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State of the Net
essential eBusiness intelligence for Irish managers                                                                                           

A quarterly bulletin on online activity in Ireland                                                                  ISSN: 1649                          issue 16 Spring 2010

              Broadband Score Card
                         Measure           Ireland’s score   Rank
                                                                              How we                                   What the
                 Take up 1                 21.4%
                                                                              score for                                young                                                                   7
             Broadband subscribers per
                      100 inhabitants

       Fibre connections 2                 0.6%

                                                                                                                       do online
             As % age of total broadband

                       Speed 3
                   % age of connections
                     10Mbps and above

                         Cost 4               89%
              Annual cost of 34Mb leased
        line as % age of OECD 19 average

                                                                              page 2                                   page 4
        Current broadband subscriptions 1.36m

Buy wisely to get value from Internet                                                                                                                                                          7
                                                                                       eCommerce as % of total turnover                                          71%
                                                                                                                                                     market knowledge. So how can
                                                                        60%                                                                          you be a smart buyer?        Keepin
                                                                                                              26%                                                Music                     in touc
                                                                                         12%                                     15%                 1. Do your homework: Under-
                                                                        40%                                                                          specification cripples online
                                                                                                             Ireland                                 2. Get expert help: It is often
                                                                        20%             EU 27                                    UK                  more cost-effective to
                                                                                                  © AMAS graphic (                       commission a strategy and
                                                                        0%                                                                           planning project before going
                                                                              Source: Eurostat Information and Communication Technologies in         out to market to build a new site
                                                                              Enterprises, published January 2010                                    or application
                                                                                                                                                     3. Seek competitive quotes: Get
  Aileen O’Toole,                                                        perceptions at different points in     a developer to make routine          at least three quotes but ensure
  Managing Director,                                                     the sales cycle.                       website updates which should         that project requirements are fully
  AMAS                                                                                                          be done in-house. Why?               scoped and you can make valid
                                                                         Not every company will need a          Because site functionality was       comparisons between proposals
Never has there been so                                                  complex website that integrates        not properly specified               4. Don’t assume that cheap is
much interest among Irish                                                with a back-end system. And            • An organisation had a              best: Avoid the temptation of
businesses in the Internet, as                                           not every business will need           largescale website developed         automatically selecting the
a new sales channel, as a                                                to develop web applications            at a discounted rate, but            lowest cost vendor. Factor
way to cut costs or improve                                              or launch campaigns on                 didn’t consider maintenance          experience, quality, project
customer service or simply as                                            Facebook or Twitter.                   requirements so it is now            management and customer
a highly effective marketing                                                                                    saddled with high on-going           service into the process
and communications                                                       What every business needs,             costs. Why? Because it is            5. Use free stuff: Don’t assume
platform. Companies                                                      though, is clarity around what         effectively locked into a            that you need to pay a
cannot afford to ignore                                                  type of online presence –              single supplier with proprietary     licence fee for the software
the Internet. How much                                                   website(s), other channels,            software which has a de facto        that powers your website or
value it offers will vary from                                           campaigns – supports their             monopoly                             drives your campaign. Free
business to business and                                                 commercial or other goals.             • Another company delivered          tools, like Google Analytics
from sector to sector but also                                           Many internet projects fail            an ambitious web project at          and WordPress, have made life
by how well internet projects                                            to deliver value because               less than a third of the cost that   difficult for other analytics and
are scoped, developed,                                                   there isn’t that type of clarity.      had been quoted by some web          content management providers
delivered and promoted.                                                  Companies often commission             developers. How? By using a          whose paid products are not as
                                                                         projects without this strategic        low-cost piece of software and       feature-rich
New research, illustrated in                                             context and without pinning            paying for its deployment, not       6. Protect yourself: Avoid lock-in
the graph, shows that Irish                                              down the project requirements          for custom development               to a single supplier, tie payments
companies have a higher                                                  in the kind of detail required by                                           into deliverables and ensure
proportion of online sales                                               a web developer or an online           Buying web, IT or online             warranty periods are built into
than those of any other EU                                               marketer or both.                      marketing services and software      the contract
country. Not every product                                                                                      is something of a black art
or service can be sold online, Three stories illustrate the point:                                              and requires a corresponding         Visit the AMAS website
of course, yet a strong online • One NGO has been paying                                                        combination of IT, marketing         ( for a buyers’
presence influences buyers’ over €1,000 each month to                                                           and Internet skills as well as       guide for Internet projects.

Compiled by AMAS in association with the Irish Internet Association
Broadband Score Card                                                       1. Broadband
                                                                                   Improving, but could do better.                                                                     result is mixed. There have been
                   Measure           Ireland’s score        Rank                   Ireland’s broadband scorecard is                                                                    improvements in the speed and
                                                                                   showing an improvement but it has                                                                   the cost of broadband offerings,

                                                                                   some distance to go to match the                                                                    with coverage and take-up rates
           Take up 1                                                               top performers internationally. High-                                                               converging to the OECD average.
                                                                                   quality, affordable broadband is                                                                    The latest ComReg data shows
       Broadband subscribers per
                100 inhabitants                                                    essential to stimulating economic                                                                   1.36 million subscriptions.

