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Performance Tuning of MySQL Cluster
April 2014
Johan Andersson
Severalnines AB
!  7.4 – What’s coming?
!  7.3 Feature Update
!  OS Tuning
!  Stability Tuning
!  Application design
!  Identifying bottlenecks
!  Tuning tricks
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.4 - what is coming
!  Optimized Scans
!  Overload/Overcommitting
Resource protection
!  Improved Checkpointing
!  10% more performance
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.3 Feature Update
!  Node.js Connector
!  JavaScript (V8 engine) to access data directly in the
Data nodes
!  No SQL – bypasses the MySQL Server ! lower latency,
high throughput for simple queries (like PK operations,
simple scans from one table)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.3 Feature Update
!  FOREIGN KEYs finally supported!
!  Implemented at the Data Node level
!  But..
ERROR 1506 (HY000): Foreign key clause is not yet
supported in conjunction with partitioning
!  Hopefully fixed for the GA release
!  What about the performance penalty?
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.3 Foreign Key Perf
create table users_posts (
uid integer ,
fid integer ,
pid integer auto_increment,
message varchar(1024),
primary key(uid,fid, pid),
constraint fk_forum foreign key(fid) references forum(fid) on delete cascade,
constraint fk_user foreign key(uid) references users(uid) on delete cascade
) engine=ndb;
!  Compare INSERT performance with and w/o FKs
!  With FK, must check that forum(fid) and users(uid) exists.
!  Populate with 1M records
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.3 Foreign Key Perf
!  Bencher drivers the load:
!  4 threads, 2 data nodes, 4 cores,
!  App ! mysqld ! data nodes
!  FOREIGN KEYs enabled
Average Throughput = 1274.58 tps (stdev=59.71)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.3 Foreign Key Perf
!  Bencher drivers the load:
!  4 threads, 2 data nodes, 4 cores,
!  App ! mysqld ! data nodes
!  Not using FOREIGN KEYs
Average Throughput = 1428.57 tps (stdev=57.10)
!  Foreign keys gave ~11% drop in performance.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.2 ! 7.3 Caveats
!  A little gotcha:
!  --engine-condition-pushdown ! no longer supported in
MySQL 5.6
!  Mysqld will fail to start
!  Take it out from my.cnf before upgrading!
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
!  A single query will never run as fast as on Innodb
(served from RAM)
!  Network latency is a issue
!  More data nodes does not speed up query execution
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
OS Tuning
!  Disable NUMA in /etc/grub.conf
!  echo ‘0’ > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
echo ‘vm.swappiness=0’ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
!  Bind data node threads to CPUs/cores
!  cat /proc/interrupts | grep eth
cpu0 cpu1 cpu2 cpu3

44: 31 49432584 0 0 xen-dyn-event eth0"
45: 1633715292 0 0 0 xen-dyn-event eth1"
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
In config.ini [ndbd default]:
ThreadConfig=ldm={count=1,cpubind=1,2},main={cpubind=3} ..
Perf Config Tuning (1)
!  How many Local Data Managers ?
!  How many TC threads?
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
Perf Config Tuning (2)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
Perf Config Tuning (3)
!  Run representative load
!  Does any NDB Thread run hot?
!  Increase with threads of that type
!  Enable HyperThreading
!  Can give 40% more
!  Enable:
!  RealTimeScheduler=1
!  Don’t forget:
!  NoOfFragmentLogParts=<no of LDMs>
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
Stability Tuning
!  Tuning the REDO log is key
!  FragmentLogFileSize=256M
!  NoOfFragmentLogFiles=<4-6> X DataMemory in MB / 4 x
!  RedoBuffer=64M for a write busy system
!  Disk based data:
!  SharedGlobalMemory=4096M
!  In the LOGFILE GROUP: undo_buffer_size=128M
!  Or higher (max is 600M)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
Stability Tuning
!  Make sure you don’t have more “execution threads” than cores
!  You want to have
!  Major page faults low
!  Involuntary context switches low
mysql> SELECT node_id, thr_no,thr_nm , os_ru_majflt,
os_ru_nivcsw FROM threadstat;
| node_id | thr_no | thr_nm | os_ru_majflt | os_ru_nivcsw |
| 3 | 0 | main | 1 | 541719 |
| 4 | 0 | main | 0 | 561769 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
Application Design
!  Define the most typical Use Cases
!  List all my friends, session management etc etc.
