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Spanglish Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Spanglish" presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly,
Spanglish itself is a complex linguistic phenomenon, blending Spanish and English in various
ways depending on cultural context, regional influences, and individual usage. Exploring its
nuances requires a deep understanding of both languages and their intersection within Hispanic
Moreover, writing about Spanglish demands a nuanced approach to cultural sensitivity and
identity politics. It's crucial to navigate the topic with respect for the communities that use
Spanglish as a mode of communication, acknowledging its significance in reflecting cultural
hybridity and the experiences of bilingual individuals.
Additionally, research on Spanglish may involve delving into sociolinguistics, historical contexts,
literary representations, and popular culture references. Synthesizing these diverse sources while
maintaining coherence and relevance in the essay can be challenging.
Furthermore, addressing the broader implications of Spanglish, such as its impact on language
preservation, education policies, or identity formation, requires critical analysis and thoughtful
engagement with academic discourse.
Overall, writing an essay on Spanglish necessitates not only linguistic expertise but also cultural
awareness, sensitivity, and critical thinking skills. It's a task that demands thorough research,
careful consideration of diverse perspectives, and skillful articulation to do justice to the
complexity of the topic.
At, you can find assistance with similar essays and a wide range of other
topics, ensuring that your academic writing endeavors are met with professionalism and
Spanglish Essay Spanglish Essay
Auschwitz Concentration Camp Research Paper
Auschwitz Concentration Camp Many people may know the holocaust as one of the
deadliest genocides in history. The killing of more than 10 million innocent people
was led by fascist and leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler. The Auschwitz concentration
camp was one of the central and most infamous camps of all. About 4.1 million
people were executed at Auschwitz for their sexual orientation, religion or race. The
Auschwitz concentration camp, a major extermination and labor camp during the
holocaust, embodies the characteristic of deadliness through extensive labor and
ruthless murdering of Jews and other flawed citizens. To start, the Auschwitz
concentration camp used inmates as slaves to work in fields and factories to
produce goods like food, weapons, or vehicles for war and the guards working at
the camp. Inmates were sometimes placed in oil or rubber factories to manufacture
weapons and war materials for the ongoing World War II. David J. Hogan, editor of...
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In addition, the Holocaust overall resulted in the deaths of about 1.3 million victims
between 1940 and 1945 according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
article, Auschwitz. This shows the shear amount of lives destroyed during the short 5
year span. To continue, the evacuation of the Auschwitz complex included the
marching of the remainder of the 60,000 inmates not killed before being liberated by
the Russian army. Almost last, the Auschwitz camp was built from a small town in a
lonely, isolated Polish town, eventually spiraling into ruthless leaders and the hiring
of vicious SS guards. Finally, the Auschwitz concentration camp, a major
extermination and labor camp during the holocaust, embodies the characteristic of
deadliness through extensive labor and ruthless murdering of Jews and other flawed
Synthesis Synthesis Lab Report
Abstract: Synthesis of new compounds 2 (bis((1H benzo[d]imidazol 2
yl)methylthio)methyl) 1H benzo[d]imidazole (6a) and 2 ((((1H benzo[d]imidazol 2
yl)(((5 hydroxy 1H benzo[d]imidazol 2 yl)methyl)sulfanyl)methyl)sulfanyl)methyl)
3H benzo[d]imidazol 5 ol (6b) were carried out under two different reaction
conditions, namely the conventional method and microwave irradiation conditions.
The compounds (3a,b), (5a,b) and (6a,b) were synthesized by using microwave
methods which showed decrease in the reaction time and increasing in the yield as
shown in Table (1). The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by
IR; NMR and elemental analysis. The antimicrobial activityof the synthesized
benzimidazolemethanethiol derivatives... Show more content on ...
HCl)33, respectively, with 2 mercaptoacetic acid (2) in the presence of 6M
hydrochloric acid under reflux for 4 hours in 70% yield. 1H NMR spectrum of 3a ,
as an example, showed a singlet at 1.7 for SH, singlet at 3.8 for methylene group
and benzimidazole protons at 7.4 and 7.6 ppm. Compounds 3a and 3b were heated
with 2,2 dichloroacetic acid (4) and potassium carbonate in absolute ethanol under
reflux for 3 hours to give 2,2 bis(((1H benzo[d]imidazol 2 yl)methyl)thio)acetic acid
(5a) in 69% yield and 2,2` bis(((5 hydroxy 1H
benzo[d]imidazolyl)methyl)thio)acetic acid (5b) in 66% yield, respectively.
Compounds 5a,b gave compatible spectroscopic data (Experimental).
Condensation of o phenylenediamine (1) with each of 5a,b in the present of 6N
hydrochloric acid give 2,2` ((((1H benzo[d]imidazol 2 yl)methylene)bis(sulfane
diyl))bis (methylene))bis (1H benzo[d]imidazole(6a) in 66% yield, and2,2` ((((1H
benzo[d]imi dazol 2 yl)bis(sulfane diyl)bis(methylene)) bis(1H benzo d]imidazol
5 ol) (6b) in 61% yield; Scheme (1). 1H NMR of 6a showed a singlet signal at 4.2
ppm for two methylene group, a singlet at 5.1 ppm for CH, 7.4 and 7.7 ppm for
aromatic protons. Its 13C NMR spectrum showed signal at 36.3 ppm for two
methylene groups, 68.8 ppm for methine. 1H NMR spectrum of (5b) showed a
singlet at 4.3 ppm as four protons for two methylene groups; singlet at 5.3 ppm as
one proton for methine group, and 6 aromatic protons at 7.2, 7.4 and 7.6
The Security Council And International Law
There has been difficulty in defining terrorism in international law due to changes in
terrorist methodology and the lack of any precise definition of the term terrorism .
The United Nations General Assembly also condemned acts of terrorism without
defining it. Therefore a functional approach had been adopted through treaties dealing
with the forms of terrorism considered to be unacceptable. Although, it is agreed upon
in international law that terrorism is unlawful, it is not addressed whether it is a
casus belli, an unlawful act that justifies a military response. There is a general duty
for states to act thoroughly to avert the performance of violent and terrorist acts
within its territory. However, this duty is breached when governments support
terrorism or fails to apprehend terrorists.
This essay seeks to analyse the justiciability of military force under the Security
Council Resolution in two different circumstances which will be seen under part (i)
and part (ii) below.
The essay will firstly discuss the Security Council s (SC) role in maintaining
international peace and security through Article 2(4) and whether terrorism allows for
the use of force under self defence. It will then explain how the use of force against a
State can be balanced with the violation of a State s territorial integrity through
customary law elements. The other sources of international law that influence the
justiciability of force against terrorism include jus cogens and
Analysis Of The Book World Record Hot Dog Eaters
When I was given this assignment I was expecting to end up reading something a
little difficult to follow and full of bland material that was written as colorfully as
possible, making reading a book about economics bearable. This book was quit the
opposite. The book did not consist of GDP, exchange rates, economic trends,
international stage, mixed capitalism or finance. Instead, the book told stories of
world record hot dog eaters, the similarities between famous musicians and kings,
self driven vehicles, ping pong competitions, babies bribed with candy, and the
discovery of the cause of ulcers. The entire book was based upon how we, as
pieces of an economic system, can look at the world and the problems in it from
different perspectives. Think Like a Freak essentially tries to teach the reader how
to do just that; think like a freak. What Does it Mean to Think Like a Freak? The
beginning chapters in this book sets you up to have an open mind and ask
questions about societies perceptions v. reality. The authors challenge the way you
think about things whose answers are seemingly obvious. One of my favorite
concepts of this book is that it tells you the truth about people that society
sometimes causes people not to admit to themselves. For instance, it is sometimes
harder to say I don t know when you really don t know the answer to something
than it is to just give a false answer, although you may be well aware that your
answer is not 100% correct. The
The Wachowski Brothers The Matrix
The Matrix is a film directed by the Wachowski Brothers depicting a future in which
machines rule. The machines have created a complex computer program called the
matrix which simulates a form of reality. The machines have enslaved humans by
hooking them up to the matrix so that they can harvest them as an energy source. A
number of people have been able to escape the matrixand they continue to fight the
war against the machines in hopes of being able to free everyone still trapped within
the matrix. Throughout the film the main characters Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity
enter back into the matrix several times for various reasons. Because the film bounces
back and forth between reality and the matrix, the film induces a strong theme of...
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The matrix sets were designed to have a worn and torn look that was imposing and
grid like. The scenes depicting the characters in the real world mostly took place on
the ship, Nebuchadnezzar. These sets were designed to have a patched up look where
the wires and components of the ship were clearly visible, communicating the idea to
the audience that the ship is a marriage between man and machine. In addition to how
the sets looked, how the scenes were shot within those sets added to theme as well.
When the characters were within the matrix, the scenes were shot using a green tint,
mimicking the feel of early monochrome computer monitors. When the characters
were in the real world, they used a blue tint and longer shot lenses which soften the
background while putting more emphasis on the characters.
As I also mentioned earlier, the actual appearance of the characters in the film is
another component in the theme of appearance verses reality. When the main
characters are in the real world, they are shown with having a connection port on the
back of their necks. This connection port is the means by which the characters can
reconnect to the matrix. The characters were also depicted in the real world as
wearing clothes with a more textile feel, and hair that is less stylized. When
compared to how these characters are depicted when they are inside the
A Sense of Atmosphere in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll...
A Sense of Atmosphere in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
Introduction: The tension and suspense in the novel begins with the title, The
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It makes you want to know what the
strange case was and how it affected the characters. One day, Utterson was out
walking with the town distant kinsman Mr. Enfield when they passed a house
Mr.Enfield tells Mr Utterson a strange case about the house. Description of the house
makes reader feel mysterious. It is very strange compared to other houses.
Appearance of the house foreshadows Mr.Hyde because the atmosphere of the house
gives a sinister that it is clearly cold and unwelcoming just like its owner.... Show
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The house and name of Hyde gives secrecy. As I have written before, Mr.Enfield
description of the house adds mystery. Cannot see inside, nobody goes in and out
but once in a great while. Which creates very mysterious atmosphere and tension
on the reader and Mr.Utterson? The name Hyde sounds mysterious as well. It very
sounds like Hide , not to be seen. Gives mystery but nothing. All the description
about Mr.Hyde is strange to the reader. There is SOMETHING (gives mystery)
wrong with his appearance; something downright detestable. He gives a strong
feeling of deformity. Writer tries to give very little information about Hyde, and it
is not definitely horrific but reader gets the feeling or a presence of horror and
very strong mystery. Mr.Enfield says, Let s make a bargain never to refer to this
again. Reader and Mr.Utterson wants to know more about Hyde to solve the
mystery but Enfield s wants to forget about him. Reader and Mr.Utterson knows
just a little bit about Hyde and it is quite puzzled. Puzzled knowledge creates
mystery and makes reader to desire for solving the mystery which also leads us to
creating a sense of atmosphere. Characters: There are four characters in opening
chapter of the novel: Hyde, Utterson, Enfield and Cain heresy. But I will be referring
to the three main ones. Mr Utterson is a
St. Jude Hospital Essay
St. Jude Children s Research Hospital St. Jude Children s Research Hospital is a
non profit organization that helps battle pediatric cancers. St. Jude Children s
Research Hospital is not your typical children s hospital. The services and support
they provide to their patients is unique as their founder Danny Thomas. I will
explore their founder s history, mission, and how they are able to continue the work
today. Danny Thomas was the founder of the hospital. The story begins when Mr.
Thomas went to church one day. He was so moved by the Mass that he gave his
last $7 dollars to the church. He realized soon after that he had offered the only
money he had to pay for hospital expenses for the birth of his first child. At that
moment... Show more content on ...
He went to his fellow friends in the Arabic community for their help. In 1957
Danny along with his friends formed the ALSAC (American Lebanese Syrian
Associated Charities). ALSAC purpose is to raise money for the hospital. It is
now the third largest health care charity. Some of the fundraisers that are held
include: FedEx St. Jude Classic, St. Jude Math a thon, Up til Dawn, radio thons, St
Jude Dream Home Giveaway, St. Jude Hope Gift Book, NBA Hoops for St Jude
Week and St Jude Give thanks. Give hope campaign. St. Jude is known for being at
the forefront of battling pediatric cancers. It was also the first hospital in Memphis
where patients were integrated in the same room. St Jude had a large impact on
nutrition in the United States. Physicians from the hospital created a volunteer
health clinic to treat some of the poorer areas of Memphis. They made a major
discovery. They found that a majority of the members in the community were
malnourished. The director of the hospital decided that this was a major
catastrophic disease and took action to create a research study. A news station
decided to do a report on the program that happened to catch the attention of a
senator. The senator then helped to create the Child Nutrition Act with the help of
St Jude which led to the creation of the WIC program. WIC serves 53 percent of the
infants born in the US (St. Jude Children Research Hospital). In the 1980s a new
disease was striking children and the
Common Themes in Poetry Essay
Common Themes in Poetry
After reading and analysing numerous poems, I have chosen two examples of the
famous Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney s work: Follower and
Mid Term Break . Both poems relate to the poet s past, and are certainly associated
with a specific loss of a loved one one a literal loss, and the other a subconscious loss.
Mid Term Break , which I found to be a very touching and poignant poem,
describes the loss of the poet s younger brother, Christopher when Heaney was a
child, hence the poem is of a childhood tragedy as well as a loss. It s set in three
places the introduction is situated in the college sick bay; the main body of the poem
is set in
Heaney s brother s funeral, and the final setting is the ... Show more content on ...
Also, we acknowledge that this isn t just any ordinary funeral someone very dear has
been lost, a small treasure; a small treasure who s absence has caused the strongest of
rocks to crumble into an emotional state.
A double meaning is presented in the final line of the second stanza:
Big Jim Evans saying it was a hard blow
The hard blow may be referring to the actual blow that killed
Christopher (as he was killed by a car), or the fact that it s a hard blow to the
family. Either way, one fact becomes apparent: the Heaney family have the support
and love of everyone around them, but that doesn t counteract for the tragic loss of
Christopher it may help clean the wound, but the scar will forever be visible. We also
attain the knowledge, due to his very personal identity, that Big Jim Evans is a family
friend, and that he himself is shaken by the situation considering his very plain and
yet meaningful comment. Again, the sadness and incredibility of the incident is
underlined not only family members are grieving.
Another detection of change is seen in the third stanza, and this time it s a very
uncomfortable change:
I was embarrassed
By old men standing up to shake my hand
I find
FXT2 Task 1 Essay
FXT2 Enterprise Continuity
The purpose of this presentation is to educate you on disaster recovery plans and/or
enterprise continuity plan. The following slide will include basic structures, roles in
the plan, and employee awareness.
FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan
The presentation will cover the following topics
Employee responsibilities of a ECP/DRP
Operational disturbance optimization
High level employee education plan
ECP/DRP content with input from IT vendors
Employee awareness education program
FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan
Team Responsibilities
Emergency Management Team
Top tier of emergency response team that manages lower teams.
Physical Security Team
Responsible for maintaining physical security ... Show more content on ...
Failure points could be hardware/software or personnel. To mitigate these points
assessments will be made in how to best mitigate the failure and what would need to
be done to prevent it from causing an outage.
Single point would be one user knows how a specific system/hardware functions.
He/She is out sick during and outage or in my case people like to say gets hit by a
bus. To mitigate this, hire additional resources or cross train resources to handle the
system/hardware as a backup function in the even he/she is out of the office.
Instead of having one physical piece of hardware that could fail, setup virtualization
with redundancy. Virtualization platforms today have the ability to shift a virtual
machine from one physical host to another in the event of a failure to provide fault
FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan
Facilities/Security Layer Organization
This layer deals with the physical aspects of the campus. For example, heating,
cooling, power, access controls to secured locations of the campus.
Work with power provider(s) to establish redundant power from multiple grids.
Establish generator services for portions of the campus where power downtime is not
FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan
A3. Disaster Recovery Training
First define the most senior personnel to provide administration in the
The Organization On The Industrial Landscape Of India
The advent of JK organization on the industrial landscape of India almost
synchronizes with the beginning of an era of industrial awareness an endeavor for
self reliance and the setting up of a dynamic Indian industry. This was way back in
the middle of the 19th century, and the rest that followed is history. Excellence
comes not from mere words or procedures. It comes from an urge to strive and
deliver the best. A mindset that says, when it is good enough, improve it. It is a way
of thinking that comes only from a power within.
