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Bring a richer learning experience to your employees,
wherever they are – and get a Better return on your people

This is Business ProducTiviTy
this is
Everyone knows that training is critical for the   We’ve tried virtual self service learning,       But with budgets squeezed it’s really hard
future success of the business, but it’s always    but ultimately people need help to discuss       to make this the norm. Our staff are based
the first thing to be cut. One thing’s for sure,   ideas and issues around course content.          across Europe, and guess what, we’ve got
our training budget is not going up anytime        It is also all too easy to speed read and skip   a travel ban. Added to that, there’s a real
soon. I need to get much more out of our           through and a day later you have forgotten       shortage of high quality trainers – especially
training budget.                                   the content already. We also have to deliver     in some of our more specialist areas (which
                                                   training around our own products, services       also tend to be the high value ones).
The problem is that our training isn’t really      and initiatives.
working. Staff leave training sessions and                                                          If only I could make training more engaging
complain that it was poorly delivered and          I know that instructor-led training is           and memorable, interactive and easier to fit
too ‘one way’. I need our training to connect      absolutely the best approach – it should         into employees’ schedules so it could make
with them – to get content across in a more        be the mainstay of our drive to improve          the difference it should – to staff and the
engaging way, and get them truly involved          our employees’ skill base for the business.      business. But I know that it’s the time, the
with the experience.                               They can ask questions and solve problems        way, the place that’s all wrong. We need
                                                   interactively. And I want to go beyond this –    to change the way we work.
                                                   I want to use rich, interactive media – bring
                                                   in relevant experts to share their knowledge,
                                                   not just presentations and spreadsheets.
£88bn 93%
                                     Non-productive time costs the UK        93% of organisations say
                                     £88 billion a year.                     improving business productivity
                                     Source: Proudfoot Productivity Report   is a key business objective.
                                                                             Source: Steljes Productivity Report


 read on, and Take The firsT sTeP
 Towards a very differenT scenario.

                                                          C-level executives are conscious about
                                                          the benefits that communications and
                                                          collaboration tools can bring and 46%
                                                          plan to increase budget for these tools
                                                          in the next 12 months.
                                                          Source: Frost & Sullivan

the Power
of your

                                                   THE CONTENT FROM THE LESSON IF THEY HAVE WRITTEN IT
                                                   THEMSELVES RATHER THAN JUST BEEN TOLD IT. SINCE I
                                                   STARTED USING THE INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD, I HAVE
                                                   DEVELOPED MORE INTERACTIVE TRAINING TECHNIqUES
                                                   AND THE DIFFERENCE IN ATMOSPHERE IS DRAMATIC.
                                                   Corporal Thorpe, Trainer
                                                   RAF Halton

People are the most valuable asset in any          Budgets are tighter                               Time and disTance
business, and good quality training is             than ever                                         geT in The way
essential if you want to harness their full        There is an increasing need for legislative and   Schedules for staff are very busy. Taking
potential. You need to up-skill existing staff     risk-management training and the challenge        people out of the business to do training,
and attract new talent. You need to build the      is to prevent this requirement from devouring     often at different locations, means that many
right skills for the future, and make your best    your entire budget. You want better pass          feel they can’t spare the time for training.
people feel they’re learning and developing        rates and reduced skill fade. But, training       It is often easier to decline the training rather
so they’ll want to stay right where they are.      budgets typically get hit hard and early in       than change your schedule. If you could
                                                   the round of corporate austerity measures.        join training remotely and still get a great
The challenge for Training                         The solution is not to reduce training, but to    experience you are more likely to be able
So training is a priority. But it’s a challenge    think differently about how it is delivered.      to build it into your day-to-day schedule.
to deliver it efficiently with limited resources
– particularly if your budgets seem to shrink      identify and target the                           The Training opporTuniTy
as your need for training grows. It’s not          Business need quickly                             What if you could invest every penny
always easy to deliver training that works         Aligning your learning with the business is       of your training budget more wisely
for your staff either.                             an often used phrase and with good reason         than ever before? If you could deliver
                                                   – learning exists to support the organisation     convenient, cost-effective training
They may find it next to impossible to attend      and yet it’s often unclear precisely how to       that’s still instructor-led? If you could
training sessions away from their desks, yet       do this. The challenge is to proceed towards      improve your training environment and
find self-service online training inflexible at    a culture of performance, productivity and        resources to dramatically improve
best – and forgettable at worst.                   profit. To do this, training needs to adopt a     engagement and retention?
                                                   more socially networked and collaborative
Increasingly, people work in collaborative         working culture.                                  You can do all this, and you can even
teams and project groups across                                                                      reduce costs in the process. It’s not what
organisational, geographical and business          under-skilled staff,                              you do, it’s the time, the way, the place
unit boundaries. Success hinges on your            under-performing Business                         that you do it – with Productive Training
ability to create flexible environments – both     Most employers believe skills gaps within         technology solutions from Steljes.
actual and virtual – for people to work and to     their businesses are holding them back.
learn. You need practical solutions to adapt       Training heralds the solution, but still it
the workplace to produce more exciting,            so often fails to deliver. The challenge
engaging learning.                                 requires a fundamental rethink of how             how do you
                                                   training is delivered.
                                                                                                     make This all
                                                                                                     work beTTer?

3            THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY         Productive trAiNiNG
BriNG A richer
to your
they Are
and get a Better return on your people.

76% 88%
                                                                          76% of learning managers predict      88% of businesses say they now have
                                                                          a shift to using technologies, such   the option to work away from the
                                                                          as e-learning or virtual delivery.    traditional office set-up. It’s making it
                                                                          Source: Good Practice Report          more difficult to bring together staff
                                                                                                                in one location for traditional
                                                                                                                office-based training sessions.
                                                                                                                Source: Orange

Learning must be engaging to be effective.       ROI – PROductIve
Keeping abreast of the technology is one         tRaInIng technOlOgy
challenge. Making training fun, appealing        that Pays dIvIdends
and interactive is quite another. Even though
everyone now knows that people learn by          Cut costs: deliver more with
doing, many trainer-led courses still rely too   constrained resources
heavily on learning by telling. A far richer     Investing in Productive Training technology
experience is enabled by training that uses      cuts cost by allowing you to capture training
team building and collaboration to maximise      sessions and turn them into re-usable assets
uptake and retention of knowledge.               across your organisation – distributed
                                                 anywhere, in real-time or on demand.
With Productive Training technology from
                                                 Cut travel time
Steljes, you can deliver more instructor-led
                                                 Nothing blunts productivity more than
courses and reduce your reliance on self-
                                                 excessive travel time. With Productive
service online training. Instructors can train
                                                 Training technology from Steljes geographical
delegates in person – but without needing to
                                                 distance ceases to be a barrier: employees
be in the same room, or even on the same
                                                 can join training sessions and have as
continent. And they can deliver learning that
                                                 enriching and memorable an experience
is engaging and interactive, so your trainees
                                                 as if they were physically there.
retain far more, working collaboratively and
sharing ideas and questions as they go.          Improve knowledge retention
                                                 Richer, more interactive learning vastly
We can help you create richer in-room            improves knowledge retention – so you
training environments too, where trainers can    could transform the skill base within your
share source materials with ease, make notes     business – increasing revenues and making
in electronic ink using a touch-enabled          you more competitive.
interactive whiteboard and then distribute
                                                 Improve staff retention –
the materials in real-time. Delegates can
                                                 reduce recruitment fees
collaborate, interact, and give instant
                                                 It is well known that staff leave when
electronic feedback. And sessions can be
                                                 they feel their progress is stifled. Highly
recorded automatically so they can be shared
                                                 effective training makes their personal
and re-used over and over again.
                                                 and career development objectives come
                                                 to fruition – keeping their valuable input
                                                 within the business, rather than in the
                                                 hands of competitors.

5           THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY        Productive trAiNiNG
where will you
see the PoteNtiAl?
Whether it’s an HR Director looking to           remoTe learning ThaT Brings
better upskill employees, or a Head of           everyone TogeTher
Training looking to transform the way            Training remote workers can feel like
training is delivered, Steljes’ Productive       hard work. When the trainer can’t see the
Training solutions, part of the Business         delegates, it’s hard to judge how much they’re
Productivity Suite can help.                     taking in or whether they understand what’s
                                                 being said. Interactive whiteboards, voice and
High-impact training is engaging, interactive    data conferencing software and interactive
and instructor-led. Productive Training          desktop displays can bring people into the
solutions can help you deliver this every        room, no matter where they’re located.
time, no matter where your delegates             The trainer can interact with them naturally,
or your trainers are located.                    making the session more effective. And
                                                 because the technology makes the experience
richer Training ThaT                             more involving and engaging, delegates retain
engages minds                                    far more of what they’ve learned.
With Productivie Training technology you can
use interactive whiteboards with visualisers     call on exPerTise
and interactive desktop displays to deliver      from anywhere
engaging, interactive, instructor-led courses    Subject matter experts can be difficult to pin
in a standard training room environment.         down when everyone wants a piece of their
                                                 time. With Productive Training solutions you
collaBoraTe across oTher                         can call in a specialist remotely from any
offices and conTinenTs                           location, cutting travel costs, increasing the
Training needs to be able to happen anywhere.    number of delegates who can attend and
You can bring together cross-functional teams    making it far easier to schedule your session.
from different floors, different buildings or
even different countries. Use conferencing       see Trainee Progress
technology to connect your training rooms        Use training room management software
across your enterprise – allowing employees      to allow trainers and instructors to view
to feedback from interactive pen displays        employees’ screens to monitor how they are
positioned on the desktop or using interactive   progressing during the training sessions.
whiteboards within each training room.

6            THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY       Productive trAiNiNG
65% 50%
                                                                        65% of executives see ‘a natural      50% of learning managers
                                                                        way of working’ as the key feature    are set to increase their use
                                                                        of any collaborative technology.      of web 2.0 technologies such
                                                                        Source: Steljes Productivity Report   as social networking tools.
                                                                                                              Source: Good Practice Report

scenario                                        The results
                                                Bola comments, “The successful delivery of
BT Innovate and Design (BTID) has embarked
                                                a customer solution relies upon the effective
on a Global Development Centre Programme
                                                collaboration between people across BT. Our
that embeds collaborative solutions from
                                                new SMART business solution enables people
SMART Technologies.
                                                to meet, irrespective of where they are in
“Our developers tend to work in groups          the world and interact as if they were in the
around a whiteboard and research revealed       same room. This has had a massive impact on
that they want to interact with and see what    travel costs and reduced our carbon footprint
their colleagues are writing on the boards,     significantly. Last week I trained 34 people
and see their faces. At that point we knew      in India from Adastral Park and yesterday
our solution must support this way of           I trained a further eight – that’s a saving
working whilst connecting teams that            of a flight to India, plus my time, in just
are spread across multiple locations,”          two weeks.”
explained Bola Oshisanwo, Director,
                                                Alan Bateman, Director for Next Generation
Agile Development Centre.
                                                Engineering adds, “Ultimately we’re using
BT’s research culminated in the complete        this technology to change and transform the
redesign of the agile development teams’        culture of the company. What started as a
working environment and included the            project at Adastral Park has led to plans for a
adoption of a SMART business solution. It       network of five global development centres.”
started with a proof of concept at Adastral
Park, BT’s centre for development in Ipswich.
“People were wowed by the SMART BoardTM
interactive whiteboards initially but quickly
snapped back into old habits,” says Bola. “It
became clear that this was because they
didn’t understand the capability of the
technology, so we designed a training
package which was delivered to a critical
mass of people over a short period of time.
The training was based on observing what
people did day-to-day. The training focused
on helping them to incorporate the
SMART Board interactive whiteboards
and collaborative working into their day-to-
day work.”