!  Optimize everything for the typical use case
!  Engineer schema to cater for the Use Cases
!  Keep it simple
!  Complex access patterns does not scale
!  Simple access patterns do ( Primay key and Partitioned Index Scans )
!  Note! There is no parameter in config.ini that affects
performance – only availability.
!  Everything is about the Schema and the Queries.
!  Tune the mysql servers (sort buffers etc) as you would for innodb.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
Simple Access
!  PRIMARY KEY lookups are HASH lookup O(1)
!  INDEX searches a T-tree and takes O(log n) time.
!  In 7.2 and later JOINs are ok, but in 7.1 you should try
to avoid them.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
Identifying Bottlenecks
!  High CPU usage on data nodes
!  Probably a lot of large index scans and full table scans are used.
!  Check Slow query log or a query monitor
!  High CPU usage on MySQL servers
!  Probably a lot of GROUP BY/DISTINCT or aggregate functions.
!  Hardly no CPU is used on either MySQL or data nodes
!  Probably low load
!  Time is spent on network (a lot of “ping pong” to satisfy a request).
!  System is running slow in general
!  Disks (io util), queries, swap (must never happen), network
Need To Add Data Nodes?
!  (adding MySQL servers is easy)
!  top –Hd1
!  Is any of data nodes threads at 100%?
!  Yes: add more data nodes (online)
!  No: do nothing
Detecting Query Problems
!  Here is a standard method for how to attack the problem.
!  Performance tuning is a never-ending loop:
–  Capture information – e.g, slow query log
•  Change long_query_time if needed
–  EXPLAIN the queries
•  What indexes are used?
•  Are tables JOINed in the correct order (small to big)
–  Re-run the optimized typical use cases using bencher/
!  Never tune unless you can measure and test!
!  Don't optimize unless you have a problem!
Enable Logging
!  Slow query log
!  set global slow_query_log=1;
!  set global long_query_time=0.01;
!  set global log_queries_not_using_indexes=1;
!  General log (if you don’t get enough info in the Slow
Query Log)
!  Activate for a very short period of time (30-60seconds) –
!  Can fill up disk very fast – make sure you turn it off.
!  set global general_log=1;
!  Use Severalnines ClusterControl
!  Includes a Cluster-wide Query Monitor.
!  Query frequency, EXPLAINs, lock time etc.
!  Performance Monitor and Manager.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
UID FID data
1 1 A
2 3 B
1 2 C
2 4 D
table t1
Partition 0
Partition 1
!  By default, all index scans hit all data nodes
!  good if result set is big – you want as many CPUs as possible to
help you.
!  For smaller result sets (~a couple of hundred records) Partition
Pruning is key for scalability.
!  User-defined partitioning can help to improve equality index
scans on part of a primary key.
!  CREATE TABLE t1 (uid,
PRIMARY KEY(uid, fid))
!  All data belonging to a particular uid will be on the same
!  Great locality!
