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Digital Storytelling- The Art of
Interaction and Story
21h of June 2016
 Bring you will have an appreciation of how
story and narrative work
 Understand your digital identity.
 Understand the concept of story-doing
 Understand what keeps a brand narrative
working in small fragments
By the end you will
In the last 24 months this has
• Smartphone penetration is now at 78%(UK).
• Mobile and Tablet is the preferred way for new
customers to find out about new
• People can begin a journey with you from
• Smart phones are the hub of people’s lives. They
want stories they can interract with because they
are at the centre.
 Owned Media, Bought Media, and Earned Media
 Think of Smartphones as your BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV
– a device that you can distribute content on.
 There is great value in what is shared. Facebook
and Twitter don’t make you pay for it.
Smartphones & Sharing
 I wanted to see how
I had changed
because of my use
of smartphones, and
the best way to do
that was to go back
just 7 years.
The golden age of mobile phones
Side Effects of Social
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 Less able to remember information as we crowd
source answers from friends and Google.
 We are less able to concentrate if we know we
have a message on our phones.
 Often what we think of as multi-tasking is in fact
just task switching.
 Distraction is hindering our ability to process
memories and store them long term. (Long term
effect unknown)
 (Don’t worry this has happened before)
Some side effects
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This happened in the last week!
Facebook’s results – now over a billion daily active users, 78% of
ad revenue from mobile
Facebook’s now generating 8bn video views a day (it’s doubled
since April)
BBC launches a paid download store for recent and old shows (UK
Amazon opens a physical store in the US
‘The emptiest vessel makes the loudest noise when banged.’ African
Timeline Attention Span
• Which Social Network has the
longest attention span half-life?
c)Direct Links via Messenger
Timeline Attention Spans
Digital Stories
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We tend to live in the
distracted present, where the
forces of the periphery are
magnified and those of in front
of us ignored. Our ability to
create, plan, much less follow
through on, is undermined by
our need to be able to
improvise our way through any
number of infernal impacts
that stand to derail us at any
Douglas Rushkoff
Present Shock
Narrative Collapse
There is no society doesn’t tell
Storytelling is how we transmit
value, it has a cultural use.
It creates context. It is
comforting and orienting. It
helps smooth out obstacles
and impediments by recasting
them as bumps along the road
to some better place.
How do we tell stories and
convey values without the time
required to tell a linear story?
 Create a character
 Put them in danger
 Heighten tension unbearably
 Release tension (with a product).
Traditional Narrative Technique
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This misuse of Narrative
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Douglas Rushkoff
- 'You don't click the remote to
change channels because you
are bored, but because you
are mad. Someone you don't
trust is attempting to make you
What makes you change TV
The @PCDavidrathband Data Story
Each country has a moment when these change
becomes visible.
Raoul Moat & Gazza
Public and Private are blurred in Social Media.
 DAVID: @davidRathband. 3016 Tweets. 319
Following. 11042 Followers. Sad to announce
Mrs R has called time on our marriage.
Separation permanent.
 KATH: @KathRathband. 2754 Tweets. 605
Following. 1228 followers. Slight inaccuracy in
the tweet by @pcdavidrathband – He left us
and refuses to come home. #TheTruthWillOut
We all leave Vapor Trails of data.
Personal Data
Fitbit, Garmin, and Nike—say they don't sell personally identifiable
information collected from fitness devices. But privacy advocates warn that
the policies of these firms could allow them to sell data, if they ever choose
to do so.
Most data companies see people like this. They are
interested in great and profitable migrations of wallets.
They only really see computers – they don’t see the people
Early Online Identity
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Did celebrities teach us how to use Social Media?
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Social Media is only really 5 years old
is it any wonder….
This is #Megastar
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 We are all changing.
 With our new
knowledge of Social
networking, comes
a desire to
understand the
value of the types of
our new social
 How much can we
trust these
 How much do we
trust the people
within our networks
 Also how much do
we trust our
The Art of Asking
 Everyone has at least two identities.
 We have a work identity and and home one.
 When it comes to our own digital brand it is
helpful to try and bring these persona’s
What is your personal brand
 Write down the roles that you have in your life.