7           THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY       Productive trAiNiNG
55% 46%
                                                          55% of executives fear their firm     46% of executives doubt their
                                                          is failing to deliver the necessary   L&D departments ability to
                                                          training for recovery.                deliver training for recovery.
                                                          Source: Coleman Parkes                Source: Coleman Parkes

                                                  AND I CAN COACH MY TEAM ANYWHERE. I NOW HAVE A SOLUTION
                                                  THAT IS TOTALLY MOBILE AND FITS ANY ENVIRONMENT WE FIND
                                                  OURSELVES IN. I OFTEN TAKE IT WITH ME TO AWAY MATCHES AND
                                                  USE IT IN MY HALF TIME TALKS TO HIGHLIGHT WHERE THEY NEED
                                                  TO IMPROVE OR SHOW A PARTICULAR WEAKNESS OF THE
                                                  OPPOSITION THAT THEY CAN ExPLOIT.
                                                  Brett Taylor, Head Coach
                                                  London Scottish Rugby Club

Productive trAiNiNG
At Steljes we create technology-supported         inTeracTive deskToP                               The ulTimaTe Training
training solutions, as part of our Business       disPlays                                          environmenT
Productivity Suite of solutions, tailored to      SMART Podium™ interactive pen displays,           You can gain real-time feedback and
your business needs that will deliver an          ideally positioned on the desktop, are perfect    improve content immediately with an
immediate productivity and time saving            remote learning tools, offering the features      interactive audience response system, and
return. Whether in-room, room-to-room or          of an interactive whiteboard to delegates in      with a Mainline flexible power distribution
room-to-desktop collaboration solutions,          multiple locations.                               system trainers and delegates can plug
they can help organisational learning be                                                            in equipment anywhere in the room.
more effective and cost efficient across          visualisers
measures including knowledge retention,           Visualisers can be an invaluable training aid,    accessories
team building, time, travel and hotel costs.      enriching learning and aiding understanding.      From remote mice to state-of-the-art sound
                                                  They allow trainers to show real-world            systems, Steljes offers a full range of tools
We select the cream of Productive Training        objects to delegates in remote locations,         to make your training environment more
technology from best-of-breed manufacturers,      or display images or documents through a          productive and engaging than ever before.
so you can be sure you’re investing in the very   monitor or projector and transmitted through
best equipment available.                         the collaboration software to all participants.

inTeracTive whiTeBoards                           sofTware
SMART Board™ interactive whiteboards offer        With SMART Meeting Pro™ software and
delegates a hands-on learning experience          SMART Bridgit™ conferencing software,
that dramatically improves knowledge              delegates can collaborate intuitively whether
retention. Interactive whiteboards allow          they’re in the same room or thousands of miles
multiple users to interact naturally with         away. They can work with your own source
documents, applications and the internet.         material in programmes including Microsoft®
Trainers and delegates can                        Word, Excel or PowerPoint, Adobe® Acrobat®
write in digital ink and incorporate their        and AutoCAD®.
work into source documents with a few
clicks, and content can be saved easily in        SMART Sync™ training room management
digital format for your delegates’ reference      software allows trainers to view all the
and for trainers to re-use.                       delegates’ screens as they work, and lets
                                                  delegates collaborate on the same document.
                                                  Add SMART Ideas™ concept mapping
                                                  software and SMART Notebook™
                                                  collaborative learning software, to
                                                  make complex ideas easier for delegates
                                                  to understand and it’s easy to deliver a
                                                  high-impact, interactive training experience.

9           THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY         Productive trAiNiNG
                                            PEOPLE TO MEET, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHERE THEY ARE IN
                                            THE WORLD AND INTERACT AS IF THEY WERE IN THE SAME
                                            ROOM. THIS HAS HAD A MASSIVE IMPACT ON TRAVEL COSTS
                                            AND REDUCED OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT SIGNIFICANTLY.
                                            Bola Oshisanwo, Director, Agile Development Centre

A 360                                                                                0
you need more Than jusT
Technology To change The
way you work. sTeljes offers
a range of services To suPPorT
you Through The whole Process –
from advice and guidance,
Through To educaTion, Training,
ongoing suPPorT and even
financing oPTions.