Jk tyre is an Automotive Tyre, Tubes and Flaps manufacturing company based in
Delhi, India. The name JK is derived from the initials of Kamlapatji (1884 1937) and
his father Seth Juggilal (1857 1922).
It is the Radial tire Leader in India and is the only tyre manufacturer offering the
entire range of 4 wheeler radials for Trucks, Buses and Cars.
JK Tyre has a worldwide customer base in over 80 countries across all 6 continents. It
is a part of J. K. Organisation group of Companies. JK Tyre acquired Mexican tyre
major Tornel in 2008.
1.1 Core Values:
JK organization has been a forerunner in the economic and social advancement of
India. It always aimed at creating job opportunities for a multitude of countrymen and
to provide high quality products. It has striven to
Differences Between Homeland Security And Homeland
Introduction This paper covers homeland security and homeland defense and how
they are both interpreted according to national strategies and current policies. There
are defining differences between homeland security and homeland defense. This starts
by identifying how missions, tasks, duties, responsibilities, operations, and others key
areas are implemented. Also, being able to determine necessary resources and the
shared responsibilities and efforts between the two will allow for a better
understanding when drawing upon and defining homeland security. In addition, an
assessment of the nation s critical infrastructure and how it relates to homeland
security and homeland defense will be described. This paper will further explore how
vulnerabilities should be addressed as they relate to the nation s infrastructure
protection efforts.
Homeland Security
The overarching mission of Homeland Security is to safeguard and secure the nation
from terrorist attacks and other perceived threats. This concept has progressively
evolved over the course of a decade. Analyst Shawn Reese (2013), describes the
concept of homeland security as a combination of law enforcement, disaster,
immigration, and terrorism issues (p. 2). Homeland security falls under the
responsibility of civilian agencies and the government at all levels. The Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) describes its vision through several key concepts, which
are; security, resiliency, and customs and exchange. The five
Ludwig Van Beethoven ( 1770-1827 )
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 1827) was a German composer, a representative of the
Viennese classical musical school; was born in Bonn, but spent most of his life in
Vienna. Notably, Beethoven s music is a complex synthesis of creative achievements
of the Viennese classics (Gluck, Haydn, Mozart); art of the French Revolution; and
the new emerging artistic direction, Romanticism. The works of Beethoven bear the
imprint of ideology, aesthetics, and art of the Enlightenment. This explains the logic,
clarity of form, reasoning of the whole artistic design and the particular parts of
works. Being the composer of a new era, Beethoven expressed intonation using
different tones dynamic, restless, sharp. Thus, the sound of his music became much
more saturated, dense, and dramatically contrasting. As a result, his musical themes
were laconic, yet austerely simple. The audience was impressed by emotional power
of Beethoven s music, manifesting in the rapid tension, grand epic sweep, or the
soulful lyrics. But these qualities of art of Beethoven were admired by the musicians
of the Romantic. And although the link with Beethoven and Romanticism is
undeniable, his art in its main outlines does not correlate with that period. At least, it
does not fit entirely in the frame of classicism, since Beethoven, like few others, was
unique and multi faceted.
Topics of Beethoven Works

primarily focused on the hero s life, flowing in the constant struggle for the common
bright future.
Commentary On The Book Night By Elie Wiesel
After reading the book Night the Nazi treated the people like nothing. When
families arrives at Auschwitz, the men and women are separated, and Elie sees his
mother and sisters vanishing in the distance. He holds onto his father and is
determined not to lose him. A fellow prisoner tells Elie to say that he is eighteen
(though he is really fifteen) and that his father is forty (though he is fifty). The
prisoners who have been at Auschwitz for a while are brutal and cruel to the new
arrivals, and one of them tells them about the crematory. Some of the young men
talk about revolting, but are silenced by their elders. Thereafter, everyone is forced to
march past SS officer, who uses a baton to pick out who will remain alive and who
will go to
Is Online Learning As Good
Is Online Learning as Good as Face to Face Learning? Technological advancement has
brought up new ways of doing things. Traditionally, the manufacturing industry had to
employ hundreds of workers to ensure that work was done in the right manner. They
had to lift heavy machinery or use forklifts to ensure the heavy machineries were
fixed in the correct place. Technological advancement brought about the principle of
robotics. Companies are happy in the modern times to use robotics in manufacturing,
thus eliminating the need for many workers and professionals. Once the robot has
been computerized or programmed, it is able to perform all machinery work with
minimal or no supervision and still produces the same results compared to human
factor that produces varying results with the same input. Likewise, education has
taken advantage of technological advancement; not only are books being bought and
rented, they are read online. Online learning is a modern time invention that was
necessitated by the need from the many people who finance education for their own
benefit, the working class, the international students and the marginalized class. With
online education, one is able to learn more conveniently and undertake other
responsibilities with ease (Coates et al 4 7). One does not have to hurry to attend
classes since online classes can be conducted from the convenience of home or any
other location. Face to face learning allows the instructor to get individual attention
Summary Of Random Acts Of Kindness Defines Who We
Really Are
In the text, Random Acts Of Kindness Defines Who We Really Are, the author is
writing to not only inform the reader about what the around a person who might
judge you or say something about you that you don t like. The author makes many
diverse quotes that has the same effect as the one above throughout the entire text,
these types of quotes gives examples for the quote that was stated early. One
example from the text states, Small acts of kindness like leaving a meal for a
homeless person or paying off a stranger s layaway balance at Kmart, start trends
with more people getting in on the act because they are such feel good stories. The
author uses this effects of being kind are, but also to persuade the reader to be kind
and do good deeds
Analysis of The Complete Maus, by Art Spiegelman
When reading a traditional book, it is up to the reader to imagine the faces and
landscapes that are described within. A well written story will describe the images
clearly so that you can easily picture the details. In Art Spiegelman s The Complete
Maus, the use of the animals in place of the humans offers a rather comical view in
its simplistic relation to the subject and at the same time develops a cryptic mood
within the story. His drawings of living conditions in Auschwitz; expressions on the
faces of people enduring torture, starvation, and despair; his experience with the
mental institution and his mother s suicide; and occasional snapshots of certain
individuals, create a new dynamic between book and reader. By using the form of...
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Art shows the obsessive compulsive aspects of Vladek with intensity. As you
listen to Vladek s story, you begin to understand his driving need to keep
everything. Living in an infested prison with little food and drink, he had to learn
to survive. With small tokens from his life before Auschwitz, Art began to make
allies and trade for food and clothing. Teaching English to a guard and acquiring
some basic necessities for survival, as a tinsmith he found people to trade for food
and gave gifts to his Kapo to gain favor and better treatment, he even fixed the
boots of his wife s Kapo and afterwards his wife was no longer treated so poorly.
Vladek had to salvage anything that might be of value to someone else and
eventually was even able to move his wife closer so he could keep an eye on her.
Soon his obsession with saving anything he can get his hands on starts to make
sense. As you take in the story of Auschwitz, there are moments when you realize
how easily he Vladek is telling the story. He describes times when the prisoners are
inspected for health and if they pass they are sent back to the barracks to continue
working and if they are too sick then they are removed from the camp. Art uses the
smokestack to represent those who are taken away and sent to the gas chamber, the
devastating image is chilling and leaves a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. It is
such a simple drawing, small
Jim Crow Laws Vs Apartheid
As a result of the government mandated segregation, resistance in both the United
States and South Africa escalated. In other words, the history of the African civil
rights movement taught: Nationalism has been tested in the people s struggles . . .
and found to be the only antidote against foreign rule and modern imperialism
(Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom 2008, 156). By comparing and contrasting the
Jim Crow Laws and apartheid, we are able convey that nationalism ultimately lead to
activism and reform. In both countries, the schism between Africans and their
government worsened. To illustrate: [The Emancipation Proclamation] ended
[slavery] . . . , but blacks . . . had more in common with African American slaves . . .
than with the [Caucasian businessmen] (Bausum 2012, 19). For instance, Congress
passed the discriminatory Jim Crow Laws in order to establish a hierarchy based on
the plantation mentality (Bausum 2012, 14). For South Africans, the National Party
(the Nats) in 1948, made apartheid the official law. Both forms of segregation
continued the cycle of poverty for coloured people and ensured [that Caucasians had
better quality education], hospitals, and other public services (Rose 2011, 12). For
example, African American garbage men s insufficient salary was based on their
garbage routes rather than an hourly wage (Bausum 2012, 14). Similarly, black South
African staff received inadequate pay and the law outlawed strikes and the formation
of unions.
Trinity Of The Holy Spirit Research Paper
The third person in the trinity is the Holy Spirit. Many times people tend to believe
there is a hierarchy in the trinity, and often the Holy Spirit is at the bottom. This is
not; the Holy Spirit is just as important as the Father and the Son. The trinity is made
up of three people who are equally important. The Holy Spiritdwells inside all
believers and guides them throughout their life. He is also the one to bring believer
s heart s to the point of conviction. He is significant because he is referenced in the
Bible in 261 different passages; fifty six of those are found in the gospels
(Willmington 641).
God s character is similar to the Father s and the Son s. He is a divine being just the
same as the other persons of the trinity. The Holy ... Show more content on ...
God s ministry started in the very beginning with the creation of the universe
(Willmington 645). Psalm 19:1 says, the heavens declare the glory of God...
(NKJV) proving He created the universe. Another ministry He worked through is
the writing of the scriptures. The Holy Spirit is the author of the Scripture. He had
three basic preparation and reception guidelines for His divine manuscript, these
are called the steps of the spirit . They are revelation, Inspiration, and Illumination
(Willmington 645). In both the Old and New Testaments it is proven that the
scriptures are the work of the Holy Spirit (II Samuel 23:2, John 14:25 26). Another
ministry of the Holy Spirit is that of the devil. The Holy Spirit limits Satan s power
(Willmington 646). ...when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord
will lift up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19). He also came to set up the most
important of the three basic institutions in the Bible, marriage, government, and the
Church. The Church is by far the most significant of the three. The Holy Spirit came
to help the early churches start and then continued to help them grow. These are just
four of the eleven ministries recorded in which the Holy Spirit did. He took part in
many ministries (Willmington
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke s Meeting
January 28 29, 2014
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke s meeting dealt mainly with the issues that
could stabilize the economy after the great recession. After creating a number of
policies to fight the 2008 crisis, Chairman s move to further reduce Quantitative
Easing was a bit of a disappointment. The Fed will reduce its purchases of long term
Treasuries and mortgage backed securities by another $10 billion a month. Apart from
this, Fed is going to concentrate on maximizing employment rates, stabilizing prices
and interest rates.
According to Staff review of the Economic Situation for January 28 29, the economic
growth rate picked up in the second half of 2013. There was a gradual increase in the
total payroll employment and a decline in unemployment rate. Consumer price
inflation was still performing poorly than expected, while longer term inflation
expectations remained stable.
According to staff review of the financial situation for January 28 29, there are
developments in emerging market economies. The Fed will continue to support
Monetary economic situations over the intermeeting period, they were critically
affected by Federal Reserve correspondences, to some degree better than anticipated
economic information discharges, and advancements in developing market
economies. On net, monetary conditions in the United States stayed strong of
development in economic action and work: Equity costs is wrinkled a bit, longer
term investment rates declined, and the
Sojourner Truth On Slavery
Sojourner Truth was born as Isabelle Baumfree in 1787 and became one of the
most famous African American women in the united states. Sojourner Truth had a
very tough life as being sold as a slave for only 100 a slave, she worked
really hard and never complained as another man do.she went through dark pains of
raped by owners and had 10 kids.during the civil war Sojourner Truthlater ecscaped
slavery and found her freedom Sojourner Truth went around and met a lot of
people, which one reason made her speech aint I a woman famous. she met
president douglass and congerman, and her stories of slaery helped change view
against was a very hard moment to express how it was like to be torchred
Analysis Of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
If I were to remake the 1974 version of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, I would
update it to have current technology. I would update the movie so people had cell
phones; I would have social media play a big part in the movie; I would also put in
updated vehicles and machinery. With these changes to the movie I feel like it
would help the movie become more modern. Nowadays everyone has a cell phone.
From 80 year olds to 10 year olds, almost everyone has a cell phone. In remaking The
Texas Chain Saw Massacrefor current times I feel like adding cell phones would be
a major key in helping the movie fit our generation. For example, the hitchhiker
wouldn t be a hitchhiker in today s society, so the only thing I could think of to
have the teenagers pick up a random person was if Franklin was using a dating app
and was going to pick up someone he has been talking to. Franklin would be
talking about how he has been talking to this girl for a while now, and he wanted to
bring her with on the teenagers trip. They would eventually find her waiting at a
bus stop to be picked up by Franklin and the rest of the teenagers. Franklin described
how caring and loving this girl was online. This girl could be a new family member
of the killers from the old movie. When she gets in the van Franklin notices right
away she doesn t look like her profile picture did online. Online she was a short
blonde girl that had a couple blue streaks in her hair, but when the teenagers pick
her up they pick up a tall girl with jet black hair. She could eventually go crazy and
the teenagers kick her out like they did with the hitchhiker in the original (Texas
Chain Saw Massacre). After they kick the crazy girl out, Pam would go on to read
off of her phone all the horoscopes that she is obsessed with. Pam talks about how
Franklin s birthday is coming up in early november making him a Scorpio. She
continues to say how this month s horoscope for Scorpios says how these next
couple of days will be strugglesome and frustrating. Another way cell phones would
change the movie would be if the lost someone in the group they would just call
them to try and figure out where they are. When Kirk and Pam go missing, someone
would most likely end up calling their
Does Brutus Love Portia
At first, it appears that Portia and Brutus have a combative marriage. The readers
first meet Portia in Act II, scene I, page 11, line 242. She is up in the wee hours of
the morning to confront Brutus about his odd behavior. The way Brutus reacts to
Portia at first may seem hostile and discriminating; however, this is not the case. The
reader can see that Brutus truly loved Portiaas an equal to himself because Brutus is
guarding his secret to protect Portia, and they re relationship is much different from
that of Caesar and Calpurnia s.
Brutus truly loved Portia as an equal to himself because he refuses to tell Portia
what is troubling him, in order to protect her. In the play, Brutus tries to convince
Portia that he is simply sick and that she should go back to bed and not worry (act
II, scene I, page 12, lines 265 and 268). Portia later proclaims that if she is strong
enough to bear a self inflicted stab wound, then she can handle what is weighing
on Brutus s mind. Brutus proceeds to wonder aloud how he is worthy of such a
noble wife (act II, scene I, page 13, lines 310 313). Readers can see that Brutus
loves his wife as an equal to himself because he wants Portia to go back to sleep for
the safety of her own health. When Portia stabs herself, Brutus does not react angrily
or even frightened. He recognizes that this ... Show more content on
Women married for money and protection not for love. An example of that kind of
marriage is Caesar and Calpurnia s marriage (act II, scene II, page 3, lines 50 56).
Due to the fact that Brutus and Portia lived during this time period, many may think
that their relationship is like everyone else s; however, this is not the case. Brutus
tells Portia that she is truly dear to him, and that she is an honorable and noble wife
(act II, scene I, page 13, lines 296 and 313). Brutus truly loved Portia as an equal to
himself, and this is apparent throughout their conversation
King Henry Rhetorical Analysis
Throughout history there have been many motivational speakers that had the
ability to reach out to all social statuses. A few of these people start with
Presidents, Morgan Freeman, Martin L. King Jr., and others. The main time period
in history we are focusing on dates back to the 1415 and he goes by the name of
King Henry the fourth. He was a great motivational speaker as he was able to
connect with all social groups from the poor to the wealthy. In battle of Agincourt, he
gave a very powerful speech to the soldiers as they were greatly outnumbered with
many lines that reached out to both the poor and the wealthy men on the
battlefield. These quotes were not only brawn but also diverse, so that it appealed
to all the different classes of soldiers in the group. Out of Henry s speech, the first
line that fascinates me is what feats he did that day: then shall our names . This
line means a lot because they are fighting on a day while everyone else in England
is off work and enjoying Saint Crispin s Day. If they are victorious, they will be
able to earn lots of honor for what they were doing on such a day that others were
resting. As the years roll around, and Saint Crispin s Day comes up again, they can
show their battle scars and explain where they came from earning them more fame to
their own name throughout the years. King Henry tried to motivate all of his men
with him for the battle through this speech by using lines that attracted all levels and
not just one group.
Reflections On Barron And Kenny
Reflections on Barron Kenny s 1986 article The Moderator Mediator Variable
Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical
The relationships between independent and dependent variables can be very
complex. Moderation and mediation is one way to make sense of this complexity, but
add a level of complexity of their own. Due to this complexity, psychological
researchers can be unclear on the differences of the terms and use them in an
inaccurate and misleading fashion, indicating that a moderation is a mediation and a
mediation is a moderation. The authors make the differences clear through explaining
that a moderator allows for changing direction or strength of relationship, while ...
Show more content on ...
A hypothesis might read that the relationship between self kindness and depression
is accounted for in part by self kindness leading to more resilience which leads to
less depression. This mediation is different than than a recent moderation effect in
another study where level of perceived social support acts as a moderator on the
relationship between a participant s level of perceived stress on the previous day
and their pain level on the following day. If a participant has more social support,
the relationship between their previous day level of perceived stress and current
day pain level is reduced compared to if they have less perceived social support.
This seems to be obviously a moderator rather than a mediator because level of
perceived social support is changing the slope of the regression line. The relationship
between the independent or predictor variable and the dependent or outcome
variable is stronger or weaker depending on the level of the mediator. It is also
possible for the relationship to change direction depending on the mediator. This
seems to further separate moderator from mediator as level of a mediator would not
change the relationship between the predictor and
The Devil And Tom Walker Romanticism
Most people have never heard of the Rationalist and Romantic movements. They
are a major part in today s literature. The story The Devil and Tom Walker by
Washington Irving is a story about a man who is conflicted with the devil and he
and his wife search for wealth. The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe is
a short but mind twisting story about the plague of the Red Death, and people trying
to use wealth to hide themselves from it. Another amazing short storywould be The
Devil and Daniel Websterby Stephen Vincent BenГ©t which is inspired by Irving s
story, and it has to do with Jabez Stone who is stuck in a predicament with the Devil
and needs to be saved. All of the stories are Romantic movements from various
different authors.... Show more content on ...
The swamp was where the Devil was in the story, The swamp was thickly grown
with great gloomy pines and hemlocks, some of them ninety feet high, which made
it dark at noonday, and a retreat for all the owls of the neighborhood (Irving 4).
Tom s wife managed to get cemented in the swamp, and later died. She would have
never gone in there if it was not for Tom and his feelings about the swamp. Tom
was scared, but also wanted the money that he found out was buried in the swamp.
These feelings all came together to influence Mrs.Walker to go into the swamp
where she eventually met her demise. It is assumed in the story that the Devil
killed her. She would not have died if it was not for Tom and his incite on the
swamp. Similarly, in the story of the Devil and Daniel Webster, the Devil almost
lead to the death of Daniel and Jabez. In the story of Daniel Webster, the Devil
summoned people up from Hell to help jury a case between Jabez Stone and the
Devil, and with that, the fire burned blue and the door blew open and twelve men
entered, one by one (BenГ©t 314). This illustration shows the power that evil can
have, and although it may not be the most realistic representation, the point still
stands. Jabez Stone made a deal with the Devil, and if it was not for Daniel Webster,
Jabez would not be alive. Jabez was due to give his life to the Devil because of the
deal that he made with him.
Who Is The Real Monster In Frankenstein
The novel Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus, by Marry Shelly is based
around the creature Victor Frankenstein creates. The creature is a fictitious
abomination and is used for several films because of its appearance. The monster
created by Victor embodies the archetypal horror character in many ways. The
creature s physical features are horrifying and chilling, as well as the murderous
actions it takes for revenge, just like the stereotypical monster depicted in other
novels and film. The creature has a repulsive appearance that solidifies his
classification as a monster. When Victor Frankensteincreates the creature, he depicts
it of being very distasteful in looks. Victor describes the creature as an eight foot tall
figure, having... Show more content on ...
The creature that Shelly depicts becomes agitated and plots revenge by murdering the
innocent people associated with Victor. The creature claims that abandonment is the
main drive fueling its rampage. The creature sets off on a warpath, first, killing
Frankenstein s brother William, and shortly killing Frankenstein s friend, and later
kills Frankenstein s bride. I could with pleasure have destroyed the cottage and its
inhabitants and have glutted myself... shows how the creature feels towards his
master and develops an attitude of killing with no remorse (). Granted, towards the
end of the novel after the creature finds out the fate of its master, it begins to
sympathize again, but for a time period the creature was in an incredibly unstable
mindset. Frankenstein says, ...towards whom I have sworn eternal revenge; you shall
be my first victim showing the pure hatred the creature has towards the Victor
Frankenstein and the people associated with him (). Victor Frankenstein creates a
monster that effortlessly kills innocent people out of revenge with no grief,
embodying the features of what any stereotypical horror character would
How Did Walt Disney Influence The World
On December 5th, 1901 a legend is born, Walter Elias Disney became an icon in the
cartoon and children movie business. From the theme park in Orlando to the cartoons
on televisions across the nation, Walt Disney has engraved his name in history and in
many of our hearts as one of the most influential people in modern art.
Walt Disney was the fourth born to a poor family in Chicago Illinois. A few years
after he Walter was born the family moved to Marceline Missouri a town of about
two thousand people. While living in Marceline Walter started to develope his
love for drawing by copying the front page of his local newspaper as well as
making his own drawings and selling them to a retired doctor. In the year of 1918
Walt Disney tried to enlist in the armed forces but he was rejected to serve in a
combat position due to him only being sixteen at the time. Instead he went to France
and drove an ambulance for the Red Cross. During his time with the Red Cross he
grew in his artistic abilities by covering the ambulance with cartoons from the front to
the back. This was the start to what would become some of the greatest cartoons in
American history (WALT).
After coming home from France Walt walter became intrigued... Show more content
on ...
Walt was known for helping struggling artists get on there feet after completing
school. One of his greatest influences was actually established after Walt died when
his wife gave the California Institute of the arts a donation to refurbish a old
auditorium which was named the Walt Disney Modular Theatre. He also had an
elementary school dedicated in his name as well as many public buildings in his
hometown of Marceline. Walt also had a profound impact on modern cartoons and
television. Another influence Walt had was with people with learning disabilities,
Walt had dyslexia and proved to many people that just because something may be
harder for some to do does not mean it can not be
Perfect storm
Book The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea SUMMARY:
AuthorSebastian Junger CountryUnited States LanguageEnglish SubjectAndrea
Gail, 1991 Perfect Storm, shipwrecks GenreCreative nonfiction PublisherW. W.
Norton Company Publication dateMay 17, 1997 Media typedvd and cd Pagesxii,
227 ISBNISBN 0 393 04016 X OCLC Number35397863 Dewey Decimal974.4/5
LC ClassificationQC945 .J66 1997 The Perfect Storm is a creative nonfiction book
written by Sebastian Junger and published by W. W. Norton Company in 1997. The
paperback edition (ISBN 0 06 097747 7) followed in 1999 from HarperCollins
Perennial imprint. The book is about the 1991 Perfect Storm that hit North America
between October 28 and... Show more content on ...
Reed gives commentary throughout the book on the boats history. Book
controversy[edit] While there have been disputes over the context and research of
the book, there have been controversies that surround the movie The Perfect Storm.
Families of two crew members sued the film makers for the fictionalization of
events which happened prior to the loss of the Andrea Gail.[4] In 2005, the Florida
Supreme Court ruled against the family of Captain Tyne by a 6 2 vote. REVIEW
1: It is a struggle as old as humanity itself and perhaps that is why the ongoing battle
of human against nature resonates with such resilience in the hearts and minds of
readers of the adventure tale. A solitary figure standing on a beach can rail against
the elements of sand, sea, and rain and feel in control, but omnipotence rests on
terra firma. Place that same person on a boat tossed about on a roiling sea, a sky
reverberating with crescendos of thunder, water bullets screaming from the
heavens, and prayers for deliverance are the only words that pass humbled lips. In
October 1991, on the Grand Banks off the coast of Nova Scotia, the 72 foot
swordfish boat Andrea Gail turns west to begin its journey home to Gloucester,
Massachusetts. It s been a successful run and the Gail s hold is full of fish, but
disturbing news over the radio puts captain Billy Tyne on alert. Storms are
approaching and with a full hold the Andrea Gail sits low in the water. What transpires
Nursing Research
YEAREVENT| 1859Nightingale s Notes on Nursing published| 1900American
Nursing Journal begins publication| 1923Columbia University establishes first
doctoral program for nurses| Goldmark Report with recommendations for nursing
education published| 1930sAmerican Journal of Nursing publishes clinical cases
studies| 1948Brown publishes report on inadequacies of nursing education| 1952The
journal Nursing Research begins publication| 1955Establishment of nursing research
center at Walter Reed Army Institue of Research| 1963International Joursnal of
Nursing Studies begins publication| 1971ANA establishes a Commission on
Research| 1972ANA establishes ... Show more content on ...
* 1952 Nursing Research came into being to meet need for a journal in which
nsg.research findings can be published * Nsg. Research took a twist not experienced
by research in other professions
Nurses studied themselves.
Nursing Research in the 1960s
* Knowledge development through research began in earnest in 1960s * Nsg.
Leaders began to express concern about lack of research in nsg.practice * Prof l
nsg.organizations Western Interstate Council for Higher Education in Nsg.
Established priorities for research investigations * Practice oriented research on
different clinical topics began to emerge
* Period during which terms like conceptual framework, conceptual model,
nsg.process, theoretical base of
Nursing began to appear in the literature and to influence views about the role of
theory in nsg. research.
* Nsg. Research began to advance worldwide the International Journal of Nursing
Studies began
Publication in 1963; the Canadian Journal of Nursing Research was first published in
Nursing Research in the 1970s
* Growing no.of nurses conducting research studies and the discussions of theoretical
contextual issues surrounding nursing research
Was The Roman Military Successful
The Roman military was not successful. Soldiers didn t take orders, wear armor,and
they were very lazy.To begin, Roman military used to be great. They had breastplates
, helmets, and other armor as well. The armor is a major contribution to be successful
in the military.For instance, in the concerning militarymatter article it stated, because
of negligence and laziness, parade ground drills were abandoned, This evidence
shows soldiers don t care about their job, Their job was to protect and serve the
Roman Empire. The soldiers didn t want to fight. Another job they had was to
follow orders and give orders. For example,a chief would tell the soldier to gather the
rest of the troops for a meeting.soldiers thought it was to much work.The
Dangers Posed By The Fast Food Industry
Dangers Posed by the Fast Food Industry
A nation s diet can be more revealing than its art or literature (Schlosser, 3).
Historically, few trends have been as popular in the United States as fast food.
From Burger King to Taco Bell to McDonald s, it seems that numerous fast food
restaurants dot every corner; in fact, specific restaurants have now even joined
forces, so that a Taco Bell and a Pizza Hut might coexist within one building.
Statistically, Americans eat a great deal of fast food, and the industry is extremely
profitable. People enjoy this food because it is inexpensive, convenient, and
designed to satiate desires for strong flavors, especially tastes for salt and fat.
However, this food comes at a higher cost than the low prices on menus would
indicate; due to its contributions to the obesity epidemic, the dangers posed to teen
workers at restaurants, and the targeting of children and poor communities, fast food
poses a significant danger to the citizens of the United States.
To begin with, the product itself poses numerous risks to consumers. The
unhealthy nature of fast food has long been known: these foods contain an
abundance of fat, sodium, and sugar. Even as recently as 2006, researchers have
discovered additional health risks posed by fast food products. In Fast Food Fats
Prove Health Hazard, Kathleen McGowan explains: The dangers of trans fatty acids
a cornerstone of fast food cooking were confirmed in June, when a study at Wake
Forest University
Bus615 Midterm Essay
True / False Questions (2 points each/20 points total) 1. Top managers use social
intelligence to define the future of the business, analyzing markets, industries and
economies to determine the strategic direction the company must follow to remain
2. A variable is a business intelligence characteristic that stands for a value that cannot
change over time.
3. Business process management systems evaluate and improve processes that include
both person to person workflow and system to system communications.
4. BPM systems include advanced features such as enhanced process modeling,
simulation, execution, and monitoring, providing a high level of flexibility while
reducing costs.
5. ... Show more content on ...
Calculating, locking, and firewalls
C. Content prohibiting, and cookies
D. None of the above
Fill in the Blank Questions (2 points each/20 points total)
21. Michael Porter identified pressures that can hurt potential sales. Knowledgeable
customers can force __________ prices by pitting rivals against each other.
22. The Porter s Five Forces Model analyzes the competitive forces within the
environment in which a company operates to assess the potential for __________ in
an industry.
_________ profitability _______________________________
23. Executive information systems are starting to take advantage of _____________
intelligence to support strategic decision making, by stimulating human thinking and
_______________ artificial _________________________
24. A shopping ______ bot _________ is software that will search several retailer
websites and provide a comparison of each retailer s offerings including price and
25. The main challenge to ebusiness is the lack of growth in some sectors due to
product or service _________.
26. One of the main challenges that ___________ face is ensuring consumer
protection, guarding them against unsolicited goods and invasion of privacy.
_________________ ebusiness _______________________
27. The
Lake Tahoe Research Paper
Lake Tahoe, California is a fun and exciting vacation destination year round. Most
vacations are enjoyable in only one season, or one type of weather. However, Lake
Tahoe is available all year for fun and new experiences. Whether you like water
skiing in the summer, or snowmobiling in the winter, you will definitely enjoy this
awesome action spot. Lake Tahoe is an amazing place to visit, with so much to do
and so many things to see, especially in the summer. For example, there are all
kinds of water sports that you can take part in like riding jet skis, stand up paddle
boarding, canoeing, kayaking, water skiing and even scuba diving. Plus, for those
who prefer to stay out of the water, the lake offers golfing, horseback riding,
fishing, mountain biking, bowling, and zip lining. There are all sorts of programs,
and shops that allow you to do these things. For instance, the Action Water Spots of
Incline village is a great place to get started on your trip. This amazing place has
everything from boat rentals to waterskiing lessons. Basically, if you want to try it,
you can rely on them to have it. www.tahoesouth.comIn addition, you can try the
Tahoe Adventure Company, which will lead you on all sorts of... Show more content
on ...
With activities like skiing, snowboarding, and snowboarding, sledding, tubing,
snowmobiling, and cross country skiing, this is the perfect place for those who
enjoy anything that has to do with the snow. There are many places allover Lake
Tahoe that offer the supplies for each and every one of these activities. For
example, Powder House Ski and Snowboard Rentals offers supplies for skiing,
snowboarding, snowshoes, skates, and they even have a stock of winter clothes to
wear! This amazing business even has a delivery service, which will bring ski and
snowboarding equipment directly to you! In addition, Camp Squaw Valley is an
amazing place to visit if you
The Project Management Methodology For A Stage
1. Introduction
In this report we will discuss the project management methodology Prince2. This
report will include what Prince2 is and its elements, the purpose and characteristics
of Prince 2 and also the quality theme and the managing a stage boundary process
will be discussed and how they are used to address key project management issues.
2. Prince2
Prince2 is an acronym for PRojects IN Controlled Environments (, n.d.).
It is a process based approach and a structured project management method that
allows projects to be managed in a logical and organised way, following defined
steps (, n.d.). Prince2 is a widely recognized project management
methodology which is used by public and private sectors that it has become the de
facto standard for project management in the UK (, n.d). Furthermore
due to it being widely recognized and extensively used in the UK, it is also
established internationally. (, n.d). Prince2 methodology is in the public
domain and is a best practise solution therefore, it is available to be used by the
public, and is accepted and adaptable in many areas of business and industry.
Prince2 is a framework that allows project managers to deliver projects on time and
within budget (Haughey, 2015). A project is divided into stage where there is an
organised and controlled start, middle and end. All Prince2 projects must have a
business case and a plan that is reviewed on a regular basis to check that the project
Nausea Monologue
My head aches and my stomach drops after filling itself with endless knots,
squeezing my abdomen, pressuring me to focus on the panic and nothing else
around me. Holding my head under the water of doubt, leaving a mark on me, as if
it were claiming me and showcasing how unstable I appear to be to the world.
Drenching me with insecurity and positioning me on a pedestal above all others, but
out of humility, to show them how pathetic I get. Tornadoes of thousands of thoughts
that leave my head spinning while I stand falsely resolute. Clammy hands and
emotional daggers to the heart, allowing the metaphorical blood to seep through the
surface of my skin, rendering me motionless because I m too paralyzed by the
paranoia to excuse myself from public humiliation. The imaginary noose that tightens
against my throat as I desperately gasp for breaths that seemingly are no longer
allowed. My confidence twisting faster than everyone else realizes, until... Show more
content on ...
Nausea builds inside of me, gaining the potential to overthrow what s left of my
stability with acidic intruders. The screaming inside my head intensifies, accusing
me of several things in which I haven t thought about until that point in time. I m
floored with what ifs and assumptions that I realize can t be truthful, but rationality
has left me like the coward it makes me out to be. My sternum tightens and it feels
like my rib cage is trying to collapse within itself. Weighted pressure compresses my
chest, making oxygen feel imaginary. Bones intertwining in morbid order,
threatening to permanently mold me into how my demons want me depicted.
Every fiber of my being feels like static, flashing in and out in an extremely
unstable manner, waiting to be properly fixed so I can be shown to the population
without feeling shame or envy as a result of not being able to fit into their puzzle of
society that shows it had no room left for
Alienation, A Theme in John SteinbeckВґs The Grapes of
Grapes of Wrath: Alienation
In Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck reveals the assumptions and moral values of
Californian society in the 1930s by narrating the tale through the eyes of Tom Joad.
Tom and his family are evicted from their homes by the bank because the drought had
diminished the profitability of the land. They join numerous other migrants on Route
66, hoping for a better life in California. Both the rich Californian landowners and the
Californian workers alienate the migrant families, showing a blatant disregard for
human life in pursuit of preserving their own self interests.
Migrant families were subject to being alienated and called names. The first time Tom
hears the term Okie he asks someone what it means, and he learns that, Okie use ta
mean you was from Oklahoma. Now it means you re a dirty son of a bitch. Okie
means you re scum (Page chapter 18). This quote shows the hatred Californians had
for the migrant families who were looking for a new start. Okie became a derogatory
term used by Californians who feared that the people migrating from the Midwest
would take their jobs. Californians alienated and dehumanized migrants by labeling
them. The implication that a migrant is a dirty son of a bitch further serves to
dehumanize migrants by relating them to filthy street dogs. The word scum is also
demeaning, and by comparing migrants to dirt Steinbeck shows that Californians
thought that the migrants were worthless. Paranoid Californians did
Itco321 Unit 1 Research Paper
Unit 3 IP ITCO321 Anthony Thurman Stacks are containers of objects that are
inserted and then removed according to Last In First Out (LIFO). This means that
the last item inserted will be the first item removed. Inserting an item is referred to
as Pushing, while removing an item is called Popping. A queue works a little
different than a stack does, in that it follows First In First Out. So rather than having
the last object removed first, the first object is removed first. Elements can be
inserted at any time, but the only element that can be removed is the one that has
been in the queue the longest. Pseudo code: Stack Using Push, Pop, and Peek Start
Program Push(10) Push (100) Push (1000) //Used to add items to stack Display...
Show more content on ...
{ Stack stack = new Stack(); //utilizing push in order to add to the stack
stack.push(10); stack.push(100); stack.push(1000); Console.WriteLine( ITCO321
Unit 3 IP + System.Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine( Your elements are: +
System.Environment.NewLine + stack); //utilizing pop in order to remove from the
stack stack.pop(); stack.pop(); Console.WriteLine( After using pop twice, your new
elements are: + System.Environment.NewLine + stack); Console.WriteLine( You ll
notice that the pop has removed the objects by using FILO ); //utilizing peek, which
allows us to take a peek at the stack stack.peek(); Console.WriteLine( Using peek we
can take a look at what is inside the stack + System.Environment.NewLine + stack ); /
/utilizing clear, in order to clear everything from the stack stack.clear();
Console.WriteLine( Now after clearing your stack the final result is: +
System.Environment.NewLine + stack); Console.ReadLine(); } }
Call Of The Wild Identity Essay
Identity is something that is very important to who we are and how we interact with
others. Much of this is influenced by our surroundings and the conditions that we are
presented with. Buck in The Call of the Wild begins his transformation into a beast
when he is thrown into the grim terrain of the north. Along with this, the American
people during the Frontierwere shaped by the open land in the west that they were
forced to adapt to. In the Call of the Wild and Turner s Frontier Thesis, both Buck and
the American people s identity were shaped because of the surrounding geography.
Initially in the story, Buck had it easy. He was born a domesticated St. Bernard
/Scotch shepherd who lived with Judge Miller in the sun kissed Santa Clara ... Show
more content on ...
This transition completely transformed the life of Buck forever. While being
transported from place to place, his pride suffered an utter blow. He was no longer
in this domain where he could freely live. Instead, he was constantly conformed,
handled, and controlled by the power of others. One major strike at Buck s pride
occurred when he was beaten by the man with the club. After he is hit, it is clear
that, the club was a revelation. It was his introduction to the reign of primitive law,
and he met the introduction halfway (London 6). This shows that as Buck moves
further and further from home, he begins to stray away from his previous way of
life. His domestic nature fades away and the inner beast inside of him is revealed.
As Buck enters an unfamiliar world as a wild sled dog, he undergoes many
physical changes. The grim geography of the rigid north had many adverse effects
on Buck s once pristine build. One example of Buck suffering physically is when
he experiences extreme pain in his feet caused by the rugged terrain of the journey
north. Buck s feet were not so compact and hard as the feet of the huskies. His had
softened during the many generations since the day his last wild ancestor was
tamed by a cave dweller or river man (London 18). This shows that as Buck treks
across the ice and snow with the rest of the pack, his feet become weathered and
wounded. His feet are not as tough as the other dogs due to his upbringing and his
ancestral history. Along
Immigration Assimilation
America is largely made up of immigrants, and thus it is referred to by many as an
immigrant s nation. The rise in immigrants of the first generation and those of second
or third generation is changing the demographics of the United States each day.
Duncan and Stephen observe that about a quarter of U.S. residents are either first
generation immigrants or the second generation children of immigrants (109). Most
of these immigrants move to the country with the aim of achieving the American
dream through career success. We would like to believe that the nation follows
through with its American ideology that immigrants are welcomed with open arms,
and they will have economic opportunities. However, the process of integration and
assimilation of these immigrants has for long been a common debate question. The
immigration waves into the United Stateshave occurred in several waves over the
past years. In the earlier years, most of the immigrants were from Europe and their
assimilation was rather smooth. But, the recent wave of immigrants groups
prevalently from Asia and Latin America do not face similar acceptance and open
arms as their predecessors.
Additionally, the aspirations of most immigrants are that they will have upward
mobility when they get into the United States, but unfortunately, in several instances,
they may face unexpected downward mobility. Downward mobility may occur due to
many factors. The socioeconomic mobility of immigrants is largely determined by the
Kyle Householder Interview
Imagine walking into a room and hearing a bunch of swear words from a bird.
Kyle Householder doesn t have to imagine that. His father trained the bird to use
foul language for comedy. Also Kyle enjoys many other things that I found out in
this interview. During interviewing Kyle, we talked about his family, school, and
some of his hobbies and interests. The first topic that Kyle and I talked about was
his family life. Kyle is sixteen years young, born on July 26, 1999. He was born in
Pittsburgh at Magee Womens hospital at seven thirty eight PM. Currently, Fort
Allen is where he lives. Right down the road from seven eleven. Fort Allen is his
hometown and hasn t lived anywhere else. Kevin at the age of twenty three is
Kyle s older brother. Also his only sibling. His brother goes to Pitt Main studying
electrical engineering. Now Kyle has a few animals. Spike and Bella are his dogs,
Spike is a pintcher and Bella is an American Rot. He also has three challenged cats
named Bailey, June, and Justice. Pete is his bird and he swears.... Show more content
on ...
He went to Harrold Middles School. The funniest thing that ever happened to him
in school was that he puked twice in the hallway. His least favorite thing about
school is waking up in the mornings. Going to school and seeing his friends are the
only thing that Kyle likes about school. His plans after graduation would be to
attend two or three years at WCCC. Then he wants to move to Myrtle Beach to
study Marine Bio at Coastal Carolina. Over the summer he went to Myrtle Beach
for his birthday and went shark and stingray fishing. Ten years from now he plans
on living in Myrtle Beach doing fishing charters for a living. Also wants to be
married and have two
Video Relay Service Executive Summary
This article focuses on the stressors that interpreters often face when interpreting in
a Video Relay Service setting. Because of the stress that these interpreters face, this
leads to burnout, which is equivalent to emotional exhaustion. There are many
different reasons for the increase of stress in Video Relay Service interpreting. This
article surveyed 424 interpreters who worked, or are currently working for a Video
Relay Service. The survey consisted of three sections, which included rating the
severity of stresslevel from twenty possible stress factors, three questions about the
interpreter s experience working at a Video Relay Service, and demographic
questions. The article begins with a brief description of what Video Relay Services
are, as well as what Video Remote Interpreting is. The article also gives a definition
of the term burnout, and... Show more content on ...
I knew what the Video Relay Service was, but I never realized that interpreters in
this setting could experience such high levels of stress that could eventually lead
to a burnout. In the past, I knew that interpreters working in settings such as legal
or mental health experienced levels of stress, but I never took into consideration
the stress that interpreters working in Video Relay Service settings face. Since
Video Relay Services are relatively new, most people do not realize the complexity
of this setting. Interpreters must interpret everything, and some information could
be extremely uncomfortable or personal. The information in the calls could have a
negative impact on the interpreter, and be extremely emotional or go against the
interpreter s beliefs. Interpreters also may have to interpret a 911 call, which I
never even thought of before. A 911 call is stressful in itself, and the interpreter has
to make sure he or she delivers an accurate interpretation because if they do not, it
could be life or death for the individual needing to make the 911
Unit 4 Health And Social Care Case Study
1.1.The Appellant gave birth to a baby on 1 October 1999 at the Respondent s
Hospital. As a result of complications during the delivery, the baby was born with
severe disabilities. 1.2.The Appellant sought damages from the Respondent for the
injuries sustained at the baby s birth as a result of the negligence of Dr McLellan,
employed by the Respondent. 1.3.The Appellant alleged negligence on the basis
that the Appellant ought to have been given advice 1.3.1.about the risk of shoulder
dystocia which would be involved in vaginal birth; and 1.3.2.of the alternative
possibility of delivery by elective caesarean section. 1.4.The Lord Ordinary rejected
the claims by following the approach in Sidaway v Board of Governors of the
Bethlem Royal Hospital and the... Show more content on ...
Bolam Test extent of the duty to advise is decided by reference to
accepted medical practice in the form of an identified body of responsible medical
opinion (Bolam, 586). have been raised on whether the same
approach should be applied in relation to a failure to advise a patient of risks.
Although Sidaway approves the application, the society has been developed. The
test should have no place in advice and warning cases. 4.1.2.Whether the Court s
dealing with disclosure of risk should be distinct from that with cases of diagnosis
and treatment. cases of the diagnosis and treatment, responsible
professional opinion will have an influential role to play in determining the
appropriate standard of care; in cases of the risk disclosure, it is not a question the
answer to which depends upon medical standards of practices. (Mason CJ, Brennan,
Dawson, Toohey and McHugh JJ in Rogers v Whitaker (1992) 175 CLR 479, 489
490). application of the Bolam test to this question will result in the
sanctioning of differences in practice which are attributable merely to divergent
attitudes among doctors as to the degree of respect owed to their
History Of The Bay Of Pigs Invasion
IntroThe Bay of Pigs invasion is historical event of a failed us invasion of Cuba.
The failure was due to overconfidence, mismanagement, and lack of secrecy by the
US. President Kennedy and the CIA hold the blame not only embarrassing the US
but also increasing tensions between the US and the Soviet Union. . The
InvasionThe Bay of Pigs invasion was in 1961. It started on April 15th with the
bombing of three Cuban military bases. The bombings were by supposed to be
defecting Cuban military pilots. In actuality the bombings were by US planes
designed to look like the Cuban B 26. 54 people were killed in the bombing and only
a part of the Cuban air force was destroyed.1 The next day was scheduled to finish
the job but for unknown
Azo Journey
The road to freedom is a very rough path. Numerous have freedom while some do
not. To countless lives, freedoms are worth more than gold, and obtaining freedom is
worth risking everything. For Papken Infarbian formally known as Azo, in Muslim,
went through many trials to survive and obtain freedom to live with his bloodline.
Azo was born in 1906 in Amasia, Turkey. He grew up during the perils of World
War I and was a target of his Armenia bloodline. When he was driven out of his
home in 1915, young Azo was forced to see the horrors of life that no one should
see. In Azo s world, the way to freedom would be to become a slave in order to
survive and obtain freedom. in order to survive, for Azo that was freedom. In his
efforts to achieve freedom, Azo would experience the positives, negatives and the
suffering that would come with this journey. Azo s nine masters saved his life and
without them, he would have died much sooner. Azo s journey forced him to give up
his background in his ethnicity and religion in order to survive.
Azo s view of slavery is that slavery was an essential negative that will lead to an
eventual positive. Azo journey started with his first master after sister and mother the
last of his bloodline were taken. During his time there, the Kurdish master and the
master s son would force him to give up on his religious view and become a Muslim.
(22 24) While this did help attract more masters, Azo feared that people would find
out the truth about him. Even
The Awakening on Kate Chopin s The Awakening
The time period of the 1880s that Kate Chopin lived in influenced her to write The
Awakening, a very controversial book because of many new depictions of women
introduced in the book. The Awakening is a book about a woman, Edna Pontellier.
In the beginning, she is a happy woman with her husband and 2 kids vacationing at
Grand Isle. While there, Edna realizes she is in love with Robert Lebrun and that
she was just forced into an unloving/dissatisfying marriage with Mr. Pontellier.
Robert however, leaves for Mexico. While there, Edna picks up a relationship with
Alcee Arobin who helps her realize her sexual passions. Edna has a sexual
awakening, and is determined to get independence and she eventually leaves Mr.
Pontellier. She shows her independence and sexual passions through painting. Edna
moves into a house of her own. Robert comes home and tells her he loves her.
However, Edna can t handle all of the social rules and commits suicide before
finishing her conversation with Robert. The book contained a lot of sexual passion
shown by Edna, which is a new depiction of women in the 1880s. The new tone Kate
Chopinwrote in was influenced by society and her life. The Awakening caused a lot
of controversy due to this new tone. During the mid to late 1800s, the time period
that Kate Chopin wrote The Awakening, women were expected to be a mother woman
, which influenced Kate Chopin to write this book about the gain of independence by
women. Women were expected to stay at home
Benefits Of Having A Pet
Many children want pets. For example, dogs, bunnies, hamsters, etc. A pet for
children is not only fun and enjoyable, but 90% of the children between the ages of 3
and 13 indicated benefits to having a pet. The main arguments that children give
when they want a pet are simple things like, they find it instructive, joyful, and
therapeutic to receive unconditional love from their pet. Children often experience
their animal as someone they trust as a friend, but these are not the only
advantages. Various studies have shown that having a pet is good for children s
development. In this paper, I will give six reasons why having a pet is good for
1) Emotional support
In children s lives emotions such as anger, fear, and joy are shared with animals.
Children can tell secrets, and feel at ease with their pets, since the pets can t judge
or talk to them. The children experience much support. An animal may also help the
child to feel safe when he or she is in an unfamiliar situation. It also gives a child a
sense of security at home, because a dog watches and will bark an alarm if there is a
dangerous situation. ... Show more content on ...
Another study also showed that the self image of the child when he/she becomes
an adult which will develop later, has to do with the age at which he/she first
comes into contact with a pet. Therefore, children at the ages of six or during their
puberty, having contact with a pet during these ages will have a positive self image
than those who received their first pet between the ages of six to ten. Kids can even
help at an early age with the care of animals. Accomplish tasks for the care of animals
also gives
The Importance Of Fostering Peace And Justice
There are many people who suffer from cognitive disorders such as dementia. The
number of people diagnosed with dementia increases everyday (Gould Reed,
2009). Those who are diagnosed with cognitive disorders need extra attention from
care givers and require specific needs. Nurses caring for dementia patients foster
peace and justice due to the special care dementia patient s require. Throughout this
paper, the reader will understand how one fosters peace and justice, and how
nurses must foster peace and justice when caring for patients diagnosed with
dementia. Fostering peace and justice is a value recognized by Saint Francis. This
value was created based on the teachings of the Lord and is used to help others
serve Him on a daily basis. Those who foster peace and justice, live a devotional
life to God. Fostering peace and justice help to keep the world a better place.
