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Unit 65 – Uses and Principles of
Web Animation for Interactive
Banner Ads
The following example of an advertising banner is taken from the Gamestation website where it advertises the latest games and
gadgets that are used for games consoles as of today. It also includes a state of animation within the advertising banner where the
products are displayed within a sequence of numbers in order to individually display the latest products that are being shown
within the Gamestation website. Overall, I feel that the colour scheme that is used within the advertising banner of the
Gamestation website matches the overall theme and it is suitable towards its target audience which is gamers. However, rollover
colour effects may need to be taken into consideration as an additional feature within the advertising banner of the site that helps
to sustain the overall theme for the Gamestation website.
Animated Interface Elements
The Simpsons website for instance, makes use of interactivity right from the word go where it shows the Simpson’s logo itself and
it includes a preloader that is designed as a donut which gives users an indication that that the website is being uploaded. It also
shows an illusion of movement throughout the main parts of the navigation system within the site. For example, I navigated from
the home button to the about button and during this process it shows an illusion of movement within the motion picture of all of
the features that are involved within The Simpsons website.
Linear and Interactive Animations
For the XGamestation website it does involves features that are passive on the computer screen that cannot be controlled by the
users. For instance, the Hot News! section displayed within the top-centre of the site shows movement of the text moving to the
right hand centre of the screen which allows users to access more information on the headlines stated within the Hot News
section of the XGamestation website. In terms of the interactive elements it integrates an outline of the recent animated game
demos where there are links provided just underneath the motion picture of the games. As a whole I feel that the colour schemes
reflect the layout of the site and it utilises animation very well within mainly all of the XGamestation website and it does resemble
the overall theme of the site.
On the website I have found that just recently it has released the new BMW 3 series touring where there is a link
provided so that users can view more information of this particular promotional product within the BMW website. It also exhibits
it own unique brands and models of the BMW cars as well in which users can view the latest and exciting car models all related
towards the BMW site. On the whole, I think that the BMW advertises it products very well and users are able to easily access the
more recent promotions throughout the BMW website. Furthermore, I feel that the colour scheme does fit in well within the
BMW website and the overlays do follow the pattern of the theme within the BMW site.
I have found that on the website it provides a wide range of options for any type of academic purposes that are either listed by
using arrow symbols or they are graphically scattered within certain areas of the computer screen. It also operates with the Sapp’s
Instructional Website’s site map where users are able to navigate backwards and forwards throughout the website. On the
whole, I feel that the website has integrated its own colour scheme very well throughout all of the interactive content within the
site and it also displays its own slogan as well so that it becomes identical towards anyone accessing the website.
For the website it gives users details on that latest discounts for all children whether its male or female.
For example, 20% off the kid’s and baby clothing from Thursday 13th September to Saturday 15th September. It also shows the
Autumn Arrivals from Per Una for women and the New Season Collezione for the men as well where users from both genders
can shop within these sections to find out more about the latest products. As a whole, I feel that the
website does make use of the appropriate colour schemes that flow well within the overall theme of the site. However, their
could have been colour rollover effects applied towards the discount advertisements as illustrated below so that it keeps in touch
with the whole theme of the marks website.
The website obtains a wide range of technological devices such as, DVD, Blu-Ray Disc, CD and Nintendo Wii etcetera
which are divided into categories such as, Film, Music and Games etc. It also shows the most popular movies, music and more
where these will be coming out in the month of September 2012 and additionally you can by 5 Blu-Ray Discs for £30 in which
supplements the advertisements of movies. In general, I think that the hmv website makes efficient use of the colour scheme that
helps to resemble the overall theme of the site and it effectively uses colour effects throughout the whole of the website as well.
The only criticism is that the anchors that are displayed underneath the navigation bar could do with colour rollover effects so
that it fits in with the rest of the colour scheme within the hmv site.
