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Panels & Keynotes
FOMO: How Can Brands Tap Into Fears of Missing Out?
Led By: Ann Mack, Director of Trendspotting, JWT

“We’ve always had a fear of missing out, but it’s exploding with the onset of real-time, location-based and social media tools.This presentation, which is based on a
new quantitative study JWT conducted in the U.S. and U.K. and interviews with experts and influencers in technology and academia, will identify which cohort is
most prone to FOMO and how they respond to it, spotlight how FOMO is manifesting in the zeitgeist, and look at the potential for brands seeking to tap into

Key Facts:
• 73% of Americans feel people use social media to brag about their lives
• 1/3 of Millenials say they experience FOMO often
• 1/2 of Millenials say that they often feel left out because of something they saw online
• 1/2 of Millenials say that they spread themselves too thin due to FOMO
• Duracell uses FOMO explicitly:
• AT&T “Don’t Be Left Behind”:
• Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange:
• Information about peers triggers FOMO more severely than celebrities or public figures.
• FOMO is a pervasive, and increasingly common emotional trigger, and brands should consider it when strategizing
     • Brands should stay consistent in how they play to consumers’ FOMO.
     • Either consistently trigger and escalate FOMO, or take a counter approach, ie “Take it easy and enjoy the ride”.
X of Y: How To Ensure Your Startup Is Defensible
Led By: Peter Coles, Professor, Harvard Business School
• David Gilboa, Co-Founder and CEO, Warby Parker
• Matthew Jacobson, CEO, Groupon
• Katia Beauchamp, Co-Founder, Birchbox
• Daniel Kafie, CEO, Vostu
“Entrepreneurs often pitch their ideas as “the X ofY”. for farmers… Foursquare for parking lots… Gilt Groupe for grandparents. It is both efficient and
lucrative to take what already works and extend it to a new niche, a new country or a new context. Innovation through localization or specialization has launched
many successful businesses.
On the flip side, say you have a truly innovative and disruptive idea. Good for you! That’s only the beginning. Companies like Groupon and Gilt launched with
unique business models, but now they each have a slew of imitators and have spent fortunes to stay at the front of the pack. In a time of easy capital, fast
development and expensive intellectual property rights, how else besides capital can a company stay defensible?”

Key Question:
• How do startups maintain market advantage?
• Rocket Internet, a German “incubator” company that only launches copycat startups
• There is no IP in a business model
• Hardcore engineering products are harder to replicate than model innovations
• “You can only copy what you see”
• “Easy to underestimate the difficulty in keeping up a rewarding deal flow”
• The ethical line around imitating is blurry, but directly lifting creative, copy, images, or user data crosses the line
• Keep advantage by doing something the competition is “extraordinarily unlikely” to do.
• The media and press is on the side of innovation
     • Imitators are considerably less interesting to cover
Curing a Rage Headache: Internet Drama and Activism
Led By: Irin Carmon, Staff Writer,
• Deanne Cuellar, CIO
• Jay Smooth, Radio Host/Video Blogger, Illdoctrine
• Sady Doyle, Tiger Beatdown
• Joel Johnson, ANIMAL New York
“Politicized outrage, as opposed to flame wars, usually starts with a gaffe or an incendiary sentiment by someone in the public eye, or an offensive ad campaign, at
which point the public jumps in en masse.
Can this generate change? In March, nearly 50,000 people signed a petition demanding The NewYork Times apologize for its coverage of the gang-rape
of a child, after bloggers called it out for victim-blaming; the Times eventually assigned an entirely new story in response. In July, it was bloggers that first pointed
out that the FAMiLY LEADER pledge signed by Michele Bachmann contained (historically fantastical) nostalgia about how black families were so much better off
during slavery, and that part got removed.
But are these ephemeral victories, as the horde moves on to the next shiny thing? Are they generating real conversation, or just noise? How do different technological
platforms change how the conversation is carried out? And what's the best cure for a rage headache?”

Key Question:
• How do we better understand rage online, and how is it best used?
• Jay Smooth’s pre-twitter Hot 97 Tsunami song backlash:
• Joel Johnson:
• Rage is prevalent and largely ignored online
• Trolling is not necessarily a bad thing.
     • It can be defined as “purposefully steering a conversation online to elicit a response or expose some hidden truth”
• It is best used when you have actionable targets
• It is easily co-opted or undermined when the target is a person
What the Internet Finds Funny: Creating and Covering Comedy Online
Led By: Christine Friar, Comedy Editor, Huffington Post
• Doree Shafrir, Executive Editor, Buzzfeed
• Sam Reich, President of Original Content, CollegeHumor
• Adam Frucci, Editor, Splitsider
“Web comedy is more thanYouTubes of stand-up sets and GIFs of sleepy cats; the popularity of sites writing about comedy, aggregating web humor and putting a
satirical spin on breaking news is skyrocketing. Doree Shafrir (Executive Editor, Buzzfeed), Adam Frucci (Editor, Splitsider), Sam Reich (President of Original
Content, CollegeHumor), Christine Friar (Associate Editor, Huffington Post Comedy) and Jesse David Fox (FreelanceWriter/NewYork Magazine'sVulture/Splitsider)
talk about writing funny things, writing seriously about funny things, writing humorously about serious things and how comedy's increasingly shaping the growth
of web media.”