                                                                                   activity, specifically to creating jobs,
 Fibre connections 2                                                               earning export revenues, attracting                                                                 But, Forfás warns, Ireland is at
                                                                                   foreign direct investment and                                                                       least three to five years behind
       As % age of total broadband
                                                                                   supporting regional development.                                                                    competitor countries in term

                                                                                                                                                                                       of rolling out the infrastructure
                 Speed 3                                                           A new report from Forfás                                                                            to deliver high speed, next
             % age of connections                                                  aggregates all the international                                                                    generation broadband. In Ireland
               10Mbps and above                                                    benchmarking data for                                                                               only 0.6% of connections are fibre,

                   Cost 4
        Annual cost of 34Mb leased
                                        89%                                        broadband and shows how
                                                                                   Ireland stacks up against its
                                                                                   international competitors. The
                                                                                                                                                                                       compared with 21% for Sweden, a
                                                                                                                                                                                       whopping 51% for Japan and an
                                                                                                                                                                                       OECD-28 average of 11.3%.
  line as % age of OECD 19 average            © AMAS graphic (
                                     © AMAS graphic (             Scorecard sources:
                                                                              1 Take up – OECD, June 2009 (based on 30 OECD countries)
                                                                              2 Fibre connections – OECD, June 2009 (based on 28 OECD countries)
                                                                    5         3 Speed – Forfás Ireland’s Broadband Performance and Policy Actions January 2010 (based on 24 EU countries)
  Current broadband subscriptions 1.36m                                       4 Cost – Forfás Ireland’s Broadband Performance and Policy Actions January 2010 (based on 19 OECD countries)
                                                                              5 ComReg Quarterly Key Data Report, December 2009

2. eGovernment                                                                                                                                                                                    Online availability of services

At last, a boost in an international
benchmarking study, with Ireland making it                                                                                                                                                                             Full online availability in 2009
to the top ten within the EU for eGovernment                        100%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Full online availability in 2007
delivery. Ireland is categorised as “fast
                                                                                                                                                                                                         © AMAS graphic (
growing” and has closed the gap with our
European neighbours on key eGovernment                                          71% EU Average 2009
indicators, according to a European
Commission benchmarking study.
                                                                                59% EU Average 2007
We earned a score of 83%, compared with
an EU average of 71%, for what the study calls                          40%
“full online availability”. By comparison, the
previous study showed Ireland lagging the then
EU average of 59%. “Full online availability” is a                      20%
measure that scores the maturity of 20 online
services across all EU member states. Ireland is
ranked as a top performer for eProcurement,                             0%
with over 95% of all published Official Journal










of the European Union (OJEU) contracts
advertised through the eTenders website.

Source: European Commission, 8th eGovernment Benchmark Measurement, published November 2009
Top Trends

     3. Smart phones
                                                                                                          Sleek new smartphones, with the
                                                                                                          latest business apps and a host
                                                                                                          of other online services, are an
                                                                                                          essential tool in the executive
                                                                                                          toolkit. They are the most popular
                                                                                                          mobile data device offered to
                                                                                                          employees – with 70% of large
                                                                                                          corporates providing them to
                                                                                                          employees compared with 30% of

                                                                                                          Remote working has also been
                                                                                                          facilitated by other mobile data
                                                                                                          devices, such as 3G datacards,
                                                                                                          netbooks and wireless LAN cards.
                                                                                                          Larger Irish corporates are much
                                                                                                          more likely to offer such devices to
                                                                                                          their employees than SMEs.

                                                                                                          New ComReg data shows that 87%
                                                                                                          of corporates – those employing
                     © AMAS graphic (                                                         100+ – were providing some type
                                                                                                          of mobile data device to some of
Source: ComReg SME & Corporate ICT Research conducted by Millward Brown IMS, March                        their employees, compared with
– April 2009. Based on a sample of 400 SMEs and 65 Corporates. There was no research                      just 45% of SMEs, defined as those
conducted in 2007.                                                                                        employing 100 or less.

4. Digital advertising
Digital advertising will be          that online classifieds took        (IAB Ireland). This is widely                 Digital advertising mix
the third largest medium in          a “huge hit” last year, with        predicted to accelerate
Ireland in 2010 and grow             revenues halved, but search         the growth of digital
by 9% compared with an
overall advertising market
                                     performed well and is now
                                     the largest category within
                                                                         advertising in
                                                                         Ireland at the                     €7.2m
decrease of 7%, according            online.                             expense of
to management consultancy
Billetts.                            €7.2m the most recent
                                     In the UK,
                                     IAB statistics for the first half                           €13.5m
As forecasters go, Billetts          of 2009 show online as the
has a better class of crystal
ball than others, as it audits
                                     largest single category,
                                     with a 23.5% market                        Search
budgets for major advertisers.                      €35m
                                     share. Similar research
The consultancy puts a value         is to be commissioned
of €86 million on Irish digital      in Ireland this year from

advertising in 2009 giving it a      PricewaterhouseCoopers by                  Classifieds

market share of 10.6%, on a          the relaunched Interactive


par with radio. Billetts reports     Advertising Bureau Ireland                 Sponsorship

