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MaRi Eagar
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)

                                 M Phil (HRM) (PPL)

                                 Professional Leadership
                                 Spiritual Leadership (SL) in the workplace

                            September 2004
                            This report contains 24 pages
                            Report for University of Johannesburg
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004


1          Spiritual Leadership in the Workplace                                                1
1.1        What does spiritual leadership in the work place mean?                               1
1.2        What is the link between spiritual leadership in the work place
           and productivity?                                                                    4
1.3        How can the work environment undermine or enhance self
           worth?                                                                             10
1.4        What can be done to promote spiritual leadership in the work
           place?                                                                             16

2          References                                                                         21

Spiritual Leadership
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

1            Spiritual Leadership in the Workplace

“With this urgency comes exhilaration, certainly, but also stress and
uncertainty about the future – stress for everyone in the organisation, not just
for CEOs and senior executives, who traditionally have shouldered the
burden of steering a safe course for their companies, but stress also for
middle management, supervisors and front-line people, who don’t know what
their job will be tomorrow, or even if they will have a job at all. And as the
pace of innovation and vibrancy in the web picks up – even escalates, as it
surely will – urgency, exhilaration, stress and uncertainty will inevitably
increase too.” (Lewin, R and Regine, B, 1999: 343)

1.1          What does spiritual leadership in the work place mean?

Why the need for spiritual leadership in the workplace?

“The death of old ethics – perhaps the death of old ethics and the whole
frame of mind on which it was based, gives us a precious opportunity to force
a new ethics based on our own spiritual intelligence (old ethics based on
absolute truth, universal principles for all) Spiritual compass in times of crisis
and fast change.” (Zohar and Marshall, 2000: 199-200)

Applying the principles of chaos and complexity sciences, Margaret Wheatley
describes how in applying the framework of these sciences will increase the
understanding that turbulence will not cause the organization to dissolve into
incoherence. Instead, she states that “the strength of our organizations is
maintained if we retain clarity about the purpose and direction of the
organization. When things become chaotic, clarity keeps us on course.”
(Wheatley, M, 1999:131)

Spiritual Leadership                                                                            1
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

Panarchy, a new form of “anarchy” is an emergent mindset that indicates
that leaders, unlike in the past, do not stand as independent observers in an
ordered, rational world. Instead, leaders are involved participants inside the
systems they serve – systems where concepts such as power to the highest
authority are seen as based on an old Newtonian paradigm that was in
conflict with natural laws. Panarchy is a view embracing holarchy (nested
holism) instead of traditional imposed hierarchy – an order that emerges
through natural processes.

However, in a more turbulent and fast changing world, the new sciences are
showing us that the world, including organisations, are more complex and
exhibit unpredictability, diversity and that leaders are members of the system.

All of the above indicates the new for a new type of leadership, which can be
filled by the framework offered by spiritual leadership as briefly explained

The meaning of spiritual leadership in the workplace

Smith, D (2004) defines spiritual leadership as the deep seated will and
commitment to actualise one’s ability towards

   Connectedness to self, others and higher beingness

   Harmony and peace

   Meaning and purpose

   Livings what matters most (one’s values)

   Living with gratitude

Spiritual Leadership                                                                            2
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

   An attitude of service and stewardship

   Transcending one’s ego for the greater good

   Total well-being

   Congruency between one’s True North and reality

   Positive expectations

   Moral awareness

   Adding value to self and others

In the work place this is explained by various authors as spirit based
management (Verrier quoting Honek 2002) such as following your ethics,
showing care, empowering others and building team work.

It is also described as enhancing business ethics, sustainability and
social responsibility (Verrier quoting Gibbons, P 1999).

Verrier, D R (2002) summarises spiritual leadership in the workplace as

   Purpose and meaning at the workplace

   Bringing human values to work

   Ethical and interesting work

The strong focus on purpose and meaning provide a valuable paradigm for
leadership and form the essence of spiritual leadership at the workplace.

Spiritual Leadership                                                                            3
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004


Putting on a new perspective, it is clear that organisations, consisting of
people, have always been complex adaptive systems and not carefully
designed by highly intelligence managers using perfect blue prints.

In this new understanding of the world with increased turbulence (chaos), it is
clear that concepts such as command and control leadership will not be
sustainable, and that a new form of leadership would be required.

Such a leadership would act as strange attractor in times of turbulence
which will pull together the shape of the organisation. In fact,
organisations self-organise into a shape, and the type of leadership will
determine whether this shape is life-enhancing and sustainable.

The application of the principles of spiritual leadership will result in shaping
organisations into generators of spiritual capital. In the workplace means
translating the paradigm of economic capital of materialistic affluenza and
short term profit          towards maximization into a spiritual capital orientation
focusing on decent profit, common good and meaningful work (Smith, D,

1.2          What is the link between spiritual leadership in the work place
             and productivity?

The prevalent paradigm within the workplace is a focus on financial
bottom line, exasperated by short focus demands from large investment
shareholders. For the concept of spiritual leadership to become acceptable in
the workplace, a causal link would have to be established to determine the
impact on profitability.

Spiritual Leadership                                                                            4
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

In this short analysis the argument is made that spiritual leadership (or lack
thereof) have a direct link on not only long term profitability (including
sustainable profitability as defined in the triple bottom line approach – profit,
people and planet) but also short term pure financial profit.

To maintain and grow profitability, companies focus on strategies to increase
revenue, achieved through increased sales (marketing, sales and service)
and innovation (such as introducing new products, processes and business
models). They also focus on managing costs, using budgetary control,
procurement control, staff cost and others.

Thus spiritual leadership (although self-evident once it is understood) should
make a direct impact on those main profitability variables for companies to
focus on its acceptance and support. Arguments for implementing spiritual
leadership at the workplace would provide evidence of the positive impact on
revenue generation as well as cost saving in companies (return on

Impact of SL on revenue the positive impact of a spirited workplace

Charlton, G (2000: 17) describes how participatory practices contribute
towards outperforming other companies. Examples of this include:

   1,6 times growth in sales

   4,5 times growth in profitability

   1,8 times growth in equity

   1,49 better dividend growth

   1,09 times better price earning ratio

Spiritual Leadership                                                                            5
MaRi Eagar                                                                          M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)                Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                         August 2004

Spiritual leadership unleashes creativity and the core essence of employees.
Creativity is a key component in innovation, which will improve revenue
generation and growth in the workplace.

Satisfied and physical, emotionally and mentally well employees who interact
with customers will be better at generating not only sales, but also customer
experience and service, both important aspects of revenue growth in

Impact of SL on cost in the workplace- the cost of the spiritually
stunted workplace

Definition of bullying

"Persistent, offensive, abusive, intimidating or insulting behaviour, abuse of
power or unfair penal sanctions which makes the recipient feel upset,
threatened, humiliated or vulnerable, which undermines their self-confidence
and          which             may           cause        them      to         suffer         stress"
MSF Union, 1994

"Bullying is a compulsive need to displace aggression and is achieved by the
expression of inadequacy (social, personal, interpersonal, behavioural,
professional) by projection of that inadequacy onto others through control
and subjugation (criticism, exclusion, isolation etc). Bullying is sustained by
abdication        of        responsibility    (denial,     counter-accusation,         pretence      of
victimhood) and perpetuated by a climate of fear, ignorance, indifference,
silence, denial, disbelief, deception, evasion of accountability, tolerance and
reward                 (e          g          promotion)           for           the           bully."
Tim Field, 1999

Spiritual Leadership                                                                                  6
MaRi Eagar                                                                        M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)              Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                       August 2004

The definition of bullying above clearly indicates characteristics of spiritual
stuntedness. Bullying

Bullying is reported to be the biggest complaint on the TUC Bad Boss Hotline
in December 1997 (38%) well ahead of low pay (25%) and other complaints,
such as unfair dismissals (The TUC Website as quoted by Bullyonline as
viewed           on         their         website           7      September          2004          – )

Bullying results in various health psychological and mental problems, such as
depression, severe stress, chronic fatigue and anxiety.

Examples of the cost of bullying as quoted from the Bullyonline website is
provided below:

   UMIST published research in February 2000 that revealed that, out of 5
    300 employees in 70 organisations, 47% witness bullying in the last five
    years (UK). The cost of lost work days lost due to lack of engagement.
    Bullying poses a serious threat to employee self-worth, and coping
    strategies include either work addiction (which ultimately result in reduced
    creativity and increased error rate which increases cost of operations) or
    usually work avoidance strategies (such as increased absenteeism from
    work, slow work and other activities that reduce productivity).

   It is estimated that lack of engagement (work avoidance) cost the UK
    between £39 to 48 billion a year. (Gallup Organisation survey of British
    workers over a period of three years published in October 2001).

   A combination of high effort and low appreciation is associated with
    increase risk of alcohol dependence in men and poor physical health in

Spiritual Leadership                                                                                7
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

   In the UK around 19 million days are lost annually because of abuse.

   In 1998 in the UK 8.5 working days per employee were lost (estimated at
    3.7% of working time).

Other symptoms of spiritual stuntedness in the workplace relate to
“meaninglessness and the stress to which it gives rise which is the major
cause of illness in the developed world today. Diseases like depression,
anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide are
obviously stress related. Stress related people are bad for business, they
reduce overall creativity (thus reduced innovation and thus reduced new
sources for revenue) and reduced productivity (thus increased costs and
lowered profits).” (Zohar and Marshall, 2004: 13)

It is clear from the short explanation above how lack of spiritual leadership in
the workplace increase the cost of production including staff cost in
recruitment, increased legal costs to deal with employee complaints and
other costs on productivity due to ill health and employee absenteeism and
high staff turnover.

The impact of unhappy, depressed and anxious employees would ultimately
spill over to customers. It will be difficult for unhappy, depressed and anxious
employees to provide customer service. Gartner survey data shows that
customer service and support has a 10 percent to 25 percent greater impact
on customer loyalty and revenue than sales or marketing initiatives (Moaz, M
et al) (2003) (Gartner Research on the Gartner Website).

Spiritual Leadership                                                                            8
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

How spiritual leadership can improve cost management in the

Verrier (2002) quotes research conducted by McKinsey & Co in Australia
that, “where companies engage in programs that use spiritual techniques for
their employees, productivity improves and staff turnover greatly

If bullying is an antithesis of spiritual leadership and have such a devastating
impact not only on people, but also on company profitability, spiritual
leadership would realistically reduce the negative impact of such life
draining behaviour towards employees.

Companies employing ethical business practice (not only because of social
demand but true implementation which can only be achieved through spiritual
leadership) do better financially than companies that do not make such
ethics a key management component – McLaughlin, C, 1998 (quoted by
Verrier, 2002).


There is a causal connection between spiritual stuntedness and staff related
cost and reduced revenue generation ability. Similarly, there is also a direct
link between a spirited workplace and sustainable profitability.                       That is
because spiritual leadership touches the deepest core and motivation inside
human beings – those spiritual beings having a human experience.

Spiritual Leadership                                                                            9
MaRi Eagar                                                                          M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)                Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                         August 2004

1.3          How can the work environment undermine or enhance self

Corporations are about making money and they define work as the pursuit of
money. But we as human beings are essentially spiritual creatures (Zohar
and Marshall, 2004: 14).

The enmeshment of work and self worth

Worth can be experienced on its own or through work only. Most people
experience worth through work, and thus rely on their work to evaluate what
they are worth as human beings. This confusion between self worth and work
efforts is called the enmeshment of self worth with work (Humphreys,
2000: 11).

Humphreys (2000) explains that, because of this enmeshment, we start with
particular coping strategies to either enhance our worth through work
addiction, or through reducing the threat of loss of worth through avoidance
of work.

Because individuals as well as organisations are ignorant about this problem,
work place strategies and environments will actually reinforce those
coping strategies employed by individuals working for the organisation. This
reinforcement has a devastating effect on organisations, such as increased
fear of risk taking, job burnout, reduced innovation and increased costs (such
as absenteeism) (Humphreys, 2000: 50).

Capra, F (2002:128) also mentions how the increased utilisation of machines
(computers             and   other     technology)         result   in   life-degrading         work
environments that were designed with only economic profit in mind. Due

Spiritual Leadership                                                                                 10
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

to the non-systemic understanding of such systems, it is becoming clear that
such life-draining practices are not sustainable in the long run.

Undermining of self worth

Reinforcement of the enmeshment of worth through work addiction (work
determining self worth)

Work addiction has various advantages for companies, which, on the
surface, appear to promote bottom line performance. These are listed by
Humphreys (2000: 90) as being:

   High levels of commitment

   High levels of competence

   Willingness to take on extra responsibilities

   Over-conscientiousness

   Honesty

   Little or no absenteeism

Examples of work environments where such work addiction is reinforced can
often be found in professional firms, such as accounting, legal and consulting
firms. The international accounting and auditing firm, Anderson Consulting,
was known for ensuring this work “ethic” was drilled into staff during an initial
two week “ boot camp” style induction program (as indicated by ex-Anderson
staff to myself).

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           11
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

Furthermore, the current relentless drive towards short term performance is
reinforcing this type of work environment. In many organisations work
addiction is supported as signs of loyalty towards the organisation and pre-
requisite for promotion. Some of the characteristics mentioned by
Humphreys (2000: 44) that indicate work addiction are

           Working long hours

           Hardly ever taking lunch breaks

           Always available

           Works weekends

           Takes work home

           Thrives on success

The above are considered as positive attitudes towards work by most
organisations and hardly questioned in terms of individual self-worth being
linked to work performance.

Reinforcement of the enmeshment of worth through increasing the strategies
of work avoidance (work threatens self worth)

Some immediate causes of work avoidance are indicated by Humphreys
(2000: 70) as being:

   Authoritarian or laissez-faire type management style

   Unclear communication

   Public humiliation

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           12
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

   Low salary

   Punishment of failure

   Absence of praise or affirmation

   Unrealistic or low expectations

Work avoidance result, for example, in staff being late, forgetting
appointments, doing things slowly, not being inventive, turning a blind eye
towards wastage and other direct avoidance strategies (Humphreys, 2000:
59). These clearly have an impact on organisational performance.

Enhancement of self worth (independently from work)

Apart from the impact on individual self worth, organisations can benefit
tremendously through promoting a work environment that will stop
reinforcing work addictive or work avoidance strategies, and promote the
development of self worth independent from the work place and work.

Paradoxically allowing people to develop themselves separate from work, will
result in increased benefits for the organisation which will have a direct
impact on the bottom line (profitability) of the organisation through increased
innovation and reduced wastage.

The following aspects in the work environment can contribute towards such
development, (Humphreys, 2000: 127 – 133) being:

   Physical safety: provision of not only basic physical safety, but also an
    environment free of violence, bullying and harassment.

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           13
MaRi Eagar                                                                            M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)                  Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                           August 2004

   Sexual safety: providing a strong message that the right to sexual safety
    is recognised and that violations will be dealt with seriously.

   Emotional safety: an environment where emotions are recognised,
    accepted, understood and where acting on feelings are valued.

   Intellectual          safety:        respect         for       intellectual     capacity        and
    acknowledgement of intelligence and where threats to intellectual safety
    are prevented. This includes an environment where mistakes are seen as
    learning and not punished.

   Creative safety: reduced pressure to conform and allowance for diversity
    and expression of uniqueness.

Other ways in which the work environment can enhance self worth is where
managers encourage workers towards personal development (such as
focusing on the development of physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, social
and career/financial domains).

“Employers need to set about creating an atmosphere that is respectful and
celebratory or individuality, is happy, caring and kind, and welcomes
emotional expression and creativity. Where the work atmosphere is life-
giving, wonderful things can occur.” (Humphreys, 2000: 173)

Capra, F (2002: 125) mentions a new type of leadership which does not
focus on holding vision and charismatically hold it on behalf of the group, but
instead a leadership which moves towards facilitating emergence of
novelty. Capra holds that leaders need to bring life into organisations by
enhancing dignity and humanity of the organisation’s individuals as they
connect with those qualities in themselves. In his view focusing on life and
self-organising qualities of social systems will empower the self.

Spiritual Leadership                                                                                   14
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

For Csikszentmihalyi (2003: 87) managers need to ensure the following is in
place to promote a positive experience of work:

   Making the objective conditions of the workplace as attractive as

   Imbuing the job of the person with meaning and value, and

   Selecting and rewarding individuals who find satisfaction in their work

“… you don’t build something like this if you’re going to go public in three
years and cash out and walk away. So we really do try to act like this
company is going to be here a hundred years from now.” Csikszentmihalyi
quoting Yvon Chouniard, the founder of Patagonia, a manufacturer of
outdoor gear (2003: 11).

In his book, Encouraging the Heart, Kouzes and Posner (2003: 13) states
that “study after study” points out how fundamental it is to encourage
“the heart”, I e making them feel appreciated. This is done through seven
principles, such as settling of clear standards, expecting the best of people,
paying attention, setting the example, telling the story (that deserves
appreciation), personalising recognition and celebrating together (Kouzes,
JM and Posner, B Z, 2003: 18)


To provide a work environment which supports self worth, the connection and
confusion between self worth and work needs to be understood first, as well
as a review performed of how the current work environment contribute
towards reinforcing the confusion.

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           15
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

With current performance focus in organisation in South Africa, this would be
challenging most traditional views of work and work ethic, as well as
responses towards dealing with work avoidance and the encouragement of
work addiction.

Finally the development of spiritual leadership will contribute towards
development of self worth at work, as spiritual leadership contribute towards
meaning and purpose, which will allow people to experience work as
meaningful and life-enhancing. The qualities of a work environment that
promote self worth are linked to a spirited workplace.

1.4           What can be done to promote spiritual leadership in the work

Once organisations understand the link between spiritual leadership and
profitability and self worth, they can start fostering a culture that promotes
high spiritual intelligence. Zohar and Marshall (2004: 132 – 135) believes
this can be achieved through developing:

     Good communication

     Fairness

     Caring and mutually beneficial relationships

     Trust

     Power re-allocation

     Truth

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           16
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

   Flexibility

   Empowerment

Zohar and Marshall (2004: 80) urges us to use our spiritual intelligence to
access our deepest meanings, values, purposes and highest motivation
(Zohar and Marshall, 2004: 3) This can be done through commitment and
willingness to develop the spiritual intelligence as defined by the same
authors as being:

   Self-awareness

   Spontaneity

   Vision and values

   Holism

   Compassion

   Celebration of diversity

   Reframing

   Positive use of adversity

   Humility

   Sense of vocation

   Humility

   Field-independence

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           17
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

Verrier, D R (2002) lists various characteristics of spirituality at work. The
application of spiritual leadership would contribute in a sustainable manner
towards a work environment that would enhance not only self worth, but also
contribute towards sustained profitability, value for the communities as well
as the environment (spiritual capital). This means developing, for example,

   Ethical decision making

   A sense of meaningful contribution, doing something that matters

   Shared vision

   Stewardship - developing a sense of responsibility (Ability to respond to

Per Verrier (2002), meaning and purpose are the key elements of
spiritual leadership at work, and thus fundamental that one experiences a
sense of meaning and purpose through one’s work (which will also contribute
towards enhancing self-worth).

Using the characteristics of spiritual leadership as quoted by Smith, D (2004)
in class notes, actively developing the following will increase spirituality at the
work place through

   Purposeful work

   Meaning (at work generated through purposeful work)

   Values (true values)

   Moral awareness (principles)

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           18
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

   Compass (living our True North and using our values and principles as
    compass at the workplace)

   Congruence between true north and reality at work

   Connectedness to others and higher reason for work

   Inner control to deal with existence problems at work

   Harmony and peace at work; and

   Total well-being

Wheatley, M (1999: 157 – 168) describes spiritual leadership as a new
science for management, cultivating the following qualities as being:

   The need to be able to see what we are doing – the cultivation of the
    observer self to start seeing what is truly meaningful for self and others
    (and not imposed in an abstract manner from one small group of people)
    – a process of inquiring into meaning of our work.

   Working with energy, instead of matter (Physical).

   Knowing and keeping in touch what the centre feels like (who we are, our
    patterns of behaviour, our values, our intentions).


Spiritual leadership at the workplace can only be promoted once
organisations understand the link between profitability and a spirited
workplace (reality check). Understanding the principles and qualities of a

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           19
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

spiritual workplace would provide insight into the qualities that need to be
developed to achieve such a workplace.

The application of those qualities will lead to the generation of spiritual
capital, and because of the influence of companies on their environment
(society, political and planetary landscape) this would ultimately drive global
transformation towards achievement of the higher potential of humanity.

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           20
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

2      References

Capra, F (2002) The Hidden Connections: Integrating the biological, cognitive
and social dimensions of life into a science of sustainability Doubleday

Charlton, G (2000) Human Habits of Highly Effective Organisations                           Van

Csikszentmihalyi, M (2003) Good Business: Leadership, Flow and the
making of meaning Hodder and Stoughton

Humphreys, T (2000) Work and worth: Take back your life Newleaf

Kouzes, J M and Posner, B M (2003) Encouraging the Heart: A leader’s
guide to rewarding and recognizing others Jossey-Bass

Lewin, R and Regine, B (1999) The soul at work: Unleashing the power of
complexity science for business success Orion Business Books

Smith, D (2004) : Personal Leadership A Module – Classnotes

Smith, D (2004): Leadership Development Portfolio

Verrier, D R (2002) Spiritual fulfilment in a utility company of the City of
Johannesburg: A phenomenological study (Research essay for the Rand
Afrikaans University: September 2002)

Wheatley, M (1999) Leadership and the New Science: Discovering order in a
chaotic world Berret-Koehler Publishers Second edition

Zohar, D and Marshall, I (2000) Spiritual intelligence: The ultimate
intelligence Bloomsbury

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           21
MaRi Eagar                                                                    M Phil (HRM) (PPL)
M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article)          Interpersonal Leadership
                                                                   August 2004

Zohar, D and Marshall, I (2004) Spiritual capital: Wealth we can live by:
Using our rational, emotional and spiritual intelligence to transform ourselves
and corporate cultures Bloomsbury

Spiritual Leadership                                                                           22

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  • 2. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 Contents 1 Spiritual Leadership in the Workplace 1 1.1 What does spiritual leadership in the work place mean? 1 1.2 What is the link between spiritual leadership in the work place and productivity? 4 1.3 How can the work environment undermine or enhance self worth? 10 1.4 What can be done to promote spiritual leadership in the work place? 16 2 References 21 Spiritual Leadership
  • 3. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 1 Spiritual Leadership in the Workplace “With this urgency comes exhilaration, certainly, but also stress and uncertainty about the future – stress for everyone in the organisation, not just for CEOs and senior executives, who traditionally have shouldered the burden of steering a safe course for their companies, but stress also for middle management, supervisors and front-line people, who don’t know what their job will be tomorrow, or even if they will have a job at all. And as the pace of innovation and vibrancy in the web picks up – even escalates, as it surely will – urgency, exhilaration, stress and uncertainty will inevitably increase too.” (Lewin, R and Regine, B, 1999: 343) 1.1 What does spiritual leadership in the work place mean? Why the need for spiritual leadership in the workplace? “The death of old ethics – perhaps the death of old ethics and the whole frame of mind on which it was based, gives us a precious opportunity to force a new ethics based on our own spiritual intelligence (old ethics based on absolute truth, universal principles for all) Spiritual compass in times of crisis and fast change.” (Zohar and Marshall, 2000: 199-200) Applying the principles of chaos and complexity sciences, Margaret Wheatley describes how in applying the framework of these sciences will increase the understanding that turbulence will not cause the organization to dissolve into incoherence. Instead, she states that “the strength of our organizations is maintained if we retain clarity about the purpose and direction of the organization. When things become chaotic, clarity keeps us on course.” (Wheatley, M, 1999:131) Spiritual Leadership 1
  • 4. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 Panarchy, a new form of “anarchy” is an emergent mindset that indicates that leaders, unlike in the past, do not stand as independent observers in an ordered, rational world. Instead, leaders are involved participants inside the systems they serve – systems where concepts such as power to the highest authority are seen as based on an old Newtonian paradigm that was in conflict with natural laws. Panarchy is a view embracing holarchy (nested holism) instead of traditional imposed hierarchy – an order that emerges through natural processes. However, in a more turbulent and fast changing world, the new sciences are showing us that the world, including organisations, are more complex and exhibit unpredictability, diversity and that leaders are members of the system. All of the above indicates the new for a new type of leadership, which can be filled by the framework offered by spiritual leadership as briefly explained below. The meaning of spiritual leadership in the workplace Smith, D (2004) defines spiritual leadership as the deep seated will and commitment to actualise one’s ability towards  Connectedness to self, others and higher beingness  Harmony and peace  Meaning and purpose  Livings what matters most (one’s values)  Living with gratitude Spiritual Leadership 2
  • 5. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004  An attitude of service and stewardship  Transcending one’s ego for the greater good  Total well-being  Congruency between one’s True North and reality  Positive expectations  Moral awareness  Adding value to self and others In the work place this is explained by various authors as spirit based management (Verrier quoting Honek 2002) such as following your ethics, showing care, empowering others and building team work. It is also described as enhancing business ethics, sustainability and social responsibility (Verrier quoting Gibbons, P 1999). Verrier, D R (2002) summarises spiritual leadership in the workplace as meaning:  Purpose and meaning at the workplace  Bringing human values to work  Ethical and interesting work The strong focus on purpose and meaning provide a valuable paradigm for leadership and form the essence of spiritual leadership at the workplace. Spiritual Leadership 3
  • 6. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 Conclusion Putting on a new perspective, it is clear that organisations, consisting of people, have always been complex adaptive systems and not carefully designed by highly intelligence managers using perfect blue prints. In this new understanding of the world with increased turbulence (chaos), it is clear that concepts such as command and control leadership will not be sustainable, and that a new form of leadership would be required. Such a leadership would act as strange attractor in times of turbulence which will pull together the shape of the organisation. In fact, organisations self-organise into a shape, and the type of leadership will determine whether this shape is life-enhancing and sustainable. The application of the principles of spiritual leadership will result in shaping organisations into generators of spiritual capital. In the workplace means translating the paradigm of economic capital of materialistic affluenza and short term profit towards maximization into a spiritual capital orientation focusing on decent profit, common good and meaningful work (Smith, D, 2004). 1.2 What is the link between spiritual leadership in the work place and productivity? The prevalent paradigm within the workplace is a focus on financial bottom line, exasperated by short focus demands from large investment shareholders. For the concept of spiritual leadership to become acceptable in the workplace, a causal link would have to be established to determine the impact on profitability. Spiritual Leadership 4
  • 7. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 In this short analysis the argument is made that spiritual leadership (or lack thereof) have a direct link on not only long term profitability (including sustainable profitability as defined in the triple bottom line approach – profit, people and planet) but also short term pure financial profit. To maintain and grow profitability, companies focus on strategies to increase revenue, achieved through increased sales (marketing, sales and service) and innovation (such as introducing new products, processes and business models). They also focus on managing costs, using budgetary control, procurement control, staff cost and others. Thus spiritual leadership (although self-evident once it is understood) should make a direct impact on those main profitability variables for companies to focus on its acceptance and support. Arguments for implementing spiritual leadership at the workplace would provide evidence of the positive impact on revenue generation as well as cost saving in companies (return on investment). Impact of SL on revenue the positive impact of a spirited workplace Charlton, G (2000: 17) describes how participatory practices contribute towards outperforming other companies. Examples of this include:  1,6 times growth in sales  4,5 times growth in profitability  1,8 times growth in equity  1,49 better dividend growth  1,09 times better price earning ratio Spiritual Leadership 5
  • 8. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 Spiritual leadership unleashes creativity and the core essence of employees. Creativity is a key component in innovation, which will improve revenue generation and growth in the workplace. Satisfied and physical, emotionally and mentally well employees who interact with customers will be better at generating not only sales, but also customer experience and service, both important aspects of revenue growth in organisations. Impact of SL on cost in the workplace- the cost of the spiritually stunted workplace Definition of bullying "Persistent, offensive, abusive, intimidating or insulting behaviour, abuse of power or unfair penal sanctions which makes the recipient feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable, which undermines their self-confidence and which may cause them to suffer stress" MSF Union, 1994 "Bullying is a compulsive need to displace aggression and is achieved by the expression of inadequacy (social, personal, interpersonal, behavioural, professional) by projection of that inadequacy onto others through control and subjugation (criticism, exclusion, isolation etc). Bullying is sustained by abdication of responsibility (denial, counter-accusation, pretence of victimhood) and perpetuated by a climate of fear, ignorance, indifference, silence, denial, disbelief, deception, evasion of accountability, tolerance and reward (e g promotion) for the bully." Tim Field, 1999 Spiritual Leadership 6
  • 9. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 The definition of bullying above clearly indicates characteristics of spiritual stuntedness. Bullying Bullying is reported to be the biggest complaint on the TUC Bad Boss Hotline in December 1997 (38%) well ahead of low pay (25%) and other complaints, such as unfair dismissals (The TUC Website as quoted by Bullyonline as viewed on their website 7 September 2004 – ) Bullying results in various health psychological and mental problems, such as depression, severe stress, chronic fatigue and anxiety. Examples of the cost of bullying as quoted from the Bullyonline website is provided below:  UMIST published research in February 2000 that revealed that, out of 5 300 employees in 70 organisations, 47% witness bullying in the last five years (UK). The cost of lost work days lost due to lack of engagement. Bullying poses a serious threat to employee self-worth, and coping strategies include either work addiction (which ultimately result in reduced creativity and increased error rate which increases cost of operations) or usually work avoidance strategies (such as increased absenteeism from work, slow work and other activities that reduce productivity).  It is estimated that lack of engagement (work avoidance) cost the UK between £39 to 48 billion a year. (Gallup Organisation survey of British workers over a period of three years published in October 2001).  A combination of high effort and low appreciation is associated with increase risk of alcohol dependence in men and poor physical health in women. Spiritual Leadership 7
  • 10. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004  In the UK around 19 million days are lost annually because of abuse.  In 1998 in the UK 8.5 working days per employee were lost (estimated at 3.7% of working time). Other symptoms of spiritual stuntedness in the workplace relate to “meaninglessness and the stress to which it gives rise which is the major cause of illness in the developed world today. Diseases like depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide are obviously stress related. Stress related people are bad for business, they reduce overall creativity (thus reduced innovation and thus reduced new sources for revenue) and reduced productivity (thus increased costs and lowered profits).” (Zohar and Marshall, 2004: 13) It is clear from the short explanation above how lack of spiritual leadership in the workplace increase the cost of production including staff cost in recruitment, increased legal costs to deal with employee complaints and other costs on productivity due to ill health and employee absenteeism and high staff turnover. The impact of unhappy, depressed and anxious employees would ultimately spill over to customers. It will be difficult for unhappy, depressed and anxious employees to provide customer service. Gartner survey data shows that customer service and support has a 10 percent to 25 percent greater impact on customer loyalty and revenue than sales or marketing initiatives (Moaz, M et al) (2003) (Gartner Research on the Gartner Website). Spiritual Leadership 8
  • 11. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 How spiritual leadership can improve cost management in the workplace Verrier (2002) quotes research conducted by McKinsey & Co in Australia that, “where companies engage in programs that use spiritual techniques for their employees, productivity improves and staff turnover greatly reduce.” If bullying is an antithesis of spiritual leadership and have such a devastating impact not only on people, but also on company profitability, spiritual leadership would realistically reduce the negative impact of such life draining behaviour towards employees. Companies employing ethical business practice (not only because of social demand but true implementation which can only be achieved through spiritual leadership) do better financially than companies that do not make such ethics a key management component – McLaughlin, C, 1998 (quoted by Verrier, 2002). Conclusion There is a causal connection between spiritual stuntedness and staff related cost and reduced revenue generation ability. Similarly, there is also a direct link between a spirited workplace and sustainable profitability. That is because spiritual leadership touches the deepest core and motivation inside human beings – those spiritual beings having a human experience. Spiritual Leadership 9
  • 12. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 1.3 How can the work environment undermine or enhance self worth? Corporations are about making money and they define work as the pursuit of money. But we as human beings are essentially spiritual creatures (Zohar and Marshall, 2004: 14). The enmeshment of work and self worth Worth can be experienced on its own or through work only. Most people experience worth through work, and thus rely on their work to evaluate what they are worth as human beings. This confusion between self worth and work efforts is called the enmeshment of self worth with work (Humphreys, 2000: 11). Humphreys (2000) explains that, because of this enmeshment, we start with particular coping strategies to either enhance our worth through work addiction, or through reducing the threat of loss of worth through avoidance of work. Because individuals as well as organisations are ignorant about this problem, work place strategies and environments will actually reinforce those coping strategies employed by individuals working for the organisation. This reinforcement has a devastating effect on organisations, such as increased fear of risk taking, job burnout, reduced innovation and increased costs (such as absenteeism) (Humphreys, 2000: 50). Capra, F (2002:128) also mentions how the increased utilisation of machines (computers and other technology) result in life-degrading work environments that were designed with only economic profit in mind. Due Spiritual Leadership 10
  • 13. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 to the non-systemic understanding of such systems, it is becoming clear that such life-draining practices are not sustainable in the long run. Undermining of self worth Reinforcement of the enmeshment of worth through work addiction (work determining self worth) Work addiction has various advantages for companies, which, on the surface, appear to promote bottom line performance. These are listed by Humphreys (2000: 90) as being:  High levels of commitment  High levels of competence  Willingness to take on extra responsibilities  Over-conscientiousness  Honesty  Little or no absenteeism Examples of work environments where such work addiction is reinforced can often be found in professional firms, such as accounting, legal and consulting firms. The international accounting and auditing firm, Anderson Consulting, was known for ensuring this work “ethic” was drilled into staff during an initial two week “ boot camp” style induction program (as indicated by ex-Anderson staff to myself). Spiritual Leadership 11
  • 14. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 Furthermore, the current relentless drive towards short term performance is reinforcing this type of work environment. In many organisations work addiction is supported as signs of loyalty towards the organisation and pre- requisite for promotion. Some of the characteristics mentioned by Humphreys (2000: 44) that indicate work addiction are  Working long hours  Hardly ever taking lunch breaks  Always available  Works weekends  Takes work home  Thrives on success The above are considered as positive attitudes towards work by most organisations and hardly questioned in terms of individual self-worth being linked to work performance. Reinforcement of the enmeshment of worth through increasing the strategies of work avoidance (work threatens self worth) Some immediate causes of work avoidance are indicated by Humphreys (2000: 70) as being:  Authoritarian or laissez-faire type management style  Unclear communication  Public humiliation Spiritual Leadership 12
  • 15. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004  Low salary  Punishment of failure  Absence of praise or affirmation  Unrealistic or low expectations Work avoidance result, for example, in staff being late, forgetting appointments, doing things slowly, not being inventive, turning a blind eye towards wastage and other direct avoidance strategies (Humphreys, 2000: 59). These clearly have an impact on organisational performance. Enhancement of self worth (independently from work) Apart from the impact on individual self worth, organisations can benefit tremendously through promoting a work environment that will stop reinforcing work addictive or work avoidance strategies, and promote the development of self worth independent from the work place and work. Paradoxically allowing people to develop themselves separate from work, will result in increased benefits for the organisation which will have a direct impact on the bottom line (profitability) of the organisation through increased innovation and reduced wastage. The following aspects in the work environment can contribute towards such development, (Humphreys, 2000: 127 – 133) being:  Physical safety: provision of not only basic physical safety, but also an environment free of violence, bullying and harassment. Spiritual Leadership 13
  • 16. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004  Sexual safety: providing a strong message that the right to sexual safety is recognised and that violations will be dealt with seriously.  Emotional safety: an environment where emotions are recognised, accepted, understood and where acting on feelings are valued.  Intellectual safety: respect for intellectual capacity and acknowledgement of intelligence and where threats to intellectual safety are prevented. This includes an environment where mistakes are seen as learning and not punished.  Creative safety: reduced pressure to conform and allowance for diversity and expression of uniqueness. Other ways in which the work environment can enhance self worth is where managers encourage workers towards personal development (such as focusing on the development of physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, social and career/financial domains). “Employers need to set about creating an atmosphere that is respectful and celebratory or individuality, is happy, caring and kind, and welcomes emotional expression and creativity. Where the work atmosphere is life- giving, wonderful things can occur.” (Humphreys, 2000: 173) Capra, F (2002: 125) mentions a new type of leadership which does not focus on holding vision and charismatically hold it on behalf of the group, but instead a leadership which moves towards facilitating emergence of novelty. Capra holds that leaders need to bring life into organisations by enhancing dignity and humanity of the organisation’s individuals as they connect with those qualities in themselves. In his view focusing on life and self-organising qualities of social systems will empower the self. Spiritual Leadership 14
  • 17. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 For Csikszentmihalyi (2003: 87) managers need to ensure the following is in place to promote a positive experience of work:  Making the objective conditions of the workplace as attractive as possible  Imbuing the job of the person with meaning and value, and  Selecting and rewarding individuals who find satisfaction in their work “… you don’t build something like this if you’re going to go public in three years and cash out and walk away. So we really do try to act like this company is going to be here a hundred years from now.” Csikszentmihalyi quoting Yvon Chouniard, the founder of Patagonia, a manufacturer of outdoor gear (2003: 11). In his book, Encouraging the Heart, Kouzes and Posner (2003: 13) states that “study after study” points out how fundamental it is to encourage “the heart”, I e making them feel appreciated. This is done through seven principles, such as settling of clear standards, expecting the best of people, paying attention, setting the example, telling the story (that deserves appreciation), personalising recognition and celebrating together (Kouzes, JM and Posner, B Z, 2003: 18) Conclusion To provide a work environment which supports self worth, the connection and confusion between self worth and work needs to be understood first, as well as a review performed of how the current work environment contribute towards reinforcing the confusion. Spiritual Leadership 15
  • 18. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 With current performance focus in organisation in South Africa, this would be challenging most traditional views of work and work ethic, as well as responses towards dealing with work avoidance and the encouragement of work addiction. Finally the development of spiritual leadership will contribute towards development of self worth at work, as spiritual leadership contribute towards meaning and purpose, which will allow people to experience work as meaningful and life-enhancing. The qualities of a work environment that promote self worth are linked to a spirited workplace. 1.4 What can be done to promote spiritual leadership in the work place? Once organisations understand the link between spiritual leadership and profitability and self worth, they can start fostering a culture that promotes high spiritual intelligence. Zohar and Marshall (2004: 132 – 135) believes this can be achieved through developing:  Good communication  Fairness  Caring and mutually beneficial relationships  Trust  Power re-allocation  Truth Spiritual Leadership 16
  • 19. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004  Flexibility  Empowerment Zohar and Marshall (2004: 80) urges us to use our spiritual intelligence to access our deepest meanings, values, purposes and highest motivation (Zohar and Marshall, 2004: 3) This can be done through commitment and willingness to develop the spiritual intelligence as defined by the same authors as being:  Self-awareness  Spontaneity  Vision and values  Holism  Compassion  Celebration of diversity  Reframing  Positive use of adversity  Humility  Sense of vocation  Humility  Field-independence Spiritual Leadership 17
  • 20. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 Verrier, D R (2002) lists various characteristics of spirituality at work. The application of spiritual leadership would contribute in a sustainable manner towards a work environment that would enhance not only self worth, but also contribute towards sustained profitability, value for the communities as well as the environment (spiritual capital). This means developing, for example,  Ethical decision making  A sense of meaningful contribution, doing something that matters  Shared vision  Stewardship - developing a sense of responsibility (Ability to respond to reality) Per Verrier (2002), meaning and purpose are the key elements of spiritual leadership at work, and thus fundamental that one experiences a sense of meaning and purpose through one’s work (which will also contribute towards enhancing self-worth). Using the characteristics of spiritual leadership as quoted by Smith, D (2004) in class notes, actively developing the following will increase spirituality at the work place through  Purposeful work  Meaning (at work generated through purposeful work)  Values (true values)  Moral awareness (principles) Spiritual Leadership 18
  • 21. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004  Compass (living our True North and using our values and principles as compass at the workplace)  Congruence between true north and reality at work  Connectedness to others and higher reason for work  Inner control to deal with existence problems at work  Harmony and peace at work; and  Total well-being Wheatley, M (1999: 157 – 168) describes spiritual leadership as a new science for management, cultivating the following qualities as being:  The need to be able to see what we are doing – the cultivation of the observer self to start seeing what is truly meaningful for self and others (and not imposed in an abstract manner from one small group of people) – a process of inquiring into meaning of our work.  Working with energy, instead of matter (Physical).  Knowing and keeping in touch what the centre feels like (who we are, our patterns of behaviour, our values, our intentions). Conclusion Spiritual leadership at the workplace can only be promoted once organisations understand the link between profitability and a spirited workplace (reality check). Understanding the principles and qualities of a Spiritual Leadership 19
  • 22. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 spiritual workplace would provide insight into the qualities that need to be developed to achieve such a workplace. The application of those qualities will lead to the generation of spiritual capital, and because of the influence of companies on their environment (society, political and planetary landscape) this would ultimately drive global transformation towards achievement of the higher potential of humanity. Spiritual Leadership 20
  • 23. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 2 References Capra, F (2002) The Hidden Connections: Integrating the biological, cognitive and social dimensions of life into a science of sustainability Doubleday Charlton, G (2000) Human Habits of Highly Effective Organisations Van Schaik Csikszentmihalyi, M (2003) Good Business: Leadership, Flow and the making of meaning Hodder and Stoughton Humphreys, T (2000) Work and worth: Take back your life Newleaf Kouzes, J M and Posner, B M (2003) Encouraging the Heart: A leader’s guide to rewarding and recognizing others Jossey-Bass Lewin, R and Regine, B (1999) The soul at work: Unleashing the power of complexity science for business success Orion Business Books Smith, D (2004) : Personal Leadership A Module – Classnotes Smith, D (2004): Leadership Development Portfolio Verrier, D R (2002) Spiritual fulfilment in a utility company of the City of Johannesburg: A phenomenological study (Research essay for the Rand Afrikaans University: September 2002) Wheatley, M (1999) Leadership and the New Science: Discovering order in a chaotic world Berret-Koehler Publishers Second edition Zohar, D and Marshall, I (2000) Spiritual intelligence: The ultimate intelligence Bloomsbury Spiritual Leadership 21
  • 24. MaRi Eagar M Phil (HRM) (PPL) M Phil Personal and Professional Leadership (cum laude)(article) Interpersonal Leadership August 2004 Zohar, D and Marshall, I (2004) Spiritual capital: Wealth we can live by: Using our rational, emotional and spiritual intelligence to transform ourselves and corporate cultures Bloomsbury Spiritual Leadership 22