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at Harvard University
FAS Research Computing
John Noss
April 22 2016
About FAS RC
Our OpenNebula setup:
- OpenNebula and Ceph hardware
- Network setup
Our configuration with puppet:
- opennebula-puppet-module
- roles/profiles
- Config within OpenNebula
Context scripts / load testing
Use cases for OpenNebula at RC
Things we’d love to see
Harvard FAS Research Computing
Overview of Odyssey
•150 racks spanning 3 data centers across 100 miles using 1 MW power
•60k CPU cores, 1M+ GPU Cores
•25 PB (Lustre, NFS, Isilon, Gluster)
•10 miles of cat 5/6 + IB cabling
•300k lines of Puppet code
•300+ VMs
•2015: 25.7 million jobs
240 million CPU hours
About FAS RC
Our OpenNebula setup:
- OpenNebula and Ceph hardware
- Network setup
Our configuration with puppet:
- opennebula-puppet-module
- roles/profiles
- Config within OpenNebula
Context scripts / load testing
Use cases for OpenNebula at RC
Things we’d love to see
Where we’re coming from
● Previous kvm infrastructure:
○ One datacenter
○ 4 C6145s (8 blades, 48 core/ 64 core, 256GB ram)
○ 2 10GbE switches but not 802.3ad LACP, they are active-passive
○ 2 R515 replicated gluster
● VM provisioning process very manual
○ add to dns
○ add to cobbler for dhcp
○ edit in cobbler web GUI if changing disk, ram, or cpu
○ run virt-builder script to provision on a hypervisor (manually selected for load-balancing)
■ Full OS install, and puppet run from scratch - takes a long time
● Issues:
○ Storage issues with gluster, heal client-side (on kvm hypervisors), VMs going read only
○ Management very manual - changing capacity is manual, etc
Hardware Setup - OpenNebula
● Hypervisors (nodes):
○ 8 Dell R815
■ 4 each in 2 datacenters
○ 64 core, 256GB ram
○ Intel X520 2-port 10GbE, LACP
● Controller:
○ Currently one node is serving as controller as well as hypervisor, but the controller function
can be moved to a different node manually if the db is on replicated mysql (tested using
Hardware Setup - Ceph
● OSDs:
○ 10 Dell R515
■ 5 each in 2 primary datacenters
○ 16 core, 32GB ram
○ 12x 4TB
○ Intel X520 2-port 10GbE, LACP
● Mon:
○ 5 Dell R415
■ 2 each in 2 primary datacenters
■ 1 in a 3rd datacenter as a tie-breaker
○ 8 core, 32GB ram
○ 2x 120GB SSD, raid1 for mon data device
○ Intel X520 2-port 10GbE, LACP
○ Currently using cephfs for opennebula system datastore mount
○ MDS running on one of the mons
Network Setup
2x Dell Force10 S4810 10gbe switches in each of the 2 primary datacenters (with 2x 10gb between
2x twinax (one from each switch) to each of the opennebula and ceph nodes, bonded LACP (802.3ad)
Tagged 802.1q vlans for:
1. Admin (ssh, opennebula communication, sunstone, puppet, nagios monitoring, etc; MTU 1500)
2. Ceph-client network (used for clients--opennebula hypervisors--to access ceph; routes only to other
ceph-client vlans in other datacenters; MTU 9000)
3. Ceph-cluster network (MTU 9000) (backend ceph network; routes only to other ceph-cluster vlans in
other datacenters; only on ceph OSDs)
4. Opennebula guest vm networks
a. Some in one datacenter only, some span both datacenters
Note that vlan (1) needs to be tagged to have a normal MTU of 1500, because the bond MTU needs to be
9000 so that (2) and (3) can have their MTU 9000
Network diagram: OpenNebula and Ceph networks
Network diagram: multiple datacenters
Network setup: static routes
gateway_dev: bond0.100
require: Network::Interface[bond0.100]
gateway_dev: bond0.100
require: Network::Interface[bond0.100]
gateway_dev: bond0.200
require: Network::Interface[bond0.200]
gateway_dev: bond0.101
require: Network::Interface[bond0.200] via dev bond0.100 via dev bond0.100
About FAS RC
Our OpenNebula setup:
- OpenNebula and Ceph hardware
- Network setup
Our configuration with puppet:
- opennebula-puppet-module
- roles/profiles
- Config within OpenNebula
Context scripts / load testing
Use cases for OpenNebula at RC
Things we’d love to see
Configuring OpenNebula with puppet
● PXE boot - OS installation, runs puppet
● Puppet - bond configuration, tagged vlans, yum repos, opennebula and
sunstone passenger installation and configuration
○ Combination of local modules and upstream (mysql, apache, galera, opennebula)
● Puppetdb - exported resources to add newly-built hypervisors as onehosts on
controller, and, if using nfs for system datastore, to add to /etc/exports on the
controller and to pick up the mount of /one
Ongoing config management:
● Puppet - adding vnets, addressranges, security groups, datastores (for
various ceph pools, etc)
● Can also create onetemplates, and onevms as well
OpenNebula puppet module
Or: (not up-to-date currently)
(Deutsche Post E-Post Development)
Puppet module to install and manage opennebula:
● Installs and configures opennebula controller and hypervisors
○ Takes care of package installs
○ Takes care of adding hypervisor as onehost on controller (using puppetdb)
● Also can be used for ongoing configuration management of resources inside