Source: Billetts Ireland 2010 Media Forecasts analysis, published December 2009                                             

        the opportunity to win online
82% At least one

Main use of Internet                                      5. Young people online                                       18% None

                                                                                                                       Current number of social
                                                                                                                       networking sites
                                    70%                          44%                                                                                                                                                                                          18%


                                                                                    © AMAS graph
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      82% At lea
                                                                                                                        82% At least one
      Music                   Keeping in                                                                                                                                                                                              18% None

                                                                                                ic (w
                                touch                           Research                                                18% None


                                                                                                                                                                                                                           18% None

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      82% At least one
                                                                                                                        © AMAS graphic (

                                                                                                                                                                         45% Bebo

                                                                                                                                                                                    29% Facebook
                                                                                                                          13% Other


It’s what most parents of teenagers           Music was the top internet choice,
want to know – what are they up               followed by socialising and research.                                      29% Facebook


                                                                                                                                                           Gaia Online
to on the Internet? One teenager              All but 18% of the sample had “at
– award-winning blogger Tommy       70%                          44%
                                              least one” account on a social                                             45% Bebo
Collison – got some answers when              networking site.50%
                                                                Interestingly, Bebo                                                                                                                                                                            29%
he polled his fellow teens for a
                             Keeping          is shown to have the widest reach,                                          1%             Gaia Online
project for this year’s BT Young
                             in touch                        Research
                                              followed by Facebook (other social                                                                                                                    44               43                                        45%
Scientist & Technology Exhibition.                             40%
                                              networking data shows Bebo on the                                           5%             Myspace
Collison, now 15, has been a                  wane, losing out to Facebook). How                                                                     39                                             38                                                         1%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         29% Face
blogger for a couple of years                 many of these social networking                                             7% Twitter                                                                                 35
                                                                                                                           29% Facebook
and decided to test the attitudes             accounts lie dormant is known only to 31
                                                               30%                                                                                  31                                              27
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     29                                       5%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         45% Beb
of secondary school students to               the social networking sites themselves.                                    13% Other
                                                                                                                  29       45% Bebo                                                                                                                             7%
blogging.                                                                                                                                                                                           25               25                                  1%   Gaia
                                              As for the blogging, the teens gave
                                                             20%          22           21                                        1%               23
                                                                                                                                                Gaia Online                                                                                                    13
In the process, he got insights into          a lukewarm response. Around a third
                                                                          19                                                                                                                                                                             5%   Mys
their online behaviour. Some 1,781            of the sample read blogs and only                                                 5%              Myspace
                                                                                                                                                                                                    14               14
students from ten secondary schools           7% of the sample contribute to blogs.
                                                             10%          12                                                                        11                                                                                                   7%    Twi
completed the survey, two-thirds of           Why? Tommy speculates that it’s to                                        Source: Twitter
                                                                                                                            7% BT Young Scientist project by Tommy
whom were 15 or younger and half              do with lack of familiarity, 9 time it
                                                                           the         8                                Collison which examined6secondary school
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         13% Oth
of whom use the Internet from home            can take and, also, concerns about
                                                               0%          3           3                                students’ use of the Web. Based on a sample
                                                                                                                           13% Other
each day.                                     parental approval.                                                        of 1,781 secondary school students
                                                                        2005         2006                                                       2007                                               2008             2009

6. Online shopping
                                                                                                                        16 - 24                                     35 - 44                               55 - 64
                                                                                                                        25 - 34                                     45 - 54                               65 - 74

50%                                                                                                            Young adults are more                                                               24-year-olds (29%).
                                                                                                               likely to shop online than
       % ordering online by age                                                                                older or younger Irish                                                              This longitudinal study of
                                                           44               43
40%                                                                                                            consumers, according to                                                             online shopping trends
                                         39                                                                    new Eurostat figures. 43%                                                           also reveals that Ireland
                                                                            35                                 of those between the ages                                                           is bang on the European
30%                     31               31                27
                                                                            29                                 of 25 and 34 said that they                                                         average for online
                                         25                                                                    had bought something                                                                shopping, with 37% of
                        29                                                                                     online in the previous three                                                        the population buying
                                                           25               25
20%       22            21               23                                                                    months, nearly double the                                                           online. The survey found
                                                   © AMAS graphic (                                proportion in the same                                                              that UK shoppers are more
          19            19                                                                                     age bracket back in 2005.                                                           frequent shoppers, with
                                                           14               14                                 The second-highest group                                                            a comparative figure of
10%       12                             11
                                                                                                               are the 35 to 44-year-olds,                                                         66%, the second highest to
          9             8                                                                                      at 35%, followed by 16 to                                                           Norway (70%) in the EU-27.
                                         6                  6               5
 0%       3             3
                                                                                                               Source: Eurostat Internet usage in 2009 - Households and
        2005           2006             2007              2008             2009                                Individuals, published December 2009