!  select * from user where uid=1;
!  Only one data node will be scanned (no matter how many
nodes you have)
UID FID data
1 1 A
2 3 B
1 2 C
2 4 D
table t1
UID FID data
1 1 A
1 2 C
2 3 B
2 4 D
table t1
Partition 0
Partition 1
PARTITION BY KEY(UID)Default Partitioning
mysql> show global status like 'ndb_pruned_scan_count’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| Ndb_pruned_scan_count | 0 |
An run query, and verify it works:
select * from user where uid=1;
mysql> show global status like 'ndb_pruned_scan_count’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| Ndb_pruned_scan_count | 1 |
mysql> show global status like 'ndb%pruned%';
| Ndb_api_table_scan_count | 264 |
| Ndb_api_range_scan_count | 18 |
| Ndb_api_pruned_scan_count | 3 |
Sharding - EXAMPLE
create table users_posts2 (
uid integer ,
fid integer ,
pid integer auto_increment,
message varchar(1024),
primary key(uid,fid, pid)
) engine=ndb partition by key(uid);
create table users_posts2 (
uid integer ,
fid integer ,
pid integer auto_increment,
message varchar(1024),
primary key(uid,fid, pid)
) engine=ndb;
mysql> explain partitions select * from users_posts u where u.uid=1G
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: u
partitions: p0,p1
type: ref
possible_keys: PRIMARY
key_len: 4
ref: const
rows: 2699
Extra: NULL
mysql> explain partitions select * from users_posts2 u where
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: u
partitions: p0
type: ref
possible_keys: PRIMARY
key_len: 4
ref: const
rows: 2699
Extra: NULL
Data Types
!  BLOB/TEXT columns are stored in an external hidden table.
!  First 256B are stored inline in main table
!  Reading a BLOB/TEXT requires two reads
!  One for reading the Main table + reading from hidden
!  Change to VARBINARY/VARCHAR if:
!  Your BLOB/TEXTs can fit within an 14000 Bytes record
!  (record size is currently 14000 Bytes)
!  Reading/writing VARCHAR/VARBINARY is less expensive
Note 1: BLOB/TEXT are also more expensive in Innodb as BLOB/TEXT data is
not inlined with the table. Thus, two disk seeks are needed to read a
Note 2: Store images, movies etc outside the database on the filesystem.
Query Tuning
!  MySQL Cluster 7.2 and later has pushed down joins ! joins
are performed in the data nodes.
!  OPTIMIZER in MySQL Cluster 7.1 and earlier is weak
!  Statistics gathering is non-existing
!  Optimizer thinks there are only 10 rows to examine in each
!  FORCE INDEX / STRAIGHt_JOIN to get queries run the way you
Query Tuning
!  if you have two similar indexes:
!  index(a)
!  index(a,ts)
on the following table
`a` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `idx_t1_a` (`a`),
KEY `idx_t1_a_ts` (`a`,`ts`)) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1
Query Tuning
mysql> select count(id) from t1 where a=5;
| count(id) |
| 3072000 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)
mysql> select count(id) from t1 where a=5
and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08’;
| count(id) |
| 512 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Query Tuning Pre 7.2
mysql> explain select * from t1 where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05 15:32:11';
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref |
rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a | 9 | const | 10 |
Using where |
!  Use FORCE INDEX(..) ...
mysql> explain select * from t1 FORCE INDEX (idx_t1_a_ts) where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05
+| 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a_ts | 13 | const,const | 10 |
Using where |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
! ensure the correct index is picked!
!  The difference can be 1 record read instead of any
number of records!
Index Statistics
explain select * from t1 where a=5 and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08' G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: t1
type: range
possible_keys: idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts
key: idx_t1_a
key_len: 9
ref: const
Rows: 17
Extra: Using where with pushed condition
Index Statistics
mysql> analyze table t1;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| test.t1 | analyze | status | OK |
1 row in set (3.40 sec)
Index Statistics
Mysql> explain select * from t1 where a=5
and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08' G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: t1
type: range
possible_keys: idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts
key: idx_t1_a_ts
key_len: 13
ref: NULL
rows: 253
Extra: Using where with pushed condition; Using MRR
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
!  Improved in MC 7.3, set ndb_cluster_connection_pool
between 1 and 4.
!  MySQL Cluster 7.2 and earlier:
!  Problem:
!  A Sendbuffer on the connection between mysqld and the
data nodes is protected by a Mutex.
!  Connection threads in MySQL must acquire Mutex and the put
data in SendBuffer.