 Father, brother, entrepreneur, writer, sometimes
a teacher.
 Choose at least 6.
 What excites you about each of these roles?
 Come up with a 8 word sentence to describe
 e.g – 101 Dalmatians - Spotted puppies avoid
futures as fur coat components.
 Look at your roles.
 Look at your partners, potential customers,
 Look at what their job is . Define it.
 What are their biggest problems.
 What are they trying to do?
 How can you help them as individuals?
 How can you make their pains go away, how
can you help them grow?
Pains and Gains.
In social media the aesthetic of form is
the fragment
 Bandwidth – Data Costs on Phones
 It is profitable – Page Impressions
 Too much risk for 7 seconds.
Why Fragments
Small Fragments
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Tiny Fragments
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Teeny Weenie Fragments
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Best Practice – Content Length
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Have we been here before?
 Fragments are often de-
contextualised. You don’t
know what came before of
 You have to build context
– You have to create a
sense of satisfaction in
non narrative means.
 How do you rebuild
context and narrative?
 You provide the trust &
Authenticity by sharing.
Fragments & Authenticity
 You need less contracts.
 Important when you can’t monitor your
employees work.
 Trust is especially needed in the creative
 Litigation Is less frequent.
 Less resources to protecting yourself. Tax,
Insurance, bribes or private security.
 Low trust discourages innovation. More time to
dealing with bad employees, partners etc
Trust is the Glue of Stories in
Social Media.
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 (Arrow 1972) – Economic actions that require
some agents to rely on the future action of
others are accomplished at lower costs in
higher trust environments.
 “Virtually every commercial transaction has
within itself an element of trust, certainly every
transaction conducted over a period of time.”
 Much economic backwardness in the world can
be explained by the lack of mutual confidence.
What trust makes possible.
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Biographical Timelines
12 2
29 38 39
Metaphorical Image
 Fill in the time line completely. (25mins)
 Once you have finished. Choose one of the
metaphorical images and use it as the title
for a 5 minute piece of automatic writing.
 You are not allowed to let your hand stop
moving during these 3 minutes.
 Write about a project you are interested in
 How you put the fragments back together.
 Instagram page
 Facebook friends day.
 Snapchat Stories
Social Media Storytelling is….
 You have a story.
 The story defines an ambition beyond commercial
 Your story defines a clear enemy.
 Doing
 The story is being used to drive action throughout
the company.(e.g a play at the beginning of the
 You have defined a few iconic, transformative
actions to focus on.
 People outside the company are engaging with and
participating in the story.
 Persiscope
 Facbook Live
 People take their phones everywhere. Us e
Story Doing is a live thing
Periscope – Live Video
Emirates in Lisbon
The Best Digital Storytelling
Stories for Fundraising
Taking control of the fragments
 The sip pitch. – It is the pitch you can do
whilst someone is taking a sip of their drink.
 A sip pitch is always the answer to the
question about what you do. Or what your
project is.
 So what do you do......
 Oh me? I ……….
 It it a good sip pitch it will be intriguing
enough to illicit another question.
The Love Story!
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Social media
Conversations that failed. -
Starbucks #Fail
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 #RaceTogether failed because of
 (1) poor brand alignment,
 (2) authenticity deficit
 (3) poor reaction.
Starbucks #Fail
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What do you have that you can
make stories with?
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New Data tools
 Twitter is the most open with Data
 In groups of three investigate the following tools and be prepared to report
back to the group about what they do and why they might be valuable.
 Group 1. -
 Group 2. -
 Group 3.
 Group 4
 Group 5
 How could these tools help in the launch of Coffee Club?
The Amazing CLOZE
The Amazing Canva
Data and Creativity
An Introduction
Aims of today are…
1. To understand the relationship between data and
creativity in modern digital advertising.
2. To understand different types of data and how it is
used in digital advertising.
3. Show some megatrends.
4. Understand the differences of earned, owned and
bought media.
5. To understand models of video distribution
5. Case Study Time
The biggest issues in Digital
Advertising at the moment.
Fork in the road
One way to look Media Agencies as
Google re-sellers.