                              16 - 24           35 - 44          55 - 64
                              25 - 34           45 - 54          65 - 74

Top Trends

7. Online TV
                                                                          Watching Coronation Street          since the RTÉ launch include
Growth in catch-up TV
                                                                          or the main evening news on         The Late Late Show, news,
                                                                          your laptop or PC is getting        Desperate Housewives,
                                                                          to be big business in Ireland.      Operation Transformation,
                                                                          Catch-up TV has still to            Flash Forward and The
                                                                          celebrate its first birthday on     Frontline. RTÉ was one of
                                                                          Irish TV, but the numbers are       the first broadcasters in the
                                                                          already very impressive.            world to launch extensive
                                                                                                              international access to
                                                                          RTÉ Player had almost               a version of its catch-up
                                                                          400,000 unique users in             service.
                                                                          January, more than a three-
                                                                          fold increase on its first full     Now that online TV is
                                          © AMAS graphic (
                                                                          month of operation last May.        earning decent audiences,
                                                                          The number of streams is also       advertisers will start to use the
                                                                          on the rise – hitting a record      medium more. Consultancy
                                                                          1.6 million in January alone.       Billetts expects video
                                                                                                              advertising to rise and for
Source: RTÉ, February 2010                                                So what are we watching             consumers to interact more
                                                                          online? The top 10 streams          with such advertising.

                         IIA Congress looks at 2020 vision
                         This         analyse their online strate-       The Online Marketing               Group
                         year’s IIA   gies and give confidential         Working Group is studying          • The Legal Working Group
                         Congress     advice on the best course          the Irish business use             • The User Experience
                         will have    for their businesses.              of blogs within the                Working Group
                         a dual                                          international marketplace,         • The International Strategy
                         focus:       Breakout sessions during the       and is interested to hear          Working Group
                         what’s       conference will also cover a       from member organisations
                         good         wide range of themes that          about their experiences in         The IIA Working Groups
                         in 2010      reflect the tough environ-         using blogs to expand their        cover a wide range of
    Joan Mulvihill       and          ment we are going through.         global reach.                      issues, from usability to the
    CEO, Irish           what’s       In the evening there will be                                          legal implications of doing
    Internet             possible     the presentation of the an-        The Web Development                business online. They focus
    Association          for 2020.    nual Net Visionary Awards.         Working Group is producing         on areas that add value for
                         It will                                         procurement guidelines             IIA members and advance
   critically assess the next         The past 12 months have            for businesses on web              the internet industry and
   wave of opportunities              also been a busy time for          development services,              online business in Ireland,
   for the industry, as well          the IIA Working Groups, and        based on a recent survey of        and bring together experts
   as more immediate                  a full programme of activity       purveyors and purchasers.          across a wide range of
   benefits for businesses in         is planned for 2010.                                                  areas, alongside members
   terms of improving their                                              Other groups include:              who bring a valuable
   processes, productivity and        For example, the Social            • The Infrastructure Working       business perspective.
   profitability.                     Media Working Group is
                                      currently examining the             Irish Internet Association Congress and Net Visionary Awards
   The Congress will see the          business use of online video
   return of the popular “Web         and audio, while the Cloud          Date: 20 May 2010
   strategy clinics”. Delegates       Computing Working Group             Venue: Crowne Plaza Northwood, Santry, Dublin
   will be able to book a one-        is preparing a white paper          Theme: “2020 Vision”
   on-one 30-minute slot with         on attitudes to cloud com-          Book now:
   industry experts, who will         puting among SMEs.
AMAS completes two strategy projects
AMAS has completed                 and services and reduce its             trends                              team in defining requirements
significant online strategy        dependence on peat and                  • Develop a strategy and            and procuring design and
projects for Bord na Móna and      fossil fuels. It sees the Internet as   roadmap for its online              development services
the Houses of the Oireachtas.      a critical platform in achieving        channels, including social          • Create a new easy-to-use
For Bórd na Mona (www.bnm.         these objectives. Following a           media and Web 2.0                   information architecture
ie), the objective was to map      competitive tendering process,                                              • Help specify and create new
how the Internet could support     it retained AMAS to:                    The Houses of the Oireachtas        site content
commercial, marketing and          • Evaluate its current use of           ( recently        The Oireachtas website is
communications objectives          the Internet                            launched the first phase of its     one of the largest in Ireland,
at a time of considerable          • Audit ten websites in Ireland,        redeveloped website. AMAS           with over 800,000 pages. The
change. The company aims           the UK and the US                       was retained to:                    scope of this redevelopment
to reposition itself as a key      • Identify requirements with            • Conduct a strategic review        phase excluded databases for
player in renewable energy,        stakeholders                            • Research audience usage           debates and bills and other
environmental products             • Research relevant online              • Support the communications        legacy content.