!  Many threads gives more contention on the mutex
!  Must scale out with many MySQL Servers.
!  Workaround:
!  Ndb_cluster_connection_pool (in my.cnf) creates more
connections from one mysqld to the data nodes
!  Threads load balance on the connections gives less
contention on mutex which in turn gives increased scalabilty
!  Less MySQL Servers needed to drive load!
! allows you to
specify the connection pool.
!  Improved in MC 7.3, set ndb_cluster_connection_pool
between 1 and 4.
!  MySQL Cluster 7.2 and earlier:
!  Gives at least 70% better performance and a MySQL Server that
can scale beyond four database connections.
!  Set Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=2x<CPU cores>
!  It is a good starting point
!  One free [mysqld] slot is required in config.ini for each
!  4 mysql servers,each with Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=8
requires 32 [mysqld] in config.ini
!  Note that also memcached and node.js, cluster/j etc also has
the concept of the ndb_cluster_connection_pool.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
!  MySQL Cluster Configurator
!  MySQL Cluster Management + Monitoring
!  MySQL Cluster Training Slides
!  My Blog
Keep in touch…
!  Facebook
!  Twitter
!  @severalnines
!  Linked in:
Thank you for your time!
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

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MySQL Cluster 7.3 Performance Tuning - Severalnines Slides

  • 1. Performance Tuning of MySQL Cluster April 2014 Johan Andersson Severalnines AB
  • 2. Agenda !  7.4 – What’s coming? !  7.3 Feature Update !  OS Tuning !  Stability Tuning !  Application design !  Identifying bottlenecks !  Tuning tricks 2 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 3. 7.4 - what is coming !  Optimized Scans !  Overload/Overcommitting Resource protection !  Improved Checkpointing !  10% more performance 3 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 4. 7.3 Feature Update !  Node.js Connector !  JavaScript (V8 engine) to access data directly in the Data nodes !  No SQL – bypasses the MySQL Server ! lower latency, high throughput for simple queries (like PK operations, simple scans from one table) 4 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 5. 7.3 Feature Update !  FOREIGN KEYs finally supported! !  Implemented at the Data Node level !  But.. ERROR 1506 (HY000): Foreign key clause is not yet supported in conjunction with partitioning !  Hopefully fixed for the GA release !  What about the performance penalty? 5 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 6. 7.3 Foreign Key Perf create table users_posts ( uid integer , fid integer , pid integer auto_increment, message varchar(1024), primary key(uid,fid, pid), constraint fk_forum foreign key(fid) references forum(fid) on delete cascade, constraint fk_user foreign key(uid) references users(uid) on delete cascade ) engine=ndb; !  Compare INSERT performance with and w/o FKs !  With FK, must check that forum(fid) and users(uid) exists. !  Populate with 1M records 6 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 7. 7.3 Foreign Key Perf !  Bencher drivers the load: ! !  4 threads, 2 data nodes, 4 cores, !  App ! mysqld ! data nodes !  FOREIGN KEYs enabled Summary: -------------------------- Average Throughput = 1274.58 tps (stdev=59.71) 7 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 8. 7.3 Foreign Key Perf !  Bencher drivers the load: ! !  4 threads, 2 data nodes, 4 cores, !  App ! mysqld ! data nodes !  Not using FOREIGN KEYs Summary: -------------------------- Average Throughput = 1428.57 tps (stdev=57.10) !  Foreign keys gave ~11% drop in performance. 8 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 9. 7.2 ! 7.3 Caveats !  A little gotcha: !  --engine-condition-pushdown ! no longer supported in MySQL 5.6 !  Mysqld will fail to start !  Take it out from my.cnf before upgrading! 9 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 10. Facts !  A single query will never run as fast as on Innodb (served from RAM) !  Network latency is a issue !  More data nodes does not speed up query execution time. 10 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 11. OS Tuning !  Disable NUMA in /etc/grub.conf !  echo ‘0’ > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness echo ‘vm.swappiness=0’ >> /etc/sysctl.conf !  Bind data node threads to CPUs/cores !  cat /proc/interrupts | grep eth cpu0 cpu1 cpu2 cpu3
 44: 31 49432584 0 0 xen-dyn-event eth0" 45: 1633715292 0 0 0 xen-dyn-event eth1" 11 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Avoid! OK! In config.ini [ndbd default]: ThreadConfig=ldm={count=1,cpubind=1,2},main={cpubind=3} ..
