature on
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Human Systems And Climate Change Essay

  • 1. Human Systems And Climate Change Essay IPCC Human Systems and Climate Change Overview Kristen Morgan California State University, Bakersfield Human Systems and Climate Change For the last decade, climate change has been a controversial topic amongst governing nations. Determining and agreeing upon appropriate courses of action, as well as the decided effects on populations and ecosystems have also long been debated. With little knowledge on the effects climate change might have on the human population, as well as our ability (or inability) to adapt, governing bodies look towards the IPCC, or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, for information regarding possible risks and impacts from climate change. ***finish me, you whore*** Panel Composition The ... Show more content on ... The TSU can also assist in preparing the Synthesis Report associated with its respective Assessment Report. Each of the three Working groups and Task Force work to answer specific questions and provide publications summarizing findings. All the gathered materials are composed into the final Synthesis Report. All reports must go through two different formal reviews prior to publication. Published in the Fourth Assessment, Working Group I identified notable understanding of noticeable human–induced climate change and current Greenhouse Gas data. One of the most notable points from this publication was the changes in temperature and sea level from 1961 to 1990. As seen in the figure below (Changes, 2007), surface temperature is rising, average sea level is rising, and snow cover over the Northern Hemisphere is dropping. When comparing the data with previous centuries using the Paleoclimatic Perspective, it is noted that this change is rather unusual and has not been observed to have occurred previously. Working Group II published their work in the Fourth Assessment focused on the effect of climate change on human systems, as well as the ability of these systems to adapt to changes. Also published in the Fourth Assessment, Working Group III discusses policies to assist in mitigation of climate change. History Formed in 1988, the IPCC prepared a review of scientific information and recommendations for climate change and climate change policies. Since, the IPCC has also ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Analysis Of The Film ' The ' An Inconvenient Truth ' em{An Inconvenient Truth }em is a documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim about the endeavor of Al Gore, former United States vice president, to convince the audience that global warming is a severe problem that has influenced the environment and the way humans lived. The film combines apocalyptic rhetoric with other environment rhetorics, including scientific rhetoric, utilitarian rhetoric and aesthetic rhetoric, to persuades the audience apocalyptically that unavoidable and irreparable environment problems will occur and gives the audience a feeling of powerlessness. And the film, at the same time, tempers apocalypticism to encourage audiences to confront the global warming and to convince audiences that they have the ability to help solving the problem. hskip 3em The film uses apocalyptic rhetoric and scientific rhetoric. According to the description in Laura Johnson 's rhetoric review, scientific rhetoric involves statistics and processes, often using charts, graphs, and the photographs to illustrate data (Johnson 32), and apocalyptic rhetoric gestures in some way toward future disaster (Johnson 33). To show that the global warming has great influence on shifts in seasons, Al Gore 's slides cited a diagram of a study from the Netherlands about active periods of birds and caterpillars (An Inconvenient Truth 51:45). This logo warns the audience to notice the fact that the global warming has affected ecological niches and let the audience imagine that more and more ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Al Gore Inconvenient Truth Inconvenient Truth Climate change is the biggest threat to humans in the twentieth first century, and we already feeling it's affect. Inconvenient truth is a documentary that brings to light the dangers of global warming and is told through the many talks that former vice president and environmentalist Al Gore has given . Inconvenient truth puts into perspective for the audience on how climate change will affect us all negatively by giving us evidence and statistics behind global warming in such a way that will persuade almost anyone about the climate change. The film is a combination of many talks that he has given, with a bit of his biography interwoven within film. Inconvenient truth successfully changes the viewer's opinion through the ... Show more content on ... Most skeptics of climate change argue that either climate change is not real or that it is too late to do anything about it. Climate change is real and it is a fact known by all, but as inconvenient truth explained a small group opposed because they stand to lose, if we were to change our habits. Al Gore gave us some numbers in inconvenient truth, it was was a poll about how many scientist believe that global warming is real, and they asked over a 1000 scientist. Out of the 1000, zero said that climate change was not real, and it makes sense we have large amount of data such as temperature reports, CO2 analyzers, rising sea levels , and among other things that all point a global warming to be real. This small group of deniers are people who work for big companies that benefit from selling the product that contribute to global warming. In the movie Al gore gave an example of the guy who worked at the bush administration, and was head of environmental policies. He would edit out all the reports that scientist would write so that they would sound unsure of whether or not global warming was real. When the scandal came to light and was fired, he got a job the next day at ExxonMobil an oil company. It is people like this that you see on media all time, arguing that global warming is not real, when all the science point the other, but media reaches far, and that is how doubt is formed about this subject. The other arguments that the skeptics used was that it was too late to change course, but this is also false. Inconvenient truth has showed that we could reverse the amount of CO2 in the air if we use electricity and devices efficiently, electric cars, renewables. If we do all this we could reverse the increasing CO2 levels in the air. It is not too late to do something about global ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. What Is Global Warming? INTRODUCTION What is global warming? Everybody in this day and age has an idea or at least a vague representation of what the term global warming is or what it entails, a simple definition culled from explains global warming as follows " Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth's climate". Some of the terms that will be used frequently are explained below; Climate:The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period of time. Climate change: The change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns that last for an extended or long period of time Anthropogenic: Resulting from the influence of human beings on nature (simply put; caused by humans) Greenhouse gases: Any gas that absorbs infrared radiation in the atmosphere, Examples of greenhouse gases important to this discussion are: Carbon dioxide, Methane, Ozone, Nitrous Oxide e.t.c This point of this essay, as the topic identifies, is to discuss global warming and the actions taken. Therefore the breadth of this essay will discuss Global warming; Its Causes, Its Effects and Its Solutions. Causes Global warming occurs when greenhouse gases (e.g CO2) collect in the atmosphere, trapping the heat or solar radiation that have bounced off the surface of the earth in the atmosphere, which then causes an increase in the Earth's ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlighted in its 5th Assessment Report both the unequivocal warming and apparent human influence on the climate system. Anthropogenic (human–induced) climate change was proven by the increasing atmospheric concentration of the greenhouse gases, radiative forcing, and observation over warming and the climate system. It is also emphasized that to reduce changes in the climate system will require substantial and continuous reductions of greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2014). Climate change is perceived as a critical problem or external shock for many sociotechnical systems. This problem forces response from the system to adapt, which leads to resilience (maintaining the status quo), ... Show more content on ... Transformational adaptation typically deals with changes or innovation in technology, but it is also common that the changes are behavioral shift or cultural change, which affect the way individuals and community react to the climate change issue (Kates et al., 2012, O'Brien, K., 2012). The term 'radical' and 'transformational' will be used interchangeably in this essay. This essay begins with an extensive description of characteristic of radical change and followed by discussion of the preference to enforce radical than incremental change to tackle the impact of climate change, both sections including specific examples from the previous or current adaptation strategy employed in some regions across the world. Shortly after, radical change which applied through the case of technological change will be explained separately. The last part of the essay will briefly discuss difficulties in implementation of radical change and practical steps to be considered during the implementation phase. Finally, a conclusion will be drawn based on the overall essay discussion. 2. Characteristic of radical change Kates et al. (2012, p. 7156) defines three classes of transformational adaptation, which are those that are adopted at a much larger scale, that are truly new to a particular region or resource system, and that transform places and shift locations. The later section will concisely discuss each class, followed by an example of each class. 1) ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Pollution Essay: Don’t Blame Me for Global Warming More than 17,000 scientists have signed a petition saying human activities do not threaten to disrupt the climate. This overwhelming amount of people has been told to be wrong by one body of people. This body is our government, for many years now they have spoke of the horrendous situations stemming from global warming. This makes no sense; with the facts and information that we have received over the years they still support this preposterous idea. Humans do nothing to contribute to global warming; the irregular climate events are just natural occurrences. These occurrences are no stranger to our history either. ("Global Warm Up")("An Inconvenient Truth") The most recent case of significant warming was between the years 1850 and 1940. ... Show more content on ... It's natural say experts") Africa is used as a lead example by most supporters of global warming and what we as humans are doing to our climate. But in all reality, the facts point to a vastly different Africa from what we know of it now. Africa 1000 years ago was a drier place then it is now. This is an exact opposite of what supporters for global warming say right now. Global warming supporters say that our actions contribute to the greenhouse effect, leading to the rise in temperatures. These rises in temperatures are draining Africa's lakes and mountain tops of liquid. This is not true; Africa was significantly drier 1000 years ago during MWP. Right now you may be asking what greenhouse gasses are, let me explain. ("Medieval Warm Period")("Global warming? It's natural say experts")("Global warming: A natural cycle or human result?") Greenhouse gasses are the gasses created by humans; these gasses supposedly reduce the protection from powerful sun rays. Without the protection from these rays, the temperatures rise. There are many problems with the idea of the greenhouse effect. One major one being that greenhouse gasses are needed to sustain a habitable world. If we did not have greenhouse gasses, we would not be able to sustain life. For example the moon has no source of greenhouse gas. Because of this, the moon's temperature fluctuates, not allowing life to form. You might be saying, only some will be okay. Not so fast! ("Global ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Kyoto Protocol : Description, Support And Critique Essay Nathan Lloyd Professor Rosado ENGL 102 22 November 2016 The Kyoto Protocol, Description, Support and Refutation. Often times, when there is a new innovation and it is spectacular enough, people seldom pause to look into the possible adverse side effects. Starting in the eighteenth century, with the invention of the steam engine, humans had an amazing new way to travel and produce goods. Yes, this dramatically reduced the price of textiles and travel time, but it also was the start of something horrible: the pollution of our planet. It began with the burning of wood, then coal and finally fossil fuels. It was not until the early twentieth century that scientists started to realize the repercussions of such actions. The greenhouse gasses, released from these energy sources, build up in the atmosphere, while deforestation reduces the planet's ability to convert these harmful gases back to clean air. Compared to today, "the concentration of these gases is 30 percent higher than it was at the beginning of the industrial revolution" (Haley). The majority of scientists believe that if the people of the world continue to emit greenhouse gases, the repercussions will be catastrophic. To help slow this poisoning of the planet, Japan put together a treaty in 1997 and proposed it to the world. The Kyoto Protocol... insists on lowering global greenhouse gas emissions in the hope of reaching stabilization at some level, preferably one that is not too high. The basic requirement of the ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Human Activity Is Causing Global Warming Essay Climate change poses a serious threat to Earth and its inhabitants. There is now substantial evidence that human activity is causing global warming because of our large emissions of greenhouse gases. For instance, atmospheric carbon dioxide currently measures at three hundred and ninety seven parts per million, which is the highest it has been for at least the past one million years (National Research Council of the National Academies). Also, scientific data shows that Earth's average surface temperature has increased more than 1.7 Fahrenheit over the past one hundred years (National Research Council of the National Academies). The evidence is unequivocal that our activities are the main culprit to the disruption of the climate system. In 2013, the top four emitters of carbon dioxide totaled to fifty–eight percent of entire global emissions (Loiseau). Among these four, China is the largest, accounting for twenty–eight percent (Loiseau). The United States accounted for fourteen percent; The EU accounted for ten percent; And India accounted for seven percent (Loiseau). Specifically, China's total annual carbon dioxide emissions amounted to a massive 8.3 billion metric tons while the United States emitted 5.4 billion metric tons annually (Loiseau). India followed China and the United States with just over 2 billion metric tons emitted annually (Loiseau). This data could, however, be somewhat misleading. For example, even though China does emit the most, it only emits 6.2 metric ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Climate Change And Its Effect On Earth Essay What is climate change? Climate change, additionally called an unnatural weather change, alludes to the ascent in normal surface temperatures on Earth. The present warming pattern is of specific essentialness on the grounds that the majority of it is likely human–incited and continuing at a rate that is exceptional in the previous 1,300 years. Earth–circling satellites and other innovative advances have empowered researchers to see the comprehensive view, gathering a wide range of sorts of data about our planet and its atmosphere on a worldwide scale. This group of information, gathered over numerous years, uncovers the signs of an evolving atmosphere. The warmth catching nature of carbon dioxide and different gasses was exhibited in the mid–nineteenth century. Their capacity to influence the exchange of infrared vitality through the environment is the logical premise of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no doubt that expanded levels of greenhouse gasses must bring about the Earth to warm accordingly. Ice centers drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain ice sheets demonstrate that the World 's atmosphere reacts to changes in greenhouse gas levels. They likewise demonstrate that before, extensive changes in atmosphere have happened rapidly, geographically: in several years, not in millions or even thousands. Environmental change can prompt to noteworthy dangers to human wellbeing, woods, farming, freshwater supplies, coastlines, environment, and ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Ipcc Status Report on Climate Change Summary Essay IPCC Status Report on Climate Change Summary Abstract The following is a summary of the IPCC Status Report on Climate Change. The following questions will be answered: is climate change occurring? About which aspects of climate change are we certain? Uncertain? What are the main factors determining climate change today? What is the likelihood that humans have caused these changes and what data supports this conclusion? And finally, what information is not yet available or are we unable to access at this time that may have bearing on the report and our understanding of climate change? The IPCC Status Report on Climate Change Summary for Policymakers is an assessment of the current scientific understanding of the impacts of climate ... Show more content on ... The main factors in this climate change are observed to be the increase in temperatures and the resulting acidification of the oceans. The previously mentioned changes and others in the report are readily observable, such as the uptake of anthropogenic carbon since 1750 that has led to the ocean becoming more acidic, with an average decrease in pH of 0.1 units and in some instances blatantly obvious, even to the average layperson. It is difficult to conclude what the rate of change in the future will be and the effects of observed ocean acidification on the marine biosphere. The report concludes, again with "high confidence", that anthropogenic (human caused) warming has had a discernible influence on many of our planets physical and biological systems. While there are limitations and gaps in the knowledge available, particularly from undeveloped countries, the knowledge available allowed the group to attribute most of the observed increase in the globally averaged temperature since the mid–20th century to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. The analysis was necessarily limited in the number of systems and locations considered. In addition, natural temperature variability is larger at the regional than at the global scale, thus affecting identification of changes due to external forcing and at the regional scale other factors such as land–use change and pollution, are an environmental ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Global Warming And The Kyoto Protocol This paper will be divided in three parts, beginning with a brief background on the global warming agenda and tackle the issues surrounding the Kyoto Protocol. The second part will look at climate change and the protocol from the respective lenses of realism and liberalism. I will argue that while none of the theories precisely covers the entirety of the issue, each provides helpful analysis falls short of clarifying the entire climate change picture. Can states cooperate effectively through the structure of the Kyoto protocol to solve an international problem of global warming?" I. Global Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol The study of the effects on global warming is nothing new, however, the climate change agenda has only in ... Show more content on ... [15] President George W. Bush has not made any effort since that time to revive the ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Global Warming And Climate Change Attribution of recent climate change is the effort to scientifically ascertain mechanisms responsible for recent changes observed in the Earth 's climate, commonly known as 'global warming '. The effort has focused on changes observed during the period of instrumental temperature record, when records are most reliable; particularly in the last 50 years, when human activity has grown fastest and observations of the troposphere have become available. The dominant mechanisms are anthropogenic, i.e., the result of human activity. They are: increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases global changes to land surface, such as deforestation increasing atmospheric concentrations of aerosols. There are also natural mechanisms for ... Show more content on ... Between the start of the Industrial Revolution in 1750, and the year 2005, the increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide led to a positive radiative forcing, averaged over the Earth 's surface area, of about 1.66 watts per square metre . Climate feedbacks can either amplify or dampen the response of the climate to a given forcing. In the absence of forcings imposed on it, the climate system will still show internal variability . This internal variability is a result of complex interactions between components of the climate system, such as the coupling between the atmosphere and ocean . An example of internal variability is the El Niño–Southern Oscillation. Detection vs. attribution Detection and attribution of climate signals, as well as its common–sense meaning, has a more precise definition within the climate change literature, as expressed by the IPCC. Detection of a climate signal does not always imply significant attribution. The IPCC 's Fourth Assessment Report says "it is extremely likely that human activities have exerted a substantial net warming influence on climate since 1750," where "extremely likely" indicates a probability greater than 95%. is absorbed and emitted naturally as part of the carbon cycle, through animal and plant respiration, volcanic eruptions, and ocean–atmosphere exchange. The high–accuracy measurements of atmospheric CO2 concentration, ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Weaknesses Of The Greenhouse Gas Theory The Weaknesses of the Greenhouse Gas Theory Greenhouses are used to grow crops such as tomatoes and lettuce under controlled conditions. Greenhouses consist of a framed building with transparent covering. Sunlight penetrates through the transparent covering to get to the plants inside. The plants and the soil absorb the sunlight and radiate some of the absorbed energy as heat. Quite often, greenhouses ventilate either through controlled openings or by fanning air around. The ventilation is necessary to avoid the build–up of water vapor and to ensure that too much heat doesn't too negatively affect the plants. The key elements of the greenhouse are the outer shell that traps the air inside, the trapped air, and controlled ventilation. A blanket on a bed works rather like the outer shell of the greenhouse. ... Show more content on ... There are several weaknesses in the arguments supporting the greenhouse–gas theory. These are explained in the following sections. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air. Carbon dioxide, deemed as the key offender in the greenhouse theory, is heavier than air. This means that its highest concentrations are close to the ground in low– lying areas. Without the benefit of experiments to the prove the point, it can still be postulated that the highest concentrations of carbon dioxide are within 1000 meters (3,500 feet) above sea level, and concentrations will diminish as air climbs higher into the atmosphere. Incidentally, this is not unusual. Oxygen is known to diminish with elevation as well. Since carbon dioxide is most prevalent when close to ground level, it is unlikely that it would absorb significant levels of outgoing, long wavelength radiation (heat) and hold enough of it to influence global ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Political History of Global Warming Essay Political History of Global Warming There is a lot of ambiguity surrounding the theory of 'global warming' and the proper political response to it. At the very center of the scientific debate on the variability of global climate is to what extent human activities influence climate change. Another unforeseeable is whether the potential impacts of climate change will be harmful or beneficial for humans, managed agriculture, and natural ecosystems. Some question the authority with which current scientific data has been given in international negotiations on the regulation of greenhouse gases. Others are convinced that immediate actions must be taken to limit the potential effects of excess greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere ... Show more content on ... It signaled the beginning of a new national policy, a diplomatic role in international actions on potential global climate change, and expanded scientific research on these issues. The first major international studies on global climate change requested were performed by the United Nations. Their first study, which addressed potential global policy considerations, was released for public review and adopted by the U.N. Secretary General at the First World Climate Conference (FWCC) in 1979. For about 10 years after FWCC, ?the science? of global climate change was further studied by the U.N. in order to formulate an international position on how best to approach the issue. In November 1988, at the request of U.N. members involved in climate change research, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created. To help assist U.S. involvement with the IPCC, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (GCRP) was established in 1989. In 1990, the IPCC completed the first of a series of recurring international scientific and policy assessments of global climate change. According to the National Climate Program Office, these assessments aimed to ?review scientific knowledge about natural and human–induced climate change and ... provide governments with a sound consensus of scientific evidence on climate change and resulting impact on natural and human systems from which policy options can be developed.? After reviewing ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech Al Gore's speech titled "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech" is a powerful work of literature which serves two purposes. The first purpose is stated in the title – to accept his award of the Nobel Peace Prize. The second intent he had when writing the speech was to reiterate his points that awarded him the honor in the first place. The speech explains his passion for the problem in our world that is the climate change and how much we pollute our earth. To give a short gist of what his cause was, the following quote offers much insight to the regretful aspect of our society that he is passionate about fixing. He says "So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global–warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet, ... Show more content on ... His call to actions is for us to "choose between two futures." He goes on to explain further by challenging the reader to challenge assumption as well as repetition. Challenging us to question the repetition that would eminently happen if we don't unify and majorly change our actions. His persuasion is made very strong and hard–hitting when he says "we are standing at the most fateful fork in that path. So I want to end as I began, with a vision of two futures – each a palpable possibility – and with a prayer that we will see with vivid clarity the necessity of choosing between those two futures, and the urgency of making the right choice now." Reading this quote gives the feeling of being very inspired and feeling empowered. That being said, I feel Gore should have given more concrete action that he proposes we take. He should have said things such as we should stop allowing every person to drive a motor vehicle as much as they please. If he'd said something along those lines, it puts a specific concern in mind and helps along the putting the reality of better, healthier world into fruition. He also could have proposed that perhaps every person who owns a vehicle be required to plant a tree once a year. His speech was powerful with lots of drawing of parallels, a lot of analogies, and many accounts of making associations. While he is lacking a concrete and specific remedy for our current situation, maybe it is okay. Perhaps all we need is to see that we do have a choice in how we can influence the world, and the rest is up to us to draw from the inspiration and coordinate our own, personal next move to attain the goal that has been ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. A New Commitment Period For Kyoto Protocol In the 19th century, an awareness began to dawn that accumulated carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere could create a "greenhouse effect" and increase the temperature of the planet. A perceptible process in that direction had already begun – a side–effect of the industrial age and its production of carbon dioxide and other such "greenhouse gases." By the middle of the 20th century, it was becoming clear that human action had significantly increased the production of these gases, and the process of "global warming" was accelerating. Today, nearly all scientists agree that we must stop and reverse this process now – or face a devastating cascade of natural disasters that will change life on earth as we know it. UN Climate Change ... Show more content on ... And in one of many terrain changing developments, 160 square miles of territory broke away from the Antarctic coast in 2008 – its bindings to Antarctica having literally melted away. The UN family is in the forefront of the effort to save our planet. In 1992, its "Earth Summit" produced the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a first step in tackling the problem. In 1998, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to provide an objective source of scientific information. And the Convention's 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which set emission reduction targets for industrialized countries, has already helped stabilize and in some cases reduce emissions in several countries. "We must limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees. We are far from there, and even that is enough to cause dire consequences. If we continue along the current path, we are close to a 6 degree increase". "Too many leaders seem content to keep climate change at arm's length, and in its policy silo. Too few grasp the need to bring the threat to the centre of global security, economic and financial management. It is time to move beyond spending enormous sums addressing the damage, and to make the investments that will repay themselves many times over". UN Secretary–General Ban Ki–moon Remarks at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Humans Impact On Climate Change Humans Impact on Climate Change Most of the blame for climate change over the years especially after the 1850's has been placed on humans. As long as modern humans have roamed the earth, they have been upsetting the natural balance of the earth. People have did this by clearing areas of land, killing animals, polluting water, etc. Before the "modern human", people like the Native Americans cared for the earth. They respected the land and the people that cared for it. Unfortunately, people don't care anymore. Until recently, people did not care for the earth. People did not realize the harm they were causing it. Now we know how detrimental things are that we continue to do and used to do. We are slowly destroying our climate and environment. The land and ocean surfaces have warmed roughly 1.53 degrees Fahrenheit from 1880–2012 (How much has the global temperature risen since 1880? 1). Land warms faster than the oceans. In the northern hemisphere, 1983 to 2012 were the warmest 30 year period in the last 1,300 years (How much has the global temperature risen since 1880? 1). This is a cause for concern among scientist. According to the IPCC, Latin America's contribution of greenhouse gases globally is at a low of 4%. In this area, deforestation is quite common and the release of carbon to the atmosphere from it has the potential to alter the global carbon balance. Latin American forest represent 27% of the global forest coverage (The regional impacts of climate change 1). If ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Issue Of The Green Movement This has to be one of the most important issues of the current times because life as we know it will never be the same if something isn 't done. The problem is that we as humans are naturally selfish, so we think that we aren't the problem. But the truth is we are, mostly to due with our greediness. We over–consume as a whole, we waste too much, we feel entitled and better than others, the list goes on and on. The fact of the matter is that there is no need for us to be all of this. We should feel content with what we are given and be sure that all are given the same. The green movement, isn 't just a social issue, it is a moral issue. One that we all need to partake in. This is relevant because the research shows how much we have altered with our planet and it 's not good (Enzler). The data includes things like the shrinking of the polar caps, the rising of the sea levels, the dramatic warming of the Earth's temperature, the increase of carbon in the atmosphere etc.. As journalist for the Washington Post Chelsea Harvey explains, "The most alarming statistic has to be the rising of the sea levels which are expected to rise to 0.6 meters globally by the year 2100" (1). Harvey is saying how a rise this severe could be catastrophic for all countries. A rise in sea levels this high will lead to major flooding in coastal areas and cause massive water damage to cities. Coastal cities are some of the largest population centers in the world, and the rising sea levels will cause ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Taking a Look at the Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol is a binding international agreement, which began in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. As of June 2013, there were a total of 192 parties participating in the Kyoto Protocol, Canada was no longer one of them. Canada was one of the first to sign the agreement, in 1998; more than 4 years later, Canada formally approved the Kyoto Accord, in 2002. This meant Canada would have to decrease its emissions, by 6% in comparison to 1990 levels (461 Mt), by the year 2012. Despite some efforts, Canada failed to meet these requirements and in fact increased total emissions by roughly 24% by the year 2008. Canada formally withdrew from the Kyoto Accord in 2011, avoiding penalties and future detriments. The withdrawal of Canada from the Kyoto ... Show more content on ... In the year 2000, before ratifying the agreement, they began with $500 million, in comparison to the total amount just three years later, $500 million is not a lot. Federal spending reached 1.7 billion in 2003, just one year after Canada ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and two years before the protocol took effect. If Canada had endured the agreement, it was believed to have cost over ten billion. Although we should be involved in saving the earth, the amount of money is too big of a price to pay, and we will never know how much it would take to reduce greenhouse gases to that of the agreement. The Kyoto Protocol does not benefit Canada because it is unfair, too costly, and now that the United States has withdrawn from the agreement, it can only be bad news for Canada. The Kyoto Protocol does not treat every country fairly. Canada has more to lose with the Protocol than other countries, and they should all be treated in the same way. Some of the world's largest polluters, such as China and India, are exempt from "round one" of the Protocol because they are seen as developing countries with more important issues to deal with. Secondly, Kyoto allows some industrialized countries, such as Russia and New Zealand, to make no cuts, and even permits some places, like Iceland, to emit more greenhouse gasses. The protocol will be unsuccessful and ineffective if every country is not on board. Finally, Canada will need to provide ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Political Satire The viewpoint of the political cartoon is that no one takes Al Gore seriously. The word serious is in the cartoon and AL Gore is dressed as a penguin, which is funny. The cartoon is horatian because Al Gore dressed in a penguin suit is humorous. The content creator used sarcasm and caricature in the cartoon. The sarcastic part of the cartoon is Obama asking us to take global warming seriously. Caricature is used by Al Gore dressed as a penguin. The viewpoint of the author is that celebrities get involved in important causes like global warming only for their own personal gain. The video portrays a dumb actor who drives up in a gas guzzling vehicle. He perceives to warn us about global warming but is really campaigning to be the next spiderman. The skit is horatian because the actor is not taken serious by the meteorologist. The SNL skit, "Climate Change" is a parody because it portrays celebrities taking up a serious cause for their own personal gain. Another satirical technique used by the author is exaggeration. The video is mocking documentaries. ... Show more content on ... In a serious tone the author is talking about napkins from takeout orders and climate change. The author use of horatian can be seen with words like stockpiling and stacks when referring to napkins. The author used sarcasm and exaggeration. An example of exaggeration in the article is using napkins to save the planet. Sarcasm is used at the end of the article come when they warn against throwing out packets of salt and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. A Convenient Appeal: The Image of Urgency in an... "Lecture" and "boring" are two words often synonymous. A lecture will frequently feature a deluge of scientific data, equitable facts, well–supported inferences, unbiased jargon, charts, graphs, and statistics. And a bored audience. While a lecture can pioneer new scientific exploration and present phenomenal achievement, it holds little value if it cannot inspire its audience. In order for a lecture to interest the everyday individual, it needs to provide a clear connection to the everyday world. Firstly, the speaker must deliver his or her data in a discussion format comprehensible to the audience. Then, the speaker must excite the audience with powerful emotional appeals. An effective lecture – now, truly, a presentation – appeals to an ... Show more content on ... Gore's logical appeal involves the use of vivid graphics to reveal the severity and reality of climate change. He illustrates this appeal to logos further when he asserts, "look how far above the natural cycle this [carbon dioxide level] is. . . . But in the next fifty years, it's going to continue to go up" (An Inconvenient Truth). A makeshift elevator raises Gore higher and higher with the growing graph. Aside from merely stating the facts, he provides the audience with a clear visualization of the exigency of the global warming situation. He appeals to logical data and he appeals to his fascinated audience simultaneously. Lastly, Gore addresses "the more pressure we're putting on the earth" (An Inconvenient Truth). An accompanying graph depicts rapid population growth. But perhaps more crucial to the logical appeal is its direct connection and impact to the audience. The audience feels the pressure of the situation. Through appeals to logic, Gore exemplifies the apparent danger and urgency of global warming to his audience. To underscore the imminent calamity of global warming, Gore appeals to his audience's sadness and distress. He wants to reveal the bleakness of a world which becomes increasingly warmer. Emotions often overpower intellect. Gore knows this well. He evokes a sense of sadness in order to convince his audience of the urgency of global warming. The documentary's opening scenes depict idyllic ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Effects Of Climate Change On The United States The Discordant Applications of the Common But Differentiated Responsibilities Doctrine as a Hindrance to Climate Change Policy Climate change looms large over our rapidly growing and continually changing world. No longer are the adverse effects of this menacing global issue a mere ominous projections, they are starting to become a very concrete reality. Countries are today experiencing rising sea levels, which compromises coastal infrastructure, prolonged drought, squeezing food supply and agricultural productivity, as well as extreme storms. Rising temperatures have already led to vast reductions in the size of the Arctic. There is now no doubt amongst scientists that anthropogenic activity has been the primary catalyst to the ... Show more content on ... Subsequent conferences of parties (COP) meetings have proved to bear little fruit, apart from the Kyoto Protocol, signed in 1997, which remains the contractual international climate change regime. However, even Kyoto was not ubiquitous, as it remains conspicuously unsigned by the US. Kyoto set binding target levels for reduction of emissions for developed countries and instituted a scheme that would lead to an eventual wider policy. Central to the Kyoto Protocol is the notion, which first emerged out of the Rio Earth Summit of 1992, of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR), which acknowledges the inherent differences between developed and developing countries in their historical responsibilities as well as their respective abilities to combat climate change but calls for a united global effort. The idea is that developed countries proportionally must assume more of the emissions reduction burden as they are responsible for the historical contributions of CO2 to climate change during their industrialization processes, as well as provide "financial assistance and technological transfers" to developing countries. This tenant of CBDR has remained central to each additional international climate negotiation, but has proved to be an unsuccessful governing framework ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Climate Change, An Outline Essay Climate Change Topics: 1) What is climate change? 2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 3) Causes of climate change 4) Effects of climate change? 5) International Panels on Climate Change 6) What can be done at home? 1) What is climate change? Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier. 2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to understand the ... Show more content on ... Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast. 2) Human Activities A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport and heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year. In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no slowdown in carbon emissions. B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But, many trees
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  • 48. Problems Associated With Climate Change 1. What is this report about? It considers threats and impacts associated with climate change could be reduced and handled through mitigation and adaptation. The report evaluates resilience, choices, opportunities, constraints, needs, limits, as well as other features connected with adaptation. Climate change requires shifting probabilities of impacts that are varied with complicated interactions. A focus on danger, which will be not old in this report, complements other aspects of the report and supports decision. Societies and individuals may view or rate possible gains and hazards otherwise, given aims and varied values. All–inclusive evaluation has been eased by increased works across a more comprehensive group of issues and sectors, with increased coverage of the ocean, variation, as well as human systems. (IPCC, 2014) The findings in this report have greatly improved our knowledge of the range of decrease pathways accessible and their inherent economical, technological and institutional demands. The report thus requires the urgent attention of both policymakers as well as the public. (IPCC, 2014) 2. What climate change vulnerabilities are identified for your region? Climate change has mixed effects on farming and the effects are very different with regards to harvests, periods and areas. The transforming factors of climate have now been exerting unfavorable impacts that were powerful on Malaysian agriculture, which can be apprehended to result in shortages of ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Climate Change Is A Matter Of Real Concern Essay A recurring theme in the time line of the history of climate change is the finding or discovering a pattern of data and then the dismissal of the data by a certain group of people. The reason being that while data might be true in order to attribute the cause to humans it involves making logical inferences and judgments on that data that certain countries cannot agree on. I have omitted instances where people discredit climate change because this paper is about the climate fiction in the historical context. Climate fiction for the most part assumes that climate change is real. The reason I have included population counts in my overview of the time line linked to climate change is to serve as an indication of how the global need for energy has been increasing as the issue climate change continues to grow and unravel. The year 1960 is when the world population reached three billion people. Post 1960 is when countries start discussion about climate change and its possible solutions . The United States President's Advisory Committee warned that the greenhouse effect is a matter of real concern in 1965. The presidential office holds its own history in terms of events concerning climate change as different presidential eras have taken substantially different positions regarding how to deal with the issue. Consequentially, climate fiction movies often portray the white house and the president. Because politics has a lot to do with global warming, the power struggle between ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Domestic Political Factors Affecting Foreign Environmental... Selected Question: A government's position in international environmental negotiations is often shaped by domestic political factors. Pick one environmental regime (e.g., climate change, ozone, transboundary pollution, etc.) and one country to show what sorts of domestic political factors and groups shape a country's foreign environmental position. Domestic Political Factors Shaping Foreign Environmental Position of USA –––A Climate Change Perspective Table of Contents 1.Introduction 4 2. The Efforts Made by International Community to Slow Down Climate Change and America Refused to Undertake Obligation 4 3. Domestic Political Factors Making USA Refuse to Sign on Kyoto Protocol 6 4. Conclusion 9 Reference: 9 1.Introduction Climate change refers to the great change that occurs in climate considered statistically significant or climatic fluctuation that continues a while longer at some level on a global scale. Climate change has already caused a series of environmental problems like global warming, which place a serious influence on sustainable development of human society (Demeritt, 2001). The industrial gas emission in developed countries is one of the main reasons that cause climate change. As a result, the international community makes a lot of efforts on slowing down the course of climate change. However, during the negotiation on environment problem internationally, position of any country is not determined by the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Global Climate Change: Society Can Slow it Down Essay example The Earth is being poisoned. It is a well–known fact; however, a remedy has not yet been offered. Everyday, alarming amounts of toxins are released into the atmosphere, and more recently into the Gulf of Mexico. British Petroleum (BP)––one of the largest suppliers of oil in the world––has dispersed an insurmountable amount of oil into the gulf. As a result of this, marine and bird life in the area has been severely affected. Fishermen, whose livelihoods depend on the fishing season, are being told they cannot fish. As the world demands action, BP's top executive complains to the media about how he wants his "life back." Certainly, those birds covered from head to toe in crude want their old life back as well. It has been well–known for a ... Show more content on ... CO2 is a product after the combustion of hydrocarbons such as coal, gasoline, and methane. All of these increases reported by the IPCC have taken place between the years 1970 and 2004 (4). Due to this information––and the increase in temperature over this same time span––it is believed by most of the scientific community that GHGs are the cause of this planets warming. However, there are some highly regarded people who believe GHGs are not the cause and believe the planet is warming naturally. For example, Sammy Wilson, Northern Irelands' Environmental Minister has recently claimed that climate change is "beyond our control," and that the "resources should be used to adapt to the consequences of climate change rather than, King Canute style, vainly trying to stop it" (Monbiot, para. 5). The planet is clearly warming due to elevated GHG levels in the atmosphere; in turn, society has an overwhelming need to eliminate fossil fuels. Society needs to become aware of the environmental catastrophe that is looming if GHG levels are not reduced. Because of the incredible amount of GHGs being released into the atmosphere, the planet's equilibrium is in danger of making a violent transformation. The evidence of the warming is already apparent in some areas of the world and is threatening to effect even more. Considering the situation, society must move towards renewable energy and alternative fuels. However, if an ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Inconvenient Truth Montage an inconvenient truth is a 2006 documentary film on climate change/global warming by al gore, aimed at alerting the public to an increasing "planetary emergency" due to global warming, and demonstrations re–enacted incidents from his life story which influenced his concerns about environmental issues. Al gore is adopting the main documentary techniques; montage, the voice of narration and archival footage and to reinforce his bias that we as humans have been contributing to the issue of climate change. in "an inconvenient truth", the main technique that al gore utilized throughout his documentary. Is the application of montage. A montage is a sequence of related or semi–related images that are selectively edited together to promote an emotive meaning and the film maker's bias. An example of montage ... Show more content on ... Filmmakers often use pre–recorded film or photograph from different sources as archival footage; such as from other documentaries or black and white film this is usually denoted to provide some sort of perspective on previous events. Al gore exemplifies an old piece of black and white film as he reflects on his childhood and him growing up on a tobacco farm. Which is quite ironic since gore has implemented legislation against carbon emission which smoking has a contributing factor, although is negligent, merely setting aside the pollution produced in making cigars and cigarettes. Albert selectively utilizes an edit of a factory in the background producing smoke and/or pollution. As he is talking about the effect of global warming is having on the earth and the process at which it is occurring; he is using this association to directly flip the blame back onto the industry for being a supposed major factor in the contribution to the co2 emissions. The technique of archival footage that gore is signifying throughout his documentary that we have some contribution to the effect of global ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Global Warming : An Inconvenient Truth In 2006, former senator Al Gore created an academy award winning documentary on global warming entitled "An Inconvenient Truth" . The movie earned several awards including an academy award for best documentary and gore later received a noble peace prize. The movie discussed several different topics of great concern to global warming; such as permafrost, climbs in temperature, extinction of species, drought, and fatigue to name a few. Four writers in five different articles discussed the three topics of greenhouse gases, climate change, and causes of global warming. These writers are writer and scholar Bill McKibben in "Think Again: Climate Change" and "How Close to catastrophe"; William J. Broad, writer for the New York Times in "From a Rapt audience, a call to cool the hype"; writer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Kevin O'Brien, in "Global Warming? I won't be losing any sleep over it"; and Alan Zarembo, staff writer for the the Los Angeles Times, in "Game over on global warming?" All though the articles explain some different topics from one another, only one of them disagree with gore on the causes for global warming being humans, they all agree that there will be impacts to the environment, and all of them believe that greenhouse gases are one of the primary causes for global warming. First, all the articles discussed about who was to blame for the raising temperatures of the planet. The issue may be serious but O'Brien states that is just the media using another topic ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Global Warming Essay example Global warming has many pro's or people who believe global warming exists not because it is a good thing. People who believe global warming exists and want to fix the problem as soon as possible because it may cause a catastrophe. Al Gore and the IPCC are the main people who believe global warming may change our lives and sometimes create an illusion that it is our fault. There are many examples that it may be so like a hot summer in Edmonton, no negative temperature days in Glasgow, Montana however, other phenomenon like record snowfalls contradicts the existence of global warming. Even still many more occurrences that suggest global warming is real are: a 1998 heat wave in Florida, 1999 heat waves that set record highs, thawing ... Show more content on ... On the contrary others believe global warming is non–existent. They believe it is normal activity and the temperature will go back down sometime. As shown in Al Gore's "hockey stick", they may be exaggerating the truth. (See appendix 2) It also shows that the temperature was at its warmest in the 1000's and from then up to just before now the temperature has decreased. In the last few years it has risen like it has many times before. Many of these people believe it is a scam or a hoax. One thing I found was on my list of evidence of global warming that some evidence was heavy rainfall but that doesn't necessarily mean that the earth is warming. One example of the opposition to global warming is when one of my sources said: "Shame on you, Al Gore, for playing on people's emotions to drive support for your enormous $45 trillion carbon tax hoax." (I love C02). Many usually mild cities during winter were cooler than usual this year. A large amount of snow fell on D.C. and cancelled a meeting for global warming. Even still Al Gore still preaches that global warming exists and that we are at fault. When many of the world's highest experienced scientists and others got together in New York to discuss global warming. Another thing found out about global warming is that it is about politics and money. The cap–and–trade would place a tax on things like driving automobiles and using ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change Advice For... The Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change advice for policy makers is a book with various statistics and facts about what the scientific community has been noticing about the changing environment. The hope for the panel when making this booklet is that they could help guide policy makers towards making more informed decisions about their policies and the effect it is having on the environment. While some of the evidence is almost indisputable many politicians still argue their validity due to personal beliefs or because they receive campaign donations from companies who do not want to see environmental policies change. The booklet is split up into three different parts, observations of the changes in the environment around us, future risks these changes can have, and how to manage these risks and build a sustainable planet for everybody. The booklet describes many various pieces of evidence from what they have seen around the world and have even rated their certainty on their hypothesizes. The section starts out about how the global temperature has been increasing rapidly over the past century. They also state that the reason the temperature has been rising is due to human activity and the rise in the amount of greenhouse gases that we release. The amount of human death we had so far is unknown due to the wide cause of effects the rising temperature can have. Nobody knows how much food is lost from climate change or how many water borne illnesses have killed people ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Rhetorical Analysis Of Global Warming By Al Gore Al Gore is known as an environmentalist, author and American politician. He was vice president throughout the Clinton administration and he wrote three best–selling books. Al Gore and the UN's Intergovernmental panel on Climate change went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. He gave a speech over global warming in 2004. In his speech he talks about the effects of global warming and their causes such as environmental effects, population, technology and the way people think. One of the first points Al Gore makes in his speech is that evidence of global warming can be seen everywhere. He says "if you look at glaciers around the world, you see that, many are melting away." He then provides facts to show possible effects that could happen in the future. Al Gore explains that "ninety–five percent" of fresh water is "locked up" as ice in the Antarctic. In his speech he continues to explain that if the world continues to warm up, the ice will continue to melt causing the sea level to rise drastically, which could permanently flood some coastal cities. He then warns that glaciers reflect most of the sun energy "like a big mirror." If the glaciers continue to melt the sun's energy wouldn't bounce back and will cause more evaporation and eventually precipitation which could lead to a large increase of powerful storms. "You get ... Show more content on ... He starts by stating facts that mankind has been growing rapidly for hundreds of years and that it took thousands of years for the population to reach 2 billion but in the course of a lifetime 2 billion went up to 6.3 billion and by the next generation it will be close to 9 billion. He then states that the constant population growth within developing nations has put pressure on human resources, "the increase in the population of developing nations is driving food demand, water demand, and energy demand, creating intense pressures on human ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change According to the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the people have to cut about 90% of the use of fossil fuels worldwide to have a slim chance of stopping Global Warming. If the people have anything less than the percentage given, Global Warming will not stop. As of now Global Warming is a big issue throughout the world. Some say Global Warming is just a myth to scare people and it's just a natural cause, but there is proof that Global Warming is a fact and that the main cause of Global Warming is anthropogenic causes or man–made. Man has overused the burning of fossil fuels throughout generations and the numbers of burning fossil fuels keeps getting higher every year. The increase of temperatures, sea levels, and carbon dioxide in the last century shows evidence that Global Warming is occurring and man is the main problem. First of all, what is global warming? Global warming is the increase of Earth's temperature due to carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels also known as greenhouse gases (Global Warming). The carbon dioxide traps heat which would make the temperature to rise, this is known as the greenhouse effect. The main causes of global warming would have to be carbon dioxide and air pollution that is going around the atmosphere, trapping the sun's heat which causes the earth to warm up. Human activity has been a key factor to that. The burning of fossil fuels causes a lot more greenhouse gases to be trapped in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Qualifications of Experts on the Intergovernmental Panel... The meaning and understanding of climate change has been a critical issue of concern to development, scientific and environmental researchers in the world. All over the world, there have been a lot of issues surrounding the causes and impacts of the phenomenon which led to the establishment of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to help assess and provide information about climate change to society (Agrawala, 1998). This essay presents arguments on who is qualified to be an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) expert and who should be qualified. It begins by describing the role of IPCC and its structure including the roles of the authors of the IPCC reports such as lead authors, coordinating lead authors, contributing authors, expert reviewers, review editors and government focal points (IPCC, 2008). It then concludes by arguing in favour of the need for the inclusion of other experts as part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In 1988, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) together formed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to ensure that, scientific opinions about the knowledge of climate change and its consequences are made available to the public (IPCC, 2014a). The Australian Government's Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (2013) state that, new research works are not carried out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change instead, it ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Essay on Al Gore's an Inconvenient Truth: Rhetorical Analysis Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth: Rhetorical Analysis In Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, he focuses on the harm global warming does to our planet. He wants to persuade people that global warming is real, and that they should contribute to the effort of slowing, even completely stopping, global warming. Gore uses a variety of ways to appeal to pathos and logos. One of the first things he does, is explain global warming, he them proceeds to show a short, funny cartoon to describe global warming. While this short is not exactly accurate, and looks like it is taken from The Simpsons cartoon, it is comical, and he uses this short to intrigue his audience. After drawing us in, he keeps us attentive by sprinkling these little emotional ... Show more content on ... Gore uses a chart that shows how carbon dioxide and temperature correlate. When carbon dioxide rises, so does the temperature. At the time of the documentary, the carbon dioxide level was higher than it has ever been. He also uses a chart to show the ten hottest years in history, at that point in time, they all occurred within 14 years before. He places a higher thought of the two charts and other unmentioned, by saying that they were before unseen by the public. In addition to humor, anecdotes, expert testimony, and quantitative data to prove his point, he also throws just a few plain old facts at us. For example, Gore tells us that 200 towns and cities in the west have broken temperature records, and that science textbooks have had to be rewritten because it was before thought impossible for a hurricane to take place in the South–Atlantic, but then there was one. The hurricane was caused by warming of waters ocean wide. Al uses his variety of vehicles to present information to his advantage. While Al Gore does do a nice job of making his point, it would all be somewhat of a waist without established ethos. If he had no ethos, we would not take anything he said into consideration. When Gore introduces himself, he says, "I'm Al Gore and I used to be the next president of the United States." Some people think that this may hurt him, but it is very untrue. He has to be a highly intelligent and well thought of ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Development Of Waste Management Facilities Third to First World Problems As a country develops the infrastructure for the country, must be established or develop at a rate fast enough to compensate for the countries growth. If the basic service infrastructure does not develop at a fast enough rate or is not established properly, people that are in poorer communities or of a lower class are over looked or mistreated in the way the service is constructed around them. One of the most visible ways this can be seen is the development of waste management facilities. Communities whose members are at an economical disadvantage tend to be where industrial and waste management facilities are created. This is a phenomenon known as Not In My Back Yard. This phenomenon is seen all over the world, one country that has had to deal with the establishment of an infrastructure in recent years is Brazil. As Brazil has grown the infrastructure for the country had a need to grow with it. In 2005 Brazil hit a turning point, President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva and his administration, made waste management one of their top priorities. As Brazil's population, economics, and urbanized areas grew, so did the amount of waste that they produced. The facilities that were in place in 2005 were subpar and over whelmed in the more urbanized parts of Brazil. In some urban locations the strain was so great that the facilities were falling apart. Over the next several pages many topics will discussed that involve many facets of waste ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Gore's Use Of Ethos And Logos Logos is important in this film to explain the logic behind global warming and to help the audience realize how big of deal global warming is. When using logos in the film Gore uses animations, numbers, and graphs to help the audience understand and grab their attention. For example, in the beginning of the film when Al Gore is presenting data he learned in college from his professor Roger Revelle he first shows a graph of the trend line that is increasing steadily. He goes on to talk about the study and has an animation which shows why there is a fluctuation in CO2 in the atmosphere because of the tilting of the poles. An example of animation in this film is when Al Gore starts talking about the distribution of heat from ocean currents he uses an animation to demonstrate ... Show more content on ... Gore than makes it even more clear by interacting numbers into his animation. He says if there was an increase of 5F then there would be an at least 1F change at the equator and at least a 12F increase at the poled. This allows the audience to have an easier time viewing material and visualizing what actually is happening. Another example of logos in this film is the use of statistics and numbers especially when Al Gore starts talking about the flooding in Mumbai, India in 2006. He goes into details abut how they had 27 inches of rain in 24 hours and that the death toll reach 1,000. This really allows the audience to think about the consequences of global warming and how stronger storms can be caused by an increase in global warming. Pathos is another significant element in this film. Al Gore shows pathos throughout by his tragic life stories, word choice, and his various analogies. Gore brings pathos into the film when he ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Critical Analysis Of Sustainability Principles Essay – Critical Analysis of Sustainability Principles submitted by: Tanvi Rawat Student ID: S3523444 Q.2 what is the relationship between sustainability and anthropogenic climate change, and how can an understanding of these linkages be used to guide policy from the global to the local scale? Ans. Sustainability is promoting social, economic growth with preserving the environment, whereas the Anthropogenic Climate change is influencing natural and human living conditions. With an increase in the risk of disaster which is turning to be a constrain in development and growth. The anthropogenic generation of greenhouse gases (GHGS) is continuously making the temperature rise. The energy use for industrial production and goods, services since last 200 years changed the atmospheric conditions. The contents of greenhouse gases like ''– CO2 (carbon dioxide), N2, O (nitrous oxide), O3 (tropospheric ozone), CH4 (methane) (Trenberth, 1992), which is the main cause of natural disaster like draught and flood which ultimately becomes a cause of economic loss. (Pachauri and Reisinger, 2007) For sample During 1980s the financial misfortunes from dry seasons totalled a few hundred million U.S. dollars in Africa, its seen that dry spells and surges are more basic since most recent 30 years, around 25% of the contemporary African populace encounters high water stress. Around 69% of the populace live under states of relative water wealth. Henceforth the ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. What Is The Environment A National Security Issue National and international security threats are typically perceived as conflict between nations or populations of people and are addressed with military strategies. However, as security is defined as ... (Define security) not all threats emanate from nations in conflict. The environment, for example, can threaten the safety of people, and therefore becomes and national security issue. Brown (1977) states "...threats to security may now arise less from the relationship of nation to nation and more from the relationship of man to nature" (p. 5). Homer–Dixon (1991) says "A number of scholars have recently asserted that large–scale human–induced environmental pressures may seriously affect national and international security" (p. ???). Kaplan (2000) takes this idea a step further and asserts that not only is the environment a national security concern, but it is "the national–security issue of the early twenty–first century" (p. 19). Climate change is a security issue, as it "threatens to wreak havoc on the natural processes that nurture life." Examples of the environment as a national security issue: (Deforestation, air pollution, species extinction, oil spills, untreated sewage, etc.): Homer–Dixon (1999) gives examples of how environmental issues threaten security: "Deforestation increases the scarcity of forest resources, water pollution increases the scarcity of clean water, and climate change increases the scarcity of the regular patterns of rainfall and temperature on ... Get more on ...