ConsultanCy                                       Rental                                             Training
Our consultancy service starts with               Whether you want to stage an unforgettable         When you invest in a suite of technology
us getting to know how your organisation          workshop, to use digital signage for a             to help make your people more productive,
and your people work today, so we can help        product launch, or to support a proof-of-          it’s essential that they are confident and
you change the way you work tomorrow.             concept, we offer a range of exciting              engaged with it. That’s why Steljes sees
This approach means we can help you choose        Business Productivity Suite technology for         training as a crucial part of changing the
the right technology and get the maximum          short-term rental.                                 way you work. We can also offer training
return by focusing on the areas of productivity                                                      as part of a proof-of-concept so you’ll get
that are most important to you.                   Here’s how organisations take advantage:           a clear picture of the impact your chosen
                                                                                                     technologies could have on your business.
                                                  High impact AGMs: an interactive voting
Key consultancy services include:                                                                    All training is completely tailored to your
                                                  system (and digital signage to publish
                                                                                                     business and your priorities.
Audit – looking at how you work                   the results)
today, and then developing the business
                                                  Critical workshops – get important                 Training services include:
case to change
                                                  decisions, fast – using an interactive
                                                                                                     End-user training – Steljes is the only
Proof of concept – to help assess                 whiteboard to get your key people
                                                                                                     SMART accredited training centre in the
new ways of working and trial                     to collaborate, interact and ultimately
                                                                                                     UK, so using our experts to get your
the technology                                    reach decisions that typically take
                                                                                                     people up-to-speed pays dividends
                                                  weeks or months to finalise
Technology familiarisation – our
                                                                                                     Technical – we’ll ensure the technology
accredited experts will install the               Flexible working – a great way of
                                                                                                     is integrated seamlessly into your
technology and help business users                trialling flexible working, renting
                                                                                                     existing estate, and we’ll work closely
become confident in its usage                     conferencing equipment such as
                                                                                                     with your IT team to help them become
                                                  mobile interactive displays on stands
                                                                                                     familiar with the systems
                                                  or interactive pen display podiums for
steljes ChoiCes                                   remote workers, means you can conduct              Train the trainer – we can train your own
Paying for new equipment up-front may             a cost-effective pilot                             staff to deliver top-quality, customised
not be the best option for every business.                                                           training to their colleagues internally
Through Steljes Choices, we offer a range of
                                                                                                     Ongoing support – we’ll help you
tax-efficient leasing options, hire purchase      technical suppoRt
                                                                                                     manage change and ensure your people
and 0% finance (subject to product and            and waRRanties
                                                                                                     continue to improve their productivity.
underwriting acceptance).                         Our own enhanced warranties as well
                                                                                                     We’ll run refresher courses and conduct
                                                  as standard manufacturer warranties give
Working with Syscap, the UK’s leading                                                                a staff survey to assess the impact the
                                                  you the support and confidence once the
independent business IT finance                                                                      technology is really making
                                                  technology is in place. Steljes provides on-site
provider, Steljes Choices can give you
                                                  support, which can avoid the need to send
cash flow flexibility and keep your
                                                  items away for repair. And with a next day
capital free for reinvestment
                                                  response time you can be assured there is
Finance options are tax-efficient                 very little downtime for your organisation.
and could even save you money
in real terms                                     Added to this, it includes:
Your agreement will be individually               Supporting proof of concepts: technical
tailored to you with easily managed               support is vital at the ‘proof of concept’
monthly payments that suit your budget            stage for any project and having
                                                  technical support ensures that the
At the end of your agreement you
                                                  technology works in your environment
could choose to own the equipment or
refresh the technology and lease more             Enhanced warranties: for a one off fee
equipment without increasing your                 you cover the cost of all labour and parts,
monthly outlay                                    or the cost of a full replacement if repair
                                                  is not possible

                                                  Steljes is the SMART Authorised Service
                                                  Organisation in the UK and Ireland, so you
                                                  will be supported by a trained and highly
                                                  skilled team of technicians.

11          THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY         Productive trAiNiNG
sTeljes – a hisTory of innovaTion

Steljes started in 1987 and since then,        suPPorTing Technology                             sense checking The righT
has demonstrated a passion for identifying     service Providers                                 aPProach – soluTions
the latest in technology to change our way     By matching the best technology and               evaluaTion
of living, learning and working. Steljes has   customer challenges together, Steljes helps       We take on a lot of the risk and upfront
constantly looked at the technology            manufacturers, resellers and customers            investments that our clients and partners
marketplace for innovation that could be       successfully address real life situations faced   would otherwise have to bear. A big part
successfully harnessed for tangible and        by businesses in every industry sector.           of this is ensuring we’ve vetted the right
lasting productivity gains.                                                                      solutions and know with certainty they will
                                               We support the industry through education         deliver the benefits that our clients expect.
From launching the first LCD projector into    and training, insights and research and of
the market back in 1993, through to being      course helping companies take these new           Steljes Labs, our own R&D, focuses on this
the first distributor of SMART Technologies,   innovative technologies to market with the        area – understanding from manufacturers
Turning Point and AVerMedia. Steljes           surety of being backed by real expertise          across the world, what’s coming down the
continues to promote and distribute            and experience.                                   pipeline and how it compares to what’s
solutions and technology with purpose.                                                           available now.
                                               a ParTnershiP aPProach
Steljes entered the Sunday Times Fast          Steljes delivers its solutions through
Track in 1997 and has continued to grow        a network of partners across the UK.
since – selling over 300,000 SMART Board™      Steljes and its partner resellers work with
interactive whiteboards in 2009 and            customers to help devise and provide the
achieving recognition by winning the Best      right technology solutions to meet the
ICT Innovation Award in that year.             highest priority productivity challenges.

                                               We work closely with our partners,
                                               giving them and their customers advice
                                               and guidance to help them deliver
                                               maximum benefits.

12          THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY      Productive trAiNiNG
Sergeant Ross Allan, Trainer
Scottish Police College
where will your BiggesT ProducTiviTy
gain come from?