  • 12. Perf Config Tuning (1) !  How many Local Data Managers ? !  How many TC threads? Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB 12
  • 13. Perf Config Tuning (2) Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB 13 3 4 5 9 10 11 IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS IRQ CPU0 CPU1
  • 14. Perf Config Tuning (3) !  Run representative load !  Does any NDB Thread run hot? !  Increase with threads of that type !  Enable HyperThreading !  Can give 40% more !  Enable: !  RealTimeScheduler=1 !  Don’t forget: !  NoOfFragmentLogParts=<no of LDMs> Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB 14
  • 15. Stability Tuning !  Tuning the REDO log is key !  FragmentLogFileSize=256M !  NoOfFragmentLogFiles=<4-6> X DataMemory in MB / 4 x FragmentLogFileSize !  RedoBuffer=64M for a write busy system !  Disk based data: !  SharedGlobalMemory=4096M !  In the LOGFILE GROUP: undo_buffer_size=128M !  Or higher (max is 600M) 15 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 16. Stability Tuning !  Make sure you don’t have more “execution threads” than cores !  You want to have !  Major page faults low !  Involuntary context switches low mysql> SELECT node_id, thr_no,thr_nm , os_ru_majflt, os_ru_nivcsw FROM threadstat; +---------+--------+--------+--------------+--------------+ | node_id | thr_no | thr_nm | os_ru_majflt | os_ru_nivcsw | +---------+--------+--------+--------------+--------------+ | 3 | 0 | main | 1 | 541719 | | 4 | 0 | main | 0 | 561769 | +---------+--------+--------+--------------+--------------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec) 16 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 17. Application Design !  Define the most typical Use Cases !  List all my friends, session management etc etc. !  Optimize everything for the typical use case !  Engineer schema to cater for the Use Cases !  Keep it simple !  Complex access patterns does not scale !  Simple access patterns do ( Primay key and Partitioned Index Scans ) !  Note! There is no parameter in config.ini that affects performance – only availability. !  Everything is about the Schema and the Queries. !  Tune the mysql servers (sort buffers etc) as you would for innodb. 17 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 18. Simple Access !  PRIMARY KEY lookups are HASH lookup O(1) !  INDEX searches a T-tree and takes O(log n) time. !  In 7.2 and later JOINs are ok, but in 7.1 you should try to avoid them. 18 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 19. Identifying Bottlenecks !  High CPU usage on data nodes !  Probably a lot of large index scans and full table scans are used. !  Check Slow query log or a query monitor !  High CPU usage on MySQL servers !  Probably a lot of GROUP BY/DISTINCT or aggregate functions. !  Hardly no CPU is used on either MySQL or data nodes !  Probably low load !  Time is spent on network (a lot of “ping pong” to satisfy a request). !  System is running slow in general !  Disks (io util), queries, swap (must never happen), network
  • 20. Need To Add Data Nodes? !  (adding MySQL servers is easy) !  top –Hd1 !  Is any of data nodes threads at 100%? !  Yes: add more data nodes (online) !  No: do nothing
  • 21. Detecting Query Problems !  Here is a standard method for how to attack the problem. !  Performance tuning is a never-ending loop: BEGIN –  Capture information – e.g, slow query log •  Change long_query_time if needed –  EXPLAIN the queries •  What indexes are used? •  Are tables JOINed in the correct order (small to big) –  Re-run the optimized typical use cases using bencher/ mysqlslap GOTO BEGIN; END; !  Never tune unless you can measure and test! !  Don't optimize unless you have a problem!
  • 22. Enable Logging !  Slow query log !  set global slow_query_log=1; !  set global long_query_time=0.01; !  set global log_queries_not_using_indexes=1; !  General log (if you don’t get enough info in the Slow Query Log) !  Activate for a very short period of time (30-60seconds) – intrusive !  Can fill up disk very fast – make sure you turn it off. !  set global general_log=1; !  Use Severalnines ClusterControl !  Includes a Cluster-wide Query Monitor. !  Query frequency, EXPLAINs, lock time etc. !  Performance Monitor and Manager.
  • 23. Setup 23 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB UID FID data 1 1 A 2 3 B 1 2 C 2 4 D table t1 Partition 0 Partition 1 NETWORK!
  • 24. Sharding !  By default, all index scans hit all data nodes !  good if result set is big – you want as many CPUs as possible to help you. !  For smaller result sets (~a couple of hundred records) Partition Pruning is key for scalability. !  User-defined partitioning can help to improve equality index scans on part of a primary key. !  CREATE TABLE t1 (uid, fid, somedata, PRIMARY KEY(uid, fid)) PARTITION BY KEY(uid); !  All data belonging to a particular uid will be on the same partition. !  Great locality! !  select * from user where uid=1; !  Only one data node will be scanned (no matter how many nodes you have)
  • 25. Sharding UID FID data 1 1 A 2 3 B 1 2 C 2 4 D table t1 UID FID data 1 1 A 1 2 C 2 3 B 2 4 D table t1 Partition 0 Partition 1 PARTITION BY KEY(UID)Default Partitioning
  • 26. Sharding mysql> show global status like 'ndb_pruned_scan_count’; +-----------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------------+-------+ | Ndb_pruned_scan_count | 0 | +-----------------------+-------+ CREATE TABLE t1( … ) PARTITION BY KEY (userid); An run query, and verify it works: select * from user where uid=1; mysql> show global status like 'ndb_pruned_scan_count’; +-----------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------------+-------+ | Ndb_pruned_scan_count | 1 | +-----------------------+-------+
  • 27. Sharding mysql> show global status like 'ndb%pruned%'; | Ndb_api_table_scan_count | 264 | | Ndb_api_range_scan_count | 18 | | Ndb_api_pruned_scan_count | 3 |
  • 28. Sharding - EXAMPLE create table users_posts2 ( uid integer , fid integer , pid integer auto_increment, message varchar(1024), primary key(uid,fid, pid) ) engine=ndb partition by key(uid); NO PARTITIONING create table users_posts2 ( uid integer , fid integer , pid integer auto_increment, message varchar(1024), primary key(uid,fid, pid) ) engine=ndb; PARTITION BY KEY
  • 29. Sharding – EXPLAIN PARTITIONS mysql> explain partitions select * from users_posts u where u.uid=1G id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: u partitions: p0,p1 type: ref possible_keys: PRIMARY key: PRIMARY key_len: 4 ref: const rows: 2699 Extra: NULL With PARTITION BY KEY (UID) mysql> explain partitions select * from users_posts2 u where u.uid=1G id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: u partitions: p0 type: ref possible_keys: PRIMARY key: PRIMARY key_len: 4 ref: const rows: 2699 Extra: NULL
  • 30. Data Types BLOBs/TEXTs vs VARBINARY/VARCHAR !  BLOB/TEXT columns are stored in an external hidden table. !  First 256B are stored inline in main table !  Reading a BLOB/TEXT requires two reads !  One for reading the Main table + reading from hidden table !  Change to VARBINARY/VARCHAR if: !  Your BLOB/TEXTs can fit within an 14000 Bytes record !  (record size is currently 14000 Bytes) !  Reading/writing VARCHAR/VARBINARY is less expensive Note 1: BLOB/TEXT are also more expensive in Innodb as BLOB/TEXT data is not inlined with the table. Thus, two disk seeks are needed to read a BLOB. Note 2: Store images, movies etc outside the database on the filesystem.
  • 31. Query Tuning !  MySQL Cluster 7.2 and later has pushed down joins ! joins are performed in the data nodes. !  OPTIMIZER in MySQL Cluster 7.1 and earlier is weak !  Statistics gathering is non-existing !  Optimizer thinks there are only 10 rows to examine in each table! !  FORCE INDEX / STRAIGHt_JOIN to get queries run the way you want
  • 32. Query Tuning !  if you have two similar indexes: !  index(a) !  index(a,ts) on the following table CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `a` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `ts` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `idx_t1_a` (`a`), KEY `idx_t1_a_ts` (`a`,`ts`)) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1
  • 33. Query Tuning mysql> select count(id) from t1 where a=5; +-----------+ | count(id) | +-----------+ | 3072000 | +-----------+ 1 row in set (0.02 sec) mysql> select count(id) from t1 where a=5 and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08’; +-----------+ | count(id) | +-----------+ | 512 | +-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  • 34. Query Tuning Pre 7.2 mysql> explain select * from t1 where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05 15:32:11'; +----+-------------+-------+------+----------------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------+----------------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a | 9 | const | 10 | Using where | +----+-------------+-------+------+----------------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------+ !  Use FORCE INDEX(..) ... mysql> explain select * from t1 FORCE INDEX (idx_t1_a_ts) where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05 15:32:11; +| 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a_ts | 13 | const,const | 10 | Using where | 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ! ensure the correct index is picked! !  The difference can be 1 record read instead of any number of records!
  • 35. Index Statistics explain select * from t1 where a=5 and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08' G *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: t1 type: range possible_keys: idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts key: idx_t1_a key_len: 9 ref: const Rows: 17 Extra: Using where with pushed condition
  • 36. Index Statistics mysql> analyze table t1; +---------+---------+----------+----------+ | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text | +---------+---------+----------+----------+ | test.t1 | analyze | status | OK | +---------+---------+----------+----------+ 1 row in set (3.40 sec)
  • 37. Index Statistics Mysql> explain select * from t1 where a=5 and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08' G *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: t1 type: range possible_keys: idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts key: idx_t1_a_ts key_len: 13 ref: NULL rows: 253 Extra: Using where with pushed condition; Using MRR 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  • 38. Ndb_cluster_connection_pool !  Improved in MC 7.3, set ndb_cluster_connection_pool between 1 and 4. !  MySQL Cluster 7.2 and earlier: !  Problem: !  A Sendbuffer on the connection between mysqld and the data nodes is protected by a Mutex. !  Connection threads in MySQL must acquire Mutex and the put data in SendBuffer. !  Many threads gives more contention on the mutex !  Must scale out with many MySQL Servers. !  Workaround: !  Ndb_cluster_connection_pool (in my.cnf) creates more connections from one mysqld to the data nodes !  Threads load balance on the connections gives less contention on mutex which in turn gives increased scalabilty !  Less MySQL Servers needed to drive load! ! allows you to specify the connection pool.
  • 39. Ndb_cluster_connection_pool !  Improved in MC 7.3, set ndb_cluster_connection_pool between 1 and 4. !  MySQL Cluster 7.2 and earlier: !  Gives at least 70% better performance and a MySQL Server that can scale beyond four database connections. !  Set Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=2x<CPU cores> !  It is a good starting point !  One free [mysqld] slot is required in config.ini for each Ndb_cluster_connection. !  4 mysql servers,each with Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=8 requires 32 [mysqld] in config.ini !  Note that also memcached and node.js, cluster/j etc also has the concept of the ndb_cluster_connection_pool.
  • 41. Resources !  MySQL Cluster Configurator ! !  MySQL Cluster Management + Monitoring ! !  MySQL Cluster Training Slides ! !  My Blog !
  • 42. Keep in touch… !  Facebook ! !  Twitter !  @severalnines !  Linked in: !
  • 43. Thank you for your time! 43 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB