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ELEN E4810: Digital Signal Processing
            Topic 1: Introduction
1.    Course overview
2.    Digital Signal Processing
3.    Basic operations & block diagrams
4.    Classes of sequences

Dan Ellis            2012-09-05       1
1. Course overview
    Digital signal processing:
     Modifying signals with computers
    Web site:
    Book:
     Mitra “Digital Signal Processing”
     (3rd ed., 2005)
    Instructor:

Dan Ellis            2012-09-05          2
Grading structure
    Homeworks: 20%
           Mainly from Mitra
           Wednesday-Wednesday schedule
           Collaborate, don’t copy
    Midterm: 20%
           One session
    Final exam: 30%
    Project: 30%

Dan Ellis                 2012-09-05       3
Course project
    Goal: hands-on experience with DSP
    Practical implementation
    Work in pairs or alone
    Brief report, optional presentation
    Recommend MATLAB
    Ideas on website
    Don’t copy! Cite your sources!

Dan Ellis           2012-09-05       4
Example past projects
                   Solo Singing Detection
on web site


                  Guitar Chord Classifier
                  Speech/Music Discrimination
                  Room sonar
                  Construction equipment monitoring
                         DTMF decoder
                         Reverb algorithms
                         Compression algorithms
              Dan Ellis                 2012-09-05   5   W
    Interactive system for numerical
    Extensive signal processing library
    Focus on algorithm, not implementation
    Access:
           Columbia Site License:
           Student Version (need Sig. Proc. toolbox)
           Engineering Terrace 251 computer lab
Dan Ellis                    2012-09-05                6
Course at a glance

Dan Ellis    2012-09-05   7
2. Digital Signal Processing
    Signals:
     Information-bearing function
    E.g. sound: air pressure variation at a
     point as a function of time p(t)
    Dimensionality:
     Sound: 1-Dimension
     Greyscale image i(x,y) : 2-D
     Video: 3 x 3-D: {r(x,y,t) g(x,y,t) b(x,y,t)}

Dan Ellis              2012-09-05            8
Example signals
    Noise - all domains
    Spread-spectrum phone - radio
    ECG - biological
    Music
    Image/video - compression
    ….

Dan Ellis          2012-09-05        9
Signal processing
    Modify a signal to extract/enhance/
     rearrange the information
    Origin in analog electronics e.g. radar
    Examples…
           Noise reduction
           Data compression
           Representation for recognition/

Dan Ellis                  2012-09-05         10
Digital Signal Processing
    DSP = signal processing on a computer
    Two effects: discrete-time, discrete level


Dan Ellis            2012-09-05          11
DSP vs. analog SP
           Conventional signal processing:

                     p(t)      Processor           q(t)

           Digital SP system:
                        p[n]                     q[n]
p(t)           A/D             Processor                  D/A   q(t)

       Dan Ellis                    2012-09-05                   12
Digital vs. analog
    Pros
           Noise performance - quantized signal
           Use a general computer - flexibility, upgrde
           Stability/duplicability
           Novelty
    Cons
           Limitations of A/D & D/A
           Baseline complexity / power consumption

Dan Ellis                   2012-09-05           13
DSP example
    Speech time-scale modification:
     extend duration without altering pitch

Dan Ellis            2012-09-05         14
3. Operations on signals
     Discrete time signal often obtained by
      sampling a continuous-time signal

     Sequence {x[n]} = xa(nT), n=…-1,0,1,2…
     T= samp. period; 1/T= samp. frequency
Dan Ellis            2012-09-05         15
   Can write a sequence by listing values:
{x[n]} = {. . . , 0.2, 2.2, 1.1, 0.2, 3.7, 2.9, . . .}
             Arrow indicates where n=0
             Thus,

  Dan Ellis                 2012-09-05        16
Left- and right-sided
    x[n] may be defined only for certain n:
           N1 ≤ n ≤ N2: Finite length (length = …)
           N1 ≤ n: Right-sided (Causal if N1 ≥ 0)
           n ≤ N2: Left-sided (Anticausal)
    Can always extend with zero-padding

     Left-sided                Right-sided

Dan Ellis                   2012-09-05                17
Operations on sequences
    Addition operation:
           Adder    x[n]                  y[n]

                              w[n]            y[n] = x[n] + w[n]

    Multiplication operation
           Multiplier x[n]                   y[n]
                                                  y[n] = A        x[n]

Dan Ellis                     2012-09-05                     18
More operations
    Product (modulation) operation:
                        x[n]            y[n]
           Modulator
                                 w[n]     y[n] = x[n]   w[n]

    E.g. Windowing:
     Multiplying an infinite-length sequence
     by a finite-length window sequence
     to extract a region

Dan Ellis                  2012-09-05              19
Time shifting
    Time-shifting operation:
     where N is an integer
    If N > 0, it is delaying operation
           Unit delay x[n]                       y[n]

    If N < 0, it is an advance operation
           Unit advance
                   x[n]                    y[n]

Dan Ellis                     2012-09-05                 20
Combination of basic operations
    Example

            y[n] = 1 x[n] +  2 x[n  1]
                    +  3 x[n  2] +  4 x[n  3]

Dan Ellis                  2012-09-05           21
Up- and down-sampling
    Certain operations change the effective
     sampling rate of sequences by adding
     or removing samples
    Up-sampling = adding more samples
      = interpolation
    Down-sampling = discarding samples
      = decimation

Dan Ellis           2012-09-05         22
    In down-sampling by an integer factor
     M > 1, every M-th sample of the input
     sequence is kept and M - 1 in-between
     samples are removed:
              xd [n] = x[nM ]

                    M       xd [n]

Dan Ellis            2012-09-05      23
    An example of down-sampling

                   3            y[n] = x[3n]
Dan Ellis          2012-09-05             24
    Up-sampling is the converse of down-
     sampling: L-1 zero values are inserted
     between each pair of original values.
              x[n/L] n = 0, ±L, 2L, . . .
  xu [n] =
              0      otherwise


Dan Ellis           2012-09-05        25
    An example of up-sampling

                         not inverse of downsampling!

Dan Ellis          2012-09-05               26
Complex numbers
    .. a mathematical convenience that lead
     to simple expressions
    A second “imaginary” dimension (j≡√-1)
     is added to all values.
    Rectangular form: x = xre + j·xim
      where magnitude |x| = √(xre2 + xim2)
      and phase θ = tan-1(xim/xre)
    Polar form: x = |x| ejθ = |x|cosθ + j· |x|sinθ
     ! (! e = cos ! + j sin  )
Dan Ellis              2012-09-05            27
Complex math
                   When adding, real
                    and imaginary parts
                    add: (a+jb) + (c+jd)
                     = (a+c) + j(b+d)
            x      When multiplying,
                    magnitudes multiply
                    and phases add:
                    rejθ·sejφ = rsej(θ+φ)
                   Phases modulo 2π
Dan Ellis       2012-09-05           28
Complex conjugate
    Flips imaginary part / negates phase:
     Conjugate x* = xre – j·xim = |x| ej(–µ)
    Useful in resolving to real quantities:
     x + x* = xre + j·xim + xre – j·xim = 2xre
     x·x* = |x| ej(µ) |x| ej(–µ) = |x|2

Dan Ellis              2012-09-05          29
Classes of sequences
    Useful to define broad categories…

           Finite/infinite (extent in n)

           Real/complex:
            x[n] = xre[n] + j·xim[n]

Dan Ellis                     2012-09-05    30
Classification by symmetry
       Conjugate symmetric sequence:

if x[n] = xre[n] + j·xim[n]
then xcs[n] = xcs*[-n]
               = xre[-n] – j·xim[-n]

       Conjugate antisymmetric:
        xca[n] = –xca*[-n] = –xre[-n] + j·xim[-n]
   Dan Ellis                  2012-09-05            31
Conjugate symmetric decomposition
      Any sequence can be expressed as
       conjugate symmetric (CS) /
       antisymmetric (CA) parts:
           x[n] = xcs[n] + xca[n]

 xcs[n] = 1/2(x[n] + x*[-n]) = xcs*[-n]

 xca[n] = 1/2(x[n] – x*[-n]) = -xca*[-n]
      When signals are real,
       CS → Even (xre[n] = xre[-n]), CA → Odd
  Dan Ellis              2012-09-05           32
Basic sequences
   Unit sample sequence:

                –4   –3   –2   –1       0   1   2   3    4    5         6
   Shift in time:
      ±[n - k]                                          k–2   k–1       k
                                                                            k+1   k+2   k+3

   Can express any sequence with ±:
    {Æ0,Æ1,Æ2..}= Æ0±[n] + Æ1±[n-1] + Æ2±[n-2]..
    Dan Ellis                                   2012-09-05                                    33
More basic sequences
    Unit step sequence:                         1, n  0
                                         µ [n] = 
                                                 0, n < 0

    Relate to unit sample:
            [n] = µ[n]  µ[n 1]
            µ[n] = 

Dan Ellis                   2012-09-05                34
Exponential sequences
    Exponential sequences are
     eigenfunctions of LTI systems
    General form: x[n] = A·Æn
           If A and Æ are real (and positive):

        |Æ| > 1                           |Æ| < 1
Dan Ellis                    2012-09-05             35
Complex exponentials

 x[n] = A·Æn
    Constants A, Æ can be complex :
     A = |A|ej¡ ; Æ = e(æ + j!)
     → x[n] = |A| eæn ej(!n + ¡)
            scale    varying    varying
                    magnitude   phase

Dan Ellis                  2012-09-05     36
Complex exponentials
    Complex exponential sequence can
     ‘project down’ onto real & imaginary
     axes to give sinusoidal sequences
           x[n] = exp{( 12 + j 6 )n} e = cos  + j sin 
                          1               j

            xre[n]                      xim[n]

 xre[n] = e-n/12cos(πn/6) xim[n] = e-n/12sin(πn/6)    M

Dan Ellis                2012-09-05              37
Periodic sequences
   A sequence         satisfying
    is called a periodic sequence with a
    period N where N is a positive integer and
    k is any integer.
    Smallest value of N satisfying
    is called the fundamental period

     Dan Ellis         2012-09-05        38
Periodic exponentials
   Sinusoidal sequence                     and
    complex exponential sequence
    are periodic sequences of period N only if
     o N = 2 r with N & r positive integers
   Smallest value of N satisfying
    is the fundamental period of the
   r = 1 → one sinusoid cycle per N samples
    r > 1 → r cycles per N samples              M

    Dan Ellis           2012-09-05         39
Symmetry of periodic sequences
     An N-point finite-length sequence xf[n]
      defines a periodic sequence:
                       “n modulo N”       n N = n + rN
x[n] = xf [ n     N]
                                         s.t. 0  n N < N, r   Z
     Symmetry of xf [n] is not defined
      because xf [n] is undefined for n < 0
     Define Periodic Conjugate Symmetric:
xpcs [n] =1/2 (x[n] + x [          n    N ])

             =1/2 xf [n] + xf [N         n]     1   n<N
 Dan Ellis                 2012-09-05                 40
Sampling sinusoids
    Sampling a sinusoid is ambiguous:


 x1 [n] = sin(!0n)
       x2 [n] = sin((!0+2πr)n) = sin(!0n) = x1 [n]

Dan Ellis                2012-09-05          41
    E.g. for cos(!n), ! = 2ºr ± !0
     all (integer) r appear the same after
    We say that a larger ! appears
     aliased to a lower frequency
    Principal value for discrete-time
     frequency: 0 ≤ !0 ≤ º
     ( i.e. less than 1/2 cycle per sample)
Dan Ellis            2012-09-05          42
ELEN E4810: Digital Signal Processing
            Topic 2: Time domain
1. Discrete-time systems
2. Convolution
3. Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference
   Equations (LCCDEs)
4. Correlation

Dan Ellis           2012-09-12       1
1. Discrete-time systems
        A system converts input to output:

x[n]           DT System       y[n]       {y[n]} = f ({x[n]})   A

        E.g. Moving Average (MA):
                                               1 M 1
                                         y[n] =  x[n  k]
               z-1   1/M
x[n-1]                     +   y[n]            M k=0
               z-1   1/M
x[n-2]                                          (M = 3)
   Dan Ellis                      2012-09-12              2
Moving Average (MA)
                                           x[n]      A

                                             -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   n
 x[n]                                 x[n-1]
             z-1   1/M
 x[n-1]                  +   y[n]            -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   n
             z-1   1/M                x[n-2]
                                             -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   n

      1 M 1
y[n] =  x[n  k]

      M k=0                                  -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   n
 Dan Ellis                    2012-09-12                       3
MA Smoother
    MA smoothes out rapid variations
     (e.g. “12 month moving average”)
    e.g. signal noise
                              1 4
     x[n] = s[n] + d[n] y[n] = k=0 x[n  k]
                              5          5-pt

Dan Ellis             2012-09-12          4
    Output accumulates all past inputs:
 y[n] =  x[]
             =                  x[n]    +             y[n]
            =  x[] + x[n]
            = y[n 1]+ x[n]

Dan Ellis                 2012-09-12                     5
                                               x[n]      A

                                                 -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   n
   x[n]     +              y[n]
                     z-1                         -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   n

                                                 -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   n

Dan Ellis                         2012-09-12                       6
Classes of DT systems
    Linear systems obey superposition:
                 x[n]      DT system        y[n]

           if input x1[n] → output y1[n], x2 → y2 ...
           given a linear combination
            of inputs:
           then output
            for all Æ, Ø, x1, x2
            i.e. same linear combination of outputs
Dan Ellis                      2012-09-12                7
Linearity: Example 1
     Accumulator:              y[n] =  x[]
  x[n] =   x1[n] +   x 2 [n]
            y[n] =    (x1[] + x 2[])
                =  (x1[]) +  (x 2 [])
                =   x1[] +   x 2 []
                =   y1[n] +   y2 [n]          Linear

Dan Ellis                     2012-09-12                   8
Linearity Example 2:
    “Teager Energy operator”:
                  y[n] = x [n]  x[n 1] x[n +1]

      x[n] =   x1[n] +   x 2 [n]
            y[n] = (x1[n] + x2 [n])

                        (x1[n 1] + x2 [n 1])
                              (x1[n +1] + x2 [n +1])
                    y1[n] +   y2 [n]    Nonlinear

Dan Ellis                      2012-09-12           9
Linearity Example 3:
    ‘Offset’ accumulator:                   y[n] = C +    x[]
                                   n                      =
             y1[n] = C +          x1[]

 but        y[n] = C +    (x1[] + x2 [])
                 y1[n] + y2 [n]               Nonlinear

                                             .. unless C = 0

Dan Ellis                       2012-09-12                     10
Property: Shift (time) invariance
    Time-shift of input
     causes same shift in output
    i.e. if x1[n] → y1[n]
      then x[n] = x1[n  n0 ]
             y[n] = y1[n  n0 ]
    i.e. process doesn’t depend on absolute
     value of n

Dan Ellis              2012-09-12     11
Shift-invariance counterexample
      Upsampler:           x[n]         L       y[n]
              x[n/L]   n = 0, ±L, ±2L, . . .
y[n] =
              0        otherwise
y1 [n] = x1 [n/L] (n = r · L)
 x[n] = x1 [n n0 ]
 y[n] = x[n/L] = x1 [n/L n0 ]
                                             Not shift invariant
               n   L · n0
       = x1               = y1 [n       L · n0 ] = y1 [n     n0 ]

  Dan Ellis                2012-09-12                   12
Another counterexample
               y[n] = n  x[n]       scaling by time index

    Hence y1[n  n0 ] = (n  n0 )  x1[n  n0 ]
    If x[n] = x1[n  n0 ]                   ≠
     then            y[n] = n  x1[n  n0 ]

    Not shift invariant
     - parameters depend on n

Dan Ellis               2012-09-12                 13
Linear Shift Invariant (LSI)
    Systems which are both linear and
     shift invariant are easily manipulated
    This is still a wide and useful class of
    If discrete index corresponds to time,
     called Linear Time Invariant (LTI)

Dan Ellis             2012-09-12          14
    If output depends only on past and
     current inputs (not future), system is
     called causal
    Formally, if x1[n] → y1[n] & x2[n] → y2[n]
       Causal      x1[n] = x 2 [n] n < N
                    y1[n] = y2 [n] n < N

Dan Ellis             2012-09-12          15
Causality example
                           1 M 1
    Moving average: y[n] =  x[n  k]
                           M k=0
     y[n] depends on x[n-k], k ≥ 0 → causal
    ‘Centered’ moving average
     yc [n] = y[n + ( M 1) /2]

                  x[n] + k =1 x[n  k] + x[n + k]
                           (M 1) /2

    .. looks forward in time → noncausal
    .. Can make causal by delaying
Dan Ellis             2012-09-12          16
Impulse response (IR)
                                        ±[n]       1
    Impulse                            -3 -2 -1       1 2 3 4 5 6 7   n

     (unit sample sequence)
    Given a system: x[n]             DT system                 y[n]

     if x[n] = ±[n] then y[n] = h[n]
                                    “impulse response”
    LSI system completely specified by h[n]

Dan Ellis              2012-09-12                          17
Impulse response example
    Simple system:                       x[n]
                                                     z-1   α2
                                                                +    y[n]
                                                     z-1   α3

     x[n]       1
     -3 -2 -1       1 2 3 4 5 6 7   n         x[n] = ±[n] impulse

  y[n] α1 α2
     -3 -2 -1       1 2 3 4 5 6 7   n         y[n] = h[n] impulse response

Dan Ellis                               2012-09-12                  18
2. Convolution
    Impulse response:         ±[n]   LSI   h[n]

    Shift invariance:      ±[n-n0]   LSI   h[n-n0]

    + Linearity:        α·±[n-k]           α·h[n-k]
                         + β·±[n-l]          + β·h[n-l]

    Can express any sequence with ±s:
     x[n] = x[0]±[n] + x[1]±[n-1] + x[2]±[n-2]..
Dan Ellis             2012-09-12              19
Convolution sum
    Hence, since x[n] =              x[k][n  k]
    For LSI, y[n] =        x[k]h[n  k]         sum

            written as y[n] = x[n] * h[n]
    Summation is symmetric in x and h
     i.e. l = n – k → 
         x[n] * h[n] =  x[n  l]h[l] = h[n] * x[n]
Dan Ellis                   2012-09-12                20
Convolution properties
  LSI System output y[n] = input x[n]
   convolved with impulse response h[n]
   → h[n] completely describes system
  Commutative: x[n] * h[n] = h[n] * x[n]

  Associative:

       (x[n] * h[n]) * y[n] = x[n] * (h[n] * y[n])
  Distributive:

  h[n] * (x[n] + y[n]) = h[n] * x[n] + h[n] * y[n]
Dan Ellis            2012-09-12            21
Interpreting convolution
      Passing a signal through a (LSI) system
       is equivalent to convolving it with the
       system’s impulse response
                x[n]           h[n]     y[n] = x[n] ∗ h[n]
                                                   
       y[n] =         x[k]h[n  k] =  h[k]x[n  k]
                     k=                          k=

                     x[n]={0 3 1 2 -1}                                h[n] = {3 2 1}


-3 -2 -1     1 2 3     5 6 7   n                        -3 -2 -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    n
 Dan Ellis                            2012-09-12                           22
Convolution interpretation 1
 y[n] =           x[k]h[n  k]                                      x[k]
               k=                         call h[-n] = g[n]         -3 -2 -1   1 2 3        5 6 7   k
    Time-reverse h,                                              h[0-k]
     shift by n, take inner                                        =g[k]
     product against
                                                                      -3 -2 -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7

     fixed x                                                      =g[k-1]
                           9 9
                                   11                                 -3 -2 -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7        k
             y[n]                                                 h[2-k]
                       0                    -1
            -3 -2 -1       1 2 3        5        7   n                -3 -2 -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Dan Ellis                                            2012-09-12                          23
Convolution interpretation 2
 y[n] =  h[k]x[n  k] x[n]
            k=                                   -3 -2 -1       1 2 3            5 6 7    n

                           -3 -2 -1
    Shifted x’s
     weighted by                                   -3 -2 -1       1 2 3 4            6 7    n

                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7
     points in h                                  x[n-2]
    Conversely,                                   -3 -2 -1       1 2 3 4 5             7   n
     weighted,                                                    9 9

     delayed                                       y[n]
     versions of h ...                            -3 -2 -1        1 2 3        5        7   n
Dan Ellis                2012-09-12                                        24
Matrix interpretation
            y[n] =    x[n  k]h[k]

      y[0]  x[0] x[1] x[2] h[0]
      y[1]   x[1] x[0] x[1]        
      y[2] =  x[2] x[1]        h[1] 
                           x[0] 
      ...   ...               h[2] 
                    ...  ... 

    Diagonals in X matrix are equal

Dan Ellis                    2012-09-12      25
Convolution notes
    Total nonzero length of convolving N
     and M point sequences is N+M-1
    Adding the indices of the terms within
     the summation gives n :
y[n] =       h[k]x[n  k]                k + (n  k ) = n
       i.e. summation indices move in opposite

Dan Ellis                    2012-09-12                      26
Convolution in MATLAB
    The M-file conv implements the
     convolution sum of two finite-length
    If a = [0 3 1 2 -1]
         b = [3 2 1]
     then conv(a,b) yields
            [0 9 9 11 2 0 -1]

Dan Ellis            2012-09-12         27
Connected systems
    Cascade connection:


     Impulse response h[n] of the cascade of
     two systems with impulse responses
     h1[n] and h2[n] is h[n] = h1[n] *
    By commutativity,

Dan Ellis           2012-09-12        28
Inverse systems
    ±[n] is identity for convolution
     i.e. x[n] * ±[n] = x[n]
    Consider
            x[n]         y[n]               z[n]

     z[n] = h2 [n] * y[n] = h2 [n] * h1[n] * x[n]
          = x[n] if h2 [n] * h1[n] = [n]
    h2[n] is the inverse system of h1[n]
Dan Ellis                2012-09-12                29
Inverse systems
    Use inverse system to recover input x[n]
     from output y[n] (e.g. to undo effects of
     transmission channel)
    Only sometimes possible - e.g. cannot
     ‘invert’ h1[n] = 0
    In general, attempt to solve
     h2 [n] * h1[n] = [n]

Dan Ellis            2012-09-12         30
Inverse system example
    Accumulator:
     Impulse response h1[n] = μ[n]
    ‘Backwards difference’       -3 -2 -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7   n

     .. has desired property:
        µ[n]  µ[n 1] = [n]     -3 -2 -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7   n

    Thus, ‘backwards difference’ is inverse
     system of accumulator.

Dan Ellis            2012-09-12                     31
Parallel connection

    Impulse response of two parallel
     systems added together is:

Dan Ellis           2012-09-12          32
3. Linear Constant-Coefficient
 Difference Equation (LCCDE)
      General spec. of DT, LSI, finite-dim sys:
   N               M

  d k y[n  k] =  pk x[n  k]        defined by {dk},{pk}
  k=0              k=0                 order = max(N,M)

  Rearrange for y[n] in causal form:
         N            M
            dk           pk
y[n] =  y[n  k] +  x[n  k]
        k=1 d 0      k=0 d 0

      WLOG, always have d0 = 1
Dan Ellis                2012-09-12                33
Solving LCCDEs
        “Total solution”
                         y[n] = yc [n] + y p [n]

Complementary Solution                            Particular Solution
                                                  for given forcing function
satisfies        d k y[n  k] = 0                         x[n]

    Dan Ellis                        2012-09-12                     34
Complementary Solution
     General form of unforced oscillation
      i.e. system’s ‘natural modes’
     Assume yc has form yc [n] = n
       dk         nk

            nN
                    (d 
                               + d1   N 1
                                              +…+ d N 1 + d N ) = 0
       d k N k = 0             Characteristic polynomial
            k=0                    of system - depends only on {dk}

Dan Ellis                           2012-09-12                  35
Complementary Solution
         d k N k = 0 factors into roots λi , i.e.
       k=0                       (   1 )(   2 )... = 0
    Each/any λi satisfies eqn.
    Thus, complementary solution:
        yc [n] =  1 1 +  2  2 +  3  3 + ...
                       n         n         n

     Any linear combination will work
     → αis are free to match initial conditions

Dan Ellis                  2012-09-12               36
Complementary Solution
    Repeated roots in chr. poly:
     (   1 ) (   2 )... = 0

       yc [n] =  1 1 +  2 n 1 +  3 n  1
                       n           n       2   n

                         +...+  L n  1 + ...
                                     L1 n

     Complex λis → sinusoidal yc [n] =  i  i

Dan Ellis                 2012-09-12               37
Particular Solution
   Recall: Total solution y[n] = yc [n] + y p [n]
   Particular solution reflects input
   ‘Modes’ usually decay away for large n
    leaving just yp[n]
   Assume ‘form’ of x[n], scaled by β:
    e.g. x[n] constant → yp[n] = β
         x[n] = λ0n → yp[n] = β · λ0n (λ0 ∉ λi)
                          or = β nL λ0n (λ0 ∈ λi)
Dan Ellis              2012-09-12            38
LCCDE example
 y[n] + y[n 1]  6y[n  2] = x[n]
            x[n]   +   y[n]

    Need input: x[n] = 8μ[n]
    Need initial conditions:
     y[-1] = 1, y[-2] = -1

Dan Ellis              2012-09-12    39
LCCDE example
    Complementary solution:
     y[n] + y[n 1]  6y[n  2] = 0; y[n] = n
          n2
                  (   2
                           +   6) = 0
      ( + 3)(  2) = 0 →roots λ1 = -3, λ2 = 2

      yc [n] =  1 (3) +  2 (2)
                                 n             n

      α1, α2 are unknown at this point

Dan Ellis                         2012-09-12       40
LCCDE example
    Particular solution:
    Input x[n] is constant = 8μ[n]
     assume yp[n] = β, substitute in:
     y[n] + y[n 1]  6y[n  2] = x[n] (‘large’ n)
       +   6 = 8µ[n]
      4  = 8   = 2

Dan Ellis             2012-09-12           41
LCCDE example
    Total solution y[n] = yc [n] + y p [n]
                          =  1 (3) +  2 (2) + 
                                    n         n

    Solve for unknown αis by substituting
     initial conditions into DE at n = 0, 1, ...
     y[n] + y[n 1]  6y[n  2] = x[n]
                                          from ICs
    n = 0 y[0] + y[1]  6y[2] = x[0]
              1 +  2 +  +1+ 6 = 8
             1 +  2 = 3
Dan Ellis              2012-09-12            42
LCCDE example
    n = 1 y[1] + y[0]  6y[1] = x[1]
       1 (3) +  2 (2) +  +  1 +  2 +   6 = 8
      2 1 + 3 2 = 18
    solve: α1 = -1.8, α2 = 4.8
    Hence, system output:
     y[n] = 1.8(3) + 4.8(2)  2 n  0
                    n        n

    Don’t find αis by solving with ICs at
                  (ICs may not reflect natural modes;
     n = -1,-2    Mitra example 2.37/38 is wrong)
Dan Ellis                2012-09-12               43
LCCDE solving summary
    Difference Equation (DE):
     Ay[n] + By[n-1] + ... = Cx[n] + Dx[n-1] + ...
     Initial Conditions (ICs): y[-1] = ...
    DE RHS = 0 with y[n]=λn → roots {λi}
     gives complementary soln yc [n] =   i  i

    Particular soln: yp[n] ~ x[n]
     solve for βλ0n “at large n”
     αis by substituting DE at n = 0, 1, ...
     ICs for y[-1], y[-2]; yt=yc+yp for y[0], y[1]
Dan Ellis              2012-09-12            44
LCCDEs: zero input/zero state
    Alternative approach to solving
     LCCDEs is to solve two subproblems:
           yzi[n], response with zero input (just ICs)
           yzs[n], response with zero state (just x[n])
    Because of linearity, y[n] = yzi[n]+yzs[n]
    Both subproblems are ‘real’
    But, have to solve for αis twice
     (then sum them)
Dan Ellis                    2012-09-12             45
Impulse response of LCCDEs
    Impulse response:         δ[n]   LCCDE   h[n]

     i.e. solve with x[n] = δ[n] → y[n] = h[n]
     (zero ICs)

    With x[n] = δ[n], ‘form’ of yp[n] = βδ[n]

       → solve y[n] for n = 0,1, 2... to find αis

Dan Ellis               2012-09-12            46
LCCDE IR example
    e.g. y[n] + y[n 1]  6y[n  2] = x[n]
     (from before); x[n] = δ[n]; y[n] = 0 for n<0
     yc [n] =  1 (3) +  2 (2)    yp[n] = βδ[n]
                      n          n
    n = 0: y[0] + y[1]  6y[2] = x[0]
              ⇒ α1 + α2 + β = 1
    n = 1: α1(–3) + α2(2) + 1 = 0
    n = 2: α1(9) + α2(4) – 1 – 6 = 0
                  ⇒ α1 = 0.6, α2 = 0.4, β = 0
     thus h[n] = 0.6(3) + 0.4 (2) Infinite length
                              n      n n≥0

Dan Ellis             2012-09-12           47
System property: Stability
    Certain systems can be unstable e.g.
     x[n]   +           y[n]            y[n]
                  z-1                                    ...
                                          -1   1 2 3 4   n
     Output grows without limit in some

Dan Ellis                  2012-09-12                          48
    Several definitions for stability; we use
     Bounded-input, bounded-output
     (BIBO) stable
    For every bounded input x[n] < Bx n
     output is also subject to a finite bound,
      y[n] < By   n

Dan Ellis              2012-09-12        49
Stability example
                      1 M 1
    MA filter: y[n] = k=0 x[n  k]
                1 M 1
        y[n] = k=0 x[n  k]
                1 M 1
               k=0 x[n  k]
               M  Bx  By → BIBO Stable

Dan Ellis           2012-09-12        50
Stability & LCCDEs
    LCCDE output is of form:
            y[n] =  1 1 +  2  2 + ...+  0 + ...
                        n          n           n

    αs and βs depend on input & ICs,
     but to be bounded for any input
     we need |λ| < 1

Dan Ellis                     2012-09-12                51
4. Correlation
     Correlation ~ identifies similarity
      between sequences:
 correlation rxy [ ]   =          x[n]y[n    ]
of x against y             n=
     Note: ryx [ ] =             y[n]x[n    ]
                           n=                    call m = n – ℓ

                       =           y[m + ]x[m] = rxy [          ]
 Dan Ellis                  2012-09-12                 52
Correlation and convolution
    Correlation:        rxy [n] =        x[k]y[k   n]

    Convolution: x[n]     y[n] =         x[k]y[n   k]

    Hence: rxy [n] = x[n]        y[ n]

     Correlation may be calculated by
     convolving with time-reversed sequence

Dan Ellis            2012-09-12               53
    Autocorrelation (AC) is correlation of
     signal with itself:
            rxx [] =    x[n]x[n  ] = rxx []
    Note: rxx [0] =     x 2 [n] =  x   Energy of
                                          sequence x[n]

Dan Ellis                    2012-09-12           54
Correlation maxima
                                    rxx []
    Note:      rxx []  rxx [0]            1
                                    rxx [0]
                                           rxy []
    Similarly: rxy []   x y                      1
                                        rxx [0]ryy [0]

    From geometry,                     xi   2
             xy = i xi yi = x y cos             x and y

    when x//y, cosθ = 1, else cosθ < 1

Dan Ellis                 2012-09-12               55
AC of a periodic sequence
    Sequence of period N: x[n] = x[n + N]
                                ˜       ˜
    Calculate AC over a finite window:
       rxx [] =
        ˜˜                x[n]x[n  ]
                 2M +1 n=M
                            ˜ ˜
                   N 1
               =  x[n]x[n  ]
                        ˜ ˜           if M >> N
                 N n=0

Dan Ellis              2012-09-12          56
AC of a periodic sequence

               1 N 1 2             Average energy per
      rxx [0] =  x [n] = Px
       ˜˜            ˜     ˜        sample or Power of x
               N n=0

                N 1
rxx [ + N] =  x[n]x[n    N ] = rxx []
 ˜˜                ˜ ˜               ˜˜
             N n=0
     i.e AC of periodic sequence is periodic

 Dan Ellis             2012-09-12                  57
What correlations look like
                                   rxx []
    AC of any x[n]

                                   rxx []
    AC of periodic
                                   rxy []
    Cross correlation
Dan Ellis             2012-09-12             58
What correlation looks like

Dan Ellis     2012-09-12       59
Correlation in action
               Close mic vs.
                video camera

                              Short-time

Dan Ellis                 2012-09-12           60
ELEN E4810: Digital Signal Processing
            Topic 3: Fourier domain
1.    The Fourier domain
2.    Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)
3.    Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
4.    Convolution with the DFT

Dan Ellis            2012-09-24       1
1. The Fourier Transform
     Basic observation (continuous time):
      A periodic signal can be decomposed
      into sinusoids at integer multiples of the
      fundamental frequency
     i.e. if x (t) = x (t +T )
              ˜       ˜
      we can approach x with   ˜              Harmonics
                             2 k                of the
˜                  ak cos        t+      k   fundamental
 Dan Ellis                  2012-09-24            2
                                                                       2 k
 Fourier Series                                               ak cos
                                                                           t+       k
    For a square wave,
                                          k       1
                                   ( 1)       2
                                                              k = 1, 3, 5, . . .
        k      = 0;       ak =                        k
                                   0                          otherwise
                            2       1                 2     1              2
 i.e.        x(t) = cos
                                                        3t + cos
                                                            5              T
                                                                             5t         ...




         1.5          1      0.5      0               0.5         1       1.5

Dan Ellis                           2012-09-24                                  3
Fourier domain
     x is equivalently described
      by its Fourier Series                          ak 1.0
             k       1   1                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7   k
ak = ( 1)        2            k = 1, 3, 5, . . .
                         k                           ¡k

                                  Negative ak is
                             equivalent to phase of º         1 2 3 4 5 6 7   k
                                                               j 2T k t
     Complex form: x(t)
                    ˜                                     ck e
                                                   k= M

 Dan Ellis                           2012-09-24                      4

 Fourier analysis                                 x(t)
                                                         k= M
                                                                ck ej 2T k t

    How to find {|ck |}, {arg{ck }} ?
     Inner product with complex sinusoids:

     1      T /2
                           j 2T k t
ck =               x(t)e              dt
     T      T /2                               but
                                               ej = cos + jsin

       1               2 k                               2 k
     =       x(t) cos(     t)dt            j   x(t) sin(     t)dt
       T                T                                 T

Dan Ellis                  2012-09-24                      5

  Fourier analysis                                     x(t)
                                                       ˜                  ck e j 2T k t

                               2                                 k= M

     Consider x(t) = cos l t
      .. so ck should = 0 except k = ±l

     Then
ck =
             (    x (t ) cos 2kt dt  j  x (t ) sin 2kt dt
                               T                        T        )         0
             (    cos 2T lt cos 2kt dt  j  cos 2T lt sin 2kt dt
                                                              T            )
 Dan Ellis                          2012-09-24                       6
Fourier analysis
                                        Works                                 if k, l are positive integers,
                      (say                                  1                                                1 k = ±l
                                                                              cos(kt) · cos(lt)dt =
                      T=2π)                                2                                                 0 otherwise

                                                                          =    1
                                                                                           cos(k + l)t + cos(k



                                                                              4                                            l)tdt


                                                                                           sin(k+l)t       sin(k l)t
                                                                          =          1
   -1   -0.8   -0.6   -0.4   -0.2   0   0.2    0.4   0.6   0.8        1

                                                                                    4         k+l             k l

                                                                          =     1
                                                                                2   (sinc (k + l) + sinc (k                l))

                               Dan Ellis                                                 2012-09-24                    7
              sin x
       sincx   =


            4   3   2                          2   3   4        x

    = 1 when x = 0
     = 0 when x = r·º, r ≠ 0, r = ±1, ±2, ±3,...
Dan Ellis                      2012-09-24                           8
Fourier Analysis
                1        T /2
                                        j 2T k t
    Thus, ck = T               x(t)e              dt
                         T /2
                                                            j 2T k t
     because real & imag sinusoids in e
     pick out the corresponding sinusoidal
     components linearly combined
                            j 2T k t
     in x(t) =          ck e
                 k= M

Dan Ellis                 2012-09-24                    9
Fourier Transform
    Fourier series for periodic signals
     extends naturally to Fourier Transform
     for any (CT) signal (not just periodic):
X(j ) =         x(t)e     j t
                                dt       Transform (FT)

        1                                Inverse Fourier
x(t) =           X(j )e      j t
                                     d   Transform (IFT)
    Discrete index k → continuous freq. Ω
Dan Ellis               2012-09-24                 10
Fourier Transform
        Mapping between two continuous
         functions:          |X( )|                             0
                                                         / dB -20

           x(t)                                                 -40


  0.01                                                             0      2000   4000   6000       8000
                                                                                            freq / Hz

                                                                      arg{X( )}
       0      0.002   0.004    0.006       0.008                 /2
                                   time / sec


                              2π ambiguity
                                                                      0   2000   4000   6000         8000
                                                                                               freq / Hz

Dan Ellis                                          2012-09-24                                     11
Fourier Transform of a sine
     Assume x(t) = e
                                j 0 t
                        Z                    •
                       1                                  jWt
     Now, since x(t) =                            X(W)e         dW
                     2p •
     ...we know X(W) = 2pd(W                         W0)
     ...where ±(x) is the Dirac delta function
     (continuous time) i.e.
       ( x  x0 ) f ( x) dx = f ( x0 )                  x0
      → x(t) = Ae
                       j 0 t
                                         X() = A (   0 )
Dan Ellis                       2012-09-24                 12
Fourier Transforms
                          Time         Frequency
    Fourier Series   Continuous          Discrete
         (FS)        periodic ~
                              x(t)      infinite ck
       Fourier         Continuous       Continuous
   Transform (FT)      infinite x(t)    infinite X(Ω)
   Discrete-Time         Discrete       Continuous
     FT (DTFT)         infinite x[n] periodic X(ejω)
      Discrete FT        Discrete         Discrete
         (DFT)       finite/pdc ~x[n] finite/pdc X[k]
Dan Ellis             2012-09-24              13
2. Discrete Time FT (DTFT)
    FT defined for discrete sequences:
            X(e ) =    x[n]e         jn
    Summation (not integral)
    Discrete (normalized)
        frequency variable !
    Argument is ej!, not j!

Dan Ellis                    2012-09-24             14
DTFT example
                                 e.g. x[n] = Æn·μ[n], |Æ| < 1                            -1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7      n
                                            X(e ) = n=  µ[n]e
                                                   j                         n           jn

                                            = n=0 (e                  )
                                                                  j n
                                                                                                          
                                                                            S =  c  cS =  c
                                                                                           n                          n
                                            =                                      n =0                    n =1
Im                            1 - e-j

                                                      j
                                              1  e

                                                                             S  cS = c = 1      0
        |X(ej )|                            arg{X(ej )}
                                                                                    1    ( |c | < 1 )
                                                                            S =
                                                    2     3   4     5

    0              2          3     4   5

                       Dan Ellis                                  2012-09-24                          15
Periodicity of X(ej!)
         X(ej!) has periodicity 2º in ! :
          X(e        j ( +2  )
                                   ) =  x[n]e      j ( +2  )n

                                    =  x[n]e       jn
                                                           e    j 2 n
                                                                          = X(e ) j

          |X(ej )|                              arg{X(ej )}

                                                           2       3      4   5

      0               2      3      4   5

         Phase ambiguity of ej! makes it implicit
Dan Ellis                                   2012-09-24                            16
Inverse DTFT (IDTFT)
    Same basic form as other IFTs:
                          X(e
                                   j         jn
            x[n] =                        )e         d   IDTFT
    Note: continuous, periodic X(ej!)

  discrete, infinite x[n] ...
    IDTFT is actually forward Fourier Series
     (except for sign of !)

Dan Ellis                    2012-09-24                       17
    Verify by substituting in DTFT:
                     X(e
                             j        jn
       x[n] =                      )e         d
                     (l x[l]e )e
               1                        jl      jn
            =                                            d
                      1  j (nl )                            = 0 unless
            = l x[l]  e         d                            n=l
                     2                                       i.e. = δ[n-l]

            = l x[l]sinc (n  l)= x[n]
Dan Ellis                 2012-09-24                             18
sinc again
    1                        1      ej (n l)
            ej (n   l)
                       dw =
   2                        2       j(n l)
                   1 ej (n l) e j (n           l)
                  2        j(n l)
    1       2j sin (n l)
 =                          = sinc (n               l)
   2            j(n l)

    Same as ∫cos     ∴   imag jsin part cancels
Dan Ellis              2012-09-24                   19
DTFTs of simple sequences
          x[n] = ±[n]                      X(e ) =j
                                                              x[n]e           jn

                                                               j 0
                                                            =e           =1     (for all !)

     i.e.                    x[n]	







                     x[n]                          X(ejω)

                   -3 -2 -1    1 2 3    n               -º           º   !

Dan Ellis                                    2012-09-24                               20
DTFTs of simple sequences
                                   1                    IDTFT
  x[n] = e
                j 0 n
                      : x[n] =
                                       X(e j )e jn d



) = 2   (   0 ) over -º < ! < º



     but X(ej!) must be periodic in !
           e  j 0 n
                        k 2   (   0  2k)
    If !0 = 0 then x[n] = 1 ∀ n
     so     1            k 2   (  2k)
                                                    0 2º 4º

Dan Ellis                   2012-09-24              21
DTFTs of simple sequences
    From before:
                µ[n]
                                      j       ( |α | < 1)
                              1  e
    μ[n] tricky - not finite
            µ[n]             j
                                 + k  ( + 2k)
                       1 e
                                         DTFT of 1/2
Dan Ellis                   2012-09-24                 22
DTFT properties
    Linear:
                                                       j                    j
            g[n] + h[n]  G(e ) + H (e )
    Time shift:
                                              jn 0            j
               g[n  n0 ]  e                          G(e )
    Frequency shift:
               e   j 0 n
                            g[n]  G (e           j (  0 )
                                                                )        in

Dan Ellis                       2012-09-24                              23
DTFT example
      x[n] = ±[n] + Æn μ[n-1]            ?

          = ±[n] + Æ(Æn-1 μ[n-1])
                j         j 1        1 

        X(e ) = 1+   e                     
                                     1  e 
                                              j

                         e j         1  e j + e j
                  = 1+           j
                       1  e                1  e j
                  =         j            x[n] = Æn μ[n]
                    1  e
Dan Ellis                   2012-09-24              24

 DTFT symmetry                               j
                                          X(e ) =    x[n]e jn

   If x[n] 	

      X(ej!) then...


        X(e-j!)    from summation


       X*(e-j!) (e-j!)* = ej!

                                   [ ( ) ( )]
                           j!) = 1 X e j + X * e  j

              conjugate symmetry cancels Im parts on IDTFT

                              = [ X (e )  X (e )]
                                1     j    *   j






Dan Ellis                  2012-09-24                 25
DTFT of real x[n]
    When x[n] is pure real,          X(ej!) = X*(e-j!)
 xcs[n] ≡ xev[n] = xev[-n]           XR(ej!) = XR(e-j!)
 xca[n] ≡ xod[n] = -xod[-n]          XI(ej!) = -XI(e-j!)


 x[n] real, even                                      Real

    X(ej!) even, real                                     xre[n]


Dan Ellis               2012-09-24                    26
DTFT and convolution
    Convolution: x[n] = g[n] h[n]

       X(e ) = n = ( g[n]  h[n]) e
            j                              jn

                 = n ( k g[k]h[n  k])e        jn

                 = k ( g[k]e  jk n h[n  k]e  j (n k ) )
                          j           j
                 = G(e )  H (e )
   g[n] h[n]  G(e j )H (e j )               becomes
Dan Ellis                      2012-09-24               27
Convolution with DTFT
                                                   j   j
     Since g[n] h[n]  G(e )H (e )
      we can calculate a convolution by:
           finding DTFTs of g, h → G, H
           multiply them: G·H
           IDTFT of product is result, g[n] h[n]
                        G(e j )
     g[n]        DTFT
                                    Y (e j )           y[n]
     h[n]        DTFT
                        H (e j )

Dan Ellis                       2012-09-24                   28
DTFT convolution example
      x[n] =     Æn·μ[n]X(e ) =
                                 1  e j
      h[n] = ±[n] - Ʊ[n-1]




       H (e ) = 1   (e
                                     j           j 1
                                                           ) 1
      y[n] = x[n] ∗ h[n]


        Y (e j ) = H (e j )X(e j )
                          =              (1  e j ) = 1
                            1  e  j


     y[n] = ±[n] i.e. ...
Dan Ellis                   2012-09-24                 29
DTFT modulation
     Modulation: x[n] = g[n]  h[n]
      Could solve if g[n] was just sinusoids...
                   1                         
     X(e ) = n 
                            G(e )e d   h[n]e jn
                                   j    jn

                    2                        
                1 
                    G(e ) n h[n]e               ]
                                              j (  )n
                        1 
     g[n]  h[n] 
                              G(e )H (e )d
                                      j       j (  )

                            Dual of convolution in time
Dan Ellis                  2012-09-24               30
Parseval’s relation
    “Energy” in time and frequency domains
     are equal:
                       1 
         g[n]h [n] =

                           G(e j )H * (e j )d

    If g = h, then g·g* = |g|2 = energy...

Dan Ellis              2012-09-24             31
Energy density spectrum
     Energy of sequence  g =  g[n]

                                   G(e
    By Parseval   g =                     j   2
                                                 ) d
    Define Energy Density Spectrum (EDS)
                     j      j 2
               Sgg (e ) = G(e )

Dan Ellis           2012-09-24                       32
EDS and autocorrelation
    Autocorrelation of g[n]:
             rgg [] =    g[n]g[n  ] = g[n] g[n]

            DTFT {rgg []} = G(e )G(e j      j
    If g[n] is real, G(e-j!) = G*(ej!), so
       DTFT {rgg []} = G(e ) = Sgg (e )
                             j 2        j             no phase
    Mag-sq of spectrum is DTFT of autoco
Dan Ellis                       2012-09-24               33
3. Discrete FT (DFT)
      Discrete FT      Discrete        Discrete
         (DFT)      finite/pdc x[n] finite/pdc X[k]
    A finite or periodic sequence has only
     N unique values, x[n] for 0 ≤ n < N
    Spectrum is completely defined by N
     distinct frequency samples
    Divide 0..2º into N equal steps,
     {!k} = 2ºk/N
Dan Ellis            2012-09-24             34
    Uniform sampling of DTFT spectrum:
                                               N 1        2 k
            X[k] = X(e j )  = 2 k =  x[n]e

                                     N         n=0

                         N 1                                             2º/N
    DFT: X[k] =  x[n]WNkn                                              1
                         n=0                                             WN

     where WN = e            N
                                   i.e. 1/Nth of a revolution

Dan Ellis                         2012-09-24                        35
                                            N 1
     Inverse DFT IDFT x[n] =  X[k]WN
                                   N k=0
    Check:
      x[n] = k l x[l]WN WN
                             kl    nk
               N 1 N 1          Sum of complete set
           =  x[l] WN  k (ln ) of rotated vectors

             N l=0                = 0 if l ≠ n; = N if l = n
                    k=0           im
           = x[n]                      W    re
                                             N     or finite
                                            WN2    geometric series
                  0≤n<N                            = (1-WNlN)/(1-WNl)

Dan Ellis                  2012-09-24                  36
DFT examples
  Finite impulse x[n] = 
                         0 n = 1..N 1
      X[k] = n=0 x[n]WN = WN = 1 k
               N 1     kn   0

    Periodic sinusoid:
                           ⇥ (r            Z)
                      2 rn                        1          ⇥
 x[n] = cos                                     =   WN + WN
                                                      rn  rn
                       N                          2

                     n=0 (WN + WNrn )WNkn
                       N 1 rn
        X[k] =   1
(0 ≤ k < N)
                N /2 k = r,k = N  r
                0          o.w.
Dan Ellis                     2012-09-24               37
DFT: Matrix form
              X[k] = n=0 x[n]  W
                        N 1
                                            as a matrix multiply:
            ⇥                                                     ⇥                ⇥
  X[0]         1         1          1           ···         1              x[0]
⇧ X[1]      ⌃ ⇧1        WN 1
                                   WN 2
                                                ···    WN
                                                         (N 1) ⌃
                                                               ⌃⇧          x[1]     ⌃
⇧           ⌃ ⇧                                         2(N 1) ⌃ ⇧                  ⌃
⇧ X[2]      ⌃ ⇧1        WN 2
                                   WN 4
                                                ···    WN      ⌃⇧          x[2]     ⌃
⇧           ⌃=⇧                                                ⌃⇧                   ⌃
⇧  .
   .        ⌃ ⇧.         .          .           ..          .       ⌃⇧      .
                                                                            .       ⌃
⇤  .        ⌅ ⇧.
              ⇤.         .
                         .          .
                                    .              .        .
                                                            .       ⌅⇤      .       ⌅
 X[N     1]             (N 1)
                     1 WN        WN
                                   2(N 1)
                                                ···    WN
                                                         (N     1)2   x[N         1]

             i.e.              X = DN  x
       Dan Ellis                   2012-09-24                         38
Matrix IDFT
    If       X = DN  x
     then     x = DN  X
    i.e. inverse DFT is also just a matrix,
             1    1               1         ···         1
            ⇧1   WN 1            WN 2       ···    WN
                                                        (N 1)       ⌃
            ⇧                                                       ⌃
          1 ⇧1
            ⇧    WN 2            WN 4       ···    WN
                                                      2(N        1) ⌃
DN1     =
          N ⇧.
            ⇧.    .
                  .               .
                                  .         ..         .
            ⇤.    .               .            .       .            ⌅
                    (N 1)          2(N 1)               (N 1)2
             1 WN             WN            ···    WN
Dan Ellis                   2012-09-24                      39
    MATLAB is concerned with sequences
     not continuous functions like X(ej!)
    Instead, we use the DFT to sample
     X(ej!) on an (arbitrarily-fine) grid:
           X = freqz(x,1,w); samples the DTFT
            of sequence x at angular frequencies in w
           X = fft(x); calculates the N-point DFT
            of an N-point sequence x

Dan Ellis                  2012-09-24          40
             X(e ) =       x[n]e          jn      • continuous freq !
                                                     • infinite x[n], -∞<n<∞
                       N 1
              X[k] =  x[n]W               kn        • discrete freq k=N!/2º
DFT                                       N
                                                     • finite x[n], 0≤n<N

     DFT ‘samples’ DTFT at discrete freqs:
                     j                           X[k]
      X[k] = X(e )  = 2 k                               X(ej!)
                                 N                          !
 Dan Ellis                           2012-09-24                    41
        N-point DFT completely specifies the
         continuous DTFT of the finite sequence
                        N 1
                             1 N 1       jn
                X(e ) =    X[k]WN e
                   j                kn

                        n=0  N k=0      
                                     j (  2 k ) n
                           N 1         N 1
                      =  X[k] e             N       “periodic
                       N k=0  n=0
 k =   2Nk
                                            k
                         N 1
                       1         sin N 2  j ( N21) k
                      =  X[k]           k
      interpolation    N k=0      sin 2
    Dan Ellis                     2012-09-24             42
Periodic sinc  jN
   N 1
                  1e                 k

   e    j n
                =  k

                  1e  j           k
            n =0
                        jN k / 2       jN k / 2    jN k / 2
                  e             e         e
                =  j k / 2  j k / 2
                   e             e         e  j k / 2
                                       k
                     j 2  k sin N 2
                       ( N 1)
                                                  pure real
                =e                    k
    pure phase                    sin 2
   = N when Δ!k = 0; = (-)N when Δ!k/2 = º
    = 0 when Δ!k/2 = r·º/N, r = ±1, ± 2, ...
    other values in-between...
Dan Ellis                  2012-09-24                         43
Periodic sinc                N

                  sin Nx           sinNx
                                                                                       2          x
                   sin x
                                    -N                                               (N = 8)
                                                                            sin N          k/2
                           X[k] = X(ej2   k/N)
                                                        X(ej 0) =   X[k]·
                                                                            N sin          k/2

DFT→ DTFT            1                                                  X[3]·
                                                                                sin N        3/2
                                                                                N sin        3/2
= interpolation     0.5
  by periodic
      sinc           0
 X[k]→X(ej!)          -1   0       k=1
                                   = 2 /N         0
                                                               = 6 /N
                                                                            = 8 /N

      Dan Ellis                   2012-09-24                                    44
DFT from overlength DTFT
    If x[n] has more than N points, can still
     form X[k] = X(e )  = 2 k
    IDFT of X[k] will give N point x[n]
    How does x[n] relate to x[n]?

Dan Ellis              2012-09-24          45
DFT from overlength DTFT
              DTFT                   sample                 IDFT
  x[n]                 X(ejω)                    X[k]              x[n]
-A ≤ n < B                                                          0≤n<N
                            N 1
              x[n] =
              ˜                              x[ ]WN
                                                            WN nk
                            k=0      =                        =1 for n-l = rN, r∈I
                                             N 1              = 0 otherwise
                                         1             k(   n)
                  =           x[ ]                    WN
                       =                     k=0

                                                all values shifted by
              x[n] =
              ˜               x[n          rN ] exact multiples of N pts
        0≤n<N          r=                       to lie in 0 ≤ n < N
  Dan Ellis                              2012-09-24                       46
DFT from DTFT example
    If x[n] = { 8, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1} (8 point)
    We form X[k] for k = 0, 1, 2, 3
     by sampling X(ej!) at ! = 0, º/2, º, 3º/2
    IDFT of X[k] gives 4 pt           x[n] =
                                       ˜             x[n       rN ]
    Overlap only for r = -1:                                 (N = 4)

                     8   5 4     3
            x[n] =
            ˜        +   + +     +     = {10     7   5    4}
                     2   2 2     1

Dan Ellis                 2012-09-24                     47
DFT from DTFT example
      x[n]
                              -1    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   n

      x[n+N]
                   -5 -4 -3 -2 -1   1 2 3 4 5   n
        (r = -1)
      x[n]
                                    1 2 3   n
    x[n] is the time aliased or ‘folded down’
     version of x[n].
Dan Ellis                  2012-09-24                     48
Properties: Circular time shift
    DFT properties mirror DTFT, with twists:
    Time shift must stay within N-pt ‘window’
        g[ n n0 N ]         WN 0 G[k]
    Modulo-N indexing keeps index between
     0 and N-1:
                                       g[n n0 ]       n n0
            g[ n     n0   N]    =
                                       g[N + n n0 ]   n < n0
                   0 ≤ n0 < N

Dan Ellis                           2012-09-24         49
Circular time shift
    Points shifted out to the right don’t
     disappear – they come in from the left
               g[n]                         g[<n-2>5]
                            ‘delay’ by 2

                 1 2 3 4
                        n                         1 2 3 4
            5-pt sequence

    Like a ‘barrel shifter’:

                                               origin pointer

Dan Ellis                      2012-09-24                           50
Circular time reversal
      Time reversal is tricky in ‘modulo-N’
       indexing - not reversing the sequence:
                                           x [n]
  5-pt sequence
  made periodic
                    -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
                                           x [ n
                                           ˜        N   ]
periodic sequence
                    -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
      Zero point stays fixed; remainder flips
  Dan Ellis                 2012-09-24                           51
    DFT and IDFT are very similar
           both map an N-pt vector to an N-pt vector

    Duality:
            if    g[n]  G [k ]                 time reversal

     then        G [n]  N  g[ k      N   ]
    i.e. if you treat DFT sequence as a time
     sequence, result is almost symmetric
Dan Ellis                  2012-09-24               52
4. Convolution with the DFT
    IDTFT of product of DTFTs of two N-pt
     sequences is their 2N-1 pt convolution
    IDFT of the product of two N-pt DFTs
     can only give N points!
    Equivalent of 2N-1 pt result time aliased:
       i.e. y [n ] = 
              c         r=
                             yl [n + rN ] (0 ≤ n < N)
           must be, because G[k]H[k] are exact
            samples of G(ej!)H(ej!)
    This is known as circular convolution
Dan Ellis                  2012-09-24             53
Circular convolution
    Can also do entire convolution with
     modulo-N indexing
    Hence, Circular Convolution:
       N 1

        g[m ]h[ n  m N ]     G[k]H[k]

    Written as g[n]  h[n]

Dan Ellis              2012-09-24          54
Circular convolution example
    4 pt sequences:                 g[n]={1 2 0 1} h[n]={2 2 1 0}
   N 1

    g[m ]h[ n  m N ]                      1 2 3   n               1 2 3   n

                                                g[n] 4 h[n]={4 7 5 4}
     h[<n - 0>4]           n    1
                   1 2 3

     h[<n - 1>4]           n    2
                   1 2 3
                                                        1 2 3   n
     h[<n - 2>4]           n    0
                   1 2 3
                                                    check: g[n] * h[n]
     h[<n - 3>4]           n    1
                   1 2 3                            ={2 6 5 4 2 1 0}
Dan Ellis                      2012-09-24                             55
DFT properties summary
   Circular convolution
            m=0 g[m ]h[ n  m
              N 1
                                          N   ]       G[k]H[k]
   Modulation
                                     m=0 G[m]H[ k  m N ]
                                          N 1
          g[n]  h[n]           1

   Duality
                 G [n]  N  g[ k                    N   ]
   Parseval
                 n=0 x[n]               k=0 X [k ]
                   N 1      2                N 1            2
                                 =   1

     Dan Ellis               2012-09-24                           56
Linear convolution w/ the DFT
    DFT → fast circular convolution
    .. but we need linear convolution
    Circular conv. is time-aliased linear
     conv.; can aliasing be avoided?
    e.g. convolving L-pt g[n] with M-pt h[n]:
     y[n] = g[n] * h[n] has L+M-1 nonzero pts
    Set DFT size N ≥ L+M-1 → no aliasing

Dan Ellis            2012-09-24         57
Linear convolution w/ the DFT
   Procedure (N = L + M - 1):               g[n]
       pad L-pt g[n] with (at least)
        M-1 zeros                                  L        n
        → N-pt DFT G[k], k = 0..N-1         h[n]
       pad M-pt h[n] with (at least)
                                                 M          n
        L-1 zeros
        → N-pt DFT H[k], k = 0..N-1
       Y[k] = G[k]·H[k], k = 0..N-1                     Nn
        IDFT{Y[k]} = 
                             yL [n + rN ] = yL [n] (0 ≤ n < N)
    Dan Ellis                   2012-09-24            58
Overlap-Add convolution
    Very long g[n] → break up into
     segments, convolve piecewise, overlap
     → bound size of DFT, processing delay
                       g[n]          i · N n < (i + 1) · N
    Make gi [n] =
                       0             otherwise
                   g[n] =     i gi [n]
            h[n]   g[n] =     i   h[n]   gi [n]
    Called Overlap-Add (OLA) convolution...
Dan Ellis               2012-09-24                59
Overlap-Add convolution
g[n]                                    h[n]
                           n                           n
g0[n]                                   g0[n] * h[n]

                           n                                         n
g1[n]                                   g1[n] * h[n]

                           n                                         n
g2[n]                                   g2[n] * h[n]

                           n                                         n
        N     2N   3N                               valid OLA sum
                    h[n] * g[n]
                                               LN       2N      3N
  Dan Ellis                2012-09-24                          60
ELEN E4810: Digital Signal Processing
            Topic 4: The Z Transform

1. The Z Transform

2. Inverse Z Transform

Dan Ellis             2012-10-03    1
1. The Z Transform
    Powerful tool for analyzing & designing
     DT systems
    Generalization of the DTFT:
        G(z) = Z{g[n]} =        g[n]z n       Z Transform
    z is complex...
           z = ej! → DTFT
                                                DTFT of
           z = r·ej! →   n g[n]r   n  jn
                                          e      r-n·g[n]
Dan Ellis                    2012-10-03               2
Region of Convergence (ROC)
    Critical question:
     Does summation G(z) = n= x[n]z n

     converge (to a finite value)?
    In general, depends on the value of z
    → Region of Convergence:          Im{z}

     Portion of complex z-plane
     for which a particular G(z)          λ
     will converge
                                   ROC          z-plane
                                  |z| > λ
Dan Ellis            2012-10-03             3
ROC Example
    e.g. x[n] = ∏nµ[n]       -2 -1   1 2 3 4
                                        1
              X(z) =   z =      n n
                          n=0        1  z 1
    ß converges only for |∏z-1| < 1
     i.e. ROC is |z| > |∏| (see previous slide)
    |∏| < 1 (e.g. 0.8) - finite energy sequence
    |∏| > 1 (e.g. 1.2) - divergent sequence,
     infinite energy, DTFT does not exist
     but still has ZT when |z| > 1.2 (in ROC)
Dan Ellis             2012-10-03                    4
About ROCs
    ROCs always defined in terms of |z|
     → circular regions on z-plane
     (inside circles/outside circles/rings)
    If ROC includes                    Im{z}
     unit circle (|z| = 1),
      → g[n] has a DTFT                       Re{z}
     (finite energy
     sequence)              Unit circle
                                lies in ROC
                                → DTFT OK

Dan Ellis              2012-10-03             5
Another ROC example
    Anticausal (left-sided) sequence:
           x [n] =  µ [n 1] -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
                                                          1 2 3 4     n

  X ( z ) = n (  µ [ n  1]) z
                      n                     n
                                                          |λ| > |z|
            =  n =  z = m =1  z
                 1       n   n                m   m

                        1       1
            =  z
                    1   z 1  z
                          1       1

    Same ZT as ∏nµ[n], different sequence?
Dan Ellis                      2012-10-03                 6
ROC is necessary!
      To completely define a ZT, you must
       specify the ROC:
   x[n] = ∏nµ[n] 	

  X(z) = 1              Im
                                   1  z 1

-4 -3 -2 -1  1 2 3 4
                     n    ROC |z| > |∏|             Re
   x[n] = -∏     nµ[-n-1]              1
                           X(z) =
 -4 -3 -2 -1
                                   1  z 1
             1 2 3 4 n    ROC |z| < |∏|
    A single G(z) can describe several
       sequences with different ROCs
Dan Ellis             2012-10-03             7
Rational Z-transforms
       G(z) can be any function;
        rational polynomials are important
        P (z ) p0 + p1z +…+ pM 1z
                       1           (M 1)
                                            + pM z   M
G (z) =       =
        D(z ) d0 + d1z 1 +…+ d N1z (N1) + d N z N
               By convention, expressed in terms of z-1
                – matches ZT definition
               (Reminiscent of LCCDE expression...)

    Dan Ellis                  2012-10-03            8
Factored rational ZTs
    Numerator, denominator can be

G (z) =
             =1     (         )
        p0  M 1    z 1 z M p0  M (z    )
                              = N      =1

        d0  =1 1    z
             N             1
                               z d0  =1 (z    )

            {≥} are roots of numerator
             → G(z) = 0 → {≥} are the zeros of G(z)
            {∏} are roots of denominator
             → G(z) = ∞ → {∏} are the poles of G(z)

 Dan Ellis                  2012-10-03           9
Pole-zero diagram
    Can plot poles and zeros on
     complex z-plane:
                                             poles ∏
                                             (cpx conj for real g[n])
                   o            ×       o   Re{z}
                                    × 1

            zeros ≥

Dan Ellis                  2012-10-03                       10
Z-plane surface
             G(z): cpx function of a cpx variable
                 Can calculate value over entire z-plane


             Slice between surface and unit cylinder
              (|z| = 1 z = ej!) is G(ej!), the DTFT
      Dan Ellis                  2012-10-03           11
Signal processingcolumbia
Signal processingcolumbia
Signal processingcolumbia
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Signal processingcolumbia
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Signal processingcolumbia

  • 1. ELEN E4810: Digital Signal Processing Topic 1: Introduction 1. Course overview 2. Digital Signal Processing 3. Basic operations & block diagrams 4. Classes of sequences Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 1
  • 2. 1. Course overview  Digital signal processing: Modifying signals with computers  Web site:  Book: Mitra “Digital Signal Processing” (3rd ed., 2005)  Instructor: Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 2
  • 3. Grading structure  Homeworks: 20%  Mainly from Mitra  Wednesday-Wednesday schedule  Collaborate, don’t copy  Midterm: 20%  One session  Final exam: 30%  Project: 30% Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 3
  • 4. Course project  Goal: hands-on experience with DSP  Practical implementation  Work in pairs or alone  Brief report, optional presentation  Recommend MATLAB  Ideas on website  Don’t copy! Cite your sources! Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 4
  • 5. Example past projects Solo Singing Detection on web site   Guitar Chord Classifier  Speech/Music Discrimination  Room sonar  Construction equipment monitoring  DTMF decoder  Reverb algorithms  Compression algorithms Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 5 W
  • 6. MATLAB  Interactive system for numerical computation  Extensive signal processing library  Focus on algorithm, not implementation  Access:  Columbia Site License:  Student Version (need Sig. Proc. toolbox)  Engineering Terrace 251 computer lab Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 6
  • 7. Course at a glance Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 7
  • 8. 2. Digital Signal Processing  Signals: Information-bearing function  E.g. sound: air pressure variation at a point as a function of time p(t)  Dimensionality: Sound: 1-Dimension Greyscale image i(x,y) : 2-D Video: 3 x 3-D: {r(x,y,t) g(x,y,t) b(x,y,t)} Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 8
  • 9. Example signals  Noise - all domains  Spread-spectrum phone - radio  ECG - biological  Music  Image/video - compression  …. Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 9
  • 10. Signal processing  Modify a signal to extract/enhance/ rearrange the information  Origin in analog electronics e.g. radar  Examples…  Noise reduction  Data compression  Representation for recognition/ classification… Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 10
  • 11. Digital Signal Processing  DSP = signal processing on a computer  Two effects: discrete-time, discrete level x(t) x[n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 11
  • 12. DSP vs. analog SP  Conventional signal processing: p(t) Processor q(t)  Digital SP system: p[n] q[n] p(t) A/D Processor D/A q(t) Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 12
  • 13. Digital vs. analog  Pros  Noise performance - quantized signal  Use a general computer - flexibility, upgrde  Stability/duplicability  Novelty  Cons  Limitations of A/D & D/A  Baseline complexity / power consumption Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 13
  • 14. DSP example  Speech time-scale modification: extend duration without altering pitch M Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 14
  • 15. 3. Operations on signals  Discrete time signal often obtained by sampling a continuous-time signal  Sequence {x[n]} = xa(nT), n=…-1,0,1,2…  T= samp. period; 1/T= samp. frequency Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 15
  • 16. Sequences Can write a sequence by listing values: {x[n]} = {. . . , 0.2, 2.2, 1.1, 0.2, 3.7, 2.9, . . .} ↑  Arrow indicates where n=0  Thus, Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 16
  • 17. Left- and right-sided  x[n] may be defined only for certain n:  N1 ≤ n ≤ N2: Finite length (length = …)  N1 ≤ n: Right-sided (Causal if N1 ≥ 0)  n ≤ N2: Left-sided (Anticausal)  Can always extend with zero-padding Left-sided Right-sided Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 17
  • 18. Operations on sequences  Addition operation:  Adder x[n] y[n] w[n] y[n] = x[n] + w[n]  Multiplication operation A  Multiplier x[n] y[n] y[n] = A x[n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 18
  • 19. More operations  Product (modulation) operation: x[n] y[n]  Modulator w[n] y[n] = x[n] w[n]  E.g. Windowing: Multiplying an infinite-length sequence by a finite-length window sequence to extract a region Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 19
  • 20. Time shifting  Time-shifting operation: where N is an integer  If N > 0, it is delaying operation  Unit delay x[n] y[n]  If N < 0, it is an advance operation  Unit advance x[n] y[n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 20
  • 21. Combination of basic operations  Example y[n] = 1 x[n] +  2 x[n  1] +  3 x[n  2] +  4 x[n  3] Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 21
  • 22. Up- and down-sampling  Certain operations change the effective sampling rate of sequences by adding or removing samples  Up-sampling = adding more samples = interpolation  Down-sampling = discarding samples = decimation Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 22
  • 23. Down-sampling  In down-sampling by an integer factor M > 1, every M-th sample of the input sequence is kept and M - 1 in-between samples are removed: xd [n] = x[nM ] M xd [n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 23
  • 24. Down-sampling  An example of down-sampling 3 y[n] = x[3n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 24
  • 25. Up-sampling  Up-sampling is the converse of down- sampling: L-1 zero values are inserted between each pair of original values. x[n/L] n = 0, ±L, 2L, . . . xu [n] = 0 otherwise L Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 25
  • 26. Up-sampling  An example of up-sampling 3 not inverse of downsampling! Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 26
  • 27. Complex numbers  .. a mathematical convenience that lead to simple expressions  A second “imaginary” dimension (j≡√-1) is added to all values.  Rectangular form: x = xre + j·xim where magnitude |x| = √(xre2 + xim2) and phase θ = tan-1(xim/xre)  Polar form: x = |x| ejθ = |x|cosθ + j· |x|sinθ ! (! e = cos ! + j sin  ) j ! Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 27
  • 28. Complex math  When adding, real and imaginary parts add: (a+jb) + (c+jd) = (a+c) + j(b+d) x  When multiplying, magnitudes multiply and phases add: rejθ·sejφ = rsej(θ+φ)  Phases modulo 2π Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 28
  • 29. Complex conjugate  Flips imaginary part / negates phase: Conjugate x* = xre – j·xim = |x| ej(–µ)  Useful in resolving to real quantities: x + x* = xre + j·xim + xre – j·xim = 2xre x·x* = |x| ej(µ) |x| ej(–µ) = |x|2 Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 29
  • 30. Classes of sequences  Useful to define broad categories…  Finite/infinite (extent in n)  Real/complex: x[n] = xre[n] + j·xim[n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 30
  • 31. Classification by symmetry  Conjugate symmetric sequence: if x[n] = xre[n] + j·xim[n] then xcs[n] = xcs*[-n] = xre[-n] – j·xim[-n]  Conjugate antisymmetric: xca[n] = –xca*[-n] = –xre[-n] + j·xim[-n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 31
  • 32. Conjugate symmetric decomposition  Any sequence can be expressed as conjugate symmetric (CS) / antisymmetric (CA) parts: x[n] = xcs[n] + xca[n] where: xcs[n] = 1/2(x[n] + x*[-n]) = xcs*[-n] xca[n] = 1/2(x[n] – x*[-n]) = -xca*[-n]  When signals are real, CS → Even (xre[n] = xre[-n]), CA → Odd Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 32
  • 33. Basic sequences  Unit sample sequence: 1 n –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1  Shift in time: ±[n - k] k–2 k–1 k n k+1 k+2 k+3  Can express any sequence with ±: {Æ0,Æ1,Æ2..}= Æ0±[n] + Æ1±[n-1] + Æ2±[n-2].. Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 33
  • 34. More basic sequences  Unit step sequence: 1, n  0 µ [n] =  0, n < 0  Relate to unit sample: [n] = µ[n]  µ[n 1] µ[n] =  n [k] k= Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 34
  • 35. Exponential sequences  Exponential sequences are eigenfunctions of LTI systems  General form: x[n] = A·Æn  If A and Æ are real (and positive): |Æ| > 1 |Æ| < 1 Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 35
  • 36. Complex exponentials x[n] = A·Æn  Constants A, Æ can be complex : A = |A|ej¡ ; Æ = e(æ + j!) → x[n] = |A| eæn ej(!n + ¡) scale varying varying magnitude phase Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 36
  • 37. Complex exponentials  Complex exponential sequence can ‘project down’ onto real & imaginary axes to give sinusoidal sequences x[n] = exp{( 12 + j 6 )n} e = cos  + j sin  1  j xre[n] xim[n] xre[n] = e-n/12cos(πn/6) xim[n] = e-n/12sin(πn/6) M Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 37
  • 38. Periodic sequences  A sequence satisfying is called a periodic sequence with a period N where N is a positive integer and k is any integer. Smallest value of N satisfying is called the fundamental period Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 38
  • 39. Periodic exponentials  Sinusoidal sequence and complex exponential sequence are periodic sequences of period N only if  o N = 2 r with N & r positive integers  Smallest value of N satisfying is the fundamental period of the sequence  r = 1 → one sinusoid cycle per N samples r > 1 → r cycles per N samples M Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 39
  • 40. Symmetry of periodic sequences  An N-point finite-length sequence xf[n] defines a periodic sequence: “n modulo N” n N = n + rN x[n] = xf [ n N] s.t. 0 n N < N, r Z  Symmetry of xf [n] is not defined because xf [n] is undefined for n < 0  Define Periodic Conjugate Symmetric: xpcs [n] =1/2 (x[n] + x [ n N ]) =1/2 xf [n] + xf [N n] 1 n<N Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 40
  • 41. Sampling sinusoids  Sampling a sinusoid is ambiguous: x1 [n] = sin(!0n) x2 [n] = sin((!0+2πr)n) = sin(!0n) = x1 [n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 41
  • 42. Aliasing  E.g. for cos(!n), ! = 2ºr ± !0 all (integer) r appear the same after sampling  We say that a larger ! appears aliased to a lower frequency  Principal value for discrete-time frequency: 0 ≤ !0 ≤ º ( i.e. less than 1/2 cycle per sample) Dan Ellis 2012-09-05 42
  • 43. ELEN E4810: Digital Signal Processing Topic 2: Time domain 1. Discrete-time systems 2. Convolution 3. Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations (LCCDEs) 4. Correlation Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 1
  • 44. 1. Discrete-time systems  A system converts input to output: x[n] DT System y[n] {y[n]} = f ({x[n]}) A n  E.g. Moving Average (MA): 1/M 1 M 1 y[n] =  x[n  k] x[n] z-1 1/M x[n-1] + y[n] M k=0 z-1 1/M x[n-2] (M = 3) Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 2
  • 45. Moving Average (MA) x[n] A -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n 1/M x[n] x[n-1] z-1 1/M x[n-1] + y[n] -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n z-1 1/M x[n-2] x[n-2] -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n 1 M 1 y[n] =  x[n  k] y[n] M k=0 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 3
  • 46. MA Smoother  MA smoothes out rapid variations (e.g. “12 month moving average”)  e.g. signal noise 1 4 x[n] = s[n] + d[n] y[n] = k=0 x[n  k] 5 5-pt moving average Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 4
  • 47. Accumulator  Output accumulates all past inputs: n y[n] =  x[] = x[n] + y[n] n1 =  x[] + x[n] z-1 y[n-1] = = y[n 1]+ x[n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 5
  • 48. Accumulator x[n] A -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n y[n-1] x[n] + y[n] z-1 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n y[n-1] y[n] -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 6 M
  • 49. Classes of DT systems  Linear systems obey superposition: x[n] DT system y[n]  if input x1[n] → output y1[n], x2 → y2 ...  given a linear combination of inputs:  then output for all Æ, Ø, x1, x2 i.e. same linear combination of outputs Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 7
  • 50. Linearity: Example 1 n  Accumulator: y[n] =  x[] = x[n] =   x1[n] +   x 2 [n] n y[n] =  (x1[] + x 2[]) = =  (x1[]) +  (x 2 []) =   x1[] +   x 2 [] =   y1[n] +   y2 [n] Linear Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 8
  • 51. Linearity Example 2:  “Teager Energy operator”: y[n] = x [n]  x[n 1] x[n +1] 2 x[n] =   x1[n] +   x 2 [n] y[n] = (x1[n] + x2 [n]) 2 (x1[n 1] + x2 [n 1]) (x1[n +1] + x2 [n +1])    y1[n] +   y2 [n] Nonlinear Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 9
  • 52. Linearity Example 3: n  ‘Offset’ accumulator: y[n] = C +  x[] n =  y1[n] = C +  x1[] = n but y[n] = C +  (x1[] + x2 []) =  y1[n] + y2 [n] Nonlinear .. unless C = 0 Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 10
  • 53. Property: Shift (time) invariance  Time-shift of input causes same shift in output  i.e. if x1[n] → y1[n] then x[n] = x1[n  n0 ]  y[n] = y1[n  n0 ]  i.e. process doesn’t depend on absolute value of n Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 11
  • 54. Shift-invariance counterexample  Upsampler: x[n] L y[n] x[n/L] n = 0, ±L, ±2L, . . . y[n] = 0 otherwise y1 [n] = x1 [n/L] (n = r · L) x[n] = x1 [n n0 ] y[n] = x[n/L] = x1 [n/L n0 ] Not shift invariant n L · n0 = x1 = y1 [n L · n0 ] = y1 [n n0 ] L Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 12
  • 55. Another counterexample y[n] = n  x[n] scaling by time index  Hence y1[n  n0 ] = (n  n0 )  x1[n  n0 ]  If x[n] = x1[n  n0 ] ≠ then y[n] = n  x1[n  n0 ]  Not shift invariant - parameters depend on n Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 13
  • 56. Linear Shift Invariant (LSI)  Systems which are both linear and shift invariant are easily manipulated mathematically  This is still a wide and useful class of systems  If discrete index corresponds to time, called Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 14
  • 57. Causality  If output depends only on past and current inputs (not future), system is called causal  Formally, if x1[n] → y1[n] & x2[n] → y2[n] Causal x1[n] = x 2 [n] n < N  y1[n] = y2 [n] n < N Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 15
  • 58. Causality example 1 M 1  Moving average: y[n] =  x[n  k] M k=0 y[n] depends on x[n-k], k ≥ 0 → causal  ‘Centered’ moving average yc [n] = y[n + ( M 1) /2] = M ( 1 ) x[n] + k =1 x[n  k] + x[n + k] (M 1) /2  .. looks forward in time → noncausal  .. Can make causal by delaying Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 16
  • 59. Impulse response (IR) ±[n] 1  Impulse -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n (unit sample sequence)  Given a system: x[n] DT system y[n] ∆ if x[n] = ±[n] then y[n] = h[n] “impulse response”  LSI system completely specified by h[n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 17
  • 60. Impulse response example α1  Simple system: x[n] z-1 α2 + y[n] z-1 α3 x[n] 1 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n x[n] = ±[n] impulse y[n] α1 α2 α3 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n y[n] = h[n] impulse response Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 18
  • 61. 2. Convolution  Impulse response: ±[n] LSI h[n]  Shift invariance: ±[n-n0] LSI h[n-n0]  + Linearity: α·±[n-k] α·h[n-k] LSI + β·±[n-l] + β·h[n-l]  Can express any sequence with ±s: x[n] = x[0]±[n] + x[1]±[n-1] + x[2]±[n-2].. Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 19
  • 62. Convolution sum   Hence, since x[n] =  x[k][n  k] k=  Convolution  For LSI, y[n] =  x[k]h[n  k] sum k= written as y[n] = x[n] * h[n]  Summation is symmetric in x and h i.e. l = n – k →  x[n] * h[n] =  x[n  l]h[l] = h[n] * x[n] l= Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 20
  • 63. Convolution properties  LSI System output y[n] = input x[n] convolved with impulse response h[n] → h[n] completely describes system  Commutative: x[n] * h[n] = h[n] * x[n]  Associative: (x[n] * h[n]) * y[n] = x[n] * (h[n] * y[n])  Distributive: h[n] * (x[n] + y[n]) = h[n] * x[n] + h[n] * y[n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 21
  • 64. Interpreting convolution  Passing a signal through a (LSI) system is equivalent to convolving it with the system’s impulse response x[n] h[n] y[n] = x[n] ∗ h[n]   y[n] =  x[k]h[n  k] =  h[k]x[n  k] k= k= x[n]={0 3 1 2 -1} h[n] = {3 2 1} → → -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 5 6 7 n -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 22
  • 65. Convolution interpretation 1  y[n] =  x[k]h[n  k] x[k] k= call h[-n] = g[n] -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 5 6 7 k  Time-reverse h, h[0-k] shift by n, take inner =g[k] k product against -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 h[1-k] fixed x =g[k-1] 9 9 11 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 k y[n] h[2-k] 2 0 -1 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 5 7 n -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 k Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 23
  • 66. Convolution interpretation 2  y[n] =  h[k]x[n  k] x[n] k= -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 5 6 7 n h[k] -3 -2 -1 x[n-1]  Shifted x’s weighted by -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 6 7 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 points in h x[n-2]  Conversely, -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 7 n weighted, 9 9 11 k delayed y[n] 0 2 -1 versions of h ... -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 5 7 n Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 24
  • 67. Matrix interpretation  y[n] =  x[n  k]h[k] k=  y[0]  x[0] x[1] x[2] h[0]  y[1]   x[1] x[0] x[1]    y[2] =  x[2] x[1]   h[1]  x[0]   ...   ...  h[2]     ... ...   Diagonals in X matrix are equal Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 25
  • 68. Convolution notes  Total nonzero length of convolving N and M point sequences is N+M-1  Adding the indices of the terms within the summation gives n :  y[n] =  h[k]x[n  k] k + (n  k ) = n k= i.e. summation indices move in opposite senses Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 26
  • 69. Convolution in MATLAB  The M-file conv implements the convolution sum of two finite-length sequences  If a = [0 3 1 2 -1] b = [3 2 1] then conv(a,b) yields [0 9 9 11 2 0 -1] Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 27 M
  • 70. Connected systems  Cascade connection: * Impulse response h[n] of the cascade of two systems with impulse responses h1[n] and h2[n] is h[n] = h1[n] *  By commutativity, Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 28
  • 71. Inverse systems  ±[n] is identity for convolution i.e. x[n] * ±[n] = x[n]  Consider x[n] y[n] z[n] z[n] = h2 [n] * y[n] = h2 [n] * h1[n] * x[n] = x[n] if h2 [n] * h1[n] = [n]  h2[n] is the inverse system of h1[n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 29
  • 72. Inverse systems  Use inverse system to recover input x[n] from output y[n] (e.g. to undo effects of transmission channel)  Only sometimes possible - e.g. cannot ‘invert’ h1[n] = 0  In general, attempt to solve h2 [n] * h1[n] = [n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 30
  • 73. Inverse system example  Accumulator: Impulse response h1[n] = μ[n]  ‘Backwards difference’ -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n .. has desired property: µ[n]  µ[n 1] = [n] -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n  Thus, ‘backwards difference’ is inverse system of accumulator. Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 31
  • 74. Parallel connection  Impulse response of two parallel systems added together is: Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 32
  • 75. 3. Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equation (LCCDE)  General spec. of DT, LSI, finite-dim sys: N M  d k y[n  k] =  pk x[n  k]  defined by {dk},{pk} k=0 k=0  order = max(N,M)  Rearrange for y[n] in causal form: N M dk pk y[n] =  y[n  k] +  x[n  k] k=1 d 0 k=0 d 0  WLOG, always have d0 = 1 Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 33
  • 76. Solving LCCDEs  “Total solution” y[n] = yc [n] + y p [n] Complementary Solution Particular Solution N for given forcing function satisfies  d k y[n  k] = 0 x[n] k=0 Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 34
  • 77. Complementary Solution  General form of unforced oscillation i.e. system’s ‘natural modes’  Assume yc has form yc [n] = n N   dk  nk =0 k=0  nN (d  0 N + d1 N 1 +…+ d N 1 + d N ) = 0 N   d k N k = 0 Characteristic polynomial k=0 of system - depends only on {dk} Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 35
  • 78. Complementary Solution N   d k N k = 0 factors into roots λi , i.e. k=0 (   1 )(   2 )... = 0  Each/any λi satisfies eqn.  Thus, complementary solution: yc [n] =  1 1 +  2  2 +  3  3 + ... n n n Any linear combination will work → αis are free to match initial conditions Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 36
  • 79. Complementary Solution  Repeated roots in chr. poly: (   1 ) (   2 )... = 0 L  yc [n] =  1 1 +  2 n 1 +  3 n  1 n n 2 n +...+  L n  1 + ... L1 n Complex λis → sinusoidal yc [n] =  i  i n  Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 37
  • 80. Particular Solution  Recall: Total solution y[n] = yc [n] + y p [n]  Particular solution reflects input  ‘Modes’ usually decay away for large n leaving just yp[n]  Assume ‘form’ of x[n], scaled by β: e.g. x[n] constant → yp[n] = β x[n] = λ0n → yp[n] = β · λ0n (λ0 ∉ λi) or = β nL λ0n (λ0 ∈ λi) Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 38
  • 81. LCCDE example y[n] + y[n 1]  6y[n  2] = x[n] x[n] + y[n]  Need input: x[n] = 8μ[n]  Need initial conditions: y[-1] = 1, y[-2] = -1 Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 39
  • 82. LCCDE example  Complementary solution: y[n] + y[n 1]  6y[n  2] = 0; y[n] = n  n2 ( 2 +   6) = 0  ( + 3)(  2) = 0 →roots λ1 = -3, λ2 = 2  yc [n] =  1 (3) +  2 (2) n n  α1, α2 are unknown at this point Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 40
  • 83. LCCDE example  Particular solution:  Input x[n] is constant = 8μ[n] assume yp[n] = β, substitute in: y[n] + y[n 1]  6y[n  2] = x[n] (‘large’ n)   +   6 = 8µ[n]  4  = 8   = 2 Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 41
  • 84. LCCDE example  Total solution y[n] = yc [n] + y p [n] =  1 (3) +  2 (2) +  n n  Solve for unknown αis by substituting initial conditions into DE at n = 0, 1, ... y[n] + y[n 1]  6y[n  2] = x[n] from ICs  n = 0 y[0] + y[1]  6y[2] = x[0]   1 +  2 +  +1+ 6 = 8  1 +  2 = 3 Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 42
  • 85. LCCDE example  n = 1 y[1] + y[0]  6y[1] = x[1]   1 (3) +  2 (2) +  +  1 +  2 +   6 = 8  2 1 + 3 2 = 18  solve: α1 = -1.8, α2 = 4.8  Hence, system output: y[n] = 1.8(3) + 4.8(2)  2 n  0 n n  Don’t find αis by solving with ICs at (ICs may not reflect natural modes; n = -1,-2 Mitra example 2.37/38 is wrong) Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 43 M
  • 86. LCCDE solving summary  Difference Equation (DE): Ay[n] + By[n-1] + ... = Cx[n] + Dx[n-1] + ... Initial Conditions (ICs): y[-1] = ...  DE RHS = 0 with y[n]=λn → roots {λi} gives complementary soln yc [n] =   i  i n  Particular soln: yp[n] ~ x[n] solve for βλ0n “at large n”  αis by substituting DE at n = 0, 1, ... ICs for y[-1], y[-2]; yt=yc+yp for y[0], y[1] Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 44
  • 87. LCCDEs: zero input/zero state  Alternative approach to solving LCCDEs is to solve two subproblems:  yzi[n], response with zero input (just ICs)  yzs[n], response with zero state (just x[n])  Because of linearity, y[n] = yzi[n]+yzs[n]  Both subproblems are ‘real’  But, have to solve for αis twice (then sum them) Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 45
  • 88. Impulse response of LCCDEs  Impulse response: δ[n] LCCDE h[n] i.e. solve with x[n] = δ[n] → y[n] = h[n] (zero ICs)  With x[n] = δ[n], ‘form’ of yp[n] = βδ[n] → solve y[n] for n = 0,1, 2... to find αis Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 46
  • 89. LCCDE IR example  e.g. y[n] + y[n 1]  6y[n  2] = x[n] (from before); x[n] = δ[n]; y[n] = 0 for n<0 yc [n] =  1 (3) +  2 (2) yp[n] = βδ[n] n n  1  n = 0: y[0] + y[1]  6y[2] = x[0] ⇒ α1 + α2 + β = 1  n = 1: α1(–3) + α2(2) + 1 = 0  n = 2: α1(9) + α2(4) – 1 – 6 = 0 ⇒ α1 = 0.6, α2 = 0.4, β = 0 thus h[n] = 0.6(3) + 0.4 (2) Infinite length n n n≥0  Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 47 M
  • 90. System property: Stability  Certain systems can be unstable e.g. x[n] + y[n] y[n] z-1 ... 2 -1 1 2 3 4 n Output grows without limit in some conditions Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 48
  • 91. Stability  Several definitions for stability; we use Bounded-input, bounded-output (BIBO) stable  For every bounded input x[n] < Bx n output is also subject to a finite bound, y[n] < By n Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 49
  • 92. Stability example 1 M 1  MA filter: y[n] = k=0 x[n  k] M 1 M 1 y[n] = k=0 x[n  k] M 1 M 1  k=0 x[n  k] M 1  M  Bx  By → BIBO Stable M Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 50
  • 93. Stability & LCCDEs  LCCDE output is of form: y[n] =  1 1 +  2  2 + ...+  0 + ... n n n  αs and βs depend on input & ICs, but to be bounded for any input we need |λ| < 1 Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 51
  • 94. 4. Correlation  Correlation ~ identifies similarity between sequences: Cross correlation rxy [ ] = x[n]y[n ] of x against y n= “lag”  Note: ryx [ ] = y[n]x[n ] n= call m = n – ℓ = y[m + ]x[m] = rxy [ ] m= Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 52 M
  • 95. Correlation and convolution  Correlation: rxy [n] = x[k]y[k n] k=  Convolution: x[n] y[n] = x[k]y[n k] k=  Hence: rxy [n] = x[n] y[ n] Correlation may be calculated by convolving with time-reversed sequence Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 53
  • 96. Autocorrelation  Autocorrelation (AC) is correlation of signal with itself:  rxx [] =  x[n]x[n  ] = rxx [] n=   Note: rxx [0] =  x 2 [n] =  x Energy of sequence x[n] n= Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 54
  • 97. Correlation maxima rxx []  Note: rxx []  rxx [0]  1 rxx [0] rxy []  Similarly: rxy []   x y  1 rxx [0]ryy [0]  From geometry,  xi 2 angle between xy = i xi yi = x y cos  x and y  when x//y, cosθ = 1, else cosθ < 1 Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 55
  • 98. AC of a periodic sequence  Sequence of period N: x[n] = x[n + N] ˜ ˜  Calculate AC over a finite window: M 1 rxx [] = ˜˜  x[n]x[n  ] 2M +1 n=M ˜ ˜ N 1 1 =  x[n]x[n  ] ˜ ˜ if M >> N N n=0 Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 56
  • 99. AC of a periodic sequence 1 N 1 2 Average energy per rxx [0] =  x [n] = Px ˜˜ ˜ ˜ sample or Power of x N n=0 N 1 1 rxx [ + N] =  x[n]x[n    N ] = rxx [] ˜˜ ˜ ˜ ˜˜ N n=0  i.e AC of periodic sequence is periodic Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 57
  • 100. What correlations look like rxx []  AC of any x[n]  rxx [] ˜˜  AC of periodic  rxy []  Cross correlation  Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 58
  • 101. What correlation looks like Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 59
  • 102. Correlation in action  Close mic vs. video camera mic  Short-time cross-correlation Dan Ellis 2012-09-12 60
  • 103. ELEN E4810: Digital Signal Processing Topic 3: Fourier domain 1. The Fourier domain 2. Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) 3. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 4. Convolution with the DFT Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 1
  • 104. 1. The Fourier Transform  Basic observation (continuous time): A periodic signal can be decomposed into sinusoids at integer multiples of the fundamental frequency  i.e. if x (t) = x (t +T ) ˜ ˜ we can approach x with ˜ Harmonics M 2 k of the x(t) ˜ ak cos t+ k fundamental T k=0 Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 2
  • 105. M 2 k Fourier Series ak cos T t+ k k=0  For a square wave, k 1 ( 1) 2 1 k = 1, 3, 5, . . . k = 0; ak = k 0 otherwise 2 1 2 1 2 i.e. x(t) = cos T t 3 cos T 3t + cos 5 T 5t ... 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 3 M
  • 106. Fourier domain  x is equivalently described by its Fourier Series ak 1.0 parameters: k 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 k ak = ( 1) 2 k = 1, 3, 5, . . . k ¡k π Negative ak is equivalent to phase of º 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 k M j 2T k t  Complex form: x(t) ˜ ck e k= M Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 4
  • 107. M Fourier analysis x(t) ˜ k= M ck ej 2T k t  How to find {|ck |}, {arg{ck }} ? Inner product with complex sinusoids: 1 T /2 j 2T k t ck = x(t)e dt T T /2 but ej = cos + jsin 1 2 k 2 k = x(t) cos( t)dt j x(t) sin( t)dt T T T Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 5
  • 108. M Fourier analysis x(t) ˜ ck e j 2T k t 2 k= M  Consider x(t) = cos l t T .. so ck should = 0 except k = ±l  Then ck = 1 T (  x (t ) cos 2kt dt  j  x (t ) sin 2kt dt T T ) 0 ∴ even·odd = 1 T (  cos 2T lt cos 2kt dt  j  cos 2T lt sin 2kt dt  T  T ) Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 6
  • 109. Fourier analysis Works if k, l are positive integers,  ∴ (say 1 1 k = ±l cos(kt) · cos(lt)dt = T=2π) 2 0 otherwise = 1 cos(k + l)t + cos(k 1 0.5 0 cos(1•t) 4 l)tdt -0.5 cos(2•t) -1 sin(k+l)t sin(k l)t = 1 + -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t/ 4 k+l k l = 1 2 (sinc (k + l) + sinc (k l)) Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 7
  • 110. sinc sin x  sincx = ∆ x sin(x)/x 1.0 4 3 2 2 3 4 x sin(x) y=x  = 1 when x = 0 = 0 when x = r·º, r ≠ 0, r = ±1, ±2, ±3,... Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 8
  • 111. Fourier Analysis 1 T /2 j 2T k t  Thus, ck = T x(t)e dt T /2 j 2T k t because real & imag sinusoids in e pick out the corresponding sinusoidal components linearly combined M j 2T k t in x(t) = ck e k= M Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 9
  • 112. Fourier Transform  Fourier series for periodic signals extends naturally to Fourier Transform for any (CT) signal (not just periodic): Fourier X(j ) = x(t)e j t dt Transform (FT) 1 Inverse Fourier x(t) = X(j )e j t d Transform (IFT) 2  Discrete index k → continuous freq. Ω Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 10
  • 113. Fourier Transform  Mapping between two continuous functions: |X( )| 0 level / dB -20 0.02 x(t) -40 -60 -80 0.01 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 freq / Hz 0 arg{X( )} -0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 /2 time / sec 0 /2 2π ambiguity 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 freq / Hz Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 11
  • 114. Fourier Transform of a sine Assume x(t) = e j 0 t  Z • 1 jWt Now, since x(t) = X(W)e dW 2p • ...we know X(W) = 2pd(W W0) ...where ±(x) is the Dirac delta function δ(x-x0) (continuous time) i.e.   ( x  x0 ) f ( x) dx = f ( x0 ) x0 f(x) x  → x(t) = Ae j 0 t X() = A (   0 ) Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 12
  • 115. Fourier Transforms Time Frequency Fourier Series Continuous Discrete (FS) periodic ~ x(t) infinite ck Fourier Continuous Continuous Transform (FT) infinite x(t) infinite X(Ω) Discrete-Time Discrete Continuous FT (DTFT) infinite x[n] periodic X(ejω) Discrete FT Discrete Discrete (DFT) finite/pdc ~x[n] finite/pdc X[k] Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 13
  • 116. 2. Discrete Time FT (DTFT)  FT defined for discrete sequences:  j X(e ) =  x[n]e  jn DTFT n=  Summation (not integral)  Discrete (normalized) frequency variable !  Argument is ej!, not j! Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 14
  • 117. DTFT example  e.g. x[n] = Æn·μ[n], |Æ| < 1 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n X(e ) = n=  µ[n]e j  n  jn = n=0 (e )   j n   S =  c  cS =  c n n 1 = n =0 n =1 Im 1 - e-j  j 1  e Re n  S  cS = c = 1 0 |X(ej )| arg{X(ej )} 3 1 ( |c | < 1 ) 2 S = 1c 2 3 4 5 1 0 2 3 4 5 Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 15
  • 118. Periodicity of X(ej!)  X(ej!) has periodicity 2º in ! : X(e j ( +2  ) ) =  x[n]e  j ( +2  )n =  x[n]e  jn e  j 2 n = X(e ) j |X(ej )| arg{X(ej )} 3 2 2 3 4 5 1 0 2 3 4 5  Phase ambiguity of ej! makes it implicit Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 16
  • 119. Inverse DTFT (IDTFT)  Same basic form as other IFTs: 1   X(e  j jn x[n] = )e d IDTFT 2  Note: continuous, periodic X(ej!) discrete, infinite x[n] ...  IDTFT is actually forward Fourier Series (except for sign of !) Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 17
  • 120. IDTFT  Verify by substituting in DTFT: 1   X(e  j jn x[n] = )e d 2   (l x[l]e )e 1   jl jn = d 2 1  j (nl ) = 0 unless = l x[l]  e d n=l 2 i.e. = δ[n-l] = l x[l]sinc (n  l)= x[n] Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 18
  • 121. sinc again 1 1 ej (n l) ej (n l) dw = 2 2 j(n l) 1 ej (n l) e j (n l) = 2 j(n l) 1 2j sin (n l) = = sinc (n l) 2 j(n l)  Same as ∫cos ∴ imag jsin part cancels Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 19
  • 122. DTFTs of simple sequences   x[n] = ±[n] X(e ) =j  x[n]e  jn n=  j 0 =e =1 (for all !)  i.e. x[n] X(ej!) ±[n] 1 x[n] X(ejω) -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 n -º º ! Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 20
  • 123. DTFTs of simple sequences 1  IDTFT  x[n] = e j 0 n : x[n] = 2   X(e j )e jn d j X(e ) = 2   (   0 ) over -º < ! < º but X(ej!) must be periodic in ! e j 0 n k 2   (   0  2k)  If !0 = 0 then x[n] = 1 ∀ n X(ej!) so 1 k 2   (  2k) 0 2º 4º Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 21
  • 124. DTFTs of simple sequences  From before: 1  µ[n] n  j ( |α | < 1) 1  e  μ[n] tricky - not finite 1 µ[n]  j + k  ( + 2k) 1 e DTFT of 1/2 Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 22
  • 125. DTFT properties  Linear: j j g[n] + h[n]  G(e ) + H (e )  Time shift:  jn 0 j g[n  n0 ]  e G(e )  Frequency shift: ‘delay’ e j 0 n g[n]  G (e j (  0 ) ) in frequency Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 23
  • 126. DTFT example  x[n] = ±[n] + Æn μ[n-1] ? = ±[n] + Æ(Æn-1 μ[n-1]) j   j 1 1  X(e ) = 1+   e    1  e   j e j 1  e j + e j = 1+  j = 1  e 1  e j 1 =  j x[n] = Æn μ[n] 1  e Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 24
  • 127.  DTFT symmetry j X(e ) =  x[n]e jn n=  If x[n] X(ej!) then... x[-n] X(e-j!) from summation x*[n] X*(e-j!) (e-j!)* = ej! Re{x[n]} XCS(e 2 [ ( ) ( )] j!) = 1 X e j + X * e  j conjugate symmetry cancels Im parts on IDTFT = [ X (e )  X (e )] 1 j *  j jIm{x[n]} XCA(ej!) 2 xcs[n] Re{X(ej!)} xca[n] jIm{X(ej!)} Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 25
  • 128. DTFT of real x[n]  When x[n] is pure real, X(ej!) = X*(e-j!) XCS xcs[n] ≡ xev[n] = xev[-n] XR(ej!) = XR(e-j!) xca[n] ≡ xod[n] = -xod[-n] XI(ej!) = -XI(e-j!) Imag xim[n] x[n] real, even Real X(ej!) even, real xre[n] n Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 26
  • 129. DTFT and convolution  Convolution: x[n] = g[n] h[n] X(e ) = n = ( g[n]  h[n]) e j   jn = n ( k g[k]h[n  k])e  jn = k ( g[k]e  jk n h[n  k]e  j (n k ) ) j j = G(e )  H (e ) Convolution g[n] h[n]  G(e j )H (e j ) becomes multiplication Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 27
  • 130. Convolution with DTFT j j  Since g[n] h[n]  G(e )H (e ) we can calculate a convolution by:  finding DTFTs of g, h → G, H  multiply them: G·H  IDTFT of product is result, g[n] h[n] G(e j ) g[n] DTFT Y (e j ) y[n] IDTFT h[n] DTFT H (e j ) Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 28 M
  • 131. DTFT convolution example 1 j  x[n] = Æn·μ[n]X(e ) = 1  e j  h[n] = ±[n] - Ʊ[n-1] H (e ) = 1   (e j  j 1 ) 1  y[n] = x[n] ∗ h[n] Y (e j ) = H (e j )X(e j ) 1 =  (1  e j ) = 1 1  e  j y[n] = ±[n] i.e. ... Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 29
  • 132. DTFT modulation  Modulation: x[n] = g[n]  h[n] Could solve if g[n] was just sinusoids... 1   X(e ) = n  j   G(e )e d   h[n]e jn j jn  2  = 1  2 j [   G(e ) n h[n]e ]  j (  )n d 1  g[n]  h[n]  2   G(e )H (e )d j j (  ) Dual of convolution in time Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 30
  • 133. Parseval’s relation  “Energy” in time and frequency domains are equal: 1   g[n]h [n] = * 2   G(e j )H * (e j )d n  If g = h, then g·g* = |g|2 = energy... Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 31
  • 134. Energy density spectrum Energy of sequence  g =  g[n] 2  n 1   G(e   By Parseval g = j 2 ) d 2  Define Energy Density Spectrum (EDS) j j 2 Sgg (e ) = G(e ) Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 32
  • 135. EDS and autocorrelation  Autocorrelation of g[n]:  rgg [] =  g[n]g[n  ] = g[n] g[n] n= DTFT {rgg []} = G(e )G(e j  j )  If g[n] is real, G(e-j!) = G*(ej!), so DTFT {rgg []} = G(e ) = Sgg (e ) j 2 j no phase info.  Mag-sq of spectrum is DTFT of autoco Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 33
  • 136. 3. Discrete FT (DFT) Discrete FT Discrete Discrete (DFT) finite/pdc x[n] finite/pdc X[k]  A finite or periodic sequence has only N unique values, x[n] for 0 ≤ n < N  Spectrum is completely defined by N distinct frequency samples  Divide 0..2º into N equal steps, {!k} = 2ºk/N Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 34
  • 137. DFT and IDFT  Uniform sampling of DTFT spectrum: N 1 2 k j X[k] = X(e j )  = 2 k =  x[n]e n N N n=0 N 1 2º/N  DFT: X[k] =  x[n]WNkn 1 n=0 WN 2 j where WN = e N i.e. 1/Nth of a revolution Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 35
  • 138. IDFT N 1 1 Inverse DFT IDFT x[n] =  X[k]WN nk  N k=0  Check: 1 ( x[n] = k l x[l]WN WN N kl nk ) N 1 N 1 Sum of complete set 1 =  x[l] WN k (ln ) of rotated vectors N l=0 = 0 if l ≠ n; = N if l = n k=0 im = x[n] W re N or finite WN2 geometric series 0≤n<N = (1-WNlN)/(1-WNl) Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 36
  • 139. DFT examples 1  Finite impulse x[n] =  n=0 0 n = 1..N 1 X[k] = n=0 x[n]WN = WN = 1 k N 1 kn 0  Periodic sinusoid: ⇥ (r Z) 2 rn 1 ⇥ x[n] = cos = WN + WN rn rn N 2 n=0 (WN + WNrn )WNkn N 1 rn X[k] = 1 2 (0 ≤ k < N)  N /2 k = r,k = N  r =  0 o.w. Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 37
  • 140. DFT: Matrix form X[k] = n=0 x[n]  W N 1  N kn as a matrix multiply: ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ X[0] 1 1 1 ··· 1 x[0] ⇧ X[1] ⌃ ⇧1 WN 1 WN 2 ··· WN (N 1) ⌃ ⌃⇧ x[1] ⌃ ⇧ ⌃ ⇧ 2(N 1) ⌃ ⇧ ⌃ ⇧ X[2] ⌃ ⇧1 WN 2 WN 4 ··· WN ⌃⇧ x[2] ⌃ ⇧ ⌃=⇧ ⌃⇧ ⌃ ⇧ . . ⌃ ⇧. . . .. . ⌃⇧ . . ⌃ ⇤ . ⌅ ⇧. ⇤. . . . . . . . ⌅⇤ . ⌅ X[N 1] (N 1) 1 WN WN 2(N 1) ··· WN (N 1)2 x[N 1]  i.e. X = DN  x Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 38
  • 141. Matrix IDFT  If X = DN  x 1 then x = DN  X  i.e. inverse DFT is also just a matrix, ⇥ 1 1 1 ··· 1 ⇧1 WN 1 WN 2 ··· WN (N 1) ⌃ ⇧ ⌃ 1 ⇧1 ⇧ WN 2 WN 4 ··· WN 2(N 1) ⌃ ⌃ DN1 = N ⇧. ⇧. . . . . .. . . ⌃ ⌃ ⇤. . . . . ⌅ (N 1) 2(N 1) (N 1)2 1 WN WN ··· WN =1/NDN* Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 39
  • 142. DFT and MATLAB  MATLAB is concerned with sequences not continuous functions like X(ej!)  Instead, we use the DFT to sample X(ej!) on an (arbitrarily-fine) grid:  X = freqz(x,1,w); samples the DTFT of sequence x at angular frequencies in w  X = fft(x); calculates the N-point DFT of an N-point sequence x Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 40 M
  • 143. DFT and DTFT  DTFT j X(e ) =  x[n]e  jn • continuous freq ! • infinite x[n], -∞<n<∞ n= N 1 X[k] =  x[n]W kn • discrete freq k=N!/2º DFT N • finite x[n], 0≤n<N n=0  DFT ‘samples’ DTFT at discrete freqs: j X[k] X[k] = X(e )  = 2 k X(ej!) N ! k=1... Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 41
  • 144. DTFT from DFT  N-point DFT completely specifies the continuous DTFT of the finite sequence N 1  1 N 1   jn X(e ) =    X[k]WN e j kn n=0  N k=0   j (  2 k ) n N 1 N 1 1 =  X[k] e N “periodic N k=0 n=0 sinc”  k =   2Nk   k N 1 1 sin N 2  j ( N21) k =  X[k]   k e interpolation N k=0 sin 2 Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 42
  • 145. Periodic sinc  jN N 1 1e k e  j n = k 1e  j k n =0  jN k / 2 jN k / 2  jN k / 2 e e e =  j k / 2  j k / 2 e e  e  j k / 2  k  j 2  k sin N 2 ( N 1) pure real =e  k pure phase sin 2  = N when Δ!k = 0; = (-)N when Δ!k/2 = º = 0 when Δ!k/2 = r·º/N, r = ±1, ± 2, ... other values in-between... Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 43
  • 146. Periodic sinc N sinNx/sinx sin Nx sinNx 0 2 x sinx sin x -N (N = 8) sin N k/2 X[k] = X(ej2 k/N) X(ej 0) = X[k]· N sin k/2 1.5 DFT→ DTFT 1 X[3]· sin N 3/2 N sin 3/2 = interpolation 0.5 by periodic sinc 0 freq -0.5 X[k]→X(ej!) -1 0 k=1 = 2 /N 0 k=3 = 6 /N k=4 = 8 /N Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 44
  • 147. DFT from overlength DTFT  If x[n] has more than N points, can still j form X[k] = X(e )  = 2 k N  IDFT of X[k] will give N point x[n] ˜  How does x[n] relate to x[n]? ˜ Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 45
  • 148. DFT from overlength DTFT DTFT sample IDFT x[n] X(ejω) X[k] x[n] ˜ -A ≤ n < B 0≤n<N N 1 1 x[n] = ˜ x[ ]WN k WN nk N k=0 = =1 for n-l = rN, r∈I N 1 = 0 otherwise 1 k( n) = x[ ] WN N = k=0 all values shifted by x[n] = ˜ x[n rN ] exact multiples of N pts 0≤n<N r= to lie in 0 ≤ n < N Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 46
  • 149. DFT from DTFT example  If x[n] = { 8, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1} (8 point)  We form X[k] for k = 0, 1, 2, 3 by sampling X(ej!) at ! = 0, º/2, º, 3º/2  IDFT of X[k] gives 4 pt x[n] = ˜ x[n rN ] r=  Overlap only for r = -1: (N = 4) 8 5 4 3 x[n] = ˜ + + + + = {10 7 5 4} 2 2 2 1 Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 47
  • 150. DFT from DTFT example  x[n] -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n  x[n+N] -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 n (r = -1)  x[n] ˜ 1 2 3 n  x[n] is the time aliased or ‘folded down’ ˜ version of x[n]. Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 48
  • 151. Properties: Circular time shift  DFT properties mirror DTFT, with twists:  Time shift must stay within N-pt ‘window’ kn g[ n n0 N ] WN 0 G[k]  Modulo-N indexing keeps index between 0 and N-1: g[n n0 ] n n0 g[ n n0 N] = g[N + n n0 ] n < n0 0 ≤ n0 < N Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 49
  • 152. Circular time shift  Points shifted out to the right don’t disappear – they come in from the left g[n] g[<n-2>5] ‘delay’ by 2 1 2 3 4 n 1 2 3 4 n 5-pt sequence  Like a ‘barrel shifter’: origin pointer Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 50
  • 153. Circular time reversal  Time reversal is tricky in ‘modulo-N’ indexing - not reversing the sequence: x [n] ˜ 5-pt sequence made periodic -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 n x [ n ˜ N ] Time-reversed periodic sequence -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 n  Zero point stays fixed; remainder flips Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 51
  • 154. Duality  DFT and IDFT are very similar  both map an N-pt vector to an N-pt vector  Duality: Circular if g[n]  G [k ] time reversal then G [n]  N  g[ k N ]  i.e. if you treat DFT sequence as a time sequence, result is almost symmetric Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 52
  • 155. 4. Convolution with the DFT  IDTFT of product of DTFTs of two N-pt sequences is their 2N-1 pt convolution  IDFT of the product of two N-pt DFTs can only give N points!  Equivalent of 2N-1 pt result time aliased:  i.e. y [n ] =   c r= yl [n + rN ] (0 ≤ n < N)  must be, because G[k]H[k] are exact samples of G(ej!)H(ej!)  This is known as circular convolution Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 53
  • 156. Circular convolution  Can also do entire convolution with modulo-N indexing  Hence, Circular Convolution: N 1  g[m ]h[ n  m N ]  G[k]H[k] m=0  Written as g[n]  h[n] N Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 54
  • 157. Circular convolution example  4 pt sequences: g[n]={1 2 0 1} h[n]={2 2 1 0} N 1  g[m ]h[ n  m N ] 1 2 3 n 1 2 3 n m=0 g[n] 4 h[n]={4 7 5 4} h[<n - 0>4] n 1 1 2 3 h[<n - 1>4] n 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 n h[<n - 2>4] n 0 1 2 3 check: g[n] * h[n] h[<n - 3>4] n 1 1 2 3 ={2 6 5 4 2 1 0} Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 55
  • 158. DFT properties summary  Circular convolution m=0 g[m ]h[ n  m N 1 N ]  G[k]H[k]  Modulation m=0 G[m]H[ k  m N ] N 1 g[n]  h[n]  1 N  Duality G [n]  N  g[ k N ]  Parseval n=0 x[n] k=0 X [k ] N 1 2 N 1 2 = 1 N Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 56
  • 159. Linear convolution w/ the DFT  DFT → fast circular convolution  .. but we need linear convolution  Circular conv. is time-aliased linear conv.; can aliasing be avoided?  e.g. convolving L-pt g[n] with M-pt h[n]: y[n] = g[n] * h[n] has L+M-1 nonzero pts  Set DFT size N ≥ L+M-1 → no aliasing Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 57
  • 160. Linear convolution w/ the DFT  Procedure (N = L + M - 1): g[n]  pad L-pt g[n] with (at least) M-1 zeros L n → N-pt DFT G[k], k = 0..N-1 h[n]  pad M-pt h[n] with (at least) M n L-1 zeros yc[n] → N-pt DFT H[k], k = 0..N-1  Y[k] = G[k]·H[k], k = 0..N-1 Nn IDFT{Y[k]} =    r= yL [n + rN ] = yL [n] (0 ≤ n < N) Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 58
  • 161. Overlap-Add convolution  Very long g[n] → break up into segments, convolve piecewise, overlap → bound size of DFT, processing delay g[n] i · N n < (i + 1) · N  Make gi [n] = 0 otherwise g[n] = i gi [n] h[n] g[n] = i h[n] gi [n]  Called Overlap-Add (OLA) convolution... Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 59
  • 162. Overlap-Add convolution g[n] h[n] L n n g0[n] g0[n] * h[n] n n g1[n] g1[n] * h[n] n n g2[n] g2[n] * h[n] n n N 2N 3N valid OLA sum h[n] * g[n] n LN 2N 3N Dan Ellis 2012-09-24 60
  • 163. ELEN E4810: Digital Signal Processing Topic 4: The Z Transform 1. The Z Transform 2. Inverse Z Transform Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 1
  • 164. 1. The Z Transform  Powerful tool for analyzing & designing DT systems  Generalization of the DTFT:  G(z) = Z{g[n]} =  g[n]z n Z Transform n=  z is complex...  z = ej! → DTFT DTFT of  z = r·ej! → n g[n]r n  jn e r-n·g[n] Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 2
  • 165. Region of Convergence (ROC)  Critical question:  Does summation G(z) = n= x[n]z n converge (to a finite value)?  In general, depends on the value of z  → Region of Convergence: Im{z} Portion of complex z-plane Re{z} for which a particular G(z) λ will converge ROC z-plane |z| > λ Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 3
  • 166. ROC Example  e.g. x[n] = ∏nµ[n] -2 -1 1 2 3 4 n  1  X(z) =   z = n n n=0 1  z 1  ß converges only for |∏z-1| < 1 i.e. ROC is |z| > |∏| (see previous slide)  |∏| < 1 (e.g. 0.8) - finite energy sequence  |∏| > 1 (e.g. 1.2) - divergent sequence, infinite energy, DTFT does not exist but still has ZT when |z| > 1.2 (in ROC) Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 4
  • 167. About ROCs  ROCs always defined in terms of |z| → circular regions on z-plane (inside circles/outside circles/rings)  If ROC includes Im{z} unit circle (|z| = 1), → g[n] has a DTFT Re{z} 1 (finite energy sequence) Unit circle z-plane lies in ROC → DTFT OK Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 5
  • 168. Another ROC example  Anticausal (left-sided) sequence: x [n] =  µ [n 1] -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 n 1 2 3 4 n X ( z ) = n (  µ [ n  1]) z n n ROC: |λ| > |z| =  n =  z = m =1  z 1 n n  m m 1 1 =  z 1 = 1   z 1  z 1 1  Same ZT as ∏nµ[n], different sequence? Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 6
  • 169. ROC is necessary!  To completely define a ZT, you must specify the ROC: x[n] = ∏nµ[n]  X(z) = 1 Im 1  z 1 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 n ROC |z| > |∏| Re |λ| x[n] = -∏ nµ[-n-1] 1  X(z) = -4 -3 -2 -1 1  z 1 z-plane 1 2 3 4 n ROC |z| < |∏|  A single G(z) can describe several DTFTs? sequences with different ROCs Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 7
  • 170. Rational Z-transforms  G(z) can be any function; rational polynomials are important class: P (z ) p0 + p1z +…+ pM 1z 1 (M 1) + pM z M G (z) = = D(z ) d0 + d1z 1 +…+ d N1z (N1) + d N z N  By convention, expressed in terms of z-1 – matches ZT definition  (Reminiscent of LCCDE expression...) Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 8
  • 171. Factored rational ZTs  Numerator, denominator can be factored: G (z) = =1 ( ) p0  M 1    z 1 z M p0  M (z    ) = N =1 ( d0  =1 1    z N 1 ) z d0  =1 (z    ) N  {≥} are roots of numerator → G(z) = 0 → {≥} are the zeros of G(z)  {∏} are roots of denominator → G(z) = ∞ → {∏} are the poles of G(z) Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 9
  • 172. Pole-zero diagram  Can plot poles and zeros on complex z-plane: Im{z} poles ∏ (cpx conj for real g[n]) o × o × o Re{z} × 1 o zeros ≥ z-plane Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 10
  • 173. Z-plane surface  G(z): cpx function of a cpx variable  Can calculate value over entire z-plane ROC not shown!!  Slice between surface and unit cylinder (|z| = 1 z = ej!) is G(ej!), the DTFT M Dan Ellis 2012-10-03 11