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Digital Graphics
Abygail Jones
File Formats
Raster Graphics
• These are made up of bitmaps
• A bitmap is a picture element, it is made up of
pixels, a bit (each pixel) contains colour
information for the image.
• Re-sizing a bitmap would cause distortion and
jagged edges.
Vector Graphics

These are not made up of pixels
Instead they use paths with a start and end point
This can be a line, square, triangle or a curvy shape.
Can be used to create simple drawings or complex
• They can be scaled to a different size and not loose
image quality
Stands For

Joint Photographic Experts

Used For

JPEG is used for photographs and
web formats


Most images are saved as JPEG
and can be used in various places
such as the social networking site,
Can be opened in any image


Every time a JPEG file is edited,
compressed or recompressed it
loses quality.
Does not support layers
Stands For
Used For

Tagged Image File Format
Saving images and desktop
publishing, it’s popular with
graphic designers for this


Doesn’t loose any quality
when compressed in folders
on the desktop.
Can save multi-page
documents to a single TIFF file


Can take up a lot of storage
space, one single TIFF file can
hold up to 100 megabytes.
Too large to send via email
Stands For

Photoshop Documents

Used For

Editing and manipulating images
to look better or add information
– usually for front covers of
magazines or pictures in
magazines altogether.


Saves the layers, page formatting
information etc.
Supports transparency
Doesn’t take up much storage
Saves a lot of information in one


Compression causes the quality of
the PSD file to reduce
Can be difficult to email and
Other programmes might not be
able to understand or import a
PSD file
Stands For
Used For

Adobe Illustrator Art
Creating logos for companies


These can be changed in size and
are not affected due to the
Vectors having no loss in
definition when changed
Easy to send or transfer


Thin lines may disappear if the
picture if the size is reduced too
Everything is drawn – need
drawing talent
Small errors in the drawing may
become visible if enhanced too
Stands For

3D Studio

Used For

3D modelling of a building,
structure, an animation and
rendering – the creation of 3D
characters, an environment –
used in games or moving images
like films or in TV.


Used for gaming, TV, movies and
is therefore easily transferable
given the right software


Has to have a certain format for
usage on computers or software
programs other than the one the
company has used
Digital Graphics
Shape Task
What did you like about your image?
I like that I managed to still make it look like an
elephant and it was quite easy to control.
I like that it was created quickly and still managed
to look quite good.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I’d spend a bit more time on the tusks and the
smaller areas because that’s where I struggled and
the quality of the final product was quite poor.
What did you like about your image?
I liked the way the picture came out, I think my rotoscoping skills have improved quite
a lot.
I like the way the shading on the shirts and hands went – I’m very pleased with the
end result
I like I’ve still managed to capture their facial expression very well considering it was a
small area to rotoscope
I just really like the detail I’ve added to some areas, such as: ears
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would try and do something with the background, maybe even get rid of it altogether
and use another one instead that would take less time to rotoscope.
I would try harder on the facial expression of the employee – it just looks like he’s
completely done with everything when it should capture shock and sadness
Maybe try and rotoscope the boss’ eye better, it didn’t end up going very well as it was
such a small part to focus on.
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
I like the image I chose to put behind the words that links
to the TV show I acquired the quote from
I like the quote I chose, it was easy to quickly think of an
image to go behind it
What would you improve if you did it again?
Maybe use different images behind each word to make it
look different and unique and not all the same
Use different font formats to make certain words stand
Logo Creation
What did you like about your image?
I like the effects and the fact that’s it’s eye catching and
I liked that I was able to use the text based technique I’d
recently learnt to make the writing in the image stand out
I like the background I used
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would be more creative when thinking of ways to make my
logo more exciting and memorable
Just generally make it look better – it’s obvious that this was
my first attempt at something like this
Make it look more professional
T-Shirt Designs
Mood board of designs you like
Picture Ideas

T-Shirt Ideas
Could be seen as

(First Idea) Picture of
Marceline playing her axe in
front of fries – fries being
the background image.
Her father eating fries in the
background/behind the fries

(Second Idea) The 11 Doctor’s
from Doctor Who with one famous
quote and picture reference

Font: Harrington
- One
- Two
- Three etc
The Quote:
Music notes
Seen as
comical –

Mood Board
The font:

See the
emotion in
Marceline =
2400 by 3200 Pixels
Export Format
Advantages; Compatible with Redbubble, can save transparency and lowered opacity
Disadvantages; Large file size, slow to upload
My t-shirt is based off of the children’s television show: Adventure Time with Finn and Jake. The t-shirt features
the vampire character, Marceline, playing her axe bass in front of a picture of cartoon fries that have been
enhanced in terms of size, her father is beside the fries as a freeze-frame photo of the moment where he’s
caught eating Marceline’s fries, he is also faded in to the background so it creates the effect that Marceline is
thinking about them whilst singing, she has more colour than the two images to show which image is real and
which image is in her head. Also the quote, “Daddy, why did you eat my fries?” is above her fathers head. There
is also the whole background of the shirt which is white music notes on a black image and therefore preferably,
I’d like the t-shirt to be sold in the colour black only.
My target audience will be aimed at ages of 12+ because most of the fandom for Adventure
Time is from around that age as it’s a children’s television show which also means they will
understand the reference, but the show is still widely respected by a number of ages – some a
lot older than my target audience who will also want to buy the t-shirt. I think this shirt design
will appeal more to females because they idolise Marceline who is also a favourite character
for many females who watch the show, though I don’t really think this t-shirt is gender specific.




• Start putting the images
• Create my digital flat
on to Photoshop.
plan - make sure it’s
• Edit the photos i.e. taking
exactly as I want it to
away the background on
some ect.
• Once my digital flat plan
• Edit the photos to match
is completed start
the design on the digital
collecting images to put
flat plan.
on to photoshop.



Finish the editing of the
Upload the finished
product to Redbubble.
Create the final design on
the pro-forma.
Get peer feedback.
Do my own t-shirt
quote from
her song to
let the
know what
the t-shirt is
all about

Digital Flat Plan
A very
emotional, sad,
singing on her
axe bass guitar

Surprised expression
when caught eating her
Final Design
Peer Evaluation
What are the strengths of the final image?
• Very good use of the pictures, funny and
creative. The background complements the
What could be developed if the image was
repeated? If some other techniques are used
such as rotoscoping
T-Shirt Evaluation
Does your final product reflect your
original intentions?


My final product is very different to my
digital flat plan and planning, this is because
due to implications, I had to re-create my
final image - I originally wanted Marceline in
front of some faded out fries and her father
caught in the act of eating them with a music
note background and the quote, “Daddy,
why did you eat my fries?”
My final product however has changed quite
drastically, there is no longer any fries or
Marceline’s father added in to the image, it’s
Marceline edited in to a circle, I used skills
that I have learnt during the course to edit
Marceline before piecing together the final
image – I personally think that it looks a lot
better than my original design and to back
that up, I’ve actually made a sale whereas
with my other design, I made none.
Is your product suitable for your
• My product is definitely suitable for my
audience, there is no foul language, no sexual
references or explicit images and it’s not racist
or sexist.
• It appeals to its target audience because it
references the show and it’s unique and
different to the other designs on RedBubble.
As long as the consumer watches the show
the shirt will make sense and appeal to them.
I think it will also appeal to audiences above
the age of 12 (target audience age) because
the fandom for Adventure Time is huge and
not just children or teens watch it, adults do
too and again as long as they watch the show
they will understand design and will know
who the people are. Although this design is
different to my other final result, I’m positive
that fans of the show will admire this design
rather than the previous one.
What do you like/dislike about the
techniques you have used?
• I’m a little conflicted about using the
lasso tool, it’s effective at clearing a
background quickly but it’s rather
difficult and frustrating when it comes
to the tricky parts like hair or fingers.
• I liked using the Cut out filter in the
filter gallery, it enabled me to get that
strange tone and texture that is my
end result of the characters – playing
around with the settings really helped
me achieve this.
• Using the ellipse tool was interesting –
creating a clipping mask enabled me
to get my final edit of Marceline
inside a circle and highlight the main
colour with a ring around the outside
of the circle – it was quick and easy to
do and had a really good end effect.
What do you like/dislike about how
your final product looks?


I like how simple the whole image is, but it still looks good on the t-shirt
I dislike how Marceline’s Right hand and arm kind of fade in to the guitar, in the
future I’ll try to focus on things like that
I like the colour that Marceline has come out, the purple is pretty eye catching yet
I dislike how the colour of her hands are not the same colour as her face, if I could
go back and re-do one thing in this image, it would be that
I like how, although primarily featureless the whole photo is almost full of
I dislike how apart from her teeth, there is another bit of white where her tongue
was highlighted
I like how the image has a different story every time you look at it – I like how the
viewer has to interpret what the image means without actually knowing the truth
I like how her mouth kind of makes it look like she has a moustache
I also dislike how Marceline’s knee is not the same colour as her face
Why did you include the content you
• I used the picture of Marceline playing her axe bass to make it
look like she’s singing and she’s very emotional about it.
• I used the cutout filter to get this featureless effect that is
almost the main focus of the image
• I used a very dark purple to make the picture look calm yet
• I used the ellipse tool to make it seem like the spotlight is on
Marceline – like she is the only one that is singing
• I used a calmer, lighter purple on the outer circle to draw the
viewers attention straight to Marceline instead of the rest of
the design.
• I used a black background to make Marceline stand out
What style have you employed in your
• I originally set out to re-create the scene where
Marceline is singing about the fries her father ate in
the past (one of my favourite episodes) but through
further inspection I decided that I preferred Marceline
just by herself – I also made another design that is
similar to this one except Finn and Jake are also in
separate bubbles below her.
• Looking back at my mood board, I think my original
intention was to make something unique and
interesting and I think that I’ve definitely achieved that
What were the strengths and weaknesses
of the pre-production and planning
• The planning made the process a lot quicker
than it would have been if I was to think of an
idea and try and remember it – the ability to
look back and see how I could change something
if it went wrong – which I did.
• It helped so that if I made mistakes, there was
always a backup/contingency plan or idea that I
could use instead – although I saw the
opportunity when I created the Marceline to
make it a lone figure and it worked well.
• The research helped me come up with a unique
design that hadn’t been used before and also
gave me inspiration for my own design.
• An example of a design that helped inspire my
own would be the t-shirt design on Redbubble of
Marceline’s axe bass with the quotes inside of it
or just other designs of Marceline where she is
featureless, a few key character development
areas that stood out were highlighted.
The images are clear
The background looks
stretched and some of the
music notes get cut off
instead of look complete

I would try and get a larger
background that wouldn’t
look stretched or fix this
background and make it
smaller so no music notes
are cut off
Some of the text is hard
to read due to the
white music notes

The writing is easy to read
and understand

The two images are faded
just enough to make it look
like it’s in the background
and not a real image
I’ve used the lasso tool well
so that none of the previous
background is visible
I would play about with the writing colour to make it stand
out more and not become hard to read
The way I have positioned the Doctor’s
goes with the timeline of the show,
Tennant (10) furthest away, Smith (11)
closer to the front and Capaldi (12) at
the very front.
I’ve changed the opacity on
everything in the picture to
have the desired effect
that two of the Doctor’s no
longer exist.
I’ve made the old
Doctor’s look towards the
new one for added effect

I used the lasso tool well,
you can’t see any sign of a
previous background for
any picture

I’ve added in and edited a
Doctor Who logo to make
it look a little more

I’d add in all of the other
I’d change the
Doctor’s, not just two
background, change it
• A dalek
Try Rotoscoping or
• A different picture of
adding in text/quotes
• All of the Doctor’s as the
the Earth
background with Peter Capaldi
in the same place
I haven’t gone around the
axe bass very well – some
parts of the neck are thicker
than others and there is a
definite cut in about half
way down

I like how the background
makes Marceline stand out
The image is clear and
the character is still

I really like how
some things such
as: Marceline’s
bobbles, bite
marks and mouth
are still visible.

Marceline’s arm
seems merged as it’s
the same colour as
the guitar and the
rest of her body

The rest of my rotoscoping
skills (apart from the neck of
the bass) are to a pretty good

I like how some of the
guitars detail has stayed intact

If I was to repeat the
project, I would try a
lot harder on my
rotoscoping skills –
after a while I just got
frustrated and
stopped putting in so
much effort – obvious
on the top of the
head and the bass.
Peer Feedback
Shania Carter, fellow classmate: I really like the colour of the design and
like the darkness of the image and how it portrays the tone for it.
Marceline looks like she has a moustache at first glance but people who
know the character will know this is not the case. The way you have
rotoscoped some areas have caused some parts of the body to morph
e.g. the arm and the guitar, the hair has also changed. The way you have
rotoscoped areas like the hair on the top of her head and the guitar is a
little poor standard.
Me: I completely agree with some of the points that my peer has
expressed, I also like the colour scheme that I have used on this image, I
think it has a very good aesthetic quality when you take a long look at it,
almost calming. I can also agree that Marceline’s mouth does look like a
moustache at first glance but upon further inspection, it’s very clearly a
mouth – I can very much relate to my peer when talking about the badly
rotoscoped areas – in the future, I’ll make sure to take extra care and
consideration when rotoscoping.

