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Information-theoretic clustering with applications
Frank Nielsen
Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc
´Ecole Polytechnique
Kyoto University Information Seminar
9th June 2014
c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 1/68
Clustering: Data exploratory science
◮ Clustering: Find homogeneous groups in data
◮ Clustering: Separate data into groups
Iris data set from UCI: d = 4, k = 3, n = 150
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Clustering: What to see?, when to see ?
◮ Distance or similarity measure between data?
◮ Data membership: Hard or soft clustering?
◮ How many groups?
◮ Outliers?
◮ “Shapes” of groups?
◮ Representation of data and cleaning,
◮ Missing data, truncated data, ...
◮ Etc.
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Clustering n data in d dimensions into k clusters
Usual case: d << k << n, but all cases possible
◮ Quick tutorial: “The essentials”
◮ Ordinaryk-means,
◮ Gaussian mixtures models,
◮ Model selection,
◮ Other kinds of clustering, etc.
◮ Optimal 1D contiguous clustering
◮ Clustering histograms with Jeffreys divergence
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Part I
Quick tutorial
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k-means clustering
Partition the data set X = {x1, ..., xn} into k groups
P = {G1, ..., Gk },
each group Gj has a center cj .
Minimize the objective function (cost, energy, loss):
e(X, C) =
xi − cj
◮ NP-hard when d > 1 and k > 1
◮ For d = 1, center c1 is the centroid and
e1(X) = e(X, {C1}) = var(X), the “unnormalized” variance:
var(X) = i xi
2 − n c1
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Rewriting the k-means cost to minimize
e(X, C) =
xi − cj
j=1 x,x′∈Gj
x − x′ 2
+ constant,
= −
j=1 x∈Gj x′∈Gk
x − x′ 2
+ constant,
nj var(Gj ), size cluster Gi : nj = |Gi |
= var(X) − var(Y), where Y = {(nj , cj )}k
Interpreted as: min sum cluster inter-distances, max sum cluster
inter-distances, min sum of cluster variances, min quantization loss.
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Heuristics for k-means
◮ Local heuristics:
◮ Lloyd (batched): assign data to closest center, remap cluster
centers to centroids, reiterate until convergence
◮ McQueen (incremental, online): add a point at a time, assign
x to closest cluster, update that cluster centroid, reiterate until
◮ Hartigan (single-point): find a point x ∈ Gi and a cluster Gj so
that relocating x ∈ Gj decreases k-means cost, reiterate until
◮ Global heuristics:
◮ Forgy: random seeding. Best Forgy is 2-approximation via the
variance-bias decomposition:
D(x, X) =
i=1 x − xi
= var(X) + n x − c1
◮ Fastest fast traversal: choose c1 at random, then ci as the
point x farthest from {c1, ..., ci−1}, repeat.
◮ Randomized k-means++ (probabilistic ˜O(log k) bound)
◮ Global k-means
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Probabilistic model-based clustering
Maximize likelihood for the mixture density:
m(x) =
wi p(x; µi , Σi )
Statistical mixture models: generative models
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Statistical Gaussian Mixtures Models
Universal smooth density estimator.
Gaussian distribution:
p(x; µ, Σ) =
2 |Σ|
e− 1
DΣ−1 (x−µ,x−µ)
Related to the squared Mahalanobis distance:
DQ(x, y) = (x − y)T
Q(x − y), x ∈ Rd
→ log-concave density
Expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm: maximize incomplete
EM tends to k-means when Σj = λI with λ → 0 (or any fixed λ,
see [34]).
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Sampling from a Gaussian Mixture Model
To sample a variate x from a GMM:
◮ Choose a component l according to the weight distribution
w1, ..., wk ,
◮ Draw a variate x according to N(µl , Σl ).
→ Sampling is a doubly stochastic process:
◮ throw a biased dice with k faces to choose the component:
l ∼ Multinomial(w1, ..., wk )
(normalized histogram.)
◮ then draw at random a variate x from the l-th component
x ∼ Normal(µl , Σl )
x = µ + Cz with Cholesky: Σ = CC⊤ and z = [z1 ... zd]⊤
standard normal random variate:zi =
−2 log U1 cos(2πU2)
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GMMs: Generative models, sampling [15]
A pixel (x,y,R,G,B) : A data point in 5D
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Model selection: Choosing k
The more parameters the better the model but it over fits.
Solution: Penalized likelihood to maximize.
Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC):
max l(θ) −
log n
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Clustering analysis
◮ Parametric clustering (k given, cost-based)
◮ center-based hard clustering (k-means, k-medians, min
diameter, single linkage, etc.)
◮ model-based soft clustering
◮ Non-parametric clustering (k adjusts with data)
◮ Kernel density estimators (mean shift)
◮ Dirichlet process mixture models
◮ Hierarchical clustering
◮ Graph-based clustering (normalized cut)
◮ Affinity propagation
◮ Subspace/manifold clustering
◮ Etc!
Cluster validation (distance between clustering, confusion matrix,
NMI, Rand index, etc.)
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Part II
Optimal 1D contiguous clustering
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Hard clustering: Partitioning the data set
◮ Partition X = {x1, ..., xn} ⊂ X into k pairwise disjoint clusters
C1 ⊂ X, ..., Ck ⊂ X:
X =
◮ Center-based hard clustering (center=prototype):
k-means [1], k-medians, k-center, ℓr -center [21], etc.
◮ Model-based hard clustering: statistical mixtures maximizing
the complete likelihood (prototype=model parameter).
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k-means clustering
Minimize the sum of intra-cluster variances:
xi − pj
◮ k-means: NP-hard when d > 1 and k > 1 [24, 12]. k-medians
and k-centers also NP-hard [25] (1984)
◮ Global heuristics (for initialization) (Forgy [14], global
k-means [40], k-means++ [4], etc.) and local search
heuristics (incremental Voronoi MacQueen [23], batched
Voronoi Lloyd [22], single-point swap Hartigan [17], etc.)
◮ In 1D, k-means is polynomial [3, 39]: O(n2k).
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Euclidean 1D k-means
◮ 1D k-means [13] has contiguous partition.
◮ Solved by enumerating all n−1
k−1 partitions in 1D (1958).
Better than Stirling numbers of the second kind S(n, k) that
count all partitions.
◮ Polynomial in time O(n2k) using Dynamic Programming
(DP) [3] (sketched in 1973 in two pages).
◮ R package Ckmeans.1d.dp [39] (2011).
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(Sketch of the) DP solution [3] (Bellman, 1973)
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Interval clustering: Structure
Sort X ∈ X with respect to total order < on X in O(n log n).
Output represented by:
◮ k intervals Ii = [xli
, xri
] such that Ci = Ii ∩ X.
◮ or better k − 1 delimiters li (i ∈ {2, ..., k}) since ri = li+1 − 1
(i < k and rk = n) and l1 = 1.
... [xlk
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Objective function for interval clustering
Scalars x1 < ... < xn are partitioned contiguously
into k clusters: C1 < ... < Ck.
Clustering objective function:
min ek(X) =
e1(Cj )
c1(·): intra-cluster cost/energy
⊕: inter-cluster cost/energy (commutative, associative)
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Examples of objective functions
In arbitrary dimension X = Rd :
◮ ℓr -clustering (r ≥ 1): =
e1(Cj ) = min
d(x, p)r
(argmin=prototype pj is the same whether we take power of 1
of sum or not)
Euclidean ℓr -clustering: r = 1 median, r = 2 means.
◮ k-center (limr→∞): = max
e1(Ci ) = min
d(x, p)
◮ Discrete clustering: Search space in min is Cj instead of X.
Note that in 1D, ℓs-norm distance is always d(p, q) = |p − q|,
independent of s ≥ 1.
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Optimal interval clustering by Dynamic Programming
Xj,i = {xj , ..., xi } (j ≤ i)
Xi = X1,i = {x1, ..., xi }
E = [ei,j]: n × k cost matrix, O(n × k) memory
ei,m = em(Xi )
Optimality equation:
ei,m = min
{ej−1,m−1 ⊕ e1(Xj,i )}
Associative/commutative operator ⊕ (+ or max).
Initialize with ci,1 = c1(Xi )
E: compute from left to right column, from bottom to top.
Best clustering solution cost is at en,k.
Time: n × k × O(n) × T1(n)=O(n2kT1(n)), O(nk) memory
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Retrieving the solution: Backtracking
Use an auxiliary matrix S = [si.j] for storing the argmin.
Backtrack in O(k) time.
◮ Left index lk of Ck stored at sn,k: lk = sn,k.
◮ Iteratively retrieve the previous left interval indexes at entries
lj−1 = slj −1,i for j = k − 1, ..., j = 1.
Note that lj − 1 = n − k
l=j nl and lj − 1 = j−1
l=1 nl .
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Optimizing time with a Look Up Table (LUT)
Save time when computing e1(Xj,i ) since we perform n × k × O(n)
such computations.
Look Up Table (LUT): Add extra n × n matrix E1 with
E1[j][i] = e1(Xj,i ).
Build in O(n2T1(n))...
Then DP in O(n2k)=O(n2T1(n))).
→ quadratic amount of memory (n > 10000...)
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DP solver with cluster size constraints
i and n+
i : lower/upper bound constraints on ni = |Ci |
l=1 = n−
i ≤ n and k
l=1 = n+
i ≥ n.
When no constraints: add dummy constraints n−
i = 1 and
i = n − k − 1.
nm = |Cm| = i − j + 1 such that n−
m ≤ nm ≤ n+
→ j ≤ i + 1 − n−
m and j ≥ i + 1 − n+
ei,m = min
max{1+ m−1
l=1 n−
l ,i+1−n+
{ej−1,m−1 ⊕ e1(Xj,i )} ,
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Model selection from the DP table
m(k) = ek (X)
e1(X) decreases with k and reaches minimum when k = n.
Model selection: trade-off choose best model among all the models
with k ∈ [1, n].
Regularized objective function: e′
k (X) = ek(X) + f (k), f (k)
related to model complexity.
Compute the DP table for k = n, ..., 1 and avoids redundant
Then compute the criterion for the last line (indexed by n) and
choose the argmin of e′
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A Voronoi cell condition for DP optimality
elements → interval clusters → prototypes
interval clusters ← prototypes
Partition X wrt. P = {p1, ..., pk }.
Voronoi cell:
V (pj) = {x ∈ X : dr
(x, pj ) ≤ dr
(x, pl ) ∀l ∈ {1, ..., k}}.
xr is a monotonically increasing function on R+, equivalent to
V ′
(pj ) = {x ∈ X : d(x : pj ) < d(x : pl )}
DP guarantees optimal clustering when ∀P, V ′(pj ) is an interval
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Optimal 1D Bregman k-means
Bregman information [1] e1 (generalizes cluster variance):
e1(Cj ) = min
xl ∈Cj
wl BF (xl : pj ). (1)
Expressed as [35]:
e1(Cj ) = xl ∈Cj
wl (pj F′(pj ) − F(pj )) + xl ∈Cj
wl F(xl ) −
F′(pj ) x∈Cj
wl x
process using Summed Area Tables [10] (SATs)
S1(j) = j
l=1 wl , S2(j) = j
l=1 wl xl , and S3(j) = j
l=1 wl F(xl ) in
O(n) time at preprocessing stage.
Evaluate the Bregman information e1(Xj,i ) in constant time O(1).
For example, i
l=j wl F(xl ) = S3(i) − S3(j − 1) with S3(0) = 0.
Bregman Voronoi diagrams have connected cells [6] thus DP yields
optimal interval clustering.
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Exponential families in statistics
Family of probability distributions:
F = {pF (x; θ) : θ ∈ Θ}
Exponential families [30]:
pF (x|θ) = exp (t(x)θ − F(θ) + k(x)) ,
For example:
univariate Rayleigh R(σ), t(x) = x2, k(x) = log x, θ = − 1
2σ2 ,
η = −1
θ , F(θ) = log − 1
2θ and F∗(η) = −1 + log 2
η .
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Uniorder exponential families: MLE
Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) [30]:
e1(Xj,i ) = ˆl(xj , ..., xi ) = F∗
(ˆηj,i ) +
i − j + 1
k(xl ).
with ˆηj,i = 1
l=j t(xl ).
By making a change of variable yl = t(xl ), and not accounting the
k(xl ) terms that are constant for any clustering, we get
e1(Xj,i ) ≡ F∗
 1
i − j + 1
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Hard clustering for learning statistical mixtures
Expectation-Maximization learns monotonically from an
initialization by maximizing the incomplete log-likelihood.
Mixture maximizing the complete log-likelihood:
lc(X; L, Ω) =
p(xi ; θli
L = {li }i : hidden labels.
max lc ≡ min
(− log p(xi ; θj ) − log αj ).
Given fixed α and − log pF (x; θ) amounts to a dual Bregman
Run Bregman k-means and DP yields optimal partition since
additively-weighted Bregman Voronoi diagrams are interval [6].
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Hard clustering for learning statistical mixtures
Location families:
F = {f (x; µ) =
x − µ
), µ ∈ R}
f0 standard density, σ > 0 fixed. Cauchy or Laplacian families have
density graphs intersecting in exactly one point.
→ singly-connected Maximum Likelihood Voronoi cells.
Model selection: Akaike Information Criterion [7] (AIC):
AIC(x1, ..., xn) = −2l(x1, ..., xn) + 2k +
2k(k + 1)
n − k − 1
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Experiments with: Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs)
gmm1 score = −3.0754314021966658 (Euclidean k-means) gmm2
score = −3.038795325884112 (Bregman k-means, better)
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1-mean (centroid): O(n) time
(xi − p)2
D(x, p) = (x − p)2
, D′
(x, p) = 2(x − p), D′′
(x, p) = 2
Convex optimization (existence and unique solution)
(x, p) = 0 ⇒
xi − np = 0
Center of mass p = 1
i=1 xi − (barycenter)
Extends to Bregman divergence:
DF (x, p) = F(x) − F(p) − (x − p)F′
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2-means: O(n log n) time
Find xl2
(n − 1 potential locations for xl : from x2 to xn):
{e1(C1) + e1(C2)}
Browse from left to right l2 = x2, ...., xn.
Update cost in constant time E2(l + 1) from E2(l) (SATs also
E2(l) = e2(x1...xl−1|xl ...xn)
µ1(l + 1) =
(l − 1)µ1(l) + xl
, µ2(l + 1) =
(n − l + 1)µ2(l) − xl
n − l
v1(l + 1) =
(xi − µ1(l + 1))2
i − lµ2
1(l + 1)
∆E2(l) =
l − 1
µ1(l) − xl
n − l + 1
n − l
µ2(l) − xl
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2-means: Experiments
Intel Win7 i7-4800
n Brute force SAT Incremental
300000 155.022 0.010 0.0091
1000000 1814.44 0.018 0.015
Do we need sorting and Ω(n log n) time? (k = 1 is linear time)
Note that MaxGap does not yield the separator (because
centroid is sum of squared distance minimizer)
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◮ Generic DP for solving interval clustering:
◮ O(n2
kT1(n))-time using O(nk) memory
◮ O(n2
T1(n)) time using O(n2
) memory
◮ Refine DP by adding minimum/maximum cluster size
◮ Model selection from DP table
◮ Two applications:
◮ 1D Bregman ℓr -clustering. 1D Bregman k-means in O(n2
time using O(nk) memory using Summed Area Tables (SATs)
◮ Mixture learning maximizing the complete likelihood:
◮ For uni-order exponential families amount to a dual Bregman
k-means on Y = {yi = t(xi )}i
◮ For location families with density graph intersecting pairwise
in one point (Cauchy, Laplacian: ∈ exponential families)
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Part III
Clustering histograms with Jeffreys divergence
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Why histogram clustering?
Task: Classify documents into categories:
Bag-of-Word (BoW) modeling paradigm [5, 11].
◮ Define a word dictionary, and
◮ Represent each document by a word count histogram.
Centroid-based k-means clustering [1]:
◮ Cluster document histograms to learn categories,
◮ Build visual vocabularies by quantizing image features:
Compressed Histogram of Gradient descriptors [8].
→ histogram centroids
wh = d
i=1 hi : cumulative sum of bin values
˜: normalization operator
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Why Jeffreys divergence?
Distance between two frequency histograms ˜p and ˜q:
Kullback-Leibler divergence or relative entropy.
KL(˜p : ˜q) = H×
(˜p : ˜q) − H(˜p),
(˜p : ˜q) =
, cross − entropy
H(˜p) = H×
(˜p : ˜p) =
, Shannon entropy.
→ expected extra number of bits per datum that must be
transmitted when using the “wrong” distribution ˜q instead of the
true distribution ˜p.
˜p is hidden by nature (and hypothesized), ˜q is estimated.
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Why Jeffreys divergence?
When clustering histograms, all histograms play the same role →
Jeffreys [18] divergence:
J(p, q) = KL(p : q) + KL(q : p),
J(p, q) =
− qi
) log
= J(q, p).
→ symmetrizes the KL divergence.
(aka. J-divergence or symmetrical Kullback-Leibler divergence,
KL(p : q) =
pi log
+ qi − pi
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Jeffreys centroids: frequency and positive centroids
A set H = {h1, ..., hn} of weighted histograms.
c = arg min
πj J(hj , x),
πj > 0’s histogram positive weights: n
j=1 πj = 1.
◮ Jeffreys positive centroid c:
c = arg min
πj J(hj , x),
◮ Jeffreys frequency centroid ˜c:
˜c = arg min
πjJ(˜hj , x),
∆d : Probability (d − 1)-dimensional simplex.
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Prior work
◮ Histogram clustering wrt. χ2 distance [20]
◮ Histogram clustering wrt. Bhattacharyya distance [26, 33]
◮ Histogram clustering wrt. Kullback-Leibler distance as
Bregman k-means clustering [1]
◮ Jeffreys frequency centroid [38] (Newton numerical
◮ Jeffreys frequency centroid as equivalent symmetrized
Bregmen centroid [36]
◮ Mixed Bregman clustering [37]
◮ Smooth family of KL symmetrized centroids including
Jensen-Shannon centroids and Jeffreys centroids in limit
case [29]
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Jeffreys positive centroid
c = arg min
J(H, x) = arg min
πj J(hj , x).
Theorem (Theorem 1)
The Jeffreys positive centroid c = (c1, ..., cd ) of a set {h1, ..., hn}
of n weighted positive histograms with d bins can be calculated
component-wise exactly using the Lambert W analytic function:
W ( ai
gi e)
where ai = n
j=1 πj hi
j denotes the coordinate-wise arithmetic
weighted means and gi = n
j )πj the coordinate-wise
geometric weighted means.
Lambert analytic function [2] W (x)eW (x) = x for x ≥ 0.
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Jeffreys positive centroid (proof)
πj J(hj , x)
j − xi
)(log hi
j − log xi
≡ min
πj (xi
log xi
− xi
log hi
j − hi
j log xi
log xi
− xi
j )πj
j a log xi
− a log xi
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Jeffreys positive centroid (proof)
Coordinate-wise minimize:
x log
− a log x
Setting the derivative to zero, we solve:
+ 1 −
= 0
and get
x =
W ( a
g e)
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Jeffreys frequency centroid: A guaranteed approximation
˜c = arg min
πj J(˜hj , x),
Relaxing x from probability simplex ∆d to Rd
+, we get
, ci
W ( ai
gi e)
, wc =
Lemma (Lemma 1)
The cumulative sum wc of the bin values of the Jeffreys positive
centroid c of a set of frequency histograms is less or equal to one:
0 < wc ≤ 1.
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Proof of Lemma 1
From Theorem 1:
wc =
W ( ai
gi e)
Arithmetic-geometric mean inequality: ai ≥ gi
Therefore W ( ai
gi e) ≥ 1 and ci ≤ ai . Thus
wc =
= 1
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Lemma 2
Lemma (Lemma 2)
For any histogram x and frequency histogram ˜h, we have
J(x, ˜h) = J(˜x, ˜h) + (wx − 1)(KL(˜x : ˜h) + log wx ), where wx
denotes the normalization factor (wx = d
i=1 xi ).
J(x, ˜H) = J(˜x, ˜H) + (wx − 1)(KL(˜x : ˜H) + log wx ),
where J(x, ˜H) = n
j=1 πj J(x, ˜hj ) and
KL(˜x : ˜H) = n
j=1 πj KL(˜x, ˜hj ) (with n
j=1 πj = 1).
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Proof of Lemma 2
= wx ˜xi
J(x, ˜h) =
(wx ˜xi
− ˜hi
) log
wx ˜xi
J(x, ˜h) =
(wx ˜xi
+ wx ˜xi
log wx + ˜hi
− ˜hi
log wx)
= (wx − 1) log wx + J(˜x, ˜h) + (wx − 1)
= J(˜x, ˜h) + (wx − 1)(KL(˜x : ˜h) + log wx )
since d
˜hi = d
i=1 ˜xi = 1.
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Guaranteed approximation of ˜c
Theorem (Theorem 2)
Let ˜c denote the Jeffreys frequency centroid and ˜c′ = c
normalized Jeffreys positive centroid. Then the approximation
factor α˜c′ = J(˜c′, ˜H)
J(˜c, ˜H)
is such that 1 ≤ α˜c′ ≤ 1
(with wc ≤ 1).
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Proof of Theorem 2
J(c, ˜H) ≤ J(˜c, ˜H) ≤ J(˜c′
, ˜H)
From Lemma 2, since
J(˜c′, ˜H) = J(c, ˜H) + (1 − wc)(KL(˜c′, ˜H) + log wc)) and
J(c, ˜H) ≤ J(˜c, ˜H)
1 ≤ α˜c′ ≤ 1 +
(1 − wc)(KL(˜c′, ˜H) + log wc)
J(˜c, ˜H)
: ˜H) =
KL(c, ˜H) − log wc
α˜c′ ≤ 1 +
(1 − wc)KL(c, ˜H)
wcJ(˜c, ˜H)
Since J(˜c, ˜H) ≥ J(c, ˜H) and KL(c, ˜H) ≤ J(c, ˜H), we get
α˜c′ ≤ 1
When wc = 1 the bound is tight.
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In practice...
c in closed-form → compute wc, KL(c, ˜H), J(c, ˜H).
Bound the approximation factor α˜c′ as:
α˜c′ ≤ 1 +
− 1
KL(c, ˜H)
J(c, ˜H)
c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 54/68
Fine approximation
From [38, 36], minimization of Jeffreys frequency centroid
equivalent to:
˜c = arg min
KL(˜a : ˜x) + KL(˜x : ˜g)
Lagrangian function enforcing i ci = 1:
+ 1 −
+ λ = 0
W ˜ai eλ+1
λ = −KL(˜c : ˜g) ≤ 0
c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 55/68
Fine approximation: Bisection search
≤ 1 ⇒ ci
W ˜ai eλ+1
≤ 1
λ ≥ log(e˜ai
) − 1∀i, λ ∈ [max
) − 1, 0]
s(λ) =
(λ) =
W ˜ai eλ+1
Function s: monotonously decreasing with s(0) ≤ 1.
→ Bisection search for s(λ∗) ≃ 1 for arbitrary precision.
c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 56/68
Experiments: Caltech-256
Caltech-256 [16]: 30607 images labeled into 256 categories (256
Jeffreys centroids).
Arbitrary floating-point precision:
˜a + ˜g
αc (optimal positive) α
′ (n′lized approx.) wc ≤ 1(n′lizing coeff.t) α
′′ (Veldhuis’ approx.)
avg 0.9648680345638155 1.0002205080964255 0.9338228644308926 1.065590178484613
min 0.906414219584823 1.0000005079528809 0.8342819488534723 1.0027707382095195
max 0.9956399220678585 1.0000031489541772 0.9931975105809021 1.3582296675397754
c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 57/68
Experiments: Synthetic data-sets
Random binary histograms
α =
≥ 1
¯α ∼ 1.0000009, αmax ∼ 1.00181506, αmin = 1.000000.
Express better worst-case upper bound performance?
c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 58/68
Summary and conclusion
◮ Jeffreys positive centroid c in closed-form
◮ normalized Jeffreys positive centroid ˜c′ within approximation
factor 1
◮ Bisection search for arbitrary fine approximation of ˜c.
→ Variational Jeffreys k-means clustering
Other Kullback-Leibler symmetrizations:
◮ Jensen-Shannon divergence [19]
◮ Chernoff divergence [9]
◮ Family of symmetrized centroids including Jensen-Shannon
and Jeffreys centroids [29]
◮ Infinitely many symmetrizations using quasi-arithmetic means
c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 59/68
Clustering: A never-ending story...
An old problem with many new recent results!
21st century is the revolution of data science
c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 60/68
Computational Information Geometry
[32] [31]
c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 61/68
Textbooks: Visual computing
[27] [28]
c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 62/68
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Information-theoretic clustering with applications

  • 1. Information-theoretic clustering with applications Frank Nielsen Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc ´Ecole Polytechnique Kyoto University Information Seminar 9th June 2014 c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 1/68
  • 2. Clustering: Data exploratory science ◮ Clustering: Find homogeneous groups in data ◮ Clustering: Separate data into groups Iris data set from UCI: d = 4, k = 3, n = 150 c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 2/68
  • 3. Clustering: What to see?, when to see ? ◮ Distance or similarity measure between data? ◮ Data membership: Hard or soft clustering? ◮ How many groups? ◮ Outliers? ◮ “Shapes” of groups? ◮ Representation of data and cleaning, ◮ Missing data, truncated data, ... ◮ Etc. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 3/68
  • 4. Outline Clustering n data in d dimensions into k clusters Usual case: d << k << n, but all cases possible ◮ Quick tutorial: “The essentials” ◮ Ordinaryk-means, ◮ Gaussian mixtures models, ◮ Model selection, ◮ Other kinds of clustering, etc. ◮ Optimal 1D contiguous clustering ◮ Clustering histograms with Jeffreys divergence c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 4/68
  • 5. Part I Quick tutorial c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 5/68
  • 6. k-means clustering Partition the data set X = {x1, ..., xn} into k groups P = {G1, ..., Gk }, each group Gj has a center cj . Minimize the objective function (cost, energy, loss): e(X, C) = n i=1 k min j=1 xi − cj 2 ◮ NP-hard when d > 1 and k > 1 ◮ For d = 1, center c1 is the centroid and e1(X) = e(X, {C1}) = var(X), the “unnormalized” variance: var(X) = i xi 2 − n c1 2 c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 6/68
  • 7. Rewriting the k-means cost to minimize e(X, C) = n i=1 k min j=1 xi − cj 2 , = 1 2 k j=1 x,x′∈Gj x − x′ 2 + constant, = − 1 2 k j=1 x∈Gj x′∈Gk x − x′ 2 + constant, = k j=1 nj var(Gj ), size cluster Gi : nj = |Gi | = var(X) − var(Y), where Y = {(nj , cj )}k j=1 Interpreted as: min sum cluster inter-distances, max sum cluster inter-distances, min sum of cluster variances, min quantization loss. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 7/68
  • 8. Heuristics for k-means ◮ Local heuristics: ◮ Lloyd (batched): assign data to closest center, remap cluster centers to centroids, reiterate until convergence ◮ McQueen (incremental, online): add a point at a time, assign x to closest cluster, update that cluster centroid, reiterate until convergence ◮ Hartigan (single-point): find a point x ∈ Gi and a cluster Gj so that relocating x ∈ Gj decreases k-means cost, reiterate until convergence ◮ Global heuristics: ◮ Forgy: random seeding. Best Forgy is 2-approximation via the variance-bias decomposition: D(x, X) = n i=1 x − xi 2 = var(X) + n x − c1 2 . ◮ Fastest fast traversal: choose c1 at random, then ci as the point x farthest from {c1, ..., ci−1}, repeat. ◮ Randomized k-means++ (probabilistic ˜O(log k) bound) ◮ Global k-means c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 8/68
  • 9. Probabilistic model-based clustering Maximize likelihood for the mixture density: m(x) = k i=1 wi p(x; µi , Σi ) Statistical mixture models: generative models c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 9/68
  • 10. Statistical Gaussian Mixtures Models Universal smooth density estimator. Gaussian distribution: p(x; µ, Σ) = 1 (2π) d 2 |Σ| e− 1 2 DΣ−1 (x−µ,x−µ) Related to the squared Mahalanobis distance: DQ(x, y) = (x − y)T Q(x − y), x ∈ Rd → log-concave density Expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm: maximize incomplete likelihood. EM tends to k-means when Σj = λI with λ → 0 (or any fixed λ, see [34]). c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 10/68
  • 11. Sampling from a Gaussian Mixture Model To sample a variate x from a GMM: ◮ Choose a component l according to the weight distribution w1, ..., wk , ◮ Draw a variate x according to N(µl , Σl ). → Sampling is a doubly stochastic process: ◮ throw a biased dice with k faces to choose the component: l ∼ Multinomial(w1, ..., wk ) (normalized histogram.) ◮ then draw at random a variate x from the l-th component x ∼ Normal(µl , Σl ) x = µ + Cz with Cholesky: Σ = CC⊤ and z = [z1 ... zd]⊤ standard normal random variate:zi = √ −2 log U1 cos(2πU2) c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 11/68
  • 12. GMMs: Generative models, sampling [15] A pixel (x,y,R,G,B) : A data point in 5D c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 12/68
  • 13. Model selection: Choosing k The more parameters the better the model but it over fits. Solution: Penalized likelihood to maximize. Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC): max l(θ) − #θ 2 log n c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 13/68
  • 14. Clustering analysis ◮ Parametric clustering (k given, cost-based) ◮ center-based hard clustering (k-means, k-medians, min diameter, single linkage, etc.) ◮ model-based soft clustering ◮ Non-parametric clustering (k adjusts with data) ◮ Kernel density estimators (mean shift) ◮ Dirichlet process mixture models ◮ Hierarchical clustering ◮ Graph-based clustering (normalized cut) ◮ Affinity propagation ◮ Subspace/manifold clustering ◮ Etc! Cluster validation (distance between clustering, confusion matrix, NMI, Rand index, etc.) c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 14/68
  • 15. Part II Optimal 1D contiguous clustering c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 15/68
  • 16. Hard clustering: Partitioning the data set ◮ Partition X = {x1, ..., xn} ⊂ X into k pairwise disjoint clusters C1 ⊂ X, ..., Ck ⊂ X: X = k i=1 Ci ◮ Center-based hard clustering (center=prototype): k-means [1], k-medians, k-center, ℓr -center [21], etc. ◮ Model-based hard clustering: statistical mixtures maximizing the complete likelihood (prototype=model parameter). c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 16/68
  • 17. k-means clustering Minimize the sum of intra-cluster variances: min p1,...,pk n i=1 k min j=1 xi − pj 2 ◮ k-means: NP-hard when d > 1 and k > 1 [24, 12]. k-medians and k-centers also NP-hard [25] (1984) ◮ Global heuristics (for initialization) (Forgy [14], global k-means [40], k-means++ [4], etc.) and local search heuristics (incremental Voronoi MacQueen [23], batched Voronoi Lloyd [22], single-point swap Hartigan [17], etc.) ◮ In 1D, k-means is polynomial [3, 39]: O(n2k). c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 17/68
  • 18. Euclidean 1D k-means ◮ 1D k-means [13] has contiguous partition. ◮ Solved by enumerating all n−1 k−1 partitions in 1D (1958). Better than Stirling numbers of the second kind S(n, k) that count all partitions. ◮ Polynomial in time O(n2k) using Dynamic Programming (DP) [3] (sketched in 1973 in two pages). ◮ R package Ckmeans.1d.dp [39] (2011). c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 18/68
  • 19. (Sketch of the) DP solution [3] (Bellman, 1973) c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 19/68
  • 20. Interval clustering: Structure Sort X ∈ X with respect to total order < on X in O(n log n). Output represented by: ◮ k intervals Ii = [xli , xri ] such that Ci = Ii ∩ X. ◮ or better k − 1 delimiters li (i ∈ {2, ..., k}) since ri = li+1 − 1 (i < k and rk = n) and l1 = 1. [x1...xl2−1] C1 [xl2 ...xl3−1] C2 ... [xlk ...xn] Ck c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 20/68
  • 21. Objective function for interval clustering Scalars x1 < ... < xn are partitioned contiguously into k clusters: C1 < ... < Ck. Clustering objective function: min ek(X) = k j=1 e1(Cj ) c1(·): intra-cluster cost/energy ⊕: inter-cluster cost/energy (commutative, associative) c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 21/68
  • 22. Examples of objective functions In arbitrary dimension X = Rd : ◮ ℓr -clustering (r ≥ 1): = e1(Cj ) = min p∈X   x∈Cj d(x, p)r   (argmin=prototype pj is the same whether we take power of 1 r of sum or not) Euclidean ℓr -clustering: r = 1 median, r = 2 means. ◮ k-center (limr→∞): = max e1(Ci ) = min p∈X max x∈Cj d(x, p) ◮ Discrete clustering: Search space in min is Cj instead of X. Note that in 1D, ℓs-norm distance is always d(p, q) = |p − q|, independent of s ≥ 1. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 22/68
  • 23. Optimal interval clustering by Dynamic Programming Xj,i = {xj , ..., xi } (j ≤ i) Xi = X1,i = {x1, ..., xi } E = [ei,j]: n × k cost matrix, O(n × k) memory ei,m = em(Xi ) Optimality equation: ei,m = min m≤j≤i {ej−1,m−1 ⊕ e1(Xj,i )} Associative/commutative operator ⊕ (+ or max). Initialize with ci,1 = c1(Xi ) E: compute from left to right column, from bottom to top. Best clustering solution cost is at en,k. Time: n × k × O(n) × T1(n)=O(n2kT1(n)), O(nk) memory c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 23/68
  • 24. Retrieving the solution: Backtracking Use an auxiliary matrix S = [si.j] for storing the argmin. Backtrack in O(k) time. ◮ Left index lk of Ck stored at sn,k: lk = sn,k. ◮ Iteratively retrieve the previous left interval indexes at entries lj−1 = slj −1,i for j = k − 1, ..., j = 1. Note that lj − 1 = n − k l=j nl and lj − 1 = j−1 l=1 nl . c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 24/68
  • 25. Optimizing time with a Look Up Table (LUT) Save time when computing e1(Xj,i ) since we perform n × k × O(n) such computations. Look Up Table (LUT): Add extra n × n matrix E1 with E1[j][i] = e1(Xj,i ). Build in O(n2T1(n))... Then DP in O(n2k)=O(n2T1(n))). → quadratic amount of memory (n > 10000...) c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 25/68
  • 26. DP solver with cluster size constraints n− i and n+ i : lower/upper bound constraints on ni = |Ci | k l=1 = n− i ≤ n and k l=1 = n+ i ≥ n. When no constraints: add dummy constraints n− i = 1 and n+ i = n − k − 1. nm = |Cm| = i − j + 1 such that n− m ≤ nm ≤ n+ m. → j ≤ i + 1 − n− m and j ≥ i + 1 − n+ m. ei,m = min max{1+ m−1 l=1 n− l ,i+1−n+ m}≤j j≤i+1−n− m {ej−1,m−1 ⊕ e1(Xj,i )} , c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 26/68
  • 27. Model selection from the DP table m(k) = ek (X) e1(X) decreases with k and reaches minimum when k = n. Model selection: trade-off choose best model among all the models with k ∈ [1, n]. Regularized objective function: e′ k (X) = ek(X) + f (k), f (k) related to model complexity. Compute the DP table for k = n, ..., 1 and avoids redundant computations. Then compute the criterion for the last line (indexed by n) and choose the argmin of e′ k. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 27/68
  • 28. A Voronoi cell condition for DP optimality elements → interval clusters → prototypes interval clusters ← prototypes Partition X wrt. P = {p1, ..., pk }. Voronoi cell: V (pj) = {x ∈ X : dr (x, pj ) ≤ dr (x, pl ) ∀l ∈ {1, ..., k}}. xr is a monotonically increasing function on R+, equivalent to V ′ (pj ) = {x ∈ X : d(x : pj ) < d(x : pl )} DP guarantees optimal clustering when ∀P, V ′(pj ) is an interval c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 28/68
  • 29. Optimal 1D Bregman k-means Bregman information [1] e1 (generalizes cluster variance): e1(Cj ) = min xl ∈Cj wl BF (xl : pj ). (1) Expressed as [35]: e1(Cj ) = xl ∈Cj wl (pj F′(pj ) − F(pj )) + xl ∈Cj wl F(xl ) − F′(pj ) x∈Cj wl x process using Summed Area Tables [10] (SATs) S1(j) = j l=1 wl , S2(j) = j l=1 wl xl , and S3(j) = j l=1 wl F(xl ) in O(n) time at preprocessing stage. Evaluate the Bregman information e1(Xj,i ) in constant time O(1). For example, i l=j wl F(xl ) = S3(i) − S3(j − 1) with S3(0) = 0. Bregman Voronoi diagrams have connected cells [6] thus DP yields optimal interval clustering. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 29/68
  • 30. Exponential families in statistics Family of probability distributions: F = {pF (x; θ) : θ ∈ Θ} Exponential families [30]: pF (x|θ) = exp (t(x)θ − F(θ) + k(x)) , For example: univariate Rayleigh R(σ), t(x) = x2, k(x) = log x, θ = − 1 2σ2 , η = −1 θ , F(θ) = log − 1 2θ and F∗(η) = −1 + log 2 η . c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 30/68
  • 31. Uniorder exponential families: MLE Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) [30]: e1(Xj,i ) = ˆl(xj , ..., xi ) = F∗ (ˆηj,i ) + 1 i − j + 1 i l=j k(xl ). with ˆηj,i = 1 i−j+1 i l=j t(xl ). By making a change of variable yl = t(xl ), and not accounting the k(xl ) terms that are constant for any clustering, we get e1(Xj,i ) ≡ F∗   1 i − j + 1 i l=j yl   c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 31/68
  • 32. Hard clustering for learning statistical mixtures Expectation-Maximization learns monotonically from an initialization by maximizing the incomplete log-likelihood. Mixture maximizing the complete log-likelihood: lc(X; L, Ω) = n i=1 log(αli p(xi ; θli )), L = {li }i : hidden labels. max lc ≡ min θ1,...,θk n i=1 k min j=1 (− log p(xi ; θj ) − log αj ). Given fixed α and − log pF (x; θ) amounts to a dual Bregman divergence[1]. Run Bregman k-means and DP yields optimal partition since additively-weighted Bregman Voronoi diagrams are interval [6]. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 32/68
  • 33. Hard clustering for learning statistical mixtures Location families: F = {f (x; µ) = 1 σ f0( x − µ σ ), µ ∈ R} f0 standard density, σ > 0 fixed. Cauchy or Laplacian families have density graphs intersecting in exactly one point. → singly-connected Maximum Likelihood Voronoi cells. Model selection: Akaike Information Criterion [7] (AIC): AIC(x1, ..., xn) = −2l(x1, ..., xn) + 2k + 2k(k + 1) n − k − 1 c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 33/68
  • 34. Experiments with: Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) gmm1 score = −3.0754314021966658 (Euclidean k-means) gmm2 score = −3.038795325884112 (Bregman k-means, better) c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 34/68
  • 35. 1-mean (centroid): O(n) time min p n i=1 (xi − p)2 D(x, p) = (x − p)2 , D′ (x, p) = 2(x − p), D′′ (x, p) = 2 Convex optimization (existence and unique solution) n i=1 D′ (x, p) = 0 ⇒ n i=1 xi − np = 0 Center of mass p = 1 n n i=1 xi − (barycenter) Extends to Bregman divergence: DF (x, p) = F(x) − F(p) − (x − p)F′ (p) c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 35/68
  • 36. 2-means: O(n log n) time Find xl2 (n − 1 potential locations for xl : from x2 to xn): min xl2 {e1(C1) + e1(C2)} Browse from left to right l2 = x2, ...., xn. Update cost in constant time E2(l + 1) from E2(l) (SATs also O(1)): E2(l) = e2(x1...xl−1|xl ...xn) µ1(l + 1) = (l − 1)µ1(l) + xl l , µ2(l + 1) = (n − l + 1)µ2(l) − xl n − l v1(l + 1) = l i=1 (xi − µ1(l + 1))2 = l i=1 x2 i − lµ2 1(l + 1) ∆E2(l) = l − 1 l µ1(l) − xl 2 + n − l + 1 n − l µ2(l) − xl 2 c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 36/68
  • 37. 2-means: Experiments Intel Win7 i7-4800 n Brute force SAT Incremental 300000 155.022 0.010 0.0091 1000000 1814.44 0.018 0.015 Do we need sorting and Ω(n log n) time? (k = 1 is linear time) Note that MaxGap does not yield the separator (because centroid is sum of squared distance minimizer) c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 37/68
  • 38. Conclusion ◮ Generic DP for solving interval clustering: ◮ O(n2 kT1(n))-time using O(nk) memory ◮ O(n2 T1(n)) time using O(n2 ) memory ◮ Refine DP by adding minimum/maximum cluster size constraints ◮ Model selection from DP table ◮ Two applications: ◮ 1D Bregman ℓr -clustering. 1D Bregman k-means in O(n2 k) time using O(nk) memory using Summed Area Tables (SATs) ◮ Mixture learning maximizing the complete likelihood: ◮ For uni-order exponential families amount to a dual Bregman k-means on Y = {yi = t(xi )}i ◮ For location families with density graph intersecting pairwise in one point (Cauchy, Laplacian: ∈ exponential families) c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 38/68
  • 39. Part III Clustering histograms with Jeffreys divergence c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 39/68
  • 40. Why histogram clustering? Task: Classify documents into categories: Bag-of-Word (BoW) modeling paradigm [5, 11]. ◮ Define a word dictionary, and ◮ Represent each document by a word count histogram. Centroid-based k-means clustering [1]: ◮ Cluster document histograms to learn categories, ◮ Build visual vocabularies by quantizing image features: Compressed Histogram of Gradient descriptors [8]. → histogram centroids wh = d i=1 hi : cumulative sum of bin values ˜: normalization operator c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 40/68
  • 41. Why Jeffreys divergence? Distance between two frequency histograms ˜p and ˜q: Kullback-Leibler divergence or relative entropy. KL(˜p : ˜q) = H× (˜p : ˜q) − H(˜p), H× (˜p : ˜q) = d i=1 ˜pi log 1 ˜qi , cross − entropy H(˜p) = H× (˜p : ˜p) = d i=1 ˜pi log 1 ˜pi , Shannon entropy. → expected extra number of bits per datum that must be transmitted when using the “wrong” distribution ˜q instead of the true distribution ˜p. ˜p is hidden by nature (and hypothesized), ˜q is estimated. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 41/68
  • 42. Why Jeffreys divergence? When clustering histograms, all histograms play the same role → Jeffreys [18] divergence: J(p, q) = KL(p : q) + KL(q : p), J(p, q) = d i=1 (pi − qi ) log pi qi = J(q, p). → symmetrizes the KL divergence. (aka. J-divergence or symmetrical Kullback-Leibler divergence, etc.) KL(p : q) = i pi log pi qi + qi − pi c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 42/68
  • 43. Jeffreys centroids: frequency and positive centroids A set H = {h1, ..., hn} of weighted histograms. c = arg min x n j=1 πj J(hj , x), πj > 0’s histogram positive weights: n j=1 πj = 1. ◮ Jeffreys positive centroid c: c = arg min x∈Rd + n j=1 πj J(hj , x), ◮ Jeffreys frequency centroid ˜c: ˜c = arg min x∈∆d n j=1 πjJ(˜hj , x), ∆d : Probability (d − 1)-dimensional simplex. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 43/68
  • 44. Prior work ◮ Histogram clustering wrt. χ2 distance [20] ◮ Histogram clustering wrt. Bhattacharyya distance [26, 33] ◮ Histogram clustering wrt. Kullback-Leibler distance as Bregman k-means clustering [1] ◮ Jeffreys frequency centroid [38] (Newton numerical optimization) ◮ Jeffreys frequency centroid as equivalent symmetrized Bregmen centroid [36] ◮ Mixed Bregman clustering [37] ◮ Smooth family of KL symmetrized centroids including Jensen-Shannon centroids and Jeffreys centroids in limit case [29] c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 44/68
  • 45. Jeffreys positive centroid c = arg min x∈Rd + J(H, x) = arg min x∈Rd + n j=1 πj J(hj , x). Theorem (Theorem 1) The Jeffreys positive centroid c = (c1, ..., cd ) of a set {h1, ..., hn} of n weighted positive histograms with d bins can be calculated component-wise exactly using the Lambert W analytic function: ci = ai W ( ai gi e) , where ai = n j=1 πj hi j denotes the coordinate-wise arithmetic weighted means and gi = n j=1(hi j )πj the coordinate-wise geometric weighted means. Lambert analytic function [2] W (x)eW (x) = x for x ≥ 0. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 45/68
  • 46. Jeffreys positive centroid (proof) min x n j=1 πj J(hj , x) min x n j=1 πj d i=1 (hi j − xi )(log hi j − log xi ) ≡ min x d i=1 n j=1 πj (xi log xi − xi log hi j − hi j log xi ) d i=1 xi log xi − xi log n j=1 (hi j )πj g − n j=1 πjhi j a log xi min x d i=1 xi log xi g − a log xi c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 46/68
  • 47. Jeffreys positive centroid (proof) Coordinate-wise minimize: min x x log x g − a log x Setting the derivative to zero, we solve: log x g + 1 − a x = 0 and get x = a W ( a g e) c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 47/68
  • 48. Jeffreys frequency centroid: A guaranteed approximation ˜c = arg min x∈∆d n j=1 πj J(˜hj , x), Relaxing x from probability simplex ∆d to Rd +, we get ˜c′ = c wc , ci = ai W ( ai gi e) , wc = i ci Lemma (Lemma 1) The cumulative sum wc of the bin values of the Jeffreys positive centroid c of a set of frequency histograms is less or equal to one: 0 < wc ≤ 1. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 48/68
  • 49. Proof of Lemma 1 From Theorem 1: wc = d i=1 ci = d i=1 ai W ( ai gi e) . Arithmetic-geometric mean inequality: ai ≥ gi Therefore W ( ai gi e) ≥ 1 and ci ≤ ai . Thus wc = d i=1 ci ≤ d i=1 ai = 1 c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 49/68
  • 50. Lemma 2 Lemma (Lemma 2) For any histogram x and frequency histogram ˜h, we have J(x, ˜h) = J(˜x, ˜h) + (wx − 1)(KL(˜x : ˜h) + log wx ), where wx denotes the normalization factor (wx = d i=1 xi ). J(x, ˜H) = J(˜x, ˜H) + (wx − 1)(KL(˜x : ˜H) + log wx ), where J(x, ˜H) = n j=1 πj J(x, ˜hj ) and KL(˜x : ˜H) = n j=1 πj KL(˜x, ˜hj ) (with n j=1 πj = 1). c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 50/68
  • 51. Proof of Lemma 2 xi = wx ˜xi J(x, ˜h) = d i=1 (wx ˜xi − ˜hi ) log wx ˜xi ˜hi J(x, ˜h) = d i=1 (wx ˜xi log ˜xi ˜hi + wx ˜xi log wx + ˜hi log ˜hi ˜xi − ˜hi log wx) = (wx − 1) log wx + J(˜x, ˜h) + (wx − 1) d i=1 ˜xi log ˜xi ˜hi = J(˜x, ˜h) + (wx − 1)(KL(˜x : ˜h) + log wx ) since d i=1 ˜hi = d i=1 ˜xi = 1. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 51/68
  • 52. Guaranteed approximation of ˜c Theorem (Theorem 2) Let ˜c denote the Jeffreys frequency centroid and ˜c′ = c wc the normalized Jeffreys positive centroid. Then the approximation factor α˜c′ = J(˜c′, ˜H) J(˜c, ˜H) is such that 1 ≤ α˜c′ ≤ 1 wc (with wc ≤ 1). c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 52/68
  • 53. Proof of Theorem 2 J(c, ˜H) ≤ J(˜c, ˜H) ≤ J(˜c′ , ˜H) From Lemma 2, since J(˜c′, ˜H) = J(c, ˜H) + (1 − wc)(KL(˜c′, ˜H) + log wc)) and J(c, ˜H) ≤ J(˜c, ˜H) 1 ≤ α˜c′ ≤ 1 + (1 − wc)(KL(˜c′, ˜H) + log wc) J(˜c, ˜H) KL(˜c′ : ˜H) = 1 wc KL(c, ˜H) − log wc α˜c′ ≤ 1 + (1 − wc)KL(c, ˜H) wcJ(˜c, ˜H) Since J(˜c, ˜H) ≥ J(c, ˜H) and KL(c, ˜H) ≤ J(c, ˜H), we get α˜c′ ≤ 1 wc . When wc = 1 the bound is tight. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 53/68
  • 54. In practice... c in closed-form → compute wc, KL(c, ˜H), J(c, ˜H). Bound the approximation factor α˜c′ as: α˜c′ ≤ 1 + 1 wc − 1 KL(c, ˜H) J(c, ˜H) ≤ 1 wc c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 54/68
  • 55. Fine approximation From [38, 36], minimization of Jeffreys frequency centroid equivalent to: ˜c = arg min ˜x∈∆d KL(˜a : ˜x) + KL(˜x : ˜g) Lagrangian function enforcing i ci = 1: log ˜ci ˜gi + 1 − ˜ai ˜ci + λ = 0 ˜ci = ˜ai W ˜ai eλ+1 ˜gi λ = −KL(˜c : ˜g) ≤ 0 c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 55/68
  • 56. Fine approximation: Bisection search ci ≤ 1 ⇒ ci = ˜ai W ˜ai eλ+1 ˜gi ≤ 1 λ ≥ log(e˜ai ˜gi ) − 1∀i, λ ∈ [max i log(e˜ai ˜gi ) − 1, 0] s(λ) = i ci (λ) = d i=1 ˜ai W ˜ai eλ+1 ˜gi Function s: monotonously decreasing with s(0) ≤ 1. → Bisection search for s(λ∗) ≃ 1 for arbitrary precision. c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 56/68
  • 57. Experiments: Caltech-256 Caltech-256 [16]: 30607 images labeled into 256 categories (256 Jeffreys centroids). Arbitrary floating-point precision: ˜c′′ = ˜a + ˜g 2 αc (optimal positive) α ˜c ′ (n′lized approx.) wc ≤ 1(n′lizing coeff.t) α ˜c ′′ (Veldhuis’ approx.) avg 0.9648680345638155 1.0002205080964255 0.9338228644308926 1.065590178484613 min 0.906414219584823 1.0000005079528809 0.8342819488534723 1.0027707382095195 max 0.9956399220678585 1.0000031489541772 0.9931975105809021 1.3582296675397754 c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 57/68
  • 58. Experiments: Synthetic data-sets Random binary histograms α = J(˜c′) J(˜c) ≥ 1 Performance: ¯α ∼ 1.0000009, αmax ∼ 1.00181506, αmin = 1.000000. Express better worst-case upper bound performance? c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 58/68
  • 59. Summary and conclusion ◮ Jeffreys positive centroid c in closed-form ◮ normalized Jeffreys positive centroid ˜c′ within approximation factor 1 wc ◮ Bisection search for arbitrary fine approximation of ˜c. → Variational Jeffreys k-means clustering Other Kullback-Leibler symmetrizations: ◮ Jensen-Shannon divergence [19] ◮ Chernoff divergence [9] ◮ Family of symmetrized centroids including Jensen-Shannon and Jeffreys centroids [29] ◮ Infinitely many symmetrizations using quasi-arithmetic means c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 59/68
  • 60. Clustering: A never-ending story... An old problem with many new recent results! 21st century is the revolution of data science c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 60/68
  • 61. Computational Information Geometry [32] [31] c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 61/68
  • 62. Textbooks: Visual computing [27] [28] c 2014 Frank Nielsen, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 62/68
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