opennebula - allows to configure onevnets, onesecgroups, etc, within
Minimum code to setup opennebula with puppet:
package {'rubygem-nokogiri':
ensure => installed,
} ->
class { '::one':
oned => true,
sunstone => true,
sunstone_listen_ip => '',
one_version => '4.14',
ssh_priv_key_param => '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...',
ssh_pub_key => 'ssh-rsa...',
} ->
onehost { $::fqdn :
im_mad => 'kvm',
vm_mad => 'kvm',
vn_mad => '802.1Q',
Only needed if not using
Can encrypt using eyaml
if passing this via hiera
Hiera for opennebula config
one::one_version: '4.14.2'
one::enable_opennebula_repo: 'false'
one::ntype: '802.1Q'
one::vtype: 'kvm'
one::puppetdb: true
one::oneid: opennebula_cluster1
one::oned: true
one::oned_port: 2634
one::oneflow: true
one::sunstone: true
one::sunstone_passenger: true
one::sunstone_novnc: true
one::oned::sunstone_sessions: 'memcache'
one::oned::sunstone_logo_png: 'puppet:///modules/profiles/logo.png'
one::oned::sunstone_logo_small_png: 'puppet:///modules/profiles/logo.png'
one::ldap: true
one::backend: mysql
one::oned::db: opennebula
one::oned::db_user: oneadmin
one::sched_interval: 10
one::sched_max_host: 10
one::sched_live_rescheds: 1
one::vnc_proxy_support_wss: 'only'
one::vnc_proxy_cert: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_vnc.cer"
one::vnc_proxy_key: "/etc/pki/tls/private/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_vnc.key"
one::kvm_driver_emulator: '/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm'
one::kvm_driver_nic_attrs: '[ filter = "clean-traffic", model="virtio" ]'
Puppet Roles/Profiles
Puppet roles/profiles provide a framework to group technology-specific
configuration (modules, groups of modules, etc) into profiles, and then combine
profiles to make a role for each server or type of server.
OpenNebula roles
# opennebula base role
class roles::opennebula::base inherits roles::base {
include ::profiles::storage::ceph::client
include ::profiles::opennebula::base
# opennebula hypervisor node
class roles::opennebula::hypervisor inherits roles::opennebula::base {
include ::profiles::opennebula::hypervisor
include ::profiles::opennebula::controller::nfs_mount
# opennebula controller node
class roles::opennebula::controller inherits roles::opennebula::base {
include ::profiles::opennebula::controller
include ::profiles::opennebula::controller::nfs_export
include ::profiles::opennebula::controller::local_mysql
include ::profiles::opennebula::controller::mysql_db
include ::profiles::opennebula::controller::sunstone_passenger
OpenNebula profiles
├── base.pp
├── controller
│ ├── local_mysql.pp
│ ├── mysql_db.pp
│ ├── nfs_export.pp
│ └── sunstone_passenger.pp
├── controller.pp
├── hypervisor
│ ├── nfs_mount.pp
│ └── virsh_secret.pp
└── hypervisor.pp
OpenNebula profiles: NFS mount on hypervisors
class profiles::opennebula::hypervisor::nfs_mount (
$oneid = $::one::oneid,
$puppetdb = $::one::puppetdb,
) {
# exported resource to add myself to /etc/exports on the controller
@@concat::fragment { "export_${oneid}_to_${::fqdn}":
tag => $oneid,
target => '/etc/exports',
content => "/one ${::fqdn}(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,root_squash)n",
# set up mount /one from head node
if $::one::oned == true {
} else {
# not on the head node so mount it
# pull in the mount that the head node exported
Mount <<| tag == $oneid and title == "${oneid}_one_mount" |>>
Collect this from the
controller (note, this will
have a 2-run dependence
before completing
successfully - but, it will
continue past the error on
the first run)
Export this to the controller
OpenNebula profiles: NFS export on controller node
class profiles::opennebula::controller::nfs_export (
$oneid = $::one::oneid,
concat { '/etc/exports':
ensure => present,
owner => root,
group => root,
require => File['/one'],
notify => Exec['exportfs'],
# collect the fragments that have been exported by the hypervisors
Concat::Fragment <<| tag == $oneid and target == '/etc/exports' |>>
# export a mount that the hypervisors will pick up
@@mount { "${oneid}_one_mount":
ensure => 'mounted',
name => '/one',
tag => $oneid,
device => "${::fqdn}:/one",
fstype => 'nfs',
options => 'soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192',
atboot => true,
require => File['/one'],
Collect these from the
Export this to the
OpenNebula profiles: Cephfs
class profiles::storage::ceph::client (
$fsid = hiera('profiles::storage::ceph::fsid',{}),
$keyrings = {},
$cephfs_keys = {},
$cephfs_kernel_mounts = {},
$mon_hash = hiera('profiles::storage::ceph::mon_hash',{}),
$network_hash = hiera('profiles::storage::ceph::network_hash', {}),
) inherits profiles::storage::ceph::base {
create_resources(profiles::storage::ceph::keyring, $keyrings)
create_resources(profiles::storage::ceph::cephfs_key, $cephfs_keys)
create_resources(profiles::storage::ceph::cephfs_kernel_mount, $cephfs_kernel_mounts )
[opennebula-node01]# df -h /one
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on, 327T 910G 326T 1% /one
