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Smoking Cessation
Gamal Rabie Agmy ,MD ,FCCP
Professor of Chest Diseases, Assiut University
Facts about Smoking
 Most of those killed by tobacco are not particularly heavy smokers
and most started as teenagers.
 Approximately 50 percent of smokers die prematurely from their
smoking, on average 14 years earlier than non-smokers.
 Smoking kills one in two of those who continue to smoke past age
 There is evidence that smoking can cause about 40 different
 the preventable mortality attributed to smoking is 8 percent of
deaths in females and 19 percent in males.
 Smoking is socioeconomically patterned with higher rates of
smoking in lower socio-economic groups. Thus tobacco smoking
produces a greater relative burden of disease and premature death
in lower socioeconomic groups and is a major contributor to
socioeconomic inequalities in health.
Facts (cont.)
Smoking, especially current smoking, is a crucial and
extremely modifiable independent determinant of
Second-hand smoke (also called environmental tobacco
smoke) is a Class A carcinogen and contains
approximately 4,000 chemicals.
Exposure of children to second-hand smoke:
▫ can cause middle ear effusion
▫ increases the risk of croup, pneumonia and bronchiolitis by 60
percent in the first 18 months of life
▫ increases the frequency and severity of asthma episodes
▫ is a risk factor for induction of asthma in asymptomatic children.
Benefits of Smoking Cessation
These points may be helpful in motivating people to quit
smoking. Many smokers deny being at increased risk of
cancer and heart disease and more accurate perception of
risk may assist cessation efforts.
 It is beneficial to stop smoking at any age. The earlier smoking is
stopped, the greater the health gain.
 Smoking cessation has major and immediate health benefits for
smokers of all ages. Former smokers have fewer days of illness, fewer
health complaints, and view themselves as healthier.
 Within one day of quitting, the chance of a heart attack decreases.
 Within two days of quitting, smell and taste are enhanced.
 Within two weeks to three months of quitting, circulation
improves and lung function increases by up to 30 percent.
Excess risk of heart disease is reduced by half after one
year’s abstinence. The risk of a major coronary event
reduces to the level of a never smoker within five years. In
those with existing heart disease, cessation reduces the risk
of recurrent infarction or death by half.
Former smokers live longer: after 10 to 15 years’
abstinence, the risk of dying almost returns to that of
people who never smoked. Smoking cessation at all ages,
including in older people, reduces risk of premature death.
Men who smoke are 17 times more likely than non-smokers
to develop lung cancer. After 10 years’ abstinence, former
smokers’ risk is only 30 to 50 percent that of continuing
smokers, and continues to decline.
Women who stop smoking before or during the
first trimester of pregnancy reduce risks to their
baby to a level comparable to that of women who
have never smoked. Around one in four low
birth weight infants could be prevented by
eliminating smoking during pregnancy.
The average weight gain of three kg and the
adverse temporary psychological effects of
quitting are far outweighed by the health
Evidence for Effectiveness of Health
Professional Intervention
 A Cochrane review of 16 RCTs found simple advice from doctors had a
significant effect on cessation rates (OR for quitting 1.69; 95%
confidence interval 1.45–1.98).
 When trained providers are routinely prompted to intervene with
people who smoke, they achieve significant reductions in smoking
prevalence (up to 15 percent cessation rates compared with 5 to 10
percent in non-intervention sites).
 Doctors and other health professionals using multiple types of
intervention to deliver individualized advice on multiple occasions
produce the best results. Frequent and consistent interventions over
time are more important than the type of intervention.
Smoking Cessation Program
The only way any country can substantially
reduce smoking and other tobacco use within its
borders is to establish a well-funded and
sustained comprehensive tobacco prevention
program that employs a variety of effective
Nothing else will successfully compete against
the addictive power of nicotine and the tobacco
industry's aggressive marketing tactics.
The following elements must all be included to maximize
the success of any program to reduce tobacco use.
Conducted in isolation, each of these elements can reduce
tobacco use, but done together they have a much more
powerful impact:
Public Education Efforts
Community-Based Programs
Helping Smokers Quit (Cessation)
School-Based Programs
Monitoring and Evaluation
Related Policy Efforts
Guidelines for
Individual Smoking
Tobacco dependence is a chronic condition that
often requires repeated intervention. However,
effective treatments exist that can produce longterm abstinence.
These guidelines are designed for smoking
cessation providers to assist all clients with
smoking cessation.
Promoting Smoking Cessation
Ranking of nicotine in relation to
other drugs in terms of addiction
among users


Difficulty achieving (alcohol=cocaine=heroin=nicotine)>caffeine
withdrawal severity


Importance in
user's daily life




Tobacco Effects on Psychiatric
Medication Blood Levels
 Smoking

induces the P450’s 1A2 isoenzyme
secondary to the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
 Smoking increases the metabolism of some