  Productive                                      video ANd dAtA                                    Productive
  it’s not what you do, it’s the time, the way,
                                                   it’s not what you do, it’s the time, the way,
                                                                                                    it’s not what you do, it’s the time, the way,
  the place that you do it.                        the place that you do it.                        the place that you do it.

  This is Business ProducTiviTy                    This is Business ProducTiviTy                    This is Business ProducTiviTy

  Productive                                       mArketiNG ANd                                   find ouT more
  it’s not what you do, it’s the time, the way,
                                                   it’s not what you do, it’s the time, the way,
                                                                                                   We offer an initial assessment and consultancy service with one of our
  the place that you do it.                        the place that you do it.

                                                                                                   Business Solutions Group to help you identify the best opportunities
                                                                                                   and partner for your business.

                                                                                                   08450 758 758

  This is Business ProducTiviTy                    This is Business ProducTiviTy

HEADqUARTERS                                      LEEDS                                            EDINBURGH                                        STELJES IRELAND LTD
Bagshot Manor                                     The Old Brewery                                  Lochside House                                   Unit L2
Green Lane                                        High Court                                       3 Lochside Way                                   Baldonnell Business Park
Bagshot                                           Leeds                                            Edinburgh Park                                   Baldonnell
Surrey                                            LS2 7ES                                          Edinburgh                                        Dublin 22
GU19 5NL                                                                                           EH12 9DT                                         Ireland

This is Business ProducTiviTy

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Steljes Productive Training Brochure