                     ‘This document is best viewed with...’
                     Remember      that Google is winding down             facto one, or was.
                     the           support for Microsoft Internet
                     browser       Explorer 6. From 1 March, key           Apple’s move essentially
                                                                                                                AMAS: what we do
                     wars of       functions in Google Docs and            demands that publishers              AMAS is a consultancy
                     the 1990s?    Google Sites will no longer             recode sites that use Flash          specialising in online
                     No? As        work with IE6. The need                 to suit its technology. This will    channels. The company
                     Microsoft     to cater for non-standard               matter less as the latest web
                                                                                                                is retained by businesses
  Fiachra            and           features of IE6 has long been           standards are adopted, such
                                                                                                                and government bodies
  Ó Marcaigh, Netscape
                     fought to
                                   a pain for web publishers.              as HTML5, which allows video
                                                                           to be included in web pages          to plan, manage, evaluate
  Director, AMAS dominate          Flash bashing                           without requiring Flash.             and market their online
                     the PC        And there’s Apple. Its much-                                                 channels.
web browser market they            hyped iPad does not support             Standards-based
added new, non-standard            Adobe Flash. (Neither do the            Now more than ever, publishers       Services include:
features to their browsers.        44 million iPhones out there,           cannot assume that their
Websites often had notices         but people expect pocket                audiences are sitting in front       • Strategy • Marketing
saying that they were “best        devices to behave a bit                 of a computer monitor, with          • Research • Project
                                                                                                                • Audits     management
viewed with” one browser           differently.)                           a keyboard and mouse to
version or another.                                                        hand. To succeed, online             • Content • Outsourcing
                                   Flash is extremely widespread           communications will have to:
It was frustrating for users and   on the Web, to play video               • Be user-focused                     Find out what AMAS
maddening for web publishers       and create animation and                • Cater for mobile users              can do for you.
who had to create several          interactivity. It lies behind           • Use web standards to the            Contact Aileen O’Toole,
browser-specific versions of a     the rise of YouTube and the               greatest degree possible            Managing Director,
site. Web standards promise to     success of the RTÉ Player. Flash        • Avoid browser wars                  on + 353 1 6610499
end those problems.                is proprietary to Adobe. It is
                                   not an official web standard,           Here’s to HTML5 and a                 or
One piece of good news is          but it is close to being a de           standards-based Internet!

                                                © AMAS Ltd.
             Published by AMAS Ltd., 38 Lr. Leeson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 6610499
                                Email: Web:

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Artificial Intelligence for XMLDevelopment

State of the Net issue 16 - Spring 2010

  • 1. State of the Net essential eBusiness intelligence for Irish managers A quarterly bulletin on online activity in Ireland ISSN: 1649 issue 16 Spring 2010 Broadband Score Card Measure Ireland’s score Rank How we What the Take up 1 21.4% score for young 7 71% Broadband subscribers per 100 inhabitants Fibre connections 2 0.6% do online As % age of total broadband broadband Speed 3 4.9% Keepi % age of connections 10Mbps and above Cost 4 89% Music touc Annual cost of 34Mb leased line as % age of OECD 19 average page 2 page 4 5 Current broadband subscriptions 1.36m Buy wisely to get value from Internet 7 eCommerce as % of total turnover 71% market knowledge. So how can 60% you be a smart buyer? Keepin 26% Music in touc 12% 15% 1. Do your homework: Under- 40% specification cripples online projects Ireland 2. Get expert help: It is often 20% EU 27 UK more cost-effective to © AMAS graphic ( commission a strategy and 0% planning project before going Source: Eurostat Information and Communication Technologies in out to market to build a new site Enterprises, published January 2010 or application 3. Seek competitive quotes: Get Aileen O’Toole, perceptions at different points in a developer to make routine at least three quotes but ensure Managing Director, the sales cycle. website updates which should that project requirements are fully AMAS be done in-house. Why? scoped and you can make valid Not every company will need a Because site functionality was comparisons between proposals Never has there been so complex website that integrates not properly specified 4. Don’t assume that cheap is much interest among Irish with a back-end system. And • An organisation had a best: Avoid the temptation of businesses in the Internet, as not every business will need largescale website developed automatically selecting the a new sales channel, as a to develop web applications at a discounted rate, but lowest cost vendor. Factor way to cut costs or improve or launch campaigns on didn’t consider maintenance experience, quality, project customer service or simply as Facebook or Twitter. requirements so it is now management and customer a highly effective marketing saddled with high on-going service into the process and communications What every business needs, costs. Why? Because it is 5. Use free stuff: Don’t assume platform. Companies though, is clarity around what effectively locked into a that you need to pay a cannot afford to ignore type of online presence – single supplier with proprietary licence fee for the software the Internet. How much website(s), other channels, software which has a de facto that powers your website or value it offers will vary from campaigns – supports their monopoly drives your campaign. Free business to business and commercial or other goals. • Another company delivered tools, like Google Analytics from sector to sector but also Many internet projects fail an ambitious web project at and WordPress, have made life by how well internet projects to deliver value because less than a third of the cost that difficult for other analytics and are scoped, developed, there isn’t that type of clarity. had been quoted by some web content management providers delivered and promoted. Companies often commission developers. How? By using a whose paid products are not as projects without this strategic low-cost piece of software and feature-rich New research, illustrated in context and without pinning paying for its deployment, not 6. Protect yourself: Avoid lock-in the graph, shows that Irish down the project requirements for custom development to a single supplier, tie payments companies have a higher in the kind of detail required by into deliverables and ensure proportion of online sales a web developer or an online Buying web, IT or online warranty periods are built into than those of any other EU marketer or both. marketing services and software the contract country. Not every product is something of a black art or service can be sold online, Three stories illustrate the point: and requires a corresponding Visit the AMAS website of course, yet a strong online • One NGO has been paying combination of IT, marketing ( for a buyers’ presence influences buyers’ over €1,000 each month to and Internet skills as well as guide for Internet projects. Compiled by AMAS in association with the Irish Internet Association
  • 2. Broadband Score Card 1. Broadband Improving, but could do better. result is mixed. There have been Measure Ireland’s score Rank Ireland’s broadband scorecard is improvements in the speed and showing an improvement but it has the cost of broadband offerings, 21.4% some distance to go to match the with coverage and take-up rates Take up 1 top performers internationally. High- converging to the OECD average. quality, affordable broadband is The latest ComReg data shows Broadband subscribers per 100 inhabitants essential to stimulating economic 1.36 million subscriptions. 0.6% activity, specifically to creating jobs, Fibre connections 2 earning export revenues, attracting But, Forfás warns, Ireland is at foreign direct investment and least three to five years behind As % age of total broadband supporting regional development. competitor countries in term 4.9% of rolling out the infrastructure Speed 3 A new report from Forfás to deliver high speed, next % age of connections aggregates all the international generation broadband. In Ireland 10Mbps and above benchmarking data for only 0.6% of connections are fibre, Cost 4 Annual cost of 34Mb leased 89% broadband and shows how Ireland stacks up against its international competitors. The compared with 21% for Sweden, a whopping 51% for Japan and an OECD-28 average of 11.3%. line as % age of OECD 19 average © AMAS graphic ( © AMAS graphic ( Scorecard sources: 1 Take up – OECD, June 2009 (based on 30 OECD countries) 2 Fibre connections – OECD, June 2009 (based on 28 OECD countries) 5 3 Speed – Forfás Ireland’s Broadband Performance and Policy Actions January 2010 (based on 24 EU countries) Current broadband subscriptions 1.36m 4 Cost – Forfás Ireland’s Broadband Performance and Policy Actions January 2010 (based on 19 OECD countries) 5 ComReg Quarterly Key Data Report, December 2009 2. eGovernment Online availability of services At last, a boost in an international benchmarking study, with Ireland making it Full online availability in 2009 to the top ten within the EU for eGovernment 100% Full online availability in 2007 delivery. Ireland is categorised as “fast © AMAS graphic ( growing” and has closed the gap with our 80% European neighbours on key eGovernment 71% EU Average 2009 indicators, according to a European Commission benchmarking study. 60% 59% EU Average 2007 We earned a score of 83%, compared with an EU average of 71%, for what the study calls 40% “full online availability”. By comparison, the previous study showed Ireland lagging the then EU average of 59%. “Full online availability” is a 20% measure that scores the maturity of 20 online services across all EU member states. Ireland is ranked as a top performer for eProcurement, 0% with over 95% of all published Official Journal Estonia Sweden Slovenia Ireland Latvia Portugal UK Finland Germany France Norway Spain Denmark Italy Lithuania Hungary Austria Netherlands Belguim Malta of the European Union (OJEU) contracts advertised through the eTenders website. Source: European Commission, 8th eGovernment Benchmark Measurement, published November 2009
  • 3. Top Trends 3. Smart phones Sleek new smartphones, with the latest business apps and a host of other online services, are an essential tool in the executive toolkit. They are the most popular mobile data device offered to employees – with 70% of large corporates providing them to employees compared with 30% of SMEs. Remote working has also been facilitated by other mobile data devices, such as 3G datacards, netbooks and wireless LAN cards. Larger Irish corporates are much more likely to offer such devices to their employees than SMEs. New ComReg data shows that 87% of corporates – those employing © AMAS graphic ( 100+ – were providing some type of mobile data device to some of Source: ComReg SME & Corporate ICT Research conducted by Millward Brown IMS, March their employees, compared with – April 2009. Based on a sample of 400 SMEs and 65 Corporates. There was no research just 45% of SMEs, defined as those conducted in 2007. employing 100 or less. 4. Digital advertising Digital advertising will be that online classifieds took (IAB Ireland). This is widely Digital advertising mix the third largest medium in a “huge hit” last year, with predicted to accelerate Ireland in 2010 and grow revenues halved, but search the growth of digital by 9% compared with an overall advertising market performed well and is now the largest category within advertising in Ireland at the €7.2m decrease of 7%, according online. expense of to management consultancy Billetts. €7.2m the most recent In the UK, traditional media. IAB statistics for the first half €13.5m As forecasters go, Billetts of 2009 show online as the €35m €13.5m has a better class of crystal ball than others, as it audits largest single category, with a 23.5% market Search budgets for major advertisers. €35m share. Similar research Display The consultancy puts a value is to be commissioned of €86 million on Irish digital in Ireland this year from ©A advertising in 2009 giving it a PricewaterhouseCoopers by Classifieds €30.6m MA market share of 10.6%, on a the relaunched Interactive Sg €30.6m rap par with radio. Billetts reports Advertising Bureau Ireland Sponsorship hi c( ww w.a ma Source: Billetts Ireland 2010 Media Forecasts analysis, published December 2009 the opportunity to win online
  • 4. 82% At least one Main use of Internet 5. Young people online 18% None 82% Current number of social networking sites 70% 44% 18% 71% © AMAS graph 82% At lea 82% At least one Music Keeping in 18% None ic (w touch Research 18% None ww .am as .ie ) 18% None 82% At least one © AMAS graphic ( 45% Bebo 29% Facebook 13% Other 5% 7% 1% It’s what most parents of teenagers Music was the top internet choice, want to know – what are they up followed by socialising and research. 29% Facebook Myspace Gaia Online Twitter to on the Internet? One teenager All but 18% of the sample had “at – award-winning blogger Tommy 70% 44% least one” account on a social 45% Bebo 71% Collison – got some answers when networking site.50% Interestingly, Bebo 29% he polled his fellow teens for a Keeping is shown to have the widest reach, 1% Gaia Online Music project for this year’s BT Young in touch Research followed by Facebook (other social 44 43 45% Scientist & Technology Exhibition. 40% networking data shows Bebo on the 5% Myspace Collison, now 15, has been a wane, losing out to Facebook). How 39 38 1% 29% Face blogger for a couple of years many of these social networking 7% Twitter 35 29% Facebook and decided to test the attitudes accounts lie dormant is known only to 31 30% 31 27 29 5% 45% Beb of secondary school students to the social networking sites themselves. 13% Other 25 29 45% Bebo 7% blogging. 25 25 1% Gaia As for the blogging, the teens gave 20% 22 21 1% 23 Gaia Online 13 In the process, he got insights into a lukewarm response. Around a third 19 5% Mys 19 their online behaviour. Some 1,781 of the sample read blogs and only 5% Myspace 14 14 students from ten secondary schools 7% of the sample contribute to blogs. 10% 12 11 7% Twi completed the survey, two-thirds of Why? Tommy speculates that it’s to Source: Twitter 7% BT Young Scientist project by Tommy whom were 15 or younger and half do with lack of familiarity, 9 time it the 8 Collison which examined6secondary school 6 13% Oth 5 of whom use the Internet from home can take and, also, concerns about 0% 3 3 students’ use of the Web. Based on a sample 13% Other each day. parental approval. of 1,781 secondary school students 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 6. Online shopping 16 - 24 35 - 44 55 - 64 25 - 34 45 - 54 65 - 74 50% Young adults are more 24-year-olds (29%). likely to shop online than % ordering online by age older or younger Irish This longitudinal study of 44 43 40% consumers, according to online shopping trends 39 new Eurostat figures. 43% also reveals that Ireland 38 35 of those between the ages is bang on the European 30% 31 31 27 29 of 25 and 34 said that they average for online 25 had bought something shopping, with 37% of 29 online in the previous three the population buying 25 25 20% 22 21 23 months, nearly double the online. The survey found © AMAS graphic ( proportion in the same that UK shoppers are more 19 19 age bracket back in 2005. frequent shoppers, with 14 14 The second-highest group a comparative figure of 10% 12 11 are the 35 to 44-year-olds, 66%, the second highest to 9 8 at 35%, followed by 16 to Norway (70%) in the EU-27. 6 6 5 0% 3 3 Source: Eurostat Internet usage in 2009 - Households and 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Individuals, published December 2009 16 - 24 35 - 44 55 - 64 25 - 34 45 - 54 65 - 74
