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                   Aim High and Play by the Rules of Innovation

                                                Preben Hjørnet
                                                  PH Inception
                                             Innovative Automation
                                               Strandby, Denmark

Innovation comes in many descries, it’s a competence ; a cabability, a process ; a value, you might
Enterprises more than ever operate in a changing world and, hence, they must improve their change
proficiency with respect to market adoption, product and service portfolio, and with respect to manufacturing
functions. First, the paper takes up the discussion of the relation between market, products & services and
capabilities of the company functions for companies operating in a changing and competitive environment.
This discussion leads to an identification of enabling activities which are to prepare companies for the future.
Second, the paper in particular discusses characteristics of enabling manufacturing capabilities for managing
a change proficient enterprise. A concept of eight characteristics is presented, called STARGAME, as an
abbreviation for Scalability, Transparency, Agility, Robustness, Genericy, Adaptability, Modularity, and
Economic Efficiency. Each characteristic of the STARGAME concept is defined and presented by tangible
examples. An outline of concrete enabling technologies, which fulfil the suggested characteristics is
presented; e.g. robots, machine visions, flexible feeders, etc. The major finding of this paper is a useful
concept to innovators and technicians for developing new technology platforms, and as a concept to decision
makers for managing the technology development in creating a change proficient enterprise.

Agile Manufacturing, Enabling Manufacturing Technologies, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Design
Principles, Management of Technology, Mass Customisation.

1    Introduction
Enterprises of today more than ever face changing conditions for them to do their businesses in. The market
is as dynamic as ever; customers demand differentiated products and services, cost-profit margins are
narrowing, and the company functions are becoming more and more fragmented, due to for example
decentralizations and/or outsourcing. With the unpredictable and increased pace of changes it is no longer
sufficient for companies just to concentrate on reducing costs (by e.g. lean principles) – they also have to
think about how to stay in business. History has several examples of companies making money right up to
the day they became irrelevant (Clayton Christensen). Hence, the success for a company today has never
before been so depend on how well the company can adjust and react to its surrounding ever-changing
environment. Managers and scholars talk about the change proficient enterprise.

On Figure 1.1 below the scene in which companies must operate is illustrated. The market is constantly
evolving, and hence, it is important for companies to identify and adapt to new trends in the market.
Consequently, products and services must likewise evolve continuously to fulfil the new marked conditions.
To be fast on the market is extremely important as to gain the most profit of a new market. Any leaning back
resting on current successes will inevitable lead to a misfit between the product and services offered and
what soughed-after in the market. If this misfit is realized too late it (may) leads to lost earnings and in worst
cases it will be catastrophically for the company.
Today                                                                             Future

                                              changing markets                                                                               Time

                   Market                                                                            Market

                                                    Company Mission

                                                                             i   al m

                                           Product and Service Evolutions

           Product and services                                                               Product and services

                                     Product and Service Portfolio Strategy

                                              ent   ial m

                                            Enabling activities towards
           Company functions               improved change proficiency
                                                                                              Company functions
                     R&D                                                                               R&D

                  Procurement                                                                       Procurement

               Part manufacturing                                                                Part manufacturing

                   Assembly                                                                          Assembly

                   Marketing                                                                         Marketing

                  Distribution                                                                      Distribution

                                         Functional Capability Strategy

    Figure 1.1. The relations between marked, products and services, and company functions in a changing and
competitive environment. Enabling activities are illustrated as puzzle bricks as they symbolise the bits and pieces which
                            must form the future appearance of the company’s functions.

As products and services change also the apparatus for manufacturing these new products and services must
change. It is a major point of the present paper that product and service innovations not alone will originate
from R&D activities solely focusing on products and services. Intensive focus must also be concentrated on
innovation of the company functions in general, and in specifically the capabilities of the production
functions (component manufacturing, assembly, packing, and the like) and the enabling technologies
governing these functions. Hence, this paper aims at identifying and discussing characteristics of enabling
manufacturing capabilities which companies must have in mind in order to improve its change proficiency.

STARGAME                                                                                                                                            2
2    Identification of Enabling Activities
What activities should be initiated today in order to be ready for future requirements? With Figure 1.1 as
the starting framework for understanding the context in which companies operate the following section
discusses what priorities should be in focus and how enabling activities can be identified.

2.1 Competitive Priorities
An absolute description of future markets is of cause not possible to give, still, it is important to have an idea
of the developments in the market. Generally, the current trend is that the market is ever-changing and being
first movers are hence extremely important. This calls for innovation, flexibility, and proactivity as important
competitive priorities. Besides these issues, cost, time and quality are still also important to focus on. Also
terms like political correctness, moral and ethics have for some years been in focus, which affects company
image and its ability to operate as a sound company. The above reasoning is supported by the concept of
competitive priorities, see Figure 2.1, which are discussed by several authors (…, …, …), among which
there is general agreement that seven priorities exist.








                                    60's      70's         80's     90's    2000 +

                       Figure 2.1. Historical development of enterprise competitive priorities.

In the effort of identifying the enabling initiatives for a company it is important to determine the derivatives
of the priorities as they lead to the company’s primary functional capabilities. As illustrated on Figure 1.1 a
company comprises of several functions, and hence, for each function primary capabilities can be set-up
based on the derivatives of the competitive priorities in focus. For example, one company may be operating
on a marked where cost of the products and the delivery performance are of most importance, and hence, this
company must concentrates on activities improving efficiency and on reducing lead time in production.
Another company may for example be producing products where new features of the product and the
possible range of product configurations are the most important competitive priorities. Such a company
therefore has to focus on capabilities like innovation speed, fast change over of production and the ability to
deploy new products/features fast and seamlessly on the marked.

2.2 Mapping, analysis and formulation of strategies
It is considerations like the above which companies must take in order to maintain a change proficient
profile. In relation to the context illustrated on Figure 1.1 the following six activities constitutes the
minimum effort for understanding the current situation and identifying future capabilities:

    1. Mapping of current marked
    2. Analysis of future market trends/patterns (watch out for traditional market analysis, as the market
       may not even be defined)
    3. Formulation of company mission

STARGAME                                                                                                        3
4. Mapping of current product and service portfolio
     5. Analysis of required product and service portfolio characteristics
     6. Formulation of product and service portfolio strategy

     7. Mapping of current capability of company functions
     8. Analysis of required capabilities of company functions
     9. Formulation of enabling functional capability strategy.

Based on the company mission and the product and service portfolio strategy a functional capability strategy
can be formulated, outlining the competences and technologies required for reaching the future states of the
company’s functions, see Figure 1.1. Hence, for example what kind of technology should be focused on,
what new investments must be made, what new developments are required, etc? In this context management
of technology is important as to secure that operative levels in the company follow the strategy laid forward.
This, for example, in order to prevent that certain technology (e.g. a machine or other equipment) not
possessing the required characteristics, as in relation to the strategy, is being purchased by decentralised
functions in the company.

Once again it should be mentioned that the authors of the present paper see technology as the key factor of
meeting companies’ future capabilities. For a manufacturing company aiming at profitable growth by
offering products and services in a competitive and ever-changing market, a constant focus on and
investments in knowledge and advanced technology are inevitable. Hence, special focus must be made on
the company’s functions which rely (directly or indirectly) on technology and in specifically to focus on
enabling technologies for making the company change-proficient is important. So, although a holistic
approach to the company’s functional capabilities is important, the present paper focus on capabilities for
functions related to manufacturing, as for example part manufacturing, assembly, material handling, and
packing. We call these functional capabilities for enabling manufacturing capabilities.

3     Enabling Manufacturing Capabilities
As argued in the preceding section the derivatives of the competitive priorities are important to know of, as
they lead to the enabling functional capabilities. With respect to the manufacturing functions a total of eight
capabilities have been identified; Manufacturing functions of future enterprises must be able:

     •   to add and remove capacity and capabilities
     •   to share, exchange and present information where-ever and when-ever at any level
     •   to preserve optimised production under changing conditions
     •   to prevent and resist failures and reduced performance
     •   to minimize the necessary effort and time needed to change the production system by applying non-
         specific and multipurpose equipment.
     •   to respond on demands and changes fast and seamlessly
     •   to rearrange, reconfigure and integrate systems fast and easily
     •   to ensure robust (long term) investments

Each of the above eight capabilities are transformed into eight descriptive characteristics:

    Scalability – Transparency – Adaptability – Robustness – Genericy – Agility – Mobility – Economically

The eight characteristics constitute the STARGAME concept, which then becomes a term for expressing the
eight most important capabilities of a change proficient company, see Figure 3.1. The concept must be
understood in a production holistic manner and can be applied on all levels of the production hierarchy,
hence, ranging from sensor and actuator level to the plant level. See Figure 3.2 for a definition of the

STARGAME                                                                                                     4
production system hierarchy. Each of the eight characteristics may be weighted and interpreted differently on
the various production levels and therefore, results in different physical implementations.


            Economically                             Transparency

   Modularity                                                  Adaptability

                                   Genericy                                            Goal
Figure 3.1. STARGAME – the eight most important capabilities of the change proficient company. A measuring web is
                   used to evaluate systems current state in relation to future required states.

                                     Figure 3.2. Production system hierarchy.

Besides being a concept for expressing companies’ future capabilities STARGAME is meant as a tool for
both evaluating and designing manufacturing systems. This tool is a comparative tool for giving an
indication of the relative position of the current system’s capabilities in relation to what is required. This idea
is in Figure 3.1 illustrated by a measuring web for positing current and future states respectively.

For each level in the production system hierarchy the STARGAME concept can then be applied to evaluate
the level’s ability to live up to each of the characteristics mentioned, and hence, finding the level’s state of
change proficiency. The concept, thus, becomes a tool for managers to identify areas to which special
attention must be paid, and as a paradigm for innovators and technicians in developing new technology
platforms and physicals equipment.

STARGAME                                                                                                         5
Each of the eight STARGAME characteristics is on the following pages elaborated further. For each
characteristic first a closer definition is given, followed by an outline of the potentials of applying the
characteristic and finally tangible examples are outlined.

4.1 Scalability
Definition of scalability
The definition of scalability is the ability to deploy or remove capacity and capabilities easily and fast with a
minimum of effort in the production system. Capacity is interpreted as more of the same resources, e.g. an
additional machine in parallel or in series to the existing machines. Capability is regarded as a resource with
an ability which is not currently implemented into the system, i.e. an additional competence. In the figure
below the principle of scalability is illustrated by a process flow diagram.

            a)       P1             P2            P3             P4              P5             P6

            b)       P1             P2            P3             P4              P7             P5          P6

                                                                        Additional capability

                                                           Additional capacity

    Figure 4.1. Scalability. The figure (b) illustrates the principle of deploying respectively a new resource (additional
               capacity) and a new competence (additional capability) to an existing flow of processes (a).

Potentials of scalability
Incorporation of scalability into the production system is important for having a change proficient
(production) system, in order to fast and seamlessly to either ramp up or ramp down of capacity due to for
example the current product demand situation. Another example is when introducing new product features, a
special type of process may be necessary, and hence also new competences are require. By being scaleable
the addition or removal of resources or/and competences to the system can be carried out fast and with a
minimum of effort. This is important in order to minimise the inconvenience and time spend of interrupting
the running production and in order to maximise the earnings of the value adding system, hence shortening
the time to market and time to volume period. Furthermore, it is possible to react on changes much closer to
the actual need of change when the system is scalable, i.e. the horizon (and hence the uncertainty) of
forecasts can be reduced as the reactability/change-proficiency is improved.

Examples of scalability
As an example of a scalable production system an insert injection moulding machine cell is presented. Insert
injection moulding requires that an insert part is placed in the injection mould in the injection moulding
machine. This operation can with advantage be carried out in co-operation between a part feeding device, a
robot and the injection moulding machine, see Figure 4.2 below. In situation a) a layout of a typical mass
production cell is illustrated. Here efficiency and costs has been in focus. If, however, scalability at the initial
design phase has been thought into the cell structure and the physical equipment, situation b), the cell can be
enlarged/scaled relatively fast and easy. In situation c) in Figure 4.2 both an additional injection moulding
machine and a new process in the form of a decoration machine (could be tampon print or laser marking) has
been added to the cell.

The individual equipment in the cell must it self be scaleable. For example the part feeding devices in the
three situations have different levels of scalability. The vibration bowl feeder is a unique designed and

STARGAME                                                                                                                     6
implemented piece of equipment, with a fixed maximum capacity and capability. On the other side, the
vision based flexible part feeder1 can be easily duplicated if additional feeding capacity is needed. Another
advantage of the flexible part feeder is that its capability, i.e. its ability to feed new type of parts, is also
easily changed, as this is only a matter of changing the machine vision software. Opposed to that the
vibration bowl feeder requires a hardware redesign and reconfiguration in order to feed different type of
parts. Similar consideration about scalability concerning the choice of robot can be argued, but have for the
time being been left out.

       Inadequately designed for scalability                                         Designed for scalability

                                                         = Machine vision                           Injection moulding

                                                                                     Articulated    e.g. laser or
                                                                                                    ink jet                          Aritculated
                                        Cartesian                                      Robot                                           Robot
                                         Robot      Flex. Feeder                                    Flex. Feeder
Vibration bowl feeder

          Injection moulding                        Injection moulding                              Injection moulding

                      a) Non scalable                              b) Before scale                                  c) After scale

    Figure 4.2. Scalability. The figure shows examples of insert injection moulding cells each consisting of a robot, a part
     feeder and an injection moulding machine. Situation a) represents a cell where both capacities and capabilities are
      fixed and hence not easily scalable. Situation b) illustrates a cell which is designed for scalability. The same cell is
    illustrated in situation c) where an extra injection moulding machine and an automatic decoration machine has been
                   added to the cell. Hence, both capacity and the capability of the cell have been increased.

4.2 Transparency
Definition of transparency
Transparency refers to the ability to share, exchange and present information where-ever and when-ever.
Physically, transparency is interpreted as an information infrastructure, which integrates various systems by
providing interfaces and communication protocols. Transparency means that information can be retrieved
from and transmitted in-between systems like for example:

         sensors (barcode scanners, light sensors, machine vision, etc.)
         machines and other equipment (process equipment, robots, transportation systems, etc)
         databases (e.g. containing production or process data)
         technical and administrative systems (e.g. planning systems, off-line programming system)
         execution and control system (e.g. cell control systems, task dispatchers, quality inspection systems)
         man machine interfaces (e.g. touch screens, palm pilots, cell phones, etc.).

 A vision based flexible part feeder is a class of feeders which feeds, manipulates and presents parts of various kinds.
The feeder can be given various inputs which makes the surface of the feeder flip/bounce, move forward and
backwards, or combinations hereof. A number of commercial vision based flexible feeders are available. For an
example of one such visit the following internet site:

STARGAME                                                                                                                                       7
Transparency consequently requires that each individual entity (sensor, robot controller, process machine,
etc.) in the production system should be transparent ready, meaning they should be prepared for sharing and
receiving information based on a common communication protocol like for example TCP/IP. See Figure
4.3 for an illustration of a section of a transparent production system.

      Figure 4.3. Transparency. Physical information infrastructure making the production system transparent.
                                               [Schneider Electric]

Potentials of transparency
Large amount of data and information are available on the production shop floor and in its auxiliary related
company functions. The information infrastructure will have a positive influence on the change proficiency,
as the infrastructure provides the fundamental basis for communication of information. It, thus, supports a
satisfactory exchange of information both interpersonal, man-machine, and machine-machine. Further, the
information infrastructure becomes the technology which supports a collaborative working environment.

On the shop floor a number of tasks include information preparation which often requires manual operation.
By being transparent ready it is possible to automatically facilitate these common but vital operations, and
hence, the reliability is improved as human errors can be avoided, and in general this means an enhancement
of the quality of the information processes. Moreover, operation time is minimised as some operations can be
made parallel to others, thus reducing the set-up time. This again leads to improved operator efficiency, as
the operator will have time for other kinds of operations. Typical production related tasks which could be
supported and improved by the transparency characteristic are for example; identification of material and
subparts, download of production data from databases (e.g. drawings, machine codes, recipes etc.),
dispatching/delegation of production tasks to resources or operators, initiation of automatic resources, and
monitoring and supervision of resources and processes. Fully extended a transparent system opens for
remote access of machines which require special trained service operators. Such machines can be monitored
and remote accessed for matters of diagnostics and eventual repair form anywhere in the world.

Besides the potentials of having systems for facilitating information processing tasks, there are large
potentials in also having systems for performing intelligent interpretation of the available data and
information. By being transparent information about the activities in the production are collected and
monitored, and thus, opens a potential for taking immediately (i.e. real-time) and appropriately action to any

STARGAME                                                                                                        8
disturbance or variation. By this the effect of possible disturbances are minimised and an optimal utilisation
of the resources in the plant is possible.

Examples of transparency
Many applications of information infrastructures in production systems exist. One of them is for example the
cell controller of a robotic welding cell in a one-of-a kind heavy industry company located in Denmark. The
cell controller facilitates the human operator in initiating and supervisoring welding tasks through a relative
simple interface. When a steel section with numerous welding tasks enters the cell, the operator identifies,
from a terminal, the physical section and hereafter initiates the production. Relevant information has prior to
the production been generated and stored in the database by an off-line robot and welding process planning
operation. This information is now automatically retrieved by the cell controller and distributed to the
relevant robots performing the welding tasks. During production the cell controller real-time supervises the
progress of the operations and alerts the operator if human interaction is required. Historical data is likewise
collected and stored for statistical analysis purposes.

Another example of a suitable application of a transparent production system is the possibilities of remote
access to the production equipment. Special trained service personal does not necessarily have to sit next to
the equipment, but can log on to the equipment through the internet. In this way the service personal gets
access to information about the equipment – its current states and performing level, historical process
sequence, alert and warning messages, etc. New versions of software programs for the equipment can be
easily updated and specific software errors can be fixed from remote distances. Instructions for hardware
maintenance or repairs must be send to general trained operators located at the site of the equipment.

4.3 Adaptability
Definition of adaptability
An adaptive system is a system which has the ability to preserve productivity under event based and
continuous changing conditions, without any or with a minimum involvement from humans. A system’s
adaptability is a way of optimizing the behavior of the system in according to the circumstances the system
currently must work at. The adaptive behavior hence attempts to constantly optimize the system’s current
state of operation, and can be implemented by both hardware and software controls. A system’s adaptability
is not a design precaution which tries to prevent performance breakdown (passive robustness), but a
proactive design behavior which in real-time adapts/optimizes the performance of the system to the current
state of the system (active robustness).

Potentials of adaptability
Adaptability is a way of making systems more intelligent and not just relaying on general rules of operation,
which may work for all situations under which the system works at, but which then may not be optimal for
specific/individual situations. By incorporating intelligence into systems, systems are able to optimize its self
or adapt to any disturbances and hence the system will be able to run unattended for longer period of time
than systems with no adaptive intelligence.

Furthermore, after change-over of a system, the system can be self tuning and make run-ins by it self without
any or minimum involvement by humans. An adaptive system become error tolerant as for example any
failure is being compensated for by the adaptive intelligence (failure must of cause be reported to human
operators). Moreover, the system may even be able to identify and locate the reason for any no-optimal
behavior (self diagnostic), which will save time for an operator to locate the error.

Examples of adaptability
One example of a system which can be made adaptive is a vision guided robot-feeder system as depicted on
Figure 4.4. The system is in many ways flexible as part of various types can be fed, manipulated, identified
and pick and placed by the system. The change-over and reconfiguration from one type of part to another

STARGAME                                                                                                       9
type of part are easy and fast. However, the physical behaviour of different parts varies when fed and
manipulated by the flexible feeder. Therefore, one type of parts need one type of feeder inputs (e.g.
maximum bounce combined with a feed backward) while another type of parts requires a second type of
feeder input (e.g. 50 % bounce followed by a feed forward) in order for most parts to position optimally for
the following pick operation. Besides, different feeder inputs may also be necessary even for the same type
of parts as different distributions of parts in the feeder requires different inputs (e.g. parts may be huddled
together or spread over a too wide area.).


                                                                                                                                                                                to feeder
                                                                        to camera

 Robot                                                           to robot
                                                                                                          7x   8x   9x       10x   11x 12x   7x   8x   9x       10x   11x 12x

                                                                                            7 8 9101112

                                                                                        A   12 34 56      1x   2x   3x       4x    5x   6x   1x   2x   3x       4x    5x   6x
                                                                                                                         A                                  B


 Figure 4.4. Adaptability. Self tuning of the performance of a flexible part feeding system consisting of a vision guided
   robot and a flexible feeder. The feeder input (bounce, feed forward, feed backwards, or combination hereof) are
      determined by an intelligent comparison of the past feeder inputs and distributions of parts in the feeder.

Consequently, general rules used for all types of parts may very likely not be optimal. Making experiments
in order to identify an optimal feeder input scheme are, however, very time and resource consuming, even if
this is done during the production preparation phase off-line the running production. Instead optimisation of
feeder inputs should be done constantly during production. The system should be told on before hand how it
should teach it self by trying different combination of feeder input and compare it to the outcome of the
given input (in form of correct positioned parts in the presentation area). The performance of the system,
right after a change-over, may not be optimal, but as time goes the performance will raise.

Another example of an adaptive system is an information and control system for securing optimal resource
allocation in a plant/line layout. In Figure 4.5 an example of a manual assembly line for audio products are
sketched. The line is characterised by that there are more assembly stations than human operators. The
challenge is therefore that the operators must allocate to the various assembly stations in order that the flow
out of the line becomes optimal.

The information and control system helps the operator to allocate properly by suggesting what stations which
should be manned. The control system is based on the states of the current situation in the line; that is the
number of operators and their current allocations and the remaining capacity of the buffers in front of each
assembly station. The situation in the line constantly changes, hence also the states of the line. Changes
happen as events like for example if an operator leave the line, or when more products are entering the line
or as the assembly processes progress. For each new event the control and information system adapts to the
new situation/state and suggests new guidelines for the operators. The operators are free to follow the
guidelines, the system adapts to whatever situation the line may be in, and will continuously suggests the
best possible allocation for each current state. [Mads og Torben’s 9. semester rapport]

STARGAME                                                                                                                                                                                    10
Control and information system:
                                                Allocation needed at station 2
                                                        by operator 3

Products in                    Buffer                                                                        Products out

                      1                    2                      3                  4                 5
                 1                  Station                                      2                3
  Figure 4.5. Adaptability. Manual assembly line of audio products, with more assembly stations than operators. A
control and information system facilitates the operators in order for them to adapt their allocation to the most optimal
                                 location with respect to the current state of the line.

4.4 Robustness
Definition of robustness
Robustness is a system characteristic which prevents or resists failures to the system or a reduced
performance of the system. As oppose to the adaptability characteristic the robustness characteristic is a
passive characteristic. By this is meant that the system do not take any active precaution during execution to
resist changing performance. Hence, robustness must be designed into the system on before hand. Besides
understanding robustness as a matter of not breaking down due to stress and repeated use, robustness also
includes stability and precision in task solving.

Potentials of robustness
By being robust breakdowns or reduced performances are avoided or minimised which is of great
importance to any type of production. This means that unproductive interruptions of the running production
are minimised. A robust system is also more likely to run for long periods of time unattended.

Examples of robustness
In cases of gripping a part very precisely for a repeated number of times, a robust system is definitely
needed. One way of obtaining one such robust gripping system is to design and construct a high quality, high
precision gripper, which will grip the parts exactly in the same manner each time. By this the part and the
gripper are positioned exactly identically every time a part is being graphed. Such a precision tool can be
very complicated and expensive to develop and realise. Besides, the part feeding system may also be
specially design for preparation of a robust grasp. During production run the pick up sequence may,
moreover, not be done a high speeds as the grasp may require narrow tolerances.

For matters of high volume production automation, such a precision gripping system may be affordable.
However, for operation in highly changing production environments this solution may not be suitable.
Another and more simple solution could be to use machine vision for determining the mutual position of the
part being grasped and a simple gripper, which for sure grasp the part every time, but where the position of
the part in the gripper is not fully determined at the moment of gripping. In Figure 4.6 a picking system is
illustrated, including a flexible feeder, a vision guided robot on which a simple parallel gripper is mounted,
and a refinement camera. In the procedure for moving the grasped part to its place-location the robot takes a
path which passes over the refinement camera (by a via-point). A picture of both the part and the gripper is
obtained and an instant calculation of the part’s position in the griper is made in order to determine the
mutual position of the part and the gripper. The result of this calculation is then included as an offset into the
place-procedure which the robot performs next.

STARGAME                                                                                                              11
As a spin off of the described system quality inspection can be obtained, which further improves the
robustness of the overall system. By using two cameras parts can be visual inspected from two sides. Parts
with errors are discarded by use of the robot.



 Figure 4.6. Robustness. The refinement camera is primarily used to determine a precise/robust position of the part in
 the gripper. The refinement camera may also be used for quality inspections and check/verification before assembly,
                                   which further contributes to robust operations.

4.5 Genericy
Definition of genericy
Genericy refers to the general nature of a system, which means that the system can be used for more
purposes than just one. In a production context genericy is considered as the equipment’s or system’s ability
to be applied to more purposes and applications, and is hence also characterised as non-specific and
multipurpose. Even if the equipment/system may require a slightly reconfiguration in forms of for example a
change-over or some kind of initiation before it can be apply it is still characterised as generic.

Potentials of genericy
Generic equipment and systems reduce the necessary effort needed to alter the production system, as the
same equipment can be used again for a new purpose. Furthermore, generic equipment and systems is an
enabling characteristic for the ability to scale systems fast and easily.

Reaction time, due to for example reduced or increased demands, is minimised as existing equipment can be
reallocated to produce other products. Also does more product variants be made on the same type of
equipment; hence, reducing the number of special purpose equipment in the company. Special purpose
equipment very often are developed or specified by the company itself and dedicated to a certain product.
Such special purpose equipment often requires more skilled workers and a wider group of technicians for
maintenance and repair tasks. By using generic equipment and systems instead, technician skills can be
concentrated on specific areas hence reducing costs for maintaining the production system, like also the risk
is minimised. Compared to specific equipment is the effect of breakdowns of generic production equipment
minimised as the equipment is easily replaced with equivalent or corresponding equipment, thus, reducing
the time of reduced performance.

Another effect of generic equipment and systems is that the planning and capacity challenges are more easily
surveyed as cell/line dedication can be eliminated. The degrees of freedom for planning the production of
products become higher, and thus, improve the levelling of capacity in the overall production system.

STARGAME                                                                                                            12
Generic equipment and systems also reduce the risk in investing in new production equipment. The
investment in dedicated production systems are depending on that the products being produced are
performing well on the market. Only revenue from these products can be used to pay back the initial
investment. Whereas, if the production system can be re-configured, due to its genericy, if the products fails
to perform, then the investment can be earned by revenues from new products being produced instead.
Hence, the risk of investment becomes less dependent on the performance of specific products.

The cost of genericy is often loose of performance with respect to speed, more complicated designs and
higher initial investments. However, with the basis considerations in mind this cost is worth while paying.

Examples of genericy
In the present paper a number examples of generic equipment have already been mentioned. The most well-
known equipment is of cause the robot which is extremely generic and multipurpose. A robot can be (re-)
programmed for doing any operations and manipulations within its working area. Combined with a machine
vision system the robot becomes vision guided, which further enhances its possibilities for doing various
operations, with only slight changes between the different type of operations.

          Figure 4.7. Genericy. Example of specific and generic part feeders. Above a vibration bowl feeder
                    [] and below a flexible part feeder [].

Another example also mentioned previously is the flexible part feeding mechanism, which oppose to a
specific vibration bowl feeder is extremely generic. See Figure 4.7 for both type of equipment. The flexible
part feeder has its limitations in matters of size and shape of parts to be fed, however, so does the bowl
feeder. However, the principles of vision based feeding and manipulations of parts are exploited in other
flexible feeders than the type presented in the present paper, and the range of product types is expandable.

Genericy also exists in software architectures.

STARGAME                                                                                                      13
4.6 Agility
Definition of agility
Agility is a characteristic which refers to a systems ability to fast and seamlessly to react on changes
affecting the system or to follow changing demands to the system. In the present paper agile is considered as
one of the eight important STARGAME characteristics, and is considered to be applied in a specific
context/application. In other publications agility (agile manufacturing) is coincided with what we in the
present paper call change-proficiency. We however consider agility in a mush narrower context, i.e. as a
specific attribute of a system.

The difference between adaptability and agility should likewise be explicit defined here; Adaptability is a
system’s ability to adjust during operation, and hence adjust the performance of an ongoing process under
changing conditions. Agility is a system’s ability to adjust between operations, i.e. going from known
operations to new (known or unknown) operations.

Potentials of agility
To be able to adjust fast and with minimum effort is essential in order to operate in today’s ever changing
competitive environment.
Reduction of change-over time

Example of agility
Once again the vision guided robot-feeder cell is taken up as an example. The equipment is generic and
hence reusable and agile in preparing the cell in performing different types of products than the current ones.
 for example feeding a completely different type of parts. but how should the change over from one type of
part to a new part be+
                                                                                                                                                 Vision receipt:
                                                                                                                         Camera                  - Cam config.
                                                                                                                                                 - Models

                                                                                             Robot receipt:
                                                                                             - Robot config.
                                                                                             - Pick strategy

          to feeder                                                                              Robot

                                                 7 8 9x 1 x 11x 12x
                                                 x x    0             7 8 9x 10x 11x 12
                                                                      x x             x
                                e   C
                                r     78 91112

                                                                                                                             Feeder receipt:
                                    A 12 3456    1 2 3x A4x 5x 6x
                                                 x x                  1 2 3xB 4 5x 6x
                                                                      x x     x

                                                                                                                             - Feeder config.
                                                                                                                             - Feeder
                                                                                          Figure 4.8. Agility. Draft …

STARGAME                                                                                                                                                      14
4.7 Modularity/ MOBILITY (
Definition of modularity

Potentials of modularity

Examples of modularity

                                  Figure 4.9. Modularity. Draft… [FlexLink]

Example of module based composition of an automatic cell, consisting of a base frame (work table), a
automatic manipulator (robot), a internal conveyor system, tools for the manipulator, and finally a casing and
user interfaces.

                                 Figure 4.10. Modularity. Draft … [FlexLink]

STARGAME                                                                                                   15
Modularity on plant level. Line flow consisting of various automatic cells, conveyor systems, manual
assembly stations, and buffers. Each entity is considered as a module which is used in the layout of the plant.

Besides the physical hardware also software for example control or supervision of equipment or plants can
be build modular.
Object orientated programming is well known method for writing modular software codes.

                                Figure 4.11. Modularity. Draft … [FlexLink]

STARGAME                                                                                                    16
4.8 Economically
Definition of economically

Potential of economically

Examples of economically



                                                              Production capacity
 Demand                                                                             Dedicated

                             Figure 4.12. Stepwise investment (See FlexLink brochure)

STARGAME                                                                                           17
Events: Machine breakdown, quality, etc.
 Plant level efficiency
                                                     Event: New product family
                              Event: New product variant

             Event: Ramp-up

                                                                                                = 70%
                                                                                                = 60%



                                Figure 4.13. Product lifecycle vs. production lifecycle

5    Identification of Enabling Technologies

5.1 Classification of Production Entities
Value adding activities:
   • Production processes
   • Integration processes (= assembly and packing)

Non value adding activities:
   • Handling and transportation
   • Storage and Buffering
   • Inspection

Non-physical activities/processes:
   • Presentation and Identification of parts
   • Data acquisition and Supervision
   • Planning and Control
   • Information flow

STARGAME                                                                                                            18
5.2 Enabling technologies
Konkretisering af teknologier som opfylder STARGAME konceptet.

                                                                           Automatic storage (21)

                                                                                                    Automatic procurement (20)
          Automatic processes (3)

                                                                                                                                                                                          To distribution HUB


                                                                                                                                                        (1 5
                                       decoration (8)                                                                 AGV



                                                                                                                                        l i ve
                                            (4)                                          Feeding (13)

                                                                                                                                                           Bag pack           Box pack
              surface (7)
                                                                                                                                                             and                and
                                                                                                        (14)                                               marking            shrinking
                                                                                  (10)                                                                       (19)               (24)

                                                                                                                                               or (
                                              Automatic integration (2)
        Manual integration (1)

                                                                                                                                            ve y

                                                                                                                                           co n




            (6)                                                                                                              (23)                              External processes and
                                 (4)                                                                         Manual procurement

                                                         Technology identification

                             Machine Vision                               Flex feeding                                      Flexible mechanisms

                             Robotics                                     Fixed feeding                                     Integration

                                 Process                                  Transportation                                    Information Technology

  Figure 5.1. Conceptual STARGAME manufacturing layout used for identifying enabling technology requirements.

Identification for enabling technologies
   • Digital processes
   • Robotics
   • Machine vision
   • Advanced mechanisms
   • Transportation Systems
   • Sensors
   • Information and control system
            – Facilitating
            – Intelligent

STARGAME                                                                                                                                                                                            19
•    System integration and holistic thinking
     •    Structured design approaches (modularisation and platformisation)
     •    :

6     Conclusion

                                                                                      • Reduction of finished goods/pipeline
                                                                                      inventory from reduced lead time and
    • More design families and
    variants                                                                          higher delivery reliability
                                          • Reduced inventory level                   • Improvement of service level (time and
    • Shorten time to                     from shorter lead time                      precision)
    market/volume                         and higher delivery
    • Exploiting niche markets                                                        • Customization of time and place of
    • Upgradeability and                  • Demanding a higher
    replacement                                                                       • Demanding responsiveness and
                                          responsiveness from
                                                                                      flexibility for enabling STARGAME
    • Customization                       purchase
              Sales &             Design &        Procure-           Componen          Assembly         Distributio
             Marketing            Product          ment &                 t            & packing             n
                                 developme        purchase           manufactu
                                     nt                                -ring

     • Higher degree of design reuse enabling
     more design families and variants (cost)                      • Production platforms enabling higher reuse
                                                         flexibility and thus improving the investment
     • Shorten and precise time to
     market/volume (time)
     • Higher quality from design, i.e. limited          • Reduced inventory/WIP from improved lead time
                                                         and reliability
     time for product quality corrections
                                                         • Focused and dedicated cells enabling improved
                                                         ramp-up and employment of new technologies
                           Figure 6.1. STARGAME’s influence on stakeholders potential tradeoff

STARGAME                                                                                                                         20

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STARGAME the handbook

  • 1. All rights reserved © Preben Hjørnet, PH Inception. STARGAME Aim High and Play by the Rules of Innovation Preben Hjørnet PH Inception Innovative Automation Strandby, Denmark Abstract Innovation comes in many descries, it’s a competence ; a cabability, a process ; a value, you might Enterprises more than ever operate in a changing world and, hence, they must improve their change proficiency with respect to market adoption, product and service portfolio, and with respect to manufacturing functions. First, the paper takes up the discussion of the relation between market, products & services and capabilities of the company functions for companies operating in a changing and competitive environment. This discussion leads to an identification of enabling activities which are to prepare companies for the future. Second, the paper in particular discusses characteristics of enabling manufacturing capabilities for managing a change proficient enterprise. A concept of eight characteristics is presented, called STARGAME, as an abbreviation for Scalability, Transparency, Agility, Robustness, Genericy, Adaptability, Modularity, and Economic Efficiency. Each characteristic of the STARGAME concept is defined and presented by tangible examples. An outline of concrete enabling technologies, which fulfil the suggested characteristics is presented; e.g. robots, machine visions, flexible feeders, etc. The major finding of this paper is a useful concept to innovators and technicians for developing new technology platforms, and as a concept to decision makers for managing the technology development in creating a change proficient enterprise. Keywords Agile Manufacturing, Enabling Manufacturing Technologies, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Design Principles, Management of Technology, Mass Customisation. 1 Introduction Enterprises of today more than ever face changing conditions for them to do their businesses in. The market is as dynamic as ever; customers demand differentiated products and services, cost-profit margins are narrowing, and the company functions are becoming more and more fragmented, due to for example decentralizations and/or outsourcing. With the unpredictable and increased pace of changes it is no longer sufficient for companies just to concentrate on reducing costs (by e.g. lean principles) – they also have to think about how to stay in business. History has several examples of companies making money right up to the day they became irrelevant (Clayton Christensen). Hence, the success for a company today has never before been so depend on how well the company can adjust and react to its surrounding ever-changing environment. Managers and scholars talk about the change proficient enterprise. On Figure 1.1 below the scene in which companies must operate is illustrated. The market is constantly evolving, and hence, it is important for companies to identify and adapt to new trends in the market. Consequently, products and services must likewise evolve continuously to fulfil the new marked conditions. To be fast on the market is extremely important as to gain the most profit of a new market. Any leaning back resting on current successes will inevitable lead to a misfit between the product and services offered and what soughed-after in the market. If this misfit is realized too late it (may) leads to lost earnings and in worst cases it will be catastrophically for the company.
  • 2. Today Future Sale Constantly changing markets Time Market Market Customers Company Mission Time t isfi i al m ent Pot Product and Service Evolutions Product and services Product and services Product and Service Portfolio Strategy isfit ent ial m Pot Enabling activities towards Company functions improved change proficiency Company functions R&D R&D Procurement Procurement Part manufacturing Part manufacturing Assembly Assembly Marketing Marketing Distribution Distribution Functional Capability Strategy Figure 1.1. The relations between marked, products and services, and company functions in a changing and competitive environment. Enabling activities are illustrated as puzzle bricks as they symbolise the bits and pieces which must form the future appearance of the company’s functions. As products and services change also the apparatus for manufacturing these new products and services must change. It is a major point of the present paper that product and service innovations not alone will originate from R&D activities solely focusing on products and services. Intensive focus must also be concentrated on innovation of the company functions in general, and in specifically the capabilities of the production functions (component manufacturing, assembly, packing, and the like) and the enabling technologies governing these functions. Hence, this paper aims at identifying and discussing characteristics of enabling manufacturing capabilities which companies must have in mind in order to improve its change proficiency. STARGAME 2
  • 3. 2 Identification of Enabling Activities What activities should be initiated today in order to be ready for future requirements? With Figure 1.1 as the starting framework for understanding the context in which companies operate the following section discusses what priorities should be in focus and how enabling activities can be identified. 2.1 Competitive Priorities An absolute description of future markets is of cause not possible to give, still, it is important to have an idea of the developments in the market. Generally, the current trend is that the market is ever-changing and being first movers are hence extremely important. This calls for innovation, flexibility, and proactivity as important competitive priorities. Besides these issues, cost, time and quality are still also important to focus on. Also terms like political correctness, moral and ethics have for some years been in focus, which affects company image and its ability to operate as a sound company. The above reasoning is supported by the concept of competitive priorities, see Figure 2.1, which are discussed by several authors (…, …, …), among which there is general agreement that seven priorities exist. Proactivity Soundness Innovation Flexibility Time Quality Cost 60's 70's 80's 90's 2000 + Figure 2.1. Historical development of enterprise competitive priorities. In the effort of identifying the enabling initiatives for a company it is important to determine the derivatives of the priorities as they lead to the company’s primary functional capabilities. As illustrated on Figure 1.1 a company comprises of several functions, and hence, for each function primary capabilities can be set-up based on the derivatives of the competitive priorities in focus. For example, one company may be operating on a marked where cost of the products and the delivery performance are of most importance, and hence, this company must concentrates on activities improving efficiency and on reducing lead time in production. Another company may for example be producing products where new features of the product and the possible range of product configurations are the most important competitive priorities. Such a company therefore has to focus on capabilities like innovation speed, fast change over of production and the ability to deploy new products/features fast and seamlessly on the marked. 2.2 Mapping, analysis and formulation of strategies It is considerations like the above which companies must take in order to maintain a change proficient profile. In relation to the context illustrated on Figure 1.1 the following six activities constitutes the minimum effort for understanding the current situation and identifying future capabilities: 1. Mapping of current marked 2. Analysis of future market trends/patterns (watch out for traditional market analysis, as the market may not even be defined) 3. Formulation of company mission STARGAME 3
  • 4. 4. Mapping of current product and service portfolio 5. Analysis of required product and service portfolio characteristics 6. Formulation of product and service portfolio strategy 7. Mapping of current capability of company functions 8. Analysis of required capabilities of company functions 9. Formulation of enabling functional capability strategy. Based on the company mission and the product and service portfolio strategy a functional capability strategy can be formulated, outlining the competences and technologies required for reaching the future states of the company’s functions, see Figure 1.1. Hence, for example what kind of technology should be focused on, what new investments must be made, what new developments are required, etc? In this context management of technology is important as to secure that operative levels in the company follow the strategy laid forward. This, for example, in order to prevent that certain technology (e.g. a machine or other equipment) not possessing the required characteristics, as in relation to the strategy, is being purchased by decentralised functions in the company. Once again it should be mentioned that the authors of the present paper see technology as the key factor of meeting companies’ future capabilities. For a manufacturing company aiming at profitable growth by offering products and services in a competitive and ever-changing market, a constant focus on and investments in knowledge and advanced technology are inevitable. Hence, special focus must be made on the company’s functions which rely (directly or indirectly) on technology and in specifically to focus on enabling technologies for making the company change-proficient is important. So, although a holistic approach to the company’s functional capabilities is important, the present paper focus on capabilities for functions related to manufacturing, as for example part manufacturing, assembly, material handling, and packing. We call these functional capabilities for enabling manufacturing capabilities. 3 Enabling Manufacturing Capabilities As argued in the preceding section the derivatives of the competitive priorities are important to know of, as they lead to the enabling functional capabilities. With respect to the manufacturing functions a total of eight capabilities have been identified; Manufacturing functions of future enterprises must be able: • to add and remove capacity and capabilities • to share, exchange and present information where-ever and when-ever at any level • to preserve optimised production under changing conditions • to prevent and resist failures and reduced performance • to minimize the necessary effort and time needed to change the production system by applying non- specific and multipurpose equipment. • to respond on demands and changes fast and seamlessly • to rearrange, reconfigure and integrate systems fast and easily • to ensure robust (long term) investments Each of the above eight capabilities are transformed into eight descriptive characteristics: Scalability – Transparency – Adaptability – Robustness – Genericy – Agility – Mobility – Economically The eight characteristics constitute the STARGAME concept, which then becomes a term for expressing the eight most important capabilities of a change proficient company, see Figure 3.1. The concept must be understood in a production holistic manner and can be applied on all levels of the production hierarchy, hence, ranging from sensor and actuator level to the plant level. See Figure 3.2 for a definition of the STARGAME 4
  • 5. production system hierarchy. Each of the eight characteristics may be weighted and interpreted differently on the various production levels and therefore, results in different physical implementations. Scalability Economically Transparency Modularity Adaptability Robustness Agility Genericy Goal Current Figure 3.1. STARGAME – the eight most important capabilities of the change proficient company. A measuring web is used to evaluate systems current state in relation to future required states. Figure 3.2. Production system hierarchy. Besides being a concept for expressing companies’ future capabilities STARGAME is meant as a tool for both evaluating and designing manufacturing systems. This tool is a comparative tool for giving an indication of the relative position of the current system’s capabilities in relation to what is required. This idea is in Figure 3.1 illustrated by a measuring web for positing current and future states respectively. For each level in the production system hierarchy the STARGAME concept can then be applied to evaluate the level’s ability to live up to each of the characteristics mentioned, and hence, finding the level’s state of change proficiency. The concept, thus, becomes a tool for managers to identify areas to which special attention must be paid, and as a paradigm for innovators and technicians in developing new technology platforms and physicals equipment. STARGAME 5
  • 6. 4 STARGAME Each of the eight STARGAME characteristics is on the following pages elaborated further. For each characteristic first a closer definition is given, followed by an outline of the potentials of applying the characteristic and finally tangible examples are outlined. 4.1 Scalability Definition of scalability The definition of scalability is the ability to deploy or remove capacity and capabilities easily and fast with a minimum of effort in the production system. Capacity is interpreted as more of the same resources, e.g. an additional machine in parallel or in series to the existing machines. Capability is regarded as a resource with an ability which is not currently implemented into the system, i.e. an additional competence. In the figure below the principle of scalability is illustrated by a process flow diagram. a) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 b) P1 P2 P3 P4 P7 P5 P6 Additional capability P3 Additional capacity Figure 4.1. Scalability. The figure (b) illustrates the principle of deploying respectively a new resource (additional capacity) and a new competence (additional capability) to an existing flow of processes (a). Potentials of scalability Incorporation of scalability into the production system is important for having a change proficient (production) system, in order to fast and seamlessly to either ramp up or ramp down of capacity due to for example the current product demand situation. Another example is when introducing new product features, a special type of process may be necessary, and hence also new competences are require. By being scaleable the addition or removal of resources or/and competences to the system can be carried out fast and with a minimum of effort. This is important in order to minimise the inconvenience and time spend of interrupting the running production and in order to maximise the earnings of the value adding system, hence shortening the time to market and time to volume period. Furthermore, it is possible to react on changes much closer to the actual need of change when the system is scalable, i.e. the horizon (and hence the uncertainty) of forecasts can be reduced as the reactability/change-proficiency is improved. Examples of scalability As an example of a scalable production system an insert injection moulding machine cell is presented. Insert injection moulding requires that an insert part is placed in the injection mould in the injection moulding machine. This operation can with advantage be carried out in co-operation between a part feeding device, a robot and the injection moulding machine, see Figure 4.2 below. In situation a) a layout of a typical mass production cell is illustrated. Here efficiency and costs has been in focus. If, however, scalability at the initial design phase has been thought into the cell structure and the physical equipment, situation b), the cell can be enlarged/scaled relatively fast and easy. In situation c) in Figure 4.2 both an additional injection moulding machine and a new process in the form of a decoration machine (could be tampon print or laser marking) has been added to the cell. The individual equipment in the cell must it self be scaleable. For example the part feeding devices in the three situations have different levels of scalability. The vibration bowl feeder is a unique designed and STARGAME 6
  • 7. implemented piece of equipment, with a fixed maximum capacity and capability. On the other side, the vision based flexible part feeder1 can be easily duplicated if additional feeding capacity is needed. Another advantage of the flexible part feeder is that its capability, i.e. its ability to feed new type of parts, is also easily changed, as this is only a matter of changing the machine vision software. Opposed to that the vibration bowl feeder requires a hardware redesign and reconfiguration in order to feed different type of parts. Similar consideration about scalability concerning the choice of robot can be argued, but have for the time being been left out. Inadequately designed for scalability Designed for scalability = Machine vision Injection moulding Decoration Articulated e.g. laser or ink jet Aritculated Cartesian Robot Robot Robot Flex. Feeder Flex. Feeder Vibration bowl feeder Injection moulding Injection moulding Injection moulding a) Non scalable b) Before scale c) After scale Figure 4.2. Scalability. The figure shows examples of insert injection moulding cells each consisting of a robot, a part feeder and an injection moulding machine. Situation a) represents a cell where both capacities and capabilities are fixed and hence not easily scalable. Situation b) illustrates a cell which is designed for scalability. The same cell is illustrated in situation c) where an extra injection moulding machine and an automatic decoration machine has been added to the cell. Hence, both capacity and the capability of the cell have been increased. 4.2 Transparency Definition of transparency Transparency refers to the ability to share, exchange and present information where-ever and when-ever. Physically, transparency is interpreted as an information infrastructure, which integrates various systems by providing interfaces and communication protocols. Transparency means that information can be retrieved from and transmitted in-between systems like for example:  sensors (barcode scanners, light sensors, machine vision, etc.)  machines and other equipment (process equipment, robots, transportation systems, etc)  databases (e.g. containing production or process data)  technical and administrative systems (e.g. planning systems, off-line programming system)  execution and control system (e.g. cell control systems, task dispatchers, quality inspection systems)  man machine interfaces (e.g. touch screens, palm pilots, cell phones, etc.). 1 A vision based flexible part feeder is a class of feeders which feeds, manipulates and presents parts of various kinds. The feeder can be given various inputs which makes the surface of the feeder flip/bounce, move forward and backwards, or combinations hereof. A number of commercial vision based flexible feeders are available. For an example of one such visit the following internet site: STARGAME 7
  • 8. Transparency consequently requires that each individual entity (sensor, robot controller, process machine, etc.) in the production system should be transparent ready, meaning they should be prepared for sharing and receiving information based on a common communication protocol like for example TCP/IP. See Figure 4.3 for an illustration of a section of a transparent production system. Figure 4.3. Transparency. Physical information infrastructure making the production system transparent. [Schneider Electric] Potentials of transparency Large amount of data and information are available on the production shop floor and in its auxiliary related company functions. The information infrastructure will have a positive influence on the change proficiency, as the infrastructure provides the fundamental basis for communication of information. It, thus, supports a satisfactory exchange of information both interpersonal, man-machine, and machine-machine. Further, the information infrastructure becomes the technology which supports a collaborative working environment. On the shop floor a number of tasks include information preparation which often requires manual operation. By being transparent ready it is possible to automatically facilitate these common but vital operations, and hence, the reliability is improved as human errors can be avoided, and in general this means an enhancement of the quality of the information processes. Moreover, operation time is minimised as some operations can be made parallel to others, thus reducing the set-up time. This again leads to improved operator efficiency, as the operator will have time for other kinds of operations. Typical production related tasks which could be supported and improved by the transparency characteristic are for example; identification of material and subparts, download of production data from databases (e.g. drawings, machine codes, recipes etc.), dispatching/delegation of production tasks to resources or operators, initiation of automatic resources, and monitoring and supervision of resources and processes. Fully extended a transparent system opens for remote access of machines which require special trained service operators. Such machines can be monitored and remote accessed for matters of diagnostics and eventual repair form anywhere in the world. Besides the potentials of having systems for facilitating information processing tasks, there are large potentials in also having systems for performing intelligent interpretation of the available data and information. By being transparent information about the activities in the production are collected and monitored, and thus, opens a potential for taking immediately (i.e. real-time) and appropriately action to any STARGAME 8
  • 9. disturbance or variation. By this the effect of possible disturbances are minimised and an optimal utilisation of the resources in the plant is possible. Examples of transparency Many applications of information infrastructures in production systems exist. One of them is for example the cell controller of a robotic welding cell in a one-of-a kind heavy industry company located in Denmark. The cell controller facilitates the human operator in initiating and supervisoring welding tasks through a relative simple interface. When a steel section with numerous welding tasks enters the cell, the operator identifies, from a terminal, the physical section and hereafter initiates the production. Relevant information has prior to the production been generated and stored in the database by an off-line robot and welding process planning operation. This information is now automatically retrieved by the cell controller and distributed to the relevant robots performing the welding tasks. During production the cell controller real-time supervises the progress of the operations and alerts the operator if human interaction is required. Historical data is likewise collected and stored for statistical analysis purposes. Another example of a suitable application of a transparent production system is the possibilities of remote access to the production equipment. Special trained service personal does not necessarily have to sit next to the equipment, but can log on to the equipment through the internet. In this way the service personal gets access to information about the equipment – its current states and performing level, historical process sequence, alert and warning messages, etc. New versions of software programs for the equipment can be easily updated and specific software errors can be fixed from remote distances. Instructions for hardware maintenance or repairs must be send to general trained operators located at the site of the equipment. 4.3 Adaptability Definition of adaptability An adaptive system is a system which has the ability to preserve productivity under event based and continuous changing conditions, without any or with a minimum involvement from humans. A system’s adaptability is a way of optimizing the behavior of the system in according to the circumstances the system currently must work at. The adaptive behavior hence attempts to constantly optimize the system’s current state of operation, and can be implemented by both hardware and software controls. A system’s adaptability is not a design precaution which tries to prevent performance breakdown (passive robustness), but a proactive design behavior which in real-time adapts/optimizes the performance of the system to the current state of the system (active robustness). Potentials of adaptability Adaptability is a way of making systems more intelligent and not just relaying on general rules of operation, which may work for all situations under which the system works at, but which then may not be optimal for specific/individual situations. By incorporating intelligence into systems, systems are able to optimize its self or adapt to any disturbances and hence the system will be able to run unattended for longer period of time than systems with no adaptive intelligence. Furthermore, after change-over of a system, the system can be self tuning and make run-ins by it self without any or minimum involvement by humans. An adaptive system become error tolerant as for example any failure is being compensated for by the adaptive intelligence (failure must of cause be reported to human operators). Moreover, the system may even be able to identify and locate the reason for any no-optimal behavior (self diagnostic), which will save time for an operator to locate the error. Examples of adaptability One example of a system which can be made adaptive is a vision guided robot-feeder system as depicted on Figure 4.4. The system is in many ways flexible as part of various types can be fed, manipulated, identified and pick and placed by the system. The change-over and reconfiguration from one type of part to another STARGAME 9
  • 10. type of part are easy and fast. However, the physical behaviour of different parts varies when fed and manipulated by the flexible feeder. Therefore, one type of parts need one type of feeder inputs (e.g. maximum bounce combined with a feed backward) while another type of parts requires a second type of feeder input (e.g. 50 % bounce followed by a feed forward) in order for most parts to position optimally for the following pick operation. Besides, different feeder inputs may also be necessary even for the same type of parts as different distributions of parts in the feeder requires different inputs (e.g. parts may be huddled together or spread over a too wide area.). Camera to feeder to camera Robot to robot 7x 8x 9x 10x 11x 12x 7x 8x 9x 10x 11x 12x Ethernet C 7 8 9101112 A 12 34 56 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x A B Feeder Figure 4.4. Adaptability. Self tuning of the performance of a flexible part feeding system consisting of a vision guided robot and a flexible feeder. The feeder input (bounce, feed forward, feed backwards, or combination hereof) are determined by an intelligent comparison of the past feeder inputs and distributions of parts in the feeder. Consequently, general rules used for all types of parts may very likely not be optimal. Making experiments in order to identify an optimal feeder input scheme are, however, very time and resource consuming, even if this is done during the production preparation phase off-line the running production. Instead optimisation of feeder inputs should be done constantly during production. The system should be told on before hand how it should teach it self by trying different combination of feeder input and compare it to the outcome of the given input (in form of correct positioned parts in the presentation area). The performance of the system, right after a change-over, may not be optimal, but as time goes the performance will raise. Another example of an adaptive system is an information and control system for securing optimal resource allocation in a plant/line layout. In Figure 4.5 an example of a manual assembly line for audio products are sketched. The line is characterised by that there are more assembly stations than human operators. The challenge is therefore that the operators must allocate to the various assembly stations in order that the flow out of the line becomes optimal. The information and control system helps the operator to allocate properly by suggesting what stations which should be manned. The control system is based on the states of the current situation in the line; that is the number of operators and their current allocations and the remaining capacity of the buffers in front of each assembly station. The situation in the line constantly changes, hence also the states of the line. Changes happen as events like for example if an operator leave the line, or when more products are entering the line or as the assembly processes progress. For each new event the control and information system adapts to the new situation/state and suggests new guidelines for the operators. The operators are free to follow the guidelines, the system adapts to whatever situation the line may be in, and will continuously suggests the best possible allocation for each current state. [Mads og Torben’s 9. semester rapport] STARGAME 10
  • 11. Control and information system: Allocation needed at station 2 by operator 3 Products in Buffer Products out 1 2 3 4 5 Assembly Operator 1 Station 2 3 Figure 4.5. Adaptability. Manual assembly line of audio products, with more assembly stations than operators. A control and information system facilitates the operators in order for them to adapt their allocation to the most optimal location with respect to the current state of the line. 4.4 Robustness Definition of robustness Robustness is a system characteristic which prevents or resists failures to the system or a reduced performance of the system. As oppose to the adaptability characteristic the robustness characteristic is a passive characteristic. By this is meant that the system do not take any active precaution during execution to resist changing performance. Hence, robustness must be designed into the system on before hand. Besides understanding robustness as a matter of not breaking down due to stress and repeated use, robustness also includes stability and precision in task solving. Potentials of robustness By being robust breakdowns or reduced performances are avoided or minimised which is of great importance to any type of production. This means that unproductive interruptions of the running production are minimised. A robust system is also more likely to run for long periods of time unattended. Examples of robustness In cases of gripping a part very precisely for a repeated number of times, a robust system is definitely needed. One way of obtaining one such robust gripping system is to design and construct a high quality, high precision gripper, which will grip the parts exactly in the same manner each time. By this the part and the gripper are positioned exactly identically every time a part is being graphed. Such a precision tool can be very complicated and expensive to develop and realise. Besides, the part feeding system may also be specially design for preparation of a robust grasp. During production run the pick up sequence may, moreover, not be done a high speeds as the grasp may require narrow tolerances. For matters of high volume production automation, such a precision gripping system may be affordable. However, for operation in highly changing production environments this solution may not be suitable. Another and more simple solution could be to use machine vision for determining the mutual position of the part being grasped and a simple gripper, which for sure grasp the part every time, but where the position of the part in the gripper is not fully determined at the moment of gripping. In Figure 4.6 a picking system is illustrated, including a flexible feeder, a vision guided robot on which a simple parallel gripper is mounted, and a refinement camera. In the procedure for moving the grasped part to its place-location the robot takes a path which passes over the refinement camera (by a via-point). A picture of both the part and the gripper is obtained and an instant calculation of the part’s position in the griper is made in order to determine the mutual position of the part and the gripper. The result of this calculation is then included as an offset into the place-procedure which the robot performs next. STARGAME 11
  • 12. As a spin off of the described system quality inspection can be obtained, which further improves the robustness of the overall system. By using two cameras parts can be visual inspected from two sides. Parts with errors are discarded by use of the robot. Camera Feeder Robot Refinement camera Figure 4.6. Robustness. The refinement camera is primarily used to determine a precise/robust position of the part in the gripper. The refinement camera may also be used for quality inspections and check/verification before assembly, which further contributes to robust operations. 4.5 Genericy Definition of genericy Genericy refers to the general nature of a system, which means that the system can be used for more purposes than just one. In a production context genericy is considered as the equipment’s or system’s ability to be applied to more purposes and applications, and is hence also characterised as non-specific and multipurpose. Even if the equipment/system may require a slightly reconfiguration in forms of for example a change-over or some kind of initiation before it can be apply it is still characterised as generic. Potentials of genericy Generic equipment and systems reduce the necessary effort needed to alter the production system, as the same equipment can be used again for a new purpose. Furthermore, generic equipment and systems is an enabling characteristic for the ability to scale systems fast and easily. Reaction time, due to for example reduced or increased demands, is minimised as existing equipment can be reallocated to produce other products. Also does more product variants be made on the same type of equipment; hence, reducing the number of special purpose equipment in the company. Special purpose equipment very often are developed or specified by the company itself and dedicated to a certain product. Such special purpose equipment often requires more skilled workers and a wider group of technicians for maintenance and repair tasks. By using generic equipment and systems instead, technician skills can be concentrated on specific areas hence reducing costs for maintaining the production system, like also the risk is minimised. Compared to specific equipment is the effect of breakdowns of generic production equipment minimised as the equipment is easily replaced with equivalent or corresponding equipment, thus, reducing the time of reduced performance. Another effect of generic equipment and systems is that the planning and capacity challenges are more easily surveyed as cell/line dedication can be eliminated. The degrees of freedom for planning the production of products become higher, and thus, improve the levelling of capacity in the overall production system. STARGAME 12
  • 13. Generic equipment and systems also reduce the risk in investing in new production equipment. The investment in dedicated production systems are depending on that the products being produced are performing well on the market. Only revenue from these products can be used to pay back the initial investment. Whereas, if the production system can be re-configured, due to its genericy, if the products fails to perform, then the investment can be earned by revenues from new products being produced instead. Hence, the risk of investment becomes less dependent on the performance of specific products. The cost of genericy is often loose of performance with respect to speed, more complicated designs and higher initial investments. However, with the basis considerations in mind this cost is worth while paying. Examples of genericy In the present paper a number examples of generic equipment have already been mentioned. The most well- known equipment is of cause the robot which is extremely generic and multipurpose. A robot can be (re-) programmed for doing any operations and manipulations within its working area. Combined with a machine vision system the robot becomes vision guided, which further enhances its possibilities for doing various operations, with only slight changes between the different type of operations. Figure 4.7. Genericy. Example of specific and generic part feeders. Above a vibration bowl feeder [] and below a flexible part feeder []. Another example also mentioned previously is the flexible part feeding mechanism, which oppose to a specific vibration bowl feeder is extremely generic. See Figure 4.7 for both type of equipment. The flexible part feeder has its limitations in matters of size and shape of parts to be fed, however, so does the bowl feeder. However, the principles of vision based feeding and manipulations of parts are exploited in other flexible feeders than the type presented in the present paper, and the range of product types is expandable. Genericy also exists in software architectures. STARGAME 13
  • 14. 4.6 Agility Definition of agility Agility is a characteristic which refers to a systems ability to fast and seamlessly to react on changes affecting the system or to follow changing demands to the system. In the present paper agile is considered as one of the eight important STARGAME characteristics, and is considered to be applied in a specific context/application. In other publications agility (agile manufacturing) is coincided with what we in the present paper call change-proficiency. We however consider agility in a mush narrower context, i.e. as a specific attribute of a system. The difference between adaptability and agility should likewise be explicit defined here; Adaptability is a system’s ability to adjust during operation, and hence adjust the performance of an ongoing process under changing conditions. Agility is a system’s ability to adjust between operations, i.e. going from known operations to new (known or unknown) operations. Potentials of agility To be able to adjust fast and with minimum effort is essential in order to operate in today’s ever changing competitive environment. Reduction of change-over time Example of agility Once again the vision guided robot-feeder cell is taken up as an example. The equipment is generic and hence reusable and agile in preparing the cell in performing different types of products than the current ones. for example feeding a completely different type of parts. but how should the change over from one type of part to a new part be+ Vision receipt: Camera - Cam config. - Models -… Robot receipt: - Robot config. - Pick strategy -… to feeder Robot Feeder 7 8 9x 1 x 11x 12x x x 0 7 8 9x 10x 11x 12 x x x t e C n r 78 91112 01 Feeder receipt: e h E A 12 3456 1 2 3x A4x 5x 6x x x 1 2 3xB 4 5x 6x x x x - Feeder config. - Feeder strategy -… Figure 4.8. Agility. Draft … STARGAME 14
  • 15. 4.7 Modularity/ MOBILITY ( Definition of modularity … Potentials of modularity … Examples of modularity Figure 4.9. Modularity. Draft… [FlexLink] Example of module based composition of an automatic cell, consisting of a base frame (work table), a automatic manipulator (robot), a internal conveyor system, tools for the manipulator, and finally a casing and user interfaces. Figure 4.10. Modularity. Draft … [FlexLink] STARGAME 15
  • 16. Modularity on plant level. Line flow consisting of various automatic cells, conveyor systems, manual assembly stations, and buffers. Each entity is considered as a module which is used in the layout of the plant. Besides the physical hardware also software for example control or supervision of equipment or plants can be build modular. Object orientated programming is well known method for writing modular software codes. Figure 4.11. Modularity. Draft … [FlexLink] STARGAME 16
  • 17. 4.8 Economically Definition of economically … Potential of economically … Examples of economically Volume Time STARGAME Production capacity Demand Dedicated Figure 4.12. Stepwise investment (See FlexLink brochure) STARGAME 17
  • 18. Events: Machine breakdown, quality, etc. Plant level efficiency Event: New product family Event: New product variant Event: Ramp-up  = 70%  = 60% Time STARGAME Dedicated Figure 4.13. Product lifecycle vs. production lifecycle 5 Identification of Enabling Technologies 5.1 Classification of Production Entities Value adding activities: • Production processes • Integration processes (= assembly and packing) Non value adding activities: • Handling and transportation • Storage and Buffering • Inspection Non-physical activities/processes: • Presentation and Identification of parts • Data acquisition and Supervision • Planning and Control • Information flow STARGAME 18
  • 19. 5.2 Enabling technologies Konkretisering af teknologier som opfylder STARGAME konceptet. Automatic storage (21) out In/ Automatic procurement (20) Automatic processes (3) To distribution HUB AGV (5) Custom ) (1 5 decoration (8) AGV or ey (22) nv (16) co ry l i ve (4) Feeding (13) De Flexible Bag pack Box pack surface (7) and and (14) marking shrinking (10) (19) (24) 18) or ( Automatic integration (2) Manual integration (1) ve y (17) co n e (11) cl ci o e- Foli (12) R (6) (23) External processes and integrations (4) Manual procurement Technology identification Machine Vision Flex feeding Flexible mechanisms Robotics Fixed feeding Integration Process Transportation Information Technology Figure 5.1. Conceptual STARGAME manufacturing layout used for identifying enabling technology requirements. Identification for enabling technologies • Digital processes • Robotics • Machine vision • Advanced mechanisms • Transportation Systems • Sensors • Information and control system – Facilitating – Intelligent STARGAME 19
  • 20. System integration and holistic thinking • Structured design approaches (modularisation and platformisation) • : 6 Conclusion Evt…: • Reduction of finished goods/pipeline inventory from reduced lead time and • More design families and variants higher delivery reliability • Reduced inventory level • Improvement of service level (time and • Shorten time to from shorter lead time precision) market/volume and higher delivery • Exploiting niche markets • Customization of time and place of reliability delivery • Upgradeability and • Demanding a higher replacement • Demanding responsiveness and responsiveness from flexibility for enabling STARGAME • Customization purchase STARGAME Sales & Design & Procure- Componen Assembly Distributio Marketing Product ment & t & packing n developme purchase manufactu nt -ring • Higher degree of design reuse enabling more design families and variants (cost) • Production platforms enabling higher reuse flexibility and thus improving the investment • Shorten and precise time to robustness market/volume (time) • Higher quality from design, i.e. limited • Reduced inventory/WIP from improved lead time and reliability time for product quality corrections • Focused and dedicated cells enabling improved ramp-up and employment of new technologies Figure 6.1. STARGAME’s influence on stakeholders potential tradeoff STARGAME 20