  • 1. Productive trAiNiNG Bring a richer learning experience to your employees, wherever they are – and get a Better return on your people This is Business ProducTiviTy
  • 2. this is Product trAiNiNG Everyone knows that training is critical for the We’ve tried virtual self service learning, But with budgets squeezed it’s really hard future success of the business, but it’s always but ultimately people need help to discuss to make this the norm. Our staff are based the first thing to be cut. One thing’s for sure, ideas and issues around course content. across Europe, and guess what, we’ve got our training budget is not going up anytime It is also all too easy to speed read and skip a travel ban. Added to that, there’s a real soon. I need to get much more out of our through and a day later you have forgotten shortage of high quality trainers – especially training budget. the content already. We also have to deliver in some of our more specialist areas (which training around our own products, services also tend to be the high value ones). The problem is that our training isn’t really and initiatives. working. Staff leave training sessions and If only I could make training more engaging complain that it was poorly delivered and I know that instructor-led training is and memorable, interactive and easier to fit too ‘one way’. I need our training to connect absolutely the best approach – it should into employees’ schedules so it could make with them – to get content across in a more be the mainstay of our drive to improve the difference it should – to staff and the engaging way, and get them truly involved our employees’ skill base for the business. business. But I know that it’s the time, the with the experience. They can ask questions and solve problems way, the place that’s all wrong. We need interactively. And I want to go beyond this – to change the way we work. I want to use rich, interactive media – bring in relevant experts to share their knowledge, not just presentations and spreadsheets.
  • 3. £88bn 93% Non-productive time costs the UK 93% of organisations say £88 billion a year. improving business productivity Source: Proudfoot Productivity Report is a key business objective. Source: Steljes Productivity Report tive G. WE’VE PROBABLY ALL FACED SIMILAR ISSUES ON A REGULAR BASIS. BUT STELJES BELIEVES THERE IS A WAY FORWARD. TRAINING WILL BE CRITICAL FOR BUSINESSES TO SUCCEED, AND THE TIME, THE WAY AND THE PLACE THAT WE MAKE TRAINING HAPPEN CAN CHANGE. TODAY. read on, and Take The firsT sTeP Towards a very differenT scenario. 1 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 4. 46% C-level executives are conscious about the benefits that communications and collaboration tools can bring and 46% plan to increase budget for these tools in the next 12 months. Source: Frost & Sullivan hArNess the Power of your PeoPle. 2 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 5. I BELIEVE THAT MY TRAINEES ARE MORE LIKELY TO REMEMBER THE CONTENT FROM THE LESSON IF THEY HAVE WRITTEN IT THEMSELVES RATHER THAN JUST BEEN TOLD IT. SINCE I STARTED USING THE INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD, I HAVE DEVELOPED MORE INTERACTIVE TRAINING TECHNIqUES AND THE DIFFERENCE IN ATMOSPHERE IS DRAMATIC. Corporal Thorpe, Trainer RAF Halton People are the most valuable asset in any Budgets are tighter Time and disTance business, and good quality training is than ever geT in The way essential if you want to harness their full There is an increasing need for legislative and Schedules for staff are very busy. Taking potential. You need to up-skill existing staff risk-management training and the challenge people out of the business to do training, and attract new talent. You need to build the is to prevent this requirement from devouring often at different locations, means that many right skills for the future, and make your best your entire budget. You want better pass feel they can’t spare the time for training. people feel they’re learning and developing rates and reduced skill fade. But, training It is often easier to decline the training rather so they’ll want to stay right where they are. budgets typically get hit hard and early in than change your schedule. If you could the round of corporate austerity measures. join training remotely and still get a great The challenge for Training The solution is not to reduce training, but to experience you are more likely to be able So training is a priority. But it’s a challenge think differently about how it is delivered. to build it into your day-to-day schedule. to deliver it efficiently with limited resources – particularly if your budgets seem to shrink identify and target the The Training opporTuniTy as your need for training grows. It’s not Business need quickly What if you could invest every penny always easy to deliver training that works Aligning your learning with the business is of your training budget more wisely for your staff either. an often used phrase and with good reason than ever before? If you could deliver – learning exists to support the organisation convenient, cost-effective training They may find it next to impossible to attend and yet it’s often unclear precisely how to that’s still instructor-led? If you could training sessions away from their desks, yet do this. The challenge is to proceed towards improve your training environment and find self-service online training inflexible at a culture of performance, productivity and resources to dramatically improve best – and forgettable at worst. profit. To do this, training needs to adopt a engagement and retention? more socially networked and collaborative Increasingly, people work in collaborative working culture. You can do all this, and you can even teams and project groups across reduce costs in the process. It’s not what organisational, geographical and business under-skilled staff, you do, it’s the time, the way, the place unit boundaries. Success hinges on your under-performing Business that you do it – with Productive Training ability to create flexible environments – both Most employers believe skills gaps within technology solutions from Steljes. actual and virtual – for people to work and to their businesses are holding them back. learn. You need practical solutions to adapt Training heralds the solution, but still it the workplace to produce more exciting, so often fails to deliver. The challenge engaging learning. requires a fundamental rethink of how how do you training is delivered. make This all work beTTer? 3 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 6. BriNG A richer leArNiNG exPerieNce to your emPloyees, wherever they Are and get a Better return on your people. 4 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 7. 76% 88% 76% of learning managers predict 88% of businesses say they now have a shift to using technologies, such the option to work away from the as e-learning or virtual delivery. traditional office set-up. It’s making it Source: Good Practice Report more difficult to bring together staff in one location for traditional office-based training sessions. Source: Orange Learning must be engaging to be effective. ROI – PROductIve Keeping abreast of the technology is one tRaInIng technOlOgy challenge. Making training fun, appealing that Pays dIvIdends and interactive is quite another. Even though everyone now knows that people learn by Cut costs: deliver more with doing, many trainer-led courses still rely too constrained resources heavily on learning by telling. A far richer Investing in Productive Training technology experience is enabled by training that uses cuts cost by allowing you to capture training team building and collaboration to maximise sessions and turn them into re-usable assets uptake and retention of knowledge. across your organisation – distributed anywhere, in real-time or on demand. With Productive Training technology from Cut travel time Steljes, you can deliver more instructor-led Nothing blunts productivity more than courses and reduce your reliance on self- excessive travel time. With Productive service online training. Instructors can train Training technology from Steljes geographical delegates in person – but without needing to distance ceases to be a barrier: employees be in the same room, or even on the same can join training sessions and have as continent. And they can deliver learning that enriching and memorable an experience is engaging and interactive, so your trainees as if they were physically there. retain far more, working collaboratively and sharing ideas and questions as they go. Improve knowledge retention Richer, more interactive learning vastly We can help you create richer in-room improves knowledge retention – so you training environments too, where trainers can could transform the skill base within your share source materials with ease, make notes business – increasing revenues and making in electronic ink using a touch-enabled you more competitive. interactive whiteboard and then distribute Improve staff retention – the materials in real-time. Delegates can reduce recruitment fees collaborate, interact, and give instant It is well known that staff leave when electronic feedback. And sessions can be they feel their progress is stifled. Highly recorded automatically so they can be shared effective training makes their personal and re-used over and over again. and career development objectives come to fruition – keeping their valuable input within the business, rather than in the hands of competitors. 5 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 8. where will you see the PoteNtiAl? Whether it’s an HR Director looking to remoTe learning ThaT Brings better upskill employees, or a Head of everyone TogeTher Training looking to transform the way Training remote workers can feel like training is delivered, Steljes’ Productive hard work. When the trainer can’t see the Training solutions, part of the Business delegates, it’s hard to judge how much they’re Productivity Suite can help. taking in or whether they understand what’s being said. Interactive whiteboards, voice and High-impact training is engaging, interactive data conferencing software and interactive and instructor-led. Productive Training desktop displays can bring people into the solutions can help you deliver this every room, no matter where they’re located. time, no matter where your delegates The trainer can interact with them naturally, or your trainers are located. making the session more effective. And because the technology makes the experience richer Training ThaT more involving and engaging, delegates retain engages minds far more of what they’ve learned. With Productivie Training technology you can use interactive whiteboards with visualisers call on exPerTise and interactive desktop displays to deliver from anywhere engaging, interactive, instructor-led courses Subject matter experts can be difficult to pin in a standard training room environment. down when everyone wants a piece of their time. With Productive Training solutions you collaBoraTe across oTher can call in a specialist remotely from any offices and conTinenTs location, cutting travel costs, increasing the Training needs to be able to happen anywhere. number of delegates who can attend and You can bring together cross-functional teams making it far easier to schedule your session. from different floors, different buildings or even different countries. Use conferencing see Trainee Progress technology to connect your training rooms Use training room management software across your enterprise – allowing employees to allow trainers and instructors to view to feedback from interactive pen displays employees’ screens to monitor how they are positioned on the desktop or using interactive progressing during the training sessions. whiteboards within each training room. 6 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 9. 65% 50% 65% of executives see ‘a natural 50% of learning managers way of working’ as the key feature are set to increase their use of any collaborative technology. of web 2.0 technologies such Source: Steljes Productivity Report as social networking tools. Source: Good Practice Report scenario The results Bola comments, “The successful delivery of BT Innovate and Design (BTID) has embarked a customer solution relies upon the effective on a Global Development Centre Programme collaboration between people across BT. Our that embeds collaborative solutions from new SMART business solution enables people SMART Technologies. to meet, irrespective of where they are in “Our developers tend to work in groups the world and interact as if they were in the around a whiteboard and research revealed same room. This has had a massive impact on that they want to interact with and see what travel costs and reduced our carbon footprint their colleagues are writing on the boards, significantly. Last week I trained 34 people and see their faces. At that point we knew in India from Adastral Park and yesterday our solution must support this way of I trained a further eight – that’s a saving working whilst connecting teams that of a flight to India, plus my time, in just are spread across multiple locations,” two weeks.” explained Bola Oshisanwo, Director, Alan Bateman, Director for Next Generation Agile Development Centre. Engineering adds, “Ultimately we’re using BT’s research culminated in the complete this technology to change and transform the redesign of the agile development teams’ culture of the company. What started as a working environment and included the project at Adastral Park has led to plans for a adoption of a SMART business solution. It network of five global development centres.” started with a proof of concept at Adastral Park, BT’s centre for development in Ipswich. “People were wowed by the SMART BoardTM interactive whiteboards initially but quickly snapped back into old habits,” says Bola. “It became clear that this was because they didn’t understand the capability of the technology, so we designed a training package which was delivered to a critical mass of people over a short period of time. The training was based on observing what people did day-to-day. The training focused on helping them to incorporate the SMART Board interactive whiteboards and collaborative working into their day-to- day work.” 7 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 10. 55% 46% 55% of executives fear their firm 46% of executives doubt their is failing to deliver the necessary L&D departments ability to training for recovery. deliver training for recovery. Source: Coleman Parkes Source: Coleman Parkes 8 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 11. ALL I NEED IS A ROOM, ELECTRICITY AND THE SMART PODIUM AND I CAN COACH MY TEAM ANYWHERE. I NOW HAVE A SOLUTION THAT IS TOTALLY MOBILE AND FITS ANY ENVIRONMENT WE FIND OURSELVES IN. I OFTEN TAKE IT WITH ME TO AWAY MATCHES AND USE IT IN MY HALF TIME TALKS TO HIGHLIGHT WHERE THEY NEED TO IMPROVE OR SHOW A PARTICULAR WEAKNESS OF THE OPPOSITION THAT THEY CAN ExPLOIT. Brett Taylor, Head Coach London Scottish Rugby Club Productive trAiNiNG techNoloGy At Steljes we create technology-supported inTeracTive deskToP The ulTimaTe Training training solutions, as part of our Business disPlays environmenT Productivity Suite of solutions, tailored to SMART Podium™ interactive pen displays, You can gain real-time feedback and your business needs that will deliver an ideally positioned on the desktop, are perfect improve content immediately with an immediate productivity and time saving remote learning tools, offering the features interactive audience response system, and return. Whether in-room, room-to-room or of an interactive whiteboard to delegates in with a Mainline flexible power distribution room-to-desktop collaboration solutions, multiple locations. system trainers and delegates can plug they can help organisational learning be in equipment anywhere in the room. more effective and cost efficient across visualisers measures including knowledge retention, Visualisers can be an invaluable training aid, accessories team building, time, travel and hotel costs. enriching learning and aiding understanding. From remote mice to state-of-the-art sound They allow trainers to show real-world systems, Steljes offers a full range of tools We select the cream of Productive Training objects to delegates in remote locations, to make your training environment more technology from best-of-breed manufacturers, or display images or documents through a productive and engaging than ever before. so you can be sure you’re investing in the very monitor or projector and transmitted through best equipment available. the collaboration software to all participants. inTeracTive whiTeBoards sofTware SMART Board™ interactive whiteboards offer With SMART Meeting Pro™ software and delegates a hands-on learning experience SMART Bridgit™ conferencing software, that dramatically improves knowledge delegates can collaborate intuitively whether retention. Interactive whiteboards allow they’re in the same room or thousands of miles multiple users to interact naturally with away. They can work with your own source documents, applications and the internet. material in programmes including Microsoft® Trainers and delegates can Word, Excel or PowerPoint, Adobe® Acrobat® write in digital ink and incorporate their and AutoCAD®. work into source documents with a few clicks, and content can be saved easily in SMART Sync™ training room management digital format for your delegates’ reference software allows trainers to view all the and for trainers to re-use. delegates’ screens as they work, and lets delegates collaborate on the same document. Add SMART Ideas™ concept mapping software and SMART Notebook™ collaborative learning software, to make complex ideas easier for delegates to understand and it’s easy to deliver a high-impact, interactive training experience. 9 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 12. OUR NEW SMART COLLABORATION CAPABILITY ENABLES PEOPLE TO MEET, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHERE THEY ARE IN THE WORLD AND INTERACT AS IF THEY WERE IN THE SAME ROOM. THIS HAS HAD A MASSIVE IMPACT ON TRAVEL COSTS AND REDUCED OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT SIGNIFICANTLY. Bola Oshisanwo, Director, Agile Development Centre BT A 360 0 service you need more Than jusT Technology To change The way you work. sTeljes offers a range of services To suPPorT you Through The whole Process – from advice and guidance, Through To educaTion, Training, ongoing suPPorT and even financing oPTions. 10 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 13. ConsultanCy Rental Training Our consultancy service starts with Whether you want to stage an unforgettable When you invest in a suite of technology us getting to know how your organisation workshop, to use digital signage for a to help make your people more productive, and your people work today, so we can help product launch, or to support a proof-of- it’s essential that they are confident and you change the way you work tomorrow. concept, we offer a range of exciting engaged with it. That’s why Steljes sees This approach means we can help you choose Business Productivity Suite technology for training as a crucial part of changing the the right technology and get the maximum short-term rental. way you work. We can also offer training return by focusing on the areas of productivity as part of a proof-of-concept so you’ll get that are most important to you. Here’s how organisations take advantage: a clear picture of the impact your chosen technologies could have on your business. High impact AGMs: an interactive voting Key consultancy services include: All training is completely tailored to your system (and digital signage to publish business and your priorities. Audit – looking at how you work the results) today, and then developing the business Critical workshops – get important Training services include: case to change decisions, fast – using an interactive End-user training – Steljes is the only Proof of concept – to help assess whiteboard to get your key people SMART accredited training centre in the new ways of working and trial to collaborate, interact and ultimately UK, so using our experts to get your the technology reach decisions that typically take people up-to-speed pays dividends weeks or months to finalise Technology familiarisation – our Technical – we’ll ensure the technology accredited experts will install the Flexible working – a great way of is integrated seamlessly into your technology and help business users trialling flexible working, renting existing estate, and we’ll work closely become confident in its usage conferencing equipment such as with your IT team to help them become mobile interactive displays on stands familiar with the systems or interactive pen display podiums for steljes ChoiCes remote workers, means you can conduct Train the trainer – we can train your own Paying for new equipment up-front may a cost-effective pilot staff to deliver top-quality, customised not be the best option for every business. training to their colleagues internally Through Steljes Choices, we offer a range of Ongoing support – we’ll help you tax-efficient leasing options, hire purchase technical suppoRt manage change and ensure your people and 0% finance (subject to product and and waRRanties continue to improve their productivity. underwriting acceptance). Our own enhanced warranties as well We’ll run refresher courses and conduct as standard manufacturer warranties give Working with Syscap, the UK’s leading a staff survey to assess the impact the you the support and confidence once the independent business IT finance technology is really making technology is in place. Steljes provides on-site provider, Steljes Choices can give you support, which can avoid the need to send cash flow flexibility and keep your items away for repair. And with a next day capital free for reinvestment response time you can be assured there is Finance options are tax-efficient very little downtime for your organisation. and could even save you money in real terms Added to this, it includes: Your agreement will be individually Supporting proof of concepts: technical tailored to you with easily managed support is vital at the ‘proof of concept’ monthly payments that suit your budget stage for any project and having technical support ensures that the At the end of your agreement you technology works in your environment could choose to own the equipment or refresh the technology and lease more Enhanced warranties: for a one off fee equipment without increasing your you cover the cost of all labour and parts, monthly outlay or the cost of a full replacement if repair is not possible Steljes is the SMART Authorised Service Organisation in the UK and Ireland, so you will be supported by a trained and highly skilled team of technicians. 11 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 14. why stelJes sTeljes – a hisTory of innovaTion Steljes started in 1987 and since then, suPPorTing Technology sense checking The righT has demonstrated a passion for identifying service Providers aPProach – soluTions the latest in technology to change our way By matching the best technology and evaluaTion of living, learning and working. Steljes has customer challenges together, Steljes helps We take on a lot of the risk and upfront constantly looked at the technology manufacturers, resellers and customers investments that our clients and partners marketplace for innovation that could be successfully address real life situations faced would otherwise have to bear. A big part successfully harnessed for tangible and by businesses in every industry sector. of this is ensuring we’ve vetted the right lasting productivity gains. solutions and know with certainty they will We support the industry through education deliver the benefits that our clients expect. From launching the first LCD projector into and training, insights and research and of the market back in 1993, through to being course helping companies take these new Steljes Labs, our own R&D, focuses on this the first distributor of SMART Technologies, innovative technologies to market with the area – understanding from manufacturers Turning Point and AVerMedia. Steljes surety of being backed by real expertise across the world, what’s coming down the continues to promote and distribute and experience. pipeline and how it compares to what’s solutions and technology with purpose. available now. a ParTnershiP aPProach Steljes entered the Sunday Times Fast Steljes delivers its solutions through Track in 1997 and has continued to grow a network of partners across the UK. since – selling over 300,000 SMART Board™ Steljes and its partner resellers work with interactive whiteboards in 2009 and customers to help devise and provide the achieving recognition by winning the Best right technology solutions to meet the ICT Innovation Award in that year. highest priority productivity challenges. We work closely with our partners, giving them and their customers advice and guidance to help them deliver maximum benefits. 12 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive trAiNiNG
  • 16. where will your BiggesT ProducTiviTy gain come from? Productive Productive video ANd dAtA Productive meetiNGs it’s not what you do, it’s the time, the way, coNfereNciNG it’s not what you do, it’s the time, the way, worksPAces it’s not what you do, it’s the time, the way, the place that you do it. the place that you do it. the place that you do it. This is Business ProducTiviTy This is Business ProducTiviTy This is Business ProducTiviTy Productive Productive mArketiNG ANd find ouT more trAiNiNG it’s not what you do, it’s the time, the way, commuNicAtioNs it’s not what you do, it’s the time, the way, We offer an initial assessment and consultancy service with one of our the place that you do it. the place that you do it. Business Solutions Group to help you identify the best opportunities and partner for your business. 08450 758 758 This is Business ProducTiviTy This is Business ProducTiviTy sTeljes HEADqUARTERS LEEDS EDINBURGH STELJES IRELAND LTD Bagshot Manor The Old Brewery Lochside House Unit L2 Green Lane High Court 3 Lochside Way Baldonnell Business Park Bagshot Leeds Edinburgh Park Baldonnell Surrey LS2 7ES Edinburgh Dublin 22 GU19 5NL EH12 9DT Ireland This is Business ProducTiviTy SJ/41658