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Dystopian Genre Research 
Amber Jackson
Trailer 1 
The Maze Runner
Narrative structure & themes 
The maze runner starts with one frightened 
teenage boy, sent by elevator, to the middle of 
no where and there is no way back. The 
opening scene is gloomy with blue undertones 
and stark white florescent tube lights to light 
the lift shaft, these types of lights give the 
atmosphere a cold and harsh tone. We also see 
this young boy on his hands and knees 
suggesting a panicked state of mind and 
desperate to find answers, such as where he 
is? And why he is there? Perhaps what he did 
to deserve this torcher? 
Secondly we still see him in the lift, but the 
camera moves away from him and onto what 
he sees, which is the end with red lights. Red 
lights at the end of a pathway generally are 
given as a way of warning people to stop as 
they can go no further, however, the lift gets 
closer to this brick wall with red lights and 
there is no sign of slowing down, which signals 
alarms in his head that he is possibly going to 
The lift finally screeches to a halt and we see a group of boys standing looking down, 
meanwhile the leader jumps into the lift and The only way out is through this 
moving concrete maze and a group of people called the ‘Glazer’s’, that are already 
there, have assigned ‘maze runners’ to try to find a way out each day. The only 
problem is the maze closes before they come out, crushing the runners to pieces. 
Even though they plan the route they will take, as they have a miniature sculpture. 
(above image) 
Another problem is that monsters come through the maze to where the group are 
living at night, and kill who ever is in sight. 
The hunger games has a similar plot as the teenagers that get stuck in this ‘game’, 
amusement for the posh cities people, and there is no way to get out, there can only 
be one remaining person, but it is survival of the fittest as you have to kill one 
another. Likewise in The Maze Runner, the people that go though the maze, the 
runners, are the ones that give into peer pressure easily, as the consequences for 
going in are death.
There are two main character in ‘The Maze Runner’, one a boy who comes in first, then the girl enters second. Both in the same 
way, through the elevator. Both of whom don’t remember how they got there, nor do they remember anything about their lives 
before entering the maze. The girl thinks they have been sent there for a reason as if to insinuate that they are better then the 
rest of the people their and they have powers to finally relive these people from being stuck behind this maze. 
Then there is the rest of the group that has been assigned different jobs such as the ‘group leader’, the person who maps out 
routes, the cook, people who build things, people who slaughter the food and a councillor to get people through the trauma. 
Both The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner have elements in the plot of a romance. In the dystopian films I have reasearched , 
I have found that there is always a woman behind the man in any situation. I believe film makers do this as it is a general and 
stereotypical relationship combination, where the relationship is a partnership and shows the help one another can give each 
other, as with the typical nature of a dystopian film, the characters need support and words of encouragement.
The Hunger games, Catness is the strong protagonist, who keeps the man, Peter, going 
with words of encouragement that if they stick together, she will look after him. We see 
this conveyed through the way this shot is composed (above, left) as it shows her 
shooting her bow and arrow, against a body formed target. She is out of focus and the 
body is outlined with red and in focus. This suggests she is rootless in her attacks, and 
she is willing to do what is needed to stay alive. 
Comparing the above to the maze runner is similar in it’s plot, the girl is rootless and 
proactive about wanting to get out of the maze, however she gets penalised because of 
her controlling nature (above, right). She is the only woman, like in The Hunger Games, 
in this maze surrounded by bold and strong men, who feel it necessary to take it upon 
themselves to sort out the mess, they need to know that she will play by the rules and 
not on her own accord. This shows that the dominate male is stepping up as the hero, 
even though it teases the audience that in actual fact, she may be the hero.
In the maze runner, through out the trailer, shots that where 
included where: 
1. Panning a 180 with a mid shot transitioning into a wide angle 
when the boy, Tomas, has his first glance at the maze and 
surrounding area. This gives the audience an idea of what the 
maze camp site looks like and the enormity of it in comparison to 
the boy size. The camera is set slightly lower the Tomas's face 
first of all, which would normally give the illusion of him being 
powerful, however in comparison to the wall it makes him look 
intimidated and overwhelmed. When the transition occurs the 
camera moves slightly up to his high, with reduces the fear feeling 
and instead enhances where he is, in a field, with a ball as a 
2. Over the shoulder shot, when one of the men are describing to 
Tomas where he is. This is a typical shot for any genre to include. 
It is a great way in showing conversation and emotional reactions 
of he characters. As they can change the camera to the oppositee 
face to capture their expressions. 
3. Close up, Showing the gunk on one of the tools, describing 
what the monsters traces lift behind. The reasoning behind this is 
to describe to the audience further what the monsters are like, 
enabling them to build a clearer image of what they are like in 
their minds, without actually having to show a monster. 
4. Another momentous close up is when Tomas sees the maze 
shut on someone’s body for the first time. Seeing this shocked 
face, adds emotion to the characters and the audince can then 
sympathise with them as they have seen what the character have 
The weapons and method of transport in The Maze Runner are unique 
and very different to anything else. Props are one of the ways in which 
you can tell what genre it is. Dystopian does not have to fit into reality, 
therefore has space ships and long, metal jousters, as you can see from 
the below images of The Maze Runner. Whereas a crime film, for 
example (images from Animal Kingdom, below, right), will have normal 
guns and cars which the image clearly shows. These prop choses, 
dependant on the genre type, is so that the audience feel that they can 
connect to the action and the sensations of what the characters are 
feeling, unlike unknown props in this dystopian film, where they will 
find it hard to relate. 
Both in The Maze Runner and Hunger Games, there is a very similar shot type, 
a wide angle, to describe the hole arena, this is a secret piece of information 
to the audience as they know that the characters in the film can not see the 
view they have seen. It gives the audience the ability to feel apart of the film. 
The landscape itself is very similar, in the fact that they are both blue and grey 
toned, with a dark cloud shadowing over the complexes and concrete goes as 
far as the eye can see, which is depressing and overwhelming. The one 
difference is that in The Hunger Games image (bottom), is a break of sun, 
which is a sign of hope and slight mystery. However, we later see that this is a 
false sign and perhaps simply means that the game makers are happy.
High angle for powerful characters & Low angle for innocents about the character or object. When Tomas enters and 
the elevator doors open, one boy jumps down into it and he is shown to have the power as he is leaning over the top of 
the new boy, Tomas. Likewise the low angle shot on Tomas when he was scared of this boy jumping on him. A similar 
shot happened when the girl comes in, but on a greater scale as all of the boys are looking down on her, and she is 
looking up. Another low angle shot was to show the size of the maze, the enormity of it. 
Quentin Tarantino “inglorious basterds” shows this scene ( left below) where two men are standing under trees, looking down. 
Wez Ball, the director of “The maze runner” has used this shot as pastiche for his own work to enhance the power over the 
character who is already at the maze camp. This type of shot known as a low angle shot. Tarantino’s use of trees in the 
background, it makes the characters less powerful and compensates for the over indulgent self worth and power of the two. In 
comparison, with the maze runner, instead of trees, Ball uses people as a way of creating the same effect, however the angel is 
higher on the characters face which him look less daunting.
The opening scene all you hear is the metal clunking from the elevator. It starts off still, then as it 
moves it gets faster and faster, and in the black outs Tomas’s breath gets deeper and deeper. 
Then it all stops then an alarm opening sound in the black happens and we know the ride is over, 
so that the intensity dies down until the next panicked moment, allowing the audience to settle 
down, so that the film can bring them back up into that panicked state later on. 
None diegetic sound is low, one pitch beat that stops occasionally to make the audience aware 
and listen to the words that are being said. Diegectic words such as ‘what’s out there’ then we 
hear monster whispers with gives the audience understanding that there are creatures out there, 
as well as making it a little scared of the unknown. Another example is when Tomas says ‘what 
happens to them (the runners)’, then it jumps to a flashing scene of dark trees and a man 
running, then we hear screaming 
Throughout the whole trailer, the none diegetic music goes from slow to very fast, much like the 
visual images, that are built up in this way, to build up the adrenalin and anticipation for the 
From the outset the editing in this trailer is very choppy in order to make the audience 
jump on occasions. Techniques such as the below list where used: 
• Fade to blacks and dissolved transitions. These types of transition, usually make a 
piece calm and is used to enhance the anticipation and used when the film 
director wants to portray the characters story. An example is: 
- When Tomas is looking at his surroundings and they want to show the 
height of the maze they dissolve 2 shots that are simiar of him slowly 
spinning around outside of the maze. They when they want to move onto 
the next scene without it being too harsh. 
• The editing was also very jaulty in places and this was done with a cut or L cut 
transition, an L cut is when a diegetic sound is heard before the image is on screen 
and a cut is when one image directly goes straight to the next one. Used to 
enhance the unexpected factor and make the audience jump. For example: 
- Flashing from an image to black when the scary scenes come. They do this 
to not give everything away and to add spookiness.
All of the titles are made 
too resemble rocks then 
they transition to the actual 
word as you can see to the 
The titles are placed all on black 
backgrounds with light shinning through 
the middle of them. This gives a dramatic 
and eerie feeling about them. Like an angry 
face, but that has a last minute smile for 
some unknown reason. The light is 
mysterious and unknown.
Examples of how ‘The Maze Runner’ relates to post modern 
theory through the use of a Meta narrative, hyperreality, pashtice 
• Meta Narrative – the way that this film trailer challenges the conventional narratives in the 
dystopian genre is that there is a female antihero and she is shown to be more fears and 
stronger willed then the boy, Tomas. 
• Hyperreality is conveyed though the monsters in the film as in reality they are not real. The 
film uses them to make the audience aware that they are just watching a film, rather then a 
movie they can get wrapped up in and really think that they are watching reality. 
• Examples of pastiche in this trailer, is from the film ‘I Am Number 4’. It is like ‘The Maze 
Runner’ is the film that is meant to come before, as a follow on film to ‘I Am Number 4’ as 
that film is about monsters chasing after these people in the open world and it is like ‘The 
Maze Runner’ people have escaped the maze. Scenes that are similar are when the main 
leader is running through the woods in ‘I Am Number 4’ and through the maze in ‘The Maze 
Runner’. Images shown below.
Trailer 2 
Children of Men
Narrative structure & themes 
Children Of Men, is about a world where women are infertile because of a flu 
that has broken out and all children die. The whole world’s civilisation is a 
thing of the past. People are angry and in rage throw bombs and shooting 
one another. Then Theo the main character is chosen by an ex lover to help 
with the first sign of hope, but must keep it a secret otherwise people apart of 
the hope could all died. 
The hope is a baby. A immigrant is 
pregnant and is in hiding, only a 
selected group of people know, 
including a wise old man, who 
knows the mother bearer is special 
and a blessing to the world, as she 
could restart a hole new era. 
The group try and get her on this 
‘Human Project’ boat to let her 
escape. But before they get there the 
world find out who she is and what 
she is doing. They try and catch her, 
bit it is a case of too little, too late.
There are 3 main characters in this film: 
1) Theo the anti hero, unintentionally falling into helping the pregnant 
2) Julian the ex lover who set out to help Kee, with Theo’s help. 
3) Kee the pregnant woman, who doesn't’t do anything in particular in the f 
film, however it is biased around her so that’s why she is apart of the 
main characters. 
• The rest of the people are extras acting as the rest of the world, in rage at 
the news that there will be no more life after 50 years or so.
The majority of the trailer shows scenes that have been filmed handheld, so you get 
that slightly shaky nerve wracking type of shot. 
One type of shot that is not handheld, is a mid to close up moving shot. 
This is used when Theo is sitting down in a train and they zoom into his face then 
he looks out of the window, the audience following his eyes and then there is 
attention on the men throwing bricks as the moving train window. 
Other example of a different shot used is a mid pan. 
This was used when the group are escaping with Zee to the boat, but the world 
finds out what they are doing. You see a shot of the scared face from the group, 
then the camera moves to show the people running after the group in car, again 
this is another way that the camera has directed the audience where to look.
The music through out this trailer is a roller-coaster with happy, sad and scary sounds. 
The opening scene starts with no music, then we see Theo and in his mind says ‘I don’t 
remember when I last had any hope’ as he carries on the music starts when he says ‘women cant 
have babies’, ‘what’s left to hope for?’ to draw attention to those words, they are important and 
don’t want the audience to miss it. 
Then Theo's voice is interrupted with diegetic sound that is stronger and harsher then him to 
show arguing of the people to show corruption then straight after the kayos, posh violin, none 
diegetic sound, come in to differentiate between good and bad, the violins become quitter when 
somthing needs attention (TV news, bomb) and louder when the action is not so important. 
The none diegetic music changes again from posh to rowdy bass when Theo is kidnaped then 
Julian says ‘how have you been’ and it turns to action music then changes again to be more 
sombre bass when they talk about the love they used to have. They do this to take the audience 
on an emotional journey and fall in love with the couple they see on their screens. 
One of the last none diegetic change in the trailer is when the baby is shown and the music is 
mysterious and sounds as if ‘bad things are going to happen’ then someone says ‘now you know 
what is at stake’ and the music turns to be soft but has a sense of hope to it that it will all be okay, 
this is done to get the audience excited and intrigued that there might be a way out, then the 
happy music is mixed with bombs being heard and it is like the hope when everyone sees death 
as the future, but the happy music persists until the end, keeping the audience on their feet in 
anticipation that Kee will escape.
All of the transitions through out this trailer are either 
• dissolved transition 
• fade to black transitions 
• dissolved into yellow and red colours. 
both to enhance softness but add a mysterious nature. The transitions where put in when the 
scene changed. when there was the same scene going on, just a different shot a simple cut 
was used. 
Example of when this happen is: 
when the police are putting people in prison, the transition colour is red to represent fierce 
and worrying feelings. 
other times when the dissolving transitions occur are when Zee is escaping to represent 
gentleness that she will be okay, as she is the one the audience are most attached too as 
she is the person that could change the whole narrative to be a happy or sad ending.
The titles in this trailer are simple, that 
are very minimal for the majority. The 
most transition that any of them have is 
a ‘dissolve in’ as shown above. They 
have kept it simple so that the titles 
don’t distract away from the flashing 
imagery in the scenes. 
They have also overlaid colour, which all have a flush of red to symbolise blood, 
and the death of so many, in this case to go with the words. All of the titles have 
words on them that say the same message as what is being said through the 
characters. They are just there to force that message across to the audience.
Examples of how ‘Children Of Men’ relates to post modern 
theory through the use of a Meta narrative, hyperreality, 
• Meta Narrative - Julian is seen to be in charge as her gang is the one 
that have kidnapped Theo and have started to interrogating him, 
and that the message that the film is saying is that maybe our 20th 
century has started to go too far in scientific tests and one day 
there might just be a disease that kills all of our young people and 
the world would be in devastation. 
• Hyperreality – the hyperreality in this film is that there not a county 
nor been a time where babies where none existent so people know 
that it is not real. 
• Pashtice – 28 days later is a similar concept where an infection 
breaks out but instead of all the young people dieing, it affects 
everyone and the only hope left is one man that was left in a coma 
but woke up and found a small group of people in hiding.

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Dystopian Trailer Analysis // The Maze Runner & Children Of Men

  • 1. Dystopian Genre Research Amber Jackson
  • 2. Trailer 1 The Maze Runner
  • 3. Narrative structure & themes The maze runner starts with one frightened teenage boy, sent by elevator, to the middle of no where and there is no way back. The opening scene is gloomy with blue undertones and stark white florescent tube lights to light the lift shaft, these types of lights give the atmosphere a cold and harsh tone. We also see this young boy on his hands and knees suggesting a panicked state of mind and desperate to find answers, such as where he is? And why he is there? Perhaps what he did to deserve this torcher? Secondly we still see him in the lift, but the camera moves away from him and onto what he sees, which is the end with red lights. Red lights at the end of a pathway generally are given as a way of warning people to stop as they can go no further, however, the lift gets closer to this brick wall with red lights and there is no sign of slowing down, which signals alarms in his head that he is possibly going to die. The lift finally screeches to a halt and we see a group of boys standing looking down, meanwhile the leader jumps into the lift and The only way out is through this moving concrete maze and a group of people called the ‘Glazer’s’, that are already there, have assigned ‘maze runners’ to try to find a way out each day. The only problem is the maze closes before they come out, crushing the runners to pieces. Even though they plan the route they will take, as they have a miniature sculpture. (above image) Another problem is that monsters come through the maze to where the group are living at night, and kill who ever is in sight. The hunger games has a similar plot as the teenagers that get stuck in this ‘game’, amusement for the posh cities people, and there is no way to get out, there can only be one remaining person, but it is survival of the fittest as you have to kill one another. Likewise in The Maze Runner, the people that go though the maze, the runners, are the ones that give into peer pressure easily, as the consequences for going in are death.
  • 4. Characters There are two main character in ‘The Maze Runner’, one a boy who comes in first, then the girl enters second. Both in the same way, through the elevator. Both of whom don’t remember how they got there, nor do they remember anything about their lives before entering the maze. The girl thinks they have been sent there for a reason as if to insinuate that they are better then the rest of the people their and they have powers to finally relive these people from being stuck behind this maze. Then there is the rest of the group that has been assigned different jobs such as the ‘group leader’, the person who maps out routes, the cook, people who build things, people who slaughter the food and a councillor to get people through the trauma. Both The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner have elements in the plot of a romance. In the dystopian films I have reasearched , I have found that there is always a woman behind the man in any situation. I believe film makers do this as it is a general and stereotypical relationship combination, where the relationship is a partnership and shows the help one another can give each other, as with the typical nature of a dystopian film, the characters need support and words of encouragement.
  • 5. The Hunger games, Catness is the strong protagonist, who keeps the man, Peter, going with words of encouragement that if they stick together, she will look after him. We see this conveyed through the way this shot is composed (above, left) as it shows her shooting her bow and arrow, against a body formed target. She is out of focus and the body is outlined with red and in focus. This suggests she is rootless in her attacks, and she is willing to do what is needed to stay alive. Comparing the above to the maze runner is similar in it’s plot, the girl is rootless and proactive about wanting to get out of the maze, however she gets penalised because of her controlling nature (above, right). She is the only woman, like in The Hunger Games, in this maze surrounded by bold and strong men, who feel it necessary to take it upon themselves to sort out the mess, they need to know that she will play by the rules and not on her own accord. This shows that the dominate male is stepping up as the hero, even though it teases the audience that in actual fact, she may be the hero.
  • 6. Camera In the maze runner, through out the trailer, shots that where included where: 1. Panning a 180 with a mid shot transitioning into a wide angle when the boy, Tomas, has his first glance at the maze and surrounding area. This gives the audience an idea of what the maze camp site looks like and the enormity of it in comparison to the boy size. The camera is set slightly lower the Tomas's face first of all, which would normally give the illusion of him being powerful, however in comparison to the wall it makes him look intimidated and overwhelmed. When the transition occurs the camera moves slightly up to his high, with reduces the fear feeling and instead enhances where he is, in a field, with a ball as a barrier. 2. Over the shoulder shot, when one of the men are describing to Tomas where he is. This is a typical shot for any genre to include. It is a great way in showing conversation and emotional reactions of he characters. As they can change the camera to the oppositee face to capture their expressions. 3. Close up, Showing the gunk on one of the tools, describing what the monsters traces lift behind. The reasoning behind this is to describe to the audience further what the monsters are like, enabling them to build a clearer image of what they are like in their minds, without actually having to show a monster. 4. Another momentous close up is when Tomas sees the maze shut on someone’s body for the first time. Seeing this shocked face, adds emotion to the characters and the audince can then sympathise with them as they have seen what the character have seen.
  • 7. Props The weapons and method of transport in The Maze Runner are unique and very different to anything else. Props are one of the ways in which you can tell what genre it is. Dystopian does not have to fit into reality, therefore has space ships and long, metal jousters, as you can see from the below images of The Maze Runner. Whereas a crime film, for example (images from Animal Kingdom, below, right), will have normal guns and cars which the image clearly shows. These prop choses, dependant on the genre type, is so that the audience feel that they can connect to the action and the sensations of what the characters are feeling, unlike unknown props in this dystopian film, where they will find it hard to relate. Location Both in The Maze Runner and Hunger Games, there is a very similar shot type, a wide angle, to describe the hole arena, this is a secret piece of information to the audience as they know that the characters in the film can not see the view they have seen. It gives the audience the ability to feel apart of the film. The landscape itself is very similar, in the fact that they are both blue and grey toned, with a dark cloud shadowing over the complexes and concrete goes as far as the eye can see, which is depressing and overwhelming. The one difference is that in The Hunger Games image (bottom), is a break of sun, which is a sign of hope and slight mystery. However, we later see that this is a false sign and perhaps simply means that the game makers are happy.
  • 8. High angle for powerful characters & Low angle for innocents about the character or object. When Tomas enters and the elevator doors open, one boy jumps down into it and he is shown to have the power as he is leaning over the top of the new boy, Tomas. Likewise the low angle shot on Tomas when he was scared of this boy jumping on him. A similar shot happened when the girl comes in, but on a greater scale as all of the boys are looking down on her, and she is looking up. Another low angle shot was to show the size of the maze, the enormity of it. Quentin Tarantino “inglorious basterds” shows this scene ( left below) where two men are standing under trees, looking down. Wez Ball, the director of “The maze runner” has used this shot as pastiche for his own work to enhance the power over the character who is already at the maze camp. This type of shot known as a low angle shot. Tarantino’s use of trees in the background, it makes the characters less powerful and compensates for the over indulgent self worth and power of the two. In comparison, with the maze runner, instead of trees, Ball uses people as a way of creating the same effect, however the angel is higher on the characters face which him look less daunting.
  • 9. Sound The opening scene all you hear is the metal clunking from the elevator. It starts off still, then as it moves it gets faster and faster, and in the black outs Tomas’s breath gets deeper and deeper. Then it all stops then an alarm opening sound in the black happens and we know the ride is over, so that the intensity dies down until the next panicked moment, allowing the audience to settle down, so that the film can bring them back up into that panicked state later on. None diegetic sound is low, one pitch beat that stops occasionally to make the audience aware and listen to the words that are being said. Diegectic words such as ‘what’s out there’ then we hear monster whispers with gives the audience understanding that there are creatures out there, as well as making it a little scared of the unknown. Another example is when Tomas says ‘what happens to them (the runners)’, then it jumps to a flashing scene of dark trees and a man running, then we hear screaming Throughout the whole trailer, the none diegetic music goes from slow to very fast, much like the visual images, that are built up in this way, to build up the adrenalin and anticipation for the audience.
  • 10. Editing From the outset the editing in this trailer is very choppy in order to make the audience jump on occasions. Techniques such as the below list where used: • Fade to blacks and dissolved transitions. These types of transition, usually make a piece calm and is used to enhance the anticipation and used when the film director wants to portray the characters story. An example is: - When Tomas is looking at his surroundings and they want to show the height of the maze they dissolve 2 shots that are simiar of him slowly spinning around outside of the maze. They when they want to move onto the next scene without it being too harsh. • The editing was also very jaulty in places and this was done with a cut or L cut transition, an L cut is when a diegetic sound is heard before the image is on screen and a cut is when one image directly goes straight to the next one. Used to enhance the unexpected factor and make the audience jump. For example: - Flashing from an image to black when the scary scenes come. They do this to not give everything away and to add spookiness.
  • 11. Titles All of the titles are made too resemble rocks then they transition to the actual word as you can see to the left. The titles are placed all on black backgrounds with light shinning through the middle of them. This gives a dramatic and eerie feeling about them. Like an angry face, but that has a last minute smile for some unknown reason. The light is mysterious and unknown.
  • 12. Examples of how ‘The Maze Runner’ relates to post modern theory through the use of a Meta narrative, hyperreality, pashtice • Meta Narrative – the way that this film trailer challenges the conventional narratives in the dystopian genre is that there is a female antihero and she is shown to be more fears and stronger willed then the boy, Tomas. • Hyperreality is conveyed though the monsters in the film as in reality they are not real. The film uses them to make the audience aware that they are just watching a film, rather then a movie they can get wrapped up in and really think that they are watching reality. • Examples of pastiche in this trailer, is from the film ‘I Am Number 4’. It is like ‘The Maze Runner’ is the film that is meant to come before, as a follow on film to ‘I Am Number 4’ as that film is about monsters chasing after these people in the open world and it is like ‘The Maze Runner’ people have escaped the maze. Scenes that are similar are when the main leader is running through the woods in ‘I Am Number 4’ and through the maze in ‘The Maze Runner’. Images shown below.
  • 14. Narrative structure & themes Children Of Men, is about a world where women are infertile because of a flu that has broken out and all children die. The whole world’s civilisation is a thing of the past. People are angry and in rage throw bombs and shooting one another. Then Theo the main character is chosen by an ex lover to help with the first sign of hope, but must keep it a secret otherwise people apart of the hope could all died. The hope is a baby. A immigrant is pregnant and is in hiding, only a selected group of people know, including a wise old man, who knows the mother bearer is special and a blessing to the world, as she could restart a hole new era. The group try and get her on this ‘Human Project’ boat to let her escape. But before they get there the world find out who she is and what she is doing. They try and catch her, bit it is a case of too little, too late.
  • 15. Characters There are 3 main characters in this film: 1) Theo the anti hero, unintentionally falling into helping the pregnant woman. 2) Julian the ex lover who set out to help Kee, with Theo’s help. 3) Kee the pregnant woman, who doesn't’t do anything in particular in the f film, however it is biased around her so that’s why she is apart of the main characters. • The rest of the people are extras acting as the rest of the world, in rage at the news that there will be no more life after 50 years or so.
  • 16. Camera The majority of the trailer shows scenes that have been filmed handheld, so you get that slightly shaky nerve wracking type of shot. One type of shot that is not handheld, is a mid to close up moving shot. This is used when Theo is sitting down in a train and they zoom into his face then he looks out of the window, the audience following his eyes and then there is attention on the men throwing bricks as the moving train window. Other example of a different shot used is a mid pan. This was used when the group are escaping with Zee to the boat, but the world finds out what they are doing. You see a shot of the scared face from the group, then the camera moves to show the people running after the group in car, again this is another way that the camera has directed the audience where to look.
  • 17. Sound The music through out this trailer is a roller-coaster with happy, sad and scary sounds. The opening scene starts with no music, then we see Theo and in his mind says ‘I don’t remember when I last had any hope’ as he carries on the music starts when he says ‘women cant have babies’, ‘what’s left to hope for?’ to draw attention to those words, they are important and don’t want the audience to miss it. Then Theo's voice is interrupted with diegetic sound that is stronger and harsher then him to show arguing of the people to show corruption then straight after the kayos, posh violin, none diegetic sound, come in to differentiate between good and bad, the violins become quitter when somthing needs attention (TV news, bomb) and louder when the action is not so important. The none diegetic music changes again from posh to rowdy bass when Theo is kidnaped then Julian says ‘how have you been’ and it turns to action music then changes again to be more sombre bass when they talk about the love they used to have. They do this to take the audience on an emotional journey and fall in love with the couple they see on their screens. One of the last none diegetic change in the trailer is when the baby is shown and the music is mysterious and sounds as if ‘bad things are going to happen’ then someone says ‘now you know what is at stake’ and the music turns to be soft but has a sense of hope to it that it will all be okay, this is done to get the audience excited and intrigued that there might be a way out, then the happy music is mixed with bombs being heard and it is like the hope when everyone sees death as the future, but the happy music persists until the end, keeping the audience on their feet in anticipation that Kee will escape.
  • 18. Editing All of the transitions through out this trailer are either • dissolved transition • fade to black transitions • dissolved into yellow and red colours. both to enhance softness but add a mysterious nature. The transitions where put in when the scene changed. when there was the same scene going on, just a different shot a simple cut was used. Example of when this happen is: when the police are putting people in prison, the transition colour is red to represent fierce and worrying feelings. other times when the dissolving transitions occur are when Zee is escaping to represent gentleness that she will be okay, as she is the one the audience are most attached too as she is the person that could change the whole narrative to be a happy or sad ending.
  • 19. Titles The titles in this trailer are simple, that are very minimal for the majority. The most transition that any of them have is a ‘dissolve in’ as shown above. They have kept it simple so that the titles don’t distract away from the flashing imagery in the scenes. They have also overlaid colour, which all have a flush of red to symbolise blood, and the death of so many, in this case to go with the words. All of the titles have words on them that say the same message as what is being said through the characters. They are just there to force that message across to the audience.
  • 20. Examples of how ‘Children Of Men’ relates to post modern theory through the use of a Meta narrative, hyperreality, pashtice • Meta Narrative - Julian is seen to be in charge as her gang is the one that have kidnapped Theo and have started to interrogating him, and that the message that the film is saying is that maybe our 20th century has started to go too far in scientific tests and one day there might just be a disease that kills all of our young people and the world would be in devastation. • Hyperreality – the hyperreality in this film is that there not a county nor been a time where babies where none existent so people know that it is not real. • Pashtice – 28 days later is a similar concept where an infection breaks out but instead of all the young people dieing, it affects everyone and the only hope left is one man that was left in a coma but woke up and found a small group of people in hiding.