Haldol, Prolixin, Olanzapine, Clozapine, Mellaril, Thorazine, etc

 Caffeine

is metabolized through 1A2
 CHECK for medication SE or relapse to mental
illness with changes in smoking status
 Nicotine does not change medication blood levels
 NRT doesn’t affect medication blood levels
 Nicotine may modulate cognition, psychiatric
symptoms, and medication side effects
First-Line Medications
 Nicotine

Replacement Therapy (NRT)
-Patch (OTC)
-Gum (OTC)
-Lozenge (OTC)
-Oral Inhaler (Rx)
-Nasal Spray (Rx)
 Non-Nicotine Medications
-Varenicline (Chantix, Rx)
-Bupropion Hydrochloride (Rx)
Reasons for Using NRT


works: roughly doubling success
It helps the person feel more
comfortable (treats nicotine withdrawal
It is very safe: the person is getting
“clean” nicotine instead of “dirty”
nicotine with 4000 plus chemicals.
Nicotine withdrawal

 Withdrawal

is a collection of signs
and symptoms
caused by abstinence

 Nicotine

 Nicotine


or cigarette

reduces severity of
withdrawal symptoms
Sign of Nicotine Toxicity


Extremely RARE IN SMOKERS & thus
even more rare in NRT use.
• Nausea and/or vomiting
• Sweating
• Vertigo and/or Light-headedness
• Tremors
• Confusion
• Weakness
• Racing heart
Nicotine Patch
< 10 cigs/day: 14 mg
≥ 10 cigs/day: 21 mg
Length of Treatment:
Up to 12 weeks (PDR)
Apply to clean skin area
(upper trunk/ arms)
24 or 16 hour dosing, try
24 to dec. morning craving
Watch for nightmares
Given with or without taper


-Easy, good
-Slow onset
of action
Nicotine Gum
2mg < 25 cigarettes/day
4mg > 25 cigarettes/day
 Length of Treatment:
8-10 weeks (PDR)
Use: Chew and park (oral absorption)
Slow, buccal absorption
Acidic foods ↓ absorption
Pros: Flexible dosing (every 1-2 hours, up to 24
Keeps mouth busy
Cons: Need to use correctly (chew and park)
Nausea, Heartburn
Mouth and throat burning
Nicotine Lozenge
 Dosing:
Based on Time To First



12 weeks

Cigarette (TTFC)
4 mg ≤ if 30 mins TTFC
2mg > if 30 mins TTFC
Use: Allow to dissolve (Don’t Chew but Suck like a hard candy.)


Pros: Flexible dosing (Up to 20 lozenges/ day)
More discreet than gum; Keep mouth busy; OTC;


Cons: Need to use correctly (don’t chew, suck)
May cause insomnia, some nausea,
hiccups, heartburn, coughing

Nicotine Nasal Spray
 Dosing:

1-2 doses per hour
1 does = 2 spays (1 spray/nostril)
Use enough to control withdrawal
 Length

of Treatment:

3-6 months weeks (PDR)
Nicotine Nasal Spray
 Use:

Spray (don’t sniff, swallow, or inhale)
PRN or fixed-schedule (1-2 doses/hour)
 Pros: Rapid delivery though nasal mucosa
Flexible dosing (up to 40 doses)
 Cons: Nasal irritation, rhinitis, coughing, &
watering eyes.
Some dependence liability
Rx needed
Nicotine Medications
 Use


high enough dose
 Scheduled better than PRN
 Use long enough time period
 Can be combined with Bupropion
 Don’t combine with Varenicline
 Can be combined with eachother
 Have very few contraindications
 Have no drug-drug interactions
Efficacy of NRT medications






Odds Ratio of 6 month abstinence





Nasal spray
Withdrawal Symptoms and NRT














P < 0.05

** P < 0.01



Total Withdrawal






*** P < 0.001



Total withdrawal in mm (calculated by averaging each symptom over the 11 ratings and adding the 9
symptoms) for the 4 treatments and baseline smoking with P-values adjusted for multiple testing
(Bonferoni correction).
Adapted from: Fagerström et. al. Psychopharmacology, 1993,
111:3, 271-7
Some strategies
 Recommended

doses of nicotine replacement
therapy are inadequate for many smokers
 In heavy smokers, under dosing may limit the
effectiveness of patch
 Patch plus Gum
– Improves abstinence rates (Kornitzer 1995,
Puska 1995)
– Decreased withdrawal (Fagerstrom 1993)
– Well tolerated
 UMass uses up to 42mg patch or patch plus
43 GUM
Odds Ratios for the Efficacy of
Higher Doses and NRT
Gum (4mg vs 2 mg)
Patch (21mg vs 14)
Comb vs single ttt
Comb vs patch only

1.98 (1.30-3.00)
1.27 (1.03-1.57)
1.64 (1.22-2.21)
1.87 (1.17-2.99)
Smoking with NRT

Harm Reduction
Less reinforcing effects
Not a distraction from quit
(Benowitz 1997, Hartman 1991, Slade 1995)

Smoking and NRT: IS THAT SAFE?

Concern about this is not supported by data.
Joseph took a high risk cardiac group and put them
on patch or placebo.

49% with active angina
40% with history of heart attack
35% with history of cardiac bypass
No increase in cardiac events for the patient group
21% of the patients were not smoking at the end vs 9% of the
placebo group.
Jiminez-Ruiz put severe COPD patients on nicotine gum
Most patients continued to smoke, though less.
No adverse events attributed to nicotine.
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) got better

(Joseph AM. NEJM 335:1792-8, 1996 & Jiminez-Ruiz.
Slide copied from OASAS.


Respiration 69:452-6, 2002 )


Nicotine Replacement Therapy is being
provided to assist tobacco users to
become tobacco free.
 NRT is not a treatment in itself, but is
intended to complement the other
assessments and treatments provided.
 NRT works by reducing craving and
withdrawal severity, enabling the
patient to feel comfortable and able to
concentrate on other psychosocial
Non-Nicotine Pharmacotherapy
 First-line

non-nicotine medications
-Bupropion (Zyban/Wellbutrin)**
-Varenicline (Chantix)**
 Others (nortriptyline, clonidine )

**FDA Approved for smoking cessation

Bupropion Hydrochloride
 Dopamine

and norepinephrine (noradrenaline)

 Reduces cravings, withdrawal
 Improved abstinence rates in trials
 Less weight gain while using (Need to gain
100 pounds to diminish health benefit)
 Start 7-10 days prior to quit date
 Continue 7-12 weeks or longer ( > 6 months)
Bupropion Precautions
 Contraindicated:

seizure disorder, eating
disorders, electrolyte abnormalities, MAO

OK with SSRIs


dangerous to smoke while taking
 Monitor blood pressure
 Side effects:

Insomnia (40%)




2nd dose early evening helps

Dry mouth
Bupropion Efficacy






100 mg
150 mg


300 mg

7 week abstinence


1 year abstinence

Hurt, 1997
Varenicline (Chantix)
 Action

at α4β2 nicotine receptor

 Partial

 Releases lower amounts of dopamine
into brain than smoke

Reduces withdrawal
Not as addictive as smoke

 Blocks

nicotine from binding to receptor

Prevents reward of smoking
Varenicline (Chantix)
 Action

at α4β2 nicotine receptor

 Partial

 Releases lower amounts of dopamine
into brain than smoke

Reduces withdrawal
Not as addictive as smoke

 Blocks


nicotine from binding to receptor

Prevents reward of smoking
 Titrate

CHX 0.5


dose from 0.5
mg daily to twice daily
to 1 mg twice daily over
1 week
 Abstinence rates better
vs. placebo and
Bupropion at 1 year
 Optimal duration 12-24
 Most common side
effect is nausea
Abstinence by medication use











No m eds

1 m ed

2 m eds

4-week abstinence


3 m eds

4+ m eds

6-month abstinence
Serious Mental Illness
 Reduced

-Schizophrenia/Schizoaffective disorder
-Bipolar disorder
-Alcohol use disorder

Smoking and
 High

prevalence of smoking (about
90%, OR = 5.9)
 Highly nicotine dependent (FTND = 7
or higher)
 Nicotine produces cognitive or other
 Smoking ameliorates medication side
effects (e.g., lower rates of
neuroleptic-induced Parkinsonism)
Smoking and Schizophrenia
 Smokers with schizophrenia take in
more nicotine per cigarette than
smokers without this disorder
 Higher levels of positive symptoms
and decreased negative symptoms
 Ad libitum smoking increases after
initiation of haloperidol
 SCZ tend to smoke less on clozapine
Neurobiology of Smoking and
 Decreased

low affinity and high affinity

 Abnormal P50 responses are
 Improved Spontaneous Pursuit Eye
Movement and decreased Saccades
with nicotine
 Improved cognition and attention
Smoking & Bipolar Disorder
 High

prevalence of smoking: 61-80%
 Findings are inconsistent regarding
the prevalence of smoking between
bipolar disorder with and without
psychotic features
 Bupropion is contraindicated
 Quit rates are comparable to general
population and durable
 Quit rates enhanced with CBT
Smoking and Depression
 The

prevalence of smoking: 37-60%
 Leads to more severe nicotine withdrawal
- High

risk for relapse in first week
- Female > Male

 30%

risk of relapse to MDE after quitting if
past history present
Depressed smokers have higher suicide
rates than depressed nonsmokers
(Bruce, 1994; Lohr, 1992; Yassa, 1987)

Link Between MDD and
Prevalence of
Depression (%)



1 to 5

6 to 10

11 to 20


Average Daily Cigarette Consumption


Adapted from Kendler KS, 1993
Smoking and Depression (Continued)


alone insufficient treatment for
smokers with current and/or past MDD
 Combining NRT with non-NRT
pharmacotherapy appear to be promising
for smokers with depression (Ait-Daoud
et al., 2006)
 CBT that emphasizes group cohesion
and social support appears to be
particularly effective for depressed
smokers with or without alcohol
Smoking and Anxiety D/O
 The

prevalence of smoking: About 35-50%
 Smokers have greater anxiety and panic symptoms
than non-smokers
 Heavy smoking in adolescent is associated with
higher risk of developing Agoraphobia, GAD, and
Panic Disorder



Increased risk for relapse in first two weeks of quit attempt
– Increased the risk of smoking and nicotine dependence
lower rates for quitting smoking & remission from nicotine
Stopping smoking not associated with worsening of PTSD
– Bupropion tolerated and effective treatment
SSRIs and Smokers with
Anxiety Disorder
 No

benefit for smoking cessation
 Can reduce likelihood of emergent
anxiety and panic during quit attempt
 Bupropion is not appropriate as only
 Can be combined with NRT/Bupuropion
 Can be combined with varnicline
Smoking and Alcohol
 High

prevalence of smoking: 80-95%
 Two studies reporting similar outcomes
of NRT in alcoholics compared with nonalcoholics (e.g., Grant et al., Alcohol,
 Tobacco dependence treatment does
not cause abstinent alcoholics to
relapse (Hughes & Callas, 2003)
 Smoking cessation reduces the risk of
alcohol relapse (Sobell et al., 1995)
Smoking and Alcohol Dependence
 Bupropion

added to nicotine patch did
not improve smoking outcomes
 Topiramate group was significantly
more likely to become abstinent (OR =
4.46) compared with placebo group
(Johnson et al., 2003)
 Topiramate group reported more weight
loss compared with placebo group
(44% vs. 18%)
Percentage of Patinets With or Without Specific Metal Illness
Who Had Quit Smoking at the end of Tobacco Dependence


Percent Who Quit Smoking









With Diagnosis


Without Diagnosis





Psychiatric Disorders


Adapted from Grand et al., J Clin Psychiatry, 2007
Benefits of Treating Tobacco
Dependence in Mental Healthcare
 Emerging

evidence shows that
morbidity is reduced
 May enhance abstinence from other
 Reduced financial burden
 Increased self-confidence

Future Medication Options

FDA. Rimonabant is a cannabinoid receptor inhibitor
that blocks the reinforcing effects of nicotine and also
suppresses appetite. Now in phase 3 trials, it has
already receive much attention for its potential to
attack 2 major public health epidemics; smoking and
Electronic cigarette
E-cigarettes were found to have immediate
adverse physiologic effects after short time use
that are similar to some of the effects seen with
tobacco smoking ; however, the long term health
effects of e-cigarette use are unknown but
potentially adverse effects are worthy of further

CHEST 2012 ; 141 (6) 1400-1406.

M onitor tobacco use.
P rotect people from tobacco use.
O ffer help to quit tobacco use.
W arn about the damages of tobacco .
E nforce bans on tobacco advertising,
promotion and sponsorship.
• R aise taxes on tobacco products,

works and is
relatively safe
Many options now available
Patients should be given accurate
expectations (no magic bullet)

Smoking Cessation

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Smoking Cessation

  • 1.
  • 2. Smoking Cessation Gamal Rabie Agmy ,MD ,FCCP Professor of Chest Diseases, Assiut University
  • 3. Facts about Smoking  Most of those killed by tobacco are not particularly heavy smokers and most started as teenagers.  Approximately 50 percent of smokers die prematurely from their smoking, on average 14 years earlier than non-smokers.  Smoking kills one in two of those who continue to smoke past age 35.  There is evidence that smoking can cause about 40 different diseases.  the preventable mortality attributed to smoking is 8 percent of deaths in females and 19 percent in males.  Smoking is socioeconomically patterned with higher rates of smoking in lower socio-economic groups. Thus tobacco smoking produces a greater relative burden of disease and premature death in lower socioeconomic groups and is a major contributor to socioeconomic inequalities in health.
  • 4. Facts (cont.) Smoking, especially current smoking, is a crucial and extremely modifiable independent determinant of stroke. Second-hand smoke (also called environmental tobacco smoke) is a Class A carcinogen and contains approximately 4,000 chemicals. Exposure of children to second-hand smoke: ▫ can cause middle ear effusion ▫ increases the risk of croup, pneumonia and bronchiolitis by 60 percent in the first 18 months of life ▫ increases the frequency and severity of asthma episodes ▫ is a risk factor for induction of asthma in asymptomatic children.
  • 5. Benefits of Smoking Cessation These points may be helpful in motivating people to quit smoking. Many smokers deny being at increased risk of cancer and heart disease and more accurate perception of risk may assist cessation efforts.  It is beneficial to stop smoking at any age. The earlier smoking is stopped, the greater the health gain.  Smoking cessation has major and immediate health benefits for smokers of all ages. Former smokers have fewer days of illness, fewer health complaints, and view themselves as healthier.  Within one day of quitting, the chance of a heart attack decreases.  Within two days of quitting, smell and taste are enhanced.  Within two weeks to three months of quitting, circulation improves and lung function increases by up to 30 percent.
  • 6. Excess risk of heart disease is reduced by half after one year’s abstinence. The risk of a major coronary event reduces to the level of a never smoker within five years. In those with existing heart disease, cessation reduces the risk of recurrent infarction or death by half. Former smokers live longer: after 10 to 15 years’ abstinence, the risk of dying almost returns to that of people who never smoked. Smoking cessation at all ages, including in older people, reduces risk of premature death. Men who smoke are 17 times more likely than non-smokers to develop lung cancer. After 10 years’ abstinence, former smokers’ risk is only 30 to 50 percent that of continuing smokers, and continues to decline.
  • 7. Women who stop smoking before or during the first trimester of pregnancy reduce risks to their baby to a level comparable to that of women who have never smoked. Around one in four low birth weight infants could be prevented by eliminating smoking during pregnancy. The average weight gain of three kg and the adverse temporary psychological effects of quitting are far outweighed by the health benefits.
  • 8. Evidence for Effectiveness of Health Professional Intervention  A Cochrane review of 16 RCTs found simple advice from doctors had a significant effect on cessation rates (OR for quitting 1.69; 95% confidence interval 1.45–1.98).  When trained providers are routinely prompted to intervene with people who smoke, they achieve significant reductions in smoking prevalence (up to 15 percent cessation rates compared with 5 to 10 percent in non-intervention sites).  Doctors and other health professionals using multiple types of intervention to deliver individualized advice on multiple occasions produce the best results. Frequent and consistent interventions over time are more important than the type of intervention.
  • 9. Smoking Cessation Program The only way any country can substantially reduce smoking and other tobacco use within its borders is to establish a well-funded and sustained comprehensive tobacco prevention program that employs a variety of effective approaches. Nothing else will successfully compete against the addictive power of nicotine and the tobacco industry's aggressive marketing tactics.
  • 10. ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS The following elements must all be included to maximize the success of any program to reduce tobacco use. Conducted in isolation, each of these elements can reduce tobacco use, but done together they have a much more powerful impact: Public Education Efforts Community-Based Programs Helping Smokers Quit (Cessation) School-Based Programs Enforcement Monitoring and Evaluation Related Policy Efforts
  • 12. Tobacco dependence is a chronic condition that often requires repeated intervention. However, effective treatments exist that can produce longterm abstinence. These guidelines are designed for smoking cessation providers to assist all clients with smoking cessation.
  • 13. Promoting Smoking Cessation THE FIVE A’S: ASK ASSESS ADVISE ASSIST ARRANGE
  • 14. ASK
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  • 18. Ask
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  • 26.
  • 27. Ranking of nicotine in relation to other drugs in terms of addiction Dependence among users nicotine>heroin>cocaine>alcohol>caffeine Difficulty achieving (alcohol=cocaine=heroin=nicotine)>caffeine abstinence Tolerance (alcohol=heroin=nicotine)>cocaine>caffeine Physical alcohol>heroin>nicotine>cocaine>caffeine withdrawal severity Deaths nicotine>alcohol>(cocaine=heroin)>caffeine Importance in user's daily life (alcohol=cocaine=heroin=nicotine)>caffeine Prevalence caffeine>nicotine>alcohol>(cocaine=heroin) 27
  • 28. Tobacco Effects on Psychiatric Medication Blood Levels  Smoking induces the P450’s 1A2 isoenzyme secondary to the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons  Smoking increases the metabolism of some medications – Haldol, Prolixin, Olanzapine, Clozapine, Mellaril, Thorazine, etc  Caffeine is metabolized through 1A2  CHECK for medication SE or relapse to mental illness with changes in smoking status  Nicotine does not change medication blood levels (2D6)  NRT doesn’t affect medication blood levels  Nicotine may modulate cognition, psychiatric symptoms, and medication side effects 28
  • 29. First-Line Medications  Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) -Patch (OTC) -Gum (OTC) -Lozenge (OTC) -Oral Inhaler (Rx) -Nasal Spray (Rx)  Non-Nicotine Medications -Varenicline (Chantix, Rx) -Bupropion Hydrochloride (Rx) 29
  • 30. 30
  • 31. Reasons for Using NRT It 31 works: roughly doubling success rates. It helps the person feel more comfortable (treats nicotine withdrawal syndrome). It is very safe: the person is getting “clean” nicotine instead of “dirty” nicotine with 4000 plus chemicals.
  • 32. Nicotine withdrawal  Withdrawal syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms caused by abstinence  Nicotine  Nicotine 32 or cigarette withdrawal? replacement reduces severity of withdrawal symptoms
  • 33. Sign of Nicotine Toxicity • 33 Extremely RARE IN SMOKERS & thus even more rare in NRT use. • Nausea and/or vomiting • Sweating • Vertigo and/or Light-headedness • Tremors • Confusion • Weakness • Racing heart
  • 34. Nicotine Patch Dosing: < 10 cigs/day: 14 mg patch ≥ 10 cigs/day: 21 mg patch Length of Treatment: Up to 12 weeks (PDR) Use: Apply to clean skin area (upper trunk/ arms) 24 or 16 hour dosing, try 24 to dec. morning craving Watch for nightmares Given with or without taper  34 Pros: -Easy, good compliance -Continuous nicotine delivery -OTC Cons: -Slow onset of action -Skin reaction, Insomnia
  • 35. Nicotine Gum Dosing: 2mg < 25 cigarettes/day 4mg > 25 cigarettes/day  Length of Treatment: 8-10 weeks (PDR) Use: Chew and park (oral absorption) Slow, buccal absorption Acidic foods ↓ absorption Pros: Flexible dosing (every 1-2 hours, up to 24 pieces/day) Keeps mouth busy OTC Cons: Need to use correctly (chew and park) Nausea, Heartburn Mouth and throat burning 35 
  • 36. 36
  • 37. Nicotine Lozenge  Dosing: Based on Time To First  Length of Treatment: 12 weeks (PDR) Cigarette (TTFC) 4 mg ≤ if 30 mins TTFC 2mg > if 30 mins TTFC Use: Allow to dissolve (Don’t Chew but Suck like a hard candy.)  Pros: Flexible dosing (Up to 20 lozenges/ day) More discreet than gum; Keep mouth busy; OTC;  Cons: Need to use correctly (don’t chew, suck) May cause insomnia, some nausea, hiccups, heartburn, coughing 37
  • 38. Nicotine Nasal Spray  Dosing: 1-2 doses per hour 1 does = 2 spays (1 spray/nostril) Use enough to control withdrawal symptoms  Length of Treatment: 3-6 months weeks (PDR) 38
  • 39. Nicotine Nasal Spray  Use: Spray (don’t sniff, swallow, or inhale) PRN or fixed-schedule (1-2 doses/hour)  Pros: Rapid delivery though nasal mucosa Flexible dosing (up to 40 doses)  Cons: Nasal irritation, rhinitis, coughing, & watering eyes. Some dependence liability Rx needed 39
  • 40. Nicotine Medications  Use 40 high enough dose  Scheduled better than PRN  Use long enough time period  Can be combined with Bupropion  Don’t combine with Varenicline  Can be combined with eachother  Have very few contraindications  Have no drug-drug interactions
  • 41. Efficacy of NRT medications 2.5 1.73 1.66 1.76 2.08 2.27 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Odds Ratio of 6 month abstinence Overall 41 Gum Patch Inhaler Nasal spray
  • 42. Withdrawal Symptoms and NRT *** N.S. ** *** *** N.S. * N.S. Placebo Gum Patch Combo 50 P < 0.05 ** P < 0.01 100 Smoking Total Withdrawal 150 *** * 200 *** *** P < 0.001 0 42 Total withdrawal in mm (calculated by averaging each symptom over the 11 ratings and adding the 9 symptoms) for the 4 treatments and baseline smoking with P-values adjusted for multiple testing (Bonferoni correction). Adapted from: Fagerström et. al. Psychopharmacology, 1993, 111:3, 271-7
  • 43. Some strategies  Recommended doses of nicotine replacement therapy are inadequate for many smokers  In heavy smokers, under dosing may limit the effectiveness of patch  Patch plus Gum – Improves abstinence rates (Kornitzer 1995, Puska 1995) – Decreased withdrawal (Fagerstrom 1993) – Well tolerated  UMass uses up to 42mg patch or patch plus 43 GUM
  • 44. Odds Ratios for the Efficacy of Higher Doses and NRT Combinations Gum (4mg vs 2 mg) Patch (21mg vs 14) Comb vs single ttt Comb vs patch only 44 1.98 (1.30-3.00) 1.27 (1.03-1.57) 1.64 (1.22-2.21) 1.87 (1.17-2.99)
  • 45. Smoking with NRT Relatively safe Harm Reduction Less reinforcing effects Not a distraction from quit attempts (Benowitz 1997, Hartman 1991, Slade 1995) 45
  • 46. Smoking and NRT: IS THAT SAFE?   Concern about this is not supported by data. Joseph took a high risk cardiac group and put them on patch or placebo. – – – – – – – – – 49% with active angina 40% with history of heart attack 35% with history of cardiac bypass No increase in cardiac events for the patient group 21% of the patients were not smoking at the end vs 9% of the placebo group. Jiminez-Ruiz put severe COPD patients on nicotine gum Most patients continued to smoke, though less. No adverse events attributed to nicotine. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) got better (Joseph AM. NEJM 335:1792-8, 1996 & Jiminez-Ruiz. Slide copied from OASAS. 46 Respiration 69:452-6, 2002 )
  • 47. Conclusions  47 Nicotine Replacement Therapy is being provided to assist tobacco users to become tobacco free.  NRT is not a treatment in itself, but is intended to complement the other assessments and treatments provided.  NRT works by reducing craving and withdrawal severity, enabling the patient to feel comfortable and able to concentrate on other psychosocial treatments.
  • 48. Non-Nicotine Pharmacotherapy  First-line non-nicotine medications -Bupropion (Zyban/Wellbutrin)** -Varenicline (Chantix)**  Others (nortriptyline, clonidine ) **FDA Approved for smoking cessation 48
  • 49. Bupropion Hydrochloride  Dopamine and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) effects  Reduces cravings, withdrawal  Improved abstinence rates in trials  Less weight gain while using (Need to gain 100 pounds to diminish health benefit)  Start 7-10 days prior to quit date  Continue 7-12 weeks or longer ( > 6 months) 49
  • 50. Bupropion Precautions  Contraindicated: seizure disorder, eating disorders, electrolyte abnormalities, MAO use – OK with SSRIs  NOT dangerous to smoke while taking  Monitor blood pressure  Side effects: – Insomnia (40%)  – – 50 – 2nd dose early evening helps Dry mouth Headaches Rash
  • 51. Bupropion Efficacy 50 40 * * Placebo 30 * * 100 mg 150 mg 20 300 mg 10 0 7 week abstinence 51 1 year abstinence Hurt, 1997
  • 52. Varenicline (Chantix)  Action at α4β2 nicotine receptor  Partial agonist/antagonist  Releases lower amounts of dopamine into brain than smoke – – Reduces withdrawal Not as addictive as smoke  Blocks – nicotine from binding to receptor Prevents reward of smoking
  • 53. Varenicline (Chantix)  Action at α4β2 nicotine receptor  Partial agonist/antagonist  Releases lower amounts of dopamine into brain than smoke – – Reduces withdrawal Not as addictive as smoke  Blocks – 53 nicotine from binding to receptor Prevents reward of smoking
  • 54. Dosing  Titrate CHX 0.5 Pfizer 54 dose from 0.5 mg daily to twice daily to 1 mg twice daily over 1 week  Abstinence rates better vs. placebo and Bupropion at 1 year  Optimal duration 12-24 weeks  Most common side effect is nausea
  • 55. Abstinence by medication use 100% 74% 80% 64% 60% 40% 20% 82% 52% 37% 31% 37% 42% 42% 20% 0% No m eds 1 m ed 2 m eds 4-week abstinence 55 3 m eds 4+ m eds 6-month abstinence
  • 56. Serious Mental Illness  Reduced Cessation -Schizophrenia/Schizoaffective disorder -Bipolar disorder -PTSD -Alcohol use disorder 56
  • 57. Smoking and Schizophrenia  High prevalence of smoking (about 90%, OR = 5.9)  Highly nicotine dependent (FTND = 7 or higher)  Nicotine produces cognitive or other benefit  Smoking ameliorates medication side effects (e.g., lower rates of neuroleptic-induced Parkinsonism) 57
  • 58. Smoking and Schizophrenia (Continued)  Smokers with schizophrenia take in more nicotine per cigarette than smokers without this disorder  Higher levels of positive symptoms and decreased negative symptoms  Ad libitum smoking increases after initiation of haloperidol  SCZ tend to smoke less on clozapine 58
  • 59. Neurobiology of Smoking and Schizophrenia  Decreased low affinity and high affinity nAChRs  Abnormal P50 responses are normalized  Improved Spontaneous Pursuit Eye Movement and decreased Saccades with nicotine  Improved cognition and attention 59
  • 60. Smoking & Bipolar Disorder  High prevalence of smoking: 61-80%  Findings are inconsistent regarding the prevalence of smoking between bipolar disorder with and without psychotic features  Bupropion is contraindicated  Quit rates are comparable to general population and durable  Quit rates enhanced with CBT 60
  • 61. Smoking and Depression  The prevalence of smoking: 37-60%  Leads to more severe nicotine withdrawal symptoms - High risk for relapse in first week - Female > Male  30%  risk of relapse to MDE after quitting if past history present Depressed smokers have higher suicide rates than depressed nonsmokers (Bruce, 1994; Lohr, 1992; Yassa, 1987) 61
  • 62. Link Between MDD and Smoking 60 50 Lifetime Prevalence of Major Depression (%) 40 30 20 10 0 None 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 20 >21 Average Daily Cigarette Consumption 62 Adapted from Kendler KS, 1993
  • 63. Smoking and Depression (Continued)  NRT 63 alone insufficient treatment for smokers with current and/or past MDD  Combining NRT with non-NRT pharmacotherapy appear to be promising for smokers with depression (Ait-Daoud et al., 2006)  CBT that emphasizes group cohesion and social support appears to be particularly effective for depressed smokers with or without alcohol dependence
  • 64. Smoking and Anxiety D/O  The prevalence of smoking: About 35-50%  Smokers have greater anxiety and panic symptoms than non-smokers  Heavy smoking in adolescent is associated with higher risk of developing Agoraphobia, GAD, and Panic Disorder  PTSD: – – – 64 Increased risk for relapse in first two weeks of quit attempt – Increased the risk of smoking and nicotine dependence lower rates for quitting smoking & remission from nicotine dependence Stopping smoking not associated with worsening of PTSD – Bupropion tolerated and effective treatment
  • 65. SSRIs and Smokers with Anxiety Disorder  No benefit for smoking cessation  Can reduce likelihood of emergent anxiety and panic during quit attempt  Bupropion is not appropriate as only medication  Can be combined with NRT/Bupuropion  Can be combined with varnicline 65
  • 66. Smoking and Alcohol Dependence  High prevalence of smoking: 80-95%  Two studies reporting similar outcomes of NRT in alcoholics compared with nonalcoholics (e.g., Grant et al., Alcohol, 2007)  Tobacco dependence treatment does not cause abstinent alcoholics to relapse (Hughes & Callas, 2003)  Smoking cessation reduces the risk of alcohol relapse (Sobell et al., 1995) 66
  • 67. Smoking and Alcohol Dependence (Continued)  Bupropion added to nicotine patch did not improve smoking outcomes  Topiramate group was significantly more likely to become abstinent (OR = 4.46) compared with placebo group (Johnson et al., 2003)  Topiramate group reported more weight loss compared with placebo group (44% vs. 18%) 67
  • 68. Percentage of Patinets With or Without Specific Metal Illness Who Had Quit Smoking at the end of Tobacco Dependence Treatment 45 39.6 Percent Who Quit Smoking 40 39.3 36 35.9 37 35 34 37 30 25 With Diagnosis 20.5 Without Diagnosis 20 15 10 5 0 Schizophrenia Bipoloar Disorder MDD PTSD Psychiatric Disorders 68 Adapted from Grand et al., J Clin Psychiatry, 2007
  • 69. Benefits of Treating Tobacco Dependence in Mental Healthcare Settings  Emerging evidence shows that morbidity is reduced  May enhance abstinence from other substances  Reduced financial burden  Increased self-confidence 69
  • 70. Future Medication Options FDA. Rimonabant is a cannabinoid receptor inhibitor that blocks the reinforcing effects of nicotine and also suppresses appetite. Now in phase 3 trials, it has already receive much attention for its potential to attack 2 major public health epidemics; smoking and obesity.
  • 72.
  • 73. E-cigarettes were found to have immediate adverse physiologic effects after short time use that are similar to some of the effects seen with tobacco smoking ; however, the long term health effects of e-cigarette use are unknown but potentially adverse effects are worthy of further investigation.  CHEST 2012 ; 141 (6) 1400-1406.
  • 74. MPOWER • • • • • M onitor tobacco use. P rotect people from tobacco use. O ffer help to quit tobacco use. W arn about the damages of tobacco . E nforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. • R aise taxes on tobacco products,
  • 75. Conclusions Pharmacotherapy works and is relatively safe Many options now available Patients should be given accurate expectations (no magic bullet) 75

Editor's Notes

  1. Medications used in tobacco dependence treatment are classified as first-line and second-line medications depending on how safe and effective they are. Except for sustained release Bupropion all medications classified as first-line replace the mode of nicotine delivery, so they are called nicotine replacement therapy.
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