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Digital graphics pro forma - added extras

  • 3. Raster Graphics • These are made up of bitmaps • A bitmap is a picture element, it is made up of pixels, a bit (each pixel) contains colour information for the image. • Re-sizing a bitmap would cause distortion and jagged edges. • bitmap.htm
  • 4. Vector Graphics • • • • These are not made up of pixels Instead they use paths with a start and end point This can be a line, square, triangle or a curvy shape. Can be used to create simple drawings or complex diagrams • They can be scaled to a different size and not loose image quality •
  • 5. JPEG Stands For Joint Photographic Experts Group Used For JPEG is used for photographs and web formats Advantage Most images are saved as JPEG and can be used in various places such as the social networking site, Facebook Can be opened in any image format Disadvantage Every time a JPEG file is edited, compressed or recompressed it loses quality. Does not support layers
  • 6. TIFF Stands For Used For Tagged Image File Format Saving images and desktop publishing, it’s popular with graphic designers for this reason Advantage Doesn’t loose any quality when compressed in folders on the desktop. Can save multi-page documents to a single TIFF file Disadvantage Can take up a lot of storage space, one single TIFF file can hold up to 100 megabytes. Too large to send via email
  • 7. PSD Stands For Photoshop Documents Used For Editing and manipulating images to look better or add information – usually for front covers of magazines or pictures in magazines altogether. Advantage Saves the layers, page formatting information etc. Supports transparency Doesn’t take up much storage space Saves a lot of information in one file Disadvantage Compression causes the quality of the PSD file to reduce Can be difficult to email and transfer Other programmes might not be able to understand or import a PSD file
  • 8. AI Stands For Used For Adobe Illustrator Art Creating logos for companies Advantage These can be changed in size and are not affected due to the Vectors having no loss in definition when changed Easy to send or transfer Disadvantage Thin lines may disappear if the picture if the size is reduced too much Everything is drawn – need drawing talent Small errors in the drawing may become visible if enhanced too much
  • 9. 3DS Stands For 3D Studio Used For 3D modelling of a building, structure, an animation and rendering – the creation of 3D characters, an environment – used in games or moving images like films or in TV. Advantage Used for gaming, TV, movies and is therefore easily transferable given the right software requirements. Disadvantage Has to have a certain format for usage on computers or software programs other than the one the company has used
  • 12. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like that I managed to still make it look like an elephant and it was quite easy to control. I like that it was created quickly and still managed to look quite good. What would you improve if you did it again? I’d spend a bit more time on the tusks and the smaller areas because that’s where I struggled and the quality of the final product was quite poor.
  • 14. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked the way the picture came out, I think my rotoscoping skills have improved quite a lot. I like the way the shading on the shirts and hands went – I’m very pleased with the end result I like I’ve still managed to capture their facial expression very well considering it was a small area to rotoscope I just really like the detail I’ve added to some areas, such as: ears What would you improve if you did it again? I would try and do something with the background, maybe even get rid of it altogether and use another one instead that would take less time to rotoscope. I would try harder on the facial expression of the employee – it just looks like he’s completely done with everything when it should capture shock and sadness Maybe try and rotoscope the boss’ eye better, it didn’t end up going very well as it was such a small part to focus on.
  • 16. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the image I chose to put behind the words that links to the TV show I acquired the quote from I like the quote I chose, it was easy to quickly think of an image to go behind it What would you improve if you did it again? Maybe use different images behind each word to make it look different and unique and not all the same Use different font formats to make certain words stand out
  • 18. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the effects and the fact that’s it’s eye catching and unique I liked that I was able to use the text based technique I’d recently learnt to make the writing in the image stand out I like the background I used What would you improve if you did it again? I would be more creative when thinking of ways to make my logo more exciting and memorable Just generally make it look better – it’s obvious that this was my first attempt at something like this Make it look more professional
  • 20. Mood board of designs you like
  • 21. Picture Ideas Redbubble T-Shirt Ideas Could be seen as comical/emotional (sad) (First Idea) Picture of Marceline playing her axe in front of fries – fries being the background image. Her father eating fries in the background/behind the fries (Second Idea) The 11 Doctor’s from Doctor Who with one famous quote and picture reference Font: Harrington - One - Two - Three etc The Quote: “ ” Music notes background
  • 22. Seen as comical – show Marceline’s, father’s surprise Mood Board The font: See the emotion in Marceline = Sad