Personal Data
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Fitbit, Garmin, and Nike—say they don't sell personally identifiable
information collected from fitness devices. But privacy advocates warn that
the policies of these firms could allow them to sell data, if they ever choose
to do so.
We all leave Vapour Trails of data.
To make sure your ad gets to the right person.
To measure how engaging the ad was.
To try and re-target you to buy stuff.
To try and find more of you.
To optimIn digital advertising, data is used
in three basic ways.
ise campaigns in real time.
Think of engagement data as the chemical
reaction between the viewer, the viewability of
the ad, the offer, and how busy that person was
at the time.
Think of audience data like this.
Re-targeting works like this
Finding more of you works like this.
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Ways that your data is used in
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How does it all work?
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An example of how data is used.
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The chance of an Web user clicking on an ad and
going straight to the purchase page is about as
likely as a pedestrian hailing a taxi and asking the
driver to take him or her directly to the place
advertised on the side of the cab – VERY SMALL.
It is more likely the user will make
a note and visit later. Online,
you can measure exactly this:
the branding effect.
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User Sees a banner, remembers it,
Adserver sets a cookie set in
internet browser
Goes to site within 90
days and buys
User Gets another
cookie set in
Cookie sent back
To adserver / agency
Post Click and Post View
 What happens when you clear your cookies?
 Have you assessed how visible you are?
 Here’s how free and easy Twitter is with
 Followerwonk
Privacy - What do you do?
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Privacy & Social Media
 You lose your rights to the content that you post.
There is no choice, or nothing could be shared.
 Twitter is not liable for anything that is shared.
 Social Media also use Cookie Data. To try and
make advertising effective. Twitter scan
conversations for key-words, as does FB.
 Use of data in marketing is quite benign.
 To find which creative is working.
 To find which sites worked.
 To find which times worked best.
 Optimise campaigns in real time.
 To stop wasted money.
 The internet is an ever expanding canvass – there is little
Real-time Optimisation.
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 Owned Media, Bought Media, and Earned Media
 Think of Smartphones as your BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV
– a device that you can distribute content on.
 There is great value in what is shared. Facebook
and Twitter don’t make you pay for it.
Smartphones & Sharing
The stock Exchange & Real Time
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Here are the main providers of
data in digital marketing
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Types of Targeting
When using an ad server
Operating System
IP address
Frequency Capping
Internet Service Provider
Key-word and key value
Optimisation Engines
Contextual/behavioural combined
Surround sessions
Audience Segmentation
Tastes and interests
Why use so much data?
People are responding less and
less to ads.
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Why is data used? - #1
Why is data used? #2
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Tech is seen as the solution. Is it?
Ad Blindness
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Data is often used very crudely.
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 Interactivity – Click Here!
 Measurability – especially ROI calculations
 Targetability - Like never before.
 Flexibility – defining trait.
What defines Digital Marketing
from other forms of advertising?
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The birth of interactivity
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Your logo here
Douglas Rushkoff
- 'You don't click the remote to
change channels because you
are bored, but because you
are mad. Someone you don't
trust is attempting to make you
What makes you change channels?
Old broadcast model is broken
The consumer is in control; interruption just doesn't
work any more.
Brands that are not relevant will be ignored.
Brands need to create situations where people seek to
spend time with them.
Keywords: explore, learn, share, question and play.
Agencies create this time’.
By the end of 2007, the forecast is that 50% of all
media consumed shall be digital
Marketing 10 years ago – What is still true?
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 The consumer is no longer captive – they
are a constantly moving target. Escape from
ads is easy.
 Hence the use of data. With second
screening, linear narrative structure is
completely changed.
 Is narrative is more like a computer game.
What’s different? Smartphones.
Your logo here
In the last 24 months this has happened.
• Smartphone penetration is now at 75%.
• Mobile and Tablet is the preferred way for new customers to
find out about new brands.
• People can begin a journey with you from anywhere.
• They are an accessible way to distribution tools for your ideas
and content.
• Smarthpones are Newspapers where people curate their own
• Facebook and Twitter Own this space. 86% of our time mobile
time is spent via apps and not mobile web.
 If the ad before the video content was 6
seconds people watched the content.
