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Spaced Analysis
• Copy and paste (and add to if your work is limited) your Spaced analysis
• Include images as necessary
• Watch the episode of Spaced (Series 2, Episode 5 GONE) and discuss the use of two or
more of the following;
• 1.Miseenscene (colour, costume, props)
• 2.Camera
• 3.Editing
• 4.Sound
• 5.Intertextuality (other products that are referenced in it)
• 6.Context (who made it, when was it made, who for, etc.)
• Reference your observation and critically discuss its use (is it successful/funny? Why?
Spaced was a TV series, sitcom released on the 24th of September 1999 on Channel 4. The sitcom was created, written by Simon Pegg and
Jessica Stevenson but directed by Edgar Wright. The series only had two seasons both containing 7 episodes and even got nominated for a
BAFTA. The target audience for this sitcom I would say is more aimed towards the young adults due to the facts its about two young adults in
their early twenties living in London.
Throughout the episode, the use of camera shots were very effective. For example, there were a lot of close ups in certain parts when there
were confrontations. The close ups were to help show off the intensity of the stare outs and so you could see the characters expressions.
Even though the close ups were used a lot of them were comedic and ended up making you laugh because of what face the characters were
pulling. When moving from scene to scene there would always be the same transition. This certain transition was very effective and gave off
Sci-Fi feel to it which seems fitting to the title of the show. The Transition was a fast forward action to the next scene and this helped the
episode add some more visual value to the viewers whilst watching the sitcom. In this certain episode I also noticed that there is a fair
amount of panning shots when the characters were moving about or running, this helps the watchers feel more involved with the episode.
The music and sounds throughout the episode really helped reflect the moods of the scene. For each scene, there was a specific type of
music depending on what was happening. For example when the characters would pretend to be in a slow motion shoot out, each character
would make gun noises and the classic slow motion screams and "NOOOOO". Along side all of that there was an almost shootout, finale
showdown song to accompany the scene and actually gun sounds. On both occasions when they all acted out the slow motion shoot outs all
of these elements put together gives off a funny comedic vibe. another good example of this is towards the end of the episode when the
two main characters are locked outside and after a while they become freezing cold. The start of the shot has both of the characters locked
in place almost 'frozen' still and they are speaking as if they have lock jaw. The camera slowly zooms in for a close up of them both and in the
background is a sinister sort of music to set the mood of almost death but because you know the character wont actually die, the music sort
of creates a comical mood for a split second before the both of them begin talking.
Conflict Image
Conflict Analysis
• Copy and paste (and add to if your work is limited) your conflict analysis
• Choose a screenshot from a film/TV show with at least two characters in it that are in conflict
• Not necessarily physically fighting. This could be an argument, a clash of ideals or simmering tension
• Analyse the image in a PowerPoint, annotating the image or write out as more of an essay style
response (ensure you include the image).
• Discuss the creation of meaning through the use of;
• Colour
• Costume
• Props
• Lighting
• Setting/Location
• This should be developed and detailed.
• Consider using the PEEL method
My still image that I have chosen is from the film Warrior. In the Film you learn about two brothers who were split up due to the separation
of their parents. Both having a hard time in life and with a wrestling background they both find themselves in a UFC tournament. Both
Wanting the cash prize.
This one shot is probably the most intense moment throughout the entire film where both brothers finally come face to face and at this
moment there isn't many obvious colours on first glance which gives off meaning. But looking closely, the background is near black which
makes you focus on both brothers as they face off. This helps elevate that intense feeling even more because everyone's full focus is on that
one moment. This can also link with the fact that the both of them have the spotlight blazing down on them. What I can say from actually
watching the film is that on the right, he's the brother you're wanting to win. In a way the good guy of the story. Even if you haven't seen
the film, you could probably pick out which is the good guy and who is the bad guy. The brother on the right looks less scruffy and is looking
directly at his brother in front of him. Both of these points mean that normally the good guy always has a better cleaner appearance then
the bad guy. Then for the second point about him looking directly at his brother, this shows that he cares and shows respect even if the
situation is negative. Again the heroes always want to do the good thing and want to better result in every situation. Moving onto the
brother on the left, he looks scruffy, covered in tattoos and is looking away from his brother. These three points give off that vibe that he is
more of the bad guy because normally the bad guys have that beaten down dark look to them showing that they've been through tough
times which formed them into that negative person. I personally don't think that tattoos are a negative thing but generally tattoos are seen
as a bad things and are linked to thugs and criminals. This then gives off a less pure image of a person. Finally, the fact he isn't looking back
at his brother shows that he doesn't care and has no respect. He doesn't care that its his brother and being the bad guy, all he is focused on
is doing harm.