  • 23. Proposal Dimensions 2400 by 3200 Pixels Export Format PNG Advantages; Compatible with Redbubble, can save transparency and lowered opacity Disadvantages; Large file size, slow to upload Content My t-shirt is based off of the children’s television show: Adventure Time with Finn and Jake. The t-shirt features the vampire character, Marceline, playing her axe bass in front of a picture of cartoon fries that have been enhanced in terms of size, her father is beside the fries as a freeze-frame photo of the moment where he’s caught eating Marceline’s fries, he is also faded in to the background so it creates the effect that Marceline is thinking about them whilst singing, she has more colour than the two images to show which image is real and which image is in her head. Also the quote, “Daddy, why did you eat my fries?” is above her fathers head. There is also the whole background of the shirt which is white music notes on a black image and therefore preferably, I’d like the t-shirt to be sold in the colour black only.
  • 24. Proposal Audience My target audience will be aimed at ages of 12+ because most of the fandom for Adventure Time is from around that age as it’s a children’s television show which also means they will understand the reference, but the show is still widely respected by a number of ages – some a lot older than my target audience who will also want to buy the t-shirt. I think this shirt design will appeal more to females because they idolise Marceline who is also a favourite character for many females who watch the show, though I don’t really think this t-shirt is gender specific. Deadline 11/10/13 Schedule Monday Tuesday • Start putting the images • Create my digital flat on to Photoshop. plan - make sure it’s • Edit the photos i.e. taking exactly as I want it to away the background on be. some ect. • Once my digital flat plan • Edit the photos to match is completed start the design on the digital collecting images to put flat plan. on to photoshop. Wednesday • • • • • Finish the editing of the photos. Upload the finished product to Redbubble. Create the final design on the pro-forma. Get peer feedback. Do my own t-shirt evaluation
  • 25. Marceline’s quote from her song to let the customer know what the t-shirt is all about Digital Flat Plan A very emotional, sad, Marceline singing on her axe bass guitar Surprised expression when caught eating her fries
  • 27. Peer Evaluation What are the strengths of the final image? • Very good use of the pictures, funny and creative. The background complements the images. What could be developed if the image was repeated? If some other techniques are used such as rotoscoping
  • 29. Does your final product reflect your original intentions? • • My final product is very different to my digital flat plan and planning, this is because due to implications, I had to re-create my final image - I originally wanted Marceline in front of some faded out fries and her father caught in the act of eating them with a music note background and the quote, “Daddy, why did you eat my fries?” My final product however has changed quite drastically, there is no longer any fries or Marceline’s father added in to the image, it’s Marceline edited in to a circle, I used skills that I have learnt during the course to edit Marceline before piecing together the final image – I personally think that it looks a lot better than my original design and to back that up, I’ve actually made a sale whereas with my other design, I made none.
  • 30. Is your product suitable for your audience? • My product is definitely suitable for my audience, there is no foul language, no sexual references or explicit images and it’s not racist or sexist. • It appeals to its target audience because it references the show and it’s unique and different to the other designs on RedBubble. As long as the consumer watches the show the shirt will make sense and appeal to them. I think it will also appeal to audiences above the age of 12 (target audience age) because the fandom for Adventure Time is huge and not just children or teens watch it, adults do too and again as long as they watch the show they will understand design and will know who the people are. Although this design is different to my other final result, I’m positive that fans of the show will admire this design rather than the previous one.
  • 31. What do you like/dislike about the techniques you have used? • I’m a little conflicted about using the lasso tool, it’s effective at clearing a background quickly but it’s rather difficult and frustrating when it comes to the tricky parts like hair or fingers. • I liked using the Cut out filter in the filter gallery, it enabled me to get that strange tone and texture that is my end result of the characters – playing around with the settings really helped me achieve this. • Using the ellipse tool was interesting – creating a clipping mask enabled me to get my final edit of Marceline inside a circle and highlight the main colour with a ring around the outside of the circle – it was quick and easy to do and had a really good end effect.
  • 32. What do you like/dislike about how your final product looks? • • • • • • • • • I like how simple the whole image is, but it still looks good on the t-shirt I dislike how Marceline’s Right hand and arm kind of fade in to the guitar, in the future I’ll try to focus on things like that I like the colour that Marceline has come out, the purple is pretty eye catching yet dark I dislike how the colour of her hands are not the same colour as her face, if I could go back and re-do one thing in this image, it would be that I like how, although primarily featureless the whole photo is almost full of emotions I dislike how apart from her teeth, there is another bit of white where her tongue was highlighted I like how the image has a different story every time you look at it – I like how the viewer has to interpret what the image means without actually knowing the truth I like how her mouth kind of makes it look like she has a moustache I also dislike how Marceline’s knee is not the same colour as her face
  • 33. Why did you include the content you used? • I used the picture of Marceline playing her axe bass to make it look like she’s singing and she’s very emotional about it. • I used the cutout filter to get this featureless effect that is almost the main focus of the image • I used a very dark purple to make the picture look calm yet intriguing • I used the ellipse tool to make it seem like the spotlight is on Marceline – like she is the only one that is singing • I used a calmer, lighter purple on the outer circle to draw the viewers attention straight to Marceline instead of the rest of the design. • I used a black background to make Marceline stand out
  • 34. What style have you employed in your products? • I originally set out to re-create the scene where Marceline is singing about the fries her father ate in the past (one of my favourite episodes) but through further inspection I decided that I preferred Marceline just by herself – I also made another design that is similar to this one except Finn and Jake are also in separate bubbles below her. • Looking back at my mood board, I think my original intention was to make something unique and interesting and I think that I’ve definitely achieved that goal.
  • 35. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-production and planning • The planning made the process a lot quicker than it would have been if I was to think of an idea and try and remember it – the ability to look back and see how I could change something if it went wrong – which I did. • It helped so that if I made mistakes, there was always a backup/contingency plan or idea that I could use instead – although I saw the opportunity when I created the Marceline to make it a lone figure and it worked well. • The research helped me come up with a unique design that hadn’t been used before and also gave me inspiration for my own design. • An example of a design that helped inspire my own would be the t-shirt design on Redbubble of Marceline’s axe bass with the quotes inside of it or just other designs of Marceline where she is featureless, a few key character development areas that stood out were highlighted.
  • 36. The images are clear The background looks stretched and some of the music notes get cut off instead of look complete I would try and get a larger background that wouldn’t look stretched or fix this background and make it smaller so no music notes are cut off Some of the text is hard to read due to the white music notes The writing is easy to read and understand The two images are faded just enough to make it look like it’s in the background and not a real image I’ve used the lasso tool well so that none of the previous background is visible I would play about with the writing colour to make it stand out more and not become hard to read
  • 37. The way I have positioned the Doctor’s goes with the timeline of the show, Tennant (10) furthest away, Smith (11) closer to the front and Capaldi (12) at the very front. I’ve changed the opacity on everything in the picture to have the desired effect that two of the Doctor’s no longer exist. I’ve made the old Doctor’s look towards the new one for added effect I used the lasso tool well, you can’t see any sign of a previous background for any picture I’ve added in and edited a Doctor Who logo to make it look a little more professional I’d add in all of the other I’d change the Doctor’s, not just two background, change it to: • A dalek Try Rotoscoping or • A different picture of adding in text/quotes • All of the Doctor’s as the the Earth background with Peter Capaldi • The TARDIS in the same place
  • 38. I haven’t gone around the axe bass very well – some parts of the neck are thicker than others and there is a definite cut in about half way down I like how the background makes Marceline stand out The image is clear and the character is still recognisable I really like how some things such as: Marceline’s bobbles, bite marks and mouth are still visible. Marceline’s arm seems merged as it’s the same colour as the guitar and the rest of her body The rest of my rotoscoping skills (apart from the neck of the bass) are to a pretty good standard I like how some of the guitars detail has stayed intact If I was to repeat the project, I would try a lot harder on my rotoscoping skills – after a while I just got frustrated and stopped putting in so much effort – obvious on the top of the head and the bass.
  • 39. Peer Feedback Shania Carter, fellow classmate: I really like the colour of the design and like the darkness of the image and how it portrays the tone for it. Marceline looks like she has a moustache at first glance but people who know the character will know this is not the case. The way you have rotoscoped some areas have caused some parts of the body to morph e.g. the arm and the guitar, the hair has also changed. The way you have rotoscoped areas like the hair on the top of her head and the guitar is a little poor standard. Me: I completely agree with some of the points that my peer has expressed, I also like the colour scheme that I have used on this image, I think it has a very good aesthetic quality when you take a long look at it, almost calming. I can also agree that Marceline’s mouth does look like a moustache at first glance but upon further inspection, it’s very clearly a mouth – I can very much relate to my peer when talking about the badly rotoscoped areas – in the future, I’ll make sure to take extra care and consideration when rotoscoping.