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Sleep Presentation

  by Mendy Peterson PA-C
      April 23rd 2009
 What is Normal Sleep?
   -circadian rhythm and EEG's
   -brain and hormones
   -sex and age patterns
 Common Sleep Disorders:
   -parasomnias and insomnia's
   -sleep apnea & obesity
   -sleep lab studies

 Consequences of Abnormal Sleep:
   -Cost and Employers
   -Car Accidents
   -2007 Sleep in America Poll

 How to Change!
  -Day & Bedtime routines
  -Medications & Alternative Meds
What is Normal Sleep?
Cortisol is a hormone released by the adrenal
     gland that sits on top of the kidney.
That was



Theta Waves

Sleep Spindles/K Complex

Delta Waves

More Delta Waves

Which is better- REM vs Non-REM?
Hormones and Sleep

TSH - Thyroid
Cortisol - Adrenal Glands
Prolactin - Pituitary/Breast
Growth Hormone
Serotonin - Mood stabilizer
Epinephrine - quot;I am speed!quot;
Estrogen - ahhhh menopause!

And..... Many Many more!
Men          vs.   Women

                   Hard Sleep         Light Sleep
How Hard?

                   6 hours            8 hours +
How Long?

                   Better             Worse
With Mate?

                   More               Less
Sleep Apnea?

                   More               Less
Sleep Disorders?
Car Accidents
                   More               Less
0 = Would never doze 1 = Slight chance of dozing 2 =
Moderate chance of dozing 3 = High chance of dozing
Sitting and Reading                               _____
Watching TV                                     _____
Sitting inactive in a public place (i.e. theatre)     _____
As a car passenger for an hour without a break _____
Lying down to rest in the afternoon                 _____
Sitting and talking to someone                     _____
Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol           _____
In a car, while stopping for a few minutes in traffic _____

A score of greater than 10 is a definite cause for
concern as it indicates significant excessive daytime
sleepiness. Consider completing full questionnaire
and submit to your doctor!

 Alcohol and drug induced sleep
 Sleep apnea
 Sleep deprivation
Prolonged Sleep Latency

 Delayed sleep phase syndrome
 Inadequate sleep hygiene
 Psychiatric disorders-Acute schizophrenia,
 Major depression, and Mania
 Restless leg syndrome
Causes of shortened or sleep onset
REM sleep
  Alcohol, sedative and hypnotics
  Sleep apnea
  Sleep deprivation
Sleep disorders in aged
  Leg movement disorders
  REM behavior disorder
  Sleep apnea syndrome
  Medication induced sleep disorders
  Medical disorders especially cardiovascular
  disturbances and pain
  Neurological disorders

 Patients may complain of difficulty getting to
 sleep or staying asleep, intermittent
 wakefulness during the night, early morning
 awakening, or combinations of any of these.
 Transient episodes are usually of little
 significance. Stress, caffeine, physical
 discomfort, daytime napping, and early
 bedtimes are common factors
 There are over 30 recognized kinds of Dyssomnias. Major groups of Dyssomnias
 Intrinsic sleep disorders - 12 disorders recognized, including
      periodic limb movement disorder,
      restless legs syndrome,
      sleep apnea.
 Extrinsic sleep disorders - 13 disorders recognized, including
      alcohol-dependent sleep disorder,
      food allergy insomnia,
      inadequate sleep routine.
 Circadian rhythm sleep disorders - 6 disorders recognized, including
      advanced sleep phase syndrome,
      delayed sleep phase syndrome,
      shift work sleep disorder
 Narcolepsy is a neurological condition most characterized by
 Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS). A narcoleptic will most
 likely experience disturbed nocturnal sleep, confused with
 insomnia, and disorder of REM or rapid eye movement sleep.
 The main characteristic of narcolepsy is overwhelming
 excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), even after adequate
 nighttime sleep. A person with narcolepsy is likely to become
 drowsy or to fall asleep, often at inappropriate times and
 Four other classic symptoms of narcolepsy, which may not
 occur in all patients, are cataplexy, sleep paralysis,
 hypnogogic hallucinations, and automatic behavior.
Periodic Limb Movements
 Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD), also called nocturnal
 myoclonus, is a sleep disorder where the patient moves involuntarily
 during sleep
 It is related to restless leg syndrome (RLS) in that 80% of people with
 RLS also have PLMD. However, most people with PLMD do not
 experience RLS
 Nocturnal myoclonus is treated by medications aimed at reducing or
 eliminating the leg jerks or the arousals. Non-ergot derived dopaminergic
 drugs (pramipexole and ropinirole) are preferred. Other dopaminergic
 agents such as co-careldopa, co-beneldopa, pergolide, or lisuride may also
 be us
 These medications are also successful for the treatment of RLS restless
 leg syndrome.
Restless Leg Syndrome-types
 Primary RLS is considered idiopathic, or with no known
 Secondary RLS often had a sudden onset and may be daily
 from the very beginning
 The most commonly associated medical condition is iron
 deficiency (medicine), which accounts for just over 20% of
 all cases of RLS. The conditions include: pregnancy, varicose
 vein or venous reflux , folate deficiency, uremia, diabetes,
 thyroid problems, peripheral neuropathy, Parkinson's disease
 and certain auto-immune disorders such as Sjögren's
 syndrome, Celiac Disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.
 Treatment of the underlying condition often eliminates the
Parasomnias-what, why and which ?

  A sleep disorder is a physical and psychological
  condition or disturbance of sleep and wakefulness
  caused by abnormalities that occur during sleep or
  by abnormalities of specific sleep mechanisms
  Although the sleep disorder exists during sleep,
  recognizable symptoms manifest themselves during the
  Accurate diagnosis requires a polysomnogram, widely
  known as a quot;sleep test.“

  A. Arousal-Sleep terrors, Sleepwalking
  B. Sleep-Wake Transition-Rhythmic
  movement disorders
  C. Parasomnias with REM sleep-Nightmares,
  Sleep paralysis, and REM sleep Behavior
  D. Other Parasomnias- Bruxism and Enuresis
  Sleep related, stereotyped, forceful teeth
  grinding or clenching
  Is also associated with dementias, mental
  retardation and Parkinson’s disease
 Medical and neurological conditions
 Drug and alcohol abuse
 Psychiatric disorders
 Patients older than                   65
 years of age
Recording of Polysomnography

 Simultaneous recordings of EEG, EOG,
 EMG, EKG, vital signs and breathing
What answers to expect from
Polysomnography ?
  Polysomnography is a comprehensive
  recording of the biophysiological changes that
  occur during the sleep
  Polysomnography is usually performed during
  the night when patient sleeps
  Usually performed with CPAP titration if
Consequences of Abnormal Sleep

- Health Effects
- Cost to Employers
- Car Accidents
When do most sleep
                            deprivation car accidents

In the early to mid afternoon and
in the very early morning hours.
These are the times when
everyone is least alert.
Women & Sleep:
Key Findings Overall
2007 Poll Roadmap

 The 2007 Sleep in America Poll
    Sleep among women overall
    The effect of women’s biology on
    The effect of women’s lifestyle on
Women Are Not Getting the
Sleep They Need
60% say they only get a good night’s sleep a
few nights per week or less

Why Are Women Not Getting
the Sleep They Need?
67% experience sleep problems at least a few nights
each week, with 46% experiencing sleep problems
every night

Why Are Women Not Getting the
Sleep They Need?
 Lifestyle impacts sleep
   Working mothers (72%) and single working
   women (68%) are more likely to experience
   sleep problems like insomnia
 Other factors that wake women up
   Noise (39%)
   Giving care to children (20%)
   Pets (17%)
Why Are Women Not
Getting the Sleep They Need?

            Women who allow kids
            (9%) or pets (14%) to
            share their bed have the
            most disturbed sleep
            47% of women say they
            have no one helping them
            care for children at night
Consequences of Poor Sleep

 Poor sleep and poor mood are intertwined
   Poor sleep can worsen mood
     Approximately 80% of women report being
     stressed out, anxious or worried
     55% state they have been unhappy, sad, and
     depressed in the last month
   Mood can in turn worsen sleep and lead to
   heightened depression and anxiety
How Women Cope with Poor
80% accept daytime sleepiness and
keep going
65% drink caffeinated beverages
  Of those, 37% drink 3 or
  more                       caffeinated beverages a day
Although Consistently Tired,
Women Do Not Go to Bed Earlier

In the hour prior to bed they :
How Women Cope with Poor

               Anti-depressants prescribed by a doctor 12%
               Sleep medication prescribed by a doctor 8%

               Combination sleep aid and pain reliever 9%
               OTC or store-bought sleep aids 6%
               Alternative therapy or herbal supplements 2%
Compromise: Choices Women
When women are tired or run out of time
during the day…
  Healthy lifestyle activities are sacrificed
     Forego sleep (52%) and exercise (48%)
     Reduce time spent with family and friends (39%)
     Stop healthy eating (37%)
     Don’t participate in sexual activity (33%)
  Work remains a priority
     Only 20% of women put work on the “back burner”
Sleep & Women’s Biology

  Women experience more sleep
  problems than men
  A woman’s overall health affects her
  ability to sleep well
  As women progress through different
  life stages, changing biology affects
  their ability to get a good night’s sleep
Sleep and Health

   Poor health is linked to sleep problems
   Of women who are in fair to poor health:
     66% experience a symptom of a sleep
     disorder at least a few nights per week
     40% diagnosed with a sleep disorder
     46% experience daytime sleepiness a few
     days per week
     26% have missed work in the past month
     54% use a sleep aid a few nights per week
Different Life Stages

  Respondents were asked about the quality
  and quantity of their sleep during 5
  reproductive stages
    Women of Childbearing Age
    Post Partum
Women of Childbearing Age
 67% experience insomnia a few nights
 per week
 34% report experiencing a sleep disorder
 such as snoring, sleep apnea or RLS
 33% say their sleep is disturbed during
 the week of their menstrual cycle
 16% have missed work during the past
 month due to a sleep problem
Pregnant Women

  30% say they rarely or never get a good night’s
  84% have insomnia at least a few nights each week
  40% report sleep disorders such as snoring, sleep
  apnea or RLS
  54% nap at least twice per week
Post Partum Women
This is the first national sleep
survey of post partum women.
  Post partum women have insomnia at the
  same rate as pregnant women (84%)
  42% say they rarely/never get a good
  night’s sleep, more than any other group
  47% report no one helping with kids
  20% have driven drowsy with kids
  19% experience post partum
Perimenopausal Women

  59% have insomnia a few nights per week
  43% report symptoms of a sleep disorder
  such as snoring, sleep apnea or RLS
  Noise (36%) and co-sleeping with pets
  (20%) are the most common nighttime
  20% experience night sweats and hot
Postmenopausal Women

  Have the highest incidence of:
    Limited time in bed - less than 6 hours (14%)
    Sleep disorders such as snoring or sleep apnea
    RLS (22%)
    Sleep aid use (41%)
    Obesity (30%)
Sleep &
A Woman’s Lifestyle
Lifestyle and Sleep

   Sleep is greatly impacted by lifestyle
   2007 NSF Sleep in America poll
   examined sleep among 6 segments of
     Working, Single Women
     DINKs and Empty Nesters
     Stay-at-Home Moms
     Part-time Working Moms
     Briefcases with Backpacks
Working, Single Women

      Spend the least time in bed, generally
      less than 6 hours
      54% wake up un-refreshed a few
      days each week
      70% accept this and keep going
        47% consume more than 3 cups/cans of caffeinated
        beverages per day
        Nearly 30% use the weekends to “catch up” on sleep
DINKs & Empty Nesters

Working married/partnered women with no
children or grown children get better sleep
than most groups - despite being in bed less
than 7 hours per night
  Low incidence of sleep problems (15%)
  Yet, healthy lifestyle choices are still compromised
  because women are tired or run out of time
     46% report having no time for sleep
     47% sacrifice exercise
     38% don’t participate in sexual activity
Stay-at-Home Moms

  74% rarely get a good night’s sleep
  Despite this, 61% say they spend over 8
  hours in bed each night
  In the hour before bed, 71% complete
  household chores and activities with kids
    57% nap at least once per week
    43% curtail leisure activities
    39% forego sexual activity
Part-time Working Moms

  Report getting the best sleep of all the
  50% say they are in bed for over 8 hours
  per night
    68% accept the day’s challenges and keep going
    Napping is frequent; 60% take a nap at least once per week
Briefcases with Backpacks

 Married/partnered women with school-aged kids,
 who work full time
 Spend less than 6 hours in bed per night
 72% have insomnia
 70% accept sleepiness and keep going
   56% use caffeine
 Highest rate of drowsy driving (35%)
 Lifestyle compromises are high
   60% give up sleep and exercise
   52% do not socialize regularly with family and friends
   44% do not have time for sex
  Are not employed, no children at home
  Have highest frequency of sleep disorders
  Highest sleep aid usage (41%)
  32% say they get a good night’s sleep only a few
  nights per month
     Spend over 8 hours in bed                  per
     night and frequently nap
NSF 2007 Poll Overview

American women are…
  Not sleeping well which affects all aspects
  of their life- work, relationships, sex?
  Struggling to “do it all” and as a result
  sacrifice sleep
  Using many coping strategies to sustain the
  pace of daily life
  Impacted by biological and lifestyle factors
  affecting their sleep
Insulin resistance
Increased blood sugar
Elevated Cortisol levels
Systemic inflammation
Disrupted Immunity
Impaired thyroid
Disruption of your body
clock or body rhythm
Premature Aging
Why aren’t we sleeping well?
Temperature fluctuations, tossing &
Mental Stress
Discomfort & physical stress
Diet & lack of regular exercise
Time for Change!

How do we help ourselves?
What Women Can Do?
 Make healthy sleep a priority!
 Make time to get 7-9 hours of sleep
 Create a relaxing and quiet environment
 Exercise regularly (not less than 3 hours
 before bed time) and eat healthy
 Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed
 If you have a new infant, arrange for help
 Set a sleep schedule
 Try a warm bath before bed
Natural Sleep Solutions:

            Sleep Masks/CPAP
                 Ear Plugs
          Meditation/Sleep Therapy

       Prescription Medications:

     Rozarem- melatonin derivative
    Ambien/Lunesta- Hallucinogenics
         Provigil- for Narcolepsy
Others- GABA receptors- Neurontin/Lyrica
       Hormones? (Estrogen, etc.)
Controversial Topics??

          Work Less?

      Less Co-Sleeping?

  quot;Cry it Outquot; Sleep Methods?
What about naps?

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Sleep Presentation

  • 1. Sleep Presentation by Mendy Peterson PA-C April 23rd 2009
  • 2. Objectives: What is Normal Sleep? -circadian rhythm and EEG's -brain and hormones -sex and age patterns Common Sleep Disorders: -parasomnias and insomnia's -sleep apnea & obesity -sleep lab studies Consequences of Abnormal Sleep: -Health -Cost and Employers -Car Accidents -2007 Sleep in America Poll How to Change! -Day & Bedtime routines -Medications & Alternative Meds -Naps
  • 3. What is Normal Sleep?
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Cortisol is a hormone released by the adrenal gland that sits on top of the kidney.
  • 8. That was quot;Cortisolquot; NOT quot;Caffeine!quot;
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Theta Waves Sleep Spindles/K Complex Delta Waves More Delta Waves Dreams!
  • 16. Which is better- REM vs Non-REM?
  • 17.
  • 18. Hormones and Sleep TSH - Thyroid Cortisol - Adrenal Glands Prolactin - Pituitary/Breast milk Growth Hormone Melatonin Serotonin - Mood stabilizer Epinephrine - quot;I am speed!quot; Estrogen - ahhhh menopause! And..... Many Many more!
  • 19. Men vs. Women Hard Sleep Light Sleep How Hard? 6 hours 8 hours + How Long? Better Worse With Mate? More Less Sleep Apnea? More Less Sleep Disorders? Car Accidents More Less
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 28. 0 = Would never doze 1 = Slight chance of dozing 2 = Moderate chance of dozing 3 = High chance of dozing Sitting and Reading _____ Watching TV _____ Sitting inactive in a public place (i.e. theatre) _____ As a car passenger for an hour without a break _____ Lying down to rest in the afternoon _____ Sitting and talking to someone _____ Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol _____ In a car, while stopping for a few minutes in traffic _____ A score of greater than 10 is a definite cause for concern as it indicates significant excessive daytime sleepiness. Consider completing full questionnaire and submit to your doctor!
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. SHORTENED SLEEP LATENCY Alcohol and drug induced sleep Narcolepsy Sleep apnea Sleep deprivation
  • 34. Prolonged Sleep Latency Delayed sleep phase syndrome Inadequate sleep hygiene Psychiatric disorders-Acute schizophrenia, Major depression, and Mania Restless leg syndrome
  • 35. Causes of shortened or sleep onset REM sleep Alcohol, sedative and hypnotics Depression Narcolepsy Sleep apnea Sleep deprivation
  • 36. Sleep disorders in aged Leg movement disorders REM behavior disorder Sleep apnea syndrome Medication induced sleep disorders Medical disorders especially cardiovascular disturbances and pain Dementia Neurological disorders Depression
  • 37. Dyssomnias-characteristics Patients may complain of difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, intermittent wakefulness during the night, early morning awakening, or combinations of any of these. Transient episodes are usually of little significance. Stress, caffeine, physical discomfort, daytime napping, and early bedtimes are common factors
  • 38. Dyssomnias-causes There are over 30 recognized kinds of Dyssomnias. Major groups of Dyssomnias include: Intrinsic sleep disorders - 12 disorders recognized, including hypersomnia, narcolepsy, periodic limb movement disorder, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea. Extrinsic sleep disorders - 13 disorders recognized, including alcohol-dependent sleep disorder, food allergy insomnia, inadequate sleep routine. Circadian rhythm sleep disorders - 6 disorders recognized, including advanced sleep phase syndrome, delayed sleep phase syndrome, jetlag, shift work sleep disorder
  • 39. Dyssomnias-conditions-Narcolepsy Narcolepsy is a neurological condition most characterized by Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS). A narcoleptic will most likely experience disturbed nocturnal sleep, confused with insomnia, and disorder of REM or rapid eye movement sleep. The main characteristic of narcolepsy is overwhelming excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), even after adequate nighttime sleep. A person with narcolepsy is likely to become drowsy or to fall asleep, often at inappropriate times and places Four other classic symptoms of narcolepsy, which may not occur in all patients, are cataplexy, sleep paralysis, hypnogogic hallucinations, and automatic behavior.
  • 40. Periodic Limb Movements Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD), also called nocturnal myoclonus, is a sleep disorder where the patient moves involuntarily during sleep It is related to restless leg syndrome (RLS) in that 80% of people with RLS also have PLMD. However, most people with PLMD do not experience RLS Nocturnal myoclonus is treated by medications aimed at reducing or eliminating the leg jerks or the arousals. Non-ergot derived dopaminergic drugs (pramipexole and ropinirole) are preferred. Other dopaminergic agents such as co-careldopa, co-beneldopa, pergolide, or lisuride may also be us These medications are also successful for the treatment of RLS restless leg syndrome.
  • 41.
  • 42. Restless Leg Syndrome-types Primary RLS is considered idiopathic, or with no known cause. Secondary RLS often had a sudden onset and may be daily from the very beginning The most commonly associated medical condition is iron deficiency (medicine), which accounts for just over 20% of all cases of RLS. The conditions include: pregnancy, varicose vein or venous reflux , folate deficiency, uremia, diabetes, thyroid problems, peripheral neuropathy, Parkinson's disease and certain auto-immune disorders such as Sjögren's syndrome, Celiac Disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment of the underlying condition often eliminates the RLS.
  • 43. Parasomnias-what, why and which ? A sleep disorder is a physical and psychological condition or disturbance of sleep and wakefulness caused by abnormalities that occur during sleep or by abnormalities of specific sleep mechanisms Although the sleep disorder exists during sleep, recognizable symptoms manifest themselves during the day Accurate diagnosis requires a polysomnogram, widely known as a quot;sleep test.“
  • 44. Parasomnias-classifications A. Arousal-Sleep terrors, Sleepwalking B. Sleep-Wake Transition-Rhythmic movement disorders C. Parasomnias with REM sleep-Nightmares, Sleep paralysis, and REM sleep Behavior disorders D. Other Parasomnias- Bruxism and Enuresis
  • 45.
  • 46. Parasomnias-Bruxism Sleep related, stereotyped, forceful teeth grinding or clenching Is also associated with dementias, mental retardation and Parkinson’s disease
  • 47. Insomnia-causes Medical and neurological conditions Drug and alcohol abuse Psychiatric disorders Patients older than 65 years of age
  • 48. Recording of Polysomnography Simultaneous recordings of EEG, EOG, EMG, EKG, vital signs and breathing
  • 49. What answers to expect from Polysomnography ? Polysomnography is a comprehensive recording of the biophysiological changes that occur during the sleep Polysomnography is usually performed during the night when patient sleeps Usually performed with CPAP titration if needed.
  • 50. Consequences of Abnormal Sleep - Health Effects - Cost to Employers - Car Accidents
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. When do most sleep deprivation car accidents occur? In the early to mid afternoon and in the very early morning hours. These are the times when everyone is least alert.
  • 54.
  • 55. Women & Sleep: Key Findings Overall
  • 56. 2007 Poll Roadmap The 2007 Sleep in America Poll findings: Sleep among women overall The effect of women’s biology on sleep The effect of women’s lifestyle on sleep
  • 57. Women Are Not Getting the Sleep They Need 60% say they only get a good night’s sleep a few nights per week or less 60 %
  • 58. Why Are Women Not Getting the Sleep They Need? 67% experience sleep problems at least a few nights each week, with 46% experiencing sleep problems every night 67 %
  • 59. Why Are Women Not Getting the Sleep They Need? Lifestyle impacts sleep Working mothers (72%) and single working women (68%) are more likely to experience sleep problems like insomnia Other factors that wake women up Noise (39%) Giving care to children (20%) Pets (17%)
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  • 61. Why Are Women Not Getting the Sleep They Need? Women who allow kids (9%) or pets (14%) to share their bed have the most disturbed sleep 47% of women say they have no one helping them care for children at night
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  • 63. Consequences of Poor Sleep Poor sleep and poor mood are intertwined Poor sleep can worsen mood Approximately 80% of women report being stressed out, anxious or worried 55% state they have been unhappy, sad, and depressed in the last month Mood can in turn worsen sleep and lead to heightened depression and anxiety
  • 64. How Women Cope with Poor Sleep… 80% accept daytime sleepiness and keep going 65% drink caffeinated beverages Of those, 37% drink 3 or more caffeinated beverages a day
  • 65. Although Consistently Tired, Women Do Not Go to Bed Earlier In the hour prior to bed they :
  • 66. How Women Cope with Poor Sleep… Anti-depressants prescribed by a doctor 12% Sleep medication prescribed by a doctor 8% Combination sleep aid and pain reliever 9% OTC or store-bought sleep aids 6% Alternative therapy or herbal supplements 2%
  • 67. Compromise: Choices Women Make When women are tired or run out of time during the day… Healthy lifestyle activities are sacrificed Forego sleep (52%) and exercise (48%) Reduce time spent with family and friends (39%) Stop healthy eating (37%) Don’t participate in sexual activity (33%) Work remains a priority Only 20% of women put work on the “back burner”
  • 68. Sleep & Women’s Biology Women experience more sleep problems than men A woman’s overall health affects her ability to sleep well As women progress through different life stages, changing biology affects their ability to get a good night’s sleep
  • 69. Sleep and Health Poor health is linked to sleep problems Of women who are in fair to poor health: 66% experience a symptom of a sleep disorder at least a few nights per week 40% diagnosed with a sleep disorder 46% experience daytime sleepiness a few days per week 26% have missed work in the past month 54% use a sleep aid a few nights per week
  • 70. Different Life Stages Respondents were asked about the quality and quantity of their sleep during 5 reproductive stages Women of Childbearing Age Pregnancy Post Partum Perimenopausal Postmenopausal
  • 71. Women of Childbearing Age 67% experience insomnia a few nights per week 34% report experiencing a sleep disorder such as snoring, sleep apnea or RLS 33% say their sleep is disturbed during the week of their menstrual cycle 16% have missed work during the past month due to a sleep problem
  • 72. Pregnant Women 30% say they rarely or never get a good night’s sleep 84% have insomnia at least a few nights each week 40% report sleep disorders such as snoring, sleep apnea or RLS 54% nap at least twice per week
  • 73. Post Partum Women This is the first national sleep survey of post partum women. Post partum women have insomnia at the same rate as pregnant women (84%) 42% say they rarely/never get a good night’s sleep, more than any other group 47% report no one helping with kids 20% have driven drowsy with kids 19% experience post partum blues/depression
  • 74. Perimenopausal Women 59% have insomnia a few nights per week 43% report symptoms of a sleep disorder such as snoring, sleep apnea or RLS Noise (36%) and co-sleeping with pets (20%) are the most common nighttime disturbances 20% experience night sweats and hot flashes
  • 75. Postmenopausal Women Have the highest incidence of: Limited time in bed - less than 6 hours (14%) Sleep disorders such as snoring or sleep apnea (42%) RLS (22%) Sleep aid use (41%) Obesity (30%)
  • 76. Sleep & A Woman’s Lifestyle
  • 77. Lifestyle and Sleep Sleep is greatly impacted by lifestyle 2007 NSF Sleep in America poll examined sleep among 6 segments of women Working, Single Women DINKs and Empty Nesters Stay-at-Home Moms Part-time Working Moms Briefcases with Backpacks 50-somethings
  • 78. Working, Single Women Spend the least time in bed, generally less than 6 hours 54% wake up un-refreshed a few days each week 70% accept this and keep going 47% consume more than 3 cups/cans of caffeinated beverages per day Nearly 30% use the weekends to “catch up” on sleep
  • 79. DINKs & Empty Nesters Working married/partnered women with no children or grown children get better sleep than most groups - despite being in bed less than 7 hours per night Low incidence of sleep problems (15%) Yet, healthy lifestyle choices are still compromised because women are tired or run out of time 46% report having no time for sleep 47% sacrifice exercise 38% don’t participate in sexual activity
  • 80. Stay-at-Home Moms 74% rarely get a good night’s sleep Despite this, 61% say they spend over 8 hours in bed each night In the hour before bed, 71% complete household chores and activities with kids 57% nap at least once per week 43% curtail leisure activities 39% forego sexual activity
  • 81. Part-time Working Moms Report getting the best sleep of all the groups 50% say they are in bed for over 8 hours per night 68% accept the day’s challenges and keep going Napping is frequent; 60% take a nap at least once per week
  • 82. Briefcases with Backpacks Married/partnered women with school-aged kids, who work full time Spend less than 6 hours in bed per night 72% have insomnia 70% accept sleepiness and keep going 56% use caffeine Highest rate of drowsy driving (35%) Lifestyle compromises are high 60% give up sleep and exercise 52% do not socialize regularly with family and friends 44% do not have time for sex
  • 83. 50-somethings Are not employed, no children at home Have highest frequency of sleep disorders Highest sleep aid usage (41%) 32% say they get a good night’s sleep only a few nights per month Spend over 8 hours in bed per night and frequently nap
  • 84. NSF 2007 Poll Overview American women are… Not sleeping well which affects all aspects of their life- work, relationships, sex? Struggling to “do it all” and as a result sacrifice sleep Using many coping strategies to sustain the pace of daily life Impacted by biological and lifestyle factors affecting their sleep
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  • 86. Insulin resistance Increased blood sugar Elevated Cortisol levels Systemic inflammation Disrupted Immunity Impaired thyroid function Disruption of your body clock or body rhythm Premature Aging
  • 87. Why aren’t we sleeping well? Temperature fluctuations, tossing & turning Mental Stress Discomfort & physical stress Environment Diet & lack of regular exercise
  • 88. Time for Change! How do we help ourselves?
  • 89. What Women Can Do? Make healthy sleep a priority! Make time to get 7-9 hours of sleep Create a relaxing and quiet environment Exercise regularly (not less than 3 hours before bed time) and eat healthy Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed If you have a new infant, arrange for help Set a sleep schedule Try a warm bath before bed
  • 90. Natural Sleep Solutions: Sleep Masks/CPAP Ear Plugs Acupuncture Massage Meditation/Sleep Therapy Melatonin Prescription Medications: Rozarem- melatonin derivative Ambien/Lunesta- Hallucinogenics Provigil- for Narcolepsy Others- GABA receptors- Neurontin/Lyrica Anti-depressants Hormones? (Estrogen, etc.)
  • 91. Controversial Topics?? Work Less? Less Co-Sleeping? quot;Cry it Outquot; Sleep Methods?
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