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Sibling Rivalry Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Sibling Rivalry" can prove to be both challenging and
intricate. The complexity arises from the need to delve into the intricacies of human relationships,
particularly within the context of family dynamics. Sibling rivalry, being a multifaceted
phenomenon, requires a nuanced exploration of psychological, emotional, and social aspects.
To begin with, one must navigate through the vast literature on family psychology, child
development, and interpersonal relationships. Understanding the various theories and
perspectives related to sibling rivalry is crucial in constructing a comprehensive and well-
informed essay. This involves delving into the works of renowned psychologists and researchers
who have explored the roots and consequences of sibling competition.
Additionally, the essay should incorporate personal anecdotes, case studies, or real-life examples
to illustrate and contextualize the theoretical concepts discussed. Balancing the academic depth
with relatable, tangible instances can be challenging but is essential to engage the reader and
make the essay more compelling.
Structuring the essay is another hurdle to overcome. Determining the right flow of ideas,
organizing thoughts coherently, and ensuring a logical progression of arguments can be
demanding. Moreover, maintaining a balance between providing factual information and
expressing personal viewpoints requires careful consideration.
Furthermore, addressing the emotional dimension of sibling rivalry adds another layer of
difficulty. Navigating the delicate aspects of family relationships and emotions demands a
thoughtful and empathetic approach. The essay should not only analyze the causes and effects of
sibling rivalry but also explore potential solutions and coping mechanisms, making it a delicate
tightrope walk between objectivity and sensitivity.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of sibling rivalry demands a blend of academic
rigor, personal reflection, and emotional intelligence. It requires a writer to skillfully navigate
through a myriad of perspectives, theories, and personal experiences, while maintaining a
coherent and engaging narrative. It is undoubtedly a task that requires careful consideration,
research, and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter.
If you find yourself overwhelmed by such writing challenges, it's worth noting that there are
resources available to assist you. For instance, similar essays and a variety of academic writing
services can be accessed on platforms like, where professionals can provide
support and guidance in tackling intricate topics like sibling rivalry.
Sibling Rivalry EssaySibling Rivalry Essay
How Are The Inca And Aztecs Similar
There are many reasons why the Aztec s culture and the Incas culture are almost
identical. Most of the things that makes these empires so identical is they were
established about the same way, also they both believe and worshiped many gods
and deities. Also, both empires economy was heavily based around agriculture. Not
only that but they had lots of beautiful artwork. Art was very important to the
Aztecs, they used different types of art such as music, poetry, and sculpture to
praise their gods and deities. They also used to make jewelry and used feather to put
on clothes or headdress that they would wear, the reason why the used feathers and
jewelry was to to set Aztecnobility apart from the common Aztec person. The Aztecs
used many metaphors... Show more content on ...
They both were very large and very powerful empires that eventually ceased to
exist. Both Incas and Aztecs participated in human sacrifices the Aztec would
sacrifice other tribes people to make their gods happy they would also sacrifice
people to get a good harvest, The Inca would also participate in human sacrifice, but
they would sacrifice children during or after major events that would occur. Both
the Aztec and the Inca empire had very developed civilization, they had many tools
that they would use to create different items, which made their empire more advance
then others. Another thing they both had in common is that they believed and
worshiped many gods, Both also believed and worshiped a sun god the Inca
worshiped the sun god named Inti and the Aztecs worshiped the sun god named
Tonatiuh. They both also heavily depended on agriculture their main resource of
food would be maize which was very important to both empires, they also both had a
maize god. The last thing that these two great empires had in common where they
both were conquered by Spain. The Aztecs were conquered by Herman Cortes and
other Indian tribes. The Inca were conquered by Francisco
Health Care Regulations
Health care regulations have developed in a lagging fashion throughout the history of
the United States health care system. The regulations governing health care are a set
of prescriptive rules that have cause the health care system to adjust and improve the
quality of care provided to patients. Brennan and Berwick state, functions for
regulation aims at increasing equality in society. In healthcare, this sort of regulation
typically involves efforts to increase access to health care. 2 These regulations have a
had far reaching effect on the safety, efficacy, cost, information, availability of
medications. If a society does not have access to unadulterated medications, correctly
labeled medications, and truthful information then there
Cupcake Cuisine Policy Statement
Policy Statement
The objective of this policy is to ensure Cupcake Cuisine has security controls to
restrict access to software application features and data.
The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity and confidentiality of Cupcake
Cuisine s digital data and to prevent unintentional corruption, and any misuse of
company assets.
A. Policy Objective 1. User accounts will be created for each employee of Cupcake
Cuisine through a cooperative company purchase of Employee Management software
provided by Square.
2. Access to Software Applications will be Access to Software applications will
restricted to only authorized users or processes least privilege.
3. The task of creating individualized employee accounts and determining ... Show
more content on ...
The designated IT manager must henceforth log into the administrator account and
reset the password to this account following the password guidelines. The default
administrator account has the ability to create custom roles.
F.Role Creation 1. You must establish a role creation for each employee you wish
to create an accessible account for. In the next screen, the designated IT manager
must create a role name first in the creation of a new role. Under Role Information ,
to the right of Role name , type in the description of the job, for the job title of
another employee of Cupcake Cuisine. Note: Do not type in the first or last name of
the employee.
G. Accessing Point of Sale and Modules within PoS
1. Once the designated IT manager has defined an employee s role name, the
screen will change allowing the option to toggle whether this role name has access
to Access Shared Point of Sale . For brevity the Point of Sale will henceforth be
referred to as PoS.
2. If toggled on, it grants 19 features of the PoS which may each individually turned
on or off.
3. if kept off, this user has no access to the PoS the PoS modular features or any
Square software applications that integrate with the Square such as Personnel,
Payroll, Invoice, Payment, Capitol,.
H. POS: Least
Mapuche Society Essay
In 1908, a French Basque business owner and an immigrant named Jose Duhalde and
his partner Juan de Dios Lobos entered the community of AilГo without any right to
do so. Hence, both men were reported to the sub delegate of Bajo Imperial, however,
they both denied any wrongdoing. Consequently, the community of AilГo and after
two years of receiving their legal title to their land, the members of the community
discovered that Duhalde s usurpation dramatically reduced their land holdings from
an average of 4.3 hectares per person to 2.8 hectares per capita ( Mallon 45). Thus,
Duhalde and Juan de Dios Lobos took the land they felt best suited their interests.
They used violence to forcefully remove the Mapuche off their new acquired land.
According... Show more content on ...
In order to deal with this marginalization, starting in the 1920s, Mapuche
organizations were formed by the urban educated sons of the Mapuche leaders to
try to use peace tactics with the Chilean state (Mallon 3). With regard to land,
many of these elders were in favor of the division and privatization of Mapuche
land grant communities because they saw this arrangement as an attempt to keep
the Mapuche separate from the Chilean society and economy. In 1925, the first
Mapuche congressman, Manuel Manquilef introduced a bill to divide the
indigenous land. His bill, Law No, 4169, was known as the first Indigenous Lands
Division Law approved by Congress in 1927, and signed into law by July 1928.
The legislation s most important provisions were than any single member of a
Mapuche community could request the division of lands and that before such
division could take place, the legal boundaries of the land grant needed to be
confirmed according to the original land title (titulo de merced) issued by the Chilean
government (Mallon 4). However, the Mapuche land titles would be abused by
government officials and various landowners. Nevertheless, in 1930 the Mapuche
really wanted restitution of the lands usurped after the original members of the
community had received their titulo de merced (Mallon
A Review Of Adaptive Technique For Image Super
A Review of Adaptive Technique for Image Super resolution
Prof. S. P. Bhosale
Assistant Professor , Department of electronics,
Increase in resolution of image has been one driving factor in the development and
progress of the п¬Ѓelds related to the capture, processing and display of digital
images and video. Number of authors has carried out research on various
techniques on super resolution algorithms which are classified into two basic
categories: single frame super resolution and the more common multi frame super
resolution . Single frame super resolution is a very ill posed problem due to the lack
of any new additional information. Multi frame Super resolution on the other hand
presents more information in the form of Low Resolution (LR) frames that are
displaced from each other making it a more tractable problem. A related problem to
super Resolution (SR) techniques is image restoration, which is well established area
in image processing application. An other problem related to SR reconstruction is
image interpolation that has been used to increase the size of a single image.
Adaptive technique, super resolution technique, frequency domain method.
A demand for higher resolution is seen in many discipline including bio medical
imaging, satellite and astronomical imaging, chemical and military surveillance and
remote sensing. But the current state of image sensor
Design and Production of a game that Supports the...
This assignment incudes the design and production of a game that supports the
emotional and social aspects of learning (SEAL). The game was created to meet
the specific needs of children who are the siblings of a disabled child. The
relationship of the author s game and the SEAL programme will be considered.
Thereafter the way in which children acquire emotional understanding and its impact
on social development will be explored. Finally the author will explain the reasoning
for the game and how it will help to meet the unique needs of the children it was
designed for.
The authors game is designed to be used in support of, and as an extension to, the
Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme Good to be me
element (2005), which addresses the management of feelings, self awareness and
showing empathy. The game is intended to be used with children who have a
disabled sibling. The object of the game is twofold, firstly it is for the users to be
able to recognise, name and talk about the emotions that they experience as a sibling
of a disabled child, secondly to become aware that some of their peers are in similar
situations to themselves which may help them feel less isolated. As Children develop
they gain more emotional understanding, becoming aware of their own feelings and
the feelings of others. Weimer, Sallquist and Bolnick (2012) suggest that programs
and initiatives that promote children s social emotional awareness may enhance their
development of
A Study On The Eea Agreement
The EEA agreement is a trade agreement which came into force on the 1st of January
1994, and was aimed at bringing together the EU member states and the three EEA
EFTA states (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) into a single market known as the
Internal Market (EFTA, 2017). The EEA agreement facilitates the free movement of
goods, services, persons and capital throughout the 31 EEA states. It also encourages
cooperation in other common issues such as education, the environment, social
policy, tourism and culture, and consumer protection. When the agreement entered
into force, there were 17 member states. 13 others joined in subsequent years. The
focus of this paper will be on a subset of pioneering states. This provides for a
reference... Show more content on ...
The data captures the yearly migration of people who intend to be residents in the
receiving countries. Hence the measure does not capture temporal migrants, students
and others who travelled for tourism or business related reasons. They also collected
data on time varying immigration policies that regulate the entry of immigrants in the
destination countries. Controlling for these immigration policies may be considered,
however, among the European countries in question, these controls would not be
significant. The final set of variables for the analysis was the set of indicators on
other trade agreements within the group of countries, including the trade agreement
of interest, eea. Mario Larch s Regional Trade Agreement Database from Egger and
Larch (2008) was the source of this data. The database includes all multilateral and
bilateral regional trade agreements (RTAs) as notified to the World Trade
Organization for the last 66 years from 1950 to 2015. The indicators capturing these
agreements turn from 0 to 1 as soon as two countries are simultaneously members of
the trade agreement. Some of these controls however, were not applicable because
they do not change for any of the countries (or country pairs) throughout my duration
of interest. The indicators capturing other trade agreements that do not include the 10
countries were not included in the analysis. 3.3.Data summary The panel data gives
How Educational Policies Affect Our Country Essay
Over the past 10 years, there have been significant changes to educational policies in
our country. From No Child Left Behind to Race to the Top, the adoption of Common
Core Standards and high stakes testing, students, teachers, and schools have been
resilient and have adapted to these changes. In addition, Race to the Top also
encourages reform relating to teacher evaluation. States across the country
restructured their teacher evaluation models to align with policy changes to ensure
that their schools would receive federal grant funding (Donaldson Papay, 2015).
Based on the Measure of Effective Teaching Project (MET), funded by the Gates
Foundation, states developed teacher evaluation models that assess teachers using
multiple measures that include student achievement, classroom observations, and
student feedback (Gates Foundation, 2009). Various instruments are being used to
measure student achievement and in turn to evaluate teachers. Value added measures
(VAM), state tests, standardized assessments, and student learning objectives (SLOs)
are examples of ways states are evaluating teachers effectiveness. When looking
specifically at SLOs, there are also variations among states, districts, schools, and
teachers in how SLOs are developed and the types of measures used to evaluate
student progress (CITATION). Measures for student learning objectives may include,
but are not limited to, standardized assessments, state tests, vendor generated
assessments, value added
Woking Capital Management in Organisation
Poject title a study of customer satisfaction towards sevices provided by DCC Bank
Narkhed .
Bank Everybody is well versed with the term bank. All the countries of the world are
having financial institution called banks. By the word bank , one immediately
understand that, a bank is something which deals with aspects of deposits and giving
loans and advances.
Banks safeguard money and valuables and provide loans, credit, and payment
services, such as checking accounts, money orders, and cashier s checks. Banks also
may offer investment and insurance products, which they were once prohibited from
selling. As a variety of models for cooperation and integration among finance
industries have emerged, ... Show more content on ...
Others are beginning to provide investment banking services that help companies and
governments raise money through the issuance of stocks and bonds, also usually
through a subsidiary. As banks respond to deregulation and as competition in this
sector grows, the nature of the banking industry will continue to undergo significant
With increasing number of banks including the public sector banks are fascinated by
the technology banking, the result are very visible in the form of alternative channel
banking and new delivery system, new operating structures and business processes
and outsourcing of operations and human resources. The banking in India is clearly
experiencing stunning changes in the recent years and the explosion of information
technology made the life easy for most of the bankers and users. The popular channel
banking instrument such as Automated Teller Machines (ATM), Tele banking,
Mobile banking, Internet banking are gaining popularity. Besides the facilities like
Electronic Fund
Transfer, Electronic Clearing System, Electronic Data Interchange etc. are also
increasing by used in the recent years.
Now, the mantra of the new generation banks is customers are not welcome (to
branch). If you want any service you don t come we will come to you. And if you
want to know any things you don t call us we ll call you. Most of these banks in fact
fine it more expensive
Blanket And Towel Collection Research Paper
Brantley Haferkamp Blanket/Towel Collection for the Humane Society As my
summer service project I chose to have a towel collection and donate them to the
Pensacola Humane Society. The Pensacola Humane Society is Committed to
improving the lives of companion animals in our community through advocacy,
adoption, education and sanctuary. When I first read about their story and goal, I
knew that this was the shelter I wanted to donate to. I have always been a huge
animal person, so I am always ready to help them in any way I can. My first step of
this project was creating flyers that I hung up in the park near my house and passed
out to my neighbors. I also texted family and friends to see if they were interested in
donating. All advertisement/donations
The Debt Of Student Loan Debt
Here in the United States, there are many forms of consumer debt, which help
contribute to the large sums of debt countless Americans find themselves faced with.
Directly effecting many college students is student loan debt. Student loan debt is
now the second largest form of consumer debt behind housing declares the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York (Grisales). This is due to the fact that student loan debt
grew 7.1% in 2014 to $1.2 trillion (Grisales). If this statistic alone is not worrisome
this next one is sure to be. The amount of debt in the housing market that helped to
spark the last recession was only $1.3 trillion (Grisales). Due to the increased
amount of debt required by students to attend college many students are feeling the
wrath. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, In 2014, 11.7 percent of females and
17.7 percent of males between the ages 25 and 34 were living with their parents
(Grisales). The fear of obtaining massive amounts of debt is driving the current
generation of student s to put off many future hopes and dreams. While causing
them to move back home to save money. The current student loan crisis is crippling
the economy and ruining the lives of American students. Economic impact from
rising student loan debt is being felt throughout the United States. According to
research performed by the Pew Research Center and Rutgers, between 25 40% of 20
and 30 year olds are delaying large purchases such as homes and cars (Daniels). The
delay of such
Fiction Themes
Fiction is more than just one genre, it is a family that consists of four different
genres: contemporary realistic fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, and science fiction.
Each of these genres have themes that you can categorize different literature into.
Themes are very important because each student will have specific interests and be
reluctant to try a new type of book at first. Another reason is that it can make
planning a unit or linking events and books together much easier.
Contemporary realistic fiction is typically very popular with most children because
it is very relatable to their lives and things that they have prior knowledge of. This
type of fiction is also something that could potentially happen in real life or is
loosely based on actual events. Some of the themes of realistic fiction include peer
relationships, family relationships, stories about animals, adventures, schools stores,
and sports. These are all things that children can not only relate to easily, but also
things that will Interest them as well. As they get older, romance, coming of age, and
mystery stories will become more and more interesting to them and they will begin to
explore all their reading interests. ... Show more content on ...
The stories are told in a way that would appeal the age/grade level that the writer is
conveying the information to. This type of fiction is also categorized into popular
themes, and for good reason. Some popular themes include stories about different
cultures in the twelfth sixteenth centuries, early American history (sixteenth
eighteenth centuries), and stories about the west and Indians in the 1800 s. As
children grow they will also learn about the wars, immigration, the great depression,
and important events that have really shaped American, like the civil rights
Role Of A Chinese Women
INTRODUCTION Immigration is a large part of developing Canada: immigration
was seen as an opportunity for many people around the world to immigrate to
Canada in order to have prospects and a higher standard of living. This paper will
examine how the role of a Chinese women and how it has been transformed due to
institutional processes, as well as the difference of the role a Chinese women
would face in Canadian society vis a vis a Hong Kong society is examined. The
effects of polices such as the Head Tax and how it hindered women to come to Canada
in order to be together with their husbands and have the family together as a whole
and as well as how tradition made them want to stay in China. Furthermore, how once
they were in Canada how race class and gender affected their lives.
POLICES The Chinese immigrants may have suffered the most compared to other
ethnic groups who were not targeted the way that Chinese immigrants were. Chinese
immigrants have been in Canada for 150 years, but much during this time they were
unwelcomed in the country. The first wave of Chinese were young and landless.
They were drawn by the gold fever in British Columbia and wanting to escape the
harsh conditions of their homeland of famine, internal rebellion, population pressure
and the threat of Western colonialism .
In 1885, the Canadian government imposed a Head Tax on all Chinese immigrants
entering Canada. In 1885, the Head Tax was $50, but that did not stop or hinder the
flow of
Mitch Albom Biography
Mitch Albom tells the story about his life and his favorite professor Morrie
Schwartz. He start with his graduation in the spring of 1979 from Brandeis
University in the city of Waltham, Massachusetts; he found Morrie, his professor
with whom he passed a lot of time during his college life. Mitch promises Morrie that
he would keep in touch; something that later was not true. Sixteen years after the last
time they see each other Morrie is diagnosed with ALS, his deathsentence came in
the summer of 1994; he gave up a lot of things because of his disease. While Mitch
has a busy life working as a journalist, his life turn into meaningless, so he dedicates
his entire life to work without thinking in anything else. One day on the TV Nightline
Cultural Appropriation Of The Koru Essay
This essay will address the issues of cultural appropriation of the koru in relation to
the denotation of this Maori icon as well as its significant connotations, both visually
in art and fashion and symbolically in business application. There are two
motivational factors for initiating cultural appropriations that this essay explores:
economic gain and artistic expression. The research focuses on specific New Zealand
context on modern societal ethnicity.
The koru (see Figure 1) has a morphological definition which pertains to the spiral
shapes from the new shoots of the unfolding silver fern fond. This natural premise
lends to the symbolic overtures that the Maori then give to their art forms. It allows
the Maori to connect with nature, spirituality and the metaphysical in a vivid
symbolic and traditional reflection on the existence of life. The connotations of the
koru are vast and start from the metaphysical understanding that it is a sign of rebirth
through personal growth and thereby springs the hope of rejuvenation, maturity and
perfection the ultimate peace. Maori culture began as an oral heritage which meant
that art and carvings would allow the ancestry, beliefs and cultural identify to be
passed onto future generations. The intricate designs of the koru were found in the
elaborate artistic elements of facial tattoos, bone carvings and the interiors of whare
runanga so that collective identities could continue to flourish. The artistic expression
level 3 supporting teaching learning Essay
Tasks to do in school Assignment 2 Task 5: explain how the processes used by own
work setting or service comply with legislation that covers data protection,
information handling and sharing. Assignment 3 Task 5: demonstrate how to
identify potential hazards to health, safety and security of children or young
people, families and other visitors and colleges. Task6: demonstrate ability to deal
with hazards in the work setting or in off site visits. Task 11: give example from
own practise of supporting children and young people to asses and manage risk.
Assignment 4 Task 1: describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role. Task
4: demonstrate the ability to reflect on practise. Task 7: demonstrate use of feedback
to... Show more content on ...
Task 3: demonstrate how to support children and young people in making choices for
themselves. Task 4: give attention to individual children and young people in a way
that is fair to them and the group as a whole. Task 5: demonstrate how to adapt
communication with children and young people for: a) The age and stage of
development of the child or young people b) The context of the communication c)
Communication differences. Task 6: demonstrate strategies and techniques to
promote understanding and trust in communication with children and young people.
Task 7: demonstrate how to establish rapport and professional relationship with
adults. Task 8: demonstrate how to adapt communication with adults for: a) Cultural
and social differences b) The context of the communication c) Communication
differences Task 9: demonstrate strategies for minimising disruption through
inappropriate behaviour of children and young people. Task 10: demonstrate
strategies for managing inappropriate behaviour according to the polices and
procedures of the setting. Task 11: apply rules and boundaries consistently and fairly
according to the age, needs and abilities of children and young people. Task 12:
demonstrate way of helping children and young people to understand the value and
importance of positive relationship with others. Task 13: provide an effective role
model in own relationship with children, young people and
Questions On Financial Literacy Skills
Introduction The objective of this report is to analyse two clients using primary and
secondary data in these following areas: пѓ Their financial Literacy skills пѓ Their
risk Tolerance пѓ From the data how will you effectively communicate in relation to
the two clients пѓ Email regarding communication effectiveness within the business
To assess the above criteria a hypothetical scenario was made that both clients had
received an inheritance of $40,000 and how with go about investing their money
investing their money. The effective communication is to address common business
communication skills, where email will be developed to inform and outline
effective letter writing skills. Financial Literacy Skills Financial literacy is
relatively broad to define, as it solemnly depends on ones knowledge and ability to
interpretation of financial terms and concepts (Worthington 2006). An individual
understanding financial literacy revolves around influential aspects of their lives
such education, experience, income and work experiences. The two clients analysed
in this report both had different understanding of specific financial literacy skills.
Client 1 Client 1 was a 23 year old male born overseas , who works within the
financial sector and held a bachelors degree in business commerce, his financial
literacy skills were good certain areas. His strengths revolved around a good
understanding on superannuation and the housing markets. His weakness revolved
around understanding the
Essay on Mountaintop Removal Mining
Appalachia, a vast, beautiful panoply of lush green mountains. At least, most of the
thin line of peaks that make up the Appalachian Mountains used to be that way.
Currently, the continued spread of a method of coal extraction known as mountaintop
removal mining has plagued areas of the eastern United States, mainly including the
state of West Virginia. Throughout its increasing stages of implementation,
mountaintop removal mininghas caused numerous hampering effects, including
causing serious harm to nearby residents, and polluting a once pure environment.
Because of this, mountaintop removal mining needs to be limited in order to preserve
the natural state of the Appalachian Mountains. Mountaintop removal mining has
been around for... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the damage has already been done to the mountain and nearby streams,
and thereby the reclamation process is only performed in an attempt to make the
mountain look slightly nicer, but still a far cry from the peak s original grandeur.
Valleys aren t the only natural landscaping to be affected though; streams that had
once been clean have now been polluted with waste, or have been buried completely
by mountain rock. And when water becomes corrupt, nearby life begins to suffer as
well. Take the people living near mountain removal sites as an example. As the nearby
water becomes dirtied, humans must watch as their clean, flowing tap water turns to
a murky brown or even black substitute (Burning the Future: Coal in America). And
think about it, this is the water they use every single day to bathe, drink, clean
dishes, wash surfaces, sanitize hands, and cook with. When the water is this
unclean, is it really doing its job? Is this really the water a living being deserves to be
Regardless of the negative affects mountaintop removal mining is causing, what kind
of people are the perpetrators behind this method? As one example, there is a coal
mining company called Massey Energy based in Central Appalachia which provides a
fair sum of the nation s coal reserves ( About Us ). Through their mountaintop mining
exploits, they cause widespread damage to the environment around them. Evidence of
this is
Race As A Cultural Construction Of Race
In lecture, our class grappled with the concept of race as a cultural construction, and
how the issues that derive from race only have meaning because we assign it to
them; mankind could have chosen anything to classify themselves, but somehow
settled on skin color. In the words of Clifford Geertz, man is an animal suspended in
webs of significance he himself has spun racismwould be one of those webs that
humanity has tangled itself up in (qtd. in Hickman). We have studied raceas a mythical
reality, and racism as a cultural model that people have adopted in order to deal with
the complexities of the past. I had the privilege of attending a lecture given by Joan
Trumpauer Mulholland, an activist during the civil rights movement, and I
Bob Marley And The Wailers
Bob Marley and The Wailers: The Influence
Bob Marley and the Wailers were an influential reggae group from Jamaica. The
group produced music that was inspiration for the people of Jamaica. Both in their
struggles for freedom and equality. The one inspiration for the musicians was the
teachings of Rastafarianism: a type of monotheism religion. Monotheism literally
means the belief in only one God. Rastafarians believe in one God called Jah. They
believe that Jah sent his son in the form of a man named Haile Selassie I.
Rastafarians also believe that speech is very important, because through speech
they can feel the presence and power of God. When the Wailers released their first
record called Simmer Down it sold over 80,000 copies ( Early Wailers ). Rastafarian
teachings also influenced many of the later albums the band would produce. Robert
Nesta Marley and the Wailers developed great music full of love and inspiration. The
band produced music with strong messages, high energy performances with proactive
audiences, and high levels of performer engagement.
During the 1960 s Bob Marley and Neville Livingston crossed paths. Neville was
known by another name Bunny Wailer. Joe Higgs then set up an opportunity for
them to meet Peter Macintosh while taking singing lessons from Higgs. They grew
close and at first called their group Juveniles but brothers in the ghetto said. You
come from a place where people are always bawling, you should be named the
Wailers and from there
Difference in Salaries between Male and Female Chefs
If you want to become a great chef, you have to work with great chefs. And that s
exactly what I did ( Gordon Ramsay Quote ). Gordon Ramsay said to become a great
chef you have to work with great chefs he never said you had to be a male or
female. Its shouldn t matter about their genders. So why do femalechefs get paid so
little and male get paid way more ? Nation s Restaurant News found out male
executive chefs was $17,950 higher than female executive chefs $68,000 V.S.
$50,050 (Coomes). There s so many reasons female chefs should get paid as much
as male chefs. Male shouldn t be the only ones shining , female should be able to
shine too. Female chefs should be paid as much as male chefs because it shouldn t
matter the genderand they are doing exactly the same thing. In general female get
paid so little and male get paid so much more . This will be including female chefs in
the food industry. According to Women hold just 6.3 percent of head
chefpositions in the u.s , according to a survey of 15 prominent restaurant group.
And while female workers make up a majority of food service employee and up to
40 percent of graduates from some of the country s top cooking school government
data shows there s currently a larger percentage of female CEOs in the u.s. than
head chefs (). Females and males should be treated and paid equal. Womans are not
always going to depend on a male. So how will people like female survive If they get
paid so little?
Christian Dream Interpretation Of A Christian
Christian Dream Interpretation
The spiritual interpretation of dreams is lost to many modern day Christians.
However, this forgotten language is available for those who seek God, especially in
prayer. Those who seek will find and answers sought in prayer may be revealed
through dreams where the quiet voice of God is able to reach one in a most intimate
way. Dreams are one of the ways that Crist reveals himself to us and touches our
hearts on a very personal level.
Historically speaking, dreams have been the most prominent form of communication
between the creator and his people. Because of this, Satan has worked hard to
convince people to ignore God s message in the form of dreams and visions.
Unfortunately, today very few Christians are
Essay The Effect of pH on the Digestion of Casein by Trypsin
The Effect of pH on the Digestion of Casein by Trypsin
When planning the experiment, the equipment and method had to be well thought
out in order for the experiment to be accurate and efficient.
Firstly, I have chose to use a 1% trypsin concentration then altered it to 0.8%, because
a higher concentration means more trypsin molecules in the solution and therefore
more enzyme substrate complexes are likely to occur with the casein in the milk,
causing digestion of the casein to be faster. However, I don t wantowever digestion
to occur too quickly as I will not be able to analyse the effect of PH. Therefore, I
chose a lower concentration which would allow me to test the percentage
transmission at ... Show more content on ...
In addition, PH is the independent variable I am testing; therefore, its constancy is
Variables in the experiment will need to be controlled and the following need to be
kept constant
* Concentration of trypsin
* Amounts of reagents
* Enzyme to substrate ratio
* Temperature
* Method of measuring solutions
I will use equal amounts of trypsin, milk, PH, buffer and distilled water in all the
experiments and will use the same measuring equipment to ensure fair representation
of the effect of different PH on digestion. If variables aren t adequately controlled
then the data collected would be erroneous and would not represent the true effects
of PH on digestion as altering variables could lead to changes in rate of reaction.
As we know the collision theory states that the more collisions in a system, the more
likely the molecules will react and therefore the faster the reaction. Rates of reaction
can be affected by variables such as concentration, as more molecules of the substance
are present therefore increasing the chance of a collision, another is temperature.
All enzymes have an optimum temperature at which they work the fastest, this is
because more kinetic energy is available and particles move faster resulting in more
collisions and hence more
Consultant Non-Disclosure Agreement
1 2 3 4 Confidentiality/ Non disclosure agreement Consultant Non disclosure
agreement THIS AGREEMENT is made the 28th day of December, 2012
BETWEEN: 1. Live2Work Co., Ltd. (the Client ); and 2. Professor Yolanda Sarason
of Colorado State University (the Consultant ). NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as
follows: That to induce the Client to retain the Consultant as an outside consultant
and to furnish the Consultant with certain information that is proprietary and
confidential, the Consultant hereby warrants, represents, covenants, and agrees as
follows: 1. Engagement. The Consultant, in the course of engagement by the Client,
may or will have access to or learn certain information belonging to the Client that is
... Show more content on ...
To: Professor Yolanda Sarason Names of team members: Bui Le Thu Hien
0951040025 Nguyen Hong Nhung 0951040048 th Date: December 28 , 2012 7
Introduction Companies around the world are facing growing staff turnover
problem, and Vietnam is not the exception. A website service called that function as a guide for job hunters and employees for
their next career move can best combine these ideas to help people an inside look
of the company they are interested in from people who are working or have
worked there in order to reduce resources waste for both companies and employees.
The purpose of this report is to give an thorough analysis of feasibility of this
business idea. Phase 1 : Product/ Service Feasibility analysis Concept testing In
order to test the concept of our idea, we have conducted two main surveys which
help us to understand more about our target market and custormers. Firstly, an
online survey has been conducted through with the scope
of 100 people from 20 to 28 years old, including students and working people in
Hanoi area (58% people are students, 42% are working people). In this survey, we
provide people 9
Horse And Sun Chriot Essay
Art emerged in the same time that human occured. In the prehistoric era, there was
no writing, recording and any languages for speaking. The only one method that
people used to communicate or tell the stories was arts. Arts tell us about the
development of ancient people. We can know what was the main tools of ancient
people for their living by analyzing arts. Arts do not only present belief, culture and
society but they also show the important situation in the past. In my view, Horse and
SunChariot is one of the most important prehistoric arts that can explain what
happened in long time ago. Hence, I am interested to analyze the sculpture named
Horse and Sun Chariot by focusing on composition, line and shape, colour, texture
and space.
To begin with the composition of Horse and Sun Chariot. It is a statute of house
which is drawing the sun in the chariot and the Chariot seem to move by itself. The
chariot has six wheels and each of them ... Show more content on ...
To begin with the texture of the Sun (Horse is in the left side). The texture of it is
bumpy because there is a lot of filigree. The feeling when you touch the Sun might
be similar to when you touch wax tiles that have design. On the other hand, if we
touch another side of the Sun, we can feel that it is different. This is because it is
covered by gold which makes the texture is glossy. The feeling when you touch it
is same as touching coins. Secondly, the texture of the Chariot is a little bit rough
especially the wheels. This is because it was corroded by rust. We can compare the
feeling when touching the Chariot to rusty mesh fence. Besides, the texture of the
Horse is also rough because of rusty. Moreover, there is some fractures at the Horse
s back. The texture of the Horse same as rusty galvanized irons. Thereby, the texture
of the House and Sun Chariot composes of bumpy (the Sun), glossy (another side of
the Sun) and rough (the Horse and the
New Trends That Are Becoming Popular As A Marketing
This research report has been written based on the information found on peer
reviewed journals, articles, textbook, and Internet sources. This paper carefully
reviews three current trends that affect today s resorts and how resorts are
responding to these newly brought up trends to be marketable. However, this paper
does not cover estimation of sustainability for each trends and possible new trends
that are becoming popular as there are improvements made in various areas in the
world. If required, extended research can be done on the effect of trends on economy
status of countries and forecast of tourism in the future.
2. Trend One
2.1. Trend Description: Social media use by resorts as a marketing tool
Advertisement, one of the most ... Show more content on ...
2.2. Trend Impact on the International Resort Sector
With continuous improvement in technology, there are now around three billion
active Internet users. Internet has allowed people from all over the world to access
information efficiently and effectively in the least amount of time. (Kemp 2014)
Today, our electronic devices automatically leave trace of our searches from Internet
called HTTP cookie. HTTP cookie, also known as web cookie or browser cookie,
refers to small piece of data sent from visited website that later gets stored in the
user s browser during the search. (Barth 2011) These cookies stored from the sites
previously visited by one on Internet, help marketers to customize advertisements.
They track searches of one to shrink down and grasp an idea on what one is
interested in; then, they purposely put an advertisement of products, which highly
correspond with one s previous searches, on most visited social media sites such as
Facebook. This leads one to grow more interest in a product with its continuous
exposure on social media called mere exposure. (Grimes Kitchen 2007) In addition,
as social media and tourism grew tremendously over the past decade, people from
different countries started to share their experiences and write a review on their
experiences from various tourist destinations. Therefore, it has become easier for
families to have a glimpse of
Ang Lee s Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Essay
Ang Lee s Crouching tiger Hidden Dragon is probably one of the most successful
foreign films to ever be screened in America. Being the number one film of the year
in 2000. On the other hand it was reportedly considered a flop in China. While it was
influenced by American film styles, it still kept true to many aspects of its Chinese
filmheritage. With very apparent lovestory, it lacked the Extreme amount of Kung
Fu fight scenes eastern audiences have come to enjoy. This is a stunning love story
between a monk and widow. While it does have its share of over the top fight scenes,
when you start to dig deeper the films many social implications become apparent.
With ties to subjects such as religion, martial arts, philosophy, love, and even gender
issues. This film is a representation of the modern era and how long practiced
traditions are being challenged. Each character and plot line allows a glimpse into the
Social and Traditional understanding of a culture.
Each character in the film represents some type of Social structure in China.
Focusing on Li Mubai, Yu Shu Lien, and Jen Yu, you are able to get a sense of the
social and ethical ideals of each class. Begging with Li Mubai, who embodies the
stereotypical monk . He is always proper and resilient to negative influences. He
spends the greater part of his life studying Kung Fu, and is the master of the Wu
Dong clan. He is arguably the strongest character in this movie. He is the embodiment
of restraint. This being most
Stanislavski s Techniques And Techniques Essay
Even though I have mentioned some of Stanislavski s techniques there is one
thing about the system everyone must understand, nothing was ever set in stone,
the system should be used as a process in actor training, a learning tool for the
actor, and not as a rigid system to be followed by the letter. Stanislavski himself
was for ever altering the system, evolving it into new techniques as he learnt more
from the previous ones. Roughly five years before his own death, Stanislavski s
dissatisfaction with his earlier experiments in Emotional Memory, led him to
develop a technique that would change the way emotions were triggered. This
methodology supposed that emotions could be stimulated through simple physical
actions, instead of memories. This was the basis of his new system. This move
from Emotional Memory to his Method of Physical Actions was an important shift
in actor training at that time. Again, this shift was met with much resistance in
Russia at the MAT, and was resisted even more by acting students in the United
States. Stanislavski constantly shifted his views, always trying to find more
efficient ways for the actor to perform. Therefore, he was hesitant to publish his
work for a long time. If he were alive today, it is most likely that he would have
continued to change his views. THE METHOD OF PHYSICAL ACTIONS
proposed that a series of physical actions arranged in sequential order would trigger
the necessary emotions in an actor s performance. These emotions
The Parthenon In Ancient Greece
The Greeks built many magnificent and complex structures that can date back to
almost 3,000 years ago. The Parthenon was built in about 447 BC and is still standing
today. Many people visit the Parthenon to learn more about the history of Ancient
Greece. The structure is very detailed and complex from its unique principles and
components. When the Athenians built this temple they were at the highest of their
riches and could afford great building materials that help parts of the structure still
stand tall today. Although this temple was not only built because of the high of
money but also as a dedication to a certain god/godess. Many Ancient Greek
structures still stand today representing the time in the past. It is important to learn
about Greek Architecture to understand how and why these structures were created.
The Greeks built some architectural structures in dedication to the gods. Some Greek
Architecture was built as a representation of a god or the city s patron god
/goddess.The Parthenon in Athens, that looks over what used to be the city of ... Show
more content on ...
Principals, dedication, and different components are all components that help you
identify a certain structure. The three principal orders of Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian
describe the different types of columns. The key components help describe the unique
features to the specific structure. Dedication describes the purpose of building the
structure. These are all important when classifying or identifying a certain ancient
structure. Learning how to identify a certain structure is important because learning
about our ancient greece is learning about our history. Greek architects have provided
some of the most finest and distinctive structures in the entire ancient world.
(Cartwright). Our history is important to learn about so we know what we have
accomplished to use to innovate our modern world
Colonization Outweigh The Misfortunes
Why does Smith believe that the benefits of colonization outweigh the misfortunes ?
The discovery and colonization of America completely changed Europe s economy.
Smith believed that colonization benefits outweighed the misfortunes. He believed
that both Europe and the colonies benefited because they could relieve and help
each other. However, it was clear that Europe benefited the most while the natives in
the colonies faced the misfortunes. Why does he write that the Indians lead a freer
life than Europeans? Thomas Morton was among one of the first settlers to write
about Native Americans. He claimed that they are guided only by nature and lead a
freer, happier life because they were not obsessed with material things. It was clear
that... Show more content on ...
It is because of this reason that the author does not believe in absolute monarchies.
However, he does believe that limited monarchies can be compatible with freedom.
What does Hamilton seem to think is the greatest threat to liberty? In the trial of
John Peter Zenger, in 1735 Hamilton equates Zenger s defense with the cause of
liberty . It was written this way to appeal to the jury and help them understand that
if they were they to limit Zenger s rights by finding him guilty, it would also limit
theirs. Hamilton thinks the greatest threat to liberty is depriving people of
freedom of speech. How does Cole s account help us to understand why so many
established religious leaders were alarmed by Whitefield s appearance in the
American colonies? George Whitefield was a great preacher and religious leader in
the Great Awakening. Everyone in the colonies loved to hear him preach of love
and forgiveness because he had a different style of preaching. This led to new
missionary work in the colonies in converting Indians and Africans to Christianity.
Religious leaders were alarmed by Whitefield appearance because he was young
My Mom And Dad Got A Divorce
my mom and dad got a divorce when i was just in second grade. there is no doubt
my life changed at that point but the changes that were to come due to the
catalyzing effect of something as simple as divorce surpasses anything that my
parents or i could have ever imagined at that time. obviously divorce means
splitting time, splitting houses and sometimes changing schools. but for me the
divorce was mainly an open door for new adults to come into the picture, on my
dads side everything was simple and remained stagnant, he married to my current
step mom who really had no adverse effects on my life and she has truly become a
part of my life and I never had any difficulties coping with her. on my mothers side
it was much more chaotic to say the least, about (2) years after the divorce she
found a man named howard. We eventually moved in together in long grove and
life was moving along pretty well. Howard seemed unemployed but he had called
himself an entrepreneur and established his credibility when he made it big with
his joystick company in the 1980s. After his company s success in the 80s he spent
the rest of his time trying to find a different venture chasing that grip on success that
he once briefly had. My mom being active in the medical field gave howard
inspiration to start up a company with her. The initial premise of the business was
simple yet groundbreaking, his company called mHealth(neovision) provided a
medical service utilizing Cisco video chat for
Cyber Warfare Techniques And Technology Development...
To address the increasing threats to national security coming from the cyber domain,
military intelligence corps have recognized the need for officers trained in cyberspace
counterterrorism techniques, technologies, and methods. These officers direct and
conduct integrated electronic warfare, information technology, and cyberspace
operations, as authorized or directed, to ensure freedom of action in and through
cyberspace and the information environment, and to deny the same to our nation s
In support of the requirement for officers trained in cyber warfare techniques and
technologies, the ROTC Cyber Research program provides cadets with opportunities
to research and solve real world problems in cyber security and cyber counter
This first year pilot program research effort focused on the design and deployment of
a covert communications network that can operate at the enemy s operational base
and gather intelligence on enemy communications and activities. This effort is in
support of the Year 1 Challenge Problem of the Cyber Spectrum Research and
Technology Development Virtual Environment (CSpec DVE).
The covert communications system design is optimal with regard to detection
avoidance, information gathering and transmission, and power requirements. Covert
methodologies for installation, maintenance, and data retrieval were also devised. It
was determined that a covert system can easily be set up in an residential enemy
base of operations using
The Murphree s Efficiency For A Bubble Cap Tray And A...
The main purpose of this experiment is to determine the Murphree s efficiency for a
bubble cap tray and a sieve tray in a distillation column and how the vapor flow rate
affects the Murphree s efficiency. The understanding of efficiencies is essential in the
design and assessment of distillation columns, because efficiency determines the
degree of separation in mixtures.
Distillation columns can be used to separate binary mixtures or mixtures of several
components. The mixtures are separated by taking advantage of the different
volatilities and boiling points of the individual components. As heat is added to the
distillation tower, the more volatile component, and consequently the component with
the lower boiling point will be boiled off faster than the less volatile components. The
volatile vapor then travels up the tower through the column trays and comes into
contact with the less volatile liquid at each tray. Since the vapor that travels up the
tower does not only contain one component but a mixture of all the components, the
less volatile component will condense back into liquid and create a higher
concentrated vapor. The distillate stream is at the top of the tower and contains the
desired product of separation.
A distillation column is used to separate a binary mixture of ethanol and water.
Ethanol is a more volatile component and thus it will boil off faster than water. The
distillation column is operated at total reflux, which is an operating condition where
Juvenile Delinquency Is Not Acceptable
Juvenile delinquency is when minors commit criminal acts or offenses that are
against the law and in which adult prosecution is not acceptable. It is interesting to
note that this was not always the case. Before juvenile delinquency was established,
juveniles were trialed and treated as adults. There was no such thing as a juvenile
court, juvenile correctional facilities, or juvenile support groups, when the juvenile
deviated. Later, many believed that when juveniles deviated that it meant that they
needed guidance and support to help them. This change was made mainly because the
value of children increased due to the fact that children were beginning to live longer
and were healthier. Throughout the semester it has been intriguing to learn more
about this topic and learn different theories related to it, as well as delinquency
triggers. There are four theories that relate to juvenile delinquency. Strain Theory is
when the juvenile experiences strain, or stress, which as a result causes them to
commit delinquent acts. Strain can be caused by the juvenile failing to achieve
goals, and/or the loss of positive stimuli or the presentation of negative stimuli.
Social Learning Theory is when juveniles learn to engage in delinquent acts by being
reinforced, positively or negatively, in some way. Control Theory is when the
juvenile varies with the levels of control, which causes them to commit delinquent
acts. Labeling Theory is when juveniles are labeled as bad or delinquent ,
Effects Of Colonialism In Jamaica
Like many other aspects of the Jamaican way of life, colonialism has shaped the way
the media in Jamaica functions, but the country has managed to maintain large
elements of its culture.
In an article written in the Jamaica Observer, Haughton (2017) describes the state of
Jamaica as an under developed child who continues to depend on its parents for
approval. For many years colonialism milked Jamaica and other Caribbean countries
by imposing a false identity on our people, diminishing resources that affected growth
and development (Haughton, 2017).
This false identity to which Haugthon refers, is indicative of how most countries
that were colonies operate. This has impacted the way we dress, speak and relate to
each other. Stone (1992) posits that the because the social ideology of plantation
society defined black people as being ... Show more content on ...
This ultimately impacts the operations of the media in that country since the media
function as a conduit of information and cultural trends.
Burton (2015) in her Journal, Globalisation and Cultural Identity in Caribbean
Society: The Jamaican Case, however points out that Jamaica has a unique culture
and this has shaped how that countries adapts to the effects of colonialism and even
In what the author describes as Glocalisation , it is noted that in Jamaica, Western
cultural patterns are domesticated and adapted within the cultural pattern of the
Jamaican society. In other words, Jamaicans fuse most of what the world offers with
aspects of their culture.
The idea that the Jamaican cultural identity, and by extension the Jamaican s
understanding of the self, may be lost by the presence of globalising forces can be
resisted by recognising that there is an appropriation process that occurs and that this
process has an underlying instrumental methodology (Burton, 2015). This is evident
in how the country treats with it food and
Through Out Middle East The Lives Of Women Appear To
Through out Middle East the lives of women appear to have no influencing role in
society. Elizabeth Fernea provides an survey of the traditions of an Iraqi village in
her book Guests of the Sheik. Within this book, Fernea explores the element of
gender and its impact on the roles of women in Iraq, directly in the village of El
Nahra. She also encounters the expectations based on the genderspecific social
constructs of polygamous families. Another woman author, Leila Abouzeid, explores
similar elements in the work Return to Childhood, which is based in islamic
Morocco. Fernea, who the women of the harem call Beeja, presents experiential
information about the life of both women and men and her role within her husband s
life as it reflects... Show more content on ...
Within both communities spoken of these books, there are three elements of life that
appear over and over and underscore the gender differences within eastern culture.
These include: the relationship between women and the rearing of children, customs
and the process of marriage and the preparation and consumption of food (including
the feast of Ramadan).Within Fernea s experiences, these elements repeat
and continually provide greater understanding of the differences between western
culture and the intricacies of the culture of the Iraqi village. These elements are also
apparent when Abouzeid recalls the conversation and action of the men in and around
her family.
Fernea experiences her understanding of the relationship between women and the of
raising children through her exposure to the sheik s harem. The women of the harem
represent many different types and different ages, from the sheik s earliest wives to
his favorite wife of the current day. Though the sheik s wives share the raising of
his children, there appears to be a level of jealousy among the different wives, yet
all accept Selma s role as the immediate leader because of her favored status with the
sheik. The women share not only their husband, but elements of bringing up a child
and a concern for the social consistencies displayed by their interactions. Fernea is
able to learn the importance of motherhood to the
The Leadership Styles Of Sir Li Ka-Shing
As a most successful leader, there are lots of success experiences about his
leadership. One of the leadership styles that Sir Li Ka Shing having is the
transformation leadership style. His transformation leadership style can be shown
by his growing business operation. On the different stage of his company s
growing, his innovation is widespread. He always change the old way although it
seems health and success. He is a transformational leader who uses intellectual
stimulation. Nothing can stop him from innovation and change the old rules. He has
the ability of imagination and creativity in rethinking assumptions and old ways of
doing things. To illustrate my point, Sir Li Ka Shing entered the business world as a
teenager, selling plastic goods until he is twenty two years old. He started his own
plastics company, Cheung Kong, specializing in plastic flowers. He entered the real
estate market in the 1960s.In 1979, only the colonial government owned more real
estate in Hong Kongthan Sir Li Ka Shing. What makes him distinctive, though, is that
he has plowed returns from Hong Kong real estate into international businesses.
Besides, Sir Li Ka Shing has displayed inspirational motivation.... Show more content
on ...
The pay that he compensated to his workers is less than the actual rate. This shows
that Sir Li Ka Shing is an autocratic leader. Autocratic leaders expect obedience, not
understanding and input from their staff or followers. Under autocratic style, leader
is the maximum ruler that they make decisions without seeking any opinion. Sir Li
Ka Shing autocratic action is inappropriate and this will eventually create fear and
low employee morale. Therefore, to apply autocratic leadership style in an
appropriate way, Sir Li Ka Shing should listen to his employees and take their
complaints into considerations. This will lead to the employees to remain loyal
towards Sir Li
The Battle Of Roanoke Island
Roanoke Island is an island in North Carolina. It was, at one time, a colony that was
founded by England. It was very small, accommodating only around a hundred
colonists total. However, this colony mysteriously disappeared with no real clue as
to what happened. There are many theories on what could have happened to the
colony, though no one currently knows for sure. More theories keep being created
based on findings that modern day scientists have been able to gather. This mystery is
one that people even today are still attempting to solve.
There were three different expeditions to Roanoke Island. The first group, which got
to the island in 1584, went to explore and make maps for future groups that would
go to the island. The second group going in 1585 was not very friendly to the
natives, however. They also took land and resources for themselves, more than they
needed. The local Native American tribes drove them off of the island by 1586. The
next group is the one that ended in mystery, though. The third group arrived at the
island in 1587. It was a much larger group, though still very small. One hundred and
eighteen people all together, ninety men, seventeen women, and eleven children. This
group makeup meant that they wanted to settle there and live, probably peacefully.
The island already had some buildings that were able to be lived in on it, thanks to
the first to groups of explorers. The chosen governor for the colony was a man
named John White. He was, of course,
The Effect Of Velashape Cellulite On The Body
(Dallas, Texas) recently reported that cellulite affects 90 percent of
women at one time or another in their lives, even those who are in great shape and
remain at a healthy weight. This common problem arises when fat deposits in the
body make their way through connective tissue under the skin, and maybe the results
of hormonal issues, inadequate muscle tone and exercise, excess fat and/or poor
circulation. Laserium Med Spa now offers VelaShape Cellulite Reduction for
individuals wishing to remove these unsightly bumps.
VelaShape helps to improve the texture of the patient s skin, while targeting localized
fat deposits and reducing the appearance of cellulite. VelaShape remains the only
device currently cleared by the FDA for reducing cellulite and firming the skin, and it
effectively slims, shapes and contours the body. Patients begin to see results
following the initial treatment, although they are most apparent six to eight weeks
after treatment is complete, Kira Gill, spokesperson for Laserium Med Spa,
announces. ... Show more content on ...
Less connective tissue is found in those areas, making it easier for fat deposits to
make their way to the skin s surface. In addition, estrogen levels in a female s body
decrease with time, and this often leads to poor circulation, a decline in collagen
production and the deterioration of connective tissue. All can lead to the appearance of
Manhood In The Film, Magnolia
No man has ever risen to the real stature of spiritual manhood until he has found
that it is finer to serve somebody else than it is to serve himself Woodrow Wilson.
What truly classifies a man as manly ? To some, manhood is a sense of authority
over others, and to others, manhood is shown by love, compassion, and providing
security for those around them. Portrayed as a fast paced film, Magnolia depicts a
story of shattered families, unforeseen relations, catastrophe, second chances, and
differences in life choices. The theme of a film, or any work, is the subject or topic.
Roger Ebert expresses in his review of Magnolia how the opening sequence, a
narrated TV special about coincidence, sets up the entire theme of the film: It sets...
Show more content on ...
Frank Mackey based his manhood on the disrespecting, owning, downgrading, and
manipulation of women. Frank not only chose to not overcome his past, but also
presented his belief in not facing your past to his viewers. Jim Curring s occupation
as a police officer portrays his love for his community, also, his ability to serve helps
him understand the man he has become. However, the decision making, whether it
be to act as an officer, or whether to give someone a second chance will forever be a
troubling decision to Jim. Although their differences in views of manhood, the
realization that everyone has their differences and has a purpose in this world is a
molded theory in both Frank and
The Science Of Unitary Human Beings Theory
Nursing Theorist Paper
Martha Rogers is the nursing theorist who developed the Science of Unitary Human
Beings theory. In her studies she proposed that humans and the environment are in
constant interaction with one another as an infinite energy field. In the theoretical
model there are four components, they include: dimensionality, openness, patterns
and organizations, and energy fields. These components were in turn used to create
three principles, which are resonancy, helicy, and integrality. The welfare of the
patient is embellished by the patterns and organizations components.
The Science of Unitary Beings models has had a great impact on the nursing process.
From this theory alone, has stemmed non pharmaceutical approaches for ... Show
more content on ...
It can be done by suggesting alternatives, encouraging you patient, educating, and
empowering them. When evaluating the response, you wait until the pattern appraisal
and the mutual patterning is done and decide if dissonance and harmony is present.
Rogers believes that there is a symphonic relationship between the patient and the
nurse. Nurses and patients are more than just physical beings but instead they are
emotional, psychological, social and spiritual aspects to one another that are
independent and inseparable. She specifically defines the person as a profitable,
multidimensional, indivisible energy field that is identified by its patterns and
manifesting characteristics. These characteristics cannot be predicted but are
developed through three key principles of resonancy (changing from low to high
frequencies continuously), helicy (increasing diversity), and integrality (human and
environmental fields continuously working as a whole).
Rogers believes that the environment and the humans are synonymous and integral to
one another while being continuously creative in their evolution. The environment is
an energy field that should be viewed as a whole, with the human energy field simply
embedded in it. Rogers s states that the person s perceptions and experiences, also
known as the energy field, are continuously changing and interacting with the
environment s energy field. So the environments
How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks
How to manage work health and safety risks
Code of Practice 2011
Workplace health and safety Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General
This Queensland code of practice was made by the Minister for Education and
Industrial Relations on 27 November 2011 and published in the Queensland
Government Gazette on 2 December 2011. This code commences on 1 January
2012. This code is based on a national model code of practice developed by Safe
Work Australia and approved by the Workplace Relations Ministers Council on 10
August 2011 as part of the harmonisation of work health and safety laws.
Creative Commons Except for the Safe Work Australia logo, this copyright work is
licensed under a Creative Commons ... Show more content on ...
An approved code of practice is a practical guide to achieving the standards of
health, safety and welfare required under the WHS Act and the Work Health and
Safety Regulations (the WHS Regulations). A code of practice applies to anyone
who has a duty of care in the circumstances described in the code. In most cases,
following an approved code of practice would achieve compliance with the health
and safety duties in the WHS Act, in relation to the subject matter of the code.
Like regulations, codes of practice deal with particular issues and do not cover all
hazards or risks that may arise. The health and safety duties require duty holders to
consider all risks associated with work, not only those for which regulations and
codes of practice exist. Codes of practice are admissible in court proceedings under
the WHS Act and Regulations. Courts may regard a code of practice as evidence of
what is known about a hazard, risk or control and may rely on the code in
determining what is reasonably practicable in the circumstances to which the code
relates. Compliance with the WHS Act and Regulations may be achieved by
following another method, such as a technical or an industry standard, if it provides
an equivalent or higher standard of work health and safety than the code. An
Zombie Apocalypse Alternate Ending
Brian s bright green eyes looked up at the dead ones looking down at him, seeing
the zombie s face coated in pleasure as she slid up and down along his length. He
had already managed to make one of them cum, but she was now lying along his
legs, not allowing him to get back up, while the other two females, looking down at
him with a mixture of hunger and lust, had his arms pinned to the floor. He watched
the breasts bouncing in front of him as the female zombietried to coax a load from
him, wanting to feed sexually before they all feed on his flesh.
However, he soon saw the female zombie on top of him have a metal blade lodged in
her head. He looked up, seeing a woman, dressed well and well proportioned, taking
out all the zombies that had been hassling him. He felt a warm, sticky liquid lightly
coat his legs and his face but still, he was glad for the help. Brian closed his eyes,
sighing in relief as he did so. He pushed the dead zombie off of him and was about
to get up before he spied what his saviour was doing. She was...fondling herself. He
watched as her hands moved into her top, then down into her shorts, pretty sure that
she was rubbing herself. Why? He thought to himself. What made her do that? Was it
her seeing me being ravaged by the zombies? ... Show more content on ...
He felt her nudging her with his boot and he quickly got up. Thanks for the help.
He said with a very warm smile as he extended his hand. I m Brian, nice to meet
you! . Brian blushed as he released his pants were still down, pulling them up so it
hid his rock hard member, not minding that he wouldn t get release. He looked at
the sky and then at her. Well, it s getting dark, we need to take shelter. I have a hide
out not too far from here, just outside the city. I was scavenging supplies! . He
looked at his bag on the floor and grabbed it, clearly struggling to lift it, but lift it he
did. He looked at her once more as he nodded and they both started
Inevitable Events In Ancient Greece Essay
The events that factored in Ancient Greece s downfall were inevitable in the sense
that some of the events were destined to happen. Though a few of the events could
have been avoidable like the city states and their function as a nation. Each city state
acted as a separate, independent country, which did not bring unity to Greece, instead
it made Greece too vulnerable. These differences of the city states eventually led to
wars that drastically changed the nation such as the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars,
which both involved the two most infamous city states, Sparta, and Athens. The
inevitable event, that factored in Ancient Greeces downfall, was Alexander the Great
s death. Alexander played a major role in Ancient Greece s unity. Alexander was one
... Show more content on ...
Each of the prosperous cities obtained its own government system, which made the
cities like individual countries. These cities are known as city states or polis .
There was not a definite government system in these city states. Some city states
had a democracy, but others had a monarchy, or aristocracy (Mavommatis). The city
states were constantly at odds with each other because they would abuse and take
for granted one another s resources such as; stealing goods and taking it to one s
homeland without ever paying for it (Mavommatis). Two of the most notorious city
states, which both were vastly different, were Sparta and Athens (O Connell 41 43).
For example, in an article written by Panayiotis P. Mavommatis, Mavommatis
described the two city states by pointing out education was mostly about philosophy
and arts in Athens, and solely military in Sparta (Mavommatis). Athens started off as
a monarchy, changed to an aristocracy then later changed to a direct democracy.
Athens democracy system had an elected council of 500 men. Common citizens
could vote only if they were part eighteen years of age, and were male. Men that
Similarities Between Canadian And American Culture
Canadian and American cultures very similar to each other. Both established by
British Empire. Both countries written, as well as most common language is English.
Similarities goes on and on in consequence of people who populated both countries
are European immigrants (retrieved from
/Canada_vs_United_States ).
Although, both country gained their independence from British Empire, Americans
achieved this over 100 earlier than Canadians and Canadians still keep their cultural
ties with Great Britain with their Constitutional Monarchy. Also Americans fight The
Independence War against British Empire where Canadian Independence was a
diplomatic success (retrieved from canada
gain its independence beb1f32a1fa267b0 ... Show more content on ...
It is safe to say that government and wanted to save the small amount of publishers
by protecting their advertisement revenue against US giants. The government didn t
make any such claim when the other economical subsidies compromised such as job
losses and migration of some companies to labour cheep countries during the Free
Trade Agreement process (Law, M.T., Mihlar, F., 1998). Nonetheless it is not
justifiable to discriminate successful businesses as there is a demand for their
product. Canadian government didn t understand, prepare and adopt to implications
of the technology such as internet. Canadians themselves couldn t bring successful
alternative to what they see as a threat to their identity. The Canadian government
could change the old school laws and procedures to new ones which could adopt to
the new technology. Government could spend more effort to be more successful in
international competition such as The Olympics to take the attention of people in
order to protect cultural
Different Perspectives In Edwin Arlington Robinson s Poem
In the poems Richard Cory written by Edwin Arlington Robinson and Glass Ceiling
written by T. R. Hummer. Both authors explain how well someone can be but with
a different perspectives. Robinson in his poem talk about this well man that had
everything but feeling so empty. In the other poem Hummer talks how a
grandmother is trying to teach a lesson to her granddaughter. I believe that the two
characters have something in common that in which make them take different
decisions, with a fancy and well images but being total different. Richard Cody was
a well respected men that everyone would like to be, We people on the pavement
looked at him: He was a gentleman from sole to crown meaning that he was a really
nice guy that a man that was... Show more content on ...
In the Glass Ceiling Hammer the narrator express his feelings as a grandchild tell
that his mother was the grandmother, the kind of person that everyone would
recognize for knowing a lot as old school, she was hiding into that well known
woman when the tru was not that, since a mother should be leading a research
group, or running a software company,but a grandmother still can dress in
buckskin and ride a fabulous palomino, doing handstands, old people were
different from today s society, now this is turning into a different world. Both
poems show how others relate to these people that are as we are but with different
beliefs, education, and social class. Richard Cordy was a well and respected man;
rich and famous, but not happy, or having someone to be there for him. Hammer
presents the need of masquerading a person for his/her real personality because the
society has certain expectations for genders that can be judge, as in Glass Ceiling
Hammer s mom having a different personality wearing a mask. People are not
always happy as they
Institutional Changes From The Lisbon Treaty
In order to look at whether the institutional changes from the Lisbon Treaty have been
able to reduce the democratic pressure and if after these changes does the European
Union still lack democratic accountability. We shall look at all the main insinuations
and discuss the changes that were brought in and how these may have or haven t
contributed to make the union free form its democratic pressure.
The Lisbon Treaty was signed by the member states on the 13 of December 2007, it
amended the existing European Union (EU) and the treaties the ratification process
turned out to be longer than anticipated. The Lisbon Treaty came in to force
officially on 1 of December 2009. The treaty was aimed to make Europe democratic
and transparent they ... Show more content on ...
They exercise the powers of initiative, being able to act independently from the
government. So that they can get a better understanding of the objectives of the
community this helps them preserve any individual interests member states may
have. Article 17 of The Treaty European Union (TEU) provides all of the duties of
the Commission. The European Council can only appoint commissioners once the
European Parliament has given consent. The Lisbon Treaty was to introduce a
smaller commission however this was not phased out as Ireland opposed.
The Commission President can only be nominated by a qualified majority vote from
the Europe an Parliament and they can only then be elected by them by a Majority,
if the required majority of votes is not met then the European Council are able to
within a month time propose another candidate. Once commissioners are appointed
they cannot be dismissed during their term in the office by the governments, they
must remain in the office unless they have been replaced or compulsory retired . In
cases as such the European Parliament has enough power to pass a motion to remove
the commission. In 1999, when allegations of mismanagement and waste the
Parliament had failed to provide any motion and in this event the whole commission
and the President had to resign. The commission is able to propose legislation and
policy proposals; they are required to publish all proposals, which establishes
Chipotle Process Structure
Beating the Competition with Process Structure, Design Strategy, and Customer
Steve Ells, Founder and Co CEO of Chipotle Mexican Grill Restaurant, states that,
Our focus on our unique people and food culture has created an impressive demand
for a restaurant experience that is redefining fast food for the better. This statement
from Ells displays the foundation of Chipotle Restaurant s success with their fast
casual brand. This industry has grown 550% since 1999 due to customers seeking out
fast yet healthier alternatives for their lunch and dinner (Ferdman, 2015).
Chipotle opened its first restaurant in 1993 with the goal of providing high quality
ingredients in their preparation of their food selection. Consideration of how the
food is harvested, the environment, and treatment of animals are held as a high
priority for the socially responsible Chipotle Restaurant. Food is made without
artificial flavors or fillers. In 2015, Chipotle has succeeded to start offering food
without GMO ingredients (Chipotle, 2015). A GMO (genetically modified organism)
are foods that are produced using genetic engineering. (Seeds of Deception, 2014)
For this analysis, recommendations will be delivered on how Chipotle Mexican Grill
can defeat their fast casual restaurant competitors. This can be done by adopting the
business processes of their competitors through design strategy, customer
management, and process structure. The analysis will show the process structure of
Stereotypes In The Film Bran Nue Dae
Perceptions are pervasive in society and can prompt lethal repercussions. These
include relationship breakup, privation of belonging and obviates progression. The
film Bran Nue Dae explores perceptions such as alcoholic, on drugs, unhygienic,
destitute, belonging nowhere and a nuisance to society that associate with
indigenous Australians. Albeit some of these statements are true, this is NOT the
case for all. Believe it or not, there are people in society that have escaped from these
circle of perceptions and have been able to live a typical life. It is as a result of this,
to never make perceptions true or reality.
Firstly, perceptions can endanger relationship ties. This is prevalent when the priest
says that I knew your aboriginal kind would be worth nothing . If this statement is
said publicly or to someone who is of aboriginal decent then it would definitely
engender an uproar or a physical conflict with the individual or the Aboriginal
community. Although the filmsatirises this stereotype through dance, in ... Show
more content on ...
This is evident in the film where the white man looks as Willie and then walks off.
This scene shows the perceptions of indigenous Australians on the minds of the
white people. It is as a result of these perceptions that this man would rather walk
swiftly away from an Aborigine than inclining to succour the individual that is
lying on the street. This creates a sense of disconnection from their land and
spirituality especially from the people who are living in it. It can also lead to
tempestuous behaviours which are apparent today. Similarly, the music exemplifies
to portray this impact as well as for the for the responder to feel lachrymose and
sorry for the individual. All in all, perceptions can have deleterious effects on
indigenous Australians such as the privation of belonging especially from their land
Informative Essay On Luxury Cars
Have you ever before speculated exactly what the most expensive cars in the world
are? And why individuals would definitely buy them? (aside from being incredibly
rich). In this report we will certainly go through the leading the most top 10
expensive cars, top expensive cars in the world 1.Pagani Zonda Clinque Roadster
The very first car or truck on our list could not be the highest priced however it
definitely loads a punch. It is the Pagani Zonda Clinque Roadster which is valued
at $ 1,850,000. An exceptionally glamorous sporty car which includes an
incredibly special design. It may range from 0 62 miles per hour in 3.4 seconds and
has a leading rate of 217 mph. An exceptional car or truck for the huge plentiful, well
if you are not rather... Show more content on ...
With the body made of carbon fiber and aluminum supported by capable 910 drive
motor, this auto can achieve 100 km/hr in under 3 second 6,Hennessey Venom GT
This eminent auto is produced by Hennessey Performance Engineering. Its
momentous undercarriage is said to be collected in Silverstone, costs
around $725,000 7.Maybach Landaulet Maybach with its magnificent and exciting
looks is outfitted with a standout amongst the most creative and propelled
frameworks that might be introduced in an auto. it costs around $1.4,000,000
8.Lamborghini Gallardo Super Trofeo Stradale is extraordinarily diminished on
the grounds that its bodywork is made of aluminum and carbon fiber. It can take
off in 0 62 miles for every hour in 3.4 seconds. it costs around 895,000 dollars
9.Ferrari Enzo This is an auto which doesn t need even a little piece regarding
styling and in the meantime has eminent execution hiding in the engine. Ferrari
Enzo s underlying cost is $670,000 10. Leblanc Mirabeau Intended to contend in the
24 Hours of Le Mans (the world s most seasoned continuance race), the Mirabeau
resembles a race auto from each conceivable edge. its underlying cost is
State Of Syringe Access Informative Speech
The State of Syringe Access (Inspired by President Obama s Final State of the
Union Address) I come to you today to report on the State of Syringe Access in our
fair Union. I know some of you are antsy to stop reading the AIDS United Policy
Update and get back to Iowa. Tonight, for my final address to this chamber, I don t
want to talk just about the next year. I want to focus not only what is happening
but what we foresee in the next five years, ten years, and beyond. It s finally true.
As we have mentioned in a recent Policy Update, Congress has passed legislation
that would allow the use of federal funding for syringe access programs, that will
ultimately prevent the spread of HIV and hepatitis! The ban, first enacted as part of
the... Show more content on ...
We are most grateful to the thousands of advocates and people who have worked to
end the ban for decades and to those working at syringe access programs all over
the country. Finally, a heartfelt thank you to people who inject drugs who have in
many ways guided our understanding and led the way on this issue. It has taken a
long time to reach this point but the future of an HIV response based in harm
reduction is within reach! That s why I stand here confident that the State of Syringe
Access is strong. Thank you and good
How Bernanke Deals With The Financial Crisis And The...
First of all, before reading this book, I did some research of Ben Bernanke, who is
the writer of this book. Bernanke is not only the former Fed Chairman but also a
great and knowledgeable economist. President Obama described him as epitome of
clam . However, his career has huge merit, also has artificial wrong, merit half and
half. The Wall Street Journal commented that after suffering a financial crisis which
he has never been through, the Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke lead United States avoid
involving into a devastating panic. After five years, he used uncustomary policy to
help United States to achieve economic recovery; however, the result is frustrating.
He left behind the legacy which mingled with failure, fearless, persistent,... Show
more content on ...
However, Bernanke admonished investors by the book that even though banking
regulation and supervision protect investors as always, if some particular events or
financial crisis happened, like housing bubble and mortgage markets crisis, either or
both of these two system work. The example in the book is booming house prices
in 2000s. After the sharply increasing of housing prices, risky mortgage lending
likes subprime lending trouble began surfacing in 2006 and 2007. The risky
mortgage comes with more demand for housing, which will again push the housing
prices higher and higher, reinforcing a vicious cycle. As a result, because of the
nominate housing price is much higher than the real price, the careful lenders who
have good credit step out the market, the rest of borrowers are subprime lenders,
some borrowers were defaulting on loan after making only a few, or even no,
payments. (318) In the book, Bernanke conceded that Fed responded the trouble
slowly and cautiously. When Board in Washington determined to make supervision of
bank more centralized, he still overconfidently believe that Reserve Bank staff were
better informed about condition in their districts. Another Bernanke s conceit is that
the financial regulatory system was not as stable and comprehensive as he thought
before the financial crisis. In
Orientalism And Imperialism In Mcbryde s A Passage To
caves produce, are of snakes and worms. Mrs. Moor is sunk in apathy and cynicism.
Her romance with India is over.
On their return from picnic, Aziz behaves like a child in the face of the Raj
officials, who intend to arrest him on charge of an attempted crime. Only Fielding, a
British, can keep him calm and sane. Fielding is portrayed as a superior human being
who is in control of everything. The Indians, including Aziz, wail and weep at this
McBryde, the British police officer, has an Orientalist doctrine about the Indians. All
natives who live south of latitude 30 are criminals at heart. The psychology of the
people, McBryde tells Fielding, is different in India. The collector declares India to be
a poisonous ... Show more content on ...
The study has proved its basic proposition that A Passage to India is a colonialist
discourse and as one form of Orientalism has strengthened and reinforced the
stereotype image of India and Indians. The study has shown that Forster has not
made even a passing reference to the oppression and the pandemic brutalities of the
natives by the colonizers. He has not mentioned any Indian leader or the struggle put
up by the Indians to get rid of their oppressors. The study has also shown the deep
link between culture and imperialism. The Indians are shown to have assimilated the
culture of their masters .The Indians are portrayed as ashamed of themselves, of their
culture and of their identity. Throughout the novel, the Indians are presented as lesser
people, who cannot manage their affairs like mature, responsible individuals. This is
the projection of the European hegemonic assumptions, which have been exposed by
the present study. The analysis also has highlighted the portrayal of the internal
divisions and infighting among the Indians, on social and religious grounds. This was
meant to justify the presence of the British in
German Shepherd Research Paper
They are also very obedient which means that you can teach them things without
half trying to. In fact, if you repeat something a couple of times that is all that is
usually required. Because they are very intelligent and instinctively obedient, a hard
handed approach should never be taken with them. By nature they are very devoted
to their owners and doing anything that will shake their faith in you will make them
unnecessarily aggressive and ill tempered. An ill tempered German Shepherd is very
difficult to control which is the reason why you will find so many dogs, little more
than pups, at the pound. It is usually the owners who are at fault, never the dog.
German Shepherds are also very controlled, and you will very rarely find one that
actually displays a lot of outward emotion. They make great companions because they
understand you and will not require a lot of petting all the time, unlike the ... Show
more content on ...
The German Shepherd is incredibly versatile and its skills can be used to sniff out
drugs and intruders, alert rescue teams to victims tracked beneath rubble and even
detect a gas leak in a pipe buried 15 feet underground. As well as being an extremely
useful and effective working dog, the German Shepherd is also a great pet.
As working dogs, German Shepherds are direct, fearless, eager to learn, alert and
obedient. These traits also translate to a fantastic pet as they will be tremendously
loyal and protective towards their family or owner. They are a confident animal
but do not appear hostile unless challenged or threatened. These dogs love to be
close to their families and are often affectionate but are wary of strangers. If you do
choose to have a German Shepherd as a pet you need to be sure that you will be
able to spend a substantial amount of time with it as they do not like being isolated
for long periods of
Comparing Edna of Kate Chopin s The Awakening and
Nora of...
Comparing Edna of Kate Chopin s The Awakening and Nora of Henrik Ibsen s A
Doll s House
Kate Chopin s work, The Awakening, and Henrik Ibsen s play, A Doll s House, were
written at a time when men dominated women in every aspect of life. Edna
Pontellier, the protagonist in The Awakening
, and Nora, the protagonist in A Dolls
House, are trapped in a world dominated by men. The assumed superiority of their
husbands traps them in their households. Edna and Nora share many similarities, yet
differ from each other in many ways.
Two main similarities of Edna and Nora are that they both have an awakening and
are like caged birds without freedom; one main difference is that Edna lives in reality
and Nora lives in a fantasy ... Show more content on ...
When the saying is translated into English it means, Get out! Get out! Damn in!;
the caged bird sends the message that Edna needs to get out of her marriage to
make everything right in her life. Like Edna, Nora is reflected as a trapped bird.
Nora, in A Doll s House, is constantly referred to as a bird by her husband, Helmer.
As in the quote, And I couldn t wish you anything but just what you are, my sweet
little lark (Ibsen 972). Helmer show his ownership of Nora and how she is his little
bird. Unlike the image of a caged parrot, Nora is a bird trapped by the dominance of
her husband.
A second similarity is that Edna and Nora each had an awakening about her own
marriage. Edna s awakening took place early in the novel, while Nora s awakening
occurred at the end of the play. The realization that she was not happy taking care of
her husband, house or children began Edna s awakening. Represented by the quote,
An indescribable oppression, which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of
her consciousness, filled her whole being with a vague anguish (Chopin 14). Edna
feels the entrapment of her marriage that has been present subconsciously, and it
fills her mind and soul with pain and hurt. At the end of A Doll s House, Nora
announces to her husband the need to leave the marriage due to the oppression
caused by his power over her. Nora feels as though their marriage has never been a
true marriage, and that Helmer and herself never truly knew
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  • 1. Sibling Rivalry Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Sibling Rivalry" can prove to be both challenging and intricate. The complexity arises from the need to delve into the intricacies of human relationships, particularly within the context of family dynamics. Sibling rivalry, being a multifaceted phenomenon, requires a nuanced exploration of psychological, emotional, and social aspects. To begin with, one must navigate through the vast literature on family psychology, child development, and interpersonal relationships. Understanding the various theories and perspectives related to sibling rivalry is crucial in constructing a comprehensive and well- informed essay. This involves delving into the works of renowned psychologists and researchers who have explored the roots and consequences of sibling competition. Additionally, the essay should incorporate personal anecdotes, case studies, or real-life examples to illustrate and contextualize the theoretical concepts discussed. Balancing the academic depth with relatable, tangible instances can be challenging but is essential to engage the reader and make the essay more compelling. Structuring the essay is another hurdle to overcome. Determining the right flow of ideas, organizing thoughts coherently, and ensuring a logical progression of arguments can be demanding. Moreover, maintaining a balance between providing factual information and expressing personal viewpoints requires careful consideration. Furthermore, addressing the emotional dimension of sibling rivalry adds another layer of difficulty. Navigating the delicate aspects of family relationships and emotions demands a thoughtful and empathetic approach. The essay should not only analyze the causes and effects of sibling rivalry but also explore potential solutions and coping mechanisms, making it a delicate tightrope walk between objectivity and sensitivity. In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of sibling rivalry demands a blend of academic rigor, personal reflection, and emotional intelligence. It requires a writer to skillfully navigate through a myriad of perspectives, theories, and personal experiences, while maintaining a coherent and engaging narrative. It is undoubtedly a task that requires careful consideration, research, and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. If you find yourself overwhelmed by such writing challenges, it's worth noting that there are resources available to assist you. For instance, similar essays and a variety of academic writing services can be accessed on platforms like, where professionals can provide support and guidance in tackling intricate topics like sibling rivalry. Sibling Rivalry EssaySibling Rivalry Essay
  • 2. How Are The Inca And Aztecs Similar There are many reasons why the Aztec s culture and the Incas culture are almost identical. Most of the things that makes these empires so identical is they were established about the same way, also they both believe and worshiped many gods and deities. Also, both empires economy was heavily based around agriculture. Not only that but they had lots of beautiful artwork. Art was very important to the Aztecs, they used different types of art such as music, poetry, and sculpture to praise their gods and deities. They also used to make jewelry and used feather to put on clothes or headdress that they would wear, the reason why the used feathers and jewelry was to to set Aztecnobility apart from the common Aztec person. The Aztecs used many metaphors... Show more content on ... They both were very large and very powerful empires that eventually ceased to exist. Both Incas and Aztecs participated in human sacrifices the Aztec would sacrifice other tribes people to make their gods happy they would also sacrifice people to get a good harvest, The Inca would also participate in human sacrifice, but they would sacrifice children during or after major events that would occur. Both the Aztec and the Inca empire had very developed civilization, they had many tools that they would use to create different items, which made their empire more advance then others. Another thing they both had in common is that they believed and worshiped many gods, Both also believed and worshiped a sun god the Inca worshiped the sun god named Inti and the Aztecs worshiped the sun god named Tonatiuh. They both also heavily depended on agriculture their main resource of food would be maize which was very important to both empires, they also both had a maize god. The last thing that these two great empires had in common where they both were conquered by Spain. The Aztecs were conquered by Herman Cortes and other Indian tribes. The Inca were conquered by Francisco
  • 3. Health Care Regulations Health care regulations have developed in a lagging fashion throughout the history of the United States health care system. The regulations governing health care are a set of prescriptive rules that have cause the health care system to adjust and improve the quality of care provided to patients. Brennan and Berwick state, functions for regulation aims at increasing equality in society. In healthcare, this sort of regulation typically involves efforts to increase access to health care. 2 These regulations have a had far reaching effect on the safety, efficacy, cost, information, availability of medications. If a society does not have access to unadulterated medications, correctly labeled medications, and truthful information then there
  • 4. Cupcake Cuisine Policy Statement Policy Statement The objective of this policy is to ensure Cupcake Cuisine has security controls to restrict access to software application features and data. The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity and confidentiality of Cupcake Cuisine s digital data and to prevent unintentional corruption, and any misuse of company assets. Body A. Policy Objective 1. User accounts will be created for each employee of Cupcake Cuisine through a cooperative company purchase of Employee Management software provided by Square. 2. Access to Software Applications will be Access to Software applications will restricted to only authorized users or processes least privilege. 3. The task of creating individualized employee accounts and determining ... Show more content on ... The designated IT manager must henceforth log into the administrator account and reset the password to this account following the password guidelines. The default administrator account has the ability to create custom roles. F.Role Creation 1. You must establish a role creation for each employee you wish to create an accessible account for. In the next screen, the designated IT manager must create a role name first in the creation of a new role. Under Role Information , to the right of Role name , type in the description of the job, for the job title of another employee of Cupcake Cuisine. Note: Do not type in the first or last name of the employee. G. Accessing Point of Sale and Modules within PoS 1. Once the designated IT manager has defined an employee s role name, the screen will change allowing the option to toggle whether this role name has access to Access Shared Point of Sale . For brevity the Point of Sale will henceforth be referred to as PoS. 2. If toggled on, it grants 19 features of the PoS which may each individually turned on or off. 3. if kept off, this user has no access to the PoS the PoS modular features or any Square software applications that integrate with the Square such as Personnel, Payroll, Invoice, Payment, Capitol,. H. POS: Least
  • 5. Mapuche Society Essay In 1908, a French Basque business owner and an immigrant named Jose Duhalde and his partner Juan de Dios Lobos entered the community of AilГo without any right to do so. Hence, both men were reported to the sub delegate of Bajo Imperial, however, they both denied any wrongdoing. Consequently, the community of AilГo and after two years of receiving their legal title to their land, the members of the community discovered that Duhalde s usurpation dramatically reduced their land holdings from an average of 4.3 hectares per person to 2.8 hectares per capita ( Mallon 45). Thus, Duhalde and Juan de Dios Lobos took the land they felt best suited their interests. They used violence to forcefully remove the Mapuche off their new acquired land. According... Show more content on ... In order to deal with this marginalization, starting in the 1920s, Mapuche organizations were formed by the urban educated sons of the Mapuche leaders to try to use peace tactics with the Chilean state (Mallon 3). With regard to land, many of these elders were in favor of the division and privatization of Mapuche land grant communities because they saw this arrangement as an attempt to keep the Mapuche separate from the Chilean society and economy. In 1925, the first Mapuche congressman, Manuel Manquilef introduced a bill to divide the indigenous land. His bill, Law No, 4169, was known as the first Indigenous Lands Division Law approved by Congress in 1927, and signed into law by July 1928. The legislation s most important provisions were than any single member of a Mapuche community could request the division of lands and that before such division could take place, the legal boundaries of the land grant needed to be confirmed according to the original land title (titulo de merced) issued by the Chilean government (Mallon 4). However, the Mapuche land titles would be abused by government officials and various landowners. Nevertheless, in 1930 the Mapuche really wanted restitution of the lands usurped after the original members of the community had received their titulo de merced (Mallon
  • 6. A Review Of Adaptive Technique For Image Super Resolution A Review of Adaptive Technique for Image Super resolution Prof. S. P. Bhosale Assistant Professor , Department of electronics, A.I.S.S.M.S COE, Pune, India ABSTRACT Increase in resolution of image has been one driving factor in the development and progress of the п¬Ѓelds related to the capture, processing and display of digital images and video. Number of authors has carried out research on various techniques on super resolution algorithms which are classified into two basic categories: single frame super resolution and the more common multi frame super resolution . Single frame super resolution is a very ill posed problem due to the lack of any new additional information. Multi frame Super resolution on the other hand presents more information in the form of Low Resolution (LR) frames that are displaced from each other making it a more tractable problem. A related problem to super Resolution (SR) techniques is image restoration, which is well established area in image processing application. An other problem related to SR reconstruction is image interpolation that has been used to increase the size of a single image. Keywords Adaptive technique, super resolution technique, frequency domain method. 1.INTRODUCTION A demand for higher resolution is seen in many discipline including bio medical imaging, satellite and astronomical imaging, chemical and military surveillance and remote sensing. But the current state of image sensor
  • 7. Design and Production of a game that Supports the... This assignment incudes the design and production of a game that supports the emotional and social aspects of learning (SEAL). The game was created to meet the specific needs of children who are the siblings of a disabled child. The relationship of the author s game and the SEAL programme will be considered. Thereafter the way in which children acquire emotional understanding and its impact on social development will be explored. Finally the author will explain the reasoning for the game and how it will help to meet the unique needs of the children it was designed for. The authors game is designed to be used in support of, and as an extension to, the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme Good to be me element (2005), which addresses the management of feelings, self awareness and showing empathy. The game is intended to be used with children who have a disabled sibling. The object of the game is twofold, firstly it is for the users to be able to recognise, name and talk about the emotions that they experience as a sibling of a disabled child, secondly to become aware that some of their peers are in similar situations to themselves which may help them feel less isolated. As Children develop they gain more emotional understanding, becoming aware of their own feelings and the feelings of others. Weimer, Sallquist and Bolnick (2012) suggest that programs and initiatives that promote children s social emotional awareness may enhance their development of
  • 8. A Study On The Eea Agreement The EEA agreement is a trade agreement which came into force on the 1st of January 1994, and was aimed at bringing together the EU member states and the three EEA EFTA states (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) into a single market known as the Internal Market (EFTA, 2017). The EEA agreement facilitates the free movement of goods, services, persons and capital throughout the 31 EEA states. It also encourages cooperation in other common issues such as education, the environment, social policy, tourism and culture, and consumer protection. When the agreement entered into force, there were 17 member states. 13 others joined in subsequent years. The focus of this paper will be on a subset of pioneering states. This provides for a reference... Show more content on ... The data captures the yearly migration of people who intend to be residents in the receiving countries. Hence the measure does not capture temporal migrants, students and others who travelled for tourism or business related reasons. They also collected data on time varying immigration policies that regulate the entry of immigrants in the destination countries. Controlling for these immigration policies may be considered, however, among the European countries in question, these controls would not be significant. The final set of variables for the analysis was the set of indicators on other trade agreements within the group of countries, including the trade agreement of interest, eea. Mario Larch s Regional Trade Agreement Database from Egger and Larch (2008) was the source of this data. The database includes all multilateral and bilateral regional trade agreements (RTAs) as notified to the World Trade Organization for the last 66 years from 1950 to 2015. The indicators capturing these agreements turn from 0 to 1 as soon as two countries are simultaneously members of the trade agreement. Some of these controls however, were not applicable because they do not change for any of the countries (or country pairs) throughout my duration of interest. The indicators capturing other trade agreements that do not include the 10 countries were not included in the analysis. 3.3.Data summary The panel data gives information
  • 9. How Educational Policies Affect Our Country Essay Over the past 10 years, there have been significant changes to educational policies in our country. From No Child Left Behind to Race to the Top, the adoption of Common Core Standards and high stakes testing, students, teachers, and schools have been resilient and have adapted to these changes. In addition, Race to the Top also encourages reform relating to teacher evaluation. States across the country restructured their teacher evaluation models to align with policy changes to ensure that their schools would receive federal grant funding (Donaldson Papay, 2015). Based on the Measure of Effective Teaching Project (MET), funded by the Gates Foundation, states developed teacher evaluation models that assess teachers using multiple measures that include student achievement, classroom observations, and student feedback (Gates Foundation, 2009). Various instruments are being used to measure student achievement and in turn to evaluate teachers. Value added measures (VAM), state tests, standardized assessments, and student learning objectives (SLOs) are examples of ways states are evaluating teachers effectiveness. When looking specifically at SLOs, there are also variations among states, districts, schools, and teachers in how SLOs are developed and the types of measures used to evaluate student progress (CITATION). Measures for student learning objectives may include, but are not limited to, standardized assessments, state tests, vendor generated assessments, value added
  • 10. Woking Capital Management in Organisation Poject title a study of customer satisfaction towards sevices provided by DCC Bank Narkhed . 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO STUDY Bank Everybody is well versed with the term bank. All the countries of the world are having financial institution called banks. By the word bank , one immediately understand that, a bank is something which deals with aspects of deposits and giving loans and advances. Banks safeguard money and valuables and provide loans, credit, and payment services, such as checking accounts, money orders, and cashier s checks. Banks also may offer investment and insurance products, which they were once prohibited from selling. As a variety of models for cooperation and integration among finance industries have emerged, ... Show more content on ... Others are beginning to provide investment banking services that help companies and governments raise money through the issuance of stocks and bonds, also usually through a subsidiary. As banks respond to deregulation and as competition in this sector grows, the nature of the banking industry will continue to undergo significant change. 1.2 CHANNEL BANKING TREND IN INDIA With increasing number of banks including the public sector banks are fascinated by the technology banking, the result are very visible in the form of alternative channel banking and new delivery system, new operating structures and business processes and outsourcing of operations and human resources. The banking in India is clearly experiencing stunning changes in the recent years and the explosion of information technology made the life easy for most of the bankers and users. The popular channel banking instrument such as Automated Teller Machines (ATM), Tele banking, Mobile banking, Internet banking are gaining popularity. Besides the facilities like Electronic Fund Transfer, Electronic Clearing System, Electronic Data Interchange etc. are also increasing by used in the recent years. Now, the mantra of the new generation banks is customers are not welcome (to branch). If you want any service you don t come we will come to you. And if you want to know any things you don t call us we ll call you. Most of these banks in fact fine it more expensive
  • 11. Blanket And Towel Collection Research Paper Brantley Haferkamp Blanket/Towel Collection for the Humane Society As my summer service project I chose to have a towel collection and donate them to the Pensacola Humane Society. The Pensacola Humane Society is Committed to improving the lives of companion animals in our community through advocacy, adoption, education and sanctuary. When I first read about their story and goal, I knew that this was the shelter I wanted to donate to. I have always been a huge animal person, so I am always ready to help them in any way I can. My first step of this project was creating flyers that I hung up in the park near my house and passed out to my neighbors. I also texted family and friends to see if they were interested in donating. All advertisement/donations
  • 12. The Debt Of Student Loan Debt Here in the United States, there are many forms of consumer debt, which help contribute to the large sums of debt countless Americans find themselves faced with. Directly effecting many college students is student loan debt. Student loan debt is now the second largest form of consumer debt behind housing declares the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Grisales). This is due to the fact that student loan debt grew 7.1% in 2014 to $1.2 trillion (Grisales). If this statistic alone is not worrisome this next one is sure to be. The amount of debt in the housing market that helped to spark the last recession was only $1.3 trillion (Grisales). Due to the increased amount of debt required by students to attend college many students are feeling the wrath. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, In 2014, 11.7 percent of females and 17.7 percent of males between the ages 25 and 34 were living with their parents (Grisales). The fear of obtaining massive amounts of debt is driving the current generation of student s to put off many future hopes and dreams. While causing them to move back home to save money. The current student loan crisis is crippling the economy and ruining the lives of American students. Economic impact from rising student loan debt is being felt throughout the United States. According to research performed by the Pew Research Center and Rutgers, between 25 40% of 20 and 30 year olds are delaying large purchases such as homes and cars (Daniels). The delay of such
  • 13. Fiction Themes Fiction is more than just one genre, it is a family that consists of four different genres: contemporary realistic fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, and science fiction. Each of these genres have themes that you can categorize different literature into. Themes are very important because each student will have specific interests and be reluctant to try a new type of book at first. Another reason is that it can make planning a unit or linking events and books together much easier. Contemporary realistic fiction is typically very popular with most children because it is very relatable to their lives and things that they have prior knowledge of. This type of fiction is also something that could potentially happen in real life or is loosely based on actual events. Some of the themes of realistic fiction include peer relationships, family relationships, stories about animals, adventures, schools stores, and sports. These are all things that children can not only relate to easily, but also things that will Interest them as well. As they get older, romance, coming of age, and mystery stories will become more and more interesting to them and they will begin to explore all their reading interests. ... Show more content on ... The stories are told in a way that would appeal the age/grade level that the writer is conveying the information to. This type of fiction is also categorized into popular themes, and for good reason. Some popular themes include stories about different cultures in the twelfth sixteenth centuries, early American history (sixteenth eighteenth centuries), and stories about the west and Indians in the 1800 s. As children grow they will also learn about the wars, immigration, the great depression, and important events that have really shaped American, like the civil rights
  • 14. Role Of A Chinese Women INTRODUCTION Immigration is a large part of developing Canada: immigration was seen as an opportunity for many people around the world to immigrate to Canada in order to have prospects and a higher standard of living. This paper will examine how the role of a Chinese women and how it has been transformed due to institutional processes, as well as the difference of the role a Chinese women would face in Canadian society vis a vis a Hong Kong society is examined. The effects of polices such as the Head Tax and how it hindered women to come to Canada in order to be together with their husbands and have the family together as a whole and as well as how tradition made them want to stay in China. Furthermore, how once they were in Canada how race class and gender affected their lives. POLICES The Chinese immigrants may have suffered the most compared to other ethnic groups who were not targeted the way that Chinese immigrants were. Chinese immigrants have been in Canada for 150 years, but much during this time they were unwelcomed in the country. The first wave of Chinese were young and landless. They were drawn by the gold fever in British Columbia and wanting to escape the harsh conditions of their homeland of famine, internal rebellion, population pressure and the threat of Western colonialism . In 1885, the Canadian government imposed a Head Tax on all Chinese immigrants entering Canada. In 1885, the Head Tax was $50, but that did not stop or hinder the flow of
  • 15. Mitch Albom Biography Mitch Albom tells the story about his life and his favorite professor Morrie Schwartz. He start with his graduation in the spring of 1979 from Brandeis University in the city of Waltham, Massachusetts; he found Morrie, his professor with whom he passed a lot of time during his college life. Mitch promises Morrie that he would keep in touch; something that later was not true. Sixteen years after the last time they see each other Morrie is diagnosed with ALS, his deathsentence came in the summer of 1994; he gave up a lot of things because of his disease. While Mitch has a busy life working as a journalist, his life turn into meaningless, so he dedicates his entire life to work without thinking in anything else. One day on the TV Nightline ;
  • 16. Cultural Appropriation Of The Koru Essay This essay will address the issues of cultural appropriation of the koru in relation to the denotation of this Maori icon as well as its significant connotations, both visually in art and fashion and symbolically in business application. There are two motivational factors for initiating cultural appropriations that this essay explores: economic gain and artistic expression. The research focuses on specific New Zealand context on modern societal ethnicity. The koru (see Figure 1) has a morphological definition which pertains to the spiral shapes from the new shoots of the unfolding silver fern fond. This natural premise lends to the symbolic overtures that the Maori then give to their art forms. It allows the Maori to connect with nature, spirituality and the metaphysical in a vivid symbolic and traditional reflection on the existence of life. The connotations of the koru are vast and start from the metaphysical understanding that it is a sign of rebirth through personal growth and thereby springs the hope of rejuvenation, maturity and perfection the ultimate peace. Maori culture began as an oral heritage which meant that art and carvings would allow the ancestry, beliefs and cultural identify to be passed onto future generations. The intricate designs of the koru were found in the elaborate artistic elements of facial tattoos, bone carvings and the interiors of whare runanga so that collective identities could continue to flourish. The artistic expression begins
  • 17. level 3 supporting teaching learning Essay Tasks to do in school Assignment 2 Task 5: explain how the processes used by own work setting or service comply with legislation that covers data protection, information handling and sharing. Assignment 3 Task 5: demonstrate how to identify potential hazards to health, safety and security of children or young people, families and other visitors and colleges. Task6: demonstrate ability to deal with hazards in the work setting or in off site visits. Task 11: give example from own practise of supporting children and young people to asses and manage risk. Assignment 4 Task 1: describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role. Task 4: demonstrate the ability to reflect on practise. Task 7: demonstrate use of feedback to... Show more content on ... Task 3: demonstrate how to support children and young people in making choices for themselves. Task 4: give attention to individual children and young people in a way that is fair to them and the group as a whole. Task 5: demonstrate how to adapt communication with children and young people for: a) The age and stage of development of the child or young people b) The context of the communication c) Communication differences. Task 6: demonstrate strategies and techniques to promote understanding and trust in communication with children and young people. Task 7: demonstrate how to establish rapport and professional relationship with adults. Task 8: demonstrate how to adapt communication with adults for: a) Cultural and social differences b) The context of the communication c) Communication differences Task 9: demonstrate strategies for minimising disruption through inappropriate behaviour of children and young people. Task 10: demonstrate strategies for managing inappropriate behaviour according to the polices and procedures of the setting. Task 11: apply rules and boundaries consistently and fairly according to the age, needs and abilities of children and young people. Task 12: demonstrate way of helping children and young people to understand the value and importance of positive relationship with others. Task 13: provide an effective role model in own relationship with children, young people and
  • 18. Questions On Financial Literacy Skills Introduction The objective of this report is to analyse two clients using primary and secondary data in these following areas: пѓ Their financial Literacy skills пѓ Their risk Tolerance пѓ From the data how will you effectively communicate in relation to the two clients пѓ Email regarding communication effectiveness within the business To assess the above criteria a hypothetical scenario was made that both clients had received an inheritance of $40,000 and how with go about investing their money investing their money. The effective communication is to address common business communication skills, where email will be developed to inform and outline effective letter writing skills. Financial Literacy Skills Financial literacy is relatively broad to define, as it solemnly depends on ones knowledge and ability to interpretation of financial terms and concepts (Worthington 2006). An individual understanding financial literacy revolves around influential aspects of their lives such education, experience, income and work experiences. The two clients analysed in this report both had different understanding of specific financial literacy skills. Client 1 Client 1 was a 23 year old male born overseas , who works within the financial sector and held a bachelors degree in business commerce, his financial literacy skills were good certain areas. His strengths revolved around a good understanding on superannuation and the housing markets. His weakness revolved around understanding the
  • 19. Essay on Mountaintop Removal Mining Appalachia, a vast, beautiful panoply of lush green mountains. At least, most of the thin line of peaks that make up the Appalachian Mountains used to be that way. Currently, the continued spread of a method of coal extraction known as mountaintop removal mining has plagued areas of the eastern United States, mainly including the state of West Virginia. Throughout its increasing stages of implementation, mountaintop removal mininghas caused numerous hampering effects, including causing serious harm to nearby residents, and polluting a once pure environment. Because of this, mountaintop removal mining needs to be limited in order to preserve the natural state of the Appalachian Mountains. Mountaintop removal mining has been around for... Show more content on ... Additionally, the damage has already been done to the mountain and nearby streams, and thereby the reclamation process is only performed in an attempt to make the mountain look slightly nicer, but still a far cry from the peak s original grandeur. Valleys aren t the only natural landscaping to be affected though; streams that had once been clean have now been polluted with waste, or have been buried completely by mountain rock. And when water becomes corrupt, nearby life begins to suffer as well. Take the people living near mountain removal sites as an example. As the nearby water becomes dirtied, humans must watch as their clean, flowing tap water turns to a murky brown or even black substitute (Burning the Future: Coal in America). And think about it, this is the water they use every single day to bathe, drink, clean dishes, wash surfaces, sanitize hands, and cook with. When the water is this unclean, is it really doing its job? Is this really the water a living being deserves to be using? Regardless of the negative affects mountaintop removal mining is causing, what kind of people are the perpetrators behind this method? As one example, there is a coal mining company called Massey Energy based in Central Appalachia which provides a fair sum of the nation s coal reserves ( About Us ). Through their mountaintop mining exploits, they cause widespread damage to the environment around them. Evidence of this is
  • 20. Race As A Cultural Construction Of Race In lecture, our class grappled with the concept of race as a cultural construction, and how the issues that derive from race only have meaning because we assign it to them; mankind could have chosen anything to classify themselves, but somehow settled on skin color. In the words of Clifford Geertz, man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun racismwould be one of those webs that humanity has tangled itself up in (qtd. in Hickman). We have studied raceas a mythical reality, and racism as a cultural model that people have adopted in order to deal with the complexities of the past. I had the privilege of attending a lecture given by Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, an activist during the civil rights movement, and I
  • 21. Bob Marley And The Wailers Bob Marley and The Wailers: The Influence Bob Marley and the Wailers were an influential reggae group from Jamaica. The group produced music that was inspiration for the people of Jamaica. Both in their struggles for freedom and equality. The one inspiration for the musicians was the teachings of Rastafarianism: a type of monotheism religion. Monotheism literally means the belief in only one God. Rastafarians believe in one God called Jah. They believe that Jah sent his son in the form of a man named Haile Selassie I. Rastafarians also believe that speech is very important, because through speech they can feel the presence and power of God. When the Wailers released their first record called Simmer Down it sold over 80,000 copies ( Early Wailers ). Rastafarian teachings also influenced many of the later albums the band would produce. Robert Nesta Marley and the Wailers developed great music full of love and inspiration. The band produced music with strong messages, high energy performances with proactive audiences, and high levels of performer engagement. During the 1960 s Bob Marley and Neville Livingston crossed paths. Neville was known by another name Bunny Wailer. Joe Higgs then set up an opportunity for them to meet Peter Macintosh while taking singing lessons from Higgs. They grew close and at first called their group Juveniles but brothers in the ghetto said. You come from a place where people are always bawling, you should be named the Wailers and from there
  • 22. Difference in Salaries between Male and Female Chefs If you want to become a great chef, you have to work with great chefs. And that s exactly what I did ( Gordon Ramsay Quote ). Gordon Ramsay said to become a great chef you have to work with great chefs he never said you had to be a male or female. Its shouldn t matter about their genders. So why do femalechefs get paid so little and male get paid way more ? Nation s Restaurant News found out male executive chefs was $17,950 higher than female executive chefs $68,000 V.S. $50,050 (Coomes). There s so many reasons female chefs should get paid as much as male chefs. Male shouldn t be the only ones shining , female should be able to shine too. Female chefs should be paid as much as male chefs because it shouldn t matter the genderand they are doing exactly the same thing. In general female get paid so little and male get paid so much more . This will be including female chefs in the food industry. According to Women hold just 6.3 percent of head chefpositions in the u.s , according to a survey of 15 prominent restaurant group. And while female workers make up a majority of food service employee and up to 40 percent of graduates from some of the country s top cooking school government data shows there s currently a larger percentage of female CEOs in the u.s. than head chefs (). Females and males should be treated and paid equal. Womans are not always going to depend on a male. So how will people like female survive If they get paid so little?
  • 23. Christian Dream Interpretation Of A Christian Christian Dream Interpretation The spiritual interpretation of dreams is lost to many modern day Christians. However, this forgotten language is available for those who seek God, especially in prayer. Those who seek will find and answers sought in prayer may be revealed through dreams where the quiet voice of God is able to reach one in a most intimate way. Dreams are one of the ways that Crist reveals himself to us and touches our hearts on a very personal level. Historically speaking, dreams have been the most prominent form of communication between the creator and his people. Because of this, Satan has worked hard to convince people to ignore God s message in the form of dreams and visions. Unfortunately, today very few Christians are
  • 24. Essay The Effect of pH on the Digestion of Casein by Trypsin The Effect of pH on the Digestion of Casein by Trypsin When planning the experiment, the equipment and method had to be well thought out in order for the experiment to be accurate and efficient. Firstly, I have chose to use a 1% trypsin concentration then altered it to 0.8%, because a higher concentration means more trypsin molecules in the solution and therefore more enzyme substrate complexes are likely to occur with the casein in the milk, causing digestion of the casein to be faster. However, I don t wantowever digestion to occur too quickly as I will not be able to analyse the effect of PH. Therefore, I chose a lower concentration which would allow me to test the percentage transmission at ... Show more content on ... In addition, PH is the independent variable I am testing; therefore, its constancy is important. Variables in the experiment will need to be controlled and the following need to be kept constant * Concentration of trypsin * Amounts of reagents * Enzyme to substrate ratio * Temperature * Method of measuring solutions I will use equal amounts of trypsin, milk, PH, buffer and distilled water in all the experiments and will use the same measuring equipment to ensure fair representation of the effect of different PH on digestion. If variables aren t adequately controlled then the data collected would be erroneous and would not represent the true effects of PH on digestion as altering variables could lead to changes in rate of reaction. As we know the collision theory states that the more collisions in a system, the more likely the molecules will react and therefore the faster the reaction. Rates of reaction can be affected by variables such as concentration, as more molecules of the substance are present therefore increasing the chance of a collision, another is temperature. All enzymes have an optimum temperature at which they work the fastest, this is because more kinetic energy is available and particles move faster resulting in more collisions and hence more
  • 25. Consultant Non-Disclosure Agreement 1 2 3 4 Confidentiality/ Non disclosure agreement Consultant Non disclosure agreement THIS AGREEMENT is made the 28th day of December, 2012 BETWEEN: 1. Live2Work Co., Ltd. (the Client ); and 2. Professor Yolanda Sarason of Colorado State University (the Consultant ). NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: That to induce the Client to retain the Consultant as an outside consultant and to furnish the Consultant with certain information that is proprietary and confidential, the Consultant hereby warrants, represents, covenants, and agrees as follows: 1. Engagement. The Consultant, in the course of engagement by the Client, may or will have access to or learn certain information belonging to the Client that is ... Show more content on ... To: Professor Yolanda Sarason Names of team members: Bui Le Thu Hien 0951040025 Nguyen Hong Nhung 0951040048 th Date: December 28 , 2012 7 Introduction Companies around the world are facing growing staff turnover problem, and Vietnam is not the exception. A website service called that function as a guide for job hunters and employees for their next career move can best combine these ideas to help people an inside look of the company they are interested in from people who are working or have worked there in order to reduce resources waste for both companies and employees. The purpose of this report is to give an thorough analysis of feasibility of this business idea. Phase 1 : Product/ Service Feasibility analysis Concept testing In order to test the concept of our idea, we have conducted two main surveys which help us to understand more about our target market and custormers. Firstly, an online survey has been conducted through with the scope of 100 people from 20 to 28 years old, including students and working people in Hanoi area (58% people are students, 42% are working people). In this survey, we provide people 9
  • 26. Horse And Sun Chriot Essay Art emerged in the same time that human occured. In the prehistoric era, there was no writing, recording and any languages for speaking. The only one method that people used to communicate or tell the stories was arts. Arts tell us about the development of ancient people. We can know what was the main tools of ancient people for their living by analyzing arts. Arts do not only present belief, culture and society but they also show the important situation in the past. In my view, Horse and SunChariot is one of the most important prehistoric arts that can explain what happened in long time ago. Hence, I am interested to analyze the sculpture named Horse and Sun Chariot by focusing on composition, line and shape, colour, texture and space. To begin with the composition of Horse and Sun Chariot. It is a statute of house which is drawing the sun in the chariot and the Chariot seem to move by itself. The chariot has six wheels and each of them ... Show more content on ... To begin with the texture of the Sun (Horse is in the left side). The texture of it is bumpy because there is a lot of filigree. The feeling when you touch the Sun might be similar to when you touch wax tiles that have design. On the other hand, if we touch another side of the Sun, we can feel that it is different. This is because it is covered by gold which makes the texture is glossy. The feeling when you touch it is same as touching coins. Secondly, the texture of the Chariot is a little bit rough especially the wheels. This is because it was corroded by rust. We can compare the feeling when touching the Chariot to rusty mesh fence. Besides, the texture of the Horse is also rough because of rusty. Moreover, there is some fractures at the Horse s back. The texture of the Horse same as rusty galvanized irons. Thereby, the texture of the House and Sun Chariot composes of bumpy (the Sun), glossy (another side of the Sun) and rough (the Horse and the
  • 27. New Trends That Are Becoming Popular As A Marketing Tool This research report has been written based on the information found on peer reviewed journals, articles, textbook, and Internet sources. This paper carefully reviews three current trends that affect today s resorts and how resorts are responding to these newly brought up trends to be marketable. However, this paper does not cover estimation of sustainability for each trends and possible new trends that are becoming popular as there are improvements made in various areas in the world. If required, extended research can be done on the effect of trends on economy status of countries and forecast of tourism in the future. 2. Trend One 2.1. Trend Description: Social media use by resorts as a marketing tool Advertisement, one of the most ... Show more content on ... 2.2. Trend Impact on the International Resort Sector With continuous improvement in technology, there are now around three billion active Internet users. Internet has allowed people from all over the world to access information efficiently and effectively in the least amount of time. (Kemp 2014) Today, our electronic devices automatically leave trace of our searches from Internet called HTTP cookie. HTTP cookie, also known as web cookie or browser cookie, refers to small piece of data sent from visited website that later gets stored in the user s browser during the search. (Barth 2011) These cookies stored from the sites previously visited by one on Internet, help marketers to customize advertisements. They track searches of one to shrink down and grasp an idea on what one is interested in; then, they purposely put an advertisement of products, which highly correspond with one s previous searches, on most visited social media sites such as Facebook. This leads one to grow more interest in a product with its continuous exposure on social media called mere exposure. (Grimes Kitchen 2007) In addition, as social media and tourism grew tremendously over the past decade, people from different countries started to share their experiences and write a review on their experiences from various tourist destinations. Therefore, it has become easier for families to have a glimpse of
  • 28. Ang Lee s Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Essay Ang Lee s Crouching tiger Hidden Dragon is probably one of the most successful foreign films to ever be screened in America. Being the number one film of the year in 2000. On the other hand it was reportedly considered a flop in China. While it was influenced by American film styles, it still kept true to many aspects of its Chinese filmheritage. With very apparent lovestory, it lacked the Extreme amount of Kung Fu fight scenes eastern audiences have come to enjoy. This is a stunning love story between a monk and widow. While it does have its share of over the top fight scenes, when you start to dig deeper the films many social implications become apparent. With ties to subjects such as religion, martial arts, philosophy, love, and even gender issues. This film is a representation of the modern era and how long practiced traditions are being challenged. Each character and plot line allows a glimpse into the Social and Traditional understanding of a culture. Each character in the film represents some type of Social structure in China. Focusing on Li Mubai, Yu Shu Lien, and Jen Yu, you are able to get a sense of the social and ethical ideals of each class. Begging with Li Mubai, who embodies the stereotypical monk . He is always proper and resilient to negative influences. He spends the greater part of his life studying Kung Fu, and is the master of the Wu Dong clan. He is arguably the strongest character in this movie. He is the embodiment of restraint. This being most
  • 29. Stanislavski s Techniques And Techniques Essay Even though I have mentioned some of Stanislavski s techniques there is one thing about the system everyone must understand, nothing was ever set in stone, the system should be used as a process in actor training, a learning tool for the actor, and not as a rigid system to be followed by the letter. Stanislavski himself was for ever altering the system, evolving it into new techniques as he learnt more from the previous ones. Roughly five years before his own death, Stanislavski s dissatisfaction with his earlier experiments in Emotional Memory, led him to develop a technique that would change the way emotions were triggered. This methodology supposed that emotions could be stimulated through simple physical actions, instead of memories. This was the basis of his new system. This move from Emotional Memory to his Method of Physical Actions was an important shift in actor training at that time. Again, this shift was met with much resistance in Russia at the MAT, and was resisted even more by acting students in the United States. Stanislavski constantly shifted his views, always trying to find more efficient ways for the actor to perform. Therefore, he was hesitant to publish his work for a long time. If he were alive today, it is most likely that he would have continued to change his views. THE METHOD OF PHYSICAL ACTIONS proposed that a series of physical actions arranged in sequential order would trigger the necessary emotions in an actor s performance. These emotions
  • 30. The Parthenon In Ancient Greece The Greeks built many magnificent and complex structures that can date back to almost 3,000 years ago. The Parthenon was built in about 447 BC and is still standing today. Many people visit the Parthenon to learn more about the history of Ancient Greece. The structure is very detailed and complex from its unique principles and components. When the Athenians built this temple they were at the highest of their riches and could afford great building materials that help parts of the structure still stand tall today. Although this temple was not only built because of the high of money but also as a dedication to a certain god/godess. Many Ancient Greek structures still stand today representing the time in the past. It is important to learn about Greek Architecture to understand how and why these structures were created. The Greeks built some architectural structures in dedication to the gods. Some Greek Architecture was built as a representation of a god or the city s patron god /goddess.The Parthenon in Athens, that looks over what used to be the city of ... Show more content on ... Principals, dedication, and different components are all components that help you identify a certain structure. The three principal orders of Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian describe the different types of columns. The key components help describe the unique features to the specific structure. Dedication describes the purpose of building the structure. These are all important when classifying or identifying a certain ancient structure. Learning how to identify a certain structure is important because learning about our ancient greece is learning about our history. Greek architects have provided some of the most finest and distinctive structures in the entire ancient world. (Cartwright). Our history is important to learn about so we know what we have accomplished to use to innovate our modern world
  • 31. Colonization Outweigh The Misfortunes Why does Smith believe that the benefits of colonization outweigh the misfortunes ? The discovery and colonization of America completely changed Europe s economy. Smith believed that colonization benefits outweighed the misfortunes. He believed that both Europe and the colonies benefited because they could relieve and help each other. However, it was clear that Europe benefited the most while the natives in the colonies faced the misfortunes. Why does he write that the Indians lead a freer life than Europeans? Thomas Morton was among one of the first settlers to write about Native Americans. He claimed that they are guided only by nature and lead a freer, happier life because they were not obsessed with material things. It was clear that... Show more content on ... It is because of this reason that the author does not believe in absolute monarchies. However, he does believe that limited monarchies can be compatible with freedom. What does Hamilton seem to think is the greatest threat to liberty? In the trial of John Peter Zenger, in 1735 Hamilton equates Zenger s defense with the cause of liberty . It was written this way to appeal to the jury and help them understand that if they were they to limit Zenger s rights by finding him guilty, it would also limit theirs. Hamilton thinks the greatest threat to liberty is depriving people of freedom of speech. How does Cole s account help us to understand why so many established religious leaders were alarmed by Whitefield s appearance in the American colonies? George Whitefield was a great preacher and religious leader in the Great Awakening. Everyone in the colonies loved to hear him preach of love and forgiveness because he had a different style of preaching. This led to new missionary work in the colonies in converting Indians and Africans to Christianity. Religious leaders were alarmed by Whitefield appearance because he was young
  • 32. My Mom And Dad Got A Divorce my mom and dad got a divorce when i was just in second grade. there is no doubt my life changed at that point but the changes that were to come due to the catalyzing effect of something as simple as divorce surpasses anything that my parents or i could have ever imagined at that time. obviously divorce means splitting time, splitting houses and sometimes changing schools. but for me the divorce was mainly an open door for new adults to come into the picture, on my dads side everything was simple and remained stagnant, he married to my current step mom who really had no adverse effects on my life and she has truly become a part of my life and I never had any difficulties coping with her. on my mothers side it was much more chaotic to say the least, about (2) years after the divorce she found a man named howard. We eventually moved in together in long grove and life was moving along pretty well. Howard seemed unemployed but he had called himself an entrepreneur and established his credibility when he made it big with his joystick company in the 1980s. After his company s success in the 80s he spent the rest of his time trying to find a different venture chasing that grip on success that he once briefly had. My mom being active in the medical field gave howard inspiration to start up a company with her. The initial premise of the business was simple yet groundbreaking, his company called mHealth(neovision) provided a medical service utilizing Cisco video chat for
  • 33. Cyber Warfare Techniques And Technology Development... To address the increasing threats to national security coming from the cyber domain, military intelligence corps have recognized the need for officers trained in cyberspace counterterrorism techniques, technologies, and methods. These officers direct and conduct integrated electronic warfare, information technology, and cyberspace operations, as authorized or directed, to ensure freedom of action in and through cyberspace and the information environment, and to deny the same to our nation s adversaries. In support of the requirement for officers trained in cyber warfare techniques and technologies, the ROTC Cyber Research program provides cadets with opportunities to research and solve real world problems in cyber security and cyber counter terrorism. This first year pilot program research effort focused on the design and deployment of a covert communications network that can operate at the enemy s operational base and gather intelligence on enemy communications and activities. This effort is in support of the Year 1 Challenge Problem of the Cyber Spectrum Research and Technology Development Virtual Environment (CSpec DVE). The covert communications system design is optimal with regard to detection avoidance, information gathering and transmission, and power requirements. Covert methodologies for installation, maintenance, and data retrieval were also devised. It was determined that a covert system can easily be set up in an residential enemy base of operations using
  • 34. The Murphree s Efficiency For A Bubble Cap Tray And A... The main purpose of this experiment is to determine the Murphree s efficiency for a bubble cap tray and a sieve tray in a distillation column and how the vapor flow rate affects the Murphree s efficiency. The understanding of efficiencies is essential in the design and assessment of distillation columns, because efficiency determines the degree of separation in mixtures. Distillation columns can be used to separate binary mixtures or mixtures of several components. The mixtures are separated by taking advantage of the different volatilities and boiling points of the individual components. As heat is added to the distillation tower, the more volatile component, and consequently the component with the lower boiling point will be boiled off faster than the less volatile components. The volatile vapor then travels up the tower through the column trays and comes into contact with the less volatile liquid at each tray. Since the vapor that travels up the tower does not only contain one component but a mixture of all the components, the less volatile component will condense back into liquid and create a higher concentrated vapor. The distillate stream is at the top of the tower and contains the desired product of separation. A distillation column is used to separate a binary mixture of ethanol and water. Ethanol is a more volatile component and thus it will boil off faster than water. The distillation column is operated at total reflux, which is an operating condition where
  • 35. Juvenile Delinquency Is Not Acceptable Juvenile delinquency is when minors commit criminal acts or offenses that are against the law and in which adult prosecution is not acceptable. It is interesting to note that this was not always the case. Before juvenile delinquency was established, juveniles were trialed and treated as adults. There was no such thing as a juvenile court, juvenile correctional facilities, or juvenile support groups, when the juvenile deviated. Later, many believed that when juveniles deviated that it meant that they needed guidance and support to help them. This change was made mainly because the value of children increased due to the fact that children were beginning to live longer and were healthier. Throughout the semester it has been intriguing to learn more about this topic and learn different theories related to it, as well as delinquency triggers. There are four theories that relate to juvenile delinquency. Strain Theory is when the juvenile experiences strain, or stress, which as a result causes them to commit delinquent acts. Strain can be caused by the juvenile failing to achieve goals, and/or the loss of positive stimuli or the presentation of negative stimuli. Social Learning Theory is when juveniles learn to engage in delinquent acts by being reinforced, positively or negatively, in some way. Control Theory is when the juvenile varies with the levels of control, which causes them to commit delinquent acts. Labeling Theory is when juveniles are labeled as bad or delinquent ,
  • 36. Effects Of Colonialism In Jamaica Like many other aspects of the Jamaican way of life, colonialism has shaped the way the media in Jamaica functions, but the country has managed to maintain large elements of its culture. In an article written in the Jamaica Observer, Haughton (2017) describes the state of Jamaica as an under developed child who continues to depend on its parents for approval. For many years colonialism milked Jamaica and other Caribbean countries by imposing a false identity on our people, diminishing resources that affected growth and development (Haughton, 2017). This false identity to which Haugthon refers, is indicative of how most countries that were colonies operate. This has impacted the way we dress, speak and relate to each other. Stone (1992) posits that the because the social ideology of plantation society defined black people as being ... Show more content on ... This ultimately impacts the operations of the media in that country since the media function as a conduit of information and cultural trends. Burton (2015) in her Journal, Globalisation and Cultural Identity in Caribbean Society: The Jamaican Case, however points out that Jamaica has a unique culture and this has shaped how that countries adapts to the effects of colonialism and even globalisation. In what the author describes as Glocalisation , it is noted that in Jamaica, Western cultural patterns are domesticated and adapted within the cultural pattern of the Jamaican society. In other words, Jamaicans fuse most of what the world offers with aspects of their culture. The idea that the Jamaican cultural identity, and by extension the Jamaican s understanding of the self, may be lost by the presence of globalising forces can be resisted by recognising that there is an appropriation process that occurs and that this process has an underlying instrumental methodology (Burton, 2015). This is evident in how the country treats with it food and
  • 37. Through Out Middle East The Lives Of Women Appear To Have Through out Middle East the lives of women appear to have no influencing role in society. Elizabeth Fernea provides an survey of the traditions of an Iraqi village in her book Guests of the Sheik. Within this book, Fernea explores the element of gender and its impact on the roles of women in Iraq, directly in the village of El Nahra. She also encounters the expectations based on the genderspecific social constructs of polygamous families. Another woman author, Leila Abouzeid, explores similar elements in the work Return to Childhood, which is based in islamic Morocco. Fernea, who the women of the harem call Beeja, presents experiential information about the life of both women and men and her role within her husband s life as it reflects... Show more content on ... Within both communities spoken of these books, there are three elements of life that appear over and over and underscore the gender differences within eastern culture. These include: the relationship between women and the rearing of children, customs and the process of marriage and the preparation and consumption of food (including the feast of Ramadan).Within Fernea s experiences, these elements repeat 3 and continually provide greater understanding of the differences between western culture and the intricacies of the culture of the Iraqi village. These elements are also apparent when Abouzeid recalls the conversation and action of the men in and around her family. Fernea experiences her understanding of the relationship between women and the of raising children through her exposure to the sheik s harem. The women of the harem represent many different types and different ages, from the sheik s earliest wives to his favorite wife of the current day. Though the sheik s wives share the raising of his children, there appears to be a level of jealousy among the different wives, yet all accept Selma s role as the immediate leader because of her favored status with the sheik. The women share not only their husband, but elements of bringing up a child and a concern for the social consistencies displayed by their interactions. Fernea is able to learn the importance of motherhood to the
  • 38. The Leadership Styles Of Sir Li Ka-Shing As a most successful leader, there are lots of success experiences about his leadership. One of the leadership styles that Sir Li Ka Shing having is the transformation leadership style. His transformation leadership style can be shown by his growing business operation. On the different stage of his company s growing, his innovation is widespread. He always change the old way although it seems health and success. He is a transformational leader who uses intellectual stimulation. Nothing can stop him from innovation and change the old rules. He has the ability of imagination and creativity in rethinking assumptions and old ways of doing things. To illustrate my point, Sir Li Ka Shing entered the business world as a teenager, selling plastic goods until he is twenty two years old. He started his own plastics company, Cheung Kong, specializing in plastic flowers. He entered the real estate market in the 1960s.In 1979, only the colonial government owned more real estate in Hong Kongthan Sir Li Ka Shing. What makes him distinctive, though, is that he has plowed returns from Hong Kong real estate into international businesses. Besides, Sir Li Ka Shing has displayed inspirational motivation.... Show more content on ... The pay that he compensated to his workers is less than the actual rate. This shows that Sir Li Ka Shing is an autocratic leader. Autocratic leaders expect obedience, not understanding and input from their staff or followers. Under autocratic style, leader is the maximum ruler that they make decisions without seeking any opinion. Sir Li Ka Shing autocratic action is inappropriate and this will eventually create fear and low employee morale. Therefore, to apply autocratic leadership style in an appropriate way, Sir Li Ka Shing should listen to his employees and take their complaints into considerations. This will lead to the employees to remain loyal towards Sir Li
  • 39. The Battle Of Roanoke Island Roanoke Island is an island in North Carolina. It was, at one time, a colony that was founded by England. It was very small, accommodating only around a hundred colonists total. However, this colony mysteriously disappeared with no real clue as to what happened. There are many theories on what could have happened to the colony, though no one currently knows for sure. More theories keep being created based on findings that modern day scientists have been able to gather. This mystery is one that people even today are still attempting to solve. There were three different expeditions to Roanoke Island. The first group, which got to the island in 1584, went to explore and make maps for future groups that would go to the island. The second group going in 1585 was not very friendly to the natives, however. They also took land and resources for themselves, more than they needed. The local Native American tribes drove them off of the island by 1586. The next group is the one that ended in mystery, though. The third group arrived at the island in 1587. It was a much larger group, though still very small. One hundred and eighteen people all together, ninety men, seventeen women, and eleven children. This group makeup meant that they wanted to settle there and live, probably peacefully. The island already had some buildings that were able to be lived in on it, thanks to the first to groups of explorers. The chosen governor for the colony was a man named John White. He was, of course,
  • 40. The Effect Of Velashape Cellulite On The Body FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Dallas, Texas) recently reported that cellulite affects 90 percent of women at one time or another in their lives, even those who are in great shape and remain at a healthy weight. This common problem arises when fat deposits in the body make their way through connective tissue under the skin, and maybe the results of hormonal issues, inadequate muscle tone and exercise, excess fat and/or poor circulation. Laserium Med Spa now offers VelaShape Cellulite Reduction for individuals wishing to remove these unsightly bumps. VelaShape helps to improve the texture of the patient s skin, while targeting localized fat deposits and reducing the appearance of cellulite. VelaShape remains the only device currently cleared by the FDA for reducing cellulite and firming the skin, and it effectively slims, shapes and contours the body. Patients begin to see results following the initial treatment, although they are most apparent six to eight weeks after treatment is complete, Kira Gill, spokesperson for Laserium Med Spa, announces. ... Show more content on ... Less connective tissue is found in those areas, making it easier for fat deposits to make their way to the skin s surface. In addition, estrogen levels in a female s body decrease with time, and this often leads to poor circulation, a decline in collagen production and the deterioration of connective tissue. All can lead to the appearance of
  • 41. Manhood In The Film, Magnolia No man has ever risen to the real stature of spiritual manhood until he has found that it is finer to serve somebody else than it is to serve himself Woodrow Wilson. What truly classifies a man as manly ? To some, manhood is a sense of authority over others, and to others, manhood is shown by love, compassion, and providing security for those around them. Portrayed as a fast paced film, Magnolia depicts a story of shattered families, unforeseen relations, catastrophe, second chances, and differences in life choices. The theme of a film, or any work, is the subject or topic. Roger Ebert expresses in his review of Magnolia how the opening sequence, a narrated TV special about coincidence, sets up the entire theme of the film: It sets... Show more content on ... Frank Mackey based his manhood on the disrespecting, owning, downgrading, and manipulation of women. Frank not only chose to not overcome his past, but also presented his belief in not facing your past to his viewers. Jim Curring s occupation as a police officer portrays his love for his community, also, his ability to serve helps him understand the man he has become. However, the decision making, whether it be to act as an officer, or whether to give someone a second chance will forever be a troubling decision to Jim. Although their differences in views of manhood, the realization that everyone has their differences and has a purpose in this world is a molded theory in both Frank and
  • 42. The Science Of Unitary Human Beings Theory Nursing Theorist Paper Martha Rogers is the nursing theorist who developed the Science of Unitary Human Beings theory. In her studies she proposed that humans and the environment are in constant interaction with one another as an infinite energy field. In the theoretical model there are four components, they include: dimensionality, openness, patterns and organizations, and energy fields. These components were in turn used to create three principles, which are resonancy, helicy, and integrality. The welfare of the patient is embellished by the patterns and organizations components. The Science of Unitary Beings models has had a great impact on the nursing process. From this theory alone, has stemmed non pharmaceutical approaches for ... Show more content on ... It can be done by suggesting alternatives, encouraging you patient, educating, and empowering them. When evaluating the response, you wait until the pattern appraisal and the mutual patterning is done and decide if dissonance and harmony is present. Person Rogers believes that there is a symphonic relationship between the patient and the nurse. Nurses and patients are more than just physical beings but instead they are emotional, psychological, social and spiritual aspects to one another that are independent and inseparable. She specifically defines the person as a profitable, multidimensional, indivisible energy field that is identified by its patterns and manifesting characteristics. These characteristics cannot be predicted but are developed through three key principles of resonancy (changing from low to high frequencies continuously), helicy (increasing diversity), and integrality (human and environmental fields continuously working as a whole). Environment Rogers believes that the environment and the humans are synonymous and integral to one another while being continuously creative in their evolution. The environment is an energy field that should be viewed as a whole, with the human energy field simply embedded in it. Rogers s states that the person s perceptions and experiences, also known as the energy field, are continuously changing and interacting with the environment s energy field. So the environments
  • 43. How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks How to manage work health and safety risks Code of Practice 2011 Workplace health and safety Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General This Queensland code of practice was made by the Minister for Education and Industrial Relations on 27 November 2011 and published in the Queensland Government Gazette on 2 December 2011. This code commences on 1 January 2012. This code is based on a national model code of practice developed by Safe Work Australia and approved by the Workplace Relations Ministers Council on 10 August 2011 as part of the harmonisation of work health and safety laws. PN11157 Creative Commons Except for the Safe Work Australia logo, this copyright work is licensed under a Creative Commons ... Show more content on ... An approved code of practice is a practical guide to achieving the standards of health, safety and welfare required under the WHS Act and the Work Health and Safety Regulations (the WHS Regulations). A code of practice applies to anyone who has a duty of care in the circumstances described in the code. In most cases, following an approved code of practice would achieve compliance with the health and safety duties in the WHS Act, in relation to the subject matter of the code. Like regulations, codes of practice deal with particular issues and do not cover all hazards or risks that may arise. The health and safety duties require duty holders to consider all risks associated with work, not only those for which regulations and codes of practice exist. Codes of practice are admissible in court proceedings under the WHS Act and Regulations. Courts may regard a code of practice as evidence of what is known about a hazard, risk or control and may rely on the code in determining what is reasonably practicable in the circumstances to which the code relates. Compliance with the WHS Act and Regulations may be achieved by following another method, such as a technical or an industry standard, if it provides an equivalent or higher standard of work health and safety than the code. An
  • 44. Zombie Apocalypse Alternate Ending Brian s bright green eyes looked up at the dead ones looking down at him, seeing the zombie s face coated in pleasure as she slid up and down along his length. He had already managed to make one of them cum, but she was now lying along his legs, not allowing him to get back up, while the other two females, looking down at him with a mixture of hunger and lust, had his arms pinned to the floor. He watched the breasts bouncing in front of him as the female zombietried to coax a load from him, wanting to feed sexually before they all feed on his flesh. However, he soon saw the female zombie on top of him have a metal blade lodged in her head. He looked up, seeing a woman, dressed well and well proportioned, taking out all the zombies that had been hassling him. He felt a warm, sticky liquid lightly coat his legs and his face but still, he was glad for the help. Brian closed his eyes, sighing in relief as he did so. He pushed the dead zombie off of him and was about to get up before he spied what his saviour was doing. She was...fondling herself. He watched as her hands moved into her top, then down into her shorts, pretty sure that she was rubbing herself. Why? He thought to himself. What made her do that? Was it her seeing me being ravaged by the zombies? ... Show more content on ... He felt her nudging her with his boot and he quickly got up. Thanks for the help. He said with a very warm smile as he extended his hand. I m Brian, nice to meet you! . Brian blushed as he released his pants were still down, pulling them up so it hid his rock hard member, not minding that he wouldn t get release. He looked at the sky and then at her. Well, it s getting dark, we need to take shelter. I have a hide out not too far from here, just outside the city. I was scavenging supplies! . He looked at his bag on the floor and grabbed it, clearly struggling to lift it, but lift it he did. He looked at her once more as he nodded and they both started
  • 45. Inevitable Events In Ancient Greece Essay The events that factored in Ancient Greece s downfall were inevitable in the sense that some of the events were destined to happen. Though a few of the events could have been avoidable like the city states and their function as a nation. Each city state acted as a separate, independent country, which did not bring unity to Greece, instead it made Greece too vulnerable. These differences of the city states eventually led to wars that drastically changed the nation such as the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars, which both involved the two most infamous city states, Sparta, and Athens. The inevitable event, that factored in Ancient Greeces downfall, was Alexander the Great s death. Alexander played a major role in Ancient Greece s unity. Alexander was one ... Show more content on ... Each of the prosperous cities obtained its own government system, which made the cities like individual countries. These cities are known as city states or polis . There was not a definite government system in these city states. Some city states had a democracy, but others had a monarchy, or aristocracy (Mavommatis). The city states were constantly at odds with each other because they would abuse and take for granted one another s resources such as; stealing goods and taking it to one s homeland without ever paying for it (Mavommatis). Two of the most notorious city states, which both were vastly different, were Sparta and Athens (O Connell 41 43). For example, in an article written by Panayiotis P. Mavommatis, Mavommatis described the two city states by pointing out education was mostly about philosophy and arts in Athens, and solely military in Sparta (Mavommatis). Athens started off as a monarchy, changed to an aristocracy then later changed to a direct democracy. Athens democracy system had an elected council of 500 men. Common citizens could vote only if they were part eighteen years of age, and were male. Men that
  • 46. Similarities Between Canadian And American Culture Canadian and American cultures very similar to each other. Both established by British Empire. Both countries written, as well as most common language is English. Similarities goes on and on in consequence of people who populated both countries are European immigrants (retrieved from /Canada_vs_United_States ). Although, both country gained their independence from British Empire, Americans achieved this over 100 earlier than Canadians and Canadians still keep their cultural ties with Great Britain with their Constitutional Monarchy. Also Americans fight The Independence War against British Empire where Canadian Independence was a diplomatic success (retrieved from canada gain its independence beb1f32a1fa267b0 ... Show more content on ... It is safe to say that government and wanted to save the small amount of publishers by protecting their advertisement revenue against US giants. The government didn t make any such claim when the other economical subsidies compromised such as job losses and migration of some companies to labour cheep countries during the Free Trade Agreement process (Law, M.T., Mihlar, F., 1998). Nonetheless it is not justifiable to discriminate successful businesses as there is a demand for their product. Canadian government didn t understand, prepare and adopt to implications of the technology such as internet. Canadians themselves couldn t bring successful alternative to what they see as a threat to their identity. The Canadian government could change the old school laws and procedures to new ones which could adopt to the new technology. Government could spend more effort to be more successful in international competition such as The Olympics to take the attention of people in order to protect cultural
  • 47. Different Perspectives In Edwin Arlington Robinson s Poem In the poems Richard Cory written by Edwin Arlington Robinson and Glass Ceiling written by T. R. Hummer. Both authors explain how well someone can be but with a different perspectives. Robinson in his poem talk about this well man that had everything but feeling so empty. In the other poem Hummer talks how a grandmother is trying to teach a lesson to her granddaughter. I believe that the two characters have something in common that in which make them take different decisions, with a fancy and well images but being total different. Richard Cody was a well respected men that everyone would like to be, We people on the pavement looked at him: He was a gentleman from sole to crown meaning that he was a really nice guy that a man that was... Show more content on ... In the Glass Ceiling Hammer the narrator express his feelings as a grandchild tell that his mother was the grandmother, the kind of person that everyone would recognize for knowing a lot as old school, she was hiding into that well known woman when the tru was not that, since a mother should be leading a research group, or running a software company,but a grandmother still can dress in buckskin and ride a fabulous palomino, doing handstands, old people were different from today s society, now this is turning into a different world. Both poems show how others relate to these people that are as we are but with different beliefs, education, and social class. Richard Cordy was a well and respected man; rich and famous, but not happy, or having someone to be there for him. Hammer presents the need of masquerading a person for his/her real personality because the society has certain expectations for genders that can be judge, as in Glass Ceiling Hammer s mom having a different personality wearing a mask. People are not always happy as they
  • 48. Institutional Changes From The Lisbon Treaty In order to look at whether the institutional changes from the Lisbon Treaty have been able to reduce the democratic pressure and if after these changes does the European Union still lack democratic accountability. We shall look at all the main insinuations and discuss the changes that were brought in and how these may have or haven t contributed to make the union free form its democratic pressure. The Lisbon Treaty was signed by the member states on the 13 of December 2007, it amended the existing European Union (EU) and the treaties the ratification process turned out to be longer than anticipated. The Lisbon Treaty came in to force officially on 1 of December 2009. The treaty was aimed to make Europe democratic and transparent they ... Show more content on ... They exercise the powers of initiative, being able to act independently from the government. So that they can get a better understanding of the objectives of the community this helps them preserve any individual interests member states may have. Article 17 of The Treaty European Union (TEU) provides all of the duties of the Commission. The European Council can only appoint commissioners once the European Parliament has given consent. The Lisbon Treaty was to introduce a smaller commission however this was not phased out as Ireland opposed. The Commission President can only be nominated by a qualified majority vote from the Europe an Parliament and they can only then be elected by them by a Majority, if the required majority of votes is not met then the European Council are able to within a month time propose another candidate. Once commissioners are appointed they cannot be dismissed during their term in the office by the governments, they must remain in the office unless they have been replaced or compulsory retired . In cases as such the European Parliament has enough power to pass a motion to remove the commission. In 1999, when allegations of mismanagement and waste the Parliament had failed to provide any motion and in this event the whole commission and the President had to resign. The commission is able to propose legislation and policy proposals; they are required to publish all proposals, which establishes transparency
  • 49. Chipotle Process Structure Beating the Competition with Process Structure, Design Strategy, and Customer Management Steve Ells, Founder and Co CEO of Chipotle Mexican Grill Restaurant, states that, Our focus on our unique people and food culture has created an impressive demand for a restaurant experience that is redefining fast food for the better. This statement from Ells displays the foundation of Chipotle Restaurant s success with their fast casual brand. This industry has grown 550% since 1999 due to customers seeking out fast yet healthier alternatives for their lunch and dinner (Ferdman, 2015). Chipotle opened its first restaurant in 1993 with the goal of providing high quality ingredients in their preparation of their food selection. Consideration of how the food is harvested, the environment, and treatment of animals are held as a high priority for the socially responsible Chipotle Restaurant. Food is made without artificial flavors or fillers. In 2015, Chipotle has succeeded to start offering food without GMO ingredients (Chipotle, 2015). A GMO (genetically modified organism) are foods that are produced using genetic engineering. (Seeds of Deception, 2014) For this analysis, recommendations will be delivered on how Chipotle Mexican Grill can defeat their fast casual restaurant competitors. This can be done by adopting the business processes of their competitors through design strategy, customer management, and process structure. The analysis will show the process structure of the
  • 50. Stereotypes In The Film Bran Nue Dae Perceptions are pervasive in society and can prompt lethal repercussions. These include relationship breakup, privation of belonging and obviates progression. The film Bran Nue Dae explores perceptions such as alcoholic, on drugs, unhygienic, destitute, belonging nowhere and a nuisance to society that associate with indigenous Australians. Albeit some of these statements are true, this is NOT the case for all. Believe it or not, there are people in society that have escaped from these circle of perceptions and have been able to live a typical life. It is as a result of this, to never make perceptions true or reality. Firstly, perceptions can endanger relationship ties. This is prevalent when the priest says that I knew your aboriginal kind would be worth nothing . If this statement is said publicly or to someone who is of aboriginal decent then it would definitely engender an uproar or a physical conflict with the individual or the Aboriginal community. Although the filmsatirises this stereotype through dance, in ... Show more content on ... This is evident in the film where the white man looks as Willie and then walks off. This scene shows the perceptions of indigenous Australians on the minds of the white people. It is as a result of these perceptions that this man would rather walk swiftly away from an Aborigine than inclining to succour the individual that is lying on the street. This creates a sense of disconnection from their land and spirituality especially from the people who are living in it. It can also lead to tempestuous behaviours which are apparent today. Similarly, the music exemplifies to portray this impact as well as for the for the responder to feel lachrymose and sorry for the individual. All in all, perceptions can have deleterious effects on indigenous Australians such as the privation of belonging especially from their land and
  • 51. Informative Essay On Luxury Cars Have you ever before speculated exactly what the most expensive cars in the world are? And why individuals would definitely buy them? (aside from being incredibly rich). In this report we will certainly go through the leading the most top 10 expensive cars, top expensive cars in the world 1.Pagani Zonda Clinque Roadster The very first car or truck on our list could not be the highest priced however it definitely loads a punch. It is the Pagani Zonda Clinque Roadster which is valued at $ 1,850,000. An exceptionally glamorous sporty car which includes an incredibly special design. It may range from 0 62 miles per hour in 3.4 seconds and has a leading rate of 217 mph. An exceptional car or truck for the huge plentiful, well if you are not rather... Show more content on ... With the body made of carbon fiber and aluminum supported by capable 910 drive motor, this auto can achieve 100 km/hr in under 3 second 6,Hennessey Venom GT This eminent auto is produced by Hennessey Performance Engineering. Its momentous undercarriage is said to be collected in Silverstone, costs around $725,000 7.Maybach Landaulet Maybach with its magnificent and exciting looks is outfitted with a standout amongst the most creative and propelled frameworks that might be introduced in an auto. it costs around $1.4,000,000 8.Lamborghini Gallardo Super Trofeo Stradale is extraordinarily diminished on the grounds that its bodywork is made of aluminum and carbon fiber. It can take off in 0 62 miles for every hour in 3.4 seconds. it costs around 895,000 dollars 9.Ferrari Enzo This is an auto which doesn t need even a little piece regarding styling and in the meantime has eminent execution hiding in the engine. Ferrari Enzo s underlying cost is $670,000 10. Leblanc Mirabeau Intended to contend in the 24 Hours of Le Mans (the world s most seasoned continuance race), the Mirabeau resembles a race auto from each conceivable edge. its underlying cost is
  • 52. State Of Syringe Access Informative Speech The State of Syringe Access (Inspired by President Obama s Final State of the Union Address) I come to you today to report on the State of Syringe Access in our fair Union. I know some of you are antsy to stop reading the AIDS United Policy Update and get back to Iowa. Tonight, for my final address to this chamber, I don t want to talk just about the next year. I want to focus not only what is happening but what we foresee in the next five years, ten years, and beyond. It s finally true. As we have mentioned in a recent Policy Update, Congress has passed legislation that would allow the use of federal funding for syringe access programs, that will ultimately prevent the spread of HIV and hepatitis! The ban, first enacted as part of the... Show more content on ... We are most grateful to the thousands of advocates and people who have worked to end the ban for decades and to those working at syringe access programs all over the country. Finally, a heartfelt thank you to people who inject drugs who have in many ways guided our understanding and led the way on this issue. It has taken a long time to reach this point but the future of an HIV response based in harm reduction is within reach! That s why I stand here confident that the State of Syringe Access is strong. Thank you and good
  • 53. How Bernanke Deals With The Financial Crisis And The... First of all, before reading this book, I did some research of Ben Bernanke, who is the writer of this book. Bernanke is not only the former Fed Chairman but also a great and knowledgeable economist. President Obama described him as epitome of clam . However, his career has huge merit, also has artificial wrong, merit half and half. The Wall Street Journal commented that after suffering a financial crisis which he has never been through, the Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke lead United States avoid involving into a devastating panic. After five years, he used uncustomary policy to help United States to achieve economic recovery; however, the result is frustrating. He left behind the legacy which mingled with failure, fearless, persistent,... Show more content on ... However, Bernanke admonished investors by the book that even though banking regulation and supervision protect investors as always, if some particular events or financial crisis happened, like housing bubble and mortgage markets crisis, either or both of these two system work. The example in the book is booming house prices in 2000s. After the sharply increasing of housing prices, risky mortgage lending likes subprime lending trouble began surfacing in 2006 and 2007. The risky mortgage comes with more demand for housing, which will again push the housing prices higher and higher, reinforcing a vicious cycle. As a result, because of the nominate housing price is much higher than the real price, the careful lenders who have good credit step out the market, the rest of borrowers are subprime lenders, some borrowers were defaulting on loan after making only a few, or even no, payments. (318) In the book, Bernanke conceded that Fed responded the trouble slowly and cautiously. When Board in Washington determined to make supervision of bank more centralized, he still overconfidently believe that Reserve Bank staff were better informed about condition in their districts. Another Bernanke s conceit is that the financial regulatory system was not as stable and comprehensive as he thought before the financial crisis. In
  • 54. Orientalism And Imperialism In Mcbryde s A Passage To India caves produce, are of snakes and worms. Mrs. Moor is sunk in apathy and cynicism. Her romance with India is over. On their return from picnic, Aziz behaves like a child in the face of the Raj officials, who intend to arrest him on charge of an attempted crime. Only Fielding, a British, can keep him calm and sane. Fielding is portrayed as a superior human being who is in control of everything. The Indians, including Aziz, wail and weep at this misfortune. McBryde, the British police officer, has an Orientalist doctrine about the Indians. All natives who live south of latitude 30 are criminals at heart. The psychology of the people, McBryde tells Fielding, is different in India. The collector declares India to be a poisonous ... Show more content on ... The study has proved its basic proposition that A Passage to India is a colonialist discourse and as one form of Orientalism has strengthened and reinforced the stereotype image of India and Indians. The study has shown that Forster has not made even a passing reference to the oppression and the pandemic brutalities of the natives by the colonizers. He has not mentioned any Indian leader or the struggle put up by the Indians to get rid of their oppressors. The study has also shown the deep link between culture and imperialism. The Indians are shown to have assimilated the culture of their masters .The Indians are portrayed as ashamed of themselves, of their culture and of their identity. Throughout the novel, the Indians are presented as lesser people, who cannot manage their affairs like mature, responsible individuals. This is the projection of the European hegemonic assumptions, which have been exposed by the present study. The analysis also has highlighted the portrayal of the internal divisions and infighting among the Indians, on social and religious grounds. This was meant to justify the presence of the British in
  • 55. German Shepherd Research Paper They are also very obedient which means that you can teach them things without half trying to. In fact, if you repeat something a couple of times that is all that is usually required. Because they are very intelligent and instinctively obedient, a hard handed approach should never be taken with them. By nature they are very devoted to their owners and doing anything that will shake their faith in you will make them unnecessarily aggressive and ill tempered. An ill tempered German Shepherd is very difficult to control which is the reason why you will find so many dogs, little more than pups, at the pound. It is usually the owners who are at fault, never the dog. German Shepherds are also very controlled, and you will very rarely find one that actually displays a lot of outward emotion. They make great companions because they understand you and will not require a lot of petting all the time, unlike the ... Show more content on ... The German Shepherd is incredibly versatile and its skills can be used to sniff out drugs and intruders, alert rescue teams to victims tracked beneath rubble and even detect a gas leak in a pipe buried 15 feet underground. As well as being an extremely useful and effective working dog, the German Shepherd is also a great pet. As working dogs, German Shepherds are direct, fearless, eager to learn, alert and obedient. These traits also translate to a fantastic pet as they will be tremendously loyal and protective towards their family or owner. They are a confident animal but do not appear hostile unless challenged or threatened. These dogs love to be close to their families and are often affectionate but are wary of strangers. If you do choose to have a German Shepherd as a pet you need to be sure that you will be able to spend a substantial amount of time with it as they do not like being isolated for long periods of
  • 56. Comparing Edna of Kate Chopin s The Awakening and Nora of... Comparing Edna of Kate Chopin s The Awakening and Nora of Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House Kate Chopin s work, The Awakening, and Henrik Ibsen s play, A Doll s House, were written at a time when men dominated women in every aspect of life. Edna Pontellier, the protagonist in The Awakening , and Nora, the protagonist in A Dolls House, are trapped in a world dominated by men. The assumed superiority of their husbands traps them in their households. Edna and Nora share many similarities, yet differ from each other in many ways. Two main similarities of Edna and Nora are that they both have an awakening and are like caged birds without freedom; one main difference is that Edna lives in reality and Nora lives in a fantasy ... Show more content on ... When the saying is translated into English it means, Get out! Get out! Damn in!; the caged bird sends the message that Edna needs to get out of her marriage to make everything right in her life. Like Edna, Nora is reflected as a trapped bird. Nora, in A Doll s House, is constantly referred to as a bird by her husband, Helmer. As in the quote, And I couldn t wish you anything but just what you are, my sweet little lark (Ibsen 972). Helmer show his ownership of Nora and how she is his little bird. Unlike the image of a caged parrot, Nora is a bird trapped by the dominance of her husband. A second similarity is that Edna and Nora each had an awakening about her own marriage. Edna s awakening took place early in the novel, while Nora s awakening occurred at the end of the play. The realization that she was not happy taking care of her husband, house or children began Edna s awakening. Represented by the quote, An indescribable oppression, which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of her consciousness, filled her whole being with a vague anguish (Chopin 14). Edna feels the entrapment of her marriage that has been present subconsciously, and it fills her mind and soul with pain and hurt. At the end of A Doll s House, Nora announces to her husband the need to leave the marriage due to the oppression caused by his power over her. Nora feels as though their marriage has never been a true marriage, and that Helmer and herself never truly knew