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video and data
A reAl meeting experience – without requiring
fAce-to-fAce presence

This is Business ProducTiviTy
this is
video an
The reason we want to meet face-to-face          We thought we’d see a bit of a dent to team      business now, but we’re not harnessing it
shouldn’t be a surprise. Research has shown      working and ultimately productivity, but         effectively and people only think and interact
time and again that 80% of communication         we were surprised by how much it’s affecting     within their own region, or even office.
is done visually and this is why people still    us. Our home workers find our current
want to default to face-to-face meetings, but    collaboration technologies too complex and       So, for many, communication now consists
often have to make do with email and phone.      hard to use – most are only good for passive     of email and phone, but to be honest it’s
It is always a balancing act between the costs   and broadcast forms of communication rather      mostly email – that most unengaging and
associated with this and the desire to meet      than supporting interactive and collaborative    blunt form of dialogue. We need to be able
in person.                                       working on shared media. They also say that      to communicate visually and see our people
                                                 the technology doesn’t fit with a natural way    and their body language.
We’ve been under some cost pressure recently,    of working and this has simply meant they
and with some basic analysis we were shocked     don’t use the tools we’ve given them. They       Visual communication and collaboration
by the sheer scale of our company’s travel       may not even be the right tools for some of      technology will be key to this, but current
costs. We had expanded globally, so the flight   the ways they want to work.                      approaches haven’t worked – the time, the
costs and associated expenses really added up.                                                    way, the place we do things needs to change.
Between travel bans to put a cap on this and     We need to find a way to really engage with      We need to change the way we work.
natural elements from ash clouds to deep         our home workers – flexible working’s so
snow sometimes travelling to meet simply         important to this business, and we just need
isn’t an option, but the business impact         to make it work. For our colleagues across the
can be serious.                                  world, we must be better connected. There’s
                                                 a vast pool of expertise and ideas within this
80% £88bn
 People remember 80% of what they             Non-productive time costs the UK
 see AND hear, compared to just 10%           £88 billion a year.
 of what they hear and 20% of what            Source: Proudfoot Productivity Report
 they read.
 Source: Jerome Bruner, New York University

nd data

 read on, and Take The firsT sTeP
 Towards a very differenT scenario.

 1              THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY             Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
                                                                             73% of respondents said that
                                                                             communication and collaboration
                                                                             was the top issue and priority for
                                                                             driving business productivity.
                                                                             Source: Steljes Productivity Report

You just
have to be
is there no
other waY?

2   THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY   Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
40% of respondents said that video               AMONG THE MAIN REASONS TO ExTEND THE COMMUNICATION
and data conferencing was a key
technology for productive meetings.
                                                 AND COLLABORATION BUDGET IN FUTURE ARE: PRODUCTIVITY
Source: Steljes Productivity Report              INCREASES (46%), LESS TRAVEL (43%), COST REDUCTION (35%)
                                                 AND TECHNOLOGY ADVANCES (35%).
                                                 Source: Frost & Sullivan

Can you really have an interactive,              Making reMote workers                              Technically advanced
collaborative meeting without being              less reMote                                        conferencing ThaT
face- to-face? The fact is that pressures on     Staff who work from home or remotely               doesn’T require
time and productivity are forcing us all to      often feel ‘out of sight, out of mind’ –           Technical knowledge
consider new ways of working. Whilst most        or at least that’s the way the business can        The challenge found by many organisations is
of us hate being on camera the reality is that   feel. Connecting them to their HQ colleagues       that conferencing technology can be complex
video conferencing is now an integral part of    is critical – to create a ‘one company’ culture,   for the non-technically gifted. This has had
the way we run our lives. For the new digital    to foster better teamwork and to ensure their      the effect of many systems lying unutilised
natives, they have grown up with the             full expertise is brought to bear.                 – the investment never delivering a return. It
technology revolution and news ways of                                                              is key to find highly intuitive and user-friendly
building and maintaining relationships           achieving effective                                approaches that mirror a natural way of
through digital media, It is not as complex      conferencing and                                   working – with minimal training and IT
and difficult as it used to be and if they       collaboration without                              knowledge required.
can do it we should too.                         breaking the bank
                                                 Video and data conferencing solutions have
Flexible working –                               been around for some time. The challenge           how do you
or are you?                                      organisations have found is in the cost and
Flexible working has often been problematic      complexity of these systems. How can you           make This all
for organisations. Typically, you tend to        achieve the communication effectiveness
get quick wins from freed up office desk         your business needs – without it being             work beTTer?
space and some travel cost reduction –           cost prohibitive? Equally how can you
but something more important gets lost           change the experience from a passive and
along the way. Building solid relationships,     broadcast communication to one that is
collaboration and team working suffers –         interactive and collaborative?
and ultimately so too does productivity.
                                                 iMprove collaboration –
Cutting the travel Costs,                        even when geography
without Cutting the                              gets in the way
ConneCtion to staFF                              With more and more work being done as task
Staff travelling to meetings is an               or project-based activity – bringing dispersed
ever-present part of business, but               staff together has never been more
increasingly, organisations are putting in       important. They need to feel part of the team
place travel bans to try to control the time     and build relationships with colleagues that
and cost spent in transit. However, people       they may see infrequently at work in person.
still need to collaborate and interact – the
challenge is making this happen effectively.
Being able to see people in an ever more
digital world has to go beyond an icon or a
picture of a person. We communicate visually
and we need to visually explain data and
complex ideas at the same time.

3            THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY       Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
                                       RANGING FROM 36% TOWARD TELEPRESENCE TO ALMOST 60%
                                       FOR VIDEO CONFERENCING.
                                       Source: Frost & Sullivan

real meeting
without requiring fAce-to-fAce presence

4      THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY   Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
65% of employers said flexible                      WHEN ASkED WHAT THEY CONSIDERED TO BE THE BIGGEST
working practices had a positive
effect on recruitment and                           BENEFITS OF VIDEO CONFERENCING RESPONDENTS RATED
retention saving costs.                             REDUCING TRAVEL TOP, CLOSELY FOLLOWED BY SAVING
Source: DWP                                         TIME AND REDUCING COSTS.
                                                    Source: Steljes Video and Data Conferencing Report

Video and data conferencing has become              RicheR engagement, RicheR                            ROI
affordable, effective, easy to use and              inteRaction, betteR Results
reliable. Connect workers like never                Productive Video and Data Conferencing               Cutting wasted time
before, across any distance, with ease.             technology from Steljes gives you real-time          Think about the hours your staff spend
Help virtual teams work together and                content collaboration and a natural dialogue         travelling to and from meetings. Across the
build better working relationships from a           between your staff, customers and partners           course of even a month this adds up
‘face-to-face’ experience.                          – whoever you want to connect with.                  significantly. Video and data conferencing
                                                    This enriches communications and builds              doesn’t replace every meeting, but it can
Use video and data conferencing that is easy        relationships – especially when geography            drastically reduce them – and with that staff
to set up and even easier to use – within           would normally be a barrier.                         time is better spent.
minutes you are up and running with a new
                                                                                                         Agility – get to market faster
way of working that still feels natural and         making flexible woRking
                                                                                                         How many times are meetings delayed due to
intuitive. The technology is compatible with        Really pay dividends
                                                                                                         geographic constraints? Freeing up a whole
all industry standard formats and runs across       Video and data conferencing can fall down
                                                                                                         day for a meeting is challenging, but with
IP networks so it will integrate easily into your   when it’s used by those outside of the high
                                                                                                         Video and Data Conferencing, an hour’s
existing communications infrastructure. You         speed connectivity world of the head office.
                                                                                                         meeting is just that – an hour. This means
can now record meetings, simply by plugging         With solutions from Steljes, technical
                                                                                                         meetings happen when they need to,
in a USB device – press one button and you          limitations won’t hold you back – and remote
                                                                                                         projects stay on track and the business
can save, share and archive meetings as a           and home workers can easily connect and
                                                                                                         becomes more agile.
permanent record.                                   have high quality video conferences without
                                                    requiring ‘business grade’ technical                 Building better relationships
                                                    connectivity: home broadband is easily               Great working relationships improve the way
                                                    sufficient.                                          people interact with each other, improve team
                                                                                                         work and morale and ultimately lead to more
                                                    suppoRt new ways                                     productive, highly motivated teams. The cost
                                                    of woRking                                           of delays from fragmented teams cannot be
                                                    Increasingly, we work together across                underestimated.
                                                    distances, in short-lived project teams and
                                                                                                         Reduce your carbon footprint
                                                    often with suppliers and partners outside of
                                                                                                         Companies are under pressure to
                                                    our company. This requires a new way of
                                                                                                         demonstrate greater sustainability. Productive
                                                    working – an ability to be fleet of foot and
                                                                                                         Video and Data Conferencing does mean
                                                    communicate quickly, easily and above all,
                                                                                                         travel requirements drop, and with that the
                                                    effectively. Video and Data Conferencing
                                                                                                         carbon footprint reduces – especially for
                                                    from Steljes supports this by emulating the
                                                                                                         international organisations who can avoid
                                                    most natural working method – visual
                                                                                                         excessive flying.
                                                    collaboration and face-to-face interaction.

5            THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY          Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
where will You
see the potential?
Whether it’s a sales function wanting to make    comPlex informaTion
regional sales meetings more efficient and       sharing
effective, or global teams needing to connect    3D objects, design schematics, the latest
and build relationships, Steljes’ Productive     technical architectures. The more complex
Video and Data Conferencing technology           the information, the more important it is to
can help. From simple video conferencing         represent it and discuss it visually. Video and
solutions to integrated solutions with           Data Conferencing technology makes this
interactive whiteboards and collaboration        possible – allowing dispersed teams to share
software that take you to a new level with a     objects, annotate and make commentary –
natural interactive and collaborative data       all of which can be captured and recorded
conferencing solution.                           digitally. Use visualisers to instantly bring
                                                 objects into conversations; use touch-
effecTive remoTe working                         enabled interactive whiteboards or displays
Bring remote workers into the meeting or         to add commentary and ideas.
into the conversation with Productive Video
and Data Conferencing technology. From           TaPPing inTo sPecialisT
conferencing software that can connect them      exPerTise – wherever
from anywhere, or touch-enabled desktop          iT’s locaTed
displays which provide a portable way to         So called subject matter experts are valuable
visually interact with office-bound colleagues   individuals. What makes them so valuable is
through to video conferencing that enables       their scarcity – which causes organisations
them to see their colleagues, their body         problems, bottlenecks and constraints
language and reactions – as if they were there   when it comes to tapping into their
in person.                                       unique expertise. What if you could simply
                                                 conference them in when you needed them
collaBoraTion: Bringing                          and give them back their valuable time by
cusTomers, ParTners                              taking out the travel?
and suPPliers TogeTher
More brains working on a problem, the more
chance you have of solving it. Increasingly,
it’s not just people within the organisation
who work together to solve problems and
create opportunities. Suppliers, partners,
even customers all can become part of the
equation. And having Productive Video
and Data Conferencing technology to bring
them together, instantly, makes this an
affordable reality.

6           THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY        Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
                                                                                                 88% of respondents would use
                                                                                                 video conferencing as a way to
ON REDUCING TRAVEL AND MEETING COSTS, FROM BOARD                                                 meet face-to-face without the
LEVEL TO TRAVELLERS THEMSELVES.                                                                  need to travel.
                                                                                                 Source: Steljes Video and Data
Source: Institute of Travel and Meetings                                                         Conferencing Report

scenario                                          Excellent build quality                        The system has improved the firm’s
                                                                                                 efficiency, reducing travel to internal
Take a firm of solicitors with 40 partners        High quality video images and                  meetings – enabling more time to be spent
across three locations in the UK. Regular         audio sound                                    on billable work. The system paid for itself
meetings between the partners resulted in                                                        after just two of the larger internal meetings
                                                  Simplicity – no one in the company needs
extensive amounts of travel. For expensive,                                                      were conducted using the video
                                                  to be an IT expert, for the users it is just
fee-earning staff this was a situation that had                                                  conferencing solution!
                                                  like using a telephone. Once set-up the
to be remedied. The firm wanted a system
                                                  firm didn’t require IT expertise for using
that they could use internally to reduce
                                                  the system at each of their three sites, as
meeting-related travel time and free up more
                                                  non-IT staff could easily use and manage
time for billable work. The system also
                                                  the system themselves.
needed to include a recording functionality
for archiving purposes.                           Low bandwidth requirements – the
                                                  system is compatible with typical office
The firm knew what was on the market in           or even household bandwidth,
terms of video conferencing systems and as        integrating easily into the firm’s existing
brand new users of video conferencing knew        communications environment
that they wanted a ‘no strings attached’
                                                  Low cost of ownership
system: no hidden extras, no management
fee, no additional warranties to pay for. The
requirement was for a simple, easy to use
system that they could manage themselves
and only pay for the physical hardware
they purchased.

The firm chose the AVerComm H300 video
conferencing system for all three of its
locations for the following reasons:-

7             THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY       Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
8   THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY   Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
84 of the ‘100 Best Companies                    ULTIMATELY WE’RE USING THIS TECHNOLOGY TO CHANGE
to Work For’ allow employees
to telecommute or work from
                                                 AND TRANSFORM THE CULTURE OF THE COMPANY.
home at least 20% of the time.
                                                 Alan Bateman, Director for Next Generation Engineering
Source: Workplace of the Future

productive video
and data conferencing
Steljes continually researches the market and    Multi-point – AVerComm H300                          collaBoraTion sofTware
assesses which products and manufacturers        Communicate with up to four locations                Collaboration software, such as SMART
offer the most innovative solutions, to suit a   simultaneously – the ultimate in                     Bridgit™ data conferencing software and
range of client budgets. Our Productive Video    conferencing experiences. Collaborate                SMART Meeting Pro Premium software
and Data Conferencing portfolio comprises        with teams spread across the office,                 integrate all the multimedia capabilities of
of a range of complementary technologies         the country or even the world.                       meeting resources. This allows you to share
that work together or in isolation to solve                                                           voice and data over your network or the
the business productivity challenges we see                                                           internet – quickly and make online or virtual
organisations face.                              inTeracTive whiTeBoards                              meetings really count.
                                                 With a SMART Board interactive whiteboard,
video conferencing sysTems                       your people can share material, analyse data,        inTeracTive
The AVerComm H series HD video conference        brainstorm, solve problems, record ideas and         deskToP disPlays
system provides a low cost, high quality video   decisions, save notes and distribute meeting         Remote workers can feel a lot less remote
conferencing experience. The H100 and H300       results more efficiently than ever before.           with a SMART Podium™ interactive pen
systems make use of a high quality camera        Dual touch functionality also means more             display, ideally situated on the desktop.
with zoom linked to a presentation hub with      than one person can work at the board at             It allows them to be directly connected
three metre boundary microphone and codec.       the same time.                                       to meetings and contribute as if they
Simple, portable and easy to use these devices                                                        were there in person. Also used in board
are ideal for everyday meeting rooms and         inTeracTive disPlays                                 rooms for more formal presentations and
remote workers.                                  Perfect for board rooms and key meeting              training rooms.
                                                 spaces – SMART Board™ interactive displays
You are able to record sessions to a USB         provide the functionality of an interactive          visualisers
memory stick, take pictures and share these      whiteboard; finger and pen navigation,               If you’re often using complex paper-based
with session members and also integrate          digital ink and the ability to save work – all       documents, a visualiser is a must. A visualiser
the technology with visualisers, laptops and     combined with the brilliant visuals of HD            enables the digitised sharing and saving of
SMART Board™ interactive whiteboards             flat panel displays that can be used for             documents and real-world objects. Use with
and LCD displays for data conferencing.          video conferencing.                                  an interactive whiteboard and the material
Meeting industry standards for video and                                                              can be annotated and comments marked in
voice, the AVerComm video conferencing           whiTeBoarding sofTware                               digital ink for future reference.
system is interoperable with all leading video   SMART Meeting Pro™ Premium software
conferencing brands.                             makes collaboration easy when you’re using           PeriPherals
                                                 interactive whiteboards and interactive LCD          Add the final extra touches to Productive
Point-to-point – AVerComm H100                   displays. Open applications, browse, write in        Video and Data Conferencing technology
Perfect for connecting one location to           digital ink and save everything from notes           with the right camera mounts, clamps,
another – whether it’s two regional              to screen captures into the digital format of        cables and spare parts.
office headquarters or simply two                your choice.
project teams. Collaboration brings
the two teams together.

9             THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY      Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
81% 81% of respondents not currently
                                                                                  using a video conferencing system
                                                                                  would consider installing video
                                                                                  conferencing in their organisation.
                                                                                  Source: Steljes Video and Data
                                                                                  Conferencing Report

a 360                                                                         0
you need more Than jusT
Technology To change The
way you work. sTeljes offers
a range of services To suPPorT
you Through The whole Process –
from advice and guidance,
Through To educaTion, Training,
ongoing suPPorT and even
financing oPTions.

10   THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY   Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
ConsultanCy                                       Rental                                             Training
Our consultancy service starts with               Whether you want to stage an unforgettable         When you invest in a suite of technology
us getting to know how your organisation          workshop, to use digital signage for a             to help make your people more productive,
and your people work today, so we can help        product launch, or to support a proof-of-          it’s essential that they are confident and
you change the way you work tomorrow.             concept, we offer a range of exciting              engaged with it. That’s why Steljes sees
This approach means we can help you choose        Business Productivity Suite technology for         training as a crucial part of changing the
the right technology and get the maximum          short-term rental.                                 way you work. We can also offer training
return by focusing on the areas of productivity                                                      as part of a proof of concept so you’ll get
that are most important to you.                   Here’s how organisations take advantage:           a clear picture of the impact your chosen
                                                                                                     technologies could have on your business.
                                                  High impact AGMs: an interactive voting
Key consultancy services include:                                                                    All training is completely tailored to your
                                                  system (and digital signage to publish
                                                                                                     business and your priorities.
Audit – looking at how you work                   the results)
today, and then developing the business
                                                  Critical workshops – get important                 Training services include:
case to change
                                                  decisions, fast – using an interactive
                                                                                                     End-user training – Steljes is the only
Proof of concept – to help assess                 whiteboard to get your key people
                                                                                                     SMART accredited training centre in the
new ways of working and trial                     to collaborate, interact and ultimately
                                                                                                     UK, so using our experts to get your
the technology                                    reach decisions that typically take
                                                                                                     people up-to-speed pays dividends
                                                  weeks or months to finalise
Technology familiarisation – our
                                                                                                     Technical – we’ll ensure the technology
accredited experts will install the               Flexible working – a great way of
                                                                                                     is integrated seamlessly into your
technology and help business users                trialling flexible working, renting
                                                                                                     existing estate, and we’ll work closely
become confident in its usage                     conferencing equipment such as
                                                                                                     with your IT team to help them become
                                                  mobile interactive displays on stands
                                                                                                     familiar with the systems
                                                  or interactive pen display podiums for
steljes ChoiCes                                   remote workers, means you can conduct              Train the trainer – we can train your own
Paying for new equipment up-front may             a cost-effective pilot                             staff to deliver top-quality, customised
not be the best option for every business.                                                           training to their colleagues internally
Through Steljes Choices, we offer a range of
                                                                                                     Ongoing support – we’ll help you
tax-efficient leasing options, hire purchase      technical suppoRt
                                                                                                     manage change and ensure your people
and 0% finance (subject to product and            and waRRanties
                                                                                                     continue to improve their productivity.
underwriting acceptance).                         Our own enhanced warranties as well
                                                                                                     We’ll run refresher courses and conduct
                                                  as standard manufacturer warranties give
Working with Syscap, the UK’s leading                                                                a staff survey to assess the impact the
                                                  you the support and confidence once the
independent business IT finance                                                                      technology is really making
                                                  technology is in place. Steljes provides on-site
provider, Steljes Choices can give you
                                                  support, which can avoid the need to send
cash flow flexibility and keep your
                                                  items away for repair. And with a next day
capital free for reinvestment
                                                  response time you can be assured there is
Finance options are tax-efficient                 very little downtime for your organisation.
and could even save you money
in real terms                                     Added to this, it includes:
Your agreement will be individually               Supporting proof of concepts: technical
tailored to you with easily managed               support is vital at the ‘proof of concept’
monthly payments that suit your budget            stage for any project and having
                                                  technical support ensures that the
At the end of your agreement you
                                                  technology works in your environment
could choose to own the equipment or
refresh the technology and lease more             Enhanced warranties: for a one off fee
equipment without increasing your                 you cover the cost of all labour and parts,
monthly outlay                                    or the cost of a full replacement if repair
                                                  is not possible

                                                  Steljes is the SMART Authorised Service
                                                  Organisation in the UK and Ireland, so you
                                                  will be supported by a trained and highly
                                                  skilled team of technicians.

11          THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY         Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
sTeljes – a hisTory of innovaTion

Steljes started in 1987 and since then,        suPPorTing Technology                             sense checking The righT
has demonstrated a passion for identifying     service Providers                                 aPProach – soluTions
the latest in technology to change our way     By matching the best technology and               evaluaTion
of living, learning and working. Steljes has   customer challenges together, Steljes helps       We take on a lot of the risk and upfront
constantly looked at the technology            manufacturers, resellers and customers            investments that our clients and partners
marketplace for innovation that could be       successfully address real life situations faced   would otherwise have to bear. A big part
successfully harnessed for tangible and        by businesses in every industry sector.           of this is ensuring we’ve vetted the right
lasting productivity gains.                                                                      solutions and know with certainty they will
                                               We support the industry through education         deliver the benefits that our clients expect.
From launching the first LCD projector into    and training, insights and research and of
the market back in 1993, through to being      course helping companies take these new           Steljes Labs, our own R&D, focuses on this
the first distributor of SMART Technologies,   innovative technologies to market with the        area – understanding from manufacturers
Turning Point and AVerMedia. Steljes           surety of being backed by real expertise          across the world, what’s coming down the
continues to promote and distribute            and experience.                                   pipeline and how it compares to what’s
solutions and technology with purpose.                                                           available now.
                                               a ParTnershiP aPProach
Steljes entered the Sunday Times Fast          Steljes delivers its solutions through
Track in 1997 and has continued to grow        a network of partners across the UK.
since – selling over 300,000 SMART Board™      Steljes and its partner resellers work with
interactive whiteboards in 2009 and            customers to help devise and provide the
achieving recognition by winning the Best      right technology solutions to meet the
ICT Innovation Award in that year.             highest priority productivity challenges.

                                               We work closely with our partners,
                                               giving them and their customers advice
                                               and guidance to help them deliver
                                               maximum benefits.

12          THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY      Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
Bola Oshisanwo, Director, Agile Development Centre
where will your BiggesT ProducTiviTy
gain come from?

  productive                                      video and data                                    productive
  it’s not whAt you do, it’s the time, the wAy,
                                                   it’s not whAt you do, it’s the time, the wAy,
                                                                                                    it’s not whAt you do, it’s the time, the wAy,
  the plAce thAt you do it.                        the plAce thAt you do it.                        the plAce thAt you do it.

  This is Business ProducTiviTy                    This is Business ProducTiviTy                    This is Business ProducTiviTy

  productive                                       marketing and                                   find ouT more
  it’s not whAt you do, it’s the time, the wAy,
                                                   it’s not whAt you do, it’s the time, the wAy,
                                                                                                   We offer an initial assessment and consultancy service with one of our
  the plAce thAt you do it.                        the plAce thAt you do it.

                                                                                                   Business Solutions Group to help you identify the best opportunities
                                                                                                   and partner for your business.

                                                                                                   08450 758 758

  This is Business ProducTiviTy                    This is Business ProducTiviTy

HEADqUARTERS                                      LEEDS                                            EDINBURGH                                        STELJES IRELAND LTD
Bagshot Manor                                     The Old Brewery                                  Lochside House                                   Unit L2
Green Lane                                        High Court                                       3 Lochside Way                                   Baldonnell Business Park
Bagshot                                           Leeds                                            Edinburgh Park                                   Baldonnell
Surrey                                            LS2 7ES                                          Edinburgh                                        Dublin 22
GU19 5NL                                                                                           EH12 9DT                                         Ireland

This is Business ProducTiviTy

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Steljes Productive Video & Data Conferencing

  • 1. productive video and data conferencing A reAl meeting experience – without requiring fAce-to-fAce presence This is Business ProducTiviTy
  • 2. this is product video an confere The reason we want to meet face-to-face We thought we’d see a bit of a dent to team business now, but we’re not harnessing it shouldn’t be a surprise. Research has shown working and ultimately productivity, but effectively and people only think and interact time and again that 80% of communication we were surprised by how much it’s affecting within their own region, or even office. is done visually and this is why people still us. Our home workers find our current want to default to face-to-face meetings, but collaboration technologies too complex and So, for many, communication now consists often have to make do with email and phone. hard to use – most are only good for passive of email and phone, but to be honest it’s It is always a balancing act between the costs and broadcast forms of communication rather mostly email – that most unengaging and associated with this and the desire to meet than supporting interactive and collaborative blunt form of dialogue. We need to be able in person. working on shared media. They also say that to communicate visually and see our people the technology doesn’t fit with a natural way and their body language. We’ve been under some cost pressure recently, of working and this has simply meant they and with some basic analysis we were shocked don’t use the tools we’ve given them. They Visual communication and collaboration by the sheer scale of our company’s travel may not even be the right tools for some of technology will be key to this, but current costs. We had expanded globally, so the flight the ways they want to work. approaches haven’t worked – the time, the costs and associated expenses really added up. way, the place we do things needs to change. Between travel bans to put a cap on this and We need to find a way to really engage with We need to change the way we work. natural elements from ash clouds to deep our home workers – flexible working’s so snow sometimes travelling to meet simply important to this business, and we just need isn’t an option, but the business impact to make it work. For our colleagues across the can be serious. world, we must be better connected. There’s a vast pool of expertise and ideas within this
  • 3. 80% £88bn People remember 80% of what they Non-productive time costs the UK see AND hear, compared to just 10% £88 billion a year. of what they hear and 20% of what Source: Proudfoot Productivity Report they read. Source: Jerome Bruner, New York University tive nd data encing. WE’VE PROBABLY ALL FACED SIMILAR ISSUES ON A REGULAR BASIS. BUT STELJES BELIEVES THERE IS A WAY FORWARD. MEETING FACE-TO-FACE IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE REqUIRED, BUT THE TIME, THE WAY AND THE PLACE THAT WE INTERACT CAN CHANGE. TODAY. read on, and Take The firsT sTeP Towards a very differenT scenario. 1 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 4. 73% 73% of respondents said that communication and collaboration was the top issue and priority for driving business productivity. Source: Steljes Productivity Report You just have to be face-to-face, is there no other waY? 2 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 5. 40% 40% of respondents said that video AMONG THE MAIN REASONS TO ExTEND THE COMMUNICATION and data conferencing was a key technology for productive meetings. AND COLLABORATION BUDGET IN FUTURE ARE: PRODUCTIVITY Source: Steljes Productivity Report INCREASES (46%), LESS TRAVEL (43%), COST REDUCTION (35%) AND TECHNOLOGY ADVANCES (35%). Source: Frost & Sullivan Can you really have an interactive, Making reMote workers Technically advanced collaborative meeting without being less reMote conferencing ThaT face- to-face? The fact is that pressures on Staff who work from home or remotely doesn’T require time and productivity are forcing us all to often feel ‘out of sight, out of mind’ – Technical knowledge consider new ways of working. Whilst most or at least that’s the way the business can The challenge found by many organisations is of us hate being on camera the reality is that feel. Connecting them to their HQ colleagues that conferencing technology can be complex video conferencing is now an integral part of is critical – to create a ‘one company’ culture, for the non-technically gifted. This has had the way we run our lives. For the new digital to foster better teamwork and to ensure their the effect of many systems lying unutilised natives, they have grown up with the full expertise is brought to bear. – the investment never delivering a return. It technology revolution and news ways of is key to find highly intuitive and user-friendly building and maintaining relationships achieving effective approaches that mirror a natural way of through digital media, It is not as complex conferencing and working – with minimal training and IT and difficult as it used to be and if they collaboration without knowledge required. can do it we should too. breaking the bank Video and data conferencing solutions have Flexible working – been around for some time. The challenge how do you or are you? organisations have found is in the cost and Flexible working has often been problematic complexity of these systems. How can you make This all for organisations. Typically, you tend to achieve the communication effectiveness get quick wins from freed up office desk your business needs – without it being work beTTer? space and some travel cost reduction – cost prohibitive? Equally how can you but something more important gets lost change the experience from a passive and along the way. Building solid relationships, broadcast communication to one that is collaboration and team working suffers – interactive and collaborative? and ultimately so too does productivity. iMprove collaboration – Cutting the travel Costs, even when geography without Cutting the gets in the way ConneCtion to staFF With more and more work being done as task Staff travelling to meetings is an or project-based activity – bringing dispersed ever-present part of business, but staff together has never been more increasingly, organisations are putting in important. They need to feel part of the team place travel bans to try to control the time and build relationships with colleagues that and cost spent in transit. However, people they may see infrequently at work in person. still need to collaborate and interact – the challenge is making this happen effectively. Being able to see people in an ever more digital world has to go beyond an icon or a picture of a person. We communicate visually and we need to visually explain data and complex ideas at the same time. 3 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 7. 65% 65% of employers said flexible WHEN ASkED WHAT THEY CONSIDERED TO BE THE BIGGEST working practices had a positive effect on recruitment and BENEFITS OF VIDEO CONFERENCING RESPONDENTS RATED retention saving costs. REDUCING TRAVEL TOP, CLOSELY FOLLOWED BY SAVING Source: DWP TIME AND REDUCING COSTS. Source: Steljes Video and Data Conferencing Report Video and data conferencing has become RicheR engagement, RicheR ROI affordable, effective, easy to use and inteRaction, betteR Results reliable. Connect workers like never Productive Video and Data Conferencing Cutting wasted time before, across any distance, with ease. technology from Steljes gives you real-time Think about the hours your staff spend Help virtual teams work together and content collaboration and a natural dialogue travelling to and from meetings. Across the build better working relationships from a between your staff, customers and partners course of even a month this adds up ‘face-to-face’ experience. – whoever you want to connect with. significantly. Video and data conferencing This enriches communications and builds doesn’t replace every meeting, but it can Use video and data conferencing that is easy relationships – especially when geography drastically reduce them – and with that staff to set up and even easier to use – within would normally be a barrier. time is better spent. minutes you are up and running with a new Agility – get to market faster way of working that still feels natural and making flexible woRking How many times are meetings delayed due to intuitive. The technology is compatible with Really pay dividends geographic constraints? Freeing up a whole all industry standard formats and runs across Video and data conferencing can fall down day for a meeting is challenging, but with IP networks so it will integrate easily into your when it’s used by those outside of the high Video and Data Conferencing, an hour’s existing communications infrastructure. You speed connectivity world of the head office. meeting is just that – an hour. This means can now record meetings, simply by plugging With solutions from Steljes, technical meetings happen when they need to, in a USB device – press one button and you limitations won’t hold you back – and remote projects stay on track and the business can save, share and archive meetings as a and home workers can easily connect and becomes more agile. permanent record. have high quality video conferences without requiring ‘business grade’ technical Building better relationships connectivity: home broadband is easily Great working relationships improve the way sufficient. people interact with each other, improve team work and morale and ultimately lead to more suppoRt new ways productive, highly motivated teams. The cost of woRking of delays from fragmented teams cannot be Increasingly, we work together across underestimated. distances, in short-lived project teams and Reduce your carbon footprint often with suppliers and partners outside of Companies are under pressure to our company. This requires a new way of demonstrate greater sustainability. Productive working – an ability to be fleet of foot and Video and Data Conferencing does mean communicate quickly, easily and above all, travel requirements drop, and with that the effectively. Video and Data Conferencing carbon footprint reduces – especially for from Steljes supports this by emulating the international organisations who can avoid most natural working method – visual excessive flying. collaboration and face-to-face interaction. 5 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 8. where will You see the potential? Whether it’s a sales function wanting to make comPlex informaTion regional sales meetings more efficient and sharing effective, or global teams needing to connect 3D objects, design schematics, the latest and build relationships, Steljes’ Productive technical architectures. The more complex Video and Data Conferencing technology the information, the more important it is to can help. From simple video conferencing represent it and discuss it visually. Video and solutions to integrated solutions with Data Conferencing technology makes this interactive whiteboards and collaboration possible – allowing dispersed teams to share software that take you to a new level with a objects, annotate and make commentary – natural interactive and collaborative data all of which can be captured and recorded conferencing solution. digitally. Use visualisers to instantly bring objects into conversations; use touch- effecTive remoTe working enabled interactive whiteboards or displays Bring remote workers into the meeting or to add commentary and ideas. into the conversation with Productive Video and Data Conferencing technology. From TaPPing inTo sPecialisT conferencing software that can connect them exPerTise – wherever from anywhere, or touch-enabled desktop iT’s locaTed displays which provide a portable way to So called subject matter experts are valuable visually interact with office-bound colleagues individuals. What makes them so valuable is through to video conferencing that enables their scarcity – which causes organisations them to see their colleagues, their body problems, bottlenecks and constraints language and reactions – as if they were there when it comes to tapping into their in person. unique expertise. What if you could simply conference them in when you needed them collaBoraTion: Bringing and give them back their valuable time by cusTomers, ParTners taking out the travel? and suPPliers TogeTher More brains working on a problem, the more chance you have of solving it. Increasingly, it’s not just people within the organisation who work together to solve problems and create opportunities. Suppliers, partners, even customers all can become part of the equation. And having Productive Video and Data Conferencing technology to bring them together, instantly, makes this an affordable reality. 6 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 9. ALL BUSINESS STAkEHOLDERS HAVE HAD TO FOCUS MORE 88% 88% of respondents would use video conferencing as a way to ON REDUCING TRAVEL AND MEETING COSTS, FROM BOARD meet face-to-face without the LEVEL TO TRAVELLERS THEMSELVES. need to travel. Source: Steljes Video and Data Source: Institute of Travel and Meetings Conferencing Report scenario Excellent build quality The system has improved the firm’s efficiency, reducing travel to internal Take a firm of solicitors with 40 partners High quality video images and meetings – enabling more time to be spent across three locations in the UK. Regular audio sound on billable work. The system paid for itself meetings between the partners resulted in after just two of the larger internal meetings Simplicity – no one in the company needs extensive amounts of travel. For expensive, were conducted using the video to be an IT expert, for the users it is just fee-earning staff this was a situation that had conferencing solution! like using a telephone. Once set-up the to be remedied. The firm wanted a system firm didn’t require IT expertise for using that they could use internally to reduce the system at each of their three sites, as meeting-related travel time and free up more non-IT staff could easily use and manage time for billable work. The system also the system themselves. needed to include a recording functionality for archiving purposes. Low bandwidth requirements – the system is compatible with typical office The firm knew what was on the market in or even household bandwidth, terms of video conferencing systems and as integrating easily into the firm’s existing brand new users of video conferencing knew communications environment that they wanted a ‘no strings attached’ Low cost of ownership system: no hidden extras, no management fee, no additional warranties to pay for. The requirement was for a simple, easy to use system that they could manage themselves and only pay for the physical hardware they purchased. The firm chose the AVerComm H300 video conferencing system for all three of its locations for the following reasons:- 7 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 10. 8 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 11. 84% 84 of the ‘100 Best Companies ULTIMATELY WE’RE USING THIS TECHNOLOGY TO CHANGE to Work For’ allow employees to telecommute or work from AND TRANSFORM THE CULTURE OF THE COMPANY. home at least 20% of the time. Alan Bateman, Director for Next Generation Engineering Source: Workplace of the Future BT productive video and data conferencing technologY Steljes continually researches the market and Multi-point – AVerComm H300 collaBoraTion sofTware assesses which products and manufacturers Communicate with up to four locations Collaboration software, such as SMART offer the most innovative solutions, to suit a simultaneously – the ultimate in Bridgit™ data conferencing software and range of client budgets. Our Productive Video conferencing experiences. Collaborate SMART Meeting Pro Premium software and Data Conferencing portfolio comprises with teams spread across the office, integrate all the multimedia capabilities of of a range of complementary technologies the country or even the world. meeting resources. This allows you to share that work together or in isolation to solve voice and data over your network or the the business productivity challenges we see internet – quickly and make online or virtual organisations face. inTeracTive whiTeBoards meetings really count. With a SMART Board interactive whiteboard, video conferencing sysTems your people can share material, analyse data, inTeracTive The AVerComm H series HD video conference brainstorm, solve problems, record ideas and deskToP disPlays system provides a low cost, high quality video decisions, save notes and distribute meeting Remote workers can feel a lot less remote conferencing experience. The H100 and H300 results more efficiently than ever before. with a SMART Podium™ interactive pen systems make use of a high quality camera Dual touch functionality also means more display, ideally situated on the desktop. with zoom linked to a presentation hub with than one person can work at the board at It allows them to be directly connected three metre boundary microphone and codec. the same time. to meetings and contribute as if they Simple, portable and easy to use these devices were there in person. Also used in board are ideal for everyday meeting rooms and inTeracTive disPlays rooms for more formal presentations and remote workers. Perfect for board rooms and key meeting training rooms. spaces – SMART Board™ interactive displays You are able to record sessions to a USB provide the functionality of an interactive visualisers memory stick, take pictures and share these whiteboard; finger and pen navigation, If you’re often using complex paper-based with session members and also integrate digital ink and the ability to save work – all documents, a visualiser is a must. A visualiser the technology with visualisers, laptops and combined with the brilliant visuals of HD enables the digitised sharing and saving of SMART Board™ interactive whiteboards flat panel displays that can be used for documents and real-world objects. Use with and LCD displays for data conferencing. video conferencing. an interactive whiteboard and the material Meeting industry standards for video and can be annotated and comments marked in voice, the AVerComm video conferencing whiTeBoarding sofTware digital ink for future reference. system is interoperable with all leading video SMART Meeting Pro™ Premium software conferencing brands. makes collaboration easy when you’re using PeriPherals interactive whiteboards and interactive LCD Add the final extra touches to Productive Point-to-point – AVerComm H100 displays. Open applications, browse, write in Video and Data Conferencing technology Perfect for connecting one location to digital ink and save everything from notes with the right camera mounts, clamps, another – whether it’s two regional to screen captures into the digital format of cables and spare parts. office headquarters or simply two your choice. project teams. Collaboration brings the two teams together. 