 If it was 7 seconds people didn’t take a risk
on the content.
 They didn’t take the risk of bad content.
Fragments & Youtube Rule
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One of these models is very profitable for media agencies, one
 Goldsmiths Video Fragment
A small video advertising Case
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How it was seeded
Top Level Results
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Levels of Engagement
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London Rib Voyages
 Video engagement can mean a hundred
different things: watching the ad, watching
part of it, starting the ad, clicking on the ad,
finishing the ad,
 Read more:
Video Engagement
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 Email:
 Twitter: @goldenanorak
 Instagram: @goldenanorak
 Message Me.
Christopher Hogg

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ENCATC Digital Storytelling Masterclass

  • 1. Digital Storytelling- The Art of Interaction and Story ENCATC 21h of June 2016 London
  • 2.  Bring you will have an appreciation of how story and narrative work  Understand your digital identity.  Understand the concept of story-doing  Understand what keeps a brand narrative working in small fragments By the end you will
  • 3. In the last 24 months this has happened. • Smartphone penetration is now at 78%(UK). • Mobile and Tablet is the preferred way for new customers to find out about new brands/Events/Ideas. • People can begin a journey with you from anywhere. • Smart phones are the hub of people’s lives. They want stories they can interract with because they are at the centre.
  • 4.  Owned Media, Bought Media, and Earned Media  Think of Smartphones as your BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV – a device that you can distribute content on.  There is great value in what is shared. Facebook and Twitter don’t make you pay for it. Smartphones & Sharing
  • 5.  I wanted to see how I had changed because of my use of smartphones, and the best way to do that was to go back just 7 years. The golden age of mobile phones
  • 6. Side Effects of Social Your logo here
  • 7.  Less able to remember information as we crowd source answers from friends and Google.  We are less able to concentrate if we know we have a message on our phones.  Often what we think of as multi-tasking is in fact just task switching.  Distraction is hindering our ability to process memories and store them long term. (Long term effect unknown)  (Don’t worry this has happened before) Some side effects Your logo here
  • 8. This happened in the last week! Facebook’s results – now over a billion daily active users, 78% of ad revenue from mobile Facebook’s now generating 8bn video views a day (it’s doubled since April) BBC launches a paid download store for recent and old shows (UK only Amazon opens a physical store in the US ever-bookstore-in-seattle/
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. ‘The emptiest vessel makes the loudest noise when banged.’ African Proverb.
  • 12. Timeline Attention Span • Which Social Network has the longest attention span half-life? a)Facebook b)Twitter c)Direct Links via Messenger d)Youtube
  • 15. Your logo here We tend to live in the distracted present, where the forces of the periphery are magnified and those of in front of us ignored. Our ability to create, plan, much less follow through on, is undermined by our need to be able to improvise our way through any number of infernal impacts that stand to derail us at any moment. Douglas Rushkoff Present Shock
  • 16. Narrative Collapse There is no society doesn’t tell stories. Storytelling is how we transmit value, it has a cultural use. It creates context. It is comforting and orienting. It helps smooth out obstacles and impediments by recasting them as bumps along the road to some better place. But How do we tell stories and convey values without the time required to tell a linear story?
  • 17.  Create a character  Put them in danger  Heighten tension unbearably  Release tension (with a product). Traditional Narrative Technique Your logo here
  • 18. This misuse of Narrative Your logo here
  • 19. Your logo here Douglas Rushkoff - 'You don't click the remote to change channels because you are bored, but because you are mad. Someone you don't trust is attempting to make you anxious.' What makes you change TV channels?
  • 21. Each country has a moment when these change becomes visible.
  • 22. Raoul Moat & Gazza
  • 23. Public and Private are blurred in Social Media.  DAVID: @davidRathband. 3016 Tweets. 319 Following. 11042 Followers. Sad to announce Mrs R has called time on our marriage. Separation permanent.  KATH: @KathRathband. 2754 Tweets. 605 Following. 1228 followers. Slight inaccuracy in the tweet by @pcdavidrathband – He left us and refuses to come home. #TheTruthWillOut
  • 24. We all leave Vapor Trails of data.
  • 25. Personal Data Fitbit, Garmin, and Nike—say they don't sell personally identifiable information collected from fitness devices. But privacy advocates warn that the policies of these firms could allow them to sell data, if they ever choose to do so.
  • 26. Most data companies see people like this. They are interested in great and profitable migrations of wallets. They only really see computers – they don’t see the people
  • 28. Your logo here Did celebrities teach us how to use Social Media?
  • 29. Your logo here Social Media is only really 5 years old is it any wonder….
  • 31.  We are all changing.  With our new knowledge of Social networking, comes a desire to understand the value of the types of our new social relationships.  How much can we trust these technologies?  How much do we trust the people within our networks  Also how much do we trust our governments.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. The Art of Asking
  • 36.
  • 37.  Everyone has at least two identities.  We have a work identity and and home one.  When it comes to our own digital brand it is helpful to try and bring these persona’s together. What is your personal brand
  • 38.  Write down the roles that you have in your life.  Father, brother, entrepreneur, writer, sometimes a teacher.  Choose at least 6.  What excites you about each of these roles?  Come up with a 8 word sentence to describe yourself.  e.g – 101 Dalmatians - Spotted puppies avoid futures as fur coat components. Exercise
  • 39.  Look at your roles.  Look at your partners, potential customers, stakeholders.  Look at what their job is . Define it.  What are their biggest problems.  What are they trying to do?  How can you help them as individuals?  How can you make their pains go away, how can you help them grow? Pains and Gains.
  • 40. In social media the aesthetic of form is the fragment
  • 41.  Bandwidth – Data Costs on Phones  It is profitable – Page Impressions  Too much risk for 7 seconds. Why Fragments
  • 45. Best Practice – Content Length Your logo here
  • 46. Have we been here before?
  • 47.  Fragments are often de- contextualised. You don’t know what came before of after.  You have to build context – You have to create a sense of satisfaction in non narrative means.  How do you rebuild context and narrative?  You provide the trust & Authenticity by sharing. Fragments & Authenticity
  • 48.  You need less contracts.  Important when you can’t monitor your employees work.  Trust is especially needed in the creative industries.  Litigation Is less frequent.  Less resources to protecting yourself. Tax, Insurance, bribes or private security.  Low trust discourages innovation. More time to dealing with bad employees, partners etc Trust is the Glue of Stories in Social Media. Your logo here
  • 49.  (Arrow 1972) – Economic actions that require some agents to rely on the future action of others are accomplished at lower costs in higher trust environments.  “Virtually every commercial transaction has within itself an element of trust, certainly every transaction conducted over a period of time.”  Much economic backwardness in the world can be explained by the lack of mutual confidence. What trust makes possible. Your logo here
  • 50. Biographical Timelines 12 2 4 29 38 39 Person Place Memory Metaphorical Image
  • 51. Exercise  Fill in the time line completely. (25mins)  Once you have finished. Choose one of the metaphorical images and use it as the title for a 5 minute piece of automatic writing.  You are not allowed to let your hand stop moving during these 3 minutes.  Write about a project you are interested in developing.
  • 52.  How you put the fragments back together.  Instagram page  Facebook friends day.  Snapchat Stories Social Media Storytelling is….
  • 53.  You have a story.  The story defines an ambition beyond commercial aspiration.  Your story defines a clear enemy.  Doing  The story is being used to drive action throughout the company.(e.g a play at the beginning of the year)  You have defined a few iconic, transformative actions to focus on.  People outside the company are engaging with and participating in the story. Storydoing
  • 54.  Persiscope  Facbook Live  People take their phones everywhere. Us e this. Story Doing is a live thing
  • 57. The Best Digital Storytelling   /2013/may/26/firestorm-bushfire-dunalley- holmes-family 
  • 59. Taking control of the fragments  The sip pitch. – It is the pitch you can do whilst someone is taking a sip of their drink.  A sip pitch is always the answer to the question about what you do. Or what your project is.  So what do you do......  Oh me? I ……….  It it a good sip pitch it will be intriguing enough to illicit another question.
  • 60. The Love Story! Your logo here Social media gives momentum Sip Pitch
  • 61.