  • 5. Top Trends 7. Online TV Watching Coronation Street since the RTÉ launch include Growth in catch-up TV or the main evening news on The Late Late Show, news, your laptop or PC is getting Desperate Housewives, to be big business in Ireland. Operation Transformation, Catch-up TV has still to Flash Forward and The celebrate its first birthday on Frontline. RTÉ was one of Irish TV, but the numbers are the first broadcasters in the already very impressive. world to launch extensive international access to RTÉ Player had almost a version of its catch-up 400,000 unique users in service. January, more than a three- fold increase on its first full Now that online TV is © AMAS graphic ( month of operation last May. earning decent audiences, The number of streams is also advertisers will start to use the on the rise – hitting a record medium more. Consultancy 1.6 million in January alone. Billetts expects video advertising to rise and for Source: RTÉ, February 2010 So what are we watching consumers to interact more online? The top 10 streams with such advertising. IIA Congress looks at 2020 vision This analyse their online strate- The Online Marketing Group year’s IIA gies and give confidential Working Group is studying • The Legal Working Group Congress advice on the best course the Irish business use • The User Experience will have for their businesses. of blogs within the Working Group a dual international marketplace, • The International Strategy focus: Breakout sessions during the and is interested to hear Working Group what’s conference will also cover a from member organisations good wide range of themes that about their experiences in The IIA Working Groups in 2010 reflect the tough environ- using blogs to expand their cover a wide range of Joan Mulvihill and ment we are going through. global reach. issues, from usability to the CEO, Irish what’s In the evening there will be legal implications of doing Internet possible the presentation of the an- The Web Development business online. They focus Association for 2020. nual Net Visionary Awards. Working Group is producing on areas that add value for It will procurement guidelines IIA members and advance critically assess the next The past 12 months have for businesses on web the internet industry and wave of opportunities also been a busy time for development services, online business in Ireland, for the industry, as well the IIA Working Groups, and based on a recent survey of and bring together experts as more immediate a full programme of activity purveyors and purchasers. across a wide range of benefits for businesses in is planned for 2010. areas, alongside members terms of improving their Other groups include: who bring a valuable processes, productivity and For example, the Social • The Infrastructure Working business perspective. profitability. Media Working Group is currently examining the Irish Internet Association Congress and Net Visionary Awards The Congress will see the business use of online video return of the popular “Web and audio, while the Cloud Date: 20 May 2010 strategy clinics”. Delegates Computing Working Group Venue: Crowne Plaza Northwood, Santry, Dublin will be able to book a one- is preparing a white paper Theme: “2020 Vision” on-one 30-minute slot with on attitudes to cloud com- Book now: industry experts, who will puting among SMEs.
  • 6. AMAS completes two strategy projects AMAS has completed and services and reduce its trends team in defining requirements significant online strategy dependence on peat and • Develop a strategy and and procuring design and projects for Bord na Móna and fossil fuels. It sees the Internet as roadmap for its online development services the Houses of the Oireachtas. a critical platform in achieving channels, including social • Create a new easy-to-use For Bórd na Mona (www.bnm. these objectives. Following a media and Web 2.0 information architecture ie), the objective was to map competitive tendering process, • Help specify and create new how the Internet could support it retained AMAS to: The Houses of the Oireachtas site content commercial, marketing and • Evaluate its current use of ( recently The Oireachtas website is communications objectives the Internet launched the first phase of its one of the largest in Ireland, at a time of considerable • Audit ten websites in Ireland, redeveloped website. AMAS with over 800,000 pages. The change. The company aims the UK and the US was retained to: scope of this redevelopment to reposition itself as a key • Identify requirements with • Conduct a strategic review phase excluded databases for player in renewable energy, stakeholders • Research audience usage debates and bills and other environmental products • Research relevant online • Support the communications legacy content. ‘This document is best viewed with...’ Remember that Google is winding down facto one, or was. the support for Microsoft Internet browser Explorer 6. From 1 March, key Apple’s move essentially AMAS: what we do wars of functions in Google Docs and demands that publishers AMAS is a consultancy the 1990s? Google Sites will no longer recode sites that use Flash specialising in online No? As work with IE6. The need to suit its technology. This will channels. The company Microsoft to cater for non-standard matter less as the latest web is retained by businesses Fiachra and features of IE6 has long been standards are adopted, such and government bodies Ó Marcaigh, Netscape fought to a pain for web publishers. as HTML5, which allows video to be included in web pages to plan, manage, evaluate Director, AMAS dominate Flash bashing without requiring Flash. and market their online the PC And there’s Apple. Its much- channels. web browser market they hyped iPad does not support Standards-based added new, non-standard Adobe Flash. (Neither do the Now more than ever, publishers Services include: features to their browsers. 44 million iPhones out there, cannot assume that their Websites often had notices but people expect pocket audiences are sitting in front • Strategy • Marketing saying that they were “best devices to behave a bit of a computer monitor, with • Research • Project • Audits management viewed with” one browser differently.) a keyboard and mouse to version or another. hand. To succeed, online • Content • Outsourcing Flash is extremely widespread communications will have to: It was frustrating for users and on the Web, to play video • Be user-focused Find out what AMAS maddening for web publishers and create animation and • Cater for mobile users can do for you. who had to create several interactivity. It lies behind • Use web standards to the Contact Aileen O’Toole, browser-specific versions of a the rise of YouTube and the greatest degree possible Managing Director, site. Web standards promise to success of the RTÉ Player. Flash • Avoid browser wars on + 353 1 6610499 end those problems. is proprietary to Adobe. It is not an official web standard, Here’s to HTML5 and a or One piece of good news is but it is close to being a de standards-based Internet! © AMAS Ltd. Published by AMAS Ltd., 38 Lr. Leeson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 6610499 Email: Web: