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8 Ways A Video Platform
Can HelpYour
Video ConferencingTools
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With the rise of video conferencing, the commoditization of recording devices,
and the surging popularity of consumer video, it’s no surprise that businesses
are seeking to use their video systems to do more. Today businesses around
the world are looking to video, hoping to scale training programs, enhance
sales enablement practices, extend executive communications, support social
learning, and dozens of other use cases.
Web- and video-conferencing systems are today the most common means
for businesses to employ this new wave of video. But for too many businesses,
these systems aren’t comprehensive or flexible enough to enable all those new
strategies and tactics businesses have drawn up.
Solving that problem, however, may be easier than many organizations expect.
The rising pervasiveness of video in the consumer market has given your
employees a new skill set — where once AV expertise was required for
professional video production, now getting more value of your existing video
investments may be as easy as pairing them up with a enterprise video cms
platform your employees can use.
An enterprise video platform helps organizations use video more productively
— by complementing your existing conferencing tools, adding new functionality,
and automatically taking care of all the technical details of video management.
In this paper, we’ll explore more about how organizations can leverage a video
platform to make the most of their investments in video — and spotlight 8
valuable ways that businesses can use video conferencing and video platform
tools together to drive real bottom line returns.
Bringing Everything intoView
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Panopto creates software that enables businesses and academic institutions to record
and view searchable video presentations in minutes from any device. Businesses can use
Panopto to record and live stream:
•	 Employee training and
onboarding video
•	 Review, recap, and summary
•	 Product demonstrations
•	 All-hands meetings
•	 Sales and marketing presentations
•	 Web conferences
•	 Executive communications
•	 Events for customers, press, and
Panopto also enables individual employees
to record and share videos in a secure, centralized video library.This facilitates:
•	 Social and informal learning
•	 Capturing the knowledge of retiring employees
•	 Sharing knowledge across a global workforce
Panopto’s video library includes unique search functionality that enables employees to
search inside videos for any word mentioned or shown onscreen during a video.
Panopto is currently in use at Fortune 500 companies around the world and is the fastest-
growing lecture capture solution at leading universities. Privately-held, Panopto was founded
in 2007 by technology entrepreneurs and software design veterans at Carnegie Mellon
University’s School of Computer Science.
Panopto was recently recognized by Gartner as a “Leader” in its 2014 Enterprise Video
Content Management Magic Quadrant. Learn more at
Want to try Panopto for yourself? Visit today for a free 30-day trial or to
schedule a demonstration of our software.
panopto on a page
Click for a 3-Minute Introduction to Panopto
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Business Video is More Than Video Conferencing................................................. 5
8 Ways A Video Platform Can Help Your Video Conferencing Tools Do More....... 6
Meeting capture with multimedia integration.................................................. 7
Always-accessible employee training videos................................................... 8
One-way internal communications with a personal feel................................. 9
Simple peer-to-peer knowledge sharing videos using familiar technology.... 9
How-to videos that run circles around the old FAQs........................................ 10
Corporate event videos that give viewers a “next best thing” experience..... 11
A secret weapon that helps sales prospecting messages get noticed......... 12
Centrally manage an entire library of video content...................................... 14
In 100 Words: Panopto Helps You Maximize Your Investment in Video................. 15
Key Takeaways......................................................................................................... 15
eight Ways AVideoPlatform
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BusinessVideo isMoreThan
Video Conferencing
Video- and web-conferencing video tools are now commonplace in the corporate world,
and for good reason — they’re an improvement over traditional conference calls for helping
teams to overcome the challenge of physical distance.Today even basic conferencing tools
enable employees to actually see each other via webcam video, as well as collectively see
information on a presenter’s screen.
Increasingly, however, simply serving as a better telephone isn’t enough.
The steep rise in consumer video has prompted many organizations to see if they can utilize
their conferencing services to deliver some of that YouTube-style magic and improve the way
they share insights, updates, and ideas. Unfortunately, for most, the answer is usually “no”.
That’s because while video conferencing is an excellent improvement for sharing ideas in real-
time and two-way conversations, the benefits of the technology typically stop there.
Video conferences are, after all, usually impermanent. Just as with the phone calls they
replaced, the information shared in those conversations is lost unless the organizer chooses
to record it — an option that isn’t even always available for every user on every conferencing
system.And even when video conferences can be recorded, the resulting files often leave
much to be desired. Most conferencing tools can only record a single stream of video in
standard definition, and do little more than drop that file onto the presenter’s desktop at the
end of the call. How to format the file, where to share it, and even how to make its content
more readable are common problems.
At the heart of this problem is an old way of thinking — despite the newfound pervasiveness of
video in almost every aspect of our lives and the growing readiness of individuals to shoot and
share video in their personal lives, most businesses still think of video in two big categories:
•	 Very basic video and web conferencing, which has slowly but surely been rolled out to
every staff member
•	 Any other video project, which to date has been kept to the domain of AV experts and
technology specialists, out of the hands of other staff
A decade or so ago, when producing professional-quality video required expensive
equipment and extensive technical know-how, that might have been a sensible division.
Today, however, it’s robbing your business of potential productivity.
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Fortunately, there’s a better way.Thanks to a little experience and the complementary rise
in popularity of personal video, most of your employees are already comfortable using your
video conferencing system at work.
Forward-looking businesses are now pushing to get more utility out of that existing video
by pairing it up with a solution that can greatly expand an organization’s capability to
record, broadcast, and manage video — while taking care of the technical details of video
production automatically.
An Enterprise Video Platform (“EVP”, or sometimes
called a Video Content Management System or
“YouTube for business”) is a solution designed
to make producing, managing, and sharing
organizational video easy.An EVP takes care of
the technical details of business video without any
extra steps — just click record, and the platform will
take care of capturing the video, transcoding it to
be playable on any device, indexing its content for
search, and storing it securely so it can be easily
shared and found only by those people you want
watching it.And because it’s designed for video, an
EVP helps your network stream and play all those
large files efficiently, with optimal playback for every
device that won’t overload your servers.
Best of all, a video platform can supplement your video conferencing system, as well as
corporate file sharing portals, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Content Management
Systems (CMS), Digital Asset Management (DAM) solutions, and more.With easy integration,
a video platform can enable your team to make better use of video — all across your
8 Ways A Video Platform Can Help
Your Video Conferencing Tools
Do Even More
While conferencing is often how video is introduced into organizations, live two-way
communications really only scratches the surface of all that businesses can do with video.
Early adopters are putting video to work,
creating many competitive advantages.
Web Marketing
Social Media
Sales Lead Generation
Employee Training
Management Communications
Online Presentations
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However, for all the things a video platform can do that a conferencing tool can’t, bear in
mind — deriving the greatest value from video isn’t about choosing between one tool
or another.
Instead, creating real ROI with video is about making intelligent use of each of the tools
available to you to complement one another and create higher quality, more useable, more
affordable video in more places in your organization.
Organizations are already discovering the potential value of a comprehensive business video
strategy, using a combination of video conferencing tools and a video platform for:1
•	Sales lead generation (39.3%)
•	Employee training and education (38.1%)
•	Management communications (34.9%)
•	Online video slide presentations (31.1%)
•	Along with the familiar web marketing
(80.8%) and social media (69.2%) uses
Every organization will find unique ways to
drive additional business value through
the addition of a video platform.To get you
started, let’s take a deeper look into some of
today’s most common strategies.
1:Meeting capture with multimedia integratioN
Web- and video-conferencing tools open the door to interactive live video communication.
But these tools, in their core functionality and their workflows, were not built to record video
and presentations.WebEx and Adobe Connect, for example, each capture only audio without
video, plus output from a single screen.
A video platform, however, is not limited to those functions and can allow you to capture:
•	 Multiple video streams, even from multiple locations
•	 The contents of single or multiple PC screens
•	 Presentation slides from PowerPoint or Keynote
•	 As well as every word spoken and every word that appears in the video recording, for
search purposes
With a modern video platform, you can record every detail of web conferences in HD–
every slide, every whiteboard diagram, and every webcam video feed. Equally important, it
Click for a sample of today’s business video
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integrates with a central content repository, making the recordings immediately available for
editing, viewing and sharing on all major desktop, laptop and mobile operating systems.
Paired with a video conferencing tool, a video platform helps you record, share, and scale your
presentations, pitches, meetings and more.
2:Always-accessible employee training videos
In survey after survey, top executives cite employee development and retention as their
biggest challenge.After all, a company’s productivity depends on the ability of new recruits
to quickly ramp up, and on the ability of all employees to have anytime access to job-specific
With a video platform, organizations can onboard
and train employees using a format that’s both
compelling and cost-effective.
“How-to videos are among the most compelling
and effective uses of video today,” reports Forrester
Research.“We have heard from organizations
using video to make training more palatable and
more engaging by preventing employees from
having to wade through hundreds of pages of
Gartner Research3
and others concur, offering a variety of specific use cases for video in
corporate Learning & Development organizations, including:
•	 Vision and mission onboarding pieces
•	 Sales force role play
•	 Documentation of broken processes
•	 New software development and use tips
•	 Safety location tours
•	 General campus tours
•	 Safety practice demonstrations
•	 Equipment demonstrations and more
It’s likely that your Learning and Development team already offers training programs via live
webinar. Converting such sessions from live webinars into on-demand videos can free your
training team from the burden of repeating instructional presentations to instead focus on new
and higher-priority opportunities.
Find out more!
Download our free white
paper for 14 ways to
use video for formal and
informal learning — and
how to convince your
organization to do more.
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On top of that, a video platform can enable your L&D team to embed quizzes in training
videos, as well as monitor video analytics to track employee completion rates and
3:One-way internal communications with
a personal feel
Employees are 75 percent more likely to watch a video than to read documents, email or
web articles, according Forrester Research.
Video conferencing has become a logical solution to break through the noise in our day-to-
day communications, but live events see attendance suffer from timing difficulties, technical
issues with the conferencing tools, and maximum attendee caps.
A video platform offers an easy alternative to enable executives
and senior managers to record video messages that employees
can view on demand, or webcast a live feed from a video
conference in high definition to thousands of viewers across the
“No message from the top can be delivered quite as powerfully or
directly as one where you are staring at the CEO across his or her
desk,” writes As Forrester analyst Philipp Karcher.