Taking the focus away from the two brothers and looking at the location. From looking at the image you can't really make out where they're
but from my short description of the story line, you can just make out the surrounding fence of the octagon. If you notice and know this
then you'll realize this moment is at the start of most fighting sports where you touch gloves at the start. This indicates a hostile and violent
environment which again gives that nervy intense feeling to the scene. The image I have chosen doesn't show off the costumes that each of
them have on but its a typical UFC fighters gloves and shorts. But the only visible costume or prop they both have is the gum shield. This
indicates that a lot of heavy, brutal contact is going to take place. I say this because lots of contact heavy sports require a gum shield.
Amy Analysis
• Copy and paste (and add to if your work is limited) your Amy analysis
• Include images as necessary
• Task
• Watch the sequence Recording the song Back to Black
• 1. To what extent has Kapadia manipulated this footage to create a different set of meanings and responses?
• 2. What function does this sequence have in the narrative as a whole?
• 3. How might contextual factors (knowing the larger story of her life) impact on the way that you read this scene?
• or
• Watch the sequence Addiction to crack cocaine and Blake
• 1. List the techniques used by the director to show Winehouse’s battle with drug addiction and why they may have been used.
• 2. What do you feel is the overall effect of this sequence?
• or
• Amy’s death and its aftermath
• To what extent does Kapadia use filmic techniques to generate a response in the climax of Amy ?
Is anyone to blame for the death of Amy Winehouse? What content in the film makes you feel this way?
In my opinion, you cant really pin the blame on one reason or person. I say this because there were multiple reason for her
death. You can clearly notice all of these reasons if you watch closely and not let your feelings get dragged in which way the
director wants. Because I felt that the director defiantly gave his own hidden point of view in the film. The multiple reasons in
my opinion are first of all when she was a teen she was diagnosed with depression and bad anxiety which then sprung the
start of drug use. As you watch for a bit longer, you also find out that she was bulimic and by having it from a young age could
course some long term damage. The boyfriend to husband Blake Fielder has Amy full of lust and love for him, this obviously
gives off the intention she would do anything for him. Later on you seen she really would do anything for him which brings me
to my next point, this is where Amy's drug use shot through the roof. Blake had stated he already used heroin and crack
cocaine and then so did Amy. Throughout the time of them being together the use of drugs were slowly changing, breaking
and killing her. A statement from a drug counsellor was that he could tell that Blake took control and lead through the rehab
even though they should have done it separately. Finally, her Father to me was a very selfish man who used to power of Amy
being Daddy's little girl situation to exploit his own daughter for her money and fame. Of course they loved each other but a
prime example of his selfishness was when Amy took six months away from all the fame and cameras to relax and her Father
turns up with his own TV show and brings all the cameras with him and is non stop talking about how him and Amy need to
work on albums and tours. The final big eye opener, is that her Dad constantly mentioned how Amy didn't need help or rehab
and how you cant force help on anyone. I mean, all the signs were there for her to get help but there were two devils in her life
whispering and commanding her every move. Those two devils were her Father and Blake. All of these factors I've just
mentioned I feel were the reason of her death because the reason of her death was a mixture of bulimia and her heavy
drinking. Even though she had avoided death before the combination sadly took her life.
Do you think the film is fair/honest/truthful ? Why?
I personally feel that the film shows her truthful and honest side and how Amy really was. It was very fair on her and was a
good respectful piece but like always throughout the film there are moments where the director may have sugar coated
some situations. I feel this way because the director had access to loads and loads of videos and imagery from a few different
sources of Amy where the director could have picked the better ones that show Amy in a better light. I think everyone will like
to remember her in the way the film will make her seem just because of how positive it all is despite her tragic death. But its
hard to really tell, because unless you were really close or involved in the situation and I guess only a few people will know the
Amy's death and its aftermath
Kapadia uses a few different filmic techniques throughout Amy's death and the aftermath. The camera shots all of a
sudden become less personal to us the viewer and less of an inside look we've had before. The shots become more of a point
of view like the rest of the world, an outsiders point of view. Because of course for such a serious situation like this, it only
concerns family and friends of Amy. The fact we know that Amy has passed away, it makes us worry about everyone involved
because of the journey we had listened about her life makes us feel attached. So this then makes us as the viewer worry more
because we don't have that inside view or almost communication from everyone involved. We as the viewer have just have to
sit and watch the torment and sadness that was placed upon success. To accompany these camera shots are some non-
diegetic sounds. For the death and the funeral, the non-diegetic sounds slowly come in and its some slow sad music that
triggers our emotions which makes us feel very sad and sorry for her, family and friends. He uses both of these filmic
techniques very well to complete the total experience he wants you to have. He has made us feel stereotypically sad, just like
in a film when the good guy dies and thats the last thing we want to happen. Obviously we would still feel these emotions
without the techniques but they're completely heightened and become more intense.
