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SurveY report
The benefiTs of video and daTa conferencing sysTems To reduce cosTs,
save Time and minimise business TraveL

This is Business ProducTiviTy
2   ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
In Summer 2011, Steljes Limited conducted          Strengthened by, and with greater insight           of collaboration research and development to
research into the use and benefits of video        offered from, the previous surveys, this third      a broad range of easy-to-use, integrated
and data conferencing systems to reduce            survey indicates that there is an overall           solutions that free people from their desks
travel, save time, cut the costs currently spent   interest in using video and data conferencing       and computer screens, so collaborating with
by organisations and in turn offer the             systems. There is also an understanding of          digital resources is more natural.
advantages such as increased efficiency,           the benefits that the systems can offer, yet a
greater productivity and overall profit gain for   discrepancy is suggested between the                Software from SMART Technologies such as
many businesses.                                   perceived initial expense and long-term cost        SMART Bridgit™ and SMART Meeting Pro™
                                                   savings and productivity gains. Concerns            Premium software lets you easily connect
Over 160 business decision makers at small         about technological blips and functional            SMART Board™ interactive whiteboards or
to medium sized companies completed a              issues are stressed; an area that needs to be       displays to each other or to remote
twelve question survey on this topic - this        addressed further by the video conferencing         computers, whether they’re in the same
survey report is based on the findings.            industry in order to tackle any issues.             room or around the world. Teams can write
                                                                                                       and share digital notes, review and edit
Aiming to explore and examine the current          Steljes is the leading distributor for innovative   documents, and interact directly with other
use of video conferencing technology, the          technologies that improve the way we live,          meeting participants using connected
report searches for what are considered to be      learn and work and provides a range of              laptops or SMART Board interactive
the technology’s key benefits from the             solutions that can drive through greater            whiteboards. Not only can you and other
opinions of organisations who are and aren’t       productivity and cost efficiency in a range of      participants share a desktop, but you can all
already using it. The survey endeavours to         business areas. Steljes is an authorised            write over the same documents and
uncover the barriers preventing organisations      distributor for Aver Information and SMART          applications simultaneously.
from harnessing such useful and cost               Technologies.
efficient tools, in order to squeeze out any                                                           We would like to thank everyone that has
preconceived beliefs or perceptions.               AVer Information Inc. is a major global             participated and we hope that by using this
                                                   provider of presentation solutions, including       survey report you can now benchmark your
Seeking to reveal fundamental issues in this       the AVerComm HD video conferencing                  own use of video and data conferencing
area, the full findings look at the opinions       system. AVer prides itself on developing            technologies and consider adopting new
held in association with using video               cutting-edge products that provide                  innovative technologies to improve
conferencing technology; from scepticism           innovative, efficient and easy-to-use solutions     productivity and efficiency across your
regarding behaviour change – indicative of         that incorporate the latest technologies and        organisation.
business as usual and a fear of adoption           exceed the basic needs, requirements and
being at the forefront of minds here, to           expectations of their customers.                    MeThodology
whether organisations are receiving enough                                                             This survey is published by Steljes Limited.
information on the benefits of new video and       AVerComm video conferencing offers                  There were more than 160 respondents to
data conferencing technology.                      point-to-point and multi-point systems that         the survey, which took the form of an online
                                                   are cost-effective, user friendly and               questionnaire. Information about the
inTroducTion                                       interoperable with industry standard                questionnaire, including the link, was
This is the third survey that has been             telephony and video conferencing systems.           emailed to a list of pre-targeted senior
conducted by Steljes this year, with the           With features including content sharing, dual       business decision makers at small to medium
previous two demonstrating the path that           screen mode, recording and snapshot* the            sized companies with up to 500 employees
many businesses are on when considering            solution is suitable for your every day and         across multiple industry verticals. The
productivity, cost savings, time efficiency and    advanced video conferencing needs.                  incentive for taking part was access to a
new communication strategies in relation to                                                            complimentary copy of this report and the
harnessing collaborative technological             As the global leader in interactive                 opportunity to be entered into a free prize
advancements.                                      whiteboards, and touch devices SMART                draw.
                                                   Technologies brings more than two decades

* Dependent on model purchased                                            ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT                       3
1. Do you have video conferencing in your organisation?

                                                             Don’t know

                                                       No                       Yes
                                                      57%                       42%

Figure 1

With less than half the survey respondents currently owning video conferencing within their organisation, this leaves almost 60% who either
do not, or don’t know whether they have this type of system within their organisation for use. This demonstrates that there are currently a
significant number of organisations that are potentially missing out on a form of progressive communication tools that could provide solutions
to some of their most frequent cost and efficiency scenarios.

2. If no, would you consider using video conferencing in your organisation?


Figure 2

A substantial number, 80.8%, of those who do not have access to a video conferencing system, would use video conferencing if it was available
within their organisation. This indicates that there is a strong demand for this type of technology and demonstrates a gap in the market for the
industry to acknowledge and address further.

4           ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
3. If you already use video conferencing, are you satisfied with your current system?




Figure 3
The fact that nearly 80% of respondents who use video conferencing are satisfied with their current system signifies the overarching benefits
that it can bring. For the fifth of respondents who aren’t satisfied with their current video conferencing system, this suggests that perhaps more
information or training could be given on how to make the most of the advantages their system has to offer or that the type of system they are
currently using does not suit them completely.

4. Would you use video conferencing as a way to meet face-to-face without the need to travel?



Figure 4

With face-to-face meetings upheld as an ideal way to communicate in order to build social rapport and develop business relationships – as
highlighted in our previous surveys, nearly 90% of respondents believe using a video conferencing system would allow them to effectively meet
as if they are face-to-face without needing to travel. This in turn avoids the complications and cost of travel, meanwhile providing more
opportunity to restore or strengthen enduring business relationships in as natural a way as possible. It can be argued that a certain flow and
rapport is facilitated through a face-to-face video conference, providing a more genuine social interaction environment without the cost
output, which other remote conferencing technologies struggle to offer.

Combining a video conferencing system with data conferencing can further enhance collaborative work sessions with local or remote
colleagues by allowing them to visually collaborate on digital media, not only seeing each other but also sharing screens, annotating and
interacting with each other’s documents – regardless of location. This technology moves users from the more traditional passive and broadcast
conferencing to interactive and collaborative video and data conferencing sessions that provide a rich experience and more natural way of
working for the user.

                                                                                        ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT      5
5. Would you use video conferencing in the following scenarios?


Figure 5

Nearly 40% of respondents would use video conferencing to allow them to meet with external suppliers, partners and customers. This was
closely followed by using video conferencing to both facilitate meetings that bring people together across multiple locations and supporting
meetings with internal colleagues regardless of location. This builds upon the notion that the face-to-face communication enabled by video
conferencing provides greater opportunity for strengthening external relationships, in particular with customers and clients where a stronger
social bond can also result in a more profitable business relationship. It also demonstrates the need for a conferencing solution that is simple,
intuitive and easy for third parties to adopt with minimal training and allows them to interact in a natural way. Where third parties may have
other systems and solutions interoperability and ease of use are significant issues to resolve when using the technology in this way. It also shows
that video conferencing is seen as a means of improving external relationships as well as improving internal communications.

6           ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
6. What are your perceptions of current video conferencing system offerings? What are the issues?



  Figure 6a

  When all survey respondents were asked to consider the issues they perceive to be associated with video conferencing systems their main
  concern was initial expense. This may reflect perceptions or experience of purchasing more traditional video conferencing systems. While cost
  is an understandable and important consideration, the benefits of a video conferencing system e.g. reduced travel costs, increased
  communication efficiency and overall business productivity can later over-ride the initial expense - this is highlighted further in other responses
  in this survey, as well as in our previous surveys. Other key issues highlighted include behaviour change – whereby people become stuck in old
  and familiar ways that they’re comfortable with and they can’t be encouraged to use the new technology. This suggests that adoption is likely
  to be correlated closely to the ease of use and solutions that provide a natural way of working. It also highlights the importance of training as
  part of any new technology adoption. The worry of poor quality video and audio was another concern – perhaps a memory of some past
  technologies that caused frustration; and bandwidth issues. Grainy video and poor quality audio reduces the user experience and prohibits
  wider adoption.

  Interoperability between systems remains a key issue. In order to adopt technology you need to be able to use it every time you need it,
  particularly with third party organisations using different systems and potentially different networks. This is being addressed by the industry and
  with further consolidation of standards and networks should improve the ability to use the technology, reduce current frustrations and improve
  adoption for organisations.
                                                                                                          ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT                             7
7. Those who responded to Yes to Q1 i.e. they have video conferencing in their organisation.

       What are your perceptions of current video conferencing system offerings? What are the issues?



 Figure 6b
 Of those who currently possess a video conferencing system in their organisation, incompatibility between different video conferencing systems
 presents itself as the main perceived problem, followed closely by bandwidth issues. Such issues and perceptions can be dealt with, yet this is
 reliant upon initial clear information and instruction by the industry providing these tools and systems, as well as a constant support service.

 The AVerComm HD Video Conferencing system addresses these issues offering compatibility with industry standard telephony and video
 conferencing systems. More often what is required to gain a better experience and connectivity is a refresh of the technology to more modern
 systems that offer this functionality.

 8. Those who responded to No to Q1 i.e. they do not have video conferencing in their organisation (57%)
    or don’t know if they have video conferencing (1%).

       What are your perceptions of current video conferencing system offerings? What are the issues?



 Figure 6c

 8                ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
Those respondents who don’t own a video conferencing system in their organisation, perceive the initial purchase expense as a main issue of
concern. While this is an understandable and important consideration, it may be more from a perception of the historical costs of such systems
and telepresence rooms. Equally, the consumerisation of desktop video conferencing through low cost solutions like Skype leads to a
perception that video conferencing systems should be inexpensive. We must remember that these types of solution deliver relatively poor
quality experiences which are only suitable for one-to-one desktop video rather than video on large format screens in meeting rooms. The
newer video conferencing systems are much lower in cost, easier to use and deliver a high quality experience for meeting room solutions. The
industry needs to work harder at helping to educate people currently without video conferencing in their organisation on the value, benefits
and return on investment offered by the new wave of systems available on the market today.

The benefits of such systems e.g. reduced travel costs, increased communication efficiency and overall business productivity can easily over-ride
the initial expense - this is highlighted further in other responses in this survey, as well as in our previous surveys.

                                                                       ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT                      9
9. If you have a video conferencing system would you be interested in trading in for a better solution?



Figure 7

Over half of those respondents surveyed who currently own a video conferencing system in their organisation would potentially consider trading
it in for a better solution – in turn, these respondents could address some of the issues that were highlighted earlier in the survey, such as poor
quality audio and video and incompatibility between different video and audio conferencing systems.

10          ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
10. Are there circumstances when you would want to record your video conference sessions?


Figure 8

Almost half of those surveyed stated that there are circumstances when they would like to record their video conference sessions. A reduction
in rushed note-taking is one clear advantage of making use of this system; real-time note-taking can disrupt a natural flow, impact
concentration and affect the ability to keep up with all the information being communicated if a meeting is progressing at a pace. Certain
points, ideas and key information that are so frequently missed can all be captured and revisited with a recording of a video conference session.
Body language, facial expression and voice tone can also be considered in more detail, allowing a potential analysis that could provide further
insight into the dynamics of the meeting and state of business relationship. This could be of particular importance when using the
communication tool for sales meetings. In certain professions, the need for an audit trail and compliance policies means that the recording
option is increasingly seen as a requirement of a video conferencing system.

In addition, when combined with data conferencing where you can capture the written and visual notes on digital media alongside the sound
and video means you can have a complete record simply and easily in digital format that can be reviewed again and again after the event.

11. In what situations do / would you use video conferencing?



Figure 9

Cost reduction is a clear benefit of using video conferencing, with survey respondents identifiying this as their top reason for making use of this
type of system. As well as helping to limit expenses, respondents also felt that the use of a video conferencing system would improve efficiency
by reducing wasted time spent travelling, which in itself can also incur great costs to an organisation. Sales meetings, building relationships and
internal communications were also selected by many of those surveyed as situations where video conferencing would prove beneficial. Again,
the face-to-face, real-time and efficiency element of the technology adds a different dimension to distance communication.

In order for organisations to build on these uses, video conferencing needs to come out of high end telepresence rooms and be more pervasive
in standard rooms so that employees can access the technology when they need to. New lower cost devices with improved compatbility allow
this to become an achievable reality.

                                                                                                                    ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT                                                  11
12. How much would you be prepared to pay for a video conference system?






Figure 10
Nearly 80% of all respondents would expect to pay £2,000 - £7,000 for a video conference system, indicating an overall understanding of the
value of this technology.

Over half of respondents would expect to pay £2,000 - £3,000 for a video conferencing system. This is significantly less than the cost of a
traditional room-based video conferencing system, especially when installation, warranty and other services are included.

There are now siginificant systems of high quality, such as the AverComm HD video conferencing system, that provide an entry point at half of
the cost the majority of our survey respondents would be prepared to pay for such systems. It is evident that the discrepancy in perception of an
acceptable cost for a video conferencing system and what constitutes expensive is comparing true video conferencing for use in meeting rooms
with desktop video conferencing through systems like Skype.

12          ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
13. What do you consider to be the benefits of video conferencing? (Rank in order of priority with 1 being
    the biggest benefit and 6 being of least benefit)








Fig.11a – Benefits ranked as number 1 (with 1 being the biggest benefit and 6 being of least benefit)
Reducing travel, saving time and lowering costs came out top as key business benefits of video conferencing according to those surveyed. With
food, energy and fuel prices soaring, increased efficiency, budgeting and a consideration of overall business yield are more important than ever
to organisations, as also expressed in our previous survey results – video conferencing can address and provide a solution to all of these issues.
Almost a fifth of those surveyed also felt that video conferencing improved collaboration, allowing for stronger relationships to be built in a
more natural manner due to the face-to-face factor. Sharing that joke at the end of call is always going to be much better if you can see the
other people smiling.

Even greater value can be achieved when video conferencing is combined with collaborative data conferencing using solutions like SMART
Bridgit conferencing software and SMART Board interactive whiteboards or displays. Combining the two technologies provides a powerful and
rich collaboration experience.








Fig.11b – Benefits ranked as number 6 (with 1 being the biggest benefit and 6 being of least benefit)
Although over half of respondents chose recording and archiving as their least beneficial consideration in association with using video
conferencing, this aspect of the technology does offer an opportunity to increase efficiency by extracting all that is communicated during what
can be fast-paced and jam-packed meetings. Recorded evidence can also potentially reduce any possible disputes over what was
communicated during a conference due to different interpretations of comments, struggles over decisions or perceived semantics.

                                                                                                     ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT                  13
14. Would you be interested in finding out more about video and data conferencing solutions from Steljes?






Figure 12

A high proportion of respondents requested a follow up meeting with Steljes, demonstrating a clear interest in incorporating video and data
conferencing systems into their communication/meeting strategies.

14          ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
The survey findings show a keen interest in         such as the fear that video conferencing             Video and data conferencing offers the
video conferencing technology, with 80.8%           could result in visual and audio problems or         opportunity to transcend time and space
of those who do not have access to a video          difficulties in fixing any difficulties that might   barriers, to reap competitive advantage over
conferencing system stating that they would         surface. This is where training and clear,           other organisations that are still filling their
use this technology if it was available within      concise information and support provided             expenses forms with pricey hotels and rising
their organisation. Certainly the Skype /           from the industry should be paramount, so            transport fares. With the kind of winter
FaceTime generation will demand video               as to dispel any preconceived concerns and           weather the UK was presented with over the
communications in their organisations in            allay any worries that prevent the moving            last 2 years, important meetings need not be
the future.                                         forward of productive business, through              cancelled if a carpet of snow or volcanic ash
                                                    harnessing creative and progressive                  cloud grinds the transport system to a halt
Unsurprisingly, a key concern highlighted in        communication solutions.                             again. This ever-more essential technology
the survey is behaviour change, with the issue                                                           presents innovative ways of working and
that it would be difficult to encourage people      With the main benefits of video conferencing         communicating in uncertain times,
to use a new communication tool. However,           stated in this survey as heightened                  meanwhile maintaining and building
the overwhelmingly positive response                productivity and efficiency, reduction in cost       upon the old and trusted benefits of a
highlighted above suggests that if the              and time wasted on travel, as well as                face-to-face conversation.
technology is there people are willing to give      improved collaboration, the issue of initial
it a try, especially if it is simple, easy to use   purchase expense only serves as a reminder           As with our previous surveys, the results
and interoperable with other video                  that people are aware of spending, but also          strongly demonstrate the need and desire for
conferencing systems that external partners,        keen on saving in the long-term. It also             organisations to harness new technologies
customers and suppliers may be using.               perhaps highlights that the consumerisation          that allow a form of communication that is as
                                                    of video conferencing is changing peoples            natural and flowing as possible, is reliable
Another issue that came out of this survey          perceptions in terms of what these solutions         and convenient, pushes the boundaries of
was the technological worries that are still        should actually cost and there is a greater          efficiency and productivity, meanwhile
faced perhaps owing to past experiences             need to educate people in the differences            keeping the bank account happy.
with dated and unreliable technologies;             between solutions.

                                                                            ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT                        15
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This is Business ProducTiviTy

© Copyright 2011 Steljes Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this brochure may be reproduced without prior permission. All trademarks and copyrights are herein acknowledged. SJ/44379.

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Steljes video and data conferencing survey report

  • 1. productive video and data conferencing SurveY report The benefiTs of video and daTa conferencing sysTems To reduce cosTs, save Time and minimise business TraveL This is Business ProducTiviTy
  • 2. 2 ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
  • 3. executive SummarY In Summer 2011, Steljes Limited conducted Strengthened by, and with greater insight of collaboration research and development to research into the use and benefits of video offered from, the previous surveys, this third a broad range of easy-to-use, integrated and data conferencing systems to reduce survey indicates that there is an overall solutions that free people from their desks travel, save time, cut the costs currently spent interest in using video and data conferencing and computer screens, so collaborating with by organisations and in turn offer the systems. There is also an understanding of digital resources is more natural. advantages such as increased efficiency, the benefits that the systems can offer, yet a greater productivity and overall profit gain for discrepancy is suggested between the Software from SMART Technologies such as many businesses. perceived initial expense and long-term cost SMART Bridgit™ and SMART Meeting Pro™ savings and productivity gains. Concerns Premium software lets you easily connect Over 160 business decision makers at small about technological blips and functional SMART Board™ interactive whiteboards or to medium sized companies completed a issues are stressed; an area that needs to be displays to each other or to remote twelve question survey on this topic - this addressed further by the video conferencing computers, whether they’re in the same survey report is based on the findings. industry in order to tackle any issues. room or around the world. Teams can write and share digital notes, review and edit Aiming to explore and examine the current Steljes is the leading distributor for innovative documents, and interact directly with other use of video conferencing technology, the technologies that improve the way we live, meeting participants using connected report searches for what are considered to be learn and work and provides a range of laptops or SMART Board interactive the technology’s key benefits from the solutions that can drive through greater whiteboards. Not only can you and other opinions of organisations who are and aren’t productivity and cost efficiency in a range of participants share a desktop, but you can all already using it. The survey endeavours to business areas. Steljes is an authorised write over the same documents and uncover the barriers preventing organisations distributor for Aver Information and SMART applications simultaneously. from harnessing such useful and cost Technologies. efficient tools, in order to squeeze out any We would like to thank everyone that has preconceived beliefs or perceptions. AVer Information Inc. is a major global participated and we hope that by using this provider of presentation solutions, including survey report you can now benchmark your Seeking to reveal fundamental issues in this the AVerComm HD video conferencing own use of video and data conferencing area, the full findings look at the opinions system. AVer prides itself on developing technologies and consider adopting new held in association with using video cutting-edge products that provide innovative technologies to improve conferencing technology; from scepticism innovative, efficient and easy-to-use solutions productivity and efficiency across your regarding behaviour change – indicative of that incorporate the latest technologies and organisation. business as usual and a fear of adoption exceed the basic needs, requirements and being at the forefront of minds here, to expectations of their customers. MeThodology whether organisations are receiving enough This survey is published by Steljes Limited. information on the benefits of new video and AVerComm video conferencing offers There were more than 160 respondents to data conferencing technology. point-to-point and multi-point systems that the survey, which took the form of an online are cost-effective, user friendly and questionnaire. Information about the inTroducTion interoperable with industry standard questionnaire, including the link, was This is the third survey that has been telephony and video conferencing systems. emailed to a list of pre-targeted senior conducted by Steljes this year, with the With features including content sharing, dual business decision makers at small to medium previous two demonstrating the path that screen mode, recording and snapshot* the sized companies with up to 500 employees many businesses are on when considering solution is suitable for your every day and across multiple industry verticals. The productivity, cost savings, time efficiency and advanced video conferencing needs. incentive for taking part was access to a new communication strategies in relation to complimentary copy of this report and the harnessing collaborative technological As the global leader in interactive opportunity to be entered into a free prize advancements. whiteboards, and touch devices SMART draw. Technologies brings more than two decades * Dependent on model purchased ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT 3
  • 4. analYSiS 1. Do you have video conferencing in your organisation? Don’t know 1% No Yes 57% 42% Figure 1 With less than half the survey respondents currently owning video conferencing within their organisation, this leaves almost 60% who either do not, or don’t know whether they have this type of system within their organisation for use. This demonstrates that there are currently a significant number of organisations that are potentially missing out on a form of progressive communication tools that could provide solutions to some of their most frequent cost and efficiency scenarios. 2. If no, would you consider using video conferencing in your organisation? 90   80.8   80   70   60   50   40   30   19.2   20   10   0   Yes   No   Figure 2 A substantial number, 80.8%, of those who do not have access to a video conferencing system, would use video conferencing if it was available within their organisation. This indicates that there is a strong demand for this type of technology and demonstrates a gap in the market for the industry to acknowledge and address further. 4 ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
  • 5. 3. If you already use video conferencing, are you satisfied with your current system? No   21.20%   Yes   78.80%   0.00%   10.00%   20.00%   30.00%   40.00%   50.00%   60.00%   70.00%   80.00%   90.00%   Figure 3 The fact that nearly 80% of respondents who use video conferencing are satisfied with their current system signifies the overarching benefits that it can bring. For the fifth of respondents who aren’t satisfied with their current video conferencing system, this suggests that perhaps more information or training could be given on how to make the most of the advantages their system has to offer or that the type of system they are currently using does not suit them completely. 4. Would you use video conferencing as a way to meet face-to-face without the need to travel? No   20%   Yes   80%   Figure 4 With face-to-face meetings upheld as an ideal way to communicate in order to build social rapport and develop business relationships – as highlighted in our previous surveys, nearly 90% of respondents believe using a video conferencing system would allow them to effectively meet as if they are face-to-face without needing to travel. This in turn avoids the complications and cost of travel, meanwhile providing more opportunity to restore or strengthen enduring business relationships in as natural a way as possible. It can be argued that a certain flow and rapport is facilitated through a face-to-face video conference, providing a more genuine social interaction environment without the cost output, which other remote conferencing technologies struggle to offer. Combining a video conferencing system with data conferencing can further enhance collaborative work sessions with local or remote colleagues by allowing them to visually collaborate on digital media, not only seeing each other but also sharing screens, annotating and interacting with each other’s documents – regardless of location. This technology moves users from the more traditional passive and broadcast conferencing to interactive and collaborative video and data conferencing sessions that provide a rich experience and more natural way of working for the user. ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT 5
  • 6. 5. Would you use video conferencing in the following scenarios? 45%   39.40%   40%   35%   31.60%   29%   30%   25%   20%   15%   10%   5%   0%   Internally  with  colleagues  Externally  with  suppliers,   Bcross  muCple  locaCons   partners  and  customers   i.e.  you  will  require  a   mulCEpoint  soluCon   Figure 5 Nearly 40% of respondents would use video conferencing to allow them to meet with external suppliers, partners and customers. This was closely followed by using video conferencing to both facilitate meetings that bring people together across multiple locations and supporting meetings with internal colleagues regardless of location. This builds upon the notion that the face-to-face communication enabled by video conferencing provides greater opportunity for strengthening external relationships, in particular with customers and clients where a stronger social bond can also result in a more profitable business relationship. It also demonstrates the need for a conferencing solution that is simple, intuitive and easy for third parties to adopt with minimal training and allows them to interact in a natural way. Where third parties may have other systems and solutions interoperability and ease of use are significant issues to resolve when using the technology in this way. It also shows that video conferencing is seen as a means of improving external relationships as well as improving internal communications. 6 ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
  • 7. 6. What are your perceptions of current video conferencing system offerings? What are the issues? Dissa0s1ed  with  managed  service  contract   0.50%   Incompatability  between  different  vides  conferencing  systems   10.50%   Bandwith  issues   11.30%   Doesn't  support  data  collabora0on   3.90%   Expensive  running  costs   9.50%   Expensive  to  buy   19.00%   Don’t  know  who  I  can  video  conference  with   10.30%   Can't  change  peoples  behaviour  to  encourage  them  to  use  it   13.60%   Poor  support  services  and  set  up   1.30%   Poor  quality  video  and  audio   12.10%   Too  complicated  /  difficult  to  use   8.00%   0.00%   5.00%   10.00%   15.00%   20.00%   Figure 6a When all survey respondents were asked to consider the issues they perceive to be associated with video conferencing systems their main concern was initial expense. This may reflect perceptions or experience of purchasing more traditional video conferencing systems. While cost is an understandable and important consideration, the benefits of a video conferencing system e.g. reduced travel costs, increased communication efficiency and overall business productivity can later over-ride the initial expense - this is highlighted further in other responses in this survey, as well as in our previous surveys. Other key issues highlighted include behaviour change – whereby people become stuck in old and familiar ways that they’re comfortable with and they can’t be encouraged to use the new technology. This suggests that adoption is likely to be correlated closely to the ease of use and solutions that provide a natural way of working. It also highlights the importance of training as part of any new technology adoption. The worry of poor quality video and audio was another concern – perhaps a memory of some past technologies that caused frustration; and bandwidth issues. Grainy video and poor quality audio reduces the user experience and prohibits wider adoption. Interoperability between systems remains a key issue. In order to adopt technology you need to be able to use it every time you need it, particularly with third party organisations using different systems and potentially different networks. This is being addressed by the industry and with further consolidation of standards and networks should improve the ability to use the technology, reduce current frustrations and improve adoption for organisations. ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT 7
  • 8. 7. Those who responded to Yes to Q1 i.e. they have video conferencing in their organisation. What are your perceptions of current video conferencing system offerings? What are the issues? Dissa0s1ed  with  managed  service  contract   0.00%   Incompatability  between  different  vides  conferencing  systems   15.80%   Bandwith  issues   14.30%   Doesn't  support  data  collabora0on   6.80%   Expensive  running  costs   8.20%   Expensive  to  buy   12.80%   Don’t  know  who  I  can  video  conference  with   10.50%   Can't  change  peoples  behaviour  to  encourage  them  to  use  it   11.30%   Poor  support  services  and  set  up   3.00%   Poor  quality  video  and  audio   11.30%   Too  complicated  /  difficult  to  use   6.00%   0.00%   2.00%   4.00%   6.00%   8.00%   10.00%   12.00%   14.00%   16.00%   18.00%   Figure 6b Of those who currently possess a video conferencing system in their organisation, incompatibility between different video conferencing systems presents itself as the main perceived problem, followed closely by bandwidth issues. Such issues and perceptions can be dealt with, yet this is reliant upon initial clear information and instruction by the industry providing these tools and systems, as well as a constant support service. The AVerComm HD Video Conferencing system addresses these issues offering compatibility with industry standard telephony and video conferencing systems. More often what is required to gain a better experience and connectivity is a refresh of the technology to more modern systems that offer this functionality. 8. Those who responded to No to Q1 i.e. they do not have video conferencing in their organisation (57%) or don’t know if they have video conferencing (1%). What are your perceptions of current video conferencing system offerings? What are the issues? Dissa2s3ed  with  managed  service  contract   0.70%   Incompatability  between  different  vides  conferencing  systems   8.80%   Bandwith  issues   10.20%   Doesn't  support  data  collabora2on   1.80%   Expensive  running  costs   10.60%   Expensive  to  buy   24.10%   Don’t  know  who  I  can  video  conference  with   10.90%   Can't  change  peoples  behaviour  to  encourage  them  to  use  it   11.30%   Poor  support  services  and  set  up   1.10%   Poor  quality  video  and  audio   11.70%   Too  complicated  /  difficult  to  use   8.80%   0.00%   5.00%   10.00%   15.00%   20.00%   25.00%   30.00%   Figure 6c 8 ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
  • 9. Those respondents who don’t own a video conferencing system in their organisation, perceive the initial purchase expense as a main issue of concern. While this is an understandable and important consideration, it may be more from a perception of the historical costs of such systems and telepresence rooms. Equally, the consumerisation of desktop video conferencing through low cost solutions like Skype leads to a perception that video conferencing systems should be inexpensive. We must remember that these types of solution deliver relatively poor quality experiences which are only suitable for one-to-one desktop video rather than video on large format screens in meeting rooms. The newer video conferencing systems are much lower in cost, easier to use and deliver a high quality experience for meeting room solutions. The industry needs to work harder at helping to educate people currently without video conferencing in their organisation on the value, benefits and return on investment offered by the new wave of systems available on the market today. The benefits of such systems e.g. reduced travel costs, increased communication efficiency and overall business productivity can easily over-ride the initial expense - this is highlighted further in other responses in this survey, as well as in our previous surveys. ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT 9
  • 10. 9. If you have a video conferencing system would you be interested in trading in for a better solution? Don't     No   know   43.80%   40.60%   Yes   15.60%   Figure 7 Over half of those respondents surveyed who currently own a video conferencing system in their organisation would potentially consider trading it in for a better solution – in turn, these respondents could address some of the issues that were highlighted earlier in the survey, such as poor quality audio and video and incompatibility between different video and audio conferencing systems. 10 ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
  • 11. 10. Are there circumstances when you would want to record your video conference sessions? Yes   43%   No   57%   Figure 8 Almost half of those surveyed stated that there are circumstances when they would like to record their video conference sessions. A reduction in rushed note-taking is one clear advantage of making use of this system; real-time note-taking can disrupt a natural flow, impact concentration and affect the ability to keep up with all the information being communicated if a meeting is progressing at a pace. Certain points, ideas and key information that are so frequently missed can all be captured and revisited with a recording of a video conference session. Body language, facial expression and voice tone can also be considered in more detail, allowing a potential analysis that could provide further insight into the dynamics of the meeting and state of business relationship. This could be of particular importance when using the communication tool for sales meetings. In certain professions, the need for an audit trail and compliance policies means that the recording option is increasingly seen as a requirement of a video conferencing system. In addition, when combined with data conferencing where you can capture the written and visual notes on digital media alongside the sound and video means you can have a complete record simply and easily in digital format that can be reviewed again and again after the event. 11. In what situations do / would you use video conferencing? Sales  mee3ngs   11.10%   Product  demos   5.50%   Delivery  training  remotely   8.50%   Monitoring  /  surveillance   1.70%   Data  collaFora3on   4.10%   ;uild  rela3onsAips   10.00%   Help  reduce  costs  e.g.  travel   17.50%   -mprove  eEciency  Fy  reducing  wasted  3me  spent  travelling   15%   Support  remote  working   9%   ;usiness  con3nuity  e.g.  during  adverse  weatAer  condi3ons   7.40%   -nterna3onal  communica3ons   10.20%   0.00%   2.00%   4.00%   6.00%   8.00%   10.00%   12.00%   14.00%   16.00%   18.00%   20.00%   Figure 9 Cost reduction is a clear benefit of using video conferencing, with survey respondents identifiying this as their top reason for making use of this type of system. As well as helping to limit expenses, respondents also felt that the use of a video conferencing system would improve efficiency by reducing wasted time spent travelling, which in itself can also incur great costs to an organisation. Sales meetings, building relationships and internal communications were also selected by many of those surveyed as situations where video conferencing would prove beneficial. Again, the face-to-face, real-time and efficiency element of the technology adds a different dimension to distance communication. In order for organisations to build on these uses, video conferencing needs to come out of high end telepresence rooms and be more pervasive in standard rooms so that employees can access the technology when they need to. New lower cost devices with improved compatbility allow this to become an achievable reality. ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT 11
  • 12. 12. How much would you be prepared to pay for a video conference system? 60.00%   54.60%   50.00%   40.00%   30.00%   22.40%   20.00%   10.90%   10.00%   6.10%   4.20%   0.00%   £2  -­‐  3k   £3  -­‐  7k   £7  10k   £10  -­‐  20k   £20k+   Figure 10 Nearly 80% of all respondents would expect to pay £2,000 - £7,000 for a video conference system, indicating an overall understanding of the value of this technology. Over half of respondents would expect to pay £2,000 - £3,000 for a video conferencing system. This is significantly less than the cost of a traditional room-based video conferencing system, especially when installation, warranty and other services are included. There are now siginificant systems of high quality, such as the AverComm HD video conferencing system, that provide an entry point at half of the cost the majority of our survey respondents would be prepared to pay for such systems. It is evident that the discrepancy in perception of an acceptable cost for a video conferencing system and what constitutes expensive is comparing true video conferencing for use in meeting rooms with desktop video conferencing through systems like Skype. 12 ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