Everyone should incorporate these simple values into their everyday life.
Fostering peace simply means to keep the peace among all. Staying calm and
looking at a situation from someone else s perspective helps one to keep high stress
situations peaceful. While fostering peace, one does not argue or manipulate others.
Someone fostering peace is not selfish and is willing to help others. Make every
effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see
the Lord (Hebrews 12:14, New International Version). Fostering peace is important. In
the greater scheme of

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Spanglish Essay.pdf

  • 1. Spanglish Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Spanglish" presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly, Spanglish itself is a complex linguistic phenomenon, blending Spanish and English in various ways depending on cultural context, regional influences, and individual usage. Exploring its nuances requires a deep understanding of both languages and their intersection within Hispanic communities. Moreover, writing about Spanglish demands a nuanced approach to cultural sensitivity and identity politics. It's crucial to navigate the topic with respect for the communities that use Spanglish as a mode of communication, acknowledging its significance in reflecting cultural hybridity and the experiences of bilingual individuals. Additionally, research on Spanglish may involve delving into sociolinguistics, historical contexts, literary representations, and popular culture references. Synthesizing these diverse sources while maintaining coherence and relevance in the essay can be challenging. Furthermore, addressing the broader implications of Spanglish, such as its impact on language preservation, education policies, or identity formation, requires critical analysis and thoughtful engagement with academic discourse. Overall, writing an essay on Spanglish necessitates not only linguistic expertise but also cultural awareness, sensitivity, and critical thinking skills. It's a task that demands thorough research, careful consideration of diverse perspectives, and skillful articulation to do justice to the complexity of the topic. At, you can find assistance with similar essays and a wide range of other topics, ensuring that your academic writing endeavors are met with professionalism and expertise. Spanglish Essay Spanglish Essay
  • 2. Auschwitz Concentration Camp Research Paper Auschwitz Concentration Camp Many people may know the holocaust as one of the deadliest genocides in history. The killing of more than 10 million innocent people was led by fascist and leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler. The Auschwitz concentration camp was one of the central and most infamous camps of all. About 4.1 million people were executed at Auschwitz for their sexual orientation, religion or race. The Auschwitz concentration camp, a major extermination and labor camp during the holocaust, embodies the characteristic of deadliness through extensive labor and ruthless murdering of Jews and other flawed citizens. To start, the Auschwitz concentration camp used inmates as slaves to work in fields and factories to produce goods like food, weapons, or vehicles for war and the guards working at the camp. Inmates were sometimes placed in oil or rubber factories to manufacture weapons and war materials for the ongoing World War II. David J. Hogan, editor of... Show more content on ... In addition, the Holocaust overall resulted in the deaths of about 1.3 million victims between 1940 and 1945 according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum article, Auschwitz. This shows the shear amount of lives destroyed during the short 5 year span. To continue, the evacuation of the Auschwitz complex included the marching of the remainder of the 60,000 inmates not killed before being liberated by the Russian army. Almost last, the Auschwitz camp was built from a small town in a lonely, isolated Polish town, eventually spiraling into ruthless leaders and the hiring of vicious SS guards. Finally, the Auschwitz concentration camp, a major extermination and labor camp during the holocaust, embodies the characteristic of deadliness through extensive labor and ruthless murdering of Jews and other flawed
  • 3. Synthesis Synthesis Lab Report Abstract: Synthesis of new compounds 2 (bis((1H benzo[d]imidazol 2 yl)methylthio)methyl) 1H benzo[d]imidazole (6a) and 2 ((((1H benzo[d]imidazol 2 yl)(((5 hydroxy 1H benzo[d]imidazol 2 yl)methyl)sulfanyl)methyl)sulfanyl)methyl) 3H benzo[d]imidazol 5 ol (6b) were carried out under two different reaction conditions, namely the conventional method and microwave irradiation conditions. The compounds (3a,b), (5a,b) and (6a,b) were synthesized by using microwave methods which showed decrease in the reaction time and increasing in the yield as shown in Table (1). The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by IR; NMR and elemental analysis. The antimicrobial activityof the synthesized benzimidazolemethanethiol derivatives... Show more content on ... HCl)33, respectively, with 2 mercaptoacetic acid (2) in the presence of 6M hydrochloric acid under reflux for 4 hours in 70% yield. 1H NMR spectrum of 3a , as an example, showed a singlet at 1.7 for SH, singlet at 3.8 for methylene group and benzimidazole protons at 7.4 and 7.6 ppm. Compounds 3a and 3b were heated with 2,2 dichloroacetic acid (4) and potassium carbonate in absolute ethanol under reflux for 3 hours to give 2,2 bis(((1H benzo[d]imidazol 2 yl)methyl)thio)acetic acid (5a) in 69% yield and 2,2` bis(((5 hydroxy 1H benzo[d]imidazolyl)methyl)thio)acetic acid (5b) in 66% yield, respectively. Compounds 5a,b gave compatible spectroscopic data (Experimental). Condensation of o phenylenediamine (1) with each of 5a,b in the present of 6N hydrochloric acid give 2,2` ((((1H benzo[d]imidazol 2 yl)methylene)bis(sulfane diyl))bis (methylene))bis (1H benzo[d]imidazole(6a) in 66% yield, and2,2` ((((1H benzo[d]imi dazol 2 yl)bis(sulfane diyl)bis(methylene)) bis(1H benzo d]imidazol 5 ol) (6b) in 61% yield; Scheme (1). 1H NMR of 6a showed a singlet signal at 4.2 ppm for two methylene group, a singlet at 5.1 ppm for CH, 7.4 and 7.7 ppm for aromatic protons. Its 13C NMR spectrum showed signal at 36.3 ppm for two methylene groups, 68.8 ppm for methine. 1H NMR spectrum of (5b) showed a singlet at 4.3 ppm as four protons for two methylene groups; singlet at 5.3 ppm as one proton for methine group, and 6 aromatic protons at 7.2, 7.4 and 7.6
  • 4. The Security Council And International Law Introduction There has been difficulty in defining terrorism in international law due to changes in terrorist methodology and the lack of any precise definition of the term terrorism . The United Nations General Assembly also condemned acts of terrorism without defining it. Therefore a functional approach had been adopted through treaties dealing with the forms of terrorism considered to be unacceptable. Although, it is agreed upon in international law that terrorism is unlawful, it is not addressed whether it is a casus belli, an unlawful act that justifies a military response. There is a general duty for states to act thoroughly to avert the performance of violent and terrorist acts within its territory. However, this duty is breached when governments support terrorism or fails to apprehend terrorists. This essay seeks to analyse the justiciability of military force under the Security Council Resolution in two different circumstances which will be seen under part (i) and part (ii) below. The essay will firstly discuss the Security Council s (SC) role in maintaining international peace and security through Article 2(4) and whether terrorism allows for the use of force under self defence. It will then explain how the use of force against a State can be balanced with the violation of a State s territorial integrity through customary law elements. The other sources of international law that influence the justiciability of force against terrorism include jus cogens and
  • 5. Analysis Of The Book World Record Hot Dog Eaters When I was given this assignment I was expecting to end up reading something a little difficult to follow and full of bland material that was written as colorfully as possible, making reading a book about economics bearable. This book was quit the opposite. The book did not consist of GDP, exchange rates, economic trends, international stage, mixed capitalism or finance. Instead, the book told stories of world record hot dog eaters, the similarities between famous musicians and kings, self driven vehicles, ping pong competitions, babies bribed with candy, and the discovery of the cause of ulcers. The entire book was based upon how we, as pieces of an economic system, can look at the world and the problems in it from different perspectives. Think Like a Freak essentially tries to teach the reader how to do just that; think like a freak. What Does it Mean to Think Like a Freak? The beginning chapters in this book sets you up to have an open mind and ask questions about societies perceptions v. reality. The authors challenge the way you think about things whose answers are seemingly obvious. One of my favorite concepts of this book is that it tells you the truth about people that society sometimes causes people not to admit to themselves. For instance, it is sometimes harder to say I don t know when you really don t know the answer to something than it is to just give a false answer, although you may be well aware that your answer is not 100% correct. The
  • 6. The Wachowski Brothers The Matrix The Matrix is a film directed by the Wachowski Brothers depicting a future in which machines rule. The machines have created a complex computer program called the matrix which simulates a form of reality. The machines have enslaved humans by hooking them up to the matrix so that they can harvest them as an energy source. A number of people have been able to escape the matrixand they continue to fight the war against the machines in hopes of being able to free everyone still trapped within the matrix. Throughout the film the main characters Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity enter back into the matrix several times for various reasons. Because the film bounces back and forth between reality and the matrix, the film induces a strong theme of... Show more content on ... The matrix sets were designed to have a worn and torn look that was imposing and grid like. The scenes depicting the characters in the real world mostly took place on the ship, Nebuchadnezzar. These sets were designed to have a patched up look where the wires and components of the ship were clearly visible, communicating the idea to the audience that the ship is a marriage between man and machine. In addition to how the sets looked, how the scenes were shot within those sets added to theme as well. When the characters were within the matrix, the scenes were shot using a green tint, mimicking the feel of early monochrome computer monitors. When the characters were in the real world, they used a blue tint and longer shot lenses which soften the background while putting more emphasis on the characters. As I also mentioned earlier, the actual appearance of the characters in the film is another component in the theme of appearance verses reality. When the main characters are in the real world, they are shown with having a connection port on the back of their necks. This connection port is the means by which the characters can reconnect to the matrix. The characters were also depicted in the real world as wearing clothes with a more textile feel, and hair that is less stylized. When compared to how these characters are depicted when they are inside the
  • 7. A Sense of Atmosphere in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll... A Sense of Atmosphere in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde Introduction: The tension and suspense in the novel begins with the title, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It makes you want to know what the strange case was and how it affected the characters. One day, Utterson was out walking with the town distant kinsman Mr. Enfield when they passed a house Mr.Enfield tells Mr Utterson a strange case about the house. Description of the house makes reader feel mysterious. It is very strange compared to other houses. Appearance of the house foreshadows Mr.Hyde because the atmosphere of the house gives a sinister that it is clearly cold and unwelcoming just like its owner.... Show more content on ... The house and name of Hyde gives secrecy. As I have written before, Mr.Enfield description of the house adds mystery. Cannot see inside, nobody goes in and out but once in a great while. Which creates very mysterious atmosphere and tension on the reader and Mr.Utterson? The name Hyde sounds mysterious as well. It very sounds like Hide , not to be seen. Gives mystery but nothing. All the description about Mr.Hyde is strange to the reader. There is SOMETHING (gives mystery) wrong with his appearance; something downright detestable. He gives a strong feeling of deformity. Writer tries to give very little information about Hyde, and it is not definitely horrific but reader gets the feeling or a presence of horror and very strong mystery. Mr.Enfield says, Let s make a bargain never to refer to this again. Reader and Mr.Utterson wants to know more about Hyde to solve the mystery but Enfield s wants to forget about him. Reader and Mr.Utterson knows just a little bit about Hyde and it is quite puzzled. Puzzled knowledge creates mystery and makes reader to desire for solving the mystery which also leads us to creating a sense of atmosphere. Characters: There are four characters in opening chapter of the novel: Hyde, Utterson, Enfield and Cain heresy. But I will be referring to the three main ones. Mr Utterson is a
  • 8. St. Jude Hospital Essay St. Jude Children s Research Hospital St. Jude Children s Research Hospital is a non profit organization that helps battle pediatric cancers. St. Jude Children s Research Hospital is not your typical children s hospital. The services and support they provide to their patients is unique as their founder Danny Thomas. I will explore their founder s history, mission, and how they are able to continue the work today. Danny Thomas was the founder of the hospital. The story begins when Mr. Thomas went to church one day. He was so moved by the Mass that he gave his last $7 dollars to the church. He realized soon after that he had offered the only money he had to pay for hospital expenses for the birth of his first child. At that moment... Show more content on ... He went to his fellow friends in the Arabic community for their help. In 1957 Danny along with his friends formed the ALSAC (American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities). ALSAC purpose is to raise money for the hospital. It is now the third largest health care charity. Some of the fundraisers that are held include: FedEx St. Jude Classic, St. Jude Math a thon, Up til Dawn, radio thons, St Jude Dream Home Giveaway, St. Jude Hope Gift Book, NBA Hoops for St Jude Week and St Jude Give thanks. Give hope campaign. St. Jude is known for being at the forefront of battling pediatric cancers. It was also the first hospital in Memphis where patients were integrated in the same room. St Jude had a large impact on nutrition in the United States. Physicians from the hospital created a volunteer health clinic to treat some of the poorer areas of Memphis. They made a major discovery. They found that a majority of the members in the community were malnourished. The director of the hospital decided that this was a major catastrophic disease and took action to create a research study. A news station decided to do a report on the program that happened to catch the attention of a senator. The senator then helped to create the Child Nutrition Act with the help of St Jude which led to the creation of the WIC program. WIC serves 53 percent of the infants born in the US (St. Jude Children Research Hospital). In the 1980s a new disease was striking children and the
  • 9. Common Themes in Poetry Essay Common Themes in Poetry After reading and analysing numerous poems, I have chosen two examples of the famous Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney s work: Follower and Mid Term Break . Both poems relate to the poet s past, and are certainly associated with a specific loss of a loved one one a literal loss, and the other a subconscious loss. Mid Term Break , which I found to be a very touching and poignant poem, describes the loss of the poet s younger brother, Christopher when Heaney was a child, hence the poem is of a childhood tragedy as well as a loss. It s set in three places the introduction is situated in the college sick bay; the main body of the poem is set in Heaney s brother s funeral, and the final setting is the ... Show more content on ... Also, we acknowledge that this isn t just any ordinary funeral someone very dear has been lost, a small treasure; a small treasure who s absence has caused the strongest of rocks to crumble into an emotional state. A double meaning is presented in the final line of the second stanza: Big Jim Evans saying it was a hard blow The hard blow may be referring to the actual blow that killed Christopher (as he was killed by a car), or the fact that it s a hard blow to the family. Either way, one fact becomes apparent: the Heaney family have the support and love of everyone around them, but that doesn t counteract for the tragic loss of Christopher it may help clean the wound, but the scar will forever be visible. We also attain the knowledge, due to his very personal identity, that Big Jim Evans is a family friend, and that he himself is shaken by the situation considering his very plain and yet meaningful comment. Again, the sadness and incredibility of the incident is underlined not only family members are grieving. Another detection of change is seen in the third stanza, and this time it s a very uncomfortable change: I was embarrassed By old men standing up to shake my hand I find
  • 10. FXT2 Task 1 Essay FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan The purpose of this presentation is to educate you on disaster recovery plans and/or enterprise continuity plan. The following slide will include basic structures, roles in the plan, and employee awareness. FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan The presentation will cover the following topics Employee responsibilities of a ECP/DRP Operational disturbance optimization High level employee education plan ECP/DRP content with input from IT vendors Employee awareness education program FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan Team Responsibilities Emergency Management Team Top tier of emergency response team that manages lower teams. Physical Security Team Responsible for maintaining physical security ... Show more content on ... Failure points could be hardware/software or personnel. To mitigate these points assessments will be made in how to best mitigate the failure and what would need to be done to prevent it from causing an outage. Examples Single point would be one user knows how a specific system/hardware functions. He/She is out sick during and outage or in my case people like to say gets hit by a bus. To mitigate this, hire additional resources or cross train resources to handle the system/hardware as a backup function in the even he/she is out of the office. Instead of having one physical piece of hardware that could fail, setup virtualization with redundancy. Virtualization platforms today have the ability to shift a virtual machine from one physical host to another in the event of a failure to provide fault tolerance. FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan Facilities/Security Layer Organization
  • 11. This layer deals with the physical aspects of the campus. For example, heating, cooling, power, access controls to secured locations of the campus. Examples Work with power provider(s) to establish redundant power from multiple grids. Establish generator services for portions of the campus where power downtime is not acceptable. FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan A3. Disaster Recovery Training First define the most senior personnel to provide administration in the
  • 12. The Organization On The Industrial Landscape Of India CHAPTER 1 : ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION 1. ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION The advent of JK organization on the industrial landscape of India almost synchronizes with the beginning of an era of industrial awareness an endeavor for self reliance and the setting up of a dynamic Indian industry. This was way back in the middle of the 19th century, and the rest that followed is history. Excellence comes not from mere words or procedures. It comes from an urge to strive and deliver the best. A mindset that says, when it is good enough, improve it. It is a way of thinking that comes only from a power within. Jk tyre is an Automotive Tyre, Tubes and Flaps manufacturing company based in Delhi, India. The name JK is derived from the initials of Kamlapatji (1884 1937) and his father Seth Juggilal (1857 1922). It is the Radial tire Leader in India and is the only tyre manufacturer offering the entire range of 4 wheeler radials for Trucks, Buses and Cars. JK Tyre has a worldwide customer base in over 80 countries across all 6 continents. It is a part of J. K. Organisation group of Companies. JK Tyre acquired Mexican tyre major Tornel in 2008. 1.1 Core Values: JK organization has been a forerunner in the economic and social advancement of India. It always aimed at creating job opportunities for a multitude of countrymen and to provide high quality products. It has striven to
  • 13. Differences Between Homeland Security And Homeland Security Introduction This paper covers homeland security and homeland defense and how they are both interpreted according to national strategies and current policies. There are defining differences between homeland security and homeland defense. This starts by identifying how missions, tasks, duties, responsibilities, operations, and others key areas are implemented. Also, being able to determine necessary resources and the shared responsibilities and efforts between the two will allow for a better understanding when drawing upon and defining homeland security. In addition, an assessment of the nation s critical infrastructure and how it relates to homeland security and homeland defense will be described. This paper will further explore how vulnerabilities should be addressed as they relate to the nation s infrastructure protection efforts. Homeland Security The overarching mission of Homeland Security is to safeguard and secure the nation from terrorist attacks and other perceived threats. This concept has progressively evolved over the course of a decade. Analyst Shawn Reese (2013), describes the concept of homeland security as a combination of law enforcement, disaster, immigration, and terrorism issues (p. 2). Homeland security falls under the responsibility of civilian agencies and the government at all levels. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) describes its vision through several key concepts, which are; security, resiliency, and customs and exchange. The five
  • 14. Ludwig Van Beethoven ( 1770-1827 ) Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 1827) was a German composer, a representative of the Viennese classical musical school; was born in Bonn, but spent most of his life in Vienna. Notably, Beethoven s music is a complex synthesis of creative achievements of the Viennese classics (Gluck, Haydn, Mozart); art of the French Revolution; and the new emerging artistic direction, Romanticism. The works of Beethoven bear the imprint of ideology, aesthetics, and art of the Enlightenment. This explains the logic, clarity of form, reasoning of the whole artistic design and the particular parts of works. Being the composer of a new era, Beethoven expressed intonation using different tones dynamic, restless, sharp. Thus, the sound of his music became much more saturated, dense, and dramatically contrasting. As a result, his musical themes were laconic, yet austerely simple. The audience was impressed by emotional power of Beethoven s music, manifesting in the rapid tension, grand epic sweep, or the soulful lyrics. But these qualities of art of Beethoven were admired by the musicians of the Romantic. And although the link with Beethoven and Romanticism is undeniable, his art in its main outlines does not correlate with that period. At least, it does not fit entirely in the frame of classicism, since Beethoven, like few others, was unique and multi faceted.
Topics of Beethoven Works

Beethoven primarily focused on the hero s life, flowing in the constant struggle for the common bright future.
  • 15. Commentary On The Book Night By Elie Wiesel After reading the book Night the Nazi treated the people like nothing. When families arrives at Auschwitz, the men and women are separated, and Elie sees his mother and sisters vanishing in the distance. He holds onto his father and is determined not to lose him. A fellow prisoner tells Elie to say that he is eighteen (though he is really fifteen) and that his father is forty (though he is fifty). The prisoners who have been at Auschwitz for a while are brutal and cruel to the new arrivals, and one of them tells them about the crematory. Some of the young men talk about revolting, but are silenced by their elders. Thereafter, everyone is forced to march past SS officer, who uses a baton to pick out who will remain alive and who will go to
  • 16. Is Online Learning As Good Is Online Learning as Good as Face to Face Learning? Technological advancement has brought up new ways of doing things. Traditionally, the manufacturing industry had to employ hundreds of workers to ensure that work was done in the right manner. They had to lift heavy machinery or use forklifts to ensure the heavy machineries were fixed in the correct place. Technological advancement brought about the principle of robotics. Companies are happy in the modern times to use robotics in manufacturing, thus eliminating the need for many workers and professionals. Once the robot has been computerized or programmed, it is able to perform all machinery work with minimal or no supervision and still produces the same results compared to human factor that produces varying results with the same input. Likewise, education has taken advantage of technological advancement; not only are books being bought and rented, they are read online. Online learning is a modern time invention that was necessitated by the need from the many people who finance education for their own benefit, the working class, the international students and the marginalized class. With online education, one is able to learn more conveniently and undertake other responsibilities with ease (Coates et al 4 7). One does not have to hurry to attend classes since online classes can be conducted from the convenience of home or any other location. Face to face learning allows the instructor to get individual attention from
  • 17. Summary Of Random Acts Of Kindness Defines Who We Really Are In the text, Random Acts Of Kindness Defines Who We Really Are, the author is writing to not only inform the reader about what the around a person who might judge you or say something about you that you don t like. The author makes many diverse quotes that has the same effect as the one above throughout the entire text, these types of quotes gives examples for the quote that was stated early. One example from the text states, Small acts of kindness like leaving a meal for a homeless person or paying off a stranger s layaway balance at Kmart, start trends with more people getting in on the act because they are such feel good stories. The author uses this effects of being kind are, but also to persuade the reader to be kind and do good deeds
  • 18. Analysis of The Complete Maus, by Art Spiegelman When reading a traditional book, it is up to the reader to imagine the faces and landscapes that are described within. A well written story will describe the images clearly so that you can easily picture the details. In Art Spiegelman s The Complete Maus, the use of the animals in place of the humans offers a rather comical view in its simplistic relation to the subject and at the same time develops a cryptic mood within the story. His drawings of living conditions in Auschwitz; expressions on the faces of people enduring torture, starvation, and despair; his experience with the mental institution and his mother s suicide; and occasional snapshots of certain individuals, create a new dynamic between book and reader. By using the form of... Show more content on ... Art shows the obsessive compulsive aspects of Vladek with intensity. As you listen to Vladek s story, you begin to understand his driving need to keep everything. Living in an infested prison with little food and drink, he had to learn to survive. With small tokens from his life before Auschwitz, Art began to make allies and trade for food and clothing. Teaching English to a guard and acquiring some basic necessities for survival, as a tinsmith he found people to trade for food and gave gifts to his Kapo to gain favor and better treatment, he even fixed the boots of his wife s Kapo and afterwards his wife was no longer treated so poorly. Vladek had to salvage anything that might be of value to someone else and eventually was even able to move his wife closer so he could keep an eye on her. Soon his obsession with saving anything he can get his hands on starts to make sense. As you take in the story of Auschwitz, there are moments when you realize how easily he Vladek is telling the story. He describes times when the prisoners are inspected for health and if they pass they are sent back to the barracks to continue working and if they are too sick then they are removed from the camp. Art uses the smokestack to represent those who are taken away and sent to the gas chamber, the devastating image is chilling and leaves a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. It is such a simple drawing, small
  • 19. Jim Crow Laws Vs Apartheid As a result of the government mandated segregation, resistance in both the United States and South Africa escalated. In other words, the history of the African civil rights movement taught: Nationalism has been tested in the people s struggles . . . and found to be the only antidote against foreign rule and modern imperialism (Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom 2008, 156). By comparing and contrasting the Jim Crow Laws and apartheid, we are able convey that nationalism ultimately lead to activism and reform. In both countries, the schism between Africans and their government worsened. To illustrate: [The Emancipation Proclamation] ended [slavery] . . . , but blacks . . . had more in common with African American slaves . . . than with the [Caucasian businessmen] (Bausum 2012, 19). For instance, Congress passed the discriminatory Jim Crow Laws in order to establish a hierarchy based on the plantation mentality (Bausum 2012, 14). For South Africans, the National Party (the Nats) in 1948, made apartheid the official law. Both forms of segregation continued the cycle of poverty for coloured people and ensured [that Caucasians had better quality education], hospitals, and other public services (Rose 2011, 12). For example, African American garbage men s insufficient salary was based on their garbage routes rather than an hourly wage (Bausum 2012, 14). Similarly, black South African staff received inadequate pay and the law outlawed strikes and the formation of unions.
  • 20. Trinity Of The Holy Spirit Research Paper The third person in the trinity is the Holy Spirit. Many times people tend to believe there is a hierarchy in the trinity, and often the Holy Spirit is at the bottom. This is not; the Holy Spirit is just as important as the Father and the Son. The trinity is made up of three people who are equally important. The Holy Spiritdwells inside all believers and guides them throughout their life. He is also the one to bring believer s heart s to the point of conviction. He is significant because he is referenced in the Bible in 261 different passages; fifty six of those are found in the gospels (Willmington 641). God s character is similar to the Father s and the Son s. He is a divine being just the same as the other persons of the trinity. The Holy ... Show more content on ... God s ministry started in the very beginning with the creation of the universe (Willmington 645). Psalm 19:1 says, the heavens declare the glory of God... (NKJV) proving He created the universe. Another ministry He worked through is the writing of the scriptures. The Holy Spirit is the author of the Scripture. He had three basic preparation and reception guidelines for His divine manuscript, these are called the steps of the spirit . They are revelation, Inspiration, and Illumination (Willmington 645). In both the Old and New Testaments it is proven that the scriptures are the work of the Holy Spirit (II Samuel 23:2, John 14:25 26). Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is that of the devil. The Holy Spirit limits Satan s power (Willmington 646). ...when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19). He also came to set up the most important of the three basic institutions in the Bible, marriage, government, and the Church. The Church is by far the most significant of the three. The Holy Spirit came to help the early churches start and then continued to help them grow. These are just four of the eleven ministries recorded in which the Holy Spirit did. He took part in many ministries (Willmington
  • 21. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke s Meeting January 28 29, 2014 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke s meeting dealt mainly with the issues that could stabilize the economy after the great recession. After creating a number of policies to fight the 2008 crisis, Chairman s move to further reduce Quantitative Easing was a bit of a disappointment. The Fed will reduce its purchases of long term Treasuries and mortgage backed securities by another $10 billion a month. Apart from this, Fed is going to concentrate on maximizing employment rates, stabilizing prices and interest rates. According to Staff review of the Economic Situation for January 28 29, the economic growth rate picked up in the second half of 2013. There was a gradual increase in the total payroll employment and a decline in unemployment rate. Consumer price inflation was still performing poorly than expected, while longer term inflation expectations remained stable. According to staff review of the financial situation for January 28 29, there are developments in emerging market economies. The Fed will continue to support Monetary economic situations over the intermeeting period, they were critically affected by Federal Reserve correspondences, to some degree better than anticipated economic information discharges, and advancements in developing market economies. On net, monetary conditions in the United States stayed strong of development in economic action and work: Equity costs is wrinkled a bit, longer term investment rates declined, and the
  • 22. Sojourner Truth On Slavery Sojourner Truth was born as Isabelle Baumfree in 1787 and became one of the most famous African American women in the united states. Sojourner Truth had a very tough life as being sold as a slave for only 100 a slave, she worked really hard and never complained as another man do.she went through dark pains of raped by owners and had 10 kids.during the civil war Sojourner Truthlater ecscaped slavery and found her freedom Sojourner Truth went around and met a lot of people, which one reason made her speech aint I a woman famous. she met president douglass and congerman, and her stories of slaery helped change view against was a very hard moment to express how it was like to be torchred
  • 23. Analysis Of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre If I were to remake the 1974 version of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, I would update it to have current technology. I would update the movie so people had cell phones; I would have social media play a big part in the movie; I would also put in updated vehicles and machinery. With these changes to the movie I feel like it would help the movie become more modern. Nowadays everyone has a cell phone. From 80 year olds to 10 year olds, almost everyone has a cell phone. In remaking The Texas Chain Saw Massacrefor current times I feel like adding cell phones would be a major key in helping the movie fit our generation. For example, the hitchhiker wouldn t be a hitchhiker in today s society, so the only thing I could think of to have the teenagers pick up a random person was if Franklin was using a dating app and was going to pick up someone he has been talking to. Franklin would be talking about how he has been talking to this girl for a while now, and he wanted to bring her with on the teenagers trip. They would eventually find her waiting at a bus stop to be picked up by Franklin and the rest of the teenagers. Franklin described how caring and loving this girl was online. This girl could be a new family member of the killers from the old movie. When she gets in the van Franklin notices right away she doesn t look like her profile picture did online. Online she was a short blonde girl that had a couple blue streaks in her hair, but when the teenagers pick her up they pick up a tall girl with jet black hair. She could eventually go crazy and the teenagers kick her out like they did with the hitchhiker in the original (Texas Chain Saw Massacre). After they kick the crazy girl out, Pam would go on to read off of her phone all the horoscopes that she is obsessed with. Pam talks about how Franklin s birthday is coming up in early november making him a Scorpio. She continues to say how this month s horoscope for Scorpios says how these next couple of days will be strugglesome and frustrating. Another way cell phones would change the movie would be if the lost someone in the group they would just call them to try and figure out where they are. When Kirk and Pam go missing, someone would most likely end up calling their
  • 24. Does Brutus Love Portia At first, it appears that Portia and Brutus have a combative marriage. The readers first meet Portia in Act II, scene I, page 11, line 242. She is up in the wee hours of the morning to confront Brutus about his odd behavior. The way Brutus reacts to Portia at first may seem hostile and discriminating; however, this is not the case. The reader can see that Brutus truly loved Portiaas an equal to himself because Brutus is guarding his secret to protect Portia, and they re relationship is much different from that of Caesar and Calpurnia s. Brutus truly loved Portia as an equal to himself because he refuses to tell Portia what is troubling him, in order to protect her. In the play, Brutus tries to convince Portia that he is simply sick and that she should go back to bed and not worry (act II, scene I, page 12, lines 265 and 268). Portia later proclaims that if she is strong enough to bear a self inflicted stab wound, then she can handle what is weighing on Brutus s mind. Brutus proceeds to wonder aloud how he is worthy of such a noble wife (act II, scene I, page 13, lines 310 313). Readers can see that Brutus loves his wife as an equal to himself because he wants Portia to go back to sleep for the safety of her own health. When Portia stabs herself, Brutus does not react angrily or even frightened. He recognizes that this ... Show more content on ... Women married for money and protection not for love. An example of that kind of marriage is Caesar and Calpurnia s marriage (act II, scene II, page 3, lines 50 56). Due to the fact that Brutus and Portia lived during this time period, many may think that their relationship is like everyone else s; however, this is not the case. Brutus tells Portia that she is truly dear to him, and that she is an honorable and noble wife (act II, scene I, page 13, lines 296 and 313). Brutus truly loved Portia as an equal to himself, and this is apparent throughout their conversation
  • 25. King Henry Rhetorical Analysis Throughout history there have been many motivational speakers that had the ability to reach out to all social statuses. A few of these people start with Presidents, Morgan Freeman, Martin L. King Jr., and others. The main time period in history we are focusing on dates back to the 1415 and he goes by the name of King Henry the fourth. He was a great motivational speaker as he was able to connect with all social groups from the poor to the wealthy. In battle of Agincourt, he gave a very powerful speech to the soldiers as they were greatly outnumbered with many lines that reached out to both the poor and the wealthy men on the battlefield. These quotes were not only brawn but also diverse, so that it appealed to all the different classes of soldiers in the group. Out of Henry s speech, the first line that fascinates me is what feats he did that day: then shall our names . This line means a lot because they are fighting on a day while everyone else in England is off work and enjoying Saint Crispin s Day. If they are victorious, they will be able to earn lots of honor for what they were doing on such a day that others were resting. As the years roll around, and Saint Crispin s Day comes up again, they can show their battle scars and explain where they came from earning them more fame to their own name throughout the years. King Henry tried to motivate all of his men with him for the battle through this speech by using lines that attracted all levels and not just one group.
  • 26. Reflections On Barron And Kenny Reflections on Barron Kenny s 1986 article The Moderator Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations The relationships between independent and dependent variables can be very complex. Moderation and mediation is one way to make sense of this complexity, but add a level of complexity of their own. Due to this complexity, psychological researchers can be unclear on the differences of the terms and use them in an inaccurate and misleading fashion, indicating that a moderation is a mediation and a mediation is a moderation. The authors make the differences clear through explaining that a moderator allows for changing direction or strength of relationship, while ... Show more content on ... A hypothesis might read that the relationship between self kindness and depression is accounted for in part by self kindness leading to more resilience which leads to less depression. This mediation is different than than a recent moderation effect in another study where level of perceived social support acts as a moderator on the relationship between a participant s level of perceived stress on the previous day and their pain level on the following day. If a participant has more social support, the relationship between their previous day level of perceived stress and current day pain level is reduced compared to if they have less perceived social support. This seems to be obviously a moderator rather than a mediator because level of perceived social support is changing the slope of the regression line. The relationship between the independent or predictor variable and the dependent or outcome variable is stronger or weaker depending on the level of the mediator. It is also possible for the relationship to change direction depending on the mediator. This seems to further separate moderator from mediator as level of a mediator would not change the relationship between the predictor and
  • 27. The Devil And Tom Walker Romanticism Most people have never heard of the Rationalist and Romantic movements. They are a major part in today s literature. The story The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving is a story about a man who is conflicted with the devil and he and his wife search for wealth. The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe is a short but mind twisting story about the plague of the Red Death, and people trying to use wealth to hide themselves from it. Another amazing short storywould be The Devil and Daniel Websterby Stephen Vincent BenГ©t which is inspired by Irving s story, and it has to do with Jabez Stone who is stuck in a predicament with the Devil and needs to be saved. All of the stories are Romantic movements from various different authors.... Show more content on ... The swamp was where the Devil was in the story, The swamp was thickly grown with great gloomy pines and hemlocks, some of them ninety feet high, which made it dark at noonday, and a retreat for all the owls of the neighborhood (Irving 4). Tom s wife managed to get cemented in the swamp, and later died. She would have never gone in there if it was not for Tom and his feelings about the swamp. Tom was scared, but also wanted the money that he found out was buried in the swamp. These feelings all came together to influence Mrs.Walker to go into the swamp where she eventually met her demise. It is assumed in the story that the Devil killed her. She would not have died if it was not for Tom and his incite on the swamp. Similarly, in the story of the Devil and Daniel Webster, the Devil almost lead to the death of Daniel and Jabez. In the story of Daniel Webster, the Devil summoned people up from Hell to help jury a case between Jabez Stone and the Devil, and with that, the fire burned blue and the door blew open and twelve men entered, one by one (BenГ©t 314). This illustration shows the power that evil can have, and although it may not be the most realistic representation, the point still stands. Jabez Stone made a deal with the Devil, and if it was not for Daniel Webster, Jabez would not be alive. Jabez was due to give his life to the Devil because of the deal that he made with him.
  • 28. Who Is The Real Monster In Frankenstein The novel Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus, by Marry Shelly is based around the creature Victor Frankenstein creates. The creature is a fictitious abomination and is used for several films because of its appearance. The monster created by Victor embodies the archetypal horror character in many ways. The creature s physical features are horrifying and chilling, as well as the murderous actions it takes for revenge, just like the stereotypical monster depicted in other novels and film. The creature has a repulsive appearance that solidifies his classification as a monster. When Victor Frankensteincreates the creature, he depicts it of being very distasteful in looks. Victor describes the creature as an eight foot tall figure, having... Show more content on ... The creature that Shelly depicts becomes agitated and plots revenge by murdering the innocent people associated with Victor. The creature claims that abandonment is the main drive fueling its rampage. The creature sets off on a warpath, first, killing Frankenstein s brother William, and shortly killing Frankenstein s friend, and later kills Frankenstein s bride. I could with pleasure have destroyed the cottage and its inhabitants and have glutted myself... shows how the creature feels towards his master and develops an attitude of killing with no remorse (). Granted, towards the end of the novel after the creature finds out the fate of its master, it begins to sympathize again, but for a time period the creature was in an incredibly unstable mindset. Frankenstein says, ...towards whom I have sworn eternal revenge; you shall be my first victim showing the pure hatred the creature has towards the Victor Frankenstein and the people associated with him (). Victor Frankenstein creates a monster that effortlessly kills innocent people out of revenge with no grief, embodying the features of what any stereotypical horror character would
  • 29. How Did Walt Disney Influence The World On December 5th, 1901 a legend is born, Walter Elias Disney became an icon in the cartoon and children movie business. From the theme park in Orlando to the cartoons on televisions across the nation, Walt Disney has engraved his name in history and in many of our hearts as one of the most influential people in modern art. Walt Disney was the fourth born to a poor family in Chicago Illinois. A few years after he Walter was born the family moved to Marceline Missouri a town of about two thousand people. While living in Marceline Walter started to develope his love for drawing by copying the front page of his local newspaper as well as making his own drawings and selling them to a retired doctor. In the year of 1918 Walt Disney tried to enlist in the armed forces but he was rejected to serve in a combat position due to him only being sixteen at the time. Instead he went to France and drove an ambulance for the Red Cross. During his time with the Red Cross he grew in his artistic abilities by covering the ambulance with cartoons from the front to the back. This was the start to what would become some of the greatest cartoons in American history (WALT). After coming home from France Walt walter became intrigued... Show more content on ... Walt was known for helping struggling artists get on there feet after completing school. One of his greatest influences was actually established after Walt died when his wife gave the California Institute of the arts a donation to refurbish a old auditorium which was named the Walt Disney Modular Theatre. He also had an elementary school dedicated in his name as well as many public buildings in his hometown of Marceline. Walt also had a profound impact on modern cartoons and television. Another influence Walt had was with people with learning disabilities, Walt had dyslexia and proved to many people that just because something may be harder for some to do does not mean it can not be
  • 30. Perfect storm Book The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea SUMMARY: AuthorSebastian Junger CountryUnited States LanguageEnglish SubjectAndrea Gail, 1991 Perfect Storm, shipwrecks GenreCreative nonfiction PublisherW. W. Norton Company Publication dateMay 17, 1997 Media typedvd and cd Pagesxii, 227 ISBNISBN 0 393 04016 X OCLC Number35397863 Dewey Decimal974.4/5 LC ClassificationQC945 .J66 1997 The Perfect Storm is a creative nonfiction book written by Sebastian Junger and published by W. W. Norton Company in 1997. The paperback edition (ISBN 0 06 097747 7) followed in 1999 from HarperCollins Perennial imprint. The book is about the 1991 Perfect Storm that hit North America between October 28 and... Show more content on ... Reed gives commentary throughout the book on the boats history. Book controversy[edit] While there have been disputes over the context and research of the book, there have been controversies that surround the movie The Perfect Storm. Families of two crew members sued the film makers for the fictionalization of events which happened prior to the loss of the Andrea Gail.[4] In 2005, the Florida Supreme Court ruled against the family of Captain Tyne by a 6 2 vote. REVIEW 1: It is a struggle as old as humanity itself and perhaps that is why the ongoing battle of human against nature resonates with such resilience in the hearts and minds of readers of the adventure tale. A solitary figure standing on a beach can rail against the elements of sand, sea, and rain and feel in control, but omnipotence rests on terra firma. Place that same person on a boat tossed about on a roiling sea, a sky reverberating with crescendos of thunder, water bullets screaming from the heavens, and prayers for deliverance are the only words that pass humbled lips. In October 1991, on the Grand Banks off the coast of Nova Scotia, the 72 foot swordfish boat Andrea Gail turns west to begin its journey home to Gloucester, Massachusetts. It s been a successful run and the Gail s hold is full of fish, but disturbing news over the radio puts captain Billy Tyne on alert. Storms are approaching and with a full hold the Andrea Gail sits low in the water. What transpires
  • 31. Nursing Research HISTORICAL LANDMARKS AFFECTING NURSING RESEARCH YEAREVENT| 1859Nightingale s Notes on Nursing published| 1900American Nursing Journal begins publication| 1923Columbia University establishes first doctoral program for nurses| Goldmark Report with recommendations for nursing education published| 1930sAmerican Journal of Nursing publishes clinical cases studies| 1948Brown publishes report on inadequacies of nursing education| 1952The journal Nursing Research begins publication| 1955Establishment of nursing research center at Walter Reed Army Institue of Research| 1963International Joursnal of Nursing Studies begins publication| 1971ANA establishes a Commission on Research| 1972ANA establishes ... Show more content on ... Research) * 1952 Nursing Research came into being to meet need for a journal in which nsg.research findings can be published * Nsg. Research took a twist not experienced by research in other professions Nurses studied themselves. Nursing Research in the 1960s * Knowledge development through research began in earnest in 1960s * Nsg. Leaders began to express concern about lack of research in nsg.practice * Prof l nsg.organizations Western Interstate Council for Higher Education in Nsg. Established priorities for research investigations * Practice oriented research on different clinical topics began to emerge * Period during which terms like conceptual framework, conceptual model, nsg.process, theoretical base of Nursing began to appear in the literature and to influence views about the role of theory in nsg. research. * Nsg. Research began to advance worldwide the International Journal of Nursing Studies began Publication in 1963; the Canadian Journal of Nursing Research was first published in 1968. Nursing Research in the 1970s * Growing no.of nurses conducting research studies and the discussions of theoretical contextual issues surrounding nursing research
  • 32. Was The Roman Military Successful The Roman military was not successful. Soldiers didn t take orders, wear armor,and they were very lazy.To begin, Roman military used to be great. They had breastplates , helmets, and other armor as well. The armor is a major contribution to be successful in the military.For instance, in the concerning militarymatter article it stated, because of negligence and laziness, parade ground drills were abandoned, This evidence shows soldiers don t care about their job, Their job was to protect and serve the Roman Empire. The soldiers didn t want to fight. Another job they had was to follow orders and give orders. For example,a chief would tell the soldier to gather the rest of the troops for a meeting.soldiers thought it was to much work.The
  • 33. Dangers Posed By The Fast Food Industry Dangers Posed by the Fast Food Industry A nation s diet can be more revealing than its art or literature (Schlosser, 3). Historically, few trends have been as popular in the United States as fast food. From Burger King to Taco Bell to McDonald s, it seems that numerous fast food restaurants dot every corner; in fact, specific restaurants have now even joined forces, so that a Taco Bell and a Pizza Hut might coexist within one building. Statistically, Americans eat a great deal of fast food, and the industry is extremely profitable. People enjoy this food because it is inexpensive, convenient, and designed to satiate desires for strong flavors, especially tastes for salt and fat. However, this food comes at a higher cost than the low prices on menus would indicate; due to its contributions to the obesity epidemic, the dangers posed to teen workers at restaurants, and the targeting of children and poor communities, fast food poses a significant danger to the citizens of the United States. To begin with, the product itself poses numerous risks to consumers. The unhealthy nature of fast food has long been known: these foods contain an abundance of fat, sodium, and sugar. Even as recently as 2006, researchers have discovered additional health risks posed by fast food products. In Fast Food Fats Prove Health Hazard, Kathleen McGowan explains: The dangers of trans fatty acids a cornerstone of fast food cooking were confirmed in June, when a study at Wake Forest University
  • 34. Bus615 Midterm Essay True / False Questions (2 points each/20 points total) 1. Top managers use social intelligence to define the future of the business, analyzing markets, industries and economies to determine the strategic direction the company must follow to remain unprofitable. False 2. A variable is a business intelligence characteristic that stands for a value that cannot change over time. False 3. Business process management systems evaluate and improve processes that include both person to person workflow and system to system communications. True 4. BPM systems include advanced features such as enhanced process modeling, simulation, execution, and monitoring, providing a high level of flexibility while reducing costs. True 5. ... Show more content on ... Calculating, locking, and firewalls C. Content prohibiting, and cookies D. None of the above Fill in the Blank Questions (2 points each/20 points total) 21. Michael Porter identified pressures that can hurt potential sales. Knowledgeable customers can force __________ prices by pitting rivals against each other. _______________down_________________________ 22. The Porter s Five Forces Model analyzes the competitive forces within the environment in which a company operates to assess the potential for __________ in an industry. _________ profitability _______________________________ 23. Executive information systems are starting to take advantage of _____________ intelligence to support strategic decision making, by stimulating human thinking and behavior. _______________ artificial _________________________ 24. A shopping ______ bot _________ is software that will search several retailer websites and provide a comparison of each retailer s offerings including price and availability. ________________________________________ 25. The main challenge to ebusiness is the lack of growth in some sectors due to product or service _________. _____________________limitation___________________ 26. One of the main challenges that ___________ face is ensuring consumer
  • 35. protection, guarding them against unsolicited goods and invasion of privacy. _________________ ebusiness _______________________ 27. The
  • 36. Lake Tahoe Research Paper Lake Tahoe, California is a fun and exciting vacation destination year round. Most vacations are enjoyable in only one season, or one type of weather. However, Lake Tahoe is available all year for fun and new experiences. Whether you like water skiing in the summer, or snowmobiling in the winter, you will definitely enjoy this awesome action spot. Lake Tahoe is an amazing place to visit, with so much to do and so many things to see, especially in the summer. For example, there are all kinds of water sports that you can take part in like riding jet skis, stand up paddle boarding, canoeing, kayaking, water skiing and even scuba diving. Plus, for those who prefer to stay out of the water, the lake offers golfing, horseback riding, fishing, mountain biking, bowling, and zip lining. There are all sorts of programs, and shops that allow you to do these things. For instance, the Action Water Spots of Incline village is a great place to get started on your trip. This amazing place has everything from boat rentals to waterskiing lessons. Basically, if you want to try it, you can rely on them to have it. www.tahoesouth.comIn addition, you can try the Tahoe Adventure Company, which will lead you on all sorts of... Show more content on ... With activities like skiing, snowboarding, and snowboarding, sledding, tubing, snowmobiling, and cross country skiing, this is the perfect place for those who enjoy anything that has to do with the snow. There are many places allover Lake Tahoe that offer the supplies for each and every one of these activities. For example, Powder House Ski and Snowboard Rentals offers supplies for skiing, snowboarding, snowshoes, skates, and they even have a stock of winter clothes to wear! This amazing business even has a delivery service, which will bring ski and snowboarding equipment directly to you! In addition, Camp Squaw Valley is an amazing place to visit if you
  • 37. The Project Management Methodology For A Stage Boundary... 1. Introduction In this report we will discuss the project management methodology Prince2. This report will include what Prince2 is and its elements, the purpose and characteristics of Prince 2 and also the quality theme and the managing a stage boundary process will be discussed and how they are used to address key project management issues. 2. Prince2 Prince2 is an acronym for PRojects IN Controlled Environments (, n.d.). It is a process based approach and a structured project management method that allows projects to be managed in a logical and organised way, following defined steps (, n.d.). Prince2 is a widely recognized project management methodology which is used by public and private sectors that it has become the de facto standard for project management in the UK (, n.d). Furthermore due to it being widely recognized and extensively used in the UK, it is also established internationally. (, n.d). Prince2 methodology is in the public domain and is a best practise solution therefore, it is available to be used by the public, and is accepted and adaptable in many areas of business and industry. Prince2 is a framework that allows project managers to deliver projects on time and within budget (Haughey, 2015). A project is divided into stage where there is an organised and controlled start, middle and end. All Prince2 projects must have a business case and a plan that is reviewed on a regular basis to check that the project