Hand Drawn (cel) Animation
This section is essential to the way in which Animation is traditionally set out, as it enables particular parts of each frame to be
replicated frame by frame, so therefore this saves time and effort. A basic sample would be two characters on screen, one that is
talking and the other one is stationery. Meanwhile, whilst the 2nd character in the scene is standing silently it can be shown on the
screen with the production of one drawing only with the use of multiple drawings and cells which are implemented in order to
create a speaker character. The main advantage of using hand drawn cell animation is that it is highly detailed within the output of
the sketches and the audience can simply relate towards the characters. But the main disadvantage of cell animation is that it is
very time-consuming where this is due to the overwhelming number of frames that are needed in order to make the movement.

A more sophisticated example of cell-animation is where you put a plate upon a table and then physically draw around it in which
will be incorporated into the background of the cell-animation.

                                                      These        graphics
                                                      illustrate how Cell-
                                                      animation            is
                                                      integrated on screen
                                                      and through objects.
Flick Books
Is a sequence of images that vary from one page to another, so that when you turn each of the pages consecutively the pictures
emerge as an animation. Flipbooks are most often illustrated for children but it could also be appealing towards adults and use a
range of Photographs instead of Drawings. Due to the technological developments in web animation it has now become digital
meaning that people can gain access to every page by just a flick of the finger. The main benefits of having an enhanced flick book
model is that you are not tied with other servers and the pages per costs and all of the files related to the flick books are obtained
within the server and you do not have to rely on anybody. However, the main drawback of the improved flip book is that it can
freeze up odd times which causes the user to be agitated and frustrated due to the fact they cannot do anything with the digital

The first flip book shown in, "September 1868", when it was originated by John Barnes Linnett under the name of "Kineograph"
motion picture. This was the first form of producing animation in a linear sequence of images rather than being Circular.

           These images shows samples of what a flipbook actually looks like, how it is
           produced and how it is displayed on a technological device.
Animated Cartoons
Throughout the decades of producing film for children TV animation has become a big hit which can be well-known as, cheap-fun.
Different types of animation within this area include: Puppet animation, Puppetoons, Clay-Mation, Cut-Out animation, Silhouette
animation, Model animation, Graphic animation and Pixelation. The Captain Pugwash is an example for the type of animation
used within children’s TV animation which is `Cut-Out`. Another example of the kind of animation used within children’s TV is
`Bagpuss` which resemble the way model animation is laid out. The main advantage of animated cartoons is that you tend to have
a more sense of humour, expressions and general social skills. However, the disadvantage of watching too much animated
cartoons is that you may neglect your studies which will result into bad grades and stress.
Animation Process
Is where you take steps towards put together a piece of animation. Firstly, there needs to be a script or storyline in which links
towards sketching your ideas and the filming production for the animation where this will be discussed between the animator and
the director, therefore this will help them to gain a visualisation of the approximate timescale of the movie and how many
drawings are involved within the animation. Secondly, you need to obtain a dialogue of what each character will say before they
get animated in the way you wish. Thirdly, you need to draw out the characters of the story and there appearances in which the
sketches are normally very messy. Many of the films today do use 70,000 plus of separate drawings. Whereas, the best animators
only need a few drawings and leave gaps between for the inbetweener who would come along to finish off drawing the animation
gaps. Fourthly, the layout of the film and the storyline is produced by very specialised artist or group on the basis of all of the
research materials and sketches. All of the features such as, background and the position of the characters is drawn on to a sheet
of transparent where they are amplified with subtle movement of the characters. Fifthly, everything involved within the animation
is then put through the process which is called `Line Test`, where the animation testing is carried out by using a computer or video
equipment to ensure that the animation is running smooth. Sixthly, When everything is completed, the drawings are then sent to
the people that ink and paint them. The whole process can be very problematic if the images that used within the animation are
very ugly. Finally, after all the drawings have been filmed, the dialogue is then added. From time to time the film is edited through
computer software applications such as, Adobe Picture Elements 10 and Adobe Premier Pro 9. Once this has been done the film is
then released to the public.
Graphic Information File Format (gif)
Is an animated GIF that was originally used on the web where the animations makes use of a limited range of colours to make up
the maximum number of colours within the animated GIF which is 256. It can also use transparency layers where each layer has it
own moveable object in terms of colours and images etc. The main advantage of an animated GIF is that it can be obtained at a
very restricted file size which means that the web animation will be more quicker to upload on the internet. However, due to the
limitation within the amount of colours that can be used the motion picture tends to be very quick and speedy.
Dynamic Hyper-Text Mark-up
                    Language (DHTML)
The usage of DHTML may not be favourable as making use of the shockwave/flash for web animation but has mainly recognised
for what it has done in the past. DHTML can help with producing small animations and vibrant menus on the webpages. The code
for DHTML is made up on HTML (Hyper-Text Mark-Up Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and Java script. As flexible as it is
within the earlier platforms, users who operate with the Windows 95 or the Windows 98 will not get the smooth animation as
they intended. Even if you try to amplify the speed of the animation it would still be a slow bumpy ride and there is a limit on how
fast you will enable your animation to go with DHTML and therefore how smooth it will play. This means that it is not very cross-
platform compatible, even though a minority of the people would use such old platforms these days. Nevertheless, DHTML
animation does work fairly well on every platform if it is carrying out basic animation for instance, transitional effects, drop down
menus, wipe effects and other animations with a small duration. DHTML used within animation is a simple way of making a site
become interactive for the user without the need of loads of coding and testing.
Extensible Hyper-Text Mark-up
                  Language (XHTML)
Is a derivation of the HTML (Hyper-Text Mark-up Language which is used for producing webpages. It is centred around the HTML
4.0 syntax, but has been altered to follow the guidelines of XML (Extensible Mark-up Language). So therefore, the XHTML 1.0 can
be sometimes referred to as the HTML 5.0. Because the XHTML is expansionable, Web Developers can produce their own objects
and tags for every webpage that they build where this gives the Web Developers more control over how the web animation looks
and being able to manage their own webpages. The only obligation is that the custom tags and attributes are defined in a
document type definition, that is referenced by the XHTML webpage. XHTML webpages also follow strict arrangement in
comparison to the regular HTML webpages. While the web browsers on the internet are very user-friendly of the HTML syntax the
XHTML must have the correct quotes and capitalisation in the mark-up language for all of the coding within a webpage because if
you don not put the right coding in it will not function as you want it to. As the strictly arrangement of the webpage requires a
more thorough creation of the webpages, it should also make sure that the webpages do look more uniform across different web
browser platforms.
Java Applets
Are small programs which are used on the webpages that help to make animations become functional. Unlike the DHTML as
explained above the java applets are intersectable towards other computers in other words they are linked together. This is
because the languages are not available on all of the platforms and they don’t always agree about what they consider to be
proper code. Java applets are mainly used to provide many interactive elements towards web applications which cannot be
provided by HTML where many forms of animation are possible. What all java applets have in common is that they produce
motion on screen by drawing consecutive frames at a high speed of around 10 to 20 frames per second. The main advantage of
java applets is that it is safe and trustworthy online application meaning that any untrusted online apps can only access the server
it came from. However, there is no standard to make the content of applets available towards any screen readers. So therefore,
applets can harm the accessibility of a web site to users with special needs.
The Optical Illusion of Motion
                  (persistence of vision)
Dating back to the year 65 B.C., Persistence of Vision is where a range of graphics can sustain swift contact with your eye in more
excessive timescales then it would take for just one image in which the images are joined together in order to produce an
hallucination of movement within the motion picture. Normally, 2 frames operate at a frame rate of 24 meaning that 12 frames
per second is assembled within one drawing. The main advantage of the persistence of vision is that you can be fascinated by the
illusion of movement when viewing the motion picture within an image or an object etcetera. However, if the images are not
properly put together the pattern of the illusion of the motion picture will not flow as expected.

For instance, the squid-led-bike (See below left) maintains constant looping that forms an illumination of movement within the
object, so therefore it can visually maintains constant interaction from the people viewing it. Another example, taken from the
Tech-Tut website (See beneath text) that demonstrates how graphics tends to turn blurry when watched for a long period of time.
This technique represents one of the many forms of "stop motion" animation which is constructed from clay or Plasticine. All
frames or still photographs are recorded on Film or Digital Media and it then replays the motion of images and objects in quick

The term "clay animation" is where each object is formed in or clay or similar flexible material for example, Plasticine in which it is
normally used on a wire skeleton called "Armature". The object within the animation is put on a set (Background) where the "Film
Frame" is exposed and the object or characteristic is moved marginally by hand. This process is replicated for every new frame
that you create so that it integrates the "Plasticine" features into an actual animation. The main benefit of Clay-Mation is that

                                                              These images show samples of how "Claymation" is
                                                              constructed as a still images & through animation.
Computer Generation (Frame Rate)
They mainly comprise of Frame Frequency which gives an indication as to the amount of images that are displayed within the
movie per second. Frame Rates can also be measured in FPS (Frames Per Second) which primarily shows the number of frames
per second. Certain computer facilities would use FPS for instance, the Adobe Flash Professional CS4 software enables users to
construct their own animation and choose the frame rate that it is going to be played back as which is normally 24 fps but you can
re-modify it up to 120 fps. Specifically, a movie played within a cinema would stand at a frame rate of 25 fps, whereas a standard
animation would in general last up to 12 fps. The main difference in the speed of the frame rate mainly relies upon the rate that
has been chosen for example, if you have allocated a frame rate any lower than 12 then the illusion of movement tends to be
more slower meaning that the filming process becomes more long-winded, so therefore this will become more tedious towards
the people viewing the movie.
Computer Generation (Frames)
Is where the content can be displayed in what is called “keyframes” where this can be done through software applications such
as, Adobe Flash Professional CS4. They are shown within different layers in what is called a Timeline menu where they can
extended for as long as possible in order to make the hallucination of movement fit within the motion picture of the animation.
You can also organise or add layers in which are displayed near the bottom-left of the timeline menu. The main benefit of having
frames is that you can properly modify the positioning of all of the content within the animation. However, corruptions within the
Flash software applications can occur if the content is not integrated correctly.
Computer Generation (Key Frames)
Computer Generation (Onion Skinning)
Computer Generation (Tweening)
Vector Animation
Raster (Bitmap) Animation
Compression (File Size)
Compression (Download Speeds)
File Formats (FLA)
File Formats (SWF)
File Formats (GIF)
File Formats (mng)
File Formats (SVG)
Software (Flash)
Software (Swish)
Software (Amara)
Software (Director)
Web Player Plugins (Flash Player)
Web Player Plugins (Shockwave)
Web Player Plugins (Real Player
Web Player Plugins (QuickTime)

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Task 1 2-3-4-5 uses and principles of web animation for interactive media

  • 1. Unit 65 – Uses and Principles of Web Animation for Interactive Media
  • 2. Banner Ads The following example of an advertising banner is taken from the Gamestation website where it advertises the latest games and gadgets that are used for games consoles as of today. It also includes a state of animation within the advertising banner where the products are displayed within a sequence of numbers in order to individually display the latest products that are being shown within the Gamestation website. Overall, I feel that the colour scheme that is used within the advertising banner of the Gamestation website matches the overall theme and it is suitable towards its target audience which is gamers. However, rollover colour effects may need to be taken into consideration as an additional feature within the advertising banner of the site that helps to sustain the overall theme for the Gamestation website.
  • 3. Animated Interface Elements The Simpsons website for instance, makes use of interactivity right from the word go where it shows the Simpson’s logo itself and it includes a preloader that is designed as a donut which gives users an indication that that the website is being uploaded. It also shows an illusion of movement throughout the main parts of the navigation system within the site. For example, I navigated from the home button to the about button and during this process it shows an illusion of movement within the motion picture of all of the features that are involved within The Simpsons website.
  • 4. Linear and Interactive Animations For the XGamestation website it does involves features that are passive on the computer screen that cannot be controlled by the users. For instance, the Hot News! section displayed within the top-centre of the site shows movement of the text moving to the right hand centre of the screen which allows users to access more information on the headlines stated within the Hot News section of the XGamestation website. In terms of the interactive elements it integrates an outline of the recent animated game demos where there are links provided just underneath the motion picture of the games. As a whole I feel that the colour schemes reflect the layout of the site and it utilises animation very well within mainly all of the XGamestation website and it does resemble the overall theme of the site.
  • 5. Promotion On the website I have found that just recently it has released the new BMW 3 series touring where there is a link provided so that users can view more information of this particular promotional product within the BMW website. It also exhibits it own unique brands and models of the BMW cars as well in which users can view the latest and exciting car models all related towards the BMW site. On the whole, I think that the BMW advertises it products very well and users are able to easily access the more recent promotions throughout the BMW website. Furthermore, I feel that the colour scheme does fit in well within the BMW website and the overlays do follow the pattern of the theme within the BMW site.
  • 6. Instruction I have found that on the website it provides a wide range of options for any type of academic purposes that are either listed by using arrow symbols or they are graphically scattered within certain areas of the computer screen. It also operates with the Sapp’s Instructional Website’s site map where users are able to navigate backwards and forwards throughout the website. On the whole, I feel that the website has integrated its own colour scheme very well throughout all of the interactive content within the site and it also displays its own slogan as well so that it becomes identical towards anyone accessing the website.
  • 7. Information For the website it gives users details on that latest discounts for all children whether its male or female. For example, 20% off the kid’s and baby clothing from Thursday 13th September to Saturday 15th September. It also shows the Autumn Arrivals from Per Una for women and the New Season Collezione for the men as well where users from both genders can shop within these sections to find out more about the latest products. As a whole, I feel that the website does make use of the appropriate colour schemes that flow well within the overall theme of the site. However, their could have been colour rollover effects applied towards the discount advertisements as illustrated below so that it keeps in touch with the whole theme of the marks website.
  • 8. Entertainment The website obtains a wide range of technological devices such as, DVD, Blu-Ray Disc, CD and Nintendo Wii etcetera which are divided into categories such as, Film, Music and Games etc. It also shows the most popular movies, music and more where these will be coming out in the month of September 2012 and additionally you can by 5 Blu-Ray Discs for £30 in which supplements the advertisements of movies. In general, I think that the hmv website makes efficient use of the colour scheme that helps to resemble the overall theme of the site and it effectively uses colour effects throughout the whole of the website as well. The only criticism is that the anchors that are displayed underneath the navigation bar could do with colour rollover effects so that it fits in with the rest of the colour scheme within the hmv site.
  • 9. Hand Drawn (cel) Animation This section is essential to the way in which Animation is traditionally set out, as it enables particular parts of each frame to be replicated frame by frame, so therefore this saves time and effort. A basic sample would be two characters on screen, one that is talking and the other one is stationery. Meanwhile, whilst the 2nd character in the scene is standing silently it can be shown on the screen with the production of one drawing only with the use of multiple drawings and cells which are implemented in order to create a speaker character. The main advantage of using hand drawn cell animation is that it is highly detailed within the output of the sketches and the audience can simply relate towards the characters. But the main disadvantage of cell animation is that it is very time-consuming where this is due to the overwhelming number of frames that are needed in order to make the movement. A more sophisticated example of cell-animation is where you put a plate upon a table and then physically draw around it in which will be incorporated into the background of the cell-animation. These graphics illustrate how Cell- animation is integrated on screen and through objects.
  • 10. Flick Books Is a sequence of images that vary from one page to another, so that when you turn each of the pages consecutively the pictures emerge as an animation. Flipbooks are most often illustrated for children but it could also be appealing towards adults and use a range of Photographs instead of Drawings. Due to the technological developments in web animation it has now become digital meaning that people can gain access to every page by just a flick of the finger. The main benefits of having an enhanced flick book model is that you are not tied with other servers and the pages per costs and all of the files related to the flick books are obtained within the server and you do not have to rely on anybody. However, the main drawback of the improved flip book is that it can freeze up odd times which causes the user to be agitated and frustrated due to the fact they cannot do anything with the digital flipbook. The first flip book shown in, "September 1868", when it was originated by John Barnes Linnett under the name of "Kineograph" motion picture. This was the first form of producing animation in a linear sequence of images rather than being Circular. These images shows samples of what a flipbook actually looks like, how it is produced and how it is displayed on a technological device.
  • 11. Animated Cartoons Throughout the decades of producing film for children TV animation has become a big hit which can be well-known as, cheap-fun. Different types of animation within this area include: Puppet animation, Puppetoons, Clay-Mation, Cut-Out animation, Silhouette animation, Model animation, Graphic animation and Pixelation. The Captain Pugwash is an example for the type of animation used within children’s TV animation which is `Cut-Out`. Another example of the kind of animation used within children’s TV is `Bagpuss` which resemble the way model animation is laid out. The main advantage of animated cartoons is that you tend to have a more sense of humour, expressions and general social skills. However, the disadvantage of watching too much animated cartoons is that you may neglect your studies which will result into bad grades and stress.
  • 12. Animation Process Is where you take steps towards put together a piece of animation. Firstly, there needs to be a script or storyline in which links towards sketching your ideas and the filming production for the animation where this will be discussed between the animator and the director, therefore this will help them to gain a visualisation of the approximate timescale of the movie and how many drawings are involved within the animation. Secondly, you need to obtain a dialogue of what each character will say before they get animated in the way you wish. Thirdly, you need to draw out the characters of the story and there appearances in which the sketches are normally very messy. Many of the films today do use 70,000 plus of separate drawings. Whereas, the best animators only need a few drawings and leave gaps between for the inbetweener who would come along to finish off drawing the animation gaps. Fourthly, the layout of the film and the storyline is produced by very specialised artist or group on the basis of all of the research materials and sketches. All of the features such as, background and the position of the characters is drawn on to a sheet of transparent where they are amplified with subtle movement of the characters. Fifthly, everything involved within the animation is then put through the process which is called `Line Test`, where the animation testing is carried out by using a computer or video equipment to ensure that the animation is running smooth. Sixthly, When everything is completed, the drawings are then sent to the people that ink and paint them. The whole process can be very problematic if the images that used within the animation are very ugly. Finally, after all the drawings have been filmed, the dialogue is then added. From time to time the film is edited through computer software applications such as, Adobe Picture Elements 10 and Adobe Premier Pro 9. Once this has been done the film is then released to the public.
  • 13. Graphic Information File Format (gif) Is an animated GIF that was originally used on the web where the animations makes use of a limited range of colours to make up the maximum number of colours within the animated GIF which is 256. It can also use transparency layers where each layer has it own moveable object in terms of colours and images etc. The main advantage of an animated GIF is that it can be obtained at a very restricted file size which means that the web animation will be more quicker to upload on the internet. However, due to the limitation within the amount of colours that can be used the motion picture tends to be very quick and speedy.
  • 14. Dynamic Hyper-Text Mark-up Language (DHTML) The usage of DHTML may not be favourable as making use of the shockwave/flash for web animation but has mainly recognised for what it has done in the past. DHTML can help with producing small animations and vibrant menus on the webpages. The code for DHTML is made up on HTML (Hyper-Text Mark-Up Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and Java script. As flexible as it is within the earlier platforms, users who operate with the Windows 95 or the Windows 98 will not get the smooth animation as they intended. Even if you try to amplify the speed of the animation it would still be a slow bumpy ride and there is a limit on how fast you will enable your animation to go with DHTML and therefore how smooth it will play. This means that it is not very cross- platform compatible, even though a minority of the people would use such old platforms these days. Nevertheless, DHTML animation does work fairly well on every platform if it is carrying out basic animation for instance, transitional effects, drop down menus, wipe effects and other animations with a small duration. DHTML used within animation is a simple way of making a site become interactive for the user without the need of loads of coding and testing.
  • 15. Extensible Hyper-Text Mark-up Language (XHTML) Is a derivation of the HTML (Hyper-Text Mark-up Language which is used for producing webpages. It is centred around the HTML 4.0 syntax, but has been altered to follow the guidelines of XML (Extensible Mark-up Language). So therefore, the XHTML 1.0 can be sometimes referred to as the HTML 5.0. Because the XHTML is expansionable, Web Developers can produce their own objects and tags for every webpage that they build where this gives the Web Developers more control over how the web animation looks and being able to manage their own webpages. The only obligation is that the custom tags and attributes are defined in a document type definition, that is referenced by the XHTML webpage. XHTML webpages also follow strict arrangement in comparison to the regular HTML webpages. While the web browsers on the internet are very user-friendly of the HTML syntax the XHTML must have the correct quotes and capitalisation in the mark-up language for all of the coding within a webpage because if you don not put the right coding in it will not function as you want it to. As the strictly arrangement of the webpage requires a more thorough creation of the webpages, it should also make sure that the webpages do look more uniform across different web browser platforms.
  • 16. Java Applets Are small programs which are used on the webpages that help to make animations become functional. Unlike the DHTML as explained above the java applets are intersectable towards other computers in other words they are linked together. This is because the languages are not available on all of the platforms and they don’t always agree about what they consider to be proper code. Java applets are mainly used to provide many interactive elements towards web applications which cannot be provided by HTML where many forms of animation are possible. What all java applets have in common is that they produce motion on screen by drawing consecutive frames at a high speed of around 10 to 20 frames per second. The main advantage of java applets is that it is safe and trustworthy online application meaning that any untrusted online apps can only access the server it came from. However, there is no standard to make the content of applets available towards any screen readers. So therefore, applets can harm the accessibility of a web site to users with special needs.
  • 17. The Optical Illusion of Motion (persistence of vision) Dating back to the year 65 B.C., Persistence of Vision is where a range of graphics can sustain swift contact with your eye in more excessive timescales then it would take for just one image in which the images are joined together in order to produce an hallucination of movement within the motion picture. Normally, 2 frames operate at a frame rate of 24 meaning that 12 frames per second is assembled within one drawing. The main advantage of the persistence of vision is that you can be fascinated by the illusion of movement when viewing the motion picture within an image or an object etcetera. However, if the images are not properly put together the pattern of the illusion of the motion picture will not flow as expected. For instance, the squid-led-bike (See below left) maintains constant looping that forms an illumination of movement within the object, so therefore it can visually maintains constant interaction from the people viewing it. Another example, taken from the Tech-Tut website (See beneath text) that demonstrates how graphics tends to turn blurry when watched for a long period of time.
  • 18. Clay-Mation This technique represents one of the many forms of "stop motion" animation which is constructed from clay or Plasticine. All frames or still photographs are recorded on Film or Digital Media and it then replays the motion of images and objects in quick succession. The term "clay animation" is where each object is formed in or clay or similar flexible material for example, Plasticine in which it is normally used on a wire skeleton called "Armature". The object within the animation is put on a set (Background) where the "Film Frame" is exposed and the object or characteristic is moved marginally by hand. This process is replicated for every new frame that you create so that it integrates the "Plasticine" features into an actual animation. The main benefit of Clay-Mation is that These images show samples of how "Claymation" is constructed as a still images & through animation.
  • 20. Computer Generation (Frame Rate) They mainly comprise of Frame Frequency which gives an indication as to the amount of images that are displayed within the movie per second. Frame Rates can also be measured in FPS (Frames Per Second) which primarily shows the number of frames per second. Certain computer facilities would use FPS for instance, the Adobe Flash Professional CS4 software enables users to construct their own animation and choose the frame rate that it is going to be played back as which is normally 24 fps but you can re-modify it up to 120 fps. Specifically, a movie played within a cinema would stand at a frame rate of 25 fps, whereas a standard animation would in general last up to 12 fps. The main difference in the speed of the frame rate mainly relies upon the rate that has been chosen for example, if you have allocated a frame rate any lower than 12 then the illusion of movement tends to be more slower meaning that the filming process becomes more long-winded, so therefore this will become more tedious towards the people viewing the movie.
  • 21. Computer Generation (Frames) Is where the content can be displayed in what is called “keyframes” where this can be done through software applications such as, Adobe Flash Professional CS4. They are shown within different layers in what is called a Timeline menu where they can extended for as long as possible in order to make the hallucination of movement fit within the motion picture of the animation. You can also organise or add layers in which are displayed near the bottom-left of the timeline menu. The main benefit of having frames is that you can properly modify the positioning of all of the content within the animation. However, corruptions within the Flash software applications can occur if the content is not integrated correctly.
  • 39. Web Player Plugins (Flash Player)
  • 40. Web Player Plugins (Shockwave)
  • 41. Web Player Plugins (Real Player
  • 42. Web Player Plugins (QuickTime)