OpenNebula profiles: Local mysql
class profiles::opennebula::controller::local_mysql (
) {
include ::mysql::server
# disable PrivateTmp - causes issues with OpenNebula
file_line { "${::mysql::server::service_name}
ensure => present,
path => "/usr/lib/systemd/system/${::mysql::server::
line => 'PrivateTmp=false',
match => 'PrivateTmp=true',
notify => [
class profiles::opennebula::controller::mysql_db (
$oned_db = hiera('one::oned::db', 'oned'),
$oned_db_user = hiera('one::oned::db_user', 'oned'),
$oned_db_password = hiera('one::oned::db_password', 'oned'),
$oned_db_host = hiera('one::oned::db_host', 'localhost'),
) {
# setup mysql server, local currently, on the master
mysql::db { $oned_db:
user => $oned_db_user,
password => $oned_db_password,
host => $oned_db_host,
grant => ['ALL'],
OpenNebula profiles: Sunstone passenger
class profiles::opennebula::sunstone_passenger (
$web_ssl_key = 'undef',
$web_ssl_cert = 'undef',
$vnc_ssl_key = 'undef',
$vnc_ssl_cert = 'undef',
) inherits profiles::opennebula::base {
include ::profiles::web::apache
include ::apache::mod::passenger
include ::systemd
# disable PrivateTmp - causes issues with sunstone image uploads
file_line { "${::apache::params::service_name}_disable_privatetmp":
ensure => present,
path => "/usr/lib/systemd/system/${::apache::params::service_name}.service",
line => 'PrivateTmp=false',
match => 'PrivateTmp=true',
notify => [
OpenNebula profiles: Sunstone passenger hiera
one::sunstone: true
one::sunstone_passenger: true
one::sunstone_novnc: true
one::oned::sunstone_sessions: 'memcache'
profiles::opennebula::percentliteral: '%'
vhost_name: <fqdn>
custom_fragment: 'PassengerUser oneadmin'
docroot: /usr/lib/one/sunstone/public/
path: /usr/lib/one/sunstone/public/
override: all
options: '-MultiViews'
port: 443
ssl: true
ssl_cert: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_web_cert.cer"
ssl_key: "/etc/pki/tls/private/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_web.key"
OpenNebula profiles: Sunstone passenger hiera cont.
vhost_name: <fqdn>
docroot: /var/www/html
port: 80
rewrite_rule: "^.*$ https://%{hiera('profiles::opennebula::percentliteral')}{HTTP_HOST}%{hiera('profiles::
opennebula::percentliteral')}{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]"
apache::mod::passenger:passenger_high_performance: on
apache::mod::passenger:passenger_max_pool_size: 128
apache::mod::passenger:passenger_pool_idle_time: 600
apache::mod::passenger:passenger_max_requests: 1000
apache::mod::passenger:passenger_use_global_queue: 'on'
Other puppetized configs: XMLRPC SSL
one::oned_port: 2634
Vhost_name: <fqdn>
docroot: /var/www/html/ # doesn’t matter, just needs to be there for the vhost
port: 2633
ssl: true
ssl_cert: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_xmlrpc_cert.cer"
ssl_key: "/etc/pki/tls/private/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_xmlrpc.key"
path: '/'
url: 'http://localhost:2634/'
file { '/var/lib/one/.one/one_endpoint':
ensure => file,
owner => 'oneadmin',
group => 'oneadmin',
mode => '0644',
content => "http://localhost:${oned_port}/RPC2n", # localhost doesn't use the ssl port
require => Package['opennebula-server'],
before => Class['one::oned::service'],
ONE_XMLRPC=https://<fqdn of controller>:2633/RPC2 # for end user CLI access
About FAS RC
Our OpenNebula setup:
- OpenNebula and Ceph hardware
- Network setup
Our configuration with puppet:
- opennebula-puppet-module
- roles/profiles
- Config within OpenNebula
Context scripts / load testing
Use cases for OpenNebula at RC
Things we’d love to see
Configuration inside OpenNebula once it’s running
Types provided by opennebula-puppet-module:
Add vnets, datastores, etc:
ensure: present
bridge: 'br101'
phydev: 'bond0'
dnsservers: ['','']
gateway: ''
vlanid: '101'
netmask: ''
network_address: ''
mtu: '1500'
ensure: present
onevnet_name: 'vlan100'
ar_id: '1' # read only value
protocol: 'ip4'
ip_size: '250'
ip_start: ''
description: 'description'
protocol: TCP
rule_type: OUTBOUND
protocol: TCP
rule_type: INBOUND
ip: ''
size: '255'
range: '22,1024:65535'
ensure: 'present'
type: 'IMAGE_DS'
ds_mad: 'ceph'
tm_mad: 'ceph'
driver: 'raw'
disk_type: 'rbd'
ceph_host: 'ceph-mon1 ceph-mon2'
ceph_user: 'libvirt-opennebula'
ceph_secret: '<uuid_name_for_libvirt_secret>'
pool_name: 'opennebula_pool'
bridge_list: 'opennebula_controller01'
Create_resources on controller
class profiles::opennebula::controller (
$onevnets = {},
$onevnet_addressranges = {},
$onesecgroups = {},
$onedatastores = {},
$oneid = $::one::oneid,
create_resources(onevnet, $onevnets)
create_resources(onevnet_addressrange, $onevnet_addressranges)
create_resources(onesecgroup, $onesecgroups)
create_resources(onedatastore, $onedatastores)
About FAS RC
Our OpenNebula setup:
- OpenNebula and Ceph hardware
- Network setup
Our configuration with puppet:
- opennebula-puppet-module
- roles/profiles
- Config within OpenNebula
Context scripts / load testing
Use cases for OpenNebula at RC
Things we’d love to see