  • 13. 13. What do you consider to be the benefits of video conferencing? (Rank in order of priority with 1 being the biggest benefit and 6 being of least benefit) 50.00%   46.06%   45.00%   40.00%   35.00%   33.33%   30.00%   27.27%   25.00%   18.88%   20.00%   15.00%   10.00%   7.09%   5.00%   2.42%   0.00%   Reduce  costs   Reduce  travel   :ave  ;me   Improve  work  /   Improved   Recording  and   life  balance   collabora;on   archiving   Fig.11a – Benefits ranked as number 1 (with 1 being the biggest benefit and 6 being of least benefit) Reducing travel, saving time and lowering costs came out top as key business benefits of video conferencing according to those surveyed. With food, energy and fuel prices soaring, increased efficiency, budgeting and a consideration of overall business yield are more important than ever to organisations, as also expressed in our previous survey results – video conferencing can address and provide a solution to all of these issues. Almost a fifth of those surveyed also felt that video conferencing improved collaboration, allowing for stronger relationships to be built in a more natural manner due to the face-to-face factor. Sharing that joke at the end of call is always going to be much better if you can see the other people smiling. Even greater value can be achieved when video conferencing is combined with collaborative data conferencing using solutions like SMART Bridgit conferencing software and SMART Board interactive whiteboards or displays. Combining the two technologies provides a powerful and rich collaboration experience. 60.00%   54.55%   50.00%   40.00%   30.00%   20.00%   16.97%   10.00%   7.27%   5.40%   6.06%   3.64%   0.00%   Reduce  costs   Reduce  travel   9ave  :me   Improve  work  /   Improved   Recording  and   life  balance   collabora:on   archiving   Fig.11b – Benefits ranked as number 6 (with 1 being the biggest benefit and 6 being of least benefit) Although over half of respondents chose recording and archiving as their least beneficial consideration in association with using video conferencing, this aspect of the technology does offer an opportunity to increase efficiency by extracting all that is communicated during what can be fast-paced and jam-packed meetings. Recorded evidence can also potentially reduce any possible disputes over what was communicated during a conference due to different interpretations of comments, struggles over decisions or perceived semantics. ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT 13
  • 14. 14. Would you be interested in finding out more about video and data conferencing solutions from Steljes? Yes  -­‐  f?ce-­‐to-­‐f?ce  @eeAnB   9.10%   Yes  -­‐  online  web  conference   18.80%   Yes  -­‐  video  conference   5.50%   No  -­‐  not  interested   66.06%   0.00%   10.00%   20.00%   30.00%   40.00%   50.00%   60.00%   70.00%   Figure 12 A high proportion of respondents requested a follow up meeting with Steljes, demonstrating a clear interest in incorporating video and data conferencing systems into their communication/meeting strategies. 14 ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT
  • 15. concluSion The survey findings show a keen interest in such as the fear that video conferencing Video and data conferencing offers the video conferencing technology, with 80.8% could result in visual and audio problems or opportunity to transcend time and space of those who do not have access to a video difficulties in fixing any difficulties that might barriers, to reap competitive advantage over conferencing system stating that they would surface. This is where training and clear, other organisations that are still filling their use this technology if it was available within concise information and support provided expenses forms with pricey hotels and rising their organisation. Certainly the Skype / from the industry should be paramount, so transport fares. With the kind of winter FaceTime generation will demand video as to dispel any preconceived concerns and weather the UK was presented with over the communications in their organisations in allay any worries that prevent the moving last 2 years, important meetings need not be the future. forward of productive business, through cancelled if a carpet of snow or volcanic ash harnessing creative and progressive cloud grinds the transport system to a halt Unsurprisingly, a key concern highlighted in communication solutions. again. This ever-more essential technology the survey is behaviour change, with the issue presents innovative ways of working and that it would be difficult to encourage people With the main benefits of video conferencing communicating in uncertain times, to use a new communication tool. However, stated in this survey as heightened meanwhile maintaining and building the overwhelmingly positive response productivity and efficiency, reduction in cost upon the old and trusted benefits of a highlighted above suggests that if the and time wasted on travel, as well as face-to-face conversation. technology is there people are willing to give improved collaboration, the issue of initial it a try, especially if it is simple, easy to use purchase expense only serves as a reminder As with our previous surveys, the results and interoperable with other video that people are aware of spending, but also strongly demonstrate the need and desire for conferencing systems that external partners, keen on saving in the long-term. It also organisations to harness new technologies customers and suppliers may be using. perhaps highlights that the consumerisation that allow a form of communication that is as of video conferencing is changing peoples natural and flowing as possible, is reliable Another issue that came out of this survey perceptions in terms of what these solutions and convenient, pushes the boundaries of was the technological worries that are still should actually cost and there is a greater efficiency and productivity, meanwhile faced perhaps owing to past experiences need to educate people in the differences keeping the bank account happy. with dated and unreliable technologies; between solutions. ProducTive video and daTa conferencing survey rePorT 15
  • 16. Find ouT More 08450 758 758 sTeljes headquarTers Leeds edinburgh sTeLjes ireLand LTd Bagshot Manor The Old Brewery Lochside House Unit L2 Green Lane High Court 3 Lochside Way Baldonnell Business Park Bagshot Leeds Edinburgh Park Baldonnell Surrey LS2 7ES Edinburgh Dublin 22 GU19 5NL EH12 9DT Ireland This is Business ProducTiviTy © Copyright 2011 Steljes Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this brochure may be reproduced without prior permission. All trademarks and copyrights are herein acknowledged. SJ/44379.