“Forrester hears from organizations that credit video with raising their scores in employee-
rated metrics like CEO transparency and trust in leadership. Some leaders even opt for an
unpolished off-the-cuff presentation style (rather than recording in a studio) because it adds
credibility to their message.”4
4:Simple peer-to-peer knowledge sharing
videos using familiartechnology
It’s a universal challenge: how to scale your experts — without getting more experts.
As technologies, tools, processes, and everything else about our workday become more
complex, organizations are finding their subject matter experts are becoming increasingly tied
up with requests for demonstrations and explanations.
There’s a simple solution to that dilemma, however — video.
more likely to watch a video
than read text.
Employees are
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Of course, many organizations have already discovered the first step in that solution — and
now task their experts to answer questions and demonstrate processes from behind the
webcam on their corporate web conferencing systems.This is the right strategy — but the
execution stops short. By not recording these sessions and making them shareable, businesses
are simply shifting the same workload to a new medium.
With a video platform, however, your experts can record and share tips, tricks, insights, ideas,
and more — often using nothing more than
their laptop or smartphone.A video platform
can even capture such knowledge shared
via video conference, meaning your experts
don’t need to learn a new technology —
they can share what they know using the
tools that they know.
With video-based social knowledge sharing,
developers can show how new code works,
program managers can detail how a new
process works, and field teams can record
and share first-hand customer patterns with
the home office.
Organizations around the world are already discovering the potential of video to help expand
the reach of their experts. NYSE Euronext first turned to video when management came
to realize their technology experts were becoming overwhelmed with requests for one-off
demonstrations of the company’s complex financial services software products, both from
clients and internal personnel.
With a video platform in place,“Experts who were bombarded with requests for demos are
now over the moon with the ability to do it just once,” NYSE Technologies comments. Moreover,
the team says, video has actually a more effective means to share information, as it allows
people to “learn at their own pace and focus only on the content relevant to them.”
5:How-to videos that run circles around
the old FAQs
In recent years, the use of educational and how-to videos has exploded online.Yet many
customer support sites still rely on text-heavy FAQs and documentation to convey answers to
their customers’ common questions and problems.
Click for a sample social learning video
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Gartner Research identifies how-to videos as valuable tools for simplifying complex
explanations and saving costs for both internal and external communication.5
On-demand explainer videos can greatly enhance the online support and customer service
experience, visually presenting solutions to
common issues while reducing the number
and cost of inbound calls.
With a video platform, support and service
organizations have an easily accessible,
easy-to-use tool to capture HD screencasts,
video demonstrations, whiteboarding
sessions and more.These videos can then
be hosted on the company’s support
website and easily searched using keywords,
enabling your community to quickly and
easily get the answers they need.
Organizations can even use video as a means of reactive support training.As common
support issues are identified, their solutions can be recorded for on-demand viewing.
The result: online customer service experiences that exceed expectations, increasing brand
appreciation and word-of-mouth marketing.
6:Corporate event videos that give remote viewers
a“next best thing” experience
Corporate events and conferences serve several vital purposes.They offer a venue for the
organization to present relevant information at scale, and for employees, partners, and
customers to meet and share ideas as they learn about updates from the organization.
Organizational events however, must contend with two significant challenges:
•	 First, there are always those who can’t attend the event in person, which creates a
challenge for how best to disseminate the information on-demand.
•	 Second, event AV coordination is time-consuming, expensive and often difficult to
Web conferencing tools aren’t built for live broadcasting or recording those live on-stage
events.Technical limitations like audience size maximums, restrictions on the total number of
Click to see a video“How To”in action
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video inputs, compatibility issues with cameras other than webcams, and other issues mean
these tools simply aren’t able to support even relatively simple conferences or events.
Here too a video platform can be a solution,
providing the ability to easily record and share
special events, as well as to live webcast video
of your conference to thousands of virtual
attendees around the world.
Many organizations have already proven there’s
no event too big to capture and share with video.
Siemens, for example, recorded a 3-day, 30+
session international conference — using only
laptops, webcams, and its video platform.6
Gartner agrees,7
and even offers a list of potential events organizations can supplement or
replace with video:
•	 Customer appreciation events
•	 Employee and volunteer appreciation events
•	 Internal knowledge sharing and training conferences
•	 Industry gatherings
•	 Charity events
•	 Compelling, interactive demonstrations of innovative products and services
•	 Plant or campus tours for remote “visitors”
7:A secret weapon that helps sales
prospecting messages get noticed
In recent years, traditional sales prospecting
approaches like cold calling and automated
bulk email have become less effective as
potential customers have gotten better at
filtering sales and marketing messages.
Today it takes more than twice as many cold
calls to reach a prospect than it did in 2007.8
And although email generally has a higher
return than cold calling,9
email open rates
have generally shown a downward trend
since 2008.10
Find out more!
Download our case study
to see how Siemens
captured a 3-day,
30+ session conference
using only laptops,
webcams,and Panopto
Click for a sample sales training video
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Many reps already use web conferencing for live interactions once a lead has entered the
funnel, but that’s just one small part of the value they can get from video. In today’s difficult
prospecting environment, video can be an effective sales enablement tool at every point in
the sale – helping reps stand out, deliver a compelling message, and get better engagement
from prospects. Specifically:
•	 Video increases email response rates. Forrester has reported a 2-3x increase in click-
through when video was used in email.11
•	 Video messages are personalized and more personable.When more and more pre-
sales outreach is automated and done in bulk, video gives reps the opportunity to
combine a message that’s tailored to an individual with the human element that comes
with seeing the rep on camera.
•	 Video provides insights into prospect engagement. Video platforms often include
analytics, so when you add video into sales emails, you get additional insights into how
many times a video was viewed, how long the video was viewed, and how many people
watched the video.
Introducing video into a sales prospecting strategy is easy:
•	 Encourage your reps to record video of
themselves sharing a short slide presentation
or an on-screen demonstration specific to a
customer’s interests.
•	 Once the video is created, your organization’s
video library will convert it for playback on any
laptop, tablet, or smartphone.Within minutes,
it will be ready to share in email or through
social networks like LinkedIn.
•	 Tracking the video’s performance with your
video platform to monitor whether the video
was viewed, how many times it was viewed, how long it was viewed, and whether
additional people viewed the video.
•	 Encourage reps to scale their efforts by customizing the same video to send to
additional prospects, personalizing parts of the video for specific contacts without re-
recording the entire video.
Sales prospecting video doesn’t have to be beautifully produced.All that’s required is a
webcam and a few minutes of time in order to really set your organization apart.
Find out more!
Download our free
white paper to learn
18 ways you can use
video to enhance the
way your organization
does sales
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8:Centrally manage an entire library of
video content
Web conferencing solutions are built to enable real-time video communications, but they
don’t provide content management features that help your organization drive real value from
video after the live interaction wraps up.
A video platform supplements those tools to provide a means to not only capture video, but to
centrally store, search, edit, share, view, and analyze that video content from any video source,
A video platform can even help you make
better use of the video you capture from your
web conferencing tools. Many organizations
already use the built-in recording capabilities
in GoToMeeting, Lync, or Vidyo and have
developed enormous libraries filled with
those recorded conversations.A video
platform can make managing all those
videos easier, by programmatically ingesting
the recordings into a centralized, searchable
“YouTube for Business” using a simple API.
While every video platform is unique, you can expect a modern solution to bring you:
•	 A single, central repository for all videos, wherever and however that video was created
•	 Intelligent video search; both across your library and inside the content of each
•	 Integrated recording tools to capture and live webcast new videos
•	 Device-agnostic video viewing, enabling anyone to play any video on any device
•	 Support for multiple file types, enabling content creators to import any type of video to
be uploaded and transcoded for playback
•	 A highly functional, easy to use video editor that’s browser-based and available on any
•	 Enterprise-ready access control; including identity management connections and
options to deploy onsite behind your firewall or securely in the cloud
As Forrester Research notes, “As a general principle, if it’s worth saving, it’s worth finding.”12
broad spectrum of video content management capabilities is what makes a video platform
such a valuable part of your overall investment in video.
Click to learn more about how a VCMS works
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In 100 Words: Panopto Helps You
Maximize Your Investment in Video
Video is too important — with too many opportunities to improve productivity and get more
done — for organizations not to demand more comprehensive capabilities.
Panopto’s video platform helps your employees do more with your video investments,
empowering your team to turn impermanent web conference video into a tangible asset
that creates lasting value.
Named a “Leader” in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Video Content
and commended by Forrester for “the best support for video search,”14
Panopto makes it easy for all of your employees to record anything and find everything.
For more, visit
Key takeaways
Given the relative ubiquity of video conferencing solutions in the office today, it’s no surprise
that, for many organizations, the first few use cases for video in the enterprise focus on
Yet as video grows in your organization, and as video becomes ever more pervasive in
the world around us, new and unique use cases that solve organizational challenges and
create competitive differentiation will continue to arise — and those use cases will demand
video support that runs the gamut from simple communications to remote location multi-
stream recording in HD.
An enterprise video platform allows you to capture content in a wide variety of ways
— supporting your existing video conferencing solution and enabling a range of other
As Gartner Research notes,“Workers are discovering use cases for sharing social video, often
delivered via an ‘enterprise YouTube. Enterprise architects, training managers, corporate
communications and public affairs officers can aggregate the best of these, suggest more,
and launch broad projects to support them.”15
16 of 16
1.	 Web Video Marketing Council, 2014 Online Video Production Survey and Trends Report
2.	 Forrester Research, Leveraging Live Streaming And On-Demand Video In The Enterprise
3.	 Gartner Research, Developing Use Cases for Sharing Video Content in the Enterprise
4.	 Forrester Research, Leveraging Live Streaming And On-Demand Video In The Enterprise
5.	 Gartner Research, Developing Use Cases for Sharing Video Content in the Enterprise
6.	 Siemens PLM, Panopto Case Study
7.	 Gartner Research, Developing Use Cases for Sharing Video Content in the Enterprise
8.	 Buzz Builder:TeleNet, Ovation research, 20 Shocking Sales Stats That Will Change How You Sell
9.	 Buzz Builder: Marketing Sherpa research, 20 Shocking Sales Stats That Will Change How You Sell
10.	Buzz Builder: SilverPop research, 20 Shocking Sales Stats That Will Change How You Sell
11.	MarketingVox, Video in Email Boosts Click-Thru Rates 2-3x
12.	Forrester Research, Leveraging Live Streaming And On-Demand Video In The Enterprise
13.	Gartner Reserach, Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Video Content Management, 2014
14.	Forrester Research, Pick The Right Webcasting Tool To Drive Customer Or Employee Engagement
15.	Gartner Research, Developing Use Cases for Sharing Video Content in the Enterprise
Find out more!
Download our free white
paper to learn more about
how a video platform
can help maximize your
investment in video

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White Paper: 8 Ways A Video Platform Can Help Your Video Conferencing Tools Do More - Panopto Video Platform

  • 1. 855.PANOPTO TM more 8 Ways A Video Platform Can HelpYour Video ConferencingTools DO
  • 2. 2 of 16 TM With the rise of video conferencing, the commoditization of recording devices, and the surging popularity of consumer video, it’s no surprise that businesses are seeking to use their video systems to do more. Today businesses around the world are looking to video, hoping to scale training programs, enhance sales enablement practices, extend executive communications, support social learning, and dozens of other use cases. Web- and video-conferencing systems are today the most common means for businesses to employ this new wave of video. But for too many businesses, these systems aren’t comprehensive or flexible enough to enable all those new strategies and tactics businesses have drawn up. Solving that problem, however, may be easier than many organizations expect. The rising pervasiveness of video in the consumer market has given your employees a new skill set — where once AV expertise was required for professional video production, now getting more value of your existing video investments may be as easy as pairing them up with a enterprise video cms platform your employees can use. An enterprise video platform helps organizations use video more productively — by complementing your existing conferencing tools, adding new functionality, and automatically taking care of all the technical details of video management. In this paper, we’ll explore more about how organizations can leverage a video platform to make the most of their investments in video — and spotlight 8 valuable ways that businesses can use video conferencing and video platform tools together to drive real bottom line returns. Bringing Everything intoView
  • 3. 3 of 16 TM Panopto creates software that enables businesses and academic institutions to record and view searchable video presentations in minutes from any device. Businesses can use Panopto to record and live stream: • Employee training and onboarding video • Review, recap, and summary communications • Product demonstrations • All-hands meetings • Sales and marketing presentations • Web conferences • Executive communications • Events for customers, press, and investors Panopto also enables individual employees to record and share videos in a secure, centralized video library.This facilitates: • Social and informal learning • Capturing the knowledge of retiring employees • Sharing knowledge across a global workforce Panopto’s video library includes unique search functionality that enables employees to search inside videos for any word mentioned or shown onscreen during a video. Panopto is currently in use at Fortune 500 companies around the world and is the fastest- growing lecture capture solution at leading universities. Privately-held, Panopto was founded in 2007 by technology entrepreneurs and software design veterans at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science. Panopto was recently recognized by Gartner as a “Leader” in its 2014 Enterprise Video Content Management Magic Quadrant. Learn more at Want to try Panopto for yourself? Visit today for a free 30-day trial or to schedule a demonstration of our software. panopto on a page Click for a 3-Minute Introduction to Panopto
  • 4. 4 of 16 TM Business Video is More Than Video Conferencing................................................. 5 8 Ways A Video Platform Can Help Your Video Conferencing Tools Do More....... 6 Meeting capture with multimedia integration.................................................. 7 Always-accessible employee training videos................................................... 8 One-way internal communications with a personal feel................................. 9 Simple peer-to-peer knowledge sharing videos using familiar technology.... 9 How-to videos that run circles around the old FAQs........................................ 10 Corporate event videos that give viewers a “next best thing” experience..... 11 A secret weapon that helps sales prospecting messages get noticed......... 12 Centrally manage an entire library of video content...................................... 14 In 100 Words: Panopto Helps You Maximize Your Investment in Video................. 15 Key Takeaways......................................................................................................... 15 OVERVIEW eight Ways AVideoPlatform CanHelpYourVideo ConferencingToolsDoMore
  • 5. 5 of 16 TM BusinessVideo isMoreThan Video Conferencing Video- and web-conferencing video tools are now commonplace in the corporate world, and for good reason — they’re an improvement over traditional conference calls for helping teams to overcome the challenge of physical distance.Today even basic conferencing tools enable employees to actually see each other via webcam video, as well as collectively see information on a presenter’s screen. Increasingly, however, simply serving as a better telephone isn’t enough. The steep rise in consumer video has prompted many organizations to see if they can utilize their conferencing services to deliver some of that YouTube-style magic and improve the way they share insights, updates, and ideas. Unfortunately, for most, the answer is usually “no”. That’s because while video conferencing is an excellent improvement for sharing ideas in real- time and two-way conversations, the benefits of the technology typically stop there. Video conferences are, after all, usually impermanent. Just as with the phone calls they replaced, the information shared in those conversations is lost unless the organizer chooses to record it — an option that isn’t even always available for every user on every conferencing system.And even when video conferences can be recorded, the resulting files often leave much to be desired. Most conferencing tools can only record a single stream of video in standard definition, and do little more than drop that file onto the presenter’s desktop at the end of the call. How to format the file, where to share it, and even how to make its content more readable are common problems. At the heart of this problem is an old way of thinking — despite the newfound pervasiveness of video in almost every aspect of our lives and the growing readiness of individuals to shoot and share video in their personal lives, most businesses still think of video in two big categories: • Very basic video and web conferencing, which has slowly but surely been rolled out to every staff member • Any other video project, which to date has been kept to the domain of AV experts and technology specialists, out of the hands of other staff A decade or so ago, when producing professional-quality video required expensive equipment and extensive technical know-how, that might have been a sensible division. Today, however, it’s robbing your business of potential productivity.
  • 6. 6 of 16 TM Fortunately, there’s a better way.Thanks to a little experience and the complementary rise in popularity of personal video, most of your employees are already comfortable using your video conferencing system at work. Forward-looking businesses are now pushing to get more utility out of that existing video by pairing it up with a solution that can greatly expand an organization’s capability to record, broadcast, and manage video — while taking care of the technical details of video production automatically. An Enterprise Video Platform (“EVP”, or sometimes called a Video Content Management System or “YouTube for business”) is a solution designed to make producing, managing, and sharing organizational video easy.An EVP takes care of the technical details of business video without any extra steps — just click record, and the platform will take care of capturing the video, transcoding it to be playable on any device, indexing its content for search, and storing it securely so it can be easily shared and found only by those people you want watching it.And because it’s designed for video, an EVP helps your network stream and play all those large files efficiently, with optimal playback for every device that won’t overload your servers. Best of all, a video platform can supplement your video conferencing system, as well as corporate file sharing portals, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Content Management Systems (CMS), Digital Asset Management (DAM) solutions, and more.With easy integration, a video platform can enable your team to make better use of video — all across your organization. 8 Ways A Video Platform Can Help Your Video Conferencing Tools Do Even More While conferencing is often how video is introduced into organizations, live two-way communications really only scratches the surface of all that businesses can do with video. Early adopters are putting video to work, creating many competitive advantages. Web Marketing Social Media Sales Lead Generation Employee Training Management Communications Online Presentations 80.8% 69.2% 39.3% 38.1% 34.9% 31.1%
  • 7. 7 of 16 TM However, for all the things a video platform can do that a conferencing tool can’t, bear in mind — deriving the greatest value from video isn’t about choosing between one tool or another. Instead, creating real ROI with video is about making intelligent use of each of the tools available to you to complement one another and create higher quality, more useable, more affordable video in more places in your organization. Organizations are already discovering the potential value of a comprehensive business video strategy, using a combination of video conferencing tools and a video platform for:1 • Sales lead generation (39.3%) • Employee training and education (38.1%) • Management communications (34.9%) • Online video slide presentations (31.1%) • Along with the familiar web marketing (80.8%) and social media (69.2%) uses Every organization will find unique ways to drive additional business value through the addition of a video platform.To get you started, let’s take a deeper look into some of today’s most common strategies. 1:Meeting capture with multimedia integratioN Web- and video-conferencing tools open the door to interactive live video communication. But these tools, in their core functionality and their workflows, were not built to record video and presentations.WebEx and Adobe Connect, for example, each capture only audio without video, plus output from a single screen. A video platform, however, is not limited to those functions and can allow you to capture: • Multiple video streams, even from multiple locations • The contents of single or multiple PC screens • Presentation slides from PowerPoint or Keynote • As well as every word spoken and every word that appears in the video recording, for search purposes With a modern video platform, you can record every detail of web conferences in HD– every slide, every whiteboard diagram, and every webcam video feed. Equally important, it Click for a sample of today’s business video
  • 8. 8 of 16 TM integrates with a central content repository, making the recordings immediately available for editing, viewing and sharing on all major desktop, laptop and mobile operating systems. Paired with a video conferencing tool, a video platform helps you record, share, and scale your presentations, pitches, meetings and more. 2:Always-accessible employee training videos In survey after survey, top executives cite employee development and retention as their biggest challenge.After all, a company’s productivity depends on the ability of new recruits to quickly ramp up, and on the ability of all employees to have anytime access to job-specific training. With a video platform, organizations can onboard and train employees using a format that’s both compelling and cost-effective. “How-to videos are among the most compelling and effective uses of video today,” reports Forrester Research.“We have heard from organizations using video to make training more palatable and more engaging by preventing employees from having to wade through hundreds of pages of documentation.”2 Gartner Research3 and others concur, offering a variety of specific use cases for video in corporate Learning & Development organizations, including: • Vision and mission onboarding pieces • Sales force role play • Documentation of broken processes • New software development and use tips • Safety location tours • General campus tours • Safety practice demonstrations • Equipment demonstrations and more It’s likely that your Learning and Development team already offers training programs via live webinar. Converting such sessions from live webinars into on-demand videos can free your training team from the burden of repeating instructional presentations to instead focus on new and higher-priority opportunities. Find out more! Download our free white paper for 14 ways to use video for formal and informal learning — and how to convince your organization to do more.
  • 9. 9 of 16 TM On top of that, a video platform can enable your L&D team to embed quizzes in training videos, as well as monitor video analytics to track employee completion rates and engagement. 3:One-way internal communications with a personal feel Employees are 75 percent more likely to watch a video than to read documents, email or web articles, according Forrester Research. Video conferencing has become a logical solution to break through the noise in our day-to- day communications, but live events see attendance suffer from timing difficulties, technical issues with the conferencing tools, and maximum attendee caps. A video platform offers an easy alternative to enable executives and senior managers to record video messages that employees can view on demand, or webcast a live feed from a video conference in high definition to thousands of viewers across the globe. “No message from the top can be delivered quite as powerfully or directly as one where you are staring at the CEO across his or her desk,” writes As Forrester analyst Philipp Karcher. “Forrester hears from organizations that credit video with raising their scores in employee- rated metrics like CEO transparency and trust in leadership. Some leaders even opt for an unpolished off-the-cuff presentation style (rather than recording in a studio) because it adds credibility to their message.”4 4:Simple peer-to-peer knowledge sharing videos using familiartechnology It’s a universal challenge: how to scale your experts — without getting more experts. As technologies, tools, processes, and everything else about our workday become more complex, organizations are finding their subject matter experts are becoming increasingly tied up with requests for demonstrations and explanations. There’s a simple solution to that dilemma, however — video. more likely to watch a video than read text. 75% Employees are +
  • 10. 10 of 16 TM Of course, many organizations have already discovered the first step in that solution — and now task their experts to answer questions and demonstrate processes from behind the webcam on their corporate web conferencing systems.This is the right strategy — but the execution stops short. By not recording these sessions and making them shareable, businesses are simply shifting the same workload to a new medium. With a video platform, however, your experts can record and share tips, tricks, insights, ideas, and more — often using nothing more than their laptop or smartphone.A video platform can even capture such knowledge shared via video conference, meaning your experts don’t need to learn a new technology — they can share what they know using the tools that they know. With video-based social knowledge sharing, developers can show how new code works, program managers can detail how a new process works, and field teams can record and share first-hand customer patterns with the home office. Organizations around the world are already discovering the potential of video to help expand the reach of their experts. NYSE Euronext first turned to video when management came to realize their technology experts were becoming overwhelmed with requests for one-off demonstrations of the company’s complex financial services software products, both from clients and internal personnel. With a video platform in place,“Experts who were bombarded with requests for demos are now over the moon with the ability to do it just once,” NYSE Technologies comments. Moreover, the team says, video has actually a more effective means to share information, as it allows people to “learn at their own pace and focus only on the content relevant to them.” 5:How-to videos that run circles around the old FAQs In recent years, the use of educational and how-to videos has exploded online.Yet many customer support sites still rely on text-heavy FAQs and documentation to convey answers to their customers’ common questions and problems. Click for a sample social learning video
  • 11. 11 of 16 TM Gartner Research identifies how-to videos as valuable tools for simplifying complex explanations and saving costs for both internal and external communication.5 On-demand explainer videos can greatly enhance the online support and customer service experience, visually presenting solutions to common issues while reducing the number and cost of inbound calls. With a video platform, support and service organizations have an easily accessible, easy-to-use tool to capture HD screencasts, video demonstrations, whiteboarding sessions and more.These videos can then be hosted on the company’s support website and easily searched using keywords, enabling your community to quickly and easily get the answers they need. Organizations can even use video as a means of reactive support training.As common support issues are identified, their solutions can be recorded for on-demand viewing. The result: online customer service experiences that exceed expectations, increasing brand appreciation and word-of-mouth marketing. 6:Corporate event videos that give remote viewers a“next best thing” experience Corporate events and conferences serve several vital purposes.They offer a venue for the organization to present relevant information at scale, and for employees, partners, and customers to meet and share ideas as they learn about updates from the organization. Organizational events however, must contend with two significant challenges: • First, there are always those who can’t attend the event in person, which creates a challenge for how best to disseminate the information on-demand. • Second, event AV coordination is time-consuming, expensive and often difficult to manage. Web conferencing tools aren’t built for live broadcasting or recording those live on-stage events.Technical limitations like audience size maximums, restrictions on the total number of Click to see a video“How To”in action
  • 12. 12 of 16 TM video inputs, compatibility issues with cameras other than webcams, and other issues mean these tools simply aren’t able to support even relatively simple conferences or events. Here too a video platform can be a solution, providing the ability to easily record and share special events, as well as to live webcast video of your conference to thousands of virtual attendees around the world. Many organizations have already proven there’s no event too big to capture and share with video. Siemens, for example, recorded a 3-day, 30+ session international conference — using only laptops, webcams, and its video platform.6 Gartner agrees,7 and even offers a list of potential events organizations can supplement or replace with video: • Customer appreciation events • Employee and volunteer appreciation events • Internal knowledge sharing and training conferences • Industry gatherings • Charity events • Compelling, interactive demonstrations of innovative products and services • Plant or campus tours for remote “visitors” 7:A secret weapon that helps sales prospecting messages get noticed In recent years, traditional sales prospecting approaches like cold calling and automated bulk email have become less effective as potential customers have gotten better at filtering sales and marketing messages. Today it takes more than twice as many cold calls to reach a prospect than it did in 2007.8 And although email generally has a higher return than cold calling,9 email open rates have generally shown a downward trend since 2008.10 Find out more! Download our case study to see how Siemens captured a 3-day, 30+ session conference using only laptops, webcams,and Panopto Click for a sample sales training video
  • 13. 13 of 16 TM Many reps already use web conferencing for live interactions once a lead has entered the funnel, but that’s just one small part of the value they can get from video. In today’s difficult prospecting environment, video can be an effective sales enablement tool at every point in the sale – helping reps stand out, deliver a compelling message, and get better engagement from prospects. Specifically: • Video increases email response rates. Forrester has reported a 2-3x increase in click- through when video was used in email.11 • Video messages are personalized and more personable.When more and more pre- sales outreach is automated and done in bulk, video gives reps the opportunity to combine a message that’s tailored to an individual with the human element that comes with seeing the rep on camera. • Video provides insights into prospect engagement. Video platforms often include analytics, so when you add video into sales emails, you get additional insights into how many times a video was viewed, how long the video was viewed, and how many people watched the video. Introducing video into a sales prospecting strategy is easy: • Encourage your reps to record video of themselves sharing a short slide presentation or an on-screen demonstration specific to a customer’s interests. • Once the video is created, your organization’s video library will convert it for playback on any laptop, tablet, or smartphone.Within minutes, it will be ready to share in email or through social networks like LinkedIn. • Tracking the video’s performance with your video platform to monitor whether the video was viewed, how many times it was viewed, how long it was viewed, and whether additional people viewed the video. • Encourage reps to scale their efforts by customizing the same video to send to additional prospects, personalizing parts of the video for specific contacts without re- recording the entire video. Sales prospecting video doesn’t have to be beautifully produced.All that’s required is a webcam and a few minutes of time in order to really set your organization apart. Find out more! Download our free white paper to learn 18 ways you can use video to enhance the way your organization does sales enablement.
  • 14. 14 of 16 TM 8:Centrally manage an entire library of video content Web conferencing solutions are built to enable real-time video communications, but they don’t provide content management features that help your organization drive real value from video after the live interaction wraps up. A video platform supplements those tools to provide a means to not only capture video, but to centrally store, search, edit, share, view, and analyze that video content from any video source, on-demand. A video platform can even help you make better use of the video you capture from your web conferencing tools. Many organizations already use the built-in recording capabilities in GoToMeeting, Lync, or Vidyo and have developed enormous libraries filled with those recorded conversations.A video platform can make managing all those videos easier, by programmatically ingesting the recordings into a centralized, searchable “YouTube for Business” using a simple API. While every video platform is unique, you can expect a modern solution to bring you: • A single, central repository for all videos, wherever and however that video was created • Intelligent video search; both across your library and inside the content of each recording • Integrated recording tools to capture and live webcast new videos • Device-agnostic video viewing, enabling anyone to play any video on any device • Support for multiple file types, enabling content creators to import any type of video to be uploaded and transcoded for playback • A highly functional, easy to use video editor that’s browser-based and available on any laptop • Enterprise-ready access control; including identity management connections and options to deploy onsite behind your firewall or securely in the cloud As Forrester Research notes, “As a general principle, if it’s worth saving, it’s worth finding.”12 This broad spectrum of video content management capabilities is what makes a video platform such a valuable part of your overall investment in video. Click to learn more about how a VCMS works
  • 15. 15 of 16 TM In 100 Words: Panopto Helps You Maximize Your Investment in Video Video is too important — with too many opportunities to improve productivity and get more done — for organizations not to demand more comprehensive capabilities. Panopto’s video platform helps your employees do more with your video investments, empowering your team to turn impermanent web conference video into a tangible asset that creates lasting value. Named a “Leader” in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Video Content Management13 and commended by Forrester for “the best support for video search,”14 Panopto makes it easy for all of your employees to record anything and find everything. For more, visit Key takeaways Given the relative ubiquity of video conferencing solutions in the office today, it’s no surprise that, for many organizations, the first few use cases for video in the enterprise focus on communications. Yet as video grows in your organization, and as video becomes ever more pervasive in the world around us, new and unique use cases that solve organizational challenges and create competitive differentiation will continue to arise — and those use cases will demand video support that runs the gamut from simple communications to remote location multi- stream recording in HD. An enterprise video platform allows you to capture content in a wide variety of ways — supporting your existing video conferencing solution and enabling a range of other scenarios. As Gartner Research notes,“Workers are discovering use cases for sharing social video, often delivered via an ‘enterprise YouTube. Enterprise architects, training managers, corporate communications and public affairs officers can aggregate the best of these, suggest more, and launch broad projects to support them.”15
  • 16. 16 of 16 TM citations 1. Web Video Marketing Council, 2014 Online Video Production Survey and Trends Report 2. Forrester Research, Leveraging Live Streaming And On-Demand Video In The Enterprise 3. Gartner Research, Developing Use Cases for Sharing Video Content in the Enterprise 4. Forrester Research, Leveraging Live Streaming And On-Demand Video In The Enterprise 5. Gartner Research, Developing Use Cases for Sharing Video Content in the Enterprise 6. Siemens PLM, Panopto Case Study 7. Gartner Research, Developing Use Cases for Sharing Video Content in the Enterprise 8. Buzz Builder:TeleNet, Ovation research, 20 Shocking Sales Stats That Will Change How You Sell 9. Buzz Builder: Marketing Sherpa research, 20 Shocking Sales Stats That Will Change How You Sell 10. Buzz Builder: SilverPop research, 20 Shocking Sales Stats That Will Change How You Sell 11. MarketingVox, Video in Email Boosts Click-Thru Rates 2-3x 12. Forrester Research, Leveraging Live Streaming And On-Demand Video In The Enterprise 13. Gartner Reserach, Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Video Content Management, 2014 14. Forrester Research, Pick The Right Webcasting Tool To Drive Customer Or Employee Engagement 15. Gartner Research, Developing Use Cases for Sharing Video Content in the Enterprise Find out more! Download our free white paper to learn more about how a video platform can help maximize your investment in video conferencing.