9 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 12. 81% 81% of respondents not currently using a video conferencing system would consider installing video conferencing in their organisation. Source: Steljes Video and Data Conferencing Report a 360 0 service you need more Than jusT Technology To change The way you work. sTeljes offers a range of services To suPPorT you Through The whole Process – from advice and guidance, Through To educaTion, Training, ongoing suPPorT and even financing oPTions. 10 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 13. ConsultanCy Rental Training Our consultancy service starts with Whether you want to stage an unforgettable When you invest in a suite of technology us getting to know how your organisation workshop, to use digital signage for a to help make your people more productive, and your people work today, so we can help product launch, or to support a proof-of- it’s essential that they are confident and you change the way you work tomorrow. concept, we offer a range of exciting engaged with it. That’s why Steljes sees This approach means we can help you choose Business Productivity Suite technology for training as a crucial part of changing the the right technology and get the maximum short-term rental. way you work. We can also offer training return by focusing on the areas of productivity as part of a proof of concept so you’ll get that are most important to you. Here’s how organisations take advantage: a clear picture of the impact your chosen technologies could have on your business. High impact AGMs: an interactive voting Key consultancy services include: All training is completely tailored to your system (and digital signage to publish business and your priorities. Audit – looking at how you work the results) today, and then developing the business Critical workshops – get important Training services include: case to change decisions, fast – using an interactive End-user training – Steljes is the only Proof of concept – to help assess whiteboard to get your key people SMART accredited training centre in the new ways of working and trial to collaborate, interact and ultimately UK, so using our experts to get your the technology reach decisions that typically take people up-to-speed pays dividends weeks or months to finalise Technology familiarisation – our Technical – we’ll ensure the technology accredited experts will install the Flexible working – a great way of is integrated seamlessly into your technology and help business users trialling flexible working, renting existing estate, and we’ll work closely become confident in its usage conferencing equipment such as with your IT team to help them become mobile interactive displays on stands familiar with the systems or interactive pen display podiums for steljes ChoiCes remote workers, means you can conduct Train the trainer – we can train your own Paying for new equipment up-front may a cost-effective pilot staff to deliver top-quality, customised not be the best option for every business. training to their colleagues internally Through Steljes Choices, we offer a range of Ongoing support – we’ll help you tax-efficient leasing options, hire purchase technical suppoRt manage change and ensure your people and 0% finance (subject to product and and waRRanties continue to improve their productivity. underwriting acceptance). Our own enhanced warranties as well We’ll run refresher courses and conduct as standard manufacturer warranties give Working with Syscap, the UK’s leading a staff survey to assess the impact the you the support and confidence once the independent business IT finance technology is really making technology is in place. Steljes provides on-site provider, Steljes Choices can give you support, which can avoid the need to send cash flow flexibility and keep your items away for repair. And with a next day capital free for reinvestment response time you can be assured there is Finance options are tax-efficient very little downtime for your organisation. and could even save you money in real terms Added to this, it includes: Your agreement will be individually Supporting proof of concepts: technical tailored to you with easily managed support is vital at the ‘proof of concept’ monthly payments that suit your budget stage for any project and having technical support ensures that the At the end of your agreement you technology works in your environment could choose to own the equipment or refresh the technology and lease more Enhanced warranties: for a one off fee equipment without increasing your you cover the cost of all labour and parts, monthly outlay or the cost of a full replacement if repair is not possible Steljes is the SMART Authorised Service Organisation in the UK and Ireland, so you will be supported by a trained and highly skilled team of technicians. 11 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 14. whY steljes sTeljes – a hisTory of innovaTion Steljes started in 1987 and since then, suPPorTing Technology sense checking The righT has demonstrated a passion for identifying service Providers aPProach – soluTions the latest in technology to change our way By matching the best technology and evaluaTion of living, learning and working. Steljes has customer challenges together, Steljes helps We take on a lot of the risk and upfront constantly looked at the technology manufacturers, resellers and customers investments that our clients and partners marketplace for innovation that could be successfully address real life situations faced would otherwise have to bear. A big part successfully harnessed for tangible and by businesses in every industry sector. of this is ensuring we’ve vetted the right lasting productivity gains. solutions and know with certainty they will We support the industry through education deliver the benefits that our clients expect. From launching the first LCD projector into and training, insights and research and of the market back in 1993, through to being course helping companies take these new Steljes Labs, our own R&D, focuses on this the first distributor of SMART Technologies, innovative technologies to market with the area – understanding from manufacturers Turning Point and AVerMedia. Steljes surety of being backed by real expertise across the world, what’s coming down the continues to promote and distribute and experience. pipeline and how it compares to what’s solutions and technology with purpose. available now. a ParTnershiP aPProach Steljes entered the Sunday Times Fast Steljes delivers its solutions through Track in 1997 and has continued to grow a network of partners across the UK. since – selling over 300,000 SMART Board™ Steljes and its partner resellers work with interactive whiteboards in 2009 and customers to help devise and provide the achieving recognition by winning the Best right technology solutions to meet the ICT Innovation Award in that year. highest priority productivity challenges. We work closely with our partners, giving them and their customers advice and guidance to help them deliver maximum benefits. 12 THIS IS BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY Productive video ANd dAtA coNFereNciNG
  • 16. where will your BiggesT ProducTiviTy gain come from? productive productive video and data productive meetings it’s not whAt you do, it’s the time, the wAy, conferencing it’s not whAt you do, it’s the time, the wAy, workspaces it’s not whAt you do, it’s the time, the wAy, the plAce thAt you do it. the plAce thAt you do it. the plAce thAt you do it. This is Business ProducTiviTy This is Business ProducTiviTy This is Business ProducTiviTy productive productive marketing and find ouT more training it’s not whAt you do, it’s the time, the wAy, communications it’s not whAt you do, it’s the time, the wAy, We offer an initial assessment and consultancy service with one of our the plAce thAt you do it. the plAce thAt you do it. Business Solutions Group to help you identify the best opportunities and partner for your business. 08450 758 758 This is Business ProducTiviTy This is Business ProducTiviTy sTeljes HEADqUARTERS LEEDS EDINBURGH STELJES IRELAND LTD Bagshot Manor The Old Brewery Lochside House Unit L2 Green Lane High Court 3 Lochside Way Baldonnell Business Park Bagshot Leeds Edinburgh Park Baldonnell Surrey LS2 7ES Edinburgh Dublin 22 GU19 5NL EH12 9DT Ireland This is Business ProducTiviTy SJ/37988