  • 38. Nausea Monologue My head aches and my stomach drops after filling itself with endless knots, squeezing my abdomen, pressuring me to focus on the panic and nothing else around me. Holding my head under the water of doubt, leaving a mark on me, as if it were claiming me and showcasing how unstable I appear to be to the world. Drenching me with insecurity and positioning me on a pedestal above all others, but out of humility, to show them how pathetic I get. Tornadoes of thousands of thoughts that leave my head spinning while I stand falsely resolute. Clammy hands and emotional daggers to the heart, allowing the metaphorical blood to seep through the surface of my skin, rendering me motionless because I m too paralyzed by the paranoia to excuse myself from public humiliation. The imaginary noose that tightens against my throat as I desperately gasp for breaths that seemingly are no longer allowed. My confidence twisting faster than everyone else realizes, until... Show more content on ... Nausea builds inside of me, gaining the potential to overthrow what s left of my stability with acidic intruders. The screaming inside my head intensifies, accusing me of several things in which I haven t thought about until that point in time. I m floored with what ifs and assumptions that I realize can t be truthful, but rationality has left me like the coward it makes me out to be. My sternum tightens and it feels like my rib cage is trying to collapse within itself. Weighted pressure compresses my chest, making oxygen feel imaginary. Bones intertwining in morbid order, threatening to permanently mold me into how my demons want me depicted. Every fiber of my being feels like static, flashing in and out in an extremely unstable manner, waiting to be properly fixed so I can be shown to the population without feeling shame or envy as a result of not being able to fit into their puzzle of society that shows it had no room left for
  • 39. Alienation, A Theme in John SteinbeckВґs The Grapes of Wrath Grapes of Wrath: Alienation In Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck reveals the assumptions and moral values of Californian society in the 1930s by narrating the tale through the eyes of Tom Joad. Tom and his family are evicted from their homes by the bank because the drought had diminished the profitability of the land. They join numerous other migrants on Route 66, hoping for a better life in California. Both the rich Californian landowners and the Californian workers alienate the migrant families, showing a blatant disregard for human life in pursuit of preserving their own self interests. Migrant families were subject to being alienated and called names. The first time Tom hears the term Okie he asks someone what it means, and he learns that, Okie use ta mean you was from Oklahoma. Now it means you re a dirty son of a bitch. Okie means you re scum (Page chapter 18). This quote shows the hatred Californians had for the migrant families who were looking for a new start. Okie became a derogatory term used by Californians who feared that the people migrating from the Midwest would take their jobs. Californians alienated and dehumanized migrants by labeling them. The implication that a migrant is a dirty son of a bitch further serves to dehumanize migrants by relating them to filthy street dogs. The word scum is also demeaning, and by comparing migrants to dirt Steinbeck shows that Californians thought that the migrants were worthless. Paranoid Californians did
  • 40. Itco321 Unit 1 Research Paper Unit 3 IP ITCO321 Anthony Thurman Stacks are containers of objects that are inserted and then removed according to Last In First Out (LIFO). This means that the last item inserted will be the first item removed. Inserting an item is referred to as Pushing, while removing an item is called Popping. A queue works a little different than a stack does, in that it follows First In First Out. So rather than having the last object removed first, the first object is removed first. Elements can be inserted at any time, but the only element that can be removed is the one that has been in the queue the longest. Pseudo code: Stack Using Push, Pop, and Peek Start Program Push(10) Push (100) Push (1000) //Used to add items to stack Display... Show more content on ... { Stack stack = new Stack(); //utilizing push in order to add to the stack stack.push(10); stack.push(100); stack.push(1000); Console.WriteLine( ITCO321 Unit 3 IP + System.Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine( Your elements are: + System.Environment.NewLine + stack); //utilizing pop in order to remove from the stack stack.pop(); stack.pop(); Console.WriteLine( After using pop twice, your new elements are: + System.Environment.NewLine + stack); Console.WriteLine( You ll notice that the pop has removed the objects by using FILO ); //utilizing peek, which allows us to take a peek at the stack stack.peek(); Console.WriteLine( Using peek we can take a look at what is inside the stack + System.Environment.NewLine + stack ); / /utilizing clear, in order to clear everything from the stack stack.clear(); Console.WriteLine( Now after clearing your stack the final result is: + System.Environment.NewLine + stack); Console.ReadLine(); } }
  • 41. Call Of The Wild Identity Essay Identity is something that is very important to who we are and how we interact with others. Much of this is influenced by our surroundings and the conditions that we are presented with. Buck in The Call of the Wild begins his transformation into a beast when he is thrown into the grim terrain of the north. Along with this, the American people during the Frontierwere shaped by the open land in the west that they were forced to adapt to. In the Call of the Wild and Turner s Frontier Thesis, both Buck and the American people s identity were shaped because of the surrounding geography. Initially in the story, Buck had it easy. He was born a domesticated St. Bernard /Scotch shepherd who lived with Judge Miller in the sun kissed Santa Clara ... Show more content on ... This transition completely transformed the life of Buck forever. While being transported from place to place, his pride suffered an utter blow. He was no longer in this domain where he could freely live. Instead, he was constantly conformed, handled, and controlled by the power of others. One major strike at Buck s pride occurred when he was beaten by the man with the club. After he is hit, it is clear that, the club was a revelation. It was his introduction to the reign of primitive law, and he met the introduction halfway (London 6). This shows that as Buck moves further and further from home, he begins to stray away from his previous way of life. His domestic nature fades away and the inner beast inside of him is revealed. As Buck enters an unfamiliar world as a wild sled dog, he undergoes many physical changes. The grim geography of the rigid north had many adverse effects on Buck s once pristine build. One example of Buck suffering physically is when he experiences extreme pain in his feet caused by the rugged terrain of the journey north. Buck s feet were not so compact and hard as the feet of the huskies. His had softened during the many generations since the day his last wild ancestor was tamed by a cave dweller or river man (London 18). This shows that as Buck treks across the ice and snow with the rest of the pack, his feet become weathered and wounded. His feet are not as tough as the other dogs due to his upbringing and his ancestral history. Along
  • 42. Immigration Assimilation America is largely made up of immigrants, and thus it is referred to by many as an immigrant s nation. The rise in immigrants of the first generation and those of second or third generation is changing the demographics of the United States each day. Duncan and Stephen observe that about a quarter of U.S. residents are either first generation immigrants or the second generation children of immigrants (109). Most of these immigrants move to the country with the aim of achieving the American dream through career success. We would like to believe that the nation follows through with its American ideology that immigrants are welcomed with open arms, and they will have economic opportunities. However, the process of integration and assimilation of these immigrants has for long been a common debate question. The immigration waves into the United Stateshave occurred in several waves over the past years. In the earlier years, most of the immigrants were from Europe and their assimilation was rather smooth. But, the recent wave of immigrants groups prevalently from Asia and Latin America do not face similar acceptance and open arms as their predecessors. Additionally, the aspirations of most immigrants are that they will have upward mobility when they get into the United States, but unfortunately, in several instances, they may face unexpected downward mobility. Downward mobility may occur due to many factors. The socioeconomic mobility of immigrants is largely determined by the
  • 43. Kyle Householder Interview Imagine walking into a room and hearing a bunch of swear words from a bird. Kyle Householder doesn t have to imagine that. His father trained the bird to use foul language for comedy. Also Kyle enjoys many other things that I found out in this interview. During interviewing Kyle, we talked about his family, school, and some of his hobbies and interests. The first topic that Kyle and I talked about was his family life. Kyle is sixteen years young, born on July 26, 1999. He was born in Pittsburgh at Magee Womens hospital at seven thirty eight PM. Currently, Fort Allen is where he lives. Right down the road from seven eleven. Fort Allen is his hometown and hasn t lived anywhere else. Kevin at the age of twenty three is Kyle s older brother. Also his only sibling. His brother goes to Pitt Main studying electrical engineering. Now Kyle has a few animals. Spike and Bella are his dogs, Spike is a pintcher and Bella is an American Rot. He also has three challenged cats named Bailey, June, and Justice. Pete is his bird and he swears.... Show more content on ... He went to Harrold Middles School. The funniest thing that ever happened to him in school was that he puked twice in the hallway. His least favorite thing about school is waking up in the mornings. Going to school and seeing his friends are the only thing that Kyle likes about school. His plans after graduation would be to attend two or three years at WCCC. Then he wants to move to Myrtle Beach to study Marine Bio at Coastal Carolina. Over the summer he went to Myrtle Beach for his birthday and went shark and stingray fishing. Ten years from now he plans on living in Myrtle Beach doing fishing charters for a living. Also wants to be married and have two
  • 44. Video Relay Service Executive Summary This article focuses on the stressors that interpreters often face when interpreting in a Video Relay Service setting. Because of the stress that these interpreters face, this leads to burnout, which is equivalent to emotional exhaustion. There are many different reasons for the increase of stress in Video Relay Service interpreting. This article surveyed 424 interpreters who worked, or are currently working for a Video Relay Service. The survey consisted of three sections, which included rating the severity of stresslevel from twenty possible stress factors, three questions about the interpreter s experience working at a Video Relay Service, and demographic questions. The article begins with a brief description of what Video Relay Services are, as well as what Video Remote Interpreting is. The article also gives a definition of the term burnout, and... Show more content on ... I knew what the Video Relay Service was, but I never realized that interpreters in this setting could experience such high levels of stress that could eventually lead to a burnout. In the past, I knew that interpreters working in settings such as legal or mental health experienced levels of stress, but I never took into consideration the stress that interpreters working in Video Relay Service settings face. Since Video Relay Services are relatively new, most people do not realize the complexity of this setting. Interpreters must interpret everything, and some information could be extremely uncomfortable or personal. The information in the calls could have a negative impact on the interpreter, and be extremely emotional or go against the interpreter s beliefs. Interpreters also may have to interpret a 911 call, which I never even thought of before. A 911 call is stressful in itself, and the interpreter has to make sure he or she delivers an accurate interpretation because if they do not, it could be life or death for the individual needing to make the 911
  • 45. Unit 4 Health And Social Care Case Study 1.1.The Appellant gave birth to a baby on 1 October 1999 at the Respondent s Hospital. As a result of complications during the delivery, the baby was born with severe disabilities. 1.2.The Appellant sought damages from the Respondent for the injuries sustained at the baby s birth as a result of the negligence of Dr McLellan, employed by the Respondent. 1.3.The Appellant alleged negligence on the basis that the Appellant ought to have been given advice 1.3.1.about the risk of shoulder dystocia which would be involved in vaginal birth; and 1.3.2.of the alternative possibility of delivery by elective caesarean section. 1.4.The Lord Ordinary rejected the claims by following the approach in Sidaway v Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and the... Show more content on ... Bolam Test extent of the duty to advise is decided by reference to accepted medical practice in the form of an identified body of responsible medical opinion (Bolam, 586). have been raised on whether the same approach should be applied in relation to a failure to advise a patient of risks. Although Sidaway approves the application, the society has been developed. The test should have no place in advice and warning cases. 4.1.2.Whether the Court s dealing with disclosure of risk should be distinct from that with cases of diagnosis and treatment. cases of the diagnosis and treatment, responsible professional opinion will have an influential role to play in determining the appropriate standard of care; in cases of the risk disclosure, it is not a question the answer to which depends upon medical standards of practices. (Mason CJ, Brennan, Dawson, Toohey and McHugh JJ in Rogers v Whitaker (1992) 175 CLR 479, 489 490). application of the Bolam test to this question will result in the sanctioning of differences in practice which are attributable merely to divergent attitudes among doctors as to the degree of respect owed to their
  • 46. History Of The Bay Of Pigs Invasion IntroThe Bay of Pigs invasion is historical event of a failed us invasion of Cuba. The failure was due to overconfidence, mismanagement, and lack of secrecy by the US. President Kennedy and the CIA hold the blame not only embarrassing the US but also increasing tensions between the US and the Soviet Union. . The InvasionThe Bay of Pigs invasion was in 1961. It started on April 15th with the bombing of three Cuban military bases. The bombings were by supposed to be defecting Cuban military pilots. In actuality the bombings were by US planes designed to look like the Cuban B 26. 54 people were killed in the bombing and only a part of the Cuban air force was destroyed.1 The next day was scheduled to finish the job but for unknown
  • 47. Azo Journey The road to freedom is a very rough path. Numerous have freedom while some do not. To countless lives, freedoms are worth more than gold, and obtaining freedom is worth risking everything. For Papken Infarbian formally known as Azo, in Muslim, went through many trials to survive and obtain freedom to live with his bloodline. Azo was born in 1906 in Amasia, Turkey. He grew up during the perils of World War I and was a target of his Armenia bloodline. When he was driven out of his home in 1915, young Azo was forced to see the horrors of life that no one should see. In Azo s world, the way to freedom would be to become a slave in order to survive and obtain freedom. in order to survive, for Azo that was freedom. In his efforts to achieve freedom, Azo would experience the positives, negatives and the suffering that would come with this journey. Azo s nine masters saved his life and without them, he would have died much sooner. Azo s journey forced him to give up his background in his ethnicity and religion in order to survive. Azo s view of slavery is that slavery was an essential negative that will lead to an eventual positive. Azo journey started with his first master after sister and mother the last of his bloodline were taken. During his time there, the Kurdish master and the master s son would force him to give up on his religious view and become a Muslim. (22 24) While this did help attract more masters, Azo feared that people would find out the truth about him. Even
  • 48. The Awakening on Kate Chopin s The Awakening The time period of the 1880s that Kate Chopin lived in influenced her to write The Awakening, a very controversial book because of many new depictions of women introduced in the book. The Awakening is a book about a woman, Edna Pontellier. In the beginning, she is a happy woman with her husband and 2 kids vacationing at Grand Isle. While there, Edna realizes she is in love with Robert Lebrun and that she was just forced into an unloving/dissatisfying marriage with Mr. Pontellier. Robert however, leaves for Mexico. While there, Edna picks up a relationship with Alcee Arobin who helps her realize her sexual passions. Edna has a sexual awakening, and is determined to get independence and she eventually leaves Mr. Pontellier. She shows her independence and sexual passions through painting. Edna moves into a house of her own. Robert comes home and tells her he loves her. However, Edna can t handle all of the social rules and commits suicide before finishing her conversation with Robert. The book contained a lot of sexual passion shown by Edna, which is a new depiction of women in the 1880s. The new tone Kate Chopinwrote in was influenced by society and her life. The Awakening caused a lot of controversy due to this new tone. During the mid to late 1800s, the time period that Kate Chopin wrote The Awakening, women were expected to be a mother woman , which influenced Kate Chopin to write this book about the gain of independence by women. Women were expected to stay at home
  • 49. Benefits Of Having A Pet Many children want pets. For example, dogs, bunnies, hamsters, etc. A pet for children is not only fun and enjoyable, but 90% of the children between the ages of 3 and 13 indicated benefits to having a pet. The main arguments that children give when they want a pet are simple things like, they find it instructive, joyful, and therapeutic to receive unconditional love from their pet. Children often experience their animal as someone they trust as a friend, but these are not the only advantages. Various studies have shown that having a pet is good for children s development. In this paper, I will give six reasons why having a pet is good for children. 1) Emotional support In children s lives emotions such as anger, fear, and joy are shared with animals. Children can tell secrets, and feel at ease with their pets, since the pets can t judge or talk to them. The children experience much support. An animal may also help the child to feel safe when he or she is in an unfamiliar situation. It also gives a child a sense of security at home, because a dog watches and will bark an alarm if there is a dangerous situation. ... Show more content on ... Another study also showed that the self image of the child when he/she becomes an adult which will develop later, has to do with the age at which he/she first comes into contact with a pet. Therefore, children at the ages of six or during their puberty, having contact with a pet during these ages will have a positive self image than those who received their first pet between the ages of six to ten. Kids can even help at an early age with the care of animals. Accomplish tasks for the care of animals also gives
  • 50. The Importance Of Fostering Peace And Justice There are many people who suffer from cognitive disorders such as dementia. The number of people diagnosed with dementia increases everyday (Gould Reed, 2009). Those who are diagnosed with cognitive disorders need extra attention from care givers and require specific needs. Nurses caring for dementia patients foster peace and justice due to the special care dementia patient s require. Throughout this paper, the reader will understand how one fosters peace and justice, and how nurses must foster peace and justice when caring for patients diagnosed with dementia. Fostering peace and justice is a value recognized by Saint Francis. This value was created based on the teachings of the Lord and is used to help others serve Him on a daily basis. Those who foster peace and justice, live a devotional life to God. Fostering peace and justice help to keep the world a better place. Everyone should incorporate these simple values into their everyday life. Fostering peace simply means to keep the peace among all. Staying calm and looking at a situation from someone else s perspective helps one to keep high stress situations peaceful. While fostering peace, one does not argue or manipulate others. Someone fostering peace is not selfish and is willing to help others. Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14, New International Version). Fostering peace is important. In the greater scheme of