Factual Analysis
• Copy and paste (and add to if your work is limited) your Amy analysis
• Include images as necessary
• Can a documentary be objective? Why do you believe this?
• How far should we accept what we watch/read? Why?
• How can we make sure what a documentary presents as fact, is true?
Can a documentary be objective? Why do you believe this?
I feel that yes a documentary can be objective at some points because it depends what the subject matter means to the
director. If the subject has some meaning towards the director or they have strong feelings for what they're suppose to be
showing then of course it won't be objective. The factual parts of the subject could clouded from the truth because they would
rather better the image of the subject, whichever benefits their opinion. But a good example of my point that documentary's
can be objective would be The Mighty Red Car. The documentary is narrated by a seventeen year old girl who lives in Red Car.
She speaks over multiple peoples lives and their situations that they're dealing with or what they have been through. She
speaks the truth and doesn't hide anything about her own life and other kids her age. For example, she comments how there
aren't many opportunities for kids, a lot of kids under the age of 25 are unemployed, businesses shut down, 1700 jobs lost
when the steel works were shut down, there are four food banks and the population has been decreasing massively over the
years. All of these facts are so negative towards her home and she isn't trying to sugar coat the truth. Which for the most part,
you expect someone to speak highly of where they come from and want to advertise as a enlightened area. But instead she
uses the documentary to almost have a chance to spread word of the truth pf where she lives and almost ask her fro some
attention to help Red Car become the thriving and magnificent place it used to be. Going back to what I originally said, and it
all depends on who is directing or speaking upon the subject matter.
How far should we accept what we read/watch?
In this day and age, in a nice way a lot of people are gullible and will believe a lot of stuff they read or even watch without thinking. People
don't think past what they have just read or watched and think is the information coming from a trust worthy source or does it relate to any
other trust worthy sources. Because the general population hear something new that they have never heard before and just assume that its
factually correct. The main culprit for telling lies would be social media and of course social media controls a lot of peoples lives and basically
live on social media. People on social media get paid for every like and share they get, so they can make up a lie and ask you to share with your
friends and that's how a lot of fake stories get out. When it comes to documentaries, I tend to believe whatever has been show or said
throughout the documentary because I mostly watch them on TV. But now I know to look a little deeper and look past just the end
product shown. I say this because there are techniques that people or directors can use to hide or bend facts. A certain technique I'm talking
about is Frankenbiting and this is used to edit smaller soundbites. This can lead to some manipulation of peoples wording when discussing the
topic of the documentary. So when someone says something positive on the subject, the meaning of what they said could be changed. When I
was watching 'The Mighty Red Car' I couldn't see any signs of Frankenbiting being used but on the other hand it wouldn't be obvious and the
director will have hidden this well. I feel like the director won't have used this because there wasn't anything to hide or even try and manipulate
because the narrator was showing the terrible truth about where she lives.
How can we make sure what documentary's presents as facts are true?
I feel that we can make sure these facts are true by knowing how they're shot or where they have gathered and collected the information. For
example, archival footage is going to be more reliable and truthful because its video evidence of certain events happening but this doesn't
mean that it can't be edited to look better or worse. I could say the same about actuality footage but there's a higher chance that its has sound
bites. The only real way of knowing if the facts are true is to find out where the director got the information. I say this because it may have been
a trustworthy source or a non trustworthy source. Another way for proof I would say is if the footage has visual proof and backs up of what the
narrator is saying. For example in 'The Mighty Red Car' the narrator is talking about the poverty and it follows with multiple shots of run down
place around Red Car.
Factual Analysis
• Copy and paste (and add to if your work is limited) your Amy analysis
• Include images as necessary
• Compare the differing representations of people in ‘The Might Redcar’,
‘Benefits Street’ and ‘Skint’.
• What do you think the aim of each of these programs is?
• Are these programs biased?
• Use specific examples to show how the different representations and aims have
been achieved.
Compare the differing representations of people in 'The Mighty Red Car', 'Benefits Street' and 'Skint'
After watching the three documentaries, I saw a few differing representations throughout the three. For 'The Mighty Red Car'
you were shown a lot of raw struggle and sad stories that people had been going through. Even though the residents of Red Car
weren't successful, the documentary showed them trying to become someone and have their dreams come true. Even though
the documentary was showing and telling a lot of dark truths it was only specific area and that area was mainly to do with teens,
young adults and unemployment. Which makes me think they were hiding away some of the darker secrets. For the 'Benefits
Street' documentary, instead of talking about a large area it was specifically shot on one street. Because it was shot in a smaller
area then 'The Mighty Red Car', this documentary showed a lot more detail into residents lives and didn't feel the need to hide
anything away from the cameras. For example, everyone on the street are on benefits, there are drug addicts and drunks
walking about in the street in front of young kids getting exposed to darker things from a young age. There are some serious
problems and issues in their lives that are shown throughout but what makes it have a different representation is with a lot of
the scenes have a comedic feel added to make the situation seem less serious. Along side them having a comedic feel to some
of the scenes, each resident mentions on how everyone knows each other and looks after one another like one big family. This
helps show some good throughout a lot struggle and that not everything they go through is bad. Finally for the documentary
'Skint', is about Grimsby. Just like the other documentaries, we get an inside look on peoples lives who live in the area where the
documentary was shot. This documentary shows off the residents off as having no options or opportunities to get back on their
feet. 'Skint' specifically focusing more on the crime side and the real look as life without money. Examples would be that there is
a lot of drugs and dealing of drugs, gangs and prostitution. The documentary shows or represents the people of Grimsby
running out of options which leads to crime and even selling their items to try and get by. Because of the successful past of the
fishing business, the people are stuck in nostalgia and are stuck reminiscing about the 'glory days'. A lot of the residents feel
neglected from the rest of our country and feel like they have been left to fend for themselves.
Even though all the documentaries are based around the same subjects, they focus on their own specific issues that need fixing.
What do you think the aim of each of these programs is?
The aim of each of the three documentaries are to me to show us the viewers the issue we don't go and to use that to
spread awareness that not everyone has life so easy. The programs are shown to people that are not in those types of
situations and its for peoples entertainment. Because a lot of people have no experience or idea what goes on in the poorer
areas of England these are here to help educate.
Are these programs biased ?
I feel that the programs could be a little biased due to the fact the directors who made this and where the documentaries will
be shown, that a lot of people don't actually know what its like being in their shoes and the documentaries are just made on
an opinion and what they have seen for them selves. Even though a lot of the information comes from the people who live in
these poor areas doesn't mean that its all factually correct. The director could have shot everything in the way he/she wanted
and how he/she wanted you to see their lives.
Final Task
• Discuss the topics covered in today’s lecture in reference to your own
work (Fanzine/Factual)
1. Explain how you have worked to the expectations and conventions of the
medium of factual production/fanzine with specific reference to;
• The content of today’s lecture
• Factual theory and conventions discussed in previous week’s lectures
• Existing products exploring the same/similar topics
• How have you explored context (the background of your topic, who made it, when it was
made etc.)
• How have you explored style (everything that is written/said)
• Do not reference your/existing product visuals in this section
2. Compare and contrast your work to one or more professional productions
• Discuss visuals – consider stylistic decisions, technical processes, use of information, etc.
1. The contents of my Fanzine is something I'm a huge fan of and had a lot of fun talking about, Gears of War. I wrote
everything in a nice and constructed way with my reviews and personally feelings on each topic mentioned. With Fanzines, of
course I was positive and only spoke highly of everything I mentioned because that’s what a Fanzine is and also I left out the
parts that I dislike. I gave my honest opinion but I wouldn’t talk about the parts I dislike and talk down upon something I
enjoy. I spoke about the Second Gears of war, third, fourth and some information about the Esports community with an
interview with some one who is just as a big fan on the Franchise as I am. So all of this has a very positive which had the best
elements and biased opinion and that’s why I didn’t speak on the first gears and Gears of war judgement, because to me I
don’t have anything positive to say about them. With each subject I constructed them all the same way with a beginning on
who made it, when it game out, what platform the game is available, a background on what the subject is about (storyline
etc) and my own opinions, thoughts and experiences about the games. By doing this, I have followed the basic conventions of
a Fanzine.
2. When it comes down to the visuals of my Fanzine, I really took into consideration my decisions and technical
process and for the most part everything came out very well. Such as the colour scheme, fonts and imaging being
aesthetically pleasing whilst also linking my subjects. My decisions for each design were based on the subject I would
be talking about and I tried to make them suitable as similar as possible, which of course would help elevate my work
to a higher level. Because each subject is on the same franchise, they still have there differences so I could involve the
same style images but add my own effects and twists to make them look better. The part that I didn’t really take into
concentration was when I place text and imagery onto the same page. Because of my loss of concentration at this point
somethings had to be changed and certain places were very cramped on my work. I ended up having to get rid of some
text and images along size changing the sizes of both text and images. This made me aware of where I could improve in
my technical process.
On the next slide I have a side by side example of one of my pages on the left and then another Fanzine on the
right. The Fanzine on the right is about the band Gorillaz and if I compare my work to whoever published this then I
would say that their thought process isn't too dissimilar to my own. They have kept a relatable theme to their subject
and the colour scheme stays the same and fits in well. The image they use is the same style as the band when they
animate themselves but again the layout just like mine has gone wrong and doesn’t seem professionally executed. But
due to the fact we have both created a Fanzine it doesn’t need to be as strict as something such as a magazine.
Term 1

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Term 1

  • 1. Spaced Analysis • Copy and paste (and add to if your work is limited) your Spaced analysis • Include images as necessary • Watch the episode of Spaced (Series 2, Episode 5 GONE) and discuss the use of two or more of the following; • 1.Miseenscene (colour, costume, props) • 2.Camera • 3.Editing • 4.Sound • 5.Intertextuality (other products that are referenced in it) • 6.Context (who made it, when was it made, who for, etc.) • Reference your observation and critically discuss its use (is it successful/funny? Why? Etc.)
  • 2. Spaced was a TV series, sitcom released on the 24th of September 1999 on Channel 4. The sitcom was created, written by Simon Pegg and Jessica Stevenson but directed by Edgar Wright. The series only had two seasons both containing 7 episodes and even got nominated for a BAFTA. The target audience for this sitcom I would say is more aimed towards the young adults due to the facts its about two young adults in their early twenties living in London. Throughout the episode, the use of camera shots were very effective. For example, there were a lot of close ups in certain parts when there were confrontations. The close ups were to help show off the intensity of the stare outs and so you could see the characters expressions. Even though the close ups were used a lot of them were comedic and ended up making you laugh because of what face the characters were pulling. When moving from scene to scene there would always be the same transition. This certain transition was very effective and gave off Sci-Fi feel to it which seems fitting to the title of the show. The Transition was a fast forward action to the next scene and this helped the episode add some more visual value to the viewers whilst watching the sitcom. In this certain episode I also noticed that there is a fair amount of panning shots when the characters were moving about or running, this helps the watchers feel more involved with the episode. The music and sounds throughout the episode really helped reflect the moods of the scene. For each scene, there was a specific type of music depending on what was happening. For example when the characters would pretend to be in a slow motion shoot out, each character would make gun noises and the classic slow motion screams and "NOOOOO". Along side all of that there was an almost shootout, finale showdown song to accompany the scene and actually gun sounds. On both occasions when they all acted out the slow motion shoot outs all of these elements put together gives off a funny comedic vibe. another good example of this is towards the end of the episode when the two main characters are locked outside and after a while they become freezing cold. The start of the shot has both of the characters locked in place almost 'frozen' still and they are speaking as if they have lock jaw. The camera slowly zooms in for a close up of them both and in the background is a sinister sort of music to set the mood of almost death but because you know the character wont actually die, the music sort of creates a comical mood for a split second before the both of them begin talking.
  • 4. Conflict Analysis • Copy and paste (and add to if your work is limited) your conflict analysis • Choose a screenshot from a film/TV show with at least two characters in it that are in conflict • Not necessarily physically fighting. This could be an argument, a clash of ideals or simmering tension • Analyse the image in a PowerPoint, annotating the image or write out as more of an essay style response (ensure you include the image). • Discuss the creation of meaning through the use of; • Colour • Costume • Props • Lighting • Setting/Location • This should be developed and detailed. • Consider using the PEEL method
  • 5. My still image that I have chosen is from the film Warrior. In the Film you learn about two brothers who were split up due to the separation of their parents. Both having a hard time in life and with a wrestling background they both find themselves in a UFC tournament. Both Wanting the cash prize. This one shot is probably the most intense moment throughout the entire film where both brothers finally come face to face and at this moment there isn't many obvious colours on first glance which gives off meaning. But looking closely, the background is near black which makes you focus on both brothers as they face off. This helps elevate that intense feeling even more because everyone's full focus is on that one moment. This can also link with the fact that the both of them have the spotlight blazing down on them. What I can say from actually watching the film is that on the right, he's the brother you're wanting to win. In a way the good guy of the story. Even if you haven't seen the film, you could probably pick out which is the good guy and who is the bad guy. The brother on the right looks less scruffy and is looking directly at his brother in front of him. Both of these points mean that normally the good guy always has a better cleaner appearance then the bad guy. Then for the second point about him looking directly at his brother, this shows that he cares and shows respect even if the situation is negative. Again the heroes always want to do the good thing and want to better result in every situation. Moving onto the brother on the left, he looks scruffy, covered in tattoos and is looking away from his brother. These three points give off that vibe that he is more of the bad guy because normally the bad guys have that beaten down dark look to them showing that they've been through tough times which formed them into that negative person. I personally don't think that tattoos are a negative thing but generally tattoos are seen as a bad things and are linked to thugs and criminals. This then gives off a less pure image of a person. Finally, the fact he isn't looking back at his brother shows that he doesn't care and has no respect. He doesn't care that its his brother and being the bad guy, all he is focused on is doing harm. Taking the focus away from the two brothers and looking at the location. From looking at the image you can't really make out where they're but from my short description of the story line, you can just make out the surrounding fence of the octagon. If you notice and know this then you'll realize this moment is at the start of most fighting sports where you touch gloves at the start. This indicates a hostile and violent environment which again gives that nervy intense feeling to the scene. The image I have chosen doesn't show off the costumes that each of them have on but its a typical UFC fighters gloves and shorts. But the only visible costume or prop they both have is the gum shield. This indicates that a lot of heavy, brutal contact is going to take place. I say this because lots of contact heavy sports require a gum shield.
  • 6. Amy Analysis • Copy and paste (and add to if your work is limited) your Amy analysis • Include images as necessary • Task • Watch the sequence Recording the song Back to Black • 1. To what extent has Kapadia manipulated this footage to create a different set of meanings and responses? • 2. What function does this sequence have in the narrative as a whole? • 3. How might contextual factors (knowing the larger story of her life) impact on the way that you read this scene? • or • Watch the sequence Addiction to crack cocaine and Blake • 1. List the techniques used by the director to show Winehouse’s battle with drug addiction and why they may have been used. • 2. What do you feel is the overall effect of this sequence? • or • Amy’s death and its aftermath • To what extent does Kapadia use filmic techniques to generate a response in the climax of Amy ?
  • 7. Is anyone to blame for the death of Amy Winehouse? What content in the film makes you feel this way? In my opinion, you cant really pin the blame on one reason or person. I say this because there were multiple reason for her death. You can clearly notice all of these reasons if you watch closely and not let your feelings get dragged in which way the director wants. Because I felt that the director defiantly gave his own hidden point of view in the film. The multiple reasons in my opinion are first of all when she was a teen she was diagnosed with depression and bad anxiety which then sprung the start of drug use. As you watch for a bit longer, you also find out that she was bulimic and by having it from a young age could course some long term damage. The boyfriend to husband Blake Fielder has Amy full of lust and love for him, this obviously gives off the intention she would do anything for him. Later on you seen she really would do anything for him which brings me to my next point, this is where Amy's drug use shot through the roof. Blake had stated he already used heroin and crack cocaine and then so did Amy. Throughout the time of them being together the use of drugs were slowly changing, breaking and killing her. A statement from a drug counsellor was that he could tell that Blake took control and lead through the rehab even though they should have done it separately. Finally, her Father to me was a very selfish man who used to power of Amy being Daddy's little girl situation to exploit his own daughter for her money and fame. Of course they loved each other but a prime example of his selfishness was when Amy took six months away from all the fame and cameras to relax and her Father turns up with his own TV show and brings all the cameras with him and is non stop talking about how him and Amy need to work on albums and tours. The final big eye opener, is that her Dad constantly mentioned how Amy didn't need help or rehab and how you cant force help on anyone. I mean, all the signs were there for her to get help but there were two devils in her life whispering and commanding her every move. Those two devils were her Father and Blake. All of these factors I've just mentioned I feel were the reason of her death because the reason of her death was a mixture of bulimia and her heavy drinking. Even though she had avoided death before the combination sadly took her life.
  • 8. Do you think the film is fair/honest/truthful ? Why? I personally feel that the film shows her truthful and honest side and how Amy really was. It was very fair on her and was a good respectful piece but like always throughout the film there are moments where the director may have sugar coated some situations. I feel this way because the director had access to loads and loads of videos and imagery from a few different sources of Amy where the director could have picked the better ones that show Amy in a better light. I think everyone will like to remember her in the way the film will make her seem just because of how positive it all is despite her tragic death. But its hard to really tell, because unless you were really close or involved in the situation and I guess only a few people will know the truth. Amy's death and its aftermath Kapadia uses a few different filmic techniques throughout Amy's death and the aftermath. The camera shots all of a sudden become less personal to us the viewer and less of an inside look we've had before. The shots become more of a point of view like the rest of the world, an outsiders point of view. Because of course for such a serious situation like this, it only concerns family and friends of Amy. The fact we know that Amy has passed away, it makes us worry about everyone involved because of the journey we had listened about her life makes us feel attached. So this then makes us as the viewer worry more because we don't have that inside view or almost communication from everyone involved. We as the viewer have just have to sit and watch the torment and sadness that was placed upon success. To accompany these camera shots are some non- diegetic sounds. For the death and the funeral, the non-diegetic sounds slowly come in and its some slow sad music that triggers our emotions which makes us feel very sad and sorry for her, family and friends. He uses both of these filmic techniques very well to complete the total experience he wants you to have. He has made us feel stereotypically sad, just like in a film when the good guy dies and thats the last thing we want to happen. Obviously we would still feel these emotions without the techniques but they're completely heightened and become more intense.
  • 9. Factual Analysis • Copy and paste (and add to if your work is limited) your Amy analysis • Include images as necessary • Can a documentary be objective? Why do you believe this? • How far should we accept what we watch/read? Why? • How can we make sure what a documentary presents as fact, is true?
  • 10. Can a documentary be objective? Why do you believe this? I feel that yes a documentary can be objective at some points because it depends what the subject matter means to the director. If the subject has some meaning towards the director or they have strong feelings for what they're suppose to be showing then of course it won't be objective. The factual parts of the subject could clouded from the truth because they would rather better the image of the subject, whichever benefits their opinion. But a good example of my point that documentary's can be objective would be The Mighty Red Car. The documentary is narrated by a seventeen year old girl who lives in Red Car. She speaks over multiple peoples lives and their situations that they're dealing with or what they have been through. She speaks the truth and doesn't hide anything about her own life and other kids her age. For example, she comments how there aren't many opportunities for kids, a lot of kids under the age of 25 are unemployed, businesses shut down, 1700 jobs lost when the steel works were shut down, there are four food banks and the population has been decreasing massively over the years. All of these facts are so negative towards her home and she isn't trying to sugar coat the truth. Which for the most part, you expect someone to speak highly of where they come from and want to advertise as a enlightened area. But instead she uses the documentary to almost have a chance to spread word of the truth pf where she lives and almost ask her fro some attention to help Red Car become the thriving and magnificent place it used to be. Going back to what I originally said, and it all depends on who is directing or speaking upon the subject matter.
  • 11. How far should we accept what we read/watch? In this day and age, in a nice way a lot of people are gullible and will believe a lot of stuff they read or even watch without thinking. People don't think past what they have just read or watched and think is the information coming from a trust worthy source or does it relate to any other trust worthy sources. Because the general population hear something new that they have never heard before and just assume that its factually correct. The main culprit for telling lies would be social media and of course social media controls a lot of peoples lives and basically live on social media. People on social media get paid for every like and share they get, so they can make up a lie and ask you to share with your friends and that's how a lot of fake stories get out. When it comes to documentaries, I tend to believe whatever has been show or said throughout the documentary because I mostly watch them on TV. But now I know to look a little deeper and look past just the end product shown. I say this because there are techniques that people or directors can use to hide or bend facts. A certain technique I'm talking about is Frankenbiting and this is used to edit smaller soundbites. This can lead to some manipulation of peoples wording when discussing the topic of the documentary. So when someone says something positive on the subject, the meaning of what they said could be changed. When I was watching 'The Mighty Red Car' I couldn't see any signs of Frankenbiting being used but on the other hand it wouldn't be obvious and the director will have hidden this well. I feel like the director won't have used this because there wasn't anything to hide or even try and manipulate because the narrator was showing the terrible truth about where she lives. How can we make sure what documentary's presents as facts are true? I feel that we can make sure these facts are true by knowing how they're shot or where they have gathered and collected the information. For example, archival footage is going to be more reliable and truthful because its video evidence of certain events happening but this doesn't mean that it can't be edited to look better or worse. I could say the same about actuality footage but there's a higher chance that its has sound bites. The only real way of knowing if the facts are true is to find out where the director got the information. I say this because it may have been a trustworthy source or a non trustworthy source. Another way for proof I would say is if the footage has visual proof and backs up of what the narrator is saying. For example in 'The Mighty Red Car' the narrator is talking about the poverty and it follows with multiple shots of run down place around Red Car.
  • 12. Factual Analysis • Copy and paste (and add to if your work is limited) your Amy analysis • Include images as necessary • Compare the differing representations of people in ‘The Might Redcar’, ‘Benefits Street’ and ‘Skint’. • What do you think the aim of each of these programs is? • Are these programs biased? • Use specific examples to show how the different representations and aims have been achieved.
  • 13. Compare the differing representations of people in 'The Mighty Red Car', 'Benefits Street' and 'Skint' After watching the three documentaries, I saw a few differing representations throughout the three. For 'The Mighty Red Car' you were shown a lot of raw struggle and sad stories that people had been going through. Even though the residents of Red Car weren't successful, the documentary showed them trying to become someone and have their dreams come true. Even though the documentary was showing and telling a lot of dark truths it was only specific area and that area was mainly to do with teens, young adults and unemployment. Which makes me think they were hiding away some of the darker secrets. For the 'Benefits Street' documentary, instead of talking about a large area it was specifically shot on one street. Because it was shot in a smaller area then 'The Mighty Red Car', this documentary showed a lot more detail into residents lives and didn't feel the need to hide anything away from the cameras. For example, everyone on the street are on benefits, there are drug addicts and drunks walking about in the street in front of young kids getting exposed to darker things from a young age. There are some serious problems and issues in their lives that are shown throughout but what makes it have a different representation is with a lot of the scenes have a comedic feel added to make the situation seem less serious. Along side them having a comedic feel to some of the scenes, each resident mentions on how everyone knows each other and looks after one another like one big family. This helps show some good throughout a lot struggle and that not everything they go through is bad. Finally for the documentary 'Skint', is about Grimsby. Just like the other documentaries, we get an inside look on peoples lives who live in the area where the documentary was shot. This documentary shows off the residents off as having no options or opportunities to get back on their feet. 'Skint' specifically focusing more on the crime side and the real look as life without money. Examples would be that there is a lot of drugs and dealing of drugs, gangs and prostitution. The documentary shows or represents the people of Grimsby running out of options which leads to crime and even selling their items to try and get by. Because of the successful past of the fishing business, the people are stuck in nostalgia and are stuck reminiscing about the 'glory days'. A lot of the residents feel neglected from the rest of our country and feel like they have been left to fend for themselves. Even though all the documentaries are based around the same subjects, they focus on their own specific issues that need fixing.
  • 14. What do you think the aim of each of these programs is? The aim of each of the three documentaries are to me to show us the viewers the issue we don't go and to use that to spread awareness that not everyone has life so easy. The programs are shown to people that are not in those types of situations and its for peoples entertainment. Because a lot of people have no experience or idea what goes on in the poorer areas of England these are here to help educate. Are these programs biased ? I feel that the programs could be a little biased due to the fact the directors who made this and where the documentaries will be shown, that a lot of people don't actually know what its like being in their shoes and the documentaries are just made on an opinion and what they have seen for them selves. Even though a lot of the information comes from the people who live in these poor areas doesn't mean that its all factually correct. The director could have shot everything in the way he/she wanted and how he/she wanted you to see their lives.
  • 15. Final Task • Discuss the topics covered in today’s lecture in reference to your own work (Fanzine/Factual) 1. Explain how you have worked to the expectations and conventions of the medium of factual production/fanzine with specific reference to; • The content of today’s lecture • Factual theory and conventions discussed in previous week’s lectures • Existing products exploring the same/similar topics • How have you explored context (the background of your topic, who made it, when it was made etc.) • How have you explored style (everything that is written/said) • Do not reference your/existing product visuals in this section 2. Compare and contrast your work to one or more professional productions • Discuss visuals – consider stylistic decisions, technical processes, use of information, etc.
  • 16. 1. The contents of my Fanzine is something I'm a huge fan of and had a lot of fun talking about, Gears of War. I wrote everything in a nice and constructed way with my reviews and personally feelings on each topic mentioned. With Fanzines, of course I was positive and only spoke highly of everything I mentioned because that’s what a Fanzine is and also I left out the parts that I dislike. I gave my honest opinion but I wouldn’t talk about the parts I dislike and talk down upon something I enjoy. I spoke about the Second Gears of war, third, fourth and some information about the Esports community with an interview with some one who is just as a big fan on the Franchise as I am. So all of this has a very positive which had the best elements and biased opinion and that’s why I didn’t speak on the first gears and Gears of war judgement, because to me I don’t have anything positive to say about them. With each subject I constructed them all the same way with a beginning on who made it, when it game out, what platform the game is available, a background on what the subject is about (storyline etc) and my own opinions, thoughts and experiences about the games. By doing this, I have followed the basic conventions of a Fanzine.
  • 17. 2. When it comes down to the visuals of my Fanzine, I really took into consideration my decisions and technical process and for the most part everything came out very well. Such as the colour scheme, fonts and imaging being aesthetically pleasing whilst also linking my subjects. My decisions for each design were based on the subject I would be talking about and I tried to make them suitable as similar as possible, which of course would help elevate my work to a higher level. Because each subject is on the same franchise, they still have there differences so I could involve the same style images but add my own effects and twists to make them look better. The part that I didn’t really take into concentration was when I place text and imagery onto the same page. Because of my loss of concentration at this point somethings had to be changed and certain places were very cramped on my work. I ended up having to get rid of some text and images along size changing the sizes of both text and images. This made me aware of where I could improve in my technical process. On the next slide I have a side by side example of one of my pages on the left and then another Fanzine on the right. The Fanzine on the right is about the band Gorillaz and if I compare my work to whoever published this then I would say that their thought process isn't too dissimilar to my own. They have kept a relatable theme to their subject and the colour scheme stays the same and fits in well. The image they use is the same style as the band when they animate themselves but again the layout just like mine has gone wrong and doesn’t seem professionally executed. But due to the fact we have both created a Fanzine it doesn’t need to be as strict as something such as a magazine.