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Spices - Homemade spices and their benefits -
Maharashtra Today
One of the things that people find intimidating about
cooking Indian food is the vast array of spices used —
both whole and ground, which are often combined into
complex spice mixes.
However, having taught classes on Indian food, I find
that as soon as people are able to identify and
understand the spices we use, then suddenly they find
this cuisine is not as hard to make after all.
Health Benefits Of Spices From Around The World
Spices play a significant role in the way we cook and
consume food around the world. Every spice has its own
flavoring and essence, and its addition or omission can
literally make or break a dish.There are many spices we use
in our day to day cooking, these include popular ones like
cumin, black pepper, turmeric and coriander seeds.
In the ancient times, India attracted traders from remote
parts of the world in search of exotic spices. Many of these
traders went back with their share, while some even settled
down and brought in some of their home-grown spices. Such
is the role of spices in Indian culture. Spices are known to
have several health benefits; in fact it's the addition of a
bouquet of spices, that make traditional indian home-
cooked food one of the healthiest meals eaten around the
world. Spices come with notable nutritional values and
provide some major health benefits.
Ashwagandha - a horse-like plant!
Ashwagandha Vajigandha, Balda,Taurus is a medicine that
gives strength. Useful in many ailments.The raw root smells
like a horse so it is called Ashwagandha.Also,
Ashwagandha is known as a horse-like stimulant, a strong
metal enhancer.Ashwagandha is a plant that alleviates
Ashwagandha is a pain reliever caused by wind. If goiter is
swollen, apply a paste of ashwagandha leaves on it to
reduce the pain of swelling.The oil made using Ashwagandha
is useful for flatulence, weakness, pain in hands and feet.This
ashwagandha oil is used for massage to reduce flatulence.
The limbs strengthen the muscles.
Ashwagandha is a cough suppressant and asthma sufferer.
Ashwagandha is used in cough, anemia and asthma.
Turmeric: Medicinal gold in the kitchen
Turmeric, its introduction, is not new to Indians. Pre-existing
turmeric is used for your health. It is an important custom to
wear turmeric during a wedding ceremony. Only turmeric is
used in many skin products.This means that turmeric has such
a good effect on our body and character.
Outsiders are telling you how good your turmeric milk,
popularly known as Intermediate Turmeric Latte, is.And we
have been getting turmeric milk easily since childhood.
Turmeric is applied immediately after any wound, bruise or
bleeding.There are things you just get used to.Various names
like Haridra (correction of body color), Kanchani (yellow like
gold), Nisha,Varvarnini, Gauri, Krumighna,Yoshitapriya,
Hattvilasini have come up in Ayurveda for turmeric.
Nutmeg - Aromatic and useful spice
Shrikhand Puranpoli is not fun without the aroma of
nutmeg. Whether it is in betel nut or in basundi, if you add a
little nutmeg, you get all the aroma, taste and medicinal
properties. We can see how rich India is in terms of spices.
Digestive aromatic spices for sweets e.g. Nutmeg Cardamom
Cinnamon has flavor and digestion of sweets. Mire
coriander cumin etc. for spicy foods. We have many spices. We
use them in cooking. So you don't need artificial essence. Of
course, we should know and take care of it. Nutmeg is one
of them.
These nutmeg are known by various names like Jatiphal,
Maltiphal, Majjasar, Kusumphal. When the fruit of the
nutmeg tree ripens, the seeds are dried in the sun.The sound
of movement from these seeds began to break and the seeds
were removed and the inner nutmeg was sold in the market.
Seed husk is also used as dried nutmeg.
Mire - kitchen spice
Black pepper is an important spice in cooking.A spice that
adds spice to vegetables and soups.Vellaj (growing on the
valley) Krishna Ushna Suvritta Palit Shyam Kol Krishna
Yavanesht Vrutfal Shakang (used while making
vegetables) Katuk (spicy taste) Various names have come
up in Ayurveda for chilli or chilli.
There is a pepper vine. When the fruit is ready, the fruit is cut
off and dried in the sun for a week. Mire reaches out to you
by picking good fruits.
Mire tastes very hot. Mire is used as a spice in many
vegetables and has many medicinal uses.
Cinnamon - Aromatic Spice!
Biryani, masale bhat, narli bhat or goda masala cinnamon
are very popular. One of the fragrant spices. Whether it is
khada masala or ground masala, cinnamon gives a different
flavor. Cinnamon is an important spice in cooking as well as
an excellent remedy for many ailments.
In Ayurveda, cinnamon has many alternative names. E.g.
Passionate (pungent perfume) Skin (used for peel skin
experiment) Facial cleansing, aroma, wheat odor, perfumery,
heart, pleasing, alcoholic.
Cinnamon is a tall evergreen tree.The bark of an old tree is
dry and brittle. It tastes a little bitter and spicy. We also use
bay leaves or bay leaves of cinnamon tree in spices.
Vekhand - Aromatic multi-useful tuber
Vekhand is well known in many homes, including grandmother's
wallet, home remedies.Vekhand is used in various forms like
Vacha Balguti, Dhuri, Lap.Vekhanda has an evergreen kshup.There
are tubers that grow like ground tubers.
As it reduces pain and swelling, it is used in rheumatism,
headache and rheumatic disorders.
The strong odor helps to reduce the phlegm that accumulates in
the throat and chest.Therefore, in case of cold in the chest, if the
phlegm gets thick, it is rubbed and applied. Cough is especially
useful in children with asthma and colds.
If there is fever due to cold, remove the vekhanda and apply
vekhanda on the forehead. So that the fever does not rise and go
to the head.
Ahaliv- A small seed that increases strength!
A very big social change in Lockdown Many people have
experienced that a trend starts on social media and
everyone starts imitating it.
You must have experienced a lot about gluttony.There
were so many trends like broken fruit, cake, dolgana
coffee at home that many made and shared on social
I also got to read a trend called Ahaliv Laddu.
Someone made it themselves as they have culinary
skills. Someone asked for it.The importance of Ahaliwa
was explained to everyone. In Ayurveda
Licorice - a sweet-tasting plant!
We use sweet sticks of Jeshthamadha or Madhuyashti
in the mask. Licorice powder is used in finely chopped
sweet betel nut. Licorice is readily available. Licorice is
a sweet juice. It is also called Madhuk. In Ayurveda,
senior honey is used as medicine in many places.
Whether it is digestive disorders or respiratory or cold
cough, it is beneficial to chew a piece of elder honey or
powder. In case of dehydration due to nausea or bile,
the extract of elder honey should be given in small
amounts frequently.This reduces the burning sensation
in the chest.
Licorice works best on all hair complaints. In case of
hair loss or hair ripening, honey extract should be used
for washing hair. If there is an injury or ulcer, the
wound heals quickly if the elder honey is used as an
ointment with ghee.
Fennel - A beneficial dill in every home
Dill or fennel is present in every home. Dill is used in some
foods to make it taste good. Many people have a habit of
eating dill after a meal.A mixture of dill, elder honey, betel
nut etc. is made at home in the form of mask. We all know
that dill is used to digest food and prevent bad breath. Let's
see how dill is useful in other cases as well.
Fennel: In Ayurveda, it has various alternative names like
Mishreya, Madhura (having sweet taste), Mishi, Madhurika,
Chhatra. Misreya tastes like a sweet, bitter red mixed juice.
Fennel or mishriya is cold. So it reduces the increased bile. It is
useful to get rid of nausea and vomiting.
In case of frequent thirst, soak dill in hot water and strain it
after cooling. It also quenches thirst and digestion. In case of
sticky stools, colic with constipation, taking dill along with
stomach cleansing medicine reduces constipation and clears
the stomach. In case of sticky thin mucus, remove the shepa or
take the powder with hot water.
Coriander - a cure for many ailments!
Cilantro or coriander is an integral part of any spicy food.
Every housewife uses fresh green cilantro to enhance the taste
of the food while cooking. Coriander or coriander powder is
used in spices. Did you know that there are many medicinal
properties hidden in this plant besides enhancing the taste?
Coriander and Cilantro: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting
Coriander and Cilantro | The Old Farmer's Almanac In
Ayurveda, there are various alternative names such as
Dhanyak, Kustumburu (Kutsitam Rogsamuh Tumbati Ardayati
Iti - Rigsamuh Durkare Tridosha Har),Vitunnak (Vigat Tunnam
Dukhmasmat - which removes many afflictions).
Coriander and cilantro are used as medicine both internally
and externally. Cilantro paste is anti-inflammatory.
Sandalwood - an anti-inflammatory plant!
The fragrant sandalwood trunk is found in many temples.
Sandalwood Soap Incense Cream Lotion Perfume We use
this fragrant plant in many ways. Sandalwood Tika is
applied in the form of sandalwood paste not only because
of its pleasant smell but also because of its cooling
properties.This anti-inflammatory fragrant sandalwood is
used medicinally in Ayurveda for many ailments.
Sandalwood paste is useful if the skin is on fire.
If you are suffering from heat stroke, it is useful to apply
sandalwood on the scalp.
If sweat is foul smelling, if body is smelling of sweat,
sandalwood should be bathed in bath water. bile scarring
and fire.
Clove - Keep the odor away!
Many people are accustomed to taking cloves for
mouthwash. Clove is used as a fragrance or as a home
remedy. Clove is especially used in pulao biryani, sugar
rice, coconut rice or vidya leaves.
Various alternative names like Devakusum, Sriprasun,
Chandanpuspak, Warij have come up in Ayurveda for
cloves. Clove is used in the form of buds.
Drying is available in this market. Clove and oil
extracted from it are useful for medicinal purposes.
Sandhav - Salt beneficial to health!
Salt is an integral part of the diet. There is no taste in
food without salt. In Ayurveda, the types and properties
of salt are stated. Any salt should be used sparingly. In
practice, we rarely use Sendha, sea salt or any other weed
salt. All these salts have different properties. Accordingly,
its effect on the body is seen.
* Let's see what are the qualities of Sandhwa-
Of all the types of salt obtained from Sandhav, Sandhav
is less sharp, sweet, beneficial for the heart, reduces the
three defects of tridoshashamak, vata pitta kapha, is easy
to digest, is mild, is beneficial for the eyes, and ignites
From these qualities it can be seen that sandhavmeet is
most beneficial to the body. Charakacharya has also
stated that Sandhav salt is the best of all salts (salt
Triphala - Triphala medicine for many ailments!
Triphala powder is a medicine known to many.Triphala
powder is famous for its stomach cleansing powder. But in
addition to this,Triphala is a chemical medicine that cures
many ailments.
The name Triphala suggests that it uses three fruits.These
three fruits are Hirda, Behda and Amla.The fruits of these
three plants are used in Triphala. What are the
characteristics of these three plants -
Hirda - meaning green, contains 5 juices of shadars. Sweet,
sour, bitter, bitter, all five juices are not just salty juices. It
is easy to digest, increases gastritis, helps in digestion of
food, cleanses the stomach. Besides, it is enlightening and
gives longevity. It is useful in the form of medicine for
many ailments such as leprosy, pandu, tuberculosis,
obesity and hemorrhoids.
‘Cumin ` - Multiplicity will improve digestion!
Kitchen spices have many medicinal properties.That is why
these different spices are used in different dishes in your
home. Indian food culture is characterized by the use of this
spice.These spices are skillfully used in every home.The
main purpose is to taste the food; However, since some
substances are hot, spicy and increase bile, taking too much
of it continuously can also cause disorders.The use of
spices is expected to enhance the taste of vegetables or amti
and make it easier to digest.
Cumin:Very useful spice substance. We use cumin seeds to
enhance the taste of amkti. Cumin is also called as
digestive. In Ayurveda, Jirak and Krishnajirak (Shahajire)
are described.
Ova - a little ova is a must in every home!
Ojwa (Ajwain) is used in many foods for flavor. Ova
tastes good with puri, paratha, chakli etc.Also, knowing
that ova has many benefits, every housewife uses ova
wisely. We take ova bhajan as a mask. In Ayurveda, many
virtues of Ova are mentioned. Let's look at its health
benefits and uses. It is called Yavani, Parsley, Deepyaka.
What a perfect name for Deepika! This is a feature of
Ayurveda. Its nomenclature from the merits of the plant.
You will also notice how large your vocabulary is.
Dipyaka as the gastrointestinal tract illuminates! So
Ova is hot.Therefore, it is mitigating / reducing but
increasing bile.The main one that enhances interest,
reduces colic is the best dewormer. Is deworming.
Ginger: Herbal medicine in Ayurveda!
You may know a Marathi saying‘Sunthivachun khokla
gela’. Used to mean solving a problem without any
treatment. But do you know how useful this ginger is
for many ailments like cough?
Ginger is made by drying ginger. Ginger is hard to digest
while ginger is light (due to loss of moisture).
Increases appetite, digestion. Cough and flatulence.
In Ayurveda, shunthi (made by drying) is said to be a
herbal medicine,Vishwabhesaj (being useful for many
Advantages, uses and disadvantages of ginger - Ginger
... In Ayurveda, it is said to use ginger in the diet while
explaining the rainy season. (Tratucharya - Guidance on
what to eat according to the season, how to live so that
the bad effects of the season on the body.)

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Spices homemade spices and their benefits - maharashtra today-converted

  • 1. Spices - Homemade spices and their benefits - Maharashtra Today One of the things that people find intimidating about cooking Indian food is the vast array of spices used — both whole and ground, which are often combined into complex spice mixes. However, having taught classes on Indian food, I find that as soon as people are able to identify and understand the spices we use, then suddenly they find this cuisine is not as hard to make after all.
  • 2. Health Benefits Of Spices From Around The World Spices play a significant role in the way we cook and consume food around the world. Every spice has its own flavoring and essence, and its addition or omission can literally make or break a dish.There are many spices we use in our day to day cooking, these include popular ones like cumin, black pepper, turmeric and coriander seeds. In the ancient times, India attracted traders from remote parts of the world in search of exotic spices. Many of these traders went back with their share, while some even settled down and brought in some of their home-grown spices. Such is the role of spices in Indian culture. Spices are known to have several health benefits; in fact it's the addition of a bouquet of spices, that make traditional indian home- cooked food one of the healthiest meals eaten around the world. Spices come with notable nutritional values and provide some major health benefits.
  • 3. Ashwagandha - a horse-like plant! Ashwagandha Vajigandha, Balda,Taurus is a medicine that gives strength. Useful in many ailments.The raw root smells like a horse so it is called Ashwagandha.Also, Ashwagandha is known as a horse-like stimulant, a strong metal enhancer.Ashwagandha is a plant that alleviates flatulence. Ashwagandha is a pain reliever caused by wind. If goiter is swollen, apply a paste of ashwagandha leaves on it to reduce the pain of swelling.The oil made using Ashwagandha is useful for flatulence, weakness, pain in hands and feet.This ashwagandha oil is used for massage to reduce flatulence. The limbs strengthen the muscles. Ashwagandha is a cough suppressant and asthma sufferer. Ashwagandha is used in cough, anemia and asthma.
  • 4. Turmeric: Medicinal gold in the kitchen Turmeric, its introduction, is not new to Indians. Pre-existing turmeric is used for your health. It is an important custom to wear turmeric during a wedding ceremony. Only turmeric is used in many skin products.This means that turmeric has such a good effect on our body and character. Outsiders are telling you how good your turmeric milk, popularly known as Intermediate Turmeric Latte, is.And we have been getting turmeric milk easily since childhood. Turmeric is applied immediately after any wound, bruise or bleeding.There are things you just get used to.Various names like Haridra (correction of body color), Kanchani (yellow like gold), Nisha,Varvarnini, Gauri, Krumighna,Yoshitapriya, Hattvilasini have come up in Ayurveda for turmeric.
  • 5. Nutmeg - Aromatic and useful spice Shrikhand Puranpoli is not fun without the aroma of nutmeg. Whether it is in betel nut or in basundi, if you add a little nutmeg, you get all the aroma, taste and medicinal properties. We can see how rich India is in terms of spices. Digestive aromatic spices for sweets e.g. Nutmeg Cardamom Cinnamon has flavor and digestion of sweets. Mire coriander cumin etc. for spicy foods. We have many spices. We use them in cooking. So you don't need artificial essence. Of course, we should know and take care of it. Nutmeg is one of them. These nutmeg are known by various names like Jatiphal, Maltiphal, Majjasar, Kusumphal. When the fruit of the nutmeg tree ripens, the seeds are dried in the sun.The sound of movement from these seeds began to break and the seeds were removed and the inner nutmeg was sold in the market. Seed husk is also used as dried nutmeg.
  • 6. Mire - kitchen spice Black pepper is an important spice in cooking.A spice that adds spice to vegetables and soups.Vellaj (growing on the valley) Krishna Ushna Suvritta Palit Shyam Kol Krishna Yavanesht Vrutfal Shakang (used while making vegetables) Katuk (spicy taste) Various names have come up in Ayurveda for chilli or chilli. There is a pepper vine. When the fruit is ready, the fruit is cut off and dried in the sun for a week. Mire reaches out to you by picking good fruits. Mire tastes very hot. Mire is used as a spice in many vegetables and has many medicinal uses.
  • 7. Cinnamon - Aromatic Spice! Biryani, masale bhat, narli bhat or goda masala cinnamon are very popular. One of the fragrant spices. Whether it is khada masala or ground masala, cinnamon gives a different flavor. Cinnamon is an important spice in cooking as well as an excellent remedy for many ailments. In Ayurveda, cinnamon has many alternative names. E.g. Passionate (pungent perfume) Skin (used for peel skin experiment) Facial cleansing, aroma, wheat odor, perfumery, heart, pleasing, alcoholic. Cinnamon is a tall evergreen tree.The bark of an old tree is dry and brittle. It tastes a little bitter and spicy. We also use bay leaves or bay leaves of cinnamon tree in spices.
  • 8. Vekhand - Aromatic multi-useful tuber Vekhand is well known in many homes, including grandmother's wallet, home remedies.Vekhand is used in various forms like Vacha Balguti, Dhuri, Lap.Vekhanda has an evergreen kshup.There are tubers that grow like ground tubers. As it reduces pain and swelling, it is used in rheumatism, headache and rheumatic disorders. The strong odor helps to reduce the phlegm that accumulates in the throat and chest.Therefore, in case of cold in the chest, if the phlegm gets thick, it is rubbed and applied. Cough is especially useful in children with asthma and colds. If there is fever due to cold, remove the vekhanda and apply vekhanda on the forehead. So that the fever does not rise and go to the head.
  • 9. Ahaliv- A small seed that increases strength! A very big social change in Lockdown Many people have experienced that a trend starts on social media and everyone starts imitating it. You must have experienced a lot about gluttony.There were so many trends like broken fruit, cake, dolgana coffee at home that many made and shared on social media. I also got to read a trend called Ahaliv Laddu. Someone made it themselves as they have culinary skills. Someone asked for it.The importance of Ahaliwa was explained to everyone. In Ayurveda
  • 10. Licorice - a sweet-tasting plant! We use sweet sticks of Jeshthamadha or Madhuyashti in the mask. Licorice powder is used in finely chopped sweet betel nut. Licorice is readily available. Licorice is a sweet juice. It is also called Madhuk. In Ayurveda, senior honey is used as medicine in many places. Whether it is digestive disorders or respiratory or cold cough, it is beneficial to chew a piece of elder honey or powder. In case of dehydration due to nausea or bile, the extract of elder honey should be given in small amounts frequently.This reduces the burning sensation in the chest. Licorice works best on all hair complaints. In case of hair loss or hair ripening, honey extract should be used for washing hair. If there is an injury or ulcer, the wound heals quickly if the elder honey is used as an ointment with ghee.
  • 11. Fennel - A beneficial dill in every home Dill or fennel is present in every home. Dill is used in some foods to make it taste good. Many people have a habit of eating dill after a meal.A mixture of dill, elder honey, betel nut etc. is made at home in the form of mask. We all know that dill is used to digest food and prevent bad breath. Let's see how dill is useful in other cases as well. Fennel: In Ayurveda, it has various alternative names like Mishreya, Madhura (having sweet taste), Mishi, Madhurika, Chhatra. Misreya tastes like a sweet, bitter red mixed juice. Fennel or mishriya is cold. So it reduces the increased bile. It is useful to get rid of nausea and vomiting. In case of frequent thirst, soak dill in hot water and strain it after cooling. It also quenches thirst and digestion. In case of sticky stools, colic with constipation, taking dill along with stomach cleansing medicine reduces constipation and clears the stomach. In case of sticky thin mucus, remove the shepa or take the powder with hot water.
  • 12. Coriander - a cure for many ailments! Cilantro or coriander is an integral part of any spicy food. Every housewife uses fresh green cilantro to enhance the taste of the food while cooking. Coriander or coriander powder is used in spices. Did you know that there are many medicinal properties hidden in this plant besides enhancing the taste? Coriander and Cilantro: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Coriander and Cilantro | The Old Farmer's Almanac In Ayurveda, there are various alternative names such as Dhanyak, Kustumburu (Kutsitam Rogsamuh Tumbati Ardayati Iti - Rigsamuh Durkare Tridosha Har),Vitunnak (Vigat Tunnam Dukhmasmat - which removes many afflictions). Coriander and cilantro are used as medicine both internally and externally. Cilantro paste is anti-inflammatory.
  • 13. Sandalwood - an anti-inflammatory plant! The fragrant sandalwood trunk is found in many temples. Sandalwood Soap Incense Cream Lotion Perfume We use this fragrant plant in many ways. Sandalwood Tika is applied in the form of sandalwood paste not only because of its pleasant smell but also because of its cooling properties.This anti-inflammatory fragrant sandalwood is used medicinally in Ayurveda for many ailments. Sandalwood paste is useful if the skin is on fire. If you are suffering from heat stroke, it is useful to apply sandalwood on the scalp. If sweat is foul smelling, if body is smelling of sweat, sandalwood should be bathed in bath water. bile scarring and fire.
  • 14. Clove - Keep the odor away! Many people are accustomed to taking cloves for mouthwash. Clove is used as a fragrance or as a home remedy. Clove is especially used in pulao biryani, sugar rice, coconut rice or vidya leaves. Various alternative names like Devakusum, Sriprasun, Chandanpuspak, Warij have come up in Ayurveda for cloves. Clove is used in the form of buds. Drying is available in this market. Clove and oil extracted from it are useful for medicinal purposes.
  • 15. Sandhav - Salt beneficial to health! Salt is an integral part of the diet. There is no taste in food without salt. In Ayurveda, the types and properties of salt are stated. Any salt should be used sparingly. In practice, we rarely use Sendha, sea salt or any other weed salt. All these salts have different properties. Accordingly, its effect on the body is seen. * Let's see what are the qualities of Sandhwa- Of all the types of salt obtained from Sandhav, Sandhav is less sharp, sweet, beneficial for the heart, reduces the three defects of tridoshashamak, vata pitta kapha, is easy to digest, is mild, is beneficial for the eyes, and ignites gastritis. From these qualities it can be seen that sandhavmeet is most beneficial to the body. Charakacharya has also stated that Sandhav salt is the best of all salts (salt type).
  • 16. Triphala - Triphala medicine for many ailments! Triphala powder is a medicine known to many.Triphala powder is famous for its stomach cleansing powder. But in addition to this,Triphala is a chemical medicine that cures many ailments. The name Triphala suggests that it uses three fruits.These three fruits are Hirda, Behda and Amla.The fruits of these three plants are used in Triphala. What are the characteristics of these three plants - Hirda - meaning green, contains 5 juices of shadars. Sweet, sour, bitter, bitter, all five juices are not just salty juices. It is easy to digest, increases gastritis, helps in digestion of food, cleanses the stomach. Besides, it is enlightening and gives longevity. It is useful in the form of medicine for many ailments such as leprosy, pandu, tuberculosis, obesity and hemorrhoids.
  • 17. ‘Cumin ` - Multiplicity will improve digestion! Kitchen spices have many medicinal properties.That is why these different spices are used in different dishes in your home. Indian food culture is characterized by the use of this spice.These spices are skillfully used in every home.The main purpose is to taste the food; However, since some substances are hot, spicy and increase bile, taking too much of it continuously can also cause disorders.The use of spices is expected to enhance the taste of vegetables or amti and make it easier to digest. Cumin:Very useful spice substance. We use cumin seeds to enhance the taste of amkti. Cumin is also called as digestive. In Ayurveda, Jirak and Krishnajirak (Shahajire) are described.
  • 18. Ova - a little ova is a must in every home! Ojwa (Ajwain) is used in many foods for flavor. Ova tastes good with puri, paratha, chakli etc.Also, knowing that ova has many benefits, every housewife uses ova wisely. We take ova bhajan as a mask. In Ayurveda, many virtues of Ova are mentioned. Let's look at its health benefits and uses. It is called Yavani, Parsley, Deepyaka. What a perfect name for Deepika! This is a feature of Ayurveda. Its nomenclature from the merits of the plant. You will also notice how large your vocabulary is. Dipyaka as the gastrointestinal tract illuminates! So Ova is hot.Therefore, it is mitigating / reducing but increasing bile.The main one that enhances interest, reduces colic is the best dewormer. Is deworming.
  • 19. Ginger: Herbal medicine in Ayurveda! You may know a Marathi saying‘Sunthivachun khokla gela’. Used to mean solving a problem without any treatment. But do you know how useful this ginger is for many ailments like cough? Ginger is made by drying ginger. Ginger is hard to digest while ginger is light (due to loss of moisture). Increases appetite, digestion. Cough and flatulence. In Ayurveda, shunthi (made by drying) is said to be a herbal medicine,Vishwabhesaj (being useful for many ailments). Advantages, uses and disadvantages of ginger - Ginger ... In Ayurveda, it is said to use ginger in the diet while explaining the rainy season. (Tratucharya - Guidance on what to eat according to the season, how to live so that the bad effects of the season on the body.)