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Lecture 3

Homer is the attributed author of the
                                                                              epics The Iliad and The Odyssey, the first
                                                                              cultural texts of Greek civilization.

                                                                              Were written in the 8th century BCE
                                                                              (700-750), soon after the rediscovery of
                                                                              writing in the Greek area. Most scholars
                                                                              believe they are the written culmination
                                                                              of a much older oral compositional

                                                                              The epics recount events about the
                                                                              Trojan War that occurred about 400 years
                                                                              earlier (traditional date 1184 BCE).
Homer is, in one tradition, blind.

Even in antiquity, there were
concerns/doubts about Homer.

Thus we have the so-called Homeric

Who was Homer?

Were the epics written by one or
many authors?

How were they composed (written
or oral)?

          William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905) -
          Homer and his Guide (1874).jpg
After studying and recording non-
literate oral bards in Yugoslavia in
the 1920s, Milman Parry argued
pervasively that the two Homeric
epics are grounded in oral

He demonstrated that within oral
cultures, long stories are
“chunked” into more manageable
and memorizable sections by the
use of common, repeated
formulaic epithets that are used to
fit into a rhythm scheme.

(e.g., Achilles is brilliant, godlike, or swift-
footed; the Greek’s ships are black, round,
hollow, or swift).

In this theory, the written stories
are just a snapshot in time of the
oral tradition.
Today most Classicists agree that, whether
or not there was ever a composer named
Homer, the poems attributed to him are to
some degree dependent on an oral
tradition, a generations-old technique that
was the collective inheritance of many
singer-poets (also called bards)
The epics recount events about the Trojan War that
occurred about 400 years prior to Homer.

The Iliad covers a period of about 14 days during the
ten-year long siege of Troy.

The Odyssey recounts one of the main characters from
the Iliad (Odysseus) efforts to return to his home, which
takes him an additional ten years.

Both epics are reflections on a lost world (the high
Bronze Age cultures of the Hittites, Mycenae and Minoa)
as well as reflections on a new emerging Greek moral
code and way of life.
Historical Context –
Bronze Age in the
Near East and
Mediterranean Area
Bronze age civilizations were
tightly connected via trade.

The Minoans, based in Crete,
played a vital role in this
trade system for over a 1000
years (2700 – 1400).
Crete has a stunning
diversity of
geographical features.
It appears that Minoan
economy was based on the
creation and trade of
luxury goods: fine pots,
ornamental bronze jewelry,
clothes, dyes, paintings.
This charmless creature is a Cretan
                                      Murex, a mollusk that feeds off
                                      decomposing flesh. It has a horrible
                                      odor, but from it, the Minoans
                                      extracted something known as

                                      It was a dye that was exceedingly
                                      rare and expensive, and throughout
                                      most of history, purple is the color
                                      of royalty, because only they could
                                      afford it.

Discoveries of these bronze-age
murex have these holes, which are
evidence that the murex were
feeding on each other. That is, the
Minoans factory farmed them for
their purple. "Twelve thousand
snails of murex yield no more than
1.4 g of pure dye, enough to color
only the trim of a single garment."
The British archeologist Arthur Evans
uncovered the Palace of Knossos in
the early years of the 20th century
and then “restored” certain
The palace complex had 1300+ rooms,
running fresh water, flush toilets,
heated bathtubs, and many beautiful
colorful frescos.
It had Europe’s first paved
road (several miles long),
and was flanked by
houses, led from the town
to the palace.
Central court – 54m x 27 m –
the size of four tennis courts.
What was it used for?
McGraw-Hill ImageVault
The animals in the Minoan
frescoes are Aurochs which have
been extinct for nearly 400 years.
Aurochs were about 25% larger
than today’s bulls. It’s hoof-
prints were the size of a man’s
So-called throne room at Knossos. But is it actually a throne?

Most of the art in these so-called palaces, unlike palaces
everywhere else in the Bronze Age, don’t seem to show or
express power, and certainly don’t appear to display kings or
There is no evidence of walls or any other military
architecture at any of the ancient Minoan towns
and palaces.

Similarly, there is little evidence of weapons or
military art.
McGraw-Hill ImageVault
The Minoans seemed to love
their colors. For instance, the
so-called Blue Monkey Throne

So how does this compare to
the throne/palace rooms of
the Minoan’s Bronze Age
So were the Minoans just makers of luxury
goods and the hosts for the Bronze Age-era
spring break parties?
Shrine at Anemospilia (the cave of the winds). In
the 1970s a discovery was made here which found
a skeleton, wearing expensive rings, that appears
to have been crushed by the stone blocks of the
walls or ceiling dating from about 1700 BCE.
Under its body was another skeleton, this one
of a teenager, lying on an alter, its limbs still
bound up. On its chest was a dagger. The priest
appears to have been making a sacrifice as the
walls came tumbling down.

In the modern world we take for granted its
stability . But prior to the later 19th century, in
almost the entire world, it took just two bad
harvests to wipe out the food supply. Much of
the religious practices of the far past seemed
to have been oriented towards placating
gods/spirits of the earth.

Minoans seemed quite exposed at times. In
1700s BCE, Crete was ravaged by earthquakes.
But worse was yet to come.
Greek island of Santorini (modern name)
or Thera (ancient name)
Santorini is built on the remains of a volcano
Around 1530 BCE the island was rocked by severe earthquakes; a
few months later the volcano erupted.

Ten times stronger than the eruption of Vesuvius that buried
Pompeii, and four times stronger than Krakatau (the most
powerful volcanic eruption of the past several hundred years and
which killed 40000).

1/3 of the island land mass disappeared. 40 meters deep layer of
ash on the remaining part of the island.

Crete only 70 miles away and was hit with a gigantic tsunami, that
destroyed the Minoan naval fleet. Crete was also buried it in ash,
which would have caused famine conditions for many years.
Excavated Minoan houses on Thera.
A recent discovery dating from a few decades
after the eruption found near the palace of
Knossos. It contained a jumble of children’s
bones found in a cooking pot along with edible
snails. The flesh from the bones has been
stripped away with a knife. Clear evidence of
Other interesting evidence from the same post-
volcano time.

Several of these prototypical earth goddess
statues, which are extremely common in
Minoan sites (perhaps like crucifixes are now) were
found purposefully broken, sealed in jars, and
then buried. One archeologist called it “paying
back the vengeful gods” or “disposing of it as if
it was nuclear waste.”

When times are tough, even the most pleasure-
loving, cosmopolitan, outward-looking, trade-
oriented culture can turn in on itself and
seemingly self-destruct
Sometime around 1450 BCE, most
Minoan cities and palaces appear
to have gone up in flames.

For instance, at one site, in a
room presumably filled with pithoi
(large 40 gallon containers holding
olive oil), the heat was so intense
the stone floor was turned into

These fires were not accidents. At
one site, the pithoi’s necks have
been sawed off, presumably to
make the oil burn easier. In other
sites, building doors were blocked
in before the fire was set.

What happened? Invaders? Or
religious civil war?
Linear A is the earliest writing on Crete
                                           and is still un-deciphered. Linear A
                                           appears to be the earlier, lost Minoan

Linear B, which don’t appear until about
1400-1500 BCE, was deciphered by
Michael Ventris in the early 1950s who
discovered it was an archaic form of
Greek. The Mycenaean Greeks may have
conquered the island or perhaps just
stepped into a power vacuum
The Mycenaeans appear to have made use of Minoan
artists, but there were no blue monkey rooms in the
throne rooms of the Mycenaeans …
The Lion’s Gate and the walls of Mycenae
Ruins at Tiryns
Ruins at Mycenae showing grave circle   170649%21Mycenae_walls_interior.JPG
Who were the Mycenaeans?
Unlike the trade-oriented Minoans, the
Mycenaeans were a war-like people.

They appear to be focused around the
chieftain/king and his retainers/warriors
living in heavily-fortified palaces.
Unlike the Minoans, much of the
archeological record for the Mycenaeans
consists of chariots, spears, bronze armour,
swords, and boar tusk helmets.
The Mycenaeans appear to have
                                                                             been the Vikings of the Bronze Age.

 Odysseus, “sacker of cities”:

 “The wind drove me out of Ilium on to Ismarus,
                    … There I sacked the city,
 killed the men, but as for the wives and plunder,
 That rich haul we dragged away from the place”
                                      Odyssey, 9.42


“we headstrong fighting forces of Achaea—so many
raids from shipboard down the foggy sea,
cruising for plunder, wherever Achilles led the
                                     Odyssey, 3.102

We have many Mycenaean Linear B tablets (which we can read).
They are without exception lists: of tributes, taxes, military
equipment, and the booty from raids.

There are no diplomatic or personal letters, no poetry, history,
prayers, epics. Only lists of possessions.
The Greek forces in the Iliad (actually
called Achaeans in the text) were the
same people that modern archeologists
call Mycenaens.

Agamemnon, the leader of the Greek forces in the Iliad,
is the king of Mycenae.
The subtext of the Iliad is that the world
of the Mycenaeans collapsed (as did those of
other near east bronze age cultures) soon after the
sack of Troy.

That is, there is a recognition in Homer that the “glory” of the
Greek victory came at a tremendously high price.
Different theories about the collapse of
Mycenaean civilization (and other nearby
bronze-age cultures):

• foreign invaders armed with iron
• slave revolts,
• plague,
• environmental crises,
• general systems collapse.
All over the bronze age world, we see
evidence of 2000 long years of bronze age
cultures being replaced by a layer of ash.

There are also interesting written records
talking of a nameless threat from the sea.
“The enemy advances against us and they
are unlimited in number.”
Other bronze age cultures collapsed or suffered burn
events at same time (1250-1150): Hittites, Phoenicia,
Palestine, Egypt, northern Mesopotamia.

Egyptian and Hittite sources talk not just of warriors but also of women
and children, i.e., mass migrations.
“Altogether the end of the Bronze Age was
arguably the worst disaster in ancient history, even
more calamitous than the collapse of the western
Roman Empire.”
During this time, Mycenaean culture
disappears, most of its population
centers are destroyed, and the few
remnants (like pottery) are found at the
very top of remote mountains.

No ecstatic bull jumpers, topless
maidens, laughing monkeys, or even
grand bronze weapons, just some crude
huts with a few treasured items, and
plenty of time to watch the fog, the
vultures circling, and scanning for
whatever it is they are trying to flee

It is over a hundred years before we see
evidence that these people returned to
lower-lying areas. In many areas,
writing disappears, agricultural
production plummets, population
declines radically, art and pottery
becomes very crude.
What follows is referred to as the Greek Dark Ages
(1200 – 800 BCE).

Compare the simplicity of the art work after the collapse to the
lavish beauty of the Minoan Bronze Age frescoes.
The world of the Illiad
Troy’s location was the key to its wealth. Due to the
strong sea currents of the Dardanelles, if the winds were
blowing in the wrong direction, Black Sea bound ships
would stop at Troy and wait for the winds to change.

While the reason for the war in the Iliad is the recovery of Helen, it
doesn’t take a great deal of political imagination to recognize that the
Trojan War was all about the sea- and booty-oriented Mycenaean’s
desire to seize and control a lucrative centre of trade.
Archeologists have discovered the site has hosted a variety of
settlements from 3000 BCE up to 100 BCE, and have given the
various settlements names Troy I, Troy II, etc

The Troy of the Iliad is identified
with Troy 7a, in which there is
evidence of widespread destruction
(though we can’t tell whether it is
from earthquake or from a violent

No “Achilles Was Here” graffiti has been
found …

Heinrich Schliemann was a successful international
businessman with a love of languages (he was fluent in 13
and wrote his daily diary and letters in the language of the country
he was visiting).

He became rich by opening a bank in California
during the California Gold Rush of 1849, sold it,
moved to Russia, married a Russian princess,
cornered the indigo market, and then just before the
Crimean war, monopolized the markets in salt peter
and sulphur (necessary for gunpowder).

He retired in 1858 at age 36 wealthy enough to
pursue his archaeological dream to find Troy.
In 1868-9, his great year, he:

3.Wrote his book in German about Troy
4.Wrote his PhD in Greek about Troy
5.Became a temporary citizen of Indiana so he
6.Legally divorce his wife
7.Moved to Greece
8.Advertised in Greek paper for a Greek wife
9.Got married to 17 year old Sophia
10.Started searching for Troy
Sophia was his collaborator throughout his
excavations at Troy, which began in 1871. He
was in such a hurry to find treasure that his
excavations ended up destroying most of Troy’s

In 1873, Schliemann saw gold glinting in the dirt, so
he sent his workers home for the day, and he and
Sophia secretly excavated what he called “Priam’s
Treasure” and then snuck out of the country with the
loot. The Ottoman Empire demanded the return of
the treasure and banned him from returning.
Sophia Schliemann:   Priam’s Treasure
Most of Priam’s Treasure was eventually sold to
the Imperial Museum of Berlin, where it was
displayed until WW2, when it was moved to a
protective bunker under the zoo.

The treasure disappeared from public knowledge
until 1994, when thanks to investigations by two
Russian journalists, it was revealed that:

The treasure was taken by Red Army soldiers in 1945
and then secretly moved to the Pushkin Museum in
When this news was revealed, the German
government demanded their return, as did the
government of Turkey and the descendants of
the Schliemann family.

In October 2009, the items moved to the brand new
Neues Museum in Berlin.
Remains of the walls of Troy
Iliad Plot Summary
On blackboard in class
The Iliad – A celebration of warrior culture?
There are certainly indications that in
antiquity, many readers valued the Iliad’s
seeming celebration of heroic warfare.
Greek vase, 4th century BCE

 Roman sarcophagus, 1st century CE
Ambrosian Iliad, 5th century CE
Indeed, one can find up to this day ample
evidence of the Iliad’s continuing allure to
those attracted to the idea of heroic warfare.
Late 19th century engraving of Achilles after the death of Hector
Early 20th century children’s book
idealizing Achilles.

Notice that Hector has evidently died from a
bad scrap on his knee…

Howard David Johnson, “Achilles Triumphant” 2006

Evidently there are people who buy this
modern-day oil painting/reproduction and
display it in their living rooms.
And this one as well.
Achilles in Hyde Park

                                                            Achilles in Texas

Hyde Park Achilles statue built in 1822 to honour
Wellington after the Peninsular Wars against the French.
 Money raised entirely by patriotic British ladies during
the war; fig leaf added just before unveiling!
Patriotic statues of warriors, fictional or real,
continue to be a popular way of expressing
admiration for supposed heroic ideals.
What are the Trojan warriors
fighting for?

They are clearly fighting to protect their city
and their families
What are the Homeric Greek
warriors fighting for?

Honour (timê)
Glory/Fame (kleos)
Glory/Fame (kleos)
What others say about you.
Glory (kleos) is the only immortality
available to a Homeric warrior. It is won
through what one accomplishes. Those
accomplishments are manifested by the
prizes (geras) you win.

Agamemnon not only dishonors Achilles by
taking away his prize (Briseis), he is in a
way affecting his immortality (i.e., his
So now the heart of Sarpedon stalwart as a god
                                         impelled him to charge the wall and break it down.
                                         He quickly called Hoppolochus’s son: “Glaucus,
                                         why do they hold us both in honor, first by far
Sarpedon (a Trojan) asks his
fellow prince why do they have           with pride of place, choice meats and brimming cups,
wealth and comfortable lives as          in Lycia where all our people look on us like gods?
aristocrats                              Why make us lords of estates along the Xanthus’ banks,
                                         rich in vineyards and plowland rolling wheat?
                                         So that now the duty’s ours –
The answer, he says, is because          we are the ones to head our Lycian front,
they are at forefront of any fighting    brace and fling ourselves in the blaze of war,
                                         so a comrade strapped in combat gear may say,
                                         ‘Not without fame, the men who rule in Lycia,
                                         these kings of ours who eat fat cuts of lamb
And by being leaders in war, their
retainers will think that they deserve
                                         and drink sweet wine, the finest stock we have.
their easier lives.                      But they owe it all to their own fighting strength,
                                         our great men of war, they lead our way in battle!’

                                         Ah my friend, if you and I could escape this fray
If they were gods who could live
forever, then there would be no          and live forever, never a trace of age, immortal,
need to fight.                           I would never fight on the front lines again
                                         or command you to the field where men win fame.
                                         But now, as it is, the fates of death await us,
But because we can die, then we
must fight. (That is, the only           thousands poised to strike, and not a man alive
immortality available is glory gained    can flee them or escape – so in we go for attack!
from heroic feats on the battlefield)    Give our enemy glory or win it for ourselves!”

                                         Glaucus did not turn back or shun that call –
                                         on they charged, leading the Lycians’ main mass.
Ah my friend, if you and I could escape this fray
and live forever, never a trace of age, immortal,   Thus, because the gods lack human vulnerabilities
I would never fight on the front lines again
or command you to the field where men win fame.     (death, aging, injuries, grief) they lack any
But now, as it is, the fates of death await us,
thousands poised to strike, and not a man alive     capacity for nobility (courage, bravery, sacrifice,
can flee them or escape – so in we go for attack!
Give our enemy glory or win it for ourselves!       glory, honor).

                                                    For these Homeric warriors, the gods are akin to being eternally
                                                    stuck playing a video game with an invulnerability cheat turned
                                                    on. The gods know that no harm can ever come to them and are
                                                    thus endlessly bored. They envy humans for their vulnerability
                                                    and the achievements that that vulnerability makes possible.
Gods in the Iliad
They are not good, evil, just, merciful,
omniscient, omnipotent, nor is their relationship
with humans based on mutual love.

The gods in Homer’s works personify forces of
nature but are anthropomorphic.

And Hera the Queen [of the gods], her eyes wide, answered,
“Excellent! The three cities that I love best of all
are Argos and Sparta, Mycenae with streets as broad as Troy’s.
Raze them – whenever they stir the hatred in your [Zeus’] heart.
My cities … I will never rise in their defense
Iliad, Book 4, lines 59-62

Then Zeus, looking down from Mount Ida, intensified
the slaughter, and the two sides kept killing each other.
Iliad, Book 11, lines 317-19
The human characters in the Iliad are, by and
large, reverent and respectful towards the gods in
their speeches. The gods are dangerous and
unpredictable forces to the humans.

But Homer, when he is speaking as the narrator,
tends to portray the gods as being petty, childish,
or figures of comic relief.

For instance, see Book 14, lines 375-412
Death in the Iliad
The Iliad has been called the poem of
death for good reason. The deaths of
some 250 warriors are recorded.

These fall into two categories:
•death of “significant” hero
• death of “common” warriors
Death of Heroes
Major heroes in the Iliad will only die to another, greater
or equal hero. These battles between equals are more
like ritualized duels.

Before they fight, the heroes tell each other about their
background, heroic deeds, and important ancestors
(see battle between Diomedes and Glaucus, Book 6, lines 120-217).

Diomedes and Glaucus in fact do not fight but exchange gifts because
their parents were xenos (guest-friends).
The heroes in the Iliad compete endlessly, not only with
the enemy, but with other heroes fighting on the same

They compete to prove their arete (virtue/excellence).
Different heroes claim that they are the best in strength,
skill, cleverness, fleetness of foot, cunning, strategy,
ambushes, archery, spear throwing, weight lifting,
chariot driving, etc.

No surprise that it was the Greeks that created the
Olympic Games in 776 BCE about the same time as
Homer was writing the Iliad.
When heroes do fight each other, one will usually die.

But before the hero dies, he has his “moment in the
sun,” his aresteia, a period in which he displays his
fighting prowess.

For some heroes, this will only be for a few paragraphs.
For others, their aresteia lasts for dozens of pages.
Though Achilles does not die in the Iliad, his aresteia is
terrifying, long (Books 19-22), and almost inhuman and
Death of Commoners
And Meriones killed Phereclus, Harmonides' son--
the father a craftsman whose hands were skilled in creating
all kinds of beatuiful things, since Athena loved him.
Meriones ran him down, and as he drew close
he hit him in the right buttock, and the bronze spear point
pushed up under the pubic bone into his bladder
and he fell to his knees, screaming, and death embraced him.

And Meges cut down Pedaeus, Antenor's son--
a bastard son, but Theano had brought him up
as one of her own, so much did she love her husband.
Meges' spear hit the back of his neck, then cut
right through his jaw, and sliced off his tongue at the root.
He fell in the dirt, and his teeth closed around the cold bronze.
Is the Iliad the 800 BCE version of this?
Death is narrated by Homer graphically and

Violence is a permanent factor in human life. It is unsentimental
to pretend violence is not ugly but also that it has a strange and
compelling fatal beauty.
Yet Homer does something special with the deaths
of the commoners/non-heroes. They are not red
shirts or mooks …
So which of these four isn’t going to
                        return to the spaceship? calls these types of “good” characters the Red Shirt. Their
purpose is almost exclusively to give the writers someone to kill who isn't a
main character.

They are used to show how the monster or villain works, and demonstrate
that it is indeed a deadly menace, without having to lose
anyone important. Expect someone to say “He's dead, Jim” and
then promptly forget him.
The Bad Guy equivalent are Mooks: faceless, nameless cannon
fodder for The Hero.

“Nameless, faceless, horribly awful shots, incompetent, unwilling to
retreat, and completely disposable: they provide a chance for the
characters to show off their flashy fighting skills and can be shot
without guilt. The hero might find it in his heart to Save the Villain, but
the guys whose only crime is not finding a better employer will be
shown no mercy.”

“They may be called the Palace Guard, the City Guard, or the patrol. Whatever
the name, their purpose in any work of heroic fantasy is identical: it is, round
about Chapter Three (or ten minutes into the film) to rush into the room, attack
the hero one at a time, and be slaughtered. No one ever asks them if they
wanted to.” Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!
And Meriones killed Phereclus, Harmonides' son--
the father a craftsman whose hands were skilled      By describing the civic and/or family life of the
in creating all kinds of beautiful things
...                                                  warrior falling to the hero, the audience/reader’s
The two good sons of Merops, who had refused to
let his two boys march to war, this man-killing      emotional attention is diverted to the fallen foe. It
war, but the young ones fought him all the way …
and Diomedes destroyed them both.                    ensures that each death in the Iliad is perceived, if
Diomedes cut down Axylos, Teuthras’ son, who         only fleetingly, as regrettable.
had been a dweller in strong-founded Arisbe, a
man rich in substance and a friend to all humanity
since in his house by the wayside he entertained
all comers.

                                                     “in the Iliad glory is usurped by sympathy for the
                                                     human being, possessed of a family and life story,
                                                     who has been extinguished.”
                                                     Caroline Alexander, The War That Killed Achilles
“This remarkable point is worth emphasizing:
subtly, but with unflagging consistency, the Iliad
ensures that the enemy is humanized and that the
deaths of enemy Trojans are depicted as
Caroline Alexander, The War That Killed Achilles
“the Iliad is ever mindful that war is about men
killing or men killed. In the entire epic, no warrior,
whether hero or obscure man of the ranks, dies
happily or well. No reward awaits the soldier’s
valor; no heaven will receive him. The Iliad’s
words and phrases for the process of death make it
clear that this is something baneful. … Again and
again, relentlessly, the Iliad hammers this fact: …
death is tragic and full of horror.”
Caroline Alexander, The War That Killed Achilles
In Book 11 of the Odyssey, Odysseus visits
Hades, the land of the dead, a place of
total baneful unpleasantness.

“I [Odysseus] reassured the ghost, but he [Achilles]
broke out, protesting,
‘No winning words about death to me, shining
By god, I’d rather slave on earth for another man —
some dirt-poor farmer who scrapes to keep alive —
than rule down here over all the breathless dead.’”
Embassy to Achilles (Book 9)
After the war turns against the Greeks,
Agamemnon relents, and Odysseus (guile
and reason), Phoenix (surrogate father)
and Ajax (fellow warrior) visit Achilles and
try to convince him to rejoin the war.

They tell Achilles of Agamemnon’s offer of Briseis,
many other gifts, first pickings of loot/prizes after
troy is conquered, plus one of his daughters in
marriage (i.e., political power).
Achilles brutally rejects (lines 311-441) not
only the offer but he rejects all the values
of their warrior culture as well. He says:

1. Why should warriors put their lives at risks for a king
   who gains all the prizes at little danger to himself?

•   What is the point of plunder as marks of honor or
    fame if they can be taken away? Thus since tîme can
    be taken away at the leader’s whim, it ultimately has
    no value.

1. Finally, is plunder really worth dying for?
Of course every warrior knows that dying
is a possibility. However, Achilles, is

His mother, the goddess Thetis, has told
him that he has two possible fates: win
imperishable glory by dying at Troy, or live
a long, happy, but unremarkable life by
returning home and living in peace.

He tells them that he now intends to
choose the latter and sail home.
Unlike, Achilles, who is isolated from his
fellow warriors and who is ½ divine,
Hector is fully realized human being and
integrated completely into his community.

He is the only character who is shown in every
conceivable human relationship: brother,
father, husband, son, general, prince, warrior.

He accepts his responsibility as a prince to
fight to protect his city, but his own wish is for
peace. That is, he fights for the good of his
people, not for his own personal glory.
“Yes Andromache, I [Hector] worry about this myself,
But my shame before the Trojans and their wives,
With their long robes trailing, would be too terrible
If I hung back from battle like a coward.”
Iliad, Book 6
Death of Hector
After Hector kills Achilles’ companion
Patroclus, Achilles rejoins the war,
knowing that it will bring on his own

Achilles in almost a berserker rage, has a
long and terrifying aresteia, in which he
kills effortlessly with no mercy, with no
Heroic Duel rituals, and even battles gods.
“I just went crazy. I pulled him out into the paddy and

carved him up with my knife. When I was done with

him, he looked like a rag doll that a dog had been

playing with … I lost all my mercy. I felt a drastic

change after that … I couldn’t do enough damage … for

every one that I killed I felt better … Every time you

lost a friend it seemed like a part of you was gone… I

got very hard, cold, merciless. I lost all my mercy.”

                                From Achilles in Vietnam
Kiev- 1944

                              Mai Lai - 1968

             Haditha - 2005
Tom Lea
“Two-Thousand-Yard Stare”
Hector, not wanting to fight Achilles,
nonetheless, leaves the city to face Achilles.

Hector, before the fight, tries to convince
Achilles to follow the ethic of war (the winner
will let the loser’s family bury the fallen), but
Achilles refuses.
After killing Hector, Achilles desecrates Hector’s

Achilles finds that his rage and grief does not end
with Hector’s death, nor with abusing Hector’s
Priam and Achilles

Priam and Achilles meet in the twilight of their
lives. They both will soon be dead and they
appear to know it.

They mutually assert non-military, non-
competitive moral virtues (hospitality and
Achilles returns Hector’s body to Priam and
agree to a 12 day truce.

All truces are bittersweet: in every truce floats
the specter of an opportunity (usually lost) for
1914 Xmas Day Truce
on the Western Front
Ending of the Iliad – Hector’s Burial
The epic ends with the sadness of the death of
Hector. It made the enemy of the Greek's the
true tragic hero of its greatest epic.
The Greeks after Homer recognized the Iliad as a
dark portrayal of the true costs of war: the
destruction of a community, rape and slavery, and
victors brutalized as much as the victims.

The Greeks of the later classic era were crazy
about fighting, and most men fought in wars
almost every summer.

Interestingly, however, perhaps because of the
influence of the Iliad, they ritualized and limited
it, thereby making war somewhat less devastating
and total.
Whenever they’d drink the deep-red mellow vintage,
twenty cups of water he’d stir in one of wine
and what an aroma wafted from the bowl—
what magic, what a godsend—
no joy in holding back when that was poured!
                             Homer, The Odyssey 9 l. 231

The peoples of the Mediterranean began to emerge
from barbarism when they learned to cultivate the olive
and the vine.

         One bowl [of wine] for ruddy health,
             then one for getting happy.
         The third brings sleep. …
         The fourth’s for pride
             and the fifth for lots of noise,
         The sixth for mindless f _ _ _ing,
             and the seventh is followed by black eyes.
         The eighth brings the police,
         The ninth’s for throwing up,
         And the tenth’s for trashing everything
             before passing out.

                  Eubulus, 4thC BCE Athenian politician
The Odyssey is an epic of return, an epic
that focuses less on warfare and its ethic
and more on how a human needs to
behave in the everyday world of emerging
Greek civilization.

Odysseus (and not Achilles) ends up being
the cultural hero of the Greeks of the
emerging classical age.
Odysseus is renowned for his cunning, for
thinking through problems, for knowing
how to act, for having both brains and
Odysseus was seen by later Greek culture
to be the epitome of the moral (and
aesthetic) ideal of sophrosyne.

Sophrosyne seems to have referred to the
ideal of living life to its fullest but to do so
with moderation, common sense, and in
the light of self-knowledge.
The Sophrosyne ideal was latter enshrined
at Delphi, the Classic Greek religious
centre, in a variety of sayings carved into
the temples.
γνῶθι σεαυτόν (gnōthi seautón = "know thyself")
μηδέν άγαν (mēdén ágan = "nothing in excess")
Cahill, in his 2003 book claimed
that this ideal of sophrosyne
gave the Greeks insight into the
five key areas of human life,
which are nicely captured by his chapter titles:
Odyssey Plot Summary
On blackboard in class
The Odyssey begins, not
with Odysseus, but with
his home, with his son
and wife, who are beset
by ill-behaved suitors
hoping to marry
Penelope (since
Odysseus has been away
for 20 years) and
presumably become
Penelope & the Suitors
J. W. Waterhouse
Is the Greek word for a very complicated
concept/ideal that is at the heart of the Odyssey’s
moral vision. We don’t really have an English word
that corresponds to it.

It means guest, stranger, friend, foreigner.

Our English word xenophobia (fear of foreigners) comes from the Greek
Often translated as hospitality or guest-friendship.
It proscribed a set of norms that governed how a
host should behave to a guest, and how a guest
should behave to a host.

In a world without inns or hotels, philoxenia was a
vital part of surviving when travelling.
At the beginning of the Odyssey, the suitors are not
following the guest protocols of philoxenia, by
never leaving Telemachus’s house, eating all his
food, constantly wooing Penelope, and sleeping
with the servants.

Calypso is not following the host protocol since she
refuses to let Odysseus leave her island.
Telemachus in contrast shows proper philoxenia.
Straight to the porch he went, mortified
that a guest [xenos] might still be standing at the doors.
Pausing beside her there, he clasped her right hand
and relieving her at once of her long bronze spear,
met her with winged words: “Greetings, stranger! [xenia]
Here in our house you’ll find a royal welcome.
Have supper first, then tell us what you need.”
Telemachus then goes to visit some other veterans
of the Trojan war, looking for word of his father.
He too is treated with proper xenia.

As soon as they saw the strangers, all came crowding down,
waving them on in welcome, urging them to sit.
Nestor’s son Pisistratus, first to reach them,
grasped their hands and sat them down at the feast.
Once they’d put aside desire for food and drink,
old Nestor the noble charioteer began, at last:
“Now’s the time, now they’ve enjoyed their meal,
to probe our guests and find out who they are.
Strangers-Friends, who are you?”
Meanwhile, Odysseus, thanks to the gods’
intervention, is freed from Caylpso’s island and is
given a raft … which is promptly sunk by a still-
angry Poseidon.

He washes up on the island of the Phaeacians.
He is meet by Nausicaa, a Phaeacian princess, who is
washing clothes on the shore. She clothes him and takes
him to met her parents, the king and queen.
The king rose in his place, and said: "This
                                stranger has come to my hall. I do not know
                                who he is, or whence he comes, whether from
                                the east or the west. And he begs us to convey
                                him safely to his home. Now this, as you know,
                                is a thing that we have been used from old
                                time to do for strangers. Go, then, and choose
                                out a ship Let it be new—one that never has
                                been on the sea before. And pick out fifty and
                                two rowers. Let them be the best and
                                strongest that there are in the country. When
                                you have done this, come to my hall and feast.

                                And let the minstrel come also, for the gods
Odysseus among the Phaeacians   have given him the gift of song, and there is
                                nothing better than song to make glad the
                                hearts of men." So the chiefs of the people
                                went and did as the king commanded.
                                When the people were ready to begin, there
                                came two servants of the king leading the
                                singer by the hand, for he was blind. They
                                made him sit down in a silver chair in the
                                middle of the hall; they hung his harp on a rail
                                that there was above his head where he could
                                easily reach it. And by his side they put a
                                table, and on the table a basket full of good
                                things, and a cup of wine so that he might
                                drink when he pleased.

                                Then the people began to eat and drink, and
                                when they had had enough, the singer sang. 
Odysseus tells of all his adventures after
leaving Troy to the Phaeacians.
The Cyclops Polyphemus
The Cyclopedes have no concept of xenia;
instead of giving gifts and food, the
Cyclopes eats his guests.
After his cunning escape from
the Cyclops, Odysseus and his
crew sail away and soon find
themselves on Aiolia Island,
the domain of the wind god
Aeolus who provides Odysseus
with enough supplies to return
home including a bag which
contained all the winds except
the ones Odysseus needed to
return home to Ithaca.
Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus
John William Waterhouse (1891)
Odysseus visits Hades, the land of the
dead, in order to get instructions on how
to return home.
Ulysses and the Sirens (1891)
John William Waterhouse
Scylla and Charybdis
Thanks to the Phaeacians
Odysseus reaches home. But
instead of quickly announcing
his presence, wily Odysseus
disguises himself as a beggar
so he can perform
reconnaissance and prepare
for the inevitable showdown.
Odysseus and Telemachus end up killing all 124 suitors.

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Introduction to Western Humanities - 3 - Homer and the Bronze Age

  • 2. Homer is the attributed author of the epics The Iliad and The Odyssey, the first cultural texts of Greek civilization. Were written in the 8th century BCE (700-750), soon after the rediscovery of writing in the Greek area. Most scholars believe they are the written culmination of a much older oral compositional tradition. The epics recount events about the Trojan War that occurred about 400 years earlier (traditional date 1184 BCE).
  • 3. Homer is, in one tradition, blind. Even in antiquity, there were concerns/doubts about Homer. Thus we have the so-called Homeric Questions: Who was Homer? Were the epics written by one or many authors? How were they composed (written or oral)? William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905) - Homer and his Guide (1874).jpg
  • 4. After studying and recording non- literate oral bards in Yugoslavia in the 1920s, Milman Parry argued pervasively that the two Homeric epics are grounded in oral composition. He demonstrated that within oral cultures, long stories are “chunked” into more manageable and memorizable sections by the use of common, repeated formulaic epithets that are used to fit into a rhythm scheme. (e.g., Achilles is brilliant, godlike, or swift- footed; the Greek’s ships are black, round, hollow, or swift). In this theory, the written stories are just a snapshot in time of the oral tradition.
  • 5. Today most Classicists agree that, whether or not there was ever a composer named Homer, the poems attributed to him are to some degree dependent on an oral tradition, a generations-old technique that was the collective inheritance of many singer-poets (also called bards)
  • 7. The epics recount events about the Trojan War that occurred about 400 years prior to Homer. The Iliad covers a period of about 14 days during the ten-year long siege of Troy. The Odyssey recounts one of the main characters from the Iliad (Odysseus) efforts to return to his home, which takes him an additional ten years. Both epics are reflections on a lost world (the high Bronze Age cultures of the Hittites, Mycenae and Minoa) as well as reflections on a new emerging Greek moral code and way of life.
  • 8. Historical Context – Bronze Age in the Near East and Mediterranean Area
  • 9.
  • 10. Bronze age civilizations were tightly connected via trade. The Minoans, based in Crete, played a vital role in this trade system for over a 1000 years (2700 – 1400).
  • 11. Crete has a stunning diversity of geographical features.
  • 12. It appears that Minoan economy was based on the creation and trade of luxury goods: fine pots, ornamental bronze jewelry, clothes, dyes, paintings.
  • 13. This charmless creature is a Cretan Murex, a mollusk that feeds off decomposing flesh. It has a horrible odor, but from it, the Minoans extracted something known as Purple. It was a dye that was exceedingly rare and expensive, and throughout most of history, purple is the color of royalty, because only they could afford it. Discoveries of these bronze-age murex have these holes, which are evidence that the murex were feeding on each other. That is, the Minoans factory farmed them for their purple. "Twelve thousand snails of murex yield no more than 1.4 g of pure dye, enough to color only the trim of a single garment."
  • 15. The British archeologist Arthur Evans uncovered the Palace of Knossos in the early years of the 20th century and then “restored” certain sections.
  • 16.
  • 17. The palace complex had 1300+ rooms, running fresh water, flush toilets, heated bathtubs, and many beautiful colorful frescos.
  • 18.
  • 19. It had Europe’s first paved road (several miles long), and was flanked by houses, led from the town to the palace.
  • 20. Central court – 54m x 27 m – the size of four tennis courts. What was it used for?
  • 22. The animals in the Minoan frescoes are Aurochs which have been extinct for nearly 400 years. Aurochs were about 25% larger than today’s bulls. It’s hoof- prints were the size of a man’s head
  • 23. So-called throne room at Knossos. But is it actually a throne? Most of the art in these so-called palaces, unlike palaces everywhere else in the Bronze Age, don’t seem to show or express power, and certainly don’t appear to display kings or queens.
  • 24. There is no evidence of walls or any other military architecture at any of the ancient Minoan towns and palaces. Similarly, there is little evidence of weapons or military art.
  • 25.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37. The Minoans seemed to love their colors. For instance, the so-called Blue Monkey Throne Room. So how does this compare to the throne/palace rooms of the Minoan’s Bronze Age compatriots?
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. So were the Minoans just makers of luxury goods and the hosts for the Bronze Age-era spring break parties?
  • 41. Shrine at Anemospilia (the cave of the winds). In the 1970s a discovery was made here which found a skeleton, wearing expensive rings, that appears to have been crushed by the stone blocks of the walls or ceiling dating from about 1700 BCE.
  • 42. Under its body was another skeleton, this one of a teenager, lying on an alter, its limbs still bound up. On its chest was a dagger. The priest appears to have been making a sacrifice as the walls came tumbling down. In the modern world we take for granted its stability . But prior to the later 19th century, in almost the entire world, it took just two bad harvests to wipe out the food supply. Much of the religious practices of the far past seemed to have been oriented towards placating gods/spirits of the earth. Minoans seemed quite exposed at times. In 1700s BCE, Crete was ravaged by earthquakes. But worse was yet to come.
  • 43.
  • 44. Greek island of Santorini (modern name) or Thera (ancient name)
  • 45. Santorini is built on the remains of a volcano
  • 46. Around 1530 BCE the island was rocked by severe earthquakes; a few months later the volcano erupted. Ten times stronger than the eruption of Vesuvius that buried Pompeii, and four times stronger than Krakatau (the most powerful volcanic eruption of the past several hundred years and which killed 40000). 1/3 of the island land mass disappeared. 40 meters deep layer of ash on the remaining part of the island. Crete only 70 miles away and was hit with a gigantic tsunami, that destroyed the Minoan naval fleet. Crete was also buried it in ash, which would have caused famine conditions for many years.
  • 47. Excavated Minoan houses on Thera.
  • 48. A recent discovery dating from a few decades after the eruption found near the palace of Knossos. It contained a jumble of children’s bones found in a cooking pot along with edible snails. The flesh from the bones has been stripped away with a knife. Clear evidence of cannibalism.
  • 49. Other interesting evidence from the same post- volcano time. Several of these prototypical earth goddess statues, which are extremely common in Minoan sites (perhaps like crucifixes are now) were found purposefully broken, sealed in jars, and then buried. One archeologist called it “paying back the vengeful gods” or “disposing of it as if it was nuclear waste.” When times are tough, even the most pleasure- loving, cosmopolitan, outward-looking, trade- oriented culture can turn in on itself and seemingly self-destruct
  • 50. Sometime around 1450 BCE, most Minoan cities and palaces appear to have gone up in flames. For instance, at one site, in a room presumably filled with pithoi (large 40 gallon containers holding olive oil), the heat was so intense the stone floor was turned into glass. These fires were not accidents. At one site, the pithoi’s necks have been sawed off, presumably to make the oil burn easier. In other sites, building doors were blocked in before the fire was set. What happened? Invaders? Or religious civil war?
  • 51. Linear A is the earliest writing on Crete and is still un-deciphered. Linear A appears to be the earlier, lost Minoan language. Linear B, which don’t appear until about 1400-1500 BCE, was deciphered by Michael Ventris in the early 1950s who discovered it was an archaic form of Greek. The Mycenaean Greeks may have conquered the island or perhaps just stepped into a power vacuum
  • 52.
  • 53. The Mycenaeans appear to have made use of Minoan artists, but there were no blue monkey rooms in the throne rooms of the Mycenaeans …
  • 54.
  • 55. The Lion’s Gate and the walls of Mycenae
  • 57. Ruins at Mycenae showing grave circle 170649%21Mycenae_walls_interior.JPG
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62. Who were the Mycenaeans?
  • 63.
  • 64. Unlike the trade-oriented Minoans, the Mycenaeans were a war-like people. They appear to be focused around the chieftain/king and his retainers/warriors living in heavily-fortified palaces.
  • 65. Unlike the Minoans, much of the archeological record for the Mycenaeans consists of chariots, spears, bronze armour, swords, and boar tusk helmets.
  • 68. The Mycenaeans appear to have been the Vikings of the Bronze Age. Odysseus, “sacker of cities”: “The wind drove me out of Ilium on to Ismarus, … There I sacked the city, killed the men, but as for the wives and plunder, That rich haul we dragged away from the place” Odyssey, 9.42 Nestor: “we headstrong fighting forces of Achaea—so many raids from shipboard down the foggy sea, cruising for plunder, wherever Achilles led the way” Odyssey, 3.102
  • 69. We have many Mycenaean Linear B tablets (which we can read). They are without exception lists: of tributes, taxes, military equipment, and the booty from raids. There are no diplomatic or personal letters, no poetry, history, prayers, epics. Only lists of possessions.
  • 70. The Greek forces in the Iliad (actually called Achaeans in the text) were the same people that modern archeologists call Mycenaens. Agamemnon, the leader of the Greek forces in the Iliad, is the king of Mycenae.
  • 71. The subtext of the Iliad is that the world of the Mycenaeans collapsed (as did those of other near east bronze age cultures) soon after the sack of Troy. That is, there is a recognition in Homer that the “glory” of the Greek victory came at a tremendously high price.
  • 73. Different theories about the collapse of Mycenaean civilization (and other nearby bronze-age cultures): • foreign invaders armed with iron • slave revolts, • plague, • environmental crises, • general systems collapse.
  • 74. All over the bronze age world, we see evidence of 2000 long years of bronze age cultures being replaced by a layer of ash. There are also interesting written records talking of a nameless threat from the sea. “The enemy advances against us and they are unlimited in number.”
  • 75. Other bronze age cultures collapsed or suffered burn events at same time (1250-1150): Hittites, Phoenicia, Palestine, Egypt, northern Mesopotamia. Egyptian and Hittite sources talk not just of warriors but also of women and children, i.e., mass migrations.
  • 76. “Altogether the end of the Bronze Age was arguably the worst disaster in ancient history, even more calamitous than the collapse of the western Roman Empire.”
  • 77. During this time, Mycenaean culture disappears, most of its population centers are destroyed, and the few remnants (like pottery) are found at the very top of remote mountains. No ecstatic bull jumpers, topless maidens, laughing monkeys, or even grand bronze weapons, just some crude huts with a few treasured items, and plenty of time to watch the fog, the vultures circling, and scanning for whatever it is they are trying to flee from. It is over a hundred years before we see evidence that these people returned to lower-lying areas. In many areas, writing disappears, agricultural production plummets, population declines radically, art and pottery becomes very crude.
  • 78. What follows is referred to as the Greek Dark Ages (1200 – 800 BCE). Compare the simplicity of the art work after the collapse to the lavish beauty of the Minoan Bronze Age frescoes.
  • 79. The world of the Illiad
  • 80. Troy’s location was the key to its wealth. Due to the strong sea currents of the Dardanelles, if the winds were blowing in the wrong direction, Black Sea bound ships would stop at Troy and wait for the winds to change. t en rr Cu a Se While the reason for the war in the Iliad is the recovery of Helen, it doesn’t take a great deal of political imagination to recognize that the Trojan War was all about the sea- and booty-oriented Mycenaean’s desire to seize and control a lucrative centre of trade.
  • 81.
  • 82. Archeologists have discovered the site has hosted a variety of settlements from 3000 BCE up to 100 BCE, and have given the various settlements names Troy I, Troy II, etc The Troy of the Iliad is identified with Troy 7a, in which there is evidence of widespread destruction (though we can’t tell whether it is from earthquake or from a violent sacking). No “Achilles Was Here” graffiti has been found …
  • 83. Heinrich Schliemann was a successful international businessman with a love of languages (he was fluent in 13 and wrote his daily diary and letters in the language of the country he was visiting). He became rich by opening a bank in California during the California Gold Rush of 1849, sold it, moved to Russia, married a Russian princess, cornered the indigo market, and then just before the Crimean war, monopolized the markets in salt peter and sulphur (necessary for gunpowder). He retired in 1858 at age 36 wealthy enough to pursue his archaeological dream to find Troy.
  • 84. In 1868-9, his great year, he: 3.Wrote his book in German about Troy 4.Wrote his PhD in Greek about Troy 5.Became a temporary citizen of Indiana so he could 6.Legally divorce his wife 7.Moved to Greece 8.Advertised in Greek paper for a Greek wife 9.Got married to 17 year old Sophia 10.Started searching for Troy
  • 85. Sophia was his collaborator throughout his excavations at Troy, which began in 1871. He was in such a hurry to find treasure that his excavations ended up destroying most of Troy’s walls. In 1873, Schliemann saw gold glinting in the dirt, so he sent his workers home for the day, and he and Sophia secretly excavated what he called “Priam’s Treasure” and then snuck out of the country with the loot. The Ottoman Empire demanded the return of the treasure and banned him from returning.
  • 86. Sophia Schliemann: Priam’s Treasure
  • 87.
  • 88. Most of Priam’s Treasure was eventually sold to the Imperial Museum of Berlin, where it was displayed until WW2, when it was moved to a protective bunker under the zoo. The treasure disappeared from public knowledge until 1994, when thanks to investigations by two Russian journalists, it was revealed that: The treasure was taken by Red Army soldiers in 1945 and then secretly moved to the Pushkin Museum in Moscow.
  • 89. When this news was revealed, the German government demanded their return, as did the government of Turkey and the descendants of the Schliemann family. In October 2009, the items moved to the brand new Neues Museum in Berlin.
  • 90.
  • 91. Remains of the walls of Troy
  • 92.
  • 93. Iliad Plot Summary On blackboard in class
  • 94. The Iliad – A celebration of warrior culture?
  • 95. There are certainly indications that in antiquity, many readers valued the Iliad’s seeming celebration of heroic warfare.
  • 96. Greek vase, 4th century BCE Roman sarcophagus, 1st century CE
  • 97. Ambrosian Iliad, 5th century CE
  • 98. Indeed, one can find up to this day ample evidence of the Iliad’s continuing allure to those attracted to the idea of heroic warfare.
  • 99.
  • 100. Late 19th century engraving of Achilles after the death of Hector
  • 101. Early 20th century children’s book idealizing Achilles. Notice that Hector has evidently died from a bad scrap on his knee…
  • 102. Howard David Johnson, “Achilles Triumphant” 2006 Evidently there are people who buy this modern-day oil painting/reproduction and display it in their living rooms.
  • 103. MARK CHURMS, “ACHILLES VERSUS HECTOR” 2007 And this one as well.
  • 104. Achilles in Hyde Park Achilles in Texas Hyde Park Achilles statue built in 1822 to honour Wellington after the Peninsular Wars against the French. Money raised entirely by patriotic British ladies during the war; fig leaf added just before unveiling!
  • 105. Patriotic statues of warriors, fictional or real, continue to be a popular way of expressing admiration for supposed heroic ideals.
  • 106. What are the Trojan warriors fighting for? They are clearly fighting to protect their city and their families
  • 107. What are the Homeric Greek warriors fighting for? Honour (timê) Glory/Fame (kleos)
  • 109.
  • 110. Glory (kleos) is the only immortality available to a Homeric warrior. It is won through what one accomplishes. Those accomplishments are manifested by the prizes (geras) you win. Agamemnon not only dishonors Achilles by taking away his prize (Briseis), he is in a way affecting his immortality (i.e., his fame).
  • 111. So now the heart of Sarpedon stalwart as a god impelled him to charge the wall and break it down. He quickly called Hoppolochus’s son: “Glaucus, why do they hold us both in honor, first by far Sarpedon (a Trojan) asks his fellow prince why do they have with pride of place, choice meats and brimming cups, wealth and comfortable lives as in Lycia where all our people look on us like gods? aristocrats Why make us lords of estates along the Xanthus’ banks, rich in vineyards and plowland rolling wheat? So that now the duty’s ours – The answer, he says, is because we are the ones to head our Lycian front, they are at forefront of any fighting brace and fling ourselves in the blaze of war, so a comrade strapped in combat gear may say, ‘Not without fame, the men who rule in Lycia, these kings of ours who eat fat cuts of lamb And by being leaders in war, their retainers will think that they deserve and drink sweet wine, the finest stock we have. their easier lives. But they owe it all to their own fighting strength, our great men of war, they lead our way in battle!’ Ah my friend, if you and I could escape this fray If they were gods who could live forever, then there would be no and live forever, never a trace of age, immortal, need to fight. I would never fight on the front lines again or command you to the field where men win fame. But now, as it is, the fates of death await us, But because we can die, then we must fight. (That is, the only thousands poised to strike, and not a man alive immortality available is glory gained can flee them or escape – so in we go for attack! from heroic feats on the battlefield) Give our enemy glory or win it for ourselves!” Glaucus did not turn back or shun that call – on they charged, leading the Lycians’ main mass.
  • 112. Ah my friend, if you and I could escape this fray and live forever, never a trace of age, immortal, Thus, because the gods lack human vulnerabilities I would never fight on the front lines again or command you to the field where men win fame. (death, aging, injuries, grief) they lack any But now, as it is, the fates of death await us, thousands poised to strike, and not a man alive capacity for nobility (courage, bravery, sacrifice, can flee them or escape – so in we go for attack! Give our enemy glory or win it for ourselves! glory, honor). For these Homeric warriors, the gods are akin to being eternally stuck playing a video game with an invulnerability cheat turned on. The gods know that no harm can ever come to them and are thus endlessly bored. They envy humans for their vulnerability and the achievements that that vulnerability makes possible.
  • 113. Gods in the Iliad They are not good, evil, just, merciful, omniscient, omnipotent, nor is their relationship with humans based on mutual love. The gods in Homer’s works personify forces of nature but are anthropomorphic. And Hera the Queen [of the gods], her eyes wide, answered, “Excellent! The three cities that I love best of all are Argos and Sparta, Mycenae with streets as broad as Troy’s. Raze them – whenever they stir the hatred in your [Zeus’] heart. My cities … I will never rise in their defense Iliad, Book 4, lines 59-62 Then Zeus, looking down from Mount Ida, intensified the slaughter, and the two sides kept killing each other. Iliad, Book 11, lines 317-19
  • 114. The human characters in the Iliad are, by and large, reverent and respectful towards the gods in their speeches. The gods are dangerous and unpredictable forces to the humans. But Homer, when he is speaking as the narrator, tends to portray the gods as being petty, childish, or figures of comic relief. For instance, see Book 14, lines 375-412
  • 115. Death in the Iliad The Iliad has been called the poem of death for good reason. The deaths of some 250 warriors are recorded. These fall into two categories: •death of “significant” hero • death of “common” warriors
  • 116. Death of Heroes Major heroes in the Iliad will only die to another, greater or equal hero. These battles between equals are more like ritualized duels. Before they fight, the heroes tell each other about their background, heroic deeds, and important ancestors (see battle between Diomedes and Glaucus, Book 6, lines 120-217). Diomedes and Glaucus in fact do not fight but exchange gifts because their parents were xenos (guest-friends).
  • 117. The heroes in the Iliad compete endlessly, not only with the enemy, but with other heroes fighting on the same side. They compete to prove their arete (virtue/excellence). Different heroes claim that they are the best in strength, skill, cleverness, fleetness of foot, cunning, strategy, ambushes, archery, spear throwing, weight lifting, chariot driving, etc. No surprise that it was the Greeks that created the Olympic Games in 776 BCE about the same time as Homer was writing the Iliad.
  • 118. When heroes do fight each other, one will usually die. But before the hero dies, he has his “moment in the sun,” his aresteia, a period in which he displays his fighting prowess. For some heroes, this will only be for a few paragraphs. For others, their aresteia lasts for dozens of pages. Though Achilles does not die in the Iliad, his aresteia is terrifying, long (Books 19-22), and almost inhuman and revolting.
  • 119. Death of Commoners And Meriones killed Phereclus, Harmonides' son-- the father a craftsman whose hands were skilled in creating all kinds of beatuiful things, since Athena loved him. ... Meriones ran him down, and as he drew close he hit him in the right buttock, and the bronze spear point pushed up under the pubic bone into his bladder and he fell to his knees, screaming, and death embraced him. And Meges cut down Pedaeus, Antenor's son-- a bastard son, but Theano had brought him up as one of her own, so much did she love her husband. Meges' spear hit the back of his neck, then cut right through his jaw, and sliced off his tongue at the root. He fell in the dirt, and his teeth closed around the cold bronze.
  • 120. Is the Iliad the 800 BCE version of this?
  • 121. Death is narrated by Homer graphically and realistically. Violence is a permanent factor in human life. It is unsentimental to pretend violence is not ugly but also that it has a strange and compelling fatal beauty.
  • 122. Yet Homer does something special with the deaths of the commoners/non-heroes. They are not red shirts or mooks …
  • 123. So which of these four isn’t going to return to the spaceship? calls these types of “good” characters the Red Shirt. Their purpose is almost exclusively to give the writers someone to kill who isn't a main character. They are used to show how the monster or villain works, and demonstrate that it is indeed a deadly menace, without having to lose anyone important. Expect someone to say “He's dead, Jim” and then promptly forget him.
  • 124. The Bad Guy equivalent are Mooks: faceless, nameless cannon fodder for The Hero. “Nameless, faceless, horribly awful shots, incompetent, unwilling to retreat, and completely disposable: they provide a chance for the characters to show off their flashy fighting skills and can be shot without guilt. The hero might find it in his heart to Save the Villain, but the guys whose only crime is not finding a better employer will be shown no mercy.” “They may be called the Palace Guard, the City Guard, or the patrol. Whatever the name, their purpose in any work of heroic fantasy is identical: it is, round about Chapter Three (or ten minutes into the film) to rush into the room, attack the hero one at a time, and be slaughtered. No one ever asks them if they wanted to.” Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!
  • 125. And Meriones killed Phereclus, Harmonides' son-- the father a craftsman whose hands were skilled By describing the civic and/or family life of the in creating all kinds of beautiful things ... warrior falling to the hero, the audience/reader’s The two good sons of Merops, who had refused to let his two boys march to war, this man-killing emotional attention is diverted to the fallen foe. It war, but the young ones fought him all the way … and Diomedes destroyed them both. ensures that each death in the Iliad is perceived, if ... Diomedes cut down Axylos, Teuthras’ son, who only fleetingly, as regrettable. had been a dweller in strong-founded Arisbe, a man rich in substance and a friend to all humanity since in his house by the wayside he entertained all comers. “in the Iliad glory is usurped by sympathy for the human being, possessed of a family and life story, who has been extinguished.” Caroline Alexander, The War That Killed Achilles
  • 126. “This remarkable point is worth emphasizing: subtly, but with unflagging consistency, the Iliad ensures that the enemy is humanized and that the deaths of enemy Trojans are depicted as lamentable.” Caroline Alexander, The War That Killed Achilles
  • 127. “the Iliad is ever mindful that war is about men killing or men killed. In the entire epic, no warrior, whether hero or obscure man of the ranks, dies happily or well. No reward awaits the soldier’s valor; no heaven will receive him. The Iliad’s words and phrases for the process of death make it clear that this is something baneful. … Again and again, relentlessly, the Iliad hammers this fact: … death is tragic and full of horror.” Caroline Alexander, The War That Killed Achilles
  • 128. In Book 11 of the Odyssey, Odysseus visits Hades, the land of the dead, a place of total baneful unpleasantness. “I [Odysseus] reassured the ghost, but he [Achilles] broke out, protesting, ‘No winning words about death to me, shining Odysseus! By god, I’d rather slave on earth for another man — some dirt-poor farmer who scrapes to keep alive — than rule down here over all the breathless dead.’”
  • 129. Embassy to Achilles (Book 9) After the war turns against the Greeks, Agamemnon relents, and Odysseus (guile and reason), Phoenix (surrogate father) and Ajax (fellow warrior) visit Achilles and try to convince him to rejoin the war. They tell Achilles of Agamemnon’s offer of Briseis, many other gifts, first pickings of loot/prizes after troy is conquered, plus one of his daughters in marriage (i.e., political power).
  • 130. Achilles brutally rejects (lines 311-441) not only the offer but he rejects all the values of their warrior culture as well. He says: 1. Why should warriors put their lives at risks for a king who gains all the prizes at little danger to himself? • What is the point of plunder as marks of honor or fame if they can be taken away? Thus since tîme can be taken away at the leader’s whim, it ultimately has no value. 1. Finally, is plunder really worth dying for?
  • 131. Of course every warrior knows that dying is a possibility. However, Achilles, is different. His mother, the goddess Thetis, has told him that he has two possible fates: win imperishable glory by dying at Troy, or live a long, happy, but unremarkable life by returning home and living in peace. He tells them that he now intends to choose the latter and sail home.
  • 132. Hector Unlike, Achilles, who is isolated from his fellow warriors and who is ½ divine, Hector is fully realized human being and integrated completely into his community. He is the only character who is shown in every conceivable human relationship: brother, father, husband, son, general, prince, warrior. He accepts his responsibility as a prince to fight to protect his city, but his own wish is for peace. That is, he fights for the good of his people, not for his own personal glory.
  • 133. “Yes Andromache, I [Hector] worry about this myself, But my shame before the Trojans and their wives, With their long robes trailing, would be too terrible If I hung back from battle like a coward.” Iliad, Book 6
  • 134. Death of Hector After Hector kills Achilles’ companion Patroclus, Achilles rejoins the war, knowing that it will bring on his own death. Achilles in almost a berserker rage, has a long and terrifying aresteia, in which he kills effortlessly with no mercy, with no Heroic Duel rituals, and even battles gods.
  • 135. “I just went crazy. I pulled him out into the paddy and carved him up with my knife. When I was done with him, he looked like a rag doll that a dog had been playing with … I lost all my mercy. I felt a drastic change after that … I couldn’t do enough damage … for every one that I killed I felt better … Every time you lost a friend it seemed like a part of you was gone… I got very hard, cold, merciless. I lost all my mercy.” From Achilles in Vietnam
  • 136. Kiev- 1944 Mai Lai - 1968 Haditha - 2005
  • 138. Hector, not wanting to fight Achilles, nonetheless, leaves the city to face Achilles. Hector, before the fight, tries to convince Achilles to follow the ethic of war (the winner will let the loser’s family bury the fallen), but Achilles refuses.
  • 139. After killing Hector, Achilles desecrates Hector’s corpse. Achilles finds that his rage and grief does not end with Hector’s death, nor with abusing Hector’s body.
  • 140. Priam and Achilles Priam and Achilles meet in the twilight of their lives. They both will soon be dead and they appear to know it. They mutually assert non-military, non- competitive moral virtues (hospitality and compassion).
  • 141. Achilles returns Hector’s body to Priam and agree to a 12 day truce. All truces are bittersweet: in every truce floats the specter of an opportunity (usually lost) for peace.
  • 142. 1914 Xmas Day Truce on the Western Front
  • 143. Ending of the Iliad – Hector’s Burial The epic ends with the sadness of the death of Hector. It made the enemy of the Greek's the true tragic hero of its greatest epic.
  • 144. The Greeks after Homer recognized the Iliad as a dark portrayal of the true costs of war: the destruction of a community, rape and slavery, and victors brutalized as much as the victims. The Greeks of the later classic era were crazy about fighting, and most men fought in wars almost every summer. Interestingly, however, perhaps because of the influence of the Iliad, they ritualized and limited it, thereby making war somewhat less devastating and total.
  • 146. Whenever they’d drink the deep-red mellow vintage, twenty cups of water he’d stir in one of wine and what an aroma wafted from the bowl— what magic, what a godsend— no joy in holding back when that was poured! Homer, The Odyssey 9 l. 231 The peoples of the Mediterranean began to emerge from barbarism when they learned to cultivate the olive and the vine. Thucydides One bowl [of wine] for ruddy health, then one for getting happy. The third brings sleep. … The fourth’s for pride and the fifth for lots of noise, The sixth for mindless f _ _ _ing, and the seventh is followed by black eyes. The eighth brings the police, The ninth’s for throwing up, And the tenth’s for trashing everything before passing out. Eubulus, 4thC BCE Athenian politician
  • 147. The Odyssey is an epic of return, an epic that focuses less on warfare and its ethic and more on how a human needs to behave in the everyday world of emerging Greek civilization. Odysseus (and not Achilles) ends up being the cultural hero of the Greeks of the emerging classical age.
  • 148. Odysseus is renowned for his cunning, for thinking through problems, for knowing how to act, for having both brains and brawn.
  • 149. Odysseus was seen by later Greek culture to be the epitome of the moral (and aesthetic) ideal of sophrosyne. Sophrosyne seems to have referred to the ideal of living life to its fullest but to do so with moderation, common sense, and in the light of self-knowledge.
  • 150. The Sophrosyne ideal was latter enshrined at Delphi, the Classic Greek religious centre, in a variety of sayings carved into the temples.
  • 152. μηδέν άγαν (mēdén ágan = "nothing in excess")
  • 153. Cahill, in his 2003 book claimed that this ideal of sophrosyne gave the Greeks insight into the five key areas of human life, which are nicely captured by his chapter titles:
  • 154. Odyssey Plot Summary On blackboard in class
  • 155. The Odyssey begins, not with Odysseus, but with his home, with his son and wife, who are beset by ill-behaved suitors hoping to marry Penelope (since Odysseus has been away for 20 years) and presumably become king.
  • 156.
  • 157. Penelope & the Suitors J. W. Waterhouse
  • 158.
  • 159. Xenia Is the Greek word for a very complicated concept/ideal that is at the heart of the Odyssey’s moral vision. We don’t really have an English word that corresponds to it. It means guest, stranger, friend, foreigner. Our English word xenophobia (fear of foreigners) comes from the Greek word.
  • 160. Philoxenia Often translated as hospitality or guest-friendship. It proscribed a set of norms that governed how a host should behave to a guest, and how a guest should behave to a host. In a world without inns or hotels, philoxenia was a vital part of surviving when travelling.
  • 161. At the beginning of the Odyssey, the suitors are not following the guest protocols of philoxenia, by never leaving Telemachus’s house, eating all his food, constantly wooing Penelope, and sleeping with the servants. Calypso is not following the host protocol since she refuses to let Odysseus leave her island.
  • 162. Telemachus in contrast shows proper philoxenia. Straight to the porch he went, mortified that a guest [xenos] might still be standing at the doors. Pausing beside her there, he clasped her right hand and relieving her at once of her long bronze spear, met her with winged words: “Greetings, stranger! [xenia] Here in our house you’ll find a royal welcome. Have supper first, then tell us what you need.”
  • 163. Telemachus then goes to visit some other veterans of the Trojan war, looking for word of his father. He too is treated with proper xenia. As soon as they saw the strangers, all came crowding down, waving them on in welcome, urging them to sit. Nestor’s son Pisistratus, first to reach them, grasped their hands and sat them down at the feast. … Once they’d put aside desire for food and drink, old Nestor the noble charioteer began, at last: “Now’s the time, now they’ve enjoyed their meal, to probe our guests and find out who they are. Strangers-Friends, who are you?”
  • 164. Meanwhile, Odysseus, thanks to the gods’ intervention, is freed from Caylpso’s island and is given a raft … which is promptly sunk by a still- angry Poseidon. He washes up on the island of the Phaeacians.
  • 165. He is meet by Nausicaa, a Phaeacian princess, who is washing clothes on the shore. She clothes him and takes him to met her parents, the king and queen.
  • 166. The king rose in his place, and said: "This stranger has come to my hall. I do not know who he is, or whence he comes, whether from the east or the west. And he begs us to convey him safely to his home. Now this, as you know, is a thing that we have been used from old time to do for strangers. Go, then, and choose out a ship Let it be new—one that never has been on the sea before. And pick out fifty and two rowers. Let them be the best and strongest that there are in the country. When you have done this, come to my hall and feast. And let the minstrel come also, for the gods Odysseus among the Phaeacians have given him the gift of song, and there is nothing better than song to make glad the hearts of men." So the chiefs of the people went and did as the king commanded. … When the people were ready to begin, there came two servants of the king leading the singer by the hand, for he was blind. They made him sit down in a silver chair in the middle of the hall; they hung his harp on a rail that there was above his head where he could easily reach it. And by his side they put a table, and on the table a basket full of good things, and a cup of wine so that he might drink when he pleased. Then the people began to eat and drink, and when they had had enough, the singer sang. 
  • 167. Odysseus tells of all his adventures after leaving Troy to the Phaeacians.
  • 169. The Cyclopedes have no concept of xenia; instead of giving gifts and food, the Cyclopes eats his guests.
  • 170.
  • 171. After his cunning escape from the Cyclops, Odysseus and his crew sail away and soon find themselves on Aiolia Island, the domain of the wind god Aeolus who provides Odysseus with enough supplies to return home including a bag which contained all the winds except the ones Odysseus needed to return home to Ithaca.
  • 172. Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus John William Waterhouse (1891)
  • 173. Odysseus visits Hades, the land of the dead, in order to get instructions on how to return home.
  • 174. Ulysses and the Sirens (1891) John William Waterhouse
  • 176.
  • 177. Thanks to the Phaeacians Odysseus reaches home. But instead of quickly announcing his presence, wily Odysseus disguises himself as a beggar so he can perform reconnaissance and prepare for the inevitable showdown.
  • 178. Odysseus and Telemachus end up killing all 124 suitors.

Editor's Notes

  1. It appears that Minoan economy was based on the creation and trade of luxury goods: fine pots, ornamental bronze jewelry, clothes, dyes, paintings.
  2. This charmless creature is a Cretan Murex, a mollusk that feeds off decomposing flesh. It has a horrible odor, but from it, the Minoans extracted something known as Purple. It was a dye that was exceedingly rare and expensive, and throughout most of history, purple is the color of royalty, because only they could afford it. Discoveries of these bronze-age murex have these holes, which are evidence that the murex were feeding on each other. That is, the Minoans factory farmed them for their purple. "Twelve thousand snails of murex yield no more than 1.4 g of pure dye, enough to color only the trim of a single garment."
  3. Temple / Palace of Knossos
  4. Arthur Evans uncovered the Palace of Knossos in the early years of the the 20 th century and then “restored” certain sections.
  5. 1300+ rooms, running fresh water, flush toilets, heated bathtubs, and many beautiful colorful frescos
  6. Europe’s first paved road, several miles long, was flanked by houses, and led from the town to the palace.
  7. Central court – 54m x 27 m – the size of four tennis courts. What was it used for?
  8. Late Bronze Age (LBA), Neo-Palatial Knossos, Crete, Greece. Fragments of this fresco (painted plaster) were discovered in the East Wing of the Palace of Knossos in the Courtyard of the Stone Spout during the excavations conducted by Arthur Evans between 1900 and 1904. The restored fresco is on display in Greece at the Heraklion Archaeological Museum in Heraklion, Crete. It is 78.2 cm (30.8 inches) high and 104.5 cm (41.1 inches) wide. It has been dated from the Middle Minoan (MM) III through to the Late Minioan IB period or perhaps later. It depicts what is thought to be a male acrobat vaulting over the back of an aggressive charging bull accompanied by two female attendants positioned at the front and back of the bull. The attendant in front of the bull has its horns in her grasp and the one at the rear appears to be preparing to catch the leaper at the end of his vault. 
  9. Aurochs – 6’ tall at the shoulder. Aurochs have been extinct for nearly 400 years. It’s hoof-prints were the size of a man’s head. (comparison modern bulls – about 20% - 25% smaller)
  10. So-called throne room at Knossos. But is it actually a throne? Most of the art in these so-called a palaces, unlike palaces everywhere else in the Bronze Age, don’t seem to show or express power, and certainly don’t appear to display kings or queens.
  11. In addition to running water and flush toilets, the ancient Minoans had also mastered cloning …
  12. Late Bronze Age (LBA), Neo-Palatial Knossos, Crete, Greece. Pieces of this fresco were found during Evan's excavation in the west wing of the Palace of Knossos and was later restored by Emile Gilliéron. His original restoration is in the Heraklion Archaeological Museum in Heraklion, Crete. The three white-skinned female figures with narrow waists and beautifully coiled hairstyles in this fresco are wearing form-fitting dresses with bare breasts. They are elaborately adorned with delicate necklaces, bracelets, and hair ornaments in a display of the great wealth of the Minoan court. 
  13. From Thera
  14. From Thera, girl picking saffron
  15. Minoan "Flotilla" Fresco Late Minoan I period, Akrotiri, Santorini (Thera), Greece. This exquisite fresco was found during the excavations conducted by Spyridon Marinatos from 1967 to 1974 at Akrotiri on the southern coast of the ringed islands of Santorini (the Pompeii of the Aegean) which was covered by thick deposits of ash and pumice from the great Bronze Age eruption of the Santorini marine volcano that occurred between 1627 and 1600 BC. It was discovered on the south wall of room 5 in the West House and is 3.90 meters (12.8 feet) wide and 0.43 meters (16.9 inches) high. This fabulous fresco is on display at the P. M. Nomikos Exhibition Center's Thera Wallpainting Exhibition Hall in the town of Fira which houses all of the restored frescoes found during the excavations at Akrotiri. It is considered the single most valuable source for information on the life and technology of the Bronze Age Aegean ever found. 
  16. The Minoans were strongly connected to the sea. They appear to have been _the_ traders of the Bronze age, servicing the larger civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt.
  17. The Minoans seemed to love their colors. For instance, the so-called Blue Monkey Throne Room.
  18. Various other Minoan blue monkey rooms
  19. So were the Minoans just makers of luxury good and the hosts for the bronze age spring break parties?
  20. Shrine at Anemospilia (the cave of the winds). In the 1970s a discovery was made here which found a skeleton, wearing expensive rings, that appears to have been crushed by the stone blocks of the walls or ceiling dating from about 1700 BCE.
  21. Under its body was another skeleton, this one of a teenager, lying on an alter, its limbs still bound up. On its chest was a dagger. The priest appears to have been making a sacrifice as the walls came tumbling down. In the modern world we take for granted its stability . But prior to the later 19 th century, in almost the entire world, it took just two bad harvests to wipe out the food supply. Much of the religious practices of the far past seemed to have been oriented towards placating gods/spirits of the earth. Minoans seemed quite exposed at times. In 1700s BCE, Crete was ravaged by earthquakes. But worse was yet to come.
  22. Greek island of Santorini (modern name) or Thera (ancient name)
  23. Santorini is built on a remains of a volcano
  24. Around 1530 BCE the island was rocked by severe earthquakes; a few months later the volcano erupted. Ten times stronger than the eruption of Vesuvius that buried Pompeii, and four times stronger than Krakatau (the most powerful volcanic eruption of the past several hundred years and which killed 40000). 1/3 of the island land mass disappeared. 40 meters deep layer of ash on the remaining part of the island. Crete only 70 miles away and was hit with a gigantic tsunami, that destroyed the Minoan naval fleet. Crete was also buried it in ash, which would have caused famine conditions for many years.
  25. Excavated Minoan houses on Thera.
  26. A recent discovery dating from a few decades after the eruption found near the palace of Knossos. It contained a jumble of children’s bones found in a cooking pot along with edible snails. The flesh from the bones has been stripped away with a knife. Clear evidence of cannibalism. Other interesting evidence from same time. Several of these prototypical earth goddess statues, which are extremely common in Minoan sites, perhaps like crucifixes are now, were found purposefully broken, sealed in jars, and then buried. One archeologist called it “paying back the vengeful gods” or “disposing of it as if it was nuclear waste.” When times are tough, even the most pleasure-loving, cosmopolitan, outward-looking, trade-oriented culture can turn in on itself and seemingly self-destruct.
  27. A recent discovery dating from a few decades after the eruption found near the palace of Knossos. It contained a jumble of children’s bones found in a cooking pot along with edible snails. The flesh from the bones has been stripped away with a knife. Clear evidence of cannibalism. Other interesting evidence from same time. Several of these prototypical earth goddess statues, which are extremely common in Minoan sites, perhaps like crucifixes are now, were found purposefully broken, sealed in jars, and then buried. One archeologist called it “paying back the vengeful gods” or “disposing of it as if it was nuclear waste.” When times are tough, even the most pleasure-loving, cosmopolitan, outward-looking, trade-oriented culture can turn in on itself and seemingly self-destruct.
  28. Sometime around 1450 BCE, most Minoan cities and palaces appear to have gone up in flames. For instance, at one site, a room presumably filled with pithoi, large 40 gallon containers holding olive oil. The heat was so intense the stone floor was turned into glass. These fires were not accidents. At one site, the pithoi’s necks have been sawed off, presumably to make the oil burn easier. In other sites, building doors were blocked in before the fire was set. What happened? Invaders? Or religious civil war?
  29. Linear A is the earliest writing on Crete and is still un-deciphered. Linear B, which don’t appear until about 1400-1500 BCE, was deciphered by Michael Ventris in the early 1950s who discovered it was an archaic form of Greek. Linear A appears to be the earlier, lost Minoan language. Thus, the Mycenaean Greeks may have conquered the island or perhaps just stepped into a power vacuum. They rebuilt part of the island and
  30. Typical Mycenaean fresco from Tiryns (or Pylos, not sure). Heavily restored
  31. Ruins at Tiryns
  32. Different theories about the collapse of Mycenaean civilization (and other nearby bronze-age cultures): foreign invaders (dorians), slave revolts, plague. But all over the bronze age world, we see evidence of 2000 long years of bronze age cultures being replaced by a layer of ash. There are also interesting written records talking of a nameless threat from the sea. “The enemy advances against us and they are unlimited in number.”
  33. Other bronze age cultures collapsed or suffered burn events at same time (1250-1150): hittites, phoenica, palestine, egypt, northern mesopotamia. Egyptian and Hittite sources talk not just of warriors but also of women and children, i.e., mass migrations.
  34. During this time, Mycenaean culture disappears, most of the centers are destroyed, and the few remnants (like pottery) are found at the very top of remote mountains. No ecstatic bull jumpers, topless maidens, laughing monkeys, or even grand bronze weapons, just some crude huts with a few treasured items, and plenty of time to watch the fog, the vultures circling, and scanning for whatever it is they are trying to flee from. Over a hundred years before evidence that these people returned to lower-lying areas. In many areas, writing disappears, agricultural production plummets, population declines radically, art and pottery becomes very crude
  35. Hyde Park Achilles statue built in 1822 to honour Wellington after the Peninsular Wars against the French. Money raised entirely by patriotic British ladies during the war; fig leaf added just before unveiling!
  36. Iliad, Book IX, lines
  37. Iliad, Book 4, lines 59-62
  38. 1914 xmas day truce – all truces are bittersweet: in every truce floats the specter of an opportunity (usually lost) for peace.
  39. Theatre at Delphi
  40. penelope
  42. Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus (1891) John William Waterhouse
  43. Ulysses and the Sirens (1891) John William Waterhouse
  44. Scylla + Charybdis