Context scripts for load testing
Graphite/ Grafana vm
Diamond, bonnie++, dd, etc for load test vms:
Context script to configure diamond and load tests
source /mnt/
cd /root
yum install -y puppet
puppet module install garethr-diamond
puppet module install stahnma-epel
cat > diamond.pp <<EOF
class { 'diamond':
graphite_host => "$GRAPHITE_HOST",
puppet apply diamond.pp
if [ $(echo $LOAD_TESTS | grep dd) ] ; then
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/random_file bs=$DD_BLOCKSIZE count=$DD_COUNT
for i in $(seq 1 $DD_REPEATS); do
date >> ddlog
sync; { time { time dd if=/tmp/random_file of=/tmp/random_file_copy ; sync ; } ; } 2>> ddlog
Onetemplate context variables & instantiation
Onetemplate update (or in Sunstone):
Instantiate with:
onetemplate instantiate 19 --raw "$( cat paramfile )" --name vmname-%i -m4
Using paramfile with newline-separated contents:
Context script to install graphite and grafana
source /mnt/
MY_HOSTNAME=$(nslookup $ETH0_IP | grep name|sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/.$//')
cd /root
yum install -y puppet
puppet module install dwerder-graphite
yum install -y git
git clone /etc/puppet/modules/grafana
puppet module install puppetlabs-apache
mkdir /opt/graphite
cat > grafana.pp <<EOF
class {'::apache':
default_vhost => false,
apache::vhost { '$MY_HOSTNAME-graphite':
port => '8080',
servername => '$MY_HOSTNAME',
docroot => '/opt/graphite/webapp',
wsgi_application_group => '%{GLOBAL}',
wsgi_daemon_process => 'graphite',
wsgi_daemon_process_options => {
processes => '5',
About FAS RC
Our OpenNebula setup:
- OpenNebula and ceph hardware
- Network setup
Our configuration with puppet:
- opennebula-puppet-module
- roles/profiles
- Config within OpenNebula
Context scripts / load testing
Use cases for OpenNebula at RC
Things we’d love to see
Use cases in RC
● Streamlining and centralizing management of VMs
● Creating testing vms: with OpenNebula, much easier to create and manage
the one-off vms needed to test something out (this makes it less likely to need
to test something in production)
● Automatically spinning up vms to test code: when making a change in puppet,
have a git hook do a test run on each category of system we have in
temporary opennebula vms first
● Oneflow templates, and HA for client applications by leveraging two
● Elastic HPC: spin up and down compute nodes as needed
About FAS RC
Our OpenNebula setup:
- OpenNebula and Ceph hardware
- Network setup
Our configuration with puppet:
- opennebula-puppet-module
- roles/profiles
- Config within OpenNebula
Context scripts / load testing
Use cases for OpenNebula at RC
Things we’d love to see
Things we’d love to see
● Confining certain vlans to certain hosts without segmenting into clusters (vlans and datastores can
be in multiple clusters in 5.0)
● Folders or other groupings on vm list, template list, security groups, etc, to organize large numbers
of them in sunstone view (labels coming in 5.0)
● Image resize, not just when launching a VM (coming in 5.0)
● Oneimage upload from CLI - not just specify path local to frontend
● Onefile update from CLI
● Dynamic security groups with auto commit (coming in 5.0)
● Private vlan / router handling (with certain 802.1q vlan id’s trunked to hypervisors; coming in 5.0)
● Changelog on onetemplates, onevm actions, etc (it’s possible to see user in oned.log but not
● Sunstone: show VM name not just ID when taking action such as shutdown
Sunstone: change the name of “shutdown” to describe what will actually happen for non-persistent
Sunstone: show eth0 IP on vm info page, or add a copy button for IP from vm list page
● Move Ctrl-Alt-Del button away from the X button to close VNC (or prompt for confirmation)
Thank you! Questions?

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OpenNebulaConf 2016 - Hypervisors and Containers Hands-on Workshop by Jaime M...OpenNebulaConf 2016 - Hypervisors and Containers Hands-on Workshop by Jaime M...
OpenNebulaConf 2016 - Hypervisors and Containers Hands-on Workshop by Jaime M...
OpenNebulaConf 2016 - Networking, NFVs and SDNs Hands-on Workshop by Rubén S....
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OpenNebulaConf 2016 - Building a GNU/Linux Distribution by Daniel Dehennin, M...
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OpenNebulaConf 2016 - Building a GNU/Linux Distribution by Daniel Dehennin, M...
OpenNebulaConf 2016 - Evolution of OpenNebula at Netways by Sebastian Saemann...
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D’une infrastructure de virtualisation scripté à un cloud privé OpenNebula
D’une infrastructure de virtualisation scripté à un cloud privé OpenNebulaD’une infrastructure de virtualisation scripté à un cloud privé OpenNebula
D’une infrastructure de virtualisation scripté à un cloud privé OpenNebula
OpenNebula TechDay Waterloo 2015 - Open nebula hands on workshop
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OpenNebulaConf 2016 - OpenNebula, a story about flexibility and technological...
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An OpenNebula Private Cloud
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An OpenNebula Private Cloud
OpenNebulaConf2017EU: Rudder by Florian, Heigl
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TechDay - Cambridge 2016 - OpenNebula at Harvard Univerity

  • 1. OpenNebula at Harvard University FAS Research Computing John Noss April 22 2016
  • 2. About FAS RC Our OpenNebula setup: - OpenNebula and Ceph hardware - Network setup Our configuration with puppet: - opennebula-puppet-module - roles/profiles - Config within OpenNebula Context scripts / load testing Use cases for OpenNebula at RC Things we’d love to see Agenda
  • 4. Overview of Odyssey •150 racks spanning 3 data centers across 100 miles using 1 MW power •60k CPU cores, 1M+ GPU Cores •25 PB (Lustre, NFS, Isilon, Gluster) •10 miles of cat 5/6 + IB cabling •300k lines of Puppet code •300+ VMs •2015: 25.7 million jobs 240 million CPU hours
  • 5. About FAS RC Our OpenNebula setup: - OpenNebula and Ceph hardware - Network setup Our configuration with puppet: - opennebula-puppet-module - roles/profiles - Config within OpenNebula Context scripts / load testing Use cases for OpenNebula at RC Things we’d love to see Agenda
  • 6. Where we’re coming from ● Previous kvm infrastructure: ○ One datacenter ○ 4 C6145s (8 blades, 48 core/ 64 core, 256GB ram) ○ 2 10GbE switches but not 802.3ad LACP, they are active-passive ○ 2 R515 replicated gluster ● VM provisioning process very manual ○ add to dns ○ add to cobbler for dhcp ○ edit in cobbler web GUI if changing disk, ram, or cpu ○ run virt-builder script to provision on a hypervisor (manually selected for load-balancing) ■ Full OS install, and puppet run from scratch - takes a long time ● Issues: ○ Storage issues with gluster, heal client-side (on kvm hypervisors), VMs going read only ○ Management very manual - changing capacity is manual, etc
  • 7. Hardware Setup - OpenNebula ● Hypervisors (nodes): ○ 8 Dell R815 ■ 4 each in 2 datacenters ○ 64 core, 256GB ram ○ Intel X520 2-port 10GbE, LACP ● Controller: ○ Currently one node is serving as controller as well as hypervisor, but the controller function can be moved to a different node manually if the db is on replicated mysql (tested using galera)
  • 8. Hardware Setup - Ceph ● OSDs: ○ 10 Dell R515 ■ 5 each in 2 primary datacenters ○ 16 core, 32GB ram ○ 12x 4TB ○ Intel X520 2-port 10GbE, LACP ● Mon: ○ 5 Dell R415 ■ 2 each in 2 primary datacenters ■ 1 in a 3rd datacenter as a tie-breaker ○ 8 core, 32GB ram ○ 2x 120GB SSD, raid1 for mon data device ○ Intel X520 2-port 10GbE, LACP ● MDS ○ Currently using cephfs for opennebula system datastore mount ○ MDS running on one of the mons
  • 9. Network Setup 2x Dell Force10 S4810 10gbe switches in each of the 2 primary datacenters (with 2x 10gb between datacenters) 2x twinax (one from each switch) to each of the opennebula and ceph nodes, bonded LACP (802.3ad) Tagged 802.1q vlans for: 1. Admin (ssh, opennebula communication, sunstone, puppet, nagios monitoring, etc; MTU 1500) 2. Ceph-client network (used for clients--opennebula hypervisors--to access ceph; routes only to other ceph-client vlans in other datacenters; MTU 9000) 3. Ceph-cluster network (MTU 9000) (backend ceph network; routes only to other ceph-cluster vlans in other datacenters; only on ceph OSDs) 4. Opennebula guest vm networks a. Some in one datacenter only, some span both datacenters Note that vlan (1) needs to be tagged to have a normal MTU of 1500, because the bond MTU needs to be 9000 so that (2) and (3) can have their MTU 9000
  • 10. Network diagram: OpenNebula and Ceph networks
  • 12. Network setup: static routes profiles::network::datacenter_routes::routes_hash: datacenter1: ceph-client-datacenter2: network: gateway_ip: gateway_dev: bond0.100 require: Network::Interface[bond0.100] ceph-client-datacenter3: network: gateway_ip: gateway_dev: bond0.100 require: Network::Interface[bond0.100] datacenter2: ceph-client-datacenter1: network: gateway_ip: gateway_dev: bond0.200 require: Network::Interface[bond0.200] ceph-client-datacenter3: network: gateway_ip: gateway_dev: bond0.101 require: Network::Interface[bond0.200] via dev bond0.100 via dev bond0.100
  • 13. About FAS RC Our OpenNebula setup: - OpenNebula and Ceph hardware - Network setup Our configuration with puppet: - opennebula-puppet-module - roles/profiles - Config within OpenNebula Context scripts / load testing Use cases for OpenNebula at RC Things we’d love to see Agenda
  • 14. Configuring OpenNebula with puppet Installation: ● PXE boot - OS installation, runs puppet ● Puppet - bond configuration, tagged vlans, yum repos, opennebula and sunstone passenger installation and configuration ○ Combination of local modules and upstream (mysql, apache, galera, opennebula) ● Puppetdb - exported resources to add newly-built hypervisors as onehosts on controller, and, if using nfs for system datastore, to add to /etc/exports on the controller and to pick up the mount of /one Ongoing config management: ● Puppet - adding vnets, addressranges, security groups, datastores (for various ceph pools, etc) ● Can also create onetemplates, and onevms as well
  • 15. OpenNebula puppet module Source: Or: (not up-to-date currently) (Deutsche Post E-Post Development) Puppet module to install and manage opennebula: ● Installs and configures opennebula controller and hypervisors ○ Takes care of package installs ○ Takes care of adding hypervisor as onehost on controller (using puppetdb) ● Also can be used for ongoing configuration management of resources inside opennebula - allows to configure onevnets, onesecgroups, etc, within opennebula
  • 16. Minimum code to setup opennebula with puppet: package {'rubygem-nokogiri': ensure => installed, } -> class { '::one': oned => true, sunstone => true, sunstone_listen_ip => '', one_version => '4.14', ssh_priv_key_param => '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...', ssh_pub_key => 'ssh-rsa...', } -> onehost { $::fqdn : im_mad => 'kvm', vm_mad => 'kvm', vn_mad => '802.1Q', } Only needed if not using puppetdb Can encrypt using eyaml if passing this via hiera
  • 17. Hiera for opennebula config one::one_version: '4.14.2' one::enable_opennebula_repo: 'false' one::ntype: '802.1Q' one::vtype: 'kvm' one::puppetdb: true one::oneid: opennebula_cluster1 one::oned: true one::oned_port: 2634 one::oneflow: true one::sunstone: true one::sunstone_passenger: true one::sunstone_novnc: true one::oned::sunstone_sessions: 'memcache' one::oned::sunstone_logo_png: 'puppet:///modules/profiles/logo.png' one::oned::sunstone_logo_small_png: 'puppet:///modules/profiles/logo.png' one::ldap: true one::backend: mysql one::oned::db: opennebula one::oned::db_user: oneadmin ... one::sched_interval: 10 one::sched_max_host: 10 one::sched_live_rescheds: 1 one::inherit_datastore_attrs: - DRIVER one::vnc_proxy_support_wss: 'only' one::vnc_proxy_cert: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_vnc.cer" one::vnc_proxy_key: "/etc/pki/tls/private/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_vnc.key" one::kvm_driver_emulator: '/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm' one::kvm_driver_nic_attrs: '[ filter = "clean-traffic", model="virtio" ]' ...
  • 18. Puppet Roles/Profiles Puppet roles/profiles provide a framework to group technology-specific configuration (modules, groups of modules, etc) into profiles, and then combine profiles to make a role for each server or type of server. - - -
  • 19. OpenNebula roles # opennebula base role class roles::opennebula::base inherits roles::base { include ::profiles::storage::ceph::client include ::profiles::opennebula::base } # opennebula hypervisor node class roles::opennebula::hypervisor inherits roles::opennebula::base { include ::profiles::opennebula::hypervisor include ::profiles::opennebula::controller::nfs_mount } # opennebula controller node class roles::opennebula::controller inherits roles::opennebula::base { include ::profiles::opennebula::controller include ::profiles::opennebula::controller::nfs_export include ::profiles::opennebula::controller::local_mysql include ::profiles::opennebula::controller::mysql_db include ::profiles::opennebula::controller::sunstone_passenger }
  • 20. OpenNebula profiles site/profiles/manifests/opennebula ├── base.pp ├── controller │ ├── local_mysql.pp │ ├── mysql_db.pp │ ├── nfs_export.pp │ └── sunstone_passenger.pp ├── controller.pp ├── hypervisor │ ├── nfs_mount.pp │ └── virsh_secret.pp └── hypervisor.pp
  • 21. OpenNebula profiles: NFS mount on hypervisors class profiles::opennebula::hypervisor::nfs_mount ( $oneid = $::one::oneid, $puppetdb = $::one::puppetdb, ) { # exported resource to add myself to /etc/exports on the controller @@concat::fragment { "export_${oneid}_to_${::fqdn}": tag => $oneid, target => '/etc/exports', content => "/one ${::fqdn}(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,root_squash)n", } # set up mount /one from head node if $::one::oned == true { } else { # not on the head node so mount it # pull in the mount that the head node exported Mount <<| tag == $oneid and title == "${oneid}_one_mount" |>> } } Collect this from the controller (note, this will have a 2-run dependence before completing successfully - but, it will continue past the error on the first run) Export this to the controller
  • 22. OpenNebula profiles: NFS export on controller node class profiles::opennebula::controller::nfs_export ( $oneid = $::one::oneid, ){ concat { '/etc/exports': ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, require => File['/one'], notify => Exec['exportfs'], } # collect the fragments that have been exported by the hypervisors Concat::Fragment <<| tag == $oneid and target == '/etc/exports' |>> # export a mount that the hypervisors will pick up @@mount { "${oneid}_one_mount": ensure => 'mounted', name => '/one', tag => $oneid, device => "${::fqdn}:/one", fstype => 'nfs', options => 'soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192', atboot => true, require => File['/one'], } } Collect these from the hypervisors Export this to the hypervisors
  • 23. OpenNebula profiles: Cephfs class profiles::storage::ceph::client ( $fsid = hiera('profiles::storage::ceph::fsid',{}), $keyrings = {}, $cephfs_keys = {}, $cephfs_kernel_mounts = {}, $mon_hash = hiera('profiles::storage::ceph::mon_hash',{}), $network_hash = hiera('profiles::storage::ceph::network_hash', {}), ) inherits profiles::storage::ceph::base { ... create_resources(profiles::storage::ceph::keyring, $keyrings) create_resources(profiles::storage::ceph::cephfs_key, $cephfs_keys) create_resources(profiles::storage::ceph::cephfs_kernel_mount, $cephfs_kernel_mounts ) } [opennebula-node01]# df -h /one Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on, 327T 910G 326T 1% /one
  • 24. OpenNebula profiles: Local mysql class profiles::opennebula::controller::local_mysql ( ) { include ::mysql::server # disable PrivateTmp - causes issues with OpenNebula file_line { "${::mysql::server::service_name} _disable_privatetmp": ensure => present, path => "/usr/lib/systemd/system/${::mysql::server:: service_name}.service", line => 'PrivateTmp=false', match => 'PrivateTmp=true', notify => [ Exec['systemctl-daemon-reload'], Service['mysqld'] ] } } class profiles::opennebula::controller::mysql_db ( $oned_db = hiera('one::oned::db', 'oned'), $oned_db_user = hiera('one::oned::db_user', 'oned'), $oned_db_password = hiera('one::oned::db_password', 'oned'), $oned_db_host = hiera('one::oned::db_host', 'localhost'), ) { # setup mysql server, local currently, on the master mysql::db { $oned_db: user => $oned_db_user, password => $oned_db_password, host => $oned_db_host, grant => ['ALL'], } }
  • 25. OpenNebula profiles: Sunstone passenger class profiles::opennebula::sunstone_passenger ( $web_ssl_key = 'undef', $web_ssl_cert = 'undef', $vnc_ssl_key = 'undef', $vnc_ssl_cert = 'undef', ) inherits profiles::opennebula::base { include ::profiles::web::apache include ::apache::mod::passenger include ::systemd # disable PrivateTmp - causes issues with sunstone image uploads file_line { "${::apache::params::service_name}_disable_privatetmp": ensure => present, path => "/usr/lib/systemd/system/${::apache::params::service_name}.service", line => 'PrivateTmp=false', match => 'PrivateTmp=true', notify => [ Exec['systemctl-daemon-reload'], Service['httpd'], ] } ...
  • 26. OpenNebula profiles: Sunstone passenger hiera one::sunstone: true one::sunstone_passenger: true one::sunstone_novnc: true one::oned::sunstone_sessions: 'memcache' profiles::opennebula::percentliteral: '%' profiles::web::apache::vhosts: opennebula01: vhost_name: <fqdn> custom_fragment: 'PassengerUser oneadmin' docroot: /usr/lib/one/sunstone/public/ directories: - path: /usr/lib/one/sunstone/public/ override: all options: '-MultiViews' port: 443 ssl: true ssl_cert: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_web_cert.cer" ssl_key: "/etc/pki/tls/private/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_web.key" ...
  • 27. OpenNebula profiles: Sunstone passenger hiera cont. ... opennebula01-80to443: vhost_name: <fqdn> docroot: /var/www/html port: 80 rewrite_rule: "^.*$ https://%{hiera('profiles::opennebula::percentliteral')}{HTTP_HOST}%{hiera('profiles:: opennebula::percentliteral')}{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]" apache::mod::passenger:passenger_high_performance: on apache::mod::passenger:passenger_max_pool_size: 128 apache::mod::passenger:passenger_pool_idle_time: 600 apache::mod::passenger:passenger_max_requests: 1000 apache::mod::passenger:passenger_use_global_queue: 'on'
  • 28. Other puppetized configs: XMLRPC SSL one::oned_port: 2634 profiles::web::apache::vhosts: opennebula-xmlrpc-proxy: Vhost_name: <fqdn> docroot: /var/www/html/ # doesn’t matter, just needs to be there for the vhost port: 2633 ssl: true ssl_cert: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_xmlrpc_cert.cer" ssl_key: "/etc/pki/tls/private/%{hiera('one::oneid')}_xmlrpc.key" proxy_pass: path: '/' url: 'http://localhost:2634/' file { '/var/lib/one/.one/one_endpoint': ensure => file, owner => 'oneadmin', group => 'oneadmin', mode => '0644', content => "http://localhost:${oned_port}/RPC2n", # localhost doesn't use the ssl port require => Package['opennebula-server'], before => Class['one::oned::service'], } ONE_XMLRPC=https://<fqdn of controller>:2633/RPC2 # for end user CLI access
  • 29. About FAS RC Our OpenNebula setup: - OpenNebula and Ceph hardware - Network setup Our configuration with puppet: - opennebula-puppet-module - roles/profiles - Config within OpenNebula Context scripts / load testing Use cases for OpenNebula at RC Things we’d love to see Agenda
  • 30. Configuration inside OpenNebula once it’s running Types provided by opennebula-puppet-module: onecluster onedatastore onehost oneimage onesecgroup onetemplate onevm onevnet onevnet_addressrange
  • 31. Add vnets, datastores, etc: profiles::opennebula::controller::onevnets: vlan100: ensure: present bridge: 'br101' phydev: 'bond0' dnsservers: ['',''] gateway: '' vlanid: '101' netmask: '' network_address: '' mtu: '1500' profiles::opennebula::controller::onevnet_addressranges: vlan100iprange: ensure: present onevnet_name: 'vlan100' ar_id: '1' # read only value protocol: 'ip4' ip_size: '250' ip_start: '' profiles::opennebula::controller::onesecgroups: onesecroup100: description: 'description' rules: - protocol: TCP rule_type: OUTBOUND - protocol: TCP rule_type: INBOUND ip: '' size: '255' range: '22,1024:65535' profiles::opennebula::controller::onedatastores: ceph_datastore: ensure: 'present' type: 'IMAGE_DS' ds_mad: 'ceph' tm_mad: 'ceph' driver: 'raw' disk_type: 'rbd' ceph_host: 'ceph-mon1 ceph-mon2' ceph_user: 'libvirt-opennebula' ceph_secret: '<uuid_name_for_libvirt_secret>' pool_name: 'opennebula_pool' bridge_list: 'opennebula_controller01'
  • 32. Create_resources on controller class profiles::opennebula::controller ( $onevnets = {}, $onevnet_addressranges = {}, $onesecgroups = {}, $onedatastores = {}, $oneid = $::one::oneid, ){ validate_hash($onevnets) create_resources(onevnet, $onevnets) validate_hash($onevnet_addressranges) create_resources(onevnet_addressrange, $onevnet_addressranges) validate_hash($onesecgroups) create_resources(onesecgroup, $onesecgroups) validate_hash($onedatastores) create_resources(onedatastore, $onedatastores) ... }
  • 33. About FAS RC Our OpenNebula setup: - OpenNebula and Ceph hardware - Network setup Our configuration with puppet: - opennebula-puppet-module - roles/profiles - Config within OpenNebula Context scripts / load testing Use cases for OpenNebula at RC Things we’d love to see Agenda
  • 34. Context scripts for load testing Graphite/ Grafana vm Diamond, bonnie++, dd, etc for load test vms:
  • 35. Context script to configure diamond and load tests #!/bin/bash source /mnt/ cd /root yum install -y puppet puppet module install garethr-diamond puppet module install stahnma-epel ... cat > diamond.pp <<EOF class { 'diamond': graphite_host => "$GRAPHITE_HOST", ... EOF puppet apply diamond.pp diamond if [ $(echo $LOAD_TESTS | grep dd) ] ; then dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/random_file bs=$DD_BLOCKSIZE count=$DD_COUNT for i in $(seq 1 $DD_REPEATS); do date >> ddlog sync; { time { time dd if=/tmp/random_file of=/tmp/random_file_copy ; sync ; } ; } 2>> ddlog ...
  • 36. Onetemplate context variables & instantiation Onetemplate update (or in Sunstone): CONTEXT=[ LOAD_TESTS="$LOAD_TESTS", GRAPHITE_HOST="$GRAPHITE_HOST” ... Instantiate with: onetemplate instantiate 19 --raw "$( cat paramfile )" --name vmname-%i -m4 Using paramfile with newline-separated contents: LOAD_TESTS=dd GRAPHITE_HOST= VAR_NAME2=var_value2 ...
  • 37. Context script to install graphite and grafana #!/bin/bash source /mnt/ MY_HOSTNAME=$(nslookup $ETH0_IP | grep name|sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/.$//') cd /root yum install -y puppet puppet module install dwerder-graphite yum install -y git git clone /etc/puppet/modules/grafana puppet module install puppetlabs-apache mkdir /opt/graphite cat > grafana.pp <<EOF class {'::apache': default_vhost => false, } apache::vhost { '$MY_HOSTNAME-graphite': port => '8080', servername => '$MY_HOSTNAME', docroot => '/opt/graphite/webapp', wsgi_application_group => '%{GLOBAL}', wsgi_daemon_process => 'graphite', wsgi_daemon_process_options => { processes => '5', ...
  • 38. About FAS RC Our OpenNebula setup: - OpenNebula and ceph hardware - Network setup Our configuration with puppet: - opennebula-puppet-module - roles/profiles - Config within OpenNebula Context scripts / load testing Use cases for OpenNebula at RC Things we’d love to see Agenda
  • 39. Use cases in RC ● Streamlining and centralizing management of VMs ● Creating testing vms: with OpenNebula, much easier to create and manage the one-off vms needed to test something out (this makes it less likely to need to test something in production) ● Automatically spinning up vms to test code: when making a change in puppet, have a git hook do a test run on each category of system we have in temporary opennebula vms first ● Oneflow templates, and HA for client applications by leveraging two datacenters ● Elastic HPC: spin up and down compute nodes as needed
  • 40. About FAS RC Our OpenNebula setup: - OpenNebula and Ceph hardware - Network setup Our configuration with puppet: - opennebula-puppet-module - roles/profiles - Config within OpenNebula Context scripts / load testing Use cases for OpenNebula at RC Things we’d love to see Agenda
  • 41. Things we’d love to see ● Confining certain vlans to certain hosts without segmenting into clusters (vlans and datastores can be in multiple clusters in 5.0) ● Folders or other groupings on vm list, template list, security groups, etc, to organize large numbers of them in sunstone view (labels coming in 5.0) ● Image resize, not just when launching a VM (coming in 5.0) ● Oneimage upload from CLI - not just specify path local to frontend ● Onefile update from CLI ● Dynamic security groups with auto commit (coming in 5.0) ● Private vlan / router handling (with certain 802.1q vlan id’s trunked to hypervisors; coming in 5.0) ● Changelog on onetemplates, onevm actions, etc (it’s possible to see user in oned.log but not changes) ● Sunstone: show VM name not just ID when taking action such as shutdown Sunstone: change the name of “shutdown” to describe what will actually happen for non-persistent VMs Sunstone: show eth0 IP on vm info page, or add a copy button for IP from vm list page ● Move Ctrl-Alt-Del button away from the X button to close VNC (or prompt for confirmation)