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Marketing and PR Presentation
Band Profile
Name: Hölzl - two male & two female band (two guys are brothers with the last name Hölzl, who have Austrian roots but aren’t
actually Austrian. Two females are friends of the brothers, bass & piano/persuasion. One brother plays drums & the other plays
the guitar) (James, Benjamin, Emily & Alina).
Age: 22
Album: Betting On People
Previous releases: Mind//Control
Genre: Indie rock/pop with an electronic edge
Style: edgy, black & white, leather jackets, skinny jeans (black mostly)
Contemporaries: Haim, Chvrches, Bastille, FKA Twigs, Lorde
What are the objectives for this project?
Push them to the front of the indie music scene & sit confidently amongst their contemporaries. This will be promoting their
second album as their new single off this album went viral (think Lorde - Royals type popularity, which was unexpected from a
song in that genre). Their first album had relative success, but the world are now paying even more attention to them.
Who do you want to target?
The same demographic as before, but on a larger sale. Teenagers (16+) & young adults, male & female, who are a fan of the
bands/artists mentioned on the previous slide.
How many records do you want to sell?
A very similar band called Haim sold 26,000 copies of their debut album in America in the first week & 37,005 in the UK in the
first week. This would total 63,000 copies sold in the first week. Lorde’s album Pure Heroine, who had similar success seen
with her single Royals, sold 129,000 copies in its first week in America. A number of around 100,000 would be ideal to hit
overall in these two music markets.
What would make this a successful exercise?
Album to be as much as a success as the single & equal to examples of this happened to other bands & artists. Continue the
momentum from the single. It would also be an interesting exercise to see if the first album also sells more copies, which we
have already seen since the single Human became a hit. I believe this exercise can be achievable and reached easily as long
as the numbers hit 100,000 worldwide in the first week, we will class this as a success. A second single will also need to be
released to show other songs from the band which could urge them to the buy the album even more. A social media campaign,
including a new video on YouTube, of this new single would also work well. Opening a tour for one of these artists may also be
a good idea. Features in magazines like NME would also legitimise the bands music career. The first single was released
approx. 3 months before the album is released and is still being played largely on the radio & is still in the top 20 on iTunes. We
want to see this longevity in the album release. A career we would like to follow the success of is Lorde. Her album Pure
Heroine has been selling very well since it’s initial release in New Zealand/Australia on 27 September 2013. In the US Pure
Heroine became the sixth highest selling album of 2014, selling 841,000 copies that year overall, when they album came out in
2013. Over all the album has sold 2.7 million copies world wide. Lorde continues to sell albums a months after the initial
release. On average selling 50,000 copies a week (in the first three months) in America. The fact people are still picking up the
album 3, 6 & 1 year after the initial release is something we would like to see in Hölzl’s career.
Could have more specific time orientated goals. 3 months… 6 months….
Who is the audience for this band?
The audience for this band are male & females aged between 16 & 22. As it is indie
music, there is not a strong sway between one gender & the other. They are into
similar bands to Hölzl, like Haim & Bastille. They dress more individual than the
stereotypical teenager & like dark colours. They are usually devoted to the band & are
very interested in everything they do e.g. live gigs & new music videos. Although this
is the primary audience from the band, you can imagine that with their success
they’ve gained some other fans that like your stereotypical pop music so these would
be typically a younger female audience between the ages of 12-16 who may listen to
the singles from the album instead of the whole album (it may be a good idea to
promote the album towards the audience we know we have & has expanded & that
we know will purchase the album).
What age are they?
They will be primarily be aged between 16 & 22. They will also have a secondary
target audience of younger females aged between 12-16, which are new fans that
they have found since they found success with their most recent single.
What do they look like?
They look very similar to what the band looks like. Hair-wise: Long hair, under-cuts.
Make-up wise: heavy eyeliner & dark lips, or no make-up at all. Clothing-wise; dark
skinny jeans, claim that they look alternative yet they buy all their clothes off the high-
street, leather jackets & band tees (hopefully Hölzl!). Accessories: Stretchers but not
big ones because they won’t ‘commit’ to them (secretly want them to go out of style),
chokers & upside down crosses (god knows why), nerdy glasses they don’t really
Who else do they like?
They are like the band Haim. Haim is a all-female band that are all sisters. Este plays
bass, Danielle plays lead guitar and sings lead vocals, and Alana plays rhythm guitar
along with keyboards and percussion (this is their live set up). They are a soft-rock,
alternative band who play well live & are known for great live performances.
What media will you use and why? Be specific about the platforms you will use.
The media we will use to promote the band will primarily be on online platforms. Promoting on platforms like YouTube on
channels e.g Haim, Bastille & YouTubers who may have a similar viewing demographic e.g. Zoella that have a similar audience
to the band & on the bands own videos will help the band tell their audience that they have a new album out. Other social
media websites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & Tumblr, which their fans will follow them on will allow them to target the
audience that follow them. They will usually follow the band on at least one of these social networks. The audience don’t watch
a lot of TV but use social media a lot so it makes sense to use these networks to promote the new album.
What magazines might they get in to?
There are a couple magazines I can imagine them getting into. Primarily, I can picture them being in NME as the bands that
have a similar sound & look to this band have been featured in this magazine often. NME primarily features indie & rock music.
They may not be big enough to cover the front of the magazine, but you can imagine them being featured in a new album
article review, we believe in the music so we can trust that a good review would be found in there.
What TV channels would they be on?
A lot of their contemporaries, including Haim, Lorde & Chvrches, have all features on the Later…with Jools Holland show. It is a
contemporary British music television show, which airs on BBC 2 in the UK. It also airs in America & Australia. It’s these kind of
TV shows you can picture them on. Late night shows in America could also be a feature they use e.g. Jimmy Fallon (FKA
Twigs has performed here) & David Lettermen (Haim & Chvrches). Music channels like MTV Rock would also play their music,
as MTV Rock covers alternative music, which is the category they would fit into. They would also feature in live broadcast of
festivals like Glastonbury.
Which radio stations would play their music?
Apart from when their single Human blew up & was played on popular channel Capital, they would primarily & will still be found
on BBC Radio One, Two & possibly Radio 6 as they like to play a variation of different music genres & years. . They would be
featured on Zane Lowe’s ‘hottest record in the world right now’ part of his radio show & would be on Fearne Cotton’s Live
Lounge to perform a cover (maybe one of the bands mentioned before) (both on Radio One).
Who would they give interviews to?
Not a lot of people are interested in the band itself, just the music at this moment in time so they wouldn't be
involved in interviews often. Talking to the odd reporter for an exclusive YouTube video & talking to Fearne
Cotton before they perform on Live Lounge.
Which forms of social media would you use and how would you use social media?
We would take full advantage of the main six social media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. The
hashtag #myBOP will promote fans to post images on all social media sites that use hashtags (primarily Twitter & Instagram) &
the members of the band will like some of the images. Hopefully their friends will see these images & again may check out the
album. Social media is a powerful promotional tool to use for a teenage/early twenties audience.
YouTube: on YouTube, we will promote the bands new single & their album. On the bands hit single, which currently has nearly
100,000,000 views on, we will run a 15 second advert that advertises both the new album & the new single. The advert for the
new single will be linked to their Vevo channel. The advert for the new album will also run on the new single to gain exposure.
We also wanted to tap into this new wave of Vloggers & how they gain millions of views themselves, so we will be releasing
videos of the band messing around on tour & such, making them more relatable to the audience.
Facebook: Facebook had the largest fan reach, although the fans on this social media site haven’t got as much fan participation
than on social media sites like Tumblr or Twitter. On this site, we will just use a promotional post in the newsfeed that will be
seen by the person who liked the bands page saying that the new album is out & including links to iTunes & Amazon &
mentioning that it’s available on a limited edition vinyl on Amazon. The Facebook cover photo & profile picture will be changed
to the album cover.
Twitter: On Twitter, the band will be taking control of various Twitter accounts including answering questions from the official
iTunes page & MTV News to answer more fan questions. On each members Twitter page, the cover photo will be saying that
the album is out now & a link to buy it is in their bio. During these Q & A’s hashtags will be used to promote the album including
#MTVHolzlrQA & #AskiTunesHolzlr. Other potential hashtags?
Instagram: On Instagram, the individual members will be sharing photographs of the new album behind the scenes & short clips
of the songs. A link will also be in their bio on that site, as you cannot post links directly into s? photos caption. Haim are an
example of a band that do this, as for their single My Song Five, they posted exclusive photos to get the fans excited for the
new video.
Tumblr: Arguably the most personal of the social media websites, the band are going to post exclusive images
that won’t be able to be found anywhere else. Fans on this website are usually very creative & good with
Photoshop, so we are running a competition for them to produce exclusive merch. Great idea. Could expand this
Work further. Lots of good ideas. Think about a timeline perhaps to show how it will fit. Use more slides if you want.
With the fan merchandise, the fans will be given exclusive graphics & images to use on the t-shirt designs they could make.
These graphics & images will be released a month before the first release & will run for the the first week. After that, the
exclusive winners designs will be used & printed within the next two weeks. Albums that have been purchased with this
exclusive t-shirt(s) will be sent out.
The exclusive images & videos will only be available on Tumblr, so big fans that don’t originally use the site may then join the
site to see these exclusives. The images will consist of backstage photos, album photographs & photos of them in the studio.
The videos may be a range of different things, including backstage tours to live versions of the new songs.
What merchandise would you use to promote this band?
We have asked fans on the social media website Tumblr to produce merchandise for the bands album launch. These will be
sold with exclusive bundles on the bands website, which the fans can pick and choose out of the ones they want to purchase. It
was important for us to get the fans involved with this aspect as the band want & do want to make sure the fans are seen &
appreciated as they will be more likely be loyal to the band.
An exclusive vinyl will be sold on Amazon. A lot of indie music fans still purchase vinyls of their favourite bands, as they like the
look of them on walls, like having a collection or have a vinyl player because MP3 is just too mainstream for them.
Signed albums will be exclusively sold through their bands website again, diehard fans will typically purchase a signed copy as
well as the exclusive vinyl.
Other than those two pieces of merchandise, merchandise isn’t a huge part of the indie music scene & can actually be seen as
quite uncool to have a piece of generic merchandise (think One Direction on their lunch boxes). The audience just isn’t into that
kind of merchandise.
Manage the message
What is the message you want to communicate about this band?
The main selling point for this band would be the fact they just had one very successful single & that they want to prove that
they're not just a one hit wonder: they will have longevity & loyal fans. Prove to already existing fans that they haven’t sold out
just because they’ve become popular to the general public now. We also want to prove that alternative music can be catchy
and this kind of music sells albums, you can see it does with the success of Haim & Lorde.
What is the main selling point of the band and the album?
That popular music isn’t just mindless & that they fit well into their genre, but are different enough for them to stand on their
own. Quotes from NME & other famous faces that are trusted on their opinion on music e.g. Fearne Cotton could be featured in
the social media campaigns. These quotes would hopefully contain information along the lines of ‘Not just a one hit wonder’ or
‘Better than Human’.
What are the words you will use? What words will help you sell and will appeal to your audience?
Hyperbole will be very carefully used in our campaign as we need to prove they’re not a one hit wonder. We will make it seem
like the whole album is just as good/better than the one popular song that they had. Including quotes such as ‘Better than
Human’ & ‘If you thought Human was amazing, you’re in for a treat’. Playing on the fact they have been a large alternative artist
this year saying things like ‘The very meaning of the word alternative’, although we don’t want to be using phrases that could be
seen as uncool by the audience. ‘drums - guitar - bass: it doesn't get better than
Although we have no control of what the fans say over the music, by having a specific hashtag the audience can look at, you
can assume the fans will have a certain level of hyperbole in their captions of the photos they've taken with the album. This
heightened review of the album could persuade their friends to have a listen to the album & possibly purchase it & use the
hashtag themselves (a word-of-mouth kind of advertising).
What events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album?
A promotional tour that features the band playing their new songs in the UK & US over the two weeks before the album comes
out & a week after (the song was very popular so the first two weeks will be spent in America promoting the album to the fans
over there). The promotional tour in America will include gigs just for the fans & a television appearance on Jimmy Fallon as a
musical guest (he currently has the most viewed Late Night talk show with nearly 4million viewers, which includes 1.49 million
18-49 which is part of our target audience).
Once they are back on the UK, they will do a normal tour & their new single will be played as Zane Lowes Hottest Record in the
World & they will perform on Fearne Cotton’s Live Lounge & do a cover of Lorde’s Yellow Flicker Beat. They will do lives 4 live
shows throughout the UK, including one in London, one in Manchester, one in Edinburgh & Newcastle. A performance on
Later…with Jools Holland will also be done on the Friday night (although it’s recorded on the Tuesday, same day as Live
Lounge so the band will record Later…after the Live Lounge performance. They will then, after travelling to Kent for the
recording of Later…come back to London to perform a show there). This would mean they have Tuesday radio promotion,
Friday TV promotion & live show promotion throughout the UK. The hottest record in the world right now will be on the Monday,
where they will get the first radio play of their new single & will talk about their new song & album with Zane.
The promotion on social media is much more important as that is how they access the audience the most. During performance
& events hashtags will be used throughout. During live shows, fans will be encouraged to share their images on Instagram &
Twitter as the band will take a look at the hashtags whilst the show is on. An example of this hashtag would be
#HölzlLONDONlive (replace the LONDON with what place they are playing in). During TV show performances, the band will
use hashtags involved with the show e.g, whilst in America they will be on Jimmy Fallon & the hashtag for that would be
How could you get the social media aspect in to these events and performances?
Internal motivation
What is the motivation behind this project?
The motivation behind this project is to really push the bands album & to prove they're not just a one-hit wonder.
What is it an important project for you?
This is a very important project to me because I am personally helping a very talented band that has had this spotlight cast
upon them to become as successful (not popular) as possible. It’s a struggle to try and help a band that has had a basically
viral hit, just like Lorde had, keep up with this new spotlight & to prove themselves not to be a one-hit wonder. There is a lot of
pressure to prove to their fans & the general public that they aren’t just that one song: they are more than that & will be
successful years to come. It would be a personal & professional triumphant to see the band be a success. This could also help
our PR company as we could become the PR company to help artists once this happens to them. If this PR campaign is
successful, we could see our clients double & triple, which will thus increase revenue for the company overall. It could see us
making a PR deal with the bands record label to exclusively work with them and their clients.
Why is it an important project for the band?
The band want to be a success & not just known as just a one-hit wonder with Human. They want to show their hard work they
have put in with this album & the promotion that is going with it. If this promotional campaign isn’t successful, they could
become a laughing stock like a lot of one-hit wonders have. They really want to prove themselves as genuine musicians. The
band obviously also want make money from this record, as it is how they make a living.
Motivation of media
Why would the media be interested in this project?
The media are always interested to see if an artist will be a one-hit wonder or not & then laughing at said artist if their next
song/album isn’t successful. People will also be most likely to want to see what they have to offer next, as the GP loved the first
single so much. Some aspects of the media may also be interested due to the looks of the band, as it is typical the attractive
bands & artists become more of a success.
Which parts of the media or media products (be specific) would be interested in the project?
The print magazine would be interested in doing a review on the artist as they would either want to slate them because they
were jealous of the bands popularity with the first single, or they will love the album and scream it from the roof tops
(metaphorically). Radio One, like mentioned earlier, have taken a keen interest in the band & are part of the promotional tour of
the band once the album comes out. Although TV is less interested, as it usually is compared to other platforms for music,
Later… has taken a keen interest, like they did with Lorde, Haim & Chvrches to promote the album. The biggest part of the
media we are interested in using for this project is social media. YouTube & Vevo have been very helpful products to use as the
hit-song is driving traffic to both sites (driving ad revenue up = more money).
Promotional Materials
Now you have the plans in place, choose some of the following items to
produce for your band:
• Album packaging
• T-shirt design
• Tour poster
• Web site mock up
• Social Media Mock up
Album Cover

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Task Six // Band Marketing & PR

  • 1. Marketing and PR Presentation
  • 2. Band Profile Name: Hölzl - two male & two female band (two guys are brothers with the last name Hölzl, who have Austrian roots but aren’t actually Austrian. Two females are friends of the brothers, bass & piano/persuasion. One brother plays drums & the other plays the guitar) (James, Benjamin, Emily & Alina). Age: 22 Album: Betting On People Previous releases: Mind//Control Genre: Indie rock/pop with an electronic edge Style: edgy, black & white, leather jackets, skinny jeans (black mostly) Contemporaries: Haim, Chvrches, Bastille, FKA Twigs, Lorde 2
  • 3. Objectives What are the objectives for this project? Push them to the front of the indie music scene & sit confidently amongst their contemporaries. This will be promoting their second album as their new single off this album went viral (think Lorde - Royals type popularity, which was unexpected from a song in that genre). Their first album had relative success, but the world are now paying even more attention to them. Who do you want to target? The same demographic as before, but on a larger sale. Teenagers (16+) & young adults, male & female, who are a fan of the bands/artists mentioned on the previous slide. How many records do you want to sell? A very similar band called Haim sold 26,000 copies of their debut album in America in the first week & 37,005 in the UK in the first week. This would total 63,000 copies sold in the first week. Lorde’s album Pure Heroine, who had similar success seen with her single Royals, sold 129,000 copies in its first week in America. A number of around 100,000 would be ideal to hit overall in these two music markets. What would make this a successful exercise? Album to be as much as a success as the single & equal to examples of this happened to other bands & artists. Continue the momentum from the single. It would also be an interesting exercise to see if the first album also sells more copies, which we have already seen since the single Human became a hit. I believe this exercise can be achievable and reached easily as long as the numbers hit 100,000 worldwide in the first week, we will class this as a success. A second single will also need to be released to show other songs from the band which could urge them to the buy the album even more. A social media campaign, including a new video on YouTube, of this new single would also work well. Opening a tour for one of these artists may also be a good idea. Features in magazines like NME would also legitimise the bands music career. The first single was released approx. 3 months before the album is released and is still being played largely on the radio & is still in the top 20 on iTunes. We want to see this longevity in the album release. A career we would like to follow the success of is Lorde. Her album Pure Heroine has been selling very well since it’s initial release in New Zealand/Australia on 27 September 2013. In the US Pure Heroine became the sixth highest selling album of 2014, selling 841,000 copies that year overall, when they album came out in 2013. Over all the album has sold 2.7 million copies world wide. Lorde continues to sell albums a months after the initial release. On average selling 50,000 copies a week (in the first three months) in America. The fact people are still picking up the album 3, 6 & 1 year after the initial release is something we would like to see in Hölzl’s career. Could have more specific time orientated goals. 3 months… 6 months….
  • 4. Audience Who is the audience for this band? The audience for this band are male & females aged between 16 & 22. As it is indie music, there is not a strong sway between one gender & the other. They are into similar bands to Hölzl, like Haim & Bastille. They dress more individual than the stereotypical teenager & like dark colours. They are usually devoted to the band & are very interested in everything they do e.g. live gigs & new music videos. Although this is the primary audience from the band, you can imagine that with their success they’ve gained some other fans that like your stereotypical pop music so these would be typically a younger female audience between the ages of 12-16 who may listen to the singles from the album instead of the whole album (it may be a good idea to promote the album towards the audience we know we have & has expanded & that we know will purchase the album). What age are they? They will be primarily be aged between 16 & 22. They will also have a secondary target audience of younger females aged between 12-16, which are new fans that they have found since they found success with their most recent single. What do they look like? They look very similar to what the band looks like. Hair-wise: Long hair, under-cuts. Make-up wise: heavy eyeliner & dark lips, or no make-up at all. Clothing-wise; dark skinny jeans, claim that they look alternative yet they buy all their clothes off the high- street, leather jackets & band tees (hopefully Hölzl!). Accessories: Stretchers but not big ones because they won’t ‘commit’ to them (secretly want them to go out of style), chokers & upside down crosses (god knows why), nerdy glasses they don’t really need. Who else do they like? They are like the band Haim. Haim is a all-female band that are all sisters. Este plays bass, Danielle plays lead guitar and sings lead vocals, and Alana plays rhythm guitar along with keyboards and percussion (this is their live set up). They are a soft-rock, alternative band who play well live & are known for great live performances. 4
  • 5. Media What media will you use and why? Be specific about the platforms you will use. The media we will use to promote the band will primarily be on online platforms. Promoting on platforms like YouTube on channels e.g Haim, Bastille & YouTubers who may have a similar viewing demographic e.g. Zoella that have a similar audience to the band & on the bands own videos will help the band tell their audience that they have a new album out. Other social media websites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & Tumblr, which their fans will follow them on will allow them to target the audience that follow them. They will usually follow the band on at least one of these social networks. The audience don’t watch a lot of TV but use social media a lot so it makes sense to use these networks to promote the new album. What magazines might they get in to? There are a couple magazines I can imagine them getting into. Primarily, I can picture them being in NME as the bands that have a similar sound & look to this band have been featured in this magazine often. NME primarily features indie & rock music. They may not be big enough to cover the front of the magazine, but you can imagine them being featured in a new album article review, we believe in the music so we can trust that a good review would be found in there. What TV channels would they be on? A lot of their contemporaries, including Haim, Lorde & Chvrches, have all features on the Later…with Jools Holland show. It is a contemporary British music television show, which airs on BBC 2 in the UK. It also airs in America & Australia. It’s these kind of TV shows you can picture them on. Late night shows in America could also be a feature they use e.g. Jimmy Fallon (FKA Twigs has performed here) & David Lettermen (Haim & Chvrches). Music channels like MTV Rock would also play their music, as MTV Rock covers alternative music, which is the category they would fit into. They would also feature in live broadcast of festivals like Glastonbury. Which radio stations would play their music? Apart from when their single Human blew up & was played on popular channel Capital, they would primarily & will still be found on BBC Radio One, Two & possibly Radio 6 as they like to play a variation of different music genres & years. . They would be featured on Zane Lowe’s ‘hottest record in the world right now’ part of his radio show & would be on Fearne Cotton’s Live Lounge to perform a cover (maybe one of the bands mentioned before) (both on Radio One). Who would they give interviews to? Not a lot of people are interested in the band itself, just the music at this moment in time so they wouldn't be involved in interviews often. Talking to the odd reporter for an exclusive YouTube video & talking to Fearne Cotton before they perform on Live Lounge.
  • 6. Media Which forms of social media would you use and how would you use social media? We would take full advantage of the main six social media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. The hashtag #myBOP will promote fans to post images on all social media sites that use hashtags (primarily Twitter & Instagram) & the members of the band will like some of the images. Hopefully their friends will see these images & again may check out the album. Social media is a powerful promotional tool to use for a teenage/early twenties audience. YouTube: on YouTube, we will promote the bands new single & their album. On the bands hit single, which currently has nearly 100,000,000 views on, we will run a 15 second advert that advertises both the new album & the new single. The advert for the new single will be linked to their Vevo channel. The advert for the new album will also run on the new single to gain exposure. We also wanted to tap into this new wave of Vloggers & how they gain millions of views themselves, so we will be releasing videos of the band messing around on tour & such, making them more relatable to the audience. Facebook: Facebook had the largest fan reach, although the fans on this social media site haven’t got as much fan participation than on social media sites like Tumblr or Twitter. On this site, we will just use a promotional post in the newsfeed that will be seen by the person who liked the bands page saying that the new album is out & including links to iTunes & Amazon & mentioning that it’s available on a limited edition vinyl on Amazon. The Facebook cover photo & profile picture will be changed to the album cover. Twitter: On Twitter, the band will be taking control of various Twitter accounts including answering questions from the official iTunes page & MTV News to answer more fan questions. On each members Twitter page, the cover photo will be saying that the album is out now & a link to buy it is in their bio. During these Q & A’s hashtags will be used to promote the album including #MTVHolzlrQA & #AskiTunesHolzlr. Other potential hashtags? Instagram: On Instagram, the individual members will be sharing photographs of the new album behind the scenes & short clips of the songs. A link will also be in their bio on that site, as you cannot post links directly into s? photos caption. Haim are an example of a band that do this, as for their single My Song Five, they posted exclusive photos to get the fans excited for the new video.
  • 7. Media Tumblr: Arguably the most personal of the social media websites, the band are going to post exclusive images that won’t be able to be found anywhere else. Fans on this website are usually very creative & good with Photoshop, so we are running a competition for them to produce exclusive merch. Great idea. Could expand this Work further. Lots of good ideas. Think about a timeline perhaps to show how it will fit. Use more slides if you want. With the fan merchandise, the fans will be given exclusive graphics & images to use on the t-shirt designs they could make. These graphics & images will be released a month before the first release & will run for the the first week. After that, the exclusive winners designs will be used & printed within the next two weeks. Albums that have been purchased with this exclusive t-shirt(s) will be sent out. The exclusive images & videos will only be available on Tumblr, so big fans that don’t originally use the site may then join the site to see these exclusives. The images will consist of backstage photos, album photographs & photos of them in the studio. The videos may be a range of different things, including backstage tours to live versions of the new songs.
  • 8. Merchandise What merchandise would you use to promote this band? We have asked fans on the social media website Tumblr to produce merchandise for the bands album launch. These will be sold with exclusive bundles on the bands website, which the fans can pick and choose out of the ones they want to purchase. It was important for us to get the fans involved with this aspect as the band want & do want to make sure the fans are seen & appreciated as they will be more likely be loyal to the band. An exclusive vinyl will be sold on Amazon. A lot of indie music fans still purchase vinyls of their favourite bands, as they like the look of them on walls, like having a collection or have a vinyl player because MP3 is just too mainstream for them. Signed albums will be exclusively sold through their bands website again, diehard fans will typically purchase a signed copy as well as the exclusive vinyl. Other than those two pieces of merchandise, merchandise isn’t a huge part of the indie music scene & can actually be seen as quite uncool to have a piece of generic merchandise (think One Direction on their lunch boxes). The audience just isn’t into that kind of merchandise. 8
  • 9. Manage the message What is the message you want to communicate about this band? The main selling point for this band would be the fact they just had one very successful single & that they want to prove that they're not just a one hit wonder: they will have longevity & loyal fans. Prove to already existing fans that they haven’t sold out just because they’ve become popular to the general public now. We also want to prove that alternative music can be catchy and this kind of music sells albums, you can see it does with the success of Haim & Lorde. What is the main selling point of the band and the album? That popular music isn’t just mindless & that they fit well into their genre, but are different enough for them to stand on their own. Quotes from NME & other famous faces that are trusted on their opinion on music e.g. Fearne Cotton could be featured in the social media campaigns. These quotes would hopefully contain information along the lines of ‘Not just a one hit wonder’ or ‘Better than Human’. 9
  • 10. Hyperbole What are the words you will use? What words will help you sell and will appeal to your audience? Hyperbole will be very carefully used in our campaign as we need to prove they’re not a one hit wonder. We will make it seem like the whole album is just as good/better than the one popular song that they had. Including quotes such as ‘Better than Human’ & ‘If you thought Human was amazing, you’re in for a treat’. Playing on the fact they have been a large alternative artist this year saying things like ‘The very meaning of the word alternative’, although we don’t want to be using phrases that could be seen as uncool by the audience. ‘drums - guitar - bass: it doesn't get better than this”. Although we have no control of what the fans say over the music, by having a specific hashtag the audience can look at, you can assume the fans will have a certain level of hyperbole in their captions of the photos they've taken with the album. This heightened review of the album could persuade their friends to have a listen to the album & possibly purchase it & use the hashtag themselves (a word-of-mouth kind of advertising). 10
  • 11. Events What events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album? A promotional tour that features the band playing their new songs in the UK & US over the two weeks before the album comes out & a week after (the song was very popular so the first two weeks will be spent in America promoting the album to the fans over there). The promotional tour in America will include gigs just for the fans & a television appearance on Jimmy Fallon as a musical guest (he currently has the most viewed Late Night talk show with nearly 4million viewers, which includes 1.49 million 18-49 which is part of our target audience). Once they are back on the UK, they will do a normal tour & their new single will be played as Zane Lowes Hottest Record in the World & they will perform on Fearne Cotton’s Live Lounge & do a cover of Lorde’s Yellow Flicker Beat. They will do lives 4 live shows throughout the UK, including one in London, one in Manchester, one in Edinburgh & Newcastle. A performance on Later…with Jools Holland will also be done on the Friday night (although it’s recorded on the Tuesday, same day as Live Lounge so the band will record Later…after the Live Lounge performance. They will then, after travelling to Kent for the recording of Later…come back to London to perform a show there). This would mean they have Tuesday radio promotion, Friday TV promotion & live show promotion throughout the UK. The hottest record in the world right now will be on the Monday, where they will get the first radio play of their new single & will talk about their new song & album with Zane. The promotion on social media is much more important as that is how they access the audience the most. During performance & events hashtags will be used throughout. During live shows, fans will be encouraged to share their images on Instagram & Twitter as the band will take a look at the hashtags whilst the show is on. An example of this hashtag would be #HölzlLONDONlive (replace the LONDON with what place they are playing in). During TV show performances, the band will use hashtags involved with the show e.g, whilst in America they will be on Jimmy Fallon & the hashtag for that would be #HölzlOnFallon. How could you get the social media aspect in to these events and performances? 11
  • 12. Internal motivation What is the motivation behind this project? The motivation behind this project is to really push the bands album & to prove they're not just a one-hit wonder. What is it an important project for you? This is a very important project to me because I am personally helping a very talented band that has had this spotlight cast upon them to become as successful (not popular) as possible. It’s a struggle to try and help a band that has had a basically viral hit, just like Lorde had, keep up with this new spotlight & to prove themselves not to be a one-hit wonder. There is a lot of pressure to prove to their fans & the general public that they aren’t just that one song: they are more than that & will be successful years to come. It would be a personal & professional triumphant to see the band be a success. This could also help our PR company as we could become the PR company to help artists once this happens to them. If this PR campaign is successful, we could see our clients double & triple, which will thus increase revenue for the company overall. It could see us making a PR deal with the bands record label to exclusively work with them and their clients. Why is it an important project for the band? The band want to be a success & not just known as just a one-hit wonder with Human. They want to show their hard work they have put in with this album & the promotion that is going with it. If this promotional campaign isn’t successful, they could become a laughing stock like a lot of one-hit wonders have. They really want to prove themselves as genuine musicians. The band obviously also want make money from this record, as it is how they make a living. 12
  • 13. Motivation of media Why would the media be interested in this project? The media are always interested to see if an artist will be a one-hit wonder or not & then laughing at said artist if their next song/album isn’t successful. People will also be most likely to want to see what they have to offer next, as the GP loved the first single so much. Some aspects of the media may also be interested due to the looks of the band, as it is typical the attractive bands & artists become more of a success. Which parts of the media or media products (be specific) would be interested in the project? The print magazine would be interested in doing a review on the artist as they would either want to slate them because they were jealous of the bands popularity with the first single, or they will love the album and scream it from the roof tops (metaphorically). Radio One, like mentioned earlier, have taken a keen interest in the band & are part of the promotional tour of the band once the album comes out. Although TV is less interested, as it usually is compared to other platforms for music, Later… has taken a keen interest, like they did with Lorde, Haim & Chvrches to promote the album. The biggest part of the media we are interested in using for this project is social media. YouTube & Vevo have been very helpful products to use as the hit-song is driving traffic to both sites (driving ad revenue up = more money). 13
  • 14. Promotional Materials Now you have the plans in place, choose some of the following items to produce for your band: • Album packaging • T-shirt design • Tour poster • Web site mock up • Social Media Mock up 14