  • 62. Conversations that failed. - Starbucks #Fail Your logo here
  • 63.  #RaceTogether failed because of  (1) poor brand alignment,  (2) authenticity deficit  (3) poor reaction. Starbucks #Fail Your logo here
  • 64. What do you have that you can make stories with?
  • 66. New Data tools  Twitter is the most open with Data   In groups of three investigate the following tools and be prepared to report back to the group about what they do and why they might be valuable.   Group 1. -   Group 2. -   Group 3.   Group 4   Group 5   How could these tools help in the launch of Coffee Club?
  • 69. Data and Creativity An Introduction
  • 70. Aims of today are… 1. To understand the relationship between data and creativity in modern digital advertising. 2. To understand different types of data and how it is used in digital advertising. 3. Show some megatrends. 4. Understand the differences of earned, owned and bought media. 5. To understand models of video distribution 5. Case Study Time
  • 71. The biggest issues in Digital Advertising at the moment.
  • 72. Fork in the road Data Creativity One way to look Media Agencies as Google re-sellers.
  • 73. Personal Data Your logo here Fitbit, Garmin, and Nike—say they don't sell personally identifiable information collected from fitness devices. But privacy advocates warn that the policies of these firms could allow them to sell data, if they ever choose to do so.
  • 74. We all leave Vapour Trails of data.
  • 75. To make sure your ad gets to the right person. To measure how engaging the ad was. To try and re-target you to buy stuff. To try and find more of you. To optimIn digital advertising, data is used in three basic ways. ise campaigns in real time.
  • 76. Think of engagement data as the chemical reaction between the viewer, the viewability of the ad, the offer, and how busy that person was at the time.
  • 77. Think of audience data like this.
  • 79. Finding more of you works like this. Your logo here
  • 80. Ways that your data is used in marketing. Your logo here
  • 81. How does it all work?
  • 83. An example of how data is used. Your logo here The chance of an Web user clicking on an ad and going straight to the purchase page is about as likely as a pedestrian hailing a taxi and asking the driver to take him or her directly to the place advertised on the side of the cab – VERY SMALL. It is more likely the user will make a note and visit later. Online, you can measure exactly this: the branding effect.
  • 84. Your logo here User Sees a banner, remembers it, but DOES NOT CLICK Adserver sets a cookie set in internet browser Goes to site within 90 days and buys something User Gets another cookie set in browser Cookie sent back To adserver / agency Events Correlated Post Click and Post View
  • 85.  What happens when you clear your cookies?  Have you assessed how visible you are?  Here’s how free and easy Twitter is with Data.  Followerwonk Privacy - What do you do? Your logo here
  • 86. Privacy & Social Media  You lose your rights to the content that you post. There is no choice, or nothing could be shared.  Twitter is not liable for anything that is shared.  Social Media also use Cookie Data. To try and make advertising effective. Twitter scan conversations for key-words, as does FB.  Use of data in marketing is quite benign.
  • 87.  To find which creative is working.  To find which sites worked.  To find which times worked best.  Optimise campaigns in real time.  To stop wasted money.  The internet is an ever expanding canvass – there is little choice. Real-time Optimisation. Your logo here
  • 88.  Owned Media, Bought Media, and Earned Media  Think of Smartphones as your BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV – a device that you can distribute content on.  There is great value in what is shared. Facebook and Twitter don’t make you pay for it. Smartphones & Sharing
  • 89. The stock Exchange & Real Time Bidding Your logo here
  • 90. Here are the main providers of data in digital marketing Your logo here
  • 91. Types of Targeting When using an ad server Site Date Time Browser Connection Speed Operating System IP address Frequency Capping Internet Service Provider Geo-IP Key-word and key value Cookie-targeting Re-targeting Optimisation Engines S T A N D A R D Contextual/behavioural combined R E T A R G E T I N G Surround sessions Contextual I N T E N T I O N A L Audience Segmentation Tastes and interests
  • 92. Why use so much data?
  • 93.
  • 94. People are responding less and less to ads. Your logo here
  • 95. Why is data used? - #1
  • 96. Why is data used? #2
  • 97. Your logo here Tech is seen as the solution. Is it?
  • 99. Data is often used very crudely.
  • 101.  Interactivity – Click Here!  Measurability – especially ROI calculations  Targetability - Like never before.  Flexibility – defining trait. What defines Digital Marketing from other forms of advertising? Your logo here
  • 102. The birth of interactivity Your logo here
  • 103. Your logo here Douglas Rushkoff - 'You don't click the remote to change channels because you are bored, but because you are mad. Someone you don't trust is attempting to make you anxious.' What makes you change channels?
  • 104. Old broadcast model is broken The consumer is in control; interruption just doesn't work any more. Brands that are not relevant will be ignored. Brands need to create situations where people seek to spend time with them. Keywords: explore, learn, share, question and play. Agencies create this time’. By the end of 2007, the forecast is that 50% of all media consumed shall be digital Marketing 10 years ago – What is still true? Your logo here
  • 105.  The consumer is no longer captive – they are a constantly moving target. Escape from ads is easy.  Hence the use of data. With second screening, linear narrative structure is completely changed.  Is narrative is more like a computer game. What’s different? Smartphones. Your logo here
  • 106. In the last 24 months this has happened. • Smartphone penetration is now at 75%. • Mobile and Tablet is the preferred way for new customers to find out about new brands. • People can begin a journey with you from anywhere. • They are an accessible way to distribution tools for your ideas and content. • Smarthpones are Newspapers where people curate their own news. • Facebook and Twitter Own this space. 86% of our time mobile time is spent via apps and not mobile web.
  • 107.  If the ad before the video content was 6 seconds people watched the content.  If it was 7 seconds people didn’t take a risk on the content.  They didn’t take the risk of bad content. Fragments & Youtube Rule Your logo here
  • 108. One of these models is very profitable for media agencies, one isn’t.
  • 109.  Goldsmiths Video Fragment A small video advertising Case Study Your logo here
  • 110. How it was seeded
  • 114.  Video engagement can mean a hundred different things: watching the ad, watching part of it, starting the ad, clicking on the ad, finishing the ad,  Read more: to-measure-engagement-for-online- video#ixzz3rp7G3RaV Video Engagement Your logo here
  • 115.  Email:  Twitter: @goldenanorak  Instagram: @goldenanorak  Message Me. Christopher Hogg

Editor's Notes

  1. What’s your story? Describe yourself in 6 words or less.
  2. Everything is connected. The Pixar Theory that all of the Pixar movies actually exist within the same universe. - demo of connections Everything is connected So how do you start taking back the power of your brand in order to tell your brand story? You start by looking for patterns and realising that everything is connected. Everything you are, everything you do and everything you say.
  3. All the world’s a stage Session 1: Who am I? 15 minutes Most of us (and this applies to businesses as well) are trying to manage at least two personalities. Who we are in our professional context and who are we in our social context? There is only one version of you. The more you fight to keep them separate the more fragmented you become, the more energy you use and the less time you spend being who you are really meant to be. We tend to wear masks. There are lots of different psychological and sociological theories about why masking but I’m quite interested in the concept of Dramaturgy, the theory that we wear different character and or social masks depending on the audience, situation, and or view of the theatre of life that we are currently performing in. But is that authentic and what does that do to the story we are trying to tell about ourselves and our personal brands? Do we push out narratives rather than have or be open to have dialogue and real connections? Now I’m going to ask you to strip that back and hold a mirror up to yourselves for a moment. Look at the person behind those different masks and see what patterns see and can you make any connections? What character, identity or masks do we wear? What excites us but those different masks or identities? I’d like you to take 8 pieces of paper and on the top of each write down what role you currently play (personally or professionally) e.g. Mother, Daughter, Entrepreneur….(2 mins) When you have written all 8, go back to the first piece of paper and now write underneath, what excites you about that role. Now I want you to rank those pieces of paper in order of importance to you where you are now in your life/ career. Don’t worry the order can change but this is about you in the NOW. Now looking at your top 3, find a partner and have a short discussion about each of those roles and there reason they excite you. Ask for some to share with the group and reflect on any personal revelations/ surprises.