Key Question:
• How do we better understand what makes certain types of comedy work online, and what are some organizing principles around successful digital

• The perceived popularity of cult shows online vs. their popularity on broadcast, ie Arrested Development
• Louis CK’s direct-to-consumer comedy album
• Online comedy runs a high risk of being copied by broadcast and network properties. The web is a free farm league of comedy ideas
     • Content producers have little recourse other than to continue to produce
• Comedy producers are delivering content direct to consumers and cutting out the middle man
     • Similar position to the music industry 10 years ago
• Esoteric or weird comedy tends to do better online than on broadcast or film because audiences have a different relationship with the medium.
     The web is where we often project our ideal selves, and so we favor entertainment and content that makes us feel in the know or savvy. Fans want
     to project that they are smart and tuned in.
• The shorter the better. Long can work, but for comedy, you need to get a joke in right away to get anyone’s attention.
Project Re: Brief - Can the Biggest Ideas Fit in the Smallest of Ad Spaces?
Project Re: Brief - Can the Biggest Ideas Fit in the Smallest of Ad Spaces?
Led By:
• Cecelia Wogan-Silva, Director of Agency, Google
• Aman Govil, Product Marketing Manager, Google
“This year, Internet advertising turns 18-years-old. And yet despite almost two decades of innovation online, digital ads are still being used to simply inform more
than they're being used to connect, engage and entertain. It is time to put digital advertising to the ultimate test.We selected four iconic commercials of yesteryears,
and asked the legendary creatives behind them to re-imagine them for the digital age.These advertising icons defined the mediums of the past. Now they're back to
help shape the medium of the future, prove that great ideas come first, and inspire a new generation of creative minds along the way.The Brands: Coca-Cola, Avis,
Volvo and Alka-Seltzer.
The Films: No experiment is complete without its lab book. Documented by Emmy-award winning filmmaker Doug Pray, you can watch the process unfold and
witness the journey of the five icons as they put the minds and the medium to the test.This session is sponsored by Google.”

Key Questions:
• What is phenomenal digital creative?
• How do we make banner advertising more emotionally engaging?
• Volvo “Drive it Like You Hate It” -
• Alka-Seltzer “I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing” - ?
• Avis “We Try Harder” - ?
• Coca-Cola “I’d Like To Buy The World a Coke” -
• Digital allows a whole host of ways into a story, and banners can work well as a glimpse into the broader underlying campaign
• Relatable resonates
• Bring engineers and digital designers into the process immediately to lead thinking, feasibility, and to drive innovation
• Be wary of UGC. Can be a lazy, low-quality solution for engagement
     • Don’t be afraid to edit. “You don’t want Chatroulette on your web banners”
Branded Documentary: Cause Marketing’s Best Media?
Led By: Lisa Pearson, Global VP, Bazaarvoice
• Sarah Montante, Brand Manager, Procter and Gamble
• Stephanie Smirnov, CCO, DeVries Public Relations
• David Modigliani, Creative Director, Flow Non-Fiction
“Procter & Gamble recently commissioned Flow Nonfiction to create a documentary film capturing one of its signature cause programs: Pantene Beautiful Lengths.
PBL has donated over 272,000 ponytails for real-hair wigs to the American Cancer Society, and also generated significant ROI for the brand itself. How and why
has the program succeeded in making good on doing good? Through communication innovation, like branded documentary film. Marketers and filmmakers, your
union is at hand. Film-driven campaigns are setting a new standard of authenticity and ROI. PR and digital agencies are leveraging branded film assets through
interactive, integrated campaigns -- building brand platforms and driving user-generated content. But how do marketers sell in films to clients? How do filmmakers
and brand managers execute the process? How is branded content best leveraged? And does it actually deliver? This panel’s case study provides a 360 view - and best
practices - from the campaign’s key partners.”
Key Question:
• What are best practices for creating documentary content around CSR and cause-related brand activity?
• Pantene “Beautiful Lengths”
• Downy “Touch of Comfort”
• CSR behavior is increasingly important as brands surround our lives. Consumers are asking for responsible behavior and social contribution in
     exchange for that presence.
• Brands and creators have to be critical about the role the brand plays in the story. If the role is minimal, it is best to not overplay a brand’s
     involvement or make them the hero of the piece.
     • Brands can effectively executive produce content that aligns with target demos or brand messaging without inserting themselves directly
• Even if the brand is making a material contribution to the CSR initiative, the filmmaker still needs to ask if that is cinematically interesting. If not,
     it should be treated accordingly.
• Films are excellent tools for institutional support and help marketers and advocates get additional resources
• The brand should never be the sole hero of the piece
• Brands can communicate their commitment to a cause by investing in a high-quality production.
Future of Cities: Technology in Public Service
Led By:Abhi Nemani, Director of Strategy, Code for America
• John Tolva, CTO, The City of Chicago
• Nigel Jacob, Co-chair of Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics, Boston
• Rachel Sterne, New York City Chief Digital Officer, City of New York
• Chris Vein, Deputy United States CTO for Government Innovation

“This panel and interactive discussion will look at how cities around the world are approaching innovation that serves the public. From hackathons to apps competitions,
open data to social media, practitioners will discuss their plans and lessons learned, with examples from Boston (Jacob), Chicago (Tolva), NewYork City (Sterne) and across
the US and world (Vein and Nemani). Moderated by Abhi Nemani of Code for America.”

Key Question:
• Moving beyond the notion of “city as platform”, what are emerging trends, tactics, and technology that bring this idea to life?
• open hack-a-thon engaged the NYC development community in a design competition for their new site
• 311 content API, open and available data
• & the “Street Bump” app
• Chicago’s text to see bus schedules in real time:
• The bulk of civic technology innovation breaks into two target groups: citizens and civic workers.
     • Citizens are increasingly empowered to interrogate objects around the city for information, data, and to file complaints and updates
     • Civic workers are looked to for help with dynamic listening (311) and categorization of piles of data. Digital expertise will be a job
          requirement for many of them in the future.
Everything Is a Remix, so Steal Like an Artist
Led By:
• Kirby Ferguson, Filmaker (Everything is A Remix)
• Austin Kleon, Writer/Artist (Steal Like an Artist and Newspaper Blackout)

“While many have described the new world of remix culture where “nothing is original,” few have provided practical advice for those of us who find ourselves living and
making things in it. Filmmaker Kirby Ferguson and artist Austin Kleon show clips from Kirby’s work and discuss how one best goes about being a creator in a digital age.”

Key Question:
• How do we offer realistic advice to culture and content creators in a digital edge when there’s a growing feeling that ‘everything’s been done?’
• “Good artists borrow, great artists steal” - Pablo Picasso (recently reiterated by Steve Jobs in reference to the Macintosh borrowing from Xerox
   GUI Interface)

• Stealing demystifies the ‘magic’ of creativity
• Age-old formula for creative remix: Copy > Transform > Combine
• Write the book you want to read; use your hands; side projects and hobbies are important; do good work and share it with people; be nice (the
    world is a small town); be boring (it’s the only way to get work done); creativity is subtraction
Making The Real World Easier To Use
Led By:
• MG Siegler, VC Tech Crunch
• Dennis Crowley, CEO/Co-founder, Foursquare

“The term ‘social media’ is quickly becoming obsolete. The social graph is moving from our computers into the real world, and soon everything we experience will be
overlaid with the thoughts and feelings of our friends. Early adopters are already starting to experience this phenomenon. Foursquare alerts you when you’re near places
that your friends like, and provides you with suggestions from your friends on what to experience at those places. Other companies are attempting to create this type of
engagement with television shows (i.e. 10 of your friends are watching) and music (Spotify/Facebook).”

Key Question:
• How is mobile technology accelerating the social graph’s move into the offline world, and how are services like Foursquare taking this kind of
   augmented real-world exploration mainstream?


• People love status updates and gaming mechanisms (i.e.badges); this creates interesting data which can be organized, tracked and shared with
    retailers to enhance products that make people’s lives better, easier, or more interesting.
• Maps should be social; and social tips connect people from foreign places (i.e. having a friend from another city recommending a nearby cafe)
• Geo-fencing - should check-ins be manual or automatic? Foursquare’s Radar is a handy feature that buzzes in your pocket (when enabled) as you
    pass interesting places that the database has learned you might enjoy or appreciate. Down-side? Currently a drain on battery life.
The Rise of the Brooklyn Food Scene
Led By: Peter Meehan, Writer, NY Times/Co-editor Lucky Peach
• Erica Shea, Co-owner, Brooklyn Brew Shop
• David Crofton, Co-owner, One Girl Cookies
• Christina Tosi, Pastry Chef, Momofuku Milkbar
• Jessica Applestone, Owner of Fleischer Meats, BK

“Could Brooklyn be to food what Seattle was to music --- a hotbed of creative people doing new things? There are tons of artisans finding new businesses and launching
new products in the biggest NYC borough whether it be from the Brooklyn Flea or the local store front. Entrepreneurs of some of Brooklyn’s most successful ventures talk
about their experiences, challenges, growth and more interestingly - why they’re doing a panel at SXSW Interactive!””

Key Question:
• What does it take to be a startup small business in Brooklyn’s rising food scene? And what role does social media play in the marketing and
   development of smaller brands?

• Momofuku, Frankies Spuntino, Roberta’s Brooklyn, Six Point Ale

• The small-business owner has a 24/7 job; the choice to begin your own venture in the culinary world in general is one that takes a full genuine
    passion and commitment; many of us formerly held office jobs; some of us are inheriting the family tradition
• Social media apps can help significantly and also hurt; negative reviews on sites like Yelp, Foursquare or Menupages can damage, but democratically
    balance out
• With limited resources and more stringent budgetary restrictions, social media allows small businesses greater organic opportunities for
    marketing, PR and advertising that just wasn’t as readily available a few years back; they look forward to the growth of these platforms to better
    enhance their brands and connect them with their audiences
Invention & Inspiration: Building a Better World

Led By: Dean Kamen, Founder, FIRST/DEKA Research

                                                   start at 3:23
Invention & Inspiration: Building a Better World

Led By: Dean Kamen, Founder, FIRST/DEKA Research

“Dean Kamen is an inventor, an enttrepeneur, and a tireless advocate for science and technology. His roles as inventor and advocate are intertwined - his own passion for
technology and its practical uses has driven his personal determination to spread the word about technology’s virtues and by so doing to change the culture of the Unites
States. As inventor, he holds more than 440 U.S. patents and foreign patents, many of them for innovative medical devices that have expanded the frontiers of health care
worldwide. Kamen has received many awards for his eforts - notably, he was awarded the National Medal of Technology in 2000. Presented by President Clinton, this
award was in recognition for inventions that have advanced medical care worldwide and for innovative and imaginative leadership in awakening America to the
excitement of science and technology.”

Key Question:
• How can we really change the world with technology?
• DEKA Research -
• The Segway -
• The Robotic ‘Luke Arm ‘-
• The Water Purification System -
• We need to take advantage of technology to save billions of people.
    • we can create weapons, but then we give our soldier a plastic stick for an amputated arm prosthesis
    • there’s a water crisis in the world; nearly 1 billion people live without clean drinking water
• Brands like Coca-cola can still continue to market and advertise themselves by investing more money in development of products that can truly
    impact the lives of less-fortunate people
• The FIRST organization - "We can transform culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people
    dream of becoming science and technology leaders."
Invention & Inspiration: Building a Better World

Led By: Dean Kamen, Founder, FIRST/DEKA Research


Digital technology can and should help others and improve quality life not just just support advertising efforts.

Government asks LaMendola to make mechanic arm with 2 year deadline. They ask the impossible - and with great cause it's doable.  He
couldn't sleep at night thinking about what it might be like to sleep or roll over in bed without arms. He was compelled to create.

Kamen has always maintained a Steve Jobs-like compulsion to make things that no one seems imaginable - not just for profit but for the
betterment of mankind and to simplify the digital world and quality of life for all.

Morgan freeman and first foundation -
Instead of Britney Spears and NFL Superbowl stars, let’s begin to glorify these heroes.
Expanding Our Intelligence Without Limit
Expanding Our Intelligence Without Limit
Led By: Ray Kurzweill, CEO Kurzweill Technologies
         Lev Grossman, Author/Writer, Time Magazine

“Legendary visionary Ray Kurzweill joins writer Lev Grossman from Time Magazine for a mind-expanding keynote conversation about our future. Ray Kurzweil (left) has been described as "the restless genius"
by theWall Street Journal, and "the ultimate thinking machine" by Forbes. Inc. magazine ranked him #8 among entrepreneurs in the United States, calling him the "rightful heir to Thomas Edison," and PBS
included Ray as one of 16 "revolutionaries who made America," along with other inventors of the past two centuries.

As one of the leading inventors of our time, Ray was the principal developer of the first CCD flat-bed scanner, the first omni-font optical character recognition, the first print-to-speech reading machine for the
blind, the first text-to-speech synthesizer, the first music synthesizer capable of recreating the grand piano and other orchestral instruments, and the first commercially marketed large-vocabulary speech
recognition. Ray's website Kurzweil has over one million readers.

He has received nineteen honorary Doctorates and honors from three U.S. presidents. Ray has written four national best sellers.The Age of Spiritual Machines has been translated into 9 languages and was the
#1 best selling book on Amazon in science. Ray's latest book,The Singularity is Near, was a NewYork Times best seller, and, and has been the #1 book on Amazon in both science and philosophy.

Key Question:
• What will we see in the next 10-20 years?
• What we see today is the democratization of innovation fueled by the exponential growth of technology
• Siri computers are the beginning of computers understanding human language - humans will eventually come to recognize computers as humans
     as they appear more human-like; in the next 20 years computers will have consciousness
• There will be significant advances in medicine as nanobots (already in production) will be able to live in our bloodstream and help to regulate and
     improve our health (prediction 2045 is the year man becomes immortal
• There will be dangers in biotechnology when used against us (bio-terrorism) - we have the power to regulate
• The cloud will continue to grow and the debate over whether technology is good for us may continue; but we should accept it as part of our
     evolution. To not integrate with technology would be rejecting enhancements to our knowledge and advancement - we do however, have the
     power to balance our analog with digital lives
Al Gore Interview Sean Parker

Led By: Al Gore, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Kaufman
         Sean Parker, Co-founder, Napster, Airtime

“FormerVice President of the US and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Al Gore (also chairman of Current TV, on Apple's board, advisor to Google, senior partner at A-listVC
firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, co-head of Generation Investment Management, spending most of his time on the Climate Reality Project.), interviews co-
founder of Napster, Plaxo, Causes and Airtime and founding president of Facebook. It’s the early days of using social media to activate people in politics, but Al
Gore says democracy can be saved - if we people get empowered online.”

Key Question:
• "The Internet is the most fantastic tool ever brought into being to make things right and to fix our democracy,.. we can use it. It is going to
    happen. But how long? It depends on whether [you] feel passionate about it and get involved."

• Our democracy has been hacked - it not longer works to serve the best interests of the people
• We should be proud of the mass Internet activism that derailed the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), Still, there’s a huge amount of work to be
     done if Americans want to keep special interests from perpetually forcing their agendas down society's throat.
• unlike television, which is push media, the Internet "creates a public space for conversation, [and] like the printing press, has low entry barriers.
     It's easy to find any information you want...and easy to contribute your own ideas."
• unlike television, which is push media, the Internet "creates a public space for conversation, [and] like the printing press, has low entry barriers.
     It's easy to find any information you want...and easy to contribute your own ideas."
Thanks. See you down there next year.

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Sx sw 2012

  • 1.
  • 2. are you gonna get it?
  • 3. unsubscribe. btw, is the panel worth it?
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  • 6. $150 ticket to sleigh bells/major lazer party
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  • 16. smart viral? or good intent?
  • 17. makers vs. pontificators • CNC Mill – designed for cutting wood, acrylic, aluminum, stainless steel, titanium and other materials • Laser Cutter – CAD files are output to the laser cutter to either cut or engrave a wide range of materials • 3D Printer – for rapid prototyping and creation of plastic objects from CAD files • MIG Welder – MIG welding is a process that can permanently join together two pieces of metal • Injection Molder – used to create plastic parts from metal molds; can be fabricated using the CNC mill • Cold Saw – designed to cut through solid steel, the cold saw is ideal for cutting through pipes and bars • Ironworker – is capable of cutting, shearing, punching and bending a wide variety of different metals
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  • 22. FOMO: How Can Brands Tap Into Fears of Missing Out? Led By: Ann Mack, Director of Trendspotting, JWT “We’ve always had a fear of missing out, but it’s exploding with the onset of real-time, location-based and social media tools.This presentation, which is based on a new quantitative study JWT conducted in the U.S. and U.K. and interviews with experts and influencers in technology and academia, will identify which cohort is most prone to FOMO and how they respond to it, spotlight how FOMO is manifesting in the zeitgeist, and look at the potential for brands seeking to tap into FOMO.” Key Facts: • 73% of Americans feel people use social media to brag about their lives • 1/3 of Millenials say they experience FOMO often • 1/2 of Millenials say that they often feel left out because of something they saw online • 1/2 of Millenials say that they spread themselves too thin due to FOMO Examples: • Duracell uses FOMO explicitly: • AT&T “Don’t Be Left Behind”: • Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange: Insights: • Information about peers triggers FOMO more severely than celebrities or public figures. • FOMO is a pervasive, and increasingly common emotional trigger, and brands should consider it when strategizing • Brands should stay consistent in how they play to consumers’ FOMO. • Either consistently trigger and escalate FOMO, or take a counter approach, ie “Take it easy and enjoy the ride”.
  • 23. X of Y: How To Ensure Your Startup Is Defensible Led By: Peter Coles, Professor, Harvard Business School Participants: • David Gilboa, Co-Founder and CEO, Warby Parker • Matthew Jacobson, CEO, Groupon • Katia Beauchamp, Co-Founder, Birchbox • Daniel Kafie, CEO, Vostu “Entrepreneurs often pitch their ideas as “the X ofY”. for farmers… Foursquare for parking lots… Gilt Groupe for grandparents. It is both efficient and lucrative to take what already works and extend it to a new niche, a new country or a new context. Innovation through localization or specialization has launched many successful businesses. On the flip side, say you have a truly innovative and disruptive idea. Good for you! That’s only the beginning. Companies like Groupon and Gilt launched with unique business models, but now they each have a slew of imitators and have spent fortunes to stay at the front of the pack. In a time of easy capital, fast development and expensive intellectual property rights, how else besides capital can a company stay defensible?” Key Question: • How do startups maintain market advantage? References: • Rocket Internet, a German “incubator” company that only launches copycat startups • Insights: • There is no IP in a business model • Hardcore engineering products are harder to replicate than model innovations • “You can only copy what you see” • “Easy to underestimate the difficulty in keeping up a rewarding deal flow” • The ethical line around imitating is blurry, but directly lifting creative, copy, images, or user data crosses the line • Keep advantage by doing something the competition is “extraordinarily unlikely” to do. • The media and press is on the side of innovation • Imitators are considerably less interesting to cover
  • 24. Curing a Rage Headache: Internet Drama and Activism Led By: Irin Carmon, Staff Writer, Participants: • Deanne Cuellar, CIO • Jay Smooth, Radio Host/Video Blogger, Illdoctrine • Sady Doyle, Tiger Beatdown • Joel Johnson, ANIMAL New York “Politicized outrage, as opposed to flame wars, usually starts with a gaffe or an incendiary sentiment by someone in the public eye, or an offensive ad campaign, at which point the public jumps in en masse. Can this generate change? In March, nearly 50,000 people signed a petition demanding The NewYork Times apologize for its coverage of the gang-rape of a child, after bloggers called it out for victim-blaming; the Times eventually assigned an entirely new story in response. In July, it was bloggers that first pointed out that the FAMiLY LEADER pledge signed by Michele Bachmann contained (historically fantastical) nostalgia about how black families were so much better off during slavery, and that part got removed. But are these ephemeral victories, as the horde moves on to the next shiny thing? Are they generating real conversation, or just noise? How do different technological platforms change how the conversation is carried out? And what's the best cure for a rage headache?” Key Question: • How do we better understand rage online, and how is it best used? References: • Jay Smooth’s pre-twitter Hot 97 Tsunami song backlash: • Joel Johnson: Insights: • Rage is prevalent and largely ignored online • Trolling is not necessarily a bad thing. • It can be defined as “purposefully steering a conversation online to elicit a response or expose some hidden truth” • It is best used when you have actionable targets • It is easily co-opted or undermined when the target is a person
  • 25.
  • 26. What the Internet Finds Funny: Creating and Covering Comedy Online Led By: Christine Friar, Comedy Editor, Huffington Post Participants: • Doree Shafrir, Executive Editor, Buzzfeed • Sam Reich, President of Original Content, CollegeHumor • Adam Frucci, Editor, Splitsider “Web comedy is more thanYouTubes of stand-up sets and GIFs of sleepy cats; the popularity of sites writing about comedy, aggregating web humor and putting a satirical spin on breaking news is skyrocketing. Doree Shafrir (Executive Editor, Buzzfeed), Adam Frucci (Editor, Splitsider), Sam Reich (President of Original Content, CollegeHumor), Christine Friar (Associate Editor, Huffington Post Comedy) and Jesse David Fox (FreelanceWriter/NewYork Magazine'sVulture/Splitsider) talk about writing funny things, writing seriously about funny things, writing humorously about serious things and how comedy's increasingly shaping the growth of web media.” Key Question: • How do we better understand what makes certain types of comedy work online, and what are some organizing principles around successful digital comedy? References: • The perceived popularity of cult shows online vs. their popularity on broadcast, ie Arrested Development • Louis CK’s direct-to-consumer comedy album Insights: • Online comedy runs a high risk of being copied by broadcast and network properties. The web is a free farm league of comedy ideas • Content producers have little recourse other than to continue to produce • Comedy producers are delivering content direct to consumers and cutting out the middle man • Similar position to the music industry 10 years ago • Esoteric or weird comedy tends to do better online than on broadcast or film because audiences have a different relationship with the medium. The web is where we often project our ideal selves, and so we favor entertainment and content that makes us feel in the know or savvy. Fans want to project that they are smart and tuned in. • The shorter the better. Long can work, but for comedy, you need to get a joke in right away to get anyone’s attention.
  • 27. Project Re: Brief - Can the Biggest Ideas Fit in the Smallest of Ad Spaces?
  • 28. Project Re: Brief - Can the Biggest Ideas Fit in the Smallest of Ad Spaces? Led By: • Cecelia Wogan-Silva, Director of Agency, Google • Aman Govil, Product Marketing Manager, Google “This year, Internet advertising turns 18-years-old. And yet despite almost two decades of innovation online, digital ads are still being used to simply inform more than they're being used to connect, engage and entertain. It is time to put digital advertising to the ultimate test.We selected four iconic commercials of yesteryears, and asked the legendary creatives behind them to re-imagine them for the digital age.These advertising icons defined the mediums of the past. Now they're back to help shape the medium of the future, prove that great ideas come first, and inspire a new generation of creative minds along the way.The Brands: Coca-Cola, Avis, Volvo and Alka-Seltzer. The Films: No experiment is complete without its lab book. Documented by Emmy-award winning filmmaker Doug Pray, you can watch the process unfold and witness the journey of the five icons as they put the minds and the medium to the test.This session is sponsored by Google.” Key Questions: • What is phenomenal digital creative? • How do we make banner advertising more emotionally engaging? Films: • Volvo “Drive it Like You Hate It” - • Alka-Seltzer “I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing” - ? • Avis “We Try Harder” - ? • Coca-Cola “I’d Like To Buy The World a Coke” - Insights: • Digital allows a whole host of ways into a story, and banners can work well as a glimpse into the broader underlying campaign • Relatable resonates • Bring engineers and digital designers into the process immediately to lead thinking, feasibility, and to drive innovation • Be wary of UGC. Can be a lazy, low-quality solution for engagement • Don’t be afraid to edit. “You don’t want Chatroulette on your web banners”
  • 29. Branded Documentary: Cause Marketing’s Best Media? Led By: Lisa Pearson, Global VP, Bazaarvoice • Sarah Montante, Brand Manager, Procter and Gamble • Stephanie Smirnov, CCO, DeVries Public Relations • David Modigliani, Creative Director, Flow Non-Fiction “Procter & Gamble recently commissioned Flow Nonfiction to create a documentary film capturing one of its signature cause programs: Pantene Beautiful Lengths. PBL has donated over 272,000 ponytails for real-hair wigs to the American Cancer Society, and also generated significant ROI for the brand itself. How and why has the program succeeded in making good on doing good? Through communication innovation, like branded documentary film. Marketers and filmmakers, your union is at hand. Film-driven campaigns are setting a new standard of authenticity and ROI. PR and digital agencies are leveraging branded film assets through interactive, integrated campaigns -- building brand platforms and driving user-generated content. But how do marketers sell in films to clients? How do filmmakers and brand managers execute the process? How is branded content best leveraged? And does it actually deliver? This panel’s case study provides a 360 view - and best practices - from the campaign’s key partners.” Key Question: • What are best practices for creating documentary content around CSR and cause-related brand activity? Examples: • Pantene “Beautiful Lengths” • Downy “Touch of Comfort” Insights: • CSR behavior is increasingly important as brands surround our lives. Consumers are asking for responsible behavior and social contribution in exchange for that presence. • Brands and creators have to be critical about the role the brand plays in the story. If the role is minimal, it is best to not overplay a brand’s involvement or make them the hero of the piece. • Brands can effectively executive produce content that aligns with target demos or brand messaging without inserting themselves directly • Even if the brand is making a material contribution to the CSR initiative, the filmmaker still needs to ask if that is cinematically interesting. If not, it should be treated accordingly. • Films are excellent tools for institutional support and help marketers and advocates get additional resources • The brand should never be the sole hero of the piece • Brands can communicate their commitment to a cause by investing in a high-quality production.
  • 30. Future of Cities: Technology in Public Service Led By:Abhi Nemani, Director of Strategy, Code for America • John Tolva, CTO, The City of Chicago • Nigel Jacob, Co-chair of Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics, Boston • Rachel Sterne, New York City Chief Digital Officer, City of New York • Chris Vein, Deputy United States CTO for Government Innovation “This panel and interactive discussion will look at how cities around the world are approaching innovation that serves the public. From hackathons to apps competitions, open data to social media, practitioners will discuss their plans and lessons learned, with examples from Boston (Jacob), Chicago (Tolva), NewYork City (Sterne) and across the US and world (Vein and Nemani). Moderated by Abhi Nemani of Code for America.” Key Question: • Moving beyond the notion of “city as platform”, what are emerging trends, tactics, and technology that bring this idea to life? Examples: • open hack-a-thon engaged the NYC development community in a design competition for their new site • 311 content API, open and available data • • & the “Street Bump” app • Chicago’s text to see bus schedules in real time: Insights: • The bulk of civic technology innovation breaks into two target groups: citizens and civic workers. • Citizens are increasingly empowered to interrogate objects around the city for information, data, and to file complaints and updates • Civic workers are looked to for help with dynamic listening (311) and categorization of piles of data. Digital expertise will be a job requirement for many of them in the future.
  • 31. Everything Is a Remix, so Steal Like an Artist Led By: • Kirby Ferguson, Filmaker (Everything is A Remix) • Austin Kleon, Writer/Artist (Steal Like an Artist and Newspaper Blackout) “While many have described the new world of remix culture where “nothing is original,” few have provided practical advice for those of us who find ourselves living and making things in it. Filmmaker Kirby Ferguson and artist Austin Kleon show clips from Kirby’s work and discuss how one best goes about being a creator in a digital age.” Key Question: • How do we offer realistic advice to culture and content creators in a digital edge when there’s a growing feeling that ‘everything’s been done?’ Examples: • “Good artists borrow, great artists steal” - Pablo Picasso (recently reiterated by Steve Jobs in reference to the Macintosh borrowing from Xerox GUI Interface) • • Insights: • Stealing demystifies the ‘magic’ of creativity • Age-old formula for creative remix: Copy > Transform > Combine • Write the book you want to read; use your hands; side projects and hobbies are important; do good work and share it with people; be nice (the world is a small town); be boring (it’s the only way to get work done); creativity is subtraction
  • 32. Making The Real World Easier To Use Led By: • MG Siegler, VC Tech Crunch • Dennis Crowley, CEO/Co-founder, Foursquare “The term ‘social media’ is quickly becoming obsolete. The social graph is moving from our computers into the real world, and soon everything we experience will be overlaid with the thoughts and feelings of our friends. Early adopters are already starting to experience this phenomenon. Foursquare alerts you when you’re near places that your friends like, and provides you with suggestions from your friends on what to experience at those places. Other companies are attempting to create this type of engagement with television shows (i.e. 10 of your friends are watching) and music (Spotify/Facebook).” Key Question: • How is mobile technology accelerating the social graph’s move into the offline world, and how are services like Foursquare taking this kind of augmented real-world exploration mainstream? Examples: • • • Insights: • People love status updates and gaming mechanisms (i.e.badges); this creates interesting data which can be organized, tracked and shared with retailers to enhance products that make people’s lives better, easier, or more interesting. • Maps should be social; and social tips connect people from foreign places (i.e. having a friend from another city recommending a nearby cafe) • Geo-fencing - should check-ins be manual or automatic? Foursquare’s Radar is a handy feature that buzzes in your pocket (when enabled) as you pass interesting places that the database has learned you might enjoy or appreciate. Down-side? Currently a drain on battery life.
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  • 34. The Rise of the Brooklyn Food Scene Led By: Peter Meehan, Writer, NY Times/Co-editor Lucky Peach • Erica Shea, Co-owner, Brooklyn Brew Shop • David Crofton, Co-owner, One Girl Cookies • Christina Tosi, Pastry Chef, Momofuku Milkbar • Jessica Applestone, Owner of Fleischer Meats, BK “Could Brooklyn be to food what Seattle was to music --- a hotbed of creative people doing new things? There are tons of artisans finding new businesses and launching new products in the biggest NYC borough whether it be from the Brooklyn Flea or the local store front. Entrepreneurs of some of Brooklyn’s most successful ventures talk about their experiences, challenges, growth and more interestingly - why they’re doing a panel at SXSW Interactive!”” Key Question: • What does it take to be a startup small business in Brooklyn’s rising food scene? And what role does social media play in the marketing and development of smaller brands? Examples: • Momofuku, Frankies Spuntino, Roberta’s Brooklyn, Six Point Ale • • Insights: • The small-business owner has a 24/7 job; the choice to begin your own venture in the culinary world in general is one that takes a full genuine passion and commitment; many of us formerly held office jobs; some of us are inheriting the family tradition • Social media apps can help significantly and also hurt; negative reviews on sites like Yelp, Foursquare or Menupages can damage, but democratically balance out • With limited resources and more stringent budgetary restrictions, social media allows small businesses greater organic opportunities for marketing, PR and advertising that just wasn’t as readily available a few years back; they look forward to the growth of these platforms to better enhance their brands and connect them with their audiences
  • 35. Invention & Inspiration: Building a Better World Led By: Dean Kamen, Founder, FIRST/DEKA Research 164485/march-20-2008/dean-kamen start at 3:23
  • 36. Invention & Inspiration: Building a Better World Led By: Dean Kamen, Founder, FIRST/DEKA Research “Dean Kamen is an inventor, an enttrepeneur, and a tireless advocate for science and technology. His roles as inventor and advocate are intertwined - his own passion for technology and its practical uses has driven his personal determination to spread the word about technology’s virtues and by so doing to change the culture of the Unites States. As inventor, he holds more than 440 U.S. patents and foreign patents, many of them for innovative medical devices that have expanded the frontiers of health care worldwide. Kamen has received many awards for his eforts - notably, he was awarded the National Medal of Technology in 2000. Presented by President Clinton, this award was in recognition for inventions that have advanced medical care worldwide and for innovative and imaginative leadership in awakening America to the excitement of science and technology.” Key Question: • How can we really change the world with technology? Examples: • DEKA Research - • The Segway - • The Robotic ‘Luke Arm ‘- • The Water Purification System - • FIRST - Insights: • We need to take advantage of technology to save billions of people. • we can create weapons, but then we give our soldier a plastic stick for an amputated arm prosthesis • there’s a water crisis in the world; nearly 1 billion people live without clean drinking water • Brands like Coca-cola can still continue to market and advertise themselves by investing more money in development of products that can truly impact the lives of less-fortunate people • The FIRST organization - "We can transform culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders."
  • 37. Invention & Inspiration: Building a Better World Led By: Dean Kamen, Founder, FIRST/DEKA Research Notes: Digital technology can and should help others and improve quality life not just just support advertising efforts. Government asks LaMendola to make mechanic arm with 2 year deadline. They ask the impossible - and with great cause it's doable.  He couldn't sleep at night thinking about what it might be like to sleep or roll over in bed without arms. He was compelled to create. Kamen has always maintained a Steve Jobs-like compulsion to make things that no one seems imaginable - not just for profit but for the betterment of mankind and to simplify the digital world and quality of life for all. Morgan freeman and first foundation - Instead of Britney Spears and NFL Superbowl stars, let’s begin to glorify these heroes.
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  • 39. Expanding Our Intelligence Without Limit
  • 40. Expanding Our Intelligence Without Limit Led By: Ray Kurzweill, CEO Kurzweill Technologies Lev Grossman, Author/Writer, Time Magazine “Legendary visionary Ray Kurzweill joins writer Lev Grossman from Time Magazine for a mind-expanding keynote conversation about our future. Ray Kurzweil (left) has been described as "the restless genius" by theWall Street Journal, and "the ultimate thinking machine" by Forbes. Inc. magazine ranked him #8 among entrepreneurs in the United States, calling him the "rightful heir to Thomas Edison," and PBS included Ray as one of 16 "revolutionaries who made America," along with other inventors of the past two centuries. As one of the leading inventors of our time, Ray was the principal developer of the first CCD flat-bed scanner, the first omni-font optical character recognition, the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind, the first text-to-speech synthesizer, the first music synthesizer capable of recreating the grand piano and other orchestral instruments, and the first commercially marketed large-vocabulary speech recognition. Ray's website Kurzweil has over one million readers. He has received nineteen honorary Doctorates and honors from three U.S. presidents. Ray has written four national best sellers.The Age of Spiritual Machines has been translated into 9 languages and was the #1 best selling book on Amazon in science. Ray's latest book,The Singularity is Near, was a NewYork Times best seller, and, and has been the #1 book on Amazon in both science and philosophy. Key Question: • What will we see in the next 10-20 years? References: • •,9171,2048299,00.html Insights: • What we see today is the democratization of innovation fueled by the exponential growth of technology • Siri computers are the beginning of computers understanding human language - humans will eventually come to recognize computers as humans as they appear more human-like; in the next 20 years computers will have consciousness • There will be significant advances in medicine as nanobots (already in production) will be able to live in our bloodstream and help to regulate and improve our health (prediction 2045 is the year man becomes immortal • There will be dangers in biotechnology when used against us (bio-terrorism) - we have the power to regulate • The cloud will continue to grow and the debate over whether technology is good for us may continue; but we should accept it as part of our evolution. To not integrate with technology would be rejecting enhancements to our knowledge and advancement - we do however, have the power to balance our analog with digital lives
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  • 42. Al Gore Interview Sean Parker Led By: Al Gore, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Kaufman Sean Parker, Co-founder, Napster, Airtime “FormerVice President of the US and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Al Gore (also chairman of Current TV, on Apple's board, advisor to Google, senior partner at A-listVC firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, co-head of Generation Investment Management, spending most of his time on the Climate Reality Project.), interviews co- founder of Napster, Plaxo, Causes and Airtime and founding president of Facebook. It’s the early days of using social media to activate people in politics, but Al Gore says democracy can be saved - if we people get empowered online.” Key Question: • "The Internet is the most fantastic tool ever brought into being to make things right and to fix our democracy,.. we can use it. It is going to happen. But how long? It depends on whether [you] feel passionate about it and get involved." References: • • Insights: • Our democracy has been hacked - it not longer works to serve the best interests of the people • We should be proud of the mass Internet activism that derailed the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), Still, there’s a huge amount of work to be done if Americans want to keep special interests from perpetually forcing their agendas down society's throat. • unlike television, which is push media, the Internet "creates a public space for conversation, [and] like the printing press, has low entry barriers. It's easy to find any information you want...and easy to contribute your own ideas." • unlike television, which is push media, the Internet "creates a public space for conversation, [and] like the printing press, has low entry barriers. It's easy to find any information you want...and easy to contribute your own ideas."
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  • 